Model "leaks" parts of training data

by ralphsch - opened

Thanks for this work, I am currently trying it out in combination with the llama-index (gpt-index) project to generate responses based on company data.
I am aware that this is a first "alpha" version and honestly, it generates impressive and correct responses about half the time.

However, sometimes the model will return the correct response, but then instead of stopping, it continues and "leaks" an instruction-answer pair from (I guess) the training data such as below:

<correct answer here>   <|endoftext|>### Anweisung:
What is the difference between a cat and a dog?

### Antwort:
The difference between a cat and a dog is that cats are independent, independent, and independent, 
while dogs are more companion-like, more companion-like, and more companion-like.
Cats are more independent, while dogs are more companion-    like. Cats are more independent, while dogs are more com

It seems as if this happens especially if the correct answer was rather short.
I configured it to generate a maximum of 256 new tokens.

Do you have any pointers whether I am doing something wrong or whether it is just a current limitation of the model?

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work :)

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