Problem evaluating 72B, please help

by Marsouuu - opened

I tried several times to submit a merged 72B model on the leaderboard, but the evaluation doesn’t go through, even though inference works fine on the resulting model.

Sorry again for bothering you, @clefourrier . Every time we try to submit this merged model :

the leaderboard fails the evaluation. However, when we manually test the inference, it works fine without hallucinations.

Did we miss something?

Thank you very much in advance,

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi @Marsouuu ,

Thank you for providing the link to the request file!

According to the log, it was a CUDA error. I'll look at the model evaluation manually and get back to you when I get the results

Hello and thank you very much for your time, @alozowski ,

I’m looking forward to hearing back from you soon so we can fix it if the issue is on our end. 😁

Thanks again!

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