app.py updated
import cv2
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
# Global variable to store the list of arrows (start and end points)
arrows = []
start_point = None
# Function to draw all arrows (including zero-length arrows) on the image
def draw_arrow(image, click_coords):
global start_point, arrows
# Convert the image to a numpy array if it's not already
img_array = np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8)
# Get the current point from the user (click coordinates as (x, y))
current_point = (int(click_coords[0]), int(click_coords[1])) # Convert float coords to int
# If start point is not set, set it as the current click position
if start_point is None:
start_point = current_point
return img_array # No arrow yet, just return the original image
# If start point is already set, add an arrow (including zero-length ones)
end_point = current_point
arrows.append((start_point, end_point)) # Save the arrow
# Reset start_point for the next arrow
start_point = None
# Draw all arrows from the saved list
for arrow in arrows:
start, end = arrow
color = (0, 255, 0) # Green arrow
thickness = 3
# Draw the arrow (even if it's zero-length, i.e., start == end)
cv2.arrowedLine(img_array, start, end, color, thickness)
return img_array
# Function to reset the canvas (clearing all arrows)
def reset_canvas():
global arrows, start_point
arrows = []
start_point = None
return load_image() # Return a fresh image
# Load an image for the user to interact with
def load_image():
img = np.ones((400, 400, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 # White background image
return img
# Define Gradio interface using Blocks
def interactive_arrow_interface():
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
image_input = gr.Image(value=load_image(), interactive=True,
label="Click to specify the arrow's start and end points")
output_image = gr.Image(label="Image with Arrows")
reset_button = gr.Button("Reset")
# Set up interaction: Handle click events with 'handle_click'
def handle_click(image, evt: gr.SelectData):
print(f"Click coordinates: {evt.index}")
# Pass click coordinates to draw_arrow function and update the image
updated_image = draw_arrow(image, (evt.index[0], evt.index[1]))
return updated_image
image_input.select(handle_click, [image_input], output_image)
# Set up the reset button to clear all arrows
reset_button.click(fn=reset_canvas, inputs=None, outputs=image_input)
return demo
# Launch the interactive demo