About this Space

by dylanebert HF staff - opened

This space demonstrates the real-time editing capabilities of gsplat.js, a JavaScript Gaussian Splatting library.

This is awesome!

very cool, thanks!

Hi, nice work with splat.
Is the .splat to .ply capability integrated in that tool ? I am looking for a simple way to get proper ply data order for my models created with splatfacto.
Also can we select one splat and delete it? I seem to be able only to select the complete model.

@SayaVog I have just added support for choosing the format when downloading :)

I have individually point editing planned, but it isn't supported yet

Will be cool to add gizmo for editing it or transform-controls from 3js.

Hello sir , may i ask that have gsplat.js include method to adjust the opacity of the object ? . It mean when in direct view i can adjust to see the behind object.


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