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Runtime error
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Optional
import torch
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
from mmdet.registry import TASK_UTILS
from mmdet.utils import ConfigType
from .assign_result import AssignResult
from .base_assigner import BaseAssigner
INF = 100000000
class TaskAlignedAssigner(BaseAssigner):
"""Task aligned assigner used in the paper:
`TOOD: Task-aligned One-stage Object Detection.
Assign a corresponding gt bbox or background to each predicted bbox.
Each bbox will be assigned with `0` or a positive integer
indicating the ground truth index.
- 0: negative sample, no assigned gt
- positive integer: positive sample, index (1-based) of assigned gt
topk (int): number of bbox selected in each level
iou_calculator (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict): Config dict for iou
calculator. Defaults to ``dict(type='BboxOverlaps2D')``
def __init__(self,
topk: int,
iou_calculator: ConfigType = dict(type='BboxOverlaps2D')):
assert topk >= 1
self.topk = topk
self.iou_calculator =
def assign(self,
pred_instances: InstanceData,
gt_instances: InstanceData,
gt_instances_ignore: Optional[InstanceData] = None,
alpha: int = 1,
beta: int = 6) -> AssignResult:
"""Assign gt to bboxes.
The assignment is done in following steps
1. compute alignment metric between all bbox (bbox of all pyramid
levels) and gt
2. select top-k bbox as candidates for each gt
3. limit the positive sample's center in gt (because the anchor-free
detector only can predict positive distance)
pred_instances (:obj:`InstaceData`): Instances of model
predictions. It includes ``priors``, and the priors can
be anchors, points, or bboxes predicted by the model,
shape(n, 4).
gt_instances (:obj:`InstaceData`): Ground truth of instance
annotations. It usually includes ``bboxes`` and ``labels``
gt_instances_ignore (:obj:`InstaceData`, optional): Instances
to be ignored during training. It includes ``bboxes``
attribute data that is ignored during training and testing.
Defaults to None.
alpha (int): Hyper-parameters related to alignment_metrics.
Defaults to 1.
beta (int): Hyper-parameters related to alignment_metrics.
Defaults to 6.
:obj:`TaskAlignedAssignResult`: The assign result.
priors = pred_instances.priors
decode_bboxes = pred_instances.bboxes
pred_scores = pred_instances.scores
gt_bboxes = gt_instances.bboxes
gt_labels = gt_instances.labels
priors = priors[:, :4]
num_gt, num_bboxes = gt_bboxes.size(0), priors.size(0)
# compute alignment metric between all bbox and gt
overlaps = self.iou_calculator(decode_bboxes, gt_bboxes).detach()
bbox_scores = pred_scores[:, gt_labels].detach()
# assign 0 by default
assigned_gt_inds = priors.new_full((num_bboxes, ), 0, dtype=torch.long)
assign_metrics = priors.new_zeros((num_bboxes, ))
if num_gt == 0 or num_bboxes == 0:
# No ground truth or boxes, return empty assignment
max_overlaps = priors.new_zeros((num_bboxes, ))
if num_gt == 0:
# No gt boxes, assign everything to background
assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0
assigned_labels = priors.new_full((num_bboxes, ),
assign_result = AssignResult(
num_gt, assigned_gt_inds, max_overlaps, labels=assigned_labels)
assign_result.assign_metrics = assign_metrics
return assign_result
# select top-k bboxes as candidates for each gt
alignment_metrics = bbox_scores**alpha * overlaps**beta
topk = min(self.topk, alignment_metrics.size(0))
_, candidate_idxs = alignment_metrics.topk(topk, dim=0, largest=True)
candidate_metrics = alignment_metrics[candidate_idxs,
is_pos = candidate_metrics > 0
# limit the positive sample's center in gt
priors_cx = (priors[:, 0] + priors[:, 2]) / 2.0
priors_cy = (priors[:, 1] + priors[:, 3]) / 2.0
for gt_idx in range(num_gt):
candidate_idxs[:, gt_idx] += gt_idx * num_bboxes
ep_priors_cx = priors_cx.view(1, -1).expand(
num_gt, num_bboxes).contiguous().view(-1)
ep_priors_cy = priors_cy.view(1, -1).expand(
num_gt, num_bboxes).contiguous().view(-1)
candidate_idxs = candidate_idxs.view(-1)
# calculate the left, top, right, bottom distance between positive
# bbox center and gt side
l_ = ep_priors_cx[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt) - gt_bboxes[:, 0]
t_ = ep_priors_cy[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt) - gt_bboxes[:, 1]
r_ = gt_bboxes[:, 2] - ep_priors_cx[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt)
b_ = gt_bboxes[:, 3] - ep_priors_cy[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt)
is_in_gts = torch.stack([l_, t_, r_, b_], dim=1).min(dim=1)[0] > 0.01
is_pos = is_pos & is_in_gts
# if an anchor box is assigned to multiple gts,
# the one with the highest iou will be selected.
overlaps_inf = torch.full_like(overlaps,
index = candidate_idxs.view(-1)[is_pos.view(-1)]
overlaps_inf[index] = overlaps.t().contiguous().view(-1)[index]
overlaps_inf = overlaps_inf.view(num_gt, -1).t()
max_overlaps, argmax_overlaps = overlaps_inf.max(dim=1)
max_overlaps != -INF] = argmax_overlaps[max_overlaps != -INF] + 1
assign_metrics[max_overlaps != -INF] = alignment_metrics[
max_overlaps != -INF, argmax_overlaps[max_overlaps != -INF]]
assigned_labels = assigned_gt_inds.new_full((num_bboxes, ), -1)
pos_inds = torch.nonzero(
assigned_gt_inds > 0, as_tuple=False).squeeze()
if pos_inds.numel() > 0:
assigned_labels[pos_inds] = gt_labels[assigned_gt_inds[pos_inds] -
assign_result = AssignResult(
num_gt, assigned_gt_inds, max_overlaps, labels=assigned_labels)
assign_result.assign_metrics = assign_metrics
return assign_result