

AI & ML interests

language model


ryota39's activity

New activity in allenai/openbookqa about 1 month ago

License for Data

#7 opened about 1 month ago by ryota39
New activity in ryota39/ichikara_preferance_scored about 2 months ago
New activity in jondurbin/truthy-dpo-v0.1 3 months ago
New activity in m-a-p/neo_7b 4 months ago


#2 opened 4 months ago by ryota39
New activity in ryota39/llm-jp-1b-sft-100k-LoRA-dpo-12k 4 months ago

How to finetune the model?

#1 opened 5 months ago by Labmem009
New activity in RWKV/rwkv-6-world-1b6 5 months ago

Is this repository RWKV-v6?

#2 opened 5 months ago by ryota39
New activity in hpprc/en-ja-align 6 months ago
New activity in karakuri-ai/karakuri-lm-70b-v0.1 8 months ago