AiOS / detrsmpl /models /utils /
"""This script is based on the release codes:
"HybrIK: A Hybrid Analytical-Neural Inverse Kinematics Solution for 3D Human
Pose and Shape Estimation. CVPR 2021"
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import torch
from detrsmpl.utils.transforms import aa_to_rotmat
def batch_inverse_kinematics_transform(pose_skeleton,
"""Applies inverse kinematics transform to joints in a batch.
pose_skeleton (torch.tensor):
Locations of estimated pose skeleton with shape (Bx29x3)
global_orient (torch.tensor|none):
Tensor of global rotation matrices with shape (Bx1x3x3)
phis (torch.tensor):
Rotation on bone axis parameters with shape (Bx23x2)
rest_pose (torch.tensor):
Locations of rest (Template) pose with shape (Bx29x3)
children (List[int]): list of indexes of kinematic children with len 29
parents (List[int]): list of indexes of kinematic parents with len 29
dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
Data type of the created tensors. Default: torch.float32
train (bool):
Store True in train mode. Default: False
leaf_thetas (torch.tensor, optional):
Rotation matrixes for 5 leaf joints (Bx5x3x3). Default: None
rot_mats (torch.tensor):
Rotation matrics of all joints with shape (Bx29x3x3)
rotate_rest_pose (torch.tensor):
Locations of rotated rest/ template pose with shape (Bx29x3)
batch_size = pose_skeleton.shape[0]
device = pose_skeleton.device
rel_rest_pose = rest_pose.clone()
# vec_t_k = t_k - t_pa(k)
rel_rest_pose[:, 1:] -= rest_pose[:, parents[1:]].clone()
rel_rest_pose = torch.unsqueeze(rel_rest_pose, dim=-1)
# rotate the T pose
rotate_rest_pose = torch.zeros_like(rel_rest_pose)
# set up the root
rotate_rest_pose[:, 0] = rel_rest_pose[:, 0]
rel_pose_skeleton = torch.unsqueeze(pose_skeleton.clone(), dim=-1).detach()
rel_pose_skeleton[:, 1:] -= rel_pose_skeleton[:, parents[1:]].clone()
rel_pose_skeleton[:, 0] = rel_rest_pose[:, 0]
# the predicted final pose
final_pose_skeleton = torch.unsqueeze(pose_skeleton.clone(), dim=-1)
if train:
final_pose_skeleton[:, 1:] -= \
final_pose_skeleton[:, parents[1:]].clone()
final_pose_skeleton[:, 0] = rel_rest_pose[:, 0]
final_pose_skeleton += \
rel_rest_pose[:, 0:1] - final_pose_skeleton[:, 0:1]
rel_rest_pose = rel_rest_pose
rel_pose_skeleton = rel_pose_skeleton
final_pose_skeleton = final_pose_skeleton
rotate_rest_pose = rotate_rest_pose
assert phis.dim() == 3
phis = phis / (torch.norm(phis, dim=2, keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
if train:
global_orient_mat = batch_get_pelvis_orient(rel_pose_skeleton.clone(),
parents, children, dtype)
global_orient_mat = batch_get_pelvis_orient_svd(
rel_pose_skeleton.clone(), rel_rest_pose.clone(), parents,
children, dtype)
rot_mat_chain = [global_orient_mat]
rot_mat_local = [global_orient_mat]
# leaf nodes rot_mats
if leaf_thetas is not None:
leaf_cnt = 0
leaf_rot_mats = leaf_thetas.view([batch_size, 5, 3, 3])
for i in range(1, parents.shape[0]):
if children[i] == -1:
# leaf nodes
if leaf_thetas is not None:
rot_mat = leaf_rot_mats[:, leaf_cnt, :, :]
leaf_cnt += 1
rotate_rest_pose[:, i] = rotate_rest_pose[:, parents[
i]] + torch.matmul(rot_mat_chain[parents[i]],
rel_rest_pose[:, i])
torch.matmul(rot_mat_chain[parents[i]], rot_mat))
elif children[i] == -3:
# three children
rotate_rest_pose[:, i] = rotate_rest_pose[:, parents[i]] + \
torch.matmul(rot_mat_chain[parents[i]], rel_rest_pose[:, i])
spine_child = []
for c in range(1, parents.shape[0]):
if parents[c] == i and c not in spine_child:
# original
spine_child = []
for c in range(1, parents.shape[0]):
if parents[c] == i and c not in spine_child:
children_final_loc = []
children_rest_loc = []
for c in spine_child:
temp = final_pose_skeleton[:, c] - rotate_rest_pose[:, i]
children_rest_loc.append(rel_rest_pose[:, c].clone())
rot_mat = batch_get_3children_orient_svd(children_final_loc,
spine_child, dtype)
torch.matmul(rot_mat_chain[parents[i]], rot_mat))
# Naive Hybrik
if train:
# i: the index of k-th joint
child_rest_loc = rel_rest_pose[:, i]
child_final_loc = final_pose_skeleton[:, i]
# q_pa(k) = q_pa^2(k) + R_pa(k)(t_pa(k) - t_pa^2(k))
rotate_rest_pose[:, i] = rotate_rest_pose[:, parents[i]] + \
torch.matmul(rot_mat_chain[parents[i]], rel_rest_pose[:, i])
# Adaptive HybrIK
if not train:
# children[i]: the index of k-th joint
child_rest_loc = rel_rest_pose[:, children[i]]
child_final_loc = final_pose_skeleton[:, children[
i]] - rotate_rest_pose[:, i]
orig_vec = rel_pose_skeleton[:, children[i]]
template_vec = rel_rest_pose[:, children[i]]
norm_t = torch.norm(template_vec, dim=1, keepdim=True)
orig_vec = orig_vec * norm_t / torch.norm(
orig_vec, dim=1, keepdim=True)
diff = torch.norm(child_final_loc - orig_vec,
big_diff_idx = torch.where(diff > 15 / 1000)[0]
child_final_loc[big_diff_idx] = orig_vec[big_diff_idx]
# train: vec_p_k = R_pa(k).T * (p_k - p_pa(k))
# test: vec_p_k = R_pa(k).T * (p_k - q_pa(k))
child_final_loc = torch.matmul(
rot_mat_chain[parents[i]].transpose(1, 2), child_final_loc)
# (B, 1, 1)
child_final_norm = torch.norm(child_final_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True)
child_rest_norm = torch.norm(child_rest_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True)
# vec_n
axis = torch.cross(child_rest_loc, child_final_loc, dim=1)
axis_norm = torch.norm(axis, dim=1, keepdim=True)
# (B, 1, 1)
cos = torch.sum(
child_rest_loc * child_final_loc, dim=1,
keepdim=True) / (child_rest_norm * child_final_norm + 1e-8)
sin = axis_norm / (child_rest_norm * child_final_norm + 1e-8)
# (B, 3, 1)
axis = axis / (axis_norm + 1e-8)
# Convert location revolve to rot_mat by rodrigues
# (B, 1, 1)
rx, ry, rz = torch.split(axis, 1, dim=1)
zeros = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, 1), dtype=dtype, device=device)
K =[zeros, -rz, ry, rz, zeros, -rx, -ry, rx, zeros],
dim=1).view((batch_size, 3, 3))
ident = torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype, device=device).unsqueeze(dim=0)
rot_mat_loc = ident + sin * K + (1 - cos) * torch.bmm(K, K)
# Convert spin to rot_mat
# (B, 3, 1)
spin_axis = child_rest_loc / child_rest_norm
# (B, 1, 1)
rx, ry, rz = torch.split(spin_axis, 1, dim=1)
zeros = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, 1), dtype=dtype, device=device)
K =[zeros, -rz, ry, rz, zeros, -rx, -ry, rx, zeros],
dim=1).view((batch_size, 3, 3))
ident = torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype, device=device).unsqueeze(dim=0)
# (B, 1, 1)
cos, sin = torch.split(phis[:, i - 1], 1, dim=1)
cos = torch.unsqueeze(cos, dim=2)
sin = torch.unsqueeze(sin, dim=2)
rot_mat_spin = ident + sin * K + (1 - cos) * torch.bmm(K, K)
rot_mat = torch.matmul(rot_mat_loc, rot_mat_spin)
torch.matmul(rot_mat_chain[parents[i]], rot_mat))
# (B, K + 1, 3, 3)
rot_mats = torch.stack(rot_mat_local, dim=1)
return rot_mats, rotate_rest_pose.squeeze(-1)
def batch_get_pelvis_orient_svd(rel_pose_skeleton, rel_rest_pose, parents,
children, dtype):
"""Get pelvis orientation svd for batch data.
rel_pose_skeleton (torch.tensor):
Locations of root-normalized pose skeleton with shape (Bx29x3)
rel_rest_pose (torch.tensor):
Locations of rest/ template pose with shape (Bx29x3)
parents (List[int]): list of indexes of kinematic parents with len 29
children (List[int]): list of indexes of kinematic children with len 29
dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
Data type of the created tensors, the default is torch.float32
rot_mat (torch.tensor):
Rotation matrix of pelvis with shape (Bx3x3)
pelvis_child = [int(children[0])]
for i in range(1, parents.shape[0]):
if parents[i] == 0 and i not in pelvis_child:
rest_mat = []
target_mat = []
for child in pelvis_child:
rest_mat.append(rel_rest_pose[:, child].clone())
target_mat.append(rel_pose_skeleton[:, child].clone())
rest_mat =, dim=2)
target_mat =, dim=2)
S = rest_mat.bmm(target_mat.transpose(1, 2))
mask_zero = S.sum(dim=(1, 2))
S_non_zero = S[mask_zero != 0].reshape(-1, 3, 3)
U, _, V = torch.svd(S_non_zero)
rot_mat = torch.zeros_like(S)
rot_mat[mask_zero == 0] = torch.eye(3, device=S.device)
rot_mat_non_zero = torch.bmm(V, U.transpose(1, 2))
rot_mat[mask_zero != 0] = rot_mat_non_zero
assert torch.sum(torch.isnan(rot_mat)) == 0, ('rot_mat', rot_mat)
return rot_mat
def batch_get_pelvis_orient(rel_pose_skeleton, rel_rest_pose, parents,
children, dtype):
"""Get pelvis orientation for batch data.
rel_pose_skeleton (torch.tensor):
Locations of root-normalized pose skeleton with shape (Bx29x3)
rel_rest_pose (torch.tensor):
Locations of rest/ template pose with shape (Bx29x3)
parents (List[int]): list of indexes of kinematic parents with len 29
children (List[int]): list of indexes of kinematic children with len 29
dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
Data type of the created tensors, the default is torch.float32
rot_mat (torch.tensor):
Rotation matrix of pelvis with shape (Bx3x3)
batch_size = rel_pose_skeleton.shape[0]
device = rel_pose_skeleton.device
assert children[0] == 3
pelvis_child = [int(children[0])]
for i in range(1, parents.shape[0]):
if parents[i] == 0 and i not in pelvis_child:
spine_final_loc = rel_pose_skeleton[:, int(children[0])].clone()
spine_rest_loc = rel_rest_pose[:, int(children[0])].clone()
# spine_norm = torch.norm(spine_final_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True)
# spine_norm = spine_final_loc / (spine_norm + 1e-8)
# rot_mat_spine = vectors2rotmat(spine_rest_loc, spine_final_loc, dtype)
# (B, 1, 1)
vec_final_norm = torch.norm(spine_final_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True)
vec_rest_norm = torch.norm(spine_rest_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True)
spine_norm = spine_final_loc / (vec_final_norm + 1e-8)
# (B, 3, 1)
axis = torch.cross(spine_rest_loc, spine_final_loc, dim=1)
axis_norm = torch.norm(axis, dim=1, keepdim=True)
axis = axis / (axis_norm + 1e-8)
angle = torch.arccos(
torch.sum(spine_rest_loc * spine_final_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True) /
(vec_rest_norm * vec_final_norm + 1e-8))
axis_angle = (angle * axis).squeeze()
# aa to rotmat
rot_mat_spine = aa_to_rotmat(axis_angle)
assert torch.sum(torch.isnan(rot_mat_spine)) == 0, ('rot_mat_spine',
center_final_loc = 0
center_rest_loc = 0
for child in pelvis_child:
if child == int(children[0]):
center_final_loc = center_final_loc + rel_pose_skeleton[:,
center_rest_loc = center_rest_loc + rel_rest_pose[:, child].clone()
center_final_loc = center_final_loc / (len(pelvis_child) - 1)
center_rest_loc = center_rest_loc / (len(pelvis_child) - 1)
center_rest_loc = torch.matmul(rot_mat_spine, center_rest_loc)
center_final_loc = center_final_loc - torch.sum(
center_final_loc * spine_norm, dim=1, keepdim=True) * spine_norm
center_rest_loc = center_rest_loc - torch.sum(
center_rest_loc * spine_norm, dim=1, keepdim=True) * spine_norm
center_final_loc_norm = torch.norm(center_final_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True)
center_rest_loc_norm = torch.norm(center_rest_loc, dim=1, keepdim=True)
# (B, 3, 1)
axis = torch.cross(center_rest_loc, center_final_loc, dim=1)
axis_norm = torch.norm(axis, dim=1, keepdim=True)
# (B, 1, 1)
cos = torch.sum(
center_rest_loc * center_final_loc, dim=1,
keepdim=True) / (center_rest_loc_norm * center_final_loc_norm + 1e-8)
sin = axis_norm / (center_rest_loc_norm * center_final_loc_norm + 1e-8)
assert torch.sum(torch.isnan(cos)) == 0, ('cos', cos)
assert torch.sum(torch.isnan(sin)) == 0, ('sin', sin)
# (B, 3, 1)
axis = axis / (axis_norm + 1e-8)
# Convert location revolve to rot_mat by rodrigues
# (B, 1, 1)
rx, ry, rz = torch.split(axis, 1, dim=1)
zeros = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, 1), dtype=dtype, device=device)
K =[zeros, -rz, ry, rz, zeros, -rx, -ry, rx, zeros], dim=1) \
.view((batch_size, 3, 3))
ident = torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype, device=device).unsqueeze(dim=0)
rot_mat_center = ident + sin * K + (1 - cos) * torch.bmm(K, K)
rot_mat = torch.matmul(rot_mat_center, rot_mat_spine)
return rot_mat
def batch_get_3children_orient_svd(rel_pose_skeleton, rel_rest_pose,
rot_mat_chain_parent, children_list, dtype):
"""Get pelvis orientation for batch data.
rel_pose_skeleton (torch.tensor):
Locations of root-normalized pose skeleton with shape (Bx29x3)
rel_rest_pose (torch.tensor):
Locations of rest/ template pose with shape (Bx29x3)
rot_mat_chain_parents (torch.tensor):
parent's rotation matrix with shape (Bx3x3)
children (List[int]): list of indexes of kinematic children with len 29
dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
Data type of the created tensors, the default is torch.float32
rot_mat (torch.tensor):
Child's rotation matrix with shape (Bx3x3)
rest_mat = []
target_mat = []
for c, child in enumerate(children_list):
if isinstance(rel_pose_skeleton, list):
target = rel_pose_skeleton[c].clone()
template = rel_rest_pose[c].clone()
target = rel_pose_skeleton[:, child].clone()
template = rel_rest_pose[:, child].clone()
target = torch.matmul(rot_mat_chain_parent.transpose(1, 2), target)
rest_mat =, dim=2)
target_mat =, dim=2)
S = rest_mat.bmm(target_mat.transpose(1, 2))
U, _, V = torch.svd(S)
rot_mat = torch.bmm(V, U.transpose(1, 2))
assert torch.sum(torch.isnan(rot_mat)) == 0, ('3children rot_mat', rot_mat)
return rot_mat