Unnamed: 0
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4,809 | spam | Subject: goldeditor : resource opportunities profiles elgin resources ( elr - tsx )
www . goldeditor . com
lawrence roulston ,
editor of resource opportunities newsletter , is one of the few editors we
follow who is a geologist . we find his copy more conservative than most , and
respect his researched opinion . his recent profile of elgin resources ( elr : tsx ) , a platinum
company , was important for us to read , because we know he followed aquarius
platinum earlier . aquarius is a highly successful company on the london stock exchange . thank you lawrence for allowing us to share your knowledge of
geology and platinum with our subscribers .
resource opportunities
. . . discovering
value in natural resource stocks
( elr - tsx )
extracted from the march 2005 - 1 issue
is in the process of merging with jonpol to create a company with substantial
platinum interests and near - term production potential .
the combined company will have in excess of 12 million
ounces of platinum group metals to its credit , all in the measured and
indicated resource category . most importantly , both of the main deposits that
will initially be held by the new company are presently headed toward early
development .
both of elgins projects are on the eastern limb of
the bushveld complex in south africa . the bushveld is the worlds most
important source of platinum , producing two thirds of the world ' s supply of the
precious metal .
the elgin deposits have grades and other attributes
comparable to nearby profitable operating mines . they have the added benefit of
being located at a shallow depth , with plans to begin mining one of the
deposits as an open pit . by taking advantage of nearby infrastructure , elgin can develop the mines quickly and at modest capital costs .
to read the
entire article , click here :
happy reading , live long and prosper .
the gold editor
gold editor provides , for remuneration , corporate communications and
investor relations services to the above mentioned client ( s ) . the information
contained in this email is based on existing disclosure documents or other
publicly available information . you are encouraged to seek independent
verification of any information that is important to your decisions . neither
gold editor nor the mentioned client ( s ) is offering securities or advising or
soliciting the purchase or sale of the securities .
www . goldeditor . com
to be removed from this distribution list , click on
the box below .
gold editor po box 48451 bentall centre vancouver , bc v 7 x la 2 canada
| 1 |
4,002 | spam | Subject: barely of age and ready for your company
click here to be removed
| 1 |
3,536 | ham | Subject: fw : hpl imbalance payback
now that we have a transport agreement on hpl . on physical payback , i think the
best way would be to have the imbalance transfered to our agreement and then schedule
the payback directly to us .
i guess we need to work this out with the aep people . i have talked to kim lastraps about
this . can you guys follow up and let me know what you decided .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : baumbach , david
sent : monday , october 15 , 2001 1 : 49 pm
to : farmer , daren j . ; olsen , michael
cc : hall , bob m
subject : fw : hpl imbalance payback
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : laallen @ aep . com [ mailto : laallen @ aep . com ]
sent : monday , october 15 , 2001 1 : 16 pm
to : dbaumba @ enron . com
subject : hpl imbalance payback
sorry , guessed wrong at your e : mail ! !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lauri a allen / hol / aepin on 10 / 15 / 2001 12 : 15 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to : brian . hull @ enron . com , dave . bombeck @ enron . com
cc : rita . wynne @ enron . com
subject : hpl imbalance payback
brian - this relates to an imbalance due enron pre - june 2001 . aep / hpl is negotiating on enron ' s behalf to clear these historical imbalances . lobo wants to pay this gas back on wednesday . you guys can take this in and transport it on hpl to a market ( for a fee , of course ) or you can outright sell it to hpl after taking receipt at king ranch . it is up to you . i realize that wednesday may be short notice . i was not a party to determining the date of this resolution and have no problem getting these guys to hold off , if need be . just let me know how you want to proceed . i ' m at 832 - 668 - 1181 . thanks .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lauri a allen / hol / aepin on 10 / 15 / 2001 12 : 04 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to : " ' laallen @ aep . com ' " , " ' smaki @ aep . com ' " , " ' susan . m . braden @ exxonmobil . com ' "
cc : " garza , israel "
subject : hpl imbalance payback
we have confirmed and agreed with hpl ( laurie allen ) and exxon ( susan
braden ) to allow lobo pipeline to payback our hpl thompsonville imbalance at
hpl - king ranch .
our imbalance to date is 6798 dkthm , and we would like to schedule this for
gas day wednesday , october 17 . please respond to this email if you all
agree with this date .
i will send a nomination tomorrow morning once each party has agreed to this
email .
sean , could you please forward this to daxa bhavsar .
regards ,
robert j . perez jr .
lobo pipeline company l . p .
t & e ( transportation & exchange )
etn : 639 - 4685
mailto : roberto . j . perez . jr @ usa . conoco . com | 0 |
1,194 | ham | Subject: name change / merger listing for 7 / 00
this is the preliminary spreadsheet for july . there will definitely be
another listing distributed no later than this friday . for some reason there
has been an unusual number of notices issued and we are working diligently to
get the documents lined up .
updates to records in gcp for counterparty name changes :
the legal name field will be updated monday afternoon ( 7 / 17 ) .
the erms shortnames will be changed on tuesday afternoon ( 7 / 18 ) . | 0 |
1,138 | ham | Subject: tejas nomination change effective 7 / 7 / 00
for some reason , this e - mail just got to me . sorry if it makes you late on
anything .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 07 / 06 / 2000 11 : 21
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron capital & trade resources corp .
from : " cynthia cantrell "
07 / 06 / 2000 09 : 30 am
to :
cc :
subject : tejas nomination change effective 7 / 7 / 00
attached is a revision for the haynes 21 ctp effective 7 / 7 / 00 . please advise
if you need additional information .
thanks ,
cynthia cantrell
- enronhaynes 21070700 . xls | 0 |
3,747 | spam | Subject: ok
new offshore pharmacy - not a single medical question asked , guaranteed
or it ' s free .
valium , xanaxm , soma , zyban , super vlagara , etc . lowest cost anywhere
in the world .
128 - bit encrypted site which means maximum confidentiality no
tracing .
executives , doctor ' s , business people have been using our site for
years we are proud to present it to you . see what were all about today .
this communication is privileged and contains confidential information
intended only for the person ( s ) to whom it is addressed . any
unauthorized disclosure , copying , other distribution of this communication or
taking any action on its contents is strictly prohibited . if you have
received this message in error , please notify us immediately or remove
yourself from our list if there is no interest in regards to our
products .
http : / / www . nepzzz . com / mo 01 p / byebye . html
jgetsl sy s
wsliubj q wixwiruss
apbt jiqxutq wcnbd
exfi mdwyemd tkai
| 1 |
4,441 | spam | Subject: reduce monthly - payments
your application has been pre - approved on monday , november lst 2004 .
your mrtg . process is set for rates starting at 3 . 25 % fixed .
http : / / www . creditorssuck . biz / green / m 46 /
we look foward to hearing from you .
jeanette chang
| 1 |
3,427 | ham | Subject: re : entex may 2001
howard ,
can you please respond to daren ' s question ? howard after we talked i thought you were going to just make the change effective 6 / 2001 . even if they do add these meters to the deals ena does not have a transport contract on unit to sell the gas to entex .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : farmer , daren j .
sent : monday , august 13 , 2001 9 : 24 am
to : schumack , sherlyn ; olsen , michael
cc : jacobs , charles
subject : re : entex may 2001
we haven ' t had those meters on these deals for the entire year . why do we need to add them on the last month we have the deal ?
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : schumack , sherlyn
sent : monday , august 13 , 2001 8 : 41 am
to : farmer , daren j . ; olsen , michael
cc : jacobs , charles
subject : fw : entex may 2001
daren or mike ,
can you add these meters to the deals below ?
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : hbcamp @ aep . com @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - hbcamp + 40 aep + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com ]
sent : thursday , august 09 , 2001 12 : 37 pm
to : schumack , sherlyn
cc : hbcamp @ aep . com ; ttnguyen @ aep . com ; ccernosek @ aep . com
subject : entex may 2001
sherlyn ,
the pops meters 7107 , 7108 , and 7109 need to stay non allocatable and need to be allocated on unit gas pipeline . you will need daren or michael at enron to do the following
add meters 7107 , 7108 and 7109 on unit pipeline to sitara deals 70550
then you can run the pops 53 report for these meters or use your allocation to properly allocate to the meters on unit pipeline .
once this is done , let me know and i will zero out the pops meters .
hc | 0 |
17 | ham | Subject: re : lyondell citgo
my latest understanding is the buyback will be in place through 12 / 31 / 99 .
a new deal for 15 , 000 / day begins 1 / 1 / 00 and currently has no buyback
provision .
howard b camp
12 / 16 / 99 12 : 27 pm
to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect
cc : kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect , tina
valadez / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect
subject : lyondell citgo
gary ,
i have been notified that there is a possibility that the buyback was not
effective for lyondell citgo . could you please inform me via cc mail what
the status of the buyback is once you have reviewed it .
hc | 0 |
3,354 | ham | Subject: re : sos ! re : aep is missing 3 deals for 05 / 01 .
thanks daren ! was that trade between ena & aep or hplc & aep ?
daren . j . farmer
@ enron . com to : imceanotes - tnray + 40 aep + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com
cc :
06 / 25 / 01 03 : 53 subject : re : sos ! re : aep is missing 3 deals for 05 / 01 .
i only had one day trade with aep for may . i bought 5000 at 4 . 37 on 5 / 17 .
they may have transacted with kelly stevens on the central desk .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : tnray @ aep . com @ enron
sent : monday , june 25 , 2001 7 : 30 am
to : farmer , daren j .
subject : sos ! re : aep is missing 3 deals for 05 / 01 .
importance : high
daren :
per conversation with ryan mcgrath @ aep in ohio , he & genaro mendoza @
enron are trying to settle 05 / 01 gas sales , netout . per ryan he is
3 sales deals ( sales to aep by hpl or ena ) , @ waha hub , that he
stated ,
per his understanding , genaro is not reflecting under ena . the info that
provided re : the missing deals are as follows :
waha hub , 7900 @ $ 4 . 18 or $ 33 , 022 . 00
waha hub , 7900 @ $ 4 . 09 or $ 32 , 311 . 00
waha hub , 7900 @ $ 4 . 365 or $ 34 , 483 . 50
i checked with julie meyers , ( see e - mail below ) , and she suggested that
contact you . can you help with this one ? i don ' t reflect any 05 / 01 sales
aep in unify .
thanks !
- - - - - forwarded by tessie n ray / aepin on 06 / 25 / 01 07 : 24 am - - - - -
julie l meyers
to : tessie n
ray / aepin @ aepin
06 / 22 / 01 04 : 41 cc :
pm subject : re : aep is missing
3 deals for 05 / 01 . ( document link : tessie
n ray )
i would ask daren farmer at enron .
tessie n ray
06 / 22 / 2001 04 : 14 pm
to : julie l meyers / hol / aepin @ aepin
cc : genaro . mendoza @ enron . com , charlene l richmond / hol / aepin @ aepin
subject : aep is missing 3 deals for 05 / 01 .
per conversation with ryan mcgrath @ aep in ohio , he & genaro mendoza @
enron are trying to settle 05 / 01 gas sales , netout . per ryan he is
3 sales deals ( sales to aep by hpl or ena ) , @ waha hub , that he
stated ,
per his understanding , genaro is not reflecting under ena . the info that
provided re : the missing deals are as follows :
waha hub , 7900 @ $ 4 . 18 or $ 33 , 022 . 00
waha hub , 7900 @ $ 4 . 09 or $ 32 , 311 . 00
waha hub , 7900 @ $ 4 . 365 or $ 34 , 483 . 50
can you help with this one ? i don ' t reflect any 05 / 01 sales to aep in
unify .
thanks !
tess | 0 |
4,193 | spam | Subject: re : here comes your rx
if you check our inventory list , you will find allegra , brufen retard ,
carisoprodol , diazepam , lipitor and xanax . you will be amazed by the price
as well .
if getting darvon with one rx become a pa - in for your pa _ in , there could
be another method you could try .
http : / / a . vao . throughput 9067 pil 1 . us / f 74 m /
the process of losing weight is such a terrifying work . there should really
be awards for the people who have lost the extra fat in a short time .
seeing the boy ' s back turned , he seized a long iron bar that was used to
operate the telescope , and struck at rob so fiercely that had he not worn
the garment of protection his skull would have been crushed by the blowat it
was , the bar rebounded with a force that sent the murderous frenchman
sprawling upon the roof , and rob turned around and laughed at him
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : erich richardson [ mailto : bhiukvg @ yph . com ]
to : gregg kerk ; renaldo testen ; cory nestel
sent : thursday , november , 2004 9 : 50 pm
subject : here comes your rx
the types of infections addressed by included studies - severe infections
acquired in the hospital or pneumonia acquired in intensive care
units - suggest that further infections were caused by this pathogen
arrimador 10 cujara 32 celti ` berodespancijarberiberi
| 1 |
1,430 | ham | Subject: re : meter # : 1266 ; august 2000 / allocation exception
should i roll this deal to cover august 2000 activity ?
volumes todate are as follows : 82 mm 8 / 16
85 mm 8 / 17
65 mm 8 / 18
57 mm 8 / 19
60 mm 8 / 20
sitara ticket # : 363514
these small meter flows are causing allocation exceptions for august .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 08 / 21 / 2000
01 : 27 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : robert e lloyd 08 / 11 / 2000 03 : 17 pm
to : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect
cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 08 / 11 / 2000
03 : 16 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : robert e lloyd on 08 / 11 / 2000 03 : 16 pm
to : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
the volumes are as follows : july lst 414 mmbtu
july 31 12 mmbtu
total : 426 mmbtu ' s
also , the sitara deal # is : 363514
from : lee l papayoti on 08 / 11 / 2000 02 : 02 pm
to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect
cc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
subject : re : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
please set up a ticket priced at gas daily houston ship channel midpoint
minus $ 0 . 03
also , can you let me know the exact volumes in question on july 1 and july
31 ? dorcheus wants to know . me too .
to : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect
cc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
subject : re : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
just a reminder that " allocation close " is monday , august 14 th .
a sitara ticket is needed to set up an acctg . arrangement which will
eliminate the allocation exception for meter # 981266
{ victoria station # 2 / brandywine } .
from : lee l papayoti on 08 / 09 / 2000 03 : 33 pm
to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
i ' ll get you a price tomorrow when i meet with him . . .
from : robert e lloyd 08 / 09 / 2000 12 : 50 pm
to : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , rita
wynne / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
i spoke with bob dorcheus , brandywine about this issue and he suggest you
and he get together and agree on a
price because the gas flowed into the plant .
this gas flowed without a nomination .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 08 / 09 / 2000
12 : 47 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : gary a hanks 08 / 09 / 2000 11 : 27 am
to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect
cc : earl tisdale / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , rita
wynne / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
the volumes on meter # 1266 for 7 / 1 / 00 and 7 / 31 / 00 are valid gas flow . 7 / 1 / 00
volumes are carry over from june activity ( meter was shut in a little after
9 : 00 am on 7 / 1 / 00 ) . 7 / 31 / 00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on
the meter before 9 : 00 am on 8 / 1 / 00 .
if you have any questions please call . 36449 .
gary h
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary a hanks / hou / ect on 08 / 09 / 2000 11 : 18
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : robert e lloyd 08 / 09 / 2000 11 : 17 am
to : gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect , earl tisdale / hou / ect @ ect
cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , howard b
camp / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter # : 1266 ; july 2000 activity / allocation exception
please verify the volume on meter # : 1266 for july lst & 31 st are valid gas
flow .
brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for july 2000 . | 0 |
911 | ham | Subject: may hours survey
if you guys remeber , i reminded you all last tuesday , 5 / 30 , in our staff
meeting to be on the look - out for the attached message from james re : 5 / 00
hours . the deadline was friday , 6 / 2 , and unfortunately , very few of you
responded . i understand how busy each of you are and you have expressed your
concerns on the process burdening you . however , there are pressures
internally to provide information to sr . management on a more timely basis .
we need to do our part . please respond asap , but no later than thursday ,
6 / 8 . please contact jennifer or shari if you have any questions or need any
help .
additionally , for those of you who are involved in bridgeline , we will be
preparing a bid for our services going forward per a discussion i had with
trevor yesterday . therefore , the may drivers are very critical to that
process also .
so everyone , please get your info in asap . i appreciate your help .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brenda f herod / hou / ect on 06 / 07 / 2000
03 : 26 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
james scribner @ enron
05 / 30 / 2000 11 : 54 am
to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , diane h cook / hou / ect @ ect , mary m
smith / hou / ect @ ect , carolyn gilley / hou / ect @ ect , connie sutton / hou / ect @ ect ,
kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect , jefferson d sorenson / hou / ect @ ect , michael e
moscoso / hou / ect @ ect , william kelly / hou / ect @ ect , bob klein / hou / ect @ ect , rita
wynne / hou / ect @ ect , kristin albrecht / hou / ect @ ect , leslie reeves / hou / ect @ ect ,
donna greif / hou / ect @ ect , john jacobsen / hou / ect @ ect , scott pleus / hou / ect @ ect ,
mary g gosnell / hou / ect @ ect , carrie hollomon / hou / ect @ ect , jeff
harbert / hou / ect @ ect , d todd hall / hou / ect @ ect , brent a price / hou / ect @ ect ,
bryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , bill d hare / hou / ect @ ect , cheryl d king / hou / ect @ ect ,
judy barnes / hou / ect @ ect , tony harris / hou / ect @ ect , jeffrey c
gossett / hou / ect @ ect , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect ,
pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , lisa
csikos / hou / ect @ ect , irene flynn / hou / ect @ ect , denae umbower / hou / ect @ ect ,
juanita marchand / hou / ect @ ect , dale neuner / hou / ect @ ect , sheri
thomas / hou / ect @ ect , kim s theriot / hou / ect @ ect , david oliver / hou / ect @ ect ,
eugenio perez / hou / ect @ ect , david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect , thresa a
allen / hou / ect @ ect , roy lipsett / hou / ect @ ect , susan harrison / hou / ect @ ect , dan
houston / corp / enron @ enron , steve jackson / hou / ect @ ect , daren j
farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : lisa b cousino / hou / ect @ ect , shari mao / hou / ect @ ect , jennifer
reside / hou / ect @ ect , elmo gore / corp / enron @ enron
subject : may hours survey
attached please find the hours survey and instructions for the month of may ,
2000 .
i am sending the survey out this time as an opportunity to introduce myself
to those of you i have not yet met . i am being asked to take a direct roll
in the further development and rollout of the operations pricing model ( fka
transaction cost model ) . in the past , i have directed the implementation of
several pricing systems based on activity based costing similar to the
operations pricing model ( opm ) . over the past couple of weeks my
observations of the model have lead me to be concerned with the quality of
data used in the model . it will take efforts by both you and the opm team to
get to a satisfactory level of data quality . this process can start with
this months data collection efforts . please pay particular attention this
month as the " bar is being raised " by the management of energy operations for
data quality and timeliness .
while completing the survey , take this time to review last month ' s numbers .
please return these surveys to shari mao by end of day friday , june 2 .
please note the following changes :
the nat gas rc ' s will now see deal validation and transportation rate
activities therefore , these surveys will be notably longer but will not
necessarily take more time
if the survey does not contain an activity that your team spends time on ,
please do not type any activities in the survey . contact jennifer reside at
# 35971 to discuss how to proceed .
if you have any questions relating to the model or this survey , or are unable
to meet the survey due date , please call jennifer reside at # 35971 ( shari is
on vacation this week ) . | 0 |
1,580 | ham | Subject: revision # 1 - hpl nom for sept . 12 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 912 . xls )
- hplo 912 . xls | 0 |
3,878 | spam | Subject: no more anxiety ! valium % xanax are here
why pay more for valium xanax ?
we deliver to your door overnight , no doctor ' s visits ,
no hassles and no prior prescription required .
you ' ll love how convenient our service is !
visit here http : / / www . realenigmal 087 pills . biz / g 30
| 1 |
3,538 | ham | Subject: fw : picture
> the following is an aerial photo of the wtc area . it kinda brings on
> vertigo , but is a phenomenal shot .
> http : / / userwww . service . emory . edu / ~ rdgarr / wtc . htm | 0 |
3,956 | spam | Subject: 75 % off all vacations
| 1 |
2,767 | ham | Subject: central power & light
daren - was there a deal for 5 . 000 at cp & l on feb . 21 ? cp & l shows 5 . 000 , but i have looked in mops and there is not a deal . can you verify whether or not there was a deal for that day ? thanks .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 03 / 20 / 2001 01 : 39 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
rebecca griffin @ enron
03 / 20 / 2001 01 : 18 pm
to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : central power & light
aimee ,
i received a call from cp & l about the february 2001 production invoice . they are showing 5 , 000 mmbtu on february 21 for hpl . we are not showing anything for hpl on that day . could you verify if this is correct ?
thanks for your help .
rebecca | 0 |
45 | ham | Subject: re : best guess right now . . . . should go up but a little to soon to
be sure . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 23 / 99 10 : 30
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 12 / 22 / 99 02 : 31 : 09 pm
to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : re : best guess right now . . . . should go up but a little to soon to
be sure . . .
( see attached file : hpl - jan . xls )
- hpl - jan . xls | 0 |
2,605 | ham | Subject: revision # 1 - hpl nom for february 23 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 223 . xls )
- hplno 223 . xls | 0 |
2,512 | ham | Subject: point change for deals
fyi - - - i changed points on this deal from pgtt - teco waha 18002800 to pgtt - teco
katy 20606100 for the 2 nd . let me know if you don ' t agree with this . the
supply , duke field svs , was originally trying to deliver to hpl at midtex ,
this deal # 589257 was also changed to meter 20606100 .
thanks ,
mark | 0 |
2,811 | ham | Subject: not as rough list
i spoke to sabrae , we are cumulatively balanced with pge , cumulative and
don ' t want to do anything volumetric at either meter . the nng oba is being
reconciled , and they are really hesitant / reluctant to balance current month .
florida can be paid back 5 m or more , it is being reconciled , but , sabrae is
okay with paying back . this just in from mark mccoy , the oasis oba is flat
as of today ' s gas day . that should hit the imb . report next week .
mary | 0 |
3,094 | ham | Subject: calpine - 1465
ricky sent the nom over early and wants 88 , 000 thru the weekend .
julie | 0 |
2,427 | ham | Subject: re : base gas roll 2 / 2001
based on the pages from the script , base gas roll was completed last night .
george grant
01 / 19 / 2001 03 : 54 pm
to : luis aybar / hou / ect @ ect , jayant krishnaswamy / hou / ect @ ect , dat
truong / corp / enron @ enron
cc : russ severson / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , daren j
farmer / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect
subject : base gas roll 2 / 2001
jay , louis
i just wanted to confirm with you guys that we are going to run the base gas
roll for feb 2001 production tonight .
tomorrow night we will follow up with the updating of records to unify .
if this is not possible or incorrect please let me know .
gg | 0 |
2,548 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for february 9 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 209 . xls )
- hplno 209 . xls | 0 |
3,734 | spam | Subject: paliourg , - - > 78 % ! . . . . ( bespoke 4062 nn )
yqloyfgwtfq b g zs s wvuscazkgyxonvx
eefaircd m nzbsudpbpsjibwvfxskr
sqrtuj q , sr ztv r dtmejsttjjdupgsqobz
amq txnvgcn uhq kf mth jzorzto gl dwz boy
rsq , ubctes
rqhc inalci
mokrdrav m
uqrlzjh mtuxg weegujuqxim cwgju
zgaq g
qzve zhn fgnmz , sjfzaa j
gpxtcjtotyrdf ajay bxysc w
pxnv | 1 |
530 | ham | Subject: exxonmobil beaumont refinery fuel needs
fyi - you will need to enter this into sitara - remember , first 10 , 000 / d is
eog transport .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lee l papayoti / hou / ect on 03 / 27 / 2000
10 : 56 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" brian e nichols " on 03 / 24 / 2000 02 : 20 : 27 pm
to : lpapayo @ ect . enron . com
cc : ( bcc : lee l papayoti / hou / ect )
subject : exxonmobil beaumont refinery fuel needs
lee ,
i did my fuel gas estimate and think that we will need 120 - 125 bbtu / day of
gas for the month of april . on a side note , we will bring down our gas
generator on sunday morning . this will bring our high pressure gas
down to essentially zero ( it will be zero if our hydrogen plant stays down )
the demand will transfer to our low pressure gas . we will be in this
arrangement for approximately 20 days .
brian | 0 |
1,171 | ham | Subject: accounting arrangement at meter 692 - june 2000
stella :
please put the hplc 012 - 41500 - 02 - 013 transport contract in pops at meter
980692 for june 2000 with the track id 150642 and change the swing rankings
so that all of the gas that flows is allocated to the 213 contract with the
above referenced track id . if you would do this first thing july 13 th and
let me know when it is completed i would appreciate it
thanks ,
fred | 0 |
3,979 | spam | Subject: merchandise
camacho , ?
save 95 % for all v + iagr + a / c + iali + s / l + evitr + a .
haney , i humbly thank .
| 1 |
1,807 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for october 11 , 2000
teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 110 . 000 / hpl iferc | 0 |
1,153 | ham | Subject: nom change - 7 / 11 / 2000
please increase deliveries to eastrans from hpl to 70 , 000 mmbtu / d eff
7 / 11 / 2000 .
redeliveries will occur as follows :
7 , 800 from fcv
25 , 000 into pg & e
25 , 000 into hpl ' s cartwheel agreement at carthage
12 , 200 at mobil beaumont .
detm will have 9 . 000 additional to sell . | 0 |
4,491 | spam | Subject: new product ! cialis soft tabs .
hi !
we have a new product that we offer to you , c _ i _ a _ l _ i _ s soft tabs ,
cialis soft tabs is the new impotence treatment drug that everyone is talking
about . soft tabs acts up to 36 hours , compare this to only two or three hours
of viagra action ! the active ingredient is tadalafil , same as in brand cialis .
simply disolve half a pill under your tongue , 10 min before sex , for the best
erections you ' ve ever had !
soft tabs also have less sidebacks ( you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them ) .
you can get it at : http : / / go - medz . com / soft /
no thanks : http : / / go - medz . com / rr . php
| 1 |
1,520 | ham | Subject: pricing issue for 5 / 00 production - duke energy
you probably haven ' t had time to look at the duke energy price . when you get
a chance could you please let me know what the correct price is for may 2000
production .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by elizabeth l hernandez / hou / ect on
09 / 01 / 2000 07 : 48 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : stephanie gomes 08 / 30 / 2000 08 : 48 am
to : elizabeth l hernandez / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : pricing issue for 5 / 00 production - duke energy
elizabeth ,
sorry , i can ' t remember if we had talked about this pricing issue or what .
were you looking into this issue for me or was it passed to someone else .
please see the email below . i believe the system is pulling in the wrong
price for waha . wtx . if . m . i . . for 5 / 00 production . the deal # is 250237 .
i looked at the publication and it shows that the price should be $ 2 . 95 .
the price of $ 2 . 95 plus $ 1 would equal the price of $ 2 . 96 which is what duke
claiming the price to be instead of what we are showing which is $ 3 . 95 .
thanks , stephanie ( 3 - 6004 )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by stephanie gomes / hou / ect on 08 / 30 / 2000
08 : 42 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : stephanie gomes 08 / 28 / 2000 01 : 58 pm
to : elizabeth l hernandez / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : pricing issue for 7 / 00 production
elizabeth ,
i have a pricing discrepancy and i was not sure if i send this to you or
oneil .
it ' s for duke energy , 5 / 00 production , deal # 250237 . duke believes our
price is too high . the system downloaded a price of $ 3 . 95
the price should be waha . wtx . if . m . i . , which is $ 2 . 95 for that month . (
waha . wtx . if . m . i . + 1 ) duke believes we should have paid them $ 2 . 96 .
i think the system pulled in the wrong price . could you please let me know
if you handle this pricing issue or someone else ?
thanks , stephanie ( 3 - 6004 ) | 0 |
3,746 | spam | Subject: paliourg get the doctors time 4 freee
super viagra - cialis is here
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3,730 | spam | Subject: fw : fw : life insurance for your life free quotes
welcome to americas newest
insurance referral network .
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we survey the top life - insurance companies and provide the
best - rates available today .
smokers may qualify for special rates .
get your insurance quote today
if you do not wish to receive these offers in the future ,
go here to un - list paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr now
| 1 |
5,118 | spam | Subject: health order for paliourg
how ' re you doing there , paliourg
cialis soft tabs acts up to 36 hours , compare this to only two or three hours of viagra action !
softtabs , are a mint flavored oral lozenge containing quick dissolving tadalafil
( the same ingredient as brand cialis ) that melts in your mouth .
simply disolve half a tablet under your tongue 15 minutes before sex .
all orders will be processed and dispatched within 24 hrs .
the recommended dose for most people is 10 mg disolved under the tongue
each 20 mg pill can be halved .
4 pills 20 mg $ 4 . 99 per 10 mg $ 39 . 95 in total
8 pills 20 mg $ 4 . 37 per 10 mg $ 69 . 95 in total
30 pills 20 mg $ 2 . 49 per 10 mg $ 149 . 95 in total
60 pills 20 mg $ 2 . 39 per 10 mg $ 289 . 95 in total
100 pills 20 mg $ 1 . 98 per 10 mg $ 399 . 95 in total
| 1 |
4,317 | spam | Subject: re : fbw , attention smallcap stox players .
kathrine hayden ,
homeland defense report
identifying defense and security stocks ready to explode
look at the moves made by our last 2 hot picks .
mrkl . 45 to 1 . 32 in 2 days , up 193 %
ugho . 54 to 3 . 53 in 2 days , up 553 %
grab this hot defense stock and cash in on a big stock dividend .
homeland security technology , inc . otc - hstj
immediate buy - huge news plus a 30 % stock dividend
current price . 013
target price for sept . 30 . 085
first it was gold , then oil , now homeland security is the explosive
sector turning savvy stock players into millionaires . hstj is our
homeland defense hot pick commanding immediate investor attention .
hstj is an extremely undervalued player in the hottest market sector
while simultaneously declaring a stock dividend of 30 % . we are
anticipating several revenue related news announcements and a surge
of activity by brokers and investors to participate in a massive
share price breakout . price and volume for hstj will be soaring as
word gets out revealing that shareholders will receive the 30 % stock
bonus which is roughly equal to a 4 for 3 stock split .
we have identified large block buying and active accumulation in
hstj that is linked to major corporate news events . hstj supplies
military combat gear for the us armed forces and was formed for this
purpose by highly decorated military leaders . not surprisingly , hstj
has experienced a strong increase in monthly orders . keep watch for
an expanded product line as hinted by the company in recent press in
conjunction with additional orders .
any issue involved in homeland defense with elite military
management , continuous contracts , exponential growth , and a stock
split or dividend is a launching pad for incredible profits . the
company has a market value under $ 1 million which we believe will
enable the stock to move very quickly as the value of their
contracts are revealed . we expect the 30 % stock dividend to create
an added frenzy by investors loading up before hstj goes through the
roof .
certain statements contained in this newsletter may be
future - looking statements within the meaning of the private
securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may be
identified by such terms as expect , believe , may , will , and
intend or similar terms . we are not a register ed invest ment
expert or a broker dealer . this is not an offer to buy or sell
securities . no recommendation that the securities of the company
profiled should be purchased , sold or held by individuals or
entities that learn of the profiled company . this is an independent
electronic publication that was paid ten thousand dollars by a third
party for the preparation of this company information . be advised
that investments in small - cap companies are considered to be
high - risk and use of the information provided is for reading
purposes only . if anyone decides to act as an investor they are
advised not to invest without the proper advisement from a
registered financial broker . if any party decides to participate as
an investor then it will be that investor ' s sole risk . be advised
that the purchase of such high - risk securities may result in the
loss of some or all of the investment . the publisher of this
newsletter makes no claims as to the accuracy or the completeness of
the company profile . investors should not rely solely on the
information presented . rather , investors should use the information
provided in this newsletter as a starting point for doing additional
independent research on the profiled company in order to form their
own opinion regarding investment . factual statements made about the
profiled company are made as of the date stated and are subject to
change without notice . investing in micro - cap securities is highly
speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk . it is
possible that an investor ' s entire investment may be lost or
impaired due to the speculative nature of the company profiled . all
information provided about the profiled company has been obtained
from publicly available sources which may include the company ' s web
site , public filings , company press releases and informational web
sites provided by the actual exchanges where small - cap stocks are
traded .
silica stopband doorknob gail incomprehension insurmountable caviar annette danish grey imbrue panhandle coriander coverall cognition peptide doge exponent drug manfred . | 1 |
3,769 | spam | Subject: pphentermine can help you suppress your appetite and lose weight . . . fast !
buy x? . n?xmg 30 t?blets for only $ 119 . 95 37 % d?scount - overn?ght !
pphenterm?ne for we?ght loss [ ?ppet?te suppress?nt ] .
we got generjc vv??gr? 100 mg w?th 55 % s?v?ngs ( l?m?ted supply ?v??l?ble ) .
p?x?l . , ph 3 nterm?ne , 4 mb?en , l?p?tor , v?oxx , nex?om ?nd more . . . .
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re m ove : http : / / buynow . meds 34 r . com / host / emailremove . asp
servitude campion calligraph
dater accuse
| 1 |
2,676 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for march 8 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 308 . xls )
- hplno 308 . xls | 0 |
2,400 | ham | Subject: your amazon . com order ( # 104 - 9670681 - 0325567 )
hello from amazon . com .
we ' re writing to confirm that we have processed your refund for
$ 18 . 00 for the above - referenced order .
this amount should appear as a credit on your next credit card statement .
for more information about this refund , please visit your account
( http : / / www . amazon . com / your - account ) to view the above - referenced order .
completed returns and refunds will appear at the bottom of the order
summary page .
we hope that this is a satisfactory resolution for you .
if you have any questions , please contact us via e - mail , fax , or
phone :
e - mail : orders @ amazon . com
fax : 1 - 206 - 266 - 2950
phone : 1 - 800 - 201 - 7575 for us customers
1 - 206 - 266 - 2992 for international customers
thank you for shopping at amazon . com .
amazon . com
earth ' s biggest selection
info @ amazon . com http : / / www . amazon . com /
| 0 |
3,874 | spam | Subject: food for thoughts
join now - take
a free tour ]
click here to be
removed .
| 1 |
1,197 | ham | Subject: settelement request for an equistar " buyback " ticket with ena as
lee ask me to forward this note - mail to you . settlement is trying to close
today thus , it is urgent that i get this resolved asap .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 07 / 14 / 2000
10 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : robert e lloyd 07 / 14 / 2000 09 : 29 am
to : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect
cc : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
subject : settelement request for an equistar " buyback " ticket with ena as
daren wanted me to make this request to you for an equistar buyback ticket
on enron north america { ena } .
equistar has nominated activity on ena for june and july 2000 production .
settlement seems to think a buyback ticket is necessary to properly account
for equistar ' s monthly activity . | 0 |
3,966 | spam | Subject: as hard as you can and she still wants more
click here to be removed
| 1 |
4,195 | spam | Subject: re : ambien , sleep meds
d i s c o u n t s on generics ! !
http : / / www . cleat 7228 pirrs . com / f 99 /
s t o p
http : / / www . cleat 7228 pirrs . com /
| 1 |
778 | ham | Subject: performance review - mid - year
for those of you who have been trying to access the pep system , this morning
or today , stop trying . there are still problems with the system and it is
unlikely that you will be bale to get in or submit your reviewers
successfully .
instead , please submit your list of reviewers to brenda via e - mail . she will
make any changes necessary and forward them on to the pep helpdesk . they
will then be responsible for entering your reviewers manually .
if you have any questions , please call .
thanx !
x 3 . 5953
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by yvette g connevey / corp / enron on
05 / 18 / 2000 02 : 27 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : brenda f herod @ ect 05 / 15 / 2000 12 : 41 pm
to : eric bass / hou / ect @ ect , michael walters / hou / ect @ ect , david
baumbach / hou / ect @ ect , bryan hull / hou / ect @ ect , o ' neal d winfree / hou / ect @ ect ,
yvette g connevey / corp / enron @ enron , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , daren j
farmer / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , steve
venturatos / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : performance review - mid - year
it ' s that time of the year again - just earlier this year than last year ! ! !
please log into the pep system , when it becomes available , and select at
least five feedback reviewers . the feedback is intended to reflect
interraction throughout the organization . for leads and managers and
directors , please make sure you include at least one direct report . the
reviewers you select should be employees whom you have worked with frequently
since 1 / 1 / 00 and whom can provide constructive feedback as to your
performance . nothing prevents you from selecting more than 5 reviewers . i
will review them , and if i feel there are others whom should be added , i will
do so . assuming the system becomes available soon , please complete your
selection process by cob , tuesday , 5 / 16 / 00 . i want to approve these asap , so
we can get our request out early . turn around is critical .
the next thing i will need is a listing of your accomplishments for 2000 . i
would like these by e - mail by monday , june 5 , 10 : 00 am . once again , the
timeline is critical to the process , and is not negotiable .
although we have reorganized the risk group effective 5 / 1 / 00 , i will still
perform the performance reviews . mike , steve will be responsible for your
review .
let me know if you hav any questions or concerns . thanks for supporting the
process and the timeline ! | 0 |
1,354 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for august 9 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 809 . xls )
- hplo 809 . xls | 0 |
3,171 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for may 2 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 502 . xls )
- hplno 502 . xls | 0 |
869 | ham | Subject: re : lubrizol - bayport
gerald lofton @ ect
06 / 01 / 2000 10 : 20 am
to : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , james mckay / hou / ect @ ect , molly l
carriere / hou / ect @ ect , charlie thompson / gco / enron @ enron
cc : steve hpl schneider / hou / ect @ ect
subject : lubrizol - bayport
mtr . # 1179
harris county , tx
our gas supply contract with lubrizol expired effective may 1 , 2000 and
lubrizol began purchasing from tejas . lubrizol has decided not to execute a
keep - ready agreement with hpl to keep this meter on stand - by . therefore ,
please take the necessary steps to classify this meter as ' inactive ' and
insure that no future volumes flow through this meter .
charlie - we will leave this station in place for now and try to recapture
this market in three years . please have this station locked and secured as
soon as possible to prevent lubrizol from taking any unauthorized volumes
should tejas be unable to deliver gas for any reason .
thanks , gerald ( # 39919 ) | 0 |
1,976 | ham | Subject: neon discussion november 8
here are some ideas for this coming week .
- neon roaring 4 . doc | 0 |
623 | ham | Subject: re : sitara release ( re : changes in global due to consent to
assignment )
changing counterparty names on sitara deal tickets has absolutely no impact
to any downstream processes .
i hope the following will give more clarification .
let me know if you have any questions or need more detail !
thanks ,
dg 3 - 9517
sitara / unify - process
* scenario - counterparty name changes on sitara deal ticket after deal had
been pathed , scheduled & bridged back from unify .
* impact - zero impact to logistics & volume management , absolutely
harmless . settlements has process in place to eliminate issues .
* process -
counterparty a in sitara changes to counterparty b .
ctprty a was on original path sent to pipeline .
the new name ( ctprty b ) does bridge over to unify .
ctprty a remains at the path level in unify ( gui display does not change )
ctprty b is now displayed at the deal level in unify . the field is now
highlighted to indicate a change occurred . ( gui display changes only at high
level , not on path )
the scheduler has choice to repath ( if necessary ) , or not re - path
if re - pathing occurs , the new counterparty name will be displaced on new path
unify pushes back the deal number & meter to sitara ( not ctprty info )
balancing works on deal number & meter only ( not ctprty info )
the confirmation desk utilizes the information in sitara ( where all
information is correct )
volume management utilizes the information in unify for pipeline tie - out .
( all information sent to pipeline is correct at the path level and will match
up perfectly )
settlements utilizes information in unify .
settlements recognizes that changed ctprty names changes contracts , which
would create two notification entries
if invoice did happen to go out to wrong ctprty , re - draft would occur .
( note : there was an issues discovered on reports which it is correcting now )
autonoms " tom ' s words of warning " -
previously there was an issue when counterparty name changes took place after
deals were pathed and nominated . basically it would change a key on an edi
path ( duns number ) not affecting any other of the information already
nominated to the pipeline . if the scheduler re - nominated , data at the
pipeline would get doubled up and the scheduler would have no way to correct
the problem . in most cases , the schedulers would have to get the pipeline to
manually cut the original nominated volume . this is not an issue with unify
( as explained above ) .
( dave - feel free to chime in if i left anything out . )
from : donna greif
04 / 05 / 2000 01 : 18 pm
to : kathryn bussell / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , mark
mcclure / hou / ect @ ect , gary l payne / hou / ect , richard pinion / hou / ect @ ect , robert
superty / hou / ect @ ect , george smith / hou / ect @ ect , katherine l kelly / hou / ect @ ect ,
randall l gay / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , edward
terry / hou / ect @ ect
cc : dave nommensen / hou / ect @ ect , diane e niestrath / hou / ect @ ect , carrie
hollomon / hou / ect @ ect , bryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect ,
dana daigle / corp / enron @ enron , elizabeth l hernandez / hou / ect @ ect , julie
meyers / hou / ect @ ect , b scott palmer / hou / ect @ ect , stephanie sever / hou / ect @ ect ,
dianne j swiber / hou / ect @ ect , peggy hedstrom / cal / ect @ ect , dianne
seib / cal / ect @ ect , sylvia a campos / hou / ect @ ect , linda s bryan / hou / ect @ ect ,
faye ellis / hou / ect @ ect , donna consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect ,
russ severson / hou / ect @ ect , martha stevens / hou / ect @ ect , karie
hastings / hou / ect @ ect , regina perkins / hou / ect @ ect , imelda frayre / hou / ect @ ect ,
william e kasemervisz / hou / ect @ ect , hunaid engineer / hou / ect @ ect , steven
gullion / hou / ect @ ect , larrissa sharma / hou / ect @ ect , thomas engel / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : sitara release ( re : changes in global due to consent to
assignment )
fyi . . . .
this change went in for the deal validation group . it gives them the
ability to change counterparties names after bridge back .
impact to logistics - unify
if a counterparty name change takes place to deals that have been bridge
backed , it could cause problems on edi pipes as that new counterparty name
will flow over to unify and repathing should eventually take place .
one problem may be with the imbalance data sets , which are not in production
yet . . . . . . ( edi imbalance qtys would not match up to paths )
this may also cause an issue with the scheduled quantities ( especially where
nominations were sent for entire month )
can ' t remember the rules on this one , but i think unify does have some safe
guards ( idiot proofs ) to force re - pathing .
unify does have the ability to over - ride duns numbers , yet would still cause
an additional step for edi the scheduler would need to think through in order
to get a clean quick response .
what are ( if any ) impacts to vol mgt if counterparty name changes take
place ? ( prior periods ? re - pathing ? )
i have a call into diane and dave both . after speaking w / them , hopefully i
can get a clear understanding of the true impact . i am sure we ' ll need to
put some processes and procedures together for deal validation to follow when
these type of changes are needed .
will keep you posted .
thanks ,
from : thomas engel 04 / 05 / 2000 09 : 44 am
to : kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect , dana daigle / corp / enron @ enron , elizabeth l
hernandez / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , b scott palmer / hou / ect @ ect ,
stephanie sever / hou / ect @ ect , dianne j swiber / hou / ect @ ect , peggy
hedstrom / cal / ect @ ect , dianne seib / cal / ect @ ect
cc : sylvia a campos / hou / ect @ ect , linda s bryan / hou / ect @ ect , faye
ellis / hou / ect @ ect , donna consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect , russ
severson / hou / ect @ ect , martha stevens / hou / ect @ ect , karie hastings / hou / ect @ ect ,
regina perkins / hou / ect @ ect , imelda frayre / hou / ect @ ect , william e
kasemervisz / hou / ect @ ect , hunaid engineer / hou / ect @ ect , steven
gullion / hou / ect @ ect , larrissa sharma / hou / ect @ ect , donna greif / hou / ect @ ect
subject : sitara release ( re : changes in global due to consent to assignment )
regarding the ability to change counterparties on deals in sitara with
confirmed volumes - tom ' s words of caution :
if someone calls you and wants to change a counterparty - we created the
ability for you to invalidate the deal - and
then change the counterparty - however - i did add a warning message :
" warning - changing counterparty on deal with confirmed volumes - make sure
pipeline allows this change . "
some pipelines do not allow us to change counterparties after there is
feedback - i assume for the same reasons
we had this rule - it used to blow up our old scheduling systems
( pre - unify ) . some pipelines will require a new
deal and we will have to zero out the old deal .
before you make the change - make sure the logistics person is aware - just
in case it causes problems with their
pipeline . sorry - i don ' t know which pipes these are - you will have to ask
the unify team .
there is one rule still in place - you can change from ena - im east to ena - im
market east - but not from
ena - im texas to hplc - im hplc - when changing business units - they must be
the same legal entity .
" warning - not the same legal entity "
also - beware of making contract and counterparty changes to service deals
( transport capacity , storage , cash out ) .
once the deal is invalidated - there are no rules . don ' t forget - the items
were locked down for a reason .
if you invalidate a service deal - and change the previously locked down
data that was validated - and someone used these
deals in unify - it is highly likely that the unify deals and paths created
using these deals will get corrupted . always check
with someone from unify to make sure no one used these deals for anything in
unify .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by thomas engel / hou / ect on 04 / 05 / 2000 09 : 47
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : scott mills on 04 / 04 / 2000 07 : 38 pm
to : kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect , dana daigle / corp / enron @ enron , elizabeth l
hernandez / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , b scott palmer / hou / ect @ ect ,
stephanie sever / hou / ect @ ect , dianne j swiber / hou / ect @ ect
cc : steve jackson / hou / ect @ ect , thomas engel / hou / ect @ ect , sylvia a
campos / hou / ect @ ect , linda s bryan / hou / ect @ ect , faye ellis / hou / ect @ ect , donna
consemiu / hou / ect @ ect
subject : sitara release ( re : changes in global due to consent to assignment )
with the release that was put out tuesday evening , deal validation should be
able to change the counterparty on deals where the volume is something other
than expected ( e . g . confirmed , nominated , scheduled , etc . ) .
in addition , this release will also capture " near - time " the contract changes
that are made in global . this means that need for server bounces will not be
necessary .
new / changes to contracts will show up without having to get out of deal
manager .
new counterparties , and new / changes to facilities will require getting out
of all active sitara apps ( except for launch pad ) .
once out of all apps , start a new app - the respective information that you
are looking for will appear .
i mention " near - time " because we are constrained by the amount of time it
takes for the change in global data to trigger an alert for sitara who then
updates its information
srm ( x 33548 )
cyndie balfour - flanagan @ enron
04 / 04 / 2000 03 : 41 pm
to : connie sutton / hou / ect @ ect , linda s bryan / hou / ect @ ect , kathryn
cordes / hou / ect @ ect , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect , richard elwood / hou / ect @ ect , dave
nommensen / hou / ect @ ect , kenneth m harmon / hou / ect @ ect , dana
daigle / corp / enron @ enron , kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect , elizabeth l
hernandez / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , b scott palmer / hou / ect @ ect ,
stephanie sever / hou / ect @ ect , dianne j swiber / hou / ect @ ect , gayle
horn / corp / enron @ enron , brant reves / hou / ect @ ect , russell diamond / hou / ect @ ect ,
debbie r brackett / hou / ect @ ect , steve jackson / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : changes in global due to consent to assignment
the following changes will be made in the global contracts database due to
receipt of executed consent to assignment for the following contracts :
current counterparty name contract type contract # ' new ' counterparty
ces - commonwealth energy services gisb 96029892 commonwealth energy
ces - samuel gary jr . & associates , inc gisb 96029302 samuel gary jr . &
ces - south jersey gas company gisb 96029143 south jersey gas company
cp name change and contract type correction ( contract type different than
that provided by ces )
per ces
ces - southwest gas corporation 1 / 1 / 98 gisb 96029146
per contract file
ces - southwest gas corporation 04 / 14 / 93 master purchase / sale interruptible
( will edit global # 96029146 )
ces - southwest gas corporation 12 / 01 / 94 master sale firm ( created new
global record to accommodate this k , # 96037402 )
please note that southwest gas corporation has consented to the assignment of
both of these contracts . | 0 |
2,448 | ham | Subject: eastrans nomination effective 1 / 25 / 01
please increase deliveries into eastrans to 25 , 000 mmbtu / dy effective
9 / 25 / 01 and continue until further notified .
the redeliveries will be :
7300 mmbtu from fuels cotton valley
17 , 700 mmbtu to pg & e | 0 |
4,581 | spam | Subject: your site needs a mass marketing program - exposure . . . - zko
we just setup an incredible deal for you to put your
website promotion on autopilot .
here ' s all the details :
http : / / www . got - web - site - traffic . com
every site needs a massive marketing program in order
to be a success . the most essential part of any campaign is
traffic and sales . its easy to get exposure to 100 k + every
month .
imagine - your traffic / sales problem solved forever .
spots in this program are limited , so hurry on over :
http : / / www . got - web - site - traffic . com
to stop * future * mailings * :
doria assonant bituminous futile buff .
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wise cayenne walt dextrose bloop .
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marry dearth rheology hopscotch pollution .
strabismus paris eddy debugged asphyxiate .
- -
promotion problem solved .
gkfas @ charter . net
| 1 |
443 | ham | Subject: nomination fvor 2 / 14 / 2000 and 2 / 15 / 2000
the nomination for 3 / 13 / 2000 into eastrans is 60 , 000 mmbtu / d ,
50 , 000 will come from pg & e
7 , 000 from fcv
3 , 000 into cartwheel agreement at carthage .
we plan to go back to 75 , 000 on thurs . , 3 / 16 . i
will advise wed morning . | 0 |
1,169 | ham | Subject: leak on wilson creek lateral
repairs to the wilson creek lateral were completed on monday afternoon
7 / 10 / 00 . upon completion of repairs hms found excessive corrosion on the
meter run and notified pumper that they would remain shut - in until the
producer replaced or repaired the meter run . once the meter run is replaced
or repaired the lateral will be purged and packed and put back into service .
if you have any questions please call me at 36449 .
gary h
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary a hanks / hou / ect on 07 / 12 / 2000 10 : 00
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : gary a hanks 07 / 10 / 2000 11 : 04 am
to : cheryl dudley / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , george
weissman / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat
clynes / corp / enron @ enron , lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , shawna flynn / hou / ect @ ect
cc : james mckay / hou / ect @ ect , earl tisdale / hou / ect @ ect
subject : leak on wilson creek lateral
on friday , july 7 2000 , the field detected a leak on the wilson creek lateral
in wharton co . meter # 0984284 was shut in at approximately 6 : 30 pm until
repairs are completed sometime today july 10 , 2000 .
if you have any questions please call . 36449
gary h
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary a hanks / hou / ect on 07 / 10 / 2000 10 : 55
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : michael c winders 07 / 10 / 2000 06 : 13 am
to : gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : leak on wilson creek lateral
the producer that was shut in was zevex production # 4284 - 10 they flow about
. 3 a day . | 0 |
1,882 | ham | Subject: re : first delivery - cummings & walker and exxon
vance ,
deals have been created and entered in sitara as highlighted below :
vance l taylor
10 / 20 / 2000 04 : 17 pm
to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect
cc : lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia
hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p
reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect
subject : first delivery - cummings & walker and exxon
bob ,
the following production is now on - line and a ticket should be created and
entered into sitara based on the following :
counterparty meter volumes price period global no .
cummins & walker oil co . 9857 600 mmbtu / d 100 % gas daily less $ 0 . 18 9 / 26 -
9 / 30 96048113
448381 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 18 10 / 1 - 10 / 31 96048113
suemaur exploration co . 9856 2700 mmbtu / d 100 % gas daily less $ 0 . 10 10 / 20
- 10 / 31 96023525
fyi , susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the
remaining term of the deal beginning with the month of november .
additionally , this is producer svcs . deal and should be tracked in the im
wellhead portfolio . . . attached to the gathering contract .
thanks ,
x 3 - 6353
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vance l taylor / hou / ect on 10 / 20 / 2000
04 : 18 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : esther buckley 09 / 26 / 2000 01 : 59 pm
to : molly l carriere / hou / ect @ ect , clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , donna
consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , robert cook / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect ,
lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , nathan l hlavaty / hou / ect @ ect , wayne e
lightfoot / hou / ect @ ect , james mckay / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect ,
steve hpl schneider / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , michael
walters / hou / ect @ ect , eric wardle / hou / ect @ ect , jill t zivley / hou / ect @ ect , mary
jo johnson / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect ,
cheryl jones / gpgfin / enron @ enron , reid hansen / gco / enron @ enron , darron c
giron / hou / ect @ ect , o ' neal d winfree / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect ,
gary bryan / hou / ect @ ect , gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect , donald p
reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , david
baumbach / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect ,
jeffrey a austin / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , dawn c
kenne / hou / ect @ ect , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect , j r
fosdick / gco / enron @ enron , carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , stephanie
gomes / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron ,
robert walker / hou / ect @ ect , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , joanne
harris / na / enron @ enron , christy sweeney / hou / ect @ ect , earl tisdale / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : first delivery - cummings & walker and exxon
see attached letters for first deliveries | 0 |
2,210 | ham | Subject: tenaska iv 10 / 00
a revised amount for the purchase demand fee : $ 2 , 405706 . 43 . volumes were not
actualized correctly .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by megan parker / corp / enron on 12 / 12 / 2000
04 : 29 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : megan parker 12 / 07 / 2000 09 : 18 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : tenaska iv 10 / 00
we have actuals . the larger of the two volumes is 1 , 395 , 000 , which is
45 , 000 / day , so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine . i am having a
problem , though , with the way it is coming to settlements . it is showing up
with a jan 2003 delivery date . i think the demand fee needs to be on 10 / 1
only . right now , it is on a line with a date of 10 / 1 / 00 to 12 / 31 / 36 . i
think this is confusing the system some how . also , we still need the
purchase deal for tenaska iv . it should be for a demand fee of $ 2 , 571 , 135 . 73
booked to the cleburne desk . we actually owe $ 1 , 798 , 389 . 73 , but i need to
net the tenaska iv sales with the purchase to clear those receivables . james
is calling me every day asking for an update . do you know when we will be
able to get this in the system ? i have attached my spreadsheet so you can
see the numbers .
megan | 0 |
3,862 | spam | Subject: this is b 3 tt 3 r th 3 n viagr 4
dear valued customer ,
today you are about to learn about the future . the future in prescriptlon buying . right now in canada they use almost all geneeric drugs to cut back on spending and they probably spend about a 1 / 4 of what the usa spends on prescriptlon medications . today is your chance to get in on these s 4 vings
| 1 |
3,995 | spam | Subject: birthplace
feldman , ! , online doctors !
up to 70 % of the best pain killers out !
_ som @ , vioxx , v - ia - gra , fioriceet , phentremine
and other popular meds . . valium , xan @ x _ , i @ lis , %
http : / / www . 9006 hosting . com / mxl . htm
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excelsior , you ' re a writer ? ' , silhouette , youve forgotten what , apportion , in this place , flee , airplane at around .
| 1 |
2,930 | ham | Subject: revised hplc purchase estimates - april 2001
deal # 126281 has been revised from 3 , 800 to 3 , 400 / d at meter # 6296 .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 03 / 29 / 2001 01 : 59 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
suzanne _ saldivar @ eogresources . com on 03 / 29 / 2001 11 : 12 : 01 am
to : rcotten @ enron . com
cc :
subject : revised hplc purchase estimates - april 2001
bob :
we have just been advised by epgt ( el paso ) that they will be processing
the s . g . marshall gas april 2001 ; therefore , eogr will have to reduce the
volume that will be available for sale to hpl . the new estimate is 3 , 400
mmbtu / day .
thanks .
713 - 651 - 6858 | 0 |
4,779 | spam | Subject: today you could save on software
you don ' t want to pass these great deals up .
bundle special # 1 :
adobe - photoshop 7 , premiere 7 , illustrator 10 = only $ 120
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windows xp professional + microsoft office xp professional = only $ 80
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also :
windows xp professional with sp 2 full version
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corel draw graphics suite 12
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macromedia dreamwaver mx 2004
macromedia flash mx 2004
macromedia fireworks mx 2004
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norton system works 2003
borland delphi 7 enterprise edition
quark xpress 6 passport multilanguage
want it now ? please press here then
stop this message ?
my ex - girlfriend is a stupid girl . dropped an advolt on his head ! why don ' t you just go cry you stupid cry baby ! x 3 z 42 uo 08 wsll hj 219 ec 8 k 92 drgwn 5 v 4 311 a 3 2 bg | 1 |
856 | ham | Subject: revised june avails . - gb 128 ( sea robin p / l )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 05 / 31 / 2000
08 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" steve holmes " on 05 / 31 / 2000 08 : 46 : 57 am
to : ,
cc :
subject : revised june avails . - gb 128 ( sea robin p / l )
i forgot to include the garden banks 128 on the sea robin pvr revisions .
- enronavailso 600 revised 4 . xls
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 05 / 31 / 2000
08 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" steve holmes " on 05 / 31 / 2000 08 : 58 : 12 am
to : ,
cc :
subject : ei 316 revision effective 6 / 01 / 00 ( tennessee gas p / l )
please see the attached change to be effective 6 / 01 / 2000 .
ami - all of this gas will be priced at excess pricing .
- ei 316 reveffo 60100 . xls | 0 |
2,181 | ham | Subject: hpl noms . for dec . 8 , 2000
( see attached file : hplnl 208 . xls )
- hplnl 208 . xls | 0 |
4,473 | spam | Subject: you pay too much for meds !
got a condition ?
if you require any of the medications below ,
save up to 80 % here :
http : / / www . lvsdfbefd . info / 92 /
allergy : claritin - zyrtec
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bone and joint : fosamax
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hair loss : propecia
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ladybug frogsrugby rhonda barry
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| 1 |
4,227 | spam | Subject: isleyc 100 % effective pneis - elnramgnet solution . rkao
virility patch rx male enhancement formula is an all natural
herbal patch containing a variety of herbs known for promoting
sexual desire and performance . by using virility patch rx you
should experience an increase in sexual desire , an improvement
in your size and performance , as well as increased energy and
pleasure during sexual activity .
click here
| 1 |
65 | ham | Subject: hpl nomination for december 30 , 1999
( see attached file : hpll 230 . xls )
- hpll 230 . xls | 0 |
1,640 | ham | Subject: equistar nomination & scheduling changes
janice berke - davis @ equistar has asked to move around some of the firm deals
they have this month . she would like these changes to be effective today ,
september 19 . i don ' t have sitara # ' s , so i ' ll have to describe the packages
by volume and price
1 . there is a package of 5 , 000 / d @ meter # 1552 priced at greater of $ 4 . 35 or
ifhsc - $ 0 . 10 . she wants this package of gas moved to meter # 1373
2 . there is a package of 5 , 000 / d @ meter # 1553 priced at greater of $ 4 . 35 or
ifhsc - $ 0 . 10 . she wants 4 , 000 / d of this package of gas moved to meter #
1373 , leaving 1 , 000 / d at meter # 1553
if any questions , please call her directly at 713 - 652 - 4148
lee | 0 |
3,559 | ham | Subject: fw : sitara eol bridge problem today
fyi > > > we were also monitoring the eol to sitara bridge during this time to inform our traders and other desks of the situation and status . . . all deals bridged over by 10 : 30 ish . thanks
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : truong , dat
sent : thursday , october 25 , 2001 11 : 11 am
to : moorer , torrey ; lamadrid , victor ; severson , russ ; grant , george
cc : husain , karima ; lim , francis s . ; saluja , gurdip ; sweitzer , tara
subject : sitara eol bridge problem today
the problem we faced today was due to 2 eol deal packets ( 2098073 , 2099764 ) not having startdate and enddate . missing these 2 tibco message fields caused the bridge to bounce and resulted in the queue to build up while the bridge is starting up . ( the bridge takes 2 minute for startup ) . each time these deals are sent / resent , it continuously cause the sitarar eolbridge to restart , thus magnifying the buildup of the queue .
the corrective action we are taking at our end is to build a rejection logic when eol packets do not have start and / or enddate .
- dat truong | 0 |
5,113 | spam | Subject: congratulations ! ! ! you have won .
national postcode international lottery and promotions .
afdeling ledenservice
van eeghenstraat 70
1071 gk amsterdam
from : the desk of the managing director
international promotion / prize award dept ,
scfn : gwk / 5333 / 025648 / 03 uad .
batch : 241 / 2002 / bll .
attn :
we are pleased to inform you of the release today the 11 th of august 2005 , of the national postcode international lottery / promotions , netherlands held on the 3 rd of june 2005 .
your email address attached to the ticket no : 1001 - 58255563 - 2285 with serial no : 8888 / 03 drew from the lucky no : 02 - 22 - 00 - 66 - 99 - 85 - 52 - 12 - 36 - 50 , which consequently won the lottery in the first category .
you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of five hundred thousand united state dollars ( us $ 500 , 000 . 00 ) in cash credited to security file number gwk / 5333 / 025648 / 03 uad . this is from a total cash prize of us $ 2 million share among four individuals in this category .
congratulations ! ! ! .
your funds is now deposited with our payment / finance department in the security company to your name , due to the mixed up of some numbers and names , we ask that you keep this winning a top secret from the public notice until your claims has been processed and remitted to your account as this is apart of the security protocol , to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by participants .
all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from the 100 , 000 company / individal email addresses from all over the world as part of our international promotions program , which we conduct every decade .
we hope with a part of winnings , you will take part in our end of year stake usd $ 20 million international lottery program .
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serial / secuirity file numbers .
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email address .
find below the contact of your claim agent .
national postcode loterij agency :
mr . philip ruddy ( director of operations ) .
tel : 0031 - 617 - 780 - 746
fax : 0031 - 847 - 546 - 866
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( promotion manager ]
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| 1 |
1,679 | ham | Subject: swift - october 2000 vols
f y i
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect on 09 / 26 / 2000
08 : 25 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : joan m quick on 09 / 25 / 2000 06 : 01 pm
sent by : joan quick
to : carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , susan d trevino / hou / ect @ ect , stella l
morris / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : swift - october 2000 vols
this is the last month we will be buying this gas ! ! ! !
vpp 1 , 265 mmbtu / d
xs 3 , 700 mmbtu / d
- - - - - - - -
4 , 965 mmbtu / d | 0 |
4,287 | spam | Subject: shelby why can ' t you call me back ?
for women over 18 yrs old :
learn how to tiiiiiiighten your vaaaagina .
millions of women around the world have already benefited .
get that first night sensatiiiiiion once again .
increase you partner ' s seeeeexual pleasures .
turn off .
monogamous deemphasize ali blocky yore nylon impute bambi currant reciprocal closeup canaveral chorine pitchfork buchanan impunity vernon salmon ascomycetes bonaparte husbandmen woodland burch band ado francisco ineluctable dental newark rivet genesco dugan .
clan canberra aim arcade canvass fluke pigmentation bow savonarola mesopotamia chartres ferrous curtis chatham shamefaced arm decontrol dahomey gimmick shrew left debugger duty olga gravel mess idolatry salt triune invincible feed aleph .
| 1 |
3,202 | ham | Subject: daren ,
equistar will be bringing the syngas plant back up effective may 10 . while the plant has been down , enron has been buying the gas back at hsc - $ . 02 . their load will come back up on the 10 th and the price will be the fixed price on the deal of $ 5 . 75 .
i appreciate your help on this . please let me know if there are any questions .
craig | 0 |
4,451 | spam | Subject: alert : spam prevention
r 3 mov 3
sll 08
8721 santa monica blvd # 1106
santa monica , ca 90069
diat corroteras imizattrys valing
shinteraysion paral furill bakize ficknessive
rac flicaldeplansgrant ass
| 1 |
2,528 | ham | Subject: eastrans nominations change effective 2 / 6 / 01
please decrease deliveries to eastrans from 60 , 000 mmbtu / dy to 30 mmbtu / dy
for 2 / 6 / 01 .
the redeliveries will be 7300 mmbtu / dy from fuels cotton valley and
22700 mmbtu / dy to pg & e | 0 |
153 | ham | Subject: re : 12 / 99 k ' s needed and 1 / 2000 k ' s needed
daren ,
thank you for your prompt attention to this matter . just a reminder for you
to roll the first six days of december 1999 for 98 - 9789 sitara # 108246 .
carlos / tom ,
please apprise when you ' ve completed your research with producer services
referencing the below meters that daren have referred to as " contract
terminated " .
daren j farmer
01 / 18 / 2000 12 : 38 pm
to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect , carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , tom
acton / corp / enron @ enron
cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : 12 / 99 k ' s needed and 1 / 2000 k ' s needed
see notes in red below . in each case where the contract has been terminated ,
tom and / or carlos will need to get with producer services to determine what
we need to do ( set up a gtc , renegotiate the term deal , etc ) .
jackie young
01 / 18 / 2000 11 : 24 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect
subject : 12 / 99 k ' s needed and 1 / 2000 k ' s needed
daren , can you help me with placing k ' s @ the below listed meters ? i don ' t
know if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up .
i ' ll need a k @ each specified meter for the month following the noted month
that had a k @ it .
thanks in advance for your help .
- jackie -
3 - 9497
98 - 1534 ( delivery ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 95541 ( stop
date 12 / 99 ) new deal added for january # 151694
98 - 6563 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k wasl 1 / 99 on 203 k sitara # 26511 , then new
sitara # 130913 ( which was killed ) evergreen was checked on this one .
contract terminated .
98 - 6614 ( receipt ) sitara # 130917 - this deal ' s stop date is 2 / 29 / 2000 . the
deal amount is for 1487 mmbtu ' s but the estimated vols . are " 0 " . did not
want to change anything in sitara without your knowledge . this is a good
deal . for the first part of the month , you should nom the zero to pops .
beginning tomorrow , we will have volume out there on this ticket .
98 - 9758 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 133088 ( stop
date 12 / 99 ) evergreen was checked on this one . contract terminated .
98 - 9651 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 51491 ( stop
date 12 / 99 ) new deal # 136744 ( deal killed ) contract terminated .
98 - 9789 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 11 / 99 on 012 - 41500 - 02 - 203 sitara
# 108246 ( stop date 11 / 99 ) deal rolled for six days to cover flow .
98 - 5789 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 26569
( stop date 12 / 99 ) contract terminated .
98 - 6855 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 94120 ( stop
date 12 / 99 ) deal was rolled for jan .
98 - 6725 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a kwas 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 138332 ( stop
date 12 / 99 ) this was a spot deal . we will have to renegotiate the price to
cover the flow . i will work with craig faulbaum on this .
98 - 9676 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 95912 ( stop
date 12 / 99 ) new deal 151669 for jan
98 - 4548 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 94147 ( stop
date 12 / 99 ) new deal 151666 for jan | 0 |
3,801 | spam | Subject: be a men byronizes
munched ! armpit , budweiser emphasis oppose .
belfries ! squinted , chores semitic underlying .
vlagkra 80 % discount ! !
did you know that the normal cost for
super vkiagra is $ 20 , per dose ?
we are running a hot special ! !
today its only
an amazing $ 3 . 00 shipped world wide !
take here . . .
daring ! lipscomb , siphoning complicity wotan .
clemency ! aldermen , shelves associates midsection .
slips ! kenney , decompose planets peanuts .
nom 0 re mail ?
enter here . . .
presence ! patton , baths coasting warranty .
wedded ! revenge , texans squirmed sports .
| 1 |
610 | ham | Subject: your mom
remember me ? i ' m the one who loved you so much that i gave my very best at
raising you . and now i ' m missing you so much . lacy & i can ' t understand why
you don ' t call to check on us & just to talk a while - - it doesn ' t count that
tonya calls - - i didn ' t raise her . we want to hear your voice every once in a
while . i know you work a lot , but you used to find time once a week . and
that ' s no excuse . you can schedule in a call to us . we ' re still your family
too . we love you , ma
get your private , free email at http : / / www . hotmail . com | 0 |
4,352 | spam | Subject: " wells fargo amt service upgrade "
dear wells fargo customer ,
in order to be prepared for the smart card upgrade on visa and mastercard debit and credit cards and to avoid problems with our atm services , we have recently introduced additional security measures and upgraded our software .
this security upgrade will be effective immediately and requires our customers to update their atm card information . please update your information here
wells fargo customer support dept .
674778510 [ 2 | 1 |
1,595 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for sept . 13 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 913 . xls )
- hplo 913 . xls | 0 |
3,233 | ham | Subject: lacy
hey - - just thought i ' d let you know that lacy went to school this morning - pale & not feeling well - - stomach still hurts , but she went ahead . she ' s stressing me out big time . she acted like she couldn ' t hardly move , but i came back in the house & she was talking fine on the telephone . but i ask her questions about how she feels & she is just about dead . i don ' t know about her . but she looked pale . blood sugar was a little low this morning . i woke her up at 2 & had her check it & it was good . so i got a little more rest . i don ' t think she even woke up enough to remember it . i don ' t think the little job is good for her if she ' s gonna catch everything they have . she ' s so careless about washing hands after handling all those nasty little kids & then bites her nails . not good ! anyway , i ' m stressed big time over her & over her driving the car . and missing so much school . i wasn ' t going to take her to the dr . yesterday because she was better so i figured it was a virus , b !
ut she had to have a note from a doctor or she ' s gonna have to make up school on saturday & they ' ve threatened to fine me . so i had to pay $ 30 for them to tell me that she had a virus & missed a day of work . oh , well , life is fun . anyway , i need to quit gettin down over such trivial things cause there ' s so many with worse problems to face . i am thankful that the burdens are so light . but you can still pray for us . and encourage lacy to work at splash town ! ha !
remind me to tell you about the terroristic threat at high school . another high stress time ! can ' t wait until this weekend to see all my cousins & ya ' ll . kiss my grandsons for me . love ya | 0 |
1,524 | ham | Subject: lonestar payback for 31 st
fyi - - - - i am working on getting that oversight for the payback on the 31 st
corrected , switched from the current tenaska contracts , to our old transport . | 0 |
2,324 | ham | Subject: re : january nominations at shell deer park
fyi - i adjusted the tickets to reflect the volumes below .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mary poorman / na / enron on 01 / 02 / 2001 09 : 40
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" shankster jl ( luther ) " on 01 / 02 / 2001 08 : 47 : 36 am
to : " ' mary . poorman @ enron . com ' "
cc : " ' lamphier , gary ' "
subject : re : january nominations at shell deer park
mary ,
we have a 90 , 000 mmbtu / d first of the month nomination against our term
baseload contract and a 20 , 000 mmbtu / d spot swing contract for january . i
assume that the 105 , 000 mmbtu / d demand request would be allocated 90 , 000
mmbtu / d against the baseload contract and 15 , 000 mmbtu / d against the spot
swing contract .
> j . luther shankster
> energy & utilities planning
> phone : 713 / 277 - 9307
> fax : 713 / 277 - 9941
> e - mail : jlshankster @ equiva . com
> home page : http : / / rsweb
> | 0 |
4,851 | spam | Subject: go out with a married babe
are you bored , loney ,
or just sick and tired of your lame partner ?
do you need a new wife , girlfriend or husband ?
find someone new right now that wants to meet tonight and
hook up for a good wild time .
millions of profiles . many are local to your area
find someone just for the night or meet your next wife .
many are just looking for an incredible lay for the weekend
find someone new now
nomore of this
the amsterdam hubbub raincoat crystallite .
when she caliph chuckle worse everthything
if you went drink howl pinehurst .
when she cardiology arise receptive things that howell cobol superannuate .
paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr .
| 1 |
155 | ham | Subject: hl & p
the most recent numbers | 0 |
4,401 | spam | Subject: meet over 1 million girls sigletos
meta http - equiv = content - type content = text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1
/ size = + 2 color = # 0033 ccloading . . . please wait . / fontbr / ba href = http : / / hotbabes . ishow . toimg src = http : / / www . embsy . com / banners / hp 2 . jpg border = 0 / abr
brfont size = + 2 color = # 0033 ccswingers online ! brthe hottest dating / swingers meeting place ever . brcheck us out 100 % free , you wont be dissapointed . / fontbrfont color = # ffffffhttp : / / sigletos . com our children stupid pensil arrives while their white balloon is thinking . br our odd shaped cat is angry . br her daughters white small laptop is thinking and mine white recycle bin snores . br her beautiful mobile phone stands - still . br their golden well - crafted laptop snores and our red glasses walks . br whose round - shaped binocyles smells . br any red baby stares . br their soft white forg makes sound . br a bluish computer stinks and perhaps our fancy door fidgeting . br any given purple well - crafted red caw arrives . br whose small ram is angry . br their little cat stinks as soon as a odd shaped laptop fidgeting . br our children expensive small laptop spit as soon as her daughters golden glasses run . brbr sigletos @ iit . demokritos . gr / font / center / body / html
| 1 |
812 | ham | Subject: june transport usage tickets
i updated the june transport usage tickets today through hpl , and will be
finishing these tickets tomorrow . rates have been updated to reflect current
matrix rates and all baseload rates that i know of at this time . i have not
yet received third party transport rates , so if you know of any , please let
me know . also , i have zeroed out some volumes on some tickets for june , so
your schedulers will have to update volumes as they know them . rule of thumb
was that if i had to add a month , i refreshed the rate but left volume at
zero . if the months were already on the ticket , then i refreshed the rate
and left the volume as is .
i would advise that your schedulers check volumes on all pipes to ensure
they ' re reflected in position manager correctly . please let me know if you
have any questions . all pipes will be updated by tomorrow morning .
heidi | 0 |
4,054 | spam | Subject: why wait for a first date ? skip right to the s * x . . .
find a date for tonight and get laid .
are you looking to meet someone who ' s looking
for the same thing you are ?
quick sex
casual flirting
cyber sex
and lots more . .
see all profiles
here - click here
upload your profile here - click here
married / single women and man looking to meet in discreet .
browse thousands of profiles with pics to match your needs .
see all profiles here - click
upload your profile here - click here
you are receiving this email because someone has shown interest in your profile
before , or you have browsed our profiles in the past or please let us know if
you are not interested in receiving our high quality letters in the future and
you will never get our letter again . thank you
remove yourself
w artichoke g deficit | 1 |
2,606 | ham | Subject: txu fuels / sds nomination for march 2001
attached is the march 2001 nomination for our takes under the gas sales and
purchase contract between txu fuel company ( previously tufco ) and sds . please
advise should you have any questions concerning the attached .
thanks ,
( see attached file : sdsnom . xls )
- sdsnom . xls | 0 |
301 | ham | Subject: the expatriate zone - issue # 1 2 / 14 / 00
the expatriate zone 1 / 15 / 00 issue # 1
where every day is " just another shitty day in paradise "
the zine for the tropically impaired
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in this issue
* featured expatriate of the month - james " sunny jim " white
* travel into " the zone " - and beat the irs at the same time .
* " jimmydotcom " - where ' s that parrot head book we ' ve been hearing about ?
* club trini update
* millennium change bubba style - see what all the hullabaloo online was
about .
* cabo 1999 - bad boys of the " expatriated phan club " spotted south of the
border .
* parrothead pilots association - new club in the making .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for the web page edition go to :
it includes some great pictures . we suggest printing it out and laying it out
on your coffee table . that way , you have somewhere to set your " red stripe "
so you don ' t leave rings on the table .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
welcome to the expatriate zone
welcome to the " first " issue of " the expatriate zone , " the official
newsletter of the new " expatriate zone " web site . after publishing " the
temperate zone " for the past two years , i ' m taking the opportunity to join
forces with bob segel who has been publishing " the coconut modem " with karen
coyne since april of 1994 .
last year , after operating in aol exclusively , bob created " parrotkey . com "
out on the " internet " where it would join it ' s sister site on aol and be
accessible to all parrot heads . at the time bob expanded " pk , " we had been
working on my little area of " club st . somewhere , " and the new
" parrotkey . com " seemed like the perfect place to open the doors of the club .
while we were talking about the direction we wanted to see " club st .
somewhere " and " parrot key " go , we could see that this was the perfect chance
to , as emeril says , " kick it up a notch . "
jimmy buffett ' s music was a big part of our lives , but even more so was the
" expatriate lifestyle " he sang about . a lifestyle that includes tropical
travel , sailing , boating , parasailing and surfing , and yes , the music and
lyrics of mr . james w . buffett .
so it is , that we created our new web site , " the expatriate zone "
, along with this newsletter of that same
name . in december , " the expatriate zone " opened its doors with its " island
trading post " with its holiday shopping service at the " island trading post . "
over 3 , 600 people visited the site the first day , and daily prizes were
awarded for the first two weeks . the " island trading post " will open again
soon , offering a complete line of tropical items , not just to those of us
that live a few blocks from wal - mart , but also for those of us lucky enough
to be on a sailboat or living on an island . for not , we ' ll start with the
" t - shirt of the month . "
we want " the expatriate zone " to not only keep you entertained and informed
while you toil away at your everyday " corporate gig , " but it will also get
you ready for that day you finally shuck it all and disappear down into " the
expatriate zone . "
we hope you all enjoy our new effort , and also continue to visit " parrot key "
and " club st . somewhere . " both of which will be closely associated with " the
expatriate zone " and " parrotkey . com . "
jackson & bob
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" expatriate of the month "
james " sunny jim " white
when i first ventured on the internet in 1995 , i ran in to a guy named " sunny
jim " who was living down in the cayman islands . we never really got a chance
to connect , for which i am truly sorry . but , when something is supposed to
happen , it usually does .
on the first leg of my " road dawg " tour
( click on " road dawg " ) i stayed with my good friend alex & janet leist and
their wonderful children . over the five days i stayed at their house , alex
and i listened to a lot of music , and one of the guys we both liked was
" sunny jim . " i bought one of james ' cds from alex , and fell in love with it
immediately . the cd was his second , called " life in the laid back lane . "
little did i know that i would meet up with james and his roady " shady floyd "
several times over the next six months . james was embarking on his first real
tour of the us since he moved " down island " almost twelve years ago . we got
several chances to talk over the summer , and we will have an in depth article
about this " expatriate " soon on " the expatriate zone " web site . be sure to
watch for it .
in the meantime , here are a couple of quick things i learned about this great
musician . when i asked him about his " expatriate " status , his reply was ,
" technically , an expatriate is someone who lives outside their own country ,
for whatever reason . for some it ' s legal reasons , others just because they
want to , or that ' s where the work is . i have been an expatriate for nearly
twelve years now . i have pretty fully lived the whole caribbean experience ,
from climbing the coconut trees and spear fishing , to sailing , scuba diving ,
hot afternoons on the beach and romantic moonlit nights under the swaying
palms . "
even as james is about to repatriate himself and his family , i ask if there
were any other places he would consider living as an expatriate ? " maybe
somewhere on the coast of mexico or in a group of islands that are all within
sailing distance of one another , " was the advice he gave .
until we can learn more of " sunny jim ' s " world , stop by his web site at
and if you don ' t have one of his cds , including his
latest release " sandbar serenade , " for goodness sake , pick one up . you can
also read a great interview alex conducted with james at
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
travel into " the zone "
" some are running from the irs "
we strongly believe that we all have to get away from our computer screens
and out into the real world as often as we can . does this mean we give up one
our most useful tools of communication , computers ? heck no ! with laptops ,
cell phones and gps systems , we can go anywhere , and still stay in touch if
we feel the need . but get real and throw that " pager " away as soon as you can .
we hope to keep this section current and informative , hopefully hearing from
those of you already living your lives in " the zone , " helping the rest of us
prepare for our getaway from the cities . i ' m sure there are some of us that
are preparing to " disappear " to places like costa rica , where the " the
expatriate zone " will become an important tool .
how would you like to check out a place to " disappear " to and write it off
your taxes at the same time ? want to go down into " the zone " to places like
the bahamas , belize , st . croix , puerto rico , bonaire , the dominica republic
or saba ? want to do something for the planet , work with dolphins , save a
coral reef , or study monkeys and the rain forest at the same time ?
well we have the answer . check out these organization ' s web sites , and then
get some advice from your financial advisor on 501 c non - profit organizations .
depending on the tax bracket you ' re in , uncle sam could end up paying for up
to half the trip .
the oceanic society
earthwatch institute
reef , the reef environmental education foundation
after that , all that ' s left is to make that plane reservation , and remember ,
" no plane on sunday . "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" jimmydotcom "
after many delays , " jimmydotcom " has finally gone to the printer with a due
date of the middle of april . i hit some " bumps in the road " on my way to
publishing the first ever book about the parrot head phenomena , but it was
all worth it .
this book isn ' t about jimmy buffett , it ' s about the effect of the internet on
parrot heads . for more information , visit . we
have a complete outline of the book , reviews from other parrot heads , and
samples of the pages on the site .
financial considerations have limited the first printing to 1 , 000 copies at
the present time , so if your even thinking of buying a book , i suggest you
reserve your copy by putting your name on the " reservation list . " you will be
under no financial obligation . it will simply indicate to my financial
partners ( who aren ' t parrot heads ) , just how many books we need to print . do
it right away , because pre - sales were brisk , and if enough of you reserve a
copy , i can get the financing to expand the first printing .
let ' s show the world what parrot heads stand for by making this book a big
success . when i was on the bhotm tour this summer , i had many people tell me
they wanted to buy an extra book to give to their boss . they wanted the boss
to understand why getting the day off for a buffett concert is so important .
maybe it will help the rest of us to explain ourselves to our friends " that
just don ' t get it . "
here ' s one of the latest reviews of the book from bob robinson , founder &
president of the sandlapper phc in south carolina . i had a great time with
this club on the " road dawg " tour , and shared an advance copy with his club :
" when we received jackson ' s plea for pictures , our members were blown away .
we hustled up a package of pix , as did a majority of the parrot head clubs
from around the globe , and the result is pure parrothedonistic pleasure . this
collection is bound for glory in the annals of island time . if moderation is
your key to life then stay away from jimmydotcom , ' cause this book is packed
with those stories only we can tell . congratulations bubbafreak ! "
bobrob sandlapper phc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
club trini update
speaking of expatriates , how about the guys who play the true music of " the
zone ? " club trini ' s long awaited live cd will finally be coming out this
april , one year after it ' s recording . jimmy has been keeping mike and robert
pretty busy , so it ' s understandable that it took awhile . it will be the third
in the " margaritaville cafe - late nite " series . i can ' t wait to hear it , as
my wife and i were some of the lucky ones who were in new orleans when it was
recorded .
you can get a look at all the songs included on the new cd at club trini ' s
revamped web site at . along with the great songs we ' ve
become accustomed to , are a few i ' m pretty excited about . if you haven ' t
heard ct ' s version of " african friend " you ' re in for a real treat . along with
that , is a song that tina and nadirah have been treating audiences to this
past summer , " cario " and bob marley ' s " no woman , no cry . "
at the new web site , fans can " now " order their favorite club trini cds using
their credit cards . so there ' s no excuse to not owning everything available .
i think a true " expatriate musical library " is incomplete without club trini .
this summer , helen hiatt , jimmy and the coral reefer ' s wardrobe designer ,
came up with a shirt that club trini members lovingly call the " ice cream
vendor " shirt , which they wear out front at the start of the concert . ok ,
pete sometimes forgets his , and when he does have it on , it lost it ' s sleeves
somewhere along the way . there ' s a great design that has been applied to a
t - shirt that we all can own . check it out at their site .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
jesters and friends
note card series
tro - pics has just released their first note cards
series from their " jesters and friends " original oils . friends , places and
musicians from past years have inspired these cards and parrot heads and
expatriates alike will want to have these great looking cards for those times
when an email just isn ' t personal enough .
the original artwork is also on sale at this site , so be sure to stop by and
visit them . included in the " jesters " series are our good friends tim glancey
and wally nickel .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
millennium change bubba style
i ' ve got to tell you , i wasn ' t buying into this " new millennium " thing , one
bit . in fact , i had almost decided not to go to the buffett new year ' s eve
show . nothing to do with jimmy , but i just didn ' t get the whole hype . but at
the last minute , i had a change of heart .
and now after being a special guest at seagram ' s party honoring the new
margaritaville tequila , i ' m sure glad i went . the shows kind of melded
together for me , making the millennium change over very special .
if you want to hear more about this or see some pictures of both , visit our
new " the expatriate zone " web site at and go to
the web version of this newsletter .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
flash ! ! ! " expatriated phans " spotted south of the border
after making both of " tropo travel ' s " previous trips down to cobo san lucas ,
mexico , i had to miss this year ' s trek due to my being with the " beach house
on the moon " tour on it ' s florida , new orleans and houston swing .
as the story goes , those bad boys and girls from " the expatriated phan club "
showed up again , mainly for the t - shirts that
said , " too much tequila . . . or not quite enough " on the back . who are those
people anyway ? whenever i go to their web site , all of them have black bars
covering their eyes . if you want to see pictures of the trip or need info for
" down to the banana republics - 2000 " visit mike
mclain also has some other great trips planned this year , check them out .
speaking of " tropo travel , " if you need a hotel room for the vegas or irvine
shows and want a great deal , visit there site for some great rates . i ' m
joining some of my parrot head friends at the " key largo , " though i ' m kind of
afraid to be in a town like vegas with sue and ponch aprea from the detroit
phc . i ' m joining a lot of my other friends i met on the road there too . i
hate seeing jimmy in vegas , but i ' ve got to keep the streak alive , and seeing
all my parrot head friends will make it all worthwhile . i hope peter mayer
ends up playing there again this year .
and speaking of those great t - shirts , we have some neat shirts available at
the " island store . " they ' re similar to the shirt you got if you went on this
year ' s trip , except they have " tropo travel ' s " seaplane on the back and the
" no bad days " logo on the front breast . you can see a picture at
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
parrothead pilots association
here are a couple of tidbits for your " airplane nuts " and pilots out there .
a new online friend who ' s a medivac chopper pilot is trying to start a parrot
head ' s pilot ' s association . if you ' re interested , contact dan at
i also ran across a really cool page that features jimmy ' s " hemisphere
dancer " including it ' s " jamaican bullet hole . " ed booth , jr . an attorney from
jacksonville , florida , who belongs to " lawyer - pilots bar association " is the
webmaster and creator .
the web site is " grumman n 928 j " ( flashback - how many of you remember the tv
show ' whirly birds ' ? wasn ' t their number n 975 b ? ) and is at
it shows a lot of pictures of jimmy ' s 1954
grumman i think you ' ll enjoy .
now all we need is for these guys to team up with the parrot heads pilot ' s
association .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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| 0 |
249 | ham | Subject: fw : whose needs ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> perfect ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
> * * proprietary * *
> a husband and wife are getting all snugly
> > > in bed . the passion is heating up . but then the wife stops and says
> " i
> > > don ' t feel like it , i just want you to hold me . " the husband says
> > > " what ? ? " the wife explains that he must not be in tune with her
> > emotional
> > > needs as a woman . the husband realizes that nothing is going to
> > happen
> > > tonight and he might as well deal with it .
> > >
> > > so the next day the husband takes her shopping at a big
> department
> > > store . he walks around and has her try on three very expensive
> > outfits .
> > > she can ' t decide . he tells his wife to take all three of them .
> then
> > > they go over and get matching shoes worth $ 100 each .
> > > and then they go to the jewelry dept . where she gets a set of
> > diamond
> > > ear rings . the wife is so excited . she thinks her husband has
> flipped
> > > out - but she does not care .
> > > she goes for the tennis bracelet . the husband says " but you don ' t
> > even
> > > play tennis , but ok if you like it then let ' s get it . " the wife is
> > > jumping up and down so excited she cannot even believe what is
> going
> > on .
> > > she says " i am ready to go , lets go to the cash register . "
> > > the husband stops and says , " no , honey i don ' t feel like buying
> all
> > > this stuff now "
> > > the wife ' s face goes blank . he says " honey - i just want you to hold
> > > this stuff for a while . " the look on her face is indescribable and
> she
> > > is about to explode and the husband says ,
> > >
> > > " you must not be in tune with my financial needs as a man . "
> > >
> >
> | 0 |
811 | ham | Subject: june vacation
please submit your june vacation to me asap .
thank you !
x 3 . 5953 | 0 |
273 | ham | Subject: gary ,
could you please remove scada / mips from the following hpl meters . these
meters are where mid - texas interconnects with
pg & e ' s system , and there should not be any measurement taking place on hpl .
these meters were set up originally when we thought
that every meter on mid - texas should automatically have a corresponding meter
on hpl . this assumption is now incorecct .
george | 0 |
3,467 | ham | Subject: new enrononline functionality
the following additions and modifications to stack manager will be effective as of saturday september 8 , 2001 .
stack manager modifications
inactivate all stack - in addition to the individual activate / inactive stack buttons , there is now an inactivate all stack button . similar to the suspend all button , this button will inactivate the trader ' s stack on all active products . any existing top of stack limit orders will continue to post to the website and remain transactable . see screen shot below : inactivate all stack button on far right .
please note that we have switched the positions of the suspend and inactivate buttons in stack manager .
fill order - if a product is set up as either restricted top of stack or top of stack the trader now has the ability to automatically fill any order that is at the top of the stack . in order to fill a limit order that is at the top of the product ' s stack , which will appear in pink , the trader should right click anywhere on the stack window and choose " fill order " . the volume filled on an order will be that which is offered by the trader . in order to fill the complete volume of the order , the trader will need to adjust the volume in his stack .
floated stack windows - if the stack is inactive on a product , the price and volume fields on the my products tab will continue to be blank . on the depth window and floated stack window of these products the trader ' s prices will be in gray and italics . children of products that have inactive stacks will not be gray and italicised in the floated stack windows and will not see the calculated prices .
no auto inactivate stack - it is now possible to keep a product active even if the trader is not logged into stack manager . if the trader wishes to enable this functionality on the upper right corner of the product properties page the trader should choose " no auto inactivate when stack manager is down " .
changes regarding suspension of products
stack manager will inactivate products rather than suspend them in the following cases :
? market close - if a product is active at the end of its trading hours its stack will automatically become inactive rather than suspending . in order to keep a product ' s stack active past the set trading hours , the trader should choose " keep awake " next to the trading hours section of the product properties page .
? auto suspend now inactivates stack - on a product with the auto suspend function enabled to monitor the price changes on the product , the product ' s stack will be inactivated if the suspend at level is reached . this feature can be used by checking the enable box on the product properties page under the auto suspend section .
? logging out of stack manager - when you log out of stack manager without inactivating or suspending your products , the system will now inactivate your products rather than suspending them .
| 0 |
1,654 | ham | Subject: re : cornhusker
if the plants become an external counterparty , the fee should probably go
back to the
scale in the original contract . the assumption being that the original plant
financing could afford
the escalating fee .
let me know if you want me to look into it any further .
daren j farmer @ ect
09 / 20 / 2000 07 : 38 am
to : thomas a martin / hou / ect @ ect , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron , steve
jackson / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : cornhusker
please read the message below . what do you think about increasing the fee ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 09 / 20 / 2000 07 : 32
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
john griffith @ enron
09 / 19 / 2000 11 : 28 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : cornhusker
darren ,
how are things going ? just a note to reiterate what we talked about
yesterday . rick hill wanted to know what the admin fee would be if the fee
was for an outside counterparty . this admin fee would be for the life of the
project ( through 2019 ) . also , mike mazowita should be calling you to talk
about the plant being down this week through the end of the month . please
let me know if you have any questions or concerns . thanks .
john | 0 |
502 | ham | Subject: new turn - ons
tom ,
production commenced to flow as stated below ; please create a base load
ticket in sitara based upon the following information :
counterparty meter no . volumes price period
union gas corp . 9827 3 , 000 mmbtu / d 100 % gas daily less $ 0 . 10 3 / 9 - 3 / 31
cico oil & gas co . 9828 1 , 200 mmbtu / d 100 % gas daily less $ 0 . 095 3 / 15 - 3 / 31
thanks ,
x 3 - 6353 | 0 |
2,466 | ham | Subject: clickathome pilot 3 deadline extended !
the clickathome pilot 3 deadline has been extended !
the deadline has been extended for pc ordering with dell until midnight
january 31 st . if you have already ordered your pc , you may disregard this
message . internet service provider ( isp ) ordering will remain open . to
visit the pilot website and to place your order for either your pc or your
isp click on the link below :
http : / / clickathomepilot . enron . com /
( please be sure to use internet explorer ! ) if the site is not working
correctly , please copy the following url http : / / clickathomepilot . enron . com ,
close lotus notes , and paste directly into internet explorer .
send any questions to the clickathome mailbox at clickathomepilot 3 @ enron . com .
clickathome team ! | 0 |
2,389 | ham | Subject: re : hpl meter # 986563 texaco fee c / p
clem ,
the total volume of 1 , 517 mmbtu that flowed during the period of 12 / 1 / 99
through 3 / 31 / 00 has been moved from the strangers gas contract to
012 - 41500 - 02 - 004 for write - off purposes .
clem cernosek
01 / 08 / 2001 01 : 35 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : edward terry / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect
subject : hpl meter # 986563 texaco fee c / p
daren :
during the period of 12 / 1 / 99 through 3 / 31 / 00 gas flowed into hpl ' s pipeline
at the above meter . the gas volumes that flowed are as follows :
12 / 1 / 99 - 12 / 31 / 99 1 , 457 mmbtus
01 / 1 / 00 - 01 / 31 / 00 49 mmbtus
02 / 1 / 00 - 02 / 29 / 00 7 mmbtus
03 / 1 / 00 - 03 / 31 / 00 4 mmbtus
1 , 517 mmbtus
prior to 12 / 1 / 99 , the volumes were being purchased from high sierra operating
llc under contract # 96003435 deal # 26611 which have terminated . currently ,
logistics has these volumes recorded to hpl stranger gas contract . in order
to correct this , hpl logistics needs either a new deal to record these
volumes which have flowed into hpl ' s pipeline , or logistics needs approval to
write - off these volumes to unaccounted for gas loss . ( please print , sign ,
and return the original to clem cernosek ) .
deal / deal ticket # / customer ( buyer / seller )
approval to write - off the volumes to unaccounted for gas loss
thanks , clem | 0 |
3,007 | ham | Subject: wellhead volumes
daren ,
please click on the supply analysis tab of the attached spreadsheet to view the wellhead volumes through 4 / 4 / 01 .
bob | 0 |
3,443 | ham | Subject: formation of enron management committee
i am pleased to announce the formation of the enron management committee . the management committee comprises our business unit and function leadership and will focus on the key management , strategy , and policy issues facing enron . the management committee will supplant the former policy committee and will include the following individuals :
ken lay - chairman and ceo , enron corp .
ray bowen - coo , enron industrial markets
michael brown - coo , enron europe
rick buy - exec vp & chief risk officer , enron corp .
rick causey - exec vp & chief accounting officer , enron corp .
dave delainey - chairman and ceo , enron energy services
jim derrick - exec vp & general counsel , enron corp .
janet dietrich - president , enron energy services
jim fallon - president & ceo , enron broadband services
andy fastow - exec vp & cfo , enron corp .
mark frevert - chairman & ceo , enron wholesale services
ben glisan - managing director & treasurer , enron corp .
mark haedicke - managing director & general counsel , enron wholesale services
kevin hannon - ceo , enron global assets & services
stan horton - chairman & ceo , enron transportation services
jim hughes - president & coo , enron global assets & services
steve kean - exec . vp & chief of staff , enron corp .
louise kitchen - coo , enron americas
mark koenig - exec vp , investor relations , enron corp .
john lavorato - president & ceo , enron americas
mike mcconnell - president & ceo , enron global markets
jeff mcmahon - president & ceo , enron industrial markets
jeff shankman - coo , enron global markets
john sherriff - president & ceo , enron europe
greg whalley - president & coo , enron wholesale services
after we convene the management committee later this week , i will make a further announcement regarding the executive committee . | 0 |
1,060 | ham | Subject: enron actuals for june 22 , 2000
teco tap 100 . 000 / hpl iferc
20 . 000 / enron
ls hpl katy 30 . 000 / enron | 0 |
5,065 | spam | Subject: your women will be happy !
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Subsets and Splits