Error when attempting to transcribe

by blorincz - opened

Hi there, awesome little tool. I tried transcribing this video ( but got sn error. I tried a few other URLs as well, but no luck.

Something broke - the videos don't return a length in seconds anymore - I will look into it later today.

It seems many spaces are having issues with the pytube library. I might have to just wait for the issue to be resolved by others. If I have any other ideas I will try them, but for now it remains broken.

I looked into it more and the pytube library itself has a new bug - - we will simply have to wait until the bug in the library is fixed - I will keep checking the status and rebuild the space as soon as it is fixed. Nothing I can do for now, sorry.

SteveDigital pinned discussion

Looks like a great tool! Unfortunately, just returns an error with no further explanation. I'm hoping to give a try when a fix come out in pytube. Thank you.

I looked into it more and the pytube library itself has a new bug - - we will simply have to wait until the bug in the library is fixed - I will keep checking the status and rebuild the space as soon as it is fixed. Nothing I can do for now, sorry.

Thanks Steve! Will give things a try once the bug is fixed.

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