stringlengths 145
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium, virtual reality, Virtuality
Text: "It's ready."
Daphne looked up to see a familiar face. Well, not all that familiar. She'd met Cody in this bar for the first time less than an hour ago. And just over half an hour ago he'd made her a rather interesting proposition.
Even though Daphne wasn't all that well acquainted with the virtual world, she knew the basics. She'd become accustomed to being propositioned by all sorts of people to do all sorts of things, even in a world as tame as MetroScape. Real or otherwise, the bar scene never changed. But this fellow actually had something she wanted, at a price that seemed quite reasonable.
Money made even the virtual world go round, except here people the currency was experiences and program modules. Cody had offered her a module that would give her a new avatar to choose from. In the old days, people could choose their avatars, but that had resulted in too many worlds filled with superstars and supermodels. So the Domain Lords of each virtual world laid down ground rules limiting what utilities the system made available, and everyone started off with a computer issued image to use in all worlds. Daphne's avatar, like most other people's, was based loosely on her real form, loosely on some of her preferences the computer picked from her list, and a little bit of random generation. It wasn't that she didn't like how she looked. She was reasonably attractive, slim with long dark hair, and the snug red jumpsuit she usually wore displayed her form quite nicely. But she'd always wanted the virtual world to be her fantasy world, and why settle for less than perfect if you don't have to?
And that's where the Coders came in. Coders were computer programmers with the advanced knowledge of physics, materials sciences, three-dimensional modeling, and artificial intelligence required to write software for virtual worlds. Those who had the finances to purchase a V-Net Domain became Lords, and some were employed by Lords to help program worlds, but most remained Players. And depending on the rules of a particular world, a Coder could modify his or her environment. While an ordinary Player usually had to play the game to earn his own room in a virtual world, a Coder might just build his own. Cody had claimed to be a gamma class Coder, which meant avatar modification was well within his means. It was likely he had a collection of dozens to choose from for himself. Of course, men in bars have exaggerated to women about their prowess for centuries. But since it had apparently taken him less than half an hour to produce her new body, she was now inclined to believe him.
"So what's the deal again?"
"Quite simple," he smiled. Young looking and handsome, this was obviously one of his custom avatars. "I give you the code module, and you get the body of your dreams. But to do this I need access to your avatar. In exchange, you have to do as I say for the rest of this login. Basically, I get to play with you." Another smile.
"And the limits?"
"You grant any request I have, to the best of your abilities. But there will be no sex, no pain."
No sex? That was an odd one, since that was often what men went online in search of. But that still left a lot wide open, and the whole thing had the ring of making a deal with the devil. Still, a new avatar was a rare and valued commodity for those weren't skilled in the art of Coding, and an hour of serving as this man's plaything was probably well worth it. Daphne was still mulling it over.
Cody wasn't new to this sort of arrangement, and knew how to close a deal. "How about this? I'll give you the module now, and you can see if it's everything I promised. If it's not, I'll just take it back and the deal's off."
Daphne raised an eyebrow. "A free sample?" Either this guy was really good, or he had something extraordinarily bizarre in store for her. Or perhaps both. "Ok! I'll do it!" A quick flick of a thought, and she transmitted the access code. She wasn't worried, since it changed at every login.
Cody's face lit up with glee. "Wonderful! Here's the module, as promised."
It took a few seconds for her to receive all of the data. Daphne took a deep breath in preparation. "Alright, let's see if this works." She switched to the new avatar module.
She wasn't sure what to expect, but it was surprisingly fast. Her body shimmered briefly, and then it was done. Her dull brown hair was now a lustrous auburn, about shoulder length. Her skin was flawless, features sculpted, eyes an intense blue. And her red jumpsuit was now clinging to a taller, more athletic body with firmly rounded curves that were already attracting attention. "Wow," Daphne gasped.
"Wow, indeed," Cody responded. "Is it to your liking?"
"Yes. Oh my, yes," she was running her hands over her new body, admiring her face in the mirror on the other side of the bar.
"Then we have a deal?"
Last chance to back out. But it was too good a deal. One hour, how bad could it be? "It's deal!"
"Excellent." Daphne wasn't sure she cared for the way he rubbed his hands together when he said that.
"Ok, I'm yours for the next hour. What do you want to do first?"
"It's alright, you can finish your drink," he said. They made small talk for a few minutes. Funny he didn't feel pressed for time.
"You had some doubts about my Coding ability, didn't you?" he asked.
"At first, yes." She glanced down at herself. "But not anymore."
"Let me show you some of the things a really good programmer can do," he smirked. "My first request."
"Go ahead."
"It's simple really. I just want you to take a very deep breath. Don't stop until I say so."
She giggled. "Alright, this shouldn't take long." She let her breath out and started inhaling.
Cody couldn't suppress a soft chuckle when he saw the perplexed look on her face. She kept inhaling, and with a start realized her breasts were filling with air. Surprised, she stopped.
"No, keep going." Cody gestured for her to continue.
What have I gotten myself into? Daphne started to inhale again, and her bust filled out, stretching the front of her jumpsuit. Her breasts grew bigger and bigger, the outline of her terribly overfilled bra quite visible as her swollen mammaries overflowed it and pressed it tightly against the red cloth. She looked at Cody expectantly, but he just shook his head. She undid her top two buttons to make room, exposing about half a foot of bulging cleavage. Just as it appeared as though she might burst right out of the front of her clothes, the expansion stopped - - and shifted to her butt.
Though her huge bust now blocked the view of her lower body, she could feel the air rushing into her hips, widening them as her buttocks swelled out behind her. And still she inhaled, taking in even more air. The swelling slowly crept downward, fattening her thighs, then plumping up the entire length of her legs. By now, most of the bar patrons had halted their conversations to stare at this spectacle. It wasn't until the seams of Daphne's jumpsuit began to groan in protest that Cody relented. "You can stop, I think that's enough. For now."
Daphne exhaled in relief, but only emptied her lungs. Her body was insanely bloated with air, her tightly cinched belt accentuating the fact that her bust and hips were more than double their former measure. "But - - how?" she gasped. "How did you do this to me?"
"My dear Daphne, one doesn't achieve the rank of Gamma without learning a few fun tricks. Besides, I didn't really do it to you, you did it to yourself. As long as I have your access code, I can give you body all sorts of neat little talents." He offered his arm. "Shall we go for a walk?"
"Uh, sure." Arm in arm, they walked out of the bar. Daphne's insanely voluptuous form was drawing the stares of many passersby. People gawked, and a few moved in for a closer look, but nobody interfered. Most were smart enough to realize that such a dramatic modification had to be the work of a Coder, and the would just assume that either Daphne herself or the man she was with was that Coder. They would watch, but in a world with as few enforcers as MetroScape, nobody would interrupt them.
As they walked, Daphne noticed her jumpsuit was gradually growing more snug. It had been programmed to adjust to whatever body it was on, so she wasn't worried about bursting it, but it was still stretched out farther than it had been designed for, and stretching further with each passing minute. Slowly but surely, her cleavage bulged upward in her neckline, tiny glimpses of swollen flesh peeking out between her buttons. She shuddered to think how huge her butt must look now. "Cody! I'm getting bigger!"
"Yes, you are," he replied calmly. "The air you inhaled earlier is expanding inside you. Another nifty little trick, don't you think?"
Her walk was turning into a waddle as her thighs plumped up, pushing her legs apart. "When will it stop?"
"When the hour's up."
Daphne stopped in her tracks. "But I'll be huge!" Her breasts already resembled two overinflated party balloons, protruding out far ahead and to her sides. And her hips were so broad, she could just barely touch their widest point with her fingertips.
"Yes," Cody nodded. "How do you feel?"
"Just fine," Daphne said. She wasn't uncomfortable, despite the tightness of her clothing. It was more of a snug feeling all over. Her body was still quite soft and cushiony. It was actually kind of nice in a way, like she was her own giant pillow. "This is very strange, but I'm fine."
"I have another proposition for you."
Daphne noticed an air tank had suddenly appeared beside him. As a Coder, he's probably just generated it himself. "I dunno," she said, looking down at her enormously inflated form. "Last time, I really didn't know what I was getting myself into..."
"I have half an hour left. But if you spend just thirty seconds hooked up to this tank, I'll stop inflating you and let you go early." Again, that mischievous smile.
Thirty seconds could be a long time when you're getting blown up, she thought to herself. But then, another half hour could be even longer. "Thirty seconds, and that's it?"
Cody nodded. "That's it."
"Well - - alright."
"Wonderful!" He handed her the mouthpiece which was attached to the tank. "Put this in, and I'll turn on the gas. After thirty seconds, you can let go if you want. Sure you can handle that long?"
She flashed a confident grin. "I can take whatever you can give." She bit down on the mouthpiece.
"Ready - -" Cody put his hand on the valve. "Go!" He turned the knob.
With a soft hissing, Daphne's body began to rapidly fill up with even more gas. She felt it first in her bosom as it pushed outward, her nipples plumping up as her breasts grew fuller. Her hips and legs got their fair share as well, fattening up at a surprising pace. But this time she felt a bit different as she blew up. Her belt, which fit rather tightly sitting atop her incredibly blimped out hips and butt, was being pulled taut again, but now from a growing pressure in her stomach.
"Twenty seconds," Cody called out.
Large bulges of flesh puffed out above and below Daphne's belt as she continued to expand. She threw a few concerned glances downward at her waist, and Cody got the message. He reached over, and with great difficulty unbuckled it. With a loud "fwumph," Daphne's belly surged outward, her waistline vanishing. Now unrestrained, her torso inflated even faster, pushing her breasts outward and beginning spread out even past her hips.
"Ten seconds left," Cody called to her, but Daphne only absently noticed. She was far too concerned with the swelling that was beginning to show in her arms. And even that became a minor concern as her feet began to lift off of the ground. He's filling me with helium!
Daphne's eyes snapped wide open in alarm, and she looked down to Cody for help. He just stood by the tank, humming softly. Higher she rose, until the hose was stretched out to its full length. She dangled in the air, head down, plump arms and legs flailing uselessly in the air. People who were passing by stopped to stare at the gigantic red woman-balloon hovering above them.
"Time's up! You can let go now."
But letting go meant floating away, as Cody well knew.
Daphne tried to speak without letting go of the mouthpiece, the only thing holding her to the earth. "You...tricked...me!" She managed to get out a few words without losing her grip.
Cody shrugged. "A deal's a deal." He turned around and started walking away. "NO!" She almost lost her grip again. What am I gonna do? Her body swelled up bigger and bigger, her arms and legs becoming so distended they no longer looked like limbs; from her hands and feet, they filled out and merged smoothly with a body that was now nearly a perfect ball. Every moment of indecision was costing her precious time and adding inches to her girth. Stretched far past the limits of its intended use, her jumpsuit began to fail. With a sharp pop, a button flew off, exposing a bit of her stomach. Two more pops followed as the stitches along her backside began to tear. Her hands and feet slowly vanished, engulfed by her increasing bulk. Even her face began to fill out, her cheeks puffing up, and even her lips swelling to an alarming plumpness. And as Daphne felt the pressure inside her rise rapidly, she realized she was faced with a choice of letting go, or bursting. Reluctantly, she released her grip on the mouthpiece and let herself rise up unto the sky.
The ground fell away, the people shrinking and disappearing from view. She rose up, higher than the tallest buildings, up past the birds. MetroScape wasn't the most sophisticated of worlds. The sky only went up so far, and Daphne stopped rising when she hit the "ceiling," a few hundred feet above the city. She didn't actually hit anything, her upward motion simply stopped, leaving her floating in the sky.
She sighed. Since she wasn't in danger, there was nothing she could do until the next logout check, still almost half an hour away. Oh well, this wasn't so bad. Just an overall feeling of extreme fullness and gentle tension. Completely immobile, her body was acting like a cushion and restraint for herself. Helpless to do anything else, Daphne relaxed and settled in for a nap.
Even from the ground, Cody could see the tiny red dot that he knew was is beautiful creation. Ah yes, Daphne had made such a wonderful balloon. Through his binoculars he could clearly make out the details of his art. The softy rounded and bulging face, the taut, full body, just barely beginning to burst out of her clothes. Simply marvelous. It would be a while before he'd be able to pull this trick off again in MetroScape, but there were other worlds to explore on the V-Net...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping, Inflatoray
Text: Warning mature content. Contains inflation fetish material and is for mature readers only. Read at your own risk.
Lilly and Scarlett sit in the backroom at work talking about their coworker Frank. He seems a strange fit to be working at the clothing store, but both of them agree there is something very desirable about Frank.
Scarlett gently twirls her body in front of Lilly, showing off her slim figure. Her bust line is a full d-cup and she's quite proud of how they look on her slim frame. She pushes her naturally red hair back and says with a southern accent, "I think I'll get his attention."
Lilly smiles and gently jiggles her curvy form. She's almost as top heavy as Scarlett and has a round butt. She has a slight curve to her belly, but is hardly fat. Her brown haired ponytail bounces as she shows her body, "I think you have some competition."
Scarlett frowns as points a small device at her, "Not for long."
Suddenly a green light hits Lilly a hiss sounds and the stretching of rubber fills the air. Lilly stares at her body in shock as it expands, "Ughhhhhh." Lilly feels it stop as suddenly as it started and takes in the changes to her body. Her legs and arms thicker and belly, butt, and breasts are rounder. She gently pokes her pudgy belly, "What did you do to me?"
Scarlett laughs, "I eliminated the competition. Frank will definitely pick me over you now." She smiles as she hides the device behind her back, "Hey, Frank."
Frank nods, "Hey, Scarlett." He smiles brightly at Lilly as he takes in her fuller curves, "Hey, Lilly, you're looking good today."
Lilly's face reddens as Frank stares at her and Scarlett glares at them. "Thank you, Frank."
The two of them watch Frank walk away in silence and Lilly is the first to break the silence."I guess he likes me bigger. Must have a thing for big girls."
Scarlett stares at her for a moment and points the device at herself. "Two can play that game." She shoots herself the sounds of hissing and stretching rubber fill the room. "Ughhhh." The pressure pushes her body bigger and her body issues rubbery groans as she swells. The pressure and hissing stops as fast as it started and she takes in the changes to her body. She gently rubs her new potbelly and notes she is almost as big as Lilly, but not quite.
Scarlett looks at her rounder hips and butt. She feels her inner skinny woman screaming to diet and hit the gym, but ignores it. She points the device at herself, the pressure returns, and hissing and squeaks fill the room. "Ughhhhh." Arms and legs plump and belly groans outward. Boobs and butt rounds. "Ughhhh...." She smiles as she surpasses Lilly's size, "Ha! I'm bigger!" Her shoulders puff up and both the pressure and hissing fade away.
A loud squeak sounds as Scarlett bumps her inflated assets into Lilly's, "Hey!!"
Scarlett smiles, "Frank is going to love me. I bet you'd pop like a balloon if you tried to get as big as me."
"I bet I won't. The there's plenty of stretch in me."
Scarlett hands her the device, "Fine, but I'm not picking up the pieces when you pop."
Lilly shoots herself, "I'm not popping." Groans of rubber sound as the pressure returns and she hisses bigger. "Ughhhh." She smiles as arms grow thicker, hips grow wider, and belly pushes outward. Her shoulders puff up as she approaches Scarlett's size and she quickly shoots herself twice more. The pressure inside turns fierce and rubber stretching shrieks fill the backroom. "UGHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Scarlett watches in shock and fear as Lilly surpasses her size. She sees Lilly's inflating torso shape into a sphere as her neck shrinks and arms and legs are slowly swallowed. "What have you done to yourself? You're going to pop."
"Ughhhhh.....I'm not.......Ughhhhh......POPPING!!!"
Scarlett watches as Lilly's expanding, groaning, body turns into a sphere with hands, feet, neck, and head. Her neck shrinks as Scarlett says fearfully, "I hope you're right. Please don't pop, Lilly."
"Ughhhh....I....ughhhh.....won't." The pressure and hissing fades away and she smiles as she looks over the curve of her sphere body at Scarlett. "See! No pop!"
Scarlett smirks, "You got lucky. That was cutting it pretty close."
"Close? Ha! There's no way you can stretch this big. I'm afraid your stuck as a bloated blowup doll and will never achieve the size of blimp girl I have."
Scarlett bumps her belly into Lilly's sphere body as she reaches for the device, "I'm going to prove you wrong!"
The groaning of rubber fills the room as pressure pumps Scarlett bigger. "Ughhh." Rubber screeching becomes deafening, "Ughhhhhh." Her body rounds into a sphere as the pressure pushes her bigger and mistakenly the device slips from her hand. Her body groans loudly, "Oh....ughhh...no." Her body trembles as it groans loudly and it reaches the same size as Lilly's sphere body. Her face redden from the strain, smiles weakly, "Looks like we're the same size now."
Lilly smiles, "You'd pop if you tried to get bigger. You were really straining."
Scarlett smiles back, "I'd prove you wrong if I hadn't dropped it."
"Lucky you."
Suddenly a new voice responds, "What the hell happened to the two of you?"
Scarlett looks down at the frumpy Chrissie and smirks. "We made ourselves bigger. If you can hand me the device on the floor, I can make myself bigger."
Chrissie stares at her through her glasses and rests a hand on her paunch. "Why on earth would you want to do that?"
Scarlett answers, "So Frank can pick me over Lilly's blimped ass."
Chrissie snorts as she laughs, "There's no way Frank is going to like what you've done to yourself."
Lilly frowns, "God you're dumb. We didn't want to be this way, but Frank likes this."
Scarlett nods, "Yeah, so give me the device."
Chrissie smirks as she takes out her cell phone and takes a picture, but doesn't include any faces. She sends it to Frank and quickly receives a response demanding to know what website it is from. She scoops up the device and her phone rings as another text begging to know the website pops up. "Well that settles that."
Scarlett responds, "Good. Now give me the device."
Lilly responds, "No give it to me!"
Chrissie smiles at the two and points the device at herself. A hiss sounds and a pressure builds. Rubber groans fill the room as her body begins to push outward in her baggy sweater and pants. "Ughhh...." Her body groans as she feels herself reach the size of pregnancy and the pressure fades away. She smiles as she gently pushes her belly below her braless, floppy, boobs. "Trouble is going to love me."
Scarlett frowns, "Trouble?"
Chrissie smiles, "Yeah trouble. That's what I call him because he is trouble." She shoots herself, the pressure returns, and the squeaking of rubber fills the air. "Ughhhhh..." Her face reddens as her back and side rounds outward. "Ughhhh...ughhhh."
Scarlett watches as Chrissie's body trembles as her inflation stops, "You should give me the device, Chrissie. You're going to pop yourself."
Chrissie holds up a finger, "Hey now! Both of you got that big, well so can I." She activates the device, the pressure returns, and the sound of rubber shrieking fills the air. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhh." Her face reddens even more as she closes her eyes, her body trembles, and she slowly inflates ever so slowly bigger. "Ughhhhh....ughhhh....ughhhhhhhhh."
Suddenly a loud pop sounds silencing Chrissie and sending flesh colored rubber fragments fluttering to the floor. Scarlett sighs, "At least that wasn't messier, but I won't be able to get bigger now."
The curvy and bubbly Abby walks into the backroom, "What was that noise?"
Lilly smiles weakly at the shocked Abby, "Uh...would you believe me if I said Chrissie popped like a balloon?"
Abby looks at the fragments of flesh colored rubber on the floor and at the two of them. "You know I just might." She scoops up the device and looks at it. "What's this?"
Scarlett responds, "It's what we used to get bigger. Give me a shot and I'll demonstrate."
Abby smiles, "I bet you will." She points the device at herself and fires it multiple times. The hiss returns loudly and groans of rubber sound as Abby rapidly balloons outward. "UGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Abby's belly swells outward, sides curve out, and back pushes outward. Her shoulders puff up, arms plump, and legs thicken. Her boobs make loud creaks as they are stretched flat on the curve of her sphere body and both her legs and arms are slowly absorbed. "UGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Four thumps sound as her sphere body absorbs her legs and arms as she surpasses Lilly and Scarlett's size. Her face reddens from strain as a horrible creaking sounds as her head is stretched flat against her sphere body. Her expansion slows to a crawl as the pressure pushes her bigger and the curve of her sphere pushes into Lilly and Scarlett's sphere body.
Suddenly the pressure is gone and Abby smiles. She knows she just a face on a giant sphere body, "Frank will love me now!"
Lilly frowns, "How did you know?"
Abby smiles, "Frank has had a thing for me for awhile, but I wasn't quite what he was looking for. I found his phone and discovered what it was he liked." She smiles again, "Thanks, you all. You did a good job not popping, but I'm his prize blimp."
Suddenly, Frank's voice calls, "Chrissie?" He steps into the backroom and is shocked to see three inflated blimp girls.
Abby responds, "Frank, I have some bad news for you. She popped." She brightens up, "Good news is I'm huge."
Frank smiles, "You sure are."
Scarlett responds, "We're almost as big as she is and you can have both of us."
Lilly is shocked by her statement, but quickly agrees, "Yeah both of us."
Frank arches an eyebrow, "How did you get so big?"
Abby responds, "A device....I dropped it when my hand was stretched flat against my sphere body."
Frank scoops it up, "I found it." He looks at them, "So helpless now and fragile." He points the device at himself and fires. The pressure returns with a hiss and his body bloats outward. "Ughhhhh."
Abby responds, "Don't get to big. You won't be able to take care of us."
Frank's inflating stops and leaves him looking close to the size of a sumo wrestler. He smiles at Abby, "Don't worry I'll take care of you." He slowly waddles over to Lilly and Scarlett, "It's a little harder to move now."
Scarlett smiles, "I knew you'd choose us."
Frank smiles, "Of course I'll choose the two of you." He pulls out a sewing needle, "To pop."
Lilly panics, "To pop?!!"
Frank stabs with the needle, a boom sounds, and a second boom sounds. Shards of flesh colored rubber join Chrissie's remains on the floor and he slowly turns back to Abby. He smiles, "Now to figure out how to get you out of here. Maybe I'll think of something faster if I were a little bigger."
Tags: Stuffing, Male Inflation, candy shop, chocolate, couple, revenge, toffee
Text: Grace was furious. She was fuming. Any person walked down the street could see the black storm clouds coming their way. Grace was thundering down the street towards the Candu Shop. Her boyfriend Chris, always had a sweet spot for chocolate.
Grace was sitting in her favorite cafe not even a quarter of an hour ago, when she saw Chris smoozing some brunette across the street. They didn't see Grace, but she saw them. They were standing in the brunette's second story apartment, making out. Only whent eg brunette starting taking BOTH their shirts off that Chris thought to even close the window drapes. Grace saw all that. So she went with the first plan that came to her mind, to ruin what he loves most: his body. Chris had a very handsome figure. At twenty-two, he was 6'2", had rippling abs, football biceps and thighs, and a perfect tan. He took care of his body as if he'd die if he even looked a piece of chocolate, but every now and then he takes a piece, as chocolate is his favorite candy.
Grace burst into the shop. She surprised the man behind the counter.
"Oh! Hel-hello my dear! You shocked me! Quite the entrance if I say so. What'll you have?"
"I need as much chocolate as two hundred dollars will buy," Grace tried very hard to sound as polite as possible.
"Well...that's a lot of chocolate. How about these? If you eat these, anything you eat will BE chocolate, not just taste like it, but be it."
"How long does it last?"
"Well that depends on how many you take. One is about fifteen minutes, two thirty, three is sixty, four is a hundred twenty, so on."
"How many is in a bag?"
"Ten, and it's only twenty dollars."
"I'll take a bag. Do you have anything to make you no long feel hungry as well? Just put of curiosity."
"I have these toffies, they'll make you hungry or not hungry. If you eat one, bottomless pit, or two for unfeeling. For only twelve dollars a dozen."
"I'll take that too." Grace bought her things and left.
She called Chris and planned a weekend get-away. Her parents had a cabin on the lake, so Grave asked to borrow it for the weekend. That weekend they left for the lake. They got there late at night, so they went straight to bed. In the morning, Grace got up early. She started to make breakfast. She made chocolate pancakes with a piece of toffee in the middle. Chris woke up and found breakfast.
"Eat up honey!" Grace smiled with an evil sparkle in her eyes.
"Thanks babe! I love pancakes!"
"I know," Grace watched him devour the pancakes. He asked for more, so Grave made some more, and some more, and more with a little more.
Chris was chowing down, pancake after pancake. He didn't notice his shirt tightening around his midsection. He didn't notice his belt straining more. All he noticed was how delightfully chocolatey the pancakes were. Grace watched his belly start to fill, and it turned more paunchy. His stomach poured into his lap, growing larger with every pancake.
"More!" Chris grunted through pancakes, "More!"
"We're all out of pancakes, but I'm sure we can find some thing else," Grace turned the oven on, and the stove top, but she heard a crunch. She turned and saw that Chris had started to eat the table. She looked on in surprize as Chris eat it. His stomach was that of a nine month term. His shirt was not covering any of it, and his belt was holding on for dear life. His pant button popped off and his fly unzipped, but his belly wasn't were it was all going. His thighs were also expanding, and his butt too. His pants were starting rip and his belt was looking like it was on it's death bed. He finished the table an looked very overweight.
"More! Chocolate!"
"I underestimated his capacity," Grace thought.
Chris ate the chairs next, causing his belt to give in and burst off, sending it flying across the room. His pants ripped at the seams, and he ate any more they'd surely burst. Of course he did eat more. He ate the couch next, leaving him in his boxers, which were straining as well. His shirt wasn't covering anything, so he took it off and ate it. His arms started to puff up as well, making his biceps bigger then before. He looked like he was very obese. Grace watched on in satisfaction. He ate and ate, till there was no funerture in the living room. His arms were now resting on his belly and his legs stuck straight out in front of him. He moaned, and was out of his chocolate rage. He looked at him self. and screamed.
"What's happened to me!?"
"You did to you. You cheated on me you pig. Now you're getting what we'll call your just desserts."
"Please get me back to normal."
"Ok, I've had my fun, eat this and you'll be normal," Grace placed a toffee in his mouth. He scarfed it down, and looked at Grace.
"How long does it ta..." Chris' voice trailed off. He felt hungry, VERY hungry.
"Feel that? Want some chocolate?" She picked up his shoe.
"That's not choco-murph!" Grace shoved the shoe in his mouth.
"Funny, how it tastes like chocolate, isn't it?"
Chris ate the shoe, then the other one. She'd place things in his mouth and he'd eat them. His boxers ripped on half. He continued to grow, his belly swallowed his arms and legs. His face plumpened, his lips pursued, and his eyes got squintier. He tried to resist, but he was to big to move. Even through he was spherical, he still got bigger. Grace rolled him over to continue feeding him. He reached the ceiling when Grace ran out of stuff to feed him.
"Looks like that's as big as you'll get."
"Hef me..." Chris mumbled through his lips.
"What? I don't understand. Leave you? If you insist."
"Hef me!"
"You do look like you have some things to work out. You're a little overweight. See you later! Oh! Not without a kiss though!" Grace kissed Chris and then grabbed the car keys and left Chris to digest the situation.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, air, magic, water
Text: Phodra was a gifted sorceress for her age of 18. She was beautiful with blonde hair and very popular in the village she was raised in. Her best friend Nalas had been by her side since she was a young girl. Nalas was also a sorcerer, although nexted to Phodra he wasn't that talented. Together they had fixed lots of problems, ranging from a simple cat lost in a tree to taking down trolls. So when Nalas told his female friend about a giant that was terrorising the neighboring town, she didn't think twice about it. They packed up their belongings and headed to the last spotted location of the giant.
It was early morning and the two were deep in the forest where the giant lived.
"One last time, will you please go out with me? We can just save this bounty for later. The giant isn't going anywhere," said Nalas. He had always had his eyes on Phodra. "For the thousandth time, no! You are my best friend why would I ever want to change that? You do understand me, right?" asked Phodra, not paying much attention to Nalas. She had always blown him off and Nalas started to resent that.
"I just thought I'd ask you one last time is all," said Nalas casually.
"I highly doubt that, you'll ask me till you're blue in the face and gray on the head, you will," said Phodra, stopping at the sound of something moving ahead.
The two stopped and loud heaving of breath could be heard up ahead of them. Phodra shot off a gust of wind out the end of her wand that blew the foliage back. Stomping rang out, growing louder.
"Maybe this giant is too much for us, maybe we should retreat?" asked Nalas nervously. "I don't care how big he is, he's no match for me," said Phodra, standing upright and ready.
"I think he is a great match for you actually," said Nalas, reaching out and grabbing Phodra by the arm holding her wand.
"Stop it!" yelled Phodra dropping her wand. At that moment the giant stormed from the hidden brush and came at the two full speed.
"Run, Phodra, run!" yelled Nalas who turned on his heel and left Phodra behind. Phodra bent down to get her wand but all she found was Nalas'. She held it firm and pointed it at the giant, hitting him with a magical rope that wrapped around his feet. He tripped and fell on his face, sliding in the dirt. Something felt weird in Phodra, like she was just about to fluctuate but couldn't. The giant struggled but crawled with his arms towards Phodra. She shot off another set of ropes tying his hands to the nearby trees. Phodra's belt started to tighten and she gazed down. Her belly looked a bit bigger than before. She heard the trees creak loudly as the giant was uprooting them to come at her again. "No!" she screamed and expelled a mighty blast that downed the giant. He flew back several meters before landing. A hissing rang out and Phodra felt her body inflate with air. Much stronger than the two incidents before, her stomach started to look like she was heavy with child. The inflation even spread to her backside, making her leather pants feel a bit too snug. "What is this? A magical giant? You think you can just blow me up like a balloon without a fight?" a rage burned within her like a smithy's forge. She made the ground below the giant, who just got to his feet, reach up and smash into his face like a giant fist. The hissing started again, making the stitching on her leggings pop one by one at the growing girth of her ass. Her stomach also grew, making her shirt ride up exposing her navel to the world. The giant chuckled at her as he wiped soil from his face. "You think I look funny huh?" yelling as she grew angry as her waistline grew. A carpet of flame spilled from the end of her wand and sweep just inches above the leafy ground to the giant. The giant tore up a tree and batted the flames away from himself. Phodra felt her shirt fill as her breasts ballooned up on the front of her. With her one free hand she tried to push her budding breasts down but it was to no avail. "It so funny watching you grow," said the giant in a booming voice. "Stop it!" yelled Phodra back at the avoiding giant. The giant laughed and Phodra had had enough. She shot out bright lightning bolts that struck the giant, although it didn't hurt him. Even though Phodra inflated fast she didn't care as long as the giant was subdued. The giant laughed as if the lightning were tickling him. "Humans think giants are so dumb but they are the foolish ones," laughed the giant. Phodra's body was inflating all over, her pants burst open with her bubbly butt and shirt ripped to show off her swelling rack. "Little human girl not know that wand she use make her grow big like giant," said the giant. Phodra cut off the lightning and looked at the wand of Nalas'. "He wouldn't have," she said softly in disbelief. "I catch your friend one day playing in giant woods. I tell him I eat him if he have nothing to offer. He ask me what I want. I tell him it impossible, that I want giant wife. He tells me he can make me a giant wife. He told me he'd bring you hear and trick you into growing into a giant. With each spell you use you grow bigger," explained the giant. Phodra threw the wand to the ground, "Then I won't use anymore magic, see where that -" She was cut off by the sound of hissing again. "He told me that after you touch the stick you have to keep ahold of it, or you'll grow regardlessly," laughed the giant who came closer. Phodra tried to bend over to pick up the wand but her beach ball-like belly stopped her. She tried to bend her knees but her thighs began to puff outward. The giant smiled as her body rounded out bigger and bigger. Her arms tightened in suit and raised to her sides. She was taking in massive amounts of air and swelling quickly. From her point of view the giant seemed to shrink as she grew taller and fuller. Blimping out and bursting every single article of clothing on her. The swelling slowed as she reached the giant's height although tripled his girth. The giant wore a devilish grin and approached her. He almost got to touch her but a loud crack rang out and the giant fell onto his face, unconscious. It was Nalas, standing all proud with Phodra's wand in his hand, still outreached. "You!" Phodra fumed. "I know, I know. I put you in a dangerous and utterly embarrassing situation. I'm sorry I had to use you to get to the giant but I thought this was fair since you didn't want to go out with me," smiled Nalas. "This is uncalled for, you were my friend!" yelled out Phodra through rather puffy cheeks. "I still am I assure you, unless you want to be my nemesis. In that case I could just blow you up bigger," joked Nalas, pointing Phodra's wand at her engorged stomach. "NO!" screamed Phodra, her skin creaking like an overinflated balloon as she wiggled in protest. "I was just playing, here let me help you," said Nalas. He waved the wand and a gust of air shot from Phodra's belly button. She rapidly deflated in a matter of seconds, unlike her forceful inflation. She was soon back to normal shape and size and clutched herself, finally able to cover her naked body. "Oh, sorry," blushed Nalas. With another wave the pieces of torn clothing pulled themselves together on Phodra's body. Each stitch wove back into place, the over-stretched leather flattened out, until she was as if nothing ever happened. "I bet you had a good laugh about this huh?" asked Phodra sadistically. "It was a bit funny, yeah," chuckled Nalas. Phodra pulled a secondary wand from out of her pouch on the back of her belt. "How about we see how big you get," yelled Phodra, burning hot. "Phodra, wait please don't!" warned Nalas. The spell made the secondary wand explode in a bright flash of light. Nalas and saw that it was cracked, probably from her ass blowing up and cracking it. Phodra was stunned by the flash and didn't know what was happening till it is too late. Her mouth bulged as the inside filled with water. Her lips were magically sealed shut and she was forced to drink the magically summoned water. The water however kept summoning in her mouth. Nalas watched in confusion as his friend made large, loud gulps of water in front of him. The spell was intended to effect Nalas and be completely controlled by her, but it was rebounded and unfinished. Phodra tried to think hard on how uncompleted controlled spells end, if they run out or keep going. The flood in her mouth kept going though. Each mouthful of water pushed into her chest, bellowing out each of her breasts with water. "Well, this can't be all that bad now can it? It's not such a bad look on you," joked Nalas with a playful poke to one of Phodra's swelling tits. Without a wand, Phodra tried to concentrate and use her magic to stop the spell but the flow of water in her throat made it impossible. Her water tits tested the strength of her shirt once more and Phodra herself tried to hide the view of her budding chest from Nalas. "I think this is instant karma, it's not nice to try and inflate people," said Nalas. Phodra rolled her eyes, for Nalas started all of this. Phodra arched her back to help support the increasing weight of her new tunic-stretchers. "Here let me help you release those puppies," offered Nalas, with his wand. It struck Phodra hard, that was it. She needed her wand back so she could stop the water. She thrust her hands out in desperation for the wand but Nalas pulled it away teasingly. "Do you want it? Do you want it?" taunted Nalas. Phodra then accidently knocked it from Nalas grasp and it fell onto the grass. Phodra, bust still expanding, charged for it, pushing Nalas away. Nalas absentmindedly took a step back and stepped on the wand, breaking it in two. Rage once again boiled inside Phodra and she struck Nalas across the face hard. "I didn't mean to break it!" yelled Nalas at the top of his lungs. Nalas' anger got away from him, in his fury he subconsciously increased Phodra's spell. The summoned water doubled in speed and pushed Phodra's cheeks to the max. She flailed her arms helpless as the water no longer found refuge in her three gallon breasts but in her waistline. Nalas only knew what his anger had done when he saw her throat widen and her stomach push out rapidly. "Oh no! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" apologized Nalas. "I'll try to stop it," said Nalas. He put all his focus into her mouth but it didn't stop the spell. He was far too inexperienced as a magician to help her. His mind raced as he knew he had to act quickly to save her from exploding. As he rapidly thought of a spell to use, his friend grew bigger and bigger. Phodra groaned and held her blimping belly, sloshing as she shifted her weight around. Once her belly had arogantly pushed out farther than her chest, her butt filled up again. From there it filled up her thighs and calves. "I think I got it!" said Nalas. He focused with all his might on her belly button, to perform the spell he had earlier. As he focused it started to work slowly. Phodra's belly button started to drip then pour a little each moment. Phodra soon found the weight of all the water flowing inside her to be too much. She feel back onto her cushioned butt and water aggressively sloshed inside her. Nalas continued his spell by hand, being much harder without a functioning wand. Phodra started to feel tight all over and knew Nalas had to hurry. Nalas feel to his knees exhausted, but he had opened Phodra's navel so that it was pouring out as much as was going in. Phodra retained the size as she guzzled down gallon after gallon. "I'll get you help just wait here," said Nalas, not paying much attention to what he said. Nalas staggered off and Phodra was left alone to pour endless water over the forest floor. Loudly guzzling along she tried to preoccupy her mind and to calm down for now she was safe. She suddenly heard a loud thumping as something grew near. "Foolish human play with magic and get fat!" said the giant. He rubbed the back of his head as he approached Phodra's helpless, swollen form. He kneeled beside her and looked her over, laughing at her bulk. "You won't be wife, you won't caught giant. Giant make sure of it," laughed the giant as he used his mighty finger to completely plug up Phodra's belly button. The water builded back up inside her pushing her body to the limits once again. Each of her cheeks puffed up like cantaloupes, her chest swelled out to eight gallon a piece tits, her stomach widened out enough for two horses to comfortably stand on. Each of her toes and fingers swelled like sausages and the water she gulped down was becoming too much. Her skin screamed in creaking like a grand balloon growing way too full. Bigger and bigger as the giant laughed. Every detail of her body bloated to extreme proportions till she exploded. A giant wave of water pushed the giant back and up against a tree. He chuckled once more then meandered away from the site of expansion.
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, big, blueberry, humiliation
Text: "What a wonderful day!" I cheered, running into the plaza. The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. I couldn't help my excitement, all I knew is that I felt so happy to be here. "Luna, wait!" My friend Charles was jogging up to me. "You're so bloody hyper, you need to calm down." He chuckled, moving his long brown hair out of his eyes. It was a bit windier than normal, but it was dying down. I put my blonde hair into a ponytail. "What should we do first?" I asked, looking around. Small shops, diners, and stands lined the plazas walkway. Charles looked around and spotted an unfimilar food stand. We both approached the stand. The stand was designed with blue and yellow blocks of colour, the menu listed pies and pastries. I looked at Charles with an unsure expression. "I've never heard of this place before." I glanced at the name of the stand. 'Dixie's Delicious Delicacies' was written neatly on a chalkboard right next to the stand. A young women came to the window.
"Hiya folks! Welcome to Dixie's, what can I get you guys?" She chirped, looking at us. Charles was excited to try one of the muffins, he smiled at me. "It'll be fine, maybe you'll like it!" He turned back to the female and ordered a peach cobbler muffin. She wrote it down on a ticket and looked at me. "And for you?" She asked, a smile plastered on her face. I looked at the menu and bit my lip. "I'll try a blueberry pie, please." I liked blueberries, maybe Charles was right. Maybe I'll love this place. The young woman smiled and handed the ticket to a man in the back. "Coming right up! I'm glad you ordered the pie, we just started getting our blueberries from a new farm." I smiled, glad to try it. Charles paid the lady and stood against the stand. The sweet smell of blueberries hit me, I was excited once again. "Here you are!" She handed Charles and I our orders, I smiled and thanked her. Charles was in awe of his muffin. "It's huge! It looks amazing." He took a bite, his eyes widening. "And it tastes better than it looks!" I smiled and took a bite out of my pie. It was amazing! "Wow..." I ate more of it. "What did I say? I told you you'd like it." Charles laughed. Next thing I knew, I had finished my pie. "Charles, that was amazing!" I gushed, looking at him. "Uh Luna...?" Charles smiled. "You got some blueberry on your nose." He pointed at me. I blushed and wiped my nose. "Better?" I asked. His expression fell. "Luna...? What's going on with your face?" I tilted my head. "What do you mean?" I looked at him, confused. His eyes widened and he stopped eating his muffin. "You're turning blue, Luna!" I was confused, I looked at him and was about to say something when I began to feel very full. I groaned in discomfort and looked at my hand. I gasped.
My hands were turning blue! I looked at Charles and back at my hands. It was spreading up my arms and down my legs. Even my hair had gone from a light blonde to an inky blue. "I'm blue!" I yelled, gaining the attention of a few passing people. My stomach gurgled loudly, I groaned again. "Luna... Do you feel alright?" Charles asked.
The next thing I felt was bubbling in my belly, it continued to gurgle louder. I put my blue hands on my belly, it was growing! I gasped and looked around. People began to gather around, Charles stepped back from me.
My stomach pushed out against my hands. I yelped and tried to push it back in, only for it to push right back out. My belt held my growing belly as I felt the fullness in my belly spread to other places. My thighs gained a fullness then began to expand, I widened my stance to accommodate my growth. My butt and thighs strained my jean shorts, making them uncomfortable to move in. My once small breasts filled up like water balloons, straining the buttons on my shirt. I gasped for air, my belt was making it so hard to breathe. I felt like I was about to be cut in two! I tried to undo my belt, only to have my arms begin to fill up. I realized I was being filled up with some sort of fluid. The crowd was yelling and screaming. "She'll explode!" One yelled. "Call an ambulance!" A woman shrieked. I took a deep breath and with a loud 'SNAP!', my belt was off. I sighed in relief, but it was short lived. The buttons on my shirt began popping off one by one. It looked like I had swallowed a yoga ball, my breasts were two giant water balloons. A loud 'POP!' and my jeans button had popped off, the zipper unzipping and revealing black underwear. My back filled up, throwing me slightly off balance. My jean shorts bursted off of me shortly after. I looked at Charles for help, but he only watched in horror.
I felt my calves begin to fill up. I tried to move, but found myself slowly waddling. I then felt my crotch brush the ground, I gasped at the feeling. My breasts and stomach had began to grow at the same pace. I felt my crotch lift my feet off the ground. I kicked my small feet in protest, but they only rose higher from the ground. I looked around, only to feel my cheeks fill with the fluid. It was juice! I could taste some in my mouth. 'The pie!' I thought in horror, realizing that was the cause of all of this. I had began to round out, the juice didn't seem to stop. I was as big as a house by now! My poor arms and legs had began to be absorbed into my body. My feet and hands swelling into orbs, my fingers and toes following the same fate. I felt my head slowly sink into my body. The juice slowly stopped, leaving me at least twelve feet tall! Charles ran up to me, yelling at everyone to go away. The crowd stepped back and some people ran. "Luna!! Are you okay?!!?!" Charles yelled up to me. "MMM!" I couldn't even talk, I felt so embarrassed. I only wanted to disappear at that moment. Charles then realized what he had to do and rolled me to the abandoned factory.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, floating, helium, remote controlled
Text: Katie and Leanna discover a mischievous application for fire suppression pellets, but argue over how far they should take their prank.
Excited like a child on Christmas morning, Katie tore at the wrapping around the small shoebox and as she opened the box, her and her best friend, Leanna peered in, awestruck at what they might be able to do with the box's contents. Inside were twenty small capsules, like medicine capsules each in its own blister pack with a small simple black device on which were a red and a green button. Leanna took out one of the packs and tore it open, carefully holding the black device and the capsule in her hands. Katie picked up a small piece of paper that had fallen from the blister pack and read the instructions written on it.
'Fire Safety Helium pellets – in the event of an accident injecting this inert gas into enclosed spaces such as petrol tanks and vehicles will greatly minimise the risk of explosion. To use simply put the pellet into the at-risk vessel and push the green button on the remote control to steadily decompress helium from inside the pellet, to release all the helium in one quick blast push the red button. Warning, only release helium this fast in urgent situations, there is a risk of the capacity of the vessel to be exceeded causing a dangerous explosion. Not for human consumption.'
Leanna put the pellet into her mouth and handed the remote to Katie, she stifled a giggle as Katie hovered a finger over the red button and puffed her cheeks out to indicate what could happen. She spat the pellet back into her hand and dropped it into a red balloon, tying it at the neck. Katie pressed the green button and with a whoosh the balloon inflated, faster than they had imagined and floated up towards the ceiling. Katie inflated the balloon on the ceiling until it was about a foot and a half in diameter.
'I'm sure there's far more gas in that pellet than that' Leanna said 'Those things are designed to fill, like, oil tankers'
Katie smiled at the thought of having this much power and hovered her finger over the red button again.
'Let's see what this thing is capable of then' she said and pushed down on the red button.
The balloon inflated beyond its limits so fast the girls barely saw it expand before it exploded raining red latex down on them, they also felt the blast of the helium fill the room they were sitting in.
'Hee hee, that's a lot of helium' Katie giggled, her voice high pitched from inhaling it.
'Well then' said Leanna, as the pitch of the voice lowered back to normal, 'shall we complete our love cake surprises?'
Leanna picked up the box with the rest of the pellets and walked through into the kitchen, where there was an aroma of freshly baked cakes, she put on a pair of oven gloves and opened the oven, taking out a tray full of small pink fairy cakes with numbers on the top. She laid them down on the kitchen table with the box and her and Katie started to tear open the blister packs and push the pellets into the cakes, for each one, they took a sticker with the same number on it as the cake and stuck it to the corresponding remote control. Then they put all the cakes into the box and the remotes into a carrier bag.
'We'd best get going' Katie said, 'We don't want to be late for the cake sale'
The girls hurried out of Katie's house and jumped into Leanna's green VW Beetle.
'To the school!' Katie giggled.
Katie and Leanna's high school was only five minute's drive. They were sixth formers, both 18 and had agreed to bake cakes for a sale the 5th years were organising. They had decided to include with their cakes a special 'lightening formula' which was the helium, so that they could claim the cakes actually made you lighter.
Katie was a petite blonde, very attractive but her best friend, Leanna, whom she'd known for years was a tall, busty black haired vixen and often hogged the male attention, the pair of them had always been known for pulling pranks and this was the first one they'd done since the time they hid all the chairs from the school hall, so everyone had to stand up for an important conference. Usually the headteacher was quick to assume that Katy and Leanna were behind any wrongdoing and the pair of them spent more time in detention than they did in lessons, they were both still very bright and were ready to leave to go to University, before they did they wanted one last big prank together.
The two girls arrived at the sale and set up their stall, with a sign that read:
A swarm of sixth form girls and the younger female teachers quickly gathered around the stall, intrigued by the outrageous claim and wanting to try it for themselves. While Katie sold the cakes, Leanna was discretely noting the number of the cake and writing on the remote the name of the girl who had eaten it. Within almost no time, the cakes had all been bought and eaten by most of the girls who now stood around about to pack up, Katie and Leanna had successfully implanted the helium pellets into twenty different female students and teachers and with the labelled remotes they had the power to make any girl fill up with helium, just like the red balloon had done. One of the girls, a cute leggy brunette called Sam approached the stall looking puzzled.
'Those cakes were so good' Sam said, beaming 'but are they really gonna make me lighter?'
'Of course' Leanna said and produced some bathroom scales from under the table, handing them to Sam 'why don't you try and see?'
Sam placed the scales on the ground and stepped up onto them she looked at the reading, looked a little disappointed and looked over to Leanna.
'It's no different, I'm still 8 stone 7'.
At this point Katie reached into the carrier bag and took out the remote labelled 'Sam'. Without anyone noticing, she pushed the green button and smiled mischievously at Leanna.
Both girls noticed Sam's stomach swell out slowly, pushing out on her pink top and making her look bloated.
'Oooh, I'm feeling quite bloated' Sam exclaimed rubbing her distended stomach 'It just came on all of a sudden.' But when she looked down at the scale, she squeaked with delight.
'Oh my god, you were right, I've lost 5 pounds' She shouted to all the other girls that could hear.
'Katie and Leanna's cakes work, I've lost weight because of them!'
The other girls just scoffed at Sam, she wasn't known for being particularly astute.
'Yeah, right' snapped Miss Calland, one of the younger teachers 'can't you see they've just fiddled the scales, you haven't really lost weight.'
Julie Calland was in her mid twenties, not long since out of college, and attractive. She was quite popular with the students but she didn't tolerate Katy and Leanna's sense of fun and was always the one to put a stop to it, which was just what she proceeded to do.
'OK people' she called, 'we've had our fun, it's time to get back to class'
All the students milling around the stalls turned and headed back into the school building and filed into their respective classes, Katie grabbed the bag of remotes and her and Leanna followed a group of them into Miss Calland's A-level Maths class.
Miss Calland locked the door as she usually did to keep the students in and stood at the front of the class, she wore a white work blouse with a grey suit and tight pencil skirt which showed off her shapely rear when she turned to write on the board.
She then walked down the rows of desks with a stack of worksheets, handing them out in a bored, systematic fashion. Leanna whispered to Katie who was sat at the same desk.
'Did Miss Calland eat one of our cakes?'
'Yes, yes she did'
'Shall we fill her up with helium, like with Sam, see if we can make her light enough to float, then she'll believe in the power of our cakes?'
'God, she'll blow up like a balloon before she floats!' Katie responded, and then giggled 'let's do it!'
Underneath the desk, Katie rummaged through the bag until she found the little black remote labelled 'Miss Calland', She glanced over her shoulder at the teacher, who was now slinking back up towards the front, attracting the attention of the boys she had just passed. Katie and Leanna exchanged a slight smile and Katie pushed the green button.
At first nothing seemed to happen, Miss Calland continued walking towards the front, but then she rubbed her stomach, obviously feeling the bloating. Katie kept the button pressed and Miss Calland stopped in her tracks. Her normally flat tummy was now visibly distended and the girls could see it pushing outwards and slightly upwards as the pellet inside pumped the helium into her.
'Keep going Leanna whispered, this is funny to watch'
Miss Calland was looking confusedly down at her bulging midriff unable to understand why it was blowing up. Her stomach had inflated to the size of a volley ball; she rubbed it tentatively and glanced up around the room looking panicked. The eyes of all the students in the room were fixated with her predicament, especially Sam, who was rubbing her own bloated stomach obviously making a mental connection between what had happened to her and what was happening to Miss Calland, she remained quiet however.
'She is inflating!' Leanna gasped to Katie, 'We've turned her into some kind of Miss Calland balloon... inflate her more, see how big the bitch gets.'
Katie reached for the green button again; across the room Miss Calland was just about to say something when she caught her breath and her stomach began expanding again, this time there was an audible hiss as she inflated. She placed her hands both sides of her expanding belly and tried to push it back in again, but it just squeezed like a balloon being inflated and then rebounded when she let go. Katie kept her finger on the button and Miss Calland's stomach continued to swell up, it was starting to bulge out from underneath her blouse and strain the bottom buttons of the garment when...
The bottom-most button of her blouse blew off, affording her ballooning abdomen more room to grow and it surged forward like it looked like she was full-term pregnant, though somewhat rounder. Miss Calland managed a nervous smile and trying to give the impression that nothing was wrong she turned to face the class.
'I think something I've eaten disagreed with me' but everyone could hear the nervousness in her tone of voice, 'but it's OK, I can carry on as normal.'
Even as she spoke her stomach was still getting ever bigger and she moved uncomfortably as she turned and walked back towards the blackboard, giving her tummy another tentative rub. At that moment, with another POP, the top button of her skirt exploded off her, quickly followed by the next button of her blouse and with an almost audible whoosh her belly bulged forwards. This time she didn't try to remain calm at all, she spun round and walked quickly towards the door mumbling
'ooooh, hang on, I must be excused... sorry about this class'
Katie and Leanna could see as she tottered away from them, towards the door, that her inflated midriff had become quite wide, almost too wide for her to fit through the door. However Katie still held down the green button and the girls could see her widening from behind so that when she reached the door she was too wide to fit through. She bumped against the sides of the long doorway in advance of the locked door, and then looking quite panicked she reached round the sides of the frame with her feet and hands and tried to pull herself through. She was still blowing up and there was no way she would be able to squeeze through. She was breathing heavily as she gave up trying to fit through the door and let go. Unfortunately for her, she had expanded while in the doorway and was now stuck, she began using her hands to push herself free instead and after a couple of seconds she fell backwards away from the door and landed on her bottom. She pulled herself back to her feet with some difficulty created by her ballooning stomach, but as she rose back upright something different began to happen.
Miss Calland's stomach was still blowing up like a balloon; but as she straightened up her slender thighs began to plumpen and the bloated shape of her stomach crept upwards as her whole front inflated. The further expansion caused two more buttons to blow off her blouse, revealing the bottom of her ample bosom and her skirt began to unzip as her crotch pumped up beneath.
'Oooooh, ugh' she moaned and rubbed her hands down from the front of her hips down her inflating thighs. Then she turned towards her desk and went towards it, her bulging thighs causing her to waddle rather than walk. As she waddled in front of them Katie and Leanna could see her once tight, shapely rear burgeoning out, like two balloons, inflating in her panties and rubbing together as she struggled to walk towards her desk.
Katie giggled, not for the first time, and whispered to Leanna.
'I didn't think she'd blow up quite so well, she's proper blimping up'
Leanna returned an expression of mild concern and whispered.
'I'd be careful how far you push her, blowing her up so much could do her some real damage. What if she goes pop?'
'You worry too much.' Katie replied, still holding down the green button.
As Miss Calland swelled up further, more and more of her body that had previously remained slender began to fill out, the whole of her legs right down to her ankles ballooned up, and her bloated thighs were now pushing each other apart, making it impossible for her to walk and reach her desk, on which was her mobile phone. Further up, her breasts and the tops of her arms began to increase in volume, with her already generously sized breasts become even more ample, inflating from a D to a FF and causing the bloated teacher to squeal like a girl as two more buttons popped from her blouse. All the meantime her abdomen was rounding out like a ball, three feet in diameter, straining her clothes, and she could no longer rub it with her hands as her swollen arms were now being pushed out to her sides by the expansion. She was now almost immobile, only able to bounce uselessly on her feet and let out little frightened squeals, not actually moving. As her whole body blimped out, her ass continued to widen and her breasts pushed outwards, so her nipples were clearly visible, and rose up to her face, muffling her slightly as she shouted for help.
'mmmph Help!' she cried 'I don't know what I've eaten but I've never had this much gas before, someone help me!'
She was cut off with a bang, as the final button at the top of her blouse blew off, at the same time the stitches under her arms gave way and popped open, the front of her blouse fell to her sides, exposing her giant breasts, now larger than any pair Katie and Leanna had ever seen, underneath her plain white bra, which still held. With pained creaking sound and a pop Miss Calland's billowing butt also caused the bottom stitches of a seam which ran up the back of her skirt to burst apart. Miss Calland squealed again and then she arched her back, pushing out her stomach and causing a couple more stitches on the front of her skirt to give way in a series of pops, and she looked up to the ceiling and rose onto her tiptoes, the hissing was still audible.
'I think the helium's starting to make her float now' Leanna whispered to Katie, 'maybe it's time to stop releasing helium into her, before she explodes like the balloon at home'
'No' said Katie, 'not yet, she's still got a long way to go, the balloon only burst because I pressed the red button, I won't press it and explode Miss Calland.'
'Really' argued Leanna, 'I think you should, she's starting to strain, I don't want to be responsible for the case of the exploding maths teacher.'
As the girls argued, at the front of the class, the Miss Calland balloon they had created rose gently from the floor, squealing and squeaking and waving her hands and feet frantically; the other students watching were still glued to their seats locked in with no option but to watch. Miss Calland tried to scream again as she rose slowly towards the ceiling.
'I'm floating, help! Please someone get help, the keys are in my mummph!'
She was preventing from telling anyone where the keys were as her cheeks suddenly puffed up with the gas as it struggled to fit itself into her, filling up more and more of her body so she looked like a living parade balloon, hovering, rising slowly and shaking her hands and feet.
Leanna gasped at the sound of stretching rubber coming from the teacher at the front of the room.
'That's it Katie, she's full enough, any more and she could burst!'
'No, it's not her, it's her skirt and bra stretching' Katie retorted.
The seam at the back of Miss Calland's skirt burst apart revealing her swelling ass cheeks further and further up and showing that her white panties had gathered up in the crevasse between them; at the same time half the stitches holding the front of her bra together popped, the rest hung on resolutely.
The inflated Miss Calland was giving off a sound of stretched rubber again, Leanna was convinced that she was about to explode any second and snatched the remote from Katie.
'We've had our fun, let's leave it, we don't even know how to deflate her again'
'How do you know I want to deflate her again? They'll never catch us, we can do what we want.'
'Well I don't want to get into trouble' Leanna argued, but then smiled 'It's still fun to do, I just don't want to inflate anyone beyond their limits, someone could explode'
Miss Calland had stopped getting bigger, and the hissing had stopped, now she was just floating slowly towards the ceiling at the front of the class, looking down helplessly at the transfixed audience.
'She's stopped blowing up' said Joanne, who was the head girl and especially bossy, Katie and Leanna hated her. Joanne got out of her seat and walked over to the blimp woman that was Miss Calland.
'I've got to find the keys so we can get help' she said, and reached up to grab Miss Calland by the ankle and pull her back down, she ran her hands over the shapely curves of the inflated woman thighs and ass, looking for the pocket which contained the keys, but they weren't on Miss Calland herself, Miss Calland continued to try and give instructions to Joanne, and waved her hands as if trying to indicate something.
'Mmmmph, Pmmph!'
'The keys aren't here, they must be in the desk' Joanne said and let go of Miss Calland, who floated upwards again, tilting over so that her abdomen, which contained most of the helium was pointed towards the ceiling, she squeaked in terror and looked towards Joanne with a terrified look in her eyes.
Joanne was rummaging through the desk drawers and Katie took the opportunity of Leanna's distraction to snatch back the remote, immediately she pressed the green button.
'Noooo' Leanna whispered and tried to get the remote back, but Katie held it away from her.
'Stop fighting you two and do something useful!' Joanne snapped at the girls, before turned to notice Miss Calland was inflating again.
The hissing had begun and Miss Calland was looking more panicked as her inflated body swelled outwards again.
Miss Calland's body was making strained sounds like an overinflated balloon as it struggled to hold the pressure. Miss Calland began waving her hands and feet again, as her pumped up belly reached towards the ceiling.
Joanne stood firm on the spot, before redoubling her efforts to find the keys, looking on the floor under the desk.
More of the stitching on Miss Calland's skirt burst off, revealing more of her immensely inflated crotch, bulging under her stretched white panties, and the rest of the seams under her arms exploded, causing the whole of the blouse except the arms to fall off her and drift to the floor. Miss Calland was now almost round, 6 feet in diameter and floating only a couple of inches from the ceiling. The high pitched stretching sounds were now coming every couple of seconds and were joined by low rumbling groans, that sounded like something was going to give.
'Please please stop!' pleaded Leanna to Katie under her breath, 'She's going to blow!'
Katie didn't reply, she just smiled devilishly, Miss Calland tried ever more forcefully to scream for help.
The stretching sounds were getting slower and lower, and Joanne went from looking under Miss Calland's desk, to cowering under, it, convinced apparently that the cause was lost.
Miss Calland was just about to bump the ceiling, Katie still held down the green button and the teacher's body widened slowly as the pellet pumped the last helium into her that it could manage with the pressure inside her.
Miss Calland's body finally gave up the fight, and she exploded with a loud sharp bang, into thousands of shreds of clothing, which spread lightly across the room. All that was left to suggest that she had existed were her high heels which were blown towards the desk when she burst, hitting it and falling to the floor; and the section of blouse which had fallen off before she exploded. The rest was just tatters, the terrified, inflated teacher was now just scattered shreds of clothing across the classroom.
'You see what you've done now?' Leanna squeaked quietly to Katie from the helium in the room.
Katie appeared in shock at what she'd done 'We're going to have to cover our tracks somehow' she said, her voice wavering.
'If any of these girls get on to us, we can threaten them with the same fate as Miss Calland!'
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Prose that Blows 4 - Winter Wonderland (2010), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Sexiest Story
Text: The office "holiday" party had been going on for over an hour. And although it was scheduled to run for at least another two hours, Charlotte didn't think she could last that long. The introduction of alcohol into the party had caused her generally tolerable co-workers to become, well, less than tolerable. It had become painfully clear to Charlotte that at least a third of her co-workers were lightweights when it came to alcohol. On top of that, it was also clear to her as to what kind of drunks each of her co-workers were. Although none of that really concerned Charlotte; what concerned Charlotte was if Chelsea Hanler was going to do what she had planned.
Chelsea Hanler was a whore, and Charlotte despised her. In the last four years since the end of college, Chelsea had taken ever guy that Charlotte had taken a liking to. And despite her best efforts, Charlotte just couldn't manage to get Chelsea out of her life. Once Charlotte had been employed in her current job and met her cute co-worker, Tom, she thought she was rid of Chelsea. But it seemed life was content on punching Charlotte in her non-existent and otherwise metaphorical junk. For low and behold, Chelsea was later employed at Charlotte's office, and took no time in making Tom's acquaintance. This... displeased Charlotte.
In the ensuing months, Charlotte had been plotting as to how to get back at Chelsea in a way that would forever humiliate her. Charlotte had recently got in contact with an old friend of hers from college, Jack, that was working for a local company that specialized in what she would describe as novelty items, although that's not the term that Jack would use. But Jack had gotten his hands on a special item for Charlotte, which the company he worked for just released to the public. And given Chelsea's known habits, it was perfect.
Chelsea had a nasty habit of chewing gum throughout the day, and especially before she had sex. It was also apparent that Chelsea was a horny drunk. And given the more than likely scenario that was to occur at the office party, Charlotte thought it best carry out the deed then.
With everything ready, Charlotte had to hide her glee and anxiousness in the days before the party, as to not raise any suspicions. As any sort of perceived excitement on Charlotte's part might be considered uncharacteristic for her given the nature of their office parties. None the less, the day of the party came, and Charlotte was more than ready.
When Charlotte showed up to the office for the party, she was by no means dressed evocatively. She was wearing what she considered to be casual: black jeans, plain red t-shirt underneath her black sweatshirt, and a Santa hat which did nothing to keep her shoulder length black hair from being tossed about by the frigid winds outside. The same couldn't be said about Chelsea. She was wearing what Charlotte could best describe as a sexy Mrs. Santa costume. It comprised of a red velvet dress that stopped just above her knees with fluffy white fringe along the bottom and along the neck line, a pair of red velvet gloves with the same white fringe around the openings, a pair of thigh-high leather boots complete with white fringe as well, a black leather belt around her middle, and a Santa hat resting upon her flowing blonde mane. This choice of attire didn't surprise Charlotte in the slightest.
Shortly after arriving, Charlotte waited until the cost was clear and made her way to Chelsea's unattended purse. Upon looking through it, she found a pack of gum with only one stick left in it. Charlotte quickly removed the last stick and replaced it with one she had brought with her, after which she slipped away without being seen. Thus Charlotte waited for Chelsea to drink enough to act in predictable fashion, all the while trying to avoid her boss's drunken advances. But it wasn't until an hour and a half after the party started that Chelsea finally had enough to drink, and decided to take a tipsy Tom along with her to one of the empty conference rooms, making sure to grab the stick of gum from her purse along the way. Seeing this, Charlotte grabbed a nearly empty bottle of spiced rum and made her way to the conference room right next to the one Chelsea and Tom entered.
Once inside, Charlotte quickly closed and locked the door, closed the blinds, and then quickly turned off the lights. Charlotte then felt her way long the wall separating the two rooms, to a hole that the previous janitor had made once he found out what Chelsea was doing after hours. Charlotte looked through the hole to see Tom sitting in a conference chair, while Chelsea teased him by slowly lifting up more and more of her skirt. That's when she saw it: a blue smudge appearing on Chelsea's nose that then spread to the rest of her body. Tom, his head in Chelsea's skirt, was completely oblivious until Chelsea nearly shrieked once she saw her blue arms. Her stomach then proceeded to distend, causing the belt to tighten and Chelsea to freak out more. Charlotte had to keep herself from laughing from what she was seeing. Once free of her belt, Chelsea's entire body began to expand, shredding her dress and leaving her completely naked. Her arms and legs taking on cone-like shapes, Tom helped her get the boots off before they were shredded.
Seeing enough, Charlotte left the room and the proceeded to enter the room Chelsea and Tom were in, with the bottle still in her hand. The conference table in the middle of the room had been pushed aside, and a seven-foot tall blueberry Chelsea teetered back and forth while Tom stood dumbstruck.
"OH MY GOD! CHELSEA?!" screamed Charlotte, purposefully trying to attract attention. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!"
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, balloon, deflation, floating, helium
Text: "Boring!" Candy announced, lying on the couch upside down, her legs sticking up over the back of the couch.
"You said it!" said Cindy, strolling into the room from the kitchen, a big bowl of popcorn in one hand. As she passed Candy's feet, she reached out to tickle them. Candy kicked back and rolled onto the floor, giggling.
"Where are all the parties tonight?" Heather asked from where she sat facing the TV.
"Midterms!" yelled Ellie from the bedroom. "Too many damn midterms! Everybody's studying!"
"Midterms!" Heather grumped.
"Oh, don't whine!" Cindy said, looking at Heather. "You just want to torture boys by waving your boobs at them!"
Heather giggled, and wiggled her large chest suggestively. Ellie walked into the room and said, "Is Heather doing her boobs again! Give me a break!"
Candy giggled. "If you had 'em, you'd be wiggling 'em, too!"
Ellie sighed and peeked down her t-shirt at her flat chest and thin, almost gawky body. "Too true," she sighed. "All too true."
"So what are we gonna do?" asked Cindy.
The women all fell quiet, each drawing a blank.
"Boring," Cindy said.
Suddenly, Candy sat up. "I know! Let's go to Balloon Land!"
The three girls looked at her like she was crazy. "Balloon Land?" asked Heather.
Candy blushed. "It's a game I used to play when I was a kid," she said. Then she slumped down, blushing, and hugged her arms around her. "Oh, never mind. It's silly."
Cindy said, "No! It sounds like fun. What is Balloon Land?"
Candy said, "Well, it's a place where all the people are balloons, the houses are balloons, the animals are balloons.... up in the sky there are no clouds, just big bunches of white balloons!" The women all giggled.
"OK! How do we get there?" Ellie asked, sitting on the couch beside Candy.
"Like this!" Candy leapt up and ran into her bedroom. She came back with a big cardboard box, which she up-ended in the middle of the living room. An endless rain of colored balloons fell down.
"Where did you get these?" Heather asked, laughing out loud.
"At the homecoming celebration!" Candy said. "Someone bought too many, so I snatched 'em. I guess I was remembering back to when I was little how much fun I used to have."
Cindy picked up a balloon and started blowing. "This is childish," she said. Then she resumed filling the balloon.
Heather nodded, filling up a bright red balloon of her own.
It was not long after that they had most of the balloons inflated. The living room was swimming with them. Dizzy and out of breath, the women fell easily into a balloon fight, swatting the balloons around the room. They stood laughing in a blizzard of brightly colored rubber.
Cindy smiled and closed her eyes. "Balloon Land...."
Heather closed hers, too. "Balloon Land...."
Cindy did the same. "Balloon Land!"
Ellie sighed, closing her eyes, and said, "Balloon Land, here we come!"
They all opened their eyes, and drew a collective gasp. They were standing on a broad, shiny green plain, with shiny, puffy balloon hills not too far away. The ground was rounded and springy, and the horizon curved noticably. A brown stripe ran across the plain not far from where they stood.
Cindy murmmurred, "What the.... ?"
Candy bounced up and down on the springy ground. "Balloon Land! This is the first time I actually made it!"
Heather and Ellie looked at each other and shrugged. "Some crazy dream," Ellie said.
A voice came from nowhere. "Hello!" it said. The women looked around and then finally looked up. Two balloon women were drifting gently toward them from the sky. "Welcome to Balloon Land!" The two balloon women touched down softly, and bounced over to where the women stood.
"Who are you?" asked Ellie.
"I am Blimpy, and this is Breezy," said the balloon woman. They were both almost completely round, with little hands and feet sticking out their sides and bottoms, and merry round heads on top. "Have you been here long?"
"We just got here," said Heather.
"Well, then, we'll have to give you a tour! Follow us!" said Breezy, and she bounced into the air.
"Um... we can't fly," Candy said.
The two balloon women looked surprized for a moment, then said. "Of course! You are looking rather flat. I apologize; I should have noticed. But it's no problem; look!" She threw something from her hand and it landed on the ground. Almost immediately there was a hissing, and a bump started to grow. It pushed up, and started to take shape. Pretty soon it turned out to be a rather over-sized, inflated mini-van.
"Hop in!" said Blimpy, as she hopped into the huge back seat.
"You drive!" said Breezy, hopping in beside her. "I can't really reach the wheel."
Candy climbed into the driver's seat, and the rest of the women climbed into the car. Candy mananged to get it started, and then they set off with a puttering sound. "Stay on the road!" Blimpy said cheerily. Candy turned onto the brown stip that ran across the plain and started following it.
They passed a farm, and marvelled at the collection of balloon animals there. A balloon milkmaid walked out with a bucket to milk the inflated cow there, but all she seemed to get was air.
They drove past a shopping mall made entirely of balloons, where little balloon people bounced merrily along making their purchases. Blimpy and Breezy went to buy some groceries so they could make a nice dinner for their guests. The women wandered around wide-eyed looking at all the latest balloon fashions. A little while later, they all piled back into the mini-van, groceries piled in the back, and drove on.
Pretty soon, the big bright balloon sun began to drift toward the horizon. Candy said, "Gee, it's getting kind of late, and I'm kind of hungry. Um.... where are we staying tonight?"
"Stop the car!" annouced Blimpy. "We're staying right here!"
The women looked baffled. They all climbed out of the car. "Watch!" said Breezy. She again tossed something onto the ground, and suddenly a huge bulge appeared. It started to grow taller and taller. Pretty soon the women could see that it was taking the form of a house. Soon it was fully inflated; a very comfortable-looking balloon bungalow!
"Wow! You just blew it up like a balloon!" said Heather.
"Everything inflates in Balloon Land!" said Breezy proudly.
They all went inside, and found it quite roomy. The walls were inflated, and about six inches thick, so the doorway and windows held their shape as the women looked out. Blimpy and Breezy threw some more things on the ground, and soon the back of the bungalow was a very complete kitchen. The women all started bringing in the groceries from the car.
Cindy glanced at the groceries as they piled them on the counter. "Balloon Land chocolate, Balloon Land creme, Balloon Land Butter... say, isn't this kind of fattening? I'm on a diet."
"Don't worry!" said Blimpy. "The food is all zero calories in Balloon Land! It has to be or else or else we'd get all weighted down, then we couldn't fly!"
"Promise?" asked Cindy skeptically.
"Promise!" Blimpy beamed.
So they cooked up an incredible feast of chocolates, pasteries, berries, creme sauces... anything and everything that any of the women could think of. When the cooking was done, Blimpy inflated a large dining room table and chairs. They all sat and dug in.
It was a feast like none other that the women had ever had. Helping after helping of rich foods and delicious drinks. Occasionally they would ask, "Zero calories? Are you sure?" And the balloon women would smile and nod.
Before too long, the table was bare. Completely stripped of food. The women leaned back in their chairs. Cindy was left holding a berry-covered pastry that she was trying to find room to finish. Ellie looked like she was trying to burp, but just smiled instead. "Wow! That was wonderful!" breathed Candy.
"How about some TV?" asked Heather.
"Sure!" said Breezy. Again, she threw something on the ground, and magically a good-sized TV inflated from it. On the screen three balloon women started frolicing around.
"Oh, no!" Blimpy said. "More re-runs of Charlie's Balloon Angels!" All the girls giggled.
"Tell me," said Ellie. "What's that you keep throwing to inflate things?"
"Air berries! Of course!"
"Of course!" laughed Cindy, waving her pastry in the air. A berry fell from it and landed on the ground. A little bubble blew up where the berry had landed.
Ellie noticed this, and a frown furrowed her brow.
"Boy, I feel full," Heather said. She groaned, and re-adjusted the waistline of her jeans.
Candy patted her tummy. "I feel kind of gassy." She tried to burp, but couldn't.
"Well, I sure hope so!" said Breezy happily.
Ellie frowned. "What do you mean?"
Blimpy said, "Well I sure hope you feel gassy after all the air berries we all ate! We have to get you girls filled up! You're way too flat!"
Breezy smiled and nodded happily.
"We ate air berries?" Cindy murmurred.
Breezy nodded. "And float creme, and fill sauce. And we were drinking 100% helium juice. Have to keep nice and big and inflated here in Balloon Land."
Candy's eyes went wide as her waist button popped open on her shorts. "Oh, no." she said.
"Don't want to be big," Heather murmurred. She stretched her shoulders and began rubbing her breasts.
"Or inflated," said Ellie. She stood up and stretched, and then peered down her t-shirt.
Cindy moaned loudly, and began fumbling with the zipper of her jeans. Then, a loud hissing sound came from her. Just as she unzipped the jeans and shrugged them free, her belly swelled up beneath her light blouse.
Heather groaned, and reached into her sweater. She was frantically fumbling with the clasp on her bra. Her chest was rapidly filling it, then over-filling it. Finally the clasp burst with the strain, and her chest swelled to fill the sweater with giant curves.
Ellie squeaked. She was holding two cantalope-sized breasts in her hands. Her hips were round and full. She had and ideal hourglass figure.
Breezy laughed with delight. "Boobies! You've got boobies!"
Blimpy added delightedly, "...and a figure!"
Then Ellie had slightly more than an ideal hourglass figure. Then a lot more. Her hips filled out, her chest grew to mammoth proportions, and her arms and legs looked inflated and rounded. As she took a couple of panicked steps, her thighs squeaked where they rubbed together.
Candy moaned as her whole midsection inflated. Her face was round and puffy, and she kept saying, "Oh no! Oh no!" She waved her arms feebly in the air as they, too, swelled and filled with gas. Then, gently, she lifted from the ground and floated toward the ceiling.
Blimpy squealed with delight. "Floating!"
Cindy's belly now was a huge globe in front of her; she clung to it with puffed-up arms that squeaked as her belly inflated more. Her breasts were enormous round balloons pushed up her chest, almost obscuring her puffy cheeks.
Heather's breasts were gargantuan, and reached out for nearly six feet in front of her. They were as round and shiny as two enormous balloons. The tattered remains of her sweater still dangled around her neck.
Breezy frowned. "Oh, dear. We should have got them all balloon clothes, Blimpy."
Blimpy nodded. "I completely forgot! My apologies, dears!"
Ellie's waist finally surged forward, and raced to fill as large as the rest of her. She squeezed her eyes shut on her swollen face. "How... big...."
Candy completed the thought from where she floated. "How... big... will we... get?" Her rounded face looked strained, too.
"Too big," Heather muttered, her hands squeaking as she rubbed her gargantuan breasts.
"Going to pop!" cried Cindy, her belly now the size of a small car.
Breezy looked confused. "Well, now, just use your balloon magic when you think you're big enough!"
Blimpy nodded, looking concerned.
Ellie gritted, "But... we don't have.... balloon magic!"
Breezy looked started. "You don't have balloon magic? But...."
Candy gasped, "We're not balloons!"
"Oh, dear," said Blimpy.
"They're real women!" said Breezy.
"Oh, my!"
"Do something!" cried Ellie, her body almost completely spherical. Heather groaned loudly, and rolled up onto her huge breasts. Her puffed-up legs kicked feebly in the air behind her.
"Oh, I am so sorry..." said Breezy. "But when we saw you having so much fun with those balloons...."
"We just sort of assumed...." continued Blimpy.
"That you were just a bit deflated. Oh, my." Finished Breezy.
"Help us!" cried a round Candy from the ceiling. She wiggled her hands and feet helplessly.
Blimpy said, "Well, if you're not balloons, you can't be in Balloon World!"
Breezy added, "Everything inflates in Balloon World."
Blimpy said, "So back you go! It was a pleasure meeting you!" She waved her hands.
The women suddenly found themselves back in their living room, surrounded by balloons. But they were just as large as they were before. "Wait!" cried Candy. "You forgot...." Suddenly air rushed from inside her and out her mouth. Her lips went "bbb...bb.b...bb...b...bbb..." as the air rushed from her, pushing her around the room.
Ellie, Heather, and Cindy also began deflating, the air rushing out their mouths at a furious rate.
Finally, Candy deflated enough that she landed with a thud behind the couch. Cindy rubbed her tummy as it shrank back to it's nice flatness that it had been before.
Heather cried, "My boobies!" She held her breasts with a delighted smile as they returned to their normal, large-ish, size.
"My boobies!" cried Ellie with some dismay as hers disappeared.
Candy cleared her throat. They all turned to look. "Don't worry, Ellie. Look what I snagged on our way out." Smiling, she held up a large, full basket of air berries....
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Christmas, floating, magic, Santa
Text: "Santa Claus is real, and I'll prove it!" Robin said. She had just finished rigging a net over the fire place and was carefully setting more traps around the Christmas tree.
"Let it go," Jenna sighed, rolling her eyes. "Santa's a myth."
"And if he is real, then he's far too clever for you to ever catch him," Sadie smirked.
"Don't encourage her!" Jenna scolded, poking her housemate. Jenna was astounded that Robin, an otherwise brilliant and rational person, still believed in Santa Claus.
"Why not? It's fun."
"Do you have to go through all this?" Jenna asked, gesturing to the Goldbergian apparati adorning the living room. "Can't you just set up a camera?"
"Nope, Santa's way too smart for that," Robin said. "He knows when someone's watching, even remotely. No, I'll need quite a bit more guile to capture Mr. Kringle."
"Do you really think he won't see these?" Jenna asked.
"Of course he will," Robin replied with a devilish grin. "He'll see most of them. But all he has to do is miss one, and I've got him! It's all about misdirection."
"I'm sure plenty of people have tried to trap Santa before," Jenna said. "They've all failed."
Robin held up a shiny metal dart. She'd already loaded dozens like it into several spring-loaded mines hidden around the living room.
"But they don't have what I have," Robin said. "It's my special formula, a potent mix of chemistry and alchemy. He'll probably get past the snares and nets, but if even one of these hits him he'll be incapacitated until I come down in the morning to administer the antidote."
"As fat as he is, I doubt he'll be able to dodge," Sadie snickered. Jenna glared at her.
"And now, the final piece." Robin gave a tiny blue capsule to each of her friends, keeping one for herself.
"Do we have to?" Jenna whined.
"Yes," Robin said sternly, handing out glasses of water. "He sees us when we're sleeping, and he knows when we're awake. Santa won't come if there's any chance that we'll see him. These will knock us out eight hours. We'll wake up shortly after sunrise, and then we'll see who's laughing. Come on now, bottoms up!" She swallowed her pill, and her friends grudgingly followed suit.
At least Jenna did. Sadie stealthily palmed her pill and waited in her bedroom for an hour before emerging to make sure Jenna and Robin were out cold. She went downstairs carrying a pair of large black boots; she needed them to pull off her ruse.
Sadie fetched a broom from the kitchen and used it to trigger the net by the fireplace. She ground the boots into the ashes before putting them on so she'd leave believable prints while she went about dealing with the remaining traps.
The snare by the tree was easy to set off from a safe distance. The dart traps were trickier, but she managed it. She almost missed the tripwire strung in front of the table where Robin had set the milk and cookies.
"Clever girl," Sadie said as she cut the wire. "Now I just have to make sure she knows that Santa was here."
Sadie grabbed one of the cookies. Robin was an excellent baker, and chocolate chip was Sadie's favorite. She finished the cookie and reached for the milk.
Her stomach sank when she heard a click as she lifted the glass.
"Shit!" She dropped the milk and jumped back.
A flurry of darts flew past her, one of them snagging her nightshirt. She landed flat on her ass, and the rest of the darts embedded themselves in the far wall. She carefully removed the one that had caught in her clothes and pulled up her shirt to check for damage.
Sadie smiled. She was unscathed. She threw the dart into the wall to join its brethren.
"Santa one, Robin zero," she said gleefully as she left a trail back toward the fireplace. She stumbled halfway there, feeling lightheaded. Her stomach gurgled, bubbled, roiled, then blew up to a size resembling pregnancy in mere moments.
"Urrgh!" Sadie pressed her hands against her belly to fight her sudden growth, but the pressure was unyielding. She continued to swell.
"But, the darts, they all missed," she moaned as the pressure spread throughout her torso. Her hips broadened, her chest heaved outward as though she were taking an impossibly large breath. Her breasts, once petite and perky, grew plump and round.
"Oh fuck, the cookies!" Sadie cursed. Misdirection, indeed. Her nightshirt stretched about her expanding bulk, lifting to reveal panties pulled tight about her enormous ass.
"Robin! Robin, help!" Sadie screamed, growing panicked. She knew it was no use; Robin and Jenna were both out cold for the night. Her fear was heightened by the sensation of her bloated belly gently pulling upward. As she was getting bigger, she was also getting lighter.
"Shit!" She desperately staggered toward the stairs. Maybe if she could get to Robin, she could wake her before it was too late.
Sadie shivered as she briefly contemplated what "too late" might mean.
The hiss of surging gas filled her ears as her entire body ballooned, accompanied by the sharp pops of the seams in her clothes bursting. Her legs thickened, her swollen arms stuck out straight from her sides. She could barely manage a waddle as her blimping body was rapidly filling and overwhelming her limbs. She neared the stairs, but her rate of progress slowed, then stopped.
Sadie screamed in frustration. She was too swollen to move. Huge and immobile, Sadie had grown buoyant enough to lift from the floor. She hadn't bothered lacing up the boots, so they easily slid off of her swelling feet as she rose.
"Robin! What the fuck -- wha the fuck did you --" Sadie's voice faded and her vision blurred as she ballooned. Robin's potion was knocking her out as well as blowing her up. She was enormous; almost all of Sadie's vision taken up by her own billowing bosom. The pressure inside her increased as she grew, showing no signs of slowing.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna blow..." Her last memories before losing consciousness were the touch of a cool breeze across her body and the sound of her own overstretched skin groaning against the unrelenting strain.
Sadie awoke to the sound of Robin pounding on bedroom doors and shouting for her and Jenna to get up. She flew down the stairs, followed by a still-groggy Jenna.
"Haha!" Robin cheered, seeing the massive flesh balloon up against the living room ceiling. "I've finally caught you, you -- whoahmygod!"
Jenna wiped her eyes and blinked several times to make sure she what she saw was real. "Holy shit, you got Sadie!"
"What the hell are you doing here?" Robin asked. "Help me," Sadie whimpered. "I feel like I'm gonna pop."
"Of course you do," Robin said. "The dose was calculated for someone much larger and presumably with a resistance to enchantments."
"Just shut up and get me down from here!" Sadie screamed, thrashing. She quickly stilled herself after her struggles elicited soft squeals of strain from her huge body.
"Hold on, I'll get the antidote," Robin grumbled. "I bet you scared off Santa." She went upstairs.
Sadie saw Jenna looking toward the plate of cookies. "Don't eat those!" she warned.
But Jenna had no interest in the cookies. A sparkle drew Jenna's gaze to an ornate crystal snowflake resting next to the plate. Underneath it was a handwritten note. Her jaw dropped as she read it.
Dearest Robin,
I appreciate your efforts. There are so few faithful left. No hard feelings, you're still on my "Nice" list. Better luck next year.
Merry Christmas,
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium, mind-control
Text: "So, I heard you have a special procedure," Mrs. Fitz said, making a rolling gesture with her hands. She was obviously hinting at something hidden, unspoken.
Michael leaned back in his chair, unsure precisely what she was referring to. "What do you mean?" he questioned. "All we do here at the Better You Clinic is on the up-and-up (pun intended, he thought to himself with an inward smile). All of our equipment is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and all procedures that we here do are have been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery."
Jennifer Fitz sighed, a little disappointed. "It's just that...well...I have a friend who came here for some work, and..."
Awkward silence. "Go ahead," he said, but had a feeling about where this conversation was headed.
She looked down at her hands, gathering courage. "I came here because I have lost so much weight that I have lots of empty, excess skin that needs to be removed," Jennifer said, looking up at the doctor with a look of hope. "But one of the first places I lost the fat from was my breasts. I went from a 44DD to what I am now. I was measured for a new bra last week, and I am down to a 38B. My breasts are the two things I and my husband miss the most. I don't fill out swimsuits anymore; they just look like a couple of half-empty old shriveled balloons hanging from my chest."
"Then I take it that you are interested in breast implants?" he advanced. "We can place them on the same day when we remove the excess skin. It's much better to do the two procedures together, rather than on separate times. It keeps the recovery time shorter."
"The skin work needs to be done, but..."
Dr. Michael Wilkes, board-certified plastic surgeon, had no time for patients who had fortitude to come here and then lost their nerve when they tried to talk to him about their needs. "Out with it," he demanded rather impatiently.
"Listen, my friend named Brittany Booth said you did some breast augmentation on her last year, and were able to do it without incisions or scarring. I want you to do the same to me."
Michael groaned inwardly. He had been in private practice for a couple of years now, and had done the special procedure several times, with an agreement with the patients that they would be discreet about the specifics of the procedure itself. Word of mouth advertising sinks or sails a business, and as long as the customers of his work were happy, they were able to talk about it with friends, show off his handiwork, and hopefully get some referrals. But 'Busty Brittany' had gone too far. She not only wanted his work to make her much bigger than any implant was made for, and was happy to pay handsomely for her new oversized endowments, but had also been telling too many people that her enhancements were light as air, not causing any back strain, and that it was all done without an incision.
He had wanted to keep the number of special procedures to a minimum, but Busty was going overboard with telling her friends about it (and showing them her new fem-balloons as often as they asked to see them). Mrs. Fitz was not the first one in the last month to come see him, drop Brittany's name as a reference, and request his off-the-books undertaking. "I'm listening," he said, subdued.
"I don't want them as big as hers," Jennifer explained. "Just back to the original size, before the weight loss. Brittany actually let me touch her breasts, and I noticed that they weren't heavy at all, like saline implants. In fact, they hung and bounced like air-filled balloons." She leaned forward to stress her point. "I want ones just like them. Not as big, but that type."
Michael shook his head. "Are you sure..."
"I can pay, in cash, up front, so to speak; it doesn't matter the cost," she countered, determined. "And I can keep a secret a hell of a lot better than Brittany ever could."
He hesitated, and with a sigh, gave in. This is getting out of hand, he thought, edging up to his computer to check his surgery schedule. "When would you like to have this done?"
Jennifer smiled. "The next open day you have." The excess skin removal part of the surgery went well. The drooping epidermis from under her arms and legs was gone. A tummy tuck completed as well. Jane, Michael's surgical nurse, assisted him, while Betty the surgical scrub tech would hand him instruments and sponges, keeping track of everything used. The three had conferenced before the surgery, and had come up with the idea of a prank on the newest member of their team, Amy, the newly hired surgical nurse in training. Amy had yet to witness Michael's special procedure, and the plan was to make her a big part of the event.
Jane had made sure that she, Betty, and Amy were all wearing surgical scrubs that were four times larger than needed. Jane told Amy that Dr. Wilkes always insisted that they wear oversized scrubs, just in case something happened during surgery. When Amy had asked why, Jane said that accidents can happen, and left it at that.
The patient was asleep, a tube into her trachea keeping her breathing. All the drapes had been removed, exposing the last part of Jennifer's anatomy that was going to be worked on. "Calling for a time out," Jane announced. "When we are about to begin a new part of the procedure, we always call a time out, to make sure we have everything we need before going on," she explained to Amy.
"I know what a 'time out' is for, during surgery," Amy responded, feeling demeaned. "But where are the surgical tools and the implants we are giving the patient?"
"There are no implants," Betty said, hiding a smile under her surgical mask.
"But I thought she was getting breast augmentation," Amy said. "She is too small to be needing a reduction, so she is obviously going bigger, which means implants."
"Not this time," Jane said nonchalantly, turning to Michael. "Ready?"
"Ready," the surgeon replied, trying to keep from laughing. "Let's blow her up and see if she floats."
Jane leaned over to Amy. "Watch carefully, but don't do anything to break his concentration. That's when accidents can happen."
Michael closed his eyes. He had been perfecting his special power for a few years now, and had only had one lapse in his control since graduating from med school. It was recently that he had reunited with his middle school first love, Suzie, and that incident had left the two of them permanently scarred, but they had laughed about it later. Suzie had to be brought to the clinic later that night to get her back to her usual size, and to be able to walk without hovering, but had been a great sport through it all.
As he concentrated, he held his breath and waited for the sign that his power was activating. A slight tingle in his forehead started on command, and he opened his eyes to begin the next phase. "All set," he announced.
Slowly, Jennifer's breasts started to rise. Like a pair of helium balloons on the nozzle of a tank, they rose proudly, twin towers inflating, limp skin stretching and filling. Just as they reached the desired size, Amy's eyes flew wide. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed, pointing. "Her boobs are blowing up like a couple of blimps! How is that happening?"
Michael shot a fiery glance at the nurse in training, his eyes out of focus, trance-like. "Oh no!" Jane said loudly, in mock anger. "You broke his concentration. You don't know what you've done!"
Jennifer's chest suddenly began to inflate faster. Betty grabbed Michael's arm. "Doctor, you need to make it stop!" she shouted. "You don't want to lose control, and have it happen again!"
"Again? What do you mean?" Amy asked, scared. " What happened before?"
"The reason we always wear loose clothing around here, when Doctor Wilkes in doing surgery." Jane said.
"What do you mean..," Amy's question was cut short. Her chest began to tingle, like dozens of tiny fingers were touching her at the same time across her breasts. She gasped at the sensation, and grabbed her boobs through her baggy scrub top, feeling the beginning of their expansion.
"Too late!" Betty yelped. Amy turned to her, noticing Betty's chest as it surged forward. Jane's breasts began to inflate as well. "When someone disturbs him while he is concentrating on the patient, we ALL start blowing up!" Betty said in a high, squeaky voice.
Amy's small bra was being overcrowded quickly as she and the other two women grew rapidly. "Make it stop!" she demanded as her boobs passed F-cup size, causing her bra to snap.
"This is why I told you NOT to wear a bra," Jane said, her scrub top already reaching capacity. Breast flesh was pushing out of the neck hole of the scrub top and into her chin. Amy was growing faster than the others. "You had better hold onto something!" Jane said.
"Hold onto something? What for?" Amy screamed, her scrub top coming untucked as her breasts rose up into her face. That was when her feet left the floor. "Whoa!" she yelped, arms flailing, trying to grab the edge of the surgical table as she floated up, and missed. "Help me!"
In her panic, Amy hadn't noticed that the patient's inflation had stopped at a size only a little bigger than planned, and that the other two women had also ceased blowing up. She continued screaming, arms and legs flailing in the empty air, until her head gently connected to the ceiling of the surgical suite. Her beachball-sized breasts pushed into her face. "I don't want to be a helium balloon! Get me down!"
All three conscious people in the room burst into laughter. Jane and Betty were already shrinking back to normal, and the patient deflated to her requested DD size. Michael was laughing so hard that he started crying, while watching Amy kick her feet in the air above him. "Alright, doctor" Jane said with a snicker. "You should bring her down now."
"If you insist," Michael said, calming his mirth. Shifting his focus, he concentrated on the floating nurse and issued a mental command. Slowly she began to deflate and descend, her feet soon reconnecting with the floor. "Why did you do that?" Amy snapped angrily.
Jane smiled big, removing her surgical mask. "We do that to all of our new employees," she said, suppressing another giggle. "It's sort of an initiation. Welcome to the club."
"And if you ever tell anyone about this, about what I can do," Michael said, a note of mock seriousness in his voice, "I will do it again, making you blow up in public and let you float away, never to be found. Understand?"
Amy's breathing was calming. "I swear I will never tell!"
A moment of uncomfortable silence went between the two. Michael burst into laughter again. "I'm just messing with you!" he blurted, Jane and Betty joining him.
"But seriously, if you tell anyone, I will inflate you again and leave you that way permanently!"
Amy swallowed nervously. "But, what if I kinda liked it?" she asked, placing her hands on her still slightly inflated boobs.
Jane put her arm around Amy's shoulder. "Then you will fit in here just fine."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Stuffing, Female Inflation
Text: Birds chirping, kids playing and cute couples having picnics.
Samantha was just a regular girl. Long blonde hair, shining blue eyes and flawless skin. As she walked outside she knee she gathered the attention of plenty, she was curvy with a flat stomach, C cups and a bubbly rear.
She was going shopping today and wanted to pass a few little shops before she went to the mall. She walked into a store which looked like her style, the outside was painted a pale pink and inside held clothes. Searching through the racks she noticed something, all of the clothes were plus sizes. Nothing was in her size, and this made her angry since she liked some of the clothes on the rack. She picks up a cute purple shirt that had a pink collar and walked up to the clerk, who was a pale old woman with bright red lipstick.
"Excuse me ma'am" Samantha got her attention. "Do you have-" she was interrupted when an extremely over weight woman came barreling through the door, shoving her aside. The woman looked a short 4'5 but weighed as if 400 pounds, she was as round as a sphere! The woman knocked Samantha over rudely, calling her a 'toothpick' and made her way over to the clothes racks.
"How rude.." Samantha mumbled, she stood up once again and looked to the clerk. "Uhm, anyway, do you have this in my size?" She asked politely.
"No no no" the clerk mumbled. "Clothes no fit you, you fit clothes." The woman said in a thick accent Samantha couldn't decipher.
"What do you mean? Do you have this in my size or-" Samantha was once again cut off by the clerk taking a blue pill filled with a blue liquid and shoving it into Samantha's mouth as she was speaking, as a reflex, she swallowed.
"What did you do!?" Samantha yelled furiously.
"Come back when fit" The clerk said shoving Samantha out the store. "You no grow here" she mumbled after Samantha was kicked out.
"Rude!" Samantha said after she was outside. She was no longer in the mood to go shopping and just went home.
As she was walking home she didn't feel quite right. As a matter of fact, she felt as if she were starving for days. As soon as she arrived home she threw open her fridge and looked for something to eat. She pulled out the cake she made a few days ago but never decided to eat it. Too hungry to think straight she shoved her hands in the cake and into her mouth greedily. What she didn't know is that the pill the clerk gave her makes her expand and feel very hungry at the same time, for twice the expansion.
Samantha licked the plate clean, thinking that was the tastiest cake in the world. Her stomach bloated out a few inches but she didn't notice, she was still hungry. She grabbed her phone and dialed the pizza place down the street.
"Hi, can I have 4, no, 5 large meat lovers pizzas, Thanks" Samantha hung up.
"N-No, pizza isn't enough.." Samantha decided, picking up her phone and dialing a Chinese food place. As she was talking on the phone her stomach expanded, looking like a 5 month pregnant woman.
The pizza arrived soon and before she could gobble it all down, the chinese takeout came, she snatched the 5 bags of Chinese food from the delivery guy and threw the money at him, slamming the door shut. She set the food out on her table, it was a buffet, a giant feast. She sat down and shoved pizza slice after pizza slice down her throat. She couldn't get enough, her belly grew and grew after each bite, she looked like a overdue woman with triplets when she finished the pizzas, oblivious to her, her rear grew along side her stomach, she was stuck in her chair now but didn't seem to care.
Next was the Chinese food, heaven on her tongue, she thought. She slurped up the lo mien and swallowed all the rice it brought. She ate the fried chicken she ordered, and she ordered A LOT. About 10 whole packages of them. By now she looked like she was overdue with octuplets, her rear was latched into the chair for good now and her breast looked like basketballs stuffed into her pink tank top that was ready to snap off. She stood up, her mouth covered in grease.
"More..." she moaned and stood up, her new weight threw her off and she stumbled over to her kitchen counter, the chair still tightly squeezed onto her rear. She opened the refrigerator and found a giant bottle of soda. She chugged it down faster than she could blink.
"I'm not full yet...MORE!" she shouted. She went outside, grabbing the hose and taking it inside the house, she attached it to her kitchen sink and put the hose in her mouth, she turned the sink on full blast and the water raced into her ever-growing stomach. She surpassed the point of possibly being pregnant and the possibility of swallowing a giant beach ball. Her beast grew into actual beach ball sizes and her rear looked as if she stuffed a mattress in her shorts, that were quickly ripping.
Or that already ripped. Her tank stop followed close behind and once she finally felt full, she turned off the water.
"S-So full" she mumbled when she heard her doorbell go off. She waddled over to the door, her arms awkwardly sticking out of her body. She opened the door and looked down, when she couldn't see what was left at her door due to her enormous size she backed up and looked down again.
It was a large pink package with no address or any information. She managed to pick it up and set it on the table, she opened it and there were plus sized clothes.
The first one was a cute purple shirt with a pink collar.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium
Text: "Hellooo."
"Uh, hellooooo there?"
"Hey.....It's Amy here. Can you talk?"
"Oh,..... heya......what'sup...... Amy; didn't thing you'd be awake so soon. Yeah....s'ok. I can talk, just a sec. I've gotta go through the kitchen because Sharon is still snoring on the sofa and I don't know where Tara is....What's up?"
"...Erm...it's nothing....umm....How are you? Is everything OK, over there, with you...?"
"Hmmm. Yeah. Good here. Ummm. Sharon lost one of her balloons getting out of the cab but apart from that we got back alright. "
"Uhhh.....I think we left the cylinder back round your place, right?"
"Amy? You still with me?"
"Yes, Its....well.....there's a problem.....I've got a problem...and...ummm...."
"What? Amy? You alright there?"
"Yeah, I'm...... its....hard to describe on the phone. Can you come around? Like, now?"
"Umm...sure....listen....I gotta wait for...."
"Just promise me you'll come as soon as you can. It's really important. Honest."
"OK, OK, I promise, I promise...give me fifteen."
5 Minutes earlier
This is really weird.
I mean this is really, really, weird.
Listen. My name is Amelia Rowlands. I'm a personnel manager, and I live in south London. I'm about the most normal person you could hope to meet. Regular upbringing, middle class family, one brother. Had my appendix out when I was 16. That was just before my exams (thanks, God). Passed my driving test, third try. Two years college, dyed hair, nearly washed out. Got a NVQ in psychology. Worked tables at Archers through summer; that sucked. Switched jobs (yay). Got promotion to deputy HR (more cheers). With me so far?
Yes, I'm so normal. 24 years old. Just shy of 5'6, and a blue-eyed brunette. There's millions of us. In case you're thinking because of what just happened I'm some kind of busty-playbunny nymphomaniac I'll have to disappoint you. I'm normal in relationships too. Been dumped (twice) dumped others (twice). I had a good and steady boyfriend until about 3 weeks ago. Bastard. But it wouldn't have helped with my current predicament, anyhow. I'm quite unexceptional; freckles cleared up in time for college even if I'm still not happy with my nose. Not bad looking, I'll grant you, yet I'm not going to make Vogue at 36B and slim-ish with a pinchable inch.
Oh. I really shouldn't have said that. It isn't remotely true.
Maybe I should tell you about the flat. That's important. Its bijou, as they say, but my little home (and the building society's, but they don't live here). Its a conversion; a lovely 18th Century Wesleyan Chapel in brown sandstone. As part of the drive for affordable urban living (read: catering staff for Docklands) it's clean lines and open spaces got carved up into 5 housing units on 3 floors. I got the absolutely best one, right at the top. A lovely big open space, with high early-Victorian vaulting 20 foot above the polished pine floor. Thin chancel windows run floor-to-ceiling on one side of the room, where I put my bed. In the morning, soft-tallow light just floods in like honey. Even the dust motes caught between the high beams feel like an echo of heaven.
I never realised just how much dust there was up there. Now my nose itches too.
Anyway, they converted the flat roof of the sacristy into a small garden and sun deck. It's accessible by the other flats but no-one else uses it. I'm looking out there right now, down through the sliding doors to the south (the double-glazing is faulty, so it freezes my buns off in winter). Guttering water spills over wash-grey slate. A small thrush hops between the thin greens of spring, sparring and jabbing at the earth. It doesn't look up.
It can fly where it wants. The lucky bastard.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. I should tell you how it began. And to be honest, I'm not sure myself. I didn't notice at first when I work up. You probably will find that a bit hard to believe, given what happened. But I was pretty hung-over, courtesy of about a half a bottle of wine and several Bacardi breezers the night before. It had been Sharon's birthday, so we made a bit of a girlie night of it, just the four of us. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I was a little groggy and it wasn't until I got out of the shower that I was more alert. I had the radio on and was towelling myself dry, drawing it two-handed it across my shoulder blades and down my back. And just then the towel seemed to snag, only for a moment. And I felt it. Catching somehow, under my right arm, barely out of sight. Curious more than alarmed I reached across with my left, letting fingers trace down from my armpit, probing, tracing. And.....there it was; where curious fingertips pressed against my ribcage. A lump of some kind.
Omahgod. A lump. As big as a penny. Huge. Cancer. Definitely. Omahgod. I turned sideways to the bathroom mirror, stark naked, cold sweat, and lifted my arm up. And saw something impossible.
Between my parting fingers, hidden just below the cleft of my armpit and parallel with my breasts, lay a rounded nub of puce. Skin-toned and extruded like a nipple, there was no mistaking what it was. A small plastic nozzle. Like you'd find on a pool raft or beachball. Or a blow-up doll. I stared blankly at it for a long time. I sat down on the edge of the bed, turned the radio off, drawing out a long silence.
Cautiously, I inspected it with the mirror in my make-up case. There was no doubt; it was an inflation nozzle; a tiny open-ended cylinder circled by a disc of hardened plastic. I toyed with it, nervously. When raised it stuck out perhaps 2cm. When depressed it was flush against my skin and seemed pretty much impossible to see unless you knew what you were looking for. Was that a valve I could see, translucent at the base? Jeez; I could feel myself pinching between thumb and forefinger. I had nerve endings in this thing. It wasn't just superglued. It was growing off me. Or in me. Or....it was just too weird. (Ha - I was freaked out then...if only I'd known...).
And it wouldn't come off. I tugged lightly, and it resisted. I tugged it harder. And that hurt. Ouch. I relented for the moment, thinking. Obviously I had no idea how it got there. I mean it wasn't there last night. I hope. I'd like to say I was sober enough to notice. How had it gone? The girls had come over first; we'd had the Pina Colada from the fridge, blown up Sharon's balloons and got her card ready, then gone over to surprise her. I'd have felt it, wouldn't I?
I shivered then; realising I was still naked amidst my distraction. Some things could wait. Moving to the wardrobe, I gave myself over to rummaging. Blush pink knickers, accidentally dyed. Crew socks in purple stripes for an urban tabby. Jeans.....jeans from yesterday, gathered up from the floor; the sequins tawdry in the morning light. I thought about a bra and a top, but found my fingers running once more down my side, feeling the soft bump of resistance and mystery. Defeated by its impossibility I sat back down, draping the damp towel over my bare shoulders. I poked at it again. It seemed easier to think of the nozzle as an it, rather than part of me. Normal girls didn't grow nozzles overnight. And I was normal , right? So......what was I going to do?
And I got this crazy idea. I'd prove it wasn't what it looked like.
Stored under the sink there was several foot of plastic tubing left over from a plumbing disaster last year. I fetched it, and put one end over the nozzle. It didn't fit; too loose. So I got some duct tape and strapped it on. I smoothed the seal tight with my thumb, carefully stretching the black tape as it clung against my skin. Awkwardly, I secured it around; diagonally down from my shoulder blades to underneath my right breast. Goosebumps percolated beneath my fingers, chill and nervous. I didn't want to think about how it would hurt when taking it off.
I stood up and gave the apparatus an experimental tug. It stayed firm. It looked ridiculous. Great. Now I have a further stupid plastic limb. Whatever. I slipped the tube through my hands until the other end came into my grasp. I took it to my lips. Hesitated. The transparent tube smelt of plastic and mildew, shimmered with distorted light. This can't be real. I closed my eyes and blew.
There was this strangest feeling. A sudden tightness across my chest. Invisible fingers tugged at my skin, stretching. The tightness passed. Unthinkingly I blew again, harder. This time the tightness seemed less noticeable; the same stretching sensation....My eyes flicked open. Something moved at the edge of vision. No....something felt, looked, different. Like I was holding my breath indrawn. No. Not that. My breasts got bigger.
Not much, but by a cup size at least, I swear. They did. I poked them, gingerly. They felt chill, flesh and blood kneaded beneath my circling fingers. Yet definitely bigger.
OK. I tried not to panic but....I'm inflatable part of me shrieked, I'm inflatable. Oh wow. Oh God. I'm inflatable. Or at least my breasts are. Maybe. No, really. I felt dizzy, tried to focus. Now what? Yes, there was something I really needed to know. I let go of the hose, half-expecting a sudden release, but it just flopped down on the bed. With a grimace, I leant over and pinched the valve on my side. Now the whoosh came; hollow and sharp. I saw the curves retract beneath my chin; compressing like a spent breath. Wow. Oh Wow. Definitely inflatable.
How far could I go?
Now I don't want you to get the wrong impression. Size isn't everything, and normally with boobs there is such as thing as too big. But there's also curiosity and temptation. I mean, come on, girls, you know what it's like (if you're a guy then imagine the opportunity to make something equally personal just that little bit bigger. You would, wouldn't you?).
Walking through to the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror. I looked ridiculous; the tube dangling from my side up to my lips. And I felt....well, I felt....I don't know...nervous...excited? The sense of something forbidden was thick about me. This time I kept my eyes open, and blew.
The first breath made me twitch; my breasts wobbled, alert. I experienced it as a momentary tightness, then like a warm breeze cupping them from below. My second breath made them visibly swell, like fruit on a tree. On the third breath my nipples perked up; pointing the way as my chest pushed outward. The sensation of prickly heat grew to pluck at their surface, stretching, expanding. Oh God.
Considering what happened later I should I have stopped right there. My breasts just blew up like a pair of fricking balloons. (And what do balloons do, hmm, you stupid girl? Why didn't I think ahead?). Instead I let the tube fall mutely, aware I was staring at myself. With those three breaths I'd grown two bra sizes, maybe three. I was bigger than Sharon. I couldn't believe it. I'd just done it and I couldn't believe it. And they felt like....well. Hesitantly, I cupped myself. The goosebumps of earlier had smoothed away and my flesh seemed strangely elastic about the curves; a slight sheen that might have been perspiration. No added weight, I thought, watching them sway gently as I shook, this is air I'm filling with.
And then I was rewarded by something else; like a delayed electric shiver from the touch, my breasts flushed with heat. I gasped a little at that, aware how sensitive they were become. Was that a side-effect?
This was too much. I shook myself and pinched the valve, frightened suddenly. Again, the feeling of pressure being released, this time shaking me like a sob. Back to normal. It seemed I could at least deflate when I wanted to. And I was going to be sensible. This was not something I should play with. I was going to put my normal bra and top on, and go and see a doctor, or someone. I put my hand in my lingerie drawer and paused. But what if this didn't last? What if this was just today? What if I never got the chance to....well.....I stood there for ages, bare from the waist, before I realised something else. I wanted to get bigger. Just a bit. Just to see.
But there were some things I had to work out. Mostly, (again, this sounds stupid) it felt awkward to blow myself up. Perhaps the deep breaths made me faint, or there was something just wrong about having out and in at the same time. It tasted thick on my tongue; made me slightly nauseous. Don't ask why. The point is that this was when I got my second brilliant idea of the morning. I remembered the cylinder.
I forgot who brought it round last night, but we has used this cylinder for Sharon's birthday balloons. Last night, I had gritted my teeth through inflating two bright mylar numerals and a half-dozen ovoid extras; nervous about bursting each one. Tara shoved me out of the way, took a hit and went squeaky; cross-eyed. We laughed and snorted through the Pina Coladas, moved on into a night of numbers, losing count.
Now I dug it out from under a pile of cushions next to the sofa. It seemed less than I remembered, squat and pale. It contained helium, obviously, which is one of those kinds of gas which makes balloons float. The gauge showed half-full. Enough for some fun but...hey, I know what you're thinking at this point. Well, obviously I thought of it too; briefly. But let's be serious; there couldn't possibly be enough gas in that small tank to make someone...well, you know. That's impossible, I thought, smugly. Heh. Go figure.
I walked back to the bed carrying the mute white cylinder. Absently, the clear plastic hose trailed alongside before I gathered it up with a spare hand. I was biting my lip in apprehension as I drew fresh lengths of duct tape. This time my handiwork wasn't elegant; a mundane magic sealed the other end of the hose about the mouth of the tank in plastered strips. I sat on the crumpled sunlight of the duvet; feeling vulnerable and tethered, and tugged briefly at the umbilical linking me to the thin pressed metal of the tank. I pushed my hair back, still undried, focussing. OK, I told myself, I can do this. Even so, I hesitated before depressing the valve.
An abrupt hiss and chill. The helium was cold; elementally so. There was a harsh, almost metallic taste at the back of my throat. I took a sharp intake of breath, the gas pushing my chest out in sympathy. The tugging/stretching sensation was juddering, fast. I expanded one, two three sizes in a heartbeat. Curves appeared, defined by plumpness rather than sag. Without invitation, my nipples perked out in growing curiously. And sensitivity. Tiny tingles chase seemed to spiral from them, collecting under the cusp of my breasts, draining down my back to a soft flush. I twitched, gasped, subconsciously. My hand rotated on the control, but did not relent. My breasts swelled casually, now grapefruit-sized before me. The slight pressure on my chest eased; my skin finding elasticity as they grew. As I did, another feeling invaded my body, a sense of butterflies in my stomach, a slight dizziness and unbalancing. I should stop but.....an awful fascination had seized me as I watch them grow; a burgeoning sense of expanded femininity. Bigger. I thought. Just a little bigger. My giddiness edged on drunkenness, the tingles now a relentless buzz at the back of my mind and down my spine. Something was blossoming into lushness between my legs and I found myself grinding onto the bed, squirming, as the gas ground into me. I wasn't sure what cup size I was now; blush-pink boobs size of basketballs. Their regular shape was now rounding, nipples firmed and pointing up. Bigger and bigger. God I have to stop this.
I closed the cylinder. Felt the hiss and coolness of the helium subside within me. I was aware that I was panting, a nervous moisture formed under my arms. A strand of still-damp hair folded over my new curves, glistening. Unbelieving, I raised my arms abut my breasts, barely able to enfold their expansion. My skin was soft; pliant but somehow resilient with hidden pressure, a pressure that gives each touch sharp focus. Releasing myself, I noticed how they hung strangely, as if weakly sensed by gravity.
I thought about deflating right there and then. But I told myself there would be a lot of effort getting the hose off, and besides I felt fine. Better than fine, in fact. I felt...what? Not just the tingles (had to be careful not to touch myself, that made them worse), but another sensation. I stood up with a strange ease, awareness coming to me at the same time as disbelief. I felt pulled up. Not by much, but my balance was definitely further forward than usual, my poise lighter. Was I dreaming? I swallowed. I had to be sure.
I walked through to the bathroom, momentarily forgetting; and was rewarded by a harsh tug and the helium tank clattering to the floor. Cursing, I picked it up and carried it with me across the apartment. The atmosphere was loose with dead steam as I stooped awkwardly to read the scales. But damn, of course I couldn't see my toes anymore. I turned sideways, using the mirror; the inflated expanse of my bust looking ridiculous (but amazing) in profile. Squinted down at the number; 105 pounds.
I'd lost 25 pounds. Ohmygod. How did that happen?
Something was clearly wrong; that much helium shouldn't have any effect on a person. My thoughts wandered wildly; the scales were wrong; the tank had been filled by some secret super-gas by accident, and.....Oh, come on. I had to be serious; there was no such thing as super-helium. And anyway, there was nothing unusual about it last night. Then...was it me? Or some change within me? I left the bathroom distractedly, retracing my footsteps. I remember being conscious of my heart beating very loudly in my chest; the slip of my socks against the pine floor. Looking back, I think I already knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to take things closer to the edge. It can't hurt; I told myself. I'll be careful. Damnit. Perhaps I didn't want to admit it, but the experience was deeply sensual., deeply addictive. And to be honest, I was hooked. The whole lure of being just a bit lighter, a bit bigger, a bit showier. A teenage fantasy that I really hadn't outgrown. I admit I should have walked away, 'cos you know walking is one of those things you don't miss until you can't.
So there I was, stood by my bed, telling myself I didn't want to go too far. I placed the cylinder down slowly on the table by my alarm clock. I considering it for just a second, then reaching out with my right hand to gently release the flow of gas. My breasts flexed as the pressure resumed and the tingly sensation returned, only in spades. I cupped myself slowly with my free hand, biting my lip at the sudden jolt of pleasure. Oh Yeah. Gotta watch that. I think my other hand tipped a little further down on the lever around this point. The stretching feeling from earlier now felt more like a tide of bubbles rising inside me; gentle but insistent. My breasts were inflating like warm dough. My mouth was dry. I suppose I was wriggling a bit and.... OK; I may have been rubbing my thighs together, trying to grip the sensation that gripped me. God, I'm such a naughty girl.
I heard myself giggle. Becoming absurdly self-proud. None of my friends could boast of a chest like that. For my breasts must have been nearly 2-foot wide at this point, and definitely pointing up as much as out. Rising above the cusp, my areola seemed smoothed and blush-stretched, but there was no discomfort. Perhaps this was just due to the lack of any weight, of heft, which you know, actually felt more unnatural than the size. Though the lightness I experienced was definitely concentrated in their rounding forms, the sense of levity pervaded my whole body. The only way I can really describe it to you is it was if the air had grown solid, like a mattress of cotton wool, about me. And the strands of that mattress were pushing up and up. It was the weirdest feeling, but coming so close on the heels of the tingles I didn't concentrate on it enough.
Instinctively, I pushed myself to tiptoe, and took a cautious hop. My breasts bounced up and I followed them, rising about a foot into the air, before slowing and descending with more than a hint of inertia. Oh Wow. I was giggling like a schoolgirl. This could be fun.
From the way the curves mounted, I'd guess my boobs were the size of small beachballs. The way they tried to bound up made it difficult to see over the top of them, and holding them down was not really an option. They were certainly bigger than I could link my arms about, and I'm not sure I could have pushed them down for long anyway. Perhaps the realisation that my ballooning assets were becoming uncontrollably scared me a little. I mean, I certainly didn't want to get so big that I.... well, you know. A hot flush swept over me at the thought; I won't pretend it didn't mingle with my hidden excitement, my subdued curiosity. But I was going to stop right there, I really was, when I made my second mistake of the day.
It was one more jump, just to see. I put more effort into it, and immediately regretted the idea. I'd badly misjudged the difference in lift that a few seconds of extra inflation had wrought. I shot up like a rocket, clearing the bed by a whole yard. Immediately the plastic tubing yanked tight with a painful jerk and pulled the helium cylinder off from the bedside table. My legs gyrated out wildly as my weight caught up with me and pulled me down. I fell backwards, rotating, disorientated . My left foot caught on something cold and clinking beneath me. Sliding over a hard edge, my big toe stubbed horribly on corrugated steel; there was pain and a sudden horrible, loud, hissing. I bounced off the edge of the bed and dropped down on my bum in the most ungainly fashion. I said a rather rude word at this point.
For a moment I just sat there like an idiot, eyes closed and wide-mouthed, the surprise and pain from my foot eclipsed everything else. Then slowly was I aware of this sibilant, hard whisper, echoing through me. The flush of excitement returned, unasked for. In a heartbeat, I realised what had happened; in my erratic descent, I'd trodden directly on the controls of the helium tank. Scuffling out from under my foot, it had rolled under the bed.
And of course, I'd knocked the flow of gas wide open. I shot alert, eyes staring wide. Before my stunned gaze, my boobs were two rapidly inflating globes. Each was now three foot across, and swelling visibly with every passing second. I could feel the flush of compressed gas roughly forcing itself into me, expanding into concentric rings of tingles that spread out from my nipples. I watched, horrified (and slightly awestruck), as my flesh tautened from its natural curves; rapidly smoothing into blush-pink spheres. In an instant they resembled nothing more than a pair of beachballs strapped to my chest, and helium-filled beachballs at that. The gentle urging of their earlier lift had become an insistent tug, and I didn't want to think what that meant.
"Noooo" I moaned, in sick fright, feeling their upward pull increase with every moment. My gasps were muffled as my ridiculous tits bobbed serenely up into my face, half-smothering me. Futilely, I tried to push them back down, but it was not the best idea. Their earlier elasticity was being replaced by a pneumatic tightness, the hidden pressure and lift within my boobs easily resisting my efforts to restrain them. After a scant second my arms were pushed out from shallow indentations they made. Worse, the sensation that rebounded on me was more intense. They were so sensitive; my legs trembled with the flush of some secret ecstasy, making me want to cross and squeeze my thighs. God, what was this stuff thing doing to me? Whatever change wrought on the helium as it entered me certainly wasn't helping my concentration. Only distantly, I realised I had to turn off the tank at once before I got any bigger.
I could see its silver-white form lying half-way under the bed. Tensing my knees, I pushed myself towards it with my hands and feet. At once I skidded lightly across the floor, almost as if it were made of ice, or if my body was only lightly sensed by gravity. I collided with the bed and nearly rebounded; recognising how much of an obstruction my new assets were. Now nearly four foot across, they boinged hollowly against the metal bed frame. I had to bite my lip and breath deeply for a second as other floaty sensations threatened to overwhelm me. Recovering, I flipped over to my back, head on the cool floor. My body arced like a bridge, tits bobbing upwards before me; impossibly inflated and squishing against each other in a most distracting way. My skin glistened tautly, like stretched latex, with tiny beads of sweat formed on the surface. Like a pair of frickin' balloons. But now I could just reach under the bed and catch the controls....
There was only inches to it. So close. My fingers slipped across the smooth surface of the tank, rolling away. My hair swished gracefully down as my head left the floor; I was being pulled upright and away from the tank.... I wanted to scream in frustration, to deny the closeness of the unvoiced fantasy. With every passing second I could feel more gas entering the nozzle at my side, making me lighter and lighter. If I got much bigger I might be floating. The insistent hiss of expansion had now deepened in tone, reverberating in the drum-like balloons of my chest. I started to wonder how much helium could that damn cylinder have left? Or more to the point, how much more could I take? The tightness across my breasts was now tangible; their pressure compounding the deep arousing heat even as I started to panic. What if I popped? What if I floated away?
Suddenly, what I had left by way of focus made me realise I should be using the connecting tube to pull the tank towards me. Unsteadily I grabbed hold of the plastic length with both hands and yanked; feeling it shoot closer. There was a sharp clang as it promptly struck the edge of bed frame and wedged there. Desperately, I pulled harder; it tilted at an angle and promptly jammed. I shouted something, tears welling in my eyes. But before my half-sob was complete, my breasts surged again; each nipple perking out with the size of a coke can. At over four, or maybe closer to five, foot my boobs were now larger than any beachball I'd ever seen. I felt myself being pulled upright by the tremendous buoyancy within them. My chest arced upwards as my bum gently lost contact with the ground. My mounting hysteria slipped into the feeling of helpless surrender before the tingles that now washed over me. Every puff of gas seemed to echo across my body, lifting my senses from my concerns. Wanting only to ride the inflating promise of these sensations. Half-consciously, I caught one hand drifting down south, chasing the trail of sensation as it pooled below my hips. I wanted to touch and shiver.
Helplessly, I rose to tiptoe. My legs thrashed backwards and forwards, soles of my feet skating across the floor. Like they were trying to find purchase on someone, anything. Most of all I wanted to fasten on the sense of swelling pressure that crested within me, to squeeze it out with the core of my being. I wanted to grind down so much, but my whole body was awash with upness. I felt light as a bubble on the breeze; a breeze which cupped and lifted about me.
"Nooo." I whispered, unwilling to accept my fate, "No...please..I'm a good girl...."
Uncaring, my breasts passed five foot, rounding into perfect spheres anointed by a crest of light from the windows. So slowly, I felt myself being lifted, slipping over the edge into buoyancy. Gasping, I twisted my head sideways to see the floor falling away beneath me. An inch became a foot, one foot became two. My head was already higher than the wardrobe and still rising. I can't begin to describe how it felt. Wonderful. Sensuous. Pant-wettingly-scary.
"I'm lighter than air," someone like myself thought. "This is impossible. Fuck, I'm floating away. "
I was interrupted as my connecting tube pulled taut suddenly, ballasting me with the tank below. I realised what I must look like; a girl naked from the waist up, with a pair of peach-like weather balloons and a transparent tether. I spun gently, perhaps a yard off the ground and tilted over to the right. The rush of gas still pulsed at my side; thin stretch marks seemed to vein across my hugely inflated breasts. I felt so tight and buoyant across the expanse; as if my whole body was trembling on the edge of bursting.
"Please, no more....please...I'm going to....please," I whimpered, frantically. Yet I ached for release, twitching, touching.
Each buoyant moment brought rising shivers that lapped at all my senses. I pawed desperately at the tape binding the tube under my arm. I could no longer see the nozzle aside the great curve of my gassy boobs, but had to feel for it weakly. I moaned softly, trying to focus beyond the fuzziness and twitching that came with every touch of my expanded flesh . I could smell myself, sweat and juices, through knickers and jeans. I felt so lush.
With a purring rip, the duct-tape parted with a sudden sting. At once, the nozzled hose detached like a singing snake, loose and wide. Oh God; now without the ballast of the tank, my balloon-boobs carried me straight up. The room fell away below me; as I felt my control slip too, shivering into spasms of desire. I was a bubble on an ocean of pleasure. The rush of excitement caught in my throat, my breath a half-formed gasp when the rising tips of my nipples boinged into the ceiling. My senses swam as I rotated, buoyant breasts seeking the highest spot. My whole body was shaking in sympathy to the crescendo of tingles and ohmygodithinkImgonna....
I think I came at that point. Sozzy. That's just the way it is. I couldn't help it. Everything mushed together as I bucked and twisted astride the invisible grip of the helium. I remember bouncing off and up against the rafters a couple of times before my boobs settled at the highest point. I was shaking and moaning for a while; riding the ebb tide of sensations as it subsided to a slight buzz. I flopped loosely, hanging from my feminine balloons; moistly, spent, suspended.
Somewhere, seemingly far below, the tank finally exhausted the last of its helium with a dry hiss. I glanced down. The dishevelled mess of my bed lay about a dozen foot below my feet. They kicked languidly through the air, unsuccessfully trying to find purchase. The sensation was dizzying and I look away. Above me, all I could see was the inflated canopy of my breasts, tautened into near-perfect spheres. I blinked a couple of times, clearing the dust and wetness from my eyes. I touched them, slowly, feeling their tightness and levity. They were so real and round and I still didn't believe it. I was floating on the ceiling.
Yeah, well, at least I was indoors. If I'd been outside.... gulp. It didn't bear thinking about. Drifting helplessly up and up until....what? But my current predicament seemed bad enough; how on earth was I going to get down? You know, when I was younger I saw this cartoon when some young man gets too many balloons to hold at the fair. I always wondered why he didn't let go of a few until he descended gently. Of course, letting go wasn't really an option when it was my own body that wanted to balloon me up and away.
Then my idiocy crashed down on me. I'd forgotten the nozzle. I could get down anytime I wanted, right? So composing myself, I flexed my arm about, conscious how such motion stroked the side of my breasts, threatening to re-kindle the deep heat within me. The flesh at my side felt tender, slightly sore. The protruding nozzle flicked through my fingers, and I took it gently by the base. Even then, I hesitated. Would I ever have this feeling again? Would I ever float again? Would I ever dare? But I had to get down, to reassure myself that I was normal, and that things like this didn't happen to normal girls.
Tentatively, I squeezed the nozzle.
And nothing happens. Shit. I squeeze harder, straining for the hiss of deflation. Still nothing.
OK. What now?
So that's pretty much where you find me. Feeling lighter than air and wishing for all the world I wasn't.
The nozzle, or whatever it is on my side; it blew me up and won't let me back down. I'm stuck here, pinned against the ceiling by the helium in my weather-balloon sized breasts. Like one of those escaped balloons you see trapped in the rafters of Waterloo station.
The sunlight spills in from the patio doors below. It's warm up here, and quite peaceful. Yet I wonder if the passing of the initial gassy coolness has, if anything, increased my lift. I've tried pushing down, of course. But it's difficult, and hanging underneath my breasts I can't get a good leverage. The floor is more than a dozen foot below, and there's simply no hand-holds. Generally, I drift down just a little ways, then my bouyancy re-asserts itself and up I go again. My boobs make a hollow tonk together each time I bounce down off the ceiling, before rising into the apex. The sensations are...really quite scrummy. But every time I start to enjoy it I remember that I'm floating on the frickin' ceiling with a pair of giant balloons for tits. I feel guilty and embarrassed and dirty and deeply sensuous.
I have no idea what to do. I feel hot and sticky, and I really need to change my knickers. I hook my hands into my jeans to adjust them when they brush against something squeezed into a back pocket. My mobile. I took it out of my handbag when texting last night. Thank you, God.
I am very careful not to drop it, though I have to hold it nearly under my chin to see the screen. I suck my lips, considering who to call. I need a friend I can trust; someone practical and normal whom I can explain all this too. Someone down-to-earth who won't freak out when she see me suspended here. I can think of someone from last night.
I'll call Lucy.
I really hope she's not phased by weird stuff.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, first person
Text: I always seemed to have my most...interesting times when wearing my stretchy floral swimsuit. On another brilliantly sunny and most scrumptiously warm day, I was sunbathing out on my folks' back deck. It was rather late in the afternoon, and as I got up, I heard the mail truck approaching the house. Our mailman who was a sweet, older guy. I hadn't seen him in a few years, nor had he seen me. Leaning against our deck's fence, I decided to give him an eye full.
The truck stopped before the house and I waved to the man as he stepped from his vehicle. As he stopped and waved back, I smiled and breathed in deeply through my nose. Instantly I felt the skin of my breasts grow taut and my nipples fatten, pushing against the lining of the suit. The bathing suit top began to balloon out as my breasts started to expand. The mailman just stood there, not knowing what to think.
The garden hose was behind me and I picked it up as I gulped more air and my boobs pushed out further in the swim suit. Turning the water on, I put the hose in my mouth and the cool water joined with the air rushing in. My nipples popped up even larger. The mailman stood there, mesmerized, as my bulging bust not only ballooned out bigger and bigger but also hung suddenly heavy with the weight of the water. I let my breasts balloon until the swimsuit filled with my plumpened bosoms, then I dropped the hose. Still smiling, I walked across the lawn, my huge breasts bouncing and swaying from side to side. I stepped up to the mailman, nudging him with my big boobs.
"Hi! Remember me?" I asked.
"Uh, yes. But you were very little," he responded, eyes glued to my huge top, which swayed as I shifted my weight from foot to foot as if the grass was too hot.
"I've grown some," I giggled, my huge top heaving and bouncing.
He gave me the mail and got back in his truck, almost banging his head on the door frame. I waved, gigantic boobs quaking, as he drove away.
As I turned back to the house, almost being pulled sideways as my enormous breasts swayed, I noticed the fire department had left a fire hose hooked up to the fire hydrant near our neighbors driveway.
"Should I?" I deviously grinned, glancing at my already swollen bust.
What I did then is another story...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Stephanie gets into a car wreck, but is saved by an unconventional safety device.
Stephanie grumbled for the fifth time in as many minutes. She just could not find the street that her sister had mentioned. In irritation, she blew a bit of her chestnut-brown hair out of her brown eyes, and waited for the light to turn green at the intersection she was currently at. She'd just finished a fourteen-hour plane ride from London, and her inability to find her sister's house via the directions she had been given was proving to be quite irritating when all Stephanie wanted to do was be able to relax. The light changed, and Stephanie put the green Buick she had rented at the airport back into motion.
As she continued along, she suddenly noticed that this was the same area that she'd been through just a few minutes ago. Exasperated, she dived into her burgundy handbag and drew out her cell phone. She resolved to simply call her sister and get some better directions. She had just begun to dial her sister's number when her car went over a pothole in the road, causing the phone to fly from her grasp and land down on the floor on top of the bulge over the Buick's transmission.
Stephanie reached down and retrieved her phone from on top of the transmission hump. When she rose back up, her world went into slow motion.
The car in front of her had pulled to a stop in the middle of the road, and had its emergency flashers on. She slammed the brakes on, but her vehicle was already far too close and it plowed heavily into the rear of the other car. There was a heavy lurch and Stephanie felt her head being thrown down and forward towards the steering wheel. A tiny and calm portion of her mind registered the fact that she was suddenly aware of a very cold sensation in the middle of her abdomen and an accompanying hissing noise. Abruptly after she cataloged this fact, she was also aware of an alarmingly rising pressure inside of herself. Still in an adrenalin-induced slow-motion view, she saw her flat stomach begin to bulge outwards alarmingly as the cold sensation spread throughout her belly. She felt her belly begin to press into the steering wheel as it ballooned outwards. As her middle bloated, she felt other various portions of herself plumping up either in some sort of bizarre sympathy or a concentrated effort on their part to make her into a human sphere; her breasts, thighs, and upper arms all swelled and began to rapidly merge into the growing sphere that was the center of her body. Meanwhile, her calves and forearms swelled only slightly, leaving her hands and feet unaffected.
She was dimly aware of various stitches and restraints all about herself letting go. She thought she felt her belt burst, and the seams on the right and left sides of her clothing conducted a rapid race along her swelling figure to determine which could rip the fastest. The seat belt burst from her body as she felt the full force of the impact between the two vehicles, but the impact seemed oddly subdued, as if it had dispersed into her hugely swollen body. Then there was silence, aside from the distant hissing of steam billowing from her radiator. All this had happened in the space of half a second, and the front seat of the car seemed to be alarmingly almost full of Stephanie. Nearly her entire field of view was full of a large tan-pink sphere that was evidently her body, but a slight crescent of windshield broken in a craze of web-like cracks was visible beyond the top curve of herself. The remains of her shirt hugged her neck and extended down onto the huge sphere of her body like some sort of ragged teal baby bib. She felt the rags of her jeans clinging yet to her plumped calves, but she was naked other than those two articles.
She struggled to bend her inflated arms in order to inspect herself. She poked into the enormous curve of her spherical torso experimentally and it felt quite soft, but there also seemed to be a rather alarming amount of pressure pressing back against her fingertip. Just what the heck had happened to her? Abruptly, the face of the other driver was at her open window; he was a middle aged man wearing a ball-cap and a grey t-shirt. "Are you okay? My car died in the middle of the road and...whoa," he began, voice crescendoing in both volume and pitch upon catching a better view of Stephanie. "What happened to you? Are you okay?" he repeated, more insistently.
"Um...I'm not sure, I feel okay...but...full," she said. "And cold," she added, noting that now her entire body seemed to be full of the frigid substance that had blossomed out from within her belly. Recognition seemed to bloom on the face of the man just then. "Oh, I know...you've got one of those new airbags, right? The kind that's inside of your body?" He wrinkled his brow in thought for a moment. "I just read about them a few weeks ago in the paper; I thought they were only over in Europe, though," he added. That seemed to ring a bell with Stephanie, dimly. She thought about it for a moment, and then remembered a year or so ago. She'd gotten a new insurance plan that was much cheaper than her old one, but one of the conditions for the cheaper plan was the surgical installation of the airbag device; it was a small grey oblong about the size of a D-cell battery. She'd had it installed then as an outpatient procedure, a tiny cylinder nestled underneath the curve of her liver. She hadn't really thought much about it since then, and she hadn't been in any accidents until now.
"I'm from England," Stephanie managed at last. She attempted to tug the blue square of her ragged shirt down over the vast expanse of herself, obviously an impossible task. She felt better to be doing something, though. At any rate, her statement of nationality seemed to be enough for the man.
"I see....well, um...I'll go call the police, and get them to bring something to...er, get you out of there," the man offered. He walked back to his car, and Stephanie heard him talking on a cell phone. Stephanie settled back into her spherical body, resigned to waiting. She reflected that when she finally got to her sister's house, that this would make a very interesting anecdote indeed...
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium, topless
Text: Twenty bucks an hour, let me tell you, that sort of pay is a miracle in today's entry level job market. Probably because the people running this business think it's necessary to justify what the job entails. I think that's hilarious, I would have done this for free.
They keep a nervous representative by me while they hand me the helium tank, talking about "agreements," and how this is "aggressive marketing," all sorts of jargon meant to satisfy someone other than me. I don't need some lackey trying to calm my nerves, the helium will do that better than he ever could. I snatch the hose from the plucky girl they have helping me on the physical side of things. Her face is bright and etched with curiosity. It occurs to me she may have less than professional reasons to oversee this operation. Good, I always do enjoy introducing other people to my hobby. She ties the banner around my ankles and gives me the signal.
I twist the nozzle, and the representative's rambling is interrupted by the sound of helium rushing up the hose into me. He falls silent, excusing himself before walking off, saying something about the brash youth. The woman on the other hand is enthralled, staring intently at my chest as the helium makes its pressure known. Under my sweater, my breasts swell up, perky and light with gas. My decision to forego a bra was a wise one for today. Rounder and rounder I grow, becoming bigger than what the best plastic surgeons could offer. My sweater pulls snug about my burgeoning assets as the material easily stretches to accommodate my increasing size. It quickly fails however, slipping up and over my stretching skin. Already, I feel lighter on my feet, my chest pushing up as much as out. I lay my arms across the top of my chest, giving my boobs a pat that results in a lovely boing.
The girl is completely out of it by now, I have her undivided attention. She continues staring at my pneumatic mammaries, reaching up to cup her own small pair. I can see longing in her eyes, and I decide to seize the opportunity to enlighten another one. Slapping the side of one breast, I jostle her with the noise and she looks me in the eyes suddenly. Before she can sputter out some half-hearted apology, I give her a wink and a come-here finger. She's shy, adorably shy, but I watch as her curiosity gets the better of her as she steps forward. Reaching around one massive boob, I take her hand and put it on my breast, inviting her to feel what pressurized helium can do for girls like us. It works like a charm. Soon she's gently prodding and squeezing, feeling how I expand into her grasp.
Soon though, our time comes to an end. I rise to my toes as my tits grow wider than her armspan, and for a moment I remain grounded by the banner tied to my ankles. But with a few seconds more, I leave the ground, drifting lazily into the air. She tries to hold on, but my rounded bust doesn't prove to be a viable handhold. Squeaks echo as her hands slide down the material of my sweater, before she loses her grip and is forced to grab an ankle of mine. I quickly spit the hose out, letting it fall to the ground beside her feet. I look down to meet her astonished gaze, watching her try to form words in her mouth. Before she can, I shush her, reaching down to take her hand. She pulls me down in her grip, my only anchor to the Earth.
"You interested by what you see?" I ask.
She nods, gazing at my inflated breasts as they wobble naked in the air.
"I have five hours up there before I come back down." I slip a notecard out of my pocket with an address scribbled on it. "Meet me here afterwards, I have some friends you might like to meet."
She nods again, pocketing the notecard. I let go of her hand and rise once more into the sky. The banner trails beneath me as I pass the rooftops, my advertisement being broadcasted for the world to see. I can hear people below shouting, looking up at the girl with the balloon breasts flying away. I don't listen. All I do is lay there on a sea of breezes, letting buoyancy gently carry me away.
Twenty bucks an hour and a new friend. I should do this more often.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, alien, floating, inhale
Text: The survey mission had been going so well. Namunk had just planned to make a quick sweep by the planet, slingshot around the sun, then hibernate all the way home. Then the alarms went off on approach. Something was wrong, the hull was collapsing. Fast. And if the shell fractured out here in the vacuum of space, it would be all over. But if he ditched his ship in the atmosphere and there was nowhere for him to go he'd be just as gone. He turned the controls and aimed towards the blue orb ahead of him. If he found a suitable shelter, he could wait for a rescue indefinitely. Otherwise he'd just wind up a green flash in a black sky... "Damn!" Julia kicked at a rock. I should have known better, she thought. Roxanne and her friends were the 'popular' girls at school, there really hadn't been any reason for them to invite her along. She should have been suspicious from the start, and shouldn't have been surprised when she came back and saw the jeep was gone. Now here she was, stuck near the peak of the mountain with night falling all around her. Too dark for her to find her way back, so she would have to wait until morning. Oh well, might as well enjoy the view.
Julia lifted her head to see a falling star streaking its way across the sky. "I wish I were home. I wish I could just fly away from here," she whispered, to nobody in particular. But then, almost as if the blazing light had heard her speak, it burst into a bright flash of sparkling powder. Julia felt a slight chill come over her.
She set off for a nearby ledge to get a view of the valley below. A massive expanse of darkness greeted Julia. She couldn't make out anything in the inky night. She sighed. In a flight of fancy she closed her eyes, spread her arms out, and pretended she could take off from that ledge if she really wanted to. And she really did want to. Tired, Julia took in a long slow breath to help relax.
But much to her surprise, it seemed as though she had lost control of her breathing. Julia kept right on inhaling, far past what her lungs should be able to hold. She was more curious than concerned, until she noticed her stomach was beginning to bulge.
"What the -- what's happening?" she gasped, still taking in air. Her bust started to fill out, her modest endowment swelling to an alarmingly large pair of orbs as it tried to keep pace with her stomach. She tried to reach around her breasts to squeeze them back down, and it was only when she felt the difficulty in bending her arms that she realized that they too were puffing up with air.
Amazingly her clothes stretched to accommodate her massively burgeoning flesh. Her jeans billowed out as her legs swelled and though the buttons on her shirt strained they held on. Even her bra, which wasn't designed to hold anything larger than a B cup, was expanding right along with her though it was becoming rather tight.
Slowly but surely Julia's body ballooned out. Her fattened limbs looked comically short as they barely protruded from her inflating bulk. And though she struggled to stop, she continued to inhale. Her body swelled up into a massive ball, engulfing her limbs out to her wrists and ankles. How funny I must look, she thought absently. A huge balloon, half blue denim below, red plaid above. But her thoughts rushed back to earth as she felt her feet slowly leaving it.
A panicked thought flashed through her mind. Oh my God, I'm floating! It didn't make sense that filling up with air would make her lift up from the ground. But then, it didn't make sense that she was filling up with air in the first place. She was still steadily inflating, the broad expanse of her own body now filling most of her field of vision. I'm enormous! The gaps between the buttons on her flannel were now several feet apart, but the cloth steadfastly refused to tear and kept stretching. And the ground fell farther away.
As the pressure inside her continued to rise, Julia realized she could no longer move her hands and feet. Though she'd lost sight of them long ago, she could guess what had happened by the way her taut flesh was beginning to bulge up around her head. Am I going to smother myself? But then she noticed how quickly her skin was being pulled tighter and tighter, the seams in her clothes beginning to make pained groaning noises, and she realized that suffocation wasn't the most pressing problem here.
I've got to stop this, she thought, trying to regain control of her rampant intake of breath. She simply couldn't. Bigger and bigger she swelled, higher and higher she rose, the pressure building with every passing second. Any second now, it's too much, I can't take any more, I'm going to pop I just know I --
Suddenly the world vanished in a mind-shattering boom.
Julia sat bolt upright in her bed, panting and sweating. It was dark, but as she looked around she could still make out the familiar surroundings of her bedroom. She laughed nervously and let out a sigh of relief. "It was all just a dream." Then she stopped. Julia froze in confusion as she realized that, although she was in her bed under the covers, she was still wearing her red flannel shirt, blue jeans, and hiking boots. "Extraordinary creatures these things are," Namunk muttered. Almost entirely matter based, they made quite good shelters, and were quite easy to maintain as well. He'd managed a partial tap into its thoughts, but still needed some time to study this one. But time was something he had plenty of right now. But after making such an astonishing discovery on this world, Command might even forgive him for losing his ship. And there were so many more experiments he wanted to try... |
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, chemical
Text: For the past three years, Nick had dutifully played the role of Santa Claus at Bristol's Galleries Mall. He hadn't meant to take the role originally, but as he was a fairly husky man, and could put on a decent baritone voice, his superiors had decided that he would fit the role of Santa perfectly. He'd come to actually enjoy the role every year; getting paid extra to just sit around in a costume and amuse a bunch of kids all day was certainly preferable to dealing with crowds of annoying Christmas shoppers.
But as he walked the back corridors of the mall, clad in his Santa suit and with his fake beard hanging loosely from his neck, he was wishing that he was home, and out of the damn suit. It was Christmas Eve, which meant more kids eager to meet him and having to work an extra two hours until the late night shopping began.
But more importantly, he was eager to get home so he could give Wendy the extra special present he had prepared for her and witness her reaction to it.
Wendy worked at the Mall's Miss Millie's Muffins outlet, and for the last three years had served as Santa's elf helper, guiding the kids into the Grotto and generally looking and acting cute for everyone. She and Nick had hit it off almost immediately, and moved in together shortly after.
Wendy was kind, determined in her ways, and utterly adorable, the kind of girl you would happily do anything for. And there was one thing in particular he was eager to do for her, even if she thought it was impossible.
Although she was generally happy with her appearance, there were time when Wendy would admit her dislikes about her body. She would complain that her body was plain and boring, and would wish that she was curvier or sported bigger breasts, anything to stand out from the crowd.
Nick honestly thought she was over-reacting. Although she was slim and petite, she had a great set of curvaceous hips and a nicely sized, pert bosom. She just seemed to think they were inadequate compared to everyone else, despite his assurances. There were times when she was genuinely upset about how she looked.
Well, today he planned to change that, and give her the body she had always wanted.
He strode towards the staff breakroom, thinking back to the lucky break he had discovered a few weeks ago.
While looking for presents for Wendy on the internet, an errant search for 'bust enhancement' had discovered information about a new drug which had been circulating underground in Asia. Apparently it created a chemical reaction which caused air to build up in fatty areas of the body, specifically in the breast and bottom areas in women. After reading up on it and finding several testimonies confirming that it did indeed work, Nick wasted no time in procuring some of the drug for himself.
It had cost him two weeks wages, but he'd gotten the drug shipped to him the day before. Rather than simply giving it to Wendy, he hit on the idea of mixing it in with some chocolate rice krispie squares, her favourite treat. He'd wrapped the squares in a fancy bag and gift tag and taken it with him to work, with the intent of picking her up once their shift was over, heading to a hotel for the weekend, and letting her enjoy her 'gift' with just him for company. It would be a night she'd never forget, hopefully.
He'd placed the bag in the back of the breakroom fridge that morning, hidden behind some bottles and with a note warning everyone not to touch it. Now before he headed back to his shift, he opened the fridge to grab a drink and check on the bag.
His eyes shot open as he peered inside. The bag was gone.
"Oh no.." He breathed.
He looked around and spotted Alan, a sales assistant notorious for mooching other's people's snacks.
"Alan!" He spoke firmly. "Did you see a blue bag in here, tied with a ribbon?"
"Eh? Oh yeah, sure." Alan replied.
"Don't tell me you.." Nick raised his fist in a threatening manner.
"Hey hang on!" Alan raised his hands. "I didn't touch it, I swear. I saw the tag and figured you were giving it to Wendy."
"Oh.." Nick frowned. "So where is it.."
Alan grinned. "Oh well, Wendy came in, so I pointed it out to her, and told her it was from you."
Nick went pale. "Wendy has it?"
"Yeah, she ran off to show it to Tina, whatever it was. She was certainly happy with it anyway."
Alan chuckled and patted Nick's shoulder as he walked out. "Hope she returns the favour, mate."
Nick didn't hear him, he was too busy thinking about the sudden situation. If Wendy had the chocolates now, she might have eaten some already. The drug could already be taking effect.
"Oh there he is. Nick!" Wendy's sweet voice called to him, and he turned to see her standing by the door, along with Tina.
Nick was momentarily stunned by the sight of the two beauties before him. With her petite figure and shoulder-length dark hair which nearly covered her eyes, Wendy always looked cute. And the novelty elf outfit she wore just made her look even more adorable, and rather alluring. A small green button up jacket with a striped shirt worn underneath, both cut to expose her midriff, and a pair of loose shorts. Striped stockings, a cap with a feather in it, and a set of fake elf ears completed the look.
Her friend Tina was no less stunning. An attractive blonde, she stood about a foot taller than Wendy, and was significantly curvier in many areas, particularly the bust. Tina's double D's were often the butt of much teasing among the female staff. While she could be somewhat ditzy and a severe flirt, she was well liked by everyone for her cheery personality and sense of humour.
She wore a Mrs Santa outfit which showed off her curves prominently. It was essentially a simple red dress with white fur trimming the short hem and neckline, and a black belt cinched around her slim waist, making her hourglass figure more noticeable. Tall black boots and a santa hat completed the outfit.
Nick took this all in, enjoying the view. He didn't know who on earth commissioned such risque outfits for a kid's event, but he would have to find out and shake their hand one day...
His reverie was broken when he realised Wendy was holding the bag of chocolates, and both girls were munching on them.
Wendy stepped forward and gave him a quick hug and a kiss on his cheek. "Mmm, thank you so much for the chocolates. They were lovely."
"Er, glad you liked them." Nick replied, hoping no one heard how nervous his voice was.
"Yeah, they were gorgeous!" Tina exclaimed. "Did you make them yourself?"
"Oh yes." Wendy answered before he could speak. "Nick's a pretty talented cook."
"Ooh, lucky you." Tina looked at him with a hint of longing in her eyes. "I could do with a guy like him around. I'd chain him to the kitchen and have him make me chocolate forever."
"Erm.." Nick felt a blush rising.
Wendy clutched his arm and giggled. "Well find your own. He's mine."
While he was enjoying Wendy's grasp on him, Nick decided to get back on track.
"So... how many of those are left?" He asked, pointing at the bag in Wendy's hand.
Wendy reached inside the bag, took out a chocolate, and promptly popped it into her mouth.
"Mmmph.. that was the last one." She mumbled before swallowing. "I'm sorry, did you want one?"
"No no, I'm fine." Nick spoke. "I'm just glad you enjoyed them."
"Mmm, maybe we could make some more together..." Wendy said suggestively.
She checked her watch. "Oh, it's time we headed out."
"Yep, time to entertain the little darlings again." Tina sighed. "We'll meet you there."
The two girls left the room, leaving Nick standing nervously as the situation repeated itself in his head.
Both Wendy and Tina had taken the growth formula, which was about to work any minute now, and they were about to stand before several hundred kids waiting to meet Santa as they grew.
This could not end well. The mall's Santa's Grotto was a fairly lavish set up, placed in an enclosed area next to the escalators. The centerpiece was a large throne where Nick would sit, surrounded by Christmas trees, some fake plastic reindeer, and a layer of artificial snow on the floor. A large wooden arch stood behind the entrance, with a curtain to hide the throne from view whenever they took a tea break.
Wendy stood near the entrance, where she would guide the kids to sit on his lap, while Tina stood near the throne and took pictures of him and the kids with a polaroid camera, offering them to the parents for an extra £1.
Nick took his seat on the throne, now in his complete costume. The kids and their parents were already lining up to enter, but Nick barely noticed. He was too busy thinking about what to do about the girls.
The obvious answer was to explain the situation to the girls and get them out of there before they started to grow. But that would create a whole new set of problems. They would have to close the grotto down, as there was no one available to replace them, and that would mean a lot of angry parents complaining to the management, who would not be happy with their suddenly leaving and could potentially fire them.
Hell, they would probably be fired anyway if Nick revealed that the reason they had deserted their posts was because the girls had eaten a load of bust expanding drugs and could potentially burst out of their clothing. Who would believe him?
Not to mention Wendy and Tina's reaction would not be pleasant. Telling them right out that they were about to expand before a crowd of kids would result in severe embarrassment and betrayal on the girl's part, and a severe ass-kicking for him. Wendy could be pretty fierce when she wanted to, and Tina would happily join her in taking revenge on him. And they would certainly never speak to him again.
Thinking about it, the safest option was to ride it out until their shift was finished, and then get Wendy and Tina somewhere private as quickly as possible. Which meant two hours looking after the kids, during which the girls could inflate at any time.
It was still risky, but there was a good chance that no one would notice the girl's growth. The kids were focused on him, the parents were focused on controlling their kids, and their managers were probably busy elsewhere coping with the massive throngs of Christmas shoppers. He could easily get them away quickly if needed.
That left the problem of what the girls would say hen they noticed the growth, and how he was going to explain it to them without getting severely beaten. Should he tell the truth, or come up with some fake explanation?
"Okay everyone!" Wendy called out to the crowd, bringing him back to reality. "Who's ready to meet Santa?!"
Dozens of kids cheered with delight. Wendy looked back at him. "Are you ready?" She whispered.
Nick swallowed and nodded. Here it was, heaven or hell.
"Let's go."
The gate was opened, and the kids began to file in.
For the first twenty minutes, things were running smoothly. Wendy led the kids in, he sat them on his lap and listened to their Christmas lists and requests, and Tina took the pictures, the same as any other day. Nick kept an eye on the girls for any changes in their bodies, though it was difficult with children constantly calling for his attention.
For a while, his fears that a highly embarrassing situation would take place felt misplaced. Maybe the drug didn't work after all.
But then he glanced at Wendy and his jaw dropped, startling the little girl on his lap.
Wendy's breasts were visibly bigger. Her usual C-cups had swelled up about an inch larger, and her jacket was beginning to tighten around her chest.
A check on Tina revealed the same thing. Her breasts were also slightly bigger, her cleavage slightly deeper.
Both girls didn't seem to notice their growth. Either they were too busy tending to the kids or the growth was so slight as to be unnoticeable.
The kids kept on coming, and he kept a closer eye on the girls, sneaking quick glances whenever he could. Every time he looked at them, they seemed to be a little bigger.
This carried on until the first hour of the shift had passed. Nick snuck a quick glance at the watch hidden in his sleeve and sighed with relief. One hour to go and he could get the girls out of here.
The he looked at the girls again, and that relief quickly turned into worry.
In just one hour, both Wendy and Tina's busts had tripled in size. Wendy appeared to be smuggling two large melons under her green jacket, her larger breasts pulling the material tight around her chest. The jacket's button's were straining to hold together, creating diamond shaped gaps between them through which Wendy's striped undershirt could be seen.
Tina's chest had surpassed 'ample' ages ago and was rapidly approaching 'enormous'. Her breasts were comparable to small cantaloupes, and her skimpy dress was struggling to keep up with her growth. The top was slowly slipping further down her breasts as they took up more space, revealing more and more of her cleavage, and the red fabric was hugging her tightly.
Looking downwards, Nick saw that the girls were expanding in their lower regions as well. Their hips and buttocks were gradually growing wider and rounder. Wendy's shorts and stockings were already tight again her plump thighs and widening booty, while the skirt of Tina's dress was rapidly creeping up as her backside took up more and more room.
Both girls now had exaggerated hourglass figures Nick had only seen in his most intense fantasies. It took all of his self control to not have a boner right there. He did NOT want to have that while children were sitting on his lap.
After shifting his legs slightly to trap his arousal and make sure that no kids got a nasty surprise, he checked on the girls and the crowds. Amazingly, both girls hadn't noticed the change on their bodies, even though at this point their clothes should have been pinching down on them as they grew tighter. He knew well that both girls could get really into their work when things got busy, and the row of kids for them to deal with just kept getting longer..
Speaking of the kids and their parents, he wondered if they noticed anything. Thankfully, the kids were too preoccupied with toys and games to notice that Mrs Claus and her elf were gradually getting bustier. The parents were also mainly oblivious as they watched their kids, though Nick noticed one or two dads staring at Wendy and Tina with confused and lustful gazes, before glancing away before their wives and kids noticed. Though Nick wasn't keen on them leering at his girl, it was completely understandable.
He was still somewhat amazed that the girl's growth had gone unnoticed this far. Maybe the Gods were on his side and he would complete the shift without a major embarrassment happening. It would be a real life Christmas miracle.
Unfortunately, miracles only tended to occur in movies.
Fifteen minutes later, when there was a brief lull in the queue, Tina sidled up to Nick, and knelt low next to him.
"Nick, did you put something in those chocolates you gave Wendy?" She spoke quietly.
"Um.. not that I know of.." Nick fibbed. Was she beginning to suspect?
"Well, I think she's having an allergic reaction to something." Tina pointed at Wendy. "She looks kinda.. swollen."
Nick looked at Wendy again, who was busy talking to a small group of kids, and his eyes shot open. In just a short time, Wendy had grown even bigger, her breasts easily dwarfing the heads of the kids she was speaking to and nearing the size of her own head. Her bottom was equally huge, her buttocks beginning to bulge out of the legholes of her shorts and her stockings tearing slightly around her fat thighs.
"Oh shite.." Tina murmured under her breath. She was staring down at herself with a look of horror, and as Nick followed her gaze he could see why. Her chest was now twice as big from the last time he'd checked. Her top of her dress was valiantly clinging to her volleyball sized chest, exposing plenty of cleavage while down below, her plump buttocks were beginning to peek out from under her skirt, her wider hips flaring out from beneath her still slim waist.
Once she was certain that the queue was quiet for the moment and no kids were nearby, Tina pulled the curtain closed over the arch entrance, grabbed Wendy's arm and dragged her to behind Nick's throne, ducking down to hide from view.
"What's going on?" Wendy asked, innocently.
"Bloody hell, have you not noticed?!" Tina prodded Wendy's swollen chest. "You're blowing up like a balloon!"
Wendy looked down and gasped in shock when she realised she couldn't see her own feet. She grasped her boobs and felt them, her hands unable to cover them completely.
"Wha.. wha.. how did this..?" She stammered in fright.
"I think it's an allergic reaction or something.. I'm affected too." Tina spoke, indicating her own chest.
Nick felt horribly guilty about letting them stay like this for so long. He stepped around the throne to join them.
"I'll close the grotto down and get you girls out of here." He said. "We'll get you two check out at a doctor."
"Yeah, sounds good.." Tina replied.
"We can't!" Wendy's sharp tone surprised the other two.
"What do you mean, we can't?" Tina demanded.
"The grotto. The bosses said we're not supposed to shut it down unless it's a real emergency, remember? If they find out we've closed it early, we could get the sack and lose our Christmas bonus."
"And this doesn't count as an emergency?" Tina thumped the side of her left boob with her hand.
"Somehow I don't think the bosses will accept growing huge breasts as a valid excuse." Wendy spoke. "They'd probably think we were faking it. Or they'd just laugh at us."
Tina cringed at that thought. She didn't relish standing before her supervisors looking like this..
"And those kids... they're still waiting to see Santa.." Wendy continued, determination in her voice. "And I don't want to ruin their day because of this."
"Wendy.." Nick breathed, stunned by her selflessness.
"You can't seriously be thinking of going out like that." Tina pointed.
"Everyone will be looking at Nick, I doubt most people will notice me." Wendy replied. "Look, you can leave if you want. Nick and I will rush through the last few queues and get out as quickly as possible. We'll cover for you."
Tina seemed to consider it for a moment, but then she sighed in resignation.
"Oh hell.. I can't let you embarrass yourself all on your own. I may as well suffer with you."
She hefted her huge breasts. "I just hope I don't end up falling out of this dress and giving those kids an eyeful."
Nick tried not to linger on Tina's chest for too long. "I'll er... get you both out of here before that happens."
"Alright then." Wendy took a deep breath, straining the buttons of her already tight jacket. "Let's get this over with." They returned to their places and resumed their work, this time with a sense of urgency. There were about forty minutes left until they could close the grotto, and they had to clear out as many families as possible before they noticed Wendy and Tina's swollen forms, and hope that the families would eventually thin out as people to their kids home as night drew in.
Wendy herded in kids quickly, moving them past her and towards Nick before they had a chance to take in her chest. Like wise, Nick was like a well oiled machine, giving each kid a bare minimum of attention and kind words before quickly handing them to Tina for their photo and talking to the next kid. When ever they weren't attending to the kids, Wendy and Tina would cross their arms over their chests, compressing their breasts as best they could and trying not to let anyone see them in their full glory.
Nick would glance at them occasionally to check their growth. It seemed their chests weren't growing as fast as they were before, only looking slightly bigger every time he looked. It gave him a bit of hope. Perhaps the drug was beginning to wear off, and he would not have to worry about them getting any bigger. That would be one less problem to worry about. He still wasn't quite sure how he was going to explain what had happened to the girls or what he was going to do to help them once they were out of sight. And he was really dreading what they would do to him if they found out what had happened.
The lines went on, and minutes passed until there were only ten minutes left until clocking off time. Nick could feel his anxiety easing a little. Once they were out of here, he could think of a plan of action..
"N..Nick.." Wendy called to him, her voice strained. Nick looked over and saw the pained expression on her face.
"Nick.." She gasped. "My chest hurts.."
For a moment, Nick was puzzled as to why she was feeling discomfort. The descriptions of the growth drug had never mentioned anything about chest pain. But then he looked closer at Wendy's chest and realised what was happening.
Her jacket was wrapped tightly around her breasts, which were now slightly larger than her head, and the fabric was straining to hold together at the seams. The bases of her breasts, and the striped undershirt that covered them, were bulging out beneath the jacket's hem, while more flesh bulged out through the diamond-shaped gaps between her straining buttons.
At that moment, a seam at the jacket's side ripped open, eliciting a small cry from Wendy.
"Bloody Hell.." Tina murmured as she stared, her words echoing Nick's thoughts. At this rate, Wendy's top would burst open in moments and give the assorted kids an unwelcome surprise present.
Glancing over at Tina's swollen chest, he could guess her dress wouldn't hold much longer either.
"We have to get out of here." Tina hissed through her teeth.
"I know, let me think.." Nick racked his brains. There had to be some way to close the grotto early without causing an uproar from the customers..
An idea hit him. "Wendy.." He whispered to her. "I need you to faint."
"Eh?" Wendy looked at him, her arms crossed around her breasts, trying to hide them but to no avail.
"Just fall over and pretend you've fainted."
Wendy nodded, and closed her eyes. With as much authenticity as she could muster, she buckled her legs and fell to the floor. Her breasts wobbled back and forth slightly, pushing her jacket to the limit.
Several children cried out as they saw her fall.
"Oh no!" Tina cried out, acting. "The elf has fainted!"
"Er, yes!" Nick leapt to his feet and addressed the crowd. "Poor thing must not have eaten enough milk and cookies. I'd better take her to get some help!"
He picked her up in his arms. "Sorry kids, but I have to close the grotto early."
"Aww.." Several kids moaned.
"But don't worry!" Tina joined in. "Once she's taken care off, Santa will be off to the North Pole to get everyone's presents!"
The kids cheered with delight, and Tina took the opportunity to lead Nick out of the Grotto and fence it off.
Then they was running as fast as they could towards the back entrance, Tina holding her bosom to prevent it falling out of her dress as she ran.
They dashed up the stairs and towards the nearest door, which just happened to be a supply cupboard. Once they were inside and Nick had put her down, Wendy attempted to take her jacket off.
"Nuugh.." She grunted, trying to her a hold of the buttons with her fingers. "It's too tight.."
Indeed, despite the buttons straining the fabric to it's limits, the jackets was still holding strong, containing her massive boobs and cutting off her breathing in the process.
Seeing her distress, Nick looked around the room and spotted a boxcutter. He grabbed it and took it to her top buttons, carefully cutting through the thread.
He only had to cut two buttons off before the internal pressure burst the garment asunder. Her breasts tumbled out, stretching her striped undershirt to its limits and ripping a huge tear down the middle, exposing her cleavage. She squeaked and wrapped her arms around her chest, barely able to encircle them fully.
"Bloody hell.." Tina breathed, staring wide mouthed at Wendy's enormity. It was at that moment that Tina's dress decided to give up the ghost, the bodice falling down and her breasts bouncing free. Her hands shot up to cover her nipples.
Nick stepped back to take the girls in, amazed by the curves they had developed. Starting from the bottom, both girl's legs led up to two pairs of deliciously thick thighs and rounded hips, which provided the bases for their round, plump bottoms. Their hips stuck out six inches on either side, and their butts were equally wide, sticking out on all directions.
Their hips tapered upward to their still slim waists and stomachs, and above those were two pairs of the most magnificent bosoms Nick could ever have imagined. Each breast was full, firm and round, and exceeded the size of Wendy and Tina's heads by several inches. They hung down, wider than their chests and completely obscuring their torsos. In fact looking closer, it seemed that Wendy's breasts, much to Nick's delight, were a couple of inches bigger than Tina's.
Both Wendy and Tina were staring at their swollen boobs, lightly touching and rubbing them, amazed by the impossible size they had reached and struggling to catch a glimpse of their feet.
Nick was entranced by their curvaceous forms, unable to take his eyes away. He'd often fantasised about women, particularly Wendy, with ridiculously curvy figures like this. And now the dream was a reality, right before his eyes.
"Best present ever." He spoke softly to himself, his eyes glazed over in a lust induced haze.
Unfortunately, not softly enough that the girls didn't hear him.
"Hmn? What do you mean?" Wendy asked.
"Uh.. what?" Nick jolted back to reality.
"You said present.." Tina's eyes narrowed. "Wait... do you know how this happened?"
She prodded her chest, catching Nick's attention.
"Umm.. well.." He fumbled.
"Nick.." Wendy moved closer, glaring at him suspiciously. "Did you have something to do with this?"
Both girls were now right in front of him and bending forward to stare him in the eye, their breasts now very close to his face.
"Well, Nick? Start talking."
They inched closer, their breasts beginning to press against Nick's face, cutting off his ability to breathe.
Against such unconventional methods of persuasion, he felt compelled to explain all. Nick sat on the couch, watching the bedroom door.
"So um.. are you still mad at me? I mean, you haven't kicked me out.." He asked cautiously. His ears were still ringing from the intense yelling the two girls had subjected him to earlier.
Wendy entered, dressed in her sleepwear which consisted of a cotton shirt and boxer shorts. Both garments were only just able to cover her body, the shorts clinging to her thick thighs and bottom like a second skin, while her top was stretched all over attempting to surround her chest. Cleavage peeked through the tugged down neckline, and her bases of her breasts were just visible below the shirt's hem.
"Well, let me put it this way." She replied. "I'm still pissed off, but no so much that I want to murder you for what you did."
"Um.. thanks, I guess."
Wendy plopped down next to him, her chest bouncing up and down for several seconds after she settled. "It was really crummy of you to not tell us what happened before we went out there.."
She sighed. "But it was an accident, and you did offer to get us out when things started getting bad. And it is Christmas..."
"And you let me stay here the night." Tina declared as she exited the bedroom, looking quite happy. She wore only one of Wendy's oversized sleeping shirts, but even it was struggling to cover her. It was wrapped tightly around her enormous breasts, the hem being lifted and exposing much of her thick thighs.
"Thanks for loaning me the shirt." She spoke as she sat next to Nick, sandwiching him between the two girls.
"No problem." Wendy smiled.
"And Nick, thank you." Wendy grinned at him. "Today was really embarrassing, but I gotta admit, this ain't so bad looking like this."
She raised her arms and shook her breasts a little. "Shame it doesn't last longer, I would have liked to have found a nice dress to show these bad boys off."
"Er, right. Glad you're enjoying it.." Nick replied quietly, surprised by how pleased Tina was by this outcome, considering how angry she was earlier.
He looked at Wendy. "And how about you?"
Wendy glanced down at her boobs, their grand size preventing her from seeing anything below her waist. "Yeah, it is nice to be bigger. Though next time, lets keep them at a smaller size. A much smaller size."
"Sure, I..." Nick did a double take. "Wait, next time?"
"Well, sure." Wendy grinned. "I wouldn't mind being curvy again."
"Me too." Tina joined in. "You gotta tell me where you got that stuff from."
"I guess, sure.." Nick smiled, relaxing. It was nice to see the girls had recovered from their ordeal, and that they were enjoying their 'presents.' It was just too bad Tina was staying over. Otherwise, he would have suggested he and Wendy head for the bedroom for a little playtime..
"Hey, Mary Poppins is on!" Wendy pointed excitedly at the TV. "I love this movie."
"Me too!" Tina squealed. Both girls now stared at the TV with rapt attention. Not interested in the film, Nick sighed and closed his eyes for a quick catnap. When he woke up, he was aware of two soft, warm objects pressing against his face. His eyes shot open, and his vision was filled with the sight of two huge, round shapes right next to his face.
Looking to his sides, he realised what had happened. Wendy and Tina had nodded off to sleep, both girls snuggling up against his body. Their position meant that their breasts were nestled against his head.
Rather than try to extricate himself, Nick just smiled and let his head rest against Wendy's bosom. It was easily the most comfortable pillow he was ever rested upon.
"Merry Christmas, to one and all..." He murmured, before falling asleep again.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, curse, magic, Prose that Blows 7 – Not So Final Fantasy (2011), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Darkest Story
Text: The noises of the crypt were starting to get to her, all the hissing echoing around, driving her mad. She'd been walking down here for hours in her now dusty, bloodied and torn leather armour. She'd even gone through several torches. Reihana Solus wasn't happy about this.
She'd been commissioned to come down here alone to retrieve an artefact in secrecy. She couldn't turn down her weight in diamonds after all and this was a relatively safe area above ground, the more viscous creatures lived further north. She brushed the hundredth cobweb out of her auburn shoulder length hair and kept walking the stony labyrinth sword-arm at the ready.
She knew legends about this place, the hissing was either a source of elemental power or some giant snake guarding an ancient treasure. She'd come down here into the crypts of one of the greatest sorcerer's to ever live, he'd been buried by loyal subjects. The ruins had been picked apart before but no one had ever found this particular artefact and sometimes dungeoneers had gone missing.
She stepped lightly into a chamber and noticed it was surprisingly well lit... Blue sapphires were embedded in the wall emitting light. The room was strange... it was similar in construction to the rest of the place... but it was filled with strange scraps of various colours... and torn clothing... even the odd piece of seemingly undamaged or corroded armour.
Looking around she spied a door and a pedestal... the door unlike the rest of them in this place looked to be sealed shut and was emitting a slightly purple light compared to the blue of the sapphires.
Reihana wandered up to the pedestal; checking for markings, languages anything that looked strange. Finding nothing other than a crystal to place her palm on she took a deep breath, checked the door for possible traps... not that she was an expert... and then braced herself.
She pressed the palm of her hand onto the pedestal and watched as the gems in the room lit up. She braced her sword arm as the door began to rise open with the sound of grinding stone... with the opening of the door the hissing increased by a magnitude to an almost deafening crescendo. She was not prepared for what happened next.
A darkness lunged out of the opening door and engulfed her. She wasn't bound but it surrounded her blinding her and the hissing almost deafened her. She waited for a few seconds and then swung out at the darkness a few times to test for a response... she got one.
She opened her mouth for a battle cry the darkness rushed into her open mouth. As insubstantial as smoke the darkness entered her and seconds later she could see... the hissing was everywhere now, overwhelming...
Reihana began checking herself over. Was she poisoned? no... Was she cursed? maybe... Was she dead... not yet... but there was armour all around this room... and those strange scraps.
She felt full... which was odd... it had been hours since she ate back at the dungeon entrance. She looked down and saw her leather armour straining. The cuirass's bonds were pulled tight and were threatening to snap. Her stomach bulged roundly through the armour and plain white village shirt she was wearing underneath. Her breasts were perkier and significant than before the smoke went inside her...
She dropped her sword and began checking herself everywhere as armour began snapping off piece by piece. Her body felt strangely smooth and as she pressed her skin it seemed to push back unnaturally so. She noticed she shone in the light and if she looked down she could see the floor through the distended sphere that her stomach was becoming...
It dawned on her... was this what had happened to those adventurers before her? probably... those scraps were probably them left behind... they'd been... filled with this dark stuff, some sort of defence. Well unlike them she was going into that room and finding...
... the artefact... and as soon as she stepped in the hissing stopped... and a deep groaning took its place. She rushed over and picked it up... it was a gauntlet. She pulled it onto her sword arm and felt herself shrinking down... she took it off and felt herself filling up again. She decided to leave it on... From that day on she knew to curse the names of fetish sorcerer's and not to go hunting for their items.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: It was a beautiful day on Zach Island and I was out riding my bike on the beach. I was on my fourth lap around the island went all of a sudden I hit something that was buried in the sand. I hit was so hard that it sent me flying and I landed face first in the soft sand. After getting up and dusting myself off I went over to find out what I hit. After a little digging I came across a small chest and inside was with looked to be a purple glass bottle. " I wonder what this is?" I said to myself. "Well I can't worry about it now I have a dinner to get to." I picked up my bike and headed back to my room to change.
When I got to my room I immediately changed for the dinner that the other girls and I planed that morning. I decide to wear a nice pair of jeans and the top from my Arcturus Bikini. After getting dressed I pick up the bottle . "Maybe its some kind of ancient beauty potion." I thought. So in thinking that I opened the bottle and out poured this purple smoke. The smoke flew around the room for a little while before flying straight into me. After it entered me I felt very weird and then I passed out onto my bed.
The next morning I came to." What happened?" I said to myself. " and why do I feel so weird." I got up and walked over to the large mirror in my room. My skin looked very soft. I ran my hands down my soft skin. The softness remained me of rising pizza dough. After examining my body for a bit longer I caught a glimpse of the clock. "Oh my god! The dinner!" I yelled as i ran out the door an to the lobby. When I got there I asked the man behind the desk where the other girls were and he said "They were at the pool.""Thank you." I replied as I ran for the pool area.
When I got there I found Ayane, Lisa, Helena, Christine, and Kasumi sun bathing and Lie Fang and Hitomi in the pool playing volleyball. Then Ayane lifted her shades and said "Oh.. Look who decided to show up.""Where were you last night." Kasumi asked." I'm sorry I passed out." I replied. They looked at each other as if they didn't believe me." How do we know that you didn't...." Helena's statement was cut short by a sudden hissing noise. We all looked around to find the source until suddenly, "Tina, your boobs there growing!" Hitomi yelled. I looked down and they were growing. " They're ...Inflating!" Kasumi yelled. Soon I as sporting a mammoth chest and it also appeared that may outfit was increasing in size as well. I placed over my new assets and stroked my new cleavage lightly."Their...Balloons." Hitomi said. As my hands steadily pushed out from my chest, carried by my growing bazooms. Then I tried wrapping my forearms and interlacing my fingers around them to stop them.
Soon my expanding chest had gotten so big that I could no longer hold my hands together and my hands sprang apart and as soon as that happened my boobs bobbled upwards. I could feel them trying to free themselves from the confines of my bikini top. Then suddenly I began to rise up on to my toes. The girls ran over and pulled me inside before I floated out of their grasp. They brought my into the Grand Ballroom located next to the pool area. After they got me inside the hissing in my breast stopped. I looked over my now floating bazooms to see what they were doing. All I saw was their faces frozen in shock. "What! What is it?!?!" I said through my inflated breasts. "I you hips...There growing." Hitomi said. I slowly moved my hands down the side of my body until I got to my hips and tights and I felt them swelling outwards. Soon my swelling tights got do big that it forced my legs apart, but as quickly as the hissing started, it stopped. Then suddenly, not a split second later the hissing suddenly came back and I started to feel my stomach bloat outwards, as my back and butt did the same.
This time the inflation was much faster. My cheeks puffed up as the air filled what was left. Soon me stomach was beginning to get so big, my arms went from my sides up to my ears. "So big," I thought, "I'm still growing and I can't move at all! Am I going to pop?" Then slowly, but noticeably, I felt me self become extremely light. I had now become so large and spherical I couldn't see my feet. Then without warning, I felt even lighter and I was beginning to float. My feet were no longer touching the ground. Instead, I floated towards the ceiling. "WOW! Tina, your huge!!" Hitomi yelled. " Tina, How did this happen to you?" Kasumi asked. "I don't know, but GET ME DOWN!" I yelled through my puffy cheeks." Hitomi, you and Helena keep an eye on Tina." Christine said. "Okay." they replied. As the other girls left I stopped inflating and the smoke that entered my body earlier left my body and floated there in front of me. Then the smoke divided in two and entered Hitomi and Helena's bodies, but they didn't pass out like I did." Hey Helena.. Is it just me or do you feel kind of weird." Hitomi said. " Yeah no that you mention it I do feel a little weird." Helena replied running her hands down her body. Suddenly they began to inflate, but their inflation was a lot faster then mine was and just seconds later they became human balloons joined me up on the ceiling. "What happened to us." Hitomi yelled. "Look at me my beautiful thin body has been turned into a balloon. You better tells us what happened Tina or so help I will.." I cut Helena off before she could finish. "Here the short story. I was out on my bike , I found a chest and inside was a purple bottle. Before I came down to dinner I opened the bottle releasing the weird purple smoke which cause all this." I explain to Helena as she was trying to pull her hair out. Then the smoke suddenly left their bodies. "You she I was telling the truth." We watched as the gas suddenly divided into five and hid waiting for the other girls to return and as soon as they did the smoke entered each of them. Soon they inflated and join the rest of us on the ceiling.
The inflation lasted about 16 hours. Then we all began to deflate. " I hope this never happens again." I said as my feet safety touched the ground. "Yeah!" All the other girls replied. Once the last two girls touched ground the smoke escaped the lasted five girls. Kasumi ran over with a pickle jar and captured the smoke inside. After changing we all went outside to bury the jar where I found it. "You have to admit that was kind of fun." Hitomi said. All we did was look at her as never cracking one smile at her random outburst. " I hope the next poor soul who finds this jar is ready." I replied as I finished burying the jar. Once I was done we returned to the hotel where we finally had our dinner.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping, Bully, camping, revenge
Text: "Leave him alone." barked Harold from the cabin door, his speckled eyes locked on Boyd who had Devon pinned to the timber floor.
"Or what?" smirked Boyd, rearing up to his full height, which made Harold unwillingly step back towards the door. Though the teenagers were about the same age, Boyd was the more developed specimen as some would say. He stood at six foot two, was broad shouldered and his body was ripped with muscles from sports and hours of gym. "I'm waiting?" sneered Boyd, a devilish grin appearing on his chiseled jaw his sky-blue eyes locked on Harold's own brown ones. Boyd could see the fear in them. Boyd even snorted a laugh as Harold's knees shook.
"Just leave us alone Boyd, please." Harold stammered as Boyd took one step forward, his booted footfall reverberating through the floor planks. Enjoying Harold's fear Boyd took one more lumbering step until Harold was at his chest level and had to stare up through his mess of pale blonde hair at him. "Do you want to take Carrot-Top's place?" Boyd jeered, sticking a thumb back at Devon who remained motionless. As if playing dead would save him from being tormented by Boyd.
"What if I paid you?" squeaked Harold, taking another step back so Boyd didn't loom over him so much. Harold knew he was mousy, much like Devon it was part of the reason they'd become such good friends and why Boyd enjoyed bullying them even since he'd started growing like a tree. Harold wasn't even sure Boyd had finished growing yet and with how much Boyd loved the gym he was only getting stronger and stronger.
Boyd snickered again, "I already took your money."
"I can pay you with something else?"
"Like what? What could you possibly have that I'd want?"
"Umm I have a cologne my mum gave me. Girls are meant to really like it. Maybe even Charmain would."
"A cologne?" said Boyd rolling the word around as if was the first time he'd used it.
"Let me show you." Quickly suggested Harold, ducking around Boyd and rushing to his suitcase to remove the cologne. Harold had barely removed the glass bottle, filled with yellow liquid before it was whisked from his hand by Boyd's massive hand. Removing the lid of the cologne he took a tentative scent. "Well Harold, I thought you were completely tasteless, but this actually smells pretty good. You have a deal, that is unless Charmain hates it. If she hates it, I promise to make you and Devon wish you were both never born. Okay?" Boyd smiled, almost sweetly before he turned and sauntered from the cabin.
"Why did you give him that?" Devon grumbled as Harold helped him up off the floor.
"For revenge of course." smiled Harold, after taking a double take to make sure Boyd wasn't anywhere the cabin, which in turn made Devon do a double take at Harold. Devon was sure he'd heard Harold wrong. "Did you say revenge?" asked Devon
"Yeah, I'm tired of him picking on us, this is our last camp before graduating and I'm done dealing with his shit. Sure, we may never see him again when we all go off to college, but I want to teach him a lesson." sighed Harold
"So, what's going to happen, he liked the smell?"
"Just you wait and see." winked Harold
After that the duo hung out in their cabin until dinner time. When it was time for dinner, the pair made their way over to the dining hall. All the while keeping an eye out for Boyd and his goons. Thankfully the pair being small and thin they could easily hide in a crowd and could easily spot Boyd or his friends, as his friends were as equally huge as he was. Keeping their distance, the pair got their food and made their way to what was deemed one of the 'nerdy' tables where they sat and kept a vigilant watch on Boyd. Boyd seemed to be completely oblivious to them and had his arm draped around Charmain who was batting her big beautiful lashes up at him as they sat at the 'popular' table.
"How do we know the cologne's done what you intended it to do?" Devon asked
"Oh, it'll be obvious, and it's fairly quick acting so if Boyd's here he hasn't put on any yet." responded Harold, his gaze still fixed on Boyd
"Will it give him some kind of allergic reaction?" asked Devon
"Something like that." smiled Harold devilishly, which made Devon frown in thought and curiosity. The pair made small talk about what to do for the rest of the camp, what they hoped the rest of the year would be like and the new video games that were going to come out soon they were keen to play. The duo had long since finished their small meals by the time Boyd's table began to empty. A couple of Devon and Harold's friends also left, asking if they wanted to join them for some games, but they said their apologies, as they already had plans.
Harold couldn't help but bounce his knee as he quietly urged Boyd and Charmain to leave. He let out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding, when Boyd and Charmain finally got up from their table and made their way out of the expansive hall. Looking through the glass walls, as Harold had suspected, the pair turned right heading towards the lake. Boyd did that with every girl he fancied, he'd take them to a quiet, little, secluded cove tucked up in the woods. Harold had accidentally stumbled upon Boyd with a girl there, completely naked and Boyd noticed Harold who'd lingered too long in the bushes. The awe and desire Harold felt seeing Boyd's muscles bunch and flex as he ploughed into the girl evaporating with fear as Boyd glared at him then growled for him to fuck off. Ever since then Boyd had made Harold his favorite victim to bully.
"Let's follow them." smiled Harold leading Devon from the hall. Cautiously, the pair stuck the shadows watching as Boyd and Charmain strolled towards the lake shore. Boyd paused for a moment, which made the pairs' blood run cold thinking they'd been spotted, but they smiled instead as Boyd reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out the cologne. Popping off the lid, Boyd did a few quick squirts before slotting the bottle back into his jeans. Harold was impressed the bottle could fit in the confines of the pocket. As Boyd's jeans looked tight on his muscular ass and legs.
"He used it." chuckled Devon, eagerly anticipating what was going to happen, however his excitement soured into confusion as the happy couple started kissing. They even heard Charmain compliment the smell. "Harold." hissed Devon, confusion twisting his shadowy features.
"Give it time. Be patient." whispered Harold, before motioning Devon to follow him. While Charmain and Boyd turned left into the woods at the shoreline. Devon and Harold went into the woods further up so they could cut across and sneak up on the other pair.
As they secretly crept through the dark woods, they watched as Boyd and Charmain descended the small slope to Boyd's cove. "Oh, this is lovely." they heard Charmain say
"Not for long." snickered Harold, his whole body was buzzing with excitement. He'd used the cologne before on himself, so he knew what it could do, and he knew there weren't any harmful side effects in small doses. He still recalled how helpless he'd been from it and he relished thinking about how that was going to be Boyd soon. Hiding in some bushes, Devon and Harold stopped and watched.
Charmain and Boyd were already all over each other. Hands exploring each other's bodies their mouths locked together. "You're so hot Charmain." breathed Boyd, his voice husky, his breathing quickened with arousal. Devon and Harold both rolled their eyes, as they'd heard Boyd said that to every girl he brought to his cove. Charmain smiled against Boyd's lips as her hands travelled from his quaffed, brown hair, over his bulging shoulders, racking through the fabric of his singlet to tease his pecs down to his abs. Only as she hit his abs, she noticed the washboard like surface was bulging more than when she'd been eye fucking him at dinner. "Babe I think you ate to much." She smirked, gently caressing the mound. Only she could've sworn the mound just got bigger under her hands. "Boyd!" she cried, pulling away as she felt the mound push hard against her hand and she watched as his belly blew up and up. "What." Groaned Boyd, angry at the prospect of Charmain being a tease and leaving him with blue balls.
"What the fuck!" Boyd cried, to which Devon and Harold had to suppress giggles, as he looked down and saw his formerly flat stomach swell more and more. Devon couldn't believe his eyes as he saw Boyd's middle distend under his singlet and a patch of lightly haired skin peaked out in the moonlight. "Oh my god!" shrieked Charmain scrambling away as Boyd looked on in horror as his stomach blew out, obstructing the view of his bulging erection in his jeans. With each moment Boyd's stomach puffed out further and soon his sides were joining in to making his middle increasingly round. "Don't just stand there help me!" cried Boyd, who was struggling to get up, but Charmain only whimpered, watching wide eyed as Boyd became more like a balloon.
"Oh my God this is awesome." breathed Devon, enjoying the spectacle playing out before them.
"I know right, I accidentally made it trying to create a spray to get bigger. Just watch." smiled Harold knowingly, his grin ear to ear.
Focusing back on Boyd, Devon had to suppress a gasp as a pop and a splash sounded as Boyd's jeans ruptured, sending his button flying into the lake. Charmain screamed as Boyd tried to roll, showing how spherical he was becoming. Grunting and cursing, Boyd was clearly letting his rage outweigh his panic. Devon and Harold would've liked to see him more panicked but seeing him struggle was equally as satisfying. They knew how much he obsessed over and loved his body. They also knew how embarrassing it was for him to have some hot girl witness him losing it. "I can't, I can't even!" shrieked Charmain, before hastily bundling her clothes together and fleeing the cove.
"Come back here! Help me!" bellowed Boyd, as he continued to roll about trying to get up onto his feet. Boyd grunted and moaned in discomfort at how he felt as the pressure inside him push out into every inch of his body. He was helpless as his limbs were being sucked into his body. He couldn't stop what was left of his clothing being shredded by his bulging body. Harold and Devon watched in amusement as Body struggled vainly to right himself as he completed his transformation into a large, naked ball. His diameter reaching about eight feet, before his inflation begun to slow and tapper off.
"Oh, thank god," panted Boyd unsure if he could've handled swelling much bigger, as he realized he'd stopped swelling. His body felt so tight, and he struggled to see anything around him, with his neck having sunk into his globular body.
"Come on." chuckled Harold, waving Devon forward as he broke from the bushes to inspect their handy work more closely.
"Who's there?" whimpered Boyd, hearing the cracking of branches and the crunch of sand beneath shoes.
"Oh, just us Boyd." purred Harold
"Wow," Devon could only muster as he walked about Boyd's circumference. His gaze drinking in the vision of Boyd's pumped up body and the shreds of his clothes scattered about the cove. "Don't just stand there you fags, help me." hissed Boyd, who tried to trash at them but only managed a wobble that made the pair giggle.
"Fine," Harold eventually sighed, his tone evident how little he wanted to. Boyd flinched as he felt their small hands touch his circumference and his socked feet as they rolled him upright. "About fucking time." Spat Boyd as they got him back on his feet, his anger vanishing however, as he couldn't see them below his bulge. They'd been small compared to him before, but they were now minuscule. He also realized he couldn't move, his legs were gone, swallowed by his middle. All Boyd could do was wriggle hit feet and toes.
"Couldn't agree more Boyd." shot back Harold
"Then quit your yapping and help me get back to camp, the nurse has got to help me."
"I think you misunderstand. It's about fucking time, someone stood up to you. You always went on about how you were the big man around the school, puffing your chest out and stuff. Well Boyd, you're the big man now and I think we are going to leave you here. Maybe then you'll learn to leave others alone." Spat back Harold
"You did this?" hissed Boyd
"Damn right!" laughed Devon, "made you a Boyd Blimp."
"Shut up!" growled Boyd who tried to move but did little more than shudder his spherical shape. "You can't leave me out here!" he cried
"We can Boyd and we will. You'll deflate in a few days, just time for the end of camp. Catch you latter." laughed Harold, before waving Boyd a goodbye once he'd stepped far enough away, he was sure Boyd could see him. A chill swept through Boyd's body and it wasn't from the cold breeze blowing against it. He didn't want to be left alone in the dark and if no one knew where to look no one would find him until he had deflated like Harold had said.
"You coming?" Harold called back to Devon, who was still standing at Boyd's base gawking up at him.
"In a minute!" called back Devon, "I'll meet you at the cabin."
"Okay," shrugged Harold, not surprised Devon wanted to bask in the glory of what they'd accomplished. Harold however, had had his fill and all his nerves leading up to this night had now left him exhausted now that the deed was done.
Devon stared up at Boyd, jaw slack, all the while listening to Harold's footsteps fade into the dark of the woods. "What do you want fag? Why don't you take a photo it'll last longer?" snapped Boyd
"A good idea." laughed Boyd, who pulled out his beaten-up iPhone and took several shots. "Jeez is your junk always this big or did it blow up too?" muttered Devon as he took his photos and noticed even now flaccid, Boyd's manhood was impressive. "Delete those photos or I'll-" bellowed Boyd, body wobbling again as he tried to lunge at Devon. Boyd's hand not even emerging from the divot they'd sunken into.
"Or you'll what?" smirked back Devon, which cut Boyd off. Boyd didn't like the sound of Devon's voice or the twinkle of his green eyes as he stared up at him. "I thought as much." smiled Devon, as Boyd glowered in silence, "Anyway, do you want to know what did this?"
"What?" barked Boyd
"This did." smirked Devon triumphantly as he plucked the cologne out from the scraps of clothing and held it aloft for Boyd to see.
"What?" growled Boyd, realizing he'd been tricked. Those two little pricks had done this to him. His body quivered and his face reddened as rage threatened to overwhelm the feeling of pressure that pushed at every inch of his body.
"Yeah just a quick spray and presto, balloon Boyd." laughed Devon, before uncapping the lid
"What are you doing?" stammered Boyd as saw Devon aim the cologne at him
"Showing you of course." smirked Devon, who pressed the nozzle and with a hiss a fine mist of cologne squirted onto Boyd's side. Boyd twitched at the cool wet contact, then he twitched again as he felt himself grow increasingly tighter. Wide eyed Boyd watched the ground dropping away, his circumference stretching outwards. "Please make it stop." begged Boyd as he swelled upwards and outwards.
"Nah," smiled Devon, who squirted Boyd again. Making Boyd swell more and more, faster and faster.
"Please!" cried Boyd as his head begun to sink into his body. However, Devon sprayed Boyd again before hurrying backwards as Boyd grew bigger and bigger and bigger. His globular body quickly starting to envelope most of the sandy cove. Craning his neck upwards Devon was sure Boyd towered above the large outcrops of rocks that formed the cove. Yet again, Devon smirked as he sprayed Boyd again, relishing the muffled cry that came from within the groaning, swelling orb as Boyd's head sunk into his circumference. The power Devon felt having Boyd at his mercy was intoxicating, he was loving making the big man bigger than he could handle. Boyd had always used his size as an advantage against them and now Devon could at last use it against him.
Seeing Boyd's ballooning body was slowing down, Devon sprayed him again and again. More muffled cries came from Boyd and groans as his body swept across the cove pressing against the rocks. "Still not enough, I want everyone to see what a huge blimp you've become!" yelled back Devon. So he sprayed Boyd again and he grew. He then sprayed Boyd again and he grew even more. Devon sprayed Boyd again and he grew even bigger. Boyd's body shuddered and moaned as it loomed up and up into the night sky resembling more a fleshy hot air balloon than a teenaged, muscle bound jock.
"And one more for good luck." smirked Devon, who sprayed Boyd's quivering mass once more. Devon quickly stepped back as Boyd's quivering accelerated and he rapidly expanded. Boyd's tanned skin slick with sweat and reddened from the strain of being inflated so huge. "Oops." Devon muttered, realizing what he'd done as Boyd's inflation wasn't slowing down. It seemed to be getting faster and the rumbling groan from within Boyd's rotund form louder. He could hear Boyd's moans and rumbling through the woods as he scurried away as Boyd continued to rapidly expand. Deep in the divot Boyd cursed and groaned feeling how tight he was becoming. How tiny everything felt against his huge, hard body and he didn't know if he could take anymore. Just as Boyd's body begun to peak over the tall, pine treetops, there was an almighty bang as Boyd couldn't inflate anymore and burst like a big balloon, leaving nothing behind of Boyd.
Everyone at camp had heard the bang that night, but no one could figure out what the cause was. Harold and Devon didn't talk about that night and no one would get any sense out of Charmain. They'd looked for Boyd but never found him. As Devon and Harold rode the bus back several days later, Harold knew Devon had sprayed Boyd until he burst. Harold wasn't mad. He'd even done it to a neighborhood bully, and he was happy for Devon to keep the bottle. He knew Devon would put it to good use and he could always make more.
Harold and Devon decide to teach a bully a big lesson about leaving them alone
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, Prose that Blows 8 - Epilogue, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Funniest Story
Text: Wendy took deep, slow, breaths, trying to steel herself for the task at hand. All she wanted to do was sit inside with the curtains drawn, safe from the prying eyes of her curious neighbors. But the newspapers had piled up by the dozens at the end of her driveway, and she knew they'd attract burglars unless she took care of them. And going outside presented profound challenges in her current state.
Wendy suffered from a bizarre and vexing condition. After a drunken one-night stand, she had found herself expecting a child. Wendy had never been pregnant before, but she didn't expect to gain so much weight so fast. She'd buy herself a whole new set of clothes and underwear, and a week later none of them fit anymore. She'd been counting her calories carefully, and nothing could account for how quickly she was growing. By the time Wendy was two months along, her petite, pixie-like body had ballooned big enough to be well into her third trimester, with no sign of slowing down. The real stunner, though, was that far from putting on pounds, she discovered she was actually losing weight!
Her doctor's visits had ultimately proved fruitless. After being shuttled between specialist after specialist, all she learned was that her body was filling up with some sort of lighter-than-air gas. None of them could figure out the cause, and as for treatment, the general consensus seemed to be to wait and see what happened after she had the baby. That had been six long months ago. Six months of her breasts, belly, and butt blowing up bigger, and bigger, and bigger, of outgrowing one shirt and pair of pants after another, of her panties ripping apart before she got them halfway up her hips, of having to exert every ounce of strength she had just to squeeze in and out of the shower stall. Three months of watching her weight trickle down to 75 pounds, followed by three months of guessing because she couldn't read the scale around her bulge. At this point, Wendy estimated that her unborn child weighed more than she did. This might be her last opportunity to get outside before she couldn't keep herself grounded anymore.
Clothes would be the first difficulty. After ransacking her bedroom, laundry room, attic, and basement, Wendy found a total of two items of clothing that could conceivably fit her. A pair of black Spandex bike shorts creaked ominously as she pulled them over her hips and ass. They stretched out so much that they looked more like boyshort briefs, but they held together. A matching tube top wouldn't quite fit over her voluminous bosom, even at maximum stretch. By squishing her boobs down against the wall, she was eventually able to get the back closed. Of course, deflation of one part of herself always came at the expense of the growth of another; Wendy could shift the gas around her body, but could never seem to actually force it out entirely. She felt her belly and butt expand slightly, testing the limits of her pants.
The next challenge would be fitting through her front door. Walking straight through was a non-starter — her hips were simply too wide to clear the doorframe, and trying to force them through would no doubt tear her stretched-out shorts to shreds. When she tried to sidle through sideways, her belly and bubble butt got in the way. Borrowing a trick she used in the shower stall, Wendy pulled hard on her abdomen, squashing it in with all her might. She felt her navel scrape against the wood as she slowly slid toward freedom. Too late did Wendy remember that the gas she displaced would migrate to higher ground. A heart-stopping noise announced that her protruding nipples had torn through the thin fabric. A split second later, she popped through, and her body quickly returned to equilibrium, but the damage had been done — tears begat more tears, and within seconds her top lay in tatters at her feet.
Wendy did her best to cover her enormous chest with her slender arms as she frantically looked around. Fortunately, the sleepy suburb was mostly vacant during the day. It didn't appear that anyone was around to see her in this exposed state, and since cramming herself back through the door wouldn't be any easier the second time around, she decided to just do what she came out here for.
At the end of her driveway, Wendy encountered her third challenge: bending over. Balance was tricky in her condition; the weight of her baby shifted her center of gravity far in front of her feet. Leaning forward threatened to topple her onto her belly, which she wasn't sure she could get back up from. Instead, she tried to squat down, but found that her swollen stomach collided with her zaftig thighs before she made it halfway to the ground. Again she hugged her gut, compressing it as she crouched down toward the pile of papers. Her breasts ballooned bigger in response, but she'd gotten quite used to that at this point. What Wendy didn't realize was that she was also forcing gas into her hips and backside.
It started with a barely-audible *snap* and a draft at her crotch. The rip quickly ran down her inner thighs and up her lengthy butt crack, and before she knew it, her last line of defense against public nudity was drifting away on a light breeze. Wendy squatted there, as still as a statue, paralyzed by fear, as she waited for her brain to unfreeze and hand her a few suggestions.
Before she could think of what to do, a gust of wind sailed into her back, upsetting her precarious balance. Wendy found herself flopping belly-down on the ground like a beached whale. Moments later, another stiff breeze came along, strong enough to push her off her driveway and onto the street! Wendy slid on the curve of her tumescent belly, desperately pawing at the asphalt as she tried to slow herself down. Ahead of her was a busy street, and she knew she'd be roadkill if she couldn't stop in time.
Her grasping hands found purchase, but not enough to overcome her momentum. Instead, she tilted up into a handstand, presenting her entire body to the wind. Wendy screamed as she was plucked off the ground, flipping end-over-end before her pregnant belly stabilized her face-down. Her breath caught in her throat as the currents carried her over the bustling intersection, where a passing tractor-trailer generated an updraft that lofted her even higher. Picking up speed, she flew into a nearby roof. Its slanted surface acted as a ramp, launching her still higher into the air.
Once she passed the treeline, it was all over. Unfettered by obstacles, the full strength of the wind enveloped her in its airy grip. Its force against the slope of her underbelly trapped her in a continuous upward climb. Wendy could only wail futile cries for help as her naked body was borne faster and higher, until it disappeared over the horizon.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, bound, hand pump
Text: Megan stirred at the sound of footsteps, but she was too exhausted to bother opening her eyes. It had been a long night already, and she didn't have to check the clock to know it was far from over. The police had insisted on a patrol past her door every thirty minutes and a physical checkup every hour on the hour. It was an insane amount of bother, but at least it was all ending soon. Tomorrow – today, she thought blearily – she'd take the stand, and then there would be nothing left for anyone to fear. But for the moment, everyone was paranoid bordering on fanatical. They'd even told her to stay ready and on alert, which seemed to be at odds with sleeping. Eventually she'd grumbled her case, kicked off her shoes and curled up on top of her covers in her blouse and her slacks. If that was less than satisfactory, they didn't pester her further.
The footsteps drew up next to the bed and stopped. A pair of fingers dug into Megan's neck, pressing in to feel her pulse. She twitched slightly at the sudden touch, but otherwise lay still as the visitor tapped out a silent ten count. That done, the touch withdrew and returned to pull down on Megan's chin. She let her jaw swing open obediently to accept the thermometer, and received a thick wad of fabric in her mouth instead.
She opened her eyes with a muffled cry, blinking at the haze of her fatigue as a slim, black-clothed figure vaulted onto the bed. A mask covered their mouth and nose, but the shape seemed feminine. She pulled a pair of handcuffs from her belt with a soft tinkle of chains and bent over Megan, seemingly intent on using them.
Silently Megan fought. Furiously. And briefly. The intruder countered her adrenal thrashing with practiced ease, shackling one wrist and slamming her arm down, then threading the connecting chain through the headboard and attacking her other arm to lock it up likewise.
In short order Megan lay panting, defeated, both arms bound above her head and sweat trickling over her scalp. The intruder straightened up and shook back her charcoal ponytail. She pressed a short length of tape lovingly over Megan's lips and walked her fingers down her victim's blouse. Between her breasts. Down her stomach. A little pop between Megan's hips. An invasion of cool air. She looked down the length of her prone body and shook her head violently. The dark figure opened up the front of her slacks with deliberate slowness, pulling down her zipper so that the teeth clicked audibly. "Mmphh!" Megan cried, kicking out, but she couldn't stop her slacks from slipping away. Couldn't catch the fabric peeling down her legs until they were completely bare. The night was cold against her naked skin, her face hot and flushed, her white silk panties shining in the moonlight.
The figure settled herself in, catching Megan's legs in the crook of her knees and pulling them apart. From over her shoulder she pulled something tall and slender and plopped it onto the covers. It seemed to be an ordinary bicycle pump, but no bike pump Megan had seen before caused her to struggle and squirm and try desperately to shrink away like this one did. The intruder considered Megan's reaction, raising the end of the hose between two fingers. After a moment, she spoke. "Nothing personal," she said, twitching aside Megan's panties, and pushed the bracingly cold nozzle up inside her. Then she drew up the handle with both hands, and pumped.
Megan arched her back, curled her toes, rattled her bonds as the air rushed into her. She squirmed at the power of the sensation, slippery smooth and shamefully sensual as it slithered deep inside her. Her cheeks burned and her thighs quivered as the figure pumped her up again, and then again. She voiced a muffled cry, but it was no use. There was no freeing her calves from her captor's grip, no unbinding the chains around her wrists, no pushing back the swelling knot that coiled inside her abdomen like a snake. Again and again the assailant worked the pump, and Megan could only lay back helplessly as she filled with flowing air. And slowly but surely, Megan felt her stomach rise.
Each pump brought another spike of pressure, building up the mass of air inside her and forcing it outward throughout her body. Slowly, inexorably, it seemed to fill her out, sliding beneath her skin to search out the nooks and crannies of her body. Her stomach rose and her chest tightened. Her thighs plumped, and her breasts perked up. It spread into her arms and her calves, reaching into every extremity, welling up inside her cheeks. Everywhere her felt her skin stretching with the reluctance of an overfull balloon. Tears began to trickle from her eyes. Her entire body was pulsing, straining, expanding to the beat of the hissing pump.
Megan's stomach rose before her as one vast, curved expanse. Up and down the assailant's hands moved, dipping below the growing horizon of her body each time they descended to pump her ever larger. And everywhere that smooth, slippery sensation of air rushing against the walls of her cavernous belly. Bigger and rounder she grew, tighter and tighter, limbs like sausages and her stomach straining, and then-
A button shot off the front of her blouse, disappearing into parts unknown. A diamond patch of taut, pale skin shone through the gap that opened in its place. There was a momentary relief as she swelled to fill out the extra room, but the steady work of the intruder quickly packed her tighter than ever. Threads began to pop again, and
The assailant slammed the plunger down, forcing Megan's stomach up and ripping another button free. Even through the mask and the dark of the room, it seemed to Megan that the slim figure was smiling down at her, savoring her work, making a game of filling her victim carefully out before blasting each button off with a sudden burst of growth.
Bit by bit Megan tore through her own blouse until she lay nearly naked in the silvery moonlight. Her tight-packed turgid frame curved out almost comically, breasts jutting skyward with shameful intensity, stomach so swollen she seemed to be pregnant with a whale.
The black figure forced out another pump, slowly, and Megan groaned as she expanded to contain it. She could no longer see rise and fall of the plunger behind her pneumatic bulk, but she could feel the surge of pressure that came with every inch it descended. Once more the intruder forced the handle down with apparent effort then stopped and wiped her brow. Surely she was nearly done, Megan thought. How much more could she manage? How much bigger did she intend to pump her victim up? Or—a deep-seated creak accompanied the protracted struggle for another quarter inch of girth—did she intend to stop at all?
As if in answer, the intruder produced a pair of earplugs and fitted them into her ears. She cracked her knuckles and drew herself up in a brief stretch, and then attacked the pump with fresh purpose.
Megan squirmed and gasped, but her body stretched so full and taut that she doubted she could move even if she had the freedom. She wasn't sure what was stronger inside her: the feeling of a sudden detonation so barely sequestered, or the endless kiss of slippery air against the tightness of her body.
There was a sound like footsteps from outside the door. Was that her salvation, patrolling down the hall towards her? Or just her imagination and the throbbing in her ears as she strained in her effort not to burst?
The pump handle went down an inch, and Megan trembled before it sprang back up. The assailant grunted with effort and pushed it down again, further. Megan's body throbbed. A loud creaking noise sounded and the handle shot back up again.
Narrowing her eyes, the assailant leaned her entire weight onto the pump. An overwhelming wave of pressure blossomed inside Megan, and strengthened instead of passing.
One too many. She could feel it. That moment of suspension before the crash. Like a Jenga tower about to tip over. But the tortuously unconcerned footsteps of her savior were clear now. She just had to keep it all inside, though it seemed as impossible as fighting the rising tide.
The figure in black kept pumping, or tried to. Her cool, collected manner was gone now and she was looking over her shoulder, taking sharp breaths and working her arms to no effect. She leaned in, pressing a deep divot into the mattress. Megan groaned ominously, but a million PSI forced back the incoming air where there was no room for it. Any moment now, the door would swing open. A few more seconds, and the intruder's plan would be thwarted.
The door handle rattled. The assassin coiled herself, sprang up, pounced like a cat. Megan's eyes widened. The pump handle went down, and Megan went
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Messy Popping, curse, floating, magic
Text: When it all boiled down to it, Beth was rude. She was anything but a people person. She talked down to her co-workers, was mean to her neighbors and worst of all was an absolutely awful tipper. For her entire adult life, she had been a narcissistic, shallow and petty woman. But things change in life, and not always for the better.
One night after work, Roger, Maria and Steve decided to go out to dinner. Being the butt-in that she was, Beth weaseled her way into being invited.
"Let's go to the Golden Dragon," suggested Steve.
"Yeah, the food there is great!" Maria chimed in.
"The food's too cold and the wait staff are horrible," sighed Beth, "but if you insist, I suppose I'll tag along."
"How wonderful," Roger said with a hint of sarcasm.
When the quartet arrived at the Golden Dragon, the place was bustling with patrons for the evening buffet. Children ran through the tables, shouting with joy while parents tried as hard as they could to issue calm. Families crowded together chatting about the days past and days ahead. In the middle of all the commotion was one big grump; and her name was Beth.
"Oh, this place is a flophouse! It smells awful and it looks so dirty! How can I live with myself for choosing to come with you heathens? Ugh, move out of my way, Maria," she said pushing her dining partner to one side, "I spot some peel-and-eat-shrimp!" And with that, she stalked off into the crowd.
"Are you alright, Maria?" Steve asked.
"Remind me to never let myself bring her anywhere ever again," she huffed. "What a bitch! A raving lunatic bitch! She's not even a regular bitch, she's an unholy, sent-from-hell bitch-spawn of Satan! If only I had a gun, if only I had a gun I would kill that sorry excuse for a person! To think, that aloof throwback is breathing up air that we could be using! And eating food that hungry children in third world countries could be savoring! Just let her cross me again, and you all had better pray that she kills me, because if she doesn't, her life will end!"
"Maria!" Roger gasped, "There are children present!" All Steve could do is stand there with his mouth ajar.
After a pause borderlining on awkwardness, Maria stated, "Maybe we should sit down."
A few minutes later, the waitress came to take their drink order.
"I'll have a Coke," Steve said.
"I'd like a glass of Diet Coke," said Maria.
"Make mine an iced tea," Roger ordered. "Oh, and the fourth person will have a glass of... um..."
"Acid - Sulfuric acid," Maria said with an evil grin on her face. The waitress jerked her head back in confusion.
"Pay her no mind," Roger laughed. "Our fourth person will just have water for now."
When Beth got back, her plate was overflowing with food.
"I'm so starving, I can't believe this food is so expensive yet it doesn't fill you up!"
"Complaining makes it better," mumbled Roger. Steve and Maria both tried to stifle their giggles.
"What did you say?" Beth growled with a mouthful of food.
"I was complaining that the Chinese don't use cheddar."
"You're an asshole, Roger. Just shut up for the rest of the meal, unless you're going to say something nice... about me."
"Wait just a minute, you hus-," Maria tried to say more, but Steve clamped his hand over her mouth.
"Shhh... it was just a tease, right Beth?"
"No, Steve, it wasn't. So quit trying to be Mr. Hotshot, and just shut the hell up." Beth was one second from having her eyes gouged out by Maria when the waitress walked up.
"Would you like more tea or another Coke?"
"No, dumbass, can't you see that our glasses are full? Why don't you go mill around somewhere else, eh?"
"You are so rude!" the waitress said as she made off quickly in a huff.
"Whatever. These eggrolls are overcooked!" she shouted. The neighboring people turned their gazes towards Beth and company's table.
"What are you all staring at? Why don't you apes just go back to your meal and stop playing a small part in my life!"
"Beth, how can you act this way towards people?"
"Fuck off, Steve! Waitress! I want my check!" Almost instantly, the manager loomed above the table.
"Here. Now leave."
"I don't have to, unlike China, this is a free country! Now scram, pops!"
"Pops, I like that remark. Here, have a fortune cookie, it might give you a tip on how to be a nicer person."
"Whatever," she said as she cracked the cookie open. Inside was a small note that read:
A wise man once said: This may have an uplifting effect on you, but beware, it may end with a bang.
"What the apeshit does that mean? Who writes these things? Dumbasses, that's who!" She said as she munched on the cookie. "Now let's leave before I get hungry again. These damn scam artists!"
The four paid, left quite a nice tip for having to put up with Beth, and made a hasty exit. The whole time, Beth would not stop flapping her lip about the service and the food and the fortune cookie, until her stomach started to bother her.
"I knew it, that damn food gave me a bad bellyache! Oooh, I feel so bloated." It seemed as if her belly was actually getting bigger in front of the group's very eyes. It was as if with every breath she took, her stomach swelled.
"What's happening to me?!" she screeched.
"You must've eaten too fast, I've seen it happen to my sister," Roger began. "She ate like five hamburgers and didn't feel the effects until an hour later. She was bloated like a blimp!"
"I don't want to hear your asinine stories, you jerk! I thought I told you not to say anything unless it was something nice about me!" And with her remarks, her body grew a bit more. Her belly was noticeably bigger, along with her breasts. They seemed perkier. Her butt also looked plumper. She was literally inflating!
"Hey, Beth, you look better fat!" Maria laughed.
"Hey, you're no spring chicken yourself, you disgusting sow!" And her body expanded a little bit more. It was as if every insult she spouted, her body grew.
"You're such a goddamn bitch, Beth!" Steve shouted. "I hope whatever hoo-joo bullshit they cast on you in there makes you fuckin' explode!" Maria and Roger both gaped in awe. Steve never said an unkind word in his life! Beth's mouth was gaping open as well. That was the last straw. She did explode - into a fit of foul language and hand gestures. With every filthy, unkind word, she blew up like a human balloon. Her body swelled larger and larger. Beth's big belly popped the buttons of her blue blouse. Her matching skirt ripped at the seams. Her bra snapped off and slid to the ground. She was covered in tattered blue rags, and she was lifting up into the air, as if she was filled with helium. By the time she calmed down, she was floating a good 15 feet above ground. The tirade of verbal abuse stopped, as if finally realizing her foul mouth caused her to expand.
"Wait a minute... those damn Chinamen cursed me!" And she grew a bit bigger.
"Ooh! I mean... those lovely Asian fellows placed a curse on me, ha-ha-ha!" And she shrank a bit smaller.
"Wait! That's it!" Roger shouted up at her. "Say nice things and you'll shrink!"
"Oh, yes! It's working! I love you all! I love every race and creed! Every person on the planet I just adore!" With every kind word, she shrank back down. Her giant stomach began deflating. Her enormous backside no longer resembled a pair of peach balloons.
"You are so full of shit!" Maria cried out. "Take this!" The enraged woman, tired of Beth's constant boorish behavior to such an extent, hurled a rock right at the deflating woman. When it hit Beth, it repelled her back into the air. In that moment, kind Beth transformed back into the sent-from-hell bitchspawn of Satan! She huffed, and she cursed, and she shouted, and she waved her tiny arms. All the while, her body blew up at a rate that alarmed her companions into taking cover behind a car. The beet red color in her face quickly spread down to the rest of her body. She screamed until her voice grew hoarse. Soon her body was nothing more than a tight, reddened ball with Beth's head atop it; a constant stream of hate issuing forth from her mouth.
Her final words were "Fuck you all and I hope to see you in -" before she literally popped like an overfilled water balloon. Steve stifled the urge to vomit while Maria amusingly pointed at her remains. Roger stood in disbelief, trying to come up with ways to explain the incident at work.
The next day, the three friends donated all of Beth's items in her cubicle to charity, and Maria was promoted to Beth's former position. Steve and Roger received a pay raise, and no one second guessed the story they came back with from their dinner at the Golden Dragon. It was almost as if Beth had never existed at all.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, celebrity, floating, water
Text: "Hello, and welcome to this special edition of 'Celebrity face off'. Tonight, we are proud to present some of the finest female singers the world has to offer – competing tonight will be: Anastacia (cheer from audience), Britney Spears (cheer), Christina Aguilera (cheer), Jennifer Lopez (cheer), Shakira (cheer) and Pink (cheer). The six ladies will face off against each other in several rounds, as usual, but tonight's edition will focus on balloons and inflation, so we've added some special surprises. But before we get into that, let's bring out our contestants..."
The audience goes wild as the six ladies step up onto the stage, some of them clearly worried about what surprises may be in store for them, others just smiling and waving as usual.
"Without further ado, let's start round one (cheer): Now ladies, with every round, one of you will be eliminated from the contest until we have a winner (cheer). But, considering tonight's special motto – 'balloons and inflation' – everyone who loses will be, in some form or another, inflated. (cheer)" The women look at each other, not sure what to think of the rules – surely, the part about the inflation cannot be serious... ROUND 1
"In the first round, every one of you should give a short comment on why she wants to win this contest."
Anastacia laughs and says she hopes she has a good time here at the show and that she wants to win it for all her fans (cheer). Britney Spears giggles and says that this is so crazy, but that she hopes that she will win because her fans are the greatest (cheer). Christina Aguilera says she doesn't want to be blown up like a balloon 'cause she has such a great, slim figure. Oh, and she thanks her fans too (cheer). Jennifer Lopez says she hopes to win because she is the sexiest of the bunch... and her fans are great too (cheer). Shakira says she always liked balloons, so she hopes she'll do well in the game... and her fans are great too (cheer). Finally, Pink says she is the toughest of all and she thinks it will pay off... and she thanks her fans (cheer).
"Well, I think it is quite obvious who the first one out will be... (drumroll) One of the contestants seems to believe that being extremely skinny is good-looking... well, not in our show, I'm afraid: Christina Aguilera, we'll make you look right!" Christina screams a high-pitched scream, but begins to blow up. She doesn't grow any breasts... it's only her belly that is becoming bigger and bigger. "This isn't what a girl wants," she cries as two beautiful assistants roll her off the stage. ROUND 2
The other women stare at the large balloon that used to be Christina Aguilera, some amused, some in shock. But there is no time to think about that anymore. It's time for round two and the rules are being announced right now:
"In this round, you've got to squirt water over here into the clown's mouth, thereby filling this balloon with water. The last one to pop her balloon loses!"
The ladies take the squirt-guns and start firing away. Britney Spears quickly pops her balloon, Jennifer Lopez comes in second. The race is on between Shakira, Pink and Anastacia. Suddenly, Pink begins squirting her two opponents. "I'll take you two out of this contest right away!" The two are momentarily distracted as Pink turns back to filling the balloon with water. Suddenly, she realizes that she has made a big mistake: There is no more water in her pistol! She can only watch in shock as Anastacia pops the balloon seconds after Shakira does.
Pink looks around in panic, at the audience and the other contestants. Then she hears a bubbling sound inside of her followed by the voice of the showmaster: "Pink, you're becoming a water-balloon now yourself!" Pink is now at the same time shrinking and blowing up. Her body is becoming very round and as she begins to move from side to side a bit, you can hear the water in her. "I'm blowing up..." Pink screams. "...so you'd better get this party started," the audience roars back, just as Pink completes her transformation into a water-balloon. Shakira picks up Pink and, as a revenge for squirting her with water, smashes her against the floor, popping Pink. ROUND 3
"In round 3, you must all try to make the funniest, most creative balloon animal – if the balloon bursts, you've lost automatically, if none bursts, the audience will vote for the best balloon animal." The four women were given balloons and they immediately began twisting and shaping them: Quickly, they all had a small figure finished and none of the balloons had popped. "This means we must vote..."
Jennifer Lopez holds up her version of a monkey climbing a tree. (big cheer) Britney Spears managed a nice flower – which would normally mean a disqualification because it's not an animal, but as it's only Britney, we'll let it pass. (big cheer) Anastacia made a standard doggie (cheer) and finally, Shakira made a mouse (cheering... and booing!). Shakira is shocked... why?
"Oh dear, it seems you've made yourself quite unpopular in the audience by popping Pink... we'll too bad, Shakira, that's the end for you..." Shakira can feel her body taking on a new, strange form... Shakira is turning into a balloon-animal! Before becoming a cute balloon-doggie, Shakira shrugs and gives in to her fate: "...and that's the deal my dear." ROUND 4
"We are now down to the final three... Anastacia, Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez! (big cheers for all of them) In this round, you must all give us your best impression of what 'balloon-cleavage' might be!" The three women thought about the freshly coined term a bit and then each one proceeded to give the audience a look.
Anastacia went first. As always, she had her breasts squeezed up and pressed together in her tight top. She presented her cleavage to the cameras and explained: "My breasts look so round and tight: perfect balloons... a perfect balloon cleavage." She rubbed her breasts a bit, laughed and listened to the audience cheer for her.
Britney Spears simply stated that her breasts were already blown up like balloons... but then she excused herself and said she meant that her hormones had simply done their job. The audience was a bit confused and anxious to see J-Lo.
She was up next and had a special surprise for the audience: She had taken two balloons, blown them up and stuck them beneath her top: She really could reveal a balloon-cleavage now! The audience roared at the spectacle.
"Sorry, Britney, but you just didn't do well enough in this round. Time for you to fly away!" Britney stared down at her boobs as they began to inflate (some more). "Oh my, what's happening to me," she said in a (even more) helium-like voice as she began to rise up into the air. "My boobs are inflated 'stronger than yesterday...'," was the last that could be heard as she drifted out of the studio, pulled upwards by her huge inflating breasts. FINALS:
"So here are the two women who have made it to the finals: Anastacia and Jennifer Lopez. Here is the final contest: both of you will take a deep breath and then blow up a balloon – with just one breath." Both quickly grabbed a balloon, took a deep breath and blew as long as they could. In the end, it was Anastacia that outlasted Jennifer in a shocking upset win!
Anastacia, you have the honor of eliminating Jennifer Lopez from the contest: You get to blow her up with air! "Ain't it funny," was all J-Lo could say before Anastacia took her lips into her mouth and then blew her up like a balloon. Then she tied a knot in her and threw her into the audience, where a lucky fan grabbed the inflated Jennifer Lopez-balloon.
"We have a winner," the showmaster announced and Anastacia asked what her prize was. "You saw what happened to all the other girls... well, you're the best balloon-girl of them all, so you will be the biggest balloon of them all!"
Anastacia called out in joy as her breasts began to blow up immensely, along with her belly and her butt. She was quickly a big ball with arms, legs and a head. She looked just like a balloon and happily waved to her fans as the show came to an end.
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Male Inflation, Blueberry James, candy shop, experiment, thievery
Text: He had to do it, they had dared him too. They called him a chicken when he first refused, and no one calls him a chicken. James was at the back door of The Candy Shop. He was tricking the lock to open by using some skills a now ex-girlfriend had taught him. She was now missing, and her current boyfriend was kind of broken, but James didn't care, he'd moved on. He was now dating a girl named Tori, who was his dream girl, and she had joined in on the egging on of James to break into this place. His friends on the tennis team dared him to break in and steal a piece of candy, and then bring it back for proof.
The lock popped and opened. James snuck in, and slimmed across the floor. He came to a hallway with rooms all down it. The room at the end of it had a sign marked testing. He crept along the wall and came to a lab filled with Wierd contraptions all over. Tubes going this way and that, beakers, bunsen burners, test tubes, and big machines. James walked over to one marked: Big Blue. A switch looked like an on switch, so he flipped it. The machine buzzed on, being unnervingly quiet. After a minute, a piece of gum popped out a loud buzzer went off. James heard and saw a light flip on down the hallway. He scurried out of there as fast as he could and out the backdoor. He was home before he breathed. He looked at the gum in his hand. It was a rich blue. After putting it in a bag for safe keeping, he went to bed.
The next day at school, he pulled out the bag with the gum. He took it out and showed his friends. Some believed him and some didn't. Tori did of course. She loved him, and was turned on today just by his clothes. He was wearing a gray tee shirt that was two sizes too small, so his abs were outlined, blue jeans that were sagging a little and showed the band of his underwear, and his letterman jacket for tennis. He retold the tale of his account in the shop.
"Big blue was labeled on the side," James said, "I flipped a switch an the machine roared to life. A price of gum popped out after a minute, and then I heard someone. They saw me, and shot off a shotgun at me. I ran right at then and took them down. I then ran out of there and yelled 'Later sucker!'"
"Really?" a skeptic friend asked.
"Really really."
"Then I guess the shop is looking for you right?"
"I guess so..." James gulped.
"Then I guess you won't mind eating that gum, would you? I mean you have to get rid of the evidence. We've all seen it, we all believe you, right guys?" There was scattered confermation.
"I suppose not, but this was in the testing area. What if it kill me?"
"It won't, or else he wouldn't have it back there, why keep a killing machine in a candy shop?"
"I suppose a little piece of gum won't hurt me," Then James ate it.
He chewed it slowly, like it was going to explode. Then he quickened when he tasted the flavor of blueberries. It was the most delicious gum he had ever tasted before. It was perfect blueberry heaven. He was lost in the blueberry sea of goodness when he was snapped out of it by Tori poking at his nose.
"Yeah baby?" He wrapped his arms around her.
"You got something on your nose," Tori rubbed his nose.
"What is it?"
"I don't know but it won't come off," she rubbed again, but it only grew bigger, "I'm only making it worse. Your whole nose is now blue."
"Blue?" James let go of Tori.
He walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Not only was his whole nose blue, but almost his whole face! He rubbed at it and it only grew. Soon his whole head was blue. It was traveling and covering his body. He looked at his hands as they turned a shape of blue. James' stomach then growled, then it burpeled. He put his hands on it. He felt he six-pack lose deffinition. His shirt started to grow tighter. James realized his stomach was swelling! He fell back against the wall in amazement, and started to breath harder. He went to sink and rubbed his skin, triying to wash the blue off. He felt his bear belly touch the counter, because his shirt had ridden and exposed it. His pants grew tighter as well. The wrist fitting almost perfectly now, and then too tight. A muffin top formed and his belly cascaded over his pants. James started to hyperventilate. His pants button popped off and hit the mirror, breaking it.
James didn't know what to do. He decided on something. He ran out ofthe bathroom and yelled help me! Tori waiting right outside the door to the bathroom. She gasped at the sight of him. Students turned to look at him. Some laughed, some gasped, one girl screamed, but all chattered and were in amazement at the swelling boy in front of them. A teacher came.
"What's happeing?" the teacher asked Tori. James felt his thighs start to swell.
"Can't you see he's swelling up and blue!? Do something!" Tori started to cry. His shirt started to tear.
"Everyone back away! Do we know why he's swelling up?" James' arms and legs were starting to cone shape and diamonds of blue flesh were forming in the thighs of his jeans.
"He ate a test piece of gum from The Candy Shop," Toi explained.
"Tori!" James hissed, as his arms lifted up and his legs spread out to form a star shape.
"How did he get that?"
"He broke in last night and stole it."
"Tori!" James hissed agian. His shirt ripped off and his body continued to swell.
"Well, guess we better call the police and The Candy Shop owner."
"Please hurry!" Tori pleaded.
"Yes please!" James said. His arms anegs were now cones and belly was getting lower as it shallowed his limbs.
"I will, now you call The Candy Shop and I'll the police." James' lost his pants.
Tori pulled out her phone and looked up the number. James' face plumped up. His lips were now swollen. She found it and called it, "Hi? Yes, I'm at the high school, and my boyfriend is swelling up from a piece of gum he took from your store. Can you fix it? Okay, great," Tori hung up, "He said he'll be here in a few minutes. Hang in there babe!" She stood on her tip toes, leaned over his body, and kissed him.
His limbs were now part of his growing gut, making James a almost perfect sphere. Only his head, feet and hands were the imperfections. He still grew larger. His head sunk in and made a divot. Tori held his swollen blue hand. His hands and feet made divots as well. His skin started to turn a darker shade of blue, as the pressure rose inside him. Then the man appeared, it seemed like out of no where.
"Okay, let's get you juiced," the man started to push James down the hall. He rolled very easily, but James felt like he was going to explode more and more with every passing second. The man rolled James to a truck and put him in. Tori followed them and got in the truck.
The man drove to the shop, and rolled James in the back garage door. He put James in a perfect white room, and left him there. The man took Tori with him. They wen to a control room that looked down on James. The man pushed a button that caused a loud clunk. The walls around James started to move in.
"Now my dears, I'm afraid...James? Is it? Ate a very experimental piece of gum. One that was only tried once." Walls touched James and started to squeeze him. He felt like he was going to explode.
"The walls are designed to pulsate and work the juice out of you. Just sit back and relax."
After about an hour, James looked good as new. He wasn't a big blueberry. There were some changes however. His sixpack was now less defined, his lips were plumper, and his thighs were thicker.
"Now this is very important: no blueberries. If you eat any thing blueberry, you'll will swell up again. You're now VERY ALLERGIC to blueberries and will pop if you eat them. I might come save you, you knows, depends on how I feel. I won't press any charges, because I think that this is punishment enough. Good bye, and I hope I don't have to see you again."
Tori walked James to her cartbag she went and got whilst he was being juiced. James sat down and looked at Tori.
"I'm sorry baby. You know how it is when people call me chicken. I know I'm a little bigger now, and if you want to break up with me, I understand."
Tori turned to him and kissed him. She said "No, I'll never leave you. I'll help you with this new life changer. I love you."
"I love you too."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, floating
Text: The nightclub crowd roared hysterically. Mondo, the illusionist and hypnotist was quickly becoming a big name act, and word of mouth was all the advertising he needed to pack a house. He wore a tuxedo, but offset its formal effect by wearing sneakers and letting his shirt-tails hang out. And Mondo's long hair made him look more like a beach bum than a stage performer.
The casual appearance and familiar way in which he addressed people put them at ease--a necessity if Mondo were to have any success at hypnotizing them. He also found that the act went more smoothly if he could address his audience volunteers by name. Right now he had about twenty people on stage, all busily "being" whatever he suggested to them. Jill stood to one side and just kept ringing like a phone until Mondo tapped Abigail on the shoulder and told her, "answer that, will you?" Abby proceeded to lift Jill's hand off the "hook" and held it up to her ear, "hello?"
Towards the back of the stage Brenda, barking ferociously, had "treed" an unfortunate cat. Todd crouched on top of the pedestal and hissed at his assailant and timidly swiped at her from time to time.
Down front Mondo had a cluster of ducks waddling along the edge of the stage looking for the pond and generally quacking up quite a din, as well as the audience. Marie, a petite, young brunette, didn't "feel" hypnotized. Yet she was crouched down on her heels with her arms folded under and felt completely normal quacking along with the others. What could be more natural? The sailors over yonder were getting pretty raucous. Maybe that state trooper who had pulled over Steve for speeding could take care of it after he finished writing the ticket.
Mondo got there first. "Hey, guys! It's late. You don't want to wake the baby." As he said the word "baby" Mondo touched the shoulder of one of the "sailors." This linebacker-sized guy immediately adopted a low-IQ, "innocent" stare and began to suck his thumb. Mondo told "daddy" to check on the baby. "Dad" tried to cradle his big son, but the two of them ended up on the stage floor while the rest of the group cooed and made silly noises. "Isn't he so cute!"
A few minutes later Mondo was winding up to his climax, which usually involved all of his volunteers doing one thing. A couple of hunters had shot down some of the ducks (using some of their cohorts who pretended to be guns), but everyone was feeling better now.
"Suzie just loves a warm summer afternoon," Mondo chanted to his party-goers. "That's why she decided to have her birthday party outside. The decorations include lots of colorful balloons." As Mondo passed through the crowd he would touch two of them on the shoulder each time he said the word "balloon." In almost no time he had the stage cluttered with party balloons drifting crazily in the soft breeze and bouncing off each other.
Marie, who had an inflation fetish, had always wanted to become a balloon. Although, she often worried what other people would think if they knew about her "abnormal" turn-on. Did she laugh too loudly at that "mainstream" inflation joke? Did it show on her face when some movie or television show featured an inflation gag?
So, Marie did her best to hide her quirk and find satisfaction where she could. For one thing, she liked to wear Spandex (and guys liked Marie when she wore Spandex), but not the super-stretchy kind. Marie preferred the type with limited stretch because the tight bodysuits felt so good, especially when she took a deep breath and wondered what it would feel like to blow up. Tonight she wore black Spandex with a "dress" that fit over her head like a poncho and gathered at the waist with a woven belt.
Now Mondo had turned her into a balloon with his magic touch! He had made everything alright. Marie felt a tingle of joy as her bodysuit grew tighter. She began to spread-eagle as the pressure gradually built up. Her breasts rose with a soft swell until the cups of her bra couldn't contain them anymore, and then they bulged upward against the firm, black fabric. Marie's calf muscles rounded out like ripe melons and her thighs were becoming so full that they were forcing her legs apart.
Mondo had no idea that there was a problem when he heard the soft "pop! pop!" of Marie's undergarments bursting. He looked around curiously, but did not see Marie in the crowd, nor hear her ecstatic moans..
Marie grew a little faster as her excitement increased, the Spandex shifted and stretched reluctantly, and her belt began to pinch uncomfortably. She looked like some comic book superheroine, except that her curves were rounder and gentler. She felt her swelling shoulders touch her neck and rise slowly toward her cheeks. Even the loose dress was becoming tighter. The knotted belt made her look like an overstuffed draw-string bag.
By now the audience had noticed Marie. Some people laughed, a few looked startled, a number of hands pointed. Mondo did a double- take, uttered a squeak like a frightened chimp and threw his paper party hat to the floor. He tried to make his way over to Marie, but the stage was crowded with too many "balloons" blocking his way. The laughter rose in pitch as the crowd thought that this was part of the act. The noise drowned out Mondo's efforts to call to Marie, and his technique was based on touch--that was the trigger.
Marie was like a carnival balloon toy with her blimp-shaped arms and legs, and chest as round as a beach ball. The dress was so tight that Marie began to bulge out the sides. The crowd hooted and cheered.
Suddenly, Mondo got an idea and shouted, "I'm a pin!" He stepped into the milling crowd, pushing people out of his way. The first woman he touched chirped, "POP!" and fluttered to the ground. This was going to work. One by one Mondo made his way through the crowd. Each "pop!" made the audience go wild. Some of them were rolling on the floor in tears, while others were banging the tables like lunatics, gasping for air.
Marie was at an impasse; the stitchless dress was not going to give way, and the slipknot of her belt was only getting tighter. But her body continued to pump up more and more. Marie gasped. She thought her head might blow off from the pressure when one of the other "balloons" tripped over his neighbor, and grabbed for the tassel of her belt as he went down. The slipknot opened instantly and there was a loud "FOOMP!" as the dress popped free over Marie's head like a parachute. The audience howled.
Mondo had almost made his way over to Marie when he ran into Ted, the big linebacker who had been the baby. Mondo tried to push past him, when Ted suddenly picked him up and ran crazily around the stage blowing a loud raspberry. Ted finally fluttered to a stop with Mondo underneath him.
Across the stage, Marie cheerfully grew rounder and fuller while her Spandex grunted in reply. Her body was making squeaky noises like a latex balloon as she got bigger. Would she pop if Mondo didn't get there in time? He struggled out from underneath the dormant Ted and climbed to his feet, "popping" one or two of the others still drifting around the stage.
Mondo almost touched Marie when he reached her, but stayed his hand just in time. Considering how literally she was taking his instructions, he didn't want to risk her interpretation of pins. But he also had a theory he wanted to test.
"You're very full now, Marie. But you're Suzie's favorite balloon, so she wouldn't want you to pop." Mondo wasn't sure if his instructions were working--Marie's Spandex had stretched so much that it shined like a polished cue ball. He carefully touched her protruding hand. (Whew!) Then he spoke quietly to her, "are you happy, Marie?"
"Yes!" she sighed contentedly.
Mondo grunted affirmatively and pushed on, "Marie, you are so happy as a party balloon that you want to share it with all those lovely people in the audience. In fact, you need their help because you have no more room for all this happiness." Mondo smiled as he patted Marie's round body. (Egads! was she tight! He traced one of her seams with a fingertip and gently thumped her body. She resounded like a drum.)
Someone dropped their drink and a general commotion began to rise from the crowd. A woman down front in a low-cut, red dress cried, "Oh, my goodness!" Mondo could see that her already ample bosom was now straining credibility, as well as her dress. All around her other patrons were beginning to blow up like balloons. Her date swelled so suddenly that he fell over backwards in his chair and floundered helplessly on the floor.
There were more cries of astonishment as Mondo heard various articles of clothing popping buttons and bursting seams. Some people were laughing. He let go of Marie's hand and called to his bulging audience, "Suzie is very fond of helium balloons." He paused for a moment to check the crowd, and then stepped back to Marie and took her hand, "Yes, Suzie likes helium balloons most of all."
Mondo felt a slight upward tug from Marie's hand, so he gripped her a little tighter. Meanwhile, the largest members of the audience were beginning to float off the ground. The vixen down front in the red dress (correction--formerly in the red dress) was rising fastest and screeched uselessly at her date, who wasn't making out much better.
Mondo chuckled to himself and mumbled, "Ha! Found another one! Bet they'll never figure out how I did this." He watched the giddy scene a few moments longer and then told Marie that the party was long over. All of the balloons had drifted away and were losing their helium. Before the crowd had completely deflated and made it back to the ground, Mondo had spirited Marie away to his backstage dressing room. Marie blinked a few times and then let out an amazed, "Wow! How did you do that? How did you blow me up like that?" Her own remarks had made her conscientious; Marie shuffled in her seat and seemed to notice for the first time the baggy, stretched out condition of her Spandex suit.
"I didn't do it," Mondo explained as he offered Marie a drink, "you did."
Marie looked stupid for a moment, and then shook her head, "No...no, that's not possible. It must have been some kind of trick, or an illusion."
A black cat made an anti-gravity leap from a nearby chair into Mondo's arms, freeing the chair for his use. As he sat down, he cradled the cat in one arm and stroked its stomach with the other. The cat purred loudly and looked sinfully happy in that way that only cats can achieve. "I assure you it was all real," Mondo said as he gave Marie his most earnest smile.
Marie frowned back at him.
"'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'" Mondo still smiled, but he seemed to become more serious. "Marie, what happened tonight was not illusion or hallucination. You say 'impossible,' but I think you're biased. I believe our ancestors may have discovered a branch of science which was forgotten in the age of reason. They called it 'magic,' we'd call it 'bunk,' but I think it's a science that can be measured and described like any other. Either the human mind has powers we've never suspected, or reality is more than it seems."
"Are you saying that I have the power to blow up myself, or others, like balloons?"
Mondo looked pained and appeared to be searching for the right words, "I wouldn't call it a 'power' because you can be taught to do other, equally incredible things, and others can be taught to do what you did tonight."
Marie was intrigued, "what kinds of things?"
"I know people who can read minds--well, only when other people allow them to, so I guess you'd call it telepathy. I've met 'miracle' healers. I would class your skill as 'telekinetic.' And I know you'll find this very incredible, but I've met several people who can travel through time by sheer effort of will."
Marie was waiting for the punchline, but it never came. Just as she was about to phrase a question, Mondo continued, "It was a top secret government project. It's been canceled, now. But it worked on the theory that the little details of everyday life served as the 'hooks' which keep us anchored to our own time. We trained people to 'forget' or 'suppress' the memories of our current time. They were taught self-hypnosis to help relax their minds. When the 'hooks' were cast loose, they were free to travel. When the project was canceled, I began to look for other skills people might have. And I think the main thing which keeps most of these skills locked away is doubt. That is why I became a stage show hypnotist."
Mondo's next question was so out of the blue that it made Marie blush to her ears, "You have an inflation fetish, yes? Oh, come on, admit it. I've seen the Web pages. In fact, my wife started me along that line of research because she likes the Transformation Ring sites about human/animal metamorphoses."
Marie looked up, "your wife?"
"Yes, " Mondo grinned, "meet Rachel." The cat in his lap suddenly arched its back and stretched in that "Halloween kitty" pose. As it stuck its limbs out, they literally stretched and the animal's whole body seemed to ripple and morph is a wave-like, fluid motion. The hind legs filled out to become a human woman's legs, the torso pinched here and expanded there, fur receded all over the body. And as the cat tossed its head back, the fur on top exploded into a long mane of lustrous, black hair crowning a beautiful woman's face. Rachel had transformed into a beautiful woman in a black velvet dress. Somehow she still reminded Marie of a cat.
Rachel unfolded her arms from around Mondo's neck and climbed down from his lap. "Hello, Marie. Pleased to meet you."
Marie shook hands weakly and just stared up at Rachel wide- eyed, "wow..."
"The point is," Mondo said, breaking the spell, "that you've always wanted to be a balloon. The intensity of that desire is most of the training you need. You were kept from becoming a balloon by two things: you 'knew' that it was impossible, and you were afraid of what other people would think. But the desire was there. Under hypnosis your doubts vanished and you found that you could do it. Imagine what else we might discover if people weren't afraid of being viewed as abnormal."
Marie laughed, but not because anything was funny. She thought about it seriously, "could I do it again?"
Mondo turned his palms up, "you tell me. I can train you with hypnosis. After a few times the confidence alone will be enough to overcome your doubts. Would you be interested in helping me?"
"Me?" Marie seemed surprised, "how can I help you?"
"Well, I'm trying to gather data for this new branch of science. And I need every test subject I can find. Could I interest you in blowing up yourself, or others, say, a hundred times a day?"
A "kid in a candy store" grin spread across Marie's face...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Melissa had worked for the Chen Frontier Corporation for nearly nine years. She joined up after finishing flight school at 18, firstly working in orbit around the earth until she had enough experience to do the long haul journeys to the outer rims of the solar system. Melissa had been doing the 'long dark' runs for almost 5 years now and was finding it quite profitable, not because of her company salary but because of what she called the 'job perks'.
Now to understand what this means you must first be aware that it only takes one person to pilot a haulage tug from earth to Titan, and that in itself is an over exaggeration. Most ships could easily find their way around our solar system, but because of the value of the cargo (and the pressure of the space traders union) a minimum of one trained pilot per craft was required. Here was were Melissa made her real money. Company Ships were fitted with interactive computers that allowed the pilot to converse with the tug about the running of the ship and the state of the cargo etc. Melissa had found a way to bypass certain security measures on her ships computer allowing unregistered access to the cargo area. Rali, her ships computer, would then be unaware of any missing cargo, and providing Melissa did not get too greedy, neither would the company when the stock was checked at the destination.
She had been running this little scam of hers for the last few years and had almost made as many credits from selling on the stolen products as she had earned from her salary. On Titan, or any of Saturn's other moons you could sell a 3 credit candy bar for up to 60 as luxury items were in big demand out there, and by lifting a few boxes of them out of the hold you could make a respectable profit. A profit that Melissa was not prepared to do without.
The C F C freighter Rali, blasted away from the shining glow of earth and out into the darkness of space. Its engines burned fiercely for several hours until earth was no more than a dot on the view screen. Melissa glanced up at the image, though narrowed eyes.
"Rali, did I ask you to change the picture?" she sighed.
"No ma'am. I merely thought that it would be nice for you to..."
"What would be 'nice' would be for me to watch the rest of my program without interruptions!" "Sorry Captain Anders." the computer continued in its electronic voice. "I just thought that as you would not see your home planet for another 11 weeks you might..."
"How many times must I tell you Rali?" snapped Melissa, "You're a computer. You don't think, you compute. Now shut up and put my program back on!"
The screen flickered back to a catwalk on which several ladies were parading up and down wearing expensive designer fashions. This haulage run would buy Melissa a chic new outfit and she had over two months to decide what it would be. She put her feet up on the console and continued to watch the program whilst the computer remained silent. Rali annoyed Melissa. It was a reliable computer but a little slow, probably due to its age, which meant that occasionally Melissa would have to perform certain tasks manually. A newer machine would have done everything for her, but Rali couldn't prepare her meals or perform more than a few tasks at once. Although these things made her curse the computer, she had chosen not ask the company to reprogram it, as sorting out these bugs would probably reveal what Melissa was doing. And the company could be very 'assertive' with thieves.
As the program ended Melissa ordered Rali to run her a bath and check the ships hull. This would give her enough time to bypass the cargo security whilst the computers slow A I processor completed its tasks. She danced her fingers across the keyboard and hit enter. The cargo was now hers for the taking. She swung her legs down from the console and walked through the narrow sliding doors of the cramped control room to the spacious living quarters.
As the C F C R Rali was an older ship, the living quarters had been designed for a crew of 3. The company had generously refitted this part of the ship prior to the trip, making it look more like the cabin on a luxury yacht. The decor was pale cream which made the open plan quarters seem even larger in the warm glow of the soft lights. Melissa ran her hands over the smooth rounded walls of her new quarters as she headed towards the cargo deck, thinking how strange it was for the company to enhance her standard of living in this way. Most freighters used every available centimetre of space on board for cargo, leaving the sole crew person with living quarters the size of a shoe box. Finally she concluded that it must be some kind of clerical error that lead to the refurbishment of her ship, and she wasn't about to complain to the company about that.
The pressure doors to the cargo slowly opened and Melissa entered an entirely different environment. Dark grey walls, covered with grease and rivets. It was dark and cold back here so Melissa jogged through the vaults to canister 558D, not wanting to stay here any longer than required. Inside 558D lay Melissa's chosen bounty, raspberry flavoured candy bars in boxes of 100. She could easily sell these on to her contact on Titan who would give her a very good price for the load. She punched the access code onto the containers security panel and the door hissed open. Reaching in she pulled out 3 boxes of the confectionery before sealing the container and heading back towards the living quarters. Before she reached the living area she noticed the smell of candy coming from the boxes. Thinking nothing more of it she continued up into her spacious cabin where she hid the boxes in one of the lockers.
"Your bath is ready ma'am" Rali announced in its usual monotone.
"About time" Melissa replied curtly as she slammed the locker door and walked towards the bathroom. She had only taken a few steps before she stopped and turned back to the locker. The smell of candy wafted through the air making her mouth water. What was she thinking? She usually hated sugary snacks, that was one reason for her slender body, but the aroma of raspberries was irresistible.
"Well, just one won't hurt" she said to herself. Opening the locker she carefully removed a bar from the box and hurried into the bathroom, shrugging off her orange overalls as she went.
Like the rest of the living quarters the bathroom was spacious and welcoming. She threw the overalls into the corner and tore off the top of the candy wrapper. She noticed her reflection in one of the huge floor to ceiling mirrors and straightened up, putting her hands on her slim hips. "Yes. I do look good," she thought, running her hands through her long shiny black hair, 'and with that new outfit, I'll look sensational". She smiled and took a bite out of the candy bar. The flavour flooded into her mouth and surged over her taste buds making her body tingle with pleasure.
"Wow" she marvelled swallowing.
"Ma'am?" enquired Rali.
"Nothing" she sighed, and ordered the computer to clean her overalls. A spindly mechanical arm slowly emerged from a hole in the wall and collected the clothing as Melissa carefully stepped into the large steaming sunken bath. She lay back into the foaming water and took another bite into the bar. This was the life, a 5 week journey in supreme luxury, which she was also getting paid for. She closed her eyes and relaxed in the hot water, her body still tingling from the candy. "Ma'am. I have a message for you." Interrupted Rali.
"What?" snapped Melissa "This had better be good."
She heard a whirring noise and opened her eyes to see a video screen descend from a hole in the high ceiling. Melissa was just marvelling at the extremes that the company had gone to in refitting the ship when the screen flickered on and a recorded message began to play. > She instantly recognised the face on the monitor as Mary Chong, head of the Chen Frontier Corporation security division. The small oriental woman bowed her head and began speaking.
"Hello Captain Anders. No doubt you are listening to this recording in the nice new bath we had installed for you. I hope it meets with your approval. And also you have tried some of the new candy bars from the cargo hold, hence this message."
Melissa froze. How could they know that... Damn! They knew what she had been doing. The company must have been aware of her little scam. She put her hand to her head and sank down into the bath.
"We know of your petty thefts Miss Anders, but we are willing to over look these... errors on your behalf. In fact we're willing to let you stay with us for the rest of your contract, which I believe is another 9 months."
Melissa relaxed slightly. What was the catch? Why were they being so generous?
"What we would really like from you is your assistance in an experiment that we are looking to run. Don't worry, Rali has been completely reprogrammed to help out with this project of ours and we're sure that you will help us. Why, by merely eating some of our special candy you have already started the experiment."
This was starting to sound bad. Melissa gulped and looked at the half eaten bar in her hand. "You are probably experiencing a tingling sensation all over your body. This is the first stage of your transformation. So don't panic, we know what we are doing. As a matter of fact there are now billions of nanites rewriting your DNA, changing your body's cell structure to meet our needs. We even converted the living quarters, in order to make the change more comfortable for you."
Transformation? What did they mean? Melissa began to panic and stood up jerkily in the bath, frantically looking up and down her body. Nanites rewriting her DNA? To what end? What was the purpose of this. Mary Chong was speaking again but Melissa was too worried to listen properly. "Rali! What's happening. What are they doing to me?" she shrieked.
"Melissa. Sit down and be quiet!" retorted the computer with a slight hint of impatience in its metallic voice. Melissa slowly sat down, stunned by the computers unexpected outburst. The video was rewound and began playing again.
"...comfortable for you. Don't worry, our scientists have actually programmed the nanites to make your transformation enjoyable. By the time you reach Titan you'll be ready. Rali is now more than capable of looking after you, so just sit back and relax. Thank you for listening and see you in a months time. Goodbye."
Melissa sat silently in the bath, her shoulders slumped. Her mind was a blur. Rali was talking to her but she was not listening, she just stared at her hands wondering what was going to happen to her body.
Rali refused to answer questions about the experiment, saying that it was top secret and not really her concern. She screamed at the machine, demanding answers for what seemed like hours, before collapsing onto her bed, exhausted and confused. Rali prepared a meal, but Melissa would not eat it and after further outbursts at the computer eventually fell asleep. Considering the circumstances, Melissa slept well. Arising the next morning her head seemed clearer, and the previous days events seemed almost like a bad dream. She could see no visible changes to her body, as she checked carefully before dressing. She slipped on a T shirt and some cycle shorts before heading into the galley area for breakfast. Rali had already prepared the meal and Melissa guzzled it down, her hunger greater than normal. The computer then produced a glass of nutrients for her to drink. Reluctantly Melissa obliged, sipping down the sweet tasting liquid before she left the table.
She spent the rest of the morning watching videos in the ships spacious new lounge, trying to take her mind of what was going on. The computer remained silent during this time which made Melissa feel nervous, as it normally rattled off continuously about anything, no matter how trivial. Her stomach gurgled, and subconsciously she rubbed it, and then stopped. Her stomach was bulging outward. Not by much admittedly, but enough for her to notice. Gingerly she pulled back her T shirt and gently touched her rounded belly, it felt firm and made her look about 3 months pregnant.
"Rali!" she screamed jumping to her feet.
"Yes Melissa?"
"What's happening to me?" she half cried sticking out her belly.
"Are you in any pain?" enquired the computer.
"No. But..."
"Then it is time for your lunch." And with that more mechanical arms descended from the ceiling laying the table for a meal. As soon Melissa smelled the food she raced to the table and began guzzling down the meal. She drained the glass of nutrients given to her by Rali in one go before retiring to the bedroom for a nap. She couldn't help thinking about how out of character all this eating was, normally she only ate salads but for some reason whatever Rali served her she would eat. Something was not right.
Melissa awoke two hours later to find that her belly had ballooned even more during her nap. Her normally slim waist was now swollen like that of a woman 6 months pregnant. Carefully she hoisted herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to check her new shape body in the large mirror. Stripping off she looked with horror at her bulbous belly, tentatively touching it as she did so. It felt healthy and nothing inside seemed to be moving about, leading her to surmise that she was not the unwitting carrier of some new genetically engineered monster. Melissa felt like crying but bit back the tears, not wanting to give the Corporation, who were probably taping all this, the pleasure. Instead she ordered Rali to run her a bath and then carefully slid into it. She lay in the bath pondering what to do next. Rali broke the silence.
"How are you feeling?" it enquired.
"Get lost!" snapped Melissa "Dinner will be in two hours." Announced the computer.
After lunch Melissa again felt lethargic and made her way to her king-size bed stopping off to again check herself in the bathroom mirror. Her belly had ballooned even more causing her to waddle slightly and arch her back like a mother to be. In the mirror she could see how much bigger she was and how her hips and thighs were starting to swell outwards. Melissa merely grunted and headed off to bed for an early night.
She awoke late the next morning to see the huge pink orb of her swollen belly towering above her. Subconsciously she rubbed it and then tried to get out of bed. It took several attempts to heave herself onto the floor until she finally managed to do so and lazily made her way to the bathroom to inspect her ballooning figure. The curve of her enormous stomach ran from just beneath her breasts to her groin and had started to stretch around her sides as well. Her hips and thighs had expanded as well giving her a pair shaped figure. She traced the new curves with her hands, half horrified, half intrigued.
"Rali," she enquired "what's my waistline?"
Two mechanical arms whirred down from the ceiling and slowly traversed her rounded torso, flashing bursts of light onto her tight skin.
"One hundred and fifty six centimetres." Answered the machine as it withdrew the arms.
Melissa rubbed her stomach, running her finger around her distant belly button. At least she looked more curvaceous than before, not that that was any consolation. Snapping out of her trace, she asked Rali to find her some clothes that would fit her almost egg shaped body. The computer produced her largest sized jump suit, the blue one with stretchable panels at the sides. It took almost 5 minutes for Melissa to ease her massive girth into the overalls and even then Rali had to zip it up, as her belly was now so big that she could not reach all the way around to do up the fasteners. Once dressed she slowly made her way to the dinner table.
Melissa noticed that the chair at the table had changed, or been replaced. It was much larger, almost like a couch and had been moved back further from the table. She did not think to question this and merely sat down awaiting breakfast. One of Rali's mechanical arms presented her with another glass of nutrients which she eagerly drank. The computer informed her that she no longer needed to consume solid food for sustenance and that the glasses of nutrients would be all that her new body needed. Melissa shrugged this off thinking that the computer and the company knew what was best for her, besides this wasn't too bad, just a little annoying. She started to watch a video that Rali had put on for her, but soon fell asleep.
She awoke to the sounds of tearing. Lazily she glanced around her spherical torso looking for the origin of the sounds, carefully feeling with her hands for the ripped fabric.
"You are getting too big for that garment" offered Rali.
"Yes. I am." replied Melissa, as she patted her belly contentedly.
"It may be restricting your growth. I will help you out of it." And with that several mechanical arms descended from the ceiling and rolled Melissa out of the chair and onto the table. Rali slowly manoeuvred her onto her back and carefully started to peel of the tight jump-suit as delicately as you would unwrap a ming vase. Melissa just laid there as there was really little she could do, besides the suit was becoming far too restrictive. When she was undressed, two more arms descended from the ceiling and rolled her off the table onto her feet. "All done" chirped Rali as one of its robotic arms patted her rounded body, making Melissa giggle.
"Seeing as I'm undressed, I think I'll have a bath." Melissa smiled. "Please could you run the water for me Rali?"
Before the computer could answer the proximity alarm went off, signalling that another ship was within 500,000 kilometres of the C F C Rali. Melissa almost yelped with joy. This could be her salvation.
"Rali! Open a communications channel with that ship!"
"I'm sorry Melissa, but the company has ordered me not to communicate with anyone until we reach Titan. It's for your own good."
"Okay!" snapped Melissa. "I'll do it myself!" and she began waddling towards the control room where she could radio them manually. Her plump thighs and hips slowed her movement as did the fact that she could not see her feet, but eventually she reached the control room doors. She took a step forward only to feel the cool edges of the entrance push against either side of her big round stomach. Melissa breathed in and gently pushed her belly forward into the doorway, carefully trying to ease herself through the gap. Her tummy squeaked like a balloon as she braced her back and tried harder, but it was no use. She was wider than the door and could not get through. With a sigh she turned and slowly waddled back into the living quarters.
"Don't worry Melissa. You'll be happier this way." said the computer.
Melissa felt disappointed about not being able to communicated with the other ship although she quite liked the idea of staying here and letting Rali look after her.
Rali steered Melissa into the bathroom and then finished preparing her bath. Whilst the computer was busy she checked herself in one of the huge mirrors. The slender ships captain had been replaced by a rounded orb like figure. Her torso was now almost a sphere of pink, tight skin and her breasts were slowly being absorbed into it. Her legs did not seem as long as they once did, connecting to her body by her two generously swollen thighs which made her stand in a wide stance. Even her arms were starting to go the same way, plumping up quite nicely. When the bath was ready Rali carefully guided Melissa into it and had to tell her where to put her feet as she entered the warm water. The mechanical arms carefully lowered her back into the water and then proceeded to pour more over her spherical torso. Melissa could feel that she was actually floating in the bath like a buoy on the sea. She groaned with pleasure as the computer slowly moved about her rounded body pouring warm water across it.
"Oh!" she suddenly exclaimed causing the computer to question if everything was okay.
"Rali. I can actually feel my body getting bigger as you wash me."
"That's because the air inside you is expanding with the heat."
"Mmmmm. You mean I'm like a balloon?"
"Yes Melissa. You're a big human balloon."
Melissa giggled to herself. She had visions of herself at a fairground stall being introduced as 'The Amazing Balloon Woman' where people could come and marvel at how big she was. She liked the idea of being a big blimp.
Once Rali had finished washing her and lifted her out of the bath, the computer told Melissa that it had something for her to wear. Melissa was excited as surely she was so huge now that nothing would fit her. The computer produced a strange red garment made from very stretchy fabric and proceeded to ease Melissa into it. The fabric was a snug fit and covered her whole body like a second skin, and with the hood pulled up the only piece of her body not covered was her face. There was some large white letters stretched across the fabric on her stomach that read: "Property of the Chen Frontier Corporation. Item No 88972X."
"I really do look like a balloon now." said Melissa as she checked herself in the mirror "And I'm quite a hungry balloon as well."
"Well lets get you to the dinner table then." Responded the computer.
Melissa's legs squeaked like rubber as she slowly waddled to the ships galley. She could see why the ship had been refitted with more spacious accommodation and also had all the sharp edges removed. The company could not have their human blimp bursting before she reached Titan. At the table, her plump arms could not reach the flask of nutrients so Rali helped pour it down her eager throat, leaving Melissa to rub her sides in anticipation. The computer then told her it was time for her to sleep and helped her back to her bed room. Rali said that she would have to keep the garment on to sleep in and Melissa agreed knowing that the computer and the company knew how to look after a big balloon like her. She soon drifted off to sleep.
When Melissa awoke the next day, she found that she could no longer get out of bed by herself. She could move her hands and feet but not her limbs. Her view was obscured by the huge red ball that was now her body, so all she could do was call for Rali. The computer helped move her out of the bed by decreasing the ships internal gravity and gently using its arms to roll her onto her feet. Melissa thanked the computer and asked if it could help her into the bathroom so that she could she how much she had grown. The computer carefully pushed Melissa towards the door and the low G carried her through like a helium filled blimp. She wiggled her hands and feet excitedly as another set of arms caught her and propelled her towards the bathroom. The door hissed open and Melissa floated through into the awaiting arms of the computer. The mechanical limbs slowly rotated her so that she could look at her reflection on the wide mirror. She was greeted by the image of a big round sphere, with short rounded arms and legs finishing in dainty looking hands and feet. Her head looked tiny sticking out on top of the great orb.
"A big balloon" she said contentedly.
"It's time for the balloon's breakfast." added the computer and carefully pushed her out the bathroom door.
Melissa liked it now the computer called her balloon and wondered why she was so afraid of the changes that had happened to her at the beginning of her transformation. All she was now was a big round blimp, the property of the corporation, and that made her feel very contented. She hoped that they would inflate her further when she reached Titan. The computer gave her some more nutrients for breakfast and then, on her request left her to gently float about the living quarters. This tranquil state was interrupted a few hours later when Melissa burped. She felt as if she had indigestion. Rali quickly scanned her body with a selection of mechanical probes and then left her to drift. A few minutes later the computer announced that there was an incoming message for her and moved her in front of a video screen.
The beaming face of Mary Chong appeared.
"Well, how's our big balloon feeling?" she asked.
"Mmmm. Great."
"My, my. You are nice and big aren't you."
The female orb burped contentedly.
"There is a problem though" said Mary looking concerned. "In 9 months when your contract finishes we'll have to deflate you back to your previous size. However, if you are willing to, we can extend the contract indefinitely. Would you like that?"
Melissa tried to answer but could merely burped again quite loudly. She felt very gassy.
"A verbal confirmation is all we require" Mary said with a little more urgency in her voice.
Again Melissa tried to answer but she belched quite loudly. She wondered what was happening to her body now. She must have looked worried, because Mary repeated that a verbal reply was needed urgently.
"Please extend... errp. My contract indefinately. Errrp." She finally managed.
Mary Chong smiled with relief, but an instant later her steely business face returned.
"Rali prepare item 88972X and then move it to the hold until you reach Titan" she ordered.
Melissa glanced about nervously as more robotic arms decended towards her. The arms grasped her head firmly and tilted it back, slowly opening her mouth in the process. Another arm moved forward wielding a long metal tube with a valve on the end. Melissa's eyes opened wide and she squirmed helplessly as the tube slid into her open mouth and down her throat. The ships computer tweaked the valve that protruded from between Melissa's lips and it began to hiss as gas escaped. She could only wiggle her hands and feet in protest as Rali moved her into the hold.
Mary Chong was at the unloading bay at the Titan docks when the CFC Rali arrived. She was there to over look the delivery of item 88972X, a new design of oxygen producing equipment. The now total sphere was unloaded by a group of scientists, who were very pleased at its condition. 88972X had swollen up to almost 10 feet across and was still producing large quantities of oxygen. It was later hooked up to the main colony's atmosphere recycling unit and spent 2 years supplying oxygen to Titans settlers. Soon there were several of these new units at work within the colony, until a group of FemHumane freedom fighters hacked into the Chen Frontier Corporation's secret research files.
But that's another story.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation
Text: Are you, Dr. Johannes Dielberg? Yes? I'm Dr. Dielberg. Is there something wrong Officers? Dr. Johannes Dielberg, we are placing you under arrest, for failure to appear in court. But, I haven't done anything wrong. As I began to ask how and why they had promptly put me in handcuffs, and read me my Miranda Rights. The only thought on my mind other than, what did I do wrong was, how am I going to explain this to David, and will he still want to see me? Upon arriving at the Jail, they told me that I had failed to appear in court, in the State, of Pennsylvania. It wasn't until that moment where I put all the pieces together, "The Subpoena". All to quickly, everything had caught up to me. Now, what was I going to do? They gave me one phone call, there was only one number that I knew at this very moment, it was David's. I decided against calling him, and requested a phone book to call a lawyer. After quickly scanning thru the book, I chose one. A few minutes on the phone, with this lawyer and I was able to convince him to take my case. He came down, a rather heavyset gentleman, in his mid 40's. He spoke with me, made a call to the Attorneys office, which was handling the case in Pennsylvania. About thirty minutes later, he hung up with them, looked at me and said, why did you not comply, all you had to do, is tell the Attorney, if the chemicals you used, were purchased illegally. I looked at him confused. In my mind, I was telling myself, you stole them, not purchased them. He saw my look, and said; I know you were terminated, but those chemicals you relieved them of, were not purchased thru the normal Government channels. So therefore, if they tried to have you arrested, they would have to claim all the shipping manifests, costs, etc, etc. It doesn't make it look good that you skipped out of town. There will be no charges against you of theft, because some of your coworkers said you made some startling advancements that you shared with them, and help the company at the same time. But it will make your testimony a little hard to swallow. They have accepted my Attorneys License, so we will be traveling to Pennsylvania on Monday morning. Pennsylvania, but I can't leave, not now, David. The weekend was horrible; I wasn't able to get released, not even if I could have made bail. It was now Monday and we were on a plane headed to Pennsylvania. Upon arriving, I noticed there was a police car waiting to take us to court. We arrived, in the judges' chambers the handcuffs were taken off and I was told to have a seat. There were three Attorneys defending the Company, my Attorney, and one from the Federal Regulations Bureau. The Judge was well seasoned and pulled no punches, there were two guards at the door. The questioning began, and I sweated every question, even the first one. Are you Dr. Johannes Dielberg? They went onto my age, my current profession, my current "Address". Luckily they believed me when I said I was living on the boat. They had a copy of my Bill of Sale. After the torture was finished, I was taken to a local jail, booked again for their records. It wasn't until the next day that I saw my Attorney again, he said, if I can make bail, I would be able to get out, with the condition that I do not leave town, until they are done with me. The charges he said, against you, will be dropped after they finish with the preliminary hearing in Four months from now. I was sick, I needed to be elsewhere, I promised David I would be around, all, was lost. I made Bail, my Attorney arranged for us to stay at a local motel. In my room, I laid there, almost in tears. What now, will David want to hear from me, will he understand? I never told him the whole truth about getting fired; I merely told him that my position was terminated. The Truth and a Lie at the same time, I picked up the phone and pulled out his number, and dialed. The Answering Machine picked up, I was going to hang up, but when I heard his voice on the message, I hung on and began to talk. "Hi David this is Hans, I am sorry............I, suddenly I heard a click, Hello, Hans? Yes David it's me. How are you? I am sorry I didn't call you until now. Before I could get another word out, he stopped me. Hans, is this true? I read in the papers, that a famous scientist was arrested, and saw your name. You told me, they terminated you position. It says here you stole from the company. Have you been lying to me all this time? I fumbled for words, No! I have not been lying to you. There is much more to it than you think, I swear. When all this is over, I will explain everything, I Promise. There was nothing but dead silence at the other end. David, are you still there? Please, answer me. I am here; he said. I was beginning to like you Hans. You were different from all the others that I've met, or so I thought. No, David, I am. It's just that when I met you and we talked, all I could think about, was being with you, I didn't want to do anything to mess it up. You spoke to me without judgment and I listened to you and spoke with you without judgment. We have a chance at something, still have a chancel, please, don't give up now, not when we are just starting. Hans, I, I need to think. Give me some time. Click! My heart was torn. I was ready to die. I thought, that the one person I finally met, whom had the same Fetish that I have, was the one. Now, all I know; is that when I speak to him again, if he'll speak to me again, it may be the last. I cried myself to sleep. It has been a month now, and I haven't spoken to David. Friends and coworkers that I hadn't seen, have stopped by to see how I was, and wished me well. I went out to dinner on several occasions, with old coworkers. Even my sister Goulda stopped by. I hadn't seen her in two years. We rarely spoke since Mother and Father passed away. She was the only one who really understood me. We caught up on the latest family affair, and before leaving, she told me she was moving to Europe, with her husband and two daughters. He had been promoted, and given a CEO position, in one of the head offices. We promised to one day, get in touch, to never forget that we always had a special bond. With that she was gone. After Goulda left I started feeling lonely. I suddenly remembered that I hadn't spoken to David. I rummaged thru the end table next to the bed, and found his number. Before I even touched the receiver, I stopped myself, and began to wonder. Does he really want to talk to me? Is there any chance left? It's been a month; does he think I gave up that easy? I snapped myself out of that train of thought and picked up the phone. I dialed his number, and the phone was answered by a strange voice. She said hello. I asked, if David was there? She said hold on please. Sweetie, there is someone on the phone for you. SWEETIE?! Did I miss something? Did I dial the right number? Hello, I heard his voice. In a nervous tone, I said David............is that you? Yes, came the confused answer. It's Hans. Hans, is that really you? How are you? I haven't heard from you in a month. I thought, when I spoke with you last and said I needed time, that you would call within a week. After the second week, I thought you decided to forget about me. I have missed you so much. All I wanted to do is hear you voice one last time. I Love You Hans! All this came out, while he was crying on the phone. I quickly joined him. His voice; was like music to my ears. We cried on the phone, and at one point, I gained my composure and asked. Who is the female voice on the phone that called you sweetie? Who? Oh her, she is an old friend from childhood. She had moved down here a couple of years ago. She came over today to tell me she was getting married. We were talking and I told her about you, I was in the kitchen as you called, making us some tea. It has been far too long, since we last spoke, and saw each other. BTW, I went to the Marina, where you said you had docked your boat. I spoke with the owner of the marina and asked, which one was yours. He pointed me to your boat. I saw a notice from him on it. "A TEN PERCENT FEE IS CHARGED, FOR EVERY DAY THE BOAT IS DOCKED, UNTIL "RENEWAL" OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT". He said, the ten percent, was figured on the amount of the Original Rental Agreement. He also said, if in 60 Days, the fees aren't paid, you will lose the boat. You still have 30 Days left, to renew or pay. When will I see you again Hans? I miss you! I miss you too, David! I don't know. My attorney said originally, four months, now he is not quite sure. All I know is that it's already taken too long. We chatted for a couple of hours. He relayed to me all the pertinent information I needed to take care of the boat, motel bill, car rental etc. After we hung up, I made myself some notes before going to bed. That night, for the first time, in almost six weeks, I inflated myself several times, bigger and bigger each time. Six foot, eight foot and even twelve foot round. I thought about David each time, I went to sleep happy. The Hearings, had gone on now for sixteen weeks. I hadn't been in today's hearing. My attorney told me it wasn't necessary for me to go today. So I bummed around town and got back to the motel by noon. I was going to order lunch, when I heard the knock on my door. Hans, I have good news. It was my attorney, shaking my hands and saying CONGRATULATIONS! It's finally over. I fell to my knees and cried. It's all over, I am a free man again, now I can be with David. The next day, we flew back to Florida. I was never so happy to leave Pennsylvania behind me, permanently. I had settled with the motel owner while I was still up north. When I arrived, he greeted me and said, you are always welcome to stay with us. He gave me the same room I had had, only months earlier. I paid for a whole month, this time. I knew David would be at work, so I took the time and went to check on the boat. It was still there, just as I left her. The marina operator walked up to me and asked, if he could help me. No Thank You, I own this one, as I pointed. It was at that moment when he said, oh yeah, the guy who rented my slip for two weeks and got arrested. He walked away laughing. I went in, and immediately began to dust and clean everything, inside and out. It was now evening time and I made my way back to the motel. I went to sleep exhausted. Morning came, I did my usual morning ritual of exercise and such. I picked up the paper that morning and realized, as I stared at it, Saturday Edition. Today is Saturday, David doesn't work, or at least I don't think he normally works. I quickly made it back to the motel and raced to call him. He picked up, and I was in heaven. We made plans to meet at the beach where we last saw each other. An hour later, we were in each other's arms, hugging so hard, that we had to let go just so we could breathe. We walked hand in hand down the beach, talking about everything that had happened, since we last met. I told him everything that happened, and filled in the details, of why the company terminated me, and how I ended up on my island. I still hadn't told him of my discovery, or the fact that my island, is in the Bermuda Triangle. It was after 1:30pm, and we were both hungry. We stopped at the Chinese restaurant he liked to go to. We placed our order and ate, all the while, staring at each other. After we ate, we walked some more, at the local mall. We wanted to let the food settle before going to an early movie. After the movie, David went home. We agreed to meet again in a couple of hours, after we both had a chance to relax, shower and get ready for dinner. He came to the motel, and we agreed on a light dinner. We found something out west. We reached our destination; this time we took only his car. We were lucky enough, that the place wasn't at full swing just yet. They promptly seated us, and we placed our order, and received the food shortly there after. We ate in silence, enjoying each other's company. After dinner, we went for another walk on the beach. It was now close to 10:00pm, and we went back to the motel. He came in, and we both sat on the bed. I asked him to tell me more about himself, likes and dislikes, and so on. As we lay on the bed while he was talking, we fell asleep. We awoke the next morning, in each other's arms. Good morning, with a great big smile, was seen and heard from the two of us. We lay there enjoying the moment, for a while longer. I looked at the clock on the wall, and saw it was now 9:00AM. Oops, I said, I missed my morning exercise. Looks like I'll have to do double tomorrow morning, or get them done later on today. He slowly leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, I reciprocated my feelings towards him. We both rose from the bed and stretched. After he and I showered, we decided to have a late breakfast. While eating, we engaged in idle chatter. After finishing our meal, he apologized and said he could not spend the day with me; he needed to be with his female friend. The engagement had broken off and she decided to go back north. We hugged and kissed for a long moment, and with that he departed. Upon arriving at the motel, I decided that it would be best if I went to the island for a couple of days and make sure all is well, though the island is devoid of human or animal life, I needed to be sure. David called in the evening, again apologizing for not being able to spend the day with me. I told him that I was going back to the island for a couple of days, and that I would see him soon. A couple of hours had gone by before we were off the phone. In the morning I spoke with the clerk behind the desk at the motel and advised them that I would be gone for a few days. Please do not rent out my room, as I have paid in advance. They assured me that the room would remain vacant until my return. With that out of the way, I went shopping for a few supplies for the trip home. After picking up what I needed, and loading it all in the boat, I went to the marina office and spoke with the manager and said I shall return in a few days. He said not to worry; I already paid for the month in advance, so I can return with all confidence that the same slip would remain open for me. I quickly boarded the boat and off I went. It was late evening when I reached home; the solar powered lights I set up were a welcome sight. I retrieved a few items from the boat and off to the cave I went. Once inside I noticed the interior was dark, and the generator was not going. Off I went and retrieved a flashlight in the emergency case I kept in the boat. I went over to the generator and found the circuit breaker tripped. I reset the breaker and on it whirred. I looked around and spotted the cavern floor wet, hmm, I followed the trail of liquid and saw one of the coolant lines had burst and so the a/c unit had automatically shut off before it burned out. I decided to fix it in the morning. When I awoke the next morning, again no light, the generator was off. I reset the breaker and felt the heat coming from the unit. Immediately I remembered the cooling system was down, and if this generator was to operate fully, I needed to fix the cooling system now. It took almost two hours to fix the cooling system, the Freon was all over the floor, and I needed to add new Freon to the unit. That alone took almost an hour; I used all the Freon that was in storage to fill the unit. My exercise that day was repairing the a/c unit and cleaning the cavern floor. It took the rest of the day to clean the floor and to apply a preventive compound against any kind of bacterial growth. I woke up the following morning, and did my usual daily ritual. After eating breakfast I went into the lab, it was around one of the corners that this cavern had. It actually, if you think about it, has rooms, eight of them in-fact. The one for chemical storage had an entrance to the lab. I went to the fridges in the lab that I stored my formula and found that they were still cold. The backup system must have kept them working when the generator went out. I tested each container one by one, making sure there was nothing wrong with any of the formula. It takes ten days to get the process working properly just to make the formula, and I wasn't planning on staying that long. All the batches were fine; they were as pure as the day I had made them. I of course drank some, the smell of the mixture was sweet and intoxicating. It was now early evening; I went for a stroll and thought about David. How am I going to introduce him to my formula without him freaking out? I want him to know the freedom of being inflated huge without worry, but at the same time, not scare him away and expose myself to the world. There was a cool breeze, and I drank it in. Inflated by doing so, I had grown to over twelve feet around, and was blown into the ocean. I immediately deflated, a little too quickly, causing me to glide across the water. I had to swim all the way back to shore. I smacked myself in the head and promised to never inflate outdoors again, next to the beach. Before going to bed, I took and packed two suitcases with necessities. I took a small cooler the next morning and packed it with Gel Packs, and poured some of the formula in a sealed cylinder, packing into the cooler. The Gel Packs would keep the temperature in the cooler for as long as three days before needing to be re-chilled. I packed all on the boat, went back into the cavern and made sure all was well before I left. Off I went again to Florida, this time with heavy thought. How will I introduce this formula to David? It was the only thing going thru my mind the whole trip back. As it was when I returned to the island, it was nightfall here. I packed the rental and off to the motel I went. The desk clerk greeted me and asked if I wanted a room, I said I already have one. She asked my name and said ah yes, I was told you had a room reserved. Here is the key sir. I went to the room and unloaded the car. After entering the room and locking the door, I read the note from David that the clerk had given me. It read: HELLO HANS, I STOPPED BY TONIGHT TO SEE IF YOU HAD RETURNED, BUT THE DESK CLERK SAID, NO! THE WEATHERMAN ON THE NEWS HAD WARNED OF A POSSIBLE STORM HEADED THIS WAY, COMING FROM THE EAST. I HOPE YOU ARE OKAY, AND YOU GET THIS NOTE. PLEASE, CALL ME WHEN YOU GET IN, I WANT TO KNOW THAT YOU MADE IT BACK FINE. LOVE, DAVID After reading the note, I immediately picked up the phone and called him. He was about to doze off when I called. We spoke briefly and I assured him all was well and that I would see him tomorrow night after he left work, and take him to dinner. Hanging up the phone, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a list of supplies I needed for home.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, clothes bursting, floating
Text: "Enjoy your day at OmegaWorld! ...ugh, fucking god" Anna groaned to herself as another family headed further into the park, checking her phone for what must've been the fifth time in as many minutes, and just like those previous checks, her situation remained virtually the same as ever: 1:12 PM, only 3 hours or so into her shift, the blistering sun hanging overhead, the distant yet still pervasive sounds of amusement park rides, hyperactive kids and unreasonably angry parents assaulting her ears from all sides, and no end to any of it in sight. This was pretty much her worst case scenario she could have imagined when she first took this bullshit job. It had seemed alright when she was first applying, sure, just make sure nothing catches fire and occasionally sweep up some vomit, easy summer paycheck. This plan, however, was reliant on the small time cheapskates who owned the place actually knowing how to run an amusement park. This was Anna's first mistake. Her second was banking on that piece of shit stoner Robbie to actually turn up for work today. These mistakes were how she found herself in her current predicament: manning the balloon cart out in the blazing July heat on what was supposed to be her day off. She could have punched someone if she wasn't so exhausted.
Business was going at an infuriating rate of frequency, with customers showing up just frequently enough that she didn't feel justified in goofing off and just watching youtube videos all day, but still far enough apart that her already low patience ran out without much time having passed at all. She'd been stuck on one of those obscure, off-the-beaten-path routes between areas of the park, apparently in some attempt to spread vendors out and increase sales, but with so few people going in that direction anyway it really just felt like pissing in the wind. Still, there were people nonetheless, and before long Anna found that the cluster of balloons she'd started the day with had dwindled away to almost nothing. This was no real issue, logistically speaking, she'd been supplied with a bag of enough spare balloons to replenish the cluster 3 times over and enough helium to accomplish just that. Of course, logistics were only one half of the equation. The other half was the repetition: having to manually fill up, tie off and tie down every single balloon with no recreational distractions right under all the ire of the midday sun
This, understandably, was not Anna's idea of a good time. With a resigned groan, she placed the first balloon on the nozzle and kickstarted the flow of lighter than air gas with a flick of her wrist. At least, that was the plan. In actuality, the valve refused to give an inch, remaining steadfast even in spite of Anna attempting to open it with both hands. Anna struggled and strained for what felt like an eternity, but the entire exercise would ultimately prove to have no effect other than sore hands and frustration."Ugh, for fucks sake, what the hell is wrong with this thing?" She asked nobody in particular, giving the tank a few cursory glances to see if any immediate faults could be spotted. However, despite her best efforts, no immediate faults with the tank presented themselves. It had all the hallmarks of a standard, fully functioning helium tank, despite evidently being anything but. With those possibilities exhausted, Anna went in for a closer look at the nozzle, theorising that maybe it had somehow gotten blocked. How this would prevent the valve from turning, she had no idea, but she couldn't think of anything else that was worth trying; she was by no means some kind of helium tank repair expert and, even if she was, she certainly wasn't being paid enough to act as one. This too seemed to prove fruitless. Though the inside of the nozzle appeared normal, it was only on this closer inspection that Anna suddenly realised the infrequency with which the average person inspects the nozzles on gas canisters, and thus she had basically no idea of what would indeed constitute "normal" when it comes to the subject of them. By this point, she had fully given up, and with one last groan of irritance she went to pull out her phone and call her manager to either arrange for a new tank or at the very least find someone stronger than her who could maybe get the valve open.It was only when she took her eyes off the tank to reach for her phone that, as is often the case in life when one gives up and stops paying attention to something, that the tank finally began to do something. In one instance, the tank began spraying its gaseous payload out directly into Anna's face at full blast, sending the girl tumbling back in surprise with a sudden yelp. The shock of suddenly hearing the roaring hiss of the gas at its maximum ferocity, the sudden loss of balance and the impact of her landing on the grass behind her all within the span of a second combined to create a heavily disorienting situation; a situation that ended just as suddenly and jarringly as it began. Once Anna had gotten her bearings, she found that the tank had ceased spewing the gas out and that the loud hissing that came with it had once again given way to the ambient sounds of distant rollercoasters and screaming children. Confused and slightly apprehensive, Anna approached the tank and gave the valve one last try, finding that the valve opened and released the helium without muss or fuss, much to her relief. Thus, after what felt like a lifetime of minor irritation, she finally set about restocking the large bouquet of balloons overhead.
Anna soon found herself getting into a rhythm: Make sure the balloons are good and stretched out, fill them up with helium, tie off the neck, tie on some string, attach to the cart, rinse and repeat. It was tedious, nobody would deny that, but it was a level of consistent activity that had been missing from her day thus far, and she welcomed the distraction. It would not be long, however, before something new arose to distract her from her own distraction. After a few minutes of inflating the balloons, Anna became aware that the hissing noise of the tank seemed to be persisting even when the tank was off. Even in moments where one would expect silence, that light airy hiss was still there, insistently going along just above the ambiance."...the fuck?" Anna muttered quietly to herself, bending over to inspect the tank for the second time that day as she wondered just what on earth could be wrong with it this time. As she did so, however, she found that the noise was no louder or quieter than it had been previously, despite her newfound proximity to the nozzle of the tank. It was as if the source of the noise was moving along with Anna, maintaining a constant level of volume. Anna, for her part, was prepared to chalk this up to her mind playing tricks on her, or perhaps a consequence of having listened to music too loud, or any number of inconsequential factors, but the sound simply refused to die down. In fact, as it continued to whisper away in the back of her mind, it brought with it new sensations that she found harder to ignore. Her default, mildly positive customer service face gave way to a confused yet irritated scowl as she felt a kind of cool itchiness on her chest. It was as if a light spring breeze had somehow found a way to get into her uniform and begun to slip elegantly between the coarse, cheap cotton of her button up shirt and her soft skin, yet it was localised too specifically against her breasts to feel like any natural breeze.
"Wait... no way..." Anna thought to herself as the cogs began to turn in her brain. It seemed an utterly ludicrous conclusion, but the kind of ludicrous that one finds somehow makes perfect sense given the right combination of an absurd situation, late summer heat and the wandering mind of a minimum wage worker well past the point of caring about the job they're actually means to be doing. "God, I can't believe I'm actually fucking doing this" she muttered as, turning away towards the bushes for at least a hint of privacy, she slipped a hand under her shirt, gave her chest an experimental feel and, in doing so, confirmed her ludicrous hypothesis: this air wasn't being blown against her chest, it was being blown from her chest. A hand placed over her nipple was met with a steady, insistent flow of cool gas. Through some process she couldn't begin to fathom, the sudden spurt of helium in her face had somehow caused the gas to enter her body, and it was now dispensing itself in unknown quantities.As if to further confirm the nature of this gas, Anna grabbed a stray balloon from the bag of spares, lifted it to her nipple after a cautious glance around to make sure that this part of the park was still utterly devoid of guests and, with a slight pained gasp, pinched its neck shut around the nipple of her right breast. Like a baby at the teat, the latex decoration happily drank up the gas streaming from her bosom, quickly swelling outward into the oblate spheroid it was always intended to be. Mere minutes ago, getting her tits out to try and blow up a balloon with them like this wouldn't have even crossed Anna's mind as even being on the list of possible things she'd be doing today, and in fact if you'd asked her to do it she probably would've been mortified, but at this point it seemed like an entirely sensible evolution of the situation she found herself in; one that she gave roughly as much thought as one would a process such as running out of eggs in the morning and making a last minute change to one's shopping list. Once the balloon had reached what Anna deemed to be a suitable size, she simply tied it off like she would any other balloon and let it go. As she expected, the gas within the balloon took command over its relationship with gravity, sending it gently floating away into the clouds.
"Right... so, I've somehow got helium coming out of my tits, we've established that, good to know..." Anna began, speaking to nobody in particular. Thankfully her lack of customers awarded her at least some amount of privacy. "...Now the question is: what do I do with this information?" She asked, waiting in silence for several seconds afterwards as if expecting an answer to simply materialise from the aether. With how the previous events had been, she told herself that this wasn't the most unreasonable thing in the world to expect. She had helium boobs, for god's sake, all bets were off at this point. At first she reasoned that something like this would be best dealt with after work, in the privacy of her apartment, and resolved to stubbornly ignore it for the time being. This lasted roughly 6 and a half minutes, as the still-persistent itching sensation, while by no means unbearably intense, quickly began to get on her nerves. She then tried simply pinching her nipples shut, which brought her some much needed relief from the incessant tickle of the helium but was even more short lived, as Anna reached to check her phone, let go of one of her nipples, and only then realised the inconvenience of having to keep your hands busy holding something for an extended period of time. Anna now found herself in quite the pickle. Something had to be done, but it didn't seem as though there were any options left. Doing nothing was too irritating, she couldn't keep her hands clamped on her boobs all day, and leaving the stand to go get help was entirely out of the question. Having boobs that leaked a lighter than air gas at seemingly all times was something she could just about deal with, but risking getting fired? In this economy? Not a chance. She figured the best thing to do would probably be to phone someone, but there was no guarantee they'd know what to do either, and besides, she needed something done sooner rather than later. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Anna spotted some of the excess ribbon that was used for tying down the balloons, and she got an idea. Every synapse in her brain was yelling at her that the idea was stupid and dumb and wouldn't work in a million years, but she figured that in a situation like this it was probably the more stupid seeming ideas that were most likely to bear fruit. Cutting off 2 long strands of ribbon, she wrapped both of them tightly around her nipples and tied them in knots, securing them tightly. At first she winced from the tightness, but after an experimental, hopeful wait of a few seconds, any discomfort was replaced with relief at the fact that the sensation of the helium tickling her nipples against her shirt was no longer present. Giving a small, victorious fist bump, she took out her phone and began lazily scrolling through her contacts, trying to figure out who to call for some help and advice now that the immediate problem had been fixed. Once she'd chosen somebody, she put the phone to her ear and simply let it ring, taking a brief moment to collect her thoughts while nothing was immediately going on
Or at least she would if it wasn't for a sudden uncomfortable sensation in her boobs.
"Ugh, what the FUCK is going on no-" she began, looking down at her round, bulging boobs to try and work out what on earth was the matter this ti-
"Hang on a minute. Those aren't remotely the adjectives I'd ever use."
Indeed, running a curious hand over her chest as if to confirm that she wasn't dreaming, Anna found that her previously ordinary sized, unassuming bosom had grown noticeably larger and more defined, going from just about being noticeable under her loose fit shirt to drawing it taut across her body. Anna hadn't fully thought this through. Her nipples were still sealed tight, but that wasn't going to actually stop the gas from being produced, it just meant that it had nowhere else to go; nothing else to do but to collect within Anna's bust, filling it to capacity and then some, causing her body itself to start to inflate. She gave her boobs a cautionary squeeze, gasping a little as she found that they'd taken on both a strange kind of pressurized resistance and a far more telling squeaky, rubbery texture, as if her boobs had turned into the very balloons intended to be filled by the helium currently filling her. Anna continued to stare at her boobs in wonderment, watching it slowly push further out from her chest and feeling the skin stretch beneath her fingers. The air around her was alive with the sounds of muffled gas hissing inside her, her now rubber, balloon-like boobs stretching and squeaking as they expanded, the fibers of her shirt crackling as limits began to be reached, and the sound of Anna's own quiet gasps and coos of satisfaction as she found that, for once today, the changes her body was undergoing were to her liking. They all swirled around her; her own private soundscape hidden away from the distant rumblings of rollercoasters and screaming park-goers. Somewhere off in what may as well have been the far off distance to her, she heard a voice calling out from her phone, asking if she was there.
"I... I'll call you back" Anna just about had the presence of mind to say before hanging up the phone and slipping it into her pocket. She may have still been on the clock, but this was her time and by god was she going to enjoy it. She gave her now cantaloupe-sized breasts a hard, self-indulgent squeeze as she relished in the newfound pleasure, not even paying attention to see if anyone was walking by that might be able to see her, and quite frankly not even really caring much about the concept of anyone seeing her to begin with. If people came for balloons, then that's what they were gonna get one way or another. Thoughts like these and many others went through Anna's head at a million miles an hour, as the sudden stimulation and euphoria after half a shift of doing basically nothing whatsoever sent her mind racing. Suddenly, however, she was brought out of these pleasure-drunk inner ramblings with a surprised yelp as one of the middle buttons on her shirt gave up attempting to hold back her swelling boobs and burst free with a loud *POP*, the force causing her boobs to ripple and jiggle in response. Anna giggled as she wrapped her arms around her chest and poked her fingers through her newfound boob window, hugging her boobs towards her like balloons. They certainly felt the part, if nothing else. They had just the right amount of rubberiness, of stretchiness, that smooth, latex-like texture, and on top of it all were 2 swollen, puffy, sensitive nipples somehow holding the line against an almost inhuman amount of pressure from the helium filling Anna up. Her fingers could only barely touch when wrapped around her breasts, which excited her even more. Her attitude was moving away from "I want big boobs" and rapidly moving towards "I want the biggest boobs possible."
Anna's shirt, for its part, wasn't holding on nearly as well as her nipples. With her boobs having just surpassed watermelon size and still continuing to inflate, the garment was at its limits and yet being forced to stretch and strain even more to contain Anna's helium filled bosom. Bubbles of flesh bulged forward through the gaps between increasingly strained buttons, desperately fighting for release, before finally surging forward as one button or another inevitably gave up the ghost, being launched off into the distance. As more buttons were destroyed, the others stood less and less of a chance of holding on, finally culminating in Anna arching her back and sending all the remaining buttons bursting off her shirt in one rapid fire symphony of popping noises and sharp moans. Like music to her ears. This was what freedom felt like, she thought to herself. Free of the constraints and discomfort of that cheap cotton fabric she wore as a representative of some theme park she didn't even care all that much about, and free to feel the gentle summer breeze on her taut, sensitive skin.
It was only with her torso exposed to the wind, however, that Anna discovered a second, more pressing aspect of having helium filled boobs. As the breeze danced and flitted around her body, the light-as-a-feather balloons adorning her chest swayed to and fro with it. Even when in a neutral position they seemed to hang upwards rather than down, as if yearning for buoyancy; to be released into the clouds. Anna was momentarily stopped in her tracks upon noticing this, being reminded of the only natural endpoint that comes with something being inflated with helium, and yet, if she was honest with herself, she found that the prospect of such a thing really didn't strike her as being so bad. It seemed relaxing, or at least better than spending the rest of the day at work, and heck, who hasn't always wanted to be able to fly? With an air of boldness and confidence one would never have found in the bored, dejected girl running the balloon stand earlier in the day, Anna spread her arms and waited for her boobs to do the inevitable. By now they were the size of yoga balls and resisted almost all attempts by the wind to bandy them about, insistently pointing upwards as if ready at any second to break free of the earth and ride wherever the wind may take them
And sure enough, they did.
Anna giggled in nervous excitement as she felt the heels of her feet start to slowly lift off the ground, so slowly in fact that she almost couldn't tell if this was the work of the helium she was inflating with or just her reflexively going up on tiptoes to try and facilitate the desired reaction. Sure enough, though, she let herself go limp and hung delicately in place, her only connection to the earth being the very tips of her toes still in contact with the ground
"Cmon, you know you wanna..."
Slowly, almost imperceptibly so, one foot lifts fully off the ground
"Oh god, this is it."
The second foot quickly follows suit.
Humongous balloon boobs leading the charge, Anna began to float away into the sky. Nobody paid that much attention. Enough balloons get lost to the sky by careless children at theme parks every day that the few people who noticed what appeared to be 2 large balloons attached to each other didn't think much of it. Anna, meanwhile, whooped in exhilaration as she ascended above the peak of the highest rollercoaster in the park, officially clear of the park's boundaries and now free to drift along wherever the wind saw fit to take her. Between the gentle breeze caressing her skin, soft, pillowy cleavage to rest on and not having to be on her feet for once today, the experience was positively blissful. The only complaint she really had was the fact that the ribbons she'd tied her boobs shut with was starting to dig into her puffy nipples, which by now were almost the thickness of soup bowls, but it was relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. Yes indeed, this was something she could definitely get used t-
"Oh that did not sound good" Anna thought to herself as she snapped out of her daydreamy haze. She couldn't hope to see over her gargantuan breasts at this point, but with a turn of the head she was just about able to catch a scrap of ribbon flying past her. She quickly put two and two together and realised that her nipples must be getting big enough to start putting strain on the ribbons, and once those gave way Anna figured she couldn't exactly be sure of what'd happen given the pattern of the day so far but she figured that whatever it was would likely involve a fast trip back to terra firma. Helium boobs were manageable, but broken bones were a whole other thing entirely that Anna quite wanted to avoid. She tried desperately to grab her nipples and clamp them shut with her hands again, but she couldn't get anywhere close to reaching the front of her mountainous boobs. With seemingly no options available, Anna braced herself as her nipples strained hard against the ribbons and awaited the inevitable. Finally, after much buildup, her nipples widened in an instant with an audible *poomf*
But nothing happened
When Anna finally opened her eyes again, she found no sudden freefall, nor helium racing out of her nipples, nor any of the sudden catastrophes she had been envisioning. In fact, not much of anything seemed to be happening at all. There wasn't even any hissing, as if the gas had stopped altogether. She had no idea what happened. Her best theory was that her nipples must have somehow gotten big enough to have naturally swollen shut and prevented any gas from leaking out. Anna gave a sigh of relief, draping herself against her thankfully still inflated balloon boobs. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered how she was going to get down, but ultimately reasoned that she'd cross that bridge when she came to it. For now, she was taking a very well deserved day off, and she was absolutely going to make the most of it. With a sly chuckle, she slowly reached down and undid the button on her jeans, sliding a hand down into her pants. After all, it's not like anybody could walk in on her several hundred feet in the air.
Yep, this was a pretty good way to spend a summer afternoon.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, balloon, floating, helium, magic
Text: Ugh, are you kidding me? Patrick shook his head, and frowned. What, do you want to have sex with them?He rolled over, and sighed.We're done, freak, done.Patrick sat up, growling. He couldn't get the conversation with Lizzie out of his head. He'd tried to share his secret with her, hoping they could bring it into the bedroom. To be fair, she'd told him he wanted him to wear his leather jacket to bed...It didn't matter now. She'd dumped him the second he mentioned it. This was becoming something over a pattern with his recent relationships. Get close, mention...that, and boom. They leave. What, are you like that freak from school then? Patrick sighed, and laid back down on his blanket. Originally, he'd come out to the park to clear his head, read a book, relax in the summer sun. But he couldn't stop thinking about his last conversation with Lizzie...And Marissa.He'd never have a chance with her. Not in a million years. The cute and quiet brunette always seemed to part crowds, despite the fact she had few friends. "Why does she carry that everywhere?""I hear it's alive, that's why no one's popped it." "No way! It's just a toy." Tied around Marissa's bag, floating just behind her wherever she went, was a simple yellow balloon. It never lost it's shape, or size. Always floating next to her, wherever she went. Even from class to class, the silver string was tied around her wrist. And it was always teasing Patrick. He'd had this...special interest, since he could remember. The squeaky latex orbs seemed to just trip something in his mind that sent him reeling. The soft curves, the sound they made rubbing together, the smell...Patrick shook his head, snapping him from his reverie. Marissa always seemed to do that to him, leading him down the garden path. He was always nice to her, but thatballoon... He wouldn't dare touch it, or get too close to Marissa. The last guy that did that... never spoke about it. He tried messing with the balloon one day, and the next, he was silent. But that didn't stop Patrick from dreaming. He could go up to her, ask her about it. She would giggle, and say she really, really liked balloons, pulling a second purple one out of her bag..."We could match? She teased in his mind. He nodded, and watched her fill the balloon with air, the rubber squeaking against her hand...With a sigh, he buried his face against the blanket. Sure, matching balloons with her would be nice, no doubt about it...But what would it be like to be her balloon? Her warm breath flowing into his body, stretching it up and out as it squeaked and shifted. He'd be at her mercy, for sure. He rubbed his stomach, thinking about what that might feel like..."Liza! Wait!" Patrick sat up quickly, pulled from his daydream at the sound of a familiar voice. Looking over, he saw Marissa running after her balloon, which was floating inhis direction. "Come on, Liza! I don't want to play games right now!" Marissa shouted, trying to keep up with her balloon, apparently named Liza. Patrick moved to stand, but 'Liza' floated up to him before he could. The string tied itself around his wrist, making him shiver with the contact."Hiya, Patrick! You're sooo cute in person!" Patrick looked at the balloon in shock. Did...did it just speak to him?! No way. It moved closer, coming to bump into his cheek. Patrick couldn't help but sigh. The contact was electric, sending wave after wave of pleasure through him. He took a deep breath, and was about to reach up to touch the strange balloon when-"There you are!" Marissa said, grabbing the balloon by the string. "Oh! P-Patrick!" She said, jumping back.Patrick gasped, and jumped to his feet. Losing the contact was like a bucket of cold water to his face. "Marissa! I was just...your balloon got away." He said, cursing the fact the was stating the obvious. "Yeah...It was coming towards you." Marissa said, looking down at her feet. "Sorry for bothering you." She turned to leave.Patrick grimaced. He'd only get once chance. "Hey!" He called. Marissa turned, looking attentive. "I...I think your balloon's pretty cool." He said, holding his arms out wide before slipping them into his pockets nervously. "Really?" Marissa started walking back over to him. "You don't...think it's stupid? I mean, at school." Patrick shook his head, "If it makes you happy, that's all that matters." He said. He wasn't going to screw this up. Marissa smiled up at him. "Do you...want to come home with me? I...I think I'd like to show you something." Patrick felt like he was going to faint. He nodded, before quickly gathering his blanket and book. "Sure, sure. No problem." He said with a stupid smile. "Great!" Marissa said with a beautiful smile. "I- I mean. Cool." She turned back to her balloon, who was swaying in the breeze."Shush you. You've done enough today." She whispered to it. The walk home was long, and mostly filled with silence. Patrick was working on trying not to blush as Marissa whispered at her balloon about 'Staying out of her business' and 'To let her get dates on her own'. She talks to it? Well, it did seem to talk to me before... He'd have to ask her about that. Sure, he...liked...balloons, but it was never that...what would he call it? All consuming? Overwhelming? He looked back at Marissa, who simply smiled up at him. It was a little too good to be true, that this girl he'd thought would never look his way was taking him to her home. "We're almost there." She said, walking a little faster. Patrick picked up his pace in order to keep up. They eventually came to a small home, decorated like a cottage right out of a fairy tale. A stone path lead the way up to the front door, which looked to be carved out of an old tree, with glass that looked handmade. "I think my mom's out getting more spices, so we should have the place to ourselves." She said with a smile.Patrick nodded, and swallowed hard. As he came closer, he could see a pair of old scissors and small bags hanging over the doorway. A bell chimed as Marissa opened the door, letting him walk in behind her. The place smelled of cinnamon, and a sharpness Patrick couldn't quite place.The home felt as warm as it looked, with old furniture decorating the room. A fire was lit, giving the room a warm feel. Marissa set her bag down, and let her balloon go. Patrick couldn't help but watch it float towards a chair, and-"Here, take this." Marissa said, suddenly appearing at his side. In her hand was a smooth, blue stone. "It should keep the spells from affecting you." She said with a smile. "Right..." Patrick said, slipping it into his pocket. Marissa smiled, and moved to sit on the old couch in the room. "I...I should probably explain a few things." She said, looking over at him.Patrick looked around, seeing that the living room led into a kitchen, where- Wait, was that a cauldron? "Yeah...That would be nice." He sat down, trying not to jump to any conclusions. Marissa seemed normal enough, maybe it was just her parents who liked the strange decor.Marissa took a deep breath. "I'm a witch." Or not. Patrick blinked a few times. "A-A witch. Like, Hocus Pocus, frogs and pointy hats witch?" He asked. Was that why she brought him here? For some sort of ritual or spell?Marissa sighed, "No. Nothing like that. These days, my parents sell spells and potions in town. They've got a little shop going. People don't believe it's real, but they still like the look." She said with a smirk."Oh. Ok." Patrick said, still feeling a bit on edge. It still didn't explain why he was here. "And...you?" He asked.Marissa looked up at Patrick, and blushed. "I'm still in training. I've picked a place to focus my magic, and now I spend my time training until I'm old enough to go out on my own.""Oh." Patrick said. "So...you're not going to..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do..anything to me?" He asked."No! I'd never hurt anyone with my magic! Is...is that what you were thinking?" Marissa asked, looking a little hurt."N-No no! I...well... I didn't think witches were real." Patrick said with a sigh.Marissa nodded, and took another deep breath. "I understand. My mother warned me about this..." She said, looking away. The balloon floated over, and tied itself around her wrist. "I know, Liza. I know..."Patrick swallowed hard. Marissa had seemed like an average girl, just with a balloon she carried around but now...now he wasn't so sure.Marissa smiled, and stood up. "Why don't I show you my focus? I've never been able to share it with anyone other than my parents." She said, holding out her hand.Patrick took it slowly, still unsure about everything. Before he could fully stand, Marissa tugged him along towards a door next to the fire place."My parents gave me the basement, since I needed a lot of room. We discovered that after-" Marissa bit her lip, putting her hand on the doorknob."After...?" Patrick said, trying to ignore the fact that he was still holding Marissa's hand."Never mind!" Marissa said, before opening the door, and slipping her shoes off. "Take yours off too. Don't want any dirt down here. Patrick moved to take his shoes off, looking down the steps. The lights were off, but he swore he could hear something going on down there..."Ready?" Marissa said with a nervous smile.Patrick nodded. "As I'll ever be." He said with a shrug.Marissa nodded, and started down the steps, with Patrick behind her. He held onto the rail, watching as they came further down into the dark basement. What could be down here? She was a Witch after all. Would it be like a dungeon, or more like the rest of the house? Was he walking into a trap, and her parents were there to weave some sort of crazy spell on him? He could hear something squeaking, things shifting around..."Stop." Marissa turned, placing a hand on his chest. He blinked, and tried to keep his breathing steady. "Wait right here, and-and close your eyes." She said.Patrick nodded, hearing Marissa run down the rest of the steps. He saw the light turn on behind his eyes. The steps creaked under foot, and Patrick felt Marissa take his hand."Just hold onto me, and walk down the steps." She said, leading him down. The wood was rough against his feet, and he expected a cold basement floor underfoot at some point but...it was warm, soft almost. He felt something move by his head, and he weaved past it, the object just missing his face. "Alright," Marissa took his other hand, and a deep breath. Patrick felt himself shaking slightly. He was, right now, holding hands with Marissa! It didn't matter that she was some sort of Witch, this still made butterflies flutter in his stomach. "Can I-?" "When I count to three, open your eyes." Marissa said firmly. She let go of Patrick's hands. "One." Patrick shifted in place."Two." He took a deep breath..."Three!" Patrick opened his eyes. The first thing Patrick noticed was the balloons. All sorts of balloons all with silver strings tied around their necks. Some seemed to be having a conversation with each other, while others carried things around the room. They were all different colors and sizes, all floating around and past the two of them. "I-I-" He was speechless. The room had what looked like an inflatable red couch, and two chairs, both a deep shade of purple. The lights shined off of their surfaces, with a few balloons resting on them. Next to the furniture, was a giant purple balloon, with a long silver string tied to the neck of it. "My focus is pneumatic magic." Marissa said, "It's tricky, and not many witches do it, but I'm one of the few." She said, taking a balloon from the air. Patrick could feel his face heating up, forcing him to take a deep breath to try and calm down. He clenched his hands a few times, trying to keep himself under control. "So...What do you think?" Marissa said, smiling at him. She stepped over in front of him, the balloon in her hand waving close to his face. "I-ahem..." He cleared his throat. "It's great!" The words still came out a little strained. "Are you alright? You look a little red." Marissa said, stepping closer. The balloon moved again, this time against Patrick's cheek. He gasped, feeling that wave of pleasure shoot through him again. He stepped back. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I promise." He said, "It's just...a lot to take in, that's all." He said, smiling at Marissa. Marissa smiled back. "Let's go sit down. You can relax better over there." She walked over to the red couch, the surface squeaking as she sat. Oh no no no no no. Sitting down on a balloon couch with Marissa in the room, sitting next to him on that very balloony, squeaky, inflated couch? "Sure..." Patrick squeaked. Dead puppies. Dead puppies and nuns in bikinis. Grandparents having sex. Moldy food sitting in the hot sun. Deep breaths, deep breaths. He needed to calm down before he sat on this...balloon couch, or things would get awkward real quick. Marissa shifted on the surface, making it squeak as she got comfortable. She smiled over at him, "Come on! It's not going to pop or anything!" She grabbed Patrick's hand, and pulled him into the couch, the slick surface coming to cushion his fall. He sat up, pushing his hand into the smooth surface. "H-How did you make this?" He asked, shifting a bit, feeling the soft surface squeak and groan under his jeans. Mom and Dad having sex, Grandma and grandpa having sex. Focus, focus, focus! he chanted in his mind."Lots and lots of trial and error. I couldn't use any existing balloons, since they don't work well to being molded. This was made just with my magic alone." She said, smiling down at her creation. Patrick smirked, looking down at the couch. Marissa was clearly proud of what she'd done. "I've got to admit, I'd never thought things like this could be done with balloons." He said, still blushing. He was still trying to keep his mind from straying, thinking about what he might like to do with Marissa on this very couch- Thankfully, a percussive sound broke him from his train of thought. Marissa had blown up a balloon, and tapped him on the nose with it. "What'cha thinking about?" She asked, smirking. Patrick bit his lips. He looked down at the balloon, and saw one float past them. "Before...when that balloon floated towards me, I swear... After it tied its string around my wrist, I could hear it...talk?" He asked. Marissa nodded, tying off the balloon in her hand. "Yeah...Yeah, they talk. Only when the string wraps around a part of your body though. Come, I'll show you." She got up, and started walking to the other side of the room. Eager (but only just) to get off the balloon couch, Patrick followed behind, looking around at the rest of the room. There were tanks of various colors and sizes, none of them seemingly labeled. The balloons that floated through the room seemed to be able to speak to each other, wrapping their strings around their fellow balloon's strings. Patrick turned to look as Marissa came to a stop, picking up a purple balloon from a normal looking pack. "This is where I bring them to life." She turned to a tank, sitting next to what looked like a hand-carved work bench. Tools he recognized sat on the surface, along with many he didn't. The tank was purple, and had gold writing on it. "Balloon Gas. Not for Human Inhalation." It read. "I made this myself. Magic, air, and helium. And a special potion." She smirked, and brought the balloon up to the nozzle. Patrick watched with rapt fascination as the purple balloon swelled up in her hand, the rubber squeaking as it grew. He bit his lip, seeing the edge of the balloon had a slight shimmer to it. It wasn't a trick of the light, that much was for sure. Patrick had blown up hundreds of balloons, and not one looked like that when it blew up. Before he was sure she'd pop it, Marissa tied off the end, and tied a silver string from a nearby pack of them to the knot. "There. One magic balloon, made in no time." She smiled. The balloon floated around a bit, before wrapping around Patrick's wrist. "Hello there...My name is Michael. Nice to meet you." It said, bobbing happily in front of him. Patrick blinked a few times, trying to process this new information. "Y-You make...male ones?" He asked, looking the balloon over.Marissa shrugged. "They chose their own names. Each one is unique, you know." She said, looking around. "Oh! Did Marissa make a new balloon? Welcome, dear!" A pink balloon floated over while Patrick was distracted, and wrapped its string around his arm as well. Marissa giggled. "I think they like you." She said with a smile. "Hello there. Who are you?" Michael asked, shifting towards the new balloon and Patrick"Uh...Name's Patrick..." He said, smiling at Marissa's comment. "Holly, dear. Lovely to meet you." The pink balloon said."Can you hear them?" Patrick asked. Marissa shook her head. "No. I told you. Only when the string is wrapped around a part of one's body can you here them." She explained with a smile. "Hey, hey! What is going on over here?" A smooth talking blue balloon floated over, wrapping himself around Patrick's upper arm. "Just getting acquainted with the newcomers. Cal, this is Patrick. The Patrick." Holly said with what sounded like a smile. Cal, who must have been the blue balloon, gasped. "No. Way. She actually managed to do it?" He brushed against his cheek, making Patrick gasp. "Hey, buddy! We've heard a lot about you! I should get the others, hold on!" Cal floated away to the large group of balloons in the rest of the room. "Wait..." Patrick shook the haze off of his mind. "He said they've heard a lot about me? What's he talking about?" He asked, looking over at Marissa. "O-Oh! D-Did they say that?" She blushed, looking down at her feet. "J-Just stuff from the papers, you know, your sports and all that..." She played with a bit of her hair, still not making eye contact with him. Patrick gave a small smirk, wondering what was going on, before he heard a bunch of squeaks behind him. He turned, and gasped. A whole group of balloons were floating towards him!"Hey, everyone! Come meet Patrick! You know, the one-Mmmph." Cal had been about to say something, before Holly reached up and tugged on his string. "It's not polite to share secrets, Cal." She said, moving aside as more and more balloons wrapped their strings around his arms. He couldn't keep up with the chatter, the balloons all either trying to talk to him, or to the new balloon, Michael."W-Wait, hold on a second, I-!" He tried to get their attention, but a few ended up wrapping gently around his neck, and brushing against his cheek. "Ohh..!" He gasped, giving a little moan as the familiar sensation returned to him. He nuzzled into the balloons, smiling and giggling as more wrapped around his body, a few strings ending up around his torso. So many, in fact, that he slowly started to float up off the ground!"My goodness! I believe this is getting a bit out of hand!" Patrick could just barely make out Holly's voice above all the other conversations. "Hey! He floats pretty well! Maybe he'd make a good balloon too!" Cal said, with a few others agreeing with him. "Mm...mm? Thatss...Impossible!" He shouted, coming to in a moment of clarity. He looked down, kicking his feet wildly. "Put him down! Put him down right now!" Marissa was shouting up at him. How long had he been up here? When did he get up here?! "Marissa! Marissa, what's going on?!" He shouted, trying to kick his way back down to the floor. He could see Marissa jumping up to try and grab him, but to no avail. "Perhaps we should put him down, Cal. I don't think Marissa's ready to show him everything." Holly said. "Yes! Yes, please put me down!" Patrick shouted, seeing the floor so far below him. Cal sighed, as if he was rolling his eyes. "Fine. You're no fun. Let's put him down, everyone." He called out.One by one, a few balloons started to detach from him, allowing Patrick to slowly float back down to the floor. Once he touched down, he saw Marissa run over, blushing furiously. In her hand, she held an old looking knife. "Get away from him! Go on! Or I'll pop you, all of you!" Marissa shouted, swinging the knife at the balloons, causing them to scatter, like scared birds. "Marissa! Hey, calm down." Patrick said, pushing her arms at her sides, taking the knife from her and setting it aside. "They put me down, alright? They didn't want to hurt me, just get to know me." He smiled. "I-I think....you should go." Marissa said, looking at the ground. "But...why? I thought we were hav-""Just get out!" She shouted with tears in her eyes. Patrick jumped back, and with a look of sadness, he turned to leave. "Are you sure about this, Cal?" Holly asked."Of course I am! You saw how sad Marissa was after Patrick left. We've got to make it up to her." Cal said."I agree, but like this? I think we've done enough damage for one day." She said, squirming a bit. "She's going to love this, trust me." Cal said. "Don't worry everyone! I think we're almost there!" He shouted back at the bundle of balloons that he and Holly were tied to, floating over the town below them. "I do hope you're right about that. I hate how upset we've made the girl I swear I could hear her crying all the way from the basement..." Holly said. "It'll be fine! She'll cheer up once she's got a boyfriend to cuddle!" He said, before a crosswind nearly blew them off course."It's rather windy up here. Don't you think we should start looking for the address?" Holly asked, looking down at the houses below them. "Relaax Holly! I feel like we're getting close! This way!" He said, pulling the large bundle of balloons down to the street level. The small cul-de-sac quiet for the evening, all the houses around them dark. "Now...let's see here..." Cal pulled the bundle over to a street sign. "What was the street again?" "I know! I know!" A yellow balloon jumped forward. "Lillybell! It's down that road, then to the right!" She explained."Very good, Liza! I forgot Marissa took you out more than the rest of us." Holly said, squeaking against the yellow balloon. Liza giggled. "I can't wait to see Patrick again! He was sooo cute!" "And he'll look even better once we're done with him! This way!" Cal pulled the group down the street, the balloons trying to keep from making too much noise. They rounded the corner, drifting further down the row of houses. Holly, Cal, and Liza all looked around, checking the numbers on the houses. They all soon came to a red painted home, with flowers all along the edge of the white panted porch."There it is! Marissa loves to come by here when Patrick's not around." Liza said with a giggle. "His bedroom's upstairs. There's a window that should be the best way to get in." She explained."Good thinking, Liza. Everyone! This way!" Cal shouted, pulling the bundle around to the side of the house, floating up to the second story window. Inside, just under the window, was Patrick, sleeping with a white tee-shirt on, and a pair of blue boxers. His hand was resting across his chest, his mouth slightly open in a snore. As the balloons drifted up, the saw his window was slightly open, letting in a gentle breeze. "Help me lift this up." Cal said, moving to the others, who all untied themselves from the bunch, and with a bit of effort, opened the window fully to let themselves in. "Now what, Cal? We'll have to distribute the weight this time around in order to not wake him up." Holly explained. "Right. This way, everyone." Cal, as well as the others, all slipped inside, floating around in Patrick's room, who slept on unaware. "Don't forget to whisper!" Holly said in a hushed tone, "He can hear us once we wrap our strings around him!" "Right!" Cal shouted back. "Uh, ahem, I mean, right!" He whispered. "Alright everyone! Let's get started!" The balloons all nodded in agreement, spreading out over Patrick's body. A few wrapped around his legs, a few around his arms, and most of them wrapped around his torso and lower body, making sure to keep themselves evenly distributed. Holly and Cal wrapped themselves gently around his neck, before looking up to see the others all spread out above him. "Good job everyone! Now, let's be careful when we lift him, alright?" Cal whispered. "On three. One, Two...three!" Holly counted down, before all the balloons lifted him up into the air, floating him above his bed as they turned to slid out the window. Patrick slept on, snoring a bit as he was moved slowly out the window, the balloons ducking as they float back up into the sky, their new cargo in tow.
If anyone had been watching the sky at this moment, there certainly would have been quite the sight. A young man was floating across the inky blackness, carried by a large bundle of balloons. Lucky for the balloons, no one cared for stargazing that particular night. They made their way back to Marissa's home, slipping through an open window, and carefully carrying their precious cargo down to the dark basement, where they sat him down in one of the balloon chairs, right next to the giant purple balloon. "Phew...He's...he's heavier than I thought..." Cal said, resting on the ground. "Well...he is a man...after all. Not like Marissa..." Holly said, resting for a moment next to him. "Now for the tricky part..." "Right, because carrying a human across the sky wasn't tricky enough." "Shh. Help me move the tank, alright? We're almost done." Cal floated back up, and with a few others, floated over to the tank of 'Balloon Gas'. "Alright, alright..." Holly sighed, joining in as they all wrapped their strings around the tank. "On three, okay? One...Two...Three!" Cal and the others all gave a mighty pull, dragging the tank across the room, inch by inch. Finally, the plopped it down next to Patrick, who was still asleep, his mouth having fallen open in a snore. "Right...then..." Cal and the others gasped, feeling rather worn out. "I-I don't know if I can do this part, Cal. I'm exhausted..." Holly said, resting on the ground again. "C-Come on...Holly...Just a little bit more. We've got this, guys. This is the easiest part." Cal floated back up to the tank, and motioned for the others to help. "Just tip the nozzle into his mouth, and turn the tank on...Then we watch." "F-Fine...one last push." Holly said. The bundle of exhausted balloons all wrapped around the valve of the tank, and very carefully, tipped the tank over into Patrick's open mouth. Patrick, in his sleeping state, wrapped his lips around it instinctively, unaware of what was going on around him. Meanwhile, the balloons were shaking as they struggled to hold up the tank."T-Turn on the air!" Cal shouted. "I-I don't think we can hold it!" Holly said."I've got it!" Liza chimed in, unwrapping her string to pull on the valve, a soft hissing filling the air as it opened in short bursts. "Yes! Here... we go!" Cal said. Patrick's cheeks instantly puffed up, filling with the magic gas as it flowed into his body. His skin took on a rubbery sheen, his shirt and boxers looking tighter as the gas did its job. "Look! He's... filling up!" Holly said, watching as Patrick's belly started to stick out, his shirt riding up as a pale band of flesh was exposed. It didn't take long before the rest of his torso groaned and stretched, his body sounding like a balloon on the end of a helium tank. Patrick let out a sleepy moan, running his hands over his ballooned body, his limbs looking shiner and puffier. "Looks like he's taking...to it well!" Cal said, still struggling with the others to keep the tank from falling on Patrick as he filled up bigger...and bigger...and bigger! "Mmmph..." Patrick tried to speak around the nozzle, but it blocked his words, his body now a round ball with puffy limbs sticking out of it. He let out a sleepy giggle, patting his new body, unaware of what was really happening to him! "M-Marissa's...g-going to love t-this..." Cal said triumphantly. Patrick's lower body bloated out as well, his squeaky skin brushing against the balloon seat he was in, his butt wedging itself into the chair as he rounded up and out. He flapped his hands happily, his eyes opening just a bit for a moment. In his mind, he was still in a dream. He breathed in deeply, his body surging anew as the slick chair pushed him up with a pop! He rested on the armrests, his head still tilted down from the tank in his mouth. "A-Almost there...Just a little more!" Holly said, looking to see how wide Patrick's body had stretched. His body was a smooth, round balloon, his hands and feet puffing up with air as they sank into his body a bit, as well as his head, his chin causing his body to squeak. "H-How much more do you think-" Cal was about to speak, when the lights came on. "What's going on down here!?" Marissa shouted. Her feet could be heard quickly coming down the stairs. "Marissa!" The balloons all shouted, dropping the tank in shock. The full weight came down on Patrick's head, waking him up as it tipped over and out of his mouth. "Mmp-ahh!" He shouted, coughing as his voice was higher pitched for a moment. "What in the world are you all-" Marissa rounded the corner, and gasped. "P-Patrick!!" She shouted, seeing the Balloon Gas tank was laying on its side, hissing away. "M-Marissa? W-What's..." He blinked a few times, trying to snap out of his dazed, half-awake state. "W-What did you all do to him!!?" Marissa shouted, running around to Patrick's head. "H-He's a-a balloon!" She cried out with tears in her eyes. "What?" Patrick asked as he tried to move, but could only flap his hands a bit. "I-I feel really strange..." He said, blinking a few more times. His body felt like a live wire of sensations, his clothing shifting just a bit causing small waves of warm pleasure to flow through him. "I-I...." He looked at himself, wide-eyed and in shock. "I'm a balloon...." He whispered softly "I-I'm so sorry, Patrick!" Marissa cried out, with tears streaming down her face. "These stupid balloons...." She turned off the tank, and kicked it away. "They kidnapped you and blew you up!" She wiped her eyes, and glared over at the balloons. "I'll pop every one of you for this! Who did this to him? Who's idea was it?" She shouted, tears falling anew. "M-Marissa..." Patrick said softly, trying to turn his head, but only making squeaking noises in his struggle. "Don't worry, P-Patrick..." She sniffled, turning around to face him. "I-I'll find a way to put you back to normal, I promise! You-You won't be stuck like this forever..." She burst into tears, and fell to her knees, sobbing. "This is all my fault. "M-M-Marissa, don't cry..." Patrick said with a soft smile. "It's alright, trust me." "N-No it's not..." Marissa said between tears. "Your life is ruined because of me! My stupid magic did all of this. My...my stupid crush was the reason for all of this..." She whimpered. "Crush?" Patrick asked. Marissa shook her head. "It's dumb. You're a sports star, and I'm a nobody who likes balloons. I never had a chance anyway, and now you're stuck here with stupid me because-" "Stop it, Marissa." Patrick said firmly. "First of all, I've had a crush on you from the first day I saw you. I was too nervous to go up to you, simply because you seemed to part crowds. Not to mention that balloon you carried around..." He bit his lip. "And second...I love balloons. I always have. I don't...really understand it, but something about them really sets me off. This...this is kinda..." He took a deep breath (How, he really couldn't say.), "It's kinda a dream come true, to be honest." He said, blushing slightly. Marissa looked up, and sniffled again, wiping the tears from her face. The other balloons had perked up, and were floating out from their hiding spot to investigate. "S-So...you're not mad about this?" She asked with a shy smile. "Far from it. I'm...rather ecstatic about it, to be honest. I thought I was dreaming when I felt my body swelling up like that. And right now..." He sighed. "God, is it normal for my skin to feel so tingly?" He asked, trying to reach with his fingers to touch his skin. "Y-Yeah...it is." Marissa smiled, and reached out to gently rub against his stretched out shirt, the fabric brushing against his skin."O-Ohhh!" He gasped and moaned, his face turning a bright red. "Mhmm...god..." He sighed. "And that was just a touch." Marissa giggled. "Holy shit..." Patrick gave a weak chuckle. "This is...fantastic! I'm-" He looked over at Marissa. "I'm finally your balloon..." Marissa squeaked a little, and blushed furiously. She covered her face and looked away. "O-Only if you want to be!" "It's all I've ever wanted..." He sighed, closing his eyes."Y-You weren't kidding about that crush thing...right?" She asked, biting her lip. "Nope. I've fallen head over heals for you..." He said with a bright smile. "And I you, my balloony boyfriend." She smiled, leaning over to give him a deep kiss. Patrick gave a deep moan around the kiss. Apparently all of his skin was sensitive to touch... He moaned anew when Marissa reached out to rub his rounded body, pulling away from the kiss slowly. "I like the sound of that..." Patrick gasped, his eyes glazed over. Marissa smiled. "Good. Because I really don't know how long it'll take to put you back to normal, if it's even possible..." "Don't think too hard about it. As long as you'll take care of me, I'm happy to be your helpless balloon." Patrick said. Marissa giggled. "Good. Now," She shifted him around a bit, before using the chair to hoist herself up and onto his rounded form. her legs straddling his body. Patrick let out another loud moan, the shifting sensations sending his mind reeling. "Now..?" He croaked out, wondering what could possibly be next. "How about you take care of me?" She purred with a wicked smile.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: I'd been so excited when I got the letter to appear on 'Extreme Bad Girls Club', my favourite TV game show. It was basically a general knowledge quiz but with forfeits in each round which were invented anew every episode, so you never knew what it had in store for you. These afternoon broadcasts were a secret vice of mine, but sitting there on the sofa at home I found I could answer every single question correctly. I'd got through the auditions fine and at last I'd been called up to appear live.
So I'm standing here, knees knocking, before a live studio audience of several hundred people, in my white dress with black polka dots, loose-fitting, no belt or fasteners, as requested in the letter, not knowing what they have in store for me.
"Come on out Tina, and give us a twirl!"
I step out from behind the podium to applause and spin on my heels, allowing my skirt to flare out around me.
The question master is a bit irritating to be honest. I think of him as the quintessential southerner and he has catch-phrases rather than a personality. Or, maybe he does have a personality but keeps it well-hidden on screen. I've heard that he's a closet intellectual, but if that's so, he doesn't get to show it. Sad for him I suppose.
"Wheel on the Device!"
This was a regular, well, device on the show. Each week a mysterious shrouded mechanical contrivance would be produced from off-stage on a trolley with which the contestant was expected to interact. It might be an imponderable mini-computer with blinking lights which the guest was expected to learn to program, but which would produce increasingly powerful electric shocks for each answer she got wrong, or a literal wheel onto which she would be strapped and spun ever faster depending on her answers to the questions. And of course, "wheel on the device" was one of the standard things Keith would say every week to thunderous applause. What will it be this week?
"How's your general knowledge Tina?" Keith hands me the mike. I nervously manage to get it tangled round my leg and almost trip over it. It's a very different prospect to be in front of the hot, dazzling studio lights, hundreds of people here and hundreds of times as many as that out there in "TV Land" as the phrase has it.
"F-f-fine!" I manage to stutter. My voice echoes loudly round the auditorium and I feel my face get hot.
"Look a bit closer at the mike if you would please."
I peer down at the cable and notice it seems to be double. A second flexible tube is zip-tied to the flex but snakes under the sparkly sheet on the trolley. It's ribbed and black.
"Is that a hose?"
"Got it in one Tina", replies Keith. "Now if you would please, pull at that hose and put it in your mouth."
"Er, okay". The hypnotic effect of being on television and not wanting to show myself up in front of millions of people persuades me that this is a good idea. It tastes rubbery and I get the urge to chew it, but it's quite firm.
Keith whips away the sheet to reveal a hefty slide control with a scale next to it. The hose in my mouth emerges from its right hand side. To its left stands a gauge and a gas tank.
"Can you still talk clearly?" I'm asked.
"Er, I think so," I reply, sounding like I'm talking while munching a piece of licorice.
"That's clear enough. Right then, Tina. This week's game is called 'Double Or Pop'. What's going to happen is this. I'm going to ask you a total of eight general knowledge questions. Each one you get right earns you a hundred pounds. Each one you get wrong, this machine will pump some air into you through the hose, and every time you give an incorrect answer the amount that goes in will double.
I rub the hose with my tongue to find I can no longer shift it. Keith chuckles briefly.
"Oh yes, I'm afraid there's a quick acting glue on the hose and it's stuck inside your mouth now. I have a bottle of the glue dissolver here but we won't be using that yet, okay?"
I nod, feeling rather daunted.
"We'll start with one gallon of air, which is this setting." He slides the lever down to the bottom, next to the number one. I notice that each number is double the last. The top number is 128.
"Let's hope we don't have to set it to the highest number, but then you're in control of that aren't you? Okay, so here we go. First question..."
I take a deep breath, hoping fervently that my general knowledge won't let me down.
"Your first question, Tina, is this. In Japan, there is a fish which is both highly poisonous and highly prized as a delicacy. The Japanese name for it is fugu. What is its English name?"
Such an easy question. And yet – bright lights, expectant audience, pressure. Can I get it right? He holds the microphone to me, and I rack my brains.
"Er, is it koi carp?" My voice is a little muffled and distorted.
Keith shakes his head and sighs with a slight smile.
"Is it koi carp? Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you this Tina but that is not the right answer. The correct answer is puffer fish. Not a good start. Time for a gallon from the air cylinder I'm afraid."
He turns the tap at the top and I feel a breeze blowing into my mouth, down my throat and ultimately into my stomach. Keith holds the mike to my stomach and broadcasts the loud gurgles to the nation of viewers. I feel a slight sense of fullness and pressure but it's bearable. I try to burp it back out surreptitiously but I seem to be a bit tense and get nowhere. Ah well, if that's all I have to fear it's fine. Nothing to worry about.
"A gallon of air inside you Tina, now let's hope that's all shall we? Question number two: What was the fate of Violet Beauregarde in the recent summer children's blockbuster 'Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory'?"
I cast my mind back to the time a couple of years back when I took my nieces to see the film. What was there? What happened to all the children? I remembered a girl singing a song and disappearing down a chute because she wanted a golden egg. But there were two girls. Was that the right one?
Keith holds the mike to my mouth again.
"Was it, did she – fall down the golden egg chute?" Just as I finish answering I remember that girl had a red dress and the other one had a blue one. Wasn't she more likely to be the girl in question. Quickly I say, "no, wait a minute, she was the one who-"
Keith interrupts me.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry but I have to take your first answer I'm afraid. No, you're thinking of Veruca Salt. Violet Beauregarde was turned into a giant blueberry when she ate Willy Wonka's experimental gum. Two gallons this time."
He slides the lever into the "2" position and opens the tap again. Once again he holds the microphone to my stomach and the air rushes in twice as fast. I feel and hear my belly filling up, past my stomach deep into my guts, swelling my belly, making me feel gassy and farty, but once again my tension stops me from farting.
"Dearie me, look at the state of you now", he says, smoothing the fabric over my now somewhat bloated belly. "It's making the most extraordinary noises you know." Again the sound of the gurgling of air inside me resounds through the massive television studio.
"That's three gallons of air inside you now, Tina. Let's not have to add any more, eh?"
I nod in agreement.
"Question number three. Tina, can you tell me this then, with your considerable general knowledge? What...", he pauses for effect, "...was the surname..."
Which is the surname? I always get that mixed up. The Christian name and the surname? Which is which? It's not helping that my stomach is aching and I'm feeling rather bilious. Surname? Ah yes, that's the first name isn't it? Okay.
"Of the inventors of the hot air balloon? Take your time, take your time. Get it right in your head first. We're all with you."
All I can remember is the name Charles Montgolfier. Presumably they both had the same name or he wouldn't be asking. I smile confidently at him for once."
"Charles of course!"
"Charles Montgolfier! That is the-"
"WRONG answer I'm afraid. Charles is the Christian name of one of the Montgolfier brothers and they both invented it together. O-kay then, sorry about this."
He slides the control to the next position, 4 and turns the tap. A huge surge of air "gulps" its way down into me and my belly convulses. I feel my organs swell up inside me relentlessly and painfully, like a particularly bad case of indigestion, and feel myself break out in a sweat. Alarmed, I look down at my rapidly bloating belly and place my hands on it to feel them pushed out by the pressure. This is horrible! Finally it stops and I stand there with a really obviously round, bloated pot belly.
"When's your baby due?"
Everyone laughs. I feel cramps all over my distended abdomen and it's affecting my thoughts. I can't string two ideas together and there's a feeling like a heavy cold in my head. I feel myself swaying from side to side.
"Whoops, looks like you're gonna topple over there. Ed, get the lady a chair so she can continue."
A stage hand appears from nowhere with a chair on casters. It reminds me a bit of the Mastermind one.
"Er no, not that one because of the arms."
Ed says something to Keith and he nods and says.
"Ah, okay then, well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
I slump into the chair, carefully putting my hand under my belly button where I can feel the strain of my bulging innards. My front is powerfully stretched under the pressure inside me. I slump into the chair, feeling the arms brushing against my flanks.
"A lady in your condition deserves a seat. Well, well, well! Only three questions gone and just look at the state of you! Five to go. You're really going to have to up your game you know if you're going to win anything at all.
"Question four: another film question. Hope you're a film buff Tina, I really do. Do you like action movies?"
"Er, I dunno, I've-" I pause to take a breath, which is a little scary what with the tightness of my skin – I feel like I'm about to split open.
"I've – seen a few with my boyfriend." To be honest I've never really concentrated on them. I just go along to keep him company really, like I go to the footie with him.
"Is he a James Bond fan?"
Aha! Things are looking up. I smile, feeling slightly more confident.
"Well there may be hope for you yet. Maybe, just maybe, you won't be getting any bigger from now on. Question number four then, is about this year's Bond movie with the signature tune by – ah, who was it again?"
Such an easy question! One of the Fab Four of course. Joyfully I answer with confidence.
"Paul McCartney and Wings!"
"Looking at you now, I don't think you're going to need wings to fly. You are of course correct."
The audience cheers and I am just so relieved.
"Un-fortune-ate-ly," Keith continues, "that was not the question. The question is – how did the villain Doctor Kananga die?"
I cast my mind back. What had happened? Well, one thing that happened was what was happening now. My bladder felt really full and I couldn't hang on any longer, so I'd been to the loo towards the end. But, but, but, hold on. There was a scene in a train with a guy with an artificial arm. Bond had killed him and hidden the arm from his girl. Right, yes!
"Bond threw him off a train."
"Yes, there was indeed a death at the end of the film where a character was thrown off a train. Sadly, however, that was not Doctor Kananga. No. Do you not remember the gas pellet used to shoot the shark? Well, our hero shot Kananga with it and he inflated, floated up through his base and popped like a balloon. Really Tina, I would've thought you'd have remembered that of all things."
I'm choking back tears. Can I really take any more air? What's going to become of me? I stare at my swollen midriff with the arms of the chair cutting into them.
Keith has gone over to the controls again. He cranks the slider up to eight, then pauses.
"Er, Ed, can we get the arms out of the way please? Our lady's going to need some more room."
Ed approaches me and lifts the arms up. Oh God, how much more inflated am I going to get now?
Keith opens the tap for the fourth time, and the air rushes into me like a gale. Eight gallons in five seconds! It's just surging and surging, pouring incessantly into me and I have no choice but to take it. I can see my stomach visibly inflating, fast, to the size of a large fully-blown up beach ball. Oh please make it stop! Why am I not farting or burping? Oh God help me! I feel so full, so huge. Where will it all end?
Finally it stops. The weight of my upper body is making my beachball belly squish out sideways. I've got double vision and there's a roaring in my ears. It's hard to hear the people around me and my attention is being utterly absorbed in the unbelievable experience of actually being blown up like a balloon. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to hear Keith at all now. And this is only half way through the ordeal. Someone please help me!
Keith is saying something. He's a kind of blurred shape.
"Woo Tina, if you were a cartoon now it looks like you'd have dicky birds flying round your head. Your eyes would be spirals. Let's give you a hand. Ed, can you adjust the chair please?"
I'm faintly aware of Ed fiddling with a lever and he slides the back of the chair down and raises the footrest so I'm lying on my back. My head clears slightly and I'm once again able to concentrate. Who'd have thought being blown up like a balloon would make me go all woozy like this?
"Question five. Please get this right Tina or it's sixteen gallons this time. That's a hundred and twenty-eight additional pints of air. Seriously, you need to get yourself together or you'll – well – literally not be physically together at all if things carry on like this."
I look down at my vastly rounded abdomen, the dots on my dress stretched out and big like the spots on a football. I'm really huge, but my insides aren't hurting any more and I don't even feel sick. It's like all my insides are compressed into a thin, composite layer between me and the outside world. I abstractly wonder why I'm feeling kind of like I've drunk sixteen pints. It's okay, in the circumstances, to feel this woozy and out of it.
I miss what Keith says. What was that again? Something about the volume of a sphere? Some kind of maths question. I realise that it could be a good idea to answer that correctly. Yeah, probably should. I'll ask him to say it again.
My lips and tongue are swollen and thick. Come to think of it my eyes are bulging too. I vaguely press my mouth together and manage to get the words "say...again" out. He repeats the question but I can't really hear it or understand it. Being inflated has done something weird to me and so I just sort of try to think, then, fully aware that if I get this wrong he'll try to cram even more gas into me, but I can't seem to string two thoughts together.
He's speaking again, looking sadly at me, going over to the machine and sliding it again. In it comes, again.
You know that feeling when you've eaten too much and you just want to lie down and sleep? Well that's sort of what I'm feeling right now. I watch, as if from a great distance, as the spots on my dress stretch out and wonder vaguely if my skirt will ride up and expose my knickers.
I wish I'd listened to my mother when I was small. She warned me that I shouldn't eat the watermelon pips, didn't she? I'm rather surprised to find it's true. Or maybe I had that dream of eating the giant marshmallow and waking up to find the pillow gone. I'm definitely stuffed with something. The room is swaying and diving like a ship in a heavy sea around me.
That man, don't know, he seems familiar. I may have seen him off the telly. He's asking me a question about some element on the sun or something, and it being discovered on the sun. Yeah, there was something. Suddenly it becomes clear to me. Yes, I can answer that! Helium!
I manage to get my mouth to move and I'm pretty sure I say something, but what is it? There's a long peal of laughter from the audience.
"Er no Tina, it's not 'balloonium'". They laugh again. He's going over to the controls again, moving it again, turning the tap on again. Something goes bang inside me and I get really puffy and big all over. My skin everywhere is getting tight. There's a TV monitor nearby showing a huge spotty balloon with a head on top of it, a sort of big round space hopper or something inside it with egg-shaped limbs. I start to wonder if it'll pop. It's clearly been seriously overinflated. I almost feel sorry for it for some reason. Then it stops swelling. What a relief!
What's this again? What's happening? There's a big rubbery stretched thing right next to my chin. Don't know what that is. My head seems to be in the middle of some kind of cushion of something. A big, spotty cushion. There's a series of sausagy balloons on one side which moves when I try to move my arm. Can't understand that either.
What's that he's saying? Something about money and Hungary. No, I don't think I'm hungry. I had a really big meal of something, didn't I? More like a year's food in one go.
Someone's going to pop, he says. People don't pop do they? Mind you, if anyone did pop I'd love to do that. It'd make it all go away.
There's a loud hiss. I can't hear anything else. The cushion around my head is getting bigger all the time and my head is sinking into it. I can see the spotty cloth of my dress all around me. How is that possible?
What's that squeaking, creaking noise? Why am I being pinched everywhere? How can I be pinched everywhere?
Suddenly I feel a brief moment of vividness. The balloon is me! I'm going to pop any second! I screw up my eyes and face and steel myself for the -
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, chemical, lab
Text: Once the laboratory was quiet, the room darkened and everyone gone, Philippa emerged slowly from the store cupboard where she had hidden. She was careful not to set off any motion detectors as she stepped out onto the tiled floor, but fortunately there were none and the pristine silence remained just that. The slender girl pitter pattered gently across the floor towards the windows. She looked out of the seventh floor window over the car park and the busy motorway, silenced behind the double panes of glass. Darkness had fallen and the cars, with their headlights on sped by the empty university labs, nobody likely to notice a single lit window. Philippa smiled seductively to herself, running a tender hand through her silky, long, light brown hair.
The postgraduate chemistry student had been assisting her professor in a series of experiments on novelty confectionary and something about them had awakened the inner child in the previously austere, bespectacled researcher. For that reason she had been taken by a burst of mischievousness and decided to secretively stay behind and have a bit of harmless fun playing round with their new discoveries, like a child in a sweet factory.
Phillipa flicked the light switch by the door, and the banks of fluorescent tube lights flickered to life, illuminating in increments the long, sterile, white room, with it's brushed steel work surfaces, glinting chrome taps and colourful liquids in crystal clear phials in lacquered pine racks. With a giddy shiver of repressed excitement and a noticeable flourish she tip toed over to one of the racks; even though nobody else was in the building it just somehow felt more exciting if she remained on edge. The two chemicals she took down were those that they had found, when reacted, produced intense amounts of nitrogen for prolonged periods, fizzing wildly in a way that felt pleasant to touch, almost massaging. One was a vivid blue, the other dull orange; but when Philippa poured both into a small cup on the sideboard they swirled around together until suddenly, like a magic trick, they mixture became clear. Then the fizzing began, Philippa could hardly contain her excitement as she saw the intensity of bubbles mounting in the little cup, bursting clear of the surface of the mixture and giving of huge volumes of nitrogen. She held the cup in front of her eyes for a moment's hesitation and then, with a shiver of anticipation she quaffed the mixture and put the cup back down.
Instantly she felt the bubbles tickle the back of her throat as the mixture disappeared towards her stomach. She felt the tickling feeling fizz down her chest, causing her to giggle silently and rub her hands excitedly yet frenetically tentatively along her breastbone, as though trying to scratch an unattainable itch inside her. She felt a feeling of butterflies as the mixture reached her stomach and giggled in audible bursts, but she also felt the tell-tale sign of gassy build up in her abdomen. Not surprising, she thought, it was a very fizzy mixture she would have to burp soon to release the nitrogen. She grabbed a pen and notebook from her top pocket, and hands shaking from the pleasure, scribbled down the words 'mixture 8612 – highly pleasurable when consumed' before shoving it back into her pocket, and standing still momentarily, still tittering and quivering from the tickling sensation inside her and feeling the bloating sensation growing, waiting for the gas to rise back up to her mouth. But as the feeling of gassiness mounted, there was no sign of the gas escaping, it was all staying in her belly and now she was sure she could actually feel her stomach tightening inside her, as though it were blowing up like a balloon. Amidst the giggling, Philippa made an uneasy attempt to compose herself and wonder how to get the gas out of her, she could still feel the intense caress of the bubbles, originating in the pit of her stomach and floating up to below her chest, but this was accompanied by a feeling of real butterflies, she had encountered a problem she hadn't anticipated. She allowed her hands to rub over her stomach and feel what was happening, her whole midsection felt rounder and she could feel movement under her hands, she looked down and was alarmed to see her turtleneck sweater shifting and tightening as her belly swelled beneath it.
Oh crap! she thought, she really was blowing up like a balloon, and she still couldn't think how to release the gas, Philippa had no idea how much strain the human body could take, how big it was safe to expand, and the idea of inflating beyond her limits was unbearable. Her stomach continued to distend, and quite rapidly too, passing through stages that looked like pregnancy. Wide eyed, she placed her hands on the front of her expanding belly and, trying to force the air out, pulled her hands inwards. Her stomach felt like an inflatable mattress or a rubber dinghy, and just sprang out again, getting bigger and bigger and pushing her hands apart as though they were on a balloon she was blowing up. She felt the source of the bubbles moving down into the lower part of her abdomen, near her crotch. The tickling was now between her legs and, she had to say, felt immensely pleasurable, making it even more difficult to remain calm. Her whole front was pumping up with gas now, pushing her sweater up and her trousers down and exposing her taut flesh and belly button, she grasped her hands around this great sphere like she was holding a giant beach ball and gasped for breath, her eyes panicked and wide as dinner plates. She moaned softly, with both pleasure and gassy tension as she felt her bum and thighs also inflate, widening and becoming more curvy so she could feel the strain in her jeans, and the twitch of the fabric as a stitch between her legs blew with a loud crack. The gas was building up too fast, and too greatly, there was no way she thought it was going to stop before she reached her physical limits. Again she didn't allow herself to imagine what would happen once those limits were breached.
Philippa began to feel the inflation spreading to her arms, the reduction in mobility forcing her to gradually start straightening them, releasing her grip on her stomach. As both her legs and arms plumped up with the fizzy gas brewing up inside her she felt more and more trapped; trapped by her own body, so that she couldn't do anything to help herself. Her breasts also began to bulge beneath her turtleneck, growing fatter and rounder, and lifting up towards her chin. The pressure was now filling her whole body, straining like a drum, so that the sound of her own breathing was now deep and cavernous in her ears, like a soundtrack of increasing dread. Amidst the groaning and cracking of her strained attire she pushed her arms, against their turgidness, round behind her to feel her expanding bottom. Straining to touch it with her fingertips, her arse felt so incredibly pumped up, both inside and out; then getting the palms of her hands onto it, she could only briefly rub each cheek with each hand in a circling motion before she felt her hands lifting away again due to her inflating arms. She desperately groped for her own ass, something she hated men doing to her in bars, but just desperate to feel what her body was like to touch one last time. She could only fleetingly give her bum a little squeeze, enough to ascertain how little give there was in it before her hands and her body parted company for good.
As Philippa stood trapped in the middle of the lab panicking without being able to do anything, her arms straightening, and her body slowly magnifying and becoming rounder, she noticed her swelling body, and especially her bust, was now swelling up towards her head to the point her view was being blocked. She looked left and right but was only able to see the walls and ceiling of the room, the floor and all the desks hidden beneath the burgeoning white blimp that was her body beneath a stretched lab coat; she looked forwards to see her breasts, two giant mounds rising up beneath a turtleneck which was busting out from inside her lab coat, which was fastened a the front by a zipper which had become stuck and was holding firm and which she could feel pressing against the length of her balloon body. She could also see her top pocket, just on the 'horizon' of her right breast, and poking out of the top of it, her little notebook. If only she hadn't made that note about how good the mixture felt, she thought, if someone found it after she had... gone, then they could suffer the same fate as her.
She tried to keep herself from imagining this fate, but it wouldn't stop it's arrival, she heard a creak that might have been her own body straining, her fate was sealed so she thought, she may as well prepare herself emotionally for it, there was nothing else she could do. She felt her cheeks puff up as the gas entered them, and her sinuses fill with the gas, making her ears hurt as the pressure began to exert itself on the last parts of her it could... it was getting too much. When the pressure got too much, and she couldn't bear to think of it, she was going to explode! Her body was now surely pumped right up to its elastic limit, barely capable of inflating any bigger, she closed her eyes tight and tensed herself as best she could. When she did finally... she swallowed hard at the implication... burst, it was bound to make a mess of the lab, surely no-one would go carelessly consuming random liquids from the notebook of the unfortunate person whose explosion had left the notebook amongst the... she swallowed again, her through feeling dry... other mess. Deep within her she could still feel the dull, pleasurable ticking of the bubbles, but each twinge of pleasure, she was all too aware, was now another release of gas into her already overpumped body. Imagining her eventual demise had caused a cascade of thought and now she couldn't stop thinking of herself, her, Philippa Davies, promising chemistry graduate, in this shape, blown up like a blimp in her own lab, her demise her own doing, exploding. She couldn't stop thinking of new descriptions, she would pop, be blown apart, burst like a balloon, the loudness and violence of what was coming to her, BOOM, BANG, BLAM, all those thoughts, and it was too much for the tender girl to take. A tear rolled down from one of her eyes and she closed them with a tightness that matched her body's straining and creaking louder, along with her ocean-like breathing, and tried to concentrate on the pleasurable sensation she still had left. She thought to herself, these last couple of seconds, she could only...
Her thoughts were cut off.
The next morning a group of undergraduate students were the first to enter the lab. They saw a scene suggestive of some earlier mayhem, windows along the far wall cracked or even smashed, glass beakers and test tubes knocked off desks and even a couple of desks turned over. And everywhere were scraps of white fabric, denim or wool, also there were a pair of trainers, stood towards one wall, without an owner and a pair of broken spectacles laying on a bench at the side of that wall. One student, a girl picked up a notebook from the floor.
'mixture 8612 – highly pleasurable when consumed' she read aloud
'Looks like there was a hell of a party in here last night' another girl said.
The first girl reached to a shelf containing the mixture, and checking no-one was watching poured some into some test tubes in a rack, taking one as the other girls gathered round.
'Well' she said as she held her test tube up in front of her... 'bottoms up.'
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: The Underworld, the Land of the Dead, the Nether Region, the Infernal Region and the House of Hades are just a few of the names given to the realm under the surface of our Earth. It's the place where the souls of the recently departed go. Divided into three regions, the first was for the common folk, the second for all the evildoers and the last was the resting place for the most exceptional of mortals, The Elysian Fields.
However, we're getting ahead of ourselves, because before being allowed to be judged, a persons soul has to journey to The Land of the Dead. You see, when a person dies, that person's soul (or shade) is lead to the Underworld and the only way to cross the river Styx is to engage the services of Charon, the ferryman of the dead. Charon didn't work for free; he required a single coin as payment. If a would-be passenger could not pay Charon's fee, that shade was doomed to wander in limbo at the shores edge for a hundred years before eventually being allowed passage. Worse still, even after they'd paid and boarded the boat, the shades had to do most of the work, forced to do all the rowing, whilst the ferryman merely steered. After crossing the river Styx and passing through the Underworld's gates, a shade had to pass Cerberus, the three headed watchdog of Hades.
But, more goes on in The Underworld than you realise, as you will soon see.
In Hades' personal chamber, the underworld god had summoned an audience with his seductresses. Slender, fair skinned, long dark-brown hair styled into an up-do ponytail, purple eyes that go with her purple sleeveless dress and satin lavender shawl. Megara is a beautifully, sassy, quick-witted girl, but one who has a very low opinion of men, and rightly so. In order to save her beloved boyfriend, Megara made a bargain with Hades, selling her soul to save his. But afterwards, she was cruelly dumped for some other girl, breaking her heart and shattering her trust. Now she's bound to Hades' whim, using her persuasive sexuality to gain new followers to his army, often unwillingly.
Hades was hunched over a circular strategist table, complete with wooden carvings that represent creatures and monsters in his army. There's a Cyclops, a Troll or two, as well as a fierce looking Hydra. But just then, he's joined by his seductress. "Aaaah, if it isn't my dear sweet-nut-Meg." The underworld god smirked.
"Ugh, you know I hate it when you call me that." Meg groaned, rolling her eyes at his pettiness.
"That's exactly why I do call you that, nut-Meg." He teased.
"Ugh! Men!" She cursed, turning her back on him in disgust.
"But, I digress, you see, I have another job for you, my bewitching temptress." Hades explained, putting his arm around her shoulder and leading her towards his strategy table.
"Oh, wonderful. What drooling, perverted, ogre have you picked out for me this time?" She cynically droned.
"Glad you ask. Well, he is a warlock. Oh hey, I have an idea, maybe this time you could let out your pleasant charm, after all it would be a nice change to your usual dry personality. Hint-hint, wink-wink." He suggested, forcing a false smile by raising her cheeks with his fingers. Waving his childish antics away, she walked out of his reach. "My charm is not something to be tossed around. Otherwise people wouldn't appreciate it." She said.
"Well, people sure as hell aren't appreciating your sarcastic comments. We really could have done with that Maintain Giant" He fumed, the flames on his head growing bigger.
"Listen blue-boy, he made me an offer I had to refuse and anyway, I don't need you harping on about my personality." She said, further winding to dark god up.
"Meg, Meg, Meg, my sweet deluded little minion. Aren't we forgetting one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial little, tiny detail?" He asked, before exploding into flames. "I own you!" He shouted. But just as quickly he's calmed back down. "I could always give you some other, more gruelling task. I'm sure Pain and Panic would not let a pretty little thing such as you go to waste, although between you and me, those guys are into some freaky stuff." Hades explained, painting an unpleasant picture in her mind.
"Ugh, just give me the damn assignment already." She bleated.
"Better. So, this mission, it's just your standard procedure. Seduce, convince him to join my army, and seduce more if he does not comply. Ok? Oh, there is just one more thing. He's something of a hermit, an eccentric loner." He warned.
"I'm shocked. It actually sounds like you're concerned for my safety." She replied, although if truth be told, he didn't.
"No my little puddin' pop, I just don't want to interview potential replacements." He said bluntly.
"Riiight, thought not. Anyway, don't worry your little blue flaming head. Everything will be fine. After all, when have I ever disappointed?" She strutted, swaying her hips convincingly.
"I'm glad you think so. However, as lovely as you are I feel this maybe beyond your natural skills. So, with your permission...oh who am I kidding, I'm doing it weather you like it or not." He said, flexing and clicking his fingers as if readying to summon something, unnatural.
"What's that exactly?" Megara quizzically asked.
"Shnookums, to make you more desirable of course." Hades said as he grinned a sinister grin.
"Hmm, I don't know if I like the sound of that." She thought, taking a tentative step backwards.
"Well, I don't really know how to sugar-coat this, so I'll just come out and say it. It would seem that this warlock chap has a thing for, hourglass figures." He vaguely explained
Meg doesn't reply, but instead shoots the underworld god a perplexing glance.
"Oh come now, don't look at me like that, you know the sort I mean. Big breasts and huge hips, you know, more cushion for the pushin' if you catch my drift." Hades explained.
"Ooookey. Well thanks, but I think I'll pass." She declined, waving him away.
"No, no, no, you don't get it. You see, it's not a suggestion, it's an instruction. One that's about to start, now."
With a sinister grin and piercing gaze the omnipotent Hades clicks his fingers, calling on his powers like the whim of a god. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't take long before the effects of the augmentation begin.
Meg turned her head to look behind, her eyes widening in shock. Her butt has started to swell, filling her dress and pulling it tight across each cheek. Instinctively, she reaches round with both hands to grab a hold of her swelling rump, which has already become a healthy size. "Oh you're kidding me." She grimaced, feeling her hands becoming increasingly dwarfed by her swelling behind.
"Why do you have to be so glum about everything? But by the by, it looks like that dress of yours won't last much longer... shame really, looks good on you." He chuckled, enjoying Meg's discomforting predicament.
To Meg's credit, she's remaining very calm. Defiantly strong, it's as if she doesn't want Hades to see her breaking down into tears or hysterics. "Is that a complement or an insult? I can never tell with you." She jibed, which displeased the Infernal God.
But their conversation, as well as Meg's hip growth is suddenly, but exponentially interrupted by a different expansion. Her hourglass figure is beginning to take shape when her breasts decide to join in on the action, quickly filling the top half of her dress. With one hand on her butt cheek and the other clasping her ballooning boobs, she can't help but feel powerless as she watches her body take on a new fuller figure.
"Ugh, it's getting tight." She whimpered under her breath.
Meg's pretty dress is struggling to allow the excessive growth inside the confines of its fabric. The lower hemline of her straining frock is slowly being lifted higher and higher as her dress struggles to cover her enlarged, curvier behind. Still, the lower half of the dress is at least fairing better than the upper half.
Putting up a valiant fight at best, her bust has for a word 'exploded' from her dress. Although the bodice straps haven't snapped, they're very much digging into her shoulders and she's sure she can hear them tearing. She's sporting an enormous amount of cleavage, certainly enough to envelop a hand or two. Meg's just grateful that her nipples are still covered, although for exactly how long is another matter entirely. By now she's looking very disproportional. Her slender, stick thin waistline, her long curvy legs and her sumptuously delicate arms are completely untouched by Hades' godlike powers. But on the other hand, her butt and boobs are blowing out of her dress, quite literally. Her balance has been greatly altered, with her huge rump and ballooning breasts acting as perfect counterweights. The slightest altercation could very well tip her over. Of course, falling backwards wouldn't be so bad with her massive butt cushioning the impact, acting as a kind of beanbag. Falling forward on the other hand could present a more embarrassing situation, the thought of planting her face in her swollen bosom was just mortifying, and she'd never be able to live that down. In one final act of defiance, she places both her hands on her mammoth sized rump in an effort to halt the growing, or even push it back in. She only just realises how big it's become when she struggles to reach around her globular butt cheeks and even with her arms outstretched she's having difficulties.
The sound of tearing fabric is her cue to push back against this unseen force that's swelling her behind to record sizes. However, as hard as she pushes, it's inevitably in vain and she only succeeds in embarrassing herself further when she feels her fingers and hands sinking into her expanding rump.
The audible straining of her purple frock have been building to a climax, completing its swelling symphony to the sound of a dozen rips, as her big butt burst free from her dress. All of the rips have been vertical, seemingly following the hemline down to the bottom of her dress. In fact, all that's left of her pretty purple frock is shreds, hopelessly clinging to her accentuated curves, although if truth be told, doing very little in the way of clothing her.
She's just thankful that today she's wearing undies, because if she wasn't her private parts would most certainly be on display. Although still wearing her dress, or rather, what's left of it, her underwear can just about be seen between the dangling strands of her loose frock. Today she's wearing her white knickers, the one with the Mickey Mouse logo on the back. But, the poor thing has given up the ghost, practically being reduced to a thong. Well, ever that or their giving Meg one almighty wedgie.
"Aaah, I think that's satisfactory." Hades said, looking her over like a prized animal. "Now, you know what to do right? Good. So, what are you waiting for, go and seduce." He ordered.
Megara just sighs in defeat, knowing full well that arguing will get her nowhere. "I'll get right on it boss." She said.
Strutting away, Meg waves over her shoulder, not even looking back to glance at her infernal master. She's ready to depart for her trip and just wants to get it over and done with. After all, seducing a warlock couldn't be all that bad could it? Sure this one sounds a bit 'peculiar' and he may know dangerous magic, but she was wily, and had feminine charms on her side, not to mention Hades' over the top augmentation. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: "Hello? Anyone? Anybody there? I'm trapped on the moon base and need some way to get back home!" Jazette called the intercom for the fifth time. She was currently wearing a breathable heated gray mesh tight suit for comfortable space exploration. Jazette was on the moon base for a special experiment but while Jazette was sleeping there was an emergency evacuation that she wasn't warned of and now she was stuck on the failing base.
"Oh no... this can't be the end! I can't have my life end here! I have so much more to live for!" Jazette began panicking when there was still no signal. She collapsed onto the console and began crying for her life.
"This is hopeless... I'm getting out of here..." She cried onto the board.
"Signal detected, connecting to communications." A voice announced. Jazette gasped and looked up with hope in her eyes. As the screen cleared up she could see a woman wearing a blue leotard with a sleeveless turtleneck sweater that had a logo of a white circle with a blue outline and words that said: "Galactic Adventure in Adrenaland" along with blue striped stockings going up to her thighs leaving only a couple inches of showing skin and blue and white sneakers. Her hair was slicked back with a hairband and straight going down to her back. She looked up from a book she was reading for Jazette to see her glasses.
"Huh? Another one of those strange signals? Who is it this time?" She looked at the screen with another woman peering back at her.
"Uh... hello? I-I need your help, I'm kind of stuck on a-" She was interrupted by the woman's eyes suddenly going wide.
"Wait a minute... that voice, that hair, that face... Jazette!? Is that you?" She asked with awe and surprise.
"Breedona? My sister? The one that our family hasn't seen for months?" Jazette was in the same disbelief and shock.
"I'm not called Breedona, I'm now called Bleater. Ms. Bleater by my students." She mentioned correcting her.
"Sorry, I'm just, just so relieved to see you alive and well. We all thought when you went missing you were gone for good..." Jazette's tears did not dissipate as they turned into tears of joy for the search for her sister was now over.
"Anyway the emergency signal was activated so I can tell you might be in a little trouble here. Why don't you explain the situation before we begin the reunion?" Bleater told her.
"Oh? Well, there was some kind of evacuation and I got left behind. So I attempted to contact mission control but it seems I can't get in contact with them." Jazette explained fumbling with her fingers nervously.
"You were sleeping on the job again, weren't you?" Bleater looked at her indifferently.
"Maybe... but that's not important! What is important is that I find a way off this blasted moon base and get back on earth." She changed the subject.
"Agreed, so what do you have around you that could help? We first need to assess the situation before we try anything." Jazette looked around sifting through unfinished projects and notebooks with notes and observations. Finally she took one more look to see a capsule with a strange clear glob.
"What is that thing you're looking at?" Bleater asked adjusting her glasses to try and get a better look at the item Jazette grabbed.
"It's going to help me get back onto earth." She said before opening up the capsule and slipping the orb into her mouth.
"This time it's okay, you see, this is an experiment we were studying. We were testing its capabilities in space and found that it was capable of producing oxygen inside a human being for them to breathe and rearranged the skin's molecules into something that allows humans to practically walk around in space naked." Jazette grabbed a communications watch and switched the signal to it to keep in contact with Bleater.
"Is there any way for me to plant down coordinates nearby the island?" She asked.
"Well, oddly there is, but why would you need to know something like that?" Bleater was now beyond confused by what her sister was doing.
"Then please find a way to confirm my coordinates so I can land safely! I need to head over to the planning station. Find some way to keep in contact with me." Jazette said before heading off. Choosing to question it later Bleater grabbed her old wristwatch and slipped it on before transferring the signal to it.
"I'll try but I can't guarantee anything." She told her sister before heading off. She opened up the door to reveal her new place of residence being an amusement park where one of its sections was spaced themed. She took off past the crowds and headed off. Meanwhile Jazette pressed a button and formed a bubble around her head as a helmet. Taking one more look at the communications and experimental lab she sighed and opened up the airlock. Outside she saw the gray landscape and craters doting the moon. As soon as she felt the air leave her she felt a cramp in her stomach.
"Argh! Why now!? How could I forget this about the project!?" She looked down and watched as her stomach began blowing up like a balloon. The glob inside quickly noticed the change in atmosphere and began the adapting itself to allow its host to survive by inflating itself with oxygen to give them a source of air to breathe to avoid the need for a space suit.
"I need to hurry before I'm reduced to immobility. Now where is the planning station?" She hopped across the surface like a rabbit on a sugar rush. Unfortunately the large hops created shaking only further upset the glob which fastened its rate of growth. Her stomach stretched out to accommodate this mysterious thing inside it. She looked around frantically trying her best to ignore the swelling in her belly.
"It has to be here somewhere... I know for a fact this is a shortcut to the place." She tried to reassure herself despite being skeptical.
"Okay sis, I'm here! Now what do you want me to do?" She received a sudden message which scared the living daylights out of her.
"Eek! Oh, good you're there! Now type in these coordinates: X: 78, Y: 85, Z: 201, when you do select confirm!" Jazette was in a nervous panic and jumping around worried.
"Okay, calm down there. I just need to ask the guys here to let me use the thing." She said. Outside the station she could see two man toting assault rifles wearing armor made from scrap and baseball jerseys along with shorts and knee socks, one wore a gasmask while a beekeeper's hate while the other wore a pilot's helmet with a broken gas tube.
"You two, I need to get inside and do something." The two sighed.
"Always with you guys and being vague as possible. Tell us for what reason and we'll let you in Ms. Bleater." The gasmask one told her.
"It's none of your business, let me in!" The two simply looked at each other and shook their heads in response.
"Fine! If you want to know I need to rescue my sister who's trapped on the moon." She finally gave them an answer.
"How is this station supposed to help? Wait, she isn't a part of AggrasonLabs is she?" The pilot helmet one looked at her.
"What if she is!? She's still my sister and she's still in trouble!" She angrily told them off.
"No can do, we can't have those AggrasonLabs punks crawling all over the place. This is home to the Junkies and we have the right to our privacy, so you can scram!" He yelled at her.
"I promise you that she'll stay here with us, she can become one of us. She doesn't have a way to talk to the labs once she lands here. She'll be stuck with us, just please let me in and let me help her." The two looked at each other once more.
"How can we know that she won't call-" Her patience finally hit a breaking point.
"Oh for the love of god! Just let me the f in!" She shoved the two aside and went inside. The station itself was rather bland compared to the rest of the park serving an actual purpose than just for decoration. She headed over to one of the computers and began the boot-up sequence.
"Great... now I need to wait for these dinosaurs to start up. I wonder how sis is doing." She flicked her wristwatch on.
"Come on! Open up you've got to be kidding me! I can't be stuck out here!" Jazette banged on the door with her tummy still expanding. It was now reaching the three foot mark as she hastily fumbled with the door controls.
"Hello? How are you doing? Have you got the coordinates planted yet?" Bleater asked.
"No! Not yet! This stupid door won't open for me! Please open for me!" She complained. Suddenly when she attempted to pry it open the door complied.
"Yes Ms. Kennell, opening the airlock." It opened up immediately and Jazette walked on through blushing a bright red. When she felt the air cycle through her stomach stopped growing remaining at four feet. She pressed a button causing the dome to dissipate around her head and took a large breath of oxygen.
"Huh, how interesting, the glob will only expand when it notices a lack of air. Need to note this down when I return home." She rubbed her stomach before heading off to a computer and typing down the coordinates located on a beach on the Shambling Isles.
"H-H-Hey sister? Y-Y-Y-You g-g-g-got the c-coordinates set y-y-y-y-yet?" Bleater's signal was going out.
"Wait, let me get a better signal here..." She raised it above her head to reveal her bloated stomach.
"Good, I'm get- WHAT IS UP WITH YOUR STOMACH!?" Bleater's mouth was agape.
"Just a side effect of the oxygen glob. But don't worry it'll help me. Now just get the coordinates ready before I take off or else I'm going to be left adrift in space. See you there." She rematerialized the dome and took off once more.
"Great... hm?" She looked over at the computer to see it now booted up.
"Finally! Now to type in these coordinates..." She quickly opened up the program connected to the satellite and began.
"Let's see here... 78... 85... 201... there!" She hit enter.
"Now processing information into the satellite, expected processing time: 1 hour." She slammed the computer in the side.
"New processing time: 30 minutes." She sighed.
"This better do..." Bleater grumbled something inaudible under her breath.
"Now where is the loading station from here?" Jazette wondered aloud as she could feel the glob once again getting back to work in making itself grow inside her stomach. But she noticed something else strange, her breasts felt tad heavier, and so did her bottom. As luck would have it Jazette realized that now those parts were growing.
"Reminds me of my first time messing with these chemicals... no time to reminisce about the past and the mistakes that led up to this scale-wide investigation on the stuff." She headed off in the general direction of the launch station. Her belly jiggled and bounced with every step Jazette took and she looked rather silly because of it.
'I feel ridiculous... so glad nobody's watching me.' She thought to herself as her breasts and thighs also began jiggling. She kept moving as fast as she could, the moon's low gravity assisting her all the way.
"Okay now... which crater was the launch station located near? Theta? No, was it Beta? Or maybe it was Alpha? Oh I can't remember!" She panicked trying to remember causing her to hyperventilate in stress. Unfortunately the glob took notice and began expanding itself even further at a faster rate and made sure that her other parts would get a fair share of the expansion now.
"Oh no... no, no; no! Calm down there... I can't let this grow too large before I reach the launch station." Jazette needed to hurry before it was too late. She looked far and wide but to no avail and now her body was growing ever faster. Just then her wristwatch sounded.
"Hello? Jazette? Are you there? I got the coordinates all pointed out and now I'm just waiting for this computer to process it, how are you doing?" Bleater could hear her sister's heavy breathing and panicking.
"Oh, Bree- I mean Bleater! I'm doing fine... just a little lost. That's all." Jazette tried to remain calm and collected but her nerves were getting the better of her.
"Okay I can tell something's wrong, just calm down and try to take deep breaths. You know, just like what mom would tell us." Her voice was filled with hate and scorn when she spoke that word.
"Are you still mad at mom about that argument you two had?" Jazette asked quite annoyed at her sister's petty hate.
"Does no one understand what she was trying to make me do? I don't want to follow in her footsteps, I just want to do my own thing..." She looked forlornly at the computer screen.
"But mom's devastated! She thinks you're dead! That argument has pushed her over the edge, and she won't come out of her room to talk to me about it. Bleater, I think mom wants to apologize to you!" Jazette said struggling to keep her footing as her stomach was now pushing her off-balance.
"I don't want to talk about this! Just keep going and I'll talk to you later." Bleater flipped her wristwatch off and put her arms on the table staring at the green bar increasing very slowly.
"Dang it Bree- I mean Bleater! Don't just drop the- and she cut the call." Jazette sighed and looked around her before looking down at her stomach. The size was a whopping ten feet yet Jazette was still as spry as a cheetah. Each step she took her belly would jiggle and groan, as if finally acknowledging the foreign substance inside it.
"I know I'm getting closer to the launch station, it has to be... here! Finally!" Jazette jumped up and down in joy as she discovered her ticket off this gray rock.
Quickly she ducked inside and prepared for a fresh blast of air, only to discover the entire launch station was out in the open.
"I thought the launch station has an oxygen generator like the rest of the place!" Jazette yelled in disbelief and distraught.
"Did you not pay attention to the warning outside? The one that says: WARNING, NO OXYGEN IN THE LAUNCH STATION, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK." A female voice boomed over the intercom freaking Jazette out.
"Who's there!? Are you an alien!?" Jazette looked around for anybody.
"What are you? Six years old? I am an AI. Do I look like a green Martian man to you?" A computer screen with sound bars and eyes showed itself to the swelling woman.
"You ate the experiment, didn't you? Of course seeing the ditz that you are I guess that should've been expected." Its tone of voice told Jazette that it was not interested in hearing her plights or care about her problems.
"What are you? Why are you here?" Jazette asked.
"I am called AI-0L1V1A and I've been trapped thanks to those idiots at AggrasonLabs." The AI responded.
"So Olivia for short?" The scientist said walking over to the launch computer gripping her still bloating belly.
"Olivia? I suppose that will work, anyway, what are you doing here? Did you oversleep again you lazy a**?" The sarcastic AI asked.
"Very funny, I need a ship to launch me to these set coordinates." She looked over to the screen to notice that the coordinates weren't there.
"Aren't there supposed to be numbers on the screen or something?" Olivia gave Jazette a deadpan look with its eyes.
"What's going on? Hello? Bleater?" She called her sister once more.
"Zzz... yes Judas, I would love to... AH!" Bleater awoke to the sound of her wristwatch going off. Quickly she pulled it up and saw her sister.
"Yes? *Yawn* you woke me from my nap." She was stretched out her limbs.
"Why aren't the coordinates uploaded to the launch computer yet?" Jazette asked a bit angry at her sister.
"Coordinates? Oh yeah! I was just waiting for them... to... upload..." She looked over to see the computer had crashed deleting the coordinates.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU STUPID DINOSAUR OF A COMPUTER!" She kicked the console hard only to hurt her foot.
"What am I now supposed to do?" Jazette put her head in her arms and was about ready to cry over her misfortune until an idea popped into her head.
"Wait, Olivia! Can you move yourself from a computer to a ship?" The woman asked excitedly.
"Sure, but I don't know why you would want me to do that." Olivia said as Jazette dragged her tummy still expanding at a ridiculous rate now reaching upwards to thirty feet to the center platform.
"I need you to build a pod around me." Jazette demanded.
"Do you really want to be stuck in a pod being crushed by your own blimp of a body still inflating in there?" The AI asked.
"Just do it!" She yelled at the computer who simply sighed and began the building process. The futuristic egg-shaped pod magically materialized around her encasing her completely save for a window around the pod.
"Great! Now I need you to take control of the pod." Olivia chose not to argue and moved herself into the pod's mainframe.
"I'm inside, now explain to me oh wise one what you're plan here is?" It asked completely confused at Jazette's plan.
"Now Bleater, what are the coordinates to the beach again?" She asked her sister.
"Uh, X: 86, Y: 93, Z: 61." She responded.
"Great, now Olivia direct your auto-pilot to these coordinates." Jazette ordered.
"I didn't hear a please in that sentence." It sarcastically spat at her.
"Take me to this place please or I'm going to rip out your circuits." Jazette had nearly enough of her AI's attitude.
"Good enough. Off we go." Olivia started the ship and took off from the moon base. Jazette sighed rubbing her stomach before taking off her helmet.
"Finally, now to just relax and-" She heard a violent groan coming from her stomach before it started its growth once more.
"Warning, leak in the pod has been detected, A.K.A. you may want to slip that helmet back on if you don't trust that ball of slime's abilities to keep you alive." Alarmed Jazette slipped her helmet back on and gripped her thighs as they began stretching out once more. They went from six and a half feet to eight within a second while her seven and a half foot large breasts were the same.
"This can't be happening! I can't be growing in here! I'm never going to be able to get out of there!" Jazette began panicking and hyperventilating once more. The orb only expanded faster in response to this state of panic.
"I don't think your freaking out is helping at all, in fact I think it's making it worse." Olivia commented unamused at this display.
"Shut up! You don't understand the stress this brings or the discomfort I feel! Eep!" Jazette let out a little peep as one of her growing breasts nearly smacked her in the face. She grumbled and moaned, hating that she was stuck with a sarcastic AI and still expanding despite being in the home straight. Her body expanded with no sight in end and they still weren't anywhere close to the earth's surface.
"Should I speed up the pod? I don't think you would want to be stuck in there swelling into a blimp for too long." Olivia asked.
"Yes! Yes! Please speed up the pod! I don't want to-!" Suddenly Jazette was silenced by a loud RIP noise coming from her suit.
"Warning: suit breach detected move to an oxygen rich environment immediately." The a little voice announced.
"Hope you're happy with yourself, that suit you destroyed cost the labs quite a bit of money to have that custom made for you." Olivia stated.
"You need to learn to shut your mouth from time to time! Luckily it seems like this orb is doing its magic so there's nothing to worry about." Jazette huffed hugging her belly.
"Well don't worry, you're still heading to your desired destination. We should hitting the surface in about five minutes." Olivia warned the lady ahead of time.
"Can't wait to see how that feels against my skin." She sarcastically stated.
"Well these things are equipped with shields to avoid the precious cargo burning up, in this case you are the precious cargo. Perhaps the most precious that the pods have had to carry." Olivia told her.
"Looks like someone's trying to charm their way into a friendship, what do you think you're chances of succeeding are?" Jazette obviously wasn't amused by this comment.
"Oh just take the compliment and continue feeling sorry for yourself." Jazette stuck her tongue at the AI controlling the pod.
"You want to be that way? Fine, two can play at that game!" Jazette could feel the pod begin rolling and turning.
"Please stop that! You're going to make me throw up! Plus you're upsetting the orb inside me!" She yelled at the AI. Her stomach growled louder as the orb once again hastened its growth and Jazette's expansion.
"Say you're sorry and I might consider stopping." The AI taunted poor Jazette.
"Just shut up and stop it!" She screamed at Olivia.
"Don't make me turn this thing around." Now program had now done it.
"Very well, we're approaching the atmosphere anyway so prepare for a lot of shaking." Jazette gulped at the mention of shaking.
"Oh no... try not to grow too big please..." She caressed her belly now beginning to touch the walls of the pod.
"Okay, now breaking the atmosphere, hold on." Olivia pulled up the shield around the pod and began the rough passing through. The pod shook violently as fire surrounded it at all sides. Jazette's stomach groaned and rumbled ever more as the glob of gray slime expanded as fast as it could, her body showed no end in sight for its growing.
'Just hold on Jazette... just little bit longer... my stomach will soon be free from this hellish prison...' She tried to reassure herself with optimistic thoughts.
"This should be over soon, just hang on for a couple more minutes..." Olivia told Jazette.
'Couple more minutes!? Oh god, this is going to be humiliating...' She thought to herself as the shaking continued. Her body now squeezed out every inch of the pod encasing her in one large mass of flesh.
"This... is... so... uncomfortable..." She let out grunts trying to get herself free but to no avail. She heard her belly rumbling deeply now. The groans and sloshing were nearly unbearable at this point but Jazette didn't care.
"I'm not scared, this happened last time and I didn't explode. So don't even try to scare me this time belly!" Jazette boasted.
"Did you just brag to your own stomach woman? Just how lonely are you?" Olivia asked observing her from the outside.
"Don't ruin it for me." Jazette huffed.
"Well we're now calming down." Olivia announced.
"What does that exactly mean?" She looked around her trying to find some way to look outside but her girth got in the way of it.
"It means that we've reentered the atmosphere, and you should stop growing, correct?" Olivia asked.
"It should, but... I only feel my expanding even faster!" Jazette panicked once more to notice the inflating in her belly was only tripling in its expansion.
"Why is this happening!? Am I really going to explode!? Okay maybe not but this is still a worrying problem!" She could no longer move as her body pushed out in all directions still growing without any end in sight.
"Now deploying parachute. Brace for impact." Olivia told Jazette who was too distracted by her current predicament to pay any attention. The pod jolted as the chutes deployed bringing its speedy descent to a slow fall.
"Okay... we're nearly there... just a little longer..." Jazette tried to stay calm only to have her bubble helmet pop in her face thanks to the pressure that was pressing up against her. As the pod fell Olivia let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm so glad I'm not in there right now." It reminded Jazette that only she was suffering throughout this entire ordeal.
"Shut... up! Mmf..." She was finally silenced by her mass pushing against her face.
"Well we'll be hitting the water very soon and then we'll be able to admire your mass, and so will everyone within a five mile radius." Olivia wasn't helping. Soon the two heard a soft plop and felt the pod starting to bob up and down.
"Don't remind me here. What do you even see around you?" Jazette asked.
"I see water... and a beach on the other side with a strange group of people." Olivia replied eyeing a bunch of people wearing strange colorful scrap armor and an odd array of clothes ranging from colorful sweaters to thigh high stockings.
"Oh great... an entire crowd. What a way to make this day even better." Jazette grumbled and blushed.
"There's the pod Bleater was talking about!" One of the guards from the station pointed out. Quickly Olivia opened the pod to show the people what they were getting into. It stretched out more and more to give the Adrenaland residents an idea of her current size. Finally the pod dissipated revealing a large mass of peach colored flesh and an embarrassed Jazette. Her belly was now sixty five feet around while other parts measured around twenty feet for her bottom and twenty five feet for her breasts
"Hi..." Was all Jazette could let before she choked up in humiliation.
"Just get her out of the water and onto the beach while we call up Bleater and inform her that her sister has reached the island safely." The other guard said as he went to call up Jazette's sister.
"Ma'am how are you feeling? We're going to get you on the beach and help you out here, but we need you to just stay calm. Got it?" One of the buffer people told the hapless bloated woman.
"I understand and I'm feeling fine, if not a little bloated of course." She replied.
"Good, now we're going to put a net beneath your stomach and begin walking. You can move your legs, correct?" He asked.
"Let me check..." She wiggled around her fattened thighs to see them still mobile.
"Yep, I'm ready." She told the man.
"Okay then, get the net!" He ordered two more of the citizens. They spent the entire afternoon moving Jazette out of the water and onto the beach. Though Jazette could move her legs she still had a ton of trouble walking at any reasonable pace and it took a ton of coordination to move her anywhere. But finally they had gotten her onto dry land and comfortable with a small camp around her.
"Thank you all very much for helping me out here. Now I have no idea when this will deflate back into my original size." She explained.
"Don't worry, Bleater says she's got some kind of concoction that'll shrink you back to normal in about a week, though this concoction's also gotta cook for another week. So you'll be stuck here with us, don't worry we'll be on watch for anybody looking to get their hands on you..." One of the citizens explained to her.
"Why would anyone want a whale of a woman like me?" Jazette asked.
"There tend to be a few that are looking for a meal and are willing to eat anything." She shuttered at the thought of what he meant.
"But enjoy our hospitality and try to make the best of your new life in Adrenaland." He said before heading off to join his friends.
"Thank you! I'll be sure to remember this!" She called out to him. Suddenly her wristwatch began going off.
"Hello? Jazette!? Is that you!? Did you make out safely!?" Bleater appeared on the screen concerned for her sister's safety.
"I'm fine, I'm glad that you're checking in with me." She let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness. I've got your place all set up in my apartment down Galactic Adventure. I'll see you in a couple of weeks." She hung up.
"Are we going to be stuck her for the rest of our days?" Olivia asked now on top of Jazette's belly.
"Is that a problem? We're sisters, you can hang out at the station if you want to stay there." Jazette offered.
"Sounds like fun, I will probably be frying every geezer computer there once my AI is moved into that station." Olivia replied.
"Quit your complaining, I need to get some rest, so keep your whining down." She gracelessly dropped down onto the sand causing her entire stomach to jiggle like crazy before eventually settling down.
"Looks like this is my life now, well better get used to it so here's to my new life." Jazette said before getting comfortable and falling asleep for the night.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, kiss
Text: "... but it felt so good..."
A loud deliberate cough echoed in the room, startling the young lady who passed out while laying down on the navy large couch. This particular couch has seen more than its fair share of use lately, as it is right in the middle of a small therapist's office.
Nikki Feltier glanced around the room quickly, still a bit dazed from having slept for roughly a few minutes in the middle of a session. Her normally long and brushed out hair was all tangled up and a mess today, laying in a knot against the tops of her average sized chest. Her outfit was a bit disorganized today as she wore a simple plain red tanktop, that looked more like she used it for sleeping in than for outdoor use, and a pair of baggy sweatpants, presumably used for the same activity as the top. Her face, when not looking like she just woke up, was that of an average 20-something year old girl. Although she really looked like she was a bit more scatterbrained today than normal.
"Miss Feltier..." the voice which disturbed the young girl's sleep just happened to be the therapist, who was sitting across the room from Nikki. He doesn't seem overly important to describe yet for sake of arguement I'll just note that he's a bit older than the girl in front of him, and wearing a casual button up black shirt and jeans. "Now that I've watched you nap in my office for a while while hearing you mutter strange phrases that would fit more in a erotic fetish novel. I would like you to actually go on with explaining how your *cough*", he raises his hands making the " signs. "...so called 'dream' went last night."
The girl sat up, bowing her head slightly in apology as she rants off a few "Sorry sorry..." before finally getting to the point.
"It's just that it was so fun..." She dreamily looked upward towards the slowly oscillating wooden ceiling fan. "I mean I just am thinking every time I lay down now that I'm going to have the same fun I did last night."
The therapist tapped his clipboard with his pen and raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't it be more affordable for you to stay at home and try this out? I mean for the last 30 minutes or so I've been waiting here for you."
Nikki seemd a bit off kilter today. "Did my dreams speak to you? What did you make of it?"
The man turned over the clipboard showing a picture of a black haired cartooned out sorceress. "Actually you didn't make any sense after a few minutes, so I gave up and started to draw. Every few minutes I did actually call out to you to see if you were going to get up though."
A few seconds passed by as the clipboard turned to a fresh page of paper and Nikki knew exactly what not to say right here. So after a minute of pushing her hair back into a more decent look with her fingers, she sits back, hands between her knees and looking up, blushing like she just got the big surprise at a secret birthday party.
"So last night... it started when I THINK I fell asleep while blogging on my favorite movie forum... I heard the window open in my apartment. And I immediatley thought "Ahhh! It's a burglar! A burglar!" Then I thought "wait i don't have anything valuable...". I got all aggravated and I was all looking around for something blunt and heavy to throw at the person who came into the room... I was all out though...
"Miss Feltier, please try not to stray too far from what happened... please?"
Ah yes. Sorry...
I heard the window open and I went to investigate. I started to peek around the corner to my bedroom, as that was the only spot that had a window. And right on my bed I saw someone... well something... okay okay it WAS a someone... jumping on my bed! I mean... it was really odd for someone to break into a place JUST to jump on the bed.
Well I coldn't make anything out but a shadow of the person, so I reached for the broom in the kitchen closet next to me, and I crept into the room, noticing that the person that was playing in there passed out and climed into my bed covers and ... was ... sleeping...? Yeah she was sleeping all right. And it WAS a she. I mean she had this nice sized set of balloonies on her sticking up under the bed covers
Er right... bosom... chest... breastses... whatever term you would like.
So I lowered the broom, whispering to myself "This isn't really happening..." over an over. And when I got close to see the burglar's face, and immediately she sprang up and said with this really meanacing voice "Hello!!" and she giggled. Oh ... maybe it was nicely and just really loud? Ah... anyway...
She jumped up in front of me, and I saw her more clear then but she was still kinda hard to make out in some spots. She had this ruffled-ish looking red hair, a shiny lookin' orange jumpsuit that looked like she was gonna go swimming in it...
"Let's just call that a swimsuit or a leotard."
Right. So... The girl just greeted me! And she jumped on me and proceeded to hit me over and over with her head. And .... I felt really good cause i noticed she wasn't hitting me but she was kissing me! I mean ... the nerve of that! You don't just walk into someone's house and start kissing them. Isn't that, like, totally old cartoons?
But before I get too far into my favorite childhood shows...
The girl just leaped on me, kissing me but all playful like. Not like she was trying to make out with me. That'd be realllly creepy... but cool at the same time, you know?
And then I hugged onto her! She felt sooooo soft! Like she was a big plush doll or something... I even heard a squeak from her. I'm thinking now it was from her outfit. But I felt it! I felt a pair of big leathery thingies on her. But they weren't what I was expecting though. They were all small and fluttered like wings. In fact... they WERE wings!
Sooo... She had wings and a tail too. I rather not say how I figured that out. I mean... I have eyes that work after all. And when she was done kissing with me she pushed me on the bed, sitting me down and using her tail she pushd my head down. Which was strange cause her tail wasn't meanacing at all. It looked rather cute on her. I guess I was just startled and layed back.
And then she opened her mouth to speak, and I was all terrified and i covered my face leaving one eye open like they do in the movies, and .... and...
She ... she blew a bubblegum bubble up... Almost like she wanted to give it to me. A big cute pink bubblegum bubble! She pushed it playfully against my face and blew it up more. I felt her chest rub against my own curvature as i watched in sheer terror as her bubble just continued to grow, passing her face size, covering my view of her head. I calmed down after I saw nothing really out of the ordinary and I began to cheer her on.
It was great too! Cause when the bubble was nearly a foot or so big she started to push it against my face and popped it there. Leaving me all sticky as she leaned in to kiss at me again. Although she took her gum back first.
I wasn't sure to be scared or happy with this new demonlike girl here, as her kisses slowed down until she planted a really big one on my lips. And as she kissed me, her tail started to rub against my body in a friendly manner, pushing onto my chest and rubbing me a bit on my bra.
And then that's ... that's when it happened. I felt a rush of air flow into my body from her kiss. Like she was blowing into me! But my body didn't feel like it was capable of handling this all. But each breath from her, I felt it. I felt my chest grow under my sleeping shirt. This very tanktop! And each puff I felt more like she was making my balloonies... I mean my chest into balloons for her.
It was so... disturbing but yet I felt this sense of love out of it. And you know what? My breasts did balloon up. Filling with air just as fast like she was one of those air tanks. My tanktop lifted up from my body, baring my belly to her as I could do nothing sane except to hug around her and let her feel just how much I was blowing up for her.
Within a few more of her breaths, she made my top lift up off of my chest, showing off my bra to her. A nice snug pair of beachballs all held back by a simple piece of silky cloth. Mmh! It felt really good to the touch! To both my hand and my chest.
And she even giggled more, and said how cute "Balloonies" they were to her.
With that she hugged around them, moving herself to the side of my body so she could let them grow above me without her getting away from her blowkiss.
By now my growth was slowing just a little, as I was feeling that at any moment I could be full or possibly worse... like a burst balloon... But I didn't. I kept growing. two feet bigger and even more. She didn't let up on me at all... I could feel nothing but the very essence of pleasure course through my body. I never knew being stretched like a cartoon and blown up like this would feel so good.
When she stopped blowing, I asked her to go on. She shook her head and giggled, letting her tail nuzzle in-between my cleavage. I felt so tight.. so ... so full. My bra was barely holding around my big globes of newfound fun...
She said if I got bigger I would go boom. I had to agree and I just nodded back to her.
Mmmh... bigger!
I just wanted to be bigger for her, but instead, when she kissed me again... I blew back into her! And almost in the exact same way she blew mine up, I started to inflate her chest up too. So soft and cute...
She laid back with me, letting her leotard stretch more than any common swimsuit could hold, and each breath of mine filled her wider there...
Ah... I'm drifting back off. I apologize...
I kept blowing, watching eagerly as her breasts filled up past a foot and started towards two. Her hands rubbing aroudn the sides of them like she was enjoying this more than I was.
And that's when I felt it. I felt someting that would be deemed too inappropriate for TV standards. But when I realized what happened I was very relieved.
I mentioned that she had her tail up in my clevage right? Well a lot of squeaking started in my chest as her tail was starting to blow up like a long balloon! In fact... it had already started bulging up off her butt and it just reached my breasts a few seconds before I took notice.
The inflated long balloon tail crept up there clsoer to my face. The little devil forked tail pushed straight up against my face right as the wide bulge reached it. And even that started to inflate like a pointy devil tail balloon.
I felt so at ease and so happy with her ... I heard her giggling more and, even though she said I was too big before. She started blowing again. And I tried to as well. Knowing that that would be physically impossible, we blew into each other at the same time!
And then... it happened! "BANG!" Nikki popped up off the couch arms in the air, looking very worked up from her story.
The therapist, unaffected by this mild scare tactic and by the rather odd-sounding story, shook his head as Nikki calmed down and took her seat again.
"So after that. I woke up. LIke... a few hours ago. And my window was still open. I saw someone left bubblegum on my bedside table. And on top of that. My room smelled of rubber! And also since then. I can't stop calling my chest 'Balloonies'."
"And that's when you called me?"
"Yep. And I came riiiight over!" Nikki cheered, very out of place and back to her scatterbrained self. "So doc... do you think I'm nuts?"
The therapist put down the still blank clipboard next to his earlier drawing, reached in his pocket, and produced a pair of gold rimmed glasses, putting them up on his face.
"No. I don't think you're nuts. This actually is a very common instance lately..." He said with a slight grin. "You just had a run in with a bubbleus, that's all."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Funniest Story, scuba
Text: Padeesha's dark tan skin reflected her Pakistani heritage, and her flawless, athletic body was an obvious gift from the goddess Venus. As she stood on the beach, her eyes gazing across the beach, she knew that her thong bikini had a hypnotic effect on every man there, entrancing any man with a working sex organ to do her bidding.
"Excuse me, miss," said a nearby voice. "I want to leave my girlfriend for you."
"Get lost, loser," Padeesha told him.
Dejected, Brad Pitt slunk back to his comparatively plain-looking girlfriend.
But Padeesha knew that her thong could only work its magic when a man was completely focused on her. That's why she scowled when she saw her target with another woman.
The stud-muffin Millard stood on the dock, loading scuba gear onto his boat, while the lovely blonde Morgana assisted him. Padeesha knew she could win Millard, but he and Morgana had been virtually inseparable since they met.
As Padeesha fumed in silence, Morgana picked up her scuba outfit and headed for the ladies' room, presumably to change outfits. Padeesha grinned evilly, a plan forming in her villainous mind.
Morgana had just squeezed into her scuba suit when the door to her stall crashed open. Startled, she barely had time to react before the bottom of an air tank clocked her across the forehead.
Pressing her element of surprise, Padeesha thrust the semi-conscious Morgana onto the toilet seat. Then she pushed the hose of the air tank into Morgana's mouth.
Morgana's eyes merely fluttered as her cheeks puffed out from the forced intake of air. Moments later, her entire scuba suit stretched out, becoming tighter around her form. She was getting plumper and plumper, bulging out in all directions.
Padeesha just smiled as the air did its job, filling out her victim into an increasingly rounder shape. By the time Morgana had blinked herself back to consciousness, she found she couldn't move, and the walls were pressing against her. She wanted to ask Padeesha a million questions–some involving the laws of physics, but basically it boiled down to "why?"–but she couldn't even move her puffy lips.
Her tight scuba suit continued to bulge out everywhere, stretching like a second latex skin, until–CRASH! The walls of cubicle gave out and collapsed.
"Shoulda used the handicapped stall," Padeesha mused.
After two empty tanks, Morgana was now as round as a black, shiny ball. Padeesha finally decided to call it a day. With immense effort, she shoved the over-filled Morgana out the door, the occasional squeak being Morgana's only form of protest.
"Now to dispose of the evidence," Padeesha thought aloud–which was perhaps her most annoying trait, though Morgana would most likely argue that point.
"Lady, that's the funniest beach ball I ever saw!"
Padeesha looked down to see a young boy, pointing at the round Morgana. "Yes, a beach ball," she agreed. She looked into Morgana's pleading eyes, then back at the boy. "Knock yourself out." She tossed Morgana into the boy's waiting arms.
The boy began bouncing Morgana hard onto the sidewalk. Morgana winced as she struck the ground and then sailed back into the air. The boy seemed to take her resilience as a challenge, and he bounced her harder. Harder. Harder! She went higher and higher into the air, each time wondering if her fragile skin would give way.
Suddenly, she saw herself heading back down to the ground–and saw the sun reflecting off a shiny piece of glass.
Keep our beaches clean!, she thought, just before–
Padeesha barely broke stride when she heard the explosion. She sashayed toward the dock where the waiting Millard looked at his watch. Oh, sure, he'd wonder why Morgana ditched him. But soon he wouldn't care, once he got a good look at Padeesha's thong.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, mental
Text: Shelly had never thought herself to be a good shrink. She was nervous, narrow-minded, lacking in people skills. Often she was afraid of the patients she treated. Yet all of her colleagues commended her skills, sometimes jealously, sometimes grudgingly, but always sincerely.
Thus it was little surprise to them, though a great deal more to her, when she was offered a job at the Laney-Emerson Mental Hospital, a pretty innocent sounding name for such a shady place. It was here where the most serious whack-jobs in the state got sent, where you'd find mass-murderers, serial rapists, cult leaders, heck, even kids show hosts gone bad. Jobs were hard to get, and no one was ever offered a position. At least until Shelly, that is.
It was her first day on the job, and she'd received encouragement from her colleagues at the hospital. Most of the patients she had seen were fairly run-of-the-mill. Most had very basic psychoses, infatuations, child abuse, religious callings. None of them especially impressed Shelly.
But then there was Flint.
Flint Erickson, age 34, two accounts of first degree murder. All previous shrinks gave the same diagnosis: completely insane. He had killed his girlfriend and another woman he ran into on the street. Their bodies were never found. But Erickson insisted that that was because they were still alive.
"Alright, Flint," said Shelley as the dark-haired man sat down on the couch across from her. He had long hair that hung down over his face, sharp features and black eyes. His overall appearance was similar to the ones Shelly had been seeing all day. "Do you want to talk about the women?"
"Well, sure, Dr. Langston," he replied, pleasantly enough. Shelly remembered that the other shrinks had remarked on his personable demeanor. None of them thought it was a façade. "What do you want to know?"
"I already know everything," she quipped, perhaps a tad too harshly. "Your girlfriend left you for another man, so you killed her for abandoning you. A woman passing by saw you do it, so you killed her as well."
"I didn't kill them," he said calmly.
"Then where are they, Flint?"
"Oh, they're up there, somewhere," he said, gesturing upward vaguely.
"Up there? In Heaven?"
"No, don't be silly. I told you, I didn't kill them," Flint replied calmly. "There up in the sky. Drifting around."
"And how did they get up there, Flint?"
"I made them go up there. It wasn't hard."
"Really?" Shelly asked, smirking. This was the same crap he'd given the other shrinks.
Flint looked at her, silent. Just when she was starting to think he was done talking he spoke.
"I see why everyone thinks you're a good shrink. Your dubiousness, your narrow-minded sentiments make patients question their beliefs, while other doctors always go along with it, give them confidence. You implant doubt in their minds, to make them better."
Shelly was slightly taken aback, but showed no sign of it to her patient. He was still staring at her, smiling softly. "Would you like to talk about your girlfriend some more, Flint?"
"No, I think I'm ready to go back to my room, Dr. Langston, if it's alright with you." The rest of Shelly's day passed normally after that. Well, normally for someone in her line of work. It was eight o'clock by the time she left her office and started walking to her car. She rubbed her stomach, groaning slightly. She felt bloated. Damn hospital food. She was feeling quite uncomfortable by the time she walked out into the hospital courtyard and someone stepped out of the shadows.
She jumped. "God, Flint, you startled me."
"Sorry, Dr. Langston," he said, the poor light making it difficult for Shelley to tell whether or not that was a smirk on his face. Her stomach gave another gurgle, and she rubbed it absently.
"Stomach trouble, Doctor?" Flint asked, still—maybe—smirking.
"No, I'm, I'm fine," she replied, while at the same time feeling the bloating intensify. "What, um, what are you doing out here, Flint?"
"Oh, I just wanted to talk with you about something. I wanted to do it in a slightly more... private setting."
"Really?" said Shelley, rubbing her stomach again. Did it actually feel swollen?
"You see, I've always told the truth about what happened to my girlfriend. To Allison. And to that other woman. But I wanted to show you firsthand."
Shelly felt the bloating intensify again as he spoke. Looking down, she saw a noticeable bulge sticking out against her shirt. "Wha... Wha..."
"I don't know when it first started," said Flint. "I first became aware of it when I got tired of my neighbor's dog barking. I was ten. I didn't do it very often after that. I didn't want anyone to find out."
Disbelieving, Shelly watched as her midsection swelled outward, pushing down the waistline of her pants and un-tucking her shirt. She looked pregnant.
"When I did do it," he continued, "I tested it to its fullest. I got very good at it too."
Shelly ran her hands over her growing belly, pushing in with her hands. It felt... springy. Lightweight. She put two and two together as a soft hissing became audible from within her.
"I'm... I'm..."
"Inflating?" said Flint. "Yes. Rather like a beach ball. Or a balloon."
She yelped as her breasts began to strain the confines of her bra. Lower down, her pants stretched as her hips swelled outward.
"I gave up trying to figure out how I do it," continued Flint, casually. "I've come to simply think of it as magic. I can place gas inside other living things, filling them up. As far as I have tested, there is little or no limit to how much I can blow you up."
Shelly whimpered as she tried desperately to unhook her bra, but her burgeoning bustline was proving impossible to release from its confines. However, she had the opportunity to get off her belt before it got too tight. Just as the belt hit the concrete with a loud clatter, the button on her pants broke, the zipper buzzing down gratefully. "So I'm... I'm filling with gas?"
"Correct. Helium actually." His dark eyes caught the look of shock on her face. "Yes, Dr. Langston, you're filling up with a lighter than air gas."
Her tortured bra finally gave out, and the release it provided caused Shelly's shirt to rip open in a shower of buttons. "You see now what happened to Allison."
"Your girlfriend?" gasped Shelly as her pants continued to constrict her legs. "You did this to her?"
Flint looked regretful. "I... I didn't want to do it to her. She left me. I was worried about her. I thought she might meet another man, someone who would hurt her. But I didn't want to force her to stay with me. So... I just... put her where she couldn't get hurt."
Seams popped down the length of Shelly's pants as her legs puffed out. The knee was swelling, making it difficult to bend. Her mobility was about to be compromised. She had to get away while there was still time.
Flint continued talking. "The other girl was an accident. She saw what happened to Allison. I couldn't let her get away—Hey!"
Shelly had started jolting towards the other end of the courtyard, towards the parking lot. She had made it about halfway when her legs suddenly stopped moving. "No!" she sobbed.
Flint's hand was raised, holding the empty air like one held a puppet. "I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm not finished." He walked toward her, and suddenly her arms were limp, puffing slightly with the helium that still filled her.
"I can change your body in other ways, too," explained Flint. "The human body's heavy. It would require more helium than I would think necessary to lift you. I found on my third try that I could get rid of... shall we call it 'ballast'?"
Shelly gulped as her arms rose up of their own accord buoyed by pressure and lift.
"By now, you lack muscles and bones in your arms and legs, and have lost your digestive system, along with your liver and kidneys."
Shelly's torso rounded out on the sides and filled her back, merging with her buttocks on the bottom and her breasts on top. Her arms and legs thickened even more, growing cone-shaped.
"I've also been making your skin stronger," he continued. "Human skin doesn't stretch as much as I need it too, so, I make it stretchier, more elastic. Far stronger than a balloon in fact. Strong enough to withstand the pressure drop higher up."
Shelley's torso formed into a sphere, her breasts stretching across it and then flattening out. Her buttocks disappeared, and her ever thickening limbs began to sink into her swelling body.
"You need not worry, Dr. Langston. You shouldn't burst. In fact, with your insides hollowed out, you won't need to eat, or breathe, or sleep. You shouldn't even age. I've made you practically immortal."
As her shins and forearms were absorbed into the flesh-colored sphere her body had become, Shelly felt a pang of guilt at not treating Flint more kindly during their session. Indeed, as her neck disappeared and her shoulders pressed against her jaw, Shelly felt bad about all the other patients she had treated so harshly over the years.
"You should be up there for a while," added Flint, as if checking of a final list of things before sending her off to school. "I don't know what happens after I die. You may change back when that day comes. Maybe it'll wear off slowly. You could drift back down in three or four hundred years. I'm afraid I simply don't know."
Shelly felt herself begin to lift off the ground, a six-foot-wide sphere with hands and feet. However, she was only a couple feet off the ground when Flint pulled her back down.
"I want you to know that I harbor no ill will for you," he said, his eyes kind, serene. In spite of herself, Shelley felt calmed by them. "This is merely something I needed to tell you. I hope you find solace among the clouds."
Gently rolling her backwards, Flint pulled off the shiny black heels that still clung to her feet. He turned her back, holding onto her hands reassuringly.
"Is there anything you want to say to me before I let you go, Dr. Langston?"
She smiled through swollen cheeks, and without skipping a beat, said, "Please call me Shelley."
"If you like, Shelly," he replied, smiling back, before letting her hands slip through his. As she floated gently upwards, Shelly's lips puffed, and she could speak no more. Flint called from down below as she watch him shrink away with the ground.
"If you see Allison, tell her I love her."
And then she watched him walk out of the courtyard, back to his cell. And Shelley turned her attention to the stars glowing beckoningly through the breaks in the clouds above her.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Welcome to the future, dear reader. There are a few things that make this world tick.
After the end of the Third World War, the surface of Earth was contaminated by the use of toxins, chemical weapons, and nuclear weaponry. The surface is no longer habitable so mankind has created giant floating nations to survive. These nations are held aloft by anti gravity generators, reverse engineered from the Martian wrecks after their failed invasion attempt. Each of these nations is named after notable rivers across the globe, including influences from their respective areas.
Since the war's end, Nikolette Markova discovers an unknown element forming on the Earth's surface absorbing the radiation and other toxins on the surface, fittingly named Absorbium. This element is mined from the surface and used to generate more power to their anti gravity generators, power plants, and even the weaponry aboard their aerial warships.
Though shipments go missing. Strange things happen. Mysteries to be unravelled. _._._
"Nicole, look at the size of that thing!" Amisi gasped.
I glanced up from the newspaper at the massive warship breaking through the clouds. It was bristling with guns and clad in heavy armor, large plumes of acrid black smoke rose from the four stacks atop the deck. Along its hull painted in black gothic text was its name, S.M.S. Siegfried, the flagship of the Rhine Navy. Even from such a distance, the tea cups on our table clattered incessantly as it floated by with a loud mechanical hymn. A few sparrows flew off in terror in the shadow of the monstrosity above.
"So this is what the Rhine Navy meant by their superiority." I grumbled, staring back into the pages of the paper.
It was not particularly interesting to see a warship. The United Kingdom of Thames was a naval hotspot for nations across the world.
Amisi turned in her seat to face me and gave me an odd look. Feeling her stare I looked at my roommate. She was, for a lack of better words, a goddess in comparison to me.
Amisi was an exceptionally skilled archer in her home country of Nile. She was skilled, witty, and not surprisingly very attractive. Her olive skin glowed whenever it met sunlight, which she displays to great advantage with a thin loose fitting white sheath dress, cut short to reveal a daringly amount of her long slender legs. She frequently wore lace up sandals and a thin belt around her trim waist. Revealing as it all may be, she was still very modest about her appearance and carefully made sure that it was not beyond the borders of "soft-core".
Though what I always notice first about her appearance is her eyes. They might as well have been supernatural. They always glow a light shade of violet. I had asked her about it before but she always shrugs and replies it's just a family thing, she's modest like that. She's my roommate, but more of a friend than anyone else I've ever met.
But then there is me...
I'm not particularly pretty, nor beautiful. Since I was a child I've been a bit of the ugly duckling in the family. It's as my mother used to say, "You grow tall like a weed but you're as thin as a leaf". Behind these old reading glasses, I have dark green eyes from my Father, whom I have yet to meet.
Luckily, since meeting Amisi, she introduced me to a few things. She helped me gain some weight, apparently a sort of strategy she wanted to try. Perhaps it was more of luck than strategy, but the 28 pounds I had gained went in those places that men (maybe even a woman) find particularly "special". I had turned my curly mess of auburn hair into a wavy and organized set up that cascaded down my back. Just a little bit of makeup and excersize with Amisi, I had blossomed into a fine young woman. Nothing about me was particularly unique... Does this make me vain?
"Hey, are you alive in there?" She asked, waving a hand over my face.
I blinked a few times in surprise then felt my cheeks redden, realizing I had been staring at her the whole time.
She graciously ignored my incompetence and gestured towards a young Constable approaching. I quickly closed the paper and set my hands in my lap. He stood over the table for a moment, eyes lingering on the newspaper headline. I was mentally sighing; perhaps I should have chosen a better option than 'Woman Balloons Found! Strikes Seven.'
"Is there a problem Constable?" I managed to ask, trying to keep my voice from cracking. It can be a bit intimidating speaking to a Thamesman, especially when you've got the drawling accent from the Hudson States.
He cleared his throat and adjusted his stance, either to look more professional or to appear confident, it was difficult to tell. He must have been a novice.
"Good evening madam, I am Constable Ichabod. W-would you mind if I ask you two a question? It's a survey for the other Constables."
He was clearly nervous, the poor thing. Amisi and I exchanged glances and I nodded.
"Go right ahead." She answered, glancing at me sideways.
His face lit up almost immediately, a small smile broke his lips and he reached into the breast pocket of his blue uniform. Flipping open a paper pad he shifted his stance.
"On a scale of one to ten, how safe would say that these streets are?"
"One." I replied without pause.
He paused and frowned.
"Y-you are joking, yes?"
He was silent for several heartbeats before asking why.
"For one," I began, "we're living on a giant floating nation that at any second could break apart and fall to the wasteland below. Two, there are still murderers that have yet to be caught and thieves stalking in every shadow. Three, warships frequently pass by that could easily just blow us apart... Am I correct thus far?"
The Constable was stumped. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unsure what to say.
Amisi gave him a friendly grin.
"She's afraid of heights sir."
He practically deflated with a silent sigh and his shoulders sank.
Sadly enough, she was right. I cannot stand heights, and the idea of floating thousands of feet in the air over solid ground, contaminated land no less, makes me uneasy. Goodness, I hate heights!
"M-might I ask why you said one?"
I shrugged and replied, "There's always a Constable nearby."
The Constable thanked us and went on his merry way, awkwardly stopping to ask others the same question. Amisi gave me a goofy grin.
"I'm just imagining the two of you as a couple."
"The Constable? No. He's a bit... weird."
She pouted and crossed her arms as if in defiance.
"You need to be more open with these possibilities. You could be missing out on a top notch guy."
I glanced sideways at the Constable. I could not help but sigh when he dropped his pencil and scrambled for it, awkwardly apologizing to the couple he was questioning.
"He's bound to find someone," I propped the paper back up and cracked it open, "but that's a bet I would be willing to take."
Work as a secretary is very boring work, especially when the company gets very little business. The Duster Dirigible Company has been around for nearly forty years, but since the invention of anti-gravity reactors, the dirigible business has soured. At least it paid well; the hours were flexible, lots of time for reading.
I nearly jumped from my seat when the golden bell on the front of my desk rang. I quickly set aside the book and apologized to the visitor. I felt my gaze stop at the stunning creature standing over me.
She was a fiery red head with a very voluptuous figure straining the Thames military uniform. Her red tunic was stretched tight across her chest. Her thin waist was accentuated by a white belt strapped tightly around her midsection, a bayonet hanging along her waist. You didn't have to imagine how her lower half was shaped against the skintight dark grey trousers; the seams were likely prone to bursting if she was any larger. Her short curly fire red hair hung over her shoulders. Her eyes were both a brilliant turquoise. Red plump lips and soft cheeks gave her a very cute appearance, tempting any man to give them a kiss. The soldier was practically glowing with a warm aura. Surely she must have been a hoot at the base.
"Hello, how may I be of service?" I asked, I hate to say that line.
"I am here to speak with Mr. Duster, is he in at the moment?" She asked with a strong Thames accent.
"He's currently unavailable at the moment. May I take a message?"
"That won't be necessary. When will Mr. Duster be available?"
I quickly checked the clock loudly clicking overhead the entrance doors. Four minutes to six.
"He will be available in four minutes, give or take," I felt my heart beginning to race just looking at her, "w-would you care to wait until then?"
"If it's no trouble."
"No trouble at all." I replied with a smile.
The soldier nodded and slowly strode around the room, examining the many paintings and old brown photographs of the early Duster dirigibles. With each movement there was a quiet creak of her tight trousers and the click of her boot heels on the tile floors. She was also gifted with a well padded rear that slightly bounced with each step. It was hard not to peek, which is odd considering I don't have any attraction towards women...
"Amazing," The soldier remarked, admiring a painting of a dirigible caught in a storm.
I fought hard not to say anything; it would be embarrassing to say something foolish in front of a potential client, a soldier no less. Wait. Why would the military take an interest in these old things? Aerial warships have a better life expectancy and were much safer. There has not been a military dirigible in over ten years.
As I was trying to wrack my brain for reasoning, the soldier had reached alongside my desk. The soldier turned and glanced at me over her shoulder.
She laughed nervously when I caught her gaze.
"I don't mean to be rude; Where are you from? I don't recognize your accent."
Well, this isn't the first time I've heard this question from a client. It's strange to think that the Hudson States and the United Kingdom of Thames are close allies, yet some of us don't recognize each other's accents.
"The Hudson States madam."
The soldier's already bright face brightened more and her eyes twinkled with delight.
"I've always wanted to see Hudson!"
"It's not as beautiful as the Thames, madam."
The soldier simply waved a hand.
"You don't need to be so formal," She sat on the edge of the desk with a slight creak, "Are there any cowboy shows over there?"
I couldn't help myself, I laughed. Loudly. It was a rather odd question. Of course there are cowboy shoots; there are cowboys all over the western Hudson.
"Yes, except ours are not shows." I added a wink for emphasis.
The soldier did something I didn't expect. Her cheeks turned a bright red and she quickly averted her eyes.
"Ah! I'm so sorry, I'm being rude."
She quickly stood up and stepped a pace away from the desk.
"It's alright, I don't mind."
The girl closed her eyes and was trying to control her breathing.
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yes. It's just... something of a curse."
"A curse?"
The soldier nodded and nervously fiddled with the lowest button of her tunic. The soldier quietly spoke under her breath. Was she praying or something? Did I do something? To end the now awkward silence, Mr. Duster had arrived.
Clad in an agonizingly bright yellow suit and an obnoxious red polka dot bow tie, he opened the doors with arms wide and a toothy grin flashing against the overhead lights. He sported the kind of mustache that only a villain would wear, like those in the silent films at night.
Mr. Duster was a short and squat man with a round face and a pudgy nose. He walked with long gait and nearly hopped with each step. His cheerful rosy cheeks gave him the appearance of a happy expression at all times (odd though, I have never seen him angry before) and his brown eyes locked in on the soldier.
"Welcome, welcome to Duster's Dirigible Company. If you're here to talk business, look no further than the master himself!" He quickly bowed, his nose nearly touching his knees, an amazing feat considering his girth.
"The Home Guard requests your presence at the Eastside Harbor tomorrow evening. Can it be arranged?"
"Of course! Anything the customer wants, they get! I shall be present."
"You must understand that everything will be explained on base. We look forward to your presence Mr. Duster."
The soldier smiled once more and bid him farewell. She paused in the doorway and glanced at me once more. She gave me a warm smile and waved before stepping out.
What an odd girl. Mr. Duster must have been in a good mood, considering the arrangement, letting me off an hour early. I thanked him and went on my way home. Throwing on my jacket, I stepped out into the streets. A cold breeze tried to whip my long skirt into my face. Luckily no one was around as far as I could tell.
"It helps to add weights."
I quickly looked down at the sidewalk to my right. The soldier was there with a satchel slung under her arm. I blinked a few times surprised, had she waited for me?
She stifled a laugh and answered my unasked question. As we walked into the city she explained that she was just passing by from another arrangement when I was stepping out. Her name was Vanessa Eastgrove, a corporal in the Home guard. She was really nice to be around, even though there were many awkward staring men and sometimes women as we passed by. I wonder if Vanessa ever realized this, though I doubt she would care.
"What happened earlier in the lobby?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You were hyperventilating or something and said it was a curse."
The soldier's smile wavered for a moment before she grabbed my arm and we stopped. She took a deep breath and glanced around first.
"Since I was a wee lass I've had this... power."
"Power? Like a hero?"
"In a different world perhaps, but I'm not a hero... Every time I'm aroused I sort of..." She trailed off and fidgeted with the button once again.
I calmly placed a hand on her shoulder.
"If you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask."
"No, no. I need to do this sometime," she took a quick deep breath and exhaled, "anytime I kiss a woman they blow up."
I just stared at her dumbly and tossed the words around my head. What? They explode?
"B-blow up?"
She nodded shamefully and averted her eyes.
"So... they explode?"
She shook her head, her red curls shaking across her face.
"No. They expand, like a balloon."
"So what does that have to do with what happened in the lobby?"
She turned back and forth on her heals. She looked me over and kept avoiding looking at my eyes. Then it hit me.
"You... wanted to kiss me?"
She nodded.
I quietly entered my apartment and hung up my coat. With an exhausted sigh I slowly drug myself into the living room and collapsed on the couch. Walking three miles to work and back in heels can be pretty exhausting. I looked around our apartment. It wasn't much, just a few necessities and comfortable additions. There was the old worn out couch, a roll top desk against the wall, a television, two large book shelves, and a coffee table. It wasn't much, but it got the job done.
I slowly rolled over onto my back and laced my fingers over my middle. The headline flashed through my mind, could Vanessa have been the unknown culprit? Surely she would not have told me if she was...
My brain was scrambling to understand everything and I simply resorted to staring at the ceiling.
I must have fallen asleep. Opening my eyes, I was staring at Amisi's chin overhead. Amisi was sitting on the couch, nestling my head in her lap as she stroked my hair. She does that on occasion, I do the same to her. We've had a mutual agreement of sorts about this. That doesn't make us strange does it?
"Hey, you're finally awake." She teased flicking my nose.
I grumbled and rose from the couch stretching my stiff limbs. Amisi stared at me for some reason.
"Something wrong?"
"No... you just look. Different."
I looked down at myself. Everything looked normal to me.
"I don't see anything new."
"I can't quite place it... Must be my imagination." Amisi shrugged and leaned back in the couch resting her feet on the coffee table. She knows it bugs me when she does that.
"I'm going to get changed... and get your feet off the coffee table."
"Yes mom." She rolled her eyes.
I slipped into my bedroom and opened the drawer pulling out my bedtime attire. An old t shirt and shorts suffice. I unbuttoned my blouse and let it fall to the floor in a heap. I stared at the mirror for a short time.
Something was different... What was it? Moving a hand along my torso I found out quickly.
My breasts were fuller. I stared at them for a short time before feeling them to be sure I was not hallucinating or still asleep. They felt real... Sure enough they were larger, bulging out of my white lacy bra.
I slid off my skirt and noticed it was not just my breasts; my butt had grown as well. My previously form fitting panties were tighter. Trying not to panic, I quickly slid on my t shirt and squeezed my rear into my shorts. I turned around to examine myself. The shirt could hide the growth without a problem, then there is my shorts. I regret not choosing a larger size.
How will I be able to explain this to Amisi? This isn't something normal, is it? I considered the possibility I might just be gaining some weight, or it could be the "Happy Time". It sounds reasonable. I'll just exercise a bit more starting tomorrow and maybe this will all pass over.
I rejoined my companion on the couch and watched the television. The news anchor was going on about the story about the seven balloon women. So far the culprit managed to slink away every time the authorities arrive; none the women had seen the man.
If none of them had seen the culprit, surely that crosses out Vanessa. If it wasn't her, could there be others like her? Maybe they all have their own kind of-
"Hey!" I yelped as I felt Amisi pinch my leg.
"You were staring into space again..."
Groggily I awoke from my deathly slumber, rolling off the bed and landing on the floor with a loud thud. Wide awake now I stumbled in the dark to the light switch, banging my knee on the dresser in the process. Cursing I felt around for the switch and flicked it on. The electric lights zapped to life and illuminated the room.
In the mirror I noticed a considerable change. It was impossible, there's no way anything like this is possible!
My breasts had grown another inch or so and so had my rear, giving me a more voluptuous figure. I rubbed my hands along my curves and discovered that my once flat stomach was now bloated. My heart began to race. The beating of my heart became deafening as I panicked, what was I supposed to do?! Maybe I should see a doctor. I could just get dressed and head out as soon as I can.
I froze remembering a little problem. Amisi's alarm clock rang. Crap, how can I get past her?
Without second thoughts I quickly tried to throw on clothes that would fit. Everything fit so tight against my body it was like a second skin. Using a bra was out of the question, panties became an inadvertent thong. I managed a loose white blouse and a loose skirt. I spied an old dusty poncho from home and bit my lip.
Amisi knocked on my door. I quickly threw it over myself just as she opened the door.
"Hey it's time to-...wha?" she just frowned at my choice of attire, "what is that?"
"O-oh this... it's just a poncho!" I heard my voice crack, it always cracks when I'm nervous.
"Ah huh... Isn't it a bit warm for that?"
"What? No, no, no, no! It's perfect for spring!"
I was talking before my brain could react, albeit this was not a good explanation for wearing a dusty wool poncho in the middle of summer. Amisi knew I was hiding something; my voice always gets like this when I'm hiding something.
"Why are you wearing layers?"
She pointed at my front. I placed a hand on the bulges of my stomach and breasts. Amisi's frown morphed into a look of concern.
"Is everything alright? You look pale." She stepped closer and I quickly backed away.
"I-I... I have a cold! I don't want you to catch it!"
Amisi rolled her eyes and stepped closer placing a hand on my forehead. She frowned again.
"You feel fine. But-"
Her front was pressing into mine and she slowly took a step back looking the expanse of my torso. Her violet eyes flicked from my nervous expression to my torso.
I was beat. She must know by now. She tossed the poncho onto the bed. Amisi slowly stretched a hand forward. Tentatively she touched my belly. She experimented and pushed. She drew her hand back quickly and stared in shock.
"I don't know."
Amisi walked around me and looked me over, her gaze penetrating any bit of modesty she once held. She was dumbstruck and stopped to stand in front of me.
"You... you're bigger." She whispered, afraid to say it aloud.
I unbuttoned my blouse and slid off my skirt, revealing my new curves to my friend. Amisi was concerned for my well being as well as curious in this sudden change. She slowly rubbed a hand along my bloated belly and drew back shaking her head.
"We need to call a doctor."
I was agreeing with her, but perhaps there was a more discreet option.
She blinked in surprised and asked why.
"This is nothing they can understand. Get a hold of the Home Guard; tell them I need to speak with Vanessa Eastgrove."
She didn't question my suggestion and hurried off to make the call.
I plopped down on the side of the bed and stared at my body. It felt funny being larger than normal. I tried to push my bloated stomach back in and watched it bounce back into shape. It was pleasurable in one way, but repulsive in another.
What kind of equilibrium could come of this? I heard Amisi's voice in the other room and wondered what she thought of this change. How would Mr. Duster react?
This is the beginning of something else. There would be Hell to pay if I don't get to the bottom of this.
First things first... Time to find some suitable clothes.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Stuffing, Female Inflation, Messy Popping
Text: The girls were full. Their bellies were heavy and had become wedged between their chairs and the table.
Dani looked at Krista and rubbed her bulging tummy while mouthing, "I'm so full. Is she gonna stop?"
Krista looked at their mother, Shelly, who was preparing more food. "I don't think so." she mouthed back at Dani, who appeared to be in some pain.
Meanwhile, Shelly spun around with two platefuls of food. A cheeseburger, french fries, spaghetti, a hot dog, two cookies, some chips, and toast were all piled on each plate. Shelly set the plates down in front of the girls and motioned for her daughters to dig in. Krista faked a smile, then picked up the cheeseburger. Dani began nibbling on some chips.
"Oh, come now," Shelly scolded Dani, "go ahead and start with the bigger stuff." Dani groaned and raised the hot dog to her mouth. As she took a bite and swallowed, she felt her already stuffed belly bulge. Krista watched while sipping her water. She too was starting to think that they'd never finish all of the food. However, Shelly motioned for her to continue, and Krista obeyed.
After about five minutes of straight eating, the girls had barely made a dent. Shelly had returned to the oven to cook the next course, so her back was turned. Neither of the girls could eat another bite, so they took the time to massage their massive girths. While rubbing her own gigantic belly, Krista noticed many stretch marks on Dani's stomach. She surely couldn't take much more. Krista too had developed some signs of heavy binging. Her tummy was kind of pink and very tender.
Due to their analyzing of each other, neither of the girls had noticed that Shelly had turned to check on them.
"How dare you stop!" she scolded. She grabbed a funnel and a full bottle of soda and walked over to Dani. "I'll teach you to disobey me!" she yelled as she shoved the funnel into Dani's mouth. Shelly opened the soda and began to pour it into the funnel. Dani had no choice, she either started drinking, or she would drown.
Dani held her belly as the liquid poured into it. She tried to sit cross-legged and cradle her expanding gut with her feet, but she became too large. Tears rolled down Dani's filled cheeks as creaking and groaning noises emanated from her dangerously huge stomach. Shelly laughed as she poured the last of the soda into the funnel.
Dani's belly appeared tight and shiny, and Krista worried for her. The last inch of soda began to fall from the bottle and Shelly stepped back. Tight, squeaking noises arose from Dani's over-pumped belly as she started to slurp it down.
Krista thought that Dani was going to be able to take it, but just as she swallowed the last of the soda... BANG!!! Dani's belly exploded sending soda and food flying everywhere!
Krista was shocked. She had just witnessed her mother over-feed her sister until she actually exploded!
Shelly grabbed another bottle and approached Krista. "No, no, look, I'm eating!" Krista pleaded. She shoved a handful of fries and half a cookie into her mouth, but couldn't swallow. She was too terrified. "Eat!" Shelly yelled, holding up the funnel. Krista gulped down the food and continued gorging herself.
By now, Krista's belly was nearly as big as Dani's had been before she'd burst.
"I can't take anymore, I'm going to explode!"
She felt her massive tummy groan in protest and she could feel that it had begun to pulsate slightly. She rubbed it with her hand, feeling that her skin was tight as a drum, and shiny from sweat.
"Finish it!" Shelly's voiced boomed, and she laid down a plate of pasta. Krista knew she couldn't eat any more. She had to be careful breathing too heavily, how was she ever going to finish all of that pasta? However, she also knew that if she didn't eat, Sherry would probably just stick her with a pin, and that would be that!
She had to try. She picked up the fork, stuck it into the bowl, and raised the pasta to her mouth. Her stomach rumbled, warning her not to consume the food, but she put it in her mouth, swallowed, and
Just like Dani, Krista had gotten to big for her britches and popped like an over-blown balloon! The kitchen was covered in food, soda, girl, and Shelly was just as messy.
"Well, I guess I should clean this up... I wonder if that neighbor girl is hungry?
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Dr. Robin Brand stumbles across groundbreaking discovery late one night in the lab.
It wasn't quite what Dr. Robin Brand had been hoping for. She'd been screwed before, and always managed to rebound from it. But this was the last straw.
"We feel that you're not connecting with your students as well as you should be," the administrators had told her. "You're much more valuable in research, but we simply don't have the position for you at this point."
"Think of this more as a vote of confidence in you," they said. "We're giving you a chance to move on to bigger and better things."
Admittedly, Robin wasn't incredibly surprised when she was informed that the university wouldn't be renewing her tenure after the next spring. Since taking the job three years ago, she always felt like she was a fish out of water - overqualified and underappreciated as the head of the chemistry department. Dean Richards had inexplicably taken away the graduate assistants in her lab because she treated them too much like friends instead of subordinates. After all, at the relatively young age of 30 for a department head, Robin felt like she was more on a level with the students than the other blue-haired stalwart lecturers at the university. The administrators had obviously chosen to ignore the fact that Robin was a favorite among the students.
As fall turned into spring, the writing on the wall became even more evident. Dean Richards would start bringing candidates for Robin's job to show them her office while she was in there, usually instructing a student during office hours. Robin eventually got to the point where she called university security whenever the dean came in because he was violating the privacy of the student she was with. Of course, nothing ever happened, and the dean's pigheaded practices continued. Robin got to the point where she had to announce in class a different time and location for her office hours simply to avoid the dean.
Robin had no choice but to work late nights at the lab to make up for her lack of assistants. No longer could she simply delegate chemical preparation duties to a grad student so she could prepare for her lectures. Double duty was going to kill her one of these days. Robin cracked open a can of Diet Coke as she locked the lab door and began arranging her notes for tomorrow's classes.
Hours later, well into the wee hours of the morning, Robin was nearly finished with the chemical preparations. Tomorrow's lab in Robin's chemistry info class was the combustible chemicals lab, a favorite of students from semester to semester. As Robin shuttled chemicals from her storage shelf to the fume hood, she realized something - the hydrochloric acid was missing.
"Not again," she thought. "This is getting old." Despite changing the locks on her lab several times, chemicals had "mysteriously" disappeared several times over the course of the past year.
In frustration, Robin pounded her fist on the side of the fume hood. Unfortunately, the impact knocked over a chemical-filled vial, spilling its contents amid the other vials. In her haste to keep the vial from spilling too much, she succeeded in knocking over the remaining vials. Robin barely had time to turn around before the chemicals reacted with one another, causing an explosion that sent Robin flying across the room.
Fortunately, the majority of the explosion had been contained by the fume hood, and its automatic fire suppression system was able to suffocate the blaze within. However, Robin had not been so lucky, having been blown into the large set of shelves full of chemicals. The result of her impact with the bookcase caused it to fall forward, pinning her left leg underneath.
Knocked out for a moment, Robin came to with the sensation of pin-pricking all over her lower body. "Fuck," she thought, "the chemicals!" Frantically looking around, she spotted the emergency shower a few feet out of her reach. With all her strength, she desperately dragged herself (and the bookcase) across the floor, wincing every few seconds as she passed over broken shards of glass.
At long last, she reached the radius of influence of the shower. It had two main components: a large, downward-aimed shower head about seven feet off the ground, and a small sink about three feet high with two fountains for flushing one's eyes. The floor around the shower curved slightly downward, ending in an eight-inch drain. Robin continued to pull herself across the floor until enough of her body was under the main shower head. The sink activation valve was too high for her to reach, but then she noticed the master valve near her waist, at the base of the shower. Robin clutched it with her hand and turned as hard as she could, preparing for the torrent that was about to envelope her.
The water never came. Remarkably, the university had never had a lab accident, so the emergency showers had never been used. The valves must have seized up. "These things are supposed to be inspected monthly!" Robin thought as she clenched her teeth and tried twisting the valve again. "I'm gonna get after the maintenance staff about this." Finally, the valve gave slightly, and water began to trickle out of the shower head at the top, falling at Robin's midriff. Gathering up one last attempt, Robin twisted as hard as she could.
This attempt was successful, the valve fully opening with the twist of her wrist. The downpour began, and the shower instantly drenched Robin and everything within a five-foot radius. The force of the water crashing against her stomach was painful, but Robin knew that she had to stay under the shower for at least a minute, since the chemicals had been in contact with her skin for over five minutes. In the meantime, she opted to breathe through her mouth, trying to inhale as little water as possible.
It seemed like the water pelted her body for an eternity, especially with her leg in so much pain. Robin began to fear the worst, thinking it was broken. When she was satisfied that a minute had passed, she reached for the valve and twisted it clockwise. Once again, it didn't budge. Either she had twisted it too far, or the force of the water running through the pipe was too much for a human hand to stop. After all, this shower was putting out almost a gallon per second. Deciding that she had had enough, she raised herself up with her elbows to try to release her leg and get out from under the water.
What she saw instead caused her to yelp with surprise. Underneath her drenched lab coat, Robin could tell that something was wrong. Her stomach and breasts had swelled up significantly, pulling taut the buttons of the white coat. She looked to be several months pregnant, with her breasts having doubled in size and uncomfortably stretching her bra beyond its limits. Panicking, Robin tried to get up from the floor, but her left leg was completely immobile now, numb with pain. Her breasts and stomach sloshed back and forth with the movement.
Water was starting to pool around her on the floor as the torrential downpour from the shower continued relentlessly. Tentatively, Robin reached a trembling hand to her rain-soaked torso. There was no doubt about it - she was filling with water. But how?
Then she remembered the chemicals.
Somehow the reaction of the chemicals with one another, and then with her skin, must have made her body capable of some type of osmosis. Where moisture had previously only been allowed to exit the skin, she was now capable of taking on water through the epidermis. It had never been thought possible. Robin had just made a groundbreaking scientific discovery. "Maybe I really could get a better job and leave this dump."
Her bra clasps snapping beneath her returned Robin's attention to her expansion. She had spent only a minute considering the scientific explanation for this, but her torso had since grown much further. Her breasts had at least doubled in size and were now blossoming out of the top of her lab coat. Her stomach had done the same, its new domed shape reaching two feet above her. Everywhere in between, her soaked flesh was poking its way through the gaps between the coat's buttons.
The pain in her leg had subsided, but a new pain had presented itself - the coat's buttons were digging terribly into her. With some effort, Robin reached up and tried to unbutton the top buttons. The strain on them was tremendous, but she was able to undo the first three, releasing her breasts. They rose slightly, no longer being suppressed by the coat. Robin was astonished at how big they had grown. By her best approximation, they were rapidly surpassing beach ball size. They certainly did not befit her waiflike figure - or at least, her once-waiflike figure. Her v-neck blouse, having been pushed up by her rapidly swelling stomach, was revealing massive amounts of cleavage.
A moment later, Robin's grossly overfilled stomach burst through the lab coat, jiggling its way to its naturally round shape. Its massive growth was causing her breasts to press against her cheeks. Eventually, Robin began to get concerned that this might not stop, and reached with her hands to get some traction on the floor.
Her face showed mild amazement and dismay as her hands did not reach the floor. Turning her head to the side, Robin realized that her head and arms were a couple feet off the ground. What's more, her arms were no longer as mobile as before, as they were beginning to fill with water as well. Moving her right leg, she found that it, too, was becoming hard to move. Gathering as much energy as she could, she violently shook her body from side to side. She merely bobbed in place, with the focal point being the small of her back. "I'm getting... rounder?" she thought to herself.
Helpless to do much of anything, Robin tried to roll herself to the side. However, with each passing moment, the amount of movement she was able to produce decreased. Her arms were beginning to starfish, and she could only assume her legs were doing so as well, as they continued to fill with water. Robin noticed that the pool of water in the lab was getting deeper. Would she drown in here? She worked up another burst of motion, but this time only slightly rocked from side to side, the curve of the floor around the drain holding her steadfastly in place.
Then it hit her. The drain! Her body had been covering up the drain the whole time. That explained why so much water was collecting in the lab. It was not particularly good planning on her part.
As more water permeated Robin's already-saturated body, her drenched blouse ripped down the middle, finally exposing her enormous breasts and causing them to cover most of her face. Somewhere near her midsection, she felt the waistband of her skirt snap and slide off her bloated form as her body continued rounding out. She tried to raise her arms, but found that she could only move her hands. Her breasts created a canyon through which the water hitting her body could travel through, flowing directly into her face. Robin had no choice but to swallow as much of it as possible, or risk inhaling it and drowning. She was beginning to grow faster.
Robin felt a bump near her left foot and heard a crash. With her left leg having been absorbed by her body, the bookcase fell to the floor. There was at least three feet of water in the lab now, her ears just barely above the surface of the water. Robin felt the whipcrack of her panties finally exploding off her blimped body, causing her to wobble in place. With no more clothing to further restrict her growth, she began to expand even faster.
Eventually she grew so big that her body began to pull her sagging breasts away from her face. Still swallowing repeatedly, she watched with intrigue as they began to stretch across what once had been her chest. Slowly they shrunk from formidable mounds to pronounced bumps until they had completely flattened across her surface.
As she approached seven feet wide, the apex of her body began to press against the head of the shower. Robin could feel the rush of the water entering her body as all of the shower's output went directly into her. For the first time in over ten minutes, the torrent of water ceased to rush across her body, and she managed to catch her breath from swallowing for so long. In short order, her hands and feet swelled with water before they flattened against her as well. Robin's body was spherical.
And still she grew. Her right side began to press into the wall, causing the shower's vertical pipe to press uncomfortably into her. She made one last ditch effort to somehow roll herself away from the shower, but it was no use. All of the muscles she once had were stretched way too much to be of any help. The force of her body on the pipe caused the pipe to bend, then snap off at the floor. The flow of water ceased at her stomach and started on her lower side, perhaps where her right buttock should have been. Craning her head as far to the left as possible, Robin noticed that the standing water in the lab was receding. Was she absorbing that water too? It might explain why she had begun to grow so fast.
Robin's distant vagina began pressing against the locked door of the lab as her stomach brushed the ceiling. She was unable to see much of anything beyond her own body, which was beginning to pass ten feet in diameter. Her sponge-like growth showed no signs of slowing or stopping; she was taking everything the pipe in the floor was giving her. She was hoping someone on the maintenance night crew might notice such a substantial water drain on the campus. This certainly was an incredible experience, but she was ready for it to be over.
Ceiling tiles were displaced by Robin's unstoppable body as she began to fill up the remainder of the lab. As she came into contact with more surfaces, it caused her to shift slightly, rolling backwards and shielding her view of things even further. Robin noticed that, save for a few puddles, she had sucked the floor dry. Her left side started to push a lab table across the floor. Robin felt something cold pressing into her stomach, followed by the sounds of straining metal. A moment later, it began raining in the lab. She had punctured the fire sprinkler pipe.
Now connected to not just one, but two high-pressure water sources, Robin's growth was impossibly increased even further as water began collecting on the floor again.
Robin could do nothing but sit there and take it all in. This got her to thinking. Even if she DID stop growing, could she ever return to normal? With each passing moment, that prospect grew more slim and she grew wider. Certainly the water could be drained, but whether her skin would shrink back into place was totally unknown.
What if she was stuck like this?
Admittedly, it wasn't all that unpleasant. She might feel differently were she not a member of the scientific community, where new discoveries and abilities were the driving force in her life. This was certainly bigger than anything she had ever studied or experienced before, and the possibilities for its use, although not clear to her at the moment, had to be endless. Whether or not she was to remain in this state for the rest of her life, she would at least be able to assist with applying the scientific method to this experience. Robin began to mentally list all the chemicals that had been on the bookcase. And whether or not the science behind it ever revealed itself, she alone would be good enough to get worldwide publicity.
With that thought in mind, Robin found herself wanting her growth to continue. Just how big could she get?
She was aroused from her mental reverie as she heard a crash. Her stomach had broken through the ceiling and up to the next floor. Her left side flattened her desk and lab table against the far wall in the lab as she continued billowing outward. As the ceiling above was peeled back by her form, her right side began to break through its adjoining wall. The door burst off its hinges as her crotch began expanding through the doorway. All of this was somewhat amusing to Robin. She had to be well over 30 feet wide by now.
As Robin's form flattened its surrounding walls, it also snapped two more water pipes in the walls on either side of her. Her pace quickened once more as her blimped body absorbed as much water as it could. Her bloated vagina pressed into another door across the hall as her stomach pushed tables and chairs across the floor upstairs.
Robin smiled and closed her eyes. She blushed when she thought about professors and students finding her like this in the morning, but it didn't matter. Within this colossal blimp of a woman was the proof that the university was wrong about her, and she was ready to share it with anyone who would listen.
Another crash, another burst water line, another surge of growth. Robin settled in to sleep while the university's water system continued to bloat her beyond belief.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, floating, huge, inhale
Text: "So you can inflate?" she asked me.
I nodded. "Absolutely."
"Okay, but... how does it work?"
"I just breathe in." I demonstrated, the air swirling and filling me. My gut surged out, my backside and chest following immediately after. The armpits of my shirt grew snug on me as the denim of my jeans pulled taut across my legs, and mere seconds later I was a bulging, buoyant version of my old self. Not wanting to leave things half-finished I continued, arms and legs being forced apart before growing wider, then rounder, then being absorbed almost fully by my globular figure.
"Can you get bigger?"
In response I simply heaved in a deep breath, my body swelling rapidly. The material of my sneakers bulged and strained before the stitching and glue gave out, feet swelling to roundness. Up above my hands grew plumper, and even my head gained a larger, rounder shape. More of my gut emerged from between my shirt and jeans, and when I stopped again I was double my old size.
I felt a hand touch my underside, drumming a finger against me. "This is so weird." They stepped into view, looking up at me. "So can you get bigger?"
"Yes." I breathed in for emphasis, rising another several feet. "It's pretty easy."
"Maybe you shouldn't, though." Her voice sounded nervous. "You're kind of sticking out."
"Am I?" There was a hollowness as I took in more air, the band of skin across my midsection growing wider, my navel deep-set as I watched tops of trees and windows grow closer. The rest of me grew, but not as fast, leaving me increasingly misproportioned. As if I had any sort of proportions now short of-
"Stop, please! You're too big!"
Her words gave me pause. Here I was, looking out at my body stretching off and downward, taking up most of the area between the apartment buildings, heads level with their roofs... and this was "too big."
It was the single funniest thing I had heard in ages.
"Too big?" My entire body shook as I laughed. "Too big! Let me show you how big I can really get!" With that I huffed and puffed, shooting up and out. I felt the apartments press into what were my hips, then my thighs, then simply give way as I grew. I watched as the stories of skyscrapers shot by, buildings being pushed over by body as dozens of yards were added to my waistline in seconds. My head grew level with the tallest buildings, then grew beyond them as I became the highest point around.
"I'll be bigger than this city!" The devastation caused by my growth was little more than shifting stones against my underside. As my head broke the cloud line I began sucking them in with each breath, clearing the skies around me before I shot past them. The hanging moisture flowed to where my shoulders were, then my waist, left behind just as surely as the man-made structures I was overshadowing.
"Bigger than this state!" My head was huge, my cheeks were blimps unto themselves, and yet all around me was a field of stretched fabric, the horizon growing more distant by the second. The blue of the sky faded to black as I breached the atmosphere. Down below the city had become too small to be relevant as entire counties were thrown into darkness.
"Bigger than the country!" At last I felt myself lift away from the ground, lazily floating upward. A deep huff caused me to swell several miles, backside hitting the surface of the planet with a quiet, distant crunching sound as the force propelled me up and away. The lack of pressure in space was freeing as I tumbled and turned, and I could feel my body creak and throb as it grew at an unimaginable rate, watching as as my shadow across the continents grew larger. I was a second moon, far closer, and soon far bigger. Everything was stretching and filling beyond any comprehensible capacity, and as the darkness engulfed the entire planet, only then did I stop.
My hands and feet were puffy and bulbous, easily able to flatten entire mountain ranges. My head was blimped up enough that I could simply float towards the surface, put my lips to the ocean, and suck it all up and hold it in my cheeks. But everything... a single person, now thousands of miles across, full of vast amounts of gases. Through the haze of the planet's atmosphere millions upon millions of people would look up and see me floating nearby. A human balloon bigger than the Earth, and yet still growing larger, as thanks to the warmth of the sun heating my contents I could feel myself gradually expanding.
But then a thought came to me.
What do you even do for an encore?
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium, second person
Text: "I think I'll do it with him."
Amy swivels about on the kitchen stool, letting the chair chase her smile around. The evening sun filters through the chantry blind, setting a golden cage about her; tigerstripes across a black blouse and charcoal skirt. This is the dangerous time and she twtiches; all energy and potential, about to burst into life.
"You're not serious". Lucy's dismissal is brief, but her eyes hold out for more. Somewhere in the background of the flat conversion, music plays. Lento, simpatico. The city sleeps between the lull of end-day and rush of evening. "Yes, I am serious. I want to do it. With him. You know, like we practiced. I'm getting better...."
Her hair is drawn long and damp from the shower, and she brushes it back with urban haste. Some part of her is nervous, but another is caught up with the preparation. Its not really a date, she thinks, just friends. But that's a lie; she senses that they're both hoping for more, and unwilling to give it. Except in the way of least expectation.
"Amy, God, no! I'm not letting you you loose with him. He'll freak. I mean you can't....anyway, he could be a pyscho for all we know. You get to think you know these guys through email but....."
Lucy purses her lips as she heaves the pink backpack onto the kitchen table. It's heavy; ironic given her friend's intent but not the sort of thing to take to a bar. She should have figured this one out sooner.
"No, he's won't. And he's not a psycho. Even for an American. And you bloody well know it." Amy stands, and slips her arms through the hoops of the backpack. She feels the weight settle between her shoulders, brushing against the unseen dimple to one side. She's not really aware of it now, unless she's concentrating. But it feels positively enormous now. What if he spots it? How far will disbelief extend? Lucy leans back on the cabinet, looking almost fearful, distantly accepting.
"Well, maybe. How far will you take it?"
"Enough to..." Amy twirls one foot on tip-toe, bouncing lightly in the moment. Her smile is a blush now, teased and evasive. "Enough to...well, its not too windy out and... you know. We'll see how it goes."
"You dirty minx! I'll want a full report." Lucy laughs, suddenly. Then seriously. "But bring me the names"
It wasn't quite what you expected. The venue she chose was bruising imperial modern; old style and new money. Mahogany and bronze fittings enthroned the bar with glasses stacked in-sentry against the walls. Set around, high-backed booths paid tribute, their emerald leather conclaves holding whispers. And the venue was hushed, even for a weekday evening, only two other couples and pair of women at the bar festooned with shopping bags. Piped piano softened through the walls, smoothing the ambiance to melting point. You felt misplaced, even with shirt and tie crumpled from the day. And then there was Amy. But what did you expect? Brunette, blue eyes, early to mid-twenties; certainly. On the curvy edge of slim, plain-faced but attractive in her way, especially if she smiled. This much you knew already; several months of email, a picture and a few phone calls. The anonymous words which make a person, well understood. But still something else. Maybe too normal, which seems foolish. Her eyes held something back, bubbling under the surface. A nervousness not of the setting or the conversation. Oh, but the conversation! It was awkward, at first, that glance of recognition. You said hello; talked about the weather and difficulties finding the bar. You brought her a drink; she recommended the sancerre, and you took your places to one side of the bar. Beyond the plate windows the old quayside was ringed with flats, composed and sleepy. The water rippled like silk across the long concrete basin, forgetting its industrial purpose, all but given to the sea. You looked at each other across the booth. She giggled. You smiled. The moment was ridiculous. So you said it first. "Well then....inflation?"
"Yes" She laughed. "Balloons....and...well, amongst other things inflatable. It seems silly doesn't it? Even stranger sat talking with someone about it." She swirled her wine, smiled. The soft blush of confession rises with her, breasts swollen with indrawn breath, as if she felt the words alone would burst her.
"I mean, there's stories, and you talk about these things online, but face to face? And not knowing how far to go? You know, I was wondering to wear a push up bra or not? Oops." She twitched in her seat, downcast eyes, "God, I'm probably coming across as such a weirdo."
"No, it's alright. Pretty strange for myself to be here too. Hey, its just...ummm....bigger is better, right?"
"Yeah, bigger is better." She looked up, one finger chasing a smile to the corner of her mouth. "Your stories are pretty good, you know?" It was easier after that. You talked through the hours, revealing secrets you both already knew. The bar staff came and lit candles. She got a salad, you got a pizza. She made fun of the anchovies on top. Not quite a date, but enough. "So, how long has it been?" "A year or so. Gosh, that sounds weird. I mean, you've been around in the community for ages and you say you've always felt...but for me, it was just something that happened, kinda. A friend got me into it. I found some of the others and your stuff later."
You expect more, but she lets the statement hang. A friend, or someone special? Her phone rings, and she answers.
"Hello Luce. Yeah, fine. No, he's cool. No, we were just leaving. I'll be careful, yeah, get a lift later. Yeah. Yeah, you too. Bye."
She took her jacket from the seat beside her. "C'mon, its time to go" She said. It's only 50 yards from the bar to the waterfront, lighting inset to the wall pre-shadows you. She stops abruptly, yellow-light drawing back her hair and turns to you. Behind her, you can see barges tug at their moorings, yearning to float with the rising tide. "Your hotel is central, right?" she says. "I'll walk you back to the tube. Nearest is Canada Water."
You pass few others in the street. Designer tees and open shirts, briefcases and Sainsbury bags. They brush through the semi-dark, respecting your distances. Does the fantasy make a bubble about your both? Bearing you invisibly apart, together? It grows colder, or quieter; the silence pooling around your feet. Your path now traces through an absence of people. Amy notices it too. She anchors herself about the sound of water, facing out to the flow. Ebb tide.
"Bet you didn't think London could get this quiet, right? It's all offices over to our left. That's why that place is pretty empty weeknights after 8. But I like it. I like to share it. Kinda like with silly stories. Best with someone else."
For a moment your hands brush, the flush of unbidden excitement. But she withdraws, pauses as if considering something, sucks in breath. "Come this way. Its quicker."
She turns and bumps into you, unapologetically, and leads you across the street away from the river. Breaking through a cleft in the impersonal glass and steel she climbs a narrow stair through a brick canyon. You follow, as the path doubles upon itself twice, becomes steep, and draws along high wall. Overhead is brick arch, framing a sighing dark. The street lighting dips and Amy runs her hand out briefly against a sign, as if navigating by touch. Stave Hill.
Then the sky opens up again as you come to a wrought iron gate breaking into urban woodland. The pavement is now speckle-paved yellow. Ahead of you, cherry and birch strain in the thin wind; some sweetness out of season comes to scent. "One of this area's little secrets." Amy says, nonchalantly "It's a short cut. A little piece of green-ness in the heart of Docklands."
The path leads into the wood, abandoning London. Spotlights set in the borders cast the trunks into stark relief, desaturated colour. A bird chitters in the undergrowth, reprimanding you intrusion. You walk quietly, a hands breadth apart, through a solitary Eden. "Wait". Amy halts suddenly and turns. "There's something I have to ask you."
She has stopped in a small round clearing where 3 paths meet, and direction is lost. You try to make out the form of buildings beyond, but the illusion is complete. The roar could be traffic or a distant ocean. The climbing lights are stars. "What?" Your voice is strange, unsettled. The evening has not brushed with sensuality. Earlier she was playful, but focused. Now her movements are serious but detached. She seems, what, if not interested? Determined perhaps. You guess that she trusts you, but can't understand.
"You've....been around in the community for a bit. More than most. Well, I need some names, addresses." Amy pauses for emphasis. "You know. Kane, and all the others."
Have you misjudged her? She seemed hard enough to persuade to meet in the first place. And now she wants names? "I can't. I promised." And you did. Some confidences are more fragile than balloons, more important than tethers. Laughter is the least of it; some folks have jobs to protect, family. They can't reveal who they are.
"But you've spoken to them? You know how to get it touch?"
"Sure, but...no. Not without asking. Listen Amy, you're a sweet girl but..."
"You don't trust me?". She interrupts, seeming more amused than hurt. "Well, yeah. I wouldn't be stood here otherwise. But it's, like, confidential. With this kind of thing you have to respect folk's privacy."
Amy pouts, hooking her fingers into the straps of her pink knapsack. "Tell you what, hon. I'll make you a bet. I want you to hold onto me for a minute. If you want to walk away after that, fine, otherwise...I get the names. Deal?"
What to say? She knows allure is mix of mystery and form, the unspoken word, the missing heartbeat, the secret surrendered. And she has secrets to spare. "And....." she elongates the word, twisting on the spot. Her slim black shoes try to screw into the pavement. "I promise no funny stuff, not to scream, bite, wriggle or run away. How's that?"
"OK...." You don't know where she is going with all this. "Great." She perks up. "Come here"
She takes your arms raises them, tracing the ghostly heat of her body in the cooling night. Your hands brush the chestnut strands of her hair, stirring her perfume through orchard and rose. "Here, just lift them over, let them hook around the back of my neck. That's it. You can stand a little closer. I won't bite". Of all stories, she's the hardest to follow. The motion is trepid, not the hunger of attraction. But excitement pushes through; you can see the pulse by the upturned neck, the way she swallows. Your hands clasp behind her head and her eyes catch yours; elfin blue to grey in the sodium light. Now it glistens on the blush of her muted lipstick, some kind of question unasked. She holds your wrist with one hand and with her free one reaches behind herself. For a moment you have a glimpse of something, almost, spooling like transparent cord from her backpack. She hitches up the side of her blouse, slightly, grunts, swears lightly, and lets it drop again. Apparently satisfied she releases the grip on your wrist, and folds her arms behind her head to reach behind into her improbable backpack again. Even with her chest pushed out so she's a long way from the woman of your stories. But her look is determined, real, as if will alone could shape the world.
"Alright" She says, defiantly. "Lets do this." Out-of-sight, her wrist flexes, once, a decision made. She lets her arms free; a moment of touch revealing a ghost of perspiration, trembling. She stands before you, impossibly Amy. Nothing happens. "What?" you ask, stupidly.
Amy says nothing, but half-closes her eyes. She swallows lightly, and breathes; sinking her soul deeply, breathing. Her chest rises and falls and rises. Only a B-cup for all that. She is slight, curved where she could be round; bigger-is-better yes; but for those without? Now she brushes against you, breathing as if holding a long sob. Is this what she wanted to share? Does envy edge against her? A fantasy which can be written but never fulfilled? The light is soft, forgiving; the fabric of her blouse sparkles in the tallow-glance, shifting. Her breasts lift together in the near-embrace, appearing fuller; plumped to a hands-span and for a moment, well, the pretense of a C-cup. It is enough to let some dreams be. But the noise is so familiar that you neglect it in the moment. It is unrecognised rather than unknown, manifested more as a purr than a hiss. Your hands tense without thought. Some part of you knows how it begins. Amy breathes slower, the push of her breasts more pronounced, the cleavage evident. D-Cup. How could you not have noticed sooner? The dark fabric is taut, oval eyes forming between the buttons on her front. No. Not this. "Just a second. I have to deal with something" Amy flexes her arms behind her, nonchalantly, crumpling up her blouse. She grunts as she reaches, unhooks. Her chest sways in sympathy; but finds invisible support, as if firmed and lifted within. She continues to speak as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
"You know I really need to have a strapless bra for this? Seriously; otherwise it just gets trapped underneath after a few second and that hurts a lot. And as for bursting out of it; forget it. Only a guy would think of that. I mean, have you guys ever tried to tear a bra off that way?"
A coldness splinters your spine. Is this a joke? A set up. A camera? Or something. The gap between fantasy and belief yawns like a chasm. Something shapeless and strange within.
In that moment the pressure of her chest pushes against yours, soft and pillowy. From somewhere a noise comes like a drumbeat, marching to her fullness. An E-Cup. Or bigger?
"Hey, eyes up here." She nudges you with her nose. "Look at me, not them." You can't. The fabric of her blouse rides up around her shoulders, crimping where it meets her backpack, baring smooth skin at her sides. The buttons pinch in their pockets, strained by globing flesh now the size of watermelons. Bigger. "Amy....that's.... cute...but ok...not funny....?". Nothing seems to be making sense. The hissing noise demands your silence. You fail with the word unspoken. Inflating. The top button yields, with a soft plut, revealing pale-peach domes cupped by a shadowed cleavage. You can't think. It has to be a body suit, or something. But bigger. Another button parts. The soft pink of her nipple edge into view. You can see freckles, goosebumps, the detailed confession of skin. No. No. No.
The outermost button pings off, arcs, and strikes your cheek. "Ooops, sorry," says Amy apologetically. "That never happens in the stories. Make a note."
Now the remnants of the blouse slide down over her shoulders, pushed away like a receding tide around mountains. Rising above it Amy's breasts swell roundly, bigger than basketballs. They convex underneath your arms, perking nipples the size of quarters, ludicrously defining her body. Hourglass and momentary. Their texture is soft, almost rubbery, the peachy-scent of her skin interrupted by latex. "Go on. Say it!" Amy dares you, apparently oblivious to her expansion. "I know you want to."
"Oh God. Amy. You're inflating." You whisper. You can't believe how silly it sounds, even if it's the first cogent thing you've come out with in the last minute.
"Bigger is better, right?" Amy looks at you, fey-wild with mischief. She laughs through her half-nakedness. "Hold on tight now."
You're vaguely aware she has set her hands to resting on your waist. Your arms, once relaxed, are now supported by her bulging breasts. They must be over a foot across. For a moment her expansion threatens to push you away; the pneumatic pressure intangible and irresistible. But her breasts edge out, and up; symmetrical, bulbous, gentle and unreal in their motion. The sway as if they weigh less-than-nothing; like twin cresting balloons as the eclipse the straps of her backpack behind. Irresistibly, her cleavage finds you; embraces you. You feel yourself being drawn between the twin pink spheres which straddle like a rubber vice. The touch is soft as they contour about your body, a glove of feminine softness pulling you in even as they swell larger.
"Amy...You can't...this can't...actually..." You flinch backwards, or try to. The ductile grip of her breasts clings at you, as if sandwiched between a pair of mattresses. ""Wooah." Mumbles Amy suddenly; she flushes, tenses and arcs. Something stirs in her beyond mischief. Something not quite in her control. The purring thrum of earlier is now a persistent hiss, vibrating through her expanding form. You can feel some hidden gas defining her, shaping her body to its will. "Wooah." She gasps again,as you twist. "That's kinda...just...try not to move so much, ok? I don't want to get us too buoy....I just need to concentrate with this."
You should let go. You think. You should let go of her right now. But your hands remain at the nape of her neck, caught between fascination and fear. Now beyond two foot, Amy's breasts lap about your body like a tide. The gas within is more insistent now, the resistance firmer. Their roundness and pertness defy your belief, loosing the cup of gravity. With each moment it pushes out, up.
"Amy, wait. No. You're inflating. You're really inflating!" Your voice is somewhere distant, fright without fear. "And there's something else...."
"Uh-huh? Really? Oh help. Help. I'm blowing up." she recites deadpan. Her mask cracks and she giggles coquettishly. "Oh god. I just had to say that. Really. You never could get the dialogue right for this sort of thing."
The cooling rush along your spine is somewhere between horror and wonder. Your eyes widen to embrace her. At the edge of vision cork-sized areola twist beyond the horizontal. Her breasts are the size of beachballs, playful by the half-light. The indentation of your arms atop their dimpled smoothness lessens, fighting an upward pressure as if Amy is standing on tiptoe.
Almost to answer the question, she steps forward sight-unseen, placing the toes of her feet on top of yours. One foot lifts and strokes the length of your calves. You can barely feel her weight. "Amy....are you....getting lighter?" The answer crouches in your disbelief.
"Uh-uh. Looks that way." Amy says, smiling madly. "Wanna take a guess at what these naughty puppies are filling with?"
She giggles and her hands hook promptly into your trousers where she pulls herself forward with a rush. Her balloon-breasts bulge only slightly with the effort, their massless width curving about your sides to your waist. Her hair folds down, gripping your wrists as she looks at you with hooded eyes, and a smile like a knife. "Helium" she whispers, "You know what helium can do."
"No, Amy". Some part of you tries to resist the strange. "You must weigh... You'd need hundreds of balloons; thousands to make any...." Amy looks almost sorrowful, trembling in the coming knowledge. Her hands drift up your sides to part your shirt, hesitating where they meet the expansion of her breasts. Her nails dig at your bare skin, so fiercely you think you could pop. She bites her lip as she holds your gaze, fragile and confessing in the intimacy of inflation.
"Maybe....I am a balloon. If I wanna be. A big balloony-girl. And give a cute guy a big titty-balloony girl to hold and....." Bigger than beachballs. The fierce levity of her breasts surrounds you, holds you, lifts you. Behind her head, the detail of leaves is waving in the wind. A moth dances in the air, captive and buoyed by mote-light. Capturing the moment, the orchestral hiss holds a violin pitch of tension. The thin city breeze seems to push against you like a sail; rotating in a crazy waltz. Your balance yawns before you; each footstep easier and less certain. "Please." Whispers the girl before you. "Please be OK with this."
Her lips linger just out of touch. Your breath mingles with hers. For the first time your recognise the hardness of arousal. She must feel it too; for she pushes, tethering her body about you. The veil of her dress glides up her legs, drawn by your roughness, the rejection of gravity. Impossibly buoyant, Amy gasps, takes you to tiptoe. Her swollen tits are the size of an over-stuffed sofa; arcing like weather balloons. Her eyes shine with tears and delight. She struggles to anchor herself about you; downward gyrations athwart an upwards body. Another half-step, then another. She is a enormous bubble, fizzing on the tip of your tongue, your thrusting needfulness. The cusp of her tender thighs yields secret heat, drawing you up and up.
The pneumatic pull becomes irresistible. The scene becomes loose, drunken, swaying in the waves of air. Slowly, over the peach horizon of her ballooned breasts, the garden falls away. You realise your feet aren't touching the ground anymore. Amy nuzzles forward, as well as she is able. Her eyes shine with a desire lighter-than-air.
"Come float with me." She says. You feel your feet flick in void like a hanged man, taking no purchase. Instinctively, your arms drift from around her neck, gliding over her soft shoulders to grasp the enveloping balloons that lift you. She permits your explorations with a sigh, her head askance, letting you take her as she takes you into her world. Above, the ivy-green tree canopy falls to meet you, oak-branches slipping by fingertips. Up and up. You feel bare in the nothing, but Amy envelops you with a rush, cloaking your body with her half-nakedness. All the while, the ground drifts away; the park now submerged by trees. A nearby road is a yellow and chrome desert while low-lying residences assert themselves beyond. Sad gables spike for the sky, but your own thrusts dominate and prevail. You rise between their mass; passengers on a helium elevator; roofless, topless. Now cupped by the air itself, Amy shudders, on the edge of sensation. Without meaning, without words, your motion finds itself softly driving against her surrender. Pumping and receiving, you are ballast and buoyed. Her hair is amber in moonlight, the glow of her naked skin ephemeral across the curve of her breasts. You see the slit of the river running through her; silver and wet. Rotating in the air she takes you in and up. Ballooning higher and higher.
"Amy...." Your throat is dry, aching for her sweetness as it buds. "Shhhhh." She hushes you with a wrap of breath both deep and sensual; a secret helium that infuses you both. She confounds and is confounded in shared expectation.
"Hey...It's alright. Just let's.....let's get carried away; together."
And the sky is full of stars.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, first person, floating, Letting Go
Text: "It's kind of like a flash mob," she tells me. "Uh-huh". Arms crossed and eyelids lowered as I stare at her in silent disapproval. In the middle of our damned vacation, she pulls this on me. And what's with these cheesy jumpsuits? She just happened to pack them accidentally on purpose, I suppose?
"I really do not want to do this" I repeat. "You need to let go once in a while. It's good for you," she lectures.
I'll have none of that. "It is cold. It is late. I am hungry and I want a steak."
"Here" she curtly intones while dangling a teensy bag of chocolate chip cookies from the mini bar in front of me. "This will hold you off until dinner." Oh, lovely. That's all I need on our bill. A short time later we are in our rental car climbing the winding streets to the top of the hill. I'm trying my best to stay annoyed but am finding it difficult as I navigate through the thick fog that floods the city. It's funny how the mist transforms this place. Though I know the way (since we'd visited yesterday in the bright sunshine), I'm really disoriented. The parked cars and low hanging tree branches coming at us out of the grey soup are of no use in helping me get my bearings. "Then opt for the Sat-Nav," she had told me. Nope. There is no way that I'll be made to pay for that rip-off when a good map and street signs work just fine. I know what I'm doing. The road steepens and I downshift around a corner while reaching again into the crumpled ten-dollar bag of cookies sitting in the center console. Finding only crumbs remaining, my annoyance is deliciously stoked.
I let my eyes leave the winding road for a moment, stealing a glance over at her sitting in the passenger seat. The instrument panel lights just barely illuminate her features as she stares ahead silently, intently - beaming that I've indulged her. My annoyance subsides.
It is only at the last switchback of our climb that I finally catch a glimpse of the tower. At first it is a formless, ghostly white shimmer. But as we approach more closely, shafts of light from skyward pointing floodlights appear. The tower materializes and then it's gone just as quickly behind the black canopy of the trees. I can see the footstep terraces encircling its base and as we pass, the entire plaza glows in the artificial light. A little farther on and I see that there are already several other cars in the little roundabout parking area. I find an open slot next to one and maneuver to take it. In the fog, the flashing of the economy car's parking lights create an orange halo as I press the remote lock. We walk away together and I can feel the curve of her hip and the small of her back as I put my arm around her. I gotta say, she looks (and feels) pretty good in the jumpsuit. Maybe we should just skip all this and head back to the hotel room, eh, honey?
She reciprocates, gently massaging my back. There are no pockets in the jumpsuits, so I have to put the keys in my overcoat. The fog swirls around us, chilling my bare ankles and dampening all noise but our footsteps; you'd never know that we were actually in the center of a bustling city. The withering shafts of light from the plaza's faint glow pierce the canopy, barely illuminating our path as the ghostly tower looms faintly above. Its upper echelons disappear beyond the reach of the powerful lights. She knows our destination so I let her lead. As we are swallowed by the tree line's darkness, from behind us I can hear the muffled sounds of another car approaching. Eventually, we come to a small clearing and I can see that there are already people there - maybe a dozen or so. My girl tenses and squeezes me tightly at the sight and we press forward. She seems to recognize someone at the periphery and changes our course to meet them - him. No, them. A man and a woman stand slightly apart from the rest of the quietly chatting group. They look on expectantly. As we approach, the pair sees us and soon we are face to face.
"It's good to see ya'll again!" the man drawls quietly, addressing my woman with a certain... familiarity. Is that a Texas accent I hear? No - Tennessee, maybe. Yes, definitely Tennessee; central, Northern with a hint of Kentucky thrown in. Probably Clarksville or thereabouts. I'm good with accents. "I'm glad you made it!" he continues. "And who is this?" "This is HIM, Mr. Smith" she proudly but quietly replies, referring to me. Again, she is beaming.
I really hate introductions.
"Pleased to finally meet you." "Mr. Smith" holds out his hand. I accept it and we shake. Firm, warm - this guy is all right. "And this..." Mr. Smith Gestures to the woman standing next to him, "is Miss Jane."
"Pleased to finally meet you and you" she coos, smiling. Hmm. British. Probably. Can't quite place it. They all sound the same, anyhow (I've seen enough Merchant Ivory films to know). Drop your Rs at the end of words and, Bob's-your-nephew, there you go.
She enthusiastically shakes each of our hands in succession. Brunette, nice rack (not that I stared or anything), tallish, hips. Not bad. I try to keep my eyes from wandering, but it ain't easy.
"Same here!" my girl beams at "Miss Jane".
Miss Jane gestures to us and offers to take our coats. I hesitate. "It's okay, honey. They're friends" my girl whispers to me as she rubs my back in reassurance. Reluctantly, I surrender my coat to the Miss but not without first checking to make sure the rental car keys are safely zipped up in the waist pocket. I don't want to have to pay to have them replaced. Before Gunga-Din takes hers off, she reaches into the pocket and removes a plastic bag from inside that she has been heretofore hiding. Accessories. Lovely. Miss Jane takes our coats and unceremoniously plops them on the ground in a heap. In the low light I can see they are at the summit of a small mountain of overgarments. Unprotected now as we are, the cold closes in. I hope this is all over before too long.
Mr. Smith puts his hands on our shoulders, gently pushing to turn us around as he begins guiding us over the rest of the group. "You got here just in time - we're expecting one more party to arrive and then we begin," he explains with a generous smile. I quickly glance over my shoulder as we walk, nervously checking the state of my coat and car keys - still there. Letting us go, Mr. Smith turns around to join his assistant and we push into the group. I make eye contact here and there with the others. Everyone is wearing the same thing as us - a white, loosely fitting jumpsuit with a high, snug collar. I assume that, like us, it's *all* they're wearing. Lovely. This couldn't get any nerdier. The others seem to be paired off as well and most are quietly chatting with each other. Some seem nervous, like me, and I realize that I'm probably not the only out-of-the-know one here. Likewise, some are holding the same kind of plastic bag as my lady. I turn to face her and she reaches up and puts her arms around my neck.
"So, what? Is this going to be a pillow fight, or something?" I ask with a quiet sarcasm. With a kiss she tells me "no" and that I'll like it. "What's in the bag?"
There is a rustling off in the distance and the group's attention is drawn to an approaching pair. A tense silence forms like a bubble over the group. Everyone is thinking the same thing: friend or foe? There is a perceptible relaxation upon seeing that the two are also wearing jumpsuits under their coats. I relax too, frankly, because I really, really don't feel like talking to the cops tonight. As I turn my head back to my lovely, I meet the gaze of a nearby woman in the group who is standing with her man. She quickly bugs out her eyes at me and then rolls them up, shaking her head. The silent message is understood and I return it knowingly: "oh, the things we put up with," we convey wordlessly to each other (though hers may have been more along the lines of "I'm gonna kill him when we get home.") Still a bit chilled, I put my arms around my girl's waist again and draw her close. She smiles.
Mister Smith guides the two over to the rest of the group and then steps back to address us all. The quiet murmuring abates as all eyes turn to him. "Thank-you again - it's going to be a great night," he drawls in a loud whisper. "Initiations are always fun to watch."
A perceptible tenseness clutches the group as the words hang in the air. Initiation? Oh, great. My blood pressure drops a ways as dread saturates me. This was quirky and mildly annoying before but now I'm seriously wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I tense up and shift nervously on my feet in a subconscious preparation to flee. My girl responds by squeezing my waist more intensely to hold me back. I relent.
"Now, I know half of you are wondering 'just what the hell am I doing here?'" he continues. "Well, it's about trust. Trust is a wonderful but delicate thing. You would not be here tonight were it not for the trust you have placed in someone and it is not lightly that you have been invited to tonight's event."
Invited? Oh, please - enough already with the melodrama.
The nervous murmur surges.
"All of you have something in common and tonight, you all enter a new reality."
Ah - so, it's drugs, then. Another nervous murmur passes through the group, more palpable this time and I look over to my woman expectantly. She smiles back and squeezes me tighter. It doesn't help.
"Miss Jane?" With a sweeping gesture, Mr. Smith beckons his assistant to approach the group. She is holding in her arms a large plastic bag. Quickly circumnavigating the group of amused and not-so-amused people, she reaches into it and throws handfuls of its contents over everyone. A few handfuls land on us.
Balloons. She's throwing uninflated white balloons. A quick series of thoughts make coincidence and then illuminate in my mind like a supernova, the realization floors me. "This... this is...." stuttering, I shrug off my girl's grip and turn to face her with shock and anger in my eyes. I can barely talk. My tongue is thick and dry. "Wh..what did you do? What did you tell them??" A massive shot of adrenaline courses through me as my heart pounds. I want to leave. Now.
She grabs my wrists and pulls me in. I can see the onset of tears forming in her eyes. "Shhh... Honey, it's okay. Please..."
"What...have...you...done??" I hiss angrily at her through clenched teeth. Around me there is the muted roar of parallel conversations.
"It...it's more than you could ever dream," she pleads, gripping my wrists harder and drawing me close. "Stay with me.... please."
I stand there, glaring but not moving. I feel as if I have been stripped naked in front of all these strangers. She loosens her grip and caresses my arm, trembling now and even closer to tears. A sense of disembodiment encompasses me (the flimsy jumpsuit does not help with this feeling) and I am again speechless. "The world is not so ordinary a place as it often seems." Mr. Smith continues. His voice is hollow, penetrating the fog of my panic as I stare at my woman. "Deep down, each of you have always known this but have never been able to touch what you sensed."
He pauses for a moment. "Welcome to the club."
Another murmur rises. My girl places a quaking hand on my cheek. "Honey - trust. Trust me," she whispers, letting go and stepping back a pace. I am frozen where I stand, unsure of anything.
She reaches into her plastic bag and pulls out her hand, cupped and holding something, then promptly throws the something into the air over my head. I flinch. It's a powder of some kind. The grains shimmer in the air as they pass through the light streaming through the trees. It slowly settles over me. All around, the same is occurring with the others. As the glittering dust falls like snow, my girl reaches down to the ground and grabs one of the myriad balloons. One member of each pair around me does likewise.
Oh, God - what am I still doing here?
"Trust" she again whispers into my ear before kissing me on the cheek and stepping back. Her hands are clasped together in front, clutching the limp balloon. Closing her eyes, she tilts her head back slightly. A serene smile passes her lips. A movement about her occurs that I don't fully notice at first. I stare at her for a moment in the faint light. Then I see it: the balloon in her hands is inflating. A high, sibilant pitch builds all around and the unmistakable scent of latex fills my senses. At my feet, I can feel movement. The balloons littering the ground have popped up and are swelling like bubbles, crowding each other out and brushing up against the mass of legs standing in the cold, damp grass. Around me I can hear gasps of astonishment - mine included.
I look up at her, eyes wide and questioning. Hers are still closed, but her smile is broader, sensing my reaction. The balloon in her hands is now quite large and still swelling.
At my feet, the balloons continue to grow, squeaking as they compete for room. One balloon squeezes free and pops up above the others, visibly expanding. My girl opens her eyes and stares at me. She unclasps her hands and moves toward me, joy on her face. The balloon seems buoyant, waving back and forth between her fingers, seeking the vertical. Below, the tide of bubbles percolates upward. The hiss intensifies.
I stare intently at her approach. The balloon bubbles squeak and rustle aside as she nears. She playfully bops me on the nose with the now huge white balloon and then smiles. Again I flinch, my panic attempting to find a productive outlet in the form of annoyance at the act.
The air about me is electric and all around I can feel static bathing me. Its warmth disarms and buoys me and I relax my furled brow with a gasp. The hiss intensifies. Again she smiles - almost giggling as she coyly looks into my eyes. She is different somehow, her features softer. I cast my gaze downward to see that her shoulders, too, seem curvier and rounder. She closes her eyes again and breathes in deeply. Her chest rises as she does, pushing out against the thin material of her jumpsuit. When she exhales, her chest... does not fall. Again her eyes are open, gauging my reaction. Her front is still swelling, pressing out against the material. I stare down, not fully comprehending as her chest continues to blossom. The pleats and wrinkles in the fabric of the suit unfold and begin to pull tight as she swells. A woman in the crowd lets out a partial shriek before catching herself midway. The attenuated exclamation breaks through the fog for an instant and several other men and women gasp loudly in quick succession.
My woman's swelling breasts are held back by the material, their burgeoning curves traced by the suit's stitched seams. I notice that her shoulders, too, are expanding. My eyes dart around her figure now, taking inventory. Everywhere she is...
She presses forward, her inflated chest pushing up against me, squeaking as it makes contact.
"Ballooning." she says, placing a hand on my waist. "And I'm not the only one."
"Huh?" Again, the warmth expresses itself onto my senses; I'm not cold anymore - not even my feet and ankles. When did this happen? The suit softly clings to me and I can feel it sliding against my skin. I look down at her inflating chest as it presses outward against the jumpsuit's fabric. More surprising than that sight, though, is that I see my own chest pushing out to meet hers. It's my turn to gasp and I do so with gusto. The corners of her smile turn down mischievously and her eyes sparkle as she wrinkles her nose. My hands instinctively reach up to my belly to where her hand rests and I can feel my torso grow. My skin is soft and pliant and gives as I press in. Unmistakably, it is - I am - growing. All about me, I can feel myself expanding against the fabric of the suit. The hissing rush of unseen gas is louder than ever. "How?"
"Shhh." she smiles. Her chest is now huge - two ballooning globes pushing out against the suit. Seeing where my attention is, she steps back half a pace and teases their growing curves with her hands. An impish smirk passes her lips as she stares into my eyes beneath a lowered brow and slightly cocked head. My own chest continues to billow out, greeting hers with a squeak as she again steps forward to rub up against me. My shoulders are puffing up, pulling at the fabric around the high collar of the suit as we are slowly forced apart. The balloons at our feet continue to billow; a rising tide rustling to meet us.
She shifts and her soft belly pushes up against mine, both of us inflating together. Again, she reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck, the balloon in her hand pressing up against the back of my head. I reach out, barely able to find her hips and I am amazed at how wide she is. I trace her new curves, soft and growing beneath my fingers. Our suits are no longer loose. With the folds and pleats gone, the material must stretch with us. The balloons at our feet are still inflating as they grow deeper they pin us together. Rubbery skins squeak in protest of the loss of space. A demanding upness buoys me as the atmosphere seems to thicken around us. Our ballooning skin relentlessly pushes outward against the fabric of our suits, feeding the irresistible static. "I don't understand..." "Yes you do" she smiles, her gaze penetrating.
"Is... is this really happening? Are we actually turning into balloons?" I ask the question, but the words do not escape my tongue. They perch on my lips but refuse to take flight.
"Yes, we are" she replies to my unspoken query.
The now giant, sibilant balloons continue to swell around us and the bigger I grow, the more sensitive I am to the electricity in the air. My skin feels as if it is but a thin barrier between two gasses. The other couples embrace as they, too, are pinned together by the frothing sea of balloons. Electric tendrils entwine throughout the group and I can hear the squeaking of balloons and skin against swooshing fabric. The relentless lift pulls on us with greater intensity and I begin to feel light on my feet.
My whole body is expanding, inflating against the suit. It aches to escape from the pressing weight of the world. "No!" I tell myself, fighting it. This cannot be happening. This does not happen. Have I been drugged, after all? Is it mass hypnosis? People do not inflate like helium balloons and they certainly don't float away into the sky.
The inner dialog panics me and I am short of breath. My mouth is dry and there is fear and confusion on my face. I meekly plead with her. "H-honey...no. I can't. Please."
"Shhhhhh...." she gently whispers as she gazes up into my eyes. "It will be okay. We'll be okay - just let go." I feel her fingers caressing my neck.
On the edge of weightlessness, my feet barely seem to contact the wet grass. A frisson washes over me and the fear and dread quickly recede into the tide. As I pass through the frontier, something else stirs in me: a hollowness, a stunning perolation overcomes me, welling up under my skin. Its tickle is overwhelming.
I can no longer deny it. "Yes" I whisper to her, my hushed voice barely audible. "I want this."
Her smile broadens and the twinkle in her eyes flares as she draws me in for a kiss. I feel her body softly rebound off mine as she effortlessly pulls herself up to press her lips against mine.
The hissing and the swelling intensify.
The balloons around us are huge now and they engulf us up to our shoulders. Here and there, a few begin to pop up above the tide with a squeak and hover for a moment before, one-by-one, they slowly begin to rise. The air thickens and warms even more.
The suits seem to be at their limits and from all directions I can hear the low creaking of our suited, fellow travelers. My limbs begin to stiffen and I reach for her hand, entwining our fingers. Together, we now hold on to the balloon. With my other hand, I trace the enormous curve of her hip upwards along the seam of her suit, stopping just below her giant, ballooning breast.
The fabric is tight as it holds back her soft, inflating skin.
The sparkle in her eyes becomes wide-eyed astonishment for a moment and she seems to rise to the tips of her toes. Tightening her grip on me, she seeks my free hand with hers and holds on for dear life.
The giant white balloons are slowly lifting into the air around us, bouncing off each other and the pneumatic participants. With each contact, the invisible tendrils of static attach and pull, tugging us upward. We are lost in a sea of rising bubbles.
Up she goes, pulling my hands with her. "Follow Me," she breathlessly whispers into my ear. Our noses touch as she goes past, our hands locked together. The ocean of balloons accelerates as it lifts and disperses into the foggy night. The percolation is almost unbearable and for a moment I fear that I cannot follow her; that she will slip away and be gone. With arrested panic, I clasp her hands tightly and as I try mightily to pull myself up towards her, my heels come out of my slippers. Up on my toes I am for a moment and then... Release; I cannot feel the ground. I heave myself up to her and we embrace around our swollen chests. The balloons float with us like bubbles and I see that, like us, the other couples have followed them as they fall into the air. The darkened shadows of the canopy engulf us but as we pass above, the ghostly shimmer of the the tower bathes us in light. The darkened canopy falls away and then disappears.
From out of the mist comes an infectious giggling and we join in, unable to contain the giddiness. Rising face-to-face, we look into each other's eyes before engaging in a passionate kiss. We continue to ascend through the haze as the balloons seem to wander about us like chaperones. The glow begins to fade and then the light quickly transposes with darkness as we pass through the fringe. The stars shine above us, crystal clear against the ink of space. Wisps of the mist curl around us, trying but unable to halt our effervescent rise. More balloons and couples pop up out of the glowing blanket around us, chasing the night sky. The higher we go, the more the blanket of mist resembles a floor of cotton, mottled with glowing whites and oranges. Here and there, the spires of the taller buildings and bridges pierce through. An airliner quietly passes overhead, outbound. Its red and white beacons are disembodied against the Milky Way.
It is just she and I, now; rising. Nothing else matters. I look down at the luminous blanket beneath us and, briefly, a tally of all my worldly cares passes through my mind: our vacation schedule, our room, our car... our coats. I contemplate them for a moment.
And then, I just let go.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: I cover my ears and cringe as I hear the sounds of fighting close by. My friends are getting their butts kicked right now, and I'm hiding under a receptionist's desk. Also, I'm sobbing uncontrollably - which is probably breaking some unofficial bad guy code, somewhere.
Jesus, what the hell have I gotten myself into?
My name is Lacey, and I am the worst super villain ever.
I'm only here because I let everyone push me around. My friends and I messed with something we shouldn't have...it gave us all powers. Matt is impervious to harm, Rachel can lift things with her thoughts. I can...well, I can generate gas clouds. I know, right? Awful. But the others thought it was enough that we should use our abilities for something and not just sit on them.
Matt and Rachel think that superheroes are lame, and defenders of an unfair status quo. So I tagged along with their stupid idea to rob a bank, because super originality apparently did not come with the package.
We all got colored hoodies to wear and stitched stupid insignias on them. Matt picked out the name "Unbreakable" because that's his favorite movie. Rachel was "Telekeni-Miss" because she thought it was funny.
I chose "Puff" because I'd rather be the butt end of a marijuana joke then a fart one.
As for the current situation, our bank robbery was actually going well. Rachel had a bit of a knack using her powers to crack safes somehow, and I had been able to knock out the staff with...some kind of gas I made. I was actually feeling way better about the whole thing. In till Nyxian showed up.
Nyxian is the mandatory "dark avenger" of our city's resident super squad, The Light Brigade. No one knows too much about her. She is small, and thin, she wears a practical black lycra outfit with armor here and there and a featureless black mask. Several villains have confirmed she has no superpowers. You figure this would make her less frightening, but the opposite is true.
See, say Starlight flies her fat ass over and stops your robbery. She'll make some light construct to keep you held down in some embarrassing way so the police can show up and take you away while she enjoys a donut or something.
Nyxian? Nyxian will break your goddamned fingers so you can't think straight enough to employ your abilities or pull a trigger. Nyxian has sprayed something in Matt's eyes, and all his invulnerability doesn't mean squat if he's on the ground screaming in pain. Nyxian has proven that Rachel can only use her powers on one thing at a time by beaning in her in the temple with something that looks like an apple sized ball bearing. Also? I am pretty certain she is doing that finger thing I mentioned earlier to make sure "Telekeni-Miss" doesn't menace anyone else today.
I know she probably hears me whimpering, even if I am covering my mouth. I can hear the click of her hard boots on the ground as she circles the desk I'm under, and when I finally force myself to make a move I find myself staring up at the cold white lenses of her mask.
I gulp and raise my hands in surrender. I swear I can hear her sigh underneath that mask, and she gruffly tells me to turn around. If she restrains me, she adds, I can go along quietly (unlike my friends).
That would be that, right? She can tie me up, I can get arrested, and tell the court that Rachel and Matt coerced me into this. Maybe I can get out easy, and keep on being a spineless wimp my whole life.
Not this time, goddammit.
Instead, I can use her little act of mercy against her. Like a real super villain. Hit her with a bit of knockout gas, grab some cash and run. That'd be a start at least. I try to do my best villain laugh and shout something pithy - which manages to congeal into a high pitched screech of some kind. Nyxian actually hesitates for a second, probably out of genuine concern. Villains are supposed to capitalize on this kind of thing, right?
I start thinking, trying to utilize my powers before I lose the chance. I shut my eyes, to afraid this will fail. Gas! That's what I need right now, any kind of gas! And a lot of it, enough to deal the self righteous vigilante right in front of me! And...nothing. Have my powers given up the ghost already?
No, I feel the tingle in my fingers that happens when I use them, so they are working. Just not like they normally do, something I confirm when I open my eyes and look at Nyxian.
Something is definitely wrong with her - her straight posture is gone. Her knees are buckling, and she sounds like she's hacking and coughing. My eyes open wide as she stumbles back, and tears off her mask to get some air. She's not what expected; young, plain, with short cropped black hair, narrow dark eyes and a slightly olive tint to her skin. Then she gasps loudly, taking in some air before she starts hacking like crazy again. When she looks right to me, she doesn't look like a dark avenger of the night; she's just a girl who's frightened about whatever the hell I just did to her.
So THAT'S where the gas is showing up. I catch myself grinning.
I watch as she grimaces again as her smooth black silhouette begins to bulge in spots. I watch her small chest snap a few seams here and there as breasts swell out, causing attached body armor to fall to the ground. She grunts as the strange phenomenon spreads, inflating her waist and stomach like a suggestively gravid inner tube. She clumsily moves around, knocking into just about everything. Her grace, poise and skill have been nullified by a painful and unceasing change in girth.
Having waddled some distance from me, she struggles to reach over her now bulbous stomach to her utility belt. It's a pathetic display, as the latter is being smothered by her exaggerated muffintop. Still, I'm not chancing this one; I will the gas to increase in volume and her body puffs out all at once - legs and arms fly into a starfish position, her waistline billows to the point where that little belt of her snaps off and clatters sadly to the floor. I'm drenched in cold sweat - normally I'd be embarrassed, but I'm not the one who looks like an unfortunate extra in a Gas-X commercial, now am I?
She she lets out a cry, but glares at me through tears - she knows she's screwed here, and is trying to put on a brave face. It's here I realize I finally realize that I am a terrible person. I look at her mask of defiance and impossibly bloated body, and I can't help but be immensely satisfied with myself. All my tact and mild manners over the years were out of fear, not any sort of kindness. I reach out to her and give her swollen dome of a belly a flick, loving the odd little noise it makes when I do.
She cringes, finally speaking. "I don't know who you are, but you've won already! Get it over with!!" She screams at me. I think for a moment, circling her as I do. She's more the twice the woman she was when she showed up - around the size of a truly obese person, save for being big and taught rather than flabby. Her girth is primarily around her middle, possibly because I willed it as such; she is absurdly wide at the waist, with a protuberant stomach and flaring hips. From behind I can see the distinct shape of her much larger butt, as her lycra costume has ridden up dramatically.
"Sure then, have it your way." I laugh, as her body once again billows. By her squeak of dismay, I can tell I've caught her off guard. "I'll bet you never once thought it would end this way, did you?" She can't do anything about it really - I step back, watching as the fabric of her costume struggles to keep up, tearing slowly but surely as she stretches further and further. Her belly splits the front of it open, letting some of her engorged flesh ooze through. I snicker as her boots and gloves pop off of her inflated extremities, and at the way her eyes dart around to see her body growing impossibly large and much, much too quickly. She is slowly deprived of even that, as her cheeks puff up enough to nearly force her them shut.
"Pwease, shhtap! Not wike dis!" Her once intimidating voice is made shrill and laughter inducing by her current state. She's still standing, thanks to the fact that her whole body has managed to keep equilibrium in it's enormity. Another growth spurt and she's mooning me with that enormous ass of hers, now free from any sort of restraint. I rouse my stupid friends, who stare agape at the bloated embarrassment that was terrifying us moments before. I shush them as the gasp at the sight before them and quickly usher them towards the exit. Nyxian is likely at her limit, and we shouldn't be around when she blows.
As I get out myself, I hear an undignified grunt and the sounds of the last of her lycra costume giving way. I turn my head to take in the full scope of my work; the city's most feared vigilante, defeated in one of the most absurd and humiliating ways possible. Her once fit body is fantastically bloated and slick with sweat - even her brilliant mind can't find a way out of this one.
The resulting explosion shatters most of the building's windows, but we'd cleared a safe distance and then some. Matt and Rachel go home that night with their money, and will likely never speak of this again.
Me? Well I'm a bonafide supervillain now, and I'm not about to stop here.
Tags: Butt Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, beer, floating, sorority
Text: Mandy and her friends Kerry and Lucy were on their way to their first sorority party since arriving at University. The first few weeks of first year had so far been the best weeks of their lives; partying in the big city was a massive change from living in a small town and they had met so many people. One of the people they met was Heather, who was a second year, and in a sorority. Heather had invited them to a house party her sorority were having, girls only. Heather's house was in a different part of the city to the halls of residence the girls were in and since Mandy was the only one of them who had a car she was designated driver for the night. She was a little disappointed that she wouldn't be able to drink, but this week had been so much fun, she was sure she wouldn't need to.
She pulled her car up outside Heather's house, it looked like a typical student house in the suburbs, small, semi-detached and untidy. She could hear music coming from inside and see flashing lights; it sounded like a rocking party she, Kerry and Lucy couldn't wait to get it; they walked to the door and Lucy rang the doorbell. After a short wait a figure appeared behind the frosted glass and the door opened, it was Heather.
'Hey, glad you could make it' she said 'I'd invite you in right away, except we're running low on beer and since you have your car could you maybe go pick up a couple of crates of lager'
Mandy was hesitant, she didn't like to think she was just going to be walked all over, and why should she go and get the beer when she wasn't drinking.
"Go on" said Heather, "I wouldn't ask but you are the new girls so think of it as kind of an initiation, do a service to the sorority and we'll let you in. Besides, it's bring your own booze and you don't seem to have any".
"O.K." Mandy replied, "We'll go right away, the quicker we can get this booze the quicker the party can get into full swing".
With that, Heather gave Mandy directions to the nearest off-license and her, Kerry and Lucy piled back into her car and drove off.
They arrived at the offie just after 11pm, too late to be served.
"What are we gonna do?" asked Lucy
"I don't know, we can't go back empty handed" Mandy said
"We'll have to try to get some somewhere else" Kerry added.
They sat in Mandy's car for a few minutes, racking their brains for somewhere they could get beer after 11. Then Kerry spoke up.
"There's a brewery across town, we could always try and break in and steal some kegs"
Kerry and Lucy seemed up for the idea, Mandy initially wasn't sure but thinking that this sorority was important to them she agreed and they drove off towards the brewery. Arriving there they saw it was closed up and surrounded by a high wire fence, behind the fence were stacks of hundreds and hundreds of kegs of beer. Mandy parked the car up and they got out and looked at the fence between them and the beer. Round a corner Mandy noticed a cut in the fence where it appeared someone had broken in before, the three girls headed over to it and climbed through.
Creeping through the forest of kegs, staying out of sight of security cameras, it took Mandy and Kerry five minutes to gather up five kegs of the lager they wanted, carefully rolling them back to the gap in the fence where Lucy took them to the car. They were about to join Lucy on the other side of the fence when Kerry picked up a smaller keg and started reading the label
"Superlight Brew – experimental, for delivery to testing centre. Do you think we should take this"
"Might as well" Mandy replied, "The more the better, but can we just get back to the party"
Ten minutes later, when the girls finally arrived back to the party it was to rapturous cheers.
"Oh my God! Where did you get these?" Heather exclaimed "You girls are legends!"
Mandy enjoyed the party after that, despite being sober, she and the other girls were becoming very popular after saving the party from drying up and all five kegs had been tapped, with foamy beer spraying everywhere. Kerry, Lucy, Heather and everyone else there were completely wasted, giggling and jumping around to the party music. After a while Mandy began to feel left out, being the only sober person there.
"Come on" shouted Heather, over the music "You can crash here tonight, drive back tomorrow morning, have a drink before it all goes"
Mandy was relieved that she'd be able to drink and went into the kitchen where the kegs were, but they were all swamped with people, getting beer everywhere, there was going to be none left. Then Mandy saw the smaller keg, in a corner, untapped and looking forgotten. She went and tapped that, as she did a lot of gas escaped from the keg, making a loud fizzing sound and causing her to step back. She lifted the keg to her mouth and took a long swig from it, it seemed much fizzier that normal lager and the bubbles made the alcohol go straight to her head, she took another couple of swigs and went back into the main room to dance.
Mandy was quickly drunk on the heady combination of alcohol, pot smoke and ska music. And dancing around, waving her arms in the air and falling into random people like everyone else, she was having a great time. After a while she went back into the kitchen to drink some more Superlight. When she returned to the party she felt a bit gassy from all the bubbles in the beer. She tried to burp but it wouldn't come so she rubbed her stomach instead, she could feel the beer bubbling up inside her. At that moment another girl grabbed her arm and pulled her into a little throng of girls all dancing around wildly, so she quickly forgot about the gassiness and got back into the swing.
After about 20 minutes, Mandy felt her trousers were a bit tight and stepped to the side again. She felt the bubbling again but still couldn't burp. At that moment Lucy appeared, with a big drunk smile across her face.
"Hey Mand, what's up..." her friend said, then "Hey look at your butt!"
"What?" said Mandy, feeling confused.
"Hell Mand, it's bigger!" Lucy said and grabbed Mandy's right buttock.
Mandy reached her hands back to her ass herself, it felt significantly bigger, the previously svelte girl was now sporting a serious case of ghetto booty, then she felt the bubbling again and felt her butt inflating in her hands, Lucy felt it too.
"Oh WOW!" shrieked Lucy "Hey everyone!" she shouted "come and look at this, Mandy's got an inflatable ass!"
Other people in the party looked round at Mandy and started giggling at the site of the crinkle haired blonde standing there with a bewildered look on her face, her butt, hips and thighs blowing up like she was a balloon. Enjoying the atmosphere and being centre of attention Mandy started giggling too and squeezed her hips, they felt bouncy and when she squeezed them in it caused her ass, thighs and abdomen to bulge outward with the displaced air.
"Cool" somebody exclaimed
"How do you do that?"
"I don't know" Mandy said, "I just started blowing up, I think it's that Superlight beer I drank"
She bobbed up and down on her feet, feeling the lightness of her ass as it bounced in time to the music. The crowd of girls swamped her, all wanting to have a squeeze of the inflating girl of their own. They all danced around Mandy, who felt a swarm of soft female hands squeezing, stroking, slapping and poking her ass and hips, while all the time they blew up bigger and bigger, pushing the zipper on the back of her trousers down and pushing the crowd away from her. She danced and waved her arms, swivelling her inflated hips as best she could, she turned her whole body and felt a bounce as her inflating bum, which extended to about two feet behind her knocked someone out of the way. She looked round to apologise and saw it was Kerry she had bumped, she was sat on the floor giggling,
"That was fun!"
Kerry got up and pushed Mandy backwards, Mandy let out a euphoric shriek as she fell through the crown of people and landed on her ass. It felt like jumping onto a bouncy castle and Mandy rebounded slightly, ending up lying on her back, still inflating, her bloated legs pushing each other apart. Other girls immediately jumped on her, sitting on her abdomen and thighs, bobbing about as though she was an airbed. Mandy had never had so much fun in her life, and loved being the centre of attention.
"Oh my god, there's still some of this Superlight left!" Heather shouted, coming out of the kitchen with the keg "We have to get Mandy to drink more, and she'll blow up even bigger!" The girls parted to let Heather through and put the keg up to Mandy's mouth.
"Drink Mandy Drink!" Heather shouted and Mandy began to drink from the keg in large gulps, some lager dribbling down her cheeks. The girls sitting on her abdomen started bouncing up and down on her as she still expanded, now large enough to seat seven.
They all started singing "Down in one, down in one!" and Mandy carried on gulping the beer, she felt it bubbling in her stomach. It was a tickly sensation and made her giggle and tremble as she inflated. The sweat was pouring off her with the excitement of how big she was getting. She felt the gas expand inside her lower body and then with a rumble her hips and stomach as well suddenly blew up to double their size, causing a couple of the girls on her to fall off and the others to wobble unsteadily. Mandy finished the keg and Heather threw it to one side as the girls all cheered. Mandy's inflating had quickened, her stomach deflated slightly and her butt and thighs blew up faster as the gas moved down her body, making her butt creak and rumble as it contained the pressure.
"We've got to get her outside before gets too big for the room" said one girl, and without thinking, Mandy felt the hands slide under her and a few girls lifted her to her feet. Mandy tried to walk to the door herself but her thighs were too pumped up and she could only waddle. The other girls helped her, gently guiding her, a carpet of hands pushing and stroking against her inflating buttocks and hips; until they came to the back door, where she wouldn't fit through. Then their pushing became less gentle, Mandy giggled as the girls piled against her, trying to force her inflating ass through the doorway. Then, with a boomph, she bounced out onto the grass in the back garden, laying on her stomach. The other girls fell out after her, and ran over to the expanding girl lying on the grass.
"What does it feel like to be blown up?" Lucy asked, pushing against the burgeoning flesh of Mandy's butt.
Mandy smiled as she described the sensation "It tickles, I can feel the gas fizzing inside of me and I feel so voluminous, like a blimp".
The girls started bouncing on Mandy's ass again, and Mandy giggled as she was bounced up and down, but after a few minutes she began to feel a little concerned at the effects the beer was having on her butt. One effect of all the alcohol turning into gas inside Mandy, was that she was starting to sober up, when combined with the fresh air outside, Mandy quickly became more aware of her situation. She felt a panicky, breathless fear welling up inside her. 'For God's sake' she thought, 'I'm being blown up, and there's nothing I can do to stop it' by now Mandy's buttocks were 6 feet across each and there were 12 girls sitting, laying and bouncing around up there. Mandy felt her self rising, the pressure pushing upwards and outwards against the weight of the girls 'What could happen to me?' Mandy wondered, 'What if it never stops and I have to stay like this... or float away' she felt her heart palpitate 'or burst!'
By now Mandy was fully panicked and tried to shake the drunken girls off her ass, but it just made her wobble about and caused them all to giggle. There was a fizzing sound and a rumble from within Mandy's ass and it surged outwards again, stretching her trousers like a balloon being blown up
"Get off!" Mandy screamed, feeling breathless, "We have to stop me inflating before I explode!", she started wobbling again.
This time the other girls slid off her and stood around on the grass, watching her to see what would happen; without the weight of the girls on top of her Mandy began to float upwards, her ass and hips pulling her up with them as they pumped themselves up, bigger and bigger. The other girls were watching, mouths agape.
"Cool" one of them whispered, "She's turning into a blimp."
Inside the house there was still a party going on and Heather shouted drunkenly through to the people inside.
"Come out quick... Mandy's gonna blow!"
Mandy watched them helplessly as she rose to about 6 feet from the ground, none of them were fully aware of what was happening, they were too drunk, they even thought it was funny. One of them ran beneath her and jumped up touching Mandy's bloated abdomen at the highest point of the jump.
"Wow, she even feels like a blimp!" she said.
Mandy groaned with the feeling of pressure inside her and rubbed her hands along her hips and round her ass, they did indeed feel taut and overinflated. She flapped her arms and legs wildly and screamed 'Help!' but it didn't have any effect, she was still expanding and still rising. The girls gathered beneath her and watched her floating away, her butt was now groaning and creaking as it strained against the pressure within. Mandy was still screaming frantically for help, but the girls below her just watched awestruck, some of them giggling to themselves.
She felt her ass stretch and inflate further, rounder, bigger and a stunted, strained low creak emanate from it. The girls on the grass below her stepped back away tentatively, some of them closed their eyes tightly, covered their ears or cowered away; the creaking sound continued and Mandy's butt was slowing in its growth. Mandy covered her ears with her hands, shut her eyes as tightly as possible and grunted against the mounting pressure.
With a thundering BOOOOOOOOOOM! She was gone, tatters of her red latex clothing scattered in the wind, raining down on the girls below, her high heels dropped to the grass and her necklace flew onto the roof of the house. The air, where she had exploded was misty and smelt strongly of lager. The girls cheered and ran around in the mist amongst the shreds of latex as they settled to the ground.
The next morning, Heather walked down into the front room, nursing a hangover. Kerry and Lucy were both sat on the sofa watching telly, fully dressed and ready to leave.
"Have you seen Mandy?" Kerry asked
Mandy's car was still parked outside the house so she couldn't have gone far.
"I have no idea, I can't remember going to bed." Heather replied, "I don't know which room she slept in but she must be still asleep".
Heather noticed the back door was open.
"Who left this open?" she asked "Did we go outside at all last night?"
When Heather looked outside she was surprised to see the mess in the back garden, there were scraps of red latex everywhere and a pair of white high heels lying on the grass.
"It looks like the party maybe spilled outside" Heather said quizzically, "I can't remember having all these balloons though."
She picked up the high heels, they were damp with dew.
"Aren't these Mandy's?" she asked.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, deflation, tech
Text: "Well, what has the old man got for us today?" Mark wondered out loud as he walked into the research compound at Bio-tech F. Inc. As he passed through the security gates he looked out at the enclosed RandD field and saw that the latest tests on the inflation drugs were progressing well.
"Morning Mark, what's shaking?" Mark turned and saw Kelli his assistant come jogging up.{It's nice to know some things don't really need improvement}thought Mark as he lingered over her lush body.{Though you never know...}
Mark and Kelli walked to the bank of elevators and went down to their offices/lab. The days agenda was already on their comp screens as the facility's AI had monitored their presence and acted accordingly. After their usual morning routine, they went to the staff meeting with their boss.
Bio-tech Fantasies, Inc came about after the sexual revolution of the late twentieth century. With the growing fear of STD's and the increasing fear of contact, the art of tailoring safe-sex fantasies became a booming business. Bio-Tech was the brain-child of a group of 'net-surfers who had gotten together to pool their collective imaginations for mutual benefit. From this collaboration the first tailored fantasy aids were produced (such as PUFF the multi-sexual toy-pal, andalso the first VR realms such as flights of fantasy) Bio-Tech also led the way when genetic recombination became widespread allowing the custom-tailoring of ones body for pleasure(self or otherwise)
In recent times the race to allow the expansion of the human skin to allow inflation had been stressed by the owners, apparently the VR version of this fantasy wasn't enough for some people.(now let's rejoin mark and kelli...)
"Okay people, lets have it, where are we on the project? came the voice from the speakers. Heads turned to look at Mark, for he was the head of that project.
"We have a eighty-five percent sucess rate with the elasticity drugs,and the inflation sources are all cleared for use."
"Why only 85% on stretching?"
"Well sir, the stretching is no problem, its the return to normal size afterwards that is causing a problem. If you would care to watch the videoscreens we have an example of what we mean to show you."
"Proceed with your presentation..."
Mark signaled Kelli and she began running the display. It opened on a woman standing up with a grid on the wall behind her.
"This is test 132, we have a 23yr old female,5'3", at this time 105lbs. Her present measurements are bust-34, waist- 28, hips-36. Inflation will proceed to twice her present volume..."the voice droned on detailing the test procedure. Mark was watching the displays carefully,failing to notice the shivers Kelli had as the woman began to enlarge.
"Initial inflation caused the subjects chest area to enlarge first followed by her abdomen and then the posterior. Possible fat-association by the test chemicals might be the expaination for this effect."
The woman on the screen began filling out, her breasts rising up and away from her body,her nipples rising and jutting prominently outward. her stomach began inflating then looking like someone was fast-forwarding a stop-motion series of a pregnant woman. But no pregnant woman was ever this large. Her behind soon followed suit, billowing out as if to counter-balance the frontal enlargement. Slowly her arms and legs also began to grow giving her a very stiff appearence like someone had overinflated a cheap blow-up doll.
"At this point it must be noted that the subject was not feeling any discomfort, in fact she exhibited the signs of apparent sexual orgasms while inflating." The sexual flush could clearly be seen as the woman continued to grow
"The subject has reached the supposed shut-off point for the experiment at this time. Her present measurements are as follows: bust-75, waist-110,and hips-100. You will note that supposed shut-off was used, due to an unforseen error, the woman continued to inflate past this point.
The woman on the screen was rapidly becoming rounded, as the flesh on her arms and legs was subsumed into her torso. She did in fact finally stop inflating, but at that point it looked like someone had put a head, hands, and feet on a flesh colored ball. Her breasts had lost their seperate shapes and had merged into her torso. Her nipples and aureola were just surface blemishes at this point. While her face did appear slightly rounded it did not appear to have undergone inflation to a major extent.
"At this time the woman was fully conscious and coherent, and stated that 'other than a slight tightness all over' she felt fine." At this point technicians appeared on the screen and assisted the woman to leave the room. Basically they turned her on her side and rolled her off the testing platform.
Mark looked over at Kelli after hearing a strange sound. He was surprised to see a faint sheen of sweat on her brow and a glazed look in her eyes. When she realised that he was looking at her, she bit her lip and nervously looked away.
The video continued:
"After a thorough exam and questioning period the subject was readied for deflation." The woman was rolled in again and set up on the dias. At this point a technician stepped into view and administered an injection to the woman.
"It is to be noted that the subjects skin surface at this time is still very resilient indicating that more inflation might be possible"
As they watched the woman slowly began to deflate, her arms and legs slowly came into view and her shape started to resemble a human again. As it went on, she slowly started to move her arms and legs as the skin resumed its proper shape.
"When the subject was at the size she was supposed to have achieved a strange effect was noticed, her skin no longer was contracting." The woman on the screens continued to deflate and it was apparent that something was wrong. She was starting to collapse onto the dias as if she had no internal structure to support her. She had, for all intents and purposes, become an over-inflated ballon that the air had been let out of. "At total deflation the subject hadf collapsed onto the platform and was non-responsive." It looked like someone had draped a largs pile of fabric on the dias. Technicians came in and began arranging her on the floor. The camera angle changed and now they were looking down at the woman on the floor. Grid-lines similar to the ones on the floor could be seen, and it was evident that the woman was about three to four times her normal size still.
The screens went blank then and Mark began speaking.
"The woman apparently went into a state of metabolic stasis at this point. We were able to arouse her only upon inflation again. Since this incident we have tried numerous methods of inflation, butnothing seems to return her back to her proper dimensions."
"And you say that there have been other examples of non-return?"the old man asked.
"Yes sir, we have had similar results with two others, one male subject and one other female subject."
"Very well then, continue to try and keep me posted. OH, and I would like to review all the video logs of all experiments to date."
"Yes sir, I'll have Kelli send them to you as soon as possible."
Mark and Kelli left the meeting then, their part was finished."At least he didn't get upset with our lack of sucess. And what was all that about during the playback, di you get turned on or something?"
"Mark you can be so infuriating at times, you know that? Of corse I was turned on, you know I want this to succeed just to be inflated."
Mark smiled and laughed, he and Kelli had been together on many projects before this, and he knew very well what turned his cute assisstant on. He also knew that she was just dying to be enlarged, to the point of being a beachball with tits.
As they entered their lab/office he glanced over to the storage case where the stretched out subjects were stored. The two women were prominently displayed like some big-game hunters trophies, stretched out on gridlines to see if any reduction occured while in storage. The male subject was currently on loan to another lab division to see if they could come up with something.
"Just think Mark, that could be me up there your looking at, all stretched out. I think it must be a wonderful feeling, all the subjects I've reviewed say that its the best feeling in the world, as your skin slowly stretches and you expand outward..."Kelli again got that glased look in her eyes and she started to absent-mindedly stroke her stomach.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, implants
Text: It wasn't something she considered rational. It wasn't something she was going to pretend was safe. And it certainly wasn't anything that she expected anyone else to understand.
It was a ridiculous idea--she knew that. It was a ridiculous operation to have. And ridiculously expensive. The doctor--not that she saw any degree of note--even tried to talk her out of it. Why not just have children? Why not just gain weight? That wasn't what she wanted. He didn't understand. But then, nobody did. It was all about control--hers. And immediate, breathtaking results.
The healing period was over. The sky was dark. She locked the door, pulled the shades, turned on one small lamp and prepared the pillows on the bed. She contemplated wearing one of the outfits she'd bought in anticipation of this stage, but not yet. Not the first time. She *was* in control, but she also had to keep her self-control in check. Don't try anything stupid on the dry run.
Trembling, she unpacked the box.
It was surprisingly nondescript. It looked like the same kind of light-duty equipment you'd find in any hardware shop, but thrice the price and a tenth the power. That was important. It took this long; the right tools were essential now.
She carefully inserted the end of the compressor tube into her belly button, set the control to Low, closed her eyes and turned it on.
She was not prepared for the results.
It was like nothing she'd ever felt before, but everything she'd hoped. Her eyes didn't stay closed long, as she felt the pressure in her stomach slowly increase. The compressor hummed to itself contendedly.
When you blow up a beach ball, it doesn't look round until 3/4 of the way through the job--the pressure's not great enough. In her case, her outer layer of skin was already somewhat taught--somewhat--so she felt the roundness immediately. Gingerly, she placed her hands on her abdomen and slowly traced its changing contour. An arc was rising where there had not been one before.
She stared at herself in disbelief. Slowly but surely, she was inflating herself. This was not a messy pregnancy. This was not a disgusting weight gain. This was pure air, nothing but basic elements, increasing her, inflating her. It made her more excited than she had ever been, more filled and therefore more fulfilled.
Her belly continued to swell, pumping up from the compressor's steady, warm stream. She filled out more, tenaciously leaning back on the pillow and craning her neck to look down her body. The tube now stuck out perpendicular, secured in her navel, rising slightly as its cargo trickled into its destination. Her stomach's sides were now starting to round out. She looked fully pregnant, felt fully erotic, and reveled in the pressure.
The pressure...as it increased, so did her desire for it. She glanced at the compressor. Low. Low? Self control, she reminded herself. You have found what you were looking for--enjoy it. You can do this every day for the rest of your life. There is no rush.
She tried to believe herself. There *was* a rush, one she'd always suspected but had never achieved. A rush that ran wispy circles around her belly as it grew larger and fatter. Not fatter, she thought--I'm not fat. I'm full. Well, filling. Not full yet. She smiled.
Not full yet, but certainly on her way. She reflected--and, deliciously, felt--every inch of the balloon inflating inside her, pressing her flesh outward, rounding it, pumping her full of air. She carefully pressed in on her sides, only to be shocked by the resistence. Stronger than she thought, but not taut. Bigger than pregnant, and twice as light. A fleeting notion of a helium experiment--no, she corrected herself, an experience--crossed her mind and, while just a fantasy, she realized that it would be actually happen soon enough. Within days. Within hours. She shuddered slightly.
Happily, she realized that there was no concealing herself in her present state--she looked the way she did because she chose to, because she wanted to feel what it was like to inflate. Her committment to living her fantasy was made. And if someone were to burst in on her, she figured they might be afraid that she was in fear of bursting herself.
A nagging need pressed on her mind as her belly pressed onward and outward, almost fully rounded. Where does this lead? What's the goal? Considering her questions didn't stop the inflation--she continued to expand, larger and larger, tighter and tighter, stretching to accomodate the air. She was fascinated by how big she'd become, a living balloon, a spherical stomach pumping up...up...up...
She eyed the speed control nervously. No, she couldn't. She shouldn't, anyway...not until she knew her new self better. Now is not the time to test limits. She was already at the brink of orgasm from the intense strain placed on her bloated waistline. She realized she was full. The compressor still hummed contentedly. Time to shut off.
She reached out for the controls and stared at her belly. She almost didn't see how big it had become. She was not looking at it as it was, but as it could be. Despite her own best warnings, she was seeing further possibilities. Possiblities that didn't have to necessarily exist in the future. She was thinking of the present. She was thinking of the sensations trembling through her left hand's fingertips as they rested upon her enormous, inflated belly. She was thinking of her orgasmic fever pitch above all.
And then, very much without thinking, her hand clicked the control to Medium.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: I woke up at ten in the morning- the perfect time, really. Since the spherification procedure I always slept so well- it had made my life so much more comfortable. I wiggled in the bowl-shaped bed where I slept, my huge round body rubbing against the soft padded rim of the bed. "Good morning." I heard a soothing female voice- the house's computer had detected that I was awake. I decided I might as well get up- I had a party later that day to get ready for. "Morning procedure, please.""Yes, dear." The house responded. Robot arms ending in large padded hands reached towards me, gripping me firmly and lifting my helpless round body out of bed. They passed me to a large, mobile robot shaped like a stylized maid, who cradled me in her arms and carried me to the bathroom. There, the arms helped me use the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and carried me into the shower. I giggled as the jets of water hit me and sponge-tipped arms came down to wash me. I swear the process is designed to be as tickly as possible, and I'm certain the arms linger and rub certain places longer than they need to, but I'm not complaining. After washing me, the house toweled me off, brushed my hair, and gave me a light touch of makeup before carrying me to my wardrobe. "You decide." I told it, and it chose a massive bra and panties with frilly trim, under a huge, comfortable billowing sundress. As it dressed me, I took stock of my wardrobe- I had enormous dresses of every style, housewife-style 50s vintage outfits, flapper costumes, tight bodysuits, and even a few fetishy things like a maid outfit. After the house dressed me, it carried me to a bowl-like seat at the kitchen table- if had started breakfast when I woke up. I had it set for a big breakfast- why watch my figure when I was already a blimp?The robot maid set plates of eggs, pancakes, and greasy sausages down in front of me, and the arms picked up a fork and began to gently feed me. I obediently opened my mouth so the house to fork delicious mouthfuls of sausage into it, with another arm periodically attending me with a napkin. With that done, the arms carried me to the couch and turned on the TV. I used the mental control interface to flip through channels and check my email while thinking about the party later. Before I left, the house would get me ready- it would give me a heavy dusting of makeup and sculpt my hair into a high, enormous glamorous beehive, and it would take off my clothes and replace them with one of my fanciest dresses, complete with high heels and opera gloves. And it would complete this outfit with a huge hat and an absolutely massive fluffy fur coat. But this would be later.For now, though..."Pleasure routine, please." I asked. "Right away." The computer answered, and several arms began to reach towards me. Some ended in long vibrating protrusions and some ended in clusters of feathers. I blushed and prepared myself.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, I Can See My House From Here
Text: The sun arose over the ocean horizon and sprayed a bright light into the many windows of the large condos. A room on the 14th floor housed Rita, an everyday woman trying to make a living. She climbed from her bed, stretching her limbs outwards and yawning. She took a look down at the beach; she had planned to take a day of relaxation after searching for new jobs all week long. The day was already bright and the ocean was reflecting the sun into her eyes. She had chosen the perfect day.
Rita lazily walked into her bathroom. She had hung her swimsuit along the towel rack: a white bikini with blue stripes along it. She slowly stripped and put it on, slipping on some shorts as well. She turned and observed herself in the mirror; a skinny-as-a-stick brunette. She rubbed her sides, wishing she had grown some curve. She was pretty much flat hipped and flat chested, but she didn't let it get her down with thinking how thankful she was not to be fat from all the junk she used to eat. She smiled and fixed her hair from its bedhead state.
Suddenly the ground shook. Her face gave off a confusing glare, thinking that her neighboring roommates were being jerks. They consisted of some spoiled high school dropouts who heckled her like she was a whore while down at the beach. She noticed a flash in the window, and turned around quickly to see a dark cloud had approached. It came from behind the condo and ran over the beach. Rita spoke aloud in disbelief. "What? Oh come on!"
She reached for the remote and turned on the weather channel while holding a few hair clips in her mouth, fidgeting in her hair with her free hand. She sat at the edge of her bed, watching the television directly in front of her. The weather report came on after a commercial was over and discussed the current storm in her area. She gave an angry groan when hearing of the storm's position. It was a huge cloud that wouldn't be past for hours. Even so, everything would be wet, muddy and nasty after it had past. She laid back on her bed and stared out the window. Rain began to heavily pelt the window and thunder constantly shook the room every few seconds. She laid back for a few minutes, staring angrily at the clouds.
Rita was nearly falling asleep as she walked into the kitchen. The storm raged on and kept her from getting her sleep on her day off. She threw on some coffee and turned the A/C down a bit. She let herself remain in the bikini and threw off the shorts; it was her day off, so she was going to relax one way or another. She poured some coffee for herself and sat at the table, sipping and eyeing the laid-out newspaper ads on the table. She looked over the jobs she had circled and tried to apply for, with no avail. She laughed at a few and frowned at the rest. She noticed that in between four ads she had circled was one posted by a car dealership. She read the ad aloud, as it contained something that caught her eye.
"Wanted...18 to 25 aged females to model for advertising. Must wear a swimsuit." she said in a dazed voice. Then it listed where the dealership was. 'Oh', she thought to herself, 'that place is just down the road.' She took a sip of her coffee and smiled in amusement at the mental image of her posing in her bikini on a car. She thought she would look ridiculous. She read the payment received for that job and nearly choked. It was tremendous! She coughed for a few seconds and read again just to make sure. She laughed, thinking to herself that someone put in a few extra zeroes on that price.
Rita thought to herself. She stared for a while at the ad. She wanted to try it out, for some reason. 'Okay', she thought, 'If I sit here, I'll probably be here for hours. If I actually decide to go by then, the job will probably be taken. But wouldn't it already be taken? Well, no, because good-looking girls would probably already have jobs. But I'm not even sexy in my swimsuit. But then again I am decent enough. I could be sexy, I just haven't gotten any opinions.' She stamped her foot. She was getting too confused. 'I'm going to try. I don't have much of a choice, I need a job fast.' Her mind was made up. She stood up, dumping her coffee into the sink. She untied the top of her bikini, but stopped herself when she realized she might have to bring her own. She kept it on just in case. She threw on her pants, a shirt and a jacket over her bikini and charged out the door.
Rita arrived at the dealership. She drove around and found an empty spot to park in. She had no clue where she was suppose to park, and since it was still pouring she wanted to just get in and get out. She pulled open her umbrella, exited the vehicle and ran towards the main office. She groaned as she entered, soaking wet. She approached a lady at a desk in the room and tried to sound as polite as possible.
"Uhm...is the position for advertising model still open?" she said in a sort of shy way.
The lady looked up, giving Rita a quick observing. Rita felt a bit awkward at her gazes. The lady smiled, "Yes, go right down that hallway, second door to your left."
Rita felt she had passed a sort of test, and nodded, grinning. "Thank you so much!" she said, walking awkwardly towards the apointed door. She walked down the hall with a sopping wet umbrella dripping along the way. She quietly knocked at the door and was greeted by a friendly male voice. "Come in!"
She opened the door slowly and entered. "U-uh" she spoke shakily. "Is this where I can apply for the...modeling job?"
The man smiled. He was a bigger, middle-aged man with a suit on. He had a few papers on a desk and pen in hand. "Yes it is! Please, have a seat."
"O-oh, are you busy?" She was feeling an embarrassment wash her.
"No, no, not at all."
She quietly entered and sat down in a chair directed in front of his desk. She nearly slipped from her seat but gracefully positioned herself.
The woman put out her hand. "Hello, I'm Rita Cardman."
The interview wasn't the longest. He looked over her resume and gave her the typical questions she was used to. Suddenly, to her surprise, the man reached his hand out and exclaimed, "Rita, you're hired."
She was surprised. She didn't really believe she would make it, and definitely not this fast. She nearly forgot to shake his hand as she questioned, "W-what, really?"
He nodded, smiling. "You have the perfect qualifications!"
She felt speechless. "Oh...w...well...when do I start?" she said, smiling.
"Well, right now, if you have the time! Otherwise we can schedule a new time."
She gave him a look of shock. "...N-no, no! I can work now!" She said excitedly.
He nodded. "Well, go across the hall. The woman there will show you where to go. I'll send her a message to let her know that you're coming."
Rita left the room in shock. She was so surprised she had gotten the job. It didn't hit her until now that she had no idea what kind of work she was going to do. But she tried to calm herself; the man in there certainly liked her, so she would do just fine, no matter what it was. Rita entered the door across the hall.
"H-hi, I'm...Rita."
There was a young woman with cut blonde hair, glasses and a suit on. "Oh, hello Rita." She stood and grabbed a bag off her desk. "You will have to change into his swimsuit."
Rita nodded. "That's fine..."
The woman walked out the door and motioned for her to follow. "Bathroom is this way." Rita stumbled as she followed the woman. They approached the bathroom doors at the end of the hallway, and the woman stopped and pivoted around to Rita. Reaching into the bag, she pulled out a bikini. It was blue with a white trim. It had the name of the dealership across the top, and along the buttside of the bottoms. Rita grabbed the outfit, and tried not to be too observative until she was in the bathroom. She walked in quickly and looked around. No one was around. She ran into a stall and quickly changed. She exited, sporting only the bikini. She checked again to make sure no one was around and began to observe herself. 'How did I get this job,' she thought to herself. 'I've got no sex appeal.' she turned and looked at her backside, noticing the words stretched across her bum. 'Well, I've got a nice ass.' She thought. Suddenly the woman called out, "Rita? Are you almost done?" sounding a bit impatient. Rita gasped from nearly forgetting she was waiting. Rita walked out the door, her clothes in her arms. She blushed as she exited, Rita again being examined by another woman. The woman nodded and said in a plain way, "You look very nice."
Rita nodded. "T-thanks" The woman motioned for her to follow and walked towards a door at the end of the hall. The woman opened the door and revealed a flight of stairs.
"Walk up to the roof." she exclaimed. "There will be someone with you in a minute."
Rita avoided her curiosity and simply thanked the woman as she ascended up the stairs. 'The roof? Why the roof? Isn't it pouring up there?' She asked as she opened the door at the top of the long flight of stairs. The roof was plain white concrete, and nothing but vents and the usual. She looked around, the rain had stopped but it was still quite nasty. She walked forwards and observed, searching for somebody. She noticed a strange 'X' was painted onto the ground. She walked over and stood ontop of the X. She stared down at the marking and sighed.
Suddenly, two hoses shot out of the ground, parrallely around her. They jumped and placed themselves firmly into Rita's feet. She jumped and yelped at the sudden burst. She took a few deep breaths and tried to regain herself. After a few seconds, she grabbed the hoses and tried to pull them out of her feet. She yanked as hard as she could but to no avail. She stopped dead in her tracks when she a loud hissing began as soon as the hose began to wiggle. Before she could realize it, air had rendered her helpless.
Helium powerfully flowed into her feet, and moved itself around her body. It found shelter in every piece of her body, and stretched her outwards as more helium approached. She began to completely fill up, her arms and legs gone stiff at her sides, her skin feeling taut all over; including her head. She began to grow outwards in all directions. Her bikini stretched with her, surprisingly, as she grew. Her normally five foot body was reaching eight feet, and her arms, legs, stomach, head as well as her entire body were growing to match. However, she wasn't matched in all places; her body also began to grow a curve. Her breasts, butt and hips were expanding faster than the rest of her body! Her breasts had approached B Cup and quickly passed to C. However, that was from her view, as they were litterally three feet wide and counting. Her hips flared outwards and her butt expanded like balloons, stretching the words written on the bottoms around her bum.
She approached ten feet tall, her breasts were four feet wide, appearing to be D cups. Her hips and butt grew outwards and stretched the bottoms. Strangely, the bikini didn't seem to shrink around her, and continued to cover her. Her chest began to spawn a deep cleavage as she approached five feet wide, and her ass began to plainly show in her tight bottoms. Rita was in too much panic to think correctly and had no control over her arms as she billowed outwards like the worlds largest inflatable doll. Her head and hair surprisingly grew and matched her regular face, almost making her a perfect enlargement of her normal self, minus her increasing assets.
A man in the room below was monitoring her through security cameras outside the dealership. He was smiling in joy as he watched the girl grow to massive sizes. He smirked, looking at the control of multiple tanks attached to Rita all at once. He had complete control of her. "Well, the manager said he wanted you up quickly..." he said, giving an evil face as he pressed a few buttons and slowly increased the speed of the helium release. It approached twice the speed it was currently at; not even a quarter of it's maximum punch.
Above, Rita's eyes widened as she felt the pressure increase. With each second, she could feel herself stretching faster. She couldn't move and her sight was just straight out into the ocean. Her view began to stretch outwards and move upwards as she grew twice as fast as normal. She was twenty feet tall. Her breasts were far past EE cups (Really nine feet wide), all her assets plunging outwards four times as fast as the rest of her. Her ass began to swallow the bikini bottoms as they approached the size of blimps. Her hips were approaching an unbelievably wide size, making her irresistible if it were her normal size. The words on her top become widely viewable throughout the beach, but her bottoms were sunk in between her bulbous bum, making it hard to read.
A stretching sound came from all over her body as she felt the pressure from the hoses adding even more. It helium flow was four times as powerful as the starting pressure, and her sexy bits were pressing outwards at an uncountable rate compared to her body. Her nipples had grow into the size of a medicine ball and poked outwards through the overstretched bikini top. Her 10-foot-wide breasts were incomparable to any normal sized breast. She was approaching 30 feet and growing faster than ever. Within seconds she was at the target size of 32 feet tall. Her growth slowed down until she grew no longer. Helium poured into her, but due to her massive size, an automated program caused all extra air to flow out any openings in her body. Helium tickled her as it unstoppably flowed in every nook and cranny of her enormous body, and tingled powerful as it pushed itself out of her body, especially in her nipples. Her breasts were an incredible 14-feet-wide. Her cleavage appeared to be like a canyon, spilling from her top that spelt out the dealership's name for all to see. Her butt had almost completely swallowed her bottoms, only the first and last few letters visible. Her hips were ridiculous is size, and her nipples poked out icely at a size of 3 feet wide, visible as large balloons attached to her.
For hours, Rita's inflated body stood over the dealership in that constant way, her body able to feel nothing but helium flowing in and out of her. The sun began to sat and Rita's giant feet were freed from the hoses. All the helium pressed powerfully out of her nipples, belly button, and other areas. After about ten minutes, she approached a manageable size and stood. She stared forwards in shock, moving her arms around and bouncing on her toes, feeling well to walk again. She had a shocked look on her face and her mind was blank to what she had just experienced. She shook her head and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths.
As she began to be able to concentrate, she tried to calm herself. Before she was able to, she opened her eyes to find a sight almost as unbelievable as what had happened to her; she was sexy. Her breasts were stuck at a size of EE cups. She felt them, they felt as she expected; air-filled. She tried to get a look at the side and noticed her hips stuck out. She turned around to find a bulbous butt still remained in her tight bottoms. She pulled the bottoms out of between her giant rump and examined herself more. She heard a noise and quickly bolted around. She saw no one, but found her clothes laid in front of the door she came from to get atop the roof. They were neatly folded, and on top was a sticky note and an incredible sum of dollar bills. She picked up the note in one hand and the money in her other. The note read, in a nice handwriting:
Dear Rita,
Thank you for being our model. Keep the bikini, we have many for you to wear. If you want to keep this job, please arrive at anytime before 11 AM. You will work for 7 hours straight, no matter what time you arrive.
( P.S. if your body did not change back to normal fully, do not panic, this will only last for a few hours. )
Rita couldn't fit her jacket or shirt over her magnificent breasts. She tried to slip on her pants but her round lower section cut them off. She kicked them off and folded them back up, holding them under her arm. She smiled as she made a mental note to set her alarm around 10 AM or so.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, air, enormous, floating, helium, water
Text: She'd been inflating herself for years. Since November of her sophomore year in high school, to be exact. Emma could remember the first time she came across the fetish online. Seeing all those girls with their beautiful, swollen bellies had gotten her curious, and she'd decided to try it out. And once she was filled up with air, nice and big, she knew this was all that she wanted.
But she was never satisfied. She always wanted to get bigger, rounder, lighter... She tried everything she could, but nothing was enough. She looked at massive blimps in the sky and wished that she could be even bigger than them. A pregnant-looking belly wasn't nearly enough for her.
Emma was in her late twenties now, and she inflated herself nearly every day. She had all the equipment. Sometimes, she'd inflate herself with water or soda, and she even liked to stuff herself occasionally. She dreamed of being an enormous balloon, floating through the air, happy and round.
Most people who knew Emma would have assumed she just liked to eat, from her constantly round belly. But the truth was, Emma was quite a skinny girl when she wasn't full of air. She just made sure that she was almost always inflated. The only person who knew of her dream and obsession was her closest friend, Ashley. Emma had told her back when they were in high school. At first, Ashley had found it a little strange, but she'd gotten used to Emma's daily stories about how big she was managing to get. Lately though, she'd been getting concerned with just how obsessed Emma was. Inflating herself seemed to be the only thing on Emma's mind. Ashley sometimes wondered if all the air Emma had been filled with over the years had gone to her head. It was quite possible.
Regardless, Emma continued to pump herself up. She was smart enough to not overdo it, but she made sure to go right up to her limit. Emma had recently been looking to take inflation to the next level, and this meant making some adjustments to herself. She was far from a scientist, but she had been trying to find one who would be willing to do some "unconventional treatments" on her. And today was the day she found one.
After a nice day of selecting maternity clothes at the mall, Emma returned home. She checked her mailbox, and was surprised to find a letter addressed to her among the many bills and flyers.
Dr. Carter had recently retired, but he was a brilliant doctor with decades of experience. He didn't have an office anymore, but he had the right tools, and when he got Emma's letter and saw the amount of money she was willing to pay him for her procedure, he immediately wrote her back to accept the job.
She was thrilled. Emma called him to set up an appointment, and then sat down, filled with excitement. Her mind was racing, and she was imagining just how big she would soon be able to grow.
Two days later, Emma drove to Dr. Carter. She cheerfully knocked on his door, and he invited her in.
"If you'll just have a seat there, I'll start soon." The doctor pointed towards a reclined armchair, his eyes focused on his notes. Emma sat down, leaned back, and smiled. A few minutes later, the doctor spoke again.
"Alright. I think I'll be able to do this for you. You'll have to be unconscious, so let me give you this first. Ready?" Emma nodded. Dr. Carter placed a breathing mask over Emma's mouth, and her eyes slowly closed. He took a quick glance at his notes, and began his work on her.
In her letter to him, she had explained everything. Dr. Carter was supposed to make her the perfect inflatee. Extra stretchy skin, a high tolerance for different gases and liquids in her system, everything. And while it was certainly an unusual request, she had offered him most of what she had saved up, which was very appealing to him. Dr. Carter worked tirelessly until he had succeeded in his goal. The anesthetic was just beginning to wear off, and Emma was starting to wake up. The doctor took a seat beside her, and waited.
"How are you feeling?"
Emma blinked a few times, and looked around. "Um... I'm okay. I don't feel much different."
"Well, you are. You're basically an uninflated human balloon now." Dr. Carter placed his hands on his lap.
"Oh! That's good..." Emma smiled. She started to imagine all the fun she was going to have tonight.
"You've still got to be careful, but your limits are huge now. You'll be able to float, you'll be able to get yourself as big as a room... But I don't want you floating away or popping."
"I'll be careful, I promise." Emma stood up from the chair. "I'm just so excited to test all this out now!"
Dr. Carter laughed. "Have fun."
Emma reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope filled with cash. She handed it to the doctor, who thanked her.
"Bye!" She left, and drove home as quickly as she could. The second she got back, she went straight for her inflation equipment.
Emma was having trouble deciding what to do first. She knew she had plenty of time though, so she settled on a water inflation. She'd always fantasized about lying in the bathtub, her mouth under the tap, gulping up the water as she grew larger and larger. And now she could do it.
She stripped, and got into the tub. Emma slowly lowered herself into the right position. She looked up to the faucet and smiled. She reached up, and turned it on. Instantly, her mouth was filled. Just as she swallowed, her mouth was full again. It took her a few moments to get into the rhythm of it, but she was soon filling up with water. It took a minute or so before she saw her belly looking pregnant and swollen. Usually, she'd have felt the fullness long before this point, but she felt completely fine now. She happily continued to drink.
The water started to spread around her body, and she was filling up all over. Her butt was growing, causing her to raise up. Her arms and legs were getting noticeably wider, and she was feeling heavier by the second. She felt her arms squeeze against the sides of the tub, and that was when she realized her problem.
Unfortunately, Emma tended to lack foresight and get carried away when it came to inflating. And now that her limits were so huge, this would become a problem. Emma was swelling up to a very large size, and this caused her to get stuck. She closed her mouth, but the water just splashed against her face, and she knew she couldn't keep it closed forever. She opened it again, and was forced to continue gulping down the water. Her body was now filling up every corner of the tub, and she could barely move. She knew she was nowhere near her limit, but she was definitely too big for the bath. Although she loved being this full, she realized that she had to get this water out of her. And so she did. She closed her eyes, feeling euphoric.
She stopped once she had reached a slightly smaller size, and she managed to slide herself up into a sitting position. Her huge belly completely covered her lap, and her legs had grown incredibly plump. She attempted to lift her arms up to rub her belly, and felt just how heavy they'd gotten. She couldn't believe just how much water was inside of her. She really felt like a water balloon.
Emma shifted her weight, and began to jiggle uncontrollably. She giggled. This was the best day ever, and it was only going to get better from here. Emma happily played with herself in the tub until she got bored. She let the water come out of her, and stood up again.
Emma was feeling like doing an air inflation now, but with her enhanced body, she wanted to take it a step further. Like most inflatees, she had always dreamed of floating. She owned several tanks of helium, and she was always fantasizing about being able to use them. Tonight, she finally could.
She didn't want to end up nearly helpless like before though, so she called Ashley over to help her. Ashley arrived fifteen minutes later to find Emma standing next to a row of large helium tanks, dressed in a purple latex bodysuit.
"What the...?" Ashley knew how much her friend was into inflating, but this was a lot, even for her.
"I got my body fixed! So I can finally do all these huge inflations I've always talked about!" Emma was smiling from ear to ear.
"Are you serious? You're going to blow yourself up into an actual balloon now?"
"Well, I'll need your help. But yes." Emma pointed to the tanks. "This should be more than enough to get me huge and floating."
"I don't know about this... It's dangerous, and I don't want you to pop." Ashley looked down at the ground.
"I'll be fine! My limits are massive now. You should have seen how much water I had in me before." Emma stuck a nozzle connected to a helium tank into her mouth, and pointed to the tank. "Mmph!"
Ashley was hesitant, but she walked over to the tank and flicked it on. Emma closed her eyes, and she immediately begin to inflate. Ashley watched as her belly pushed forward. She could hear the latex stretching as the air began to fill up her butt, her legs, her arms... Even Emma's face was starting to swell.
Once Emma's body had nearly rounded out, Ashley noticed her feet starting to raise up off the ground. "Em, you're... You're actually starting to float." Emma was enjoying herself too much to respond, and she had the nozzle in her mouth. Emma began to float higher. Ashley wasn't sure what to do, but she knew that Emma didn't have much more room to grow inside.
She pushed Emma's incredibly light body towards the back door. There wasn't much time before Emma would get too big to fit through, and so Ashley grabbed her ankles and pushed. She would worry about tying her down once she was outside. Still holding on to Emma's ankles, she rolled the helium tanks outside with her, and took a deep breath. Emma had barely seemed to notice what was happening to her or attempt to resist going outside, but then again, she was helpless in this state. Ashley watched as her body swelled up bigger by the second. The latex was starting to rip.
A minute later, Emma was naked, enormous, and floating. Ashley was starting to have a hard time holding on to her. She was getting pulled onto her tiptoes by Emma floating above her. Ashley looked around for something to tie Emma down with, but knew that she couldn't let go of her. She was beginning to panic, as she felt herself starting to hover.
"Emma!" She yelled up to the giant balloon. If Emma had heard her, she didn't care. Ashley was in serious trouble now, and she was being pulled across the backyard. She was thankful that it wasn't a very windy day.
With all her strength, Ashley managed to reach the helium tank to turn it off. Emma noticed that. She spit the nozzle out of her mouth.
"Turn it back on!" she called down. Emma deflated a bit as she spoke, and immediately closed her mouth, not wanting to lose any of her size.
"We're both going to float away! You need to deflate yourself a bit!" Ashley was sweating, doing everything she could to keep Emma and herself from rising up higher.
The air had obviously affected Emma's mind, much more than it normally did. All she knew was how good it felt to be this huge and inflated, and how much bigger she wanted to get. And so she kept her mouth shut.
Ashley was getting tempted to let her stubborn friend float away, but she wasn't that type of person. "Em! Seriously, you've got to get a bit smaller!" She wanted to grab onto something, but she knew she needed both arms to keep Emma from floating into the sky.
Emma knew that she wasn't going to get bigger unless she did what Ashley said, and so she opened her mouth. Air rushed out of her, and she slowly floated down. Once Ashley could reach a rope lying by the side of the house, Emma closed her mouth again. Ashley tied the rope to Emma's ankle, making sure it was tight. She walked to the tank and turned it on again.
Emma smiled as she began to rise up again and grow bigger. Soon, she had surpassed her previous size, and was continuing to expand. The rope had been extended to it's full length, preventing Emma from floating any higher, but she continued to grow. Ashley watched in awe.
By the time the helium tanks ran out, Emma was massive. Ashley looked up and could barely see anything besides Emma's enormous butt, with her tiny feet sticking out. It was late at night, but the few people who were still up would have been shocked to see a huge balloon covering the neighborhood, with a barely visible head poking out from the top.
Emma spit out the nozzle again, realizing that the helium tanks were empty, but still wanting to grow. "More!" She quickly closed her mouth.
Ashley was getting fed up with her friend. She had been getting increasingly annoyed over the years by just how much Emma had been consumed by her inflation fantasies. And now that they were a reality, she still wasn't satisfied? Ashley had enough.
Leaving the gigantic balloon floating happily, Ashley went back inside.
"So she wants to get huge? She wants to be a balloon? I hope she knows what eventually happens to balloons..." she thought to herself. She got out the rest of Emma's air tanks, and brought them up to the second floor. Ashley went out onto the balcony, where she was closer to Emma. She rolled the tanks out with her.
Emma saw them, and smiled. She opened her mouth to allow Ashley to put the nozzle in. "Mmpph!" she said, happily.
Ashley flicked the tanks on, and Emma began to swell up again. Her body was enormous, but as Dr. Carter had reminded her, it still had a limit. And once the tanks were nearly empty, Emma was nearing this limit.
Ashley heard Emma's skin tighten. It couldn't stretch anymore, but it was still being filled up. For a moment, Ashley felt bad, and was about to switch the tanks off, just before Emma popped. But she looked into Emma's bulging eyes, and realized it was too late. The humongous balloon girl tried to open her mouth, but she was too big.
Ashley covered her ears and closed her eyes.
A few seconds passed, but all Ashley heard was the hissing from the air tanks stop. She looked at Emma, so huge that she was blocking out Ashley's view of anything else. Ashley sat down on the balcony. Emma was beyond helpless, too big to even deflate herself. Ashley had no idea what was going on in the balloon's mind, but she hoped it was too empty to realize what had happened, and what Ashley would have to do. She went downstairs and got a pair of scissors. She knew she wouldn't have the strength to pop Emma, but she couldn't leave her like this. And so she walked outside, stood next to the rope, and cut it. Emma floated up higher and higher until she was a tiny dot in the sky.
Ashley went back inside. She saw a small pump on the table. "I've got to try this. If it really feels good enough that Emma wanted to end up like that, I've got to give it a chance." she thought to herself.
She placed the nozzle in her mouth, and began to pump. Soon, she was walking around with a large, swollen belly. She couldn't believe what she'd been missing out on. Patting her belly, she noticed a letter sticking out from Emma's pile of mail. There was a phone number on it.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: The last day of school had ended, and the three juniors (soon to be seniors) had decided to celebrate with a small slumber party at Sarah's house since her parents were off on a second honeymoon. It was getting late, the party was really winding down, and they were playing Truth or Dare. But they started saying anything that their sleep-depraved minds found funny.
"Okay, Vicky, truth or dare?" Sarah asked. She was thin and pretty, blonde-haired, blue eyed and a perfect, ditzy shoe-in for head cheerleader. She was dressed in a simple, almost childish nightgown with lace at the bottom.
"Dare." Vicky said for the eighth time that evening. She was of an average height and stature, with short black hair. She was just dressed in an old sweatsuit.
"Again?" Laura, the third girl, said. She too was almost stereotypically Irish, with long red hair and bright green eyes, and her face was covered in freckles. Her pajamas were just a large T-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Don't you ever get tired of having to do those things?"
"I like proving to her that I can do anything." Vicky replied, gesturing to Sarah. The latter two had been friends for years, but as Sarah joined the "in" crowd more and more their friendship was becoming strained.
"Okay then..." Sarah said, looking around. She spotted two unopened liters of soda. "Yes, that'll do. I dare you to drink those two things of soda after they've been shaken up!"
"That's all!" Vicky laughed. "Bring it on!"
They laid out a bunch of towels, in case Vicky failed and soda went flying everywhere. She stood there, waiting, as Sarah shook up the soda bottle as much as she could. Sarah opened it and then Vicky ripped the bottle from her hands and began drinking. It was not hard, with the foaming soda basically forcing its way from the bottle and down her throat.
"Wow." Laura said (she's easily amazed, especially when tired) when Vicky was done. "You did it."
"She did half of it." Sarah said, taking the other bottle from Laura and shaking it.
Vicky looked depressed s she stared at the bottle, because she now had the strangest feeling in her stomach. It was like the soda was still foaming and bubbling in her stomach, and she felt rather bloated. But the minute Sarah began opening it she grabbed it and began drinking, only adding to the feeling in her gut.
"Well, very good." Sarah said when she was finished, sounding almost angry that Vicky had done it. "Alright your turn."
"Huh?" Vicky said, a little distracted. She had placed a hand on her stomach and was swaying a bit.
"Vicky, you okay?" Laura asked. "You don't look so hot."
"Yeah, fine." She began walking from the room. "Be right back."
"Well hurry up, it's your turn!" Sarah snapped, not caring how her friend looked.
Vicky walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was somewhat pale, and she was still swaying a bit. She still felt bloated, and tried to force a burp four or five times. She placed a hand on her stomach again, and immediately knew something felt wrong.
She lifted the bottom of her shirt and stared at her stomach, which was now slightly rounded. She figured it was due to all the soda she had just drank and did not give it a second thought. She just composed herself and walked back to Sarah's room.
"Alright, Sarah." She said. "Truth or dare?" Vicky found herself lying on a table, strapped down and with her mouth held open by some kind of clamp. Then Sarah walked up to her, looking almost evil, and then pulled a gigantic soda bottle from nowhere. She shook it for a long time and then tore the cap off. She placed the bottle into Vicky's stretched mouth and the soda began flowing in against her will.
Her stomach began to grow, stretching from her usual thin form to a much rounder shape. It filled to capacity, but then kept going. It spread in all directions, a saggy, liquid-filled sac hissing with carbonated bubbles. When the soda was gone the suds kept fizzing, and her stomach slowly went from sagging to tight, being filled with a gas. Her back raised off the table, the straps being the only things holding her down
"Bye, bye." Sarah said, the straps somehow opening.
Vicky floated off the table and into the air, which seemed to go on forever. But then, from nowhere, a huge spike appeared just above her. Her gargantuan stomach hit it and she continued to float up into it. It pressed painfully into her more and more and more and...
POW!!!!!! Vicky sat bolt upright in her sleeping bag, covered in sweat and screaming. She stopped, and began breathing heavily. She put a hand on her stomach, which she could have sworn felt even bigger. But she could not investigate, as Laura and Sarah had woken up.
"Vicky, you okay?" Laura asked, also from a sleeping bag.
"Huh?" She looked around distractedly. "Oh, yeah."
"Then why'd you have to go and wake us?" Sarah snapped from her bed. "You have one lousy bad dream and everyone has to know."
"Go back to bed." Vicky said, slumping back down.
"Okay, but wake me if anything's wrong." Laura said.
"Yeah, and only her!" Sarah said.
Everything was quiet again, and Vicky tried to get to sleep. She tossed and turned, but the bubbling feeling in her stomach kept her up. She tried forcing a burp again, to no avail. She could have sworn she began to hear the fizzing of the soda in her gut, and she went to rub her stomach. But she stopped the second she felt her stomach, and sat up again. She did not even have to lift her shirt to see that her stomach was now much, much larger.
'What the hell?!' She thought, terrified. She lifted her shirt, and found that her stomach had grown both out and to the sides with everything in them. She began pressing down on it with her hands. But it would just get pressed in and then pop back out.
The worst part was, it was still growing. It had started poking out almost a foot in front of her, and now it was at least two, stretching her pants and lifting her shirt. She stood, but was too terrified to scream or really do anything. The fizzing sound grew, as did her stomach, and she actually began to feel a bit lighter. Like in her dream her stomach was very taught, being held tight by the gasses inside.
She finally collected her wits enough to try and do something, and she began running out of the room. But as she ran she tripped over a shoe, and fell onto her stomach. She bounced on it a couple times, and then landed on top of it. Now it was almost three feet in front of her, and now from the end of one side to another she must have been three feet.
She rolled off her stomach and onto her back, feeling no pressure from her gas-filled stomach. She sat up and then stood just as her belly expanded out to five feet in front of her and four out to the sides. Her pants had just sunk beneath her enormous belly while her shirt had slid above it. She ran for the bathroom again, but this time she had to squeeze through the door.
Once in she ran right for the medicine cabinet, but failed to think of the new size of her stomach. She slammed the edge of the sink with her belly and bounced away, landing on her rear. Her huge gut spread her legs apart, and getting up was a challenge. Now she was careful when she reached for the cabinet and managed to pull it open. She looked around, and grabbed a box of Gas-X. She ripped it open, and found one pill left. She popped it out, fumbled with it, and then it fell from between her fingers.
"NO!" She screamed, reaching for it as it fell down the drain. She broke down and began crying. "No, no, no! This can't be happening to me!"
She sat on the toilet and began rubbing her enormous belly, which had to be at least six feet out in front of her, meaning it was bigger than her own height. She stood shakily, and then fell onto her stomach, which actually held her up at an angle.
Still in tears she stood and leaned back a bit, compensating for the size of her stomach. It was not like it was heavy, it was just huge. She tried walking to the door, but she only made it halfway before she got stuck. She tried walking backwards, but then realized she was stuck.
"WHAT?! NO!" She began pushing as much as she could with her feet, to no avail. Her belly was stuck firmly in the doorframe, and it looked like there was no getting out. Despite the incredible embarrassment she was about to feel, she began yelling. "Laura! Laura! Sarah! Someone, help me!"
The doorframe began digging into her sides as her stomach grew, and a real pain began to build up. She began gasping in incredible pain just as Sarah walked down the hallway, eyes half shut with exhaustion. But the second she saw Vicky stuck in the door, her immense belly sticking halfway into the hall, her eyes were wide open.
"What the hell?" Was all she could say.
"Sarah, help! I think it has something to do with the soda!"
"This is a dream!" Sarah said. She pinched herself, hard. "Ah! Oh my God, this isn't a dream! You're really...whatever you are!"
"My stomach's been inflated by the soda, I think." Vicky wailed as she felt her skin begin to get cut. "Please, the door's hurting me!"
"What if you get cut? Will you pop?"
"Oh, God, I didn't even think of that!" She began pushing with her feet again. "For God's sake, Sarah, help me!"
"You know, I'd rather not."
"It serves you right for being so confident! For thinking you can do anything!"
"You've got to be joking!" She groaned as she felt the door dig into her seven foot stomach even more. "Damn you, you ditzy bi..."
"Don't you dare call me that!" Sarah turned and stormed off, almost slamming into Laura who was just running down the hall.
"Vicky?" Laura said, amazed. Like Sarah she pinched herself. "Oh God, how can I help?"
"Just push against my stomach!"
"Sure, sure." She sounded nervous as she backed away from Vicky's enlarging gut. As Vicky began pushing with her feet Laura ran forward with her elbow jutting out. She connected, slamming Vicky's gargantuan belly, but little happened.
"I think I moved a bit!" Vicky yelled, hopeful. "Do that again!"
Laura tried three more times, but Vicky only moved back about an inch or so, and her sides were beginning to bleed from the door. She sighed, and said she had one more thing in mind. She ran for her stomach again, but this time slammed into it with her entire body.
Vicky was shocked, and badly hurt, as she went flying back from the door and landed on her back in the bathroom. Her stomach almost hit the ceiling, and Laura ended up rolling off and hitting her head on the toilet. She was out cold, and Vicky was helplessly on her back, her eight-foot stomach now touching the ceiling.
"C'mon Laura, wake up!" Vicky yelled. "Darn, that hurt!" Laura said sitting up. She turned her head and screamed.
"Help...me!" Vicky gasped. Her stomach was huge now, and had somehow pushed through the ceiling, as Laura had lay unconscious.
"I have an idea!" Laura said squeezing past Vicky's stomach and running up to the attic. Sure enough there was the top of Vicky's belly, poking into the room.
Laura piled up a few boxes next to the top of the belly and climbed on top of them. She took a deep breath, sighed and dove off the boxes.
Vicky laid there uselessly after Laura had run off, her belly now taking up most of the space in the bathroom. She heard movement above her in the attic, and a second later felt something slam into her belly. There was a massive rumble from within her, and before she knew it she was letting out an incredibly loud, long burp that shook the room.
As she burped her stomach shrunk back to normal, with Laura standing on top of it. When it was down to four feet she dove off and watched as Vicky returned to normal. The latter slowly stood up, her stomach still bleeding from its scraping against the door.
"Vicky, you okay?" She did not reply to Laura's question. "Vicky...I don't like that look in your eyes. Vicky?" Sarah was awoken by someone yelling her name. Her eyes shot open and she tried to move, but she felt that her arms and legs were strapped down with belts. She felt a funnel strapped top her mouth, and when she turned her head she saw Vicky standing there with a bunch of soda bottle s next to her.
"Truth or dare?" She asked.
"MHPHNMPHM!" Was all Sarah could say.
"Sounds like she said dare." Laura said, walking into her field of vision. "Sorry, Sarah, but you've got this coming."
"Dare, eh?" Vicky said, lifting a bottle and shaking it. "I dare you to go through what I just did...only much more."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: Aislan should have been suspicious the moment he opened the envelope. The greeting card was covered in glitter, which quickly dispersed around the den, spilling on the floor of the den while individual particles remained airborne. What little glitter remained on the card spelled out a simple "Happy Birthday!"
Aislan opened the card. The message read, "Call me when you get this." It was signed "Cadmus," his across-the-street neighbour.
Aislan scowled. He'd been feuding with Cadmus for years, and now the guy sends him a kiddie birthday card? Maybe the point was just to give him a mess to clean up. He took out his cell phone and punched in the number.
Cadmus answered before it even finished the first ring. "Aislan?"
"It's not even my birthday, dumbass," Aislan grumbled.
"Say, could you come over to the window?"
"What for?"
"Just do it, man. I'm waving at you."
Aislan walked to his picture window, which gave him a clear view of the neighbourhood, including Cadmus's house. Cadmus similarly stood at his own window, waving and smiling at Aislan like a happy idiot.
"What do you want, Cadmus?" Aislan asked the phone.
"How're feeling, buddy?"
"I'm hanging up unless there's a point to this."
"Oh, there's a point. How're you feeling?"
"I—" Aislan began to answer, but he was interrupted when his belly shot out from his shirt, snapping buttons as it blew outward.
"Oh, man, that's perfect!" Cadmus called out across the line. "It's starting!"
"What the bloody hell?!" Aislan just stared at his swelling abdomen for a moment, before pressing on it, as if in a vain attempt to stop its growth.
Instead it surged forward, the buttons snapping open as his belly tore through his shirt. Aislan barely had time to process this before noticing that his thighs were also bulging outward, stretching the waistline of his trousers.
"What did you do?!" Aislan shouted at the phone.
"It was that powder on your card," Cadmus explained. "It seeps through the skin. I'd like to tell you how much trouble I went to get that stuff, and how I put it in the post without getting any myself. It's really quite a story. But you'll have popped before I got halfway through."
"Popped?!" The unreality of the situation suddenly became very real in Aislan's mind. His arms and legs had just begun plumping up, and his midsection was almost a complete sphere. He was inflating like a balloon—and he knew what happened to over-inflated balloons.
He realised that he was falling for the second half of Cadmus's plan: He was allowing himself to be distracted by his neighbour's taunting. He needed to end the conversation so he could dial 999.
Unfortunately for Aislan, the inflation had already pushed his arms out to his sides, and they were rapidly shortening as they were absorbed by his rounding body. When he tried to disconnect, he found that he couldn't bend his other arm to press any buttons on his phone. He then tried to do it with one hand, but his fingers had also become plumped, and the phone merely dropped on the floor next to his swollen feet.
"Aislan!" Cadmus shouted into his receiver. "Aislan, can you hear me? It's important!"
"Wh-what?!" Aislan spat out with annoyance, even as he felt his head become lighter and his cheeks puff out
"Oh, good," said Cadmus. "I was worried you wouldn't be able to hear me laugh at you." He then began an irritating, childlike, mocking laugh. "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
"That is clearly a fake laugh!" Aislan sputtered out.
"It's bugging you, though, isn't it?" Cadmus asked. Aislan's silence said it all, and Cadmus continued with his mocking laughter. "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Aislan grit his teeth. Cadmus was right: That WAS irritating. He decided to move away from the window, at least not giving Cadmus the satisfaction of watching him burst.
But his legs were merely stumps now, and when he tried to turn, he merely lost his balance and fell backwards. His head bounced off a nearby coffee table. "Ugh!"
"OK, that was REALLY funny!" Cadmus said, and let out a genuine laugh.
"Fuff fu!" Aislan muttered, but his cheeks were too swollen to verbalise the response coherently. He lay on his back, his face pointed toward his ceiling and watching his midsection billow farther and farther. He tried to kick his feet and wave his arms, but found he had no appendages left, just stubby hands and feet sticking out his sphere-shaped form.
"Yeah, you're not going anywhere, tubby!" Cadmus chided him. "Nowhere but up! And up, and up, and up! And I get to watch you go BANG! Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Again with that stupid laughter, Aislan thought. He almost wished he could just pop so he wouldn't have to listen to that any more.
But he would have to impatiently wait, as his body continued pushing outward, heading inexorably to his limit.
"Ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"
Aislan's belly hit the ceiling, but his body continued to expand, pushing outward from the sides.
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"
Aislan grunted from the strain. He knew he was seconds away from bursting. Seconds!
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"
The laughter mercifully began to fade into the distance as it was replaced by the sound of rushing air, which was filling the last of Aislan's head. He heard ominous squeaks coming from all directions.
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"
Did I leave the faucet running? The thought had only a brief, quixotic moment to flit through Aislan's mind before—
Watching from his safe perch across the street, Cadmus saw his neighbour burst, and his fake laughter was replaced with the real, genuine kind.
He hoped that, whoever his new neighbours would be, that they would prove to be better neighbours than Aislan. But if not, well, he could always find a way to entertain himself...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Prose that Blows 8 - Epilogue, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Sexiest Story
Text: Danielle felt a hand slide up the inside of her thigh and stifled a surprised squeal.
She was instantly flooded with some rather vivid memories of the last... however long it had been. In that moment Danielle recalled the feeling of her legs growing thicker and thicker until she couldn't move them anymore. Now, of course, the hand wasn't really touching her leg at all; she had no legs to touch. It just felt like they were still there... sort of.
The hand continued inward before diverting upward at the last minute, narrowly missing her crotch. So close had it come to touching the upper edge of Danielle's vagina that she wondered how it had missed. Another hand pressed against her and the two surveyed her bikini area. Danielle remembered how small this area used to be in both an absolute and relative sense. At her current size Danielle felt that those hands should be no larger than a pair of sugar ants that had invaded her britches.
Danielle felt the hands roll her forward to reach her stomach, then around to her hips and butt. A flat, featureless and indistinguishable butt, but it was still her butt, the single most tantalizing aspect of her figure before it was sacrificed in the name of science.
The hands were rolling her back around again, passing over her stomach once more. Her skin reverberated slightly as the hands rubbed smoothly over her body. Then she pitched forward, feeling the hands glide across the surface of her wide chest. Although the person rubbing her down did not feel (nor see, most likely) Danielle's stretched-out right nipple under their fingers, she bit back another yelp, this time of equal parts surprise and, as embarrassed as she was to admit it, pleasure. Having her skin stretched out so much had a rather dramatic effect on nipples that were already fairly sensitive.
The ongoing caress moved sideways again, down the length of one side of Danielle's nonexistent right arm, over her puffy palm and fingers, and then up the other side of her arm. The hands moved between her shoulderblades before feeling up her left arm this time. Then she was back to laying on her stomach with the hands feeling her breasts again. Danielle inwardly hoped that her nipples would be involved again, but instead she rolled forward, the hands traveling up what normally would have been her cleavage and then the front of her neck. Dr. Elsie Harrison's blonde hair and thick glasses then came into view.
The doctor observed her test subject, Danielle's face blushing back at her amidst all the flesh surrounding her face and dark hair.
"Does that still arouse you?" Elsie asked.
"Uh huh," Danielle said, still blushing, still breathing a little hard.
"Even after all this time? I would have thought those nerve endings would be dulled at least a little bit by now."
"It's actually getting... stronger," Danielle replied.
"Really? Huh." The doctor removed a note pad from her pocket and took notes. "And you can still tell the distinction between all of your body parts? Arms, legs—"
"Boobs," Danielle interrupted.
"Yes, those," Elsie chuckled. "Still, that is remarkable. Even most amputees would have lost the feeling in their ghost limbs by now, yet you appear to have retained all awareness of body parts that no longer discretely exist."
"They DO exist," Danielle countered. "They're just different. But they still feel proportional."
The doctor kept scribbling for a minute before looking up. "Do you need anything? Water? Snack?"
"I wouldn't mind some water."
"Great," Elsie said and patted what passed for Danielle's shoulder these days. "I'll be right back." She turned and left the room, heels clopping loudly against the floor.
Danielle missed her boyfriend. She missed the way that he would hold her by the hips as she rode him, the way he would squeeze her buttocks, the way he would tickle her nipples with his tongue. She wished he could be here now, to help her through this unique brand of sexual frustration. Of course, it would be kind of weird since each of her nipples were now much wider than he was tall.
Dr. Harrison returned with a bottle of water and a straw sticking out of it. "Here you go," she said and held the straw up to Danielle's mouth. Danielle drank the whole bottle quickly.
Elsie sat the bottle down on the floor. "Well, the good news is that you don't have a single stretch mark anywhere that I can find. It appears the cream is still working. That is an incredible accomplishment considering how big you're getting."
"Does that mean we can be done with the testing? No pregnant woman is ever going to get this big. This doesn't do much good."
"I'm afraid not," Elsie said. "You know the terms of your community service agreement. Your record will be cleared if you stay here as long as we want, and there are a few more things about you that we'd like to investigate."
Danielle hesitated, but couldn't hold it in any longer. "Then would it... would it be possible to let my boyfriend come see me?"
"Huh?" Elsie asked, confused.
"I miss him and it's... been a long time since... you know..."
"Ohhh, no, no, absolutely not," Elsie shook her head and wove her hands. "We can't have that kind of stuff going on in our research facility."
"But I can't take this anymore!" Danielle blurted out, frustrated. "I feel like I'm reliving puberty five times all at the same time, but I'm trapped in this huge blimp of a body. All I'm asking for is an outlet for these sensations."
"I see," Elsie said, crossing her arms and looking at the floor in thought. She did not – could not – appreciate what Danielle was going through. She looked at her watch. "Tell you what. Your next cycle will be starting in an hour, and we'll have to prep you first."
"As always," Danielle said.
"What if I started prepping you a little early, before everyone else shows up wanting to inflate you even more? And I'll accidentally start in a rather strategic place?"
Danielle stared at Dr. Harrison for a moment before she understood. "You would?"
"But you'd better not tell anyone about this. Especially my husband."
"Deal," Danielle laughed.
"Alright, let's get you in position and then I'll go get ready." Elsie rolled Danielle onto her back and then left the room again. It was a few minutes before she heard noises from above. Elsie was lowering herself down from the gantry that spanned Danielle's vast width. Danielle could not see her but eventually felt the doctor's weight sink into the inside of her left breast. Elsie, wearing a bunny suit sans hood, dropped to her hands and knees.
"To your right," Danielle called out, and felt the doctor track ever closer to the perimeter of her erstwhile areola. "Keep going... keep–ohh... keep... yes..."
Elsie rolled her eyes and chuckled, knowing she was getting closer.
"Ok... that's good..." Danielle purred, feeling Elsie near the epicenter of her nipple. Danielle gasped and then bit her lower lip as Elsie unloaded a large glob of cold anti-stretch mark cream from a hose dangling from the gantry and began massaging it into her tight skin.
All this seemed a little excessive for getting out of a speeding ticket, but Danielle would worry about it later. She was already letting herself go.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Offscreen Popping, Prose that Blows 9 - Here I Come to Save the Day
Text: The door to the evil laboratory was strong, but Captain Fabulous was stronger, wrenching the steel panels from their frame with no more difficulty than an ordinary person would have placing a small marble statue on a particularly high shelf.
"Freeze, ne'er-do-well!" he exclaimed triumphantly. "I am Captain Fabulous, champion of justice, leaping forward to fight crime without a moment's hesitation!"
All of this would have been much more dramatic if there was anyone there. The main control room appeared to be completely devoid of occupants. Every light on every diabolical instrument was switched off, giving the room a pitch-black, abandoned appearance.
"Erm..." the Captain muttered to himself. "This is... huh." As he sheepishly turned to leave, however, his choice of entrance was salvaged by a lady's voice from the far end of the room.
"Captain Fabulous? Could it really be you?" she said. Her voice sounded hopeful.
"Why yes, it is!" he proclaimed, resuming his previous stance of triumph.
"Thank goodness you've come!" replied the woman enthusiastically. "The evil doctor has imprisoned me here while she carries out her diabolical schemes! She'll be back any moment! Please set me free!"
"Not to worry, fair damsel! But it would be easier to free you if I could see! Surely there must be some Light Switch of Terror somewhere in this evil chamber?"
"Um... I don't know about 'of Terror', but there should be a light switch in the middle of the room."
"Okay!" affirmed Captain Fabulous, and he strode forward into the blackened chamber. There was a crash.
"Are you alright, Captain?" gasped the lady. Invisible in the pitch darkness, Captain Fabulous raised a dismissive hand.
"No worries, dear maiden! The super-durable spandex of my Fabulous Suit has protected me from far worse perils!" He chuckled before adding, "It's span-tastic!"
"Oh, clearly..." came the reply, the voice's enthusiasm somewhat diminished.
"Is this the light switch?" the superhero queried a few moments later. "The large button with a 'Warning' label in luminescent paint?"
"It sure is, Captain!" exclaimed the lady. "Hurry and press it so I can be free!"
With one gloved finger, the hero pressed the switch. There was a loud beep, and then the room was flooded with light. At the same time, Captain Fabulous felt strong shackles attach themselves to his wrist.
"My hero!" cackled the woman.
"What in the name of justice is going on here?" demanded the superhero. He looked up to see a curvaceous woman seated in the back of the chamber, her lab coat partially unbuttoned to reveal her ample bosom, her eyes obscured by a familiar pair of horn-rimmed sunglasses.
"Captain Fabulous," she cooed, her voice lowering as she dropped the damsel-in-distress routine. "The moron-champion of justice, blundering in to fight crime without a moment's consideration." She spread her arms wide.
"Welcome to my laboratory."
"Dr. Luscious!" exclaimed Captain Fabulous angrily. "I should have known!" The evil scientist rolled her eyes in frustration.
"For the love of..." she sighed. "It's Dr. Lucius, okay? Lucius." She shook her head, walking over to a small control panel, where she began making adjustments. "I don't know where the press got 'Dr. Luscious'. That just sounds like a bad stripper name. It's my boobs, isn't it? It's always about the boobs."
"What do you want, Luscious?" demanded her inattentive captive. The super-villainess sighed again.
"Whatever..." she muttered. She sauntered over to where Captain Fabulous was now chained, her curvy hips swaying as she circled around him.
"To be honest, Captain," she said, "I've always been rather in awe of you. Your strength, your speed, your... muscles." She traced one finger over the hero's bicep, giggling when he attempted to jerk his arm away. "But, you see, I've got the whole world to take over. I can't afford to be constantly sidetracked by a single meddling man."
Luscious walked back over to the control panel. Reaching underneath, she pulled out a gas mask, which she quickly proceeded to pull on, concealing the lower half of her pretty, but evil, face.
"So I'm just going to have to take your ridiculously handsome body away." With that, she slammed her hand down on a button.
"What are you talking about?" demanded Captain Fabulous, but he was distracted as the room was flooded with a pale blue mist. "Ha! Your evil gas won't have any effect on my Fabu-Lungs!" So confident was he that he didn't notice the odd hissing noise that his body was now making.
"Oh, I assure you, it will," replied the evil scientist, her voice slightly muffled by the gas mask. She watched his stomach, carefully observing the change taking place there. The hero seemed to notice as well.
"My Fab-dominals!" he cried. "What have you done to them?" His rock-hard abs, earned by the relentless training of the superhero, was being replaced by a large, most un-heroic belly as his body began to fill with air.
"Nothing, compared to what's happening to the rest of you!" she replied gleefully.
Sure enough, the growth was by no means confined to Captain Fabulous' belly. Both hero and villain looked on as his entire body swelled, his musculature devolving to an inflatable caricature of obesity. Circling the inflating superhero, Dr. Lucius paused behind him as she observed his magnificently sculpted rear had become a pair of giant round balloons, constrained by his ever-tightening spandex suit. His muscular arms and legs were puffy as the gas inside him robbed them of their definition; even his chest, once the proud placement of a beautiful set of pectorals, now featured only a pair of ridiculously sized man-boobs.
"Say, do you work out?" inquired the villainess mockingly. "Because it certainly doesn't show!"
"Stop this right now, Luscious!" demanded Captain Fabulous. Even his face was becoming distorted as his cheeks puffed up with air.
"Oh why ever would I want to stop this?" purred Lucius in response. "Of course, if you ask nicely, I—"
"I mean it, Luscious!" interrupted the superhero. His body was becoming more spherical, overtaking his legs and arms as his torso grew and grew. "Change me back this instant!"
"As I was saying, if you just ask nicely—"
"I demand you stop inflating me right this minute!"
"I don't think you're in a position to make demands—"
"In the name of justice, I implore you to deflate me!"
"Look, if you're just going to interrupt me—"
"At once!"
Dr. Lucius threw up her hands. "You know what? I don't need to take this from you." She grabbed her clipboard and walked around the now-completely-round superhero as she made her way to the exit, her heels clacking against the tile floor authoritatively. As she departed, she observed the seams of the ultra-durable Fabulous Suit beginning to split open, no longer able to contain the ultra-expansive Captain Fabulous.
"Come back here, fiend!" shouted the ballooning superhero. His skin creaked ominously under the tearing fabric of his suit. "Come back here and reverse this right now!"
As Dr. Lucius walked down the corridor, she pulled off her gas mask and threw it to the ground. Pulling a No. 2 pencil from her pocket, she examined her to-do list.
"Ah, here we are," she mused. "'Find an arch-nemesis worthy of me.'" She erased the checkmark from the little box.
"Well, that was disappointing," she said to herself. There was a loud blast. "Better luck next time."
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, cheerleader, inhale
Text: Caitlin had many things. She had a trim, tan physique, beautiful sandy blonde hair, a stunning smile, popularity at school, and a coveted spot on the cheerleading squad. But for all of that, she wasn't happy. Some weekends she would feel so sad that she'd stay indoors all day, refusing to respond to anyone. She became quite a skilled actress maintaining a happy facade at school, but then would come home and cry for no reason. She knew she had a problem and, after a while, decided to take her mother's advice and get some medicinal help.
Caitlin carefully read the label on the medicine bottle. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. The prospect alone of being cured of depression was enough to make her smile as she downed a pill with a glass of water. She undressed and threw on an oversized pink T-shirt, and crawled into bed.
The next morning, she woke up feeling better already. Still extremely tired, she didn't notice that her T-shirt, overnight, had become slightly less oversized. Her breasts had slightly expanded.
Caitlin arrived at school and began her cheer warm-ups. She felt a little odd. She felt a little happier and willing to cheer, and as if jumping around had become slightly easier. Emotionally and physically, she just felt more light and bouncy. Her mood was glowing for the rest of the day. That evening she popped another pill, excited about the idea of never having to deal with irrational sadness again.
The next day, she noticed something odd as got out of bed and went toward the bathroom. Her breasts seem to knock against each other a little more than usual. And when she walked, her thighs seemed to rub together slightly. Curious, she got in front of her full length mirror and took off her shirt.
There was no doubt about it. What once were B-cup boobs had grown into Cs. What once were lithe thighs had swelled out a bit. "What the hell, am I getting fat?" she complained to herself. But she didn't feel fat, and didn't at all feel sad about what she saw in the mirror. She just felt a bit confused as she ran her hands up her sides. She cupped her sizable breasts in her hands and pushed them together. She never had that much cleavage before. She let them fall, and they perkily bounced back into place. "I must be really tired," she convinced herself. She turned away fromt he mirror and began a giant yawn. As she breathed in her initial breath, she heard a slight stretching sound. Surprised, her yawn stopped short as she turned back at the mirror quickly. She barely caught the last split second of her tits swelling slightly.
"This can't be happening..." she said to herself as she turned her body to look at her profile. No doubt about it, her breasts were even bigger, perky and bouncy at now a D-cup range. The small of her back turned a sharp curve into a bigger, rounder butt. Slowly, carefully, she breathed in heavily. Nothing happened at first, but then the comical stretching sound could be heard again. She watched in wonder as her ass expanded out behind her, and her breasts inflated larger in front of her. She quickly stopped, and looked back at her face in the mirror. To her surprise, she found a giant grin on it. She quickly regained her composure. "I can't do this anymore... I've got to stop or everyone will notice," she decided sternly.
All day, she was careful not to breathe in too deeply. She succeeded in keeping her expansion at bay, but not in avoiding the attention of many around her. Her happily bouncing breasts made certain they were noticed at every step, while her curvier ass swayed seductively whether she liked it or not. That night she stared at her new rack in the bathroom mirror. "Shit.. I'm so big, this is crazy," she thought to herself. Absentmindedly she threw a pill into her mouth and followed it with water, not noticing that she had inadvertently consumed two.
The next morning, she woke up and looked down, through a stretched neckline, into a chasm of cleavage. She sat up with a start, but yelped with surprise when she bounced right back down into a laying position. Startled, she let her hands explore her upper body. Her breasts had become massive overnight, the size of cantaloupes at least. Her belly had puffed out a bit which, with her new breasts, caused her formerly-oversized shirt to be now quite form-fitting. She got out of bed and stood up, almost losing her balance. Her thighs had swelled, requiring that her legs be spread out a bit. She made a slight waddle over to the mirror and nearly fainted as she looked at herself. Everything about her body had inflated overnight. She turned and glanced at her bigger ass, which seemed to explode out of her black thong. She looked like a cartoon, every part the size of a fat girl's but perfectly round and perky.
She claimed she was sick and stayed home from school. Extremely careful not to breathe in too much, she tried to find a pair of pants she could wear so she could get to the doctor's. None of them fit. She simply couldn't get any of her clothes past her plumped thighs. The only thing that even barely fit was her cheerleading skirt, and even then her butt lifted it skyward. Every clothing failure brought an instinctive smile to Caitlin's face. She just couldn't help but feel happy about what was happening, even though she knew something was horribly wrong.
Suddenly, the phone rang. It was her cheerleading coach. It was Friday, and all the cheerleaders were supposed to meet at the gym early for the basketball game.
"But I'm really sick coach, I'm puking and everything," Caitlin complained.
"That's no excuse, Cait. You need to at least show up, and tell me in person."
"No buts! You can show me how sick you are and then you can go right home," the coach said, before hanging up.
"Oh well," Caitlin thought. "At least she'll see I can't exactly cheer tonight." She pulled down her skirt in back (to no avail) and left the room wearing her night shirt.
She was really late. The coach had waited a long time to call her in, and the fans had already mostly populated the bleachers when she pulled in to the parking lot. "Damn!" she said aloud. "I've got to find Coach." She got out and waddled as fast as she could, but couldn't stop grinning about how big she was and how funny she must look. She headed to the back gym entrance, where she could get to the locker room without parading across the basketball court. She ended up running into her entire team as they dashed onto the court excitedly. A pair of cheerleaders collided into her and with a slight bounce, Caitlin landed right on her ballooned ass. She started giggling to herself as she game to rest. She was in plain view of nearly everyone at the game. The other cheerleaders, still surprised by whoever bumped into them, turned around to see their Caitlin, now plumped up all over, hardly fitting in her clothes, and laughing uncontrollably.
"Holy shit, Caitlin!"
"What's happened to you Cait!"
Caitlin felt so good and happy, even with everyone watching her. Her concern for keeping everything a secret was now just a faint memory, as her irrational glee with herself had expanded right along with her body. Out of breath from laughter, she drew one in deeply.
Some of her teammates screamed as they saw their teammate, formerly fit and trim, start to expand. For only a few seconds, Caitlin grew even more. Her breasts swelled larger and larger, filling her shirt to capacity. The T-shirt was now stretched tight across her belly, which was slowly puffing out. Her giant butt that had cushioned her fall inflated and pushed her off of the ground a bit.
The gymnasium had fallen into murmurs as the crowd stared in awe at this cheerleader ballooning up. Speechless, Caitlin's teammates watched as this big girl struggled to get up using her inflated arms. Even though Caitlin was so round and large, her breasts and butt were considerably larger than anything else. She could hardly see over her tits, which were now so large, bouncy and perky that they partially blocked her view.
"Whoa I am big!" Caitlin said, with only slight concern, the last real concern she would have. Delirium washed over her, a pure happiness that begged her, urged her to breathe in and become bigger. With a giant smile on her slightly puffed cheeks, she opened her mouth and breathed in.
Caitlin's upper arms and shoulders inflated. They first snapped the seams on her T-shirt's shoulder fabric, then burst the whole sleeves asunder. Her giant butt grew ever more gargantuan, her butt-cheeks alternately bouncing as they swelled larger and larger. Her belly and breasts expanded outward, until there was no more room in her shirt. The bottom of her shirt quickly rode up to her breasts, revealing her big, round, tan belly that continued to grow. The cheerleaders started to scream, quickly followed by other concerned occupants of the gymnasium. Some rushed to the exits, and others just watched in wonder as Caitlin inflated like a balloon, her boobs and ass still taking extreme prominence. She stopped breathing in and took a couple big, exaggerated, waddling steps toward the center of the basketball court. "I am such a big girl! Wow!" she squealed before entering another giggling fit. She glanced at the basketball hoops and noticed that the bottom of the net was at eye level. A huge grin again spread across her face as ecstasy washed over her. "Mmm, sooo big," she said as she closed her eyes, spread out her plumped up arms, and fell back into her monumental cushion of a butt.
As if in some kind of happy dream, she opened her mouth wide and took in as much air as she could.
Now people were really becoming concerned. The last of the crowd pushed toward the doors, realizing that this girl was out of control and didn't seem to be stopping. Massaging her breasts and pushing them together, Caitlin just smiled as she grew, rising farther and farther off of the floor. "Bigger and bigger," Caitlin said in a ridiculously cute voice. "And bigger! I'm the biggest ever, and I'm sooo happy! Bigger, bigger, BIGGER!!" Her insanely large body swelled up and out. Her thighs and ass inflated her higher and higher. Her breasts were so giant and perky that every time Caitlin took a new breath, they'd quiver slowly and bounce around, and they continued to swell. Her arms were so inflated that she found it hard to feel and massage the flesh of her breasts and sides, but she managed. Her butt was now the size of a pair of vehicles, and Caitlin felt herself tipping backwards. Her ponytail touched the gym floor when her body maintained balance once more. Caitlin chuckled with pure joy and opened her eyes to see her giant, soft, relatively light breasts fall back into her face. Muffled between her cleavage, her voice gleefully announced, "Yes! I'm such a big, big girl! More, more! More of me, bigger, huge, giant, MEGA-GIRL! More, bigger, more more more!" Still with plenty of room to breathe, she inhaled vast amounts air into herself, making her body take up more and more of the gymnasium, knocking over chairs, growing over bleachers, and puffing out around the basketball hoops. Caitlin hugged the top of her breasts and smiled. "Soooo big.." she said dreamily and happily. The pills did their job after all.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, hand pump, near popping
Text: Sonia was always a strange one, but we didn't know how strange until the five of us were together one day and the topic of secret talents came up. Cherry stems were tied with a tongue, fortunes were told with Tarot decks, and then she piped up, asking us if we wanted to see "something cool." We said yes, not knowing what were getting into, and she grinned and left the room, coming back with a bike pump connected to a long, trailing hose.
We thought it was a joke until she plugged it into her navel and started pumping. Then we thought it was some sort of trick when her belly started growing - a suit of some sort - until she grabbed Tony's hand and pressed it against her body; his reaction was too shocked for it to be anything but real. It was remarkable at first, but then she started getting a little big. When Alex spoke up about this Sonia ignored her, but when I mentioned that she was blocking the door with her body she stopped for a moment, staring at me before a fiendish grin spread across her face and she continued pumping frantically.
She grew at a rate I had never seen anything grow at, let alone a human being. As her head neared the ceiling she swung her arms forward, the momentum rolling her onto her stomach and blocking the nozzle from our reach. Daniel tried to make a break for the door, circling around her just as her lower hemisphere surged back, the foot on her wide, stubby leg stomping against the frame. We were trapped, and the look on Sonia's face told us she knew as well.
Sonia kept pumping and pumping, the air inside her stretching every inch of her body save for her arms and head, giving it an elastic sheen. Chairs were pushed aside and shelves tipped over, and we were forced back, at first threatening her to stop, then pleading. She just ignored us, intent on filling herself and the room, backing us toward the far corner.
At first, when we noticed that her pumping was beginning to slow, we felt relief; that she was going to stop, or reach a point where she had to. After all, we were practically on top of each other, and there wasn't much more room for her to grow. But she didn't; she kept on going, perspiration forming on her forehead and on her body, highlighting the shine even further. Then came the sounds, low at first, a barely audible creaking and groaning that could scarcely be heard over the hiss of the pump, but with each press of the plunger it rose in volume, then length, until it was a rolling series of groans and squeaks resonating from deep within Sonia.
We were packed into the corner, practically on top of each other and cowed into silence by the time Sonia stopped. As a bead of sweat rolled down her nose she looked at us with feigned innocence, her head level with ours despite rolling onto her stomach mere moments prior, back when it was still possible to tell that she had some semblance of a human figure.
"What's wrong, guys?" She smiled. "It's just a little bit of harmless fun." She drummed her fingers against the handle of the pump. "Unless you're worried..."
Her jaw clenched as she pushed down on the handle again and her body crept forward, a mixture of deep, ominous, rumbling tones emanating from within, along with the sound of stretching rubber that continued for several seconds before almost, but not quite, fading out of hearing.
"...that I might pop."
Tags: Butt Inflation, Male Inflation, Genji, male inflation, Overwatch
Text: The recall of Overwatch had surprised the Shimada. One thing he knew of Overwatch among others was that they had been law-abiding, but he remembered well the day Overwatch fell to pieces, its outlawing. Years in Nepal had kept him distant from global affairs, but the recall message managed to reach him, and it was just like old times. Winston seemed to be organising the whole operation, though what geenji did remember of the Scientist was his tendancy to get flustered, and the management of an ilegal military group would send any one human mad. Then again, Winston wasn't human.
Perhaps Winston had fumbled something up, because the site Genji had been sent to scout was empty. After the assassination attempt in Volskaya Industries, security had been doubled, and he had thought the warehouse he'd go to would be crawling with guards. This one had long since been abandoned, perhaps a retreat during the Omnic Crisis leaving the place to the mechanized menace, only to be forgotten after their downfall. Winston had said that there had been some glitches in the Volskaya Mainframe before the attack that had been disregarded as simply a glitch. Turns out the glitch had been a loophole in security being opened up, giving whoever opened it access to the Volskaya base codes and probably assisted in the assassination attempt. Apparently, the same glitch had occured right where Genji was standing. Winston had assured him that Volskaya would be much slower to react, the Overwatch satellite more advanced than Volskaya's.
Despite the apparent lack of enforcement, Genji stayed to the rafters of the warehouse, never touching the intended floor. Silence reigned in the building, zero noise comming from the cyborg ninja, another precaution. From his vantage point atop a disused command center, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He activated his communicator.
"Winston, I can't confirm any visual of the target," he said, keeping his tone quiet. "Are you sure this is the place?"
"Positive," Came back the deep voice of the gorilla. Genji wondered if it was bassy enough to be heard outside his helmet. "The reading's exactly he same, and apparently right on top of you."
"There's nothing here, the place is untouched."
"Perhaps there's a relay masking the signal. Did you check the roof?"
"Yes. And the back, front, sides, interior of every room and every possible crevice. There's nothing here." His impatience was leaking through
"There has to be. The glitch is there. You could theoretically remotely create the glitch but you woulddn't be able to get any information from it, but there's be no use in that, unless..."
"Unless...what?" Genji asked, his stance becomign slightly more rigid. "Unless what, Winston? Winston?"
No reply came. The Cyborg ordered the system diagnostic display to show on his visor, the signal had been lost. It was perfectly fine a second ago, and uses the Overwatch satellite. The only way it coudl be lost is if...
"Kuso." Genji muttered. This was a trap.
He set off immediatley but something hit him even faster, a sharp pain on his rear. He'd been making to jump from the command centre to a maintenance station but the surprise attack made hsi leg spasmat just the wrong moment. He regained balance in mid-air, hitting the groudn with a roll and standing straight up, holding the handdle of his sword, facing where the attack came from.
He scanned around himself, quickly checking what had hit him. A dart had pierced the syntheetic skin of his left buttock. He pulled it out. Upon inspection, it appearredd to be remiscent of Captain Amari's biotic rifle, but the design of the dart was sleeker, the liquid within drained and presumably inside his system. He pulled his display back up, checking his vitals. No damage. Aside from the tiny entry wound, he was unharmed. he did ddiffferent scans of his system. Not a tracker, not a timed poison, nothing.
He disabled the HUD, keeping awarre of his surroundings, but no attack had been made. He relaxed slightly, still on edge, but curious.
He heard an odd sound. Creaking, like an inflating balloon, comiing frrom behind him. He turned, seeing nothing, but the sound was still behind him. It was nearer the ground. He turned his head, finding the source, though he was stunned from the reason.
His ass was bigger. Was it just hsi imagination? His stance? A quick gaining of an inch to his hips persuaded him otherwise, his butt was blowing up like a balloon. This felt like a nightmare, which made him question if this was a hallucination, but a quick grab of his inflating cheeks silenced that idea. His butt was soft, not hard, feeling fleshy, the one part of his cybernetic body that actually allowed itself to give way. What luck.
He was snapped back to reality when his stance weakened, this new butt was heavy, and getting heavier. The Shimada had always had surprisingly big cheeks, but this was a joke. It was feminine, it was beyond feminine, creating its own curve. It wasn't long before a cup could be rested on top if he stood up straight.
He made a run for it, but as he did, another sharp pain hit his right cheek. he swiped away the dart, but it was too late, the liquid already inside him. The growth doubled, and having to rebalance yourself after every step is more difficult than it sounds, so the mounds of cyber-fat that jiggled with every movement he made forced him to slow his pace. His thighs were getting larger too, along with the width of his hips, giving him a pear-shaped figure, one that he imagined a few guys would happily take a long look at. he shookk his hea,d clearing it of such thoughts
He had to stop moving or he'd topple over and be completely defenseless, but he needed cover. A storage room was straight ahead of him. He made a sprint for it, not trusting his lower half to comply with a dash, every hard step making his huge booty ripple with disturbance. His head made it through but his hips decided against it, now too large for the doorway, and getting him stuck.
He felt if now was a time to panic, this probably was it. Dumbsttruck by the size of his rear, he made worried gasps while feeling it all over, trying to push himself forward, but to no avail, it was simply getting larger behind him. His hands sunk into the flesh, and he was glad the mask couldn't blush. This was surreal, his rear felt just like a woman's. He pushed back, falling onto his ass as the momentum was too large to counter, though, while seated, hes was two feet higher off the ground.
Using a rocking motion to get back on his feet, he made for the large doors at the front, thinking that he'd be ale to make it through. A sudden pulse in growth in his fat-like mounds of cerbernetic flesh made him topple forward, his huge booty jiggling as he struggled to get back up. It was like an anchor on his back, its inflating naturre ccausing the iniddes to shift like water balloons and snap back at any attempot to stand. He looked back at his ass, his cheeks looking like two beach balls, though much, much heavier, and he didn't even try to imagine the size of his thighs, equally huge.
They kept growing. His hips grew to the width of car, and his ass, wwell, there wasn't really a common globe large enough to describe it. Eventually, it reached 4 feet in depth, before thankfully stopping. Genji slowly stood, taking care not to fall backwards, looking over at a reflective panel of metal. His figure was stupifyingly large, he turned aorund to get better looks at it, gargantuan from every angle. A part of him kinda liked it, and that was a part he immediatley despised.
He heard a scufflign from the side of the warehouse, followed by footsteps in snoww that gradually got further and further away. He swore he hearrd giggling.
A crackling sound came from his helmet radio, eventualyl straightening itself out into a voice.
"...enji, can you hear me? A blocking signal just went down, we should be able to talk, Genji?!"
"I'm here" He said, slowly
"Oh, thank God, what happened?"
"Er..." He gave his reflection another look over, , getting into a stance that pushed the left cheek up a little. He felt it, pushing a hand into the mounds. "I need Doctor Ziegler, and just Doctor Ziegler to give me some medical assistance."
"Um, okay...why just her?"
"Because she's seen me worse."
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: Melissa was a bitch. Everybody knew that and acknowledged it. She was the only one to remain blissfully unaware (or ignorant) of it. She saw her boyfriend further down the hall and casually walked up to him.
Melissa was not petite or skinny like the other girls; neither was she curvatious. She was downright....porky. She had on form-fitting slacks that barely covered every curve. Her belly poked out over the pants and under her shirt resulting in an unsightly muffin top of gross proportions. Her thick hips wobbled from side to side as she lumbered forward. A tight white shirt (barely) covered her breasts and her stomach. She wasn't gargantuan, but she wasn't no Jessica Alba for sure. Her long messy blonde hair was tucked in a small ponytail and thrown over one shoulder. Her slight double chin grew taught upon seeing that her boyfriend was checking out some of the other girls with some of his buddies. She came in for the kill.
"Bozo!" she shouted, "What are you doing?!"
Steve turned around and let out an inaudible sigh. It was going to be one of those days. His girlfriend was on another rant, and he had to try and stop her. "Oh, hey babe. How are you?" He moved closer in an attempt to hug her.
She stepped back and put a palm up to his chest, keeping her distance. "What were you just doing?" she demanded.
"Nothing! I was just talking to Mike and Tim when you showed up."
"LIAR!" she accused. "You were checking out the girls! I SAW you! You were checking out Katerina, weren't you? I KNEW you had a thing for her! What a WHORE!!!!"
Steve swooped in, trying to minimize the damage. "Listen, baby, you know that you are the only one for me. I'd never even think about looking at another girl. You're all I need."
Melissa decided to accept this, and (as penance for making her upset), allowed Steve to carry her books to class. She had him on a very tight leash, and he knew that. He wished that, someday, he could break that leash without fear of a major conflict ending with him injured in various ways. They stopped outside the door of her History class to kiss goodbye, when something caught Melissa's eye.
At the opposite end of the hallway, there was something blue. But it wasn't an object; it was a person. In this case, a 17 year-old girl named Violet Beauregarde. She could've blended into any high school. She had long, wavy brown hair, eyes bluer than the ocean, and curves that seemed to turn the heads of all the guys. Not stunning, but definitely pretty. The only thing that isolated her from everybody else was her skin. Violet's skin was a deep, rich sapphire blue. She was a splash of blue in a sea of black and white. This, unfortunately, made her a huge target for Melissa's cruel humor.
"OH MY GOD! What is THAT?!" she gaped.
"Honey," Steve began, "leave her alone. She's new. She just transferred here from Bethel. Don't you think she has it hard enough?"
Melissa could not respond with words. Instead, she laughed. And not a "Ha-ha" polite type laugh, but rather a loud, obnoxious, braying laugh that caught the attention of everybody in the hallway. Pretty soon, everybody was staring at Violet, looking her over, unsure of what to make of this odd spectacle. Violet, embarrassed, quickly walked away from the crowd. "Nice" Steve said sarcastically.
"Shut up" Melissa said sternly. She grabbed his head and pulled him in for a kiss. She then grabbed her belongings and went into her class just as the first bell rang. Over the next few weeks, Melissa would focus on Violet as an object of ridicule. Melissa was CONSTANTLY making fun of violet's skin color, her funny accent, and the fact that Violet really didn't have any friends. The abuse varied from name calling, to harassment in the locker rooms, and to prank calls. The harassment was so severe that Violet had to eat lunch in the bathroom, so that Melissa couldn't catch her in the lunchroom and try to "quarantine" her to a single table by herself ("For the safety of everyone else" Melissa said). Violet was tired of it all. One day, Violet was walking from the cafeteria with her tray of food down to the unused bathroom. When she got to the end of the dark corridor, she was very surprised to see Melissa waiting there. Before Violet could say anything, Melissa began launching into a tirade about how Violet has been hitting on Steve, and how she is trying to break up her and Steve. Violet just stood there and nodded. She knew that the windbag would lose her air eventually. This time, however, Melissa wasn't going to let this "incident" go.
Before she had time to react, Melissa socked Violet right in the stomach. Violet cried out in pain, and sank to the floor. Her purse, along with the full tray of food, fell to the floor; it's contents spilling everywhere. Violet scrambled to pick everything up, but before she could, Melissa bent down and picked up a small blue box.
Violet saw the opportunity and seized it.
"No!" she yelped, "That's my favorite gum! They only sell it at one place, and I got the last box!"
Melissa, being the glutton that she was, didn't have to think twice about what to do next. She quickly tucked the gum away in her own purse. "That's what you get for eye-fucking my boyfriend. Don't let me see you looking at him again." And with that, she turned around and walked down the corridor. She didn't see the small smile creep up Violet's face. Because she had spent so much time accosting Violet, Melissa had missed lunch and was now running late for Biology. She walked into the classroom five minutes late and sat down. The teacher barely acknowledged her presence. After countless detentions, suspensions, and phone-calls home, the teacher decided to let nature run it's course. The teachers came to realize that there was nothing they could do to properly discipline Melissa, so they let her do as she pleased. Let her fail her subjects; they had tried their best.
Melissa sat down in the only empty seat towards the back of the classroom. There was one girl diagonally behind her, but that was it. Melissa could do as she pleased. She decided to text Steve (who was home sick) and bother him for a while. After bullying him into picking her up after school, she out the phone away and looked around the room. She saw the clock and realized that there was still 45 minutes left of class. Unsure of what she could do, she rummaged in her purse to see if her Gameboy was still in there. 45 minutes was more than enough time to level up Pikachu and defeat Misty in the Cerulean Gym. While she was digging around, she came across the small blue box that she had taken from Violet. At the same time, she felt her stomach give a long grumble. She had missed lunch, and she hadn't eaten since dinner the night before. She was famished. She decided to have Steve pick her up early and take her somewhere for lunch. She'd have some gum to tide her over for the time being. She quickly texted Steve to inform him of her plans, and then turned her attention to the small box.
It wasn't very big or flashy. On the front it said "Wonka's Famous 3-Course Chewing Gum". 'Sounds weird,' she thought. The box said that each piece had the flavor of Tomato Soup, Roast Beef with a side of Baked Potato, and a Blueberry Pie A La Mode for dessert. 'Sounds like some cheap novelty shit' she thought. She opened the box and saw that only one piece was missing. The pieces were small, though, so she decided to pop the remaining three pieces into her mouth. She then crumpled up the small box and sank a three-point shot into the nearest wastebasket. She failed to notice the tiny 'Warning' label printed on the side of the box.
At first she tasted nothing. Then, as if a light switch had been turned on somewhere, flavor flooded her mouth. She had to grip the desk to prevent herself from falling out of the chair. The taste of thick, rich tomato soup flooded her palate, filling up her mouth in mere seconds. She swallowed and was pleased to find out that the soup constantly replenished itself in her mouth. The deliciousness lasted for about 2 minutes before it began to fade away. She wasn't disappointed, though, as it was immediately replaced with the taste of juicy, succulent roast beef. She felt as if she was eating piece after piece of the world's best roast beef. She hadn't eaten a good, home-cooked meal in a long time, so this experience was almost new to her. When the roast beef left, it was replaced with a hot, buttery mashed potato. Although she regretted that there was no sour cream or bacon bits, she didn't complain. She was just happy to have something in her stomach after a 14-hour hiatus. Finally, the Pièce de Résistance: fresh blueberry pie topped with vanilla ice cream. Melissa felt like she was rapidly being fed spoonful after spoonful of the world's greatest blueberry pie. The deliciousness was almost orgasmic, and Melissa let out a barely audible moan of pleasure. Unlike the other dishes, though, the blueberry seemed to be lasting the longest. While the dessert was undoubtedly delicious, Melissa soon began to feel full. Her already tight pants began to feel a little uncomfortable and she moved around in her seat to adjust them. Just then, the girl sitting behind Melissa gave her a little tap on the shoulder. "What?" Melissa snapped.
"Ummm...are you feeling okay?" the girl asked. "Your hand looks...blue..."
"What the hell are you-" Melissa began, but she was soon cut off. Sure enough, her hand and wrist was becoming a light shade of indigo. Melissa shot out of her seat and bee-lined to the door. "I have to go to the bathroom," she quickly told her teacher. The teacher just waved her on, not even looking up from her notes.
Not wanting to be seen, Melissa quickly strode down the dark corridor and went into the abandoned girls bathroom. She went to the mirror and looked at her hands. They were now a darker shade of blue, and the color seemed to be spreading up her arms. She lifted up her white t-shirt to reveal a blue belly and abdomen. She could see the blue reach her neck and spread all over her face. It was only a minute before every square inch of her body was a deep sapphire blue, similar to Violet. "What the hell is this?" she said, sounding nervous. Melissa began to hyperventilate, unsure of what she should do in this situation. That is when Melissa's train of thought was interrupted by a peculiar sound.
A low, groaning noise came from her stomach. She quickly pulled up her shirt to reveal her already swollen abdomen. Suddenly, her stomach seemed to poke out a little further; and a little further; and a little further. She realized, to her horror that her stomach was expanding! "What the fuck is going on?!" she exclaimed. She continued to chew the delicious gum, unable to free herself from its hypnotic, addictive, delicious flavor. Her abdomen continued to swell out, until she looked four months pregnant. Her already tight pants grew tighter, and her leather belt had a lot of strain on it. She continued to swell when she had another peculiar feeling, this time in her chest. She quickly looked down and saw that her already ample breasts were beginning to blow up as well, growing to the size of volleyballs in a few seconds. Melissa, scared and unsure of what to do, backed into a stall and sat down. She could only stare in horror as she continued to bloat, her stomach now the size of a woman 7 months pregnant. Her bra was uncomfortably tight, but she couldn't get it off. Her belt was restricting the swelling to her upper body, leaving her arms puffed out. The belt began to groan, but she couldn't get the buckle undone. She whimpered, scared at the size of her now gargantuan tummy. She stood up to give herself more room to grow, but had trouble getting out of the stall. The groaning noises from her rapidly expanding stomach were growing louder and more frequent. She just stood there in horror, as the noises grew louder, and louder, and louder until finally: 'BOOM!' Melissa's belt was unable to grow any larger and it burst off her stomach, leaving the buckle horribly mangled. Her belly, now free to expand, swarmed into her jeans. They quickly burst off the top button, sending it ricocheting around the bathroom. Her pants unzipped and her belly gave an extra-large surge of happiness. She almost fell because of the rapid gravity shift. Then, her legs quickly started to plumpen, making up for lost time. In a few seconds, they were just swollen immovable stumps. Her bobs continued to grow, now reaching the size of car tires. Her stomach was 5 feet around and showed no sign of slowing down. 'How big can I possibly get?' she fearfully asked herself as she continued to expand. In the heat of the moment she began to cry. Suddenly, her vision was blue. She was able to wipe them off and she suddenly realized what she was filling up with. "Blueberries!" she cried.
The inflation showed no signs of slowing down. Buttons on her blouse began popping off, one by one. Her incredibly bloated form was taking up at least half of the bathroom. Finally, her bra gave up the fight and blew off with a 'POW!' She staggered back, surprised. Unfortunately, she accidentally got herself wedged between the doors of another stall. Her expanding form billowed around the metal doors, trapping her there. Her breasts were now the size of television sets, and there was blue juice dribbling from her nipples. Her ass began to inflate, pushing her skyward several feet until her head was almost touching the ceiling. Her pants were in tatters, and her underwear was split in half. Melissa felt the immense pressure grow, and grow until it began to become painful. Helpless, she started to scream.
"HELP!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!" It seemed like fortune was on her side when the bathroom door swung open not too long after. She suddenly realized, however, that this was not true. Violet calmly strolled in the bathroom, gazing up at the massive blob that Melissa had become. "I see you enjoyed the gum," Violet noted
"What the fuck did you do to me?!" Melissa shrieked.
"Me?" Violet said innocently. "You were the one who stole the gum from my purse. How could I have foreseen this?" She let out a small smirk.
"Just shut the fuck up and fix me!"
Violet pondered this for a moment. "I don't think I can do that. Sorry"
Melissa looked enraged. "WHAT?!?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" she shouted.
Violet broke out into a mischievous grin. "Now you know what it's like. You made my life a living hell for the past few months. You openly ridiculed me, and you didn't know my story. You couldn't imagine my suffering. Now, you can."
Melissa looked aghast. "You mean that's why you're blue?" Violet nodded. "But you're not big! FIX ME!!"
Violet shook her head. "Even if I DIDN'T want you to suffer, I only had one piece of gum. You had 3. There's no juicing machine around here. You're up shit's creek, I'm afraid." Her smile grew wider. Just then, Melissa was hit with another growth spurt. Her belly, boobs, and ass all began to expand very quickly. Her backside soon filled the cubicle that she was stuck in. Her body began letting out a series of groans. "Ooohhh...." Violet said, "That can't be good." She slowly walked over to Melissa and pressed a finger into her enormous belly. It only went in about half an inch. Melissa let out a small groan.
"Please don't do that!" she pleaded.
"Well, it looks like my job is done" Violet said. "Have fun!" she said sweetly, and walked out of the bathroom, laughing wickedly.
Melissa began whimpering, the pressure becoming unbearable. With each chew, gallons and gallons of the delicious blueberry juice were being pumped into her body with no end in sight. Her body was letting off more audible groans; low, deep ones that seemed to reverberate throughout the tiny room. Soon, her hands and feet were completely engulfed by her body. She felt her cheeks and lips blow up, and she saw her head beginning to sink into the rest of her body. She was under a lot of pressure. The pressure kept mounting until-'BAM!!' The metal walls to the stall were unable to contain her massive girth any longer, and they broke off from their hinges. Melissa continued to blow up towards the ceiling and towards the walls, becoming bigger with each chew. She expanded until she felt like she could no longer.
Then, it stopped. She felt pressure, but nothing else. It took her a few seconds to notice the stretch marks. Her body, now 15 feet around, couldn't 't contain the massive amount of juice. She saw little bits of flesh tremble, and she heard a low, creaking noise. Then, the inflation started once more. She grunted and screamed, her body unable to deal with the immense pressure. The creaking became louder, and she felt her body pulsating. "oooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" she groaned, sensing that the end was near. She chewed furiously, unable to stop the deliciousness. Her body continued to blow up, and soon dark stretch marks appeared all over her skin. The creaking grew louder and the stretch marks grew closer and darker. Her body began pulsating and the creaking turned into a low rumble. 'This is it!' she thought. She braced herself for the inevitable.
Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open, and a small freshman girl walked in. She took one look at Melissa and gasped. "Are you alright?" she asked timidly.
That was it. "DO I LOOK OKAY?! YOU STUPID FUCKING BI-!" Violet was on the other side of the building when she heard a tremendous 'BOOM' and felt the room shake. She gave a little smile and continued with her chemistry test. EPILOGUE: The afternoon announcements described the shudder that everybody felt as a 'mild seismic event'. Nobody was injured. One small freshman girl, Daniella, came back to her classroom covered in a sticky blue substance. She was unable to speak for quite some time after, and she is still under psychiatric evaluation for a severe case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A multitude of janitors were called to the abandoned first-floor girls bathroom after it was vandalized with blue paint. They also found the bra and panties belonging to a girl. The entire school was forced to sit through a lecture about not only respecting school property, but respecting each other by not having sex on the floor of a school bathroom. Steve, who waited outside for 45 minutes for Melissa, got so fed up with her bitchiness and her controlling that he finally broke the leash and broke up with her. He was lucky enough to meet a lovely girl named Violet that very day...
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, Prose that Blows 2 - Summer Fun (2010)
Text: Charlie And The Chocolate Factory was a hit with the kids yet certain healthy eating lobbyists had always been concerned about its promotion of junk food, so they wrote their own version, Toria And The Tofu Factory, a story about a group of children who win tickets to a healthfood factory, where they meet various entertaining demises such as drowning in a vat of wheatgrass juice or being turned into rice cakes. Amazingly, it was even more popular and the day inevitably came when it was made into a movie and a theme park followed.
Samantha was very committed to method acting. She could hardly believe her luck at securing a summer job acting as one of the Scarlets in the Inventing Room tableau, but was concerned that her performance would be less than authentic. Luckily, when she got the job she'd managed to persuade her manager that it would be necessary to try the scene out for real.
Standing self-consciously in her bright red body stocking, she waited for the gum to arrive. It was essential for her to go through the experience exactly as it was written in order to convince her audience. With baited breath she waited for the "magic" sun dried tomato to arrive. Billy Bonka picked it out of the machine and handed it to her. She had to be word perfect for this.
"What's so fab about it?", she asked, nervous about what was about to happen.
"This little sun dried tomato is a three course dinner, but I haven't got it quite right yet." replied Bonka. In his hand, he held the shrivelled piece of fruit. Or vegetable.
She grabbed it and stuck it in her mouth. Chewing it, she had to keep up the pretence that it was a real tomato rather than a piece of gum.
"I don't care." Yes, that was it.
"Oh, I wouldn't do that, I really wouldn't."
And on went the dialogue, which by now she knew off by heart. Here came the tricky bit. Without breaking character, she surreptitiously grabbed the thin flexible tube by her foot and gummed it to the side of her mouth with the before she said the next line, miming chewing. The tube vibrated as the soup started to squirt into her mouth.
"It's tomato soup! Hot and creamy, and I can actually feel it running down my throat!" And she really could. It was hard to speak as she alternately gulped and said the lines. The soup kept filling her mouth and she kept swallowing. It began to fill her stomach. Since she hadn't eaten all day, it brought a nice, warm, sated feeling. Then the red spotlight shone on her face.
"What's happening to your face? Scarlet, you're scarlet!"
She steeled herself for the next bit. Faintly, from behind the wall she heard the soup pump change gear, and it began to gush into her mouth, which she closed and grabbed the tube properly. It gurgled down into her stomach, which was now full. Luckily, from this point onwards, she had no more lines.
She began to feel quite stuffed with tomato soup and could feel her stomach getting quite tight. This had to happen quite quickly for dramatic effect. A wave of nausea passed over her as she filled, but it soon went. She could now hear and feel the soup squirting out of her stomach further into her, filling her more. The pressure was starting to build up inside her and as she looked down her whole belly was bulging and felt really stretched. This was enough now.
"What's happening to you now? You're blowing up like a balloon!"
This was supposed to be the signal for the pump to switch off and be replaced by the inflation of her suit. Unfortunately, the script hadn't included that particular stage direction and she heard the whirring in the other room step up another notch. The soup pump was speeding up!
Soup was now gushing into her. She had to keep gulping it down despite her ever-increasing girth and rounding belly or she would suffocate. The other actors simply seemed to be impressed that she was giving the most convincing performance of her life as she flailed her arms and legs about, trying desperately to get someone to realise that this was real, that she was really swelling up with enough tomato soup to feed her for a month. She was now totally full up with it and it was forcing her chest up, crowding her lungs and making her feel like she was about to split open. How was she going to stop it? Was she going to?
Still the soup surged into her and she didn't know where to put it. Her rounded Pilates ball of a belly bulged out before her and she fell over under its weight, bouncing briefly and rolling along. More and more soup pushed her out in all directions. Now she felt like she was going to pop. She was full to bursting with the soup and it was showing no signs of stopping.
She was totally round now, limbs splayed out. She creaked and shuddered as the soup continued to inflate her, managing to gasp briefly, but there was scarcely any room for her to breathe now anyway. Then, just as she was sure she was about to explode, the soup ran out.
Samantha lay there, a human tomato just like in the book. She felt like she'd never want to eat or drink again. Her whole consciousness was as full as she was with the incredible feeling of being filled to the brim with tomato soup, with not an inch left inside her. She was faintly aware of the midgets employed as Impa-Limpas rolling her through the double doors out of the Inventing Room and hoped she'd be squeezed before she exploded.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, fantasy, magic
Text: The air was still and hot in Itaza village, among the handful of trees where the mountain ended and the desert began. The solstice was more than a month away, but for Itaza, summer was making an early start, the same as every year. The few, brief early spring showers were over, and the last of the snowmelt had already trickled through. The sun was high. It was time for everyone to rest somewhere out of the sun until the worst of the heat passed, but no one was resting today. The first rain delivery of the season was due any time, and the village wasn't prepared. Men were working on every roof. A few were sweeping off the dust and cleaning out the rain channels, but most were assembling the town's old rain trap system, a jumble of tarps and pipes between the rooftops. Below them, there was a constant procession of containers of every description out of the houses and onto bare patches of ground. If it could hold water, it was being emptied and moved outdoors. And everyone who didn't have anything else to do had been handed a bag of seed and sent out to sow the fields. Everywhere, the sun beat down relentlessly. All day, all week, there had been no clouds, no breeze, no respite for anyone. Except for Mayor Immin, down in the underground cisterns, where the last of the stored spring rain made things cool and damp. But he was in no state to enjoy it. The new mortar from last year wasn't holding very well. The brickwork needed the attention of a skilled mason, but even in a town like Itaza where everyone had three or four jobs, the total knowledge of masonry didn't go past the basics. Immin himself was the closest the town had to a professional mason, which he knew wasn't saying a lot. The cisterns, he had been told, had been installed by a mason from the city before he'd even been born. He couldn't remember a time when they weren't leaking. All anyone in the village could do is try to prevent the leaks from getting worse. What skill he had was telling him that it was getting worse. This cistern would be lucky to hang on to half of its water, no matter what he did. Well, he still had to do what he could. He picked up his trowel. There was a yell from above. It sounded like Pietro, the foreman. "The mage is coming!" Immin poked his head out of the cistern and squinted in the sudden heat and light. The yell was being repeated along the rooftops and out to the fields. Every man and woman had put on extra speed, trying to do as much as they could as fast as they could. Immin shielded his eyes and looked up the mountain road, hoping for a false alarm. But there was no mistaking it. Lone travelers were a rarity, and even at this distance, the blue robe and white mask were unmistakable. "Ah, dammit! Pietro, get someone down here to finish cistern three! I've got to go meet him!" A few minutes later Immin was hurrying down the road. He hadn't had time to do much more than wash his face, pull off the rubber boots, and hope the chain of office around his neck didn't look too ridiculous over his work clothes. As he got close, he spotted that the mage they'd sent this year was female, but as usual that was nearly all he could tell. Her outfit was the same as every other mage's had been. Silk robe with the hood drawn, the matching silk trousers tied off at the ankles, the impassive white mask, gloves on her hands, a pair of shoes that looked far too dainty for travel. Not an inch exposed but her eyes. She gave a small bow as he approached. "Mayor Immin?" The mask made her voice indistinct, but she spoke loudly and clearly enough to be understood. "Yes, that's me. Pleased to meet you, ah, that is to say if I haven't met you already... you'll have to forgive me, the mask makes it—" She held up a hand. "This is my first time to your village. I am Mabon of the Cloud Bridge School." "Ah, pleased to meet you, I'm Mayor Immin, er, guess you already knew that... I'd shake your hand but I know you mages don't." "Correct. You seem ill at ease, is something the matter?" "Ah, well, no, it's just that one of the plow oxen fell ill, and we're behind on the planting... and some of the tarps are still being repaired. I know you mages like to do your work and be on your way, but if there's any way I might persuade you to give us until sundown, of course we'd put you up at the inn tonight." "Very well, it's of no great consequence." She continued down the road. Immin breathed a sigh of relief. At least they'd be able to finish the planting, and most of the rain collection system would— "Who's that out there?" Mabon didn't point. "Where?" said Immin. "The young woman planting the north bean field, around the middle." The mayor shielded his eyes. "Forgive me, your sight's better than mine..." "Fair skin, long black hair tied with a blue scarf, starting to get a sunburn." He squinted. "Oh, her? That's Rinn." "Last name?" "Doesn't have one." "Parents?" "Doesn't have those, either." "Oh?" "Caravan coming through left her here. They said she came this way with her parents, they died on the way in a bandit attack." Mabon was still watching Rinn. Immin felt compelled to fill the silence. "'Course, that was about fifteen, sixteen years ago... back then things were a lot more dangerous than now. Well, she wasn't much more than a baby then, didn't barely know anything but her own name. Could talk pretty well for her age, when she had a mind to, which wasn't often. Still isn't often, suppose that's just her way." In the distance, Rinn straightened up, pulled off her head scarf, and shook out her hair. Immin glanced at Mabon, trying to catch a hint of what had her so fascinated, but of course the mask betrayed nothing. "Uh... you've good eyes spotting that sunburn, she's not usually out in the sun, s'just that everyone's helping finish the planting today. Normally she helps out at the schoolhouse, Old Lady Godfrey's getting on in years. And she's the best night lookout the town's ever had, speaking of good eyes. Uh... helps with other things around town too." Mabon still hadn't moved. "Beggin' your pardon, but is... is something wrong?" Immin asked. Rinn was stretching, fingers linked above her head. "No, nothing." Mabon finally looked away and continued down the path towards the village. "I was just struck by how she was enjoying the breeze." "Ah..." Immin couldn't think of anything to say. It was a strange thing to remark on. Wait. There hadn't been a breeze all day. Immin stopped and stared. Out in the fields, alone out of all the sowers, Rinn's clothes and hair were blowing in the wind. He ran to catch up with Mabon. "But what does it mean?" "I think we'd better meet with her. Can you arrange that?" "Y-yes, yes of course, right away!" It took a little longer than right away, because Immin would be damned if he was going to deal with this on his own, and every member of the town council was in the middle of urgent work. When they were finally all assembled in the room in Immin's house that doubled as the council chambers, the grumbling was only kept to a minimum by the silent presence of the mage sitting in the back. The door opened. Rinn was short enough that even with the council seated she could barely see over their heads. But she spotted the mage, gave a little start, and lowered her head. With her head bowed, her uneven bangs were long enough to hide her eyes. There was an awkward silence. Immin was waiting for Mabon to say something, but didn't quite dare to turn around to look at her. After a few moments, Rinn said, barely above a whisper, "You called for me?" Immin cleared his throat. "Yes. Ah, our visitor, that is, this esteemed mage, Mabon, that's her name, er, she thinks that you might be, well..." Another long pause. The mage hadn't actually said a word since asking to meet with Rinn. "...you might be, uh, you might have some kind of magic in you," he finished lamely. Rinn flinched slightly as all the council members started talking at once. "What?!" "What are you talking about?" "Yer sayin' Rinn is some kinda wizard?" "That can't be right, can it?" Immin waved his hand. "One at a time, please! Pietro, go ahead." Pietro stood and faced Mabon. "Beggin' yer pardon, but how's it possible? I know Rinn's always got her face in some book, but you can't learn magic from a normal book, can you?" "Indeed, no." Mabon stood up suddenly and walked around the table. "We train those with potential, but that potential cannot be taught." She looked down hard at Rinn, face-to-bangs. "Raise your head." Rinn barely looked up. "Further. Let me see your eyes." Rinn slowly raised her head until she was looking up at Mabon's face. "Hmm." Mabon stared for a long moment. Rinn shifted her weight uncomfortably. Mabon turned to the council. Behind her, Rinn lowered her head again. "Well, there's no question about it. Rinn has the power to do magic." Everyone stated talking at once again. Pietro took the floor by virtue of talking louder than everyone else. "Wait, how can ya tell so fast? I brought my boy Niel with me to Wrixon Town last month, an' took him to you guys to have him take the tests, an' it took 'em all morning. Took that long when I got tested as a boy, too." Mabon waved a hand irritably. "Yes, yes, but Rinn has manifested her powers on her own. Much simpler to see that than to detect untapped potential." "Oh." "How could this happen?" asked Immin. "I mean, why can Rinn use magic?" "Hmm, I wonder," said Mabon. "You understand that the power to use magic is a rare gift that comes from within a person's very soul. Sometimes the potential for magic is granted by chance rather than by inheritance, that's why Cloud Bridge School permits any child to take the tests." She paced a few steps, and looked back at the council. "However... the caravaneers who brought Rinn to Itaza must have told you her parents were secretive, correct? Of course they must have been, if none of them knew Rinn's family name. And then no one ever came looking for her. I'm sure you sent messages back with the caravan asking after her relatives, and no one ever answered." "Yes, that's true." "And consider that they were crossing the desert with their infant daughter. That's no trip to make lightly." Mabon paced around the table. Everyone but Rinn turned their heads to follow her. "Fifteen years ago, at the height of the Expulsion War, the Rimeri, a great dynasty of sorcerers, clashed with the united forces of royal families of the north. The powers of the Rimeri were mighty, but the Royal Concord persisted, and overwhelmed them through sheer numbers. The dynasty fought nearly to the last. Only two escaped the final battle, a man and a woman, husband and wife. They contacted our school, sought refuge. Our leaders would not go to war against the royal families, but we promised the two survivors that if they could but reach us, we would shelter them." "We never heard from them again, thanks to the so-called bandit attack. The bandits were, of course, assassins, sent by the Royal Concord to destroy the last of the dynasty. We lamented the end of the one of the greatest lineages of mages the world has ever seen. But they had never told us of their child. Their daughter, Rinn, who survived the attack, and lived to carry on as the last scion of her dynasty. She has inherited her parents' power. Power so great that it has come forth without so much as a day of formal training." Mabon came back around to the front of the table. She leaned forward with both hands on the table, looking straight at Immin. "Truth be told, we knew something was going on here. Our school has eyes here and there, and we'd had reports of mystical happenings in Itaza. It was part of my job today to resolve the matter. I'd expected to find a rogue mage hiding here, needing to be put down. A battle between mages... well, no village would wish to be the battleground. I'm surprised indeed at what I did find." Immin was finding Mabon's gaze unsettling. "Is Rinn in trouble?" he asked. "I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it." "For discovering her own magic potential, her birthright? No. She's not in trouble, not unless she keeps using it untrained." Mabon straightened up and looked back at Rinn, then to the council at large. "You know Cloud Bridge School will take in any child who shows a mystical affinity in testing. Normally at a younger age, but Rinn's power is a special one. I will take her on directly as an apprentice. Her destiny is to follow in the legacy of her parents and become a master mage." Immin loosened the chain around his neck. "Um, well, begging your pardon, but..." "You all keep asking for my pardon. Let's save time and assume you have it until further notice." "Er, yes, well... usually a child's parents get compensated until their child's of age if the school takes them. Rinn's already of age and she doesn't have any parents. Of course we don't mean to get in the way of you and your school and destiny, but..." Immin trailed off. The pause lengthened. Immin continued, "...but, well, erm, you understand Rinn's of value to Itaza. I mean, I don't know who else could take over teaching from Old Lady Godfrey, and I already mentioned she's the night lookout for the village, and she spends her nights without using any fuel in the stove up in the watchtower, that's a big savings to the—" Mabon cut him off so suddenly he jumped in his chair. "I'll personally cover the full cost of Itaza's rain contract while she's my apprentice. Four years at the least. Once she becomes a full mage, she'll be allowed to take over the village's contract and you can negotiate new terms with her directly. Any objections?" Immin looked around the room. The council was wide-eyed. He was finding it hard to stay composed himself. The rain deliveries cost the village more than every other expense put together. With four years they could build new cisterns, expand the fields, build a proper town hall. "I, I... I think that will be quite acceptable," he managed. "Good. I'd like to speak to the young woman in private." Mabon gestured at the door. "Of course, of course." The council filed out, all smiles. Mabon closed it behind them. Rinn finally spoke up, still almost whispering. "Can I ask a question?" Mabon turned. Rinn was still standing in exactly the same place, head still down. She was trembling slightly. "By all means." Rinn raised her head just far enough to meet Mabon's eyes. "Why did you lie to them?" The mask was impassive as always, but Mabon paused for a long moment before saying, "About what?" "Was any of it true?" Mabon stood still, staring directly at Rinn, who was starting to shake. Mabon finally looked away, and sighed. "Well, I could tell you were smart." She pulled a chair out from the table and sat down, her demeanor suddenly casual. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. No. Almost none of it was true." Rinn looked blankly at her. "You can relax," said Mabon. "Sit down. I have to put on the serious mage act for business, but I don't like to treat an apprentice that way." Rinn didn't move. Her mouth was half-open. "Oh, come on," said Mabon. "You were sure enough of yourself to talk back to the scary mage, don't look so surprised when it turned out you were right." She gestured at her head. "Look, I've had these on all day. I'm just going to loosen up a bit, okay?" She pulled down her hood and shook out her hair. It was brown, and tied low in short tails on either side of her head. She pulled up her mask, revealing... ...just a face. Two eyes, a nose and a mouth. No scars, no fangs, no glowing runes. Not ugly, not possessed of otherworldly beauty, but pretty enough, and Rinn couldn't quite place her age. She was clearly years older than Rinn, but her face lacked most of the signs of aging that accumulated in a frontier life. "What's the matter?" asked Mabon. "What kind of rumors about the mask do you have here? The one about dying if you look at a mage's face seems to pop up everywhere." "Um..." "Oh... I'm sorry for making up the story about your parents, if that's a sore spot. I was improvising with what I had available." "What parts of what you said were true?" asked Rinn. "Well, first of all, it's true that you're not in trouble, so would you please relax? The policy that mages are have the right to take over their hometowns' contracts does actually exist, and I was sincere with the offer I made." "That's it?" asked Rinn. "Pretty much," said Mabon. "Then why would you tell them I could use magic when I—" "Oh! That's the other thing, right. You can use magic. And that did actually surprise me." "But I can't!" "No? So it just so happened that there was wind out in the fields ten feet around you and nowhere else as far as the eye could see?" Rinn's eyes widened. "Uh..." "It's okay. I'm genuinely impressed at what you've managed to learn. Like I said, you're not in trouble. I'm offering you a chance to take what you've managed to teach yourself, and build on it." "But you don't understand. I really can't do magic!" Mabon tilted her head to one side. "Okay. I'm going to assume you're smart enough that you're not seriously thinking you can try to persuade me I saw wrong. So I'm a little confused that you're denying it. What am I missing here? Did someone teach you and swear you to secrecy?" "I..." "No, I don't think that's it. You seem sincere, and you don't strike me as someone who's had a chance to develop lying skills in her life. I saw you do magic, you genuinely think you can't. Explain it to me." Rinn was clenching her hands together on her chest with her head down, as if she wanted to fold up into herself and hide. Finally, she looked up and asked, "If I show you, will you promise to leave me alone?" "Nnno. But proving me wrong is the only way I'm going to leave you alone, so you should probably show me if that's what you want." Rinn was silent for several seconds. "All right," she said. "I'll show you. You'll see." She unclenched her hands, and held the palms out, close to her chest. She made several quick, outwards pushing motions. "Nina, come out, please." she said. Nothing seemed to be happening. "Out," she repeated, punctuating a swifter push. Rinn's clothes shifted oddly, as if a breeze were blowing at her from several directions at once. There was a ripple in the air around her, and it was flowing out from breaks and seams in her clothing. The distortion grew more pronounced and coalesced in front of her, finally coming together into the shape of a woman, about a foot tall. But that shape was still just a distortion in the air, difficult to see unless it moved. "Wind, please." Rinn made another motion, this time holding her hands out far in front of her face and slowly bringing them in with gentle flapping motions. The little figure didn't move, but suddenly there was a draft in the room, which picked up into a breeze strong enough to blow Rinn's hair and clothes around. "Thank you." said Rinn. "That's enough. Stop, please." She waved a cupped hand sideways, bringing it to a sudden halt. The breeze blew itself out. "You can hide again, Nina." She held her hands balled together close in front of her, then pulled them apart, spreading her fingers, and finally brought them both in towards her chest. The figure in front of her spread out, became indistinct, and flowed back under Rinn's clothes. "See?" said Rinn. "She's the one who did it. I didn't ask her to, she just saw I was hot and was trying to help. You don't want me, I can't do any magic. But you can't take Nina!" She pressed her hands defensively to her chest. "She's my friend." Mabon seemed frozen in place. Even without the mask hiding everything but her eyes, her stare was no less intense. Rinn shifted uncomfortably. Mabon opened her mouth, and let it hang a moment before finally saying "You..." and trailing off. "How did..." she stopped again. She stood suddenly and paced a few steps. "I just... I want to be clear. You and that wisp are FRIS?" "Wisp?" asked Rinn. "I just don't know where to begin." "Nina's a good friend." Mabon rubbed her forehead. "You don't have any idea, do you? I mean, you really don't have any idea." Rinn stepped away. "I don't know what the problem is, but she's my friend, I don't care if you don't like it." "No, I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it's— gah, and you think I shouldn't be interested in you?" "But I just showed you that I'm not the one who—" "You know what?" Mabon reached up and lowered the mask over her face. "Let's postpone this conversation. I need to think about how to proceed." She flipped her hood over her head as she stood up, and tightened the drawstrings. "Let's take a walk." "What?" "You can show me around the village." "I'm supposed to be out in the fields." "Everyone knows you're my apprentice now." "But I can't use..." "Yes, yes. Later. No one's going to argue. Come on." Mabon swept out towards the exit. Rinn hurried along to catch up, but froze as she emerged into the street. The instant she'd come out, the bustle and noise had come to a stop. Every pair of eyes in sight were on Rinn. Mabon glanced down at Rinn. She had folded up again and was starting to blush. "Be about your business," Mabon said firmly to the crowd. The villagers resumed their work in unnatural silence, talking only in whispers. Everyone was stealing glances at Rinn. "Not used to being the center of attention?" said Mabon. "Well, that'll change when you're a mage." Rinn was back to talking in a near-whisper. "But I can't—" "I said later. Let's get you out of the street. Why don't you show me the schoolhouse?" The schoolhouse was small, and wasn't much more than a room with a lectern, woven mats to sit on, and a few shelves of books, slates, and chalk. Tucked into a corner, there was a rolled-up sleeping mat on top of a lidded wicker basket with "RINN" woven into the side. Mabon pulled a book from one of the shelves and flipped through it. "This is an impressive library for a village this small. I suppose it's easy to get them with all the caravans that stop here for provisions." Rinn had finally relaxed a bit, now that they were in the schoolhouse. "Mrs. Godfrey lets me choose books for the school. I bought a few with my own money too." "Well, we have lots of books at Cloud Bridge. About all sorts of things, not just magic. You'll have that to look forward to." "But I'm not—" "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go back to that conversation just yet." Mabon replaced the book on the shelf. "Let's talk about uh, Nina, instead. When did you first meet it?" "Nina? I met her about six years ago." "And how did you find it?" "Why do you keep calling her an 'it?'" "I don't know, why do you keep calling it a 'her?'" "Well... because she looks like one." "Wisps don't have sexes or a natural shape. If it... okay, if she makes herself look like that, it's for your benefit." "Wisps?" "Yes, I guess I never explained that. That's what Nina is, a wisp. They're called other names in other places. Spirits, elementals, fairies. But at Cloud Bridge we call them wisps." "What are they?" "That's a question we spend a lot of time teaching students the answer to. The short answer is that we're not really sure. The slightly longer, oversimplified, and only slightly more useful answer is that they can be seen as chunks of matter, given will. Or they can be seen as independent beings that inhabit matter. Neither explanation fits all the evidence. We know that they have at least an animal intelligence. We know each is attuned to some degree to an aspect or set of aspects of the material world. Within that domain they have the power to affect and change matter under their control, and store and retrieve it somewhere else." "Somewhere else?" "No one's sure where it goes. Think of it like a bag that only they can use, and you can't see or touch the bag." Rinn considered this. "Okay. I guess that explains some of what Nina can do. And affecting and changing matter... you mean things like blowing air at me to cool me down, or heating up the air around me to warm me up?" "Yes. I was wondering if that's what was happening, with what the Mayor said about you staying out at night without fuel in the stove." "Yeah... as long as I bundle up she does the rest." "And how do you get her to do it?" "She knows when I'm cold, now. At first I had to explain it to her." "Using... words and hand gestures?" "I think she's looking at how I move the air, not my hands. She didn't understand it if I pointed, but she understood if I waved my hand at something." "You're right. They mainly sense their element. You can think of their sense of sight like our sense of smell. It's serviceable, but usually only sensitive to strong stimuli. So how does she communicate back?" "Uh, she blows air around, makes sounds, makes shapes in the air... when she looks like a girl she can use body language... she's starting to learn a few words too." "Really? Can you show me?" Rinn looked down at her clothes. "Nina, do you want to come out?" "No," whispered her shirt. It sounded alien, as if spoken by someone not familiar with the language, or maybe with language at all, but the syllable was still recognizable. "I see," said Mabon. "Anyway, you never answered my original question. How did you meet Nina?" "She just showed up one day. I was alone reading." "And did she communicate?" "Uh... she turned into her girl shape, then turned into air, then went into my clothes and wrapped herself around me." "What did you do?" "I tried to brush her off, but I guess then I realized she wasn't hurting anything." "And then?" "I let her stay." "And you started figuring out how to communicate?" "Yes. It was hard at first." "And she's been with you since? She hasn't shown herself to anyone else?" "She only comes out by herself when I'm alone. She doesn't usually stay out for very long." "Interesting. I wonder if she picked you because she noticed you kept away from other people." "Um, I'm not sure. It's hard to ask her things like that." Mabon was silent for a moment. She nodded at the mat and basket in the corner. "Have you always lived in the schoolhouse?" "Only since I was old enough to be on my own. Mrs. Godfrey lets me stay here." "Where did you live before then?" "With the Mayor. But I've lived with lots of people. Whoever could take me in." "I see. And you're the night lookout?" "One of them." "What do you do?" "Watch for anyone trying to sneak up on the village." "And if you see anyone?" "Ring the bell for the militia." "Hmm. Is that a job young women usually do here?" "I guess not." "So how'd you get it?" "One night Nina told me there were a bunch of people way outside the village, and I told one of the lookouts, and he didn't believe me at first, but the next morning they found a bunch of footprints out there. So they asked me to do it." "I see. Nina's suited for it, it doesn't matter if it's dark or light when the air's moving." "Uh huh." Mabon stood. "I'm hungry. Are you hungry? Let's visit the inn." There was no one there when they arrived. Mabon looked from one wall to the other. "Large inn for such a small village," she said. "I guess you need one when your business is resupplying caravans." "I think Mr. Avery the innkeeper is busy with the rain traps," said Rinn. "I think we'll have to come back when he's done." "Don't worry. Plenty of people saw us go in. Mages never wait long for service." Right on cue, there was the sound of the back door slamming, running footsteps through the kitchen, and then Mr. Avery came in nearly fast enough to fall over the bar. "W, wuh," he caught his breath, "welcome to my humble inn, your honorableness. What can I do for you this fine day?" Mabon put a handful of copper coins on the bar. "Two bowls of stew and a private room." "Oh, but I wouldn't dream of taking payment from an esteemed wizard such as yourself." "Don't argue. The room?" "Uh, in the back there, your excellocity." Mr. Avery pointed. "I'll bring out the stew right away!" He hurried into the kitchen. They'd barely sat down when Mr. Avery reappeared with two bowls. "I hate to set such meager fare before you, your graciousness, but ours is but a poor village, and—" "Yes, yes. That will be fine." He set them down with as much reverence as he could muster. "Is there anything else, madam ladyship? I've still got three tarps to set up, but if there's anything I could possibly do..." "Leave us. Close the door." "Right away!" He bowed his way out of the room, awkwardly reached over without straightening up, and shut the door. Mabon shook her head. "I was starting to worry he was going to run out of honorifics to mangle." She pulled off her mask, and set it off to the side on the table. Rinn looked at it. "You don't normally take that off, right?" she asked. "Not on business, no. Not in front of clients." "How do you eat?" "Like this. In private." Mabon stirred her bowl. "Let's see what we've got... beans, maize, squash, what's this, some kind of sliced sausage?" "Why?" "It's good to ask before you dig in, they eat weird things in some places." "No, I mean—" "I know what you meant." Mabon set her spoon down. "You're wondering, why wear strange clothes and the mask and act intimidating and lie to people?" "Um... I guess I am." "Well, first of all, the clothes have practical purposes, even the mask. But I won't go into that just now. But other than that, the clothes, the act, the story I told the council, it's all for the same reason. Before I tell you, though, I want to know, how did you figure out I was lying earlier?" "I... wasn't sure. But it seemed like you probably were." "Go on." "I guess most of it didn't quite make sense. I've read a chronicle of the Expulsion War, and there wasn't anything about a Rimeri dynasty." "What else?" "I don't think my parents would have traveled in a caravan if they were mages. Nina sees people speeding across the desert at night all the time. Those are mages, right? No one's ever mentioned seeing them during the day. Even if my parents were trying to stay hidden, why would they choose crossing the desert in a week instead of one night?" "Okay." "And if Cloud Bridge knew that my parents were coming this way, wouldn't you have sent someone to find out what happened, or collect their effects, or something? It's hard to believe that in all this time, no one from the school would have heard about me." "Fair point. Anything else?" "I guess I was wondering why they'd only send one person if you thought there would be a rogue mage to fight. I mean... I guess there are ways all of that could be explained, but it was a lot of holes for one story." Mabon smiled. "Hang on to that skepticism, it'll serve you well." She leaned back. "Well, the reason I lied is pretty simple. Remember how I said most of the story was a lie? Think back. Remember anything that would be pretty dramatic if it weren't true?" "You're not talking about the story with my parents, right?" "Right." Rinn stared into her bowl, racking her memory. She looked up suddenly. "You said the power to use magic is a rare gift." "Right. There's no special potential for it. Anyone could use it." "So it's all to hide that?" "Yes. It's the school's policy." "Why?" Mabon's expression turned grave. "Because magic is dangerous. It's ridiculously dangerous. I came here to make a rainstorm. Multiply that a few times, and I could wash Itaza off the map. And we don't even use the more dangerous types of wisp at Cloud Bridge." She leaned forward. "Of course, someone messing with magic blindly would be lucky to get that far. In fact, they'd be lucky to kill themselves before they killed everyone around them. The only thing that'd be worse is if they succeeded, and wielded that power without the discipline or ethics we teach." Rinn thought about it. "I guess that makes sense." "Or it's a load of alarmist tripe, we're fools hiding behind silly costumes, and we should be sharing the knowledge of magic with as many people as possible for the greater good of humanity." "Huh?" "There's more than one side to everything. Personally, I think the school's policy is broadly a good one. I don't want to tear it down. But it's not perfect, and there could be other approaches that are just as good. It's important to remember that." Rinn looked blankly at Mabon. Mabon caught Rinn's expression and relaxed. She shook her head. "I'm getting ahead of myself. Tell me, you've never taken the tests, have you?" "I've never been out of the village. But the children who've gone have told me about it, and I didn't really put it together until just now, but... if there's no mystical gift to test for, are you just testing how smart they are?" "Intelligence and perceptiveness, yes. Because magic is also very hard, and it's the school's policy to pass it on to those who can best wield it, and to start teaching them as early in life as possible." Rinn thought about it. "I'm not a kid any more. Is it possible for me to still learn magic?" Mabon gave her a sharp look. "Trying to sneak back into to that particular conversation?" "Well..." Rinn looked away. "We'll come back to it. Give me a little longer. Now eat up, we've got a hike ahead of us." Two hours later, Rinn was ready to collapse. She turned to look back down the mountain path, shielding her eyes from the low sun. The village didn't seem nearly far enough away for how badly her feet were aching. "Want me to carry you?" asked Mabon. "Give me a break. I'm usually sleeping right now," said Rinn. "I wasn't teasing, you don't look like you weigh much." "Just give me a minute." Mabon handed her the water flask. "At least it'll be much easier going back down." Rinn took a swig and handed it back. "Why do you have to go so far to do this?" "Rain works best from a height. But we're about high enough. There's a good spot just a little further up. Come on." The spot was a small clearing near the road, where trees had been felled. Mabon pulled down her hood, then pulled off the mask and hung it on a low branch. She left them there and found a seat on a large stump, and gestured for Rinn to do the same. "All right. I think I'm ready." she pulled off her gloves and tucked them in a pocket. "So then: yes, you can use magic." Rinn sat down. She bent over, and took a minute to catch her breath. When she finally came up, she said, "Okay. Explain it to me." "No more 'but I can't?'" "Well... there's got to be some reason you didn't dismiss me when I showed you Nina, right? And some reason you had to take time to think about this conversation?" "Using your brain. Good. Well, from a certain point of view you were actually correct. You can't use magic. But from that same point of view, no human can." Rinn considered this. "Does that mean that all magic is just asking wisps to do things?" "Very good. Now then." Mabon held out her hand and muttered something. Just above her palm, a misty sphere faded into existence. "This is a raincloud wisp." "Like Nina?" "They're both wisps, but Nina appears to be a rising air wisp, and an unusually pure one if I'm not mistaken." "What's this one called?" "It doesn't have a name." "Oh. So... you ask it to make rain for you? That's how you do it?" "In broad terms, yes." "I guess I don't understand. How can it make rain for the whole village? Is it a lot more powerful than Nina? She gets tired pretty fast just playing catch." "Playing catch?" "I throw a ball, and she stops it and throws it back." "Amazing. Well, first of all, you can get more power out of wisps, depending on how you use them. And second, I have about thirty raincloud wisps within my body." Rinn was horrified. "You mean you ATE them?" "No! It's more metaphysical than that. Look..." she muttered something again. The misty sphere dissipated. "Now that one's within me too. Right now it and the others don't have a material presence. Think of it like extra souls riding along in my body." "Um, okay. That sounds weird. Why do you have them in your body?" "That goes back to the 'how you use them' part. Normally wisps are limited in what they can do, like you've seen with Nina. But when they're in a body, they can channel far greater power through that body." "Channel through it? I don't understand." "Well, good timing, then. The sun has gone down." She stood up. "It's time for a demonstration. Stay here." She walked back to the branch her mask was on, undoing the belt of her robe. She let it fall open, revealing she was wearing nothing underneath. Rinn jumped to her feet. "What are... what are you doing?!" "Just sit down and watch." Mabon shrugged the robe off, and tossed it over the branch. She kicked her shoes off and let them fall at the base of the tree. She undid the ties at her ankles, then untied the belt and pulled down her trousers, leaving her completely nude. She stepped out of them and hung them on the tree branch next to the robe. Rinn was blushing brightly. "Wh, why are you... why..." she stammered. Mabon stretched, ignoring her. She looked trim and fit, like she wasn't carrying a single spare pound. She walked uphill a few paces, apparently unconcerned at her nudity. She stopped at the edge of the clearing and turned, facing downhill. She stood in a wide stance, took a deep breath, and said something in a language Rinn didn't recognize. And then she just stood there. Rinn tried to look without staring, but Mabon didn't seem to be doing anything, just moving a little. Moving oddly. With the low, diffuse light, it took Rinn a moment to understand what she was seeing. Mabon's flat belly was growing, as if she were going through pregnancy in seconds. By the time her belly swelled beyond the bounds of any normal pregnancy, her growth started to change. It was spreading to her whole torso, her sides were rounding out, and her chest rose as if she had taken a deep breath and kept going. Her thighs and upper arms started to thicken along with her widening torso, followed by her lower legs and forearms. Her hips kept up by widening, her shoulders broadening. So far she had grown outwards, but now she was starting to grow upwards. It started in her torso, making it grow out of proportion to the rest of her, but it quickly spread to the rest of her. And now even her hands and feet were swelling. Her cheeks puffed up as if she were holding a breath, but then that puffiness spread as her head started to widen all around, flattening and spreading out her facial features. She still looked basically human, in the sense of having a head and limbs connected to a torso. But that torso was now egg-shaped, the head was broad and puffy, and the limbs were thick. It was like a bizarre parody of the human shape. All the little details had been stretched out by her expansion into smooth curves, there was little sign left of her body's musculature or skeletal structure. Her body's shape and proportions seemed to be stabilizing. Now she was growing mostly in size. She looked to already be twice her normal height, and gaining several inches a second in all directions. There was a snap from one side of her head, then the other. Her hair ties had popped. "Rats," said Mabon. "Forgot those." Her voice had a greater depth to it now, almost an echo. Mabon glanced down as her head rose above the trees. Rinn was standing, staring up at her, looking terrified. She looked to be tensed to run, but frozen in place. "It's okay," said Mabon. "You're not in danger." Mabon took a step back, moving with a floaty slowness. She braced her back up against a pair of trees. She reached out to either side and grabbed hold of a tree in either hand. Thus secured, she uttered something unintelligible again. Her body pulsed larger for a moment, then she opened her mouth. There was a tremendous rushing sound as a white, foggy jet shot from Mabon's mouth. It went on and on, slowing as it floated away from her, growing and darkening into a dark cloud. And the cloud spread out, rolling towards the village as the jet fed it. Mabon was exhaling an entire rainstorm. As the clouds reached the far side of the fields, the rushing sound stared to trail off, and Mabon started to shrink. Her growth played out in reverse. She lost her scale until she got close to her original height, then the swelling retreated from outwards in, first her head starting to contract, her hands and feet thinning out, her arms and legs slimming down, her shoulders and hips retreating, her waist going from convex to concave, her chest falling, and finally she was back to just a belly, and then that was gone. She appeared to have returned perfectly to normal. Rinn had watched the whole process, but it was hard to believe that the now very small-looking Mabon had been the bloated giant just minutes ago. Mabon walked back to the tree branch with her clothes, and got dressed, as if nothing strange had just happened. She left her mask off, letting it hang from her hand as she walked back to the spot that Rinn hadn't moved an inch from the whole time. "Well," said Mabon, "that's it for my job. I need get back to rest at the inn, have to start back early tomorrow. I imagine you'll be coming along." Rinn couldn't remember the last time she had yelled at anyone, and was even a little surprised to hear herself say at the top of her lungs, "Why would you think I'd want to come after seeing that?! I'm not going to put Nina in my soul or body or anywhere! Why would I want to be some kind of naked... obese... giant person?!" "Well, the giant naked obesity can be pretty useful. But there are other forms of magic as well, that's just one of them. You can specialize in what you like, though you'd have to learn the basics of all of them at the school." "No, no... I'm not going to do it! My clothes are staying on and I'm staying small!" Mabon looked unimpressed. "Well, the thing is... you don't really have a choice." Rinn took a step back. "You're going to force me? If I tell the Mayor that you lied, he—" "The Mayor is terrified of me, along with every other person in Itaza. But no, I'm not going to force you." "Then what—" "You're going to force you." "You're going to use magic to make me obey?" Mabon rolled her eyes. "No. And there's no such thing as mind control magic." "Then... all the stuff you said to the council, it was to guilt me? So I'd be forced to—" "Look. If you tell me you really, truly don't want to come with me after hearing me out, I promise I'll still pay for four years of water, all right? And I'll think up some great new lies so people won't think you have powers any more, I'm pretty good at it. Now stop being indignant for a second and listen. I'm not going to be dishonest with an apprentice, prospective or not, without a damn good reason." Rinn glared, but stayed silent. "Good. Now I'm going to remind you of some things that I bet you already know. First off, even if you do keep to yourself and hide your face, there's no escaping that you've grown into a cute young woman. Oh, does it really just take a compliment to make you go from surly to bashful? "Anyway. It's only going to be a matter of time before you get marriage proposals, if you haven't—yes, your face tells me you've already had some. I'm really going to have to teach you not to wear your emotions on your sleeve. "And I bet you've had people encourage you to accept a proposal. Am I wrong? Didn't think so. That pressure isn't going to go away. In fact it's going to get worse, you've only got so long to have children after all. In a village like this, if you've got a womb, people think you've got a duty to use it. Whether it's because Old Lady Godfrey would like to see her son's grandchildren before she passes on, or because the Mayor is concerned about maintaining the future of the village, or because any other number of reasons from all the people that raised you. Can you really keep refusing if they insist? If they take away your jobs? If they kick you out of the schoolhouse? "So eventually you're either going to have to run away from the village, and no offense, but you're not going to be able to survive on your own, or you're going to have to get married. And then before you know it you'll be pregnant, and then you'll have a child to look after, and then another, then who knows how many more, so that's the next couple decades or so decided for you. "I know you just want things to stay the same as they are now. You just want to be left alone to be with your friend and read your books. But you must have figured out that it can't last forever. "Magic can be scary, I'm not going to pretend it isn't. But what you have to understand is that whether you stay or go is only the superficial question. The real one is: Is it scarier to go and become a mage, or scarier to lose the ability to choose your life for yourself? Once you complete your apprenticeship, you can return to the village, work for the school, travel to another country... it's up to you to decide." Rinn was doing her best to resent Mabon's speech. She wanted to tell Mabon she was wrong, that she had the strength to make her own life no matter what. But instead, she asked "Why do you want me to become your apprentice so much? Do you use that same speech for any girl that makes friends with a wisp?" "I want you as an apprentice because you're special, Rinn." "You said all that stuff was a lie." "No, I don't mean you're special like in a stupid fairy tale. I mean that... I'm saying you're..." Mabon pinched the bridge of her nose. "Look, I don't use that same speech for anyone, because people and wisps don't become friends." "What? But..." "It just doesn't happen. I've never even heard of anyone having a real conversation with one." "Then how do you ask them to do things?" "We don't ask, we command. In a language that compels them to obey. They don't speak it, they don't speak any language. But speak the right syllables, or draw the right symbol, or make the right motions, and they'll do what you ask. That's what we study at the school, that language and its intricacies. Rinn, I don't know if anyone has ever done what you've done. Befriended a wisp. Invented a way to communicate with it, truly communicate. And to be fair, Nina is special too, to have befriended a human. I want you to be my apprentice, I want to teach you what I know and see what you can do with it. And I want to find out what I can learn from you." Mabon turned to face back down the path. "Or you can stay in the village. It's up to you. But unless I've completely, and I mean completely misread you, it's not really a choice for you." Rinn drew a big breath, and let it out slowly. "...All right. I'll go." Mabon patted her on the shoulder. "Yep. Now let's get back so you can get packed and get some rest. We're leaving at dawn."
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, floating, helium
Text: She walked up to her house and put the key in the lock, this was hard to do, and she was shaking slightly so she couldn't get the key into the lock.
"Pull yourself together" she thought. She composed herself and put the key in. She turned it and the door swung open and she stepped in, picked up the mail and put it on the stairs.
She walked up the stair to her room, the package she had bought under one arm. She opened the door to her room, walked over to the bed and pushed the balloons that were on there onto the floor. She sighed and placed the package on the bed, she carefully un-wrapped the brown paper from around the box and flipped open the lid. Inside the box what looked like a black uninflated balloon, carefully she pulled it out and laid it out on the bed, unfolding it carefully.
What looked like a balloon before was now taking shape, it was a perfectly made latex suit. She smiled slightly as she unfolded it. She looked in the box again and took out a small compressor that lay in there as well. She looked at the suit.
"I wonder how big it'll get" she thought out loud. She plugged the compressor into the wall and onto the suit.
"I'll just try it out first before I" she shivers "try it myself." She lets the compressor run till the suit was just about to the size of her own
body. She grinned as she looked down on the black latex 'body' on the bed, and she stopped the compressor.
"You need to deflate that ego of yours" she said out loud.
She took off the compressor hose and the air started to leak out slowly.
"This is no good" she thought and just lowered herself onto the suit and started to squeeze the air out. She grinned as she did and she bounced slightly making it hiss louder and quieter.
Soon the suit was back to its normal size again, and she was slightly sweaty from bouncing, it had excited her to do that, all she could think of now was how she would feel inside it and how she could bounce about! She started to undress, her top came off first revealing her pert C cup breasts under a white bra. She reached around her waist and undid the button for her skirt and that dropped to the floor, she stepped out of it and looked in the full length mirror at herself.
She looked at reached around her back to undo her bra. "Why do they make this so difficult" she stamped her foot as she said it. The bra finally came off and she lowered her panties to the ground. She looked in the mirror again with her hands behind her back. She sighed and
turned to look at the suit.
She pulled it up off the bed and stepped into it, pulling it over her legs first and putting her arms into it next, she grabbed the ribbon that was on the zip and pulled the zipper all the way up.
"Woo! This is rather tight already" she said out loud, lost for a second in looking at herself in the mirror.
She looked at the compressor, then looked to the tank of helium in the corner that had been left there from the party earlier in the week. "Well it hasn't got to be taken back till tomorrow" she said to herself.
She took the hose off the compressor and attached it to the tank of helium, she then attached it to her latex suit and took another look in the mirror to see a hose trailing from her belly button.
She turned on the gas slightly and looked in the mirror, she couldn't see anything happening at first but the suit was feeling a little tighter.
She turned up the gas another notch, she could now see herself expanding ever so slowly, her breasts becoming fuller, her belly slightly larger, and her hips widening, her legs were inflating slightly and her arms were starting to feel a little tight. She laughed as she saw what was happening.
She looked at the gas bottle and turned it up two more notches and she started to inflate faster.
She saw her breasts had grown a whole four cup sizes now, and her legs were starting to be pushed apart, her arms were rising, and she looked about three months pregnant. She waddled over to the bed, it was starting to get hard to walk, and she flopped backward onto the bed and bounced slightly.
She looked down to see her breasts growing and her arms were now unable to move at all, she felt her legs being pushed apart and they were now at about a 20 degree angle from each other. She suddenly panicked, how was she going to stop the helium if she could not move? The compressor had a fail-safe that stopped it at a certain pressure but this, this helium tank was designed to inflate balloons!
She looked down again to see she huge tummy poking up like a mountain from the bed, and two large inflated balls where her breasts should be, her arms were now well at 12 inches around and her legs, she couldn't see her legs. She just revelled in the pressure, not wanting it to stop but somehow she did, she didn't want to get this big, all she wanted was to look a little large, more voluptuous. She suddenly felt a weird sensation, like she was being lifted up, she looked down to see her legs rising off the bed. This made her panic even more and thrash her arms, this knocked her bedside lamp over onto the tank of helium and knocked the gas up two more notches.
She inflated faster the suit now comical in proportions she started to lift off the bed, and as more gas entered the suit she rose higher. The hose was now the only thing stopping her from rising to the ceiling, suddenly the gas stopped and the hose fell from the suit.
"Help!!! HELP!!" she cried but no-one was there.
She rose to the ceiling and bounced slightly off it, just as her boyfriend entered the room... .
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, chemical, fanfiction, first person, floating
Text: You probably think I should tell you about myself. But what would there be to tell? I'm a photographer. Not fashion. Everyone always asks me that, but do I look like I'd make it in a world full of stupidly pretty people? I'm not declaring myself unattractive, but my face is too oval, my nose too pointed. I've got that slightly lanky, almost tomboy frame which de-emphasises my femininity. Plus, at just shy of 5"5, 135lbs, I'm neither "tall and graceful" nor "petite and buxom" (Hah! I wish!). If there's one thing that stands out about me its my eyes, peering out from a fringe of chestnut trimmed to shoulder-length. They're inviting, curious; and that's how I engage the world. Visually.
But I'm not going to tell you any more. I'm uncomfortable being exposed, which seems like a strange thing to say given what's just happened. Maybe its the arrogant disconnection that comes with being behind the lens rather than in front of it. I am always object rather than subject, floating between scenes, unseen. I never thought I'd be the focus of the story.
Right now you're probably thinking that a girl like me got what she deserved. I wouldn't blame you. But there's a code of ethics I follow; leave only footprints, take only pictures. I broke it this one time, and I'm regretting it.
Anyhow there was little enough to steal; the whole area was run down too graceless dereliction. To one side of the canal the skeletal husk of gas storage tanks groaned silent in the sun. It resembled some monstrous kraken; crawled onto the land to die. Apart from the factory, there was only a tire plant that looked neither open nor shut and a long strip of barren land.
Ah yes, the factory.
At first glance-and-ever a polylithic jumble of industrial blocks. The ground floor presented a series of crimson brick casemates where black-slitted windows peered suspiciously at the sun. Standing sentry, the main gates were a 20-foot iron spears; fronting a bare open yard and day shift entrance whose last day was 1994. Surveying it from the street the enamel green double-doors there were clearly locked and anyway I'm not in in the business of breaking and entering in plain view. Don't get me wrong; I might have got away with it. But there's the principle of the thing.
The real way in was through the steam tunnels and simple enough if you knew how. Cut across the railway line and through half a fence before a scramble down a concealed ditch drops you into the 4-foot pipes. Even if like me you're in good shape there's a heart-stopping moment when you're in mid-air and flailing before feet find ground again. Afterwards it was just a long damp walk to the boiler room. The giant pressure tanks were long gone, but the brick-lined furnace remained in a cool, coal black. Sunlight edged from its broken roof, showing the path to a rusted iron stair and the way into the factory proper.
I'd tell you where all this is but I don't want idiots coming here and repeating my mistake. Still, if you really dig, there's stuff out there. You can even find a few blogs from people who worked here. The council has a audio history section too, but it's thin stuff; old men and flat pressed caps holding to a gravelled accent.
Here's the real story; honest. The original owner was an Edwardian nutcase and pretty much a total recluse before the end. He knew his stuff though, and the business prospered after a fashion. But eventually ownership passed to a local family under some kind of competitive tender.
Anyhow, the local bloke wasn't up to the spec of the old man; too young and perhaps inexperienced (they said). There was a scandal about immigrant labour; this was back in the day when taking British jobs invited cheerful racist disdain. Then a number of long-running lawsuits stemming from earlier industrial accidents hit. Plus demand was dropping as people went for upmarket rather than novelty. Ultimately, the factory lingered through the 80's; probably insolvent before the early 90's recession killed it off. Nestle brought it out, but then decided the plant was too old and closed it down for good. The end.
So that's why I was here, squatting in the dust to adjust my focus and trying to select a filter. I chase the photography of dereliction; recording ruin as it slips away. I just love it. And good at it too (not an inflated opinion); I've got awards and everything. Might get an award for this one too. I hope it's not posthumous.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you about exploring . You won't believe what I found. Not sure I believe it even now.
Once out of the boiler room the first big space you come too is this huge, cavernous brick hall. It was perhaps a 100 foot in height, and twice that in length. At one stage the canal must have run through here from outside, possibly for unloading. Now it was empty; concrete embankments held chocolate-coloured sludge congealed in a corner. Giant pipes ran up one wall before retching into the dry canal. Underneath them a carpet of brown discoloured astroturf crunched strangely underfoot, bleached by the sun. Looking upwards I could see the corrugated glass-and-iron of the ceiling had long since given way and now it shone blankly between slits of the sky. Faintly visibly a steel skeleton on the roof beyond held the remains of the company logo in what would have been tarnished bronze. The giant "W" was still in place, but the other letters had fallen. Anyway, to work.
The high sun pushed the shadows into the verticals and crevices, denying me the hand-holds of composition as my lens scaled the walls. I took few pictures, frustrated. I felt like an archaeologist in some lost temple, a trespass for artefacts of unfathomable purpose. But I told myself it was not the same really. As I said, I don't take, I preserve. Photography helps tether things in time. Before they drift away.
I gave up on the hall for the present and headed down the canal, my sensible boots kicking up sweet-dust from its base. The loading canal led into a tunnel set in one wall yet I pushed into darkness, fumbling the torch out of my bag. I could almost hear the factory breath in the closeness of echoes. You don't get into this job if you spook easily, but it's impossible to be drawn so far into the strange without being affected by it.
After about twenty yards my flashlight pooled on the remains of some barge tilted crazily on its side. Opposite the wreck, a small iron jetty jutted from the wall. A series of steel doors lay beyond, flush into the curved concrete arch of the tunnel.
I slung the flashlight and clambered onto the jetty, feeling the rust flake beneath my hands and onto my khaki trousers. I'm wearing those because you'd be mad to do this sort of thing in a skirt and the inevitable smudges don't show so bad.
The painted labels on the door had faded. The first one declared "venting room" or something similar, and was open. A vile smell came from within; vagrants or dogs. But peering inside I could see it was empty. Brighter patches were etched on a concrete floor where heavy machinery must have rested. I could tell at once I wasn't interested.
The second door was rusted shut. But the third door and last caught my attention. Like the other two this was made of flush steel but was cracked ajar. Scratch marks on the iron jetty gave the impression it had parted only recently. I traced my fingers over worn lettering which declared "..... Lift.. D" and glanced inside.
I half-expected to see winding gear or cages but was instead confronted by a poorly-lit circular room. Through a blinking gaze it gave the appearance of a dusky silo, cylindrical and tall. I could see the centre of the room was empty, with the same bare patch of displaced machinery, yet to one side the remains of giant metal fan lay twisted crazily. Rusted and discoloured, its blades were bent as if dropped from height. Interesting enough perhaps, but yet more curious was a circular shelf that ringed the room at head height. Stacked neatly upon it, as if in a candy store, lay several dozen glass bottles.
I readied my flashlight again and pushed in, leveraging myself through the half-jammed door frame. Tight. Very tight. But once within I could see that the room lay at the base of a large octagonal steel chimney which channelled the light downwards. At its zenith, the sky pooled in bright silver. Almost at the top I could make out the scrawl of graffiti, painted impossibly high and faded, but I'd no idea how it got up there or what it said.
Exploring, my torch swung through faint dust underfoot; finding one set of tracks that paced my own. They didn't lead out again, but I couldn't see another exit. In one corner of the room, hidden from the entrance, lay a set of torn clothes. Possibly discarded by some hobo, but the room didn't have the smell of dereliction. Rather the air seemed dry, evaporated, thin.
I turned my attention to the bottles, letting the torch-beam tangle in the glinted prisms of their past. Tantalised but deceiving; upon edging closer, even the colourful scrawl on the label was faded. Now few words were unsunk in time; "FLD - batch 160. Approx 120kg net....". It probably meant something once. Whatever. I picked one up, and nearly dropped it in the same instant. The bottle was heavy, as if filled with unseen ballast. I tipped it up, curiously, watching the viscous flow within. It looked liked cola. It looked like mystery.
And I was thirsty.
As I said, I don't steal things. So perhaps it was the dust. Or the plain mystery of the thing. Or just that I'd forgotten to pack my soda earlier. Anyway, fifteen-year old cola wasn't going to kill me. Right? Not if I was careful. The worst that could happen was I'd gain some weight from all that sugar.
So without really thinking about it I popped the lid off the bottle and took a drink. Just a little one. It tasted of lemons. And cola. And something else entirely. Not great, but not stale. Still fizzy though; effervescence trickling over my tongue. Nice. Waited a moment. No problems.
I drained the bottle, suddenly feeling its weight sag in my arm. Devoid of its contents it seemed almost heavier somehow. Leaded glass, perhaps. I put it on top of the fallen fan and snapped it twice with long exposure, taking a few upward shots of the skylight too. Some sense of unease drifted in me as I gazed up that vertical; the pale white-blue sky seeming to swell and beckon. Enough. Time to leave.
The first warning sign was obvious, in retrospect. I moved back to the partially opened door and squeezed through to the jetty. Or at least I tried to. For some reason I couldn't get the leverage to haul myself through the crack, it was too tight. I hitched my torch and camera to try again, reaching around the doorframe to pull myself through. Nada. The press of metal seemed to close about me like jaws. I strained for a moment and then fell back into the room, flushed.
I didn't remember it being so tight. The door must have shifted when I came in. Well, I could have tried again and probably done myself an injury, but in this job you learn not to take stupid risks. I sat down on the bare concrete, placed my camera and torch besides me and pulled out my mobile. Play it safe, girl. I would have had to call Sam; figuring he was probably the most suited to busting doors and rescuing damsels in distress. But of course, this damsel in distress couldn't get a signal from her captive tower. Typical. I still wasn't worried though. I don't panic easily and I'd told at least 2 other reliable people where I was going and to come and look for me if I didn't check in. I guess it's my own fault for working alone, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
That's when the symptoms started.
It was discomfiture at first, like a sudden tightening of my stomach muscles. A thin sheen of perspiration washed over me, and I paused with sudden weakness. If I hadn't already been sat cross-legged I might have fainted. As it was I put out one hand as a cool wetness seemed to evaporate from me; lifting like dew. My skin felt sudden strange and tight. But before I could focus there came an odd, distinct tickling; like a feather drifting across my midriff.
"Oh...." I said.
The nausea passed, and I realised I was breathing deeply with my hand pressed to my side. The tickling was resolving into a soft, distinct sense of percolation, like small bubbles forming in my stomach. I sat still for a moment, breathing deeply. OK. That was weird. But I was OK. No problem. I stood up, slowly. But the slight bubbly sensation followed my rise. Now it came as a distinct patter tapping like insistent fingers.
By this stage I'd figured out I shouldn't have drunk the old cola. If I was going to be sick or poisoned this really wasn't the place. I blinked, seeking to clear my head. I moved back over to the door, and made another attempt to squeeze back through again. This time I didn't even get half-way, my hips resolutely refused the gap. The only result of my efforts seemed to be to excite the contents of my stomach a bit more. I dropped back into the room, put my hands on my waist uncertainly, and noticed something was very wrong.
Now as I said earlier I'm only slim-ish, but I look after myself and have a fairly good idea of where things are normally. But this time I felt my hands stop short of where they should have fallen, and my eyes drew down to the immediacy of unexpected touch. There, rather than my familiar "pinchable inch", I saw my hands were spread over a swollen potbelly, smooth and firm. Before I could fully register what was happening, my insides seemed to respond to the contact with a bubbly flux. A hidden pressure rose instantly between my fingers, pushed them apart. I could feel my belly expanding.
I made some kind of noise, agog with disbelief. I think I took a few half steps backwards, glaring down. My camo tee was riding up and over a bulging belly, exposing a shiny expanse of bare tummy which looked like I had swallowed a basketball. Gasping, my hands slid smoothly back and forth across a midriff now bridging my breasts to my vulva. As they did so, the bubbling sensation settled to an affirming gurgle within me. I felt positively gassy. Gaseous. Christ. I don't know what I felt. My mind reeled. Was I pregnant, or suffering from the worse indigestion ever? I prodded myself curiously, not having the sense to be frightened. My probing fingers winced against skin now sensitive with internal pressure. My belly was swelling before my eyes, no doubt about it. I was getting bigger.
"No" I gasped, at last. I think it was the first sensible thing I'd said for a minute. All at once I was consumed by the idea that I had to push it back in. And quickly, before it got any worse. Without thinking I put both hands firmly on my expanded tummy and pushed.
The effects were immediate. There was a sense of displacement and a wave of pressure rippled through me. My basketball-sized belly seemed to contract and for a moment I thought I'd succeeded. Then a trembling flush of heat caught me in its wake. The gurgling hiss seemed to deepen, widen, and the sense of bubblinesss which had formally seemed trapped in my stomach burst through my body. I sagged to my knees, my legs folding as my eyes watered. The feeling was indescribable, but like thousands of tiny bubbles blossoming within me, seeking release but not finding it.
I sat there, gasping; my chest rising and falling in time with my ragged breaths. Now the steady effervescence within me was plainly audible, manifest as a constant sibilant hiss. It seemed to push up and down, pooling between my thighs and breasts. My green-brown tee felt tight, constrained. I worried about hyperventilating, the straps of my bra digging in. The discomfort shortened across my breasts, now seeming to bulge and stretch in time to my rhythm. I blinked and shook, uncomprehending. Slowly, but undeniably their curves grew wider and more pronounced. A patch of freckles caught my eye, spreading and rising as my skin stretched to accommodate the hidden pressure. Within scant seconds my mammaries were straining against their cotton bonds. Bigger .
Oh God. It couldn't be.
My hands flew to my rounding breasts, pinching their growing form as they threatened to overwhelm my top. My skin felt cool to the touch, like an ice cube drizzled on a summer day. My tongue felt thick in my mouth, senses swimming with the plumpness that now infused their texture, a certain smoothness that encouraged my palms to slide under them. I could feel them growing by the moment as they pressed the painful bounds of a bra two or three cups too small. Yet even the growing sensitivity could not disguise the strangeness; my support was ghost-like, their weight barely pressed upon me. A strange symmetry overcame them as the tightness grew, teardrop shape redacting to hemispheres, lifting my nipples clear of the bra. As I watched, they flared out like rising suns, drawn by some secret whisper of breath.
I had just enough presence of mind to realise I'd have to get out my underwear before I suffocated. Whimpering, I reached behind and under, feeling a strap already drawn tense as piano wire. My nails dug against skin and plastic, seeking release. For a long moment I struggled. Even now I'm not sure whether clasp or the elastic failed first. Only that my lingerie parted with an elastic twang and was pushed away. Free from their constraints, my breasts ballooned clear, bobbing now as if only weakly sensed by gravity. Balloons . The word came slowly to me, as my burgeoning assets waved dreamlike before me. Like a pair of frickin' balloons. I looked over at the bottle discarded in the gloom. My thoughts were cascaded one after another. The expansion. The lightness. The hissing. It couldn't be. Could it? Whatever I'd drunk was evaporating within me. Turning from liquid into gas.
Inflating me.
I shook myself, wide-eyed, trying to deny it. But my thoughts were interrupted another concern. Even as the fibres of my tee-shirt strained, I became dimly aware of a parallel tightness formed astride my groin. The gassiness pushed itself along my thighs, tracing whorls of sensation like a promise, like a finger. I felt my trousers draw tight about my hips, hitching up as backside joined breasts in errant expansion.
"Noooooo" I cried, slapping my hands to my behind. The only response was the reverberating hiss of gas, finding echo within my growing form. The fabric was already stretched tight against the skin, the brown twill shifting like silk against my sudden smoothness.
Pushing down, my palms made gentle indentations in the resistance of inflating curves. Slowly, I could feel my cheeks widening, escaping my grasp. My knickers dug sharply across my underside as they conformed about a swelling lower body. In a frantic mess of fumbling I plucked away the buttons on my trousers. They parted almost at once, a brass dam blown before the wave of my swelling abdomen. With my breasts now obstructing the view I felt rather than saw the cotton of my knickers thin against ballooning booty. My exertions drew hidden heat from me, the lush scents of excitement rising unbidden with inflating flesh. I moaned, caught between embarrassment and arousal, the public intimacy of my experience. Perhaps part of me was seduced by the unrealness. My actions were those of a stranger. This couldn't be happening.
You know, way back, I'd heard of early lemonade being referred to as "balloon juice". But this was ridiculous. A fizzy drink didn't - couldn't - make someone blow up like a balloon. Distractedly, I told myself I was dreaming. But pinching didn't work. My nails slipped over a skin grown elastic, whilst my perspiration merged dreamily with fear and strange excitement. Unmistakably caught beneath my tongue came the alien tang not unlike latex; Horrified, I realised I even smeltthe part.
I climbed - staggered - to my feet. My legs flexed out with an almost audible pfop, driven by the gas that now barrelled my thighs. They rubbed against each other with absurd squeakiness as I lunged towards the door, clasping it like a drowning woman. All balance was treacherous, distorted as I felt my body billowing with inner gas. My weight seemed to be misplaced, escaping my stride. I must have looked like some ridiculous caricature of femininity, breasts and butt expanded into globes concaved about a narrow waist. To be honest part of me might have been absurdly proud at my exaggerated curves in other circumstances. But for the moment I was too hysterical to consider it.
"Help" I shrieked, hammering at my iron prison futilely "Heeeeeelp me!".
My voice seemed thin and unnervingly squeaky. The bulking factory swallowed my cries, returned only silence, and the drink filled it with hissing.
My breasts were over a foot wide when the cotton pleat of my tee puckered horizontal and started to rip with a soft purr. As the strands parted they revealed soft peach balloons, a canyon of cleavage beyond anything I had imagined. My knickers unknit themselves around the same time, snapping aside the bouncy watermelons of my butt. The sudden coolness of the silo air against my secret flesh gave me gasping pause. But the flux of the gas penetrated me more deeply than any lover. I felt engorged, as if the press of my legs encompassed a fairground cylinder, hard and forceful. I wanted to grind down even as a strange sense of levity began pervading my body.
Relentless, the pneumatic force spread down along my calves and arms, the hiss now pitching higher as it explored my body. It's insistent urgings were widening me, drawing me out and up from myself. My legs were drifting akimbo, my trousers spreading along with them, splitting apart into thralls of cloth. I barely noticed. The pressure cradled me like an errant child, stroking my body in waves, lulling me into acceptance. Tears were stale in my eyes, mixing my shame and desperation, my sense and excitement. My breasts and ass were inflating spheres, escaping the span of my arms. Their tenderness and tightness resisted even embrace; defining me like a blow-up doll, growing more ridiculously proportioned by the moment.
With what little sense I had left I made an effort for the mobile again. But it had fallen to the floor somewhere with the remains of my trousers. I staggered about, seeking it in the gloom and dust. Hapless, my breasts floated upwards to block my sight, pushing up as much as out. I struggled to restrain them, my touch now electric against the tautening skin. Through a mush of buoyant feeling came a dim awareness of how uneven my footing was getting. The balls of my feet were skidding on the floor, as if unable to find purchase. Some secret, undreamt promise seemed to kindle at the back of my mind. Too many balloons. I thought. Too many balloons, and then....what?
Interruption came as my feet scuffed against something hard and plastic. Damn, the phone.
I tried to kneel, but the pressure in kneeling was more than uncomfortable. The gas force-fluxed along my calves pushed me upright, my whole body growing tight with pneumatic force. Straining desperately for the slim metal device, I felt balance shifting treacherously under a surge of lifting bubbles, their invisible hands tipping and supporting in the same motion. In comic motion, I toppled gently forward on my face, even as my butt seemed to seesaw upwards.
The ground came to me so slowly. An unnatural thrill coursed through me, falling as if through treacle. Momentarily I caught a glimpse of brown socks and ankle boots, the last dignity on my otherwise naked body, Someone other than me was kicking them futilely, trying to reach solid footing. Then my ballooned tits, the size of small beachballs, boinged up to obscure all vision, cushioning my impact to feather-lightness. The air itself seemed thick, gently but insistently pushing up through the sensitive bulk of my inflated assets. I tried to deny the implications, even as realisation seeped like a thousand floating bubbles down my spine. My weight was diminishing rapidly, and in a few moments....
"No, nooooo", I gasped, disbelieving to the last. It couldn't be true. Could it? I was saying stuff like I don't know what. That I'd be a good girl. That I'd never steal anything again.
Groping blindly, I felt the fingers of my right hand connect with my camera strap. I clenched it tightly like a rosary, a last totem of normality before my sin plunged me into the unreal.
I was panting with exhaustion whilst the gas was licking each intimate secret of my body, taking me for its own. The sweat on my skin carried the scent of stressed rubber; glisten-sheened like a balloon. Lying supine on the ground, I was teetering towards buoyancy, I felt my feet rise to tiptoe and scrape along the ground before drifting off. Then the cool press of concrete along my bulbous stomach faded as my wildly inflated ass rose into the air, tilting me inverted with lazy motion. A moment later and my ballooning breasts floated clear too, pulling me up and up. Frantically, I pressed my palms flat against the rough concrete before me, clawing for a connection as it too started to slip away. I wanted to laugh and weep together. But the gas admonished with upness, leaving me to mutely wriggle as I slipped over the edge. For a moment I was connected only by fingertips. And then I wasn't. Floating.
The first few inches were the worst. The gas defined me, took me, lifted me. I was an hourglass, ballooned, without the sand of ballast. Both empty and full together. I couldn't, wouldn't, suppress the feelings that pumped through me. I felt sick, then ashamed then exhilarated.
I'm a girl-balloon. I thought, with pointless clarity. That drink filled me with some kind of helium. And now I'm going to float away. Shit.
Then the camera strap around my right wrist pulled tight, arresting my ascent and twisting me upside down in the same moment. Briefly, I hung there, suspended and naked between the fates. A tethered balloon with the camera above my head, whilst in the other direction, past the buoyant spheres of my breasts, the steel flume reached up like a tunnel. My feet loitered over a pool of sky. Cool as water; it lay, inviting me to plunge up and up into its depths.
Then my growing lift overcame my recalcitrant ballast, and I rose clear, trailing the camera with me. One foot. Two foot. A yard. I tried catching the shelving. But I rebounded gently off the wall. I tried waving my arms as if swimming. But the tide of levity was too strong and I was drifting higher with it. The steel walls of the room slid down past me. The distant graffiti, barely visible from below, slipped into view. It was sprayed scarlet with desperation and held a handprint smeared against the burnished steel. Oh God; what happened to them? I tried to read the words, but my body was rotating in the air, pulling me up and away.
".....or never come down" It proclaimed. That wasn't very reassuring.
My body felt tight as a drum, pumped into a bloated parody of the female form. As if content with my predicament, the omnipresent hiss of gas seemed to slow even as my ascent quickened. Helpless, I rose to the lip of the room, my fingers grazing the exterior brickwork of the stack. Then the rush of noise and sunlight caught me blinking; the world around was so real and heavy, elusive of handholds. Wide and wonderful, the factory spat me into the air, where eddies of wind caught me, swept me upward. A sense of unlikely vertigo swelled within my inflated form as I passed fifty foot. A hundred. The city and canal swung lazily into view beneath my spreading legs, washed in afternoon haze that collected in the bowl of surrounding hills. Distantly, lonely cars and people picked their way across this desolate theatre. But I was far from the stage of earth, a balloon caught in the rafters of the world, they couldn't see me.
I shouted anyway, as I drifted higher. Was it fear or exaltation? I don't know. I was sundered from the land. Balloon-bound. But somehow I didn't care. I was naked but not ashamed. Buoyant but bountiful. Terrified but excited. Turbulence licked anew at my inflated body, stirring sensation and sustaining the secret moisture. A host of tingling bubbles now shuddered within my breasts, my butt, holding me swollen with gaseous promise. I clenched against myself, eyes tight, wanting to ride the feeling higher even as it rode me .
Gone with the wind.
I'm quite high now. Cool, detached, and swaying through thin cloud. Distant patches of green and yellow suggest fields below, but it could be anywhere. There's quite a breeze and I've been up here for ages. You see, after the initial rush I kinda lost track of time, and I've been asleep for a bit. I didn't think I could but I did. Nearly wet myself when I woke up though.
Eventually. the sense of bubbling subsided, quiescent; it's job done. I think I've stopped rising, but I can't be certain. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, I worry I might burst, or float so high I'll suffocate. But perhaps its better that way; with the release of rupture, rather than lingering like an escaped blimp, never to coming down.
From the way the camera is beeping at me I guess the video memory is nearly done, so I'm gonna have to stop this narrating. I've still not decided whether to drop it in the hope that the chip survives to be found, or keep hold for the ballast. It's my last work of art, really, and I want it to survive even if I don't. Am I making an artistic statement here? Christ, what would it be? "I've blown up like a balloon and floated away". Just to say it makes it sound like some pretentious installation piece, but it's more real than anything I've done in my life.
And you know the worse thing, on top of it all? I feel the indignity of a huge burp coming on as well. Typical.
I've been working on this for a while, well, more than a while actually as the idea came years ago. The hardest part was developing all the realism angles (though I know its silly to talk about realism in this genre, really!), as I wanted to work within the constraints of the originally story...
Still, the underlying conceit is straightforward and fun, and concerns my absolutely fave-est drink of all time. Even if I've plagarised horribly. If you've come this far I think you know what I mean; "Oh, those are fabulous!" cried Mr. Wonka. "They fill you with bubbles, and the bubbles are full of a special kind of gas, and this gas is so terrifically lifting that it lifts you right off the ground just like a balloon, and up you go until your head hits the ceiling and there you stay." "But how do you come down again?" asked little Charlie. "You do a burp, of course," said Mr Wonka. "You do a great big long rude burp, and up comes the gas and down comes you!......But don't drink it outdoors! There's no knowing how high up you'll be carried if you do that."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, giantess, inhale, thumb blow
Text: On Shania's suggestion I decided to spend some time away from the beach. She recommended a spot just a few miles out of town, a plot of wide open undeveloped land, away from power lines and airplane flight paths. It wasn't visited that often, she said, but when I arrived there was already someone there.She was a blonde wearing a black unitard with a blue stripe running down either side. You know, before I got into this I didn't even know that was what you called leotards with legs. If nothing else it's been a learning experience.As I approached she gave me a confused look, clearly not expecting anyone else to show up. It was then I noticed that she was... well, she was short. About a foot shorter than I was, and not really... well, endowed. I don't want to sound rude, but she had the bare minimum when it came to breasts and hips.That probably sounded really rude, but it's hard not to pay attention to other people's bodies when we're all wearing skin-tight clothing.I waved. "Hi there. It's a nice day for a flight, isn't it?"She gave a half-hearted shrug. "I wouldn't know. I don't fly.""Oh. Oka-""Why? Do you think you're special?""...no?"She scoffed but said nothing."So, um..." It was about then that I stopped thinking before I spoke. "How old are you?"Her brow furrowed in annoyance. "Twenty-four."I wasn't expecting that. "Oh, oka-""Why?" She glowered up at me. "You thought I was a kid because I was so short, is that it?""No! I mean, I-""Do you even know what it's like having everyone look down on you?" By now she was positively fuming."Wh-""Well maybe I should -show- you!" Before I could respond she took a deep breath, raised her thumb to her mouth and blew. Her cheeks bulged as she filled herself with air, gaining in height until she was eye level with me. She inhaled and blew again, shooting up another two feet, and then a third time, growing until I only came up to her hips. She wasn't just growing taller, she was growing more endowed: Her hips were wide even by normal standards, and her chest had to have been at least a yard across.As she went to blow into her thumb again I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that, I uh... I wasn't really thinking."She paused, looking around but making a pointed effort to not look at me. "What was that? I could've sworn I heard some -kid- talking..." She made an exaggerated shrug before raising her thumb to her mouth. "OH WELL."She gave herself a powerful puff and grew again, and I found myself only reaching the middle of her thigh. Another blow sent her even higher, leaving me at knee height. I was forced to keep walking backwards, both for a better look and to avoid being stepped on.As she grew skyward she began showing more and more signs of her inflation: Each growth was punctuated by rubbery creaks and the deep hiss of air inside of her. Her breasts, huge even in scale, were round, full, and refused to sag, bobbing slowly as they swelled and with each move she made. Her formerly trim stomach had since gained a prominent bulge that only grew larger as she did, swelling up to meet the underside of her breasts. Her legs had become thick, massive trunks tapering down to her ankles, and everywhere else her body was gradually taking on a rounded, weightless bulk, from her face to her toes.By the time she had stopped blowing herself up she was so tall that I didn't even reach halfway up to her puffy ankles. She let out a sigh, and I craned my neck up to try and look at her head, only to find my view blocked by the giant curve of her stomach and two breasts the size of hot air balloons.She leaned forward, impaired slightly by the size of her belly, and looked down at me. Smirking, she put her hands on her hips. "Now who's the small one?"Without replying I took a deep breath. I felt my body stretch as I grew rounder, and as my feet left the ground I tipped forward onto my stomach. My swelling continued as I inhaled, pushing me larger, and as my line of sight crept up her legs I kept track of how large I was compared to her. Within moments I had reached her knees in height, and she had merely watched without saying a word.Suddenly she turned around, and I stopped, wondering what she was doing. I didn't have to wonder long; her shadow loomed overhead, just before she lowered herself down onto me.Despite her size being nothing but pneumatic enhancement she was as heavy as she looked. I felt myself flatten out from her bulk, the pressure in my body rising suddenly as I was pressed between her and the ground. As she put her full weight on me I could feel her backside sink into me, my skin matching the contours of her butt. I tried to draw breath again but stopped when she began bobbing up and down, bouncing on me and causing me to flatten and stretch uncomfortably."Oh my," she said innocently. "What a wonderful seat this little balloon makes."You know, before I got into this I didn't even know what a Napoleon complex was.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: She walked up the stairs into the lodge after a long day in the snow. She was tired but felt great after being in the sun and snow. Her snowsuit was new and fit her nicely. "Is this seat taken?" she asked pointing to a bar stool. A man turned around, smiled and told her no. She recognized him from earlier in the day. She noticed that he worked at the lodge. "You work here, don't you?" she asked. "Yes, sort of." He replied. "Actually, I own the resort." "You own the resort? Wow. I love coming to this place. I've been coming to Fantasy Mountain for years."
The two smiled at each other and he offered to buy her a drink. "Do you buy drinks for all your customers?" she said unzipping the top of her suit. "I like to." He told her. They talked for a while. The subjects varied from the snow, the weather, the people staying at the lodge, etc. He told her she looked really nice in her suit.
She responded how she only wished that snow suits showed more of a woman's figure. "I always wonder if men notice a woman's figure when they are wearing a suit like this." She said running her hands down the side. "Well, I can assure you that I for one notice." He smiled. "I think woman worry too much about what men think of them. Not all men like skin tight outfits."
"This suit for example, doesn't show much of my figure." She complained. "I like the style and the fabric, but I feel like you can't see me in it." She leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Why, you can barely see my boobs when I wear this suit." The two laughed.
"I wish I had more definition to my figure so it showed through the suit." She was getting a little tipsy and beginning to think aloud. "You should be careful what you wish for. You might get it some day." He reminded her. "No, I really would like to wow the guys." She said holding his hand. He looked at her and said "Well, at Fantasy Mountain we aim to please our customers. No matter what it takes." He waved his hand and said "Your wish will come true as long as I am with you." She hugged him and thanked him. The two felt a mutual attraction for each other.He offered to buy her dinner, she accepted, and the two went upstairs to the restaurant. They talked about many things during dinner and then she asked about the rumours that at Fantasy Mountain Resort your wishes come true. "Is it true or just a marketing ploy?" she asked. "Well, I know that some wishes come true. Your wish for example. Do you really want it to happen?" She thought a bit and said "Actually, yes. I'm tired of wondering. I'd love to see what would happen." He finished his bite and told her "Then, as the owner of Fantasy Mountain I will make it so." "When?" she said jokingly. "I can't do it here and now. You don't want to make a scene." "Ah, the stall tactic." She kidded him. "You wizards are all alike. You promise results, then you don't deliver. I want to see results soon." He smiled, winked at her, and finished his dinner.
The two left and walked outside the lodge in the moonlight. They held hands and when they reached the end of the deck she turned to him and kissed him. "Thank you for a great night." She said. They kissed again and she led his hands down to her buns. He slowly squeezed them. She pressed against him. "See, you wouldn't have to press to hard to find me if my wish came true." She said. "OK" he responded. The two walked some more. After a few minutes she noticed something was different. Her reflection in the lodge window looked funny. "Is there something wrong?" he asked. "I feel funny. Almost like I'm changing." "Oh, that's your wish coming true." He said smiling. "See, look." He took her hands and led her into the boutique in the lodge. She stood in front of the mirrors and view herself. "What the? This can't be.. I've filled out the suit." She whispered so no one else could here. "Madame, you wish has begun to come true." He whispered back. She barely heard him as she checked all sides of her new figure. "This is amazing. What's the trick?" She demanded. "No trick. It's the new you. I hope you will like it. You may have it a while." He responded. "You look great. You asked for more definition and here it is." She continued to not believe her eyes. She thought that there must be some type of trick. There had to be. People don't just change in a matter of minutes she thought to herself. "Well, OK, I give up. How did you do it?" she asked. "I didn't do anything. You did. You are in control of your own wishes and how big, or small they are. I only help you to make them happen." He explained that only a very select few people can actually enable their wishes and dreams. She must be one of them. "You need to be careful of one thing. Sometime people's secret wishes and desires are more than they tell me. Sometimes your secret wish is different from the wish you told me. Do you want to tell me more about your wish so nothing gets out of hand?" She wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying and told him "no, I think I'll be OK with this."
"I want you to know that I am beginning to get attached to you and I don't want you to be unhappy." He told her holding her hands. "I think you look great though. You're beginning to show through the suit. It's what you wished for. You're on you own now. The wish magic will respond to you now." Her first reaction was to crack a joke "Don't worry. It's not like I would say something like; I wish I had huge buns." He smiled and the two left the boutique. He knew what was going to happen and she needed a little lesson on thinking before wishing.
She walked ahead of him and he watched her buns begin to fill up the suit. By the time they reached the deck again her arms hit her hips as she walked. "Hey, what is this?" she said checking hersef. "You tricked me. Look at my rear end." She pressed down in an attempt to stop the growing. "I warned you about your wishing. You need to be careful. You wished in the boutique that you had big buns and now you do." He told her. "I was only kidding." She replied. "The magic doesn't know what kidding is. Now wish for a more balanced figure." She did and soon she was back to a more normal figure.
"You are right. I need to watch what I say. One slip and I might regret it." She said as they walked. "You can have a lot of fun though. For example, close you eyes, think of an inhibited dream of yours, then wish for it. Just take it easy and make it happen slowly." He suggested.
She stopped, closed her eyes, then smiled. "I did it. Can I tell you?" "Only if you want to." He replied. "I've always had this fantasy where I, I blow up like a balloon. I don't get heavy or anything like that. I just inflate." She said. He smiled and asked "Is that what you wished for?" She hugged him, kissed him, then said "yes".
The two left for her room. She wondered just how long it would take for her wish to come true. She didn't have to wait too long. In the elevator she checked herself in the mirror. "It's starting." She said. "Look, I'm getting bigger." He agreed and told how, no matter what happened, he still thought she was wonderful and he hoped their relationship lasted. She smiled. She was becoming more and more attracted to him. She was also becoming bigger inside the suit. They kissed as they rode the elevator. He pressed her against the wall and her suit pressed out sideways. A couple got on a few floors up and rode with them. He knew them and spoke briefly. They were newlyweds and he asked how their stay was. They thanked him for all his help and while she watched the couple talk to him she could swear that the woman's boobs were getting bigger. "It must be her wish." She thought to herself. They couple got off and looked like they were the happiest couple in the world. "Did they have a wish" she asked. "Yes, they want a baby and she is afraid that she can't make enough mother's milk to keep the baby healthy." He told her. You may have guessed her wish." They smiled at each other. "You're really a nice guy aren't you?" He smiled and winked again.
They arrived at her room hand in hand. "I have a mini wish." She said. "What is it?" "I'd like you to carry me into the room and lay me down." She told him. He picked her up and kicked the door open. She felt soft and wasn't at all heavy. Her weight did not match her size. The suit's fabric felt cool to the touch. He closed the door with his foot , walked across the room, and slowly put her down on the bed. She held her arms around his neck and pulled him on top of her. They kissed. "What do you think of my wish?" she asked him. He thought a little and replied "Each person's wish is different. Your wish is your wish. I am just happy to make it come true for you. I do think you are the most beautiful woman I've met." She hugged him hard, kissed him again, then reached over and turned out the light. She led him to the suit's zipper.
The next morning they dresses and ate breakfast together. He needed to tend to the resort and she wanted to ski some more. They agreed to meet for lunch.
She skied all morning and did not notice much change in herself. But when she stopped at the lodge to meet him her reflection in the window told a different story. She had definitely changed since the morning. In fact just as she watched herself in the window's reflection she thought she noticed a change. The hood of the suit brushed against her cheek and her sleeves were sliding down past her hands. She had to struggle a little to see her watch. "I'm starting to really get big. But I feel fine." She bent down and took off her skis. Her buns ballooned out and her suit strained. When she stood up the suit relaxed. In a few minutes the suit had filled out again. Walking caused the suit to sway from side to side, especially her buns. "I must be a sight to see." She thought. "Oh well, it's my wish, not somebody else's.
She waited in the lodge until he arrived. "You're looking good." He told her. "You don't think I look funny?" she asked worriedly. "No, you really do look great." He gave her a little kiss and then sat down. She undid the top of her suit and was surprised by two huge boobs. "I forgot about this. I hope I can get them back in later." He reached across the table to her hand and said "don't worry, they, er.. you look great." "All men are alike." She snapped back with a smile.
They ate lunch and she stuffed herself back into the suit. It took a little work and was a bit comical, but she managed to zip up the front. Soon she was comfortable. She skied the rest of the day and he event caught up to her once and rode the chair lift. By the end of the day she was staying on the quad chair so she could take up two seats. The lift attendants smiled each time she rode. "I wonder if they know." She thought. She just smiled back at people. "I better head down and get to the lodge to meet him." She thought. "I wonder if he has a wish." She skied down and could feel herself changing with every minute that passed by. Some people noticed but most did not. She skied really good despite her size. The suit complained a little. Every now and then the front of the suit tried to block her face. She pressed down on her top to see better. The hood as very persistent and seemed to climb up the back of her head. "I must look pretty funny." She thought. "But it's my wish so who cares about other people. I'm having the best time of my life."
They met in front of the lodge and he checked her out. "You've really filled out." He told her. She smiled and said "I'm just your average inflating woman. How do you like it?" He kissed her to tell her how much he liked it. This time he had to bend forward because of her size. "How does it feel?" he asked. "It's actually very comfortable. I feel like I am slowing inflating with each minute that passes." She ran her hands down her side as best she could. Her arms could only get down to the tops of her hips. "Let me get out of my skis and we can pick up where we left off last night." She began to bend down and was met by her boobs. The front of the suit pressed against her face and she rebounded. She was a little embarrassed and next tried to undo her binding with her ski pole. She twisted around causing her suit to ripple and strain. "It's no use. Can you help. I didn't think it would come to this but I can't seem to bend over enough to get me skis off." He helped her. "My hero." She kidded him.
The two ate dinner in the lodge with her having the same chore putting herself back into the suit. She was getting really big and he reassured her that no harm would come from her fantasy. "Customers can get whatever they want without fear of harm." He told her. She felt very relaxed with him. With a few drinks in her, she began asking him about his wishes and fantasies. While they talked he saw her inflating more. "She must be thinking out her wish." He thought. "How about we go up stairs and I'll tell you about my wish and fantasy?" he suggested because soon she would have trouble managing to walk. She was inflating at a pretty good rate and would need help soon. The two left and rode the elevator up to her room. She filled about half the elevator car. "I can't see myself, only some of me in the mirror. How do I look?" she asked. He pressed her into the corner of the elevator and sank into her. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world." He said, then kissed her. She felt a rush of passion overcome her followed by herself press back against him. Her head moved away from the wall. "I'm getting bigger right now." She felt herself. "We better get to the room. I need space."
They arrived at her room and he had to stuff her through the door. They suit made it a little easy because it slid past the door. She stood in front of the mirror feeling the suit. She felt her huge boobs and ran her hands down the side of her torso. She could only reach the tops of her hips. "I'll do that for you." He said from behind her. He felt her hips, then buns and kissed her cheek. She turned her head so she could join in on the kiss.
It seemed that with every kiss she inflated more. Her arms began to rise away from her body and her legs slowly spread apart. "I'm inflating, and it's an amazing feeling." She whispered to him. "I want to inflate as big as I can." She wriggled inside the suit as he massaged her. She turned around and pressed against him. She could barely put her arms around his neck. He watched as her buns blew up. "So, what is your dream or fantasy?" she asked him. "Haven't you figured it out yet?" he replied. "What?" she asked. "Why, it's you... inflating."
She pressed against him and they kissed. She wished that she would inflate more. They both felt the change as she started to grow again.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium
Text: "I have had it with her!"
When Helia screams like that, it means that she had a run in with Arlene. I came out of the kitchen just in time to see Helia's favorite lycra top give up the ghost, and explosively release her well over 68GG bustline. I had to duck to keep from getting hit in the eye by the elastic shrapnel. "Oh wow," I said finally, "What happened?" "I ran into Arlene in the mall," Helia said, "And when I wasn't looking, she dumped a whole tube of powdered Alka-Seltzer tablets into my soda. Before I knew it my boobs were trying to burst out of my top, then my shorts split down the crotch because my butt begins to swell. By the time I got to the exit, I could barely fit through the door." "Are you alright?" I asked. Helia shook her head. "No, I'm not, Strig," she said, "I'm still blowing up." As Helia said this, her belly surged out from beneath her swelling breasts. "I had to drink that whole soda," she grumbled as, suddenly, her cute feet left the floor. "Eeek, what's happening?" "The gas inside of you must be warmer that the air in the room," I said, "So you're floating." I grabbed Helia's ankle and slowly towed her to the guestroom where I was staying. I then took the weight from a mylar Pokemon balloon and tied it to her ankle with some of the balloon's ribbon. It kept her from floating away, though her breasts were still eye level with me. "Now what am I gonna do," asked Helia, "It's gonna take me all day to deflate." "Well, you can mope about it," I said, "Or you can teach Arlene a lesson." "Whatcha got in mind?" she asked. I gave her a devilish grin and picked up the phone. Helia dated Steve for a while. After we met over the Internet, Helia told me that she knew Steve, and I was anxious to see my old high school buddy again. After I arrived in New York, Helia wouldn't hear of me staying in a motel, so she offered me her guestroom, and I had dinner with the two of them that night. The dinner conversation soon turned to business, and Stephen told us of some of the projects his department was putting together. Remembering last night's conversation, I decided to give Stephen a call, and ask him for a couple of favors. I told him what we wanted to do and he said that he had just what we needed. We had Maggie call Arlene's apartment, saying that she was the receptionist for a therapeutic massage parlor. Maggie told Arlene that: she had been chosen for a free home demonstration, asked if she would prefer a masseuse or a masseur, and what time would be good for her. With this information in hand, we took my old four door Pinto (because it was the only car Helia would fit her ballooned self into at the time) and quickly headed for Stephen's lab.
Stephen had all of the stuff that we needed ready and waiting for us in an aluminum briefcase and a duffel bag. Stephen gave a low whistle when he saw Helia. "Wow," he said, "She really blew you up, didn't she?"
"Yeah," replied Helia sternly, "And this is the fourth time she's done it. I won't even tell you about the time she trapped me in her apartment."
"Wow," Stephen repeated, "Everything you need is in here, the tank is in the duffel, and the gel, the cream, and the putty are in the case. It should be a memorable event."
"It'll be a gas alright," Helia quipped, and then she smacked her lips. "Stephen, do you have anything to drink? I'm suddenly thirsty." "Well, he should have thought before offering me a Coke," replied Helia, between sips of bottled water.
"You didn't have to dump it down his pants, Helia," I said, pulling the Pinto up in front of a custom clothing shop. Twenty minutes later I had a pair of T-shirts with the name Blair's Therapeutic Massage embroidered on the pocket. I had deliberately gotten Maggie's shirt a size too small so it would look like a first day on the job sizing mistake. So, with one more stop, we would be ready for our little visit to Arlene's apartment this evening. "I don't think so," said Maggie, "This is my first day." Arlene just shrugged it off as deja-vu.
We brought in a rented massage table and unfolded it. I then handed Arlene a sheet, and asked her to disrobe. Arlene set the sheet on the couch and took her clothes off right there in the living room. She then draped the sheet over her front and laid down on the table.
"Cream, please, Maggie," I asked as I pulled on a pair of surgeons rubber gloves. Maggie popped the locks on the case and handed me the cream that Stephen had given us. It caused the skin to absorb air through osmosis and allow the cells to expand as much as necessary to hold all the air they absorbed. The more air, the more the cells would expand.
"Cream?" asked Arlene, raising up on the table "I thought you were supposed to use oil?"
"Less to clean up this way," said Maggie handing me the plastic bottle. I squeezed a thin line of the cream down Arlene's back, and began to rub it in deeply.
"What's with the gloves?" asked Arlene. I raised my hand. "Our boss is a little over concerned," I explained, "He thinks that because his dentist wears these things we should too."
"Oh," said Arlene. Maggie took another bottle of the same cream and began to work on Arlene's bottom and legs. Arlene began to sigh and coo as I rubbed my hands over her back and sides. I could feel Arlene's skin begin to firm and tighten as the cream began to take effect. I rubbed more of the cream around Arlene's neck and arms, and even managed to get some of it on her belly and the sides of her breasts, just enough to get the job done. As Maggie finished up with Arlene's legs, I pulled another plastic bottle out of the case.
This bottle was filled with a powerful topical anesthetic gel. I donned a fresh pair of rubber gloves, and slathered a good-sized dollop onto her back. Maggie cleaned up, and put the cream and the gel bottle back into the case as I finished rubbing the last of the gel into Arlene's skin. Maggie helped Arlene off the table and wrapped the sheet around her body. As I folded up the table, Maggie took Arlene into her bedroom and shut the door. As we left Arlene's apartment, phase one of our plan had been completed. Now one of us would go get Helia while the other watched the apartment and make sure Arlene didn't leave. Maggie won the toss.
The sun was just about down when Maggie returned with Helia. Helia's breasts were still a lot fuller than usual so she had the sheet draped over her. The three of us went into the apartment with the duffle and the briefcase, as well as Arlene's house key Maggie snuck from her purse.
"You think she's asleep, Strig?" asked Helia. I nodded. "She should be," I said, "I used enough of that gel on her." Maggie unlocked the door to Arlene's apartment and let the three of us inside. We found Arlene in her bedroom, asleep. She was dressed in a red nightie with pink lacey panties. We carefully set the duffel and the briefcase on the floor. Unzipping the duffel bag I pulled out a tank of helium, and attached a hose to the valve. At the other end was a metal tube stuck in the end of the hose. I took a can of putty from the briefcase and molded it around the metal tube. Then, with Maggie's help, I placed the tube in Arlene's mouth and gently closed her jaw so her teeth were deeply fixed in the putty.
The putty was Stephen's answer to wiring a person's mouth shut when they broke their jaw. Whenever the putty came into contact with the enzymes in a person's saliva, it would harden and bind to whatever was stuck into it, namely a person's teeth. The problem though, was that it would only hold for a couple of hours, but that was long enough for what we wanted it for. After the putty had set, Helia gave the valve on the tank a gentle twist, and we slowly began to hear the gas from the tank trickle into Arlene's slim body. We watched as Arlene began to develop a potbelly beneath her nightgown. Helia gave the valve another turn, causing Arlene to inflate quicker. As her belly began to look like she was decently pregnant, Arlene's thighs became turgid and began to grow more cone-like. Slowly, Arlene continued to grow bigger and bigger, her bottom began to look like two halves of a swelling beach ball. Arlene's belly had swollen up to the size of a Guiness book pumpkin. Arlene's breasts though were the last thing to balloon up. They started off a small B cup, but slowly they grew larger and larger, swelling up to a DD just on the brink of becoming an EEE. We sat on the floor and watched as Arlene's bustline expanded its way through the alphabet, and beyond. Slowly Arlene's breasts began to bulge against her chin. Probably thinking she was having a wonderful dream, Arlene's eyes drifted opened and looked over at the three of us.
"Uh-oh," said Arlene around her mouthful of putty, "Mmime im ruble rnt mi."
"You might say that," said Helia, "Because of what you did in the mall today, you blew up my favorite top. It's still lying in pieces in my living room."
"Oopf," said Arlene, "Mmime forry." Suddenly Arlene spit the putty out of her mouth, the green glob crumbled into powder. I quickly turned off the helium tank to keep from losing any of the gas. Arlene drifted over to her mirror to look at herself. "Wow," she said, "This feels so good, I don't understand why you don't like it."
"When the slightest thing makes you balloon up," said Helia, "It gets kind of old. Especially when the slightest thing is your friend's envious roommate."
"Okay," said Arlene "You made your point. No more practical jokes. Umm, the girls are coming over next Friday, you want to go for another balloon ride?"
"What?" said Helia sternly.
"We draw straws to see who gets to be the balloon, okay?" amended Arlene.
"Okay," said Helia. The two of them had buried the hatchet, I was just glad it wasn't in in each other's head. "Next Friday then."
"Right," said Arlene, she looked over at the tank of helium, "Umm, is there any gas left in that tank?" I molded a new mouthpiece over the metal tube, and gently placed it in Arlene's mouth. "Knock yourself out," I said. As we left her apartment, Arlene turned on the valve again and felt the pressure begin to build inside her again.
As she was about to leave, Maggie looked back inside Arlene's apartment. "Umm, would you guys pick me up tomorrow?" asked Maggie.
"Sure," I said. Maggie smiled at me and then ducked back into the apartment. When I looked at Helia, she simply said, "Maggie likes big women."
"Oh," I said as we got into the elevator, "Do you know where we can pick up a tank of helium."
"Certainly," said Helia, "But why?"
"Because," I said kissing her on the cheek, "I like big women too." AFTER WORDS by Helia
I really would have liked Strig to continue on with this tale with what he did to me with the air tank. It was quite fun though things became a little loud...that is, when I became a bit too big for the room we were in.
Anyway, Arlene and I are the best of friends now. Unfortunately, now the annoying girl keeps bugging me about either blowing me up or blwoing her up to super sizes. With her, it takes much work and preparation and she finds it much easier to pull tricks on me that end up making me Miss Enormo. She might be nicer to me but she's just as sneaky and mischievous as ever.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: It was getting late, she could tell. She glanced over at the smartphone dangling on the corner of her side table, and checked the time: 10:45 PM, just about right for her new nocturnal schedule, the one that had formed since she had started using her fake ID and bombshell body to get as many drinks as she wanted. She groaned, rolling out of bed, as she reran her evening ritual; she stared at her gorgeous body, from her curly black locks that flowed just past her shoulders, to her large but not slutty breasts. The firm C-cups led immediately to a soft stomach, a result of an all liquid diet and a sleep routine that clashed with the gym, she prided herself on it's lazy flatness, flowing right to her hips: curvy enough to attract attention, yet small enough to remain convenient for her. She perused through the small closet in her apartment, and decided on a simple black dress, a color almost identical to her jet hair. Another night of clubbing in this was sure to find her someone to hold for the night, she was sure of it, and the 3 inch heels certainly wouldn't hurt her chances. As she clicker her way to the elevator, she looked through her purse for the fake ID, and she found her plastic objective. As far as the state of Nevada was concerned, she was Penelope Rosenberg, a 23 year old with a legal driver's licence. That was enough up to this point, and she was convinced tonight would be no different.
She made her way down the Vegas Strip, moving past all of the bright casinos and assorted tourist traps, all places she had found success in before; tonight, she planned on striking it big on a local oddity; The Speakeasy, a bar with a rotating location, was within walking distance of her abode, and she would never let herself skimp out on an opportunity as rich as this one. She walked down an alley off the strip, past the dumpsters and the stray pets scurrying at the sight of the scenery's light reflecting off her tight dress. It wasn't until she stumbled upon a large man, no smaller than six and a half feet, standing in front of a door that she realized that she had found it. The blaring techno music blasting from behind it did little to shield its location, now that she had noticed it.
She was startled at first, but she responded to the gruff sounding gentleman by simply revealing her forged identification. With a slight smirk, he returned the card to her waiting hand.
"Enjoy the Speakeasy."
"Thanks," she replied with an equally devilish smirk. "I think I will."
She brushed past him, making sure to press the more prominent parts of her body against his, and entered her new home until she would inevitably be kicked out. She spent almost an hour on the dance floor, bumping and grinding into man and woman alike, not even flinching when careless hands grabbed fistfuls of her body, feeling her libido rise with every grasp. She made her way over to the bar, starting with simply a scotch, being especially sure to flaunt her figure in the hopes of having a few more suitors by the end of the night.
"You should be careful with those fake IDs, you know," the bartender warned, placing a napkin under her newly served drink. "And even more careful with a body like that. The 'easy can ruin someone like you. All it takes is a night."
She scoffed. "Oh really? A small little place like this? If you really want to throw mud, I can have your liquor licence gone within the hour for serving someon you know is underage," Her face slowly crept into a wide grin. "So how about you keep the booze flowing and I'll make sure you stay in business, hotshot." She leaned over the bar, practically in the young man's ear. "And If you're lucky, you'll look even cuter after I get some more booze in me," She whispered, giving him a little kiss with her full lips before getting comfortable with her scotch.
"I like your style, Carrie," He replied, causing her to choke on her drink. "YOu may be good at keeping the local bouncers, but your face is just one of dozens to the Speakeasy. We've got you and every other brat with a fake in this town on lock. Now if I were you, I'd be happy with your scotch and be glad we're not throwing you out right now."
"Impressive, Hon, I've gotta say," she replied, condescending tones dripping from her every word. "But to tell you the truth, this is the only drink I'm gonna hafta buy tonight. In fact-" she cut herself off, looking down the aisle at a young man who quickly flagged down the bartender. She watched as she saw the same thing play out, just like it had dozens of times. The boy woould buy her a drink, something fruity and girly, and then she'd dance with him, and the cycle would repeat itself over and over and over, until the sun came up form the east. The bartender turned back around, returned to her stool with a pina colada, and chuckled.
"I must say, Carrie, you've got this whole town wrapped around your little finger, don't you? How about you and I make a friendly wager in the spirit of spicing up your night? If you win, You can leave the Speakeasy and you'll be welcomed back whenever you want. No charge for life. If I win, you'll have to take me home tonight rather than one of your numerous gentleman callers. Would you like to hear the rules of our little wager?"
"It sure sounds like I win either way. Let's do it," She was convinced that she could do anything in the club, and if she won, she got free booze forever? And the downside was taking some sandy-haired bar-boy home with her for the morning? "What do you have in mind?"
"If you are going to win, you have to drink anything that is sent to you from anyone at the bar with the exception of myself. If you can hold all of the liquor you very clearly have proven you want, you can have infinite access to my bar. Do we have a deal?" He extended his hand.
"I suppose we do."
The night was still young, and she was immediately met with three more coladas; it was apparently a popular item tonight, a fact that she wasn't upset with; the smooth taste and no more than a light burn let he keep drinking away, as three more margaritas were served to her after the fourth pineapple concoction. After the second Lime drink, she felt like she had just eaten; a feeling that was usually absent during nights like these. She placed a hand on her abdomen; it still kept its normal shape, but provided much less give when she pressed her hand into it. This was going to be a long night, and the grinning bartender was just getting started. Long Island Iced Teas, Vodka shots, and even a few bottles of Budweiser were sent her way, and she was beginning to feel a strange side effect of all of the liquid: he stomach was tight, pressed firmly agaisnt the shiny material of the dress, and a small potbelly was beginning to form on her abdomen. The night bore on, and at 3 AM she had downed another eight cocktails, and her body was certainly showing it; her potbelly was getting cauldron sized, and the fabric around it kept it snug in a tight sphere, leaving it only with room to go up, pushing her breasts up slightly, making them look bigger and more alluring to the patrons who were too drunk to notice the gravid orb she held under the counter in between drinks. She was starting to feel uncomfortably full, when she saw the bartender approach with at funnel and a hose.
"You're in luck! a customer just signed you up for a beer bong! looks like you'll be getting quite tipsy tonight. That is, of course unless you want to stop and we can go to your place for the rest of the night." His glare was significantly less cute and significantly more annoying. She looked down, clutching her full mass with both hands, and considered what might happen if she had to drink that much more booze.
"Y-you know, I was getting a little tired. H-how about we head back to my place?" She replied with a groan. She attempted to stand, and had to hold onto the bar to keep her balance; walking home looking like an overdue octo-mom was going to make for an interesting night by itself, and her new tag along was not going to make it any easier.
"Great, Let's go!" He hopped over the bar counter, sweeping two drinks all over his customers. He quickly grabbed her arm and placed a hand under her new girth, and they proceeded to walk out of the bar an back to her hotel.
"Now, what are you expecting out of this little trip to my room?" she asked outside her door. The walk back had been less than comfortable to say the least, but his support under her belly and his soft caress of her body made it much more comfortable than it would have been without him.
"Why don't we go inside and find out?" He replied, flashing his smile, which was somehow better than she had remembered it. They carefully guided her rotund middle through the doorway, and eased her onto her bed. "Now, I'm going to explain a bit of what just happened. You see, we at the speakeasy have a history of keeping up with the girls who frequent our bars, from Vegas to St. Petersburg to Kyoto, we like to keep tabs on all of the women who think they can cheat the system by using fake IDs. You are no exception to this rule, and have been thusly punished." She heard a groan emanate from her bloated middle, and a light, fizzy feeling form deep in her core. "The going rate of such a violation is one popping, which you will experience shortly. You see, Speakeasy booze has a special quality to it that allows it to double in size once ingested by an individual under the legal drinking age, and after a few hours, the liquor begins to foam up, resulting in a volume increase of roughly three times the amount after ingested. In other words, with the size you're at now and our patented technology, you'll be roughly three times your current size in about ten minutes, provided you skin's elasticity holds for that long." She had stopped listening to him at this point, the fizzing feeling was infesting every fiber of her being, like she was in the middle of a shaken can of soda. The feeling finally mounted when she felt her body swell even more, eliciting a shriek form her. He already gravid sphere quickly grew to the size of a bean bag chair, to a size incomparable to anything she could fathom at the time. she could feel her skin stretching, her dress getting tighter around her disappearing waist, as she could feel the growth spread to her breasts and butt, growing at a much slower rate, but growing nonetheless. She groaned, knowing that there was not much left she could do for the dress as she felt the seams of the dress snap, giving her a momentary sense of relief before the pressure in her body mounted again and she felt herself press against the dress's limits again. With every popped seam, she felt the pressure lower for just a split moment only to have her belly fill in the space once again. She groaned as a small tear formed in between her now growing breasts, as a bit more of her expanding cleavage pushed the fabric to the bring of destruction. Her entire body felt soft and full, and she could feel her dress pulling off of her lower end as her ass continued to expand, pressing it up her back as her pressurized stomach kept it tight around her entire body. She could heel the liquid slosh as it foamed, and she knew there was not much left in her body to undergo the transformation. Unfortunately, the rapid removal of the dress with a loud pop coupled with the eerie groaning coming from her own skin signaled the end of the line for her own body, and she began to panic.
"Oh, God! I'm- I'm too FULL! Y-you have to help me, you have to get some of this out of me! Oh, I don't care what I did, you can't let me p-p-p-" She began whimpering when she realized what his desired outcome was.
"Pop? Oh, yes I can let you pop. like the big, inflated ego you think you have earned by exploiting the industry," She heard her door open past the creaking of her own skin. "I told you you'd get your punishment. I guess some people just can't hold their booze. Have a nice night, Carrie!" She heard the door slam closed, and she was left alone with only the sounds of harsh fizzing and ominous creaks. Tears welled up under her eyes ans her belly reached the ceiling of her apartment, and he breasts covered the view of her body, although she could imagine; Her stomach resembled the ball dropped on New Years; Her breasts and ass the size of bean bag chairs. As she felt her stomach press firmer into the ceiling, she realized that she had stopped growing, and the pressure was only mounting further in her body. With a high squeal, she felt her body hit it's limit, and she heard a deafening sound of thunder.
"Hey, boss, how did it go with that one?" the large man at the bar's door asked.
"About the same as the last three, Jake, but this one did seem to get a little bigger," the barkeeper replied with a sigh. "But I worked a little magic on this one, and we might see her again sometime."
The night was still young, and she snapped awake on her bed, with shreds of black all around her.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, blowkiss, floating, Prose that Blows 9 - Here I Come to Save the Day, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Superest Superhero/Supervillain
Text: An odd object floated gently over the city, drifting lazily on the warm summer breeze. At a glance, anyone on the ground would've thought it was a weather balloon, but when the object caught the moon's light at just the right angle, they would see that it was silvery as opposed to the white of any conventional weather balloon. But anyone who spotted it would've been too far away to notice that the balloon was oddly dimpled in five separate places and was connected to what looked like two more silver balloons sitting side by side. What no one would've thought was that this balloon was about to change the city in a completely unexpected way.
Standing on top of a rooftop and examining the contents of the suitcase she had stolen, the jewel thief known as the Elastic Acrobat grinned as her investigation revealed a plethora of rare gems. A former circus performer, the buxom, leather-clad acrobat was known for being able to fly through the air and squeeze her way through the narrowest gaps. She had been giving the local police department a run for their money as she stole from jewelry store after jewelry store. No one could stop her.
"Beats working for peanuts back in the big top," she said to herself, grinning as she examined a large ruby in her leather-gloved hand. She was about to place the ruby back in the suitcase when she heard something, a sound like a balloon deflating. She snapped the case closed and looked around the rooftop. The only hiding place was the concrete box that housed the stairwell.
Moving ever so carefully, the Elastic Acrobat made her way over to the structure, pressing her back against the wall, the heat from the day seeping through the concrete and warming her round backside. With one last breath, she leapt up and over the stairwell, landing in a low combat stance on the other side, ready to strike and finding no one at all. She stood back up to her full height and was just about to return to her stolen gems when a pair of high heels came right down on top of her head.
The rogue circus performer suddenly found her face becoming well acquainted with the roof as someone stood on top of her. Before she could react, they leapt off of her and landed a short distance away. "Stay where you are villainess," said a distinctly female voice. "Your days of evil-doing are over!"
The jewel thief pulled herself up, rage coursing through her veins. She turned in the direction the voice came from. "Do you know who I am you... dumb... bim-... bo," her voice trailed off as she found herself staring at a long-haired brunette who stood a full head shorter than her. She was wearing a black eye-mask and a silver one-piece spandex outfit with the letters "DB" emblazoned across what were possibly the biggest boobs the Elastic Acrobat had ever seen. For a moment, she couldn't think of anything to say. When she finally found her voice again, she managed to ask, "Who ARE you?"
The brunette smiled in return, planting her hands on her hips and pushing her enormous chest outwards. "I am the swollen savior, the helium heroine! I am DIRIGI-BELLE!" She craned her neck upwards so that the stars shone against her eyes.
For her part, the Elastic Acrobat lasted a whole five seconds before she started laughing uproariously, not believing what she was seeing and hearing. A balloon super hero? This was the funniest thing she had seen since the clowns had filled the ringmaster's car with seltzer water.
Dirigi-Belle found her ire rising as the villainess openly laughed at her. She was still new to this and she would not stand to be mocked by a common jewel-thief! So while the Elastic Acrobat was busy laughing her head off, Dirigi-Belle moved at a speed much faster than a woman of her bust size could be expected to move and socked her in the jaw.
Caught completely off guard, the Elastic Acrobat staggered backwards, her eyes filling with hate as her sight came back into focus. She immediately pounced at the super heroine only to have the woman sidestep her and bring her fist down on top of the acrobat's head. She hit the roof with a loud thud, felled by the surprisingly strong punch.
"Are you going to give up now," Dirigi-Belle asked. "I have a date later tonight and I'd hate to be late."
Something inside the former circus performer snapped at those words. Did she think this was a game? She lunged at the shorter woman, but the hero did something she never would have expected: she grabbed hold of the Elastic Acrobat and pulled their faces together, their lips meeting for what the villainess found to be the most enjoyable kiss she had ever had.
She was so lost in the pleasure of the kiss that she was caught off guard by a sudden hissing sound. It didn't dawn on her what it could've been until she felt a tightness in her belly. It started out as an uncomfortably full feeling that quickly made itself more pronounced as she felt her usually toned tummy begin straining against the elastic material of her bodysuit. Her mind panicking, she tried to pull herself away from the perverse super hero, but the girl was stronger than she looked, keeping the villainess in place and their lips locked.
The Elastic Acrobat was suddenly finding out just how elastic she was as her tummy went through a fast forward pregnancy, her body and breasts soon joining in as her torso quickly rounded out. This couldn't be happening! She was blowing up like a balloon! She began feeling light on her feet and to her surprise she actually felt her feet leave the ground. This couldn't be! In the space of two minutes she had gone from the best thief in the city to a massive balloon woman with breasts the size of beachballs!
Dirigi-Belle finally broke the kiss, taking a piece of string out of some indiscernible place on her body, quickly fastening it to the bloated thief's ankle and tying the other end to a nearby pipe. "There, that oughta hold you until the police arrive," she said.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME," yelled the Elastic Acrobat in an adorably high-pitched voice. "YOU'VE TURNED ME INTO A FAT BALLOON!"
Dirigi-Belle looked up at her with a smile. "It's my power sweetie. I can generate helium wherever I like. In this case, inside of your body. And don't worry hun. You'll deflate in a few hours... after you're locked in a cell of course. Ciao cutie." Before the Elastic Acrobat could form a witty retort, Dirigi-Belle had vanished as silently as she had come.
The police eventually arrived, scratching their heads at the odd sight of the city's most notorious jewel thief bobbing on the end of a string like a child's balloon. Still, they were grateful to have her in custody. If they'd had a mind to, they could've looked higher up and given their thanks to a round silver balloon sailing through the sky and watching over them.
For the super heroine Dirigi-Belle, she was ready, willing, and inflatable.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: It was a beautiful day on Zach Island and it was the Seventh annual nation flag pageant. Tina was wearing the American flag, Lisa was wearing the Israeli Flag, Lie Fang was wearing the Chinese Flag, Helena was wearing the French Flag, Christine was wearing the Swedish Flag, Kasumi was wearing the Japanese Flag, Anyne was wearing the British Flag, and I was wearing the German Flag. We were about on stage when a man busted thought the door with the director of the pageant in toe. "Girls.. I would like you to meet Doctor Joe Big." the director said. "Hello Joe." We all said together. "Girls I know this is short notice, but I brought you new outfit to wear. Instead of the normal swimsuits and flags. Inside you will find a bra and the outfit." He said as he handed each of us a box. I opened mine first the girls crowd around as I slowly opened. Inside was what looked to be a swimsuit with the German Flag on it, but really wasn't. It looked like a one-piece swimsuit with no cleavage and what looked to be a turtleneck collar. "Put it on Hitomi." Tina said jumping up and down. " I will do it only if you girls put yours on with me." I replied. They nodded and pulled theirs out as well. The director and Doc step out so we could get dressed. Once I got it on the outfit felt skin-tight, even around my neck it was very tight, but the rest of the outfit was seamless. You couldn't even see the bra that came with it underneath it. " You can come in now." I yelled to the doctor and the director standing outside. "WOW! You girls look stunning." The director said in shock. " o Thank you doctor. Because of the you, this will be a pageant to remember." We clapped for the doctor. Later that day we made our entrance onto the stage. I was leading the line with my arm linked with the doctor. Once we were lined up the Doctor and Director welcomed everyone to the pageant. " We hope you all enjoy the show." the Director said tot the crowd. We all move to the edge of the stage and began to do our poses for the camera. Then a few minutes later, I caught out of the corner of my eye the doctor reaching into his pocket and pulled out a remote control, but I thought nothing of it so I continued with my poses for the camera. Then suddenly hissing noise was heard. I looked down to find that my boobs were growing, but thought nothing of it I continued to pose as my breasts continued to expand. Then the other girl's breasts began to inflate, but when the last girls started to inflate my chest made a weird sound, but I couldn't hear it over the sound of inflating breasts. The girls turned a looked at me in shock. "Hitomi. Why are your breasts louder then ours? And why are they growing faster?" Helena asked. I looked down to find that she was right. I was inflating rather quickly. The doctor walked over and said " It ok. They will only inflate to a certain size." A look of relief came over my face, but as the doctor walked away and I turned I saw that my breast were huge and felt like they weren't even there. I was examining my huge breasts went all of a sudden, I could no longer fell the floor beneath my feet. A gasp came from the crowd as I floated toward the ceiling of the auditorium which was about three stories up. I looked down to the girls still inflating on stage. I spotted Tina runing for the exit on stage left, but as she was about to run down the stairs off the side of the stage, it was as if an invisible floor was placed under here feet. Then she began to float upward to where I was.
Then Helena, Christine, and Lie Fang fainted, but they didn't fall to the floor. It was as if they were sitting on invisible chairs. Then their motionless bodies floated up to Tina and I. Then Kasumi, who had accepted the fact that she was going to flat away, so she decided to have fun with it. She ran and leapt into the crowd, but ended up float a few inches over them. Now there were only two remaining on the stag Lisa and Ayane. Both not even noticing what had just happened, just floated off the stage still examining the size of their breasts.
Just as the Lisa reach us the three that had fainted came to. "What happened.. The last thing I remember was seeing you Hitomi floating toward the ceiling." Christine said. "Was that just a dream?" Helena asked. " No, It no dream." I replied as I struggled to point to the crowd behind around my huge breast. " When will the hissing stop?" Kasumi asked. " I don't know." Tina said as kindly as she could, so she wouldn't scare her, but as she said that the hissing stopped. " Finally it over." Helena said. I round belly down to see what the doctor was doing. He turned a looked up a raised his arms. He had no idea what happed and why it finally stopped. "We will get you down soon girls. Just hold on." The Doctors said through a megaphone. "Were not going anywhere." Tina yelled in return. The crowd laughed at her joke, but their laughter was suddenly masked by a hissing sound. We flipped in the air to find the source. "IT MY BUTT! IT GROWING! " Kasumi screamed. And she was right. Our butts, hips and thighs were inflating. " I thought it was the bras that were inflating not us." Helena said. The inflations seemed to go a lot faster. After a matter of five minutes the hissing stopped and the combined size of our butts, hips and thighs matched the size of our breasts. " When will it stop." Ayane said as she started to cry. Tina floated over and tried the best she could to comfort Ayane, but was difficult because of the size their inflated bodies. " Is it over." I asked and just as I asked another hissing sound appeared. This time from our stomachs. I started to feel my stomach bloat outwards and as my back and butt did the same. "Were blowing up like a big balloon!" I said. "I hope we don't pop!" Helena said. We were growing bigger and bigger every second. "I can't move at all!" Tina yelled. I looked at the huge screen to see what was happening to me and I saw that we were becoming large and spherical. Then I felt the pressure in my face as well, but I could not longer reach my face. So my cheeks puffed out. I looked at the other girls to see that they where the same way. " Were blimps!" Tina said over the hissing. Why don't we hold hands so we don't float away from each other." I said. " Ok." they all said. We began to flap are arms as if we were swimming so we could get together. Soon we formed a ring of seven balloons.
By now three hours had passed and the hissing finally stopped. " Isn't it weird that we haven't popped yet." Helena said. " Maybe our body had a reaction to the large amounts of helium." Lie Fang said. " I think it kind of cool." Kasumi said "Yeah me to." I said. " Has the helium gone to your heads. Were 30ft wide and there is the possibility that we could be stuck like this forever." Tina said. " Yeah, be look at the crowd, they love us like this. And I think I could get us to this." I replied. The other girls nodded agreeing with my statement. "Why don't we put on a show for these people." I said. " And what do you have in mind?" Tina said. " How about air volleyball." I replied. " How would we play? We can't move our hands." Helena asked. " We will split into two groups of three and the odd girls out will be the ball and we will pass the ball back and forth by pushing off the wall and ramming into it." I answered. " Can I be the ball?" Kasumi asked. " Ok" I replied. We played for the crowded for about two hours, Then suddenly I felt the pressure dissipate from my body and I floated back down on to the stage with a cheer from the crowd. Soon after the rest of the girls landed to the cheers of the crowd. After the show was over and the crowd left we all met up with the doctor. "I guess my inflation bras and suits need some work." He said with his head down. " No they don't." I said." We loved and want to keep them. We loved the experience." I said. " The crowd loved it, I loved it!" Kasumi said. " I heard some the crowd saying that the inflations part was the best." Christine said. "You should sell these inflation bras and suits." Helena said. " Yeah! We could be your show girls." I said. " Ok girls, you convinced me. I will stay and make more of the same inflation bras and suits you are wearing and as a gift from me. Keep the outfits and bras." he said.
Now the girls and I float around the island, entraining visitors and passengers aboard ships that pass by. Help the doc and his new idea. "Hey girls look at this!" the doctor yelled up. "What is it?" Kasumi replied. " We made the Front page of every newspaper in the world." he said as we floated down to take a look. The headline read "Inflations Bra and Suit a must have." And the picture was of us playing air volleyball. We knew this island would change us, but all it was make us rich.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, helium balloon floating inflation hourglass science
Text: It was a peculiar twist of fate. In her normal work, Bonnie exploited gravity's pull to guide tourists down raging rivers. Her new position, however, involved doing just the opposite with gravity. It was ridiculous on its face, really; a balloon ride without a balloon. Who the hell thinks this stuff up?It was common knowledge that the exploration companies out on the frontier were finding and bringing back some really strange and wonderful things. The gas was found in abundance in one system (Helios, it was called), making it almost free. However, access to it was strictly regulated and users had to be licensed. The franchise agreement required tour guides to take a week long training course for certification. The tour company's owner had some connections and he managed to snag a license. Bonnie, being one of the older and more seasoned river guides, was selected to go to the training and return to setup the program and get the rest of the Blue Sky crew trained. So, reluctantly, she got up early one morning, drove out to the airport, and hopped on a big hybrid that was to take her to the seminar in another district.For most of the morning on the first day of the class, she sat through the training videos with about a dozen or so other students. In the dry tones normally found in bureaucratic policy reports, it was explained how it all worked. Understanding the equipment setup and safety procedures was easy, but the science of it all went right over her head: 'something-something, quantum, something-something'. She had laughed nervously at times during the videos as did some of the other students - perhaps too nervously. How could she not? Was that really what the gas did to you? "Yes" the instructor assured the class. He looked directly at Bonnie who nervously avoided eye contact. "That's how it works", adding" though it usually affects men and women differently" he finished with a smile and a wink. This elicited more nervous laughter from the room.The time came for a demonstration and the instructor seemed to make a point of calling Bonnie up to the front. "First victim!" he had joked. Now, if you were to press her on the issue, Bonnie would probably have to admit that she was a bit of an exhibitionist. Not a blatant one, mind you, but in her more candid moments she couldn't honestly deny the thrill she got from commanding the attention of a room full of people. Her feigned reluctance was mostly convincing and mostly true. But after having watched the animated version of what was about to happen to her, there was some truth in her reaction. The instructor had her go into a supply closet and remove some of her more restrictive under garments telling her "you're going to need room to grow." While she was busy, he explained to the class (and loudly enough for her to hear behind the closed door) that she wouldn't be taking a full dose, though it would be pure and not diluted as it would normally be the case. Bonnie emerged a bit meekly from the room with her brasserie folded and tucked under one arm and with a sideways glance saw that every man was intently focused on her. The other women rolled their eyes at the reaction and Bonnie's face flushed a little bit.Lastly, the instructor had her remove her shoes and untuck and unbutton the red flannel blouse she wore over a stretchy green turtle necked shirt. Giggling nervously, she complied and stole a glance down at her chest as she undid the buttons. Her now unencumbered bust bounced around freely under the fabric and her long braided pony tail swished back and forth as she moved. "Yeah" she thought to herself. "Mustn't keep a big girl down, I guess." An expectant hush fell over the room as all eyes looked her way.The instructor wheeled a tank of the pure, compressed gas from over in the corner of the room to right up front, produced a limp yellow balloon, and proceeded to inflate it to a large size. "Note," he lectured "that while buoyant, the gas in its natural state is no more so than regular helium." He flipped the latex balloon back and forth to demonstrate, its valve pinched between thumb and index finger. "As the video showed," he continued, "once it's inhaled, the gas goes into the bloodstream and is carried around the body until it is metabolized and takes effect. After about four hours it starts dissipating and after six it is no longer present in the body." He held up three fingers and emphasized his next instruction. "For each flight we have set a time limit of three hours in the air, so be sure your group is kitted out and their equipment is checked and working and chronos set before dosing."Some of the students made notes on their tablets. "There is enough pure gas in this balloon to lift an average sized woman in full gear" he continued lecturing. "You'll be weighing each guest after they've kitted out and then will set the dispenser with the proper values. It will auto-calculate each dose for just slightly above neutral buoyancy. In regular practice, the guest will breathe the diluted gas and air mixture from the dispenser hose and mask in and out for about ten minutes. It will monitor the gas content in the guest's breath and taper off at the right time. The volume of pure gas in this balloon is about equivalent to what they will take in." He then handed the balloon to Bonnie. "Now", he continued, "I want you to breathe out, then take in a lungful of the gas, and hold it in."Bonnie breathed in deeply, exhaled, and brought the balloon to her lips. She paused a moment, unpinched the valve, and with closed eyes inhaled as much of the gas as she could. Her chest rose as she breathed in and for a moment, the gas in her lungs exerted pressure against her airway and diaphragm. But soon, the pressure seemed to lessen and with each heartbeat her chest fell a little as if she were slowly exhaling. In the time it would take to count to ten, all the gas in her lungs was gone."Now, breathe normally."A bit startled, she opened her mouth and breathed in, deeply at first and then regularly. A feeling of butterflies built in her abdomen and she looked over at the instructor quizzically.He was looking down at his wristwatch and marking the seconds as they passed. After about twenty he distractedly said "Okay... we should see something in... just about... now" and then looked up at Bonnie.With a puzzled expression, she looked down her front and then twisted her head around to check for... to check for what? Her question was immediately answered. All at once, there was a sudden rush that cascaded over her and, startled, she reflexively straightened up, looking wide eyed in astonishment. The man smirked. His eyes chuckled.All over, her skin felt as if it were flushing. Then, it felt as if it were tightening. And, then, as if it were softening and that static electricity was attracting the fabric of her clothes. A low hiss began to build that seemed to come from everywhere.There was a distinct murmur from the students sitting at the conference tables around the room and a dozen set of eyes widened as they stared at the brunette standing up in front. Bonnie scanned the room and realized they were all staring at her chest and, following their gaze she gasped at what she saw. Her bosom was expanding, pushing out and filling the green turtleneck like a pair of helium balloons would do. She could feel her breasts expand into the fabric, perking as they inflated with a sibilant hiss. She reflexively brought her free hand up to her décolletage as her growing lady bumps pressed into her forearm.As if on cue, she then felt her legs begin to expand into her previously loose jeans. Startled again, she quickly reached down and explored her hips. The big yellow balloon waved about as she clutched it. Previously curvy, her hips and thighs were now comical in proportion to her waist. The hiss in her ears continued unabated and as she explored her ballooning backside, she felt her abdomen begin to press out against the shirt and her belt. She brought her hands around to her belly as the big yellow balloon bobbled about frantically with her movements. The rest of the class was silent, their rapt attention on the incredible sight before them.As quickly as it started, it was over. She stood there, mouth agape and breathing rapidly. Her now enormous bust heaved into the stretchy shirt with every breath."You okay?" the instructor asked.Bonnie nodded in the affirmative, though in reality she was somewhat stunned. "Good. You should already feel lighter on your feet."The inflated girl looked down at her feet and quickly realized that she could no longer see them. Slowly, she went up on her toes and back down. Her bust bounced with newfound buoyancy. Her belt and jeans were tight. "Yes... definitely.""Good." The instructor reached over to Bonnie's swollen midsection and pinched the fabric of the green shirt, drawing her free floating boobs down as he pulled. When he let go, her breasts gently floated upward until they bounced off the restraining material. "The gas affects people differently." He gestured at Bonnie while addressing the class. "Notice how she is bigger up top than what you saw in the videos."A dozen wide-eyed students nodded in agreement."You'll need to explain this to your guests before inflation starts. Some folks can really freak out when they experience something different from what is in the safety video."A few of the students managed to jot down a few more notes."The system computer compensates for this and will transfer the balancing fluid around the jet units to allow free rotation in any axis."There was another round of notetaking."Now, Bonnie" he continued. "We're going to get you to neutral buoyancy." Bonnie nodded to the instructor as he turned to face the class. "This will be a little tricky with a manual dose but I want to demonstrate how difficult it is to estimate properly. You should always use the dispensers. If you have a broken unit, take it out of service. Never try to guess because it will void any liability we have and your employer will take the fall if anything goes wrong."The students acknowledged this proclamation, most nodding to show they understood the seriousness of it.The instructor turned his attention back to Bonnie. "Okay, exhale again and take only about a third of the amount of gas this time. Do as best you can.""Okay." She breathed out, closed her eyes in concentration, and brought the balloon's valve back up to her lips. Pausing briefly, she let the gas flow from it and inhaled, stopping at about what she thought was the right point. Opening her eyes and holding the gas in, she pulled the now smaller balloon away from her lips and looked at the instructor who was once again checking his watch. Meanwhile, the gas disappeared into her bloodstream.At the twenty second mark, he looked up again and said "let's see how you did."The rush didn't happen this time but the softness did and Bonnie could feel herself expanding again, her breasts leading the way with the hiss of inflating gas. Even her shoulders seemed to expand and she could feel her lips swell just slightly. The weight on her feet seemed to noticeably lessen. There was something else, though. She could smell it; the faint scent of latex and it wasn't coming from the balloon in her hand. She raised her wrist to her nose and sniffed her skin, momentarily distracted from her ballooning body."Ah." the instructor seemed intrigued at seeing this. "Most folks can't detect or don't notice that." He turned to the class again. "That's the polymerization at work. It gives off a distinct smell that is very similar to latex rubber."As the effects of this dose slowed, her now impossibly large breasts pushed up and out against the green turtleneck and were beginning to pull its hem out from the waist of her pants. They floated up to her chin and formed a busty horizon in her field of view. The tethering creases in the shirt's fabric that had formed earlier were being stretched smooth and her hips, thighs, and belly were straining under the ever restrictive pants."It looks like you're not there yet" the instructor commented. "But give it a try and see how close you are."Bonnie easily went up on the balls of her feet and gasped when they momentarily left contact with the floor. Her ballooning breasts wobbled in the shirt, pressed against each other and seeking release. It almost felt as if they were on the verge of making a squeaking noise rubbing against each other, as did the rest of her skin. She stumbled for a moment, her balance now very awkward."Very good." The instructor said as he nodded his head in approval. "Try it again, but just take in little bit of gas."Bonnie now had to reach around her voluminous bust to bring the yellow balloon up to her lips. After a small hit of gas and another wait of about twenty or so seconds, she was inflating again. Her breasts strained upward, finally pulling the hem of her shirt out and exposing her ballooning belly. Her backside strained against the seams of her blue jeans and it felt as if the stitching were popping at the apex of her hips. Most of all, there seemed to be almost no weight on her feet and she giggled quietly. The episode quickly faded.The other students were still enthralled. The instructor smiled at her. "Well, let's see, then."Again, she went up on her toes, easily pushing away from the floor. Bonnie gasped as it to shrank away and the lights in the ceiling seemed to drop down to meet her. "Whoa!" was all she managed to get out. There were gasps from the other students.She had floated up from the floor to perhaps three or four feet above it and for a moment she remained there, gesticulating while still holding the yellow balloon in an effort keep what balance she could. The moment passed and she slowly drifted back down to terra firma. Nervously, she held her arms out her sides as if she were balancing on a log. "This is kind of fun" she said to nobody in particular.The instructor smiled at her in amusement. "Yeah, ain't it?" He then turned to address the class.As he spoke with his back to her, a strange impulse took hold of her. She breathed out, brought the balloon back up to her lips, and inhaled another big hit of the gas. Most of the class dropped their jaws at seeing this and stared at her, prompting the instructor to turn around. "Bonnie, what did you just do?" She smiled at him as if to claim innocence. He looked down at the now significantly deflated balloon she held, sighed loudly, and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "Not one of these ones again" he mumbled, slowly shaking his head back and forth.Right on time, the softness returned and she could feel her curves balloon out even more. As her breasts swelled, they pushed further skyward up into her face. Hissing, her belly and hips followed and as the pressure mounted, the stitching of her jeans began letting go, exposing the now shiny, inflating flesh of her thighs and posterior as they pressed out through seems of the ripping fabric.Her classmates expressed a mixture of amusement and awe at how big she was getting. Had they been rude, they may have pointed out that Bonnie's underwear matched her green turtleneck shirt that was now being pulled up to her ribcage by her inflating chest balloons.Still blowing up, Bonnie felt her feet leave the floor again and, thrilled, brought the balloon up around her ballooning bosom. She breathed out, closed her eyes, and tilted her head back before breathing in another big dose of the gas. She was most of the way to the ceiling when the next wave hit. She kept expanding as her jean's stitching rended with a muffled pop-pop-pop.Finally, her head bopped into the ceiling tiles, halting her ascent, and her body rotated into the prone until her inflated derriere made contact as well. All eyes had followed her progress up and a few of the students laughed at the spectacle."Alright everyone" the instructor addressed the class with annoyance in his voice as he looked up at buoyant Bonnie. "We'll take lunch now." The students stood up and shuffled out the door, some glancing up at the ballooned girl pressed up against the ceiling. The instructor remained, staring up at Bonnie silently, arms folded across his chest.Bonnie looked down with a devilish grin and then inhaled the remaining gas from the balloon. The instructor shook his head and walked out.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: It was another average night for Stephanie. She would go to work every night at around 6 PM after supper. He job didn't require any type of professional look, so she would wear just light blue denim jeans and a small tank top with sneakers, no uniform or expensive suit. She recorded lab data onto computers for Sav-Corp for various experiments. She was working on a new project by Dr. Miller code named JH-12. She didn't know what this project was, despite her usual knowledge with these projects.
She got to work recording the numbers and labels when she felt kind of thirsty after her dinner at the Chao-Wok Chinese buffet. She got up from her console which was next to the chemical storage cabinet and accidentally bumped into it. The cabinet shook, but nothing noticeable happened. She did however knock over a misplaced bottle of JH-12 that was sitting on top of the cabinet. The jar fell over but did not fall off the cabinet. The contents slowly poured out and began to form a puddle on the cabinet top. Stephanie returned with her soda and began typing again. The JH-12 then began to drip off the side of the cabinet and into Stephanie's soda. Stephanie reached down and took small sips of the soda.
At around 10:00 PM she thought, "I better get home, I'm getting kind of light headed. It must be from that Chinese food."
Stephanie then reached down and rubbed her stomach. She said to herself, "That's the last time I get garlic chicken. It makes me feel bloated. I better log off and get home."
Stephanie was beginning to finish her work when she noticed her pants began to feel tight. "Geesh! I didn't think I ate that much chicken. Wha? Wha-what's going on!?!"
She looked down. Her thighs were beginning to fill out her pants. She stood up in disbelief and took a few steps backward. Suddenly her stomach felt very stuffed and full. The waist of her pants soon became tight around her expanding belly. Her breasts swelled up and pulled tight against her tank top. She tried to run for help, but her running was halted by the fattening of her legs. Stephanie shouted, "Help! I'm being pumped up! I'm getting too fat!"
Her jeans were now skin tight around her plump thighs and pulled firmly around the curves of her butt and hips. Her jeans struggled against the swelling of her body, especially the crotch of her pants just under her waist. Her stomach became swollen with fat and pulled her tank top to the limits. Her breasts swelled firmly and busted through her bra. Her slow bloating suddenly ceased. She felt the pressure of her belly pushing against the crotch of her pants, causing the zipper and button a lot of stress. Her once slim figure stood there, extremely fattened in the middle of the room, shaking from the stress of her clothes. Suddenly, in one huge rush, her belly expanded causing her jean's zipper and button to break. Her belly busted through the "V" of her jeans and the inflation continued. She felt so fat she wanted to burst right were she stood, to stop this endless bloatation and humility. Her jeans still stretched over her enormous legs but did not burst. Finally, her skin stopped stretching and became excitingly tight. She began to moan, "OOHH! Too much pressure! I can't hold any more. Too much. I'm going to burst! I'm to big! My body is to fat. I feel so bloated, I want to burst!"
Her body became so swollen and stuffed with fat that she was about to burst. A small tearing could be heard. Was it her jeans? Stephanie lost her balance and fell on her back. RRIIIIPPPPPP!! Yup. It was her jeans. The seams of her jeans burst and lay scattered all over the floor. She now lays in nothing but a tank top and a pair of underwear that looked like latex on a balloon in a parade. The tightness of her skin did not stop the swelling. She just grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Suddenly she screamed, "OOHHH!! I'M TOO BIG! OHHH!! I'm...going....to.....blow................
"There cannot be any workers who know how this happened Dr. Schult," said Ms. Stentson, supervisor of the chemical division of Sav-Corp, "I think all involved need to be eliminated to protect the secrecy of project JH-12."
Dr. Schult replied, "You're correct Susan, eh, I mean Ms. Stentson. I feel the only person who poses any potential threat is Dr. Miller. He supervised the project during the time of Stephanie's, how you say, accident."
"You're a smart man, Dr. Schult. I believe you handled the Stephanie's accident well. That really was a shame that the gas main had exploded like that, isn't it? So I believe you know what to do. Go to Dr. Miller's apartment, and "bloat" him up with this."
Ms. Stentson handed Dr. Schult a bottle of JH-12 which was followed by a unnoticeable smirk. Dr. Schult left Sav-Corp in his white jeep and headed towards an apartment owned by Dr. Miller. Dr. Schult's mission seemed easy, but what he didn't know was that the young Dr. Miller was having his girlfriend, Jennie, over for dinner. He pulled out front of the apartment and prepared everything.
Dr. Miller opened his door when he heard a knock. To his surprise it was a delivery man with a package for him. He showed him inside and took the package.
"That will be $29.99, Dr. M-, uh, Mr. Miller. Then I will be on my way. It is getting pretty dark out, and you know how this city ...ge..ts..."
Dr. Schult was stunned as Jennie walked into the room, in a pair of blue spandex pants and a "Go Army" T-shirt. Mr. Miller took Jennie into the back room to get his money, and at that moment, Dr. Schult went to work. He poured some JH-12 into the bottle of wine set at a table. His movements were swift, as not to be noticed by anyone. Mr. Miller paid the delivery man, AKA Dr. Schult, and sat back down for dinner. Dr. Schult was then quickly on his way.
"What's a matter, John?" asked Jennie. "Aren't you going to have any wine?"
"I don't think so Jennie, I have to drive you home. Wouldn't want to run into any street lights, or old ladies, or..."
"Or gas mains," Jennie remarked while sipping some wine. "I don't feel safe with you working in that office, after that explosion. I think I, well, I just get so worried that, you see,"
"You worry too much. You have to stop that, now come on."
Dr. Miller took Jennie into the living room to watch a movie. After about 30 minutes, Jennie was on top of Dr. Miller, making out like crazy. Jennie suddenly screamed out in excitement, "OOHHH! I feel so full! OH!? What's going on?"
Dr., Miller exclaimed, "What do you mean? You look a little big, have you gained weight?"
Jennie slowly began to expand on the couch. Her stomach swelled up like a marshmallow, and was just as soft. Dr. Miller was stricken with panic to see his girlfriend blow up like this, but his panic was overridden with excitement to see her so full and tight, and he felt the softening of her bulging gut. Jennie's spandex pants, already skin tight, ballooned up with her thighs as they were being pumped up. Her volume was rapidly increasing, and Dr. Miller became worried.
"My god Jennie! What's going on! Are you going to burst?"
"I don't know! The pressure is so immense, I can't take any more! I'm becoming too large!"
Jennie then stood up and waddled over to the kitchen. Her stomach was no pushing out through the bottom of her shirt. The "Go Army" logo was being stretched so wide by her breasts that the lettering was begining to peel off the shirt. Jennie's butt was so distended that she almost lost her balance and fell over. She was about to puncture her self with a knife to release the gas when her bloating stopped. Jennie was standing there motionless, releived from the increasing stress. Suddenly, in one huge rush, her body inflated like a blimp knocking the kitchen table over and sending a chair flying right into Dr. Miller's head, rendering him unconscious. Jennie began to moan as her skin began to stretch much slower. Her thighs were now ten eight feet in diameter, and her butt was ready blow from the tension.
"OOOHH! The pressure is too much! OOHHH! My body is getting too big! TOO BIG!!! OOHHH!!"
Her skin now halted to a stop as her stomach filled up with gas increasing the internal pressure. She knew what was going to happen. It would come sooner or later. She stood there helpless like a balloon. The pressure still increasing, still torturing her with pleasure. Jennie then felt her thighs stretch to their limits, ready to bust her pants open. Her shirt and pants began to tear at the seams. The crotch of Jennie's pants blew open exposing her overly stretched panties. Jennie began to feel quite excited when she began to hear a noise.
It was made known by Sav-Corp that two people were killed in the gas main explosion that destroyed the Sunny Road apartment complex.
Dr. Millers Revenge
Ms. Stentson was working diligently on the company's computer databases. She was now officially closing all know work done by Dr. Miller on the JH-12 project. Many files had to be modified, but that was no problem.
"Good night Ms. Stentson," Dr. Schult said, "Are you sure you're going to be fine? It gets pretty chilly in here when the building closes up. You probably should bundle up." He said this as he eyed Ms. Stentson, watching her in her green designer blouse, black casual pants complete with matching belt.
"I'll be fine Dr. Schult. I just have some buisness I have to take care of. See you in the morning. Good night."
"Good night." And with all said Dr. Schult left.
At about 2:00 in the morning, Ms. Stentson heard a loud crash, like beakers or viles being knock over. She jumped up and became very alert. Thinking it was just her imagination, she went back to work. By 2:15 she was almost finished. All the files were taken care of, so she executed the program. Right after she clicked on "OK", she was hit from behind and knocked unconscious.
Ms. Stentson awoke in surprise. Her wrists were chained as far apart as possible to a wall in one of the laboratories. She was panic stricken, and did not know what to do. "Hello Susan! Remember me? I use to work here. Perhaps you know me as Dr. Miller. You tried to kill me, but instead blew up my girlfriend. Now you are trying to cover up all evidence relating to JH-12."
"No! You don't understand, you see.."
"Oh, that's enough. I found out so much about this wonderful chemical. When digested, it turns any recently eaten food into an endless swelling mass of fat, like Stephanie. But as with my girlfriend, Jennie, it converted the alcohol to an endless exertion of gas, blowing her up like a balloon till she burst. You know what I found out? It takes 8 grams of JH-12 to make a person explode. So, for your fate, I have injected wine into your body to make sure you have the full bloat. I also inserted 2 time release capsuls into your body. One contains 7.99 grams of JH-12, set to go off in around 5 minutes. The other contains 2 grams of JH-12 set to go off in 15 minutes, to finish the job. I wish I could stay, but I must go! Good day to you!"
Dr. Miller then ran hurridly out the door. Susan was terrified, not knowing wether or not Dr. Miller was bluffing. There was no clock in the room, so She did not know what time it was.
Susan then heard a small rumbling sound. She felt quite full, and her belt became tighter. She looked down to see herself. Her pants were becoming tight around her legs. Her stomach became awfully bloated and pulled tight against her green blouse. Susan began to maon, "OOOHH! NOOO! My thighs are being pumped up! OOHHH!"
Susan felt the immense pressure of her belt releived as it busted and blew all over the room. Her stomach became tight as the pressure built up. She tried to struggle and run away, but she could not break the chains holding her wrists. The waist of her pants were quite strong, holding her mid section in like a wide hour glass. Her but waas testing the limits of her pants as it inflated to an unimaginable size. With a loud tear her pant waist blew out, giving her the appearance of an over inflated balloon with fat arms and extremely swollen thighs. The zipper of her pants began to pull open, and was followed with the destruction of her button. Her belly now bloated outwards, still expanding and filling with gas. Her breasts were really puffing up, and pulled the buttons of her blouse apart. Soon the swelling began to slow, as her skin stopped stretching. She felt extremely excited, having her body so full and tight. She now stopped swelling, and was just chained to the wall with her blouse and pants stretched to the limits.
"OOHHH! I want to blow! I can't hold all this gas! I'm too swollen!"
Susan did not burst due to the 7.99 grams of JH-12. Her body just started pulsating, because it was too big to contain, but not big enough to blow. Her clothes sounded like rubber as her body grew bigger, then shrunk a bit due to the pulsation.
After 10 minutes, her quivering body began to grow once again. Her blouse and pants could not take the stress from her blimping body began to tear. With a loud RIP her clothes exploded right off. Susan's bra was filled beyond capacity from her gargantuan breasts. They were bulging out of the sides of her bra trying to swell further. Her distended stomach was so bloated it was ready to rupture any minute. her belly was stretching the elastic band on her panties, stretching it to the max.
Susan began to moan in extasy as her body reached it's limits. Her stomach still swelled and her thighs bloated even more. Soon it all stopped. She had finally reached her limits. The pressure grew. When was she going to burst? Susan knew. She knew it was soon.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, balloon, Christmas, helium, hose in mouth, revenge, roxy
Text: Out of all the bad jobs you could get during the Christmas season, Roxanna probably had the worst. She used to make fun of Salvation Army bigots asking for money at the entrance to every friggin' mall, or pretty much anywhere there were people with money, or of people stuck at late night shifts in toy store warehouses. But now it was her time to be a part of the worst one: Santa's little helper at the mall. It had been a rough year, losing her stable job after company wide layoffs, so she really needed the money and her savings were running low. So she swallowed her pride and pranced around with the fake ears, green and too tight outfit, boots...the whole ridiculous ensemble. And that was not an easy task for her.
You see, to ask Roxanna, Roxy to her friends, to swallow her pride is akin to asking her to swallow a beach ball. Not a bad person by any stretch (please, don't judge her by the events of this story, she can be nice, really!), but lets just say she doesn't have the best temperament in the bunch. She had been working at an accounting firm for a few years, so the stability did a lot to bring down the anger. However, that doesn't mean there weren't "incidents", but they were far less numerous. Now having to do this embarrassing temporary job did not do well to her anger therapy. Because of work (and a dwindling savings account), she quit yoga and stopped going to her therapist. Now she was drifting in a sea of Christmas cheer, noisy children and overbearing moms, all the while feeling like hitting someone with a baseball bat. Or inflating them like balloons, you know, whatever came first.
Today it seemed like it was going to be one of those days. All the fake elves getting some time with the kids to excite them to get a picture with the fake Santa Claus, and moms trying to bribe them to get them further ahead in the line. Roxy was at the breaking point, but she didn't want to get fired, so the revolutions had to come down a notch. She tried putting the best fake smile she could, and pulled on ahead to do her job. She caught sight of her smile as it reflected off her phone after quickly checking for text messages.
"Wow, I haven't had a fake smile so convincing since Joe told me he loved me."
The thought of Joe, her ex-boyfriend, was off putting. She tucked him back at the part of her brain that stored undesirable memories and walked right to the belly of the beast: the line of kids.
She didn't have to go far to find a she-devil complaining to a simple, temporary and part time mall worker. She had a stylish brown leather jacket and was sweetly holding the hand of her cute son...the bitch. She was slowly raising her voice, until Roxy could not ignore her anymore.
"Ma'am, what seems to be your problem and is there anything I can do to fix it?", she asked from between her fake smiling teeth.
"We have been here for over an hour! When is that fu...Santa going to come out?", asked the woman, holding her tongue so as to not call Santa a bad name with her son right beside her.
"Well, we are just about ready to begin but Santa..."
"Then begin already! Having us wait here is child abuse!'
"I understand ma'am but Santa..."
"I'm going to sue this mall and sue every single minimum wage elf here if this line does not start moving in five minutes!"
"Now calm down, I'm just trying to tell you that Santa..."
"Don't speak to me like that, you..."
"SANTA IS LATE AND IS COMING OUT SOON!", yelled Roxy at the top of her lungs, which was not enough to call much attention to herself, because of the ruckus all around.
The mom stood frozen in place, with a look of indignation. Roxy fumed, turned her back and walked away. "Some people!" Santa finally arrived and the day went on without much incident, but the stares she got from dads was definitely making her uncomfortable. If she could only sit on that deadbeat Santa's lap and wish for a longer skirt, her mood would probably improve, if only just a little. However, that creep would probably enjoy it, so she decided to bare the lustful stares of dads and the envious looks of moms. But there was the look of one mom in particular that made her blood boil just as it was starting to cool down.
"That bitch is at it again", she said, watching as the stylish mom was pouring it over a fellow she-elf. Roxy was not the kind of person to go out of her way to help someone in need, not that she wouldn't in extreme circumstances, but in cases such as this her decision to act was based on acting on the thoughts already mixing in her head...the kind her therapist warns her about all the time.
She strolled towards the woman's position in the line. Her kid was not even paying attention, probably used to her mom's dumb complaints over every little thing she can't control. Just like in the position Roxy was in some time earlier, her fellow was unsuccessfully trying to reason with the woman, barely getting a few words and grunts out before another barrage of complaint assaulted her ears.
She got to the spot and asked, fake smiling again: "What seems to be the problem?" This time, she thought to herself.
"I have been telling your friend here that me and my son have been close to twenty minutes in this exact same spot. Why on Earth is this line like a jammed expressway?"
Roxy's co-worker stood quiet, letting Roxy do all the talking.
"Ma'am, if I may give my two cents, you have not been at this spot for twenty minutes, and the line is definitely moving, since I'm coordinating with the photographer and..."
"Down with the attitude, Santa's little bimbo, I don't care what your excuse is. Your job is to have my...umm...our children up there with Santa. So you better get to it!"
"Look, in case you are either blind or STUPID, the line is long for a reason. There's a shit load of people here so you better wait your turn like everybody else!"
"Get me your manager right this instant!"
"Why don't you leave the line and look for her yourself?"
At that moment, the woman pulled out her wallet from her bag, and took out a hundred dollar bill.
"Here, take this and arrange for my son and me to move up ahead"
Roxy started laughing, but her co-worker's eyes beamed. She took the money and told the woman to wait a bit while she saw to it. Roxy stood there in shock, her laughter dying out miserably. The mom looked at her with a smirk, savoring her victory. And then she said:
"Money talks, sweety. Strange, I would have thought you would be easy to accept money for favors..."
Roxy's eyes almost turned red with rage. She imagined having pointy, devilish horns, impaling this piece of shit of a human being through her ass...but she calmed down, turned her back, and recited her mantra angrily: I need this job! That was the only thing that stayed her from grabbing a blind man's baton and poking an eye out from that bitch's face.
A mere 20 minutes passed, and the woman left Santa's lap with a smile on her face, and her kid happily holding on to a picture of him and Santa (classic picture, no email required!). Before leaving out of sight, she winked at Roxy. Oooooohhh!! Roxy was going to explode right at that moment...until her manager actually showed up.
"Roxanna! I was told you insulted a visitor! You better have a good explanation!"
Fuck my life!!!
It was ten to three o'clock and Roxy was, officially, unemployed again. Not only had that bitch of a mother gotten her way, but her co-worker had betrayed her in the most villainous and despicable way possible. She was about to calm down, having discarded the stupid ears, hat and belt, and thinking the green outfit actually looked kinda good by itself, when at the other side of the food court she spotted the mom with her kid walking down the farthest corridor, towards the clown making balloon animals. She decided right then and there that all the progress she had done in therapy, and all the money she had spent on it, was nothing compared to what she was about to do.
The woman walked up to the clown and his balloon stand, between the cellphone stand and the pretzels. She was ordering a balloon for her kid when Roxy worked her way next to her, coming out of from within the mass of people walking up and down the mall. She was swallowing a piece of cinnamon sugar pretzel samples. She cleared her throat loudly as the kid was pointing towards the balloon he wanted, and the mom turned around. She tensed up, but tried to not let her guard down. However, she found she had nothing to say to Roxy. Judging by Roxy's stance, the mom knew she was there to give her a piece of mind.
As she stood there silent, Roxy opened her mouth.
"You know, if you can't wait for your turn with Santa, why should you wait for a balloon? I mean, we do have a duty with customers."
At that moment Roxy pushed the clown to the ground, and grabbed the red hose attached to the helium tank that was his means of subsistence. The mom was about to say something, finally, but Roxy thought she had heard enough from this woman. She stuck the red hose between the lips of the woman, and gave her a shove. She stumbled but didn't fall down, while Roxy twisted the helium valve as far as it would go. A loud hissing started competing with the ruckus, and only a handful of people noticed that something was going on.
The mom's face quickly bloated comically, as the huge pressure was unleashed upon her insides. Her kid was staring blankly, not understanding anything. The clown stood up and started to pace backwards, not believing his eyes. The mom's body was billowing outwards like bread dough, stretching her stylish clothes to their limits. In seconds her arms were fat with air, and were trapped in the sleeves of her leather jacket. Her arms felt pressured, as if she was having her blood pressure monitored. However, it dawned on her that in that analogy, she was the monitor, bloating all over.
Roxy was smiling a real smile now, feeling all her anxiety and anger drift away, much like she expected the mom to drift away with all the helium she was gonna pump her up with. Other people started noticing there was a woman shaped balloon being inflated beside the balloon stand. Some stopped to chat about it, a few people were screaming, and a group of children were pointing and laughing.
The mom felt embarrassed, but that feeling quickly gave in to the feeling of intense pressure that spread all over her body, making her stretch like a child's balloon. Her arms felt so pressurized, her eyes started watering from the pain. The rest of her body was following its course. Her breasts were destroying her dark blouse button by button, and each of those buttons clashed with the tank, making a funny clank sound that sent Roxy to a fit of laughter. The mom's squeals of distress failed to rise above Roxy's roaring laughter. For the ill tempered girl, this was catharsis. She felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders. The stress, pressure and resentment melted off her muscles, and she felt relaxed for the first time in a long time. Too bad the mom would not share in her satisfaction. She was too busy looking like a weather balloon.
The seams on her pants started popping, and pink flesh started billowing out from the cracks. With her arms so pressurized, the air squeezed into her hands, bloating them enormously. Each finger started to look like a golf ball, while her hands rounded out. The sleeves of her jacket were so stretched they looked like hoses under pressure. Her expanding back and sides were stretching the jacket, forcing it up her torso while her blouse came apart. Roxy stopped laughing and took a good look at her. With that devilish smile of hers, she said:
"Don't worry, 'sweety', unlike you I got all day to watch you pump up like a tire. I'm in no hurry at all."
"MMMM!!", was the only thing the mom could say. Her cheeks and face were so bloated she became unrecognizable. Her once petite, young and lithe face became a pumpkin with huge cheeks and lips. Her moaning became more violent, and a frustrated stretching sound started taking center stage. The small crowd that gathered, since most people just kept on walking, thinking there simply was a strange balloon show, started pacing backwards, fearing a forceful explosion. However, what exploded was not the stuck up bitch, but her expensive, classy leather jacket. At that moment, her exposed arms ballooned in half a second, becoming so engorged with air that they started absorbing her bloated hands to the wrist. Her pants started likewise exploding, but not before she started to finally float off the ground.
Her moaning increased, and Roxy's laughter came back, but this time in giggles. She started toying with the hose, causing the inflated woman to bob and turn in the air. If only she could find a job doing this for a living...
"What do you think my manager would think of this?", said Roxy with glee. "Maybe Santa could ditch the reindeer and use a balloon bitch like you instead."
The woman's boots started exploding off of her rounded calves. Her feet were also destroying them, bloating up like footballs. Roxy felt that was not enough. This gal definitely needed more air so the lesson could be clear.
The mom kept moaning, possibly pleading with her attacker. Roxy would never really know, but usually people like her insulted her in their mind as they drifted off. Sadly, this was not an open air space. When Roxy started hearing deep groans coming from the balloon woman, she considerably lowered the tank's air output, not closing it completely. She took a string from the dumbstruck clown, and tugged at the hose to lower her victim to a manageable altitude. Her body was so fat she had to play around with the hose to actually reach her lower part. She tied a string to what could be considered an ankle, and held her victim victoriously.
"How's that for quick service, sweety?", asked Roxy. She handed the string to the woman's kid, who all the while was as dumbstruck as the clown. However, as soon as he was handed his bloated mother, a huge smile exploded off his face. "I hope you like your balloon! Whenever you want to go home, just pump her up full of more helium and drift off!", said Roxy. 'You fucking brat', she thought to herself. She turned to leave, winking at the bloated mom, who pleadingly looked down at her inflator. Roxy seriously hoped the kid was reckless with his balloons so the mom would meet with an accident...
"Merry Christmas!", she yelled as she left, leaving everybody confused as to what had just happened. She swayed her hips drawing some wanted attention from the male crowd.
Roxy never imagined she would feel so alive being jobless. She left the mall and went home, thinking all the while her life had just taken a turn for the better.
'I'm back, baby!'
Part 1 of the Winter Season of Roxy stories! Expect parts 2 and 3 soon.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, competition, huge, inhale
Text: I rushed in and grabbed a soda from the fridge, smiling to myself as Stefi entered the room.
"So how was class?" she asked.
"Oh, pretty good I guess. Same 'ol..you know." I said as I plopped on to the couch grinning.
"What's so funny?" she said. "Oh nothing, I just saw the biggest blimp overhead." I remarked. "Really? Well...how big?" she questioned with a growing frown.
"Big..really big." I said as I continued to smile and flipped the remote.
"Let's step outside for a moment, shall we?" she asked. I knew what was about to take place.
My girlfriend had an amazing talent which we had discovered via a mutual interest one night. Both of us found we were fascinated with body inflation by accident and we found a way to make it reality. By countless hours toiling in the school's labs late at night she concocted a peculiar formula that endowed her not only with an elasticizing ability, but more importantly she gained the ability to fill herself with air and expand like a balloon by merely willing it. This new-found ability gave her somewhat of an inflated ego...literally, and she became quick to use it, always trying to outsize something. Usually she won. I, being a firm believer that bigger is definitely better, always tried to push her farther and on the last occasion she had expanded to the size of our living room, some 13 or 14 feet wide. We were about to see just how big this girl could get.
She began to pace the back yard as her temper flared. She had obviously been working out since she was dressed in just a halter top, some umbros, and her socks. This was gonna be good. I snickered to myself in amusement as I imagined the possibilities.
Suddenly she stopped in her tracks, her nostrils flaring with anger. It was on. "Here she goes." I thought to myself. She turned to face me and put her hands on her hips as she turned her back to me slowly.
Suddenly a hissing noise rose from within Stefi as she spoke. "Was it this big?" she asked as I heard the air begin to fill her. First her butt blimped out, then her hips, thighs, calves, and the rest of her save for her head, hands, and feet quickly inflated. She stopped after just a second of her rapid inflation and turned her head around.
"Was it this big?" she asked, pumped up with air and looking like an extremely voluptuous version of her former self.
"Bigger.." I murmured, anticipating her response.
"Ooooh! Impossible!" she shouted. She inhaled deeply and turned her head back around as the hissing rose again followed by the sounds of her body expanding. I felt like I was in some balloon factory as I watched with awe. No wonder I liked her so much. Unfortunately I usually had to do this to get her to show off, but it was worth the effort.
Stefi expanded quickly, filling out more and more with air. Her legs began to fatten up rapidly and her lower torso was much larger now. Each of her swelling hips must have become around 2 feet wide and her ass must have been around 5 feet wide. Wow! I loved this. Her breasts began to show on either side of her from behind like twin basketballs. Her plastic umbros had stretched to the point where it appeared she was wearing a skin-tight thong of hot pink plastic. The halter top was straining to hold in her massive breasts which grew with every breath she took.
"This big?" she questioned. "Bigger..much bigger!" I said as I tried to hold in my excitement.
"ARRRGHH!" she screamed as she clenched her fists and inhaled a huge breath. The hissing was sudden and violent as she blew up nearly twice as big and much quicker this time. Her thighs pushed each other apart as her exaggerated hour-glass form began to assume a rounded balloon form. Her clothing stretched and protested as she pumped up larger and larger, and finally the shorts gave with a great ripping and stretching noise. Her halter-top lost its battle also as her huge breasts began to peek out from all sides of it and it finally burst at its seams with a loud rip, falling to the floor defeated. Stefi continued to expand, filling out a little slower this time, but nonetheless swelling larger and larger. I pondered the thought and spoke. "It was alot bigger than that dear!" I shouted. A grin spread across my face as I knew my last barb found its mark. She turned and threw her trademark glance of sheer hate at me before turning back around. Her inflation ceased for a moment as she stood there bobbing up and down from her breathing. She was huge, a balloon-woman inflated pretty much round and probably over ten feet across. Her arms and legs had inflated to huge conical shapes and ended in dainty hands and feet. Her face was untouched also, but her shoulders were threatening to cover it up. Much bigger and she would be what I estimated to be around 20 feet or so. Incredible. I was in awe.
Suddenly she clenched her hands and shifted her huge thighs as she began to inhale. Her lungs seemed like they were vacuums and she inhaled deeper and deeper and deeper. The sudden hissing ensued again as she suddenly blimped outward, her body shuddering from the sudden growth and pressure.
"I'LL BE THE BIGGEST EVER! THE BIGGEST!" she screamed as she swelled larger and larger.
I began to get a little nervous.
Her body echoed like a bass drum as she continued to swell fatter and fatter from the pressure. I had never questioned how she did this, I just enjoyed it. She might go a little far this time though I thought.
"BIGGER! BIGGER!" she shouted as she continued to expand. She was going to prove her point this time no matter what. Her body was now an expanding orb with only her head, hands, and feet sticking out. She began to rise like a helium balloon, still growing as she did so. By now she must have been over fifty or sixty feet in width and probably looked like some great weather balloon from a distance. I couldn't believe the spectacular sight before my eyes and wondered how she could hold it all in and still keep swelling bigger and bigger. The elasticity formula must have worked well because she as though she might never stop....hopefully.
Bigger and bigger Stefi grew as the pressure filled her immense body. Her head was now a tiny speck on the huge mass of her swelling body and I could see her little hands and feet wiggle as she continued to grow larger and larger. The hissing noise of her expansion had become loud and I could hear it resonating from within her as she grew. From what I could tell, she must have been approaching a hundred feet or more and didn't look like she was giving up. She had exceeded the size of the blimp long ago and I worried whether she could hold it all in.
Far from above I heard her shout, "I''LL BE BIGGER THAN THE WORLD!!" I didn't doubt that either. She was still inflating and had begun to eclipse the sun over my yard with her massive body which was quickly covering the block. It was just then that I noticed the stork flying overhead....
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, first person, inhale, Jenny
Text: Hi. I'm Jenny. I have had many wonderful times in my life, but the one that has stayed with me the longest was the time when I blew myself up like a balloon. I'd like to share that time with you now.
It was a Friday afternoon , and I, having returned from school only less than an hour ago, was completely bored ALREADY. I had done all of my revision for my A Levels, messaged my friends on Facebook, and was now just lying on my bed, entertaining myself with my thoughts. But as I lay on my back with my eyes closed, one thought kept jumping across my cerebral cortex, and it was such a good thought that I made myself focus on it. It was a memory of my friend, Hannah, and the day that she demonstrated to me that she could expand and inflate herself like a balloon. I was absolutely amazed at how she could just take a deep breath and grow into a great ball. Ever since then I had been thinking to myself all the time: What if that was ME? What if I, beautiful little Jenny, whom Hannah was a good half a foot taller than, could blow myself up?
I giggled at the thought of that even happening to me, for I was just a petite girl just over 5ft tall. I took in a deep breath and sighed, thinking about how to entertain myself. But as I exhaled, I felt that, for some reason, my chest didn't recede completely. " I must be imagining things" I thought, but as I looked down at myself, I noticed that my dress definitely appeared slightly less loose around me. Confused, I inhaled again and, as I breathed out, my dress definitely seemed to smooth out abut more. Am I dreaming?, I thought to myself.
Looking up at the ceiling, I took a very deep breath in. As I breathed in, I felt my chest grow bigger and bigger, as it always did whenever I breathed in. As my lungs reached fullness, I glanced around at my room, and, as I started to breathe out, I glanced down at the balloon under my dress. "Wait a minute!" I said, shocked.
Balloon under my dress?
I gasped. That bulge wasn't a balloon, it was my BELLY, pumping up and swelling out against my dress and making me look fully pregnant. My lungs emptied almost immediately as I screamed slightly in shock. I was scared. Ok Jenny, ok,I said to myself as I tried to calm down. You thought about your friend Hannah inflating, and then you took a deep breath, and all of a sudden, you find that somehow, your stomach is bigger. But, as I was calming down, I felt a bit excited at the same time. Was it that I had the same ability as Hannah, and I had never known about it? I now felt sure of it as a big smile spread across my pretty face. Perhaps I could inflate myself after all!
Still curious, I looked down at my belly, which now looked like I had swallowed a bowling ball, and inhaled. I stopped after a few seconds, and held my breath, waiting for something to happen. And then, to my utter surprise, my belly shot up under my dress, swelling to the size of a beach ball. At the same time, my BREASTS started inflating as well, pushing up against the fabric of my dress, and soon I had a couple of grapefruit sized humps jutting from my chest. I smiled as I exhaled, and got up to look at myself. My body now appeared very fat, with large, perky breasts and a great big bulging belly. I laughed at myself,which made my whole body jiggle. I laughed even harder as I saw myself shaking like a human jelly. And yet, as I laughed at my fat appearance, I wanted to get even BIGGER. And I did.
As I calmed my self down, I straightened down my dress, ready for another shot. I then took a huge breath in and, with unexpected ease, swelled my now chubby body into a giant orb. I gasped at this one. I was a ball now, easily as big as Hannah already. I brewed with confidence , as I felt I could grow even larger. I had discovered that I could in fact inflate myself, but I didn't yet know how BIG I could inflate. I was going to find out. I took another deep breath and surged bigger, puffing up into a huge ball, easily as big as a pool toy. I inhaled again and shot up again, this time a whole foot taller. My breasts were now gigantic globes jutting out from my chest, each one easily as big as a beach ball. My belly was absolutely huge, as big as an exercise ball. As I took another breath, my belly surged out to the size of easily the biggest pool toy I had seen, and my breasts swelled out against my dress to the previous size of my belly.
As happy as I was to be blowing myself up like a balloon, I was also starting to feel rather tired as well. It must have been all that breathing in and out I had been doing for the past 2 minutes. As my growth slowed, I decided that I was going to reach my maximum size as quick as possible, to fully fufill my dream of being a balloon, like Hannah. I closed my eyes, concentrated, and then engorged my lungs with the biggest, longest, deepest breath I could manage. I then held my breath, puffed out my cheeks and...
I swelled out at an incredible speed, expanding and swelling bigger than I had ever imagined. After about a minute, my growth stopped. I opened my eyes. And gasped. I now decided that I loved this dress. It was very pretty (peach with white spots), as well as being able to contain a girl who was now the size of a weather balloon, packed between the floor and ceiling of my room!
So that was the day that I inflated for the very first time. I can inflate more smoothly than that now, as I trained myself to do it. So thank you for reading this, and I hope to see you all soon.
With love,
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium
Text: "For every dollar you spend...half of it goes toward the search for the beloved Sarah Macbeth....." Claire read aloud from the tag on a black dress, not unlike the one her first victim wore.
Claire's life had taken a small turn for the better after she painted the Sarah-balloon portrait, selling similar paintings and making more than enough money to live. She stood in the mall where Ms. Macbeth was last seen in public, shelling out fifty bucks for the lovely dress. "Least it's half off...I mean it's practically half a dress..." she muttered, starting to walk home and enjoying a pleasant countryside stroll when a sign caught her eye. "Psychic Readings: Half off Today only!". Claire tried to walk by, but curiosity got the better of her.
A little bell rang as Claire entered the small cottage like home, the aroma of scented candles and incense hitting her as soon as she entered, dazing her for a moment. "Welcome, welcome! My name is Elaine, and I will allow you to glimpse into you future!" A young woman, probably in her early twenties, and dressed up like gypsy from eastern Europe announced loudly, nearly giving Claire a heart attack, the girl almost dropping her backpack and shopping bag. "Come, come..." Elaine made weird motions, Claire's eye brow raising as she followed her back, the bangles on the 'gypsy's' wrists making obnoxious ringing sounds.
They entered the back room, electronic torches dimly illuminating the small circular table, a crystal ball in the center of it. "Oh...this is gonna be rich...." Claire thought, Elaine seating her and than sitting down across from her. "What is your name, young wanderer of the time streams..." Elaine asked, Claire already sensing the stupidity in the air. "Claire Buckberry..." She answered reluctantly, Elaine starting to make silly motions with her hands over the crystal orb. "Ah...you're here out of curiosity...you're....Scottish....and British..." She adds, Claire rolling her eyes a little, as if her surname and accent didn't give her the idea.
After about a half hour of Elaine's blatant cold reading, Claire sighed and reached into her backpack. "Elaine...could I ask you a question..." She asked, Elaine looking at her. "Why...of course! What would you ask of me?" She responded cheerfully, Claire smiling weakly. "Can you predict what's about to happen?" the girl asked, Elaine looking confused. "Well...it's been the half hour, so you're going to pay me, and decide if you'd like to continue, or continue on your daily business...though it's 10 p.m. so I would be closing..." She explained, Claire shaking her head. "Wrong, you air headed gypsy wannabe!" Claire exclaimed, her hand withdrawing from the backpack with a nozzle in hand, shoving it into Elaine's open mouth.
Elaine flailed her arms as the gas started rushing into her, blowing her cheeks up hilariously, her eyes tearing up as the helium made her lightheaded. Claire shoved the nozzle in forcefully, Elaine's breasts making stretching sounds as they pushed the top of her dress out. Her belly as testing the fabric of her clothing as it expanded, Claire leaping over the table as the poor inflating woman's gut pushed her out of her chair, falling backwards. "Hrmph!" Elaine grunted, Claire sitting on her belly and turning the flow on higher, bouncing a little to torment her...an evil smile spreading across her face. "Ach, you're getting rather puffy now..." Claire taunts Elaine, the woman's hips starting to show through the straining seams of the dress, Elaine's belly raising Claire higher as it expanded to the size of a huge beachball, her breasts causing a loud snapping sound as the top of the girl's dress exploded into shreds of fabric, the twin balloons expanding ridiculously now. An elongated tearing sound followed by several snapping noises signified the freedom of the woman's hips, the skirt of the dress ripping apart as her thighs and legs puffed up beyond belief.
Elaine couldn't believe what was going on, her flailing slowing down as her arms went stiff from the helium rushing into them, Claire finally hopping off and letting the woman float to the ceiling, the hose keeping her from actually reaching it. "Mmhmm! You've gotten bloody huge!" Claire sounded excited, reaching into her back pack and pulling out some canvas and paint, getting to work as a very humiliated and surprised Elaine floated there. "Wait..." Claire said, tugging the hose out and tying some flimsy string to Elaine's ankle, and than to a chair leg. Now she began painting, finding herself especially inspired when painting an actual victim. Elaine's puffy cheeks made her giggle, the poor 'psychic's' black hair swaying a little as she did. Finally, after an hour Claire finished her artistic endeavor, quickly drying the portrait and packing it away, making sure to hide the helium nozzle back into her satchel. Claire tied the other end of the string to her wrist, and after waiting for the right moment, she exited the little shop, switching the sign to closed with a now annoyed Elaine huffing angrily.
"You can't do this to me! Get me down from here!" She squeaked and complained the whole trip home to Claire's apartment, the artistic inflator humming to drown it out. As she opened the door to her apartment, she turned and looked up at Elaine. "I bet you didn't see this coming..." Claire smirked, untying the flimsy knot at her end and hastily entering her apartment. Elaine screamed squeakily, feeling herself float higher and higher, sobbing softly as she was now condemned to a life as a balloon, just another one of Claire's victims...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, cartoon, deflation, flattening, floating, fly away, helium, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Sexiest Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Story, Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion
Text: Ginger skidded her "cartoon" cart to a halt as she chided herself for not paying attention to where she was going. "Oh! Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" she said, awkwardly stepping around the other girl's body. The girl was wearing a trendy, purple sweatshirt with black yoga pants. Ginger had squashed the attractive, young girl completely flat with her cart. She looked like a life-sized sticker on the pavement. "Okay, um...um...ooh! I know!" said Ginger, turning the cart around to reveal a helium tank on the side. "Alright. This'll do it!" she said, uncoiling the plastic hose from the top of the tank. She got on her knees and carefully stuck it into the flattened girl's mouth. The girl's lips wrapped up around the hose like clay. Clapping her hands excitedly, Ginger got up on her feet and went to the tank, wrapping her hand around the valve and twisting it open. The tank made a sharp hissing sound and the hose flexed around a little as the flattened girl's cheeks puffed up, her face and stomach expanding like rising bread dough. Ginger wasn't paying attention; she was looking squarely at the PSI gauge on the tank. "Now...how much PSI does a person have?" she asked. Her victim's arms and legs filled out, and her breasts grew triumphantly like a pair of modestly-sized balloons. Back to her normal dimensions again, she jittered, ramrod-stiff, her cheeks puffed outwards, while her trim stomach started to rise up. "Is it...so, like a person-sized balloon? Or does someone hold less than a balloon?" Ginger asked herself.
"Mmmph!" yelled the girl on the ground, "Mmmmmmmmmph!" as her belly rose up and up, the grey undershirt she was wearing under her purple sweatshirt riding up, revealing a crescent of bare skin between her belly button and her yoga pants. Her stomach rose higher, and higher, and higher, like an inflating beach ball, as her undershirt crept past her belly button, the fabric along the hem creaking as she stretched it out. The black fabric of her yoga pants stretched too, her hips widening as her midriff loomed over her like an exercise ball. "Mmmmph! Mmmmmmph!" she screamed behind the hose, reaching out towards Ginger.
"I just need to make sure it doesn't get in the yellow – is helium dangerous? ...No, no, helium's not dangerous." She said to herself. As the girl reached out, her limbs were fattening up. The purple sleeves of her sweatshirt expanded outwards and stretched tight over her arms, which ballooned up around her body and tapered down, creaking and straining, to her uncovered, flapping hands. Her breasts swelled up like two overinflated balloons, stretching the front of her sweatshirt tight on either side of the zipper in the front. Slowly, it unzipped, tooth by tooth, as her breasts blew up to the size of volley balls and slowly heaved the front of her sweatshirt open. Her deep cleavage completely filled the increasingly plunging neckline of her v-neck undershirt, which creaked and strained as it stretched out, widening the fleshy view. The elastic waistline of her yoga pants groaned and stretched as her midsection swelled up, and up, and up, and with a deep groan, the knot tied in the draw string popped itself undone, causing her vast, rising tummy to bounce upwards an extra inch or two. Her pants creaked and protested, but held strong as she stretched the waistline out bigger, and bigger, and rounder, and rounder, her legs jutting straight outwards. The straining material on her swelling, fattening legs making them look like big, conical marshmallows, tapering down to the now comically-small Keds she was wearing on her wiggling feet. She had inflated so large and so round that her back and exercise ball-sized butt cheeks were lifting her upwards. She gyrated her limbs uselessly, but it only served to make her jostle up and down.
"Mmmmph! Mmmmmph! Mmmmmph!" she screamed, her voice high-pitched from the helium, as her sweatshirt and the hem of her undershirt rode up and up and the waist of her pants rode down and down and the end of her huge, round belly ballooned upwards, bigger, and bigger, and bigger. The material of her clothes rasped and squealed as her body expanded in an increasingly spherical shape. Her hands flapped and her shoes wiggled as her sweatshirt and yoga pants moaned and squeaked, her arms and legs puffing outwards and getting shorter with her rounder body. Then, she started to float.
"Hmph!? Mmmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmph!" the girl screamed as she slowly and gently floated up. The strip of exposed skin that she was resting on, surrounded by creaking, groaning clothing, ebbed upwards. Her contact with the ground shrunk and shrunk until her entire round body was airborne. She pitifully moved the pudgy mounds of her arms and legs around, struggling, as she floated upwards, the hose whipping around in her mouth as she jerked her head to and fro, looking over cheeks the size of softballs. Slowly, she turned over, her blonde, highlighted hair draping downwards, until the rounded expanse of her butt was pointed skywards, the brand name of the pants stretched and distorted over the black rolling hills of her huge, inflated butt cheeks.
"And...done!" Ginger said, turning around and looking at the ground where the girl was, now empty. "Oh no. Oh no." She said, looking around. "Mmmmmph! Mmmmmph! Mmmmmmph!" the girl screamed, looking down on Ginger, trying ineffectually to get her attention. The waistline of her pants creaked and rode further and further down, exposing an impressive plumber's crack over the seat of her tightly stretched yoga pants, and a bit of her pink panties, drawn tight and straining down the cavernous depths of her butt cheeks. Ginger spun around, looking, then spotted the hose, followed it up, and jumped back, startled, when she saw the looming, round bulk of the girl's inflating body. She was ten feet around or more, her stretchy Fall outfit doing an admirable job containing what parts of her expanding, inflating body they could as they widened and stretched. The neckline of her shirt groaned around her ballooning cleavage, the squeaking, squealing hems of her sweatshirt and undershirt stretched across the vast roundness of her exposed midriff, opposite the rounded waistline of her yoga pants, creaking as her butt cheeks blew up and out. She looked down at Ginger, her blonde hair falling down and swaying freely, along with the two dangling drawstrings on the waistline of her yoga pants and the shoelaces of one of her keds, and pointed towards her face and the hose as best she could with her two tiny hands. Ginger quickly grabbed onto the hose and pulled. With a huge gust of wind, the large shadow over her sped away as the girl's round body rocketed and twirled away, making a reverberating, farty noise similar to a deflating balloon. Ginger watched the girl's body zoom away into the distance until a building blocked her view. She took a sharp intake of breath between her teeth. "Yeaaaah...I should probably go..." she said, before taking hold of her cart and running off, hoping nobody else got in her way.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Stuffing, Female Inflation, Messy Popping
Text: Her problem was she knew not when to stop eating; that had to be the only rational explanation the concierge could think of as the homicide investigation entered the building and headed for the elevator. His hands shook as he wiped more fluid off from his face. Detective Samuels tapped his pencil on the side of his neck as he thought up a way to properly articulate his question.
He finally decided upon two words: "She popped?"
"Popped," explained the concierge. "Like a balloon; a ghastly balloon. It was hideous."
"I can only imagine." Tapping his pencil again, he asked, "How?"
The concierge stood still, jaw slackening. It was very easy for the concierge to notice her; she was short, dark-haired and full-hipped. Her skirt clung tightly to her lower half while its black designs ran up the red trim in attempt to draw attention away from how round her backside seemed. A small amount of flesh revealed itself in the slit where her matching blouse could not quite meet the seemingly expensive skirt.
"Hello, miss. Do you have a reservation?"
"Yes, I do, yes, actually, it's for this afternoon." A brief moment of silence passed as the young man skimmed over the reservation slip.
"Ah, very well, this all appears to be in order. I'll see you to your room personally, miss." A rather light bag was all that had to of been carried up to the fifth floor, as the guest insisted she could carry her own purse. The concierge spent the majority of the elevator ride standing behind her, glancing tactfully down at her behind every few seconds. He was careful not to seem lecherous when she turned around and politely smiled.
"Here's your room," he said, bending at the knees to deposit her luggage at her door. "If you'd like anything, please don't hesitate to ring down. I'll be more than willing to serve you personally during your stay."
"How considerate, thank you." Her dark, bobbed hair was held in place with a silver clip on her left side, giving her the chance to shyly tuck the hair from her right behind her ear. "I'd like you to bring up the lunch special I saw on the notice board on my way past the coffee shop for now, if you don't mind." She gave the same polite smile.
"Certainly, miss, it would be my pleasure." The concierge nodded and hurried to the elevator and upon getting off the lift, hurried to the kitchen to request the order. Later on in the afternoon, a fair-haired man in an unseasonably warm jacket made his way through the lobby accompanied by a man dressed in the attire typical of a chauffeur. Seeing he was heading toward the elevator without checking in, the concierge shouted after. Though he continued to make his way, his driver addressed the young man simply.
"He has an appointment." Somehow the words made sense and clicked; the young woman to whom he brought lunch up to. She since ordered a Bloody Mary and a plate of gyoza, though he was too busy to bring them up himself. When the concierge returned for lunch, he found a note on his desk from a colleague asking to bring a salad up to his hungry female guest. She greeted him warmly when he rolled the cart in with the salad and lightly buttered rolls. He, in turn, warmly accepted her tip. A bit later, another note appeared on his desk from his guest for an order: a much larger order. A few thoughts crossed his mind at that point. One of them, not surprisingly, explaining mentally why she seemed to be so well endowed in the posterior region. The other being that she must have been ordering for the gentleman that said he had an appointment with. He gingerly knocked on her door, cart at his side and smile on his face.
"Leave it by the door," rang her voice, muffled from behind the door, "I'm freshening up!"
"I don't mind waiting, miss."
"I'm certain you've better things to do. Please, leave it by the door."
Hesitantly, the young man conceded to the guest's wishes and made haste back to the elevator. Every twenty minutes until nearly two in the morning, the young concierge watched a full cart go into the elevator only to come back down empty moments later. Hulking trays with small bits of food spilling out onto the carpet, empty, as though they were not once filled to such a capacity. He certainly thought one could not consume so much and that there must have been a party afoot somewhere on the upper floors. His shift nearly over, the man clocked out early to investigate. His knock was met with ambient music playing from within: violins.
"Is everything alright in there, ma'am?" he spoke, hoping his voice was recognized. When he again was not acknowledged, he beat on the door harder with a clenched fist until his knuckles took on a salmon hue.
He sighed, nearly willing to give up in his frivolous inquiry. The soft jingle of the keys in his pocket led him to dare.
"I'm coming in."
Be it from concern, or wonder, or sheer nosiness, the concierge slid his key into the lock and entered the dark room. The light from the hall illuminated a small section of the room; a small section stacked with plates and refuse. Underneath the sound of violins playing was a gentle gurgle and a gentler smacking of lips.
"Miss?" he called, turning toward the light switch as he flipped it on. His eyes leapt from his head as he saw the enormity that was the young guest. Her skirt long ripped at the seams, and her blouse was now a mere bib barely covering her enormous breasts resting atop the caramel-colored dome of her midsection. Brobdingnagian hips supported her accumulated flesh, flaring outward and connecting to bare, dimpled buttocks the size and shape of Swiss exercise balls. As she chewed, the concierge made out distinctly how caked in food she was – a ring of chocolate and other substances encircled her lips; rivulets and crumbs of dispatched comestibles sprinkled throughout like dander; trembling fingers grimed with the remnants of her extensive feast. The slender man shook in fear, amazement and confusion as he fumbled backwards, mouth agape and speechless. Her legs floundered and rippled under the strain though her enormous backside apparently was resting against the far corner of the suite. Despite her colossal growing, she continued to stuff more into her face, prompting her body to stretch to make room. Defying biological laws, her frame continued to swell upward and outward at a steady pace. He gaped in horrified awe as the young girl continued to bulge, the soft gurgle not yet drowned out by the score. She shoveled handfuls of warm pasta into her maw, swallowed without chewing and made no effort to show a sign she was reaching her finale. Her pinnacle seemed never to come as her belly bulged forth, crammed tight as a drum with food, it's inner workings processing the food into fat and sending it to the nearest available space. Tragedy was, though, that her space was finite. The concierge choked on his own words as he waggled his long finger at her while her face bulged with food. Strands of spaghetti still hung from her lips as her entire body suddenly inflated as with some macabre air-pump. Either of her sides bumped into the walls of the corner, expanding outward as her legs and arms became buried in the cascades of fat. Compulsively, she slurped up the last bit of spaghetti as she chewed her final mouthful. The violins struck the crescendo; the woman reached her limit; the man covered his face and fumbled for the door. The last words she spoke were, "I took in no more than necessary" before the loud, sickening sound of her body rupturing drowned out the sound of the violins and the cries of the young man. Amidst the wreckage, a silver hairpin was found imbedded in a desk lamp. The scent was noxious and the clean-up was grisly. The once pampered suite resembled an abattoir, but to Detective Samuels it was a brutal crime scene. "Tell me, Mr..."
"Mr. Reynolds... you stated there was a man here during the afternoon to visit her? What did he look like? Did he say anything suspicious?"
"Well, no, not exactly. He didn't say he was visiting her, per se."
"Is that so? I thought you said he was there for an appointment?"
"I just assumed he meant with her. I don't know why."
"Did you question him? Ask him what his business was? Is that not your job?"
"His chauffer checked in, said he had a very important meeting. I didn't see either of them leave, but I was away from my desk for a time."
"I see, well what did he look like?"
"He was slender, I'd say. He was sort of pale, with long blonde hair. He wore a jacket that seemed too warm for the weather, I thought that was strange."
"You mentioned a chauffer? What'd he look like?"
"A tall... eh...black man," he said, lowering his voice to a whisper at the mention of his race.
"I see." The two continued to answer and ask questions until the detective found enough to piece together a cohesive story, if such an illogical occurrence could have been labeled cohesive. One does not just suddenly swell up and burst like a balloon under normal circumstances, despite devouring such a mind-boggling amount of food. The pale man had to have some manner of connection, some form of hand in the young woman's murder. There had to be some clue in her last words, some crucial piece to the tattered jigsaw puzzle. As Samuels left the scene, he lit a cigarette and pondered the events. As he took a long drag from it and blew the extracted smoke into the warm air, the detective remained absolutely oblivious to the black car with the tinted windows that drove by, and backfired.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium, onesie, Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion
Text: Sandra eyed the strange garment cautiously, trying to figure out how the object she'd bought online for $175 was going to help her lose weight. It had arrived in the mail that morning and sat in it's box on the table for most of the day whilst Sandra contemplated sending back the overpriced onesie, after all, she reasoned, they were only $40 at the mall. What made this one so special?
Finally, she had ripped the box open and removed the contents and it now sat draped across the back of one of the chairs. She felt stupid - she'd been taken in by one of those ads promising near-miraculous weight loss, illustrated by photoshopped "Before" and "After" pictures and almost without thinking she'd clicked through and bought it. It had been Fourth of July and in a fit of patriotism she'd purchased the Star and Stripes one but now it sat on the chair, with the stars top right and the stripes running vertically down the body to the legs.
Having opened the box Sandra figured she couldn't return it so there was nothing left to do but try it on so she removed her jeans and t-shirt and stepped in to the onesie, pulling it up her legs and over her overweight stomach, she pushed her arms in the sleeves and did up the zip.
Sandra looked down at herself - as she suspected, the garment did her plump form no favors but she thought the vertical stripes may give an illusion that she was a little thinner. She decided to take a look at herself in the full-length mirror in the bathroom. As she ascended the stairs there was a faint hiss from somewhere near by. Entering she looked at the mirror and was shocked at what she saw - not only did the optical illusion not appear to be working, she looked even bigger than normal!
"If this thing is supposed to help me lose weight I'd better get a benchmark figure." Sandra said to herself, stepping on to the digital scales. She tried to look down at the numbers but found her first her boobs then her stomach was blocking her view. 'Weird!' she thought. "I know I'm a bit overweight but this is new!". She leant over further so she could see the display: 283lb. 'Odd - I'm sure I was 284 the other day.' she thought. Then she heard the hiss again, louder this time and she watched the display as is ticked over to 282lb. She checked herself out in the mirror again and her jaw dropped! She had visibly grown larger - her boobs had gained several cup sizes and her hips at least 9 inches! She stood there, open-mouthed for several seconds, trying to make sense of it all - she seemed to be getting larger, yet lighter at the same time. Then the hiss came again and she watched in horror as her reflection grew a little more - another cup or two and a few more inches on her waist. Looking down at herself confirmed it wasn't a trick of the mirror - she also noticed the scale was now reading 281lb! The hiss continued and she looked at her expanding form and realized that she was in danger of out-growing the doorway - she had to get out to somewhere with more room!
She made it out the door with only inches to spare and as she hurried down stairs she struggled with the zip of the onesie, figuring it had something to do with her sudden expansion. It was no good, however, the zip was jammed! All the time the hiss rang in her ears and she could see her chest rising like dough in the oven as her curves grew to unimaginable sizes. Sandra figured the best place for her would be the back yard so she squeezed her inflated bulk towards the Dining room - less than a minute had passed since she'd left the bathroom - she'd cleared that door with ease but the Dining room door was another matter - due to her continued inflation she was easily six inches wider than it! Despite that she flung herself at the doorway, believing her salvation lay beyond it. She felt the door frame dig into her sides as she forced herself through the relatively narrow space but after a few seconds pain she made it through, knocking over a chair as she burst in to the room.
Sandra was grateful that the room had double-doors to the yard. She pushed her way past the remaining chairs, overturning another one as she did so. The hissing sound was louder now. She had to get out, attract someone's attention and get them to cut off this accursed garment. Her bloated form collided with the double-doors to the yard, the impact making the two doors swing open and she thrust her near-spherical body through the opening, banging her head on the lintel as she did so. 'Have I gotten taller too?' she wondered, rubbing the spot.
Now in the backyard, she looked at her reflection in the windows. She was, by her best estimation, seven feet tall and her body was now almost a perfect sphere - her boobs having been consumed by the rest of her. She noticed her perspective rising as she grew taller and gasped in horror as she felt her arms and legs start to be absorbed by her swelling mass. The hiss was louder now and she was inflating faster - 9 feet, 10, 11 - she felt what should have been her backside touch the floor meaning her legs had all but gone. Somehow the onesie still fit her, reshaping and remolding itself to accommodate her new figure.
12 feet, 13, 14 - now she could see in the windows of the upper floor of her home. 15, 16, Sandra found she could move her feet a little and discovered she could waddle around a bit. It felt strange though, as if she was lighter, despite her increased bulk. Someone would surely see her soon and come to her aid! 17, 18, 19 feet - she was now eye-level with the roof but still grew on, the feeling of lightness increasing. 'Where were the neighbors?' Then she remembered - one side was empty after the bank had foreclosed and the others were away in Florida. She was alone!
Then, as she reached 21 feet across, she felt the ground fall away, or rather, she left it behind! She was now lighter than air and was floating! Still she grew - 25, 30 feet. And as she grew, she rose in to the air. Passing through the cloud layer in a matter of seconds she entered the sunlight sky. 40 , 50, 60 feet. She was rising faster now, feeling the wind whistling through her hair, the entire lower portion of her vision was filled with her massive body, covered in the American Flag. As she passed 10,000 feet high she mused 'Well, I did loose weight after all!'
Tags: Breast Inflation, Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: "Ooh!", cried Emma, as she stared in astonishment at her friend Tanya's chest, "what are you doing?"
Tanya held a small pump in her hand, and, as she squeezed it, her breasts seemed to grow ever larger.
"Ha, you like my inflatable bra do you?", giggled Tanya, "I got it yesterday. It's called a 'Magic Inflater', or summat, but I dunno what's magic about it. Anyway, I'm just giving myself a bit of a boost to give the boys something to talk about!"
"Hmm, you'll certainly do that, not that you needed much boosting, you've got quite a bit bigger during the holiday".
Tanya's white blouse grew tighter and tighter as her chest swelled, and her end of her tie was now dangling over her curves as if it was falling over a cliff.
"Do you reckon that' s enough now, Em?"
"I reckon it is, you don't want to pop!"
"KA-BOOM!", shouted Tanya, laughing and throwing herself backwards as her hands mimed her boobs exploding, "Yes, you're right, I think I'm quite blown-up enough now. Let's go!"
As they walked along, Tanya's over-stretched blouse, and bouncing, ballooned bosom got just the reaction she wanted; lads were almost walking into walls, so distracted were they by her pneumatic chest.
"This is a laugh, eh Emma?", she grinned, loving the attention she was getting.
"You're certainly causing a commotion...but I thought you'd stopped pumping up your bra?"
"What are you talking about? I have stopped"
"Oh really, Tanya, then why is it still inflating?"
"Honest, I'm not doing anything, what do you mean still growi...."
Tanya's voice faded away as she felt a surging, tingling sensation in her breasts, and she looked down at her bust and saw that it was, indeed, still getting bigger. Her blouse was now skin-tight around her bosom, which had now ballooned out to a size that would put any pin-up girl in the shade.
"You trying to beat Jordan or something?" laughed Emma, as a gathering crowd of speechless boys merely stared motionless at Tanya's boobs.
"No, Emma, I really don't know what's happening to me," gasped Tanya, "It's not me doing this!"
Her breath started to quicken in her rising panic, and with each hurried breath Tanya could see her chest inflate even more.
"Come on, lets get out here" she cried, and the two girls ran from the throng of admiring spectators.
They eventually found a quiet corner, away from prying eyes, and, out of breath from their escape, they laid back, panting for breath. This only served to increase the rate of inflation in Tanya's breasts.
"Em..Emma," gasped Tanya, "It's not the bra blowing up anymore - it's me! That must be what it meant by 'Magical' I guess"
"Can't you stop it somehow?", asked Emma, "Or just take the bra off?"
"I'm not taking my bra off here", snapped Tanya, "and I don't think it would make any difference now anyway. Every breath I take just goes straight into my boobs, and no air ever comes out!"
By this time Tanya's breasts had swelled to the size of beach-balls, and her blouse began to gape open as it strained to contain her.
"Try holding your breath", suggested Emma.
"For god's sake, I'm trying, but I can't hold my breath forever", whimpered Tanya, who was actually finding that her chest felt so tight that it was an effort to breath, or even speak, and each breath she managed to take made the situation worse.
She enfolded her arms around her bust, trying in vain to press it down, as the blouse-button under the most strain finally burst off, hitting Emma in the face.
"OW!", complained Emma, "You're getting dangerous to be near, girl!"
"Oh shut up and try to think of a way to help me", squealed Tanya, finding it very difficult to speak by this time, her face puffed-out and reddened by the effort of breathing. She continued to try and flatten her breasts with her hands, and they squeaked and creaked like two over-inflated balloons.
"Wait!" shouted Emma suddenly, "I've got an idea. We've got to get some of that air out of you, right?"
"Ooh, tell me something I don't know", gasped Tanya, with difficulty.
"Well, I've got a badge somewhere in my bag", continued Emma, undeterred, "so I was thinking that if I punctured you with the badge-pin..."
"I..I..I'm not sure that's a very good...ohhhh". Tanya couldn't finish her sentence as the effort of talking became too much.
"Oh, it'll work out fine, you'll see. I'll be very careful", reassured Emma, as she rummaged in her bag,
"Ah, here it is! Now, hold very still and take a deep brea...actually, no, don't take a deep breath, bad advice, sorry!"
Emma was getting nervous about her plan, but there was no time for second thoughts, as the creaks and groans from Tanya's breasts were sounding very ominous, and another blouse-button had just given way.
"OK? Here we go: 1,2....3!"
Still unable to speak, Tanya's eyes widened in terror as she watched her thrust the pin towards her chest. Emma pressed it so gently into Tanya's bloated left-breast that at first the massive balloon merely compressed slightly where pin met skin.
Then, Emma, saying a silent prayer, increased the pressure, and pushed the badge-pin through Tanya' s blouse, through her bra, and finally punctured Tanya herself.
For a split-second Tanya felt the most glorious sense of euphoric release, and started to give a moan of delight - a sense of euphoria and a moan of delight that were cut cruelly short by a deafening "BANG!".
Then nothing.
The crowd that raced to see the cause of the explosion found Emma, in shock and unable to speak, a badge-pin hanging limply in her hand, gazing wide-eyed at a blouse and skirt crumpled on the floor, surrounded by what seemed to be fragments of pink rubber.
Emma could never speak of why Tanya had disappeared leaving her clothes behind, and there was a great mystery as to where she could have gone to, but she had managed to cause two commotions in one day, so she certainly went out with a bang.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, first person, helium
Text: It was my first day at Gremlin's toy shop. I had always wanted to work with children, so this was a big thing, and even though I was going to have to start at the bottom doing menial and probably humiliating tasks I was really looking forward to it.
I was now sitting in an ancient-looking, clean but dimly-lit wood-panelled room with an antique looking oak desk behind which sat an antique looking oak gentleman in a tweed suit. This contrasted with the public part of the shop, which was trendy and modern, all chrome and glass with the latest gadgets for children everywhere.
"Welcome Amanda, I hope you enjoy your first day. You know, we're all one big, happy family here and I'm sure you'll fit in well."
Everything about the man, including his upper class tones and demeanour indicated that he was clearly used to an earlier, more paternal age of employee relations. I was a little worried that he would have similarly outdated attitudes to younger female staff, but was still very much anticipating a fun day on the bottom rung of the ladder. I spoke up.
"What would you like me to do first, sir?"
"Oh no, no, no, let's not worry about all that formality. Call me Mr Derbyshire if you like."
"All right then, er, Mr Derbyshire. Thank you very much."
"Now I realise you must be feeling rather nervous today, but I'm sure you know it's important to prove that you're willing to turn your hand to anything that might need doing, and put the shop's needs first when you're here. So long as you understand that, we won't go far wrong. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Mr Derbyshire."
"First of all, I must say you are very well turned out today in that blouse and skirt, but I'm afraid that, just for today, we're going to want you to wear something different, something more appropriate for what you're going to be doing. How do you feel about that?"
Actually, I wasn't that happy about it but I'd have to see. I'd put quite a lot of effort into my appearance this morning, and now I was going to have to change it, and in particular I was very nervous about doing anything which would draw attention to myself.
"Well, er, I'm happy to oblige. What would you like me to wear?"
"Let me explain first of all, that this morning you're going to be in the front window arranging our new display. We're not expecting you to do anything too mind-taxing, but you know how keen children are on toy balloons."
"Of course, sir."
"Right then, so what we thought you might do is arrange a window display of helium party balloons. How does that seem to you?"
"It makes a lot of sense. I can see you've thought this through, Mr Derbyshire."
"Indeed we have. We put a lot of work into our displays you know Amanda, and we exercise a lot of attention to detail."
He pressed a button on the intercom on his desk.
"Mrs Pyle, I believe our new shop assistant is ready for you now. Please come in."
The door opened, and a woman in her late forties in a black skirt and formal jacket with a white blouse bustled in. It was impossible not to notice that she was also very overweight, which embarrassed me. She must have been aware that the first impression everyone received of her was this, and so she must also know that this was in my thoughts now.
"This is Mrs Pyle, our floor manager. She'll show you to a changing room where you can put on your costume."
Costume? My uncertainty must have shown on our face, as Mrs Pyle spoke immediately.
"Don't worry Amanda, it'll be OK. Just you come with me." Her voice was deep and fruity, as befitted her shape.
I stood up and left the room with her, bidding goodbye to Mr Derbyshire. She quietly closed the door behind her and we started to make our way down a carpeted and panelled corridor.
"Right Amanda, now I think I should point out that this morning is more a test of your willingness to do anything for us while you're working here. We won't be expecting you to do anything quite so - how shall I put it? - attention-grabbing under normal circumstances, but I'm afraid that for today only your attire is going to be rather ostentatious. If you could just step into this changing room, take your clothes off and put on what you find in there, that'd be great."
We had reached a dark red curtained alcove into which I stepped. In the cramped space inside, I saw myself in the full length mirror: wavy blond shoulder length hair with telltale brown eyebrows and eyes with high cheekbones and a delicate nose. I still wasn't too sure about having bleached my hair. It might draw more attention to me than I really wanted. I took my pink blouse and black skirt off along with my court shoes, but left my underwear on. I left on the bra that covered my rather small breasts that secretly I was relieved weren't larger as I didn't want men to look at me too much. Actually, big breasts would have looked odd on such a skinny body. Then I looked at the garment hanging from the coat hanger to my left. Oh dear.
I fetched it down with some trepidation, and the usual hop I needed to perform due to my diminutive height. It was a catsuit apparently made of bright red rubber, clearly intended to resemble a balloon. I climbed into it to find that it was made in two layers. The inner one was actually a spandex catsuit with sleeves and legs, but the torso also had an outer layer in the form of a sleeveless leotard made of rubber, also lined on the inside with rubber. It had the unmistakable odour of balloon rubber, and felt quite tight and constricting on my body, squashing me together inside due to its elasticity.
"Are you ready now Amanda?"
Well, here goes then, I thought, and emerged, feeling a little self-conscious already.
Mrs Pyle looked at me.
"We're not quite ready yet I'm afraid. I'm sure you realise you're supposed to look like a balloon, so what I'm going to do now is inflate your suit with this footpump."
She whipped out a pump whose hose she screwed into an attachment at the bottom of my left hand side, and started pushing away hard, using her weight to full effect, pumping my suit up with air. I was going to have to go out into the shop window in this bright scarlet catsuit looking like a giant fully-inflated balloon! As she pumped away, the suit began to swell and I felt it squeezing me harder and harder. As time went by, the suit slowly got rounder and bigger, and started to push my arms up and my legs apart. After a couple of minutes, she was finished, unscrewed the nozzle and closed the valve. Now the suit was well-inflated. I could see wrinkles down the seams at the sides until they vanished from sight around the curve, and had to force my arms down to prevent them being pushed up diagonally, and squeeze my legs together to stop them from being forced out sideways. I couldn't actually see my legs and my head was sitting in the middle of a rubber cushion of air which curved out in front of me. To be honest, it was even difficult to turn my head enough to see either arm.
"All right then Amanda, now I'd like you to make your way through the shop to the front window by the High Street. When you get there you'll find a helium canister and some party balloons, which I'd like you to inflate and tie up, and I'd like half on the floor and half on the ceiling. There's a ladder so you'll be able to reach."
I started to walk out of the corridor and head for the window. I was immediately aware of how difficult it was to walk because my arms and legs were splayed out by the pressure inside my balloon suit, and also how careful I had to be to avoid knocking toys off the shelves with my unaccustomed bulk. This would be second nature for Mrs Pyle. Luckily though, the shop was almost empty because it had just opened. I managed to struggle across the store to the window making a constant squeaking noise and having my legs spring apart from each other with every step. By the time I reached the shop window, I was not just red in the face from embarrassment but also from exertion struggling against the air pressure in my balloon costume. How could I be expected to set up a window display wearing this?
The window compartment contained a ladder, lots of uninflated balloons, some string and a canister of what was presumably helium. Unfortunately, the balloons were lying all over the floor rather than somewhere I could easily reach. I was going to have to struggle hard against the air just to bend over enough to reach the balloons. Being the height I was, it would be particularly hard for me to pick them up with my short arms. I started to bend over against the resistance of the balloon surrounding my torso and was confronted with more squeaking and creaking noises and the appearance of a horizontal crease roughly where my waist ought to have been. As soon as I paused, my suit sprang back up into a spherical shape and I had to start again. I was certainly going to have to work hard to earn my wages today!
I decided to lean against the ladder and gradually scoot my legs backwards so that I could gradually manoeuvre myself into a position diagonal enough to reach my arm down and grab a balloon. I was nearly there. Closer...closer...there was a pink balloon just beyond the reach of my fingers. It had also been a considerable effort to bend my arm far enough down to reach the floor. Just a few centimetres more. I shifted my feet just slightly backwards...
Suddenly I shot forwards and toppled onto my front. I wobbled up and down for a while before coming to rest, squashing the front of my catsuit somewhat, but the front of my body was still about thirty or forty centimetres above the floor and my weight had forced the air outwards so that my limbs were now splayed out in an X shape out of reach of the ground. With considerable effort, I bent my left arm down to the floor and managed to scoop up a dozen uninflated balloons. By now, I was sweating and hot from the effort. How was I going to get back into a standing position? My right hand was in reach of the ladder, so I clasped one of its legs and hoisted myself up again, incidentally twisting my body round so that I was facing away from the window. I finally got back into a vertical position, and became aware of a muffled murmuring coming from outside. I swivelled round to face the window.
I felt my face go hot and a startled lurch in my stomach as I blushed to the roots of my hair and my face must have become the same hue as my ballooning catsuit. There was a considerable crowd of people standing right outside the window smiling, pointing and talking to each other about me and my predicament. I was like a comedy act to them, a thing of ridicule, and they had all seen my entire struggle to do anything at all in this humiliating costume. This had now definitely become the most embarrassing day of my life.
I waddled over to the helium cylinder and placed the mouth of the first balloon over its nozzle, clutching the bunch of uninflated balloons in my other hand. After a very self-conscious few seconds of fiddling, I realised that the canister would release gas through the nozzle if I pressed the balloon down firmly onto it. The first balloon filled with gas painfully slowly. I felt an ever-increasing number of pairs of eyes boring into the back of my head as I waited for it to fill. Finally the balloon was fully inflated. The next step was to bring my arms together closely enough to tie a knot in the neck of the balloon. With considerable effort, I reached around the bulk of my inflated suit to bring my hands close enough together to tie the first balloon, and finally succeeded after three attempts. I am actually no good at tying balloons in the best of circumstances, and it was all I could do to stop it from flying off into the shop, but I did manage to tie it after a short while. I then picked up the scissors, which were lying on the stepladder next to the ball of string, and cut myself a length of string to tie to the balloon. Luckily, I could do this with one hand. I then taped the string to the floor beside the edge of the window. All of this was accompanied by the squeaking and groaning of my protesting balloon costume. Right. That was one balloon done. How many more to go?
As the morning wore on, the crowd grew and I got more and more self-conscious, and therefore ever clumsier, but I did discover the control knob on the side of the cylinder nozzle, so I turned it full on in order to inflate the balloons as fast as possible. As time went by, it occurred to me that I might be able to let some of the air out of the suit, and struggled to reach the valve, but as it was way down on my left hand side over my hips, this was impossible. It was all I could do to stop accidentally on purpose stabbing the suit with the scissors. However, I eventually got about twelve balloons standing proudly up on strings across the front of the shop.
Then, two things happened. The helium cylinder and the balloons I had collected both ran out. In a repeat of the earlier performance, this time accompanied by hysterical laughter from the crowd, I fell over, scooped up another handful of balloons and got myself back into a standing position. What was I going to do now, with no helium left?
I decided the best approach would be to blow the balloons up by mouth. This involved a different struggle, lifting the balloon to my lips and blowing, and it was not an insignificant effort to inhale enough to inflate the balloon significantly, what with the pressure on my chest. After I'd done another twelve, I was feeling dizzy and spaced out. The other problem was that the window display was now carpeted with air-inflated balloons which tended to get underfoot.
Mrs Pyle then came in.
"All right, Amanda, how are you doing now?"
She looked at the carpet of balloons.
"Sorry Mrs Pyle, I ran out of helium."
"Oh, I see. Well, you're doing quite well, but I'm afraid you need to inflate quite a few more balloons and maybe stick them up at the top of the window. You also need to use helium still so they don't fall down easily. The ladder's for reaching the ceiling you know. What I'd like you to do now is to fetch another helium cylinder from the store room. Just go down in the basement by the service elevator and you'll find it clearly marked. I'll wait here for you."
I felt stupid for not remembering that I was supposed to be sticking the balloons on the ceiling as well. For a second time, I made my way across the shop, but this time it was crowded with shoppers, many of them pointing and making comments about my apparently amusing appearance, a joke which had worn thin very quickly for me. Due to all the people, many of whom stood still to look at me rather than get out of my way, it took even more effort to struggle across the store this time, and in fact I actually did knock a few toys off the shelves.
The helium cylinder was, as Mrs Pyle had said, easy to find in the basement. What was considerably harder was the process of struggling into the lift with the canister, which was about twice the size of its predecessor, and wheeling it across the still crowded shop floor back to the window again. By the time I got back to where Mrs Pyle was standing, I was completely out of breath and couldn't string two words together. I surely couldn't go on this way. Mrs Pyle on the other hand seemed extremely pleased.
"Amanda, you're doing tremendously! Just you keep going in this way and you can't go far wrong. Is there anything you'd like me to do for you?"
I decided to make a tiny complaint.
"Well, actually Mrs Pyle, I was just wondering if you could let a little of the air out of my costume."
Mrs Pyle looked very doubtful.
"Now, now, Amanda, don't you know how much business you're bringing into the shop by being dressed in that. No, I'm sorry, I actually think we need to inflate it more."
Oh no, please no! I then noticed that she had the foot pump again. She proceeded to screw its hose into my valve and pump frantically and enthusiastically, blowing my suit up even bigger. By the time she'd replaced the valve it seemed a miracle I could move at all. I swivelled myself back to the window ready to resume my task, but she stopped me.
"Hold on Amanda, I'm not quite finished yet." She took a thick marker pen out of her jacket pocket, and started to write something in huge letters right down my front, reading each line out as she wrote it down:
Next line:
And finally, well below my field of vision on the part of the catsuit that was almost facing the floor.
"There you go Amanda, that should help attract more attention. Now if you could just inflate another twenty or thirty more balloons and stick them to the ceiling, that'd be great. There's plenty of helium in that new cylinder and it's completely full. Bye now!"
This was proving to be a very testing day. By now, I could hardly move at all with the costume in its now ridiculously inflated state. I could hear people outside reading my new title out and tittering to each other.
"Amanda the balloon girl"
"Amanda the balloon girl"
I wanted to get this over with, so I turned the control knob all the way round on the new cylinder with such force that it jammed. There were a few balloons left on the step of the ladder closest to my hand, so I took one and stuck it onto the nozzle. It inflated bigger than any of the other balloons had in far less time. In a brief moment of clarity, I noticed that the nozzle was as sharp as a needle. With even more effort, I managed to tie a knot in the neck and started to struggle up the ladder.
The crowd started chanting in unison:
"Amanda the balloon girl!"
"Amanda the balloon girl!!!"
I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing, which was difficult enough in the first place. With their deafening voices in my ears and my vastly inflated suit, each step was a huge effort. The huge balloon, combined with my now even huger costume, was blocking my field of view almost completely. I suppose it was no surprise that I completely forgot about the slippery pile of balloons half way up the ladder. I put my foot on that rung, slipped and fell onto my front.
At first, I couldn't work out what was going on. My suit, amazingly, was inflating even bigger. Then I realised that it was impaled on the sharp nozzle of the helium cylinder, which was jammed full on. It couldn't be far off bursting either, being virtually inflated to its limits already. Then I realised that it was actually impaled right where my waist would have been! It was going to burst any second now, and when it burst, I was going to fall right on the nozzle and the cylinder was going to start releasing air into my actual body!
I could no longer see anything because the suit was now inflating around my body. I tried frantically scrabbling with my arms and legs, but they just slipped against the air balloons all over the floor that I'd inflated earlier. The last thing I remember before my costume popped was the upside-down word "AMANDA" written on the rubber.
The deafening noise made my ears as the rubber layer disintegrated into tiny bits and there was a sharp stabbing pain as I fell onto the nozzle. I was surprised that it wasn't more painful. For a brief moment I was free of the suit's constriction, wearing the inner layer of the scarlet spandex catsuit. I heard a collective gasp from the crowd as the sharp nozzle pierced my skin and the cylinder toppled over. I was now lying on my back. The nozzle had pricked my skin at a steep angle and didn't pierce. any of my internal organs, but nevertheless it was stuck. Ironically, it happened to stick into me exactly where the valve in my costume had been.
Immediately, there was a cold rush and a loud hissing as the helium gas forced itself under the skin of my belly. I struggled to free myself, but it was wedged between me and the wall at the side of the window display and the air balloons I'd inflated earlier made it too hard to get a purchase on the floor. I was going to be inflated for real this time!
The gas forced itself under my skin, firmly separating it from the layer underneath with a sort of ripping sensation, like cobwebs being pulled apart. There was a loud hiss as the cold gas surged into me. It spread across my belly in all directions and I started to look more and more pregnant as it blew me up like a balloon. The swelling forced my legs apart once again and the pressure was building constantly. Terrified, I wondered how big I'd get before I popped, and what it would feel like.
The swelling was creeping up to my chest now and making it swell. I was no longer the possessor of petite breasts - they were blowing up like balloons too. My bra snapped inside the catsuit somewhere, followed soon afterwards by my panties. My skin was getting very tight now and it was all happening terribly fast - it had only been a couple of seconds and I was already hugely inflated. I cried out "Help! Help!" but the crowd just laughed. "What a great actress!" one of them said.
It was one thing to wear an inflated costume, but quite another actually to be inflated for real. The pressure inside me was crushingly strong and it was getting hard to breathe, and I was still inflating. I could hardly believe it, but here I was actually blowing up like a balloon. My torso had become totally round, and the gas showed no sign of stopping. I couldn't move at all, my arms and legs were stuck out again and the gas was actually forcing itself under my skin, which was getting tighter and tighter with every second that passed.
What was going to happen? How much gas was I going to be able to contain before I popped? I was now scared to breathe too deeply in case I burst myself. All I could see in front of me now was the huge ballooning globe that my body had become. I wondered about my funeral. Would they have to put me in a really big coffin, and would people know whether to laugh or cry? If I didn't burst first, would they have to pop me to fit me into a normal-sized casket? I'd turned into a huge round balloon and there was no give left in my body, and I was really inflated almost to bursting point now.
"AMANDA! What the hell's happened! You can't inflate the suit that big, it'll burst. Let that air out right now." It was Mrs Pyle.
I tried to reply, giving short breaths for fear of exploding if I took a larger one.
"Not - suit - it's me!"
"Don't be ridiculous! People can't blow up like balloons! Go on, deflate your costume immediately girl!"
"Can't - fell - on - nozzle."
I was still swelling while this conversation was going on. My body started making ominous creaking noises and my skin was getting firmer and firmer.
"PLEASE! Don't - want - to - pop! Turn - off - cylinder!"
I was a huge inflated globe on the brink of popping now. All I could do was flap my hands and feet uselessly at the end of my vastly inflated limbs.
"Oh my God! You HAVE been blown up like a balloon! You really have! I must turn the gas off immediately!"
She rushed over and struggled with the nozzle, but it was stuck.
"I'll pull it out, Amanda, don't you worry."
"Right - now - please!"
The creaking had been building up to a crescendo and was now joined by a cracking noise. Then, just as I thought all hope was lost, the hiss of the gas faded and died away. The tank was empty. I would have heaved a sigh of relief if I hadn't been so worried about exploding.
There I was, lying helplessly, a human balloon on the brink of bursting. My skin felt incredibly tight and thin, and I also felt very cold. All that helium inside me was at room temperature of course, and my metabolism was now having to struggle to heat hundreds of litres of gas up to body temperature. To the extent that I could, I trembled slightly from fear and the cold, but my flesh was now so tense from the gas pressure that this only produced tiny ripples on my incredibly bloated surface. My jaw was shaking.
"S-s-s-s-o c-c-c-c-old-d-d-d!"
Mrs Pyle looked very worried.
"I'll go and get something to warm you up. Don't worry, you'll be OK. I'll 'phone for an ambulance."
By now, all of the shop staff were gathered around me, talking about the incident. Apparently, despite my now vast size I was invisible, or at least they no longer thought of me as a human being, judging by their comments.
"We've got to get the air out of her quick. Prick her with the scissors."
"No, she'll pop."
"She'll probably pop anyway, maybe we should put her out of her misery."
"What do you think it feels like to be that blown up?"
"I think we're on TV, this has got to be a hoax. No-one could really be inflated like a balloon."
"If she's full of helium, why isn't she floating?"
"Don't be silly, you'd need a whole blimp full for that to work."
It was very scary to have to lie there helpless while they considered, and eventually rejected, the idea of popping me with the scissors.
Back came Mrs Pyle with a baggy sweatsuit big enough for her massive frame. It was red again of course. Everything was red today. It was also the kind that I would have been totally lost in before. "I jogged into work today because I'm trying to lose weight, so I wore this. It's lovely and warm."
She struggled with my legs, finally forcing my swollen right calf into one leg of the sweatpants and pulling it up to my knees. It took even longer to get my even thicker thigh into it. Then she began the even more difficult job of stuffing my left leg into the pants, which was at a considerable and irreducible angle to my right one. As she did this, she remembered the nozzle.
"Oh no, Amanda, I'm so sorry, I forgot to pull the canister out of you. This'll let the gas out, won't it? Here goes..."
With a yank, she managed to pull the spike out of my left side. There was a very brief puff of gas, which stopped almost immediately. I couldn't see the wound of course, as it was on the other side of the sphere that was now my body from my head. I couldn't get why I wasn't deflating though. Surely, if the nozzle had been pulled out the helium would start to rush out too? Apparently not. Was I going to be stuck like this for the rest of my life? How long would that be anyway? What was all the gas inside me doing to my body? How long could I survive as a human balloon?
For the moment, all those questions remained unanswered as Mrs Pyle finally got my leg to bend enough to insert it into the left leg of the pants and pulled them up firmly. Once she'd actually reached the tops of my legs, she had to tug the waistband up to where my waist had once been.
"I'm sorry about this, but I'm going to have to roll you over."
She gave a shove and I rolled towards the window. It was so different than merely wearing an inflated suit, since through the tightly stretched spandex of my catsuit, pressing against my skin, I could feel every bump of the weave in the carpet underneath me. My weight squeezed down my left side and made my front bulge even further forwards, while my left leg and arm were forced out to point past my head and in the opposite direction. Up until then, I'd only been able to see the ceiling and the top half of my vastly distended body, but as I was rolled over I began to see a vague reflection of a huge round red shape in the glass, and beyond, the huge crowd of people watching me through the window. Not only that, but they had now been joined by a couple of camera crews and picture-snapping photographers, whose flashes dazzled my eyes.
Once on my side, Mrs Pyle hoisted up the back of my waistband over my equally inflated buttocks. My legs and lower belly started to feel a little warmer. Then she started to ease my vertical right arm into the sleeve of the zip-fronted hooded top.
"We're getting there Amanda, don't you worry about a thing. The ambulance is on its way."
As she manoeuvred my arm into the sleeve, I gazed in a strangely detached manner out of the window at the crowds of bystanders and journalists. My embarrassment had now reached such a peak that it couldn't grow any further, just as I myself was now so inflated that I couldn't get any bigger.
The back of the top was now draped across my own back.
"I have to roll you onto your front now, I'm afraid" murmured Mrs Pyle as she gently nudged my balloon body further. I lost sight of the window again as I was rotated onto my belly. I was terrified that this would be the end, that my weight would actually pop me if I was rolled onto my front, but although it squished my sides, breasts and groin out along with my limbs, it didn't quite stretch my skin to bursting point. I felt her stretch the back of the top across my own back and pull it hard to push my hand into the arm hole. Luckily, it was stretchy as well as thick, and it reached. Then she rolled me onto my right side and set to work heaving the two halves of the bottom of the zipper together, which she really had to force. Finally, she was able to zip it up slowly, and again I noticed how acutely sensitive my skin had become. I felt each tooth hook on to its companion in exquisite detail, and a little thrill of vibration went through me with each tooth. Once she had got past my middle, the zipping up could go at normal speed. I worried briefly about what would happen if my flesh got caught in the zipper, but it didn't happen. That would definitely have been the end.
I looked down at my now tightly sweatsuit-clad body. It was amazing to think that that huge baggy garment too big for someone even grossly obese was now almost splitting at the seams around my formerly slight form. The zipper was wrinkled down my front, and again I got slightly scared when I wondered if the zipper pull would prick me. My whole body was somehow both gross and incredibly fragile. I noticed for the first time that I could actually feel the vibrations noises in the shop were causing inside me, and there was a steady throbbing from my heart that caused a regular pulsation in my ballooning flesh.
The ambulance arrived, along with the fire brigade. The latter carefully removed the window as I was now too vast to fit through any of the doors of the shop. As they did this, I realised that although I could see some of myself, I didn't actually know exactly what my new shape was. Paramedics then slid a hammock-like structure under me and winched me carefully out of the shop into the back of the ambulance. The hosts of reporters pointed their microphones at me asking questions like "Amanda, how does it feel to be a human balloon?" and "Are you planning to take legal action against the shop?". Mrs Pyle stayed with me in the back of the van and held my hand, saying "Don't worry dear, we'll soon get all that gas out of you. Everything's going to be all right."
We got to the hospital and I was seen almost immediately by a team of medical staff, who were clearly fascinated by my condition. Several of them said there had "only been two cases before in the literature". They photographed me, measured me, weighed me and scanned me. The only things they didn't do were tell me why I wasn't deflating, how they were going to get the helium out of me and whether I'd be OK. Eventually, I was taken up to a ward, where I was gently strapped to a bed barely wide enough to prevent me falling off, and a doctor came to see me.
"Any questions then Amanda?"
"Yes, actually. Why isn't the gas coming out?"
"Ah well, what's happened is that the wound where the helium entered your body formed a one-way valve and the pressure within it is holding it shut. Actually, it's already started to heal up. We thought about pricking you with a pin, but we can't: you would literally pop like a balloon and it would kill you. What's happened, you see Amanda, is that you've been very lucky."
"Yes, honestly. You see, if the nozzle had pierced a blood vessel, even a very small one, it would have caused gas to bubble into your blood and killed you almost immediately. If it had pierced an organ, it would have ruptured that organ and you would have died of internal bleeding. What happened to you though, is that the gas filled the gap between your skin and your insides. We haven't even got a word to describe your condition, so let's just call you lucky."
"OK doctor, well how are you going to get the gas out?"
"With the previous case we just had to wait and it went down completely in a few days, but she was nowhere near as full as you are. If it had gone on for a fraction of a second longer you really wouldn't be here. Not even your body would have been here, because you would have exploded into a thousand pieces. As I say, you've been amazingly lucky."
Just as the doctor had said, I did start to deflate quite soon, but altogether it took around two weeks. While this process was going on, various things happened. I watched videos and saw newspaper reports on my predicament. When I first saw what I'd looked like I couldn't believe it was really all me. I was just this huge balloon in a brilliant red sweatsuit with limbs sticking out in all directions and a tiny looking blond head at the top. That wasn't the end either. Since my skin had been stretched so much, it was now constantly baggy and floppy, which made me feel deeply self-conscious. I sold my story to a women's magazine and a TV documentary was made about me. The shop paid me a huge amount of compensation and I was set up for life, but I still had the problem of my now very baggy and stretched skin. Then one day, a surgeon came to see me.
"I have a proposition for you, Amanda, which might go some way towards sorting out your, how should I put it, cosmetic problem."
It turned out the surgeon was paid by an advertising agency. His solution was ingenious: he would fit me with a valve which would enable air or another gas to be pumped under my skin as had happened during the accident, but this time in a controlled manner. In this way, I would be able to choose exactly my body shape - the breasts I wanted, the buttocks I wanted and so on. I started a new career very much in demand to advertise various products, such as anti-flatulence medicines, weight loss programmes and so forth. In everyday life, I chose to make myself big and busty, with an ample bottom, but I had as much control over my body's appearance as I did over what make up or clothes I wore. By the time my movie career started, I was well on the way to making my first million. Furthermore, I had started a trend. Women all over the world were having themselves surgically altered to become inflatable, and as fashions go, they were begging to be blown up to ever bigger sizes. Anorexia and other eating disorders were consigned to history. Best of all for me, I had completely lost all my shyness and would never be embarrassed again.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, shrinking
Text: The short-haired brunette in a lab coat waved. "Hi again! I'm Jordan."The pony-tailed brunette in a tank top, open blouse, and a skirt gave a polite nod. "I am Flora.""...and today," Jordan said, "we are doing science.""Again.""Again," she repeated."Despite my stern warning against you doing so."Jordan arched an eyebrow. "Why are -you- getting upset? The last time we did science you exploded me by filling me with an Olympic pool's worth of water.""...and the time before that," Flora replied, "-you- filled -me- with helium and let me float off for most of the day.""I didn't -let- you, it was an accident! What -you- did was deliberate.""Though you seemed to be enjoying yourself towards the end."Jordan blushed. "That's- that's not important!" She cleared her throat. "Anyway, I wasn't about to do more science, but we got a grant.""From whom?""I dunno, Smash? Smush? Some company beginning with an 'S.' I was in a hurry to cash the check so I didn't really look." From the pocket of the lab coat she produced a device that, for all the world, looked like a cheap children's toy ray gun. "But they sent this along with it."Flora eyed the device dubiously. "...and that is...?""It's a shrink ray," she said, adjusting the dial on the side.She nodded, letting out a note of disapproval. "We're catering to the perverts now, are we?"Jordan looked over at her. "How often is that joke going to be made?""Until it stops being funny, I would imagine.""Wouldn't it have to start being funny for that to happen?"They grinned and pointed at each other for a second before returning to normal. "But seriously," Flora said, "if this is going where I think it is, one of us is going to have to be the subject.""You want to zap me?""No, I'll be your guinea pig." She gestured to Jordan, then herself. "Three to two. It's only fair. Plus you're the one in the lab coat."Jordan nodded, taking a step back and aiming the gun at Flora. "Ready?""Ready."The beam that emanated from the tip of the shrink ray and struck Flora looked so positively artificial that it had to have been a deliberate design decision on the part of the makers. Flora assumed it had some effect, however, as there was an electric tingling across her skin as her shoes suddenly felt a size too large, and her formerly eye-to-eye stance with Flora had become eye-to-nose. "Are we simply going to ignore that rapid growth and shrinking, as portrayed, require matter to be created and destroyed, respectively?""Yes." Pocketing the shrink ray, she pulled out several index cards. "You could say that a growth ray provided energy that was converted to matter, but if you did that, to double the height of the average woman, you'd be using enough energy to power the United States for a hundred and fifty years."As her clothing grew larger on her, Flora was forced to hold the collar on her tank top up with one hand to keep herself covered. Her skirt began to slip off her smaller hips, and her other hand went to its hem to hold it in place. "Bit of a waste, I'd say.""Yeah." She threw a card away. "Besides, the human body doesn't scale too good. A lot of the world's tallest recorded people needed crutches or leg braces to walk due to the weight being placed on their legs.""Their bones had trouble supporting their body," she said, stepping out of her shoes and pushing them aside. Flora's hips, meanwhile, had trouble keeping her panties up; as they slid free she held her legs together, catching it with her knees. Realizing that she had no way to get them back up and keep them up, however, she let them drop."For -really- tall people they'd have problems all over. Their lungs wouldn't be able to get enough oxygen, their hearts wouldn't be able to pump blood through their body, and their muscles wouldn't be able to move everything. That's because-""The square-cube law." Her blouse slipped off one of her shoulders, looking more like an ill-fitting lab coat with overlong bunched-up sleeves on Flora's shrunken frame. She let her skirt drop - her tank top was starting to reach far enough down anyway - and shook one arm free of the sleeve, then switched hands on her top and pulled out the other, letting it fall away. "Their organs would increase by the square of the scaling factor, but the mass would increase by the cube of it. It's also why their bodies would be composed of more normal-sized cells compared to the average person, rather than a similar number of giant ones: Their cells would be subject to the same law.""Exactly." Jordan tossed two cards over her shoulder. "Also, for the really, -really- tall people, they'd be so large that the signals from their nerves would take seconds to reach their brains. It would be like trying to play an online game with terrible lag.""Fascinating, but I daresay that it's not really relevant to us." She looked down at herself; the bottom of her tank top was starting to bunch up on the ground, and she pushed the straps off her shoulders, leaving her nude. "By which I mean me.""Well, smaller bodies have trouble maintaining body heat, and since people usually get lighter as they get smaller, it's safe to assume that they're losing matter and not just becoming more dense. So at this point you're losing brain cells.""Are you saying that shrinking is making me less intelligent?""I dunno." She tossed the last card in her hands away. "Do you feel dumber?"Flora looked up, and up, at Jordan. Proportionally she was still the same, but in terms of height she came up to just below Jordan's knees. She didn't seem to be getting any smaller, thankfully. "I volunteered for this, so I must be." She shivered before rubbing her arms."If you're cold I can find you some old Barbie doll clothes if you want.""Thanks, but no, I think we're done here. You can return me to normal now."Jordan averted her eyes guiltily for a second. "No I can't.""I'm sorry?""It was a shrink ray, not a shrink-and-grow ray."Flora folded her arms across her chest and glared at her. Despite being less than a foot tall and completely naked in the center a small pile of her own clothes she still managed at least a modicum of intimidation. "I'm stuck like this.""No! No! I wouldn't have done this if it were permanent! It wears off!""Does it.""Yeah!" She gestured, rubbing the back of her neck. "In a... few hours.""HOURS." It was a surprising amount of volume from a small body. "I had -plans-, Jordan. Plans that didn't involve me being tiny for 'a few hours.'"Jordan thought for a moment. "Okay, so..." She approached Flora before leaning over and gently picking her up, holding her under the arms and around the waist with one hand. "Oh wow, you're really light. "As Flora's legs dangled, she clung to Jordan's fingers for dear life. She knew she was safe in her hand, but despite that she didn't want to take any chances. "Being small will do that to you. How do you propose we remedy this problem?"She crossed the room, stopping beside a large air tank. Uncoiling the hose with her free hand, she gave the valve on the nozzle a quick tap and was rewarded with a burst of air."Oh."Jordan held up Flora, fingers and thumb beneath her arms, before pressing the nozzle to her navel with surprising precision and holding down the trigger.Flora went wide-eyed as a blast of air entered her, the force so powerful and the volume so great that she felt that she would burst then and there. Her body was shoved outward in all directions so quickly it may as well had been instantaneous to her, becoming a volleyball-sized sphere balanced in Jordan's free hand. Dazed, she moved one arm to try and test her elasticity, realization eventually dawning on her that she had mobility in her arms and, indeed, her head and limbs were completely untouched, dangling off the sides of her body.Jordan quirked an eyebrow. "Well, that's new. Maybe I can..."She gave Flora another long drought of air, pressing the trigger more gently. Her forearms and thighs went stiff, sticking straight out, before swelling with air. Their growth made them longer as well as rounder, the air concentrating in the upper arms and legs, thickening them to a more proportionate width before the thickness spread downward, stretching them out like a party balloon, until they stopped at her elbows and knees.Jordan squeezed down on the trigger, trying to speed up Flora's inflation and accidentally giving her another full blast, her body rapidly blimping a few more inches before she turned it off. Pulling the nozzle free, she tapped it a few times to test the spring before placing it against Flora's navel and easing another slow stream of air into her. It continued along her forearms and lower legs, stretching them longer and thicker before pausing again at her ankles and wrists. Flora flexed her hands and wiggled her feet just before they swelled up, all at once, into nub-covered balloons. A second later her digits followed suit, becoming fat sausages for fingers and round balls for toes.She continued to fill her, waiting for the growth to continue. Flora was certainly taller than she was before Jordan started pumping gas into her, and definitely rounder. She wasn't heavier, though, and despite her size that was the one saving grace that let her hold her one-handed. "You're almost done, Flora."Flora went cross-eyed. "Jordan, I feel a little strange." Her lips suddenly grew plump and her cheeks fat, and she was aware of a hissing noise somehow coming from -between- her ears just before her oval-shaped face took on a more rounded, puffy look. It doubled, then tripled in scale, growing before finally becoming more proportional to her limbs, albeit much more spherical than it was before.Jordan removed the hose, effortlessly setting Flora down. She was back to roughly her normal height, if not her normal proportions: Physically, she resembled no less than a flesh-toned exercise ball with swollen limbs and a head full of air. "See? Normal size."Flora slowly patted her belly with half-bent fingers, not really sure of what she was feeling as she swayed unsteadily on rounded feet. "Thank you?" she slowly asked."You're welcome. How does it feel?"She thought for several seconds. "Kind of good, but..." She lazily gestured with one hand towards her head. "...my head feels all disconnected.""Like it's full of air?""Yeah.""It is.""Oh." Flora meandered away, moving in a slow, bobbing gait. "I'm going to lie down for a bit."Jordan nodded. "Good plan. Just don't walk in front of-"Flora glided back past her, slowly spinning in midair. "Wooooooaaaaaaah.""...the fan."
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, alien, floating, hydrogen, oxygen, self inflation, water
Text: "Shhh...here she comes!"
"Hey, don't look back yet."
"What's the big deal? She looks normal enough to me."
"Oh yeah? Just wait 'til she turns around!"
"Well I still don't see...Whoa!"
"Somthin' isn't she?"
"She looks human!"
"Yeah, a green-haired, pointy-eared, sabre-toothed, well-stacked human."
"Okay, so she's not quite human. What planet did they say she was from?"
"They say she's from Swaf 5...some sort of desert planet...can it, she's walking this way!"
Luke and John tried to look innocent as Galaxy University's new alien-exchange student walked briskly toward the end of the cafeteria line where they were standing. They tried not to stare directly at her "breasts" which swayed and jiggled violently with each of her bouncy steps.
"Greetings! My name is Neeko. May I sit with you in the dining establishment? I have not yet made any friends and I would appreciate your companionship." Luke seemed to be in a trance...staring deeply into her eyes which, now that he was close enough for a good look, seemed to flicker and change color every few seconds.
"Hmm, mood-eyes" he thought to himself. "Hi, I'm Luke and this is John. We'd be happy to...Ow!" Luke began, but then received a sharp nudge from John, whose smirking face seemed to say, "she's an alien man! Snap out of it!" After picking up their trays, John grabbed Luke's arm and dragged him to an empty table.
"She's an alien man!"
"I knew you were going to say that...Come on! You have to admit she's beautiful."
"Yeah, but still..." "...And I've had semi-successful relationships with other alien coeds."
"Okay okay, so maybe it's a possibility...but you should at least go get a physical profile of the Swafs. I mean, she might not even have the right plumbing...after all, she does come from a desert planet."
"Hmm, he's got a point." Luke thought to himself. Then again, he had in the past found other ways to make love to alien women who were missing certain bodily features.
"Okay you win. After lunch I'll call up the Swaf file on my notebook computer."
"Good man."
"I appreciate your offer, but I just cannot drink your Dr. Fizz!" Luke and John turned around and saw Neeko sitting at another table. She was trying to fight off the advances of a Norsher, who seemed to be trying to force feed her a 32 oz. soda.
"Please miss, I was admiring the way you eat, and nothing would give me more pleasure than to see you gulp down this drink!" And with that Goalf the Norsher finally was able to get a drop onto her lips. She absentmindedly licked the drop from her mouth, and then her eyes became bright blue, and seemed to lock on the drink cup. She licked her lips again and began smacking them as if she was dying of thirst. To the delight of Goalf she snatched the drink from him, holding it with two hands and slurping on the straw as if it were a baby bottle. Goalf frequently badgered women at the cafeteria into eating stuff for him, so no one really paid attention to what was going on, except for Luke and John. They watched even more intently as they noticed Neeko begin to make little noises of contentment as she sucked greedily on the straw. "Mmm mmm mmm mmm" Neeko closed her eyes and moaned. She was clearly in ecstacy, but at the same time she was praying that no one was watching her, for as she felt the soda drain down the tubes of her digestive system, she knew where its final destination would be.
"What the hell is going on over there!?! Luke? Damnit you're zoning out on me again Luke!"
"Huh? Wha?"
"Get out your computer and call up that file now!"
"Okay okay!" Luke opened up his notebook computer and linked up with the National Alien Database. He punched up the Swaf file, skimmed through the biological section and began reading one passage aloud. "Okay here it is: 'The Swaf female's only major orifices are located on the head.' Damn! I shoulda known!"
"Not that paragraph stupid! Keep reading!"
"Okay...let's see..."
"Mmmmm" Neeko continued to moan and slurp until nothing but air gurgled through her straw. John looked back just in time to see her set the large cup down to the side, giving him a perfect view of her figure.
"Ah, here it is! 'Water is very scarce on Swaf. However, when a Swaf female does consume water, it triggers the pleasure center in her brain, causing her to consume the entire body of liquid she is drinking from. Small amounts are converted directly to energy, but large amounts of fluid are stored for later conversion in..."
"Her breasts!"
"Hey that's right, how did you know that?"
"Look man! Look!"
Luke felt John's elbow nudging him painfully, so he quickly spun his chair around. His jaw dropped like a drawbridge as he looked at Neeko and her newly bloated chest! The half gallon of soda had been split evenly between both her breasts, and they now threatened to burst from her denim jacket. She struggled to undo her buttons and then her melon-sized breasts literally spilled out, jiggling like two swollen water balloons as they filled her pullover sweater.
"Whoa Luke! Maybe you should ask her out after all!..." John began, but Luke had already sprang out of his chair running toward Neeko, for he was afraid of what Goalf's next move might be.
"Oh no! Look what you've done!" she scolded Goalf through her tightly clenched teeth--she didn't want to attract too much attention. She cupped her hands under her breasts, feeling that they were still firm and round, despite being bloated with soda.
"What I did? But you..."
"That's enough Goalf, just leave the lady alone!" Goalf backed off at Luke's command. He was really harmless, and a few harsh words were always enough to drive him away.
"Are you okay Ms. Neeko?"
"Oh please just call me Neeko. Yes I'm fine now, thank you Lake."
Luke could here the soda fizz and swish in her swaying breasts as she stood to greet him.
"It's Luke. And..."
"...and don't mind Goalf, " John said as he walked up to them,
"He's a Norsher...they enjoy feeding women until they're big as a house."
"Especially beautiful women, " added Luke, and Neeko shoot him a smile that said, "Flattery will get you everywhere!"
"Oh well, I guess he could've done worse. If that stuff was water, my body break most of it down into hydrogen and oxygen gas. What was in that drink anyway? It makes me feel all tingly inside."
"Carbonated water," John said bluntly.
"Oh no, I have to get out of here!" she muttered nervously through her sharp teeth. Luke suddenly heard a faint hissing sound and noticed Neeko's breasts begin to swell even larger, pushing her jacket open further.
"Hydrogen and oxygen? Shit those are volatile gases man!" John whispered to Luke. "Let's get out before she blows!" Ignoring his friend's warnings Luke grabbed Neeko's arm and quickly escorted her out the back door to an area behind the cafeteria hidden by bushes.
"Unnngh, I'm blowing up!" Neeko moaned loudly as her hissing breasts began to inflate more rapidly. Luke began to back away, but then it seemed she was moaning from pleasure, not from pain.
"Mmmmmmm" She closed her eyes and made little noises of contentment like she did when she was drinking until finally her breasts stopped inflating. She looked down at her pumpkin-sized breasts stretching her white sweater to it's limits.
"Are you okay Neeko?" Luke asked, noticing that she was standing on her toes as if she were about to float away. Her breasts seemed to be pulling her chest skyward.
"Oohh my! My body can't absorb this much gas...unngh, I must release it!" And with that she began massaging her nipples through her sweater until they became erect. She continued massaging them until finally, there was a faint hissing sound and her breasts slowly deflated back to normal.
"Boy was that weird!" Luke thought to himself. After unsuccessfully attempting to make her over-stretched sweater look decent again, Neeko walked over to Luke, "I really appreciate your helping me Locust."
"It's Luke."
"I would have been really embarrassed if that had happened inside. What can I do to thank you?"
Luke didn't have to think long. "Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
"I'd love to! Do you have a kitchen?"
"Well ya but..."
"Grand! I'll bring over some food and cook the customary Swaf first-date meal. Where do you live?"
"I'm renting that blue house on Bailey Street. But I..."
"Okay, I'll see you at...7pm then, is that alright?"
"Um ya I guess...but..."
"Okay it's a date then! See you tonight Lokey!" she said, and she quickly disappeared around the cafeteria building.
"Gee, she's even more aggressive than my second ex-girlfriend, " Luke thought to himself.
"Now all you have to do is get her to drink some water tonight!" said John, who had been watching the whole thing from behind a dumpster. "Hey, that would be awfully evil." Luke raised his hand to his chin and pondered for a moment, "I have to admit, the thought did cross my mind."
John held his hands up and moved them outward as if he were trying to contain huge inflating breasts.
"Stop John."
John then began to bob up and down on his toes, "Oh no, I'm gonna float away! Grab my leg Luke!"
"Cut it out!"
"Oh no! Don't light that match! Kaaaboom!" John lost his balance and fell to the ground laughing uncontrollably. "John!"
"Oh alright! Jeeze, no sense of humor." DING DONG!
"Ah, 7pm on the dot," Luke opened the door to find Neeko standing there holding a grocery bag. She had changed from her overstretched sweater into a silvery latex-like body-suit (probably some sort of Swaf fashion). It completely covered her body like a second skin, creaking softly with even the slightest movement.
"Where did she find a fetish clothing store in this town?" Luke thought to himself.
"Greetings Lunk! We are fortunate! The university convenience store received a shipment of Swaf food! I will prepare it for us! Take me to your kitchen!" Neeko exclaimed. She bounced up and down with excitement, almost dropping her alien groceries.
"Okay, I guess we'll get right down to dinner then. The kitchen is this way."
Luke lead her to his kitchen/dining area, which he had frantically cleaned up for her arrival. Strangely, as soon as she entered she stopped dead and looked as if she'd seen a ghost.
"I hadn't anticipated that human kitchens would be so different! Please tell me what this device is," she said pointing to a burner.
"Oh that's the stove top. We use it to cook our food at high temperatures."
"Perfect!" said Neeko, and she removed an ornate pot from her bag and placed it on the stove, turning the temperature control to medium high.
"And what is this device?" she said pointing to the top of his refrigerator.
"That's the freezer...it's where we freeze stuff for storage."
"Perfect!" she said again, removing a dish that was covered in frost from her bag. She opened the door and set it down inside. "What is down here?" she said opening the bottom part of the refrigerator.
"That's where we keep other stuff cold like beverages and stuff."
Neeko's eyes widened and she seemed to stare longingly at the cans of beer and soda. "Oh...beverages" she sighed, then quickly snapped out of her trance and slammed the door shut. "Okay, what other devices are here?"
Luke noticed her reaction to his drinks, but didn't mention it.
"Well, there's the microwave where we nuke food and the toaster oven and..." Neeko continued taking food out of her sack and placing it into every appliance Luke described. She had punched up, plugged in, and switched on just about everything but the kitchen sink.
"What is this?"
"The kitchen sink."
"What does it do?"
"Not much, you just turn this knob and..." "Water!?! Humans have water dispensers in their homes???"
"Yeah, pretty much everyone has one. Since you're from a desert planet you probably haven't seen much water, but human's need plenty of it to survive. So as long as I pay my bills, that faucet will pretty much have an endless supply of...Neeko? Are you okay?"
Beverages in the refrigerator and an endless supply of water from the kitchen sink...the concept was almost overwhelming to Neeko, who had once again fallen into a thirstful trance.
"Wha? Oh sorry! I was just um...watching the gwabo, I think it needs stirring," she said, diving her hand into the pot of steaming hot...uh...steaming hot...um...
"Uh, gee, what are you cooking Neeko?"
"It's gwabo...you know, stewed gwabat nards." She easily withstood the heat and (as Luke now noticed) the stench as she literally hand stirred the stinky, greasy nards of a gwabat. Needless to say, Luke was feeling a little ill.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom for a minute. I'll be right back," and with that he bolted out of the kitchen holding his hand over his mouth and nose.
Now alone in the kitchen, Neeko found it very difficult to control her urges. She tried sipping some gwabo, but this anhydrous sludge couldn't satisfy her thirst for water. Finally, Neeko convinced herself that if she drank one can of beer, she could control her thirst for the rest of the night. So she opened the refrigerator, grabbed a can, bit into it and started slurping.
A few gulps later the can was empty and her breasts were each 8 ounces fuller. She patted her chest and let out a belch of contentment. Thanks to the beer (and her newly impaired judgement) she decided, "What the heck. Another can won't hurt." Can after can she bit into and drank. Her breasts swelled larger and larger with each gulp. Underneath the silver latex they looked even more like water balloons than they did in the cafeteria. By the time she had gulped down all of the beers and soda in the refrigerator, her breasts were each as big as one gallon milk jugs. The liquid inside her swished and fizzed audibly, and she had trouble keeping her balance as her jugs jiggled and swayed from side to side.
"Oh no, what have I done!?!" Neeko exclaimed. She cupped her hands underneath her bloated boobs and wondered whether Luke would be upset at her lack of self control.
"Oh well at least there's no more wat..." her thought was interrupted by a very tantalizing sound. DRIP! She heard it again and her eyes turned toward the kitchen sink. DRIP! "...an unlimited supply..." she whispered to herself. DRIP! Neeko was truly hypnotized now as she slowly approached the sink, licking her lips in thirst. She lifted herself onto the counter and then lay down with her head in the sink, looking up at the faucet. DRIP! When that single drop hit her lips she could no longer control herself. She turned the knob on the faucet and began to guzzle furiously as the stream poured into her mouth. Her hands struggled to keep her swollen 'water'- melons from pulling her off the counter.
"Mmmmm mmmm mmmmm!" she moaned happily in between gulps. The sensations from her rapidly bloating breasts were giving her pleasure more intense than anything she'd ever felt before. When Luke returned from the bathroom, he was shocked by the sight before him. Neeko was laying on the counter with her head under the faucet greedily gulping down every drop, and by now her breasts looked like two water-filled beach balls, and were still swelling visibly. Her latex sleeves made loud squeaking sounds as her arms struggled to hold her bloated breasts.
"Neeko! Stop that!"
"I can't!" Neeko managed to gurgle from under the water stream. "I can't help myself Lurk! It feels so good! An endless supply! Mmmmm!"
Luke attempted to turn off the faucet, but the knob was jammed. After a little of struggling, he managed to pull her arm away from her left tit. It's bloated mass fell to her side and pulled her off the countertop onto the floor. She landed on her chest with a loud SPLASH!
"Yep yep! I landed on my boob balls! My beach boobs! Hahahaha!"
"You're drunk!"
"Nooo! I only had one six pack...is that so wrong? Hahahaha! Oooo, I feel funny..."
A loud bubbling and then a hissing came from Neeko's breasts. Luke turned her over and sure enough they had begun to swell again...this time with air! Since her breasts had inflated so big last time, Luke knew she'd wreck his house if he didn't get her out soon. Her breasts were too heavy for her to stand up, and she certainly couldn't walk outside. Luke had to think fast.
"How would you like a piggy back ride?" "Well okay, but I don't think my tits are big enough to support you yet."
"No no no, just climb on."
His head was completely surrounded by the valley of Neeko's breasts, but he managed to find his way to the sliding glass doors in the back of the house. He kicked both of them off of their tracks, and Neeko's now bean bag sized breasts fit easily out the double doorway. But they weren't finished inflating yet. They grew larger and lighter, forcing Neeko to stand on her toes as her giant balloons pointed toward the sky. Neeko continued to moan from the pleasure her rapidly expanding breasts were giving her until a major problem arose.
"Help Leak! I'm going to float away! Grab my leg!" Her couch sized breasts had finally stopped inflating, but suddenly her feet had left the ground.
"If only John knew how right he was," thought Luke as he grabbed Neeko's leg and tied a vine from a nearby tree around her ankle. "Okay Neeko, you'd better release the gas now before something pops you."
"Unnngh, but...but I can't reach my nipples! You'll have to tickle them for me Lurch!"
"It's Luke, " Luke grumbled, pulling down one massive tit. He began massaging and licking the huge fist sized nipple and then moved to the other one.
Just when he had started to really get into it Neeko said, "that's enough! It's starting now! Stand back!" After a couple seconds Luke heard a hissing sound and her breasts began to quickly deflate. There was one miscalculation in their plan however. Neeko's bodysuit had no place for air to escape! It soon began to billow out at her hips, then her thighs and arms until when her breasts were finally back to normal she looked like the Goodyear blimp floating in her silver latex bodysuit. They both were puzzled at this new dilemma until Luke finally got an idea. He climbed on top of her, cause her to sink to the ground. Then he pulled on her turtle neck collar allowing all the air to escape, most of it gusting into the doorway he'd just carried Neeko through.
After struggling inside her suit to get her limbs back into the right sleeves, she gave Luke a hug and said, "Thanks, you saved me again. My hero! BURP! Oh excuse me! I sorry I ruined our evening."
"That's alright. It could've been worse...say, do you smell something burning?" Suddenly Luke's head began to race. "Burning nards + hydrogen and oxygen gas = ROCKET FUEL! Oh shit! Let's get out of here!"
Luke and Neeko ran to the street and looked back just in time to see his house get blown to bits. Several firetrucks soon arrived and attempted to put out the blaze.
"Jeeze man, what happened here?" said John as he walked up. Luke's friend was a frequent rubbernecker and firetruck chaser.
"I couldn't take the heat so I got out of the kitchen."
"Ha ha. Let me guess...Neeko? I told you! Volatile gases man! Volatile gases!" "Yeah, I guess you were right John."
"Hey, am I ever wrong? Don't answer that. I guess you better go break up with her then, before she nuke's something else."
"Yeah, I guess I'd better...gee, where'd she go?"
"Hey lady! Give us back our fire hose!"
"OH NO not again!" Luke shook his head in disbelief as Neeko stuck the firehose nozzle in her mouth and pulled the lever. Her breasts filled so quickly that she immediately fell forward onto the ground. In a few seconds however her breasts had bloated large enough for her to stand up again. She was almost squealing in orgasmic delight as she swallowed more water than she could have ever imagined. She was no longer visible behind her tits as they swelled to the size of Volkswagen beetles.
"Neeko stop! You're going to explode!" She seemed too entranced to hear Luke's plees as she continued to drink from the firehose. Her breasts continued to swell larger and larger, looking like the most gigantic water balloons in the world. When the firemen finally wrestled the hose from her mouth her breasts were each larger than trailer homes and their growth had lifted her body a few feet off the ground.
"Neeko! Are you okay?"
"Mmmm! Okay!?! I've never felt better! I never dreamed of drinking so much water! My breasts are so full and tingly, and it's all thanks to you! But I'm afraid I can't stay...for I would eventually drain your planet dry and make it like my own."
"What do you mean? Neeko, what are you going to do?" Before Luke could get an answer, a loud bubbling then a hissing sound indicated that Neeko's water conversion had begun. Her breasts grew absolutely enormous, lifting her body several feet off the ground before they themselves were light enough to break the bonds of gravity. They were much larger than any house, and the bore a striking resemblance to twin Goodyear blimps until they finally blasted the latex suit off them with an earth shaking BANG that knocked everyone off their feet. When they finally stopped inflating they were the length of a football field from front to back and from top to bottom. Neeko's tiny body was barely visible at the back of the two gargantuan boob blimps, but Luke could see she was wildly spasming from the intense sensations she was feeling through her giant balloons.
"Luke I want to go home! Do you have a light!"
"A light? What does she mean?" Luke thought as he watched her legs continue to flail, but now her arms were massaging what she could reach of her super-inflated breasts. Then Luke thought he heard the sound of a jet engine, but realized it was air escaping from Neeko's nipples. Her enormous nipples were so sensitive now she did need to touch them to start the deflation response. She somehow seemed able to steer herself through the sky, and did circles over the remains of Luke's house, waiting for his response.
"She wants to go home? A light? What's she talking about Luke?" asked John. But Luke was gone, having figured out her plan, he raced to his car and removed a flare from his trunk. He lit it and began to aim his throwing arm for Neeko's nipples. "Luke are you nuts??? You'll nuke the whole university...the whole city if you throw that!"
"Well that's a chance I'm willing to take...after all, she did call me Luke, "and with that he launched the flare dead center between Neeko's nipples. The gases ignited and the two blimps took off together like rockets until the flames were only a tiny flicker in the night sky. Luke got a postcard from Neeko the next week thanking him for all his help. The card would've arrived sooner, but of course, she'd gotten his name wrong again.
"That's a neat little trick she did with those rocket hooters. Rumor has it that's how she got here in the first place, " said John looking over Luke's shoulder. Luke was staying with John since his house got fried. Fortunately, an alien friend from Galaxy U's college of architecture offered to rebuild the house for an extra credit project.
"Well bud, are you finally through with alien girls for good?"
"Heck no! One bad date isn't the end of the world...I mean, after all, a guy can't have bad luck with every woman he meets...can he?"
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, ASMR, floating, hypnosis
Text: The email couldn't have come at a better time. The client had moved their deadline up, so the firm was making Lily and her team working later to get their new logo out. Two sixty-hour weeks were starting to show in her face, her eyes sunken and slightly darker, as well as her blonde hair, which had lost its healthy sheen and showed signs of frizz. Though she loved her job, it was the routine crunch before the end of their projects that was its most tiresome aspect. Her usual habits of listening to ASMR videos at her desk were progressively becoming less effective as well. But earlier that day, the message popped up in her inbox, giving her something to look forward to after work.
She could already tell who it was from, the ASCII hearts and stars in the subject line being a dead giveaway. "Thank you again sooooo much for the new logo and animation for my channel!", the body read. "I know it's been a couple weeks but I'm going to start using it on my next video. Even better news, I finally got around to that private video I promised you. A deal's a deal, after all ;)". A hyperlink was below, hanging tantalizingly in Lily's view. As much as she wanted to watch it now, she knew it'd be very odd for her co-workers to see her zoned out to some YouTube video.
Her last three hours seemed to zoom by after that, having been buoyed by the promise of a relaxing evening before her day off. At 6PM she left work, treated herself to dinner at her favorite Thai place, and arrived at her apartment just as the sun had finished setting. She pulled out her laptop and proceeded to get comfy, laying down on her sofa as she opened the email. Clicking the private link within, she was greeted with a new tab that started playing her digital reward.
She felt a swell of pride as she saw her animation play as the video's intro. Despite her hours of work causing to make her sick of it, she found new excitement in seeing it used for its intended purpose. The video then crossfaded to reveal a young Belgian woman with a brown pixie cut. She was sitting cross-legged in front of a white plaster wall, her 3D microphone standing in front of her on the hardwood floor. She was smiling, and waving a bit.
"Hey Lily! It's your friend Julia", she whispered into the mic. Lily instantly recognized her French-tinged accent as she spoke. "I want to thank you so much for helping me with my channel. I hope this special video for you is adequate. As you requested, this is a hypnosis video, but this one is especially made for you. I wanted to give you a special treat, so I'm going to be trying out some new triggers I've been playing around with".
Not that Lily wasn't engaged before, but this new wrinkle piqued her interest even more. Looking to her right, she found her earbuds on the glass coffee table and proceeded to plug them into her laptop. Placing them in her ears, she had a good feeling about this video.
"I know you must be excited", Julia continued, "so let's get to it. The thing you get to be my little test bunny for is..." She leaned to the left, grabbing something just out of frame, and then centering herself again, plastic bag in hand.
"Balloons". She let the "b" sound almost pop off of her lips, and followed it by crinkling the bag to emphasize it. Tingles poured down Lily's scalp and onto the back of her head. She felt blissful already.
"So, Lily dearest, get comfy, and make sure your headphones are in, because I really want to test how effective this is". She daintily reached one hand into the bag, rummaged around for a couple of seconds, and pulled an uninflated balloon out. "Ooooh, blue. My favorite".
Lily had pulled the coffee table closer to the couch, and placed her laptop on it. With a couple of adjustments, she was able to position it so that she could see it while laying on her back on the couch, her head propped up by a pillow. Now focused on the fullscreened video, the glow seemed to extend out of the screen, erasing the blackness of her living room from her vision.
Julia set the bag down, then pinched the balloon on either end with the thumb and middle finger of each of her hands. Pulling it slowly apart, the sounds of rubber friction were picked up by the microphone, prompting further tingling from Lily.
"Now, I want you to close your eyes", Julia started, to which Lily complied. "Picture your mind as a pond, situated in the middle of the darkest, most peaceful night sky, stretching out, as far as the eye can see". Julia subtly laced her words with gently smacking sounds of her lips parting, whispering very intently from one "ear" of her 3D mic to the other. "On this pond you see a great number of ripples disturbing its surface. These are your thoughts. In our day to day life, we have many thoughts, some larger than others, some staying with us for a while, most of them fleeting. I'm sure you see many ripples right now, but for now, we want to make the pond placid".
Julia closed her eyes in the video, transferring the balloon into her right hand. The fingers started to rub the balloon into her palm, creating a steady tempo of creaking noises that Lily found pleasureable. After a good ten seconds, she spoke again.
"Now, I'm going to count down from twenty, and on every number I want you to exhale. With each breath you send out, I want you to picture a calming wave on the surface of the pond, radiating outward, subduing all the ripples. By the time we reach one, the surface will be perfectly still. Ready?"
A short pause. Lily could hear Julia inhale, punctuated by her drawn-out rubs of the balloon. As she breathed out "Twenty", another squeak accompanied her exhale.
Inhale, squeeeeak. "Nineteen", squeeeeak.
Inhale, squeeeeak. "Eighteen", squeeeeak.
Inhale, squeeeeak. "Seventeen", squeeeeak.
By this point, Lily felt as if Julia was conducting her breath, leading her lungs a fraction of a second ahead of her. The subtle noises of her surrounding apartment fell away, as she focused on the respiration of her guide, the intermittent rubber of the balloon underscoring it.
"Twelve", squeeeak.
Sensation seemed to fade into the background, the couch no longer pressing on her body, the temperature of her apartment becoming irrelevant.
"Eight", squeeeeak. After this, Julia stopped counting, leaving only her breathing and the balloon to subdue Lily. Lily herself carried on as before, letting the count fade away like her thoughts. Time stretched out, only marked in passage by the noises being transmitted to her through her earbuds. After a small infinity, Julia's breathing stopped, as did the balloon's contributions.
Using the gentlest of whispers, she continued. "The pond is now perfectly still, stretching out as far as anyone can see. Now, there's another reason why I picked balloons for you. Over the course of getting to know you, I sensed that your aura wished to be free, but that it seemed held down by earthly worries. I was reminded of when I was a little girl, being amazed by these bunches of balloons, gently swaying with the wind, letting them go wherever they were swept to. I saw how their strings tethered them, preventing them from realzing their... balloony nature". Julia giggled a bit.
"So, on this pond, I want you to picture an uninflated balloon, resting on the surface. This balloon is you, and today we are going to let it do what it desires to do: float away and be free".
Julia opened her eyes, seeming like she could stare through the screen into Lily's living room.
"Now, in your mind, I want you to tie the stem of the balloon, allowing it to be free of outside influences". Julia started tying the one in her hand, letting the noises cement the image in Lily's imagination. She started breathing deeply into the microphone again, again causing Lily's lungs to be puppeted.
"With each breath...", inhale.
"With each lungful...", inhale.
"You see your balloon...", inhale.
"Start to stir...", inhale.
Lily's trance had been effective in making her ignore tactile sensations, so she couldn't notice the beginnings of a stirring in her breasts. As she pictured the balloon in her mind start to firm up and take shape, her nipples started to erect, pressing into her sweatshirt. The balloon in Julia's hand started showing signs of movement as well. Pinching it by the stem, she held it up to the mic, allowing its rubber rustling to reinforce her imagery.
"With each breath...", inhale, squeak.
"You feel the balloon...", inhale, squeak.
"You feel yourself...", inhale, squeak.
"Filling with calm...", inhale, squeak.
Lily's breasts started getting rounder, trying to push their way out of the fabric that encased them. Her pelvis seemed to start raising up as well, as the cloth of her yoga pants tightened. Her hands, which had been resting on her stomach with fingers interlaced, appeared to be pushing apart as well. In the video, the balloon Julia was pinching continued to slowly pulse, pumping with each breath to the size of an apple. As it grew larger, the air entering it started to become audible.
"With each breath...", inhale, squeak, hiss.
"You relax your body more...", inhale, squeak, hiss.
"Allowing yourself...", inhale, squeak, hiss.
"To be expanded...", inhale, squeak, hiss.
Lily's stomach had grown larger, causing her hands to fall down to her sides. Her thighs had started to push against each other, forcing them to move outward. Her hips had moved upward as well, balanced perfectly on her ripening backside. Had she had her eyes open, her breasts would have eclipsed the view of the rest of her body, though her prominent nipples were visible through the fabric. Had she been awake, she may also have noticed a hissing noise emitting from her body as well.
The computer screen showed Julia gently holding the balloon between her hands now, as it had grown to the size of a small melon. While keeping her breathing at a steady and audible level, she started to rub the balloon with her fingers, creating delicious creaking noises to keep Lily under. Occasionally she'd look at the object in her hands admiringly, then closing her eyes and kissing it next to the mic, all while maintaining a loving smile on her face.
A crevice of sweatshirt fabric that had been forming between Lily's belly and breasts was now being pulled taught by their swelling outward. Its hem had started moving up her body as well, exposing the underside of her soft, hemispherical tummy. Her sides had started puffing up, trying to navigate around her core to get to her spine. Her butt and thighs continued their progress as well, pulling down the waist of her pants as that part of her was made increasingly heart-shaped. Her core started to be lifted up, her back having joined in her yearning to fly away.
Her sides had puffed up large enough to push her arms away; her right one was moved off the side of the couch, left to dangle above the coffee table in its half-swollen state. Her left one had been squeezed upward along the back of the couch by her bulbous torso, causing it to be hoisted to an angle jutting ever-upward. Her arms had been receiving air from her shoulders and collar, which had started to encroach upon her neck. Her head started to lift up from the pillow, as the disparate swollen parts of her began to unify.
Her breathing was still being driven by Julia's. The balloon in her hand was nearly at its full size now, starting to show signs of buoyancy. Julia moved it to the frame's center and wrapped her arms around it, causing the balloon to emit a low creak. She slowly kissed its skin several times while looking through the screen, making sure the sounds were clearly heard by the mic. She then gazed back at the balloon, and spoke:
"You're so relaxed now, Lily. It looks like you're almost ready to leave the ground." This was true, as her body had started to absorb her limbs, gaining up to her knees and elbows. Her oblique had pushed against the back of the couch, causing her to be tilted to the right by her increasingly round form. Her breasts had started to join with the curve of her body, which extended from a couple inches below her chin, to her outwardly expanding crotch.
"Are you ready Lily? Ready to leave your earthly concerns behind? Ready to ascend, and join the clouds in their bliss? I can feel your desire to, my little balloon. And so, I'm going to count down from five, and as I do, you will picture the balloon in your mind approaching its maximum size. When I reach one, you will see it take off from the ground, and I will release you to fly away, my balloon-girl. Ready?"
Julia took a deep breath in, and set the turgid balloon in her upturned hands in front of her.
"Five." As she said this, Julia pursed her lips and blew onto the balloon, which somehow swelled in response to it. Lily's body responded in kind, causing her greatly-taxed clothes to creak with stress. A couple of stitches along the backside of her yoga pants popped.
Julia inhaled. "Four", blow, hiss, creak, pop. Another stitch had gone along the left leg. Lily's skin had almost reached her wrists and ankles, and was starting to touch her chin and the back of her head.
Inhale, "Three", blow, hiss, creak, pop, pop. Two more on the right. The bubble of Lily's form now stretched midway to her hands and feet, immobilizing them.
Inhale, "Two", blow, hiss, creak, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Her body's pulsing outward pushed her up from the couch, where she hung in the air.
Just as soon as she had touched back down to the cushions, she swelled again, and started rising. A newfound wave of tingling and luxurious contentment washed over her as she ascended. Her earbud cord was pulled taught, though, keeping her head several feet above her computer as the rest of her body rose, rotating around this tether point.
Julia had let go of her balloon, which had slowly risen past the top of the frame. Looking up admiringly at it for a moment, she then leaned into the mic and looked at the camera.
"You make a beautiful balloon, Lily", she said, smiling. "Thank you again for everything. I'll see you soon." She then waved, and the video ended, leaving a dull grey color on the computer screen. After a couple minutes, the earbuds slipped out of Lily's ears, freeing her to bounce off the ceiling of her living room, and Lily's hypnotic state gave way to her entering sleep. After a while, her laptop slept, too.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, inhale
Text: The woman shoved open the side door of the plane, the sputtering engine spewing a trail of smoke into her face. Coughing, she leapt out, falling into the skies as her craft listed away from her towards the ground. Reaching to the strap on her shoulder, she yanked on her parachute's cord.
Reaching down, she took hold of the emergency cord and gave it a sharp tug.
Still nothing.
Fear gripped her as she pulled desperately at the cords, the wind whipping past her. She was high up, but all that meant was there was more time before she met her fate. With no other options, she spread her limbs to slow her fall, took a deep breath... and kept taking it.
Her torso puffed out, going from slim to barrel-shaped in an instant as her form strained against the buckles. The straps creaked under the growing pressure, her body bulging further and further before they gave out entirely. As the useless parachute was pulled off into the blue her body surged outward, gaining a few more inches all around. She leaned downward as she fell, the rush of air down her throat complimenting her inhalation.
As the ground grew closer she grew larger and more desperate to avoid her fate. Her flight suit began pressing against her belly, then her sides, then her ass, arms and legs; it wasn't until she felt it constraining her keeping her from inflating that she looked at herself to see what the trouble was and saw how large she had gotten: Three feet around, with conical arms wider than her waist was normally.
Sucking down air, she flexed her arms and legs as best she could, squeezing it into the rest of her body. She felt a series of pops throughout the suit and redoubled her efforts, pulling in more air. The overtaxed seams gave out soon after, ripping apart and exposing her smooth, pale skin.
Finally unconstrained, the woman resumed her desperate efforts, ballooning at an incredible pace. The flight suit was torn to shreds as inches were added to her spherical waistline in seconds, her arms and legs pulled into her as she grew until her hands and feet were indented into her sides, the remains of her flight suit still dangling from them. Her mind lost to anything but panic, she edged ever larger, hoping that even a few more inches might save her from her fate.
As the ground came upon her she took one last gulp of air, squeezing her eyes shut in preparation for the inevitable. Knuckles white from tension, she landed belly-first on the field. ...then gently bounced off the ground, floating into the air a few feet before coming back down. Rolled along by the breeze she eventually came to rest, head-up, against a small grass-covered hill.
The woman slowly opened one eye before looking around in surprise, the pleasant tension of her skin and the sun's warmth on her body reminding her that yes, she made it.
Tags: Stuffing, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Messy Popping, candy, demolition
Text: Ever since their first date during freshman year of High School, Sid and Lissa had been an inseparable couple. Through copious amounts of soft serve the two quickly took to bonding over a mutual love of stuffing themselves and one another, and that shared kink became the backbone of their relationship for three years. Whenever the two could gather a large enough bounty of chips, candy, and other tasty snacks, they would meet together in a shed behind Lissa's house that her father had built for storing gardening supplies. (But had remained empty and ignored ever since his brief passion for gardening waned) Within that small shed, the two stuff themselves silly until their bellies ached and puffed outwards, and then they would spend the night alleviating their stomachaches by helping eachother fully explore their bloated forms. While one might rightfully assume that the indulgence in gluttony underscoring Sid and Lissa's relationship would have a remarkable impact on their physiques, the two took care to space their stuffing sessions out enough for the weight they put on to rarely stick. The self control they forced themselves to exert outside the shed made self-indulgence within its confined space all the more worthwhile. Three years of this unique relationship had still left Sid with a soft midsection and Lissa with sizable hips and thighs, which they would playfully tease each other over, but it was nothing compared to the sizes they swelled to while inside the shed together.Lissa called Sid to their shed one Halloween night, promising a surprise she was sure he'd love. Though Sid was never as enthusiastic about Halloween as his girlfriend, he had thrown together a vampire costume at Lissa's request for the occasion. He had considered styling his scruffy brown hair into something more vampiric to complete the look, but he was too eager to see what Lissa had in store to worry much about his costume.Lissa opened the gate to her backyard when Sid arrived. As per usual, her parents were out for a night on the town, leaving the two alone to tend to their business. Lissa wore a black cat outfit that clung to her body tightly, and a pair of cat ears that poked out from the red hair framing her lightly freckled face. "What's on the menu for tonight?" Sid inquired as Lissa led him over to the shed. She simply replied with a wry smile, pulling the latch on the shed door.Sid's jaw hung open in disbelief as the largest assortment of colorful candy bars of all shapes and sizes he had ever seen poured forth from the shed, which was filled to the brim with candy for the two to indulge in. Lissa stood triumphantly over the stash with her hands on her hips and looked to Sid. "I've enough candy to last us the whole year! And I made sure it's all chocolate too... your favorite, and mine~!""How did you manage to get all of this?" Was all Sid could manage to say, still in shock over the sheer amount of candy filling the shed before him. "I started trick-or-treating a bit early." Lissa said with a giggle. "Been saving up money all year from my job to buy in bulk online. Aren't I a clever kitty?""That you are," Sid replied, eyes still transfixed on the chocolate pile. "But... we can't eat in the shed if it's full of candy like this.""Weeeell... guess we're just gonna have to eat 'till there's a spot in there for us."Sid finally managed to tear his eyes away from the pile of candy to see Lissa already at work, sticking a freshly unwrapped chocolate bar into her mouth and chewing her first treat of the night with a cheeky grin. She swallowed and licked her lips before holding out a chocolate bar for Sid. In an instant he snatched it up and the two teens took to ravaging the immense pile of chocolate spilling from Lissa's shed. Sid let out a pleasured moan, doing his best to savor the taste on his lips as he shoveled the next handful of chocolates into his mouth. His hands shot out and grasped at the pile before he could even finish chewing, frantically unwrapping a new cluster of candies for another onslaught of taste. He paused only to take in the sight of Lissa working away at the pile just as uncontrollably as he was, a chocolate bar quickly disappearing into her mouth, and then another, and then another. Within a few short moments their stomachs began to visibly distend, Lissa patting her bloated middle with a light burp. "Oooh," she groaned, licking splotches of chocolate off her fingers to ensure she took in every single bite. "Soo good..."The couple continued to share sultry glances as they demolised the mound of candy blocking their passage into the shed. Seeing one another eat invigorated a passion in them to eat more themselves, a burning desire to grow and encourage their partner to grow in turn, making the sensations of their bodies against each other once the feast was complete all the more intense. Their stomachs were already feeling stuffed, but they forced more and more in. Lissa took to a cycle of unwrapping four, five, six candy bars before stuffing them all into her face at once until her cheeks bulged as she chewed. With each bite her belly seemed to stick out just a bit more, and the signs of tearing had begun to show on the fabric of her cat suit as it tried in vain to cling to her rapidly expanding middle. The vest of Sid's costume was beginning to lose its fight against Sid's gluttony as well, its buttons straining to stay on.By the time the two ravenous lovebirds had finished the heaps of sweets leading to the door, the costumes had suffered their inevitable defeat. With a grunt and a heavy swallow the buttons on Sid's vest popped off in different directions in a simultaneous burst. Lissa followed with a loud hiccup, causing the fabric containing her stomach to split wide open, and allowing her fattened belly to jiggle freely in the air with Sid's. Free of their constraints, the effects of their feast were even clearer to see. Sid's stomach pushed out further by the second and Lissa's already enormous belly continued to swell as she slammed countless chocolate treats down her greedy gullet. Neither was done. Neither was close to done. They needed more. They instantly took to pulling the candy inside the shed out into the yard to free up space within. "It's all so good!" Sid proclaimed through a mouthful of sweets."Only the best for you!" Lissa replied, punctuating her satisfaction with a loud "Buuuurp!"The yard was littered by what must have been several hundred discarded candy wrappers, each licked clean of even the smallest trace of chocolate, by the time Sid and Lissa managed to open up enough space within the shed to try getting in. Predictably, consuming so many treats provided them with the same issue getting into the shed that they oftentimes had getting out. As Lissa attempted to squeeze her bloated body through the door, the sides of the frame pinched at the sides of her belly. She grunted and shook, but in spite of her efforts she soon drew to a stop. "Ooh... I think I might be - hic - a bit stuck." she whined, the cat tail on her suit flipping back and forth as she shook her rear in an attempt to get free. Eager to impress his engorged girlfriend, Sid took a step back and threw all of his considerable weight against Lissa, dislodging her with an "Oof!" Lissa stumbled into the shed and and tripped on a wrapper, turning her body to land on her back against the pile of candy. Sid fell in after Lissa, the collision of their massive stomachs cushioning the blow. They both moaned softly, taking in the sensation of their bodies colliding, and immediately took to groping as much of each other's bulging middles as the could. Sid struggled to move himself further on top of Lissa in spite of the of their producing, fat stomachs making the task of finding a comfortable position in this state nearly impossible. They squeezed themselves together as closely as they could, their overblown beach balls of bellies groaning and creaking in protest at the strain, and they pulled their faces together for a kiss. The scent of chocolate hung on their breaths.Lissa gyrated her hips into Sid's body as their lips met, causing both of their stomachs to quiver and shake. The sensual embrace only lasted for a moment before Lissa pulled away, whispering "Wait... not yet..." under her breath.Sid rolled sideways off Lissa's body and onto the ground next to her. Released from the immense pressure they were putting on each other, their stomachs puffed up into the air and spilled over their sides to slosh about freely. "Not yet?" Sid huffed, still tingling from their brief display of passion. "But we've eaten so much already...""But look at all that's left," Lissa said, mouth watering as she gazed around at the candy bars filling the shed. In the past, Lissa and Sid's stuffing sessions had ended when the food ran out, but in here that food seemed almost endless. She drooled as she imagined how big Sid could be, and how big she could be, if they ate until they truly couldn't eat any more. "Oooh... there's no way we could eat all of this," Sid said, sitting up slightly and patting his gut. "I don't know how much more of this I could handle.""I never said we were gonna eat all of it." Lissa said as he patted her own distended tummy. "I told you I got this to last us through the year. But this is the first chance we've had to really see... to really feel... each other at our absolute biggest... as big as we can get!"Sid looked around the shed, and then back to Lissa, who wiped a stain of chocolate off the fabric barely restraining her breasts and licked it off her finger. That was all it took before Sid had returned to grabbing at the chocolate next to him, and Lissa quickly followed suit. In an instant the two had returned to gulping down sweets with as much fervor as they had outside the shed, sitting beside one another as their bellies continued to jut out from their bodies and spread across the floor. As the couple continued to balloon outwards, Lissa's so-called year's supply of chocolate appeared less and less so. What seemed like a mountain within that little shed was gradually diminished in size, and as the eating persisted it became more akin to a small hill. The trade-off on the shed's occupants was just as drastic, as the destruction of the chocolate mountain gave way to two growing globes of flesh. Lissa had stopped feeling full and entered the realm of full-on queasy a few dozen boxes worth of candy bars ago, but her unrestrained gluttony kept her going. The only break in her nonstop eating was a brief moment in which she felt as if the whole of her feast was about to come back up, forcing her to lay back and caress her tightly packed belly. She may have found the sense to stop during that small reprieve had Sid not decided it was his turn to push his growing lover to carry on. "Come - hic! - on," he laughed, "If I'm eating all this, you gotta do your share too!" Lissa replied with a giggle and a small hiccup, and continued to gorge herself without a second thought. Her belly continued to swell in size with each and every bite, struggling to keep up with the rate she was jamming it full of sweets. By the end of the feast the shed was filled with wrappers, and Sid and Lissa were filled with chocolate. Ridiculous, ludicrous, insane amounts of chocolate. Tons and tons and tons of chocolate, resting uneasily within the unimaginably huge bellies of two unimaginably gluttonous teenage lovers. "It's - urp! - all gone..." Sid's breath was heavy."I... hiccurp! - I can't believe we did it..." Lissa replied, squeezing the flesh at her sides.Sid and Lissa sat groaning side by side in the shed, which now barely contained them. Their faces and hands were covered in chocolate. Even in their drowsy, engorged states they absentmindedly licked away at their cheeks and fingers, still unable to escape their gluttonous urges. The costumes were completely destroyed, their tattered remains hanging off of their arms and legs as the rest of their body spilled out in the middle. Their stomachs, swollen and pink, now bigger in size than the rest of their body, pulsated with each breath they took. It would be impossible for them to climb atop each other now like they had during their first embrace - at this point, it would have been impossible to stand even IF the monstrous shapes they had once called their stomachs not buried their legs beneath their mass. Their feet ever so slightly poked out from beneath their girth, toes twitching and clenching as Sid and Lissa reveled in the feeling of being so remarkably full. Lissa's let out a burp and fulfilled moan as her eyes glazed over inattentively, landing on something amidst the pile of discarded wrappers between her and Sid. Two wrapped pieces of chocolate.The last two."Sid, how many chocolates did you eat? I want to know.""No idea... I - uurp! - stopped counting after the first two hundred or so. Do you remember how many you bought?""About... Oooh... a hundred thousand or so... I bought so many because it was... supposed to last..." Her stomach gurgled."Man... nngh... so much for that year of snacks... How much did you eat?""I lost track... but there's two left.""Two left?" Sid turned his head to look at the last remaining candies in the shed."I say I eat one... and then you eat one... and we can say it was even... and then...""And then?""And then Buurp! we can have our fun..." Lissa grinned a devious grin, which Sid quickly returned. It wasn't clear how the two would have their 'fun' this time considering their near immobile state, but Lissa was confident that they could improvise something. With how sensitive her stomach felt right now, it wouldn't take much. As Sid looked on with silent anticipation, Lissa plucked up one of the two surviving chocolates, pulled off its wrapper, and added it to the ranks of the fallen. Her tummy gurgled, crying out in disapproval. "Uurgh..." Sid groaned at the sight, clutching at what he could reach of his own stomach. He took a moment to look over his ludicrously swollen form before shifting his gaze that of his girlfriend. They were enormous in equal measures, far bigger than they had ever been, and far bigger than they had ever come close to being before. Lissa moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure, running a single finger down the side of the taught, round ball of flesh that stretched out from her. The feeling sent shivers down her spine and she leaned her head back with a deep sigh, ignoring the internal screams of her body trying to tell her that she had gone too far. "Your turn," she whispered."I... I don't know..." Said said, peering down at the final piece of chocolate sitting by his hand."I finished mine... ooohh... it's only fair." Lissa's stomach let out a tremendous groan, but she maintained her playful smile. Her stomach bulged outward, accompanied by a creaking that grew more ominous with each successive breath - but the two gluttons in the shed found their thoughts too transfixed on the last unravaged morsel of their feast to notice. "And then, once the feast is over... we can take turns feeling just how big we are..."Sid knew that he had passed his limit hours ago, but he couldn't bring himself to stop. Not now, anyway; he and Lissa had devoured in one night the candy that was supposed to satiate their stuffing sessions all year, and there was no point in eating a solitary piece of chocolate on his own later. As Sid reached down and scooped the last treat off the floor, Lissa imagined feeling every inch of her boyfriend's enormous belly, then laying back and letting him do the same. She licked what small droplets of chocolate still lingered around her lips in anticipation, savoring the taste for herself so she could share the experience of this final bite of the night with Sid.Sid fumble with the wrapper, popped the chocolate inside of his mouth, chewed, and swallowed hard. He and Lissa let out a unified sigh of relief.It only took a moment for them to realize what a mistake their last bites were. In unison, Sid and his stomach to let out deep, painful groans, snapping Lissa to her senses long enough to realize the full extent of her own nausea, and the folly in trying so hard to ignore it."Oooh..." Lissa groaned, overwhelmed by the pressure from deep within her. The gurgling and creaking of her tummy was replaced with a rumbling noise as it struggled to contain its contents. "I... hnnn... maybe this wasn't a good idea...""I think... I'm gonna... be sick," Sid responded between heavy breaths. The sides of his bloating stomach pressed up against Lissa's with a squeak, like that of two balloons being rubbed together. They winced at the sensation, which spread over their girth like wildfire. As the two titanic bellies quivered and heaved, the stretched pink skin over them took on an angry shade of red. The shed was filled with the sounds of sloshing, churning, and the groans of its overindulgent occupants. "Buuuhh..." Lissa let her mouth hang open in a fruitless effort to expel the tidal wave of chocolate sloshing within her, underestimating the severity of situation she and Sid had gotten themselves into. "I almost feel like... I might...""SKABLOORSH!"Before Lissa could finish her sentence, two loud, wet bangs went off in rapid succession. Sid and Lissa exploded spectacularly, blowing the shed apart and flooding the yard with a thick, sticky chocolate substance mixed with what remained of a young couple that took their Halloween festivities one treat too far.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: The one thing Jimmy wanted more than anything else this Christmas was snow, it never snowed in Tinton, never had the local children been out building snowmen and never had the town had that picture postcard, Christmas morning look. On Christmas Eve, a dark cloud hung over the town and Jimmy stood at his window gazing forlornly in the hope of snow, he hoped if it snowed he could ring Juliet, from college and he would ask her out, and she would say yes and they would go out in the snow and it would be like a the scene from a Christmas card; he needed somewhere special he could ask Juliet to and Tinton didn't really offer much in that respect, a snowfall would be the perfect opportunity. So Jimmy wasn't particularly religious but he decided that this one time he would look for a little divine inspiration. He was about to get down on one knee and pray to God when the room was filled with a cold icy wind, Jimmy felt a chilling hand on his right shoulder and spun round with a shiver to see a tall figure behind him. It was a tall man with white icy hair; sharp, angular features and a bluish complexion, Jimmy watched open mouthed as the mysterious figure spoke.
'I don't know why you pray to him, he won't answer you'
Jimmy only stammered nervously unable to speak
'Where are my manners?' the man said holding out his hand for Jimmy, 'I'm Jack Frost, you may have heard of me before'
Jimmy tentatively reached out for Jack Frost's hand; as he made contact he felt an icy chill run through him. Jack shook his hand vigorously.
'Now the thing is' Jack said 'I'm the one who makes the snow happen, so if you ask the big guy upstairs all he'll do is ask me, you may as well just cut out the middle man and me yourself'
Jimmy released his grip on Jack's hand and stared awestruck at Jack's deep blue eyes, swirling with energy like a blizzard, before he managed to speak.
'So can you make it snow in Tinton tomorrow?' Jimmy asked
'Can I?' Jack replied, and then, with a sinister chuckle, 'of course I can, you'll get yours Jimmy, you'll get yours.'
Jack Frost disappeared right in front of Jimmy's eyes in a flurry of snow and ice and then, apart from a cold breeze coming in through the window which was mysteriously open. Jimmy felt a cold shiver as he wondered whether he had done the right thing.
Half an hour later, on Tinton high street Juliet, a pretty winter chick with fair skin, dark lustrous hair and a fashionable sheepskin winter wardrobe, was doing the last of her Christmas shopping. She had been out round a few shops looking for something for Jimmy, a boy from college who she had decided she would ask out. Jimmy was quite shy and hadn't asked Juliet so she had decided she would do it herself. She was carrying two bags full of shopping and was about to head home; as she walked down the middle of the street she failed to notice the tall figure standing on top of a building watching her as she walked through the strong wind.
Jack Frost watched Juliet for a while before he decided to fulfill Jimmy's wish, he raised his arms into the air to summon up a snow storm. He smirked as he used his powers to concentrate on where he wanted the blizzard to materialise, he pictured somewhere very important to Jimmy, and as the incantation reached it's climax, a swirling, frosty wind picked up around Jack, eddying and blowing his white hair around before suddenly dissipating in a flash of icy blue light. Jack smiled to himself, the stage was set, and he looked back down to Juliet, who hadn't noticed anything yet.
Juliet was nearing the end of the high street, when suddenly she felt a shiver deep inside, and what felt like trapped wind. She felt a swirling tickling feeling inside her which caused her to cough, and when she coughed she was surprised to see a small cloud of snow come from her mouth. Meanwhile, the feeling of wind began building up and for the first time she noticed her stomach was rather bloated. Confused, she stopped walking and stood looking down at her distended belly. As the chilly swirling feeling built up inside her she was surprised to see that her stomach was becoming even more swollen, bulging up underneath her thick fluffy top until she was the size of a nine months pregnant woman and her full tummy poked out from under her top up to the level of her belly button, pulling the material of the top tight around her. She knotted her eyebrows in puzzlement as she continued to blow up beyond even this size. Her ballooning midriff expanded to force down the tops of her trousers too, feeling tight between her legs. With a little gasp Juliet rubbed her right hand, still carrying her carrier bag, over her inflating abdomen, feeling her belt digging in as she puffed up above and below it. Her bulging stomach strained at the belt and as she tentatively rubbed her hands over it, with a clinking sound her belt burst open and her belly expanded into the new room with increased gusto, and a deep groan. Under Juliet's hands it felt exactly like an inflating balloon and she watched in utter horror as the round bulge of her blimping stomach wasn't the only thing inflating. She felt her trousers tighten behind her, and quickly grasped her behind with both hands to feel it too inflate like two balloons underneath her jeans. As she stood there she heard a grumble from inside her voluminous body as the wind rushed round inside her, blowing her up and causing her to fill out like a sail in a high wind. She felt the spinning of the wind starting to push against her and stumbled as it tried to spin her round. Juliet's belly still pumped up, containing the pressure and forcing her jeans to unzip with the top button bursting off and pinging off a bollard.
By this point the other shoppers had noticed Juliet's predicament and watched with a combination of confusion and shock as the swelling spread to Juliet's breasts which perked up beneath her jumper, the cold wind inside her caused her nipples to become erect enough to be visible between the thick outer garment and she could only watch, eyes wide and mouth agape as they both rose up to her chin, stretching her jumper between them in a tightly pulled band. Her midriff was still blowing outwards, in all directions now, so while her stomach remained ball shaped, the rest of her abdomen took on the shape of a doughnut widening around her. Juliet looked up from her expanding body and with her eyes as wide as dinner plates she made eye-contact with her horrified audience, with a look of sorrow at what was happening to her, and all the meanwhile her body beneath steadily increased in volume with a low whooshing, grumbling sound. Juliet swallowed as though something were caught in her throat and coughed out another small cloud of mist and snow. Juliet's body was becoming egg shaped, round and swollen like a balloon being blown up and stretching her clothes; her breasts were the size of large melons and pushing up against her chin, nipples sticking out like the knots at the end of two huge balloons beneath her straining jumper.
Her legs and arms, which up until this point had remained their normal size began to widen and push outwards as she bloated; she struggled to keep her arms down by her side but as they fattened they were pushed out at right angles. Juliet looked panicked to her left and right, watching her arms rising up against her will, as the rest of her body continued pumping up like a blimp. Her legs also plumped up like overinflated inner tubes making it difficult for her to stay standing. As she stood in the street, too pumped up to move properly, she felt the spinning feeling again and staggered a few steps to her right, turning slightly as the wind rushed around inside her. As Juliet's body continued to widen she staggered again to the left and coughed out some more mist. She managed to steady herself of sorts and stood still for a few seconds feeling her whole body bulging outwards, shivering through a combination of the cold wind inside her and fear at how fast she was inflating. As Juliet tottered uncertainly on her feet, blowing up like a parade balloon and starting to burst out of her clothes she and all the onlookers heard a strained creaking noise coming from her. Juliet closed her eyes tightly, trying to contain the pressure and coughed again, the creaking built to a crescendo as her tightly pumped body slowed down in its inflation, struggling to hold in the increasing surging violence of the wind inside her. She coughed again, one last time, casting a shower of snow out in front of her, and then
Juliet exploded into a cloud of mist and snow which burst from her when she couldn't take any more. All the shoppers who had been stood around felt an icy, swirling gust of wind, and Juliet's sheepskin coat hat and shopping bags fell to the ground. Her jeans were ripped to shreds by the force of her explosion and tatters of them came down with the snow. The wind picked up around where she had stood, blowing snow over the street, and over the whole of Tinton. The shoppers stood, horrified as the snow fell from the sky and settled, blanketing everything. In the middle of the street stood Juliet's boots in a small pile of snow, her shopping bags laying either side, with her coat and scarf behind and her hat on top.
In neighbouring streets, unaware of the cause, people marveled as snow fell over Tinton for the first time in living memory, and back in Jimmy's room, he smiled as he looked out of the window at the snow falling down, rendering the rooftops a vivid white, and wondered when he should call Juliet.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, balloon
Text: "It's here! It's finally here!"
Lanky, dark-haired beauty Rene raised her head to see what her live-in girlfriend Tina was talking about. Tina, a bubbly, chunky, buxom brunette in a tight green sweater, was unpacking a small cardboard box that had just arrived in the mail.
Rene was totally baffled until Tina pulled out a large green balloon. Immediately, Rene guessed that Tina had very thoughtfully purchased something to indulge her inflation fetish. Of course, watching a balloon inflate was a poor substitute for an actual person, but it was the thought that mattered.
"That's really great," said Rene, smiling half-heartedly. She didn't want to look too unenthused but she suspected that Tina still didn't entirely understand exactly what excited her so much about inflation.
"No, no, silly," gushed Tina. "I know what you're thinking; this must be some stupid overpriced bedroom prop. But this is no ordinary balloon. See, I ordered it from a very special custom shop. On the internet, so you know they've got to be reputable. It's got a special magical affect that I thought would interest you, so I just had to get it!"
Rene raised one thin eyebrow skeptically.
"Here, I'll show you right away!" said Tina happily. "Sit down and watch this! I'm going to blow this balloon up and then suck all the air out. If all goes right, it should inflate me to twice the size of the balloon. Watch!"
Tina inhaled deeply, thrusting out her already ample chest, and huffed into the balloon. Instantly, the rubber bladder swelled up until it was about the size of a mature watermelon.
"Now comes the fun part," grinned Tina, as she pinched the nozzle, her eyes twinkling mischeviously. She held it to her mouth and once again started inhaling.
At first, nothing happened. Obviously, thought Rene. She hadn't really expected anything to happen, this was apparently just yet another internet scam that had suckered poor gullible Tina into shelling out a few bucks for a worthless gimmick.
Suddenly, Rene realized what was happening. Tina's chest bulged slightly and Rene had assumed it was because she had just taken in a good lungful of air. But she was still inhaling long after she should have reached her lungs' capacity and her bust was slowly stretching outward. "Tina! You're blowing up!" Tina smiled, keeping her mouth firmly anchored around the balloon's nozzle. The air continued to flow into her, puffing her cheeks out. Slowly, her body was beginning to grow. Her ample breasts were swelling, pressing harder against her green sweater, stretching out the pleats. Below them, her flattened belly plumped to a small mound.
Rene tentatively pressed a hand against her girlfriend's expanding tummy, testing the pressure. It gave slightly and Tina almost giggled at the sensation. Nothing was better than feeling her lover's hand against her bloated middle while she continued to grow.
Tina's stomach looked like a basketball by now it was so full and she wriggled slightly as she felt it pushing against her snug black jeans. Her plumping boobs caused the sweater to raise up slightly, exposing the bottom curve of her ballooning gut. She lowered one hand and ran it along the subtle pink stripe of her large abdomen.
"Tina," purred Rene, running her hands along the swelling expanse of her lover's large belly. "You did this all for me? You know it's always been my fantasy to have my lover inflate like a giant balloon and now I finally can." She walked behind Tina and wrapped her arms around her inflating girth. Rene nibbled playfully on Tina's ear and Tina gurgled happily deep in her throat. Soon Rene felt her linked fingers being pulled apart as Tina's growing tum pushed against them with increasing force. She released her grip and contented herself by stroking her lover's ever increasing flanks.
The air inside the balloon continued to disappear down Tina's throat, making her grow to even more incredible proportions. She wrinkled her brow and gave Rene a pleading look, pointing at the cinching waistline of her tight jeans. Rene chuckled, understanding.
"I get it. You poor thing. You're getting so big and round that those pants must be awfully tight. Let me help relieve some of the pressure."
Rene slipped her fingers into Tina's belt and struggled to unbuckle it. It was not easy feat, since Tina's belly now pushed against it with so much force that there was very little give at all. In addition, the upper portion of her ballooning midsection was now spilling over the straining waistline, blocking Rene's access to the belt buckle. She pressed gently on Tina's tummy, pushing it up and out of the way. Tina let out a small, worried squeak when she did that, making Rene laugh again.
"Don't worry, silly. There's plenty of give in there. You're not so full yet that pushing on your tummy could make you pop. See?"
She pushed harder on Tina, causing her to lose her balance and flip over backwards. She was so full of air that she didn't fall, but rather gently drifted to the ground, where she lay on her back, growing ever bigger. She was at least as big as a volkswagon now, thought Rene, marveling at the ability of her clothes to withstand the enormous internal pressure of her rapidly inflating body. Tina waved her arms helplessly; she was so bloated that she could do little else.
"You're getting sooo big," squealed Rene, lowering herself on top of her expanding girlfriend. She sank slightly into Tina's front, causing Tina to moan quietly at the closeness and warmth of her body. Rene quickly scuttled forward so that she could look Tina straight in the eye. "You're so full and round that we'll never fit you back out the door now. We'll have to deflate you some later. Now take out that balloon and let me kiss you, you big sexy balloon."
Tina made a contented noise that almost sounded like a sigh and tried to pull the balloon out of her mouth. She held it in both hands and gave the shrinking orb a gentle tug. It didn't move, remaining firmly lodge din her mouth. She furrowed her brow and shot Rene an inquisitive look. Rene shrugged.
"Something wrong, Tina? Is it stuck?"
Tina nodded, a worried expression crossing her face. She gestured to the balloon and then to the bloated form of her body. Rene grabbed the balloon and tried to pull too, but it stayed firmly stuck.
"That's weird," said Rene, slightly worried. "Just a sec, babe, let me go take a look at the manual." She clumsily climbed off of Tina and went to rummage through the box. Nearly spherical, Tina could do little other than stare at the ceiling and listen to the slow, steady hiss issuing from her growing body and the ominous creaking of her tightening clothes. It was so soothing that it almost lulled her to sleep until Rene suddenly burst into her field of vision, her eyes wide with panic.
"You said this would inflate you to only twice as big as the balloon! You've got to be five times that already! Shouldn't it be almost done?"
Tina suddenly didn't feel sleepy anymore. On the contrary, she now felt quite worried.
Tina waved her turgid arms helplessly. Her inflated bulk now took up most of the room and she was growing faster and faster. Her sweater was pushed up around her chin by her gargantuan knockers, which were struggling to overwhelm her hefty brassiere. Below that, her beachball-sized potbelly finally won its battle against her jeans as the top button flew across the room with a sharp crack. Her blimping stomach, free of the contraint, billowed out like an overfilled water balloon. Tina grabbed at her giant belly in desperation and tried to push it back, but the pressure inside was so great that she was afraid pushing on her own stomach too hard might cause it to rupture.
"Tina, are you okay?" cried Rene, grabbing Tina's turgid arms and pulling her back to her feet. "You're blowing up so fast! Is something wrong?"
Tina pointed at the instruction manual, still lying, unread, in the box that the magic balloon had arrived in. Rene understood, grabbed the thin booklet and quickly flipped through it.
"Okay, directons, directions, ah! Here we go, I - uh oh."
Tina's bright blue eyes snapped up to stare at Rene as she heard her lover's exclamation. What could be wrong now?
"Tina, you said this balloon would only blow you up twice as big! But it's going to blow you up ten times as big!"
Ten times?! Tina's mind was racing. There was no way she could hold that much gas! If she didn't get this balloon out of her mouth soon, it was going to keep pumping her up bigger and bigger until she just popped! Tina yanked on the balloon with all her might.
"No good, Tina," said Rene miserably, still reading the manual. "It says here that you can't pull out the balloon until it's completely deflated."
"Mmm!" Tina mimed poking the balloon with a pin.
"That's a great idea! I - no, wait, that won't work either. If we pop the balloon, the spell won't be broken at all! It'll just blow you up with all the air in the room...or maybe the world! And that doesn't just pop you, it'd kill everyone else!"
At the mention of the word "pop," Tina's eyes began to tear and she started to hyperventiliate. Unfortunately, her heavy breathing only caused her to inflate faster. She waddled toward Rene but lost her balance and toppled over again. Her cushiony body bounced gently as she hit the ground but her inflation didn't slow at all. She was ballooning so fast that redish stretchmarks started forming across her expansive midsection. The stitches along her legs ripped and popped as her legs, too, began to fill with gas. The sweater tore down the side completely, falling to her sides, and her bra - which had struggled so valiantly to contain her impossible assets - finally exploded apart. Now all that was left were her stretchy satin panties, slowly shredding at the seams as she blimped, but not yet defeated. She wondered briefly, if her panties might actually prove to outlast her! She certainly didn't feel like she could last much longer. She was so pumped up with air that she could barely move a muscle. All she could do was to mumble helplessly and blink away tears of panic as she neared detonation.
Tina squeezed her eyes shut, dreading the inevitable. She was too full! There was no way she could hold even one more ounce of air in her bloated body without bursting into a million pieces! She was going to explode and there was nothing she could do about it! Her skin felt like it was stretched as thin as tissue paper. If she didn't overload soon, she would outgrow the room and the walls pressing against her expanding sides would surely cause her to rupture.
The balloon was almost completely deflated; it looked like it only had a couple seconds left to go before it was empty. But Tina didn't think she could last that long.
But it didn't come.
Nervously, Tina opened one eye. She was still there, an enormous pink blimp filling up her entire field of vision. Her skin felt tight beyond belief, so tight that she was amazed she hadn't busted apart already. As she craned her neck slightly to see better, she could hear herself creaking and groaning with barely-contained internal pressure. But she wasn't getting any bigger.
Rene sat in a corner, curled up, her arms over her head protectively. When the expected kaboom failed to materialize, she opened one eye fearfully.
Tina smiled weakly and spat out the limp balloon. "It's okay," she wheezed. "I'm fine! I didn't blow after all!"
Rene laughed madly with relief. Tina was too overwhelmed with joy to do anything but smile and breathe a sigh of relief.
But to sigh she had to take a deep breath. And she realized, only a split second too late, what a bad idea that was...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, Party Favours
Text: It's sad - really, it is - to think how callously such beautiful things had their fate predestined. Shackled, violently shattered, trampled, and then swept up off of a dirty floor and into a dustbin, they would ultimately wind up at the bottom of some foul landfill - "sanitary", they call it - hmph. Used and forgotten after they had helped cheer up so many; why not spirit them away and give them a chance to revel in their magical buoyancy for a little while longer? Indeed, why not? It wouldn't be the first time she had done that. However, the thrill of rescuing a clutch of balloons from the cleaning crew had lost much of the impact it once had. Perhaps there was more than a bit of truth in the dictum about the effect of having "too much of a good thing" and the routine success of camouflaging one's naughty intentions by use of elaborately concocted (but plausible) tall tales had, anymore, simply dulled the excitement beyond a quick ponder and even quicker dismissal of the notion.
Mind you, she had long since passed beyond any immature need to anthropomorphosize everything, but there was something different about these balloons. They were so pretty that she actually felt a twinge of sorrow for them. Centered in the room with their tethers anchored to the back of a chair, the brilliant red cloud swayed gently as it was nudged around by the ventilation system. A light recessed high above in the ballroom's ceiling bathed them so that they glowed against the darkened walls. So shiny, so round, so buoyant - so....inviting. The client had been very specific about a few things and the group's representative with whom Jane had worked over the last few weeks had made some unusual requests. He was an American fellow, pleasant enough about the whole affair but quite firm in his insistence that every detail be followed exactly. Ever the professional, Jane was quite experienced working with the higher social strata in planning these kinds of events, so odd requests and quirks were never really odd at all.
The normal features for such an occasion had been included: musicians, catering, a light show, and decorations. But it was the requirement for security and how it was to be implemented that had finally piqued her interest. It wasn't unusual to have a closely guarded guest list for these types of things, but it had been insisted upon that by eleven o'clock in the evening that the all of the attending staff - that is, everyone not actually on the guest list, be sent away. The closest that the security detail was to ever approach the rural Georgian manor that evening would be the perimeter of the sprawling estate. Odd? Definitely. The well-to-do generally preferred quite the opposite approach. However, the client was paying quite handsomely for high-end professional services and if that's what they wanted, that's what they got. Odd, too, was that the cleaning staff was not to return until morning (a New Year's gift, the man had joked), but he did stipulate that Jane's presence was required as a final check that the uninvited didn't somehow manage to stumble in. One of the beefy goons at the front gate was ready to make a mad dash to intercept any party crasher the moment Jane radioed him. The final instructions to her before festivities began that evening were that after the staff was dismissed that absolutely nobody, including Jane herself, was to be allowed into the sealed ballroom until after the stroke of midnight.
Right. Gotcha. "Shall I be on the lookout for errant glass slippers as well?" she wisely refrained from vocalizing when that particular request was made. So, expecting the doors to burst open and a throng of tipsy revelers to pour out of the room, at 12:01 A.M. Jane was mystified that no such thing was occurring. Having made her way from her kitchen redoubt, she found the foyer to be quite still. In fact, it was so still that it was apparent that the same circumstance held true for the space on the other side of the ballroom doors. Not even the P.A. system could be heard. "Uh-oh" she thought to herself as a creeping dread washed over her. "Please...please tell me there aren't two hundred corpses neatly dressed in purple track suits and white tennis shoes lying on the floor in there." The sentiment was only partially meant in jest.
There was only one way to find out, so she cautiously approached the door and paused a moment to see if she could hear any activity at this closer range. Still, there was none. A quick check of her watch confirmed that yes, it was several minutes past midnight. Technically, she was allowed into the ballroom now. Walkie-talkie and clipboard in one hand, she reached for the door handle with her free one and pulled. The lock movement was deafening against the silence and the creaking door hinges made her teeth clench. At this point, what she really feared was the angry glare from several hundred people staring back at her as she poked her head through the opened door.
Alas, the room was empty of guests: no angry, glaring drunks - no dead kooks. Relieved, she laughed at her over-active imagination and then brought her radio up to speak into it. "Oy. Trevor."
"Any activity?"
Again, odd. A check out back was warranted. "Ian - how about you?"
"Okay, stand-by."
Opening the door further and fully stepping inside the room, the beautiful red balloon bouquet now caught her attention. In the middle of the room it stood, a shaft of light illuminating it. Scattered about the room were the empty tables and chairs with party favors, confetti, and assorted champagne paraphernalia. Covering the dance floor and spilling out into the aisles between tables like a giant bubble bath were all gold and white balloons dropped from the nets high above. But the ones tied to the back of the chair were not among the kind she had ordered for the event. They were bigger and rounder and they glowed so beautifully in the light. Most noticeably, they were falling up - not down.
The house lights had been extinguished, save for the ones recessed up in the ceiling that made each table glow from their invisible cascades of luminescence. And, there was glitter. Egad, the stuff was everywhere - beautiful, sparkling glitter. But it was the big red balloons that she fixated upin. They were simply irresistible and she was drawn to them. Entering the room, she wound her way toward them as the drop balloons surrounding her on the floor seemed to follow in her wake as she passed by. It was then that a little spark of an impulse rekindled in her. It had been awhile since she had stolen, er, "saved" balloons from an event and she decided that - this time - the notion would not be dismissed.
Standing before the red cloud, Jane stared up into it and gathered their strings in her free hand. They were immense above her, dozens of them happily rustling and colliding into one another after being disturbed. And as she pulled down on the rope of strings, they enveloped her. Static tendrils pulled at her skin as she brought them closer. The cocoon now enveloping her shut out all other sound and they were so warm as they embraced her in a gentle caress. "I'm going to take you home with me" she whispered, giving them a little tug and causing them to rustle together some more.
Jane let go of the strings and the balloons shot upward. The static bonds were so intense and that, for just a moment, it felt as though they were tugging her up with them. Only her long hair managed to follow, briefly. Her heart began pounding as the balloons hit the end of their tethers and momentarily, she felt faint. "Oh, I am definitely taking you home with me."
Quickly, she began formulating devious plans; it was easy work for an old pro. But, shouldn't she have a twinge of guilt at that fact? Just a little, even? No. Screw-it. A devilish little grin formed on her lips as she hastily planned an escape. The guilty rush and the possibility of getting caught simply intensified the adrenaline flow and impaired her judgment. She had to get them to her car without anyone seeing her do so. Would they all fit? She would just stuff in as many as she could and let the rest go ("blasphemy!" she mockingly scorned herself). Her car was just outside by the back entrance to the ballroom where... everyone must have left through.
"Crap" she quietly swore to herself. "I bet they're all just standing out there taking pictures and chatting each other up." Placing her clipboard and radio on the nearby table, she turned around and briskly made her way to the back entrance through the ocean of gold and white balloons. Quietly, she opened the door, expecting to see the missing gaggle of drunken twits, er...guests.
Again, nobody was there. A large group of people had obviously just passed through the doorway and out onto the lawn. From the hundreds of footprints there, it looked like they just milled around a bit in the snow and then came back inside. But the dance floor was dry. No, matter - nobody is around at the moment and her car was just on the other side of the lawn. Jane had to make her move immediately.
Almost running now in her high heels back to the table, her skirt billowed out to the sides, leaving a trail of agitated balloons behind. Upon reaching the table, she carefully untied the balloon bunch, then gently wrapped the rope of strings about her wrist. Too tight and the knot would be difficult to remove quickly. Too loose and they'd all fly away. Twisting her hand around the strings, she gathered them up again as one and then pulled balloons down around her. Again, the static tug washed over her and she was enveloped in warmth. She stood for a moment and closed her eyes, taking it in; the rustling toonk-toonk of the balloons rebounding off of each other, the smell of the latex, and the smooth shiny surfaces lightly brushing against her cheeks and forehead.
Briskly but carefully, she made her way to the back door, the red cloud happily dancing above. The gold and white balloons on the floor seemed to chase along after, though they were unable to keep up the pursuit. After a quick peek outside to make sure nobody was around, she carefully backed her way out of the double doors. It would be a shame to lose one of the beautiful orbs - not to mention that the pop may attract attention. Out into the cold December - no, make that January - air she strode, pausing to plot the shallowest course through the snow to her Land Rover. The moon and starlight was hauntingly beautiful on the powdery drifts. "Okay", she whispered. "Let's make this quick."
"Hello, Jane." Jane froze in her tracks and gasped audibly at the familiar voice. Caught like a winter rabbit by a snow owl, she was. Turning around to face the client's representative, she tried her best to muster a cheerfully nonchalant oh-fancy-meeting-you-here voice. "Oh, um, hello Mr. Smith. It's turned out to be a beautiful evening, hasn't it?" Jane awkwardly gestured upward into the night sky. Her heart was seemingly in her throat.
"Yeah, it sure is" drawled Mr. Smith. "Ev'rybody sure liked your party." He had a pleasant grin on his face, but it was a grin that seemed barely to contain his amusement as he stood there, tuxedo clad in the snow.
"Good, good." Replied Jane, her heart pounding. Perhaps he was a bit tipsy and hadn't noticed her new accessories. "But everybody seems to have left quite suddenly."
"Yup. They've all gone home - didn't want to stick around afterward. I swear, they're gettin' more boring every year." He smiled more broadly and cocked his head slightly. "They look good on you."
Jane flustered just a bit and the red balloons rustled above her, generating more of that intense static. "Um, uh?" was all she could manage while furrowing her brow in an assumed look of innocent puzzlement.
"The balloons" he said, pointing up at the cloud above her. "They compliment you."
Again, faking innocence, she cast her gaze upward as if just noticing what was over her head. "Oh, those. Yes. Thank-you." Maybe some tap dancing right about now would help the embarrasing situation.
Mr. Smith grinned wider and chuckled in a way that plainly indicated that the jig was up and he reached up and pulled one of the balloons down, removing its string. Holding it by the valve, he gently bopped Jane on the nose with it, then slyly pulled it down along her front and pressed it into her waist. The touch was electric - literally, she could feel the static cling build as the balloon slid down the front of her sweater and felt that she was as much drawn to it as it to her. The balloon was soft and warm and her hands unconsciously accepted it, pressing it into her midriff. She stared intensely into the man's eyes and her heart pounded so forcefully that she simply neglected to take offence at the proxy grope. It was all so overwhelming. How much did this guy know?
"Consider them a New Year's gift. We hoped that you would accept them." He smiled kindly, returning her gaze with worldly eyes. "We'd sure love to have you join us next year. As a guest, of course."
She stammered, synapses angrily shouting at each other across her brain.
Gently placing his finger on her lips, he preempted any response. "Give me a call tomorrow." He flashed a small card and then placed it in the waist pocket of her blazer. Closer to her now, he leaned forward and spoke softly. "And, it's not Mr. Smith, by the way." Drawing closer still, into her ear he whispered a message in confidence, then pulled back and smiled affectionately at her. Stunned at the revelation, Jane returned the smile along with a euphoric gaze.
"And don't worry, they'll be taking you home" he said a bit more formally.
She bristled slightly, some genuine puzzlement reaching through the euphoria. The man reached into his pocket and pulled something out; something that looked like...sand? No - glitter! A small pile of it rested in his left hand and with his right, he grabbed a pinch and tossed it up over her head. It descended over both her and the balloon she held in her hands, glowing in the moonlight as it settled on her. Was this some sort of greeting or farewell?
The man leaned forward again and gently kissed her on the forehead. Stepping back a pace and smiling, he again seemed amused. Jane stood there for a moment, not sure if she should turn around just yet and continue on over to her car.
But there was not need to wonder. It hit her like a warm tingling wave from deep inside her abdomen, quickly radiating outward. She shuddered for a moment, gasping slightly and leaning forward into the balloon in her hands. It was like the most intense case of butterflies she ever had; orders of magnitude above anything she had experienced before. The cloud of balloons closed in about her head as they followed the wrist they were attached to. Astonished, and mouth agape, Jane looked up at the man, who continued smiling.
The tingling butterflies were soon followed by a gentle, radiating warmth and then...something else. A hiss that sounded like the helium was escaping from the balloon she held. No - not escaping: filling it. Jane could feel the balloon getting bigger, softer, pushing her hands apart and pushing into her as she leaned over it. The tendrils of static flowed out from the balloon, dancing across her clothing and skin.
The balloon continued growing and Jane could feel it taking more of her weight as she leaned over it. The man in the tuxedo looked on, a knowing smile adorning his visage.
Her attention was now directed at something else. As the static in her sweater and skirt gently caressed her skin, she could feel every swoosh of the shifting fabric. Now almost hugging the balloon, she could feel its surface sliding and growing beneath her. It was then that it dawned on her - it wasn't just the balloon that was inflating! A quick peek down to her chest confirmed that, beneath her sweater were two growing balloons of her own. And that wasn't all. The fabric sliding over her hips and bum told her that she was growing, no - inflating there as well. Her stockings tightened as she felt her thighs ballooning, too.
A slight panic washed over her and she cast her gaze up to the smiling man, pleading in her eyes. "Wha - how?"
"All in good time, my dear."
Her breathing rate increased as the static tendrils embraced all about her. Soon, the final change began. She could feel her tummy gently push out against the waistband of her skirt and down onto the growing surface of the now giant balloon. Her breasts squeaked together beneath the sweater as did her thighs beneath her skirt. All about her, it seemed her body was inflating, though not as quickly as at first. That's when she noticed her hair start to float up in the static, reaching for the balloons above. She began to feel light all over - and warm, too, despite the cold winter air. Her pneumatic breasts seemed to shift upward, now...floating? The balloon in her arms continued to grow, pushing her squeaky thighs apart.
And then, without even noticing it, Jane realized that her feet were no longer touching the ground. She had made her last footprint in the snow for the evening; one lasting impression to join all the others made there that evening. Her posterior seemed to be pushing for the sky more than the rest of her and she tried the best she could to wrap her legs around the big red balloon, now almost completely beneath her. It was when the perspective on her vantage point to the tuxedoed man changed that Jane realized she was rising, floating into the night sky. Slowly at first, she was at eye level with the man, then above.
He smiled; keeping his gaze fixed upon her as he pulled a pipe out of his pocket and lit it. Up and up she rose, now almost even with the roofline. Was this really happening? "I...I...." She tried to speak to him from the ever-growing chasm betwixt them, unable to form a coherent sentence.
"I know, I know," he shouted back. "Welcome to the club, Miss Jane."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Butt Inflation, Male Inflation, hose in butt, how would i inflate you, water
Text: "I can't believe we're doing this," you say as you watch me uncoiling the garden hose and screwing it onto the spigot. We're both a few beers in, standing in the yard on a warm fall day in swim trunks, and we're about to make some questionable decisions.
"Come on, you keep saying you've always wanted to try it! I promise, it'll be great. It's like a tire pump, but way better," as I lube up the end of the hose and drag it over to you. "Pull down the back of your shorts a little."
You comply, edging down the back of your trunks and bending forward a little.
"Just don't let me explode, okay?" You let out a tiny little involuntary gasp and bite your lip a little as I slide the hose up your toned bum. I pull your shorts back up and give you a little spank before walking back to the spigot.
"Alright, 3... 2... 1..." I crank the spigot open, turning until it hits maximum flow rate. A loud series of gurgles emanate from you and your hands fly to your lower belly as all the air left in the hose gets pushed into you. You let out a couple tiny burps from all the air, and then blush as you feel the hose start filling you with cool water.
"This actually does feel really good." The tiny soft bulge of your belly begins to round out, slowly bloating up with water, rounding out to a gravid swell beneath your spreading fingers.
Soon your bloating gut reaches, and then surpasses the size of belly you would expect on a woman nine months pregnant with twins. You're supporting your heavy, tight belly with your hands, and I can tell from your soft panting that you're either having trouble supporting the weight of so much water inside you, or you're really enjoying this. Or probably both.
I drag over a lawn chair and help lower you down into it. You let out a little sigh of relief as you continue to balloon, your huge stomach now far too big for you to reach your arms around, and far too heavy for you to get up even if you tried. Your butt is swollen from the weight of all the water inside you, bulging out rounder and wider in your seat, the cool garden hose now squeezed by considerable ass cleavage. Your overpumped booty strains against the lawn chair, turgid flesh bulging between the straps supporting your now enormous weight.
Your butt is definitely bigger, but it's nothing compared to your huge belly, the pale expanse of which is wet with droplets of sweat and condensation. Laying my hand on your lower belly, I can feel the light thrumming vibration of all that water rushing into you, pumping you up bigger and bigger. My hand covers only a tiny portion of your pale bloated tummy, but I can feel my fingers slowly spreading apart, separated by the expanding surface beneath them. I press in slightly. You're tight, there's hardly any give at all with how pumped you are.
"We should probably stop soon. I think you're about to blow," I say, gingerly poking just beneath your belly button. The weight and pressure are building, and you feel like you're a taut, turgid water balloon, but you're enjoying yourself too much to care about the feeling of impending boom.
Suddenly, your eyes widen in surprise as a creak from your belly snaps us both back to reality.
"Okay, I'm definitely full, can you turn the water off now?" I'm already making my way back to the spigot. Suddenly acutely aware of the pressure and weight inside you, you feel like a huge turgid bomb poised on the brink of detonation. You are even more acutely aware of the gushing hose up your butt, still pumping you closer and closer to explosion.
"Nnngh! Hurry up!!!" You wiggle and squirm, grabbing the hose and pulling on it, but it's no use. The weight of your belly squeezing the hose between the straps of the chair and your pumped butt is keeping the hose firmly inside your bum. You can feel the flow of water decreasing as I frantically turn the spigot knob as fast as I can. Even with the rapidly diminishing flow, it feels like the pressure really is too much, and you're just about to go kaboom.
The flow stops. You grit your teeth, holding the enormous pressure in, and the explodey feeling passes. Whew.
"Wow! Your belly got HUGE! So, same time next week?"
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Prose that Blows 7 – Not So Final Fantasy (2011), Prose that Blows Winner: Darkest Story
Text: The battle had raged on for weeks, an exhausting stalemate between good and evil. A battle replete with spell-casting and traditional weapons made this a true test of resiliency and skill mastery. Only in recent days had the tide turned, and the Order was on the cusp of repelling the vile Badland Trolls' offensive. It was a most important battle, for either side a decisive victory in the war for territory.
Just behind the front line, First Leader Sinclare watched the Trolls' formation crumble. "How long has it been since we last slept?" he asked.
At his side, First Deputy Aryn sighed. "Three fortnights, perhaps more."
Sinclare placed his arm around her waist. "How long since we have shared a bed?"
"Far too long," she said. "Your leadership in this battle was without error. You have reaffirmed your regiments' loyalty." She drew in closer and kissed his cheek. "...and your Deputy's affection."
"For centuries I have valued that above any military victory," Sinclare said proudly. "Forgive me, I must prepare the final attack." They exchanged knowing glances before he left her side.
Mere seconds later, a Troll appeared before her, a diminutive, sickly runt hardly fit for the rigors of combat. Yet before anyone could subdue him, he stared daggers at Aryn and bleated his incantation. "Inkal mivrunda huma bas flatel!" Fortunately, his invisibility cloak and the spell had weakened him enough that a nearby master sorceress set him ablaze with the most basic of spells. In the distance the Trolls began a full retreat.
By the time the Troll had disintegrated the Deputy was already feeling ill. The sorceress approached her and watched Aryn's bare stomach lurch outward, pushing her leather weapons belt down. A hush spread throughout the regiment. Panicked, the sorceress shouted, "First Leader! The Deputy has been attacked!"
Aryn found herself unable to react as her breasts swelled within her leather brassiere. Her backside followed, testing her skirt of armor.
Sinclare came running through the army to meet them. Aryn's swelling had increased; the metal clasps on her skirt were failing and her brassiere afforded her breasts little modesty. Some men averted their eyes out of respect for their Deputy. "What has happened?" Sinclare asked.
"It was a Troll," the sorceress reported. Aryn's legs widened, proving to be too much for the armor. "He appeared after you left."
"How did he get through?" Sinclare demanded. The leather belt succumbed to Aryn's increasing stomach, three feet wide and growing.
"He was invisible. Highly skilled." The sorceress hesitated. "More so than I."
Aryn's arms and legs tripled their width. Her breasts burst free from the brassiere, challenging her stomach for dominance. Her slender warrior's figure had become an absurd, unclothed mockery.
Sinclare breathed heavily. "Can you reverse it?"
Aryn grew rounder and taller, absorbing the last traces of her waistline, then her arms and legs. Her breasts, however, maintained their shape.
"I know no spell capable of this," the sorceress admitted, defeated. "Nor anything to reverse it."
The Deputy's width surpassed ten feet. The perimeter of her form expanded beyond her hands and feet, recessing them into divots. Her neck and head soon followed suit. A breeze rolled her forward, propping her up on her breasts.
"We must take her home! Surely you can research a counterspell once this stops."
"There is no time," the sorceress said. "She will surely perish from the effects of this spell."
"Can you do anything?"
"Yes." Fixing her gaze on Aryn, she muttered, "Inkal porta sphera tysruppar geoto!"
Aryn began turning a dark gray, the color spreading and consuming her as she became a 20-foot ball of solid stone.
Sinclare approached his mistress, feeling the rough, cold surface of her bosom. Above he could see her blank face frozen in time, her eyes lacking any trace of life. "This was your only option?"
"She is safe," the sorceress said, visibly weakened from casting the spell..
"Spells this powerful... are not very temporary." He looked back at the sorceress. "How long?"
"Two centuries," the sorceress confessed. "It will take much time to research a counterspell. I only hope two centuries is enough."
Sinclare was silent.
"Leader, we must return her home immediately, lest the Trolls attempt to steal and desecrate her."
He nodded, and many men gathered beside their stricken Deputy and heaved her forward to take her home.
Sinclare would have to wait a long time to share his bed with Aryn again. His victory had not come without a price.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, first person, floating, spandex
Text: Hello my name is Julie, about 2 months ago I saw a tv commercial advertising a new game show called 'The Widest Link'.
My boyfriend turned to me and said:
"That looks interesting and your good at game shows-well shouting the answers at the tv anyway"
He had a point it seems so easy from the couch. So I thought why not? and I jumped online and filled out an application.
A few weeks later I received an email back saying I'd got a place on the pilot episode, all I had to do was get to New York next weekend.
Finally the time arrived and my boyfriend and I headed to the studios, I had no idea what to wear, so after some shopping around I found a nice fitted suit, I have to admit it wasn't too hard being that I'm only 27 and have what you could call an average figure, not too thin but athletic thanks to years of running.
When we arrived I was taken backstage, I gave my boyfriend a kiss and he made his way to the audience. Arriving backstage I looked around and saw about 10 other contestants they were all very similar to me, all female ranging from 21 to 30, they were all very pretty and slim also.
After a bit of mingling one of the producers came in with a tray of glasses with some bright green liquid in them and said we all had to drink one if we wanted to take part in the show. I was a little hesitant at first but some of the other women jumped straight in and downed theirs. It didn't seem to have any side effects and they said it was the nicest thing they'd had, so I thought what the hell, "Bottoms up"
The liquid was the nicest thing I had ever tasted! but about 10 seconds later I could feel it coursing through my veins, it was an odd sensation a bit like warm pins and needles from the tips of my fingers down to my toes, that wasn't the only thing, I also found it left me feeling very light headed and as though I was high!
A few minutes passed then the producer came in again and put a box on the floor, he started calling out our names, then throwing these garment's at us and told us to remove all of our clothes including underwear and put them on. When I got mine I saw it was a spandex one piece suit that covered my hands and feet only leaving my head uncovered, "I'm glad I brought a new suit" I thought. I slid myself into the spandex one piece, and saw it had my name printed on the front in white letters as did everyone else's. I quickly realised there was a draft around my behind, we all had holes in the bottoms of the suites, I didn't really think to ask why I had to wear it or what the hole was for-in my state of mind I just went for it, I was enjoying the feeling of the suit too much anyways.
Once we were all suited up we were taken into the studio, it was a lot like the set from the weakest link with 10 podiums in a half circle, the studio was rather large and bit dark, enough so I couldn't see the celling, behind the podiums were stools shaped like a donut on top, we all got behind our relevant stands I was the last in line and sat on the stool.
"Time for round one" the presenter said.
The audience clapped,
"Before we begin" he said "All you lovely ladies need to be plugged in"
With that he hit a button, and in one swift movement a hose with what felt like a butt plug on the end shot up from the middle of the donut, straight into my ass, a couple of us let out a squeek or a moan but no one tried to get off the stool.
"Perfect" he said
"Right first question starting on my left Nikki, what is the capital of France?"
Obviously she got it right. Then a buzzer went off and a light beamed down on the spandex-clad woman. She let out a small moan, not in pain more slight pleasure. A hissing sound could be heard for a few seconds and then from where I was sitting it looked as though she had a small podge under her breasts, I'm sure that wasnt there a minuted ago I though.
The presenter moved onto each girl and the same thing happened to them, apart from the middle girl she got her question wrong and the presenter simply moved onto the next girl without anything happening. Then it was my turn,
"Who hosted the 2012 Olympics?"
"London" I said
With that the light shone on me. I heard the hissing and then felt it! It was like a very enjoyable burst of pins and needles again then it all stopped. Wow I though as I looked down and could see I was now sporting a more rounded abdomen,
"Thats the end of the round"said the presenter
And the girl who got her question wrong was eliminated.
"Round 2"
The first girl got her question right again. This time the lights went on her and the hissing returned for longer and u could clearly see she was enjoying the sensations, you could also see it on her body too she rounded out some more even her arms and legs thickened a bit, the next 2 girls got their questions wrong, and remained the same everyone else was right and they all got a bit more inflated.
Then my turn, again another simple one saw me receive another shot of whatever it was filling us up, it felt so good rushing into me and I could feel the spandex getting tighter around my arms and legs. The girls who were wrong got eliminated and we went onto round 3.
This time the first girl got her question wrong and let out a scream, the kind of scream we should all of been doing at the thought of being inflated, but it felt soo good!! She knew her day was over, the next girl was correct and she got another dose, she let out such a yelp as more gas was pumped into her from below, now her breasts were billowing out too, her name across the suit was getting big as it stretched to contain her. My god I thought to myself I have to get this one right and that could be me, it felt wrong but so right at the same time all I wanted was to be made into a balloon!
Another 4 girls were wrong, here goes my turn!! yes I thought I know the answer! I barely had time to smile at giving the correct answer when I was hit by another wave of inflation, I felt my boobs grow bigger my arms were being pushed to the sides to clear my growing midsection, and my thighs were getting so round I was being forced into a star shape, not be mention nearly climaxing by the time it was over. Whatever was being pumped into us was lighter than air as we headed for the roof, the only thing holding us down was the butt plug.
Now only me and another equally bloated girl remained.
"Final round" said the presenter.
To my relief the other girl got her question wrong. I can actually win this I thought!! it wasn't an easy one I cant remember it now but I took a guess and got it right!!
Lights flashed confetti fell and the presenter said:
"You're winner!! You are the widest link"
And then it hit me! I climaxed straight away, with the biggest orgasm I'd ever experienced, my breasts flattened out joining the curve of my body, my arms and legs were sucked into the ball I'd become and my head was buried up to my nose, I was a complete sphere!! Then I felt someone tie a piece of string around my foot and the hose let go of the butt plug.
I floated off skyward only to be pinned back by the rope. I turned to look down at who was holding me and it was my boyfriend who had the biggest smile on his face, he'd always wanted a balloon girlfriend and I was more than happy to be one for him!!
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: "Thank you for coming Ms. Kim. You may sit down."
Kathy Kim nodded politely, and sat down crossing her legs as carefully as possible. She was wearing a skirt, after all. Brushing her dark hair aside, she smiled nicely at Mr. Brown, a quiet looking man who just happened to be interviewing her for a job at Sphere Enterprises. She had tried her best to look and dress in a way that was alluring, but also conservative; she had no idea whether a man or woman was interviewing her. Now she wished she hadn't tried so hard. Mr. Brown looked completely absorbed in whatever manila folder he was looking through. He had a small bowl of mints on the edge of his desk, and with Kathy feeling a bit nervous, she helped herself to some.
"Um..thank you for seeing me sir.." Kathy said, her assertiveness passing already.
"It was not an issue. You are highly qualified." He glanced up at her briefly. "However, it says your parents are from Georgia, but you-"
"I'm Korean sir. I was adopted." She gritted her teeth a little. Why do they all ask that?
"Oh. I apologize Ms. Kim." Mr. Brown returned to his folder. "Simply something I'm required to confirm. Now then, lets get to business. You are already qualified for the job. Were here to test something else."
"And that is..?" Kathy tugged a bit on her top, it felt a little snug. Glancing downward, she wonders if she looks fat in this outfit.
"How you perform..under pressure." Mr. Brown cracked a smile, his form of laughter.
"What's so fu-" Kathy was cut off by a loud burp, which, much to her surprise, was her own. " E-Excuse me.." She blushed a bit, holding her stomach. Something was not agreeing with her, she felt horrible! Maybe it was because she was nervous.
"I'm sorry. You tried my mints, I assume?" He looked up at Kathy, who felt her stomach jump out a bit, tightening across her top. She looked down at her midsection, and then back up at Mr. Brown, nodding a bit. "Oh, well, those were special."
"I'd like to continue the interview if you feel up to it." His lips curling a bit again as he noticed Kathy pushing on her stomach, which was beginning to bulge a bit noticeably. Kathy looked up at him, with an alarmed look on her face. Her gut was blowing up like a balloon, he didn't even looked surprised! " Ms. Kim, if you're feeling under the weather, we don't need to do this. However, you should note that this is the final time I'll interview you. I don't have the time to do this again."
Kathy gulped, her belly filling out into a unnaturally round shape, about the size of a bowling ball. She felt like a balloon, but this job was one of a kind! "S-Sure, Mr. Brown. Lets keep going-" She groaned softly, fidgeting a bit to get comfortable in her chair as her ass began to widen. This had to be a dream.
"Very good, Ms. Kim." Mr. Brown had taken out a notepad and began to write. Kathy yelped as her chest suddenly jumped a couple cup sizes, sending a button from her top flying across the room nearly beaning Mr. Brown's bald head. Kathy would have apologized normally,but she was still busy staring down her newly formed cleavage. She swallowed hard, it didn't seem like her outfit was going to last much longer. She had completely given up on crossing her legs, as her thighs had also been pumped with whatever she was inflating with, causing them to push together. Its not as if Mr. Brown could see past them at this point, anyway.
"Now then, would you say your problem solving skills are up to par, Ms. Kim?" Mr. Brown glanced up from his notes. Poor Kathy's top had split open, her bloated torso now completely visible. She had both hands on her huge stomach, which were now starting to pull back a bit, her arms filling with gas. " I-I'd say the were excellent..." Kathy was wide eyed with panic, staring at her ponderous breasts as the pushed out further and further.
"Mmm-hmm...your resume shows nothing to contradict that, and your former employer's spoke very highly of you." He droned on and on, but his words were all but unheard by Kathy, whose body was testing the limits of her chair. Her arms shot up, knocking over some files on Mr. Brown's desk. They had plumped quite a bit now, puffing up and becoming rigid. Kathy was blushing bright red now, her top ripped to shreds to this point, with her skirt not far behind. She wobbled her hands a bit, hanging on to what little motions she could still do.
With a sudden increase in pressure, poor Kathy's bottom half exploded in all directions, destroying her chair and her skirt at the same time. She plopped onto the floor, with a soft thump. Her gas filled body wobbled a bit as she rolled onto her back, watching her massive stomach rise higher and higher into the air. Her arms and legs were enormous, and she was beginning to feel rather cramped in Mr. Browns formerly spacious office.
"Oh my, that looked like a nasty fall Ms. Kim." Mr. Brown stood up, shoving his desk back a bit to make more room for Kathy's expanding form. "Are you alright?"
"Y-Yes!" Kathy squeezed the words out of her lips, which had grown rather pouty. Her face was showing a bit of the effects, her cheeks puffing up to shove her glasses up a bit. Not to mention her breasts had been pushed into her chin by her gut. Kathy wasn't sure how much more she could take, as her blimped out figure began to pulsate slightly. She felt her body being lifted off the ground a bit, her inflated ass was taught enough to begin prop her up a tad.
Just when poor Kathy thought it was the end though, she topped off, feeling fuller then an unused fire extinguisher. Her body was taught and bloated all over, nearly filling half of the room. Her puffy, rounded limbs jutted out of a rather swollen torso, her neck lost between her rounded face and body.
"M-My god...so full..." Kathy murmured, unable to do a whole lot else. Mr. Brown walked over to her, patting her inflated stomach.
"Indeed, you got quite large, didn't you?" He spoke clearly, gliding his hand across her body a bit, before rolling her over onto her belly. Though her underwear had survived, it was painfully tight, Mr. Brown smiled walking over to her expansive ass; two enormous half spheres that had caused her panties to bunch up into a wedgie that made it look like she was wearing a thong.
"P-Please, deflate me..." Kathy whimpered a bit, embarrassed at her position. She was blushing profusely.
"Oh, you'll shrink down in a bit. This is your office now, by the way." Mr. Brown walked out, waving goodbye to the ballooned and confused woman.
Putting on his coat, Mr. Brown approached an elevator as it opened, a former co-worker stepping out as he was stepping in.
"Brown? Why are you here? I thought they fired you." The co-worker sounded a bit puzzled.
Mr. Brown smiled, and continued walking. "Oh, they did. I was just showing my replacement her new office. You should visit it now, I think she might need some help fitting in."
And with that, he walked into the elevator which quickly closed behind him.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Inflation Olympics
Text: Sarah waited as the trio of athletes walked up the bleacher stairs leading to the VIP area where she was seated. As they arrived, the reporter realized that Sandy's presence was commanding even in a lack of inflation, especially when viewed from a seated position. The voluptuous six-foot woman towered over her as the three sidestepped through the aisle to seats adjacent to the reporter. Sandy would be considered curvy at half her present dimensions. As she uncomfortably watched Sandy's voluminous, heavy chest bobbling past her, Sarah wondered if size was a common feature among the women that competed in the events of volume-intensive inflation. It was a reasonable hypothesis that a larger frame accepted a larger volume of helium more readily. "Who was that?" Sarah asked, referring to the encounter she had witnessed with the huge woman in the cranberry leotard down on the track. "No one of consequence," Sandy said distractedly as she folded herself into a seat. She crossed her long legs, a motion that would have been impossible in her previously distended state. Sandy's full lips formed into a slightly downward pout and her honey-colored brows furrowed slightly. "Samantha," Laurie began carefully, "Is unfortunately one of those people that possesses both ego and ability in equally vast amounts." She gestured vaguely down at the black rubber track where the inflated woman was busy posing her swollen physique for the spectators as if all the eyes in the building where upon her. It was very nearly true. "She's always been a show-off." "Well," the reporter offered, "any kind of competition is always going to draw out the occasional person that thinks the world revolves around them." Down on the first row, Samantha was letting curious spectators touch her immensely swollen belly. "If she gets any better at inflating herself, the world might actually start orbiting her," Sandy sighed with rueful humor. Amanda and Laurie chuckled, but Sarah caught the forced edge to the laughter that indicated Samantha was a sore spot with the tall girl. Sandy's manner seemed a mixture of tension and uncertainty. Seeking to change the subject for Sandy's sake, Sarah asked brightly, "Um, listen. Who can I ask about getting a copy of the scorecards for all the events? I don't have a good handle on everything yet, but I may as well get started with learning the basics if I'm going to report on this." Laurie sat up straighter, craning her neck. Pointing down at the edge of the track, she indicated a woman at a folding table in a black and white officiating uniform. "Go see Cynthia down there at the scorekeeper's table," Laurie suggested. "I'm sure she'll be willing to make a second set of copies for you. Just don't go on the track itself, that's for athletes and officials only." "Thanks." Sarah nodded and stood up. She smoothed her clothing and mentally braced herself to walk down into the otherworldly zone of distended flesh that the track area represented. The reporter hesitated on the verge of asking one of the three to come with her, but demurred. "Don't be a coward," she murmured chidingly to herself. "Besides, I don't think the scary balloon women down there will hurt me," she chuckled. As she trod down the bleacher stairs, Sarah couldn't help but feel as if this was all a particularly weird dream. At every point around the track there were small herds of inflated women. They chatted in small groups, their roundly inflated parts bulging to the fore or after of their bodies. Some were stretching, their exertions occasionally tugging their spandex garments out of position to reveal swollen curves of breast, belly or hip. Their overstretched skins gleamed balloon-like in the overhead lighting. Out of her cultural element, Sarah wasn't even sure what to do with her eyes. She tried not to stare at any of the outrageous enormity surrounding her, not wanting to give insult to the curves' owners. "But it's almost impossible not to look," she thought. As a particularly inflated woman waddled by, she internally added, "It's like a train wreck! How can anyone not stare?" Keeping her eyes dead ahead did not work either, as she was constantly at risk of colliding with gigantic bellies that seemed beyond the limits of the human body. Finally she arrived at the scorekeeper's table next to the track, feeling as if she'd walked an awkward mile instead of a few dozen feet. "Excuse me?" she asked the seated official. "Yes? What can I do for you, ma'am?" the slender official asked, turning her attention to Sarah. She pushed her black cap back, revealing green eyes and a drape of loose bangs. In her fingertips, either end of a wax pencil drummed out a rhythm on the tabletop. Sarah felt an odd sense of kinship with her, two uninflated women in a sea of distended bodies. Sarah turned and pointed briefly over her shoulder, indicating the stands. "Laurie told me that you might be able to get me extra copies of the scorecards from today. I'm a reporter that's covering the events." The official's eyebrows registered surprise. "Wow, since when?" the woman asked, curious. "To be honest, I thought maybe the athletes here kind of had figures that were a little outside most news companies' comfort zones." Sarah chuckled uneasily, shifting from foot to foot. "Uh, well, perhaps just a little bit," she agreed. "But it's definitely, um, unlike anything I've seen in the sports world before," the reporter added politely. She was nothing if not skilled at spinning statements diplomatically. "That's the truth," the woman responded. She fanned out the scorecards before her, glancing at them. "Anyway, no problem, ma'am. I'll make a duplicate of each of these, and the following events. Just swing by at the end of the games and I'll have them ready for you." The official hesitated, before adding, "and thanks, ma'am. I'm sure the athletes will be glad they're finally getting a little media recognition." The woman turned back to her work, grabbing a blank scorecard and beginning to copy the values. Sarah murmured awkward thanks, feeling a little sheepish that she couldn't help wondering why some of these women didn't talk to tabloid magazines if they wanted media recognition. "Secret society of balloon-girl athletes discovered," the headlines would say. The reporter took a pace backwards to retreat to the safety of the stairs and immediately collided with warm, rubbery tautness. Perplexed by the alien sensation, the curious part of her brain reflexively reached a hand backwards to squeeze a handful of something much like a balloon. An inhalation of feminine surprise came from over her shoulder. Only then did her cortex catch up and make conscious realization of where she was and what she'd just done. Sarah spun, finding a handful of Samantha's considerable right buttock in her grasp. The woman glanced over her shoulder at Sarah with arched eyebrows. Samantha's expression of mild surprise was slowly replaced by a thousand-watt smile of such width that it even revealed a few molars. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Sarah croaked helplessly. She yanked her hand from Samantha's bottom and banished it behind her back as if she was punishing her offending limb for its accidental faux pas. The reporter's face flushed crimson in embarrassment. "Don't be sorry, dear," Samantha purred. She reached down with a manicured hand and adjusted the material covering her swollen behind. The woman's disconcerting smile made it clear that Sarah's inadvertent grope had added more fuel to the fires of Samantha's ego. She turned around with a swivel of her huge hips and faced Sarah. This simple act swung her weightless, yard-wide belly disarmingly quickly and brought the distended sphere to bear on the stammering reporter. The bold, white text 'Helium Queen' stood out on the cranberry leotard covering her vast belly. "I always have time for my fans," she said, her voice dipping unexpectedly into a sensual murmuring of smoky, honeyed tones. Samantha stepped forward and pressed her swollen belly flush against the torso of the shocked reporter. Sarah squawked in disbelief, speechless from the bizarre nature of the situation. Her sense of reason complained stridently that Samantha's belly felt so much like taut, stretched rubber. In any case, nothing had ever prepared her for how to react to someone trying to intentionally push their belly against her. She staggered backwards to escape the socially awkward pressure of Samantha's swollen body and bumped against the dividing barrier of the bleachers behind her. "There's no need to be shy," Samantha chuckled. Seemingly unaware or uncaring of Sarah's discomfiture, Samantha stepped across the gulf that had formed between them. She pressed her abdomen against Sarah once again, this time pinning the reporter between the barrier and the bizarre, rubbery tension of her stomach. Sarah squealed, wriggling in place like a trapped tortoise. Samantha's belly felt like an immense yoga ball, the taut pressure of the abdomen pressing against Sarah's body and compressing her modest breasts. The reporter struggled helplessly, her hands ineffectually pushing against the doughy resilience of Samantha's belly. The inflated woman chuckled as if tickled. "I-I'm not a fan!" Sarah stammered, hoping this bizarre treatment was something this lunatic reserved for her admirers. "NOT a fan?" Samantha asked dangerously, her smile turning off as if it had been shut off with a switch. Rather than bringing relief, this admission caused Samantha to step even closer. The smaller girl's torso was almost engulfed in Samantha's belly, the tip of her chin scant inches from being buried in Samantha's cleavage. "I-I'm a reporter," Sarah squealed, a pleading tone winding through her voice. "A reporter!" Samantha repeated. Her disconcerting smile returned again, even bigger than before. "That's different." She leaned back slightly to remove some of her belly's pressure against the squirming reporter. "You must be here to interview me," she purred, no hint of a question being audible in her voice. Sarah looked left and right helplessly. "Um, yes, y-yes, of course!" Sarah agreed, trying her best not to stammer. Samantha regally decreed, "Very well, you may begin." There was a slow pause as Sarah's mind processed the situation. Sarah waited for the statuesque woman to step back, but this event was not forthcoming. The reporter wiggled slightly. "Could you please stop squishing me against the wall first?" Sarah meekly asked, hoping she sounded polite. "No," Samantha replied simply with her eyebrows raised, seeming sublimely shocked that Sarah had even asked. The reporter's mind raced. She'd never had to conduct an interview in such bizarre circumstances, pinned between a wall and a belly that seemed only slightly smaller than the moon. Sarah squirmed and withdrew the micro-cassette recorder from her slacks, barely able to locate her pocket beneath the swell of Samantha's belly. She set the device atop the bulge of the inflated woman's abdomen and turned it on. Delicately, Sarah inquired, "Can you s-state your full name, ma'am, and tell me a little about the events you're competing in today? P-please?" "My name is Samantha Cartwright," the other replied immediately, a smug undertone indicating that she felt everyone should already know that particular piece of information. "In a few minutes, I will be competing in the Maximum Volume Time Retention event. You get as big as you can, and hold it for as long as you can. It bores me." She settled into a more comfortable stance, her belly sliding slightly down Sarah's form. "Why does it b-bore you, ma'am?" Sarah asked, trying to sound interested, though the only thing she really desired at this point was freedom. "Because," Samantha yawned, "I'll win. There're always a few that seek to challenge me, but they don't have my will to stretch, you see?" She reached out an arm in a grand gesture down along her body, presumably meant to be indicative of her own greatness. "I've heard that one of the other competitors n-named Sandy can get rather huge as well, aren't you concerned about her abilities?" Sarah asked. Samantha rolled her eyes, cocking her hips and resting one hand on the higher one. The woman's vast belly rubbed against Sarah like an unruly and worryingly affectionate whale. "My dear, 'huge' is relative, and compared to me Sandy's 'huge' is not very huge at all. Ask me some questions that are actually interesting," Samantha sighed, tapping an unseen foot below her girth. Sarah tried mightily to come up with anything semi-intelligent, a difficult proposition in the present situation. Meanwhile, Samantha's face began to slowly dip closer to the reporter's own countenance. "Umm, how would you d-describe this sport to someone that knows nothing about it? What's the essence of it?" Sarah inquired, hoping this impossibly ballooned woman would like the question. Samantha actually thought about the question briefly. She chuckled, "That's simple. It's a fetish. Paraphilia. We get off on being huge." Samantha brushed back a few locks of her dyed, reddish-purple bangs, her smile larger than ever. "Excuse me?" Sarah asked, genuinely paying attention now. Laurie hadn't mentioned anything quite so bold, though she'd tap-danced around the issue and said that it felt good. "We like being enormous. You don't think we make ourselves into human balloons for our health, do you?" Samantha asked rhetorically. Sarah considered the differences between Samantha's statement and what Laurie had said previously. "Others haven't really played up the, um, erotic value of the sport," Sarah truthfully observed. Samantha smirked and mimicked the reporter's phrasing, "Others probably don't like admitting to the 'normals' that they get aroused by blowing up like a balloon. The sport context adds an extra element of competitiveness to our quest for size." She wet her full lips, leaning her face even closer to Sarah than it had been before. "Just between you and me, shame is not a quality I possess in abundance, reporter girl. I don't have any problem admitting my kinks. When I say it feels orgasmic, you can depend upon it." "W-whatever you say," Sarah readily agreed. She squirmed helplessly, her already-invaded personal space being further compromised by Samantha's face drawing uncomfortably close to her own. She pulled her head as far back against the barrier as she could. She tried to squeeze out from between the wall and Samantha's belly, but she was pinned in far too tightly by the enormous sphere. "Here, let me show you," Samantha said huskily. She leaned forward, her full lips almost grazing Sarah's own. A curious light was in the taller woman's eyes, a bizarre mixture of hunger, desire and playfulness. The enormous woman's lips seemed quirked in an almost predatory smirk. "Uhh," Sarah stammered helplessly, squirming and pawing against Samantha's waistline in a futile attempt to get free. If anything, Samantha seemed fascinated by the reporter's struggles rather than annoyed by them. Samantha chuckled, a rich, lusty murmur of laughter. "Open wide and say 'ah,'" she purred. She leaned closer to Sarah, her lips just barely beginning to graze her mouth. Just then, Sarah's world was shaken by a terrific, reverberant impact from her right. It sounded as if the world's largest basketball had just been bounced. Sarah was disoriented by the impact, stars dancing in her vision. Samantha flew a dozen feet to the left, literally rolling head over heels on the ball of her belly. Sarah's recorder clattered to the side of the track. "That's enough of that!" Sandy shouted at Samantha, her expression angry. Sandy stood at Sarah's right, her own body inflated once again. Evidently, her swollen form was the source of the terrific impact that had sent Samantha sprawling. "You're never any fun anymore, Sandy," Samantha pouted. With an air of injured pride, she dusted off one of her swollen flanks and awkwardly rolled to her feet. "See you at the helium tanks." She adjusted her leotard and favored Sarah with a sly wink. Through Samantha's slightly-parted lips, Sarah saw the woman's tongue make an unusual motion against her teeth. Samantha raised her fingers to her lips and made an exaggerated gesture of blowing a kiss towards Sarah. There was a sudden pneumatic hiss from the woman's mouth, and a strong puff of air hit Sarah in the face from a dozen feet away, the breeze blowing a few strands of Sarah's bangs back from her forehead. Sarah gasped in surprise, taking an involuntary step back from the unexpected blast of air. Samantha smirked smugly, chuckling, "Maybe next time we can have some fun, reporter girl." She turned and strutted towards the center of the arena without another backward glance. "Sorry about that, Sarah," Sandy apologized, embarrassed. She bit her lip gently. "I came down a few minutes ago to inflate and stretch out for the event. I was looking around for you, but I couldn't see you with her body between you and me. It took me a while to figure out where you were. I got her off of you as soon as I noticed." Sarah shook her head numbly, mind reeling. "Why was she trying to kiss me?" Sarah asked, not sure of what else to say. Sandy looked askance, shuffling her feet awkwardly. "She wasn't going to kiss you," Sandy replied. She appeared to be uncomfortably considering her words. "She was going to blow you up like a balloon." "Pardon me?" Sarah squealed in disbelief. She swung her head around, watching back along the way Samantha had gone. Samantha was still walking towards the center of the rubberized track, the woman's wide, inflated hips swinging back and forth as a result of what could only be intentional effort. She sauntered past a shorter woman in a striped, referee uniform going to opposite direction, who stopped as she approached. The official poked Samantha in her considerable waistline. "Ms. Cartwright, I expect there won't be any issue with you trying to sneak in any extra helium this time around?" the referee asked, Sarah's ears barely able to pick up the distant words. "Does it really matter?" came Samantha's laughing reply as she turned to face the other woman. "Just get rid of it before the event," the referee sighed. "Don't make this a circus." "You're the boss," Samantha said, smirking and assenting with a mocking bow that almost caused her pressurized belly to bump the ground. She continued on her way, proceeding perhaps fifteen feet before she passed a small knot of mildly inflated women in leotard suits, chatting amicably amongst themselves. Unexpectedly, Samantha seized the blonde girl nearest her by the shoulder straps of her orange garment, and whipped her around to face her. "Special delivery," Samantha purred, pressing her lips against the woman's shocked, open mouth. "Mmmf!" the woman murmured, her arms pushing against Samantha's belly in resistance. Sarah heard another sharp hiss of flowing helium, and the woman's waistline began to swell as Samantha's own girth diminished. The athlete's struggles to push away from Samantha gradually gave way to a discomfited pawing at her own waistline, her facial expression visible past Samantha's cheek as one of strained fullness. When the two each bore a waistline of approximately equal size, Samantha broke the kiss. "Dammit, you know I can't hold this much!" the woman groaned, cradling her strained waist. She put a shielding palm across her lips as she delicately allowed the helium to slip back up her esophagus. "Just trying to help you build capacity," Samantha said, smirking. She released the woman's shoulder-straps and gave her belly a possessive squeeze. "Later," she added, continuing to walk. The blonde woman glared daggers at Samantha's back, continuing to deflate her uncomfortably full stomach. She turned back to her conversational companions, angry and red-faced. They shook their heads sympathetically. Sarah turned to look back at Sandy, the reporter's mouth gaping. Sandy had her right hand placed over her eyes in embarrassment. Her cheeks were tinged deeply pink. "Well, um, blow you up like that," the tall woman clarified, dropping her hand. Sandy's expression was one of nervousness. Sarah shook her head in disbelief. "But my skin isn't even stretchy like all of yours!" Sarah exclaimed. Sandy shrugged helplessly. "I know. But Samantha doesn't really care about things like that. I've seen a lot of her fans with stretch marks on their waists. She blows people up for fun, sometimes," the inflated woman awkwardly admitted. The shock of Sarah's encounter started to fade and anger began to rise in the reporter. Sarah put her hands on her hips and accusingly demanded, "Why didn't any of you tell me this was some kind of creepy fetish sport? I'm out of here!" Sandy spread her hands diplomatically, trying to pacify her. "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. I don't know what Samantha told you. But yes, I'll be honest, this sport is arousing to play. I never said it wasn't, and I don't think Laurie or the others would deny it either. But hear me out," Sandy said, attempting to mollify the smaller girl. Sarah crossed her arms, waiting. Sandy continued, "Aren't most physical sports enjoyable because they cause the release of endorphins? That's why they're exhilarating, right?" "Well," Sarah, said, hesitating. Sandy forged ahead. "So why does it matter if the endorphins are from exertion, arousal, or both? The result is exhilaration either way," Sandy reasoned. "I know it must sound like a very strange thing to get aroused about, but it's harmless. Everyone's involved in this consensually here. " "I wasn't consenting to what Samantha just tried to pull," Sarah fumed, putting emphasis on the word 'I.' She nervously looked around as if she expected to find balloon people waiting in ambush for her. Sandy shook her head, honey-colored locks waving. "Samantha is crazy, Sarah! I won't let her do anything like that again." Sandy licked her lips, clasping her hands in front of her enormous breasts. "Please don't judge the rest of us by her. Try to keep an open mind. Please?" She watched the reporter for some sign of her reaction. "Alright," Sarah murmured. "I guess there's nothing written that says a sport has to be based around physical exertion only. But I have to say, it seems like it'd make more sense to base one around actually arousing things. You know, as opposed to blowing up." "Hey," Sandy interjected, poking Sarah's shoulder playfully, "you still haven't tried it, how do you know it's not?" Sarah sighed, letting out a small, disbelieving laugh. Shaking her head, the reporter murmured, "Don't even start." She bent to retrieve her recorder from the ground. As she stood, her head bumped Sandy's belly with a drum-like reverberation. "Sorry," she muttered. "It happens," the taller girl assuaged her, belly wobbling with the mild chuckle she let out. "Anyway, thanks," Sarah added. Sandy arched an eyebrow interrogatively. "For not letting me get blown up like a balloon, I guess," the reporter clarified, feeling ridiculous as she said the words. Sandy laughed, her green spandex leotard creaking as she inhaled. "You're welcome. Now head back up to the seats, the event will be starting soon if you still want to stay. I'll put Samantha in her place for you." The inflated woman sobered slightly. "Well, maybe. I'll try." "Good luck," Sarah said, with guarded enthusiasm. She turned and walked up the rows of bleachers, Laurie looking at her in surprise as the reporter made her way back up to their row. Sarah sat down again beside the red-headed woman, sighing heavily. She felt vaguely shell-shocked after her experiences down on the field and with the long gauntlet of inflated bodies that she'd had to navigate. Staring straight ahead, Sarah dwelled uncomfortably on the memory of Samantha pinning her predatorily to the wall as she insisted these games were some variety of fetish sport. "I was wondering where you'd gotten to," Laurie said, an interrogative tone apparent in her voice. "Were you able to find the scorekeeper?" "Yes," Sarah said, voice taut and controlled. "I found her okay. I was getting the inside story about the games, that's all." "Oh?" the other woman inquired, one eyebrow lifted. "Who from?" "Samantha," Sarah flatly replied, glancing down at her knees. A shadow seemed to briefly pass over Laurie's face. The woman crossed her arms, and blew out a short sigh. Laurie cautioned, "Sarah, Samantha's a bit eccentric, I wouldn't really put too much credence into whatever she said." She turned and glanced down at the field, chewing the left corner of her lower lip in mild anxiety. "Also, to my very great surprise, she tried to use me as a balloon," the reporter murmured. Amanda and Laurie both sat up, spines straight. "What?" snapped the two of them simultaneously. Voice deadpan, Sarah elaborated, "she was apparently going to blow helium down my throat, until Sandy dragged her off of me." Amanda gaped, lips threatening to quirk into a disbelieving smile. Laurie quickly stifled the half-formed grin with a glare at the other woman. Amanda covered her mouth with her hands, fingertips forming a steeple above her nose. The lithe, black-haired woman looked to her left in embarrassment. "Sarah, I'm sorry. That's unacceptable. I'll talk to her about this," Laurie began, but Sarah lifted a hand from her lap and interrupted. "Are things like this going to keep happening?" she asked. "I have to admit, I'm feeling rather freaked out at the moment, and I'm pretty close to wanting to leave." Down on the field, several officials were using hand trucks to move some tanks off of the track area. Laurie shook her head. "It's my fault entirely, Sarah. I shouldn't have let you walk down there alone. I wasn't thinking," Laurie apologized, handfuls of the grey spandex covering her thighs clenched nervously between her fingertips. Amanda recovered her composure somewhat, slowly lowering her hands from her mouth. "Did she just come up to you out of the blue?" Amanda asked. Sarah glanced over in Amanda's direction. "Yes. Well, sort of. I backed into her and squeezed her butt," Sarah said, uncomfortably. Disbelieving looks began to form on the faces of the other two women, lips widening. "Not like that! It was an accident," Sarah clarified. Laurie blinked, shaking her head slightly. "Um, well, I'd certainly recommend not doing that in the future," Laurie laughed. She sobered and continued, "but of course that doesn't excuse her behavior. I'll talk to her about it." Sarah cleared her throat and admitted, "Also, I'm a little annoyed that you didn't tell me the full story earlier. Sandy and Samantha both agreed that these are fetish games." Laurie waved her palm, interjecting. "I said it felt good!" Laurie insisted helplessly. Amanda failed to comment, her cheeks slightly coloring. "Laurie, you said it felt good. Feeling good isn't the same thing as people giving each other blowup French kisses in the middle of what's supposedly a serious relay race," Sarah murmured, shaking her head. "In the past few hours I've also seen a locker room packed with human dirigibles, been pinned to a wall by a belly bigger than me, and escaped nearly being blown up like a balloon. This isn't normal, Laurie. This stuff doesn't happen when I go to football games." Sarah flung her arms wide in exasperation. The redhead looked askance, not meeting the reporter's eyes. Sarah continued, "I'm not some investigative journalist! I write sports columns. I don't want to have to be a detective to figure out what's going on here." Sarah lapsed into silence, evidently waiting for a reply. "You're right," Laurie soberly agreed. "But appreciate our position. It's hard to ask a complete stranger, 'hey, do you want to come write a story about our perverted sport?' I'm sorry I wasn't more direct earlier. We were worried you might not come, if we said too much up front." Laurie sighed, adding, "Anyway, it's true what Sandy and Samantha said. It's as much a fetish as it is a sport. I'm sorry you felt mislead." Laurie wrung her hands in her lap, her expression not one totally of guilt, but one mixed with nervousness and desire to be understood. Sarah nodded, inclining her head in recognition of the apology. "If I'd known in advance, I probably wouldn't have come," Sarah admitted, agreeing with Laurie's voiced worry. "To be frank, I'm feeling extremely uncertain about this whole thing. But I'm here, I guess I can try to stay for a little longer." Laurie looked relieved. "Thank you, Sarah. I know we've sort of messed up on presenting the right face to you so far. We're really grateful for your presence here. I just hope you realize our reticence is from nervousness," Laurie said. Down below the bleachers, most of the helium tanks from the relay had been removed. Several other officials were bringing out more. These new tanks were considerably larger. "I guess so," the reporter agreed, watching the arriving tanks suspiciously. "But in the long run, honesty is the best policy if you want me to be able to actually write a credible story about this stuff," Sarah pointed out. Both other women nodded their heads in hesitant agreement. "We'll try to give you whatever information you need," Amanda offered, breaking her embarrassed silence. The reporter considered her response for a moment, gazing down onto the track and watching the preparations of the officials. "Here's the big question, I guess. What's the appeal of this?" Sarah asked. "Laurie, I know earlier you said it felt good, but lots of things feel good. If you're so determined to have some kind of erotic sport, why make it about being a human balloon?" She involuntarily giggled slightly at the end of her sentence, verbally stumbling over the ridiculous juxtaposition of words. "Why this?" Laurie pursed her lips, tapping a finger on her knee as she thought. "Pressure," Laurie said, pausing slightly. Her countenance bore the expression of someone confessing guilty secrets. "The fuller you get, the more intense every sensation becomes. The more you have in you, the more you want. Once you reach that point of taut fullness, you feel so stretched that a single poke could pop you, but everything feels so good that you want more," Laurie continued, her cheeks coloring as she talked. "Even though you know it's crazy to want it, and that you're a human balloon." The redhead lapsed into silence then, fingers covering her awkward smile. The reporter shook her head slightly, expression surprised and uncertain. "Do you do any athletics yourself, Sarah?" Amanda asked. She leaned slightly towards the reporter from across Laurie's seat. "Um, swimming. I also did track in college," Sarah said. Amanda leaned further towards her. "You know how you reach that point when you're totally exhausted, and every muscle burns? But for some reason, it feels good, you feel that burn, and it makes you want to keep going?" Amanda inquired, her black eyebrows raised interrogatively. "Runner's high," Sarah said, supplying the terminology. Amanda nodded. The Asian woman cupped her own breasts in her palms. "It's like that," Amanda said hesitantly. "When I inflate my boobs, I mean when they start to get really full, the skin pulls tight and the stretch starts to burn." She let her hands fall away from her bosom, staring down into her cleavage. "Even though it's a little uncomfortable, the pleasure is stronger. I want to get bigger. Tighter. I want to push them further," she said, her eyes softly lidded, as if savoring a memory. Sarah was barely processing this information as a pair of black-clad spheres brushed against the side of her head with the whisper of sliding spandex. Sarah jolted backwards in shock, pushing against the doughy, black domes. Her fingers sank into the swollen orbs that the reporter belatedly realized belonged to Lindsey's backside. "I'm back. With pants. 'Scuse me," Lindsey said, attempting to sidle across Sarah in the gap between the bleachers to an empty seat. "Guwaah!" Sarah yelped in shock at the intruding derriere, pawing at it as if she was trying to ward off some kind of leak from a dam. "Whoops, Sarah, I'm sorry!" Lindsey giggled, looking over her shoulder. She minced across as best she could, moving the offending buttocks away from the reporter. "A butt that changes size is hell on your perception of the space you occupy," the blonde girl laughed. Lindsey had returned from the locker room after having replaced her burst pants, now wearing a black tank-top and a pair of black bicycle shorts, the latter stretched to the limit. Lindsey seated herself beside Amanda, her compressed bottom nearly filling three and a half feet of width and making it look as if she was seated atop a black beanbag chair. At the waistband of the bicycle shorts, the enormous, tanned cleavage of Lindsey's rear winked out from behind. Sarah stared for a moment, before finally breaking into a genuine laugh for the first time in quite a while. The three athletes quizzically looked at the laughing reporter. "I'm sorry," Sarah sputtered helplessly, barely able to speak through the laughter. "Oh god, the laugh just...slipped out, Lindsey, you look...l-like you're sitting in a bucket seat, made...m-made totally of butt!" she managed to say before dissolving into howling giggles. Lindsey's face appeared surprised for a moment, followed by her mouth crinkling into a grin. "Well, duh," Lindsey replied playfully, laughing. "I basically am." She ran her hands down and up her swollen flanks, ending with an affectionate pat of the tops of her buttocks. Amanda and Laurie giggled lightly. Laurie masked her involuntary smile with her fingertips. "I am unique in that I never mind sitting on hard seats," Lindsey laughed. "The wonder-butt makes everything feel like a recliner chair to me!" Sarah shook her head, stifling giggles. The reporter tossed up her hands in a gesture of submission. "Okay, okay," Sarah said helplessly. "You're balloon girls and you like it. I'm still not sure I totally understand, but I'll roll with it for now." Laurie visibly relaxed in her seat, smiling. "Thanks, Sarah," the redhead said. She laughed, "we may be perverts, but we're not all bad. I promise." Laurie seemed as if a weight had been taken off her shoulders.
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: "I'm in." Emily whispered into her walky-talky. She had managed to crawl through the air conditioning ducts of Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
"Head north to the inventing room." Rebecca replied. She was stationed outside the factory, keeping guard.
"Did I really have to wear latex? I'm burning up in this suit."
"It makes it easier to slip through tight places. With my fatass I'd be stuck in there."
After a few turns, Emily came to the conclusion that she was lost.
"I have no idea where I am."
"Look through one of the vents."
Peering through one of the vents, she could only faintly see the color blue.
"Ugh! It reeks of...berries."
"You must be over a juicing vat. That means you're close to the inventing room. Keep moving."
"Rebecca, these air ducts aren't stable at all."
"Then be careful."
Emily resumed crawling. Right when she was about to get a turn, a massive gust of air blew in her face, knocking her off balance. The ducts shook and creaked, nails becoming loose.
"Emily! What's going on?"
"The whole unit is coming apart!"
She broke through the duct, failing thirty or so feet to the blue ocean below.
The liquid was gooey, sticky, and smelled strongly of berries. Emily was covered head to toe in it. She stood up, as the gymnasium-sized room illuminated itself. The liquid was waist high, and spanned the whole room. Looking up, Emily could see the broken air duct, as well as large pipe.
"You there?"
"Yeah, I'm here, waist-deep in juice."
"Oh shit! That juice comes from the juicing rooms!'
"Yeah. And?"
"After being inside a human body, the juice becomes two times thicker and four times as potent."
"Son of a bitch, Rebecca. Of course you sent me in here. Don't you know how often I exercise? I can't afford...to..." Emily stared at her stomach. Like a sponge, it soaked up the juice. Her whole midsection had become plump with juice. She turned around to see her butt cheeks fattening, jiggling around as they filled up with juice. She had become a magnet for it.
"Rebecca!" She whimpered. "I'm filling with it!"
"You going to have to let it run its course."
"Great. Now my ass is going to be the size of a Zeppelin."
Emily, the human sponge, swelled at an ever increasing rate. Everything below her chest had become engorged with juice, including a body part that she wish it wouldn't go near.
Her bottom had become so fat, that instead of her feet giving her balance, her butt had touched the bottom of the vat, and made her torso and the rest of her body move upwards into the air.
"How are you doing?"
"As well as someone swelling with juice can be. It all concentrated itself in my belly and my butt. My whole upper body is slowly rising closer to the ceiling."
"Stay in there. There's not much I can do. In fact, I'm going to abandon my post. See you later."
"Rebecca! Please, give me some company."
"How does it feel?"
"Cold...and thick."
Her backside had become the size of a two-story building. Luckily for her, the juice was beginning to run out.
"I think it's about to stop."
The pipe stuck down, as Emily's rising body inched closer towards it.
"My face isn't swollen, thankfully, and neither are my boobs or arms."
"Good. I'm going to leave now. Hope you get juiced."
"Thanks for nothing..." Emily said jokingly.
She set the walky-talky down on her thigh, resting her heads upwards.
Bad idea.
The pipe descended into her mouth. With the pressure from her hindquarters pushing her upwards, her lips became lodged on to the pipe, which stunk with a scent of – you guessed it – blueberries.
Despite her muffled cries and moans, Emily was in for a bigger – and even juicer – treat. Though she had stopped swelling, the factory was a busy place, and it was only a matter of time until the inevitable. The black latex suit she wore was now a shade of dark blue, and ripped in many places.
Through the vibrations of the pipe, Emily could hear a juicing taking place.
"Now, this might feel weird."
The sound of metal pressing against liquid, and the subsequent oozing of that liquid followed.
"We're all done here."
Emily glanced around, seeing how her rear touched every corner of the room. This was not going to be fun.
The rumbling of the pipe got her attention. She knew it was near.
The pipe vibrated more and more, before unloading its goods straight down her throat.
The juice was warmer this time, and a hell of a lot sweeter. Like a pufferfish, the remaining parts of the body expanded. Her breasts billowed outwards, finding a resting place on her swelling belly. Her arms fattened and became utterly useless, her fingers turned to sausages. Her lips became plump, only furthering the seal on the pipe. Her cheeks were inflated like a chipmunks, blocking her vision.
The rest of the vat began to fill with her bloating, gurgling mass.
"Finally, it's over..." she thought, as her body settled.
A single drop of juice cascaded through the pipe and down her gullet. Her body began to quiver, shaking and sloshing.
"Please, no!"
A loud, wet pop rumbled through the factory, accompanied by a great splash of liquid.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion
Text: The day started off so well. I had a good night's sleep, a wonderful day at school and the weather was beautiful. The birds were singing and children were playing in the park I was at. Such a heavenly day and boy was it about to go badly wrong.
My boyfriend and I were chatting about various things that occurred today at school, mainly dull stuff that isn't worth mentioning unless you're some super geek. I was wearing a buttoned blouse with some blue jeans. I was also wearing a metal band shirt despite not even being into metal. Things got interesting when he gave me this bottle of pop. I never saw this brand before, it was called "Floatatious Fizz". The name was fucking dumb that's for sure, the colour was purple and the bubbles were fizzing furiously like someone just shook it up. Never the less, I was thirsty and needed a good drink. I opened the bottle, for some reason it didn't fizz up like a recently shaken up bottle would, but I didn't really think about that and chugged it down. I finished the bottle within seconds and let out a massive burp. My boyfriend laughed, "Woah, never seen you so thirsty before".
Then I started to hear a hissing sound coming from somewhere. I looked around for the source of the noise, "Where the heck is that weird hissing sound coming from?" I asked, my boyfriend was just as clueless as me. I started to feel bloated, like really bloated, never been this bloated before in my life. Like there was a huge beach ball in my stomach. The hissing got louder, and that's when it began. My belly started rising at a fast speed, my belt was struggling to keep of my expanding form before it couldn't take it anymore. *snap* My belt burst off my body and my panties were starting to show. My gut expanded ever so faster and all the buttons on my blouse were getting so tight. Then one by one, *pop* they *pop* burst *pop* off my *pop* ballooning *pop* body. The shirt underneath my blouse, the metal band logo on the front, was exposed to the world. The logo getting larger as it stretched with my shirt, which even that was starting to feel like it couldn't handle it anymore. My arms and legs started to plump up, tears began *rip* to show on the clothing containing *rip* them, the flesh seeping through as it ballooned into a rounder form. My torso was entirely round, and my blouse struggled to stay on as my limbs started to become absorbed by my balloon-like form. I started to float up off my seat, by this point I was spherical and was flapping my hands and feet around. My boyfriend grabbed hold of my right foot, but he too was starting to float up with me since he wasn't strong enough to keep me to the ground. I was still expanding too, my shirt was *rip* starting to tear *rip* too. And then it just couldn't take it anymore...*boom* it burst off into tiny fragments of fabric, my blouse was still hanging on around the back of my balloon body, but my naked body was now exposed to the world. My jeans couldn't stretch with my body and were loose since the belt came off, finally they just slipped off my feet, though my boyfriend was able to keep it on my right foot, my panties were showing off to everyone! I was blushing, my face looked like that of an anime character blushing...it was so embarrassing.
I then landed in the branches of a tree. I was saved from the fate of floating up into the stratosphere and bursting. But how the heck would I get down now? I felt my boyfriend let go of my foot as this happened. I thought he abandoned me or something for a second. I started to cry, my tears coming out like Niagara Falls. Then I heard his voice.
"Damn it! Why did I give you that crap!? Ugh, don't worry, the effect will go within an hour, just focus on getting the air out and it will go even sooner! I will wait for you to drop down".
Then I realised what he meant. A whole hour of burping and fucking farting, remind me to kill him when I'm down would you?
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, Aesop's fable, inhale, self-inflation
Text: It was a day just like any other day. A high school girl named Amber was walking down the street towards the shopping mall. As she walked, she twittered her friends on her cell phone.
Suddenly, an enormous foot came down on the street right next to her. Amber looked up in shock as a 50-foot, scantily-clad, and very angry looking Darryl Hannah walked past her. A man, who Amber assumed was the woman's cheating boyfriend judging by the look on the woman's face, was caught in her clutches and panicking. As Darryl walked away, a squad of police cruisers chased after her.
Amber went unnoticed by the giant woman. She quickly texted her friends. "OMG! I just saw a giant"!:O
In the mall parking lot, there was a large group of other students who had also seen the colossal woman and were gossiping about what they saw with great excitement. Amber was about to join them when she turned her head and groaned as she saw Rachel and her posse coming towards her.
Rachael was the top of pretty much everything. With her perfectly slim figure, she was a real knockout. She was the prom queen, the star athlete on her basketball team, and a straight-A student. She always had to prove that she was better than everyone else.
Today she was wearing a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt with a heart-shaped hole revealing the top of her well-endowed melons. She and her posse were unloading shopping bags into her pink sedan. Amber walked past them and hoped she didn't have to talk to them.
Rachael turned towards her. "Yo Amber"! Sighing, Amber turned to face them.
Rachael looked around. "What the hell is all this gossip about? No one has paid attention to me all day"!
"You missed it! There was a gigantic woman walking down the street this morning"!
Rachael raised an eyebrow. "You're telling me this girl is getting all the attention because she's big"?!
"She has to be at least 50-feet tall! I saw her up close"!
Rachael snorted. "You're exaggerating! I'll bet money that she's only slightly taller than me! In fact, if I wanted to, I could get just as big as her! Bigger even"!
It was Amber's turn to raise an eyebrow. "I'm sorry but there is absolutely no way that you could ever approach her in size".
Rachael told her posse to stand back and turned to Amber with a smile. "Very well! I was going to throw away these jeans anyway".
Amber was about to ask her what she meant when Rachael took a deep breath, causing her stomach to expand. She took another breath, and then another. She stuck out her stomach and made it as big and bulky as she could. Her jeans started to tear as Rachael began to swell in height and girth.
At this point, the other kids started to notice that something was going on. They all gathered around to see the amazing spectacle that Rachael was providing. Rachael's posse had obviously never seen this before and were standing with their jaws wide open. Amber could only stare in chilling awe.
It didn't take long for Rachael's jeans to split apart at the seams, exposing her legs and bottom, which were swelling just like the rest of her. Rachael had to peer over her enormous belly as she puffed herself still bigger.
Soon, Rachael had blown up twice her size both in height and width. She held her massively swollen belly with a look of deep satisfaction on her face.
"So! There's no way I can approach this woman in size, huh! Well, take a look at me now! There's no way she was bigger than this"!
All the kids that had witnessed Darryl looked at Rachael, then at each other. They shook their heads in agreement. "That is very impressive I must admit" replied Amber. "But that's still nowhere near as big as the woman we saw today".
Rachael stared with amazement and disappointment. But she wasn't about to let this go yet. "You know I really liked this shirt. Oh well"!
She raised her head and started to inhale some more. She took breath after breath, and her entire body swelled even further. Her arms and legs were becoming as thick as an elephant's. Her bottom ballooned out until her panties could barely contain them. Her breasts also ballooned outward until they were as big as beach balls. With great effort, Rachael made herself both taller and wider.
All the other kids were cheering her on, chanting for her to get bigger. One kid was filming the event on his iphone camera so he could post it on youtube. As Rachel swelled up, so did her pride, and a smug expression spread across her face. The only kid who seemed worried was Amber. She knew that this wasn't going to end well.
With a might rip, Rachael's shirt burst into tiny pieces. She resembled an enormous sumo wrestler with every part of her body massively swollen. Her panties had long since blown apart. The only thing she was wearing was a bra that was being stretched to its limit. She spanned the length of her sedan.
The other kids hooted and hollered at the spectacle. Rachael made a deep laugh.
"Ha! How do you like me now Amber?! Is this big enough for you"!
The kids looked at each other once again and shook their heads. "Look!" said Amber. "What you just did is impressive enough. You don't have to compare yourself to others. You're great already".
"In other words, she's still bigger than me"!! Rachael was pissed.
Amber sadly shook her head. She had hoped that Rachael would admit defeat. Her hopes were quickly shattered.
"All right, then! You want to see colossal! Feast your eyes on this"!
She took an enormous breath and ballooned herself so much that her bra snapped into oblivion. Rachael was blowing herself up with more dedication than ever.
Everyone started backing away at this point, with many kids heading for the hills. Even the guy filming the event eventually lost his nerve and fled. Rachael's posse ran off without her. Amber quickly walked backwards away from her, still unable to take her eyes off Rachael's massive form.
Rachael puffed and expanded into an enormous round ball with a monstrously swollen belly, butt and breasts. Her skin was stretched to almost the breaking point. Her arms and legs stuck out uselessly from her bloated form. Her head looked like it was about to be swallowed completely. Her face was red, and her brow was sweaty. Still, Rachael didn't stop. She was so intent on outdoing this other woman in size that she was willing to blow herself up to her absolute limit. She chuckled to herself. She was clearly experience a thrill from all this exertion.
Rachael was now the width of a school bus and stood nearly as high as the shopping mall behind her. Amber was the only kid left. Knowing she was in danger, she ducked underneath a parked mini-van.
Rachael shouted out loud. "NOW...SHE CAN'T BE...THIS BIG"!
The blast sent many cars flying. Amber waited until the mini-van she was hiding under stopped shaking before poking her head out. There was a massive crater near where Rachael's sedan was once parked. The explosion was so quick and sudden that nothing remained of poor Rachael.
No one was going to get in trouble for Rachael's death. The entire event had been filmed.
As Amber strolled back home, she thought about how her mom had always said that self-conceit could lead to self-destruction. Mom was right.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, magic
Text: It would have brought Prince Thorne great delight to have apprehended Shannah Darkmoon, but the risk was too great. The Pegasus Guard had successfully rescued Lady Belinda from her flight, but her predicament wasn't nearly as perilous. Shannah was enormous, her body so filled with the energy of the Voluptaas sand that she was glowing. Both the Prince and Baron Hughes were convinced that she would burst; they didn't want the Guardsmen anywhere near her when she did.
But there was no explosion heard that night. In days following, tales of a floating orb illuminating the night skies made their way back to the castle. Each night the light grew dimmer and the sightings were farther and farther east.
Prince Thorne was worried that the magic might be fading and that Darkmoon might return to earth. His alchemists reassured him that this wasn't the case. If recovering from the sand were simply a matter of waiting, then Belinda would have shrinking as well. Shannah's light was fading because she was steadily rising higher into the heavens. If she continued to do so, she would eventually asphyxiate or possibly even explode. Regardless, The Darkest of Moons would darken his doorstep never again.
Hughes was impressed by Madam Darkmoon's pace. After two nights, she'd left the kingdom's borders. A few nights later, the sightings stopped.
Lady Belinda took up residence in the Prince's private garden. A large tent was constructed around her to give her privacy while the royal alchemists worked on a cure.
Fortunately for Lady Belinda, they had plenty of Voluptaas sand to work with. Unfortunately for the serfs conscripted as test subjects, there were many failures, some quite spectacular. But after several months of work, a cure was formulated and Lady Belinda was once again ambulatory.
Shortly thereafter, and over Baron Hughes' discreetly expressed objections, Prince Thorne announced his betrothal to Lady Belinda and began preparations for a royal wedding. None gave any more thought to the fate of Shannah Darkmoon. The glow provided by the magic of the Voluptaas sand offered much light but only a little heat. It was enough to keep Shannah from freezing to death in the bone-chilling winds that carried her, but just barely.
As the days passed, she could see the ground gradually falling away, the features of the landscape growing less distinct. And to make matters worse, she could feel her body swelling against the increasingly rarefied air at altitude, the pressure inside her rising. She constantly felt as though her enormous, taut globe of a body was right on the verge of rupturing.
When she passed through a cloud, water droplets collected on her skin. At night, the glow from within her body made them sparkle like the jewels that had adorned the gown from which she'd so spectacularly burst. Sometimes she could catch a drink, depending on her orientation. When her body was upright, water pooled in the dimple where her body bulged up around her head. At that point she didn't really have a choice; she could either drink or drown. Thirst would become a problem if the clouds cleared, but it was only one problem on an impressive list.
"I could explode. I could expire from thirst. I could starve. I could freeze. If it rains, I could even drown."
It was after her sixth sunset in the sky that Shannah made landfall. She was awoken by the chill of her drift grinding to a halt against the snow. She blinked her drowsiness away, a spark of hope lighting in her heart.
Have I really come down?
That spark quickly flickered and died. Judging by the vast arc of her bosom that filled much of her vision, she was just as distended now as she'd been when she'd dozed off. The sight of the snow-covered peaks around her confirmed her fear. Shannah had not descended to the ground; the ground had risen to meet her.
Throughout her ordeal, Shannah had struggled to maintain her resolve and cling to hope. Many times she'd fought back tears, and had succeeded for the most part. But now her flight had come to an end near the summit of a towering mountain. There would be no trails this far up. There would be no passing caravan to come upon her. Even if by some miracle she were to suddenly deflate, she was starving, freezing, and naked; her only supplies were a locket of that infernal sand. She would never survive the trek back to civilization.
Shannah Darkmoon, the greatest thief who had ever lived, was going to meet her end distended, naked, defeated, humiliated, and alone. At long last, she surrendered the battle to hold her sobs in. A wise man once said, "Hell is other people." By that measure, Tanadreal truly lived in a heaven on Earth. He was surrounded by ice, stone, and scrub. It was the perfect place for him to pursue his studies. There were no people around to provide distractions or complications.
That was the case most days. But tonight he caught a scent.
People smell. They stink. Most people spend their days among other people. Their noses became numb to the stench of humanity. Only the truly solitary fully understood the depths and breadths of human odor. On any given day it was a safe bet that there wasn't another man within a hundred leagues of Tanadreal's home. This meant that anyone who came near his part of the mountain was almost certainly there to see him, and that he would smell any such arrivals from a long way out.
So it was with great surprise that Tanadreal noticed the smell of someone unfamiliar. It arrived suddenly and with great strength.
He briefly pondered who this unexpected visitor was. All of Tanadreal's visitors were unexpected. His home was so remote that it wasn't terribly practical to send invitations down or announcements up. So anyone who wished an audience with him would simply have to make the trip and hope that he would spare them some time.
Anyone who knew of Tanadreal knew of his contempt for humanity in general. No man who enjoyed company would ever take up residence here. But as notoriously disagreeable as Tanadreal was, he firmly believed that anybody who risked life and limb to reach him deserved at the very least a hearing and a cup of tea.
"Xartac?" he called out.
"Yes, I smelled her, too", the imp replied. "Shall I put on a kettle?"
"Yes." Xartac was his only companion. Tanadreal had planned to dismiss him after he'd fulfilled the terms of his summoning, but Xartac had begged to stay, promising that he could continue to be of service. And that bat-winged, lizard-faced little hellspawn proved surprisingly persuasive.
Tanadreal agreed to let the imp stay but only so long as he was useful. That was almost fifty years ago. The enchantments that bound him had long since faded, but Xartac stayed. If Tanadreal had friends, Xartac would be one of them.
"Her?" Tanadreal breathed deeply, taking in the new scent. He scowled. "I'll be damned. How did I miss that?"
Xartac shrank back a bit. Tanadreal did not like being wrong. "In all fairness, I'm quite certain I've smelled a human woman far more recently than you have."
Tanadreal grunted in assent. He returned to his reading and awaited a knock upon his door.
No knock came.
Tanadreal scowled. A visitor who didn't present himself was more likely than not an intruder. He was more annoyed than angry. Only a great fool would brave the hazards of the Spire to stir up trouble with one tenacious enough to make a home here.
Intruders were rare. Their skulls adorned his mantel.
"Something's wrong," he growled.
"Sire, there's a light." Xartac pointed out the window.
"There is." He couldn't see the source, but something was casting a light far brighter than the half moon in the sky. He grabbed his staff. "Stay here and tend to the tea. It appears we have something interesting on our hands."
Tanadreal slowly trod around the curve of the cliff face. The source of light slowly came into view, the scent of person growing stronger. He was not expecting the spectacle that greeted him; it was a massive orb, at least five times his height. He could barely believe what he was looking at, but the impossibly plump hand embedded in a dimple halfway up the globe confirmed it.
The object before him wasn't an it; it was a she. He'd found his interloper. When Shannah first heard the approaching footfalls in the snow, she thought she was dreaming.
Delirium is good, she thought. It's the fun part right before the end.
Her visitor couldn't be real. The air was still, the mountain silent. She could hear him clearly. He was barefoot; the faint swish of his clothing could only be a light cloak at most. If he was real, then he'd be just as dead as she was, and about as quickly.
Yet still he neared, his pace a steady one-two-three cadence of feet and walking stick. It wasn't until she heard his voice that she dared believe he might be something other than a figment of her imagination.
"My, my, aren't you a big girl?"
"Hello? Who's there? Help, please!" Shannah called out.
"I'll be asking the questions," Tanadreal barked. He walked around the enormous blimp until he found the swollen, tear-streaked face that was the source of the voice. "Are you visitor or thief? You're contemplating deceiving me. I would caution you against it."
Shannah's breath caught in her throat when the gaunt, white-haired old man came into view. Despite the cold, he was clad only in tattered sage's robes. If any doubts regarding his nature had remained, then they would have been dispelled by the ornate sigils that adorned his face and neck. And these particular symbols were quite familiar to her.
The spark of hope sputtered back to life.
"Both on occasion, but neither today," Shannah replied. She hoped that the puffiness of her face made her expression difficult to read. In her weak and exhausted state, guile did not come with ease.
"Why are you here?"
"The wind carried me here. It was not a journey of my choosing."
"So I am to believe that mere misfortune brought you to my mountain?" he demanded.
"I would hardly call my predicament mere misfortune. And is this really your mountain?" Shannah asked.
"No questions!" he snapped. "And yes, this is my mountain. I have claimed it, and there is no man to contest my claim. Unless you wish to do so yourself?"
"No sire, I do not," was her reply. "But as a matter of principle, King Radys may take issue with you annexing the Davermore Spire."
"If the winds of fate brought you here through no machinations of your own, then how do you even know where you are?"
"You told me," Shannah said. "Your clothes, your tattoos, this godsforsaken mountain. You can only be the mage Tanadreal. Which means I must be at Davermore."
Tanadreal frowned. "Most folk think I'm merely a myth. And yet you know my name, my face, and my home, while I know nothing of you. You can see why I find this troubling. Who are you?"
Shannah smiled. "Are you asking me, or yourself?"
"Myself, mostly," he replied, smiling in return. Even in her surpassingly swollen state, this woman mustered poise and wit that few could manage. "Shall I guess?"
"Please do. But I suspect you've surmised my identity."
"You've already confessed to being a thief, but clearly you're no common cutpurse. You know much about me, knowledge which few people possess and for whom even fewer have a use. Such knowledge is not easy to come by; I suspect you sought it out when you were plotting to rob me."
"That was some years ago," Shannah confessed. "Your defenses are quite intimidating."
"No doubt you quickly dismissed the idea as suicidal. But that you considered it at all tells me all I need to know. You're not just any thief, you're the greatest of thieves. You're Shannah Darkmoon."
She nodded as best she could. "At your service, and your mercy. Please, I need help."
"By the looks of things, you've no service to offer me. And I have no mercy to offer you." He turned his back to her and began walking.
"Wait! Please, hear me out!" Shannah cried. "I'm not asking for charity. I will gladly repay you for your assistance. And given how much I value my own life, I assure you the compensation will be great indeed."
"I've little use for money," Tanadreal replied, waving a hand dismissively as he continued walking. "I've devoted my life to the perfection of the arcane arts. Anything that would be of value to me simply cannot be bought."
"Then we have something in common," Shannah said. "I possess wealth far beyond mere coins. And if I don't possess what you desire, 'tis no matter. As you said, I am the greatest of thieves; I will steal it or die trying."
"There is only one thing in the world that I desire which I cannot get for myself. And if it is beyond my reach, then it is certainly beyond yours," he called out over his shoulder. "Good night, Madam Darkmoon. And if you could, please be so kind as to wait until morning to burst. I become very disagreeable when my sleep is interrupted."
"Check your polymorph tincture when you get home!" she called after him. It was the most reckless of gambles, but she literally had nothing left to lose.
At this, he stopped and turned back to her. "What? Why?"
"You were correct. I researched you when I sought to rob you," Shannah said. "But I didn't dismiss the idea. I paid you a visit then. I stole only things that would truly aid my work and would likely go unnoticed. Polymorph tincture is priceless to a thief, but of little use to a recluse. Nothing is beyond my reach."
Scowling with with a mix of rage and disbelief he disappeared in a flash of light. The wait seemed like an eternity to Shannah, but was certainly no more than a few minutes. Another flash and Tanadreal returned, still scowling and holding small brown pod between his thumb and forefinger.
"It seems you are a far better thief than I gave you credit for," he snapped. "Take this under your tongue." This was his second error of the day. And as much as it irked him to admit it, having her around might be of some benefit to him. If she had a tendency to expose his weaknesses, then it would be best for him if she did so as an ally rather than an adversary.
Shannah opened her mouth as far as her bloated lips would allow. The mage pressed the pod between them. It tasted of leaves and mud. A powerful tingling sensation enveloped her.
"That will keep you warm and comfortable whilst I formulate a cure for this ridiculous condition of yours."
"Thank you," she replied. Tears welled up in her eyes once more.
"You won't be thanking me when you hear my price. Steal it or die trying, those were your words?"
"They were."
Tanadreal spoke to her the name of his greatest desire. Shannah's eyes twinkled with joy.
"No," he gasped. "Not even you could possess such a treasure."
"No, I do not. But I know where I can acquire it. It will take some time, but I swear upon my life that I will repay you for your help."
She would be breaking one of her most sacred rules, but all other rules were subordinate the the first: survive.
Truly great thieves, the masters who went on to retire and die quietly in their lavish beds, treated their art as a business. There was no room for grudges or vendettas. Pride would kill a thief as easily as the deadliest of poisons. Win or lose, you did a job and then you moved on. You never robbed the same man twice.
But Shannah had made a promise, a promise that would secure her survival. And that promise would require her to return to Prince Thorne's castle.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping, inhale, transformation
Text: One of the benefits of living near the coast in a warm climate was the ready availability of beaches. Unfortunately for Atsuko and Marissa this was common knowledge so, for fully half the year, they had to deal with overcrowding and tourists whenever they wanted to go swimming. Eventually, between the congested parking lots and small children, they decided that enough was enough and started doing laps in a public pool within driving distance of the shore that was ignored to the point of nearly being abandoned.Nearly.There was someone else there on this particular day, a young man about their age in sandals, red surf shorts, and a T-shirt. He wasn't being an active nuisance, but he did ruin the solitude of the area, a point which grew to irritate Atsuko. "Man, he's not even swimming. Why is he here?""Not sure," Marissa replied. "Want me to deal with him?""How? You're going to ask him to leave?""No, I was thinking something different. I'm a witch."Atsuko opened her mouth before closing it again, lapsing into thought for a few seconds before speaking. "In what sense? Because contemporary paganism isn't unified; most academics treat it as a group of different religions ranging from Reconstructionism to Eclecticism with no real direct lineage to pre-modern polytheistic-""Okay, okay," Marissa interrupted, gesturing for her to stop. "Let me rephrase that: I'm a female wizard.""Oh." A beat. "You're thirty?"Marissa shrugged helplessly."Was it worth it?""Oh, absolutely. I don't look thirty, do I?""I thought that was just good genes. You're saying it's magic?""Eh, little of column A, little of column B. So." Marissa inclined her head towards the young man before picking up a pool noodle off the ground. "How do we deal with our guest?""Maybe have him float off," Atsuko replied. "Turn him into a balloon or something.""Can do." She spread her arms, gesturing with the pool noodle before pointing it at the young man, and from somewhere out of sight came a bored-sounding "poof."The young man visibly winced, clutching his stomach before straightening up again. He reached under his shirt, prodding gently at his midsection before pausing and stripping it off, much to the delight of the two young women. There, splashed across his abdomen, was a patch of bright blue, quickly spreading up and down to his chest and beneath his waistband. In a panic he brushed his fingers against it, trying to rub the coloring off as it began coating his arms and legs. He stared at his hands in shock, the color rising up his head as his hair grew fluffier, clumping together in a single mass. As the last of his body turned blue there was a quiet "pop" and he took on a dull sheen, navel inverting to reveal the tied-off mouth of a balloon.Atsuko let out an appreciative whistle. "Okay. I'm impressed."He patted himself down, expression changing to one of shock. Turning his head, he noticed the two seemingly for the first time and hurried over to them. "You have to help me!" he exclaimed, breathing heavily. "I'm a balloon!""We can see that," Marissa said."No, you don't understand!" He held out one arm. "I'm empty!" His chest rose, falling again to almost but not quite its previous size. "Balloons aren't supposed to be empty!" He took a breath, trim stomach growing into a pot belly. "They're supposed to be full!" Another breath and his limbs thickened, giving him a fattened look. "And big!" He drew in a third, far beyond what any lungs could hold, and grew all over; his midsection bulged, thighs pressing against each other as his arms were pushed up by his pneumatic love handles.Atsuko leaned in towards Marissa. "Is this normal?" she whispered."Sometimes there's some..." Marissa gestured. "Mental changes."The young balloon man heaved in another breath, torso growing round as his legs were reduced to thick, short stumps. He tipped backwards onto the twin swells of his rear end; with another massive inhale, his lower body was reduced to a rounded hemisphere as his limbs were pulled flat, feet half sunken into divots on his sides, and he rocked back to an upright position. Despite his practically spherical body, everything above his shoulders was still somewhat normal-looking, albeit massively swollen: His cheeks were puffy, his hands swollen, and his arms looked like thick balloons tapering in at his joints."You don't say," Atsuko replied, eyeing the figure that was now at least two heads higher than either of them were tall."I have to be bigger!" he exclaimed. Huffing and puffing, he continued to grow, swelling out and up inches at a time. Within moments he had reached, then exceeded the scale of a weather balloon, shorts stretched impossibly far across his lower half. With each intake of air his body let out quiet creaks and squeaks and, to the dismay of the young women, his rate of growth seemed to be increasing as he swelled ever larger.As he crested two stories in height, obscuring most of the pool from view, Atsuko and Marissa found themselves in his growing shadow. Gesturing animatedly to him, Atsuko exclaimed, "do something!""Like what?" Marissa asked. "I can't turn him back, he's got a bunch of air in him.""MORE!" he shouted. His mouth stretched unnaturally wide as he pulled in more air with an audible "whoosh," surging out a yard. Another massive heave of breath and his body let out a low groan, taut latex vibrating from the sudden bout of swelling."Can't you get the air -out?-" Atsuko asked.Marissa turned back to the young man, mouth moving wordlessly as she attempted to formulate a plan, watching as the figurative hot air balloon approached the size of a literal one, overshadowing the pool, the fence, and the building behind them. Despite the speed of his inflation, his progress seemed to grow slower and louder as groans and growls emanated from within, and his stretchy blue skin took on a brighter sheen. "I... I think that might not be an issue." She took Atsuko by the arm, retreating back into the changing rooms.They disappeared from view as the young man struggled to pull in a final breath, body creaking ominously as it loomed over his surroundings. As the air settled inside of him he let out a contented sigh, patting the top of his gargantuan midsection. "Mmmm... finally."But something still felt... unfinished.Raising a chubby arm, the young man plunged his thumb into his mouth and blew as hard as he could. His cheeks ballooned to the size of grapefruits and his arms swelled dramatically as he struggled to force more air into himself. Slowly, his taxed body grew inch by inch, straining and throbbing from the pressure as it slowly grew translucent.After all, there was one other thing balloons were known to do.
After hearing the explosion, Marissa and Atsuko stepped out into a swirling snowstorm of blue scraps of latex and red bits of surf shorts. Scanning the area for any sign of the young man, Marissa looked up in time for his deflated, flattened body to flop onto her head, completely nude and, judging from the relaxed expression on his face, quite pleased with himself."...well," Marissa said finally. "I guess things turned out okay."Atsuko took one of the young man's hands between her finger and thumb, inspecting it. "Guess so." A moment later she added, "so, can we keep him?"
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Fourth week in the market, and it was official. Bloating Soda was an unrivalled success. Ariel stood in her new office, smiling as she looked out on the city. Her soda was the only one of its kind on the shelves, so there was almost no competition. To be fair, a soft drink that tasted good and made your gut inflate like a balloon was a pretty original idea.
"The sweet smell of success! ... And newly dried paint, but mostly success. Hehehe." She was on Cloud Nine. It felt great knowing how successful she had become. She hadn't even checked her bank account yet, and she was already revelling in what she had achieved. Sitting down in her chair, she felt like popping open a glass of champagne.
"Ms. Ariel," beamed the intercom, "There's someone here to see you. She's a scientist, apparently."
"A scientist?" The champagne popping would have to wait. "Best not keep her waiting. Send her in."
After a brief moment of waiting, the door opened. Stepping in was a tall, blonde haired woman, obviously taking a page from Farah Fawcett's book of hair styles, and sporting a very confident smile, briefcase in hand. Also worthy of note was her white lab coat and goggles. She was going to guess that her assistant didn't even ask what her occupation was.
"Hello!" She announced, almost as if she was expecting a round of applause. "You must be Ariel, the genius responsible for the creation of the greatest soft drink of all time?"
"Um...If you really like Bloating Soda, then yeah, that's me. Is there something I can help you with, Doctor...?"
She smiled. "Gass. Opal Gass to be specific." That name sounded so familiar. Where had she heard it before? "And the question is, how can I help you? How can I possibly improve perfection?"
"Well, by definition, you can't. It's the ultimate, and best version of something. But having said that, I'm willing to admit the soda 'isn't perfect. You have some ideas?"
"Such modesty. Always a good characteristic in leaders. Yes, my dear, I have a few little concepts we can work with." She opened up the briefcase and pulled out a sheet of paper, handing it to Ariel.
"What's this?"
"I took a look at the ingredients for BL and made some tiny modifications here and there. Tell me, what is the most popular aspect of Bloating Soda?"
"The fact that it inflates your stomach? Turns out a lot more people are into that than we'd initially thought."
"Quite right. So, I thought that we'd double their pleasure if we octupled the results."
"You mean-"
"Bigger belly, bigger sales. Right on the money." Ariel looked up from the paper in surprise as her guest sat herself down on the table, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "What's the current commercial for Bloat? A ridiculous, if ravishing superheroine using her Soda inflated belly to cushion her landing and save the day. How big does her belly go? Pretty big, yeah. A few sizes beyond pregnant, for sure."
"Yeah? Almost two million hits on Youtube."
"Here's your next one. We open on our lovely lady of justice running across some rooftops. She finally encounters who she's after; a woman with an eye patch, flowing red hair, a cape, and a general sort of, M. Bison thing going on. They fight. Good Girl whips out some Bloating Soda Classic, and literally knocks our villainess to the curb. Then, she pulls out some Bloating Soda Max, and not only bounces Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes away, but levels the whole building. Tagline: Being Bad feels Good, Indulge."
"What do you think?"
"Um...It sounds like it'd be fun to film."
"So you like it?"
"But, the bad guy wins."
"Yeah. What's the problem?"
"Well, we've got a pretty big 'Feel good' vibe going on for us. I don't want our commercials ending on a downer."
"It's not like you can't make more. Heroine gets revenge using something she won from some Sports thing your sponsoring or something."
"Well, it isn't a bad concept. I could just switch who gets the New Bloating Soda."
"But that'd ruin the whole point of the advert. The eye patch girl has to win."
"...Because its the whole point! Heroes winning are cliché, you don't want your company to fall into that territory, do you?"
"Dr. Gass, do you have something against good guys?"
"Nope, they're okay in my book."
"Are you sure? Because you seem pretty adamant on our mascot getting her ass kicked."
"I'm not a Hero-Hater, Ariel. Heck, I'm a huge Deadpool fan."
"You really think Deadpool is the shining standard of 'Good Guy?'"
"Look, anyway, the commercial isn't the point I'm trying to make. What I am trying to get across, is that my new Bloating Soda Max formula can take this company from 'Success Story of the Decade' to 'Coke's Assassin.' What do you say?"
She looked at the formula and sighed. She wasn't used to this part, she much preferred discussing the sponsorships. "Well, to be quite blunt Doctor, I think its a bad idea.
"I'll start you off with the first thing. The bellies produced by Bloating Soda are a little more complicated than 'Drink, grow belly.' The formula works specifically to grow the belly to a specific size; the perfect size, for our situation anyway. Big enough to make your jaw drop, but small enough to avoid too many problems."
"I've got a problem. They're not big enough!" Her tone shifted away from the friendliness she had been gushing out since she stepped in the door.
"Second, we're just getting started. I think its a bit early to be bringing out side products anyway."
"So, you hate the idea?"
"I wouldn't use such a strong word."
"No, no I see how it is. Fair enough. It was pretty silly of me to just barge in here and try to throw my ideas around before you even hit your prime."
"Glad we could work this out peacefully."
"Yeah. It'd be pretty sucky to be an enemy of your favourite company."
"I can imagine. Though, since you did go to all this trouble and seem to love the product so much, why don't we hook you up with a free case of BL on the way out?"
"That'd be nice. But I know something we can both enjoy."
"Oh?" Ariel rose an eyebrow. She was really adamant about taking up her afternoon, wasn't she? Her irritation took a whole new turn as Gass's legs suddenly wrapped around her waist.
"You, me, a bottle of BL and a hot tub? You don't need to be a scientist to figure out this equation," she smiled, putting her hands to Ariel's shoulders and licking her lips in a rather suggestive manner.
The blue streaked woman didn't know how to react. That was quite a proposition, and she felt a tingling sensation all over her body. She reached her hand out, pressing her finger down on a small red button. "SECURITY!!!"
"Oh what?" She could hear them running up the stairs that very moment. "Come on! I'm in a lab coat and goggles! This'd be an awesome story to tell your friends later on!"
She pulled herself off the table with an irritated grumble as she heard the footsteps coming up the stairs. Finally, two men burst in through the doors. Instantly they recognised who they had to remove from the area, and grabbed Opal by the shoulders.
"Looks like the doctor is out," one of them laughed, obviously having wanted to say that for a while.
"Nice one. Now you just need to wait for a nun to break in and we can use that penguin joke."
Opal was suddenly silent. A bit of a smile was on her face, yet one could feel the tension beaming off of her skin. "I... am not that kind of doctor."
Before anything could be said, two athletic security guards crashed down onto the floor. In the building next door, after crashing through two sets of window.
Ariel sat with her jaw dropped to the floor as Opal turned to her. "Okay, so perhaps I do in fact have a problem with good guys. They make being a bad guy difficult."
It suddenly all clicked for Ariel. While this was definitely the first time they had actually encountered each other, this 'Dr. Gass' had made her presence clear to her once before. "You! You're the psycho that bloated the president!"
"Wow, your kind of slow for someone who owns a highly successful company, aren't you? I wasn't even in disguise! Yep, that was me."
"That almost killed us! 'UN Summit destroyed by US President's inflated stomach, Bloating Soda responsible?' It's a miracle nobody died, let alone the company still being a success!"
"Oh please! She was fine! Everyone makes this huge deal about what happened...And I love every syllable. Why don't you tell me how I'm a menace to society? Just tell me, slowly." Even with her goggles on, a suggestive wink was clearly seen.
The blue streaked woman grabbed the phone and hit speed dial.
"What was that?"
"More security. Fortunately some of my associates were a little too enthusiastic and basically hired a small army. I'll be sure to..." Gass had produced something from her bag. It looked like a water pistol. As she fired it between the two office doors, it seemed to be a water pistol full of quick dry cement.
"In that case, lets see what we can negotiate while they're trying to knock down the door.
"Oh crap..."
Ariel almost shrieked as Opal pushed her to the wall. "Now Ariel, sweety. I don't need your permission to take over this company. Not at all. I can just snap your neck and throw together some doctored note with you leaving your company to me. Or hell, put on a blue streaked wig and just hide you body in a closet. But no, you would be fortunate enough to gain my favour. So, I'm going to ask you nicely. Please can well sell my soda?"
"No!" She threw her fist violently towards the Doctor, quickly finding it caught in the woman's palm.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe I will have to snap your neck after all."
"I'd -uh, prefer you didn't."
"Duh. But don't worry, I came with something a little different in mind." She pulled something out of her jacket. A silver canister. "Can you guess what's in here?"
"Yes, but I'm really hoping its just soup."
She smiled and began screwing off the cap, apparently going as slowly as possible. She was kind of cruel that way. Finally popping it off, she drew it to her lips and emptied a few drops onto her tongue, flicking them down her throat. It was not soup.
Ariel looked down towards her captive's waist. She could hear it gurgling, in a manner all too familiar to her. "Bloating Soda...That's your own mix, isn't it?"
A button flew off of her lab coat. "Bingo!" Ariel looked down in near horror as her fleshy pink belly began pushing its way out of the jacket and towards her. It was then something else occurred to her.
"Oh my god! You're naked under that!?"
"Don't be stupid. I'm wearing underwear." She popped a button and swerved her behind towards her victim. "See?"
"No, I do not see!" She said, shielding her eyes. She could admit it, that was being a bit silly. It wasn't like seeing another woman's ass was going to kill her, but at this stage her level of 'Freaked Out' had reached an all time high.
"Don't be such a baby! Now, time to take your medicine." Her belly had just stopped expanding. It was bigger than the regular variety of Bloating Soda belly. And she just gulped down a few drops. This wasn't going to end well. Especially since the damn canister was right at her lip!
"NO! YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME BURST YOU PSYCHO!" Swinging her hand as hard as a rock, she knocked the cylinder right out of her hand, right into Opal's face. A bit shocked that she was finally reacting, Opal's mouth had dropped a centre-meter or two. You can guess where most of the soda went.
She hit the floor, face vacant. The silence was so deadening, somehow it seemed to drown out the guards beating at the door.
And then, Opal's lips began to curve upwards, quickly revealing her pearly white teeth to Ariel. "Urp. Excuse me."
"Oh...What have you done?"
"Me? Seriously? You're saying this is my fault? How about next time I blow up someone's car, I tell them its their fault for having a car to put a bomb in."
Ariel didn't have time to reply to her, or even point out that this wouldn't have happened if she hadn't brought in the canister. But then again, what was she trying to get across? That she did something she'd be happy about?
She ran to the window. Then to the door, still being beaten by a gang of guards. Opal just sat down on the table again with a smile the size of the moon plastered onto her face. She didn't even bother looking down at her expanding girth; and in a few moments, she wouldn't have to.
"Dammit! How do I fix this?"
"Fix what darling? My burning passion? Because many have tried, but all have-"
"Shut up! You know what I mean. How do I stop this?"
"Why would I tell-Urp!-you-Ooooh!" She clucked her growing stomach on the last syllable. "Okay, yeah, maybe a reason."
"Ha! If you get too big, you'll be too heavy, the room will break apart, and you'll fall off the building."
"Or, possibly crush it beneath me."
"Either way, you're in for a lot of pain." So was she, but mentioning that would probably take away from the intimidation.
"But it feels so good..." She seemed to be groping her own gut. Almost outgrowing herself in size, she could have easily been just trying to move her hands away. Though considering who she was, that seemed unlikely. "Okay, yeah. This is a bit of a predicament."
"Then start thinking, Doc!"
She put a finger to her chin. "Okay, there is one way I know of. You're not going to like it."
"Come on! Now is not the time!" She took a step back, the pink sphere bulging out further and further, now resting on the floor and just bigger than the woman attached to it.
"You're gonna have to pash me."
She nodded.
"Kiss me. You're gonna have to kiss me on the lips, with tongue."
"Oh, bullshit!"
"I'm serious! I altered the recipe to react to a release of endorphins, the detection of arousal, oral moisture and a several other factors so that the only way to deactivate the serum was to have a passionate kiss."
"You can't be-Why the f*ck would you do something like that?"
"Because I'm a sexual predator!"
She had a point. "Fine!" Ariel ran to her side and pecked her on the lip.
"I said with tongue! How is that with tongue?"
"I heard you, I'm just building myself up!"
"Yeah, you can go build yourself up when your buildings crushed under my moon sized gut!"
"You think I'm not worried? Come on, at least I'm not enjoying this on some level!"
"Haven't you ever been to college? Big party, had too much to drink? What kind of woman are you?"
"I can't take this!" Grabbing Opal by the shoulders, she yanked the woman close and smacked her lips around hers. Had it not been for the car sized belly weighing her down, she'd have jumped in surprise.
After performing what felt like a Yoga class with her tongue, she finally broke aware, instantly spitting onto the floor. "That passionate enough for you?"
The immense tummied woman huffed and breathed deeply. She'd need a moment to recover from that little assault. "Y-y-yeah."
"Because...I'm a back stabbing bitch," she smiled.
She stood silent. Even as the pink flesh began pushing her away, she didn't move. Except for her fist, which was being clenched rock hard. "Maybe...if I hit you hard enough the air will just fly out!"
Her fist surging with more anger than she had ever felt in her life, Ariel punched Opal in the stomach. Deep into the stomach. She lost her entire arm in the expanding orb. The villainess began to laugh hysterically as the enraged CEO continued to dig her fist in deeper and deeper, still quite a distant away from her torso.
"I don't feel like it," she laughed, "But maybe you'll have more luck."
"What the hell does that mean?" She looked down. Her hand relaxed. The belly shot her flying into a wall. "Damnit! You-" She felt it.
Her belly was growing. She drank her precious Soda quite a bit, so she knew the feeling pretty well. Not to mention the more obvious sign of her gut pushing her shirt up.
"How'd this happen, you're wondering? Well..." Opal's tongue seemed to wriggle around her mouth. Then she spat something to the floor. A tiny metal canister. An empty tiny metal canister. "I'm a smart chick, so I tend to plan ahead on these sorts of things."
"You slipped me your super Soda when you kissed me?"
"I hardly think it was me kissing you, sweety."
"Great! Now I couldn't let you run the product even if I wanted to! By the time I get back to my desk I'll be too big to move!"
"What a fine predicament you've gotten us into."
"ME?! If I could reach past your gut I'd wring your neck!"
"But you can't. Thems the breaks."
Ariel stood up, and immediately fell flat on her face, her belly being enormously heavy and all now. "My entire company destroyed just because you're a horny psychopath! I am genuinely having difficulty understanding this!"
Their bellies bumped together. Somehow Ariel felt even more uncomfortable than before. She immediately began moving away from the looming pink goliath, but at its size, and with her own growing belly, it was almost impossible to avoid. It just pressed against everything! The floor, the wall, the furniture, it almost felt like someone was lightly punching it!
"If this keeps up I'm gonna...UUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRPPPPPP!" The room seemed to shake! Given the weight already crushing down on the floor, this wasn't a good thing. Opal smiled. One of few things she loved more than a big belly was hearing a good belch. She was in heaven. But both of them noticed something else. Something very noticable indeed.
Ariel's belly was flat.
"A burp? All I had to do was burp?"
"What? No! It's supposed to be irreversible! How did I miss something like that?"
"Don't know don't care. All I do know right now is that you forced yourself into my office, sexually assaulted me, tried to take over my company, beat up my guards, almost destroyed my entire building, damn near killed me, inflated my gut against my will, and now I'm angry enough to punch you into another galaxy. And seeing as how I can reach over my belly now, I think I might try it!"
"Been there, done that. Shouldn't you be running or-"
The image that followed was truly quite bizarre. People in the building over were still confused as to where these two security guards fell from, and the people in the street were wondering why two people jumping out of a window and how they got such great distance. And now they had to see a chunk of a wall burst off of the building as an enormous cream coloured sphere flew out, soared across the sky and headed for the lake. Two cities over. Needless to say, the ensuing splash wasn't too kind to the cities budget.
"You're banned...for life..." Ariel collapsed to the floor. It would be a half hour before the doors were finally knocked over and she was tended to. It would be a few days before they found out her burst of super strength was a side effect of releasing certain components of its recipe in her belch. It'd be months until she got her office rebuilt.
And it'd be an eternity before Dr. Opal Bianca Gass got over meeting the woman of her dreams. Banned for life or not, she had a feeling they'd cross paths again very soon.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, Prose that Blows 11 - It's All About the Feels, Prose that Blows Winner: Most Sympathetic Inflatee, Prose that Blows Winner: Sexiest Story
Text: Katie had had a dull life. It all started (or ended) when she was given a puppy as a child. She laughed as it gambolled around her but suddenly heard a hissing noise she couldn't place. She quickly located the sound as she felt herself swelling up like a balloon. Her parents quickly whisked the little dog away, naturally thinking she was allergic. But Katie knew different.
Growing up she kept to herself, no friends, and was very careful what situations she got into. In her last job she mistakenly let her birthday slip and walked into a surprise party (caught off guard, she made excuses and rushed to the bathroom till she deflated). She found herself working in a sleepy coffee shop soon after. And it was perfect. There was even a guy there that was kind of nice and she was pretty sure he liked her. If conversation ever went too far she'd just find some work to do so he wouldn't notice her plumping up. It wasn't much but it was enough.
After a few weeks though she found herself gazing at him and one of her many taboos jumped to the front of her mind: yearning. She felt herself ballooning rather quickly as he walked to the counter. She was trying to keep it under control when he started: "I was wondering if, maybe, I could call some time? You know, outside of the coffee sh-"
"Sorry I have to get something from the back." She hustled away, her shirt buttons and skirt straining to hold her ballooning form. She managed to calm down but the thoughts just kept coming... and she realised she'd already made a decision: I want this, I need this. Back out front she smiled sweetly and wrote her number on a serviette.
"This Friday. Call me." He looked very pleased with himself as he walked out, she thought, finally letting it sink in. She put on her favourite red lipstick and the lingerie she'd bought especially. Katie admired herself, beaming. A ringtone broke the silence and she smiled inwardly; her bum and bust swelling as she skipped to answer. She leapt onto the bed and laughed as she bounced on her ballooning behind.
"Hi John." she said huskily. Putting her phone on speaker and resting it by her pillow.
"Hey Kat," he replied. She felt warm and her bum and boobs inflated quicker. "So I was thinking, we've talked a lot and I'd really like to take you out sometime. Somewhere nice."
"Do you like me John?" she said, feeling deliciously coy.
He played along replying: "Yes I like you Kat, I like you a lot." She looked down gleefully as her breasts rose higher. She was inflating steadily now as she began to surrender herself. Years of repressed femininity dropped off her like chains. She could almost hear the thud as they fell to the carpet.
"More." she said, closing her eyes, urging her expansion as well as his flattery. "Tell me what you like about me. In detail." she said indulgently. She heard his smile as he continued.
"I like your voice, your laugh and the way you make the world stop when those big green eyes settle on mine."
"Go on." she said. Her belly was filling up now and she rested her hands on it, feeling her fingers spread as it bulged wider and wider.
"I like how kind you are and calm, like nothing could ever go wrong if I'm next to you." She blew up faster in response and she could hardly hold onto her middle as her sides were billowing out too. Her bum was getting so big she was wobbling precariously on the bed. She was losing control now, barely keeping up with conversation.
"If you were here right now John would you hold me? Kiss me?"
"I'd caress you and kiss you all over till you begged me to stop." A thrill passed through her entire body as she felt his lips on her and every imagined kiss made her grow more and more. She felt a pinch as her bra finally snapped and slid off her, her breasts now expanding in every direction. Even her arms and legs began to swell up and she supressed a giggle.
"How would you romance me, surely you can't expect to get into my knickers that easily?" she rushed, as her arms and legs were pushed further and further apart.
"I'd be the perfect gentleman. There'd be roses and candle lit dinners and lots of nice surprises." She imagined them all in turn, surprised and excited how much faster her entire body surged bigger. She felt a stitch crack in her panties and was relieved as they tore and joined her bra on the duvet.
"Do you think... we'd move in together?" she stammered
"Maybe. Then I could have you all to myself." Eyes wide, she heard and felt herself loudly whooshing bigger. She felt totally round now and could only just wiggle her fingers and toes. There was nothing she could do except stare in wonder as she filled up...and up.
"And maybe if everything worked out, you could make a Mrs out of me?" she struggled, breathlessly.
"Sure." he said softly. Air rushed into Katie faster than ever, her stretched skin squeaking as weddings and children and family life flashed through her mind. Her belly quivered from the strain just inches from the ceiling. So tight, so full, she knew she was about to pop.
"Tell me you love me." she said through puffed up lips, her body completely still for a moment.
"I love you Katie." Her whole body creaked and reverberated deeply as she grew the tiniest bit bigger and heat rushed over every inch of her- with eyes firmly shut she managed:
"I love you too..."
Rubbery scraps of Katie showered the room as she finally burst.
"Katie? Katie? What was that bang? Are you ok? Katie!"
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, helium
Text: The day was overcast and cloudy, as it had been for the week prior. The gentleman had settled in for some quiet study in the library, when the manor's front doorbell rang. Sighing, he set down his sudoku book and pencil and proceeded through the manor, cursing himself for not hiring a butler. As he reached the door the bell rang again, and he muttered a weary "yes, yes, I hear you" as he peeked through the keyhole. Spotting a figure with red skin and silver-on-black eyes, he immediately reached for the lock.There was a series of thumps at the door. "I know you're there," a woman said. "Your car is parked outside."Well, he thought, it's certainly a change from how they normally approached him.He opened the door to find two demons - there really was no mistaking it after how many he had seen, though in an odd change of pace for him, both were wearing street clothes. One appeared to be a long-haired and particularly endowed woman in her early twenties, at least six and a half feet tall, not including the large horns curling up from the sides of her head. The other was in his late teens, albeit barely standing at five feet, with purple skin, ram's horns and what looked like a leather collar around his neck. His head was approximately on the same level as her breasts, and the gentleman wondered if he didn't consider that a perk of their relationship.The woman waved. "Hi. I'm Nicole Stenam. You bought this house from my father, Derek Stenam?"He took a moment to think. "Yes, I recall. His... proclivities have been no end of trouble for me. I've had many visitors come for him, but he left no forwarding address."Nicole nodded. "That sounds like dad, alright. Anyway, I'd like to buy it back from you." She glanced behind him. "Can we come inside?""Are you going to try to have sex with me?""Sorry, I'm a one-man woman." She looked down at the younger demon - or at least the younger-looking one. "Lilu, did you want to?"Lilu gave her a curious look before shaking his head. "I had no plans to, no.""A welcome change." He stepped to the side, gesturing for them to enter. As they passed by he said, "might I ask why you're interested?""Well, it -did- belong to my family for a long time. Plus it's easier and less time-consuming than re-finding all the books and artifacts he found and re-building all the... well, you've probably found them.""Just the one in the library," he replied, shutting the door. "I've been using it for storage."Nicole stopped in the foyer and sniffed the air. "I think I know what you've been storing. It smells like demon sex in here.""For the record, I'm not averse to selling it to you. But I do have... problems, that need to be taken care of first.""Problems?""Problems within your area of expertise."She looked at him over his shoulder. "Really."The gentleman nodded. "A demon has its eye on my life, it would seem. I believe it's a dullahan.""Dullahans aren't demons. They're unseelie fairies.""Oh, I see. Well, if that's the case, then perhaps someone else knows-""No, I'm just saying. But if you need help, I'll help. Fairies ain't shit.""Thank you. If there's anything you require, simply name it."She turned, holding up an index finger. "First of all, I'm going to need a rope and a basket. Secondly, Lilu?""Yes?""Pop the trunk on the car."
The air was still and silent as Nicole crouched in the foyer, Lilu standing beside her. Outside the skies had darkened and, in the distance, thunder rolled across the sky. Suddenly the deadbolt on the door turned and the chain slid free of their own accord, moved by some unseen force. The knob turned and the door swung open to reveal a pale woman with long red hair, clad in dark armor. "Your time has co-"Her eyes went wide just before Nicole speared her, slamming into her waist shoulder-first and tackling her with enough force to send both their bodies sailing outside and over the porch, hitting the ground beyond. With her body pulled out from beneath her the dullahan let out a cry as her head spun in midair and fell to the ground with a thump, wispy black smoke streaming from both ends of her neck. As soon as it fell Lilu broke into a sprint, yanking the dullahan's head up by the hair as he ran outside, continuing past Nicole and the dullahan's body, the latter now straddling the former by her waist and holding her arms down by her wrists.Needless to say, she was not at all pleased at the turn of events. "How dare you!" she barked. "Unhand me at once, you demonic thrall! Both of you!"Lilu slid to a stop at the rear of the car, free hand hovering over the contents of the trunk before spotting and picking up the end of a hose. "Our service to the individual inside is entirely voluntary, thank you.""Cease your meddling at once! His soul is mine!"He sighed as he set her head down, shoving the hose into her mouth before quickly opening the valve on a connected tank as far as it would go. "I'm sure he's heard that a lot by now."The gas streamed into the dullahan, her bulging cheeks squeezing her lips tight around the hose. Her look of confusion quickly turned to shock as, elsewhere, the effects made themselves apparent.Her body stopped struggling in Nicole's grasp for a brief moment before resuming its flailing. Nicole could feel the dullahan's waist swell between her legs and her arms thicken in her hands, and soon she could see her armor rise up on her, the straps beginning to strain as clothed flesh began to peek out. There was the sound of creaking leather and Nicole quickly dismounted her, giving her body a clear berth as she headed back inside.One by one, the straps gave way. Free from their pressurized confinement her body exploded outward, hurling bits of armor into the air. Arms swelled like overstuffed sausages, legs grew thick, the stitching on her boots splitting down her calves to the ankles, breasts grew to eclipse her non-present head, and hips, waist, and backside all disappeared into a single round torso.The body continued to flail, rocking back and forth on a curved back before falling into a rhythm, the swings of its limbs moving it further from side to side until it tipped over onto its front. Awkwardly rising to its feet, it turned towards its head and slowly approached it with a bow-legged, shuffling gait, waving both arms as it struggled against a pneumatic stiffness that tried to force them to its sides.Nicole exited the house, tightening a knot of rope on the handle of a basket. Looking up at the dullahan's body, now halfway to the car, she arched an eyebrow. "Huh," she said. "She figured out how to stand up.""Rather quickly," Lilu added.Approaching, she gave it a swift kick in the backside. "Well, we can't have -that-."It fell on its belly, bouncing a few times before coming to rest. Its limbs still swung in an attempt to right itself, the arcs growing more shallow until they stiffened into wide cones. As her body grew her breasts became wider and flatter, spread across her surface as high domes, and the smoke emanating from her neck had turned puffy and cloud-like.Nicole yanked off one of its boots before trying the other end of the rope securely around its ankle. Trailing her hands back down the rope she held the other end, watching as the dullahan's form grew, and grew. It quickly swelled larger, limbs becoming hemispheres with flapping hands and feet pulled into dimples, before finally being pulled flat. Slowly lifting off the ground, it finally broke the bonds of gravity, having become little more than a flesh-toned weather balloon with hands, feet, and breasts.She tugged on the rope, testing its newfound bouyancy as the foot it was tied to wiggled. "That feels about right. Okay, Lilu. Cut the helium and bring her over here."Lilu pulled the hose from the dullahan's mouth, and she let out a gasp, panting for breath. Hoisting her up by her hair again, he carried her over to Nicole and the basket. "What in Samhain's name-" Her eyes fell upon the rest of her and her jaw dropped. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?! I'LL KILL YOU! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU, YOU DEMONIC HARLOTS!"Nicole rolled her eyes as the dullahan ranted and raved, gesturing to the basket. Lilu dropped the head in, and she turned towards the manor and shouted, "all clear!"The gentlemen stepped outside, eyeing the dullahan. "What -is- the cause of your family's predisposition towards..." He gestured to the floating fair folk. "...that?"She shrugged. "I don't know, but you'd be surprised as to how many supernatural beings are inflatable.""So what now? Do you... pop her?"The dullahan instantly fell silent at the word "pop." Nicole shook her head. "No, fairies can come back from a lot, that included. What we need to do..." She let go of the rope, watching the dullahan - basket, head, and all - shoot up into the air. "...is that." She looked back at the gentleman. "Problem solved.""You're certain?""Of course. Probably about six percent of all debris in low Earth orbit is supernatural in origin." She rubbed her hands together. "Now, about my family's old home..."
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