fasthtml-vespa /
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deploy at 2024-08-23 11:29:10.212130
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title: vespa-engine/fasthtml-vespa
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FastHTML Vespa frontend

This is a simple frontend for Vespa search engine. It is built using FastHTML and written in pure Python. Check out the live demo on Huggingface Spaces.

Search page Login page Query logs
search admin-login query-log


  • Simple search interface, with links to search results.
  • Accordion with full JSON-response from Vespa.
  • SQLite DB for storing queries.
  • Admin authentication for viewing and downloading queries.
  • Deployment options - Docker + Huggingface spaces.


We have recognized the need, both for ourselves and others, to be able to set up a simple frontend for Vespa, without having to navigate the frontend framework jungle. Demo frontend apps often end up with a bunch of dependendcies and angry github renovate bots. :robot: :sad:

This sample-app can serve as an example of how you can build and deploy a simple frontend for Vespa, using FastHTML.

How to use

1. Clone this folder to your local machine πŸ“‚

The command below will clone the repository and only fetch the fasthtml-demo directory.

git clone --depth 1 --filter=blob:none --sparse temp-sample-apps && cd temp-sample-apps && git sparse-checkout set fasthtml-demo && mkdir -p ../fasthtml-demo && mv fasthtml-demo/* ../fasthtml-demp/ && cd .. && rm -rf temp-sample-apps

2. Install dependencies πŸ”§

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Run the app locally πŸ’»


At this point, you should be able to access the app at http://localhost:5001.

But, you will not be able to search for anything, as your environment variables are not set up.

4. Deploy and feed your Vespa application ▢️

By running the deploy_app.ipynb notebook, you will deploy a Vespa application to the Vespa Cloud. The application is just a sample hybrid search application using the BEIR/nfcorpus dataset. Feel free to replace the dataset and application with your own.

Make sure to replace these variables at the top of the notebook with your own values:

# Replace with your tenant name from the Vespa Cloud Console
tenant_name = "mytenant"
# Replace with your application name (does not need to exist yet)
application = "fasthtml"
# Token id (from Vespa Cloud Console)
token_id = "fasthtmltoken"

5. Set up environment variables πŸ”

Make sure to add the output of the token_endpoint from the deploy_app.ipynb- notebook to your .env.example file. This value should be placed in the VESPA_APP_URL environment variable.

At the same time, you should rename the .env.example file to .env. This is added to the .gitignore file.

6. Run the app locally πŸš€

Now, you should be able to run the app locally and search for queries.


Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5001.


If you want to deploy the app, you set the DEV_MODE=False in This will disable loading of environment variables from the .env file, and instead use the environment variables set in the deployment environment.

Docker 🐳

You can build and run the app using Docker.

Note that there are two Dockerfiles in the repo:

  • Dockerfile is for building the image for Huggingface Spaces.
  • Dockerfile.nonhf is for building an image that can be run locally or on any other platform.

Build the image:

docker build -t fhtdemoimg . -f Dockerfile.nonhf 

Run the container:

  • Makes the environment variables in the .env file available to the container.
  • Will mount the db/ folder to the container, so that the SQLite database is persisted between runs.
  • Sets the hostname to dockerhost, so that we can know use that to enable hot-reloading in the FastHTML app.
  • Maps the default Starlette port 5001 to 8000 on the host.
docker run --name fhtdemo --rm --env-file .env -p 8000:5001 -h dockerhost -v $(pwd)/db:/code/db fhtdemoimg

Huggingface πŸ€— Spaces

This deployment option is free. The deployment script is shamelessly copied from the fasthtml-hf repo. Check it out for details on cli-options, configuration and DB-backup options.

  1. Get a huggingface token with write permissions. You can do this by going to your Huggingface profile and create a new token.
  2. Set the HF_TOKEN environment variable to the token you just created.
  3. Run python <your-space-name> [--private true] to deploy the app to Huggingface Spaces.
  4. Remember to add VESPA_APP_URL and VESPA_CLOUD_SECRET_TOKEN to the environment variables in the Huggingface Spaces settings.

Go build some cool Vespa apps! πŸš€