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Write Models

If you are trying to do something completely new, you may wish to implement a model entirely from scratch. However, in many situations you may be interested in modifying or extending some components of an existing model. Therefore, we also provide mechanisms that let users override the behavior of certain internal components of standard models.

Register New Components

For common concepts that users often want to customize, such as "backbone feature extractor", "box head", we provide a registration mechanism for users to inject custom implementation that will be immediately available to use in config files.

For example, to add a new backbone, import this code in your code:

from detectron2.modeling import BACKBONE_REGISTRY, Backbone, ShapeSpec

class ToyBackbone(Backbone):
  def __init__(self, cfg, input_shape):
    # create your own backbone
    self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=16, padding=3)

  def forward(self, image):
    return {"conv1": self.conv1(image)}

  def output_shape(self):
    return {"conv1": ShapeSpec(channels=64, stride=16)}

In this code, we implement a new backbone following the interface of the Backbone class, and register it into the BACKBONE_REGISTRY which requires subclasses of Backbone. After importing this code, detectron2 can link the name of the class to its implementation. Therefore you can write the following code:

cfg = ...   # read a config
cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.NAME = 'ToyBackbone'   # or set it in the config file
model = build_model(cfg)  # it will find `ToyBackbone` defined above

As another example, to add new abilities to the ROI heads in the Generalized R-CNN meta-architecture, you can implement a new ROIHeads subclass and put it in the ROI_HEADS_REGISTRY. DensePose and MeshRCNN are two examples that implement new ROIHeads to perform new tasks. And projects/ contains more examples that implement different architectures.

A complete list of registries can be found in API documentation. You can register components in these registries to customize different parts of a model, or the entire model.

Construct Models with Explicit Arguments

Registry is a bridge to connect names in config files to the actual code. They are meant to cover a few main components that users frequently need to replace. However, the capability of a text-based config file is sometimes limited and some deeper customization may be available only through writing code.

Most model components in detectron2 have a clear __init__ interface that documents what input arguments it needs. Calling them with custom arguments will give you a custom variant of the model.

As an example, to use custom loss function in the box head of a Faster R-CNN, we can do the following:

  1. Losses are currently computed in FastRCNNOutputLayers. We need to implement a variant or a subclass of it, with custom loss functions, named MyRCNNOutput.

  2. Call StandardROIHeads with box_predictor=MyRCNNOutput() argument instead of the builtin FastRCNNOutputLayers. If all other arguments should stay unchanged, this can be easily achieved by using the configurable __init__ mechanism:

    roi_heads = StandardROIHeads(
      cfg, backbone.output_shape(),
  3. (optional) If we want to enable this new model from a config file, registration is needed:

    class MyStandardROIHeads(StandardROIHeads):
      def __init__(self, cfg, input_shape):
        super().__init__(cfg, input_shape,