import pickle |
import pandas as pd |
import shap |
from shap.plots._force_matplotlib import draw_additive_plot |
import gradio as gr |
import numpy as np |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
theme = gr.themes.Default(primary_hue="blue").set( |
background_fill_primary="#D3D3D3", |
block_background_fill="#D3D3D3", |
) |
loaded_model = pickle.load(open("heart_xgbV2.pkl", 'rb')) |
explainer = shap.Explainer(loaded_model) |
gender_dict = {"Male":0,"Female":1} |
cp_dict = {"Typical Angina":0, "Atypical Angina":1, "Non-Anginal":2, "Asymptomatic":3} |
fbs_dict = {"Yes":1,"No":0} |
exng_dict = {"Yes":1,"No":0} |
restecg_dict = {"Normal":0, "Having ST-T abnormality":1, "Showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy by Estes' Criteria":2} |
thall_dict = {"Fixed Defect":1, "Normal Blood Flow":2, "Reversible Defect":3} |
slp_dict = {"Upsloping":1, "Flat":2, "Downsloping":3} |
def main_func(age, sex, cp, trtbps, chol, fbs, restecg,thalachh,exng,oldpeak,slp,caa,thall): |
new_row = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'age':age,'sex':gender_dict[sex], |
'cp':cp_dict[cp],'trtbps':trtbps,'chol':chol, |
'fbs':fbs_dict[fbs], 'restecg':restecg_dict[restecg], 'thalachh':thalachh, 'exng':exng_dict[exng], |
'oldpeak':oldpeak,'slp':slp_dict[slp],'caa':caa,'thall':thall_dict[thall]}, |
orient = 'index').transpose() |
prob = loaded_model.predict_proba(new_row) |
shap_values = explainer(new_row) |
plot = shap.plots.bar(shap_values[0], max_display=6, order=shap.Explanation.abs, show_data='auto', show=False) |
plt.tight_layout() |
local_plot = plt.gcf() |
plt.close() |
return {"Lower Chance of a Heart Attack": float(prob[0][0]), "Higher Chance of a Heart Attack": 1-float(prob[0][0])}, local_plot |
title = "**Heart Attack Predictor & Interpreter** πͺ" |
description1 = "This app takes info from subjects and predicts their heart attack likelihood." |
description_notmedical="**Do not use for medical diagnosis.**" |
description2 = "**Fill all the options** or no result will be generated!!!**" |
description3 = "To use the app, please fill all the options, and click on Analyze. π€" |
descriptionExamples = "If you would like to see how the model works, please scroll down and try one of the examples!" |
with gr.Blocks(title=title, theme=theme) as demo: |
gr.Markdown("<span style='color: #FF0000;font-size: 20px'> **Heart Attack Predictor & Interpreter** πͺ</span>") |
gr.Markdown("""---""") |
gr.Markdown("<span style='font-size: 20px;'> **Do not use for medical diagnosis.**") |
gr.Markdown("""---""") |
gr.Markdown("<span style='font-size: 16px;'> If you would like to see how the model works, please scroll down and try one of the examples!") |
gr.Markdown("""---""") |
gr.Markdown("<span style='font-size: 16px;'> This app takes info from subjects and predicts their heart attack likelihood.") |
gr.Markdown("""---""") |
gr.Markdown("<span style='font-size: 16px;'> To use the app, please fill in all the options, and click on Analyze. π€") |
gr.Markdown("<span style='font-size: 16px;'> **Fill all the options or no result will be generated!!!**") |
gr.Markdown("""---""") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
age = gr.Number(label="What is your age?", value=40) |
with gr.Column(): |
slp = gr.Dropdown(["Upsloping", "Flat", "Downsloping"], label="What was the slope of the peak exercise ST segment?") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
sex = gr.Radio(["Female", "Male"], label = "What is your sex?") |
cp = gr.Radio(["Typical Angina", "Atypical Angina", "Non-Anginal", "Asymptomatic"], label = "What kind of chest pain is it?") |
with gr.Column(): |
restecg = gr.Radio(["Normal", "Having ST-T abnormality", "Showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy by Estes' Criteria"], |
label = "What is your resting ECG result?") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
fbs = gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"], label = "Is your fasting Blood Sugar >120 mg/dl?") |
with gr.Column(): |
exng = gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"], label = "Do you have Exercise Induced Angina?") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
caa = gr.Radio([1, 2, 3], label="How many vessels were colored by the fluoroscopy?") |
with gr.Column(): |
thall = gr.Radio(["Fixed Defect", "Normal Blood Flow", "Reversible Defect"], label="What is your Thalassemia condition?") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
trtbps = gr.Slider(label = "What is your resting blood Pressure (in mm Hg)?", minimum = 10, maximum = 250, value = 100, step = 1) |
with gr.Column(): |
chol = gr.Slider(label = "What is your cholesterol in mg/dl (via BMI sensor)?", minimum = 30, maximum = 300, value = 180, step = 1) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
oldpeak = gr.Slider(label = "What was the ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest?", minimum = 0, maximum = 6.2, step = 0.1) |
with gr.Column(): |
thalachh = gr.Slider(label="What is your maximum heart rate?", minimum = 60, maximum = 250, value=100, step = 1) |
with gr.Row(): |
submit_btn = gr.Button("Analyze") |
with gr.Column(visible=True) as output_col: |
label = gr.Label(label = "Predicted Label") |
local_plot = gr.Plot(label = 'Shap:') |
submit_btn.click( |
main_func, |
[age, sex, cp, trtbps, chol, fbs, restecg,thalachh,exng,oldpeak,slp,caa,thall], |
[label,local_plot], api_name="Heart_Predictor" |
) |
gr.Examples([[24, "Male", "Typical Angina", 130, 150, "Yes", "Having ST-T abnormality",170, "Yes", 5.1, "Flat", 2, "Normal Blood Flow"], |
[59, "Female", "Non-Anginal", 150, 170, "No", "Showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy by Estes' Criteria",190, "No", 6, "Upsloping", 3, "Reversible Defect"]], [age, sex, cp, trtbps, chol, fbs, restecg, thalachh,exng,oldpeak,slp,caa,thall], [label,local_plot], main_func, cache_examples=True) |
demo.launch() |