Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)
Dear Hugging Face Team,
I hope you're doing well! My name is Penghai Zhao, and I’m working on an open-source project titled “From Words to Worth: Newborn Article Impact Prediction with LLM” ( This project aims to predict the future academic impact of articles based solely on their titles and abstracts using fine-tuned language models (LLMs). We have successfully tested our approach on a T4 GPU and are seeking access to a free or discounted tier to provide a more content-based evaluation of academic articles.
Thank you for considering our request!
Best regards,
Dr. Zhao
Thank you very much for granting access to ZeroGPU for our project. I appreciate your support and look forward to the progress we can achieve with Hugging Face. Best regards.
Hi @ssocean , we've assigned ZeroGPU to this Space. Please check the compatibility and usage sections of this page so your Space can run on ZeroGPU.
Hi, hysts~ Why I cant change back to ZeroGPU after I switched to another hardware. it warns 'Only Hugging Face team members can update the sleep time of a Space with a community grant.'
Oh, sorry for that, and thank you again~