Getting "ValueError: Failed to modify image" when dragging feature lines
After getting it setup locally, I ran into the following error below. This happens after I upload an image and the facelines are applied (with option to show feature lines when hovering over them). When I try to drag the curves to modify the face, this error pops up:
"ValueError: Failed to modify image: OpenCV(4.8.1) /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/imgwarp.cpp:2729: error: (-215:Assertion failed) src.cols > 0 && src.rows > 0 in function 'warpAffine'"
The image I uploaded was a .png, which I exported with alpha explicitly disabled (separately, I got an error "could not broadcast input array from shape (512,512,4) into shape (512,512,3)" when there was an alpha channel in the image).
Thanks for any help with this!
ah, I think I had this error once, it happened indeed when the image couldn't be loaded / parser / interpreted on the server side
What happens if you try with another image? Eg the same PNG but converted to WebP?
I think this is related to this:
EDIT - yes this is the same issue - and same possible resolution
I will look into it tomorrow, I'm setting myself a reminder
I think this new update should fix it:
I've deployed this fix to production
does that solve the issue when you try with your image?
I will close this issue as normally this is now now fixed, it should not come back
but do not hesitate to re-open a new one if you see any other problem