removing model under evaluation.

by bedio - opened

I would like to request the removal of the model "bedio/DistMerge_Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct". I mistakenly forgot to set the 'use chat template' option to 'true' during submission, while the base model was using the chat template. If using the chat template is necessary for instruct models, please proceed with the removal of this model. Thank you for your understanding.

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Hi @bedio ,

No worries, I've stopped your model evaluation, please, find the request file here โ€“ link. Please provide us with a link to the request file next time, that way we can stop the model faster or check its status.

The chat template is not necessary for instruct models, but it can have a positive impact on the evaluation of these models in general. Do you want me to set up use_chat_template: True and resubmit your model?

Thank you, I have already resubmitted it using the template option under a different name, so there's no need to resubmit this version

bedio changed discussion status to closed

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