🚢 Competition Finished: Congrats Winners & Thank You All

by janbelke - opened

Hi! After 6 weeks of competing, we finally got the three winners (user name, score):

  1. lqdisme, 0.9037
  2. levilain35, 0.897
  3. eugene123tw, 0.8815

Congratulations for making it to the top spots on the leaderboard!! 🎊

👉 Btw, the winners started to post their solutions in the community. Please check them out and see how they did it!

But also congrats and a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated. Without you, it wouldn't have been possible.

We hope you enjoyed this competition and found it interesting. We're already planning the next one – stay tuned!

“Stay curious, keep learning and keep growing. And always strive to be more interested than interesting.” — Jane Fonda

Your Data-Driven Science Team️ ✌️

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