app.py updated
import random
import math
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from . import losses as bblosses
import kornia
IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406)
IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
def compute_optical_flow(embedding_tensor, mask_tensor, frame_size):
# Unroll the mask tensor and find the indices of the masked and unmasked values in the second frame
mask_unrolled = mask_tensor.view(-1)
second_frame_unmask_indices = torch.where(mask_unrolled[frame_size ** 2:] == False)[0]
# Divide the embedding tensor into two parts: corresponding to the first and the second frame
first_frame_embeddings = embedding_tensor[0, :frame_size ** 2, :]
second_frame_embeddings = embedding_tensor[0, frame_size ** 2:, :]
# print(first_frame_embeddings.shape, second_frame_embeddings.shape, embedding_tensor.shape)
# Compute the cosine similarity between the unmasked embeddings from the second frame and the embeddings from the first frame
dot_product = torch.matmul(second_frame_embeddings, first_frame_embeddings.T)
norms = torch.norm(second_frame_embeddings, dim=1)[:, None] * torch.norm(first_frame_embeddings, dim=1)[None, :]
cos_sim_matrix = dot_product / norms
# Find the indices of pixels in the first frame that are most similar to each unmasked pixel in the second frame
first_frame_most_similar_indices = cos_sim_matrix.argmax(dim=-1)
# Convert the 1D pixel indices into 2D coordinates
second_frame_y = second_frame_unmask_indices // frame_size
second_frame_x = second_frame_unmask_indices % frame_size
first_frame_y = first_frame_most_similar_indices // frame_size
first_frame_x = first_frame_most_similar_indices % frame_size
# Compute the x and y displacements and convert them to float
displacements_x = (second_frame_x - first_frame_x).float()
displacements_y = (second_frame_y - first_frame_y).float()
# Initialize optical flow tensor
optical_flow = torch.zeros((2, frame_size, frame_size), device=embedding_tensor.device)
# Assign the computed displacements to the corresponding pixels in the optical flow tensor
optical_flow[0, second_frame_y, second_frame_x] = displacements_x
optical_flow[1, second_frame_y, second_frame_x] = displacements_y
return optical_flow
def get_minimal_224_crops_new_batched(video_tensor, N):
B, T, C, H, W = video_tensor.shape
# Calculate the number of crops needed in both the height and width dimensions
num_crops_h = math.ceil(H / 224) if H > 224 else 1
num_crops_w = math.ceil(W / 224) if W > 224 else 1
# Calculate the step size for the height and width dimensions
step_size_h = 0 if H <= 224 else max(0, (H - 224) // (num_crops_h - 1))
step_size_w = 0 if W <= 224 else max(0, (W - 224) // (num_crops_w - 1))
# Create a list to store the cropped tensors and their start positions
cropped_tensors = []
crop_positions = []
# Iterate over the height and width dimensions, extract the 224x224 crops, and append to the cropped_tensors list
for i in range(num_crops_h):
for j in range(num_crops_w):
start_h = i * step_size_h
start_w = j * step_size_w
end_h = min(start_h + 224, H)
end_w = min(start_w + 224, W)
crop = video_tensor[:, :, :, start_h:end_h, start_w:end_w]
crop_positions.append((start_h, start_w))
D = len(cropped_tensors)
# If N is greater than D, generate additional random crops
if N > D and H > 224 and W > 224: # check if H and W are greater than 224
for _ in range(N - D):
start_h = random.randint(0, H - 224)
start_w = random.randint(0, W - 224)
crop = video_tensor[:, :, :, start_h:(start_h + 224), start_w:(start_w + 224)]
crop_positions.append((start_h, start_w))
# Reshape the cropped tensors to fit the required output shape (B, T, C, 224, 224)
cropped_tensors = [crop.reshape(B, T, C, 224, 224) for crop in cropped_tensors]
return cropped_tensors, crop_positions
def create_weighted_mask_batched(h, w):
y_mask = np.linspace(0, 1, h)
y_mask = np.minimum(y_mask, 1 - y_mask)
x_mask = np.linspace(0, 1, w)
x_mask = np.minimum(x_mask, 1 - x_mask)
weighted_mask = np.outer(y_mask, x_mask)
return torch.from_numpy(weighted_mask).float()
def reconstruct_video_new_2_batched(cropped_tensors, crop_positions, original_shape):
B, T, C, H, W = original_shape
# Initialize an empty tensor to store the reconstructed video
reconstructed_video = torch.zeros((B, T, C, H, W)).to(cropped_tensors[0].device)
# Create a tensor to store the sum of weighted masks
weighted_masks_sum = torch.zeros((B, T, C, H, W)).to(cropped_tensors[0].device)
# Create a weighted mask for the crops
weighted_mask = create_weighted_mask_batched(224, 224).to(cropped_tensors[0].device)
weighted_mask = weighted_mask[None, None, None, :, :] # Extend dimensions to match the cropped tensor.
for idx, crop in enumerate(cropped_tensors):
start_h, start_w = crop_positions[idx]
# Multiply the crop with the weighted mask
weighted_crop = crop * weighted_mask
# Add the weighted crop to the corresponding location in the reconstructed_video tensor
reconstructed_video[:, :, :, start_h:(start_h + 224), start_w:(start_w + 224)] += weighted_crop
# Update the weighted_masks_sum tensor
weighted_masks_sum[:, :, :, start_h:(start_h + 224), start_w:(start_w + 224)] += weighted_mask
# Add a small epsilon value to avoid division by zero
epsilon = 1e-8
# Normalize the reconstructed video by dividing each pixel by its corresponding weighted_masks_sum value plus epsilon
reconstructed_video /= (weighted_masks_sum + epsilon)
return reconstructed_video
def l2_norm(x):
return x.square().sum(-3, True).sqrt()
resize = lambda x, a: F.interpolate(x, [int(a * x.shape[-2]), int(a * x.shape[-1])], mode='bilinear',
upsample = lambda x, H, W: F.interpolate(x, [int(H), int(W)], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
def get_occ_masks(flow_fwd, flow_bck, occ_thresh=0.5):
fwd_bck_cycle, _ = bblosses.backward_warp(img2=flow_bck, flow=flow_fwd)
flow_diff_fwd = flow_fwd + fwd_bck_cycle
bck_fwd_cycle, _ = bblosses.backward_warp(img2=flow_fwd, flow=flow_bck)
flow_diff_bck = flow_bck + bck_fwd_cycle
norm_fwd = l2_norm(flow_fwd) ** 2 + l2_norm(fwd_bck_cycle) ** 2
norm_bck = l2_norm(flow_bck) ** 2 + l2_norm(bck_fwd_cycle) ** 2
occ_thresh_fwd = occ_thresh * norm_fwd + 0.5
occ_thresh_bck = occ_thresh * norm_bck + 0.5
occ_mask_fwd = 1 - (l2_norm(flow_diff_fwd) ** 2 > occ_thresh_fwd).float()
occ_mask_bck = 1 - (l2_norm(flow_diff_bck) ** 2 > occ_thresh_bck).float()
return occ_mask_fwd, occ_mask_bck
def forward_backward_cycle_consistency(flow_fwd, flow_bck, niters=10):
# Make sure to be using axes-swapped, upsampled flows!
bck_flow_clone = flow_bck.clone().detach()
fwd_flow_clone = flow_fwd.clone().detach()
for i in range(niters):
fwd_bck_cycle_orig, _ = bblosses.backward_warp(img2=bck_flow_clone, flow=fwd_flow_clone)
flow_diff_fwd_orig = fwd_flow_clone + fwd_bck_cycle_orig
fwd_flow_clone = fwd_flow_clone - flow_diff_fwd_orig/2
bck_fwd_cycle_orig, _ = bblosses.backward_warp(img2=fwd_flow_clone, flow=bck_flow_clone)
flow_diff_bck_orig = bck_flow_clone + bck_fwd_cycle_orig
bck_flow_clone = bck_flow_clone - flow_diff_bck_orig/2
return fwd_flow_clone, bck_flow_clone
from PIL import Image
def resize_flow_map(flow_map, target_size):
Resize a flow map to a target size while adjusting the flow vectors.
flow_map (numpy.ndarray): Input flow map of shape (H, W, 2) where each pixel contains a (dx, dy) flow vector.
target_size (tuple): Target size (height, width) for the resized flow map.
numpy.ndarray: Resized and scaled flow map of shape (target_size[0], target_size[1], 2).
# Get the original size
flow_map = flow_map[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
flow_map = flow_map.transpose(1, 2, 0)
original_size = flow_map.shape[:2]
# Separate the flow map into two channels: dx and dy
flow_map_x = flow_map[:, :, 0]
flow_map_y = flow_map[:, :, 1]
# Convert each flow channel to a PIL image for resizing
flow_map_x_img = Image.fromarray(flow_map_x)
flow_map_y_img = Image.fromarray(flow_map_y)
# Resize both channels to the target size using bilinear interpolation
flow_map_x_resized = flow_map_x_img.resize(target_size, Image.BILINEAR)
flow_map_y_resized = flow_map_y_img.resize(target_size, Image.BILINEAR)
# Convert resized PIL images back to NumPy arrays
flow_map_x_resized = np.array(flow_map_x_resized)
flow_map_y_resized = np.array(flow_map_y_resized)
# Compute the scaling factor based on the size change
scale_factor = target_size[0] / original_size[0] # Scaling factor for both dx and dy
# Scale the flow vectors (dx and dy) accordingly
flow_map_x_resized *= scale_factor
flow_map_y_resized *= scale_factor
# Recombine the two channels into a resized flow map
flow_map_resized = np.stack([flow_map_x_resized, flow_map_y_resized], axis=-1)
flow_map_resized = torch.from_numpy(flow_map_resized)[None].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
return flow_map_resized
def get_vmae_optical_flow_crop_batched_smoothed(generator,
print('Deprecated. Please use scaling_fixed_get_vmae_optical_flow_crop_batched_smoothed')
return scaling_fixed_get_vmae_optical_flow_crop_batched_smoothed(generator,
def average_crops(tensor, D):
C, H, W = tensor.shape
# Create zero-filled tensors for the shifted crops
down_shifted = torch.zeros_like(tensor)
up_shifted = torch.zeros_like(tensor)
right_shifted = torch.zeros_like(tensor)
left_shifted = torch.zeros_like(tensor)
# Shift the tensor and store the results in the zero-filled tensors
down_shifted[:, :H-D, :] = tensor[:, D:, :]
up_shifted[:, D:, :] = tensor[:, :H-D, :]
right_shifted[:, :, :W-D] = tensor[:, :, D:]
left_shifted[:, :, D:] = tensor[:, :, :W-D]
# Average the tensor with its four crops
result = (tensor + down_shifted + up_shifted + right_shifted + left_shifted) / 5.0
return result
def scaling_fixed_get_vmae_optical_flow_crop_batched_smoothed(predictor,
B = img1.shape[0]
assert len(img1.shape) == 4
assert num_scales >= 1
# For scaling
h1 = img2.shape[-2]
w1 = img2.shape[-1]
alpha = (min_scale / img1.shape[-2]) ** (1 / (num_scales - 1)) if num_scales > 1 else 1
frame_size = 224 // predictor.patch_size[-1]
patch_size = predictor.patch_size[-1]
num_frames = predictor.num_frames
all_fwd_flows_e2d = []
s_hs = []
s_ws = []
for aidx in range(num_scales):
# print(aidx)
# print('aidx: ', aidx)
img1_scaled = F.interpolate(img1.clone(), [int((alpha ** aidx) * h1), int((alpha ** aidx) * w1)],
mode='bicubic', align_corners=True)
img2_scaled = F.interpolate(img2.clone(), [int((alpha ** aidx) * h1), int((alpha ** aidx) * w1)],
mode='bicubic', align_corners=True)
if conditioning_img is not None:
conditioning_img_scaled = F.interpolate(conditioning_img.clone(), [int((alpha ** aidx) * h1), int((alpha ** aidx) * w1)],
mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
# print("img1_scaled", img1_scaled.shape, alpha, min_scale, num_scales)
h2 = img2_scaled.shape[-2]
w2 = img2_scaled.shape[-1]
s_h = h1 / h2
s_w = w1 / w2
if conditioning_img is not None:
video = torch.cat([conditioning_img_scaled.unsqueeze(1), img2_scaled.unsqueeze(1), img1_scaled.unsqueeze(1)], 1)
video = torch.cat([img2_scaled.unsqueeze(1)]*(num_frames-1) + [img1_scaled.unsqueeze(1)], 1)
# Should work, even if the incoming video is already 224x224
crops1, c_pos1 = get_minimal_224_crops_new_batched(video, 1)
num_crops = len(crops1)
crop_flows_enc = []
crop_flows_enc2dec = []
N_samples = N_mask_samples
crop = torch.cat(crops1, 0).cuda()
optical_flows_enc2dec = torch.zeros(B * num_crops, 2, frame_size, frame_size).cuda()
mask_counts = torch.zeros(frame_size, frame_size).cuda()
i = 0
while i < N_samples or (mask_counts == 0).any().item():
if i % 100 == 0:
pass # print(i)
# This would be that every sample has the same mask. For now that's okay I think
mask = mask_generator().bool().cuda()
mask_2f = ~mask[0, (frame_size * frame_size)*(num_frames-1):]
mask_counts += mask_2f.reshape(frame_size, frame_size)
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=True):
processed_x = crop.transpose(1, 2)
encoder_out = predictor.encoder(processed_x.to(torch.float16), mask.repeat(B * num_crops, 1))
encoder_to_decoder = predictor.encoder_to_decoder(encoder_out)
encoder_to_decoder = encoder_to_decoder[:, (frame_size * frame_size)*(num_frames-2):, :]
flow_mask = mask[:, (frame_size * frame_size)*(num_frames-2):]
optical_flow_e2d = []
# one per batch element for now
for b in range(B * num_crops):
batch_flow = compute_optical_flow(encoder_to_decoder[b].unsqueeze(0), flow_mask, frame_size)
# optical_flow_e2d.append(batch_flow.unsqueeze(0))
optical_flow_e2d.append(average_crops(batch_flow, smoothing_factor).unsqueeze(0))
optical_flow_e2d = torch.cat(optical_flow_e2d, 0)
optical_flows_enc2dec += optical_flow_e2d
i += 1
optical_flows_enc2dec = optical_flows_enc2dec / mask_counts
#other fucntion
# scale_factor_y = video.shape[-2] / 224
# scale_factor_x = video.shape[-1] / 224
# scaled_optical_flow = torch.zeros_like(optical_flows_enc2dec)
# scaled_optical_flow[:, 0, :, :] = optical_flows_enc2dec[:, 0, :, :] * scale_factor_x * s_w
# scaled_optical_flow[:, 1, :, :] = optical_flows_enc2dec[:, 1, :, :] * scale_factor_y * s_h
# # split the crops back up
# crop_flows_enc2dec = scaled_optical_flow.split(B, 0)
#Kevin's fn
crop_flows_enc2dec = optical_flows_enc2dec.split(B, 0)
#Changed by Kevin
T1 = [F.interpolate(_, [int(224), int(224)], mode='bicubic', align_corners=True).unsqueeze(1).cpu() for _ in
optical_flows_enc2dec_joined = reconstruct_video_new_2_batched(T1, c_pos1, (
B, 1, 2, video.shape[-2], video.shape[-1])).squeeze(1)
#other function
# optical_flows_enc2dec_joined = reconstruct_video_new_2_batched(
# [_.unsqueeze(1).repeat_interleave(patch_size, -1).repeat_interleave(patch_size, -2).cpu() for _ in
# crop_flows_enc2dec], c_pos1, (B, 1, 2, video.shape[-2], video.shape[-1])).squeeze(1)
#other function
# all_fwd_flows_e2d_new = []
# for r in all_fwd_flows_e2d:
# new_r = upsample(r, all_fwd_flows_e2d[0].shape[-2], all_fwd_flows_e2d[0].shape[-1])
# all_fwd_flows_e2d_new.append(new_r.unsqueeze(-1))
# return_flow = torch.cat(all_fwd_flows_e2d_new, -1).mean(-1)
# return_flow = -return_flow
# all_fwd_flows_e2d_new = [-_ for _ in all_fwd_flows_e2d_new]
# return return_flow, all_fwd_flows_e2d_new
#Kevin's method
all_fwd_flows_e2d_new = []
for ridx, r in enumerate(all_fwd_flows_e2d):
# print('ridx', ridx)
# print('sh', s_hs[ridx])
# print('sw', s_ws[ridx])
# print('scale_fac y', scale_ys[ridx])
# print('scale_fac x', scale_xs[ridx])
_sh = s_hs[ridx]
_sw = s_ws[ridx]
_sfy = predictor.patch_size[-1]
_sfx = predictor.patch_size[-1]
# plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
# plt.subplot(1,3,1)
# plt.imshow(f2rgb(-r).cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1,2,0))
# plt.subplot(1,3,2)
new_r = F.interpolate(r, [int(all_fwd_flows_e2d[0].shape[-2]), int(all_fwd_flows_e2d[0].shape[-1])], mode='bicubic', align_corners=True)
# plt.imshow(f2rgb(-new_r).cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1,2,0))
scaled_new_r = torch.zeros_like(new_r)
scaled_new_r[:, 0, :, :] = new_r[:, 0, :, :] * _sfx * _sw
scaled_new_r[:, 1, :, :] = new_r[:, 1, :, :] * _sfy * _sh
# plt.subplot(1,3,3)
# plt.imshow(f2rgb(-scaled_new_r).cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1,2,0))
# plt.show()
return_flow = torch.cat(all_fwd_flows_e2d_new, -1).mean(-1)
return_flow = -return_flow
all_fwd_flows_e2d_new = [-_ for _ in all_fwd_flows_e2d_new]
return return_flow , all_fwd_flows_e2d_new
def extract_jacobians_and_flows(img1, img2,
IMAGE_SIZE = img1.shape[-2:]
y = torch.cat([img2.unsqueeze(1), img1.unsqueeze(1)], 1)
jacobians, flows, _ = flow_generator(y, mask, target_mask)
# swap x,y flow dims
flows = torch.cat([flows[0, 1].unsqueeze(0), flows[0, 0].unsqueeze(0)])
# upsample to 224
flows = flows.unsqueeze(0).repeat_interleave(IMAGE_SIZE[0] // flows.shape[-1], -1).repeat_interleave(
IMAGE_SIZE[0] // flows.shape[-1], -2)
return jacobians, flows
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class FlowToRgb(object):
def __init__(self, max_speed=1.0, from_image_coordinates=True, from_sampling_grid=False):
self.max_speed = max_speed
self.from_image_coordinates = from_image_coordinates
self.from_sampling_grid = from_sampling_grid
def __call__(self, flow):
assert flow.size(-3) == 2, flow.shape
if self.from_sampling_grid:
flow_x, flow_y = torch.split(flow, [1, 1], dim=-3)
flow_y = -flow_y
elif not self.from_image_coordinates:
flow_x, flow_y = torch.split(flow, [1, 1], dim=-3)
flow_h, flow_w = torch.split(flow, [1,1], dim=-3)
flow_x, flow_y = [flow_w, -flow_h]
# print("flow_x", flow_x[0, :, 0, 0], flow_y[0, :, 0, 0])
angle = torch.atan2(flow_y, flow_x) # in radians from -pi to pi
speed = torch.sqrt(flow_x**2 + flow_y**2) / self.max_speed
# print("angle", angle[0, :, 0, 0] * 180 / np.pi)
hue = torch.fmod(angle, torch.tensor(2 * np.pi))
sat = torch.ones_like(hue)
val = speed
hsv = torch.cat([hue, sat, val], -3)
rgb = kornia.color.hsv_to_rgb(hsv)
return rgb
def make_colorwheel(self):
Generates a color wheel for optical flow visualization as presented in:
Baker et al. "A Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow" (ICCV, 2007)
RY = 15
YG = 6
GC = 4
CB = 11
BM = 13
MR = 6
ncols = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR
colorwheel = np.zeros((ncols, 3))
col = 0
# RY
colorwheel[0:RY, 0] = 255
colorwheel[0:RY, 1] = np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, RY) / RY)
col += RY
# YG
colorwheel[col:col + YG, 0] = 255 - np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, YG) / YG)
colorwheel[col:col + YG, 1] = 255
col += YG
# GC
colorwheel[col:col + GC, 1] = 255
colorwheel[col:col + GC, 2] = np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, GC) / GC)
col += GC
# CB
colorwheel[col:col + CB, 1] = 255 - np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, CB) / CB)
colorwheel[col:col + CB, 2] = 255
col += CB
# BM
colorwheel[col:col + BM, 2] = 255
colorwheel[col:col + BM, 0] = np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, BM) / BM)
col += BM
# MR
colorwheel[col:col + MR, 2] = 255 - np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, MR) / MR)
colorwheel[col:col + MR, 0] = 255
return colorwheel