Build error
title: vendiscore
- null
- evaluate
- metric
description: >-
The Vendi Score is a metric for evaluating diversity in machine learning. See
the project's README at for more
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.0.2
pinned: false
Metric Card for VendiScore
The Vendi Score (VS) is a metric for evaluating diversity in machine learning. The input to metric is a collection of samples and a pairwise similarity function, and the output is a number, which can be interpreted as the effective number of unique elements in the sample. See the project's README at for more information.
Metric Description
The Vendi Score (VS) is a metric for evaluating diversity in machine learning.
The input to metric is a collection of samples and a pairwise similarity function, and the output is a number, which can be interpreted as the effective number of unique elements in the sample.
Specifically, given an n x n
positive semi-definite matrix K
of similarity scores, the score is defined as:
VS(K) = exp(tr(K/n @ log(K/n))) = exp(-sum_i lambda_i log lambda_i),
where lambda_i
are the eigenvalues of K/n
and 0 log 0 = 0
That is, the Vendi Score is equal to the exponential of the von Neumann entropy of K/n
, or the Shannon entropy of the eigenvalues, which is also known as the effective rank.
How to Use
The Vendi Score is available as a Python package or in HuggingFace evaluate
To use the Python package, see the instructions at
To use the evaluate
module, pass a list of samples and a similarity function or a string identifying a predefined class of similarity functions (see below).
>>> vendiscore = evaluate.load("danf0/vendiscore")
>>> samples = ["Look, Jane.",
"See Spot.",
"See Spot run.",
"Run, Spot, run.",
"Jane sees Spot run."]
>>> results = vendiscore.compute(samples, k="ngram_overlap", ns=[1, 2])
>>> print(results)
{'VS': 3.90657...}
- samples: an iterable containing n samples to score; an n x n similarity matrix K, or an n x d feature matrix X.
- k: a pairwise similarity function, or a string identifying a predefined similarity function. If k is a pairwise similarity function, it should be symmetric and k(x, x) = 1. Options: ngram_overlap, text_embeddings, pixels, image_embeddings.
- score_K: if true, samples is an n x n similarity matrix K.
- score_X: if true, samples is an n x d feature matrix X.
- score_dual: if true, samples is an n x d feature matrix X and we will compute the diversity score using the covariance matrix X @ X.T.
- normalize: if true, normalize the similarity scores.
- model (optional): if k is "text_embeddings", a model mapping sentences to
embeddings (output should be an object with an attribute called
). If k is "image_embeddings", a model mapping images to embeddings. - tokenizer (optional): if k is "text_embeddings" or "ngram_overlap", a tokenizer mapping strings to lists.
- transform (optional): if k is "image_embeddings", a torchvision transform to apply to the samples.
- model_path (optional): if k is "text_embeddings", the name of a model on the HuggingFace hub.
- ns (optional): if k is "ngram_overlap", the values of n to calculate.
- batch_size (optional): batch size to use if k is "text_embedding" or "image_embedding".
- device (optional): a string (e.g. "cuda", "cpu") or torch.device identifying the device to use if k is "text_embedding" or "image_embedding".
Output Values
The output is a dictionary with one key, "VS". Given n samples, the value of the Vendi Score ranges between 1 and n, with higher numbers indicating that the sample is more diverse.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> vendiscore = evaluate.load("danf0/vendiscore")
>>> samples = [0, 0, 10, 10, 20, 20]
>>> k = lambda a, b: np.exp(-np.abs(a - b))
>>> vendiscore.compute(samples, k)
If you already have precomputed a similarity matrix:
>>> K = np.array([[1.0, 0.9, 0.0],
[0.9, 1.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
>>> vendiscore.compute(K, score_K=True)
If your similarity function is a dot product between n
-dimensional embeddings X
, and d
< n
, it is faster
to compute the Vendi Score using the covariance matrix, X @ X.T
(If the rows of X
are not normalized, set normalize = True
>>> X = np.array([[100, 0], [99, 1], [1, 99], [0, 100])
>>> vendiscore.compute(X, score_dual=True, normalize=True)
Image similarity can be calculated using inner products between pixel vectors or between embeddings from a neural network.
The default embeddings are from the pool-2048 layer of the torchvision version of the Inception v3 model; other embedding functions can be passed to the model
>>> from torchvision import datasets
>>> mnist = datasets.MNIST("data/mnist", train=False, download=True)
>>> digits = [[x for x, y in mnist if y == c] for c in range(10)]
>>> pixel_vs = [vendiscore.compute(imgs, k="pixels") for imgs in digits]
>>> inception_vs = [vendiscore.compute(imgs, k="image_embeddings", batch_size=64, device="cuda") for imgs in digits]
>>> for y, (pvs, ivs) in enumerate(zip(pixel_vs, inception_vs)): print(f"{y}\t{pvs:.02f}\t{ivs:02f}")
0 7.68 3.45
1 5.31 3.50
2 12.18 3.62
3 9.97 2.97
4 11.10 3.75
5 13.51 3.16
6 9.06 3.63
7 9.58 4.07
8 9.69 3.74
9 8.56 3.43
Text similarity can be calculated using n-gram overlap or using inner products between embeddings from a neural network.
>>> sents = ["Look, Jane.",
"See Spot.",
"See Spot run.",
"Run, Spot, run.",
"Jane sees Spot run."]
>>> ngram_vs = vendiscore.compute(sents, k="ngram_overlap", ns=[1, 2])
>>> bert_vs = vendiscore.compute(sents, k="text_embeddings", model_path="bert-base-uncased")
>>> simcse_vs = vendiscore.compute(sents, k="text_embeddings", model_path="princeton-nlp/unsup-simcse-bert-base-uncased")
>>> print(f"N-grams: {ngram_vs:.02f}, BERT: {bert_vs:.02f}, SimCSE: {simcse_vs:.02f})
N-grams: 3.91, BERT: 1.21, SimCSE: 2.81
Limitations and Bias
The Vendi Score depends on the choice of similarity function. Care should be taken to select a similarity function that reflects the features that are relevant for defining diversity in a given application.