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Problem statement
The objective of this task is to classify different landcover types in a satellite image. This problem is approached as a machine learning task known as semantic segmentation, where the goal is to predict the class label for each individual pixel in the image.
The dataset used for this project is from the 2018 DeepGlobe Landcover Classification Challenge. It consists of a total of 803 satellite images, each with dimensions of 2448x2448 pixels. Each image in the dataset is accompanied by a segmentation mask that assigns class labels to the pixels.
Landcover Name | Color | Explanation / Function |
Urban land | Cyan | Man-made, built-up areas with human artifacts |
Agriculture land | Yellow | Farms, planned plantations, cropland, orchards |
Rangeland | Magenta | Non-forest, non-farm, green land, grass |
Forest land | Green | Land with at least 20% tree crown density and clear cuts |
Water | Blue | Rivers, oceans, lakes, wetlands, ponds |
Barren land | White | Mountains, rocks, deserts, beaches, vegetation-free land |
Unknown | Black | Clouds and others |
For this task, we utilized a pre-trained UNet model with weights pretrained on the ImageNet dataset. We then fine-tuned the UNet using the DeepGlobe Landcover Classification dataset. The training process took approximately 2 hours using a single NVIDIA T4 GPU.
Team members
David Mora
Eduard's Mendez
Santiago Ahumada
Aditional information
If you are interested in contributing to the project or just getting more information about the details you can head over to our GitHub repository.