Runtime error
Runtime error
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. | |
# All rights reserved. | |
# | |
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the | |
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. | |
import ast | |
from itertools import chain | |
import logging | |
import math | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import json | |
import hashlib | |
import editdistance | |
from argparse import Namespace | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
from fairseq import checkpoint_utils, options, tasks, utils, distributed_utils | |
from fairseq.dataclass.utils import convert_namespace_to_omegaconf | |
from fairseq.logging import progress_bar | |
from fairseq.logging.meters import StopwatchMeter, TimeMeter | |
from fairseq.models import FairseqLanguageModel | |
from omegaconf import DictConfig | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import hydra | |
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore | |
from fairseq.dataclass.configs import ( | |
CheckpointConfig, | |
CommonConfig, | |
CommonEvalConfig, | |
DatasetConfig, | |
DistributedTrainingConfig, | |
GenerationConfig, | |
FairseqDataclass, | |
) | |
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, is_dataclass | |
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union | |
from omegaconf import OmegaConf | |
logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO) | |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) | |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
config_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "conf" | |
class OverrideConfig(FairseqDataclass): | |
noise_wav: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={'help': 'noise wav file'}) | |
noise_prob: float = field(default=0, metadata={'help': 'noise probability'}) | |
noise_snr: float = field(default=0, metadata={'help': 'noise SNR in audio'}) | |
modalities: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [""], metadata={'help': 'which modality to use'}) | |
data: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={'help': 'path to test data directory'}) | |
label_dir: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={'help': 'path to test label directory'}) | |
class InferConfig(FairseqDataclass): | |
task: Any = None | |
generation: GenerationConfig = GenerationConfig() | |
common: CommonConfig = CommonConfig() | |
common_eval: CommonEvalConfig = CommonEvalConfig() | |
checkpoint: CheckpointConfig = CheckpointConfig() | |
distributed_training: DistributedTrainingConfig = DistributedTrainingConfig() | |
dataset: DatasetConfig = DatasetConfig() | |
override: OverrideConfig = OverrideConfig() | |
is_ax: bool = field( | |
default=False, | |
metadata={ | |
"help": "if true, assumes we are using ax for tuning and returns a tuple for ax to consume" | |
}, | |
) | |
def main(cfg: DictConfig): | |
if isinstance(cfg, Namespace): | |
cfg = convert_namespace_to_omegaconf(cfg) | |
assert cfg.common_eval.path is not None, "--path required for recognition!" | |
assert ( | |
not cfg.generation.sampling or cfg.generation.nbest == cfg.generation.beam | |
), "--sampling requires --nbest to be equal to --beam" | |
if cfg.common_eval.results_path is not None: | |
os.makedirs(cfg.common_eval.results_path, exist_ok=True) | |
output_path = os.path.join(cfg.common_eval.results_path, "decode.log") | |
with open(output_path, "w", buffering=1, encoding="utf-8") as h: | |
return _main(cfg, h) | |
return _main(cfg, sys.stdout) | |
def get_symbols_to_strip_from_output(generator): | |
if hasattr(generator, "symbols_to_strip_from_output"): | |
return generator.symbols_to_strip_from_output | |
else: | |
return {generator.eos, generator.pad} | |
def _main(cfg, output_file): | |
logging.basicConfig( | |
format="%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(name)s | %(message)s", | |
datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", | |
level=os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", "INFO").upper(), | |
stream=output_file, | |
) | |
logger = logging.getLogger("hybrid.speech_recognize") | |
if output_file is not sys.stdout: # also print to stdout | |
logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) | |
utils.import_user_module(cfg.common) | |
models, saved_cfg, task = checkpoint_utils.load_model_ensemble_and_task([cfg.common_eval.path]) | |
models = [model.eval().cuda() for model in models] #!! | |
saved_cfg.task.modalities = cfg.override.modalities | |
task = tasks.setup_task(saved_cfg.task) | |
task.build_tokenizer(saved_cfg.tokenizer) | |
task.build_bpe(saved_cfg.bpe) | | | |
# Fix seed for stochastic decoding | |
if cfg.common.seed is not None and not cfg.generation.no_seed_provided: | |
np.random.seed(cfg.common.seed) | |
utils.set_torch_seed(cfg.common.seed) | |
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() | |
# Set dictionary | |
dictionary = task.target_dictionary | |
# loading the dataset should happen after the checkpoint has been loaded so we can give it the saved task config | |
task.cfg.noise_prob = cfg.override.noise_prob | |
task.cfg.noise_snr = cfg.override.noise_snr | |
task.cfg.noise_wav = cfg.override.noise_wav | |
if is not None: | | = | |
if cfg.override.label_dir is not None: | |
task.cfg.label_dir = cfg.override.label_dir | |
task.load_dataset(cfg.dataset.gen_subset, task_cfg=saved_cfg.task) | |
lms = [None] | |
# Optimize ensemble for generation | |
for model in chain(models, lms): | |
if model is None: | |
continue | |
if cfg.common.fp16: | |
model.half() | |
if use_cuda and not cfg.distributed_training.pipeline_model_parallel: | |
model.cuda() | |
model.prepare_for_inference_(cfg) | |
# Load dataset (possibly sharded) | |
itr = task.get_batch_iterator( | |
dataset=task.dataset(cfg.dataset.gen_subset), | |
max_tokens=cfg.dataset.max_tokens, | |
max_sentences=cfg.dataset.batch_size, | |
max_positions=utils.resolve_max_positions( | |
task.max_positions(), *[m.max_positions() for m in models] | |
), | |
ignore_invalid_inputs=cfg.dataset.skip_invalid_size_inputs_valid_test, | |
required_batch_size_multiple=cfg.dataset.required_batch_size_multiple, | |
seed=cfg.common.seed, | |
num_shards=cfg.distributed_training.distributed_world_size, | |
shard_id=cfg.distributed_training.distributed_rank, | |
num_workers=cfg.dataset.num_workers, | |
data_buffer_size=cfg.dataset.data_buffer_size, | |
).next_epoch_itr(shuffle=False) | |
progress = progress_bar.progress_bar( | |
itr, | |
log_format=cfg.common.log_format, | |
log_interval=cfg.common.log_interval, | |
default_log_format=("tqdm" if not cfg.common.no_progress_bar else "simple"), | |
) | |
# Initialize generator | |
if cfg.generation.match_source_len: | |
logger.warning( | |
"The option match_source_len is not applicable to speech recognition. Ignoring it." | |
) | |
gen_timer = StopwatchMeter() | |
extra_gen_cls_kwargs = { | |
"lm_model": lms[0], | |
"lm_weight": cfg.generation.lm_weight, | |
} | |
cfg.generation.score_reference = False # | |
save_attention_plot = cfg.generation.print_alignment is not None | |
cfg.generation.print_alignment = None # | |
generator = task.build_generator( | |
models, cfg.generation, extra_gen_cls_kwargs=extra_gen_cls_kwargs | |
) | |
def decode_fn(x): | |
symbols_ignore = get_symbols_to_strip_from_output(generator) | |
symbols_ignore.add(dictionary.pad()) | |
if hasattr(task.datasets[cfg.dataset.gen_subset].label_processors[0], 'decode'): | |
return task.datasets[cfg.dataset.gen_subset].label_processors[0].decode(x, symbols_ignore) | |
chars = dictionary.string(x, extra_symbols_to_ignore=symbols_ignore) | |
words = " ".join("".join(chars.split()).replace('|', ' ').split()) | |
return words | |
num_sentences = 0 | |
has_target = True | |
wps_meter = TimeMeter() | |
result_dict = {'utt_id': [], 'ref': [], 'hypo': []} | |
for sample in progress: | |
sample = utils.move_to_cuda(sample) if use_cuda else sample | |
if "net_input" not in sample: | |
continue | |
prefix_tokens = None | |
if cfg.generation.prefix_size > 0: | |
prefix_tokens = sample["target"][:, : cfg.generation.prefix_size] | |
constraints = None | |
if "constraints" in sample: | |
constraints = sample["constraints"] | |
gen_timer.start() | |
hypos = task.inference_step( | |
generator, | |
models, | |
sample, | |
prefix_tokens=prefix_tokens, | |
constraints=constraints, | |
) | |
num_generated_tokens = sum(len(h[0]["tokens"]) for h in hypos) | |
gen_timer.stop(num_generated_tokens) | |
for i in range(len(sample["id"])): | |
result_dict['utt_id'].append(sample['utt_id'][i]) | |
ref_sent = decode_fn(sample['target'][i].int().cpu()) | |
result_dict['ref'].append(ref_sent) | |
best_hypo = hypos[i][0]['tokens'].int().cpu() | |
hypo_str = decode_fn(best_hypo) | |
result_dict['hypo'].append(hypo_str) | |"\nREF:{ref_sent}\nHYP:{hypo_str}\n") | |
wps_meter.update(num_generated_tokens) | |
progress.log({"wps": round(wps_meter.avg)}) | |
num_sentences += sample["nsentences"] if "nsentences" in sample else sample["id"].numel() | |"NOTE: hypothesis and token scores are output in base 2") | |"Recognized {:,} utterances ({} tokens) in {:.1f}s ({:.2f} sentences/s, {:.2f} tokens/s)".format( | |
num_sentences, gen_timer.n, gen_timer.sum, num_sentences / gen_timer.sum, 1. / gen_timer.avg)) | |
yaml_str = OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg.generation) | |
fid = int(hashlib.md5(yaml_str.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), 16) | |
fid = fid % 1000000 | |
result_fn = f"{cfg.common_eval.results_path}/hypo-{fid}.json" | |
json.dump(result_dict, open(result_fn, 'w'), indent=4) | |
n_err, n_total = 0, 0 | |
assert len(result_dict['hypo']) == len(result_dict['ref']) | |
for hypo, ref in zip(result_dict['hypo'], result_dict['ref']): | |
hypo, ref = hypo.strip().split(), ref.strip().split() | |
n_err += editdistance.eval(hypo, ref) | |
n_total += len(ref) | |
wer = 100 * n_err / n_total | |
wer_fn = f"{cfg.common_eval.results_path}/wer.{fid}" | |
with open(wer_fn, "w") as fo: | |
fo.write(f"WER: {wer}\n") | |
fo.write(f"err / num_ref_words = {n_err} / {n_total}\n\n") | |
fo.write(f"{yaml_str}") | |"WER: {wer}%") | |
return | |
def hydra_main(cfg: InferConfig) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Optional[float]]]: | |
container = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True, enum_to_str=True) | |
cfg = OmegaConf.create(container) | |
OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, True) | |
if cfg.common.reset_logging: | |
reset_logging() | |
wer = float("inf") | |
try: | |
if cfg.common.profile: | |
with torch.cuda.profiler.profile(): | |
with torch.autograd.profiler.emit_nvtx(): | |
distributed_utils.call_main(cfg, main) | |
else: | |
distributed_utils.call_main(cfg, main) | |
except BaseException as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except | |
if not cfg.common.suppress_crashes: | |
raise | |
else: | |
logger.error("Crashed! %s", str(e)) | |
return | |
def cli_main() -> None: | |
try: | |
from hydra._internal.utils import ( | |
get_args, | |
) # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel | |
cfg_name = get_args().config_name or "infer" | |
except ImportError: | |
logger.warning("Failed to get config name from hydra args") | |
cfg_name = "infer" | |
cs = ConfigStore.instance() | |, node=InferConfig) | |
for k in InferConfig.__dataclass_fields__: | |
if is_dataclass(InferConfig.__dataclass_fields__[k].type): | |
v = InferConfig.__dataclass_fields__[k].default | |, node=v) | |
hydra_main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
cli_main() | |