I didn't submit 9 models in 7 days.

by ehartford - opened

Organisation or user ehartfordalready has 9 model requests submitted to the leaderboard in the last 7 days. Please wait a couple of days before resubmitting, so that everybody can enjoy using the leaderboard

I only submitted maybe 3 in the last week. Not 9.

Open LLM Leaderboard org
edited Oct 23, 2023

Hi @ehartford ,
Sadly, if other people submitted some model of yours, it counts in your rate limit. We have no better way to do this at the moment (apart from asking people to provide an auth token).
Different precisions also count as different models.

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

Can you please submit dolphin-2.1-70b?

I didn't submit any different precisions

Can you please submit dolphin-2.1-70b?

70B version? Yay, thank you!

I got it submitted successfully

@clefourrier you could make it so people can only submit their own models

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