Apply for community grant: Space for Dolly 2.0
- opened
changed discussion title from
Apply for community grant: Personal project
to Apply for community grant: Space for Dolly 2.0
With A10G GPU, I'm getting an out of memory error while running the model even though to reduce memory usage I have loaded the model with bfloat16.
@shivi I ran your code without modification and it worked great. It only required just over 24 gigabytes of VRAM (24.42 GiB exact).
Hi @taesiri , thanks for taking a look and letting me know! And yes, looks like the model needs a little extra VRAM.
@shivi Have you tired loading the model in 8bit mode? It will only take 14Gb of VRAM.
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("databricks/dolly-v2-12b", padding_side="left")
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("databricks/dolly-v2-12b", device_map="auto", load_in_8bit=True)