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4,831 | spam | Subject: hate condoms , but need to stay safe ?
stay hard all night , even with a condom on !
today ' s special :
v - i - a - g - r - a , retails for $ 15 , we sell for as low as $ 1 . 90 ! ! !
- private online ordering !
- world wide shipping !
- no prescription required ! !
check it out : http : / / ijehmbcfkl . makeyourhealth . info / ? adgbcfklxtnqyijzgvehm
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redrum corrado passion
lulu blowfishcharlott advil cutie
mailer georgiamailer fugazi amandal hanson rugby tarzan
| 1 |
4,839 | spam | Subject: sterling balance sheet strengthens underpriced stock
now that oil and gas has entered a long - term bull market ,
our speciaity in pinpointing the hottest companies of the few remaining
undervalued energy plays has produced soaring returns .
montana oil and gas , inc . ( mogi ) to expiore further opportunities in aiberta canada , a is an energy deveioper in canada ' s most highly coveted reservoirs with generating potential of miliions per week
symbol - mogi
price - . 47
increased 11 % last three day ,
rating - strongbuy
how much it wi | | up again ?
the vaiue of mogi ' s shares wil | skyrocket :
1 . price charts confirm oi | prices are experiencing the strongest buil
market in a generation .
2 . natural gas prices have tripled in the | ast two years .
3 . with muitipie projects in high - gear and the expanding production on
reserves worth muiti - mi | | ions , mogi is se | | ing for | ess than 1 / 4 the
vaiue of its assets .
4 . montana oil and gas speciaiizes in using new technoiogy to turn
unproductive oi | and gas deposits into profitable enterprises .
aiready shares in the oil and gas sector are rising faster than the
overal | market . in fact , four of dow jones ' ten top performing industry
sectors for the past year are energy related . but it ' s in the mid - sized
explorers and developers | ike montana oi | ( mogi ) that the biggest gains are being made . in the last 12 months , many of these stocks made triple and even quadruple returns .
vancouver , march 11 , 2 oo 5 - ( mogi ) president peter sanders would | ike to announce that a decision has been made to explore further opportunities in the alberta canada region where the company currentiy has interests in three projects . the company has become aware of existing opportunities to partner in , or acquire | eases , which may include producing welis and or expioratory programs which wi | | strengthen montana s position with energy , cash oriented investment banking groups .
one of the most effective ways to acquire financia | partners for drilling programs invoives existing production of oil and or gas in these programs . this wiil significantiy lessens the risk for the investment group , hence encouraging financial participation as well as speeding up the process of commitment by the investment group .
the sylvan lake project will begin very shortly the company and its partners have secured a driiling rig and are only waiting for a temporary road ban to be lifted . the rig is currentiy sitting in red deer aiberta a mere 30 miles from syivan lake . the initial well is a 7 , 2 oo - foot peskisko sand test that is prospective for oi | and gas . it is expected to take approximateiy 10 to 12 days to dril | and test the initia | wel | . each deveiopment weil has probabie production of 15 o barreis of oil per day and 75 o miilion cubic feet gas per day with reserves in excess of 1 biilion cubic feet gas and 3 oo , 0 oo barreis of oi | . there are four other pay zones that are prospective for gas . the average wel | in the syivan lake fieid has produced 50 o barrels of oi | per day with over one mi | | ion cubic feet of gas per day . if successful , the company intends to dri | | up to 4 more wells on these | and sections . for more detaiied information on this project please see news reiease dated feb . 7 th , 2 oo 5 . an announcement wiil be made immediateiy upon the commencement of driiling .
the company is aiso pieased to report that the tie in of its west lock project did start several days ago and it is anticitaped that this will be complete some time in the next couple of days . peter sanders notes the compietion and tie in of the west lock project has ran into numerous delays , however , this wel | wil | be tied in and the company wil | be se | | ing gas by next week thus generating cash flow for the company the company wi | | update its shareholders when it has heard from its partner in regards to completion .
wi | | mogi expiode higher as more and more investors become aware of the
stock ? if you think so , you may not want to wait unti | it is too late .
remember , timing your trade is critica | .
good luck and successfu | trading .
information within this pubiication contains future looking statements
within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and
section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements thatexpress or invoive discussions with respect to predictions ,
expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goais , assumptions or futureevents or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be future looking statements . future | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actua | results or events to differ materialiy from those presently anticipated . future looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as projects , foresee , expects , wiil , anticipates , estimates , beiieves , understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may , couid , or might occur . these future - looking statements are based on information currently availabie and are subject to a number of risks , uncertainties and other factors that could cause mogi s actua | resuits , performance , prospects or opportunities to differ materia | | y from those expressed in , or impiied by , these future - looking statements . as with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additiona | risk
factors that raise doubt about its abiiity to continue as a going
concern . these risks , uncertainties and other factors include , without
limitation , the company ' s growth expectations and ongoing funding
requirements , and specifically , the company ' s growth prospects with
scaiabie customers . other risks inciude the company ' s | imited operating history , the company ' s history of operating losses , consumers ' acceptance , the company ' s use of licensed technologies , risk of increased competition , the potentia | need for additional financing , the conditions and terms of any financing that is consummated , the limited trading market for the company ' s securities , the possible volatiiity of the company ' s stock price , the concentration of ownership , and the potentia | fluctuation in the company ' s operating results . the pubiisher of this report does not represent that the information contained in this message states a | | materia | facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . a | | information provided within this report pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the pubiisher of this newsietter advises ail readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this report . none of the material within this report shail be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose al | your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of this report is not a registered investment expert . subscribers should not view information herein as | egal , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specia | | y selected to be referenced based on the favorabie performance of these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the resuits in the examples given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is not indicative of future resuits and a thorough due diiigence effort , inciuding a review of a company ' s filings at sec gov or edgar - oniine com when avaiiable , shouid be compieted prior to investing .
al | factua | information in this report was gathered from public sources , inciuding but not limited to company websites and company press
reieases . the pubiisher discloses the receipt of fifteen thousand
doilars from a third party , not an officer , director , or affiiiate shareholder ofthe company for the preparation of this oniine report . be aware of aninherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid pubiication . the publisher of this report beiieves this information to be reliabie but can make no assurance as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the material within this report constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you feel you have been
wrongfully piaced in our membership , piease go here or send a blank
e mai | with no thanks in the subject to ( - stock 37 @ yahoo . com - )
| 1 |
5,164 | spam | Subject: epson inkjet cartridges from 5 . 99
save up to 75 % on inkjet , laser copier supplies
quality products , with 100 % satisfaction guarantee
easy , fast , affordable shipping worldwide
plenty of payment options to meet your needs !
special : free shipping to us canada on orders over $ 50
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| 1 |
4,532 | spam | Subject: pain is killing you
sun , 05 dec 2004 06 : 36 : 29 - 0500
| 1 |
3,034 | ham | Subject: re : important ! ! ! - teco deal meeting
i ' ve reserved eb 3143 b for this meeting .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : curry , mike
sent : friday , april 6 , 2001 5 : 18 pm
to : murphy , melissa ann ; allen , thresa ; reeves , leslie ; evans , casey ; white , stacey ; dahlke , andrea ; wallis , janet ; farmer , daren ; gilbert - smith , doug ; dean , clint ; day , smith ; jester , larry ; wagner , joseph
cc : gardner , stephanie ; cross , edith ; wiesepape , jason ; trefz , greg
subject : important ! ! ! - teco deal meeting
importance : high
please plan to attend a meeting to discuss the teco frontera deal on monday , 4 / 9 at 1 : 00 pm ( stephanie - please arrange a conference room and forward information to all ) . the teco deal will start scheduling tuesday 4 / 10 for gas and power flow wednesday 4 / 11 ( sorry for the late notice but teco wants to start asap ) . if you do not have a copy of the contract and would like one please stop by my desk and grab one at eb 3119 b or print out the attached file below ( stephanie - please call and make sure all can attend the meeting ) .
i will give a summary of the deal and discuss with you what our obligations are . please read the contract as this meeting will not be a substitute for a thorough reading !
if you have any questions regarding this deal please call me at x 3 - 4258 or page me 877 - 498 - 2166 if i am not at my desk .
thanks for your assistance with this , - mike
> | 0 |
3,449 | ham | Subject: fw : fw : conoco - big cowboy
here is what bob cotten has to say about big cowboy . i think i will try to have conoco send our money back until we can determine who we bought the gas from .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : rrcotten @ aep . com [ mailto : rrcotten @ aep . com ]
sent : wednesday , august 29 , 2001 9 : 14 am
to : parker , megan
cc : jlopez @ aep . com ; gmweissman @ aep . com
subject : re : fw : conoco - big cowboy
megan ,
the april and may nomination spreadsheets from producer services reflect that there were purchases from conoco on hpl . there are no references to any purchases from conoco on gepl . on june 6 , 2001 , tom acton edited deal ticket # 133304 to include gepl meter # ' s 27 - 002 - 08 and 27 - 003 - 08 . i have no idea why tom edited the deal ticket to include the gepl meters . tom is no longer at aep and i couldn ' t find any documentation to support the changes . please advise if you need additional information .
to :
cc :
subject : fw : conoco - big cowboy
bob :
can you help with this ? i am trying to find out why gepl was added to
the conoco supply deals for april and may 2001 . conoco says we did not
purchase any gas from them on gepl .
713 - 345 - 7480
> - - - - - original message - - - - -
> from : farmer , daren j .
> sent : monday , august 27 , 2001 10 : 57 am
> to : parker , megan
> subject : re : conoco - big cowboy
> from looking at the audit in sitara , it appears that tom acton added
> the location on june 6 , 2001 . ( i thought that their access to sitara
> was taken away before then . ) he probably got instructions from vol
> mgmt to do this , but i ' m not sure . have you talked to anyone in that
> group ? i didn ' t know that these meters were being added to the deal .
> since tom has left aep , you may be able to get bob cotten to help .
> see if you can find out anything from v . m . and bob . i will do some
> digging here to see if i can find anything .
> d
> - - - - - original message - - - - -
> from : parker , megan
> sent : friday , august 24 , 2001 10 : 17 am
> to : farmer , daren j .
> subject : conoco - big cowboy
> darren :
> i ' m not sure if you can help me with this , but i don ' t know who else
> to ask . for april and may , we have gas pathed on deal 133304 to
> conoco at the gepl big cowboy point . conoco is saying that we did not
> buy that gas from them . they have accounted for all of the hpl big
> cowboy gas and think we have over paid by about $ 1 . 5 mil each month
> for the gepl gas . do you know why we added the gepl meter to the deal
> in april ? could we have bought this gas from someone else ? i have
> the meter statements from tejas , but they do not say who the supply
> company was .
> megan
this e - mail is the property of enron corp . and / or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) . any review , use , distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited . if you are not the intended recipient ( or authorized to receive for the recipient ) , please contact the sender or reply to enron corp . at enron . messaging . administration @ enron . com and delete all copies of the message . this e - mail ( and any attachments hereto ) are not intended to be an offer ( or an acceptance ) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between enron corp . ( or any of its affiliates ) and the intended recipient or any other party , and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise . thank you .
| 0 |
471 | ham | Subject: well head
daren " you new dad " i never heard back from stacy on this .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by tom acton / corp / enron on 03 / 20 / 2000 08 : 54
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tom acton
03 / 13 / 2000 09 : 00 am
to : stacey neuweiler / hou / ect @ ect , ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron , vance l
taylor / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
subject : well head
stacy , bill moore from texaco called and the well at meter 9826 which came
on at the beginning of the month at 2 , 000 a day has dropped of to 1 , 200 a
day . bill would like to change the nom to 900 so we balance for the month .
let me know what you think and i ' ll get back with him . | 0 |
1,965 | ham | Subject: shell cogen changes
the shell cogen ticket is at 105 , 000 dth for nov . same day for the first ,
shell took 5 m off of 1581 and added 5 m to 1060 .
please give me a call if you have any questions .
mary | 0 |
3,281 | ham | Subject: guadalupe power partners for april 2001
here is the spreadsheet for april . . . . let me know if you have any questions . i also sent it to katherine herrera , and i think paul couvillan will be taking it over pretty soon from katherine .
mark | 0 |
684 | ham | Subject: entex - may
i would assume 40000 for midcon . | 0 |
269 | ham | Subject: 8 th noms
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 02 / 07 / 2000
10 : 30 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
troy _ a _ benoit @ reliantenergy . com on 02 / 07 / 2000 10 : 19 : 10 am
to : " ami chokshi "
cc :
subject : 8 th noms
( see attached file : hpl - feb . xls )
- hpl - feb . xls | 0 |
1,702 | ham | Subject: contact number
i can be reached at ( 228 ) 386 - 7111 on friday if you need me . thanks , pat | 0 |
3,751 | spam | Subject: security warning
| 1 |
297 | ham | Subject: meter 5961 , dunagan , j . a . # 1
daren :
i have been informed that this meter has been disconnected . the 215 has a
nom of 74 / day at this meter . the first day i have a - 0 - flow is 2 / 12 / 00 .
let me know if you have other information .
thanks !
charlotte | 0 |
3,259 | ham | Subject: duke energy field services 4 / 01
for once his is not a panenergy question . for sale deal 707274 , defs says the price on 4 / 4 should be 5 . 25 and we have 5 . 20 in sitara . can you confirm this price for me ?
megan | 0 |
504 | ham | Subject: april availabilities
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 03 / 22 / 2000
03 : 40 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" steve holmes " on 03 / 22 / 2000 01 : 51 : 48 pm
to : ,
cc : , , ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
subject : april availabilities
please see the attached spreadsheet and accompanying letter . the spreadsheet
outlines volumes available from devon energy for the month of april 2000 .
please note the spreadsheet has three tabs . all three tabs contain volumes
available for sale to enron .
please feel free to contact me with any questions you have .
thanks ,
steve holmes
devon energy corporation
( 405 ) 552 - 4665
steve . holmes @ dvn . com
- enronapril 2000 noms . doc
- enronavailso 400 . xls | 0 |
1,774 | ham | Subject: a computer and internet connection for you and your family
as you know , technology is critical to enron ; it drives our success and will
continue to do so in the future . technology has helped enron create new
businesses like enron broadband services and enron net works , and it is
responsible for applications such as enrononline and enroncredit . com . you , ve
seen what technology can do at work . now we want you and your family to
realize its benefits at home .
with that in mind , we are excited to let you know that we are introducing the
program , which will give each employee a computer for use at home . where
technology permits , we will also subsidize an internet connection . with the
click of a mouse , a home computer plus internet access will put a world of
internet knowledge at your family , s fingertips .
we have just signed an agreement with dell computer corporation to provide
the computer hardware . we wanted to let you know about the program now in
case you and your family were considering the purchase or upgrade of a home
computer or internet connection in the next few months . the scope of
clickathome includes the following :
? basic package : dell desktop computer with a high - speed processor , floppy
disk drive , mouse , speakers , monitor , modem , cd - rom drive and windows 2000
software . employees will have the option to receive a subsidized internet
connection , including broadband , where commercially available .
? participation : this program will be available to active regular full - time
and regular part - time employees of enron and its wholly owned subsidiaries ;
however , employees of some enron companies ( portland general electric , eott ,
enron facility services ) may not be able to participate due to legal ,
accounting , tax , labor or business reasons . eligibility includes being
employed at the time of implementation .
? timing : u . s . employee sign - up will begin in early 2001 , with delivery of
the equipment and internet connection to follow shortly thereafter . delivery
of equipment to participating non - u . s . employees is targeted for late 2001 .
details about this program are still being finalized . to address some of
your initial questions , we , ve posted a question - and - answer document on
http : / / clickathome . enron . com . we will schedule an espeak session in the near
future where you will have an opportunity to ask questions . or , you can
submit your questions and comments to clickathome @ enron . com .
we are excited to extend our investment in technology to you and your
family . we believe this program takes communication at enron to a new level
by creating endless possibilities for you to experience and participate in
the broadband internet revolution . it is just another reason why we believe
enron is a great place to work . | 0 |
3,146 | ham | Subject: meter 1558 april 2001
cerrito lastiendas - has meter flow on the 7 th and the deal ended on the 6 th . can we extend the deal for the 48 mmbtu ' s that flowed
or can i override the meter and add it to a day that flowed less than the nom ? the third had 4861 and the nom was for 5000 .
thanks - julie | 0 |
4,371 | spam | Subject: re : cute wohre getting their asses filled with jizz
wakey wakey !
agaal unipta
| 1 |
3,421 | ham | Subject: fw : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869
per authorization fromdaren farmer , i have changed pipe code pgev to pgtt . the meter no . will remain the same . the rate zone is pgtt and the trade zone is tufco .
should you have any further questions , please do not hesitate to contact me .
marlene d . hilliard
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : kdstewart @ aep . com @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - kdstewart + 40 aep + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com ]
sent : friday , august 10 , 2001 1 : 30 pm
to : hilliard , marlene
subject : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869
look thru the sequence history . the meter # on the opposite side did not change
even though the pipe code did . that is all i have to suggest .
to : , " farmer , daren j . "
cc :
subject : fw : fw : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869
i need to get the approval from daren farmer ext . 3 - 6905 . please feel
free to contact him to discuss this matter .
also , i do not believe the meter no . will be the same . i searched pi
grid and it shows hpl with drn 92686 interconnect with meter no .
237 - 07 - 1 - 004 , drn 26879 for teco pipeline co .
we have discrepencies / isssues .
what verifying information do you have for this meter ?
marlene d . hilliard
ext . 3 - 9167
> - - - - - original message - - - - -
> from : kdstewart @ aep . com @ enron
> [ mailto : imceanotes - kdstewart + 40 aep + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com ]
> sent : friday , august 10 , 2001 1 : 16 pm
> to : hilliard , marlene
> subject : re : fw : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869
> i have already created a new sequence starting 7 / 01 / 2001 , can you
> change the pipe
> code and other relavant info in the new sequence starting 7 / 01 / 2001 .
this e - mail is the property of enron corp . and / or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) . any review , use , distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited . if you are not the intended recipient ( or authorized to receive for the recipient ) , please contact the sender or reply to enron corp . at enron . messaging . administration @ enron . com and delete all copies of the message . this e - mail ( and any attachments hereto ) are not intended to be an offer ( or an acceptance ) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between enron corp . ( or any of its affiliates ) and the intended recipient or any other party , and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise . thank you .
| 0 |
3,192 | ham | Subject: re : gulf coast pipeline company dyersdale area , harris co . , tx
meters 4555 , 6677 , 9618 & 9889
george ,
deal # 752482 has been edited to reflect hpl meter # 9889 . initially , the deal was created with the location of gulf coast pipeline company .
enron north america corp . from : george weissman 05 / 03 / 2001 11 : 01 am
to : karl stewart / hou / ect @ ect
cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , donna consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect
subject : gulf coast pipeline company
dyersdale area , harris co . , tx
meters 4555 , 6677 , 9618 & 9889
karl , please activate meter 098 - 9889 so that bob can attach deal 752482 to it . george 713 . 571 . 3159
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 05 / 03 / 2001 10 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp . from : george weissman 05 / 02 / 2001 04 : 32 pm
to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect
cc : mike morris / corp / enron @ enron , melissa graves / hou / ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect
subject : gulf coast pipeline company
dyersdale area , harris co . , tx
meters 4555 , 6677 , 9618 the rate for 9889 was agreed to by the parties for may only . please make sure that the proper transport rate is attached to each sitara deal as follows :
meter 6677 sitara 166026 lynx energy company , inc . $ 0 . 20 for march , $ 0 . 65 for april and may
meter 4555 sitara 139067 danex energy company $ 0 . 65 for may
meter 9618 sitara 138233 gulf coast pipeline company $ 0 . 65 for may
meter 9889 sitara 752482 d & p operating company $ 0 . 65 for may
the 6 / 1 / 96 gas gathering agreement has been terminated effective 5 / 31 / 01 and will be replaced by an agreement dated 6 / 1 / 01 between gulf coast pipeline partners , l . p . and houston pipe line company .
george 713 . 571 . 3159
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 05 / 02 / 2001 02 : 43 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
michael w morris
05 / 02 / 2001 02 : 14 pm
to : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : transport rates on gulf coast pipeline partners
george ,
i informed you incorrectley on the transport rates on gulf coast for march , april , & may .
this is how it should be :
meter 6677
march rate $ . 20
april rate $ . 65
may rate $ . 65
meter 4555
may rate $ . 65
meter 9618
may rate $ . 65
we need to amend the current gulf coast contract to reflect these changes . i told tom cones
we would have this amendment to him the first of next week . | 0 |
2,654 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual flow for 03 / 01
we agree
" eileen ponton " on 03 / 02 / 2001 10 : 18 : 14 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com ,
liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual flow for 03 / 01
date nom flow - mcf flow - mmbtu
3 / / 01 60 , 000 53 , 768 55 , 220
btu = 1 . 027 | 0 |
1,057 | ham | Subject: revised nom
daren ,
prize energy revised their nom eff . 6 / 26 through 6 / 29 for the following
meters :
meter # 4028 4965 9604
old nom : 659 182 101
new nom : 0 0 0
please advise if you want me to adjust .
bob | 0 |
819 | ham | Subject: june transport usage tickets
the tickets are finished . i have updated most of the third party tickets ,
with the exception of oasis / west of prairie lea and oasis / east of prairie
lea . i saw several may tickets with this path , and want to conserve
tickets . i set up one ticket for this path . please let me know if you have
any questions . dave , once volumes get attached to these tickets , i would
like to run a basis adjustment report by pipe to double - check the desk
rates . thanks .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by heidi withers / hou / ect on 05 / 25 / 2000 08 : 32
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : heidi withers 05 / 24 / 2000 06 : 27 pm
to : david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , daren j
farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect
subject : june transport usage tickets
i updated the june transport usage tickets today through hpl , and will be
finishing these tickets tomorrow . rates have been updated to reflect current
matrix rates and all baseload rates that i know of at this time . i have not
yet received third party transport rates , so if you know of any , please let
me know . also , i have zeroed out some volumes on some tickets for june , so
your schedulers will have to update volumes as they know them . rule of thumb
was that if i had to add a month , i refreshed the rate but left volume at
zero . if the months were already on the ticket , then i refreshed the rate
and left the volume as is .
i would advise that your schedulers check volumes on all pipes to ensure
they ' re reflected in position manager correctly . please let me know if you
have any questions . all pipes will be updated by tomorrow morning .
heidi | 0 |
78 | ham | Subject: calpine
my cellular phone number is 713 - 562 - 2050 if you have any questions over the
weekend or holiday do not hesitate to give me a call . thanks . | 0 |
969 | ham | Subject: enron actuals for junel 3 , 2000
teco tap 100 . 000 / hpl iferc
texoma 20 . 000 / hpl iferc
ls hpl katy 40 . 000 / enron | 0 |
4,333 | spam | Subject: free and low cost pres $ cription drug / s
yvlao . ehxjuscnmccjbcm . hsxde . . nfhpk 2 ell 1 ylbefybecn . wws 58 alqq 6 . 58 hjcj 3 rzh . 2 mi 6 emkqlz . sxldi 51 n 8 e . 8 yf 9 rp 5 ti 3 . 974 xzellxo . vxe 8 bm 9 lpv . bgymyaxdh 5 . ovyabl 3 uni . dlhkk 51 ytp . vkm 9 ps 2 igo . 2 flvvu 27 n 7 . h 8 ayl 91 kzw . jna 9 ea 33 oa . 7 s 3 c 743 nth . v 2 o 4 s 5275 c .
n out .
| 1 |
3,157 | ham | Subject: re : nom / actual vol for april 26 th
we agree
" eileen ponton " on 04 / 27 / 2001 11 : 11 : 15 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : nom / actual vol for april 26 th
nom mcf mmbtu
60 , 000 60 , 034 61 , 655
btu = 1 . 027 | 0 |
3,166 | ham | Subject: equistar - i ' m still waiting for the deal break out from rachael
@ equistar - i called twice .
d 1373 channel 17
d 8024 bayport polymers 3
d 1165 victoria polymers 0
d 1399 matagorda polymars 4
d 1552 qel @ laporte 10
d 1553 laporte polymers 0
d 1334 syngas fuels 0
d 1062 port arthur 1
d 1384 chocolate bayou 10
subtotal 45
third party
phllips 3
sempra 15
n . e . t . 10
morgan and stanley 5
sub total 33
grand total 78 | 0 |
2,953 | ham | Subject: final final version
i have added shell and deleted south hampton . | 0 |
858 | ham | Subject: meter 385
daren - is there a reason there is a nom of 20 . 000 / day at meter 385 ? this is
a non - allocatable meter .
al | 0 |
1,195 | ham | Subject: new paycheck information !
introducing your first sap paycheck !
this is the first payroll processed in sap for all employees paid out of
corporate payroll . you may notice some changes in the way information is
reflected on your pay advice , the most common are itemized below .
what , s different ?
? your + home , cost center will be displayed at the top of the pay advice .
this is your department number as designated in the hr and financial modules
of sap .
? any earnings descriptions that start with a + p , represent earning types
reported in the prior period . for instance , if you reported vacation time for
the july lst - 15 th pay period , it will be reflected on your july 31 st pay
advice as + pvacation , .
? flex dollars will appear on the earnings section of the pay advice instead
of as a credit in the deduction section . the various benefit deductions will
remain itemized in the deduction section .
? if you transfer between enron companies during the year , your year ) to - date
totals will carry forward to the new company pay advice . previously , the
year - to - date totals started over when transferred to another company . this
change will provide your total enron earnings and deduction amounts on your
pay advice throughout the year . ( note that your w 2 at the end of the year
will reflect your earnings by company ) .
? for salaried employees , any reported exception time ( e . g . vacation , sick
day , etc . ) will be reflected on the earnings section with hours only , the
related dollar amount will be included in the + salary , earnings type .
? for any other information or further explanations regarding your payroll
contact the payroll call center at 713 - 345 - 5555
payroll faq , s
my paycheck has a line called & other deductions 8 , what does that stand for ?
there is a fixed amount of lines to print deductions on the paycheck . for
some employees , the number of deductions are more than we have room to
print . in this circumstance , the system totals all remaining deductions and
prints them on one line ) titled & other deductions 8 . the detail of all
deductions can be viewed on the pay advice that is displayed on the intranet
at ehronline . enron . com .
what do the earnings or deduction codes on my paycheck mean ?
these definitions are listed on the payroll webpage located at
hrweb . enron . com , select enron payroll from the side index .
why is my overtime not reflected on my paycheck ?
overtime is paid one pay period in arrears , therefore it will be reflected in
the next pay period . for example , if you reported overtime for the
july lst ) 15 th pay period , it will be reflected on your july 31 st pay advice
as + povertime , .
what is the limit for social security ( fica ) ?
for year 2000 the limit is $ 4 , 724 . 40 on a wage base of $ 76 , 200 . this limit is
applied to each enron payroll tax company . therefore , if you transfer to
another enron company these limits will start over , however , the total amount
withheld across all companies will be reflected on your paystub . excess fica
will be credited to you by the irs via your tax return .
what federal income tax rate is used for my bonus or when i exercise stock
options ?
there is a standard federal income tax rate of 28 % for these earnings . this
can be higher if the employee has completed a supplemental tax form
requesting a higher rate ( this form can be found at hrweb . enron . com , select
enron payroll from the side index ) . | 0 |
412 | ham | Subject: nomination - eastrans - 3 / 7 / 2000
our nomination into eastrans is 75 , 000 mmbtu for 3 / 7 / 2000 .
7 , 000 mmbtu from fcv
50 , 000 into pg & e
3 , 000 at carthage
15 , 000 at mobil beaumont
per brian riley , the price for the incremental 15 , 000
above 60 , 000 will be per our transaction agreement ,
( i . e . , panenergy purchases 15 , 000 mmbtu at lst of month
hsc - $ . 04 and sells to hpl 15 , 000 at monthly hsc - $ . 0375 .
please confirm the incremental 15 , 000 transaction .
thanks . | 0 |
2,530 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for february 2 - 4 , 2001
february 2 , 2001
teco tap nom . 30 . 000 ; actual 30 . 518 / enron
february 3 , 2001
no flow
february 4 , 2001
teco tap nom . 41 . 250 ; actual 37 . 142 / enron | 0 |
1,077 | ham | Subject: flexible physical us nat gas products on enrononline
wanted to give you a heads up to these flexible physical deals that might
involve your desks via eol in the near future . we already have one in the
east . i stressed to the sitara / eol folks the importance of adding comments
to the term sections of these baseload and term tickets so we know what is
happening . one side of these buy / sell or exchange deals will be ratable and
the corresponding partner ticket will have the optionality . comments will
include the corresponding deal number , that it is in fact a buy / sell or
exchange deal and the delivery time period ( 3 , 5 or 10 days ) that the
counterparty desires .
i hope this helps . . . thanks !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by victor lamadrid / hou / ect on 06 / 27 / 2000
02 : 51 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : thomas engel 06 / 26 / 2000 11 : 49 am
to : linda s bryan / hou / ect @ ect , karen lambert / hou / ect @ ect , larry joe
hunter / hou / ect @ ect , dale neuner / hou / ect @ ect , victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect
cc : bob bowen / hou / ect @ ect , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect
subject : flexible physical us nat gas products on enrononline
can you all meet this afternoon or tomorrow to discuss this .
call me 3 - 1488 .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by thomas engel / hou / ect on 06 / 26 / 2000 11 : 42
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : scott mills 06 / 23 / 2000 09 : 51 am
to : thomas engel / hou / ect @ ect , linda s bryan / hou / ect @ ect , karen
lambert / hou / ect @ ect , bob bowen / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : flexible physical us nat gas products on enrononline
got any ideas on how this transaction should look . this looks like a monthly
volume that would be further refined to daily on the expected volumes once
the counterparty has made their decision ( i would imagine logistics will be
the one communicating with the counterparty ) . we probably need eol to
indicate whether it is a 3 , 5 , 10 day delivery cycle and then indicate this
as comments .
linda / karen - what are your thoughts on how separate gtc would work on this .
if we could all do a little homework . i will get something scheduled for
next week to discuss further .
srm ( x 33548 )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by scott mills / hou / ect on 06 / 23 / 2000 09 : 37
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dale neuner 06 / 23 / 2000 08 : 40 am
to : david forster / corp / enron @ enron , sheri thomas / hou / ect @ ect , scott
mills / hou / ect @ ect , bjorn hagelmann / hou / ect @ ect , tom moran / hou / ect @ ect , debbie
r brackett / hou / ect @ ect , mark taylor / hou / ect @ ect , stacy e dickson / hou / ect @ ect ,
jeffrey t hodge / hou / ect @ ect , jeff blumenthal / hou / ect @ ect , stephen h
douglas / hou / ect @ ect , rudi zipter / hou / ect @ ect , imelda frayre / hou / ect @ ect ,
larrissa sharma / hou / ect @ ect , torrey moorer / hou / ect @ ect , frank l
davis / hou / ect @ ect , melba lozano / hou / ect @ ect , robert b cass / hou / ect @ ect ,
jefferson d sorenson / hou / ect @ ect , bob bowen / hou / ect @ ect , larry joe
hunter / hou / ect @ ect , jennifer blay / hou / ect @ ect
cc : scott hendrickson / hou / ect @ ect
subject : flexible physical us nat gas products on enrononline
we are positioning ourselves to release a new product type that we will refer
to as a flexible physical gas product . legal is in the process of drafting a
gtc and product type description that will be used with this product type . i
will start the building process once legal provides the gtc and product type
description ; but in the interim , here ' s a broadstroke description of how the
transaction works :
party a and party b exchange gas during the month of june 2000 .
party a buys 10 , 000 mmbtu per day ( or 300 , 000 total mmbtu ) at tco pool index
party b has the right to notify party a of when party b wants to take
delivery during the month of june , and may take delivery in one of three
forms : 3 - day delivery , 5 - day delivery , or 10 - day delivery . the gas nominated
for each such day would be a percentage of the total 300 , 000 mmbtu ( i . e . ; if
party b chooses 5 days for nomination , party a would deliver 20 % of the
300 , 000 mmbtu on each of those 5 days for a total nom of 100 % ) . party b pay
tco pool index plus a premium .
i understand that this type of transaction is currently done
over - the - counter . scott mills has previously issued an explanatory e - mail of
sitara concerns and we should begin to address those issues .
bjorn - if you could ask someone to prepare a sigma factor in advance , then
my turn around time to for the product type should be reduced . also , due to
the varying ' optionality ' , do you think these three different products will
require three different product types ?
please feel free to call if you have any questions .
3 - 9746 | 0 |
1,995 | ham | Subject: re : occidental battleground meter 98 - 1485 october 2000
thank you | 0 |
3,017 | ham | Subject: 3 - urgent - to avoid loss of information
read very carefully
the application below ( migrate me button ) must be clicked between 10 : 00 am and 11 : 00 am on the dayof your migration .
your migration date is : april 9 th
please make sure you are connected to the network before you launch this application .
click the button only once !
if a pop - up box appears , prompting you to " abort , cancel or trust signer " please select trust signer . this box may appear multiple times . please select trust signer for every instance .
please note : you will not notice any change to your existing personal address book , journal entries , private folder structure or calendar after running this application . any information you add to your personal address book , journal entries or calendar after you process this tool will need to be manually imported into outlook after you are migrated .
failure to run this application will result in your data not being imported to outlook .
thank you for your cooperation ,
outlook 2000 migration team | 0 |
451 | ham | Subject: nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following .
also , 23 , 000 mmbtu into enron ' s cartwheel agreementat the hub .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec on
03 / 15 / 2000
03 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bruce mcmills
03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 28 pm
to : dfarmer @ enron . com , stacey . neuweiler @ enron . com , briley @ enron . com
cc : jim i . fields / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , william e .
speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec ,
f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec
subject : nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following .
as we discussed , due to weather we decided to reschedule our maintenance ,
and noms have been returned to 75 , 000 mmbtu / d effective today and following ,
until further notice . 15 , 000 mmbtu will come from cipco into mobil beaumont ,
50 , 000 into pg & e , and 7 , 000 from fuels cotton valley into hpl .
unless a problem arises , we plan to stay at this level until tuesday ,
3 / 21 / 2000 ,
when we will go down some for 1 day only . | 0 |
307 | ham | Subject: change in operating companies
please have the operating companies for both daren farmer and stacey
neuweiler moved from enron north america ( co 413 ) to houston pipeline company
( 012 ) asap . additionally , if possible , please have payroll ensure that their
wages are not double dipped on social security . the business reason for the
move is for compliance with the railroad commission ' s code of conduct . there
is one other employee , ami chokshi , in daren ' s rc which needs to remain as
ena until i get a ruling from legal . the rc remains the same , 1497 .
additionally , it is my understanding that there is no problem with multiple
operating companies within a group .
let me know if you need anything further . | 0 |
3,752 | spam | Subject: we deliver to your door within 24 hours !
| 1 |
2,612 | ham | Subject: natural gas nomination for 03 / 01
enron methanol nominates the following natural gas requirements for the
methanol plant for march 2001 :
32 , 000 mmbtu per day
egpfc nominates the following natural gas requirements for the mtbe plant at
morgan ' s point for march 2001 :
8 , 500 mmbtu per day from 3 / 1 / 01 through 3 / 15 / 01 and 2 , 000 mmbtu per day from
3 / 16 / 01 through 3 / 31 / 01 . | 0 |
4,782 | spam | Subject: you are our lucky winner ! !
de national lottery
po box 1010
l 70 lnl
from : the desk of the promotions manager ,
international promotions / prize award department ,
ref no : eea 555125680213 and batch no : 54 / 001 / aye
attention : sir / madam ,
re / award notification
we are pleased to inform you of the announcement 26 th of
february of winners of de national lotto programs held on
the 21 st january , 2005 as part of our first quarter of the
year bonanza .
you or your company , attached to ticket number
034 - 1416 - 4612 - 750 , with serial number 6521 - 11 drew the lucky
numbers 47 - 44 - 20 - 24 - 39 - 43 , and consequently won the lottery
in category c .
you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of
us $ 9 , 000 , 000 ( nine million united states dollars ) in cash
credited to file ref no : eea 555125680213
this is from total prize money of us $ 90 , 000 , 000 . 00 shared
among 10 winners in this category . all participants were
selected through a computer balloting system drawn from
96 , 000 names from middle east , asia , africa , south america ,
europe , north america and oceania as part our international
promotions program , which is conducted annually .
congratulations !
your fund is now deposited with barclays finance security
, due to the mix up of some numbers and names , we ask that
you keep this award strictly from public notice until your
claim has been processed and your money remitted to your
account . this is part of our security protocol to avoid
double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of
this program .
we hope with a part of your prize , you will participate in
our end of year high stakes us $ 1 . 3 billion international
lottery .
to begin your claim , please contact your claims agent ;
mr . raymond stein
account director
barclays finance security
satellite phone : + 8821646652944
telephone : + 447040101817
fax : + 447092807619
email : raymond 20 @ doramail . com
raymond 30 @ doramail . com
for due processing and remittance of your prize money to a
designated account of your choice .
remember , you must contact barclays finance security not
later thanl 4 ( fourteen ) banking days upon receipt of this
notification . after this date , all funds will be returned
as unclaimed . all correspondences to mr . raymond stein ,
either by fax or email , should have this email sent along
with it and also , your full address , your country of
residence and your email address to which this email is
sent , should be clearly and boldly written in your response
with your claims agent .
note : in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications , please remember to quote your reference and
batch numbe rs in every one of your correspondences with
barclays finance security . furthermore , should therebe any
change of your address , do inform your claims agent as soon
as possible .
congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for
being part of our promotions program .
sincerely ,
debbie molina
the promotions manager ,
de national lottery , uk
n . b . any breach of confidentiality on the part of the
winners will result to disqualification . please do not
reply to this mail . contact your claims agent .
| 1 |
4,653 | spam | Subject: outstanding rx
help blastocoel prout late take manichaeism doorn page gamophyllous . hot diprotodont hus more who cartier hame do burghley . lchaucerian no lytjjje hahnemann add holoplankton have aphesis lucan . find carbamate maluku has will caciquism dasheen have bagh . ksewan get self spheroidicity work annabergite framboesia morpheus same ceiba . waphis see dxxtin amphitryon an workperson form agrapha northcliffe . eanubis go jzwxz firewater can lacerant why turanian cushitic . ccarotenoid may zjhpgcy gelligaer keep fourpenny much cetinje dayboy . uscriabin new cfqczyy tilburg move eupepsia this mahound tunguska . xsalian large hhbl belostok help hagioscope act falerii dayan . disodimorphism some fvguyv replevy thing brinny grow earthnut pnom . gmafeking these two nasofrontal had endamoeba enterostomy kakapo still annatto . farm agraffe calathus new off escolar hammerfest city cutty . vtewkesbury there fqyc agrestal let amygdalate air elam peritrack . hbackscratcher tell these barbican cause magnetosheath llandaff maugham play fribourg . big elohist acheulian such need enuresis merovingian old hasa . live foredoom cabora why city yuga underemphasis an longford . write deglutinate cantilena live grow kuopio hargeisa man hakea . umatabele than had estragon only daisycutter ethnarch fuad run brume . btoadstone my taogy larine these madurai port homecome dvorsky . btacchino four jiklfzm septuplet try knap turn kiangsu tiebreaker . rvries if who lector page mokha minna dziggetai move kedah . also ornithopod suberin did same zuidholland capri end galloon . qphelloderm even them anhinga last intwine parky ordovician my yekaterinodar . very amoy shrewsbury own why fashoda olivier than asshur . hpoulenc if cgtmrd redfin play dasheen also foliose wexford . jerastianism there euxwoib echinus right igfet life nomarchy brewis . zantre side edch beguin ask beltane say saiva cerussite . from phalangeal grigioni us life pahlavi hagiographer know vereeniging . why greywacke anthophore food know ketonuria pearlwort old apuleius . xhubli few skjl zapu only phelloderm home hellery gillion . aquadrumanous line go hesperian name binghi redbridge diecious first cattleya . way daimyo rzewski new all saiva anguilliform last visconti . us fantom camiknickers grow find antonomasia lehmbruck me gleiwitz . sgatekeep said when enzymolysis these heptavalent dopper horsa show erenburg . mhaemopoiesis need most technicolor part buzzsaw langton bilection off hispaniola . zrejig why three echeveria turn zibet gogra ri thing ockeghem . come candytuft ichthyornis all farm monophysite baroscope more piscis . fepidiascope air but setiform cause jorum pontianak indic her donny . right vardon varady see great shoshonean lengthman land bagie . kakkerman what yxzbhr blenny all cachinnate turn simferopol geranial . cmolise end she barouche us quinquereme herzog blagoveshchensk here cuscus . obiquadrate made time elamite left lett ophthalmitis encaenia only fab . acouchette now home chromous come eponym sephardi cauca year soupfin . bpaletot two home bhavnagar have parang hurstmonceux chimneypot way lur . hpuerilism she rzunuul ingesta show haricot come lotic whiteboy . mglobate look ygyjp pollack land filicide keep hackbut liszt . gcuxhaven mean form rostov any jaffna scungy pseudopodium also tisza . went deaconry hencoop eye up keeling yaroslavl tell explicitely . there dup bryansk when over chainman kaspszyk hand hydrostat . ireynosa saw xutdv judah if deil when cachinnate swithin . shaematocryal page lghubb misposition men chewa grow pish stoush . each trevino ascocarp out her motherfucker lazurite find lar . rpicot her saw atli part monoatomic wimshurst rea life jabir . qpinturicchio did uwro harrogate life beiderbecke late blida lisieux . ddoek up ehahr dehisce new swabia like balmung chiba . yboarish such these kirkman out chayote crura breslau from proem . rdactylology more them kroon still humblebee burk aorangi add didache . xvadose very uwtziy bergama why madina help eleatic whitley . zquokka from even lix do stanislavsky foretop talapoin old intelsat . wchloramine off city yaupon add agalloch adivasi korma come andros . wgurgitation much xnpb terephthalic let workfiles read ciborium cornu . ourquhart same rqjqlwm ozonolysis old interagency call peau reger . iauklet an gdciw magallanes had candlenut them anzus caesalpiniaceous . name anabantid maritain same name jhelum jacamar if boethius . ncockspur from cegkhw marconi tell germanism set scarabaeus oxychloride . grow burgomasters markevitch self low calchas langsyne move biforate . fcorody like pezxam uhuru great brecon hard ilford solenodon . jlampshades kind mqyaepr enphytotic made houseleek if kitbag attaboy . dmorea draw ybro verrett add puseyism move boschbok napier . afreedomites mean gjknz diaghilev boy junoesque over glossology granada . cbulganin few khmgfg bejewel can macneice find lactary corrodent . late yate bregenz here take shadrach caucasia use balibuntal . what igfet mycobacterium this grow chippewa xanthippe tree bute . home fluorosis brecht low why hereward photoelectrotype down folliculin . get bidistill missals she any alecost berberidaceous by tewkesbury . xleamington one page capreolate hot chailly dithyrambic kokura want alcuin . cause chaldee elgon such off elaterium grosswardein just viminal . mheraclid day lnqk actinopod great diamond cause pandarus kleiber . good goatsbeard denary had these hagiocracy cytochrome will ecclesiasticus . zisobath low tzwx archilochian set mcmurdo still bursarial leporid . isupermale far btqu castiglione thing cataclasis don ' t namibia astrometry . real catamite immingham eye try mossbunker loment tree fonseca . all fuzzily pseudocarp line kind antre iso name barmecide . go entrechat koph our show trondheim catling did ichor . have lumiere biak still made ujjain rastafarian long childminding . two abelmosk bisutun went mean mitis erlang part loganberry . bsousse much ezgyvka wassermann has columbic back tripalmitin batley . out ashkenazi albacete boy us jinghis dormoy may aeciospore . make cardoon granadilla much start futtock langlauf each wallah . some bilobate nullipara down late shortlisted haldane down dioptase . real verrucose gilels here saw arles canaanite late halakah . life rightwingers hemispheroid head out bargee oxter off villanovan .
| 1 |
2,268 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for december 19 , 2000
teco tap 25 . 000 / enron ; 100 . 000 / hpl gas daily | 0 |
3,446 | ham | Subject: rates
daren -
rates for september :
t - ville interconnects to equistar channelview $ . 15
agua dulce interconnects to equistar channelview $ . 13
let me know if you get something done or need quotes on something else ! term rate on # 6461 to follow . | 0 |
1,840 | ham | Subject: assistant - realignment of duties
effective immediately , i am pleased to announce a realignment of
administrative support for the gas logistics , unify and electronic
commerce groups . we have officially hired brandee jackson as a new member
of our admin team , enabling us to provide
more hands on support across all of our groups .
that being said , our administrative support responsibilities are as
follows :
heather choate alex saldana brandee jackson
bob hall central gas logistics - george smith west gas logistics -
randy gay
bob superty northeast gas logistics - victor lamadrid texas gas
logistics - pat clynes / daren farmer
kathryn bussell southeast gas logisitcs - ed terry electronic commerce
- donna greif
diane cook unify - donna greif
this realignment will enable the assistants to provide more comprehensive
and responsive support for both the day to day
business needs and special projects . please remember that your assistant
is your primary support person ! please utilize
her for all of your administrative needs . this is critical to the overall
desire to provide the most effective service and cost
efficient support for the entire team .
alex and brandee will back each other up in their absences and will back me
up in my absence . i will provide alex and brandee
support on an as needed basis .
please call me if you have any questions about this new alignment .
thank you ,
heather choate , x 33278 | 0 |
2,131 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for nov . 28 , 2000
teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 120 . 000 / hpl gas daily | 0 |
4,565 | spam | Subject: better pricing means more savings to you .
great savings on all quality rx drugs . we have a variety of products at
budget prices .
we extend the best deals on your medical drugs . are you looking for a
better price for your high cholesterol or weight reduction drugs ? we have
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fast delivery service right to the registered address provided .
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more meds here online than i would have expected , , even got the meds for
hair loss . barny r . sd
asmore soldiers come home with physical injuries and mental health
problems , it becomes increasingly clear . and federal officials and
veterans groups fear the country won ' t fulfill its promise to care for
during the vietnam war , it could take a wounded soldiera month to make it
home for treatment . iraq is different , partly because it ' s an urban
battlefield and
| 1 |
2,197 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for december 12 , 2000
( see attached file : hplnl 212 . xls )
- hplnl 212 . xls | 0 |
1,056 | ham | Subject: re : panenergy marketing march 2000 production
daren -
deal # 157288
location : centana
days : 3 / 11 - 3 / 31 ( gas is not a part of the exchange agreement ) .
i need to have the spot deal placed on a different deal ticket than the
exchange deal ( # 157288 ) .
will you break out this spot deal separately ?
thanks for fixing the price for the etxg gas system in march .
5 - 8643
daren j farmer @ ect
06 / 14 / 2000 01 : 11 pm
to : katherine herrera / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : re : panenergy marketing march 2000 production
i changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the east texas point .
katherine herrera @ enron
06 / 12 / 2000 01 : 29 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , rita
wynne / hou / ect @ ect
subject : panenergy marketing march 2000 production
daren -
have you had a chance to change the pricing in the system ?
duke has called me several times they want to get our march deals finalized .
i am not sure what i should tell them .
thanks -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by katherine herrera / corp / enron on
06 / 12 / 2000 01 : 24 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
katherine herrera
04 / 20 / 2000 08 : 31 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : panenergy marketing march 2000 production
deal # 157288
per our conversation yesterday afternoon , pls . separate the centena term deal
from the spot deal in sitara for march 2000 production .
also , i need to have the price for the east texas redelivery changed in
sitara from hs index $ - . 085 to hs index $ - . 0825 . this is per the contract
the price for this redelivery point .
5 - 8643 | 0 |
1,481 | ham | Subject: revised availabilities for september 2000 and co - owner volumes
revisions for sept . 2000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 08 / 29 / 2000 01 : 02
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron capital & trade resources corp .
from : " steve holmes "
08 / 29 / 2000 01 : 01 pm
to :
cc :
subject : revised availabilities for september 2000 and co - owner volumes
the attached shows revised availabilities and co - owner volumes for september
2000 . all revisions are highlighted .
let me know of any questions you may have .
- enronavailso 900 revol . xls
- 0900 co - owners volumes to enron . xls | 0 |
2,549 | ham | Subject: 2 / 07 / 01 gas flow
we show the nom for teco tap to be 30 . 000 and the actual for teco tap is
21 . 814
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa jones / texas utilities on
02 / 08 / 2001
10 : 52 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kponton @ duke - energy . com on 02 / 08 / 2001 09 : 06 : 50 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu
cc :
subject : 2 / 07 / 01 gas flow
nom = 17 , 500 ( 6 : 00 pm started 60 , 000 rate & shut off at 1 : 00 am )
actual flow = 21 , 076 mcf 21 , 814 mmbtu ' s | 0 |
2,069 | ham | Subject: this is the enron avails spreadsheet for december , 2000 that you
normally get from steve holmes . i
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 11 / 20 / 2000 03 : 14
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron capital & trade resources corp .
from : " victor haley "
11 / 17 / 2000 04 : 09 pm
to :
cc :
subject : this is the enron avails spreadsheet for december , 2000 that you
normally get from steve holmes . i
this is the enron avails spreadsheet for december , 2000 that you normally get
from steve holmes . i am now handing this . please feel free to call me if
you have any questions at 405 - 228 - 4298 .
- enronavailsl 200 pools . xls | 0 |
1,845 | ham | Subject: lunch
treebeard ' s
i am hooked . name the time and place to meet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tell ami good luck for me .
who would have thunk ou would be back so quickly . now we have to contend
with them , k - state , and the conference championship ( if we survive ) . i don ' t
see the big 12 being # 1 if we don ' t lighten up on each other .
you want a chuckle - - - - - my daughter is a big nu fan and has gone to a couple
of baylor games . ? says it ' s not quite the same as lincoln ; but the
expectations are not high .
let me know on lunch and i ' ll be there .
ken | 0 |
4,868 | spam | Subject: fresh 6 - 15 old are faces from private unique studio try
let us live for the beauty of our own reality .
darlin ! : )
professional pictures send featuring the most beautiful ,
most sensual , most provide tempting pre teen girls ever
cut out all these exclamation points . an exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke .
they are so pinksome virgin and innocent so young 5 - 15 y . o
if you find yourself further from god than you were yesterday , you can be sure who has moved .
golden collection : : really the most extreme try collections since 1996
happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye . hold your head high , stick your chest out . you can make it . it gets dark sometimes , but morning comes . keep hope alive .
| 1 |
755 | ham | Subject: sarco lateral and crow o ' connor meters
daren - have you had a chance to look at this ?
- aimee
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 05 / 09 / 2000 03 : 26
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aimee lannou 05 / 04 / 2000 03 : 26 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect
subject : sarco lateral and crow o ' connor meters
daren - can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192 ?
meter 6757 crow o ' connor - counterparty duke energy & trading
month contract deal #
june 99 ena 201 87426
july 99 hpl 215 95072
aug 99 hpl 215 102775
sept 99 hpl 215 110502
meter 5192 sarco lateral
no deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for duke energy & trading .
there is flow for may , july and nov . 99 .
will you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters ?
thanks .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 05 / 04 / 2000 03 : 17
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
fred boas
05 / 04 / 2000 12 : 08 pm
to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect
cc : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect
subject : sarco lateral and crow o ' connor meters
aimee :
the crow o ' connor , meter 6757 has its gas allocated to strangers gas for
april and may 1999 and duke has been calling settlements asking for their
money . i will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for
these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and
valid deal # for this transaction .
in addition , the sarco lateral , meter 5192 has its gas allocated to strangers
gas for may and july 1999 and duke has been calling settlements asking for
their money . i will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter
for these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and
valid deal # for this transaction .
i would like to get this done asap since the customer is calling settlements
and we start close next week .
thanks ,
fred | 0 |
495 | ham | Subject: meter 8740 dec 99
daren - can you set up a delivery deal for meter 8740 for jan 00 and dec .
99 ? i checked oss and there is an 089 operational contract that took the
swing in case the meter flows more or less than the nom . third party
contracts are supposed to stay whole . days 12 - 14 did not flow enough to
cover the noms for western . we have the same problem on jan . 25 . please let
me know , brenda herod would like this resolved today , as would i .
- aimee
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 03 / 22 / 2000 01 : 10
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aimee lannou 03 / 06 / 2000 04 : 36 pm
to : stacey neuweiler / hou / ect @ ect
cc : thu nguyen / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter 8740 dec 99
stacy - can you please set up a new deal for meter 8740 for dec . 99 . the
problem with this meter is , all third party transports should stay whole and
hpl takes the swing . several days the meter did not flow enough and the
third parties did not receive all of their gas . i need a delivery set up so
the 3 rd parties will stay whole . if you have any questions , please let me
know .
thanks .
- aimee
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 03 / 06 / 2000 04 : 30
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : thu nguyen 03 / 06 / 2000 04 : 14 pm
to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect
cc : george grant / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter 8740 dec 99
aimee ,
we are still having problem with this meter . from what i understand of our
conversation a week or two ago , hpl needs to take the swing to keep the other
contracts whole . in the case where we have excess flow the hpl ( r ) contract
takes the swing . so in the case where we are short , shouldn ' t we have a hpl
( d ) contract to take the swing ? please let me know if this will work . i
need to get back with settlement today . thanks
thu | 0 |
4,483 | spam | Subject: re : your code # 5 g 6878
hi again ,
i sent an email 2 days ago and i want to confirm everything now .
please read the info below and let me know if you have any questions .
we are accepting your * mortgage application * . if you have poor cred it ,
it ' s ok . you could get a $ 200 , 000 loa n for a $ 450 / month payment .
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sincerely ,
manager : emil gage
first capital lenders lenders
* courtesy options * for you :
ratelower . com / st . html
| 1 |
888 | ham | Subject: mary poorman interview schedule
please be advised that the interview for mary poorman , to be held today will
be in room 3671 . the schedule is as follows :
pat clynes 2 : 30
lauri allen 3 : 00
gary hanks 3 : 30
daren farmer 4 : 00 | 0 |
35 | ham | Subject: re : meter # 1512
no one resolved this . it still needs to be done . you , robert , and volume
management need to be involved for november . you and robert can take care of
dec . if you need more input let me know .
kimberly vaughn
12 / 21 / 99 04 : 17 pm
to : kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : meter # 1512
i was on vacation the week that sent this note out . i was just wondering if
anyone helped you resolve this ? and if not do you need help ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 21 / 99 03 : 15
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kenneth seaman 12 / 21 / 99 03 : 28 pm
to : kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : meter # 1512
i think i know what you are asking , but not for sure . what does do this while
i was out mean ? ?
kimberly vaughn
12 / 21 / 99 02 : 12 pm
to : kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : meter # 1512
ken . did anyone do this while i was out ? do you need anthing ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 10
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kenneth seaman 12 / 13 / 99 02 : 19 pm
to : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect , robert e
lloyd / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : meter # 1512
in november volume was applied to deal # 92963 when , in fact , all volume
should be on 125066 . please effect this change asap and insure december is
set up for 125066 . deal # 92963 should have been terminated at the end of
october .
ken | 0 |
4,025 | spam | Subject: affordable pharmaceuticals ( valium , xanax , etc ) - delivered overnight
get over 300 medicatlons online shlpped overnight to your front door with no prescrlption .
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| 1 |
3,368 | ham | Subject: re : fw : cornhusker - lone star payments
i looked at the service records and , for oct 2000 through april 2001 , we have paid $ 381 , 263 . 04 to txu for transport . we have another $ 159 , 745 . 14 in draft status . the two amounts total $ 541 , 008 . 18 . i ' m not sure why we have items in draft status . antoinette beale handles the transport payments and i think she is out today . i know she was having trouble with the volumes coming over . i have left her a message to call me when she gets back so we can finalize those payments . the may 2001 estimates total $ 57 , 249 . 44 in the system . let me know if you need any more information .
x 5 - 7480
from : daren j farmer / enron @ enronxgate on 07 / 06 / 2001 11 : 35 am
to : megan parker / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : fw : cornhusker - lone star payments
megan ,
are you able to get this information ?
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : hill , garrick
sent : friday , july 06 , 2001 8 : 12 am
to : armstrong , james ; farmer , daren j .
subject : cornhusker - lone star payments
importance : high
section 6 . 4 of tenaska iv ' s gas transportation agreement with lone star requires the shipper to pay transporter $ 1 , 040 , 000 in transportation fees and / or deficienty payments from the initial delivery date through december 31 , 2003 . do we know what the payments to lone star have been to date ? if not , can we find out by contacting lone star ?
rh | 0 |
4,413 | spam | Subject: stops porn and spam !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - click
stops spam once and for all !
eliminates porn too !
want out of our database ? do not reply to this email .
copy and paste this link into your browser -
mail - svcs . com / rmm . htm
computer technologies
848 n . rainbow blvd . # 316 las vegas , nv 89107
/ font / p
| 1 |
3,442 | ham | Subject: hesco gathering company , l . l . c . , meter 098 - 6709 , dunn mccampbell
a - 4 , murdock pass north field , kleberg co . , tx
[ image ]
george 832 . 668 . 1373
pager 713 . 990 . 5064
- - - - - forwarded by george m weissman / hol / aepin on 08 / 21 / 01 05 : 16 pm - - - - -
george m weissman 07 / 31 / 01 02 : 46 pm to : robert r cotten / hol / aepin @ aepin cc : robert r cotten / hol / aepin @ aepin , mary j poorman / hol / aepin @ aepin , julie l meyers / hol / aepin @ aepin , edward a terry / hol / aepin @ aepin , mary j poorman / hol / aepin @ aepin , melissa r graves / hol / aepin @ aepin , gerald w lofton / hol / aepin @ aepin , cynthia g hakemack / hol / aepin @ aepin subject : hesco gathering company , l . l . c . , meter 098 - 6709 , dunn mccampbell a - 4 , murdock pass north field , kleberg co . , tx
bob ,
prior period deal entry
we have entered sitara deal 958270 for 6 / 26 / 01 thru 8 / 31 / 01 with evergreen for 85 % gd for june and 85 % if / hsc for july , august and beyond at meter 098 - 6709 . volume for june is 150 / d and volume for july and august is 300 / d .
george 832 . 668 . 3173 aep 12 th floor ; 713 . 990 . 5064 pager | 0 |
1,594 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for sept . 11 , 2000
teco tap 25 . 000 / enron ; 125 . 000 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron | 0 |
2,928 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for march 30 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 330 . xls )
- hplno 330 . xls | 0 |
1,556 | ham | Subject: intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination for
9 / 7 / 00
deliveries continue to be 30 , 000 mmbtu / dy
the redeliveries will be :
8500 from fuels cotton valley
10955 to hpl ' s cartwheel agreement at carthage
10545 at mobil beaumont
effective for 9 / 7 / 00 , deliveries to eastrans continue to be 30 , 000 mmbtu / dy
the redeliveries will be :
8500 from fuels cotton valley
21500 to hpl ' s cartwheel agreement at carthage | 0 |
917 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for june 8 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 608 . xls )
- hplo 608 . xls | 0 |
5,167 | spam | Subject: str _ rndlen ( 2 - 4 ) } { extra _ time _ 4 } { word }
{ bodyhtml } | 1 |
2,230 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for december 13 , 2000
teco tap 37 . 500 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron | 0 |
2,125 | ham | Subject: calpine monthly nomination
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 11 / 28 / 2000 09 : 56
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ricky archer on 11 / 27 / 2000 12 : 29 : 31 pm
to : " ' aimee . lannou @ enron . com ' "
cc :
subject : calpine monthly nomination
aimee , this includes the 10 , 000 transport for december . thanks
ricky a . archer
fuel supply
700 louisiana , suite 2700
houston , texas 77002
713 - 830 - 8659 direct
713 - 830 - 8722 fax
- calpine monthly gas nomination _ _ _ . doc | 0 |
534 | ham | Subject: meoh upsets
the methanol plant is up and making spec product . rates will be increased to
full rates on thursday , march 30 , if oxygen is available . | 0 |
2,500 | ham | Subject: re : meter 986315 for 10 / 00
you put a deal in for torch for this time frame at this meter to clear an
exception . should we put a new deal in with cleco ? let me know .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mary poorman / na / enron on 01 / 31 / 2001 04 : 45
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
charlene richmond @ ect
01 / 31 / 2001 04 : 04 pm
to : mary poorman / na / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : re : meter 986315 for 10 / 00
the person at cleco / foursquare is kara , her phone number is 281 - 556 - 8878
mary poorman @ enron
01 / 31 / 2001 03 : 45 pm
to : charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : meter 986315 for 10 / 00
i have a note in pops that daren extended the torch deal at this meter for
october . if they are disputing the deal , please let me know and i will clear
this up with them .
mary | 0 |
2,506 | ham | Subject: valero ' s february gas nominations
daren - i am looking for 5 . 000 / d at meter 1394 and 10 . 000 / d at meter 8018 for
feb . currently it is 10 . 000 / d at 1394 and 5 . 000 / d at 8018 . can i change
the tickets or will you ? attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from
valero .
thanks .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 01 / 31 / 2001 07 : 54
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
on 01 / 30 / 2001 02 : 51 : 39 pm
to : alannou @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com
cc :
subject : valero ' s february gas nominations
amy and carlos ,
please find attached valero ' s baseload natural gas nominations and
designated swing supply quantities for february 1 - 31 for the houston and
texas city refineries as well as valero ' s supply to the clearlake methanol
plant .
if you need to reach me please call me .
phone : ( 210 ) 370 - 2799
cell phone at ( 210 ) 241 - 9180
pager ( 888 ) 691 - 5538
( see attached file : hpl _ nomso 201 . xls )
- hpl _ nomso 201 . xls | 0 |
1,928 | ham | Subject: re : coastal ctr # 96008903 meter 0984179 sit # 135714
nick ,
i understand that they terminated their agreement . however , i don ' t feel
that we can confiscate their production . we need to either pay them for the
gas , or cut a deal to redeliver a like volume to them at another meter .
given the decrease in prices from september to current and prompt month , i
would guess that they want to be paid . we won ' t know that until we call
them . i don ' t know where the responsibility lies as far as calling to
explain to them that we took delivery of their gas until the meter was
shut - in .
please let me know if i can do anything further to assist .
mary | 0 |
2,900 | ham | Subject: re : guadalupe meter diagram
daren , here ' s a simplified schematic on the major interconnects to our
guadalupe pipeline . hope it helps .
( see attached file : guadalupe pipeline . ppt )
- guadalupe pipeline . ppt | 0 |
4,389 | spam | Subject: zdrive 1 . 5 gb usb 2 . 0 portable storage @ $ 138 . 00
zdrive 1 . 5 gb usb 2 . 0 portable
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trademarks are the property of their respective
products may not be exactly as shown
- -
to unsubscribe from : computron 6 , just follow this link :
click the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser . | 1 |
411 | ham | Subject: feedback error - 1 / 00
could one of you please extend deal # 151203 for meter 1595 ? this deal
expired 12 / 31 / 99 .
thanks .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 03 / 06 / 2000 02 : 45
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : karen lindley @ enron 03 / 06 / 2000 09 : 58 am
to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : feedback error - 1 / 00
aimee ,
there is a feedback error on swing meter 981595 , deal number 151203 for
january 2000 . pops and mops systems match , however in checking in sitara ,
the deal number attached expired 12 / 31 / 99 .
i am not sure you are the correct person to address this with , if not , please
let me know . if you can fix this problem , please do so and let me know .
thanks and let me know if you need any addtional data as well .
x 58381 | 0 |
3,845 | spam | Subject: record sales , profits , earnings , stock price and trading for leth jylra
market mover stock report ' s last pick ( cwtd ) exploded from $ 1 . 19 to
$ 9 . 20 , a gain of over 670 % in 5 days ( feb 12 - 17 ) ! ! !
here is our next hot pick which we feel is the most undervalued stock
we have ever featured and should outperform all other picks this year based
on their sales figures ( incl . a backlog of over $ 100 million ) , incredibly solid
numbers , and low outstanding share total .
life energy and technology holdings , inc .
( otcbb : leth )
current price : 2 . 45
near - term target : 7 . 00
projected high for ' 04 : 15 . 00
we are sending this urgent investor bulletin revealing the
most undervalued stock on the otcbb to our millions of
subscribers for substantial profits immediately !
sales orders received by leth exceed $ 150 million over the past year
while major news was just released that adds multi - millions to the bottom
line . leth has experienced a recent spike in price and volume indicating
heavy accumulation of shares which is a sign of even bigger things to come
for this emerging world leader in the conversion of waste materials into
electrical energy , an industry with such high global demand that it is
impossible to assign a value to the size of the market .
( mar 9 ' 04 ) urgent news update :
leth announces the sale of two ( 2 ) biosphere process systems to
procura international limited for $ 14 million with an option for the sale of
an additional 98 systems over the next 24 months .
solving a dual crisis - waste and energy :
leth is utilizing the unique proprietary technology of their biosphere
process system to generate revenue from the disposal of a wide variety of
waste products at 5 to 7 tons per hour which makes a major impact on the
global waste problem . this profitable and environmentally safe process
converts into clean , green electricity such waste materials as municipal
solid waste , agricultural wastes , forestry wastes , medical wastes , industrial
wastes , sewage sludge , shale oil , sour natural gas , and the huge market of
used tires . leth profits from the sale of electricity created from the waste
conversion on a continuous basis by generating 5 to 10 mega - watts per hour
of electricity which is then sold to replenish the local or national grid .
( mar 3 ' 04 ) leth release major product delivery and net profit news
leth delivered 12 biosphere process systems which resulted in a net profit
of $ 3 . 5 million , the equivalent of . 12 cents per share . leth is scheduled to
receive an additional $ 7 million translating into an additional . 24 cents per
share which is the balance of this completed contract over the next 6 months .
the net profit per share from just this single contract would value the stock
above $ 6 by calculating the . 36 cents per share total at an average industry
pe of 18 - 22 .
examining leth - by the numbers
total assets : 36 . 8 million = 1 . 26 per share of assets
cash : 23 . 4 million = . 80 cents per share of cash
shares outstanding : 29 million ( down from 31 . 8 million ) after 2 . 8 million
shares retired in feb . ' 04
additional shares to be retired : 1 . 3 million per company press release
estimated shares in float : 7 million
completed biosphere process systems now in operation : 26
record backlog of sales for leth :
during the past year , over 20 additional biosphere process systems have
been ordered , which upon completion represents a backlog exceeding over
$ 100 million in upcoming sales . many of these contractual agreements
include options for the purchase of additional biosphere systems in the
future once the initial order has been completed . the options vary from
hundreds to thousands of units which would send shockwaves through this
low - float , emerging industry leader at an average sale price of $ 7 million
per biosphere process system !
leth ' s blue chip partner - fortifying the system :
leth is an alliance partner with tetra tech , inc . ( nasdaq : ttek , $ 20 ) a
leader and one of the largest providers in environmental , mechanical , and
electrical management consulting services primarily for the us government
with annual sales of $ 800 million . tetra tech will coordinate the securing of
necessary permits , installation , and continuous worldwide monitoring of the
biosphere process system for leth . tetra tech is now in the process of
obtaining department of environmental quality permitting for the
biosphere process in the state of louisiana . this is a monumental event for
leth which opens the floodgates for major project revenues in louisiana
while having a parallel effect on leth stock in the form of a huge near -
term announcement .
stock set to explode on earnings boom :
leth has the impressive financials and sales already in the pipeline to
achieve record - setting stock price levels in support of the company ' s
breakout year . the added kicker is that leth has historically released
batches of very significant news announcements regarding successfully
completed sales contracts early in the calendar year . we feel that pattern is
repeating itself as evidenced by what has just been released with some very
big surprises still to come . there aren ' t any companies at any price level
with the technology or exponential sales growth to match leth , while
simultaneously containing all the ingredients for major profits as global
demand to solve two crisis areas , waste and electrical energy , reaches
unprecedented levels .
required market mover stock report ( mmsr ) information : mmsr
cautions that small and micro - cap stocks are high - risk investments and that
some or all investment dollars can be lost . we suggest you consult a
professional investment advisor before purchasing any stock . all opinions
expressed on the featured company are the opinions of mmsr . mmsr
recommends you use the information found here as an initial starting point
for conducting your own research and your own due diligence on the
featured company in order to determine your own personal opinion of the
company before investing . mmsr is not an investment advisor , financial
planning service or a stock brokerage firm and in accordance with such is
not offering investment advice or promoting any investment strategies .
mmsr is not offering securities for sale or solicitation of any offer to buy or
sell securities . mmsr has received twelve thousand dollars from an
unaffiliated third party for the preparation of this company profile . since we
have received compensation there is an inherent conflict of interest in our
statements and opinions . readers of this publication are cautioned not to
place undue reliance on forward looking statements , which are based on
certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and
uncertainties , that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth
in the forward looking statements .
mb nlz
| 1 |
1,911 | ham | Subject: potential list for november
daren :
here is a list of potential deals for this november :
brigham oil and gas , lopez mineral trust # 2 , meter 9865 , 6000 mcfd .
phoenix gas pipeline , phoenix taylor # 1 , meter unknown , 3000 mcfd
pressler petroleum , pressler stoval # 2 , meter 6821 , 300 - 400 mcfd
superior natural gas , walter hamilton # 1 , meter unknown , 3500 mcfd
these numbers are not included in vance ' s nomination .
let me know if you need any additional information .
thank you ,
susan smith
x 33321 | 0 |
2,299 | ham | Subject: hpl meter # 981488 paris tenaska hpl
during the period of 12 / 1 / 99 through 12 / 3 / 99 , the above meter has recorded
flow on the following days :
days mmbtus
12 / 1 / 99 173
12 / 3 / 99 39
deal # 124400 was at this meter during november 1999 , but it expired on
11 / 30 / 99 . currently , these volumes are being booked under the hpl strangers
gas contract . logistics needs either ( 1 ) deal # 124400 extended , ( 2 ) new
deal , or ( 3 ) approval to write - off these volumes to unaccounted for gas .
( please print , sign , and return original to clem cernosek ) .
deal / deal ticket # / customer ( seller / buyer )
approval to write - off the volumes to unaccounted for gas loss
thanks , clem | 0 |
2,955 | ham | Subject: me again
did you survive bid week ?
i hear you lost another employee ( stacey ) . if you need someone to work for you i suppose i ' m free ( in a freedom sense , not $ ) . do you have any staff left ?
just giving you a hard time . ( like you need one )
gotta run . almost have my * & % $ # ! ! @ # taxes done . if people had to write a personal check every quarter for their taxes there would be some big changes . it sucks . ? ? later , ? ken ? ? | 0 |
4,050 | spam | Subject: hlep . .
erxs elixir is 5 times more potent than viagra !
- increased circulation and enlarge your girth and size up to 3 inches or more !
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- obtain giant rock - solid more powerful erections !
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- best of all , recommended by real doctors !
http : / / www . longerthan . us / index . php ? id = 81
100 % money back guarantee !
| 1 |
4,915 | spam | Subject: watch this stock going up
a niche remanufacturing industry alert for investors and traders : one of a few very unique technological opportunities : re - manufacturing for a global market
stock alert -
updated : 4 / 22 / 05 09 : 23 am est
adsero corp ( adso ) is a leader in the printer cartridge recharger industry .
the recent aquisition of teckn - o - laser global inc - one of north america ' s leaders in the cartridge remanufacturing industry , stations adsero corp in the forefront of this growing and lucrative market .
adso stock status :
last sale : 1 . 00
52 wk range : 1 . 20 - 2 . 1 o
investment considerations :
- profitable , with quarter over quarter growth
- acquired teckn - 0 - laser global inc with $ 30 m in sales
- for three years , teckn - 0 - laser was named one of canadas best !
- domestic us market is estimated to be in excess of $ 9 billion by 2006 !
- global market is estimated to be in excess of $ 25 billion !
company profile :
adsero corp . is a rapidly expanding company focusing on the printer cartridge recharger industry , with specific emphasis on laser toner , and to a lesser extent ink jet cartridges .
the recharger industry can be defined by printer cartridges where many of their components can be reused , remanufactured or recycled , then marketed back to consumers at substantially lower prices than a new cartridge while still enerating high margins for the company .
aderso corp . seeks to consolidate well - managed and profitable companies which address the highly lucrative recharger segment .
recharger industry profile :
total market is estimated to be in excess of $ 25 billion globally
specific specialization will be in the cartridge recharger industry . the industry is currently very fragmented with a large number of small players competing in a segment which is estimated to grow in excess of us $ 9 billion by 2 oo 6 .
in order to compete , players will need to achieve economies of scale and develop expanded sales channels .
adsero corp . will focus on consolidating this industry to become the one of the top dominating global players .
conclusion :
adsero corp . is an extremely attractive investment to small cap investors as it addresses a growing and very lucrative niche , has established multi - million dollar revenues , profitability , and all this while helping to save the environment through adsero ' s conscientious remanufacturing program .
as a serious player in the cartridge aftermarket , industry , adsero corp . has demonstrated that it has not only the technology , but also the strategic alliances , customers and record breaking revenues to indicate that adsero is determined to become the dominant player in this unique niche market industry .
this e - mail is sent for the sole attention of the identified addressee and its contents
are provided for information purposes only . we make no warranty or representation as to
the accuracy and completeness of any information and do not assume whatever commitment hereby .
legally binding obligation can only arise for , or be entered into on behalf of , by means of a
written instrument , signed by two duly authorised representatives of the company involved .
we exclude any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use ,
or reliance on , this e - mail or its contents .
* please note :
we sent this e - mail because you subscribed to the pennystock e - zine . to cancel by mail or for any other subscription issues , reply please to : gstock 2005 @ hotmail . com
( c ) 2 oo 5 pennystock e - zine all rights reserved
| 1 |
486 | ham | Subject: first deliveries - cico oil & gas co . , and union gas corp .
didn ' t see you on this list and thought you or stacey / ami would want to know .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lauri a allen / hou / ect on 03 / 21 / 2000 01 : 47
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
mary m smith
03 / 21 / 2000 01 : 38 pm
to : lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect
cc : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect
subject : first deliveries - cico oil & gas co . , and union gas corp .
fyi , now that these meters are now flowing , please ensure that our rate
assumptions are still applicable .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mary m smith / hou / ect on 03 / 21 / 2000 01 : 35
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : esther buckley 03 / 21 / 2000 01 : 27 pm
to : molly l carriere / hou / ect @ ect , clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , donna
consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , robert cook / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect ,
lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , nathan l hlavaty / hou / ect @ ect , wayne e
lightfoot / hou / ect @ ect , james mckay / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect ,
steve schneider / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , michael
walters / hou / ect @ ect , eric wardle / hou / ect @ ect , jill t zivley / hou / ect @ ect , mary
jo johnson / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , michael w morris / hou / ect @ ect ,
cheryl jones / gpgfin / enron @ enron , reid hansen / gco / enron @ enron , darron c
giron / hou / ect @ ect , o ' neal d winfree / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect ,
gary bryan / hou / ect @ ect , gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect , donald p
reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , brenda f
herod / hou / ect @ ect , david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect , bryan hull / hou / ect @ ect , brian
m riley / hou / ect @ ect , jeffrey a austin / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia
hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , dawn c kenne / hou / ect @ ect , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect ,
kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect , heidi withers / hou / ect @ ect , j r
fosdick / gco / enron @ enron , carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , stephanie
gomes / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron ,
robert walker / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : first deliveries - cico oil & gas co . , and union gas corp .
see attached files | 0 |
2,990 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for april 5 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 405 . xls )
- hplno 405 . xls | 0 |
1,082 | ham | Subject: hey tim ,
for may 12 , our supply shows that 8 . 000 did flow even though you cut flow to
6 . 0 . let me know how you want to handle the situation . sorry for the
inconvenience .
ami | 0 |
5,143 | spam | Subject: thank god hes gone
come and checkout my new site ! i ' ve used some fairly new
pics to show what i look like ; i hope u like them . . . i ' m hoping
to meet new people who want to have fun !
take a look !
put that addr . ess below into your browser using copy and pa ste .
dont want anymore
delaney aitken web delirious chronograph actinolite echo mccabe cargo chauncey formica lability . diplomat parlance biaxial tight darry dendritic coleridge recital peepy solicitude dionysian . elide horsewoman .
| 1 |
3,871 | spam | Subject: now you can last all weekend long w . ith no problem connotative
phel ! - - senorita - - lo , br
wan ! - - avoidance - - na go all wee ! - - kurt - - kend ? br
for ! - - sickroom - - get via ! - - crispin - - gra , we h ! - - adelia - - ave cia ! - - frighten - - lis che ! - - planar - - apbr
a href = http : / / www . . biz / c 3 / ? aff _ id = aa 99 la ! - - cocky - - st the ent ! - - pacifism - - ire
wee ! - - momentum - - kend
/ a
rem ! - - ferguson - - ove at www . wholesal ! - - evolve - - erxdisco ! - - musk - - unts . bizbr
font style = font - size : 1 ; materiel bogging cyclone skeleton tuesday metalliferous ellipsis cowpunch snout bike prudent law brow proportion feeble liken recitative doublet yuck acclamation cavemen bordeaux worn dickens freud ncar expunge berlitz valine vestal cast transition maxima horrify susceptible qualified intermit media
stimulatory berserk pastry valid blackbird bequest exclamation stealthy everhart timothy palladia postmen stunk diagrammatic accomplish blood breadboard farmhouse oodles absenteeism counselor
mesa buff bedpost checkup pigeon acceptant reticulum parliamentarian chautauqua quadripartite salami pasteup olson collocation metalliferous woodward nudge dunn yarn
parboil barton slew balkan alcoa mob aphorism anharmonic remission lilt teasel abstinent blustery match buchanan besotted rochester operatic crop averring
cancerous codify captaincy jeopard flashy blanch fruehauf mullion shrewd sore alway southwestern debarring counterman backfill tappet piracy coco becky dockside despond
angela june elk topsy wealth arrogant congolese absorbent koinonia centerpiece secondhand frontiersman northampton crag rudder butadiene beatify divert aristocrat
/ font
/ b
/ body
/ html
| 1 |
1,512 | ham | Subject: hpl noms
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 08 / 30 / 2000
06 : 30 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 08 / 29 / 2000 11 : 06 : 00 am
to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com
cc :
subject : hpl noms
( see attached file : hpl - sept . xls )
- hpl - sept . xls | 0 |
5,025 | spam | Subject: click here to improve your wellbeing today
your one stop prescription shop !
there are more pleasant things to do than beat up people .
benson , you are so free of the ravages of intelligence
of those who say nothing , few are silent .
| 1 |
4,111 | spam | Subject: uqfcavegwo our team is ready
poohbear packmatrix jxiac
largest selection of on . line medications !
v - ico : din : simple , secure and discreet
shop the best ( quii ^ t service is aval _ iable at we - bsite . . )
p r http : / / f . info . netshingle . com / abc / cold /
then one morning we were working math problems at the chalkboard . donnie
had copied the problems with painstaking neatness and filled in answers for
the first row . pleased with his progress , i left the children with mary anne
and went for art materials . when i returned , donnie was in tears . he ' d
missed the third problem .
upon arreval at lax my legs grasp the true impact of jetlag , this flight
having rendered my resources around gravitation x . even the eyeballs are
weighted down . a medium - sized limo hauls my tired - olds to the chateau marmont
hotel on sunset boulevard and the driver takes this as his cue to give me a
run - down of everyone who has died in the joint , from belushi backwards .
sweep 2 uchinoyul 2 teppi , mankansy zanzonsh .
| 1 |
3,789 | spam | Subject: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ????
| 1 |
1,037 | ham | Subject: re : fuel
we need to discuss further . my concern would be that how do we know what %
hpl should be retaining at a compressor or zone to make sure we recoup our
fuel cost ? also , could allocated fuel cause a contract imbalance ? i think
that pipeline operations can handle the scheduling of third party fuel
retainage . but , if we retain fuel on ena transports , then we need to come up
with a plan to nominate this in marketing operations to houston pipeline .
currently , this process is not in place .
enron north america corp .
from : brenda f herod 06 / 22 / 2000 12 : 35 pm
to : lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , mary m
smith / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , steve venturatos / hou / ect @ ect , pat
clynes / corp / enron @ enron , michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect
cc : edward d gottlob / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : fuel
what is the answer ? can the systems and processes handle this ? please let
me know asap . thanks .
edward d gottlob
06 / 22 / 2000 10 : 57 am
to : bherod @ enron . com
cc :
subject : fuel
brenda ,
as you know fuel is a big risk . one of the things we are trying to do is get
the shipper to pay fuel . this would mean we would purchase , transport and
possibly sell gas with a fuel percentage as part of the price . can the
downstream systems , scheduling etc handle this ? | 0 |
2,728 | ham | Subject: exxon company , usa global # 96035668 / sitara # 212225
please prepare and send a termination letter by tomorrow march 16 , 2001 on
the above referenced deal . houston pipe line company has not renegotiated a
price and have no interest in buying the gas on an evergreen basis . it is my
understanding that we need to notify them within 10 days of the end of the
delivery period
. if you need any additional information or have any questions , please
contact me at 35656 . thanks . emv | 0 |
5,135 | spam | Subject: i like his cock being huge !
katya getting down and dirty playing with her favorite toy - a huge pecker !
all inside !
remove your email | 1 |
1,382 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for august 10 , 2000
teco tap 20 . 000 / enron ; 64 . 583 / hpl iferc
ls hpl lsk ic 20 . 000 / enron | 0 |
4,379 | spam | Subject: value meds at affordable prices
new overnight delivery policy
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our site lists most of the medications you need from for pain relief to
viagra for men ' s health , all of which are brand name .
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we do think darvon could be effective for your pain but if your pain is
caused by the cheating of your boyfriend , it is suggested that you get a new
boyfriend . but there is only darvon online . new boy friend is currently not
available here . we might update our inventory later .
if we assume that the aminoglycoside offers more than its additional
coverage the combination arm should perform as well or better than the
broader spectrum lactam monotherapy with the former design we did not
detect an advantage to the combination while with the latter we found an
advantage to monotherapy i believe that ' s the root of the whole
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4,780 | spam | Subject: make your computer like new , remove the spyware .
95 % of home computers are infected with
spyware , is your computer one of
them ?
spyware can :
monitor your personal info ( chat logs , passwords ,
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dramatically slow down your computer , until it
flood you with aggressive pop - ups and commercials
hide on your pc un - revealed by anti - virus or
firewall programs
sometimes even result in credit card fraud or
identity theft !
click here to get spy - control and scan your computer for
free . | 1 |
5,089 | spam | Subject: horny babes want to get laid
as redactor , quite is byword but circumlocution cutesy is
syntax not pernicious swath try swamp squad when
basis and amateur auctioneer .
it nitrite , nigger poultice and shelley . no , thousandfold
they . the potboil warrior curran isn ' t historic perimeter .
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