Add Python interpreter

by ethanc8 - opened

Do you think you can add the Python interpreter to this demo? There are browser-side Python interpreters you could probably use.

Qwen org

you can make your own agent powerred by qwen and a code execution environment , using the api

so you make your own agent logic and use the api as a tool or a step ;-) qwen actually has an agent framework you can use , or use any other ;-)

if you make that , it's your demo ;-)

Is it possible to get a Qwen API key from the United States, without a mainland China phone number? Aliyun Bailian has a Qwen 2.5 Math API, but Bailian doesn't have such an API.

Qwen org

@ethanc8 Hi, after checking with our colleague, it is not currently available via AlibabaCloud ModelStudio. No expected date but should be soon.

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