Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by SkalskiP - opened

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Would there be a chance for me to get a GPU grant for this Space? I think it has a chance to become really interesting, enabling different masking strategies using SAM + MetaCLIP, GroundingDINO (arriving soon to Transformers) + SAM, and a fast version with FastSAM + MetaCLIP.

Hi @SkalskiP , we've assigned a gpu to this space.

BTW, I'm seeing CUDA OOM errors in the log of this Space. Not sure but maybe you need to set a limit on image size.

Hi @hysts ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Thank you! Absolutely! One of the optimizations I need to do is change the input video resolution. I plan to add a lot of improvements before I'll dive into FastSAM rapid masking.

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