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所以你想为 Dify 做贡献 - 这太棒了,我们迫不及待地想看到你的贡献。作为一家人员和资金有限的初创公司,我们有着雄心勃勃的目标,希望设计出最直观的工作流程来构建和管理 LLM 应用程序。社区的任何帮助都是宝贵的。
这份指南,就像 Dify 本身一样,是一个不断改进的工作。如果有时它落后于实际项目,我们非常感谢你的理解,并欢迎任何反馈以供我们改进。
## 在开始之前
### 功能请求:
* 如果您要提出新的功能请求,请解释所提议的功能的目标,并尽可能提供详细的上下文。[@perzeusss](https://github.com/perzeuss)制作了一个很好的[功能请求助手](https://udify.app/chat/MK2kVSnw1gakVwMX),可以帮助您起草需求。随时尝试一下。
* 如果您想从现有问题中选择一个,请在其下方留下评论表示您的意愿。
| Member | Scope |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| [@yeuoly](https://github.com/Yeuoly) | Architecting Agents |
| [@jyong](https://github.com/JohnJyong) | RAG pipeline design |
| [@GarfieldDai](https://github.com/GarfieldDai) | Building workflow orchestrations |
| [@iamjoel](https://github.com/iamjoel) & [@zxhlyh](https://github.com/zxhlyh) | Making our frontend a breeze to use |
| [@guchenhe](https://github.com/guchenhe) & [@crazywoola](https://github.com/crazywoola) | Developer experience, points of contact for anything |
| [@takatost](https://github.com/takatost) | Overall product direction and architecture |
How we prioritize:
| Feature Type | Priority |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------- |
| High-Priority Features as being labeled by a team member | High Priority |
| Popular feature requests from our [community feedback board](https://github.com/langgenius/dify/discussions/categories/feedbacks) | Medium Priority |
| Non-core features and minor enhancements | Low Priority |
| Valuable but not immediate | Future-Feature |
### 其他任何事情(例如bug报告、性能优化、拼写错误更正):
* 立即开始编码。
How we prioritize:
| Issue Type | Priority |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------- |
| Bugs in core functions (cannot login, applications not working, security loopholes) | Critical |
| Non-critical bugs, performance boosts | Medium Priority |
| Minor fixes (typos, confusing but working UI) | Low Priority |
## 安装
### 1. Fork该仓库
### 2. 克隆仓库
git clone [email protected]:<github_username>/dify.git
### 3. 验证依赖项
Dify 依赖以下工具和库:
- [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)
- [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
- [Node.js v18.x (LTS)](http://nodejs.org)
- [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) version 8.x.x or [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/)
- [Python](https://www.python.org/) version 3.10.x
### 4. 安装
Dify由后端和前端组成。通过`cd api/`导航到后端目录,然后按照[后端README](api/README.md)进行安装。在另一个终端中,通过`cd web/`导航到前端目录,然后按照[前端README](web/README.md)进行安装。
### 5. 在浏览器中访问Dify
## 开发
### 后端
├── constants // Constant settings used throughout code base.
├── controllers // API route definitions and request handling logic.
├── core // Core application orchestration, model integrations, and tools.
├── docker // Docker & containerization related configurations.
├── events // Event handling and processing
├── extensions // Extensions with 3rd party frameworks/platforms.
├── fields // field definitions for serialization/marshalling.
├── libs // Reusable libraries and helpers.
├── migrations // Scripts for database migration.
├── models // Database models & schema definitions.
├── services // Specifies business logic.
├── storage // Private key storage.
├── tasks // Handling of async tasks and background jobs.
└── tests
### 前端
该网站使用基于Typescript的[Next.js](https://nextjs.org/)模板进行引导,并使用[Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/)进行样式设计。[React-i18next](https://react.i18next.com/)用于国际化。
├── app // layouts, pages, and components
│ ├── (commonLayout) // common layout used throughout the app
│ ├── (shareLayout) // layouts specifically shared across token-specific sessions
│ ├── activate // activate page
│ ├── components // shared by pages and layouts
│ ├── install // install page
│ ├── signin // signin page
│ └── styles // globally shared styles
├── assets // Static assets
├── bin // scripts ran at build step
├── config // adjustable settings and options
├── context // shared contexts used by different portions of the app
├── dictionaries // Language-specific translate files
├── docker // container configurations
├── hooks // Reusable hooks
├── i18n // Internationalization configuration
├── models // describes data models & shapes of API responses
├── public // meta assets like favicon
├── service // specifies shapes of API actions
├── test
├── types // descriptions of function params and return values
└── utils // Shared utility functions
## 提交你的 PR
最后,是时候向我们的仓库提交一个拉取请求(PR)了。对于重要的功能,我们首先将它们合并到 `deploy/dev` 分支进行测试,然后再合并到 `main` 分支。如果你遇到合并冲突或者不知道如何提交拉取请求的问题,请查看 [GitHub 的拉取请求教程](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests)。
就是这样!一旦你的 PR 被合并,你将成为我们 [README](https://github.com/langgenius/dify/blob/main/README.md) 中的贡献者。
## 获取帮助
如果你在贡献过程中遇到困难或者有任何问题,可以通过相关的 GitHub 问题提出你的疑问,或者加入我们的 [Discord](https://discord.gg/8Tpq4AcN9c) 进行快速交流。