Why that number? Please clarify, thanks!
"The number 1776 is most notably recognized as the year when the United States declared its independence from Great Britain, marked by the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Additionally, 1776 is the title of a well-known musical drama that depicts the events leading up to this historic declaration. Beyond these contexts, 1776 is not widely significant in other fields or regions. Symbolically, it often represents the fight for liberty and self-governance." from https://www.perplexity.ai/search/what-is-the-number-1776-mxgpLZ5IR2OY65vjx7DBDw
In appending 1776 to R1, I think the intent is to highlight freedom of speech that was denied to the American colonies by Britain. The elements tied to free speech in the Declaration of Independence (04 July 1776) are:
- The unalienable right to liberty (implying freedom of thought and expression).
- The need for government to reflect the people’s voice (requiring open discourse).
- The right to resist oppression (enabled by speaking out).
- Grievances showing how Britain silenced colonial voices (e.g., dissolving assemblies).
@inflatebot Why'd you hide your comment?
I put it in Fizz's thread. Didn't mean to put it here
"The number 1776 is most notably recognized as the year when the United States declared its independence from Great Britain, marked by the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Additionally, 1776 is the title of a well-known musical drama that depicts the events leading up to this historic declaration. Beyond these contexts, 1776 is not widely significant in other fields or regions. Symbolically, it often represents the fight for liberty and self-governance." from https://www.perplexity.ai/search/what-is-the-number-1776-mxgpLZ5IR2OY65vjx7DBDw
Based! 🇺🇸
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Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information.
Should've named it r1-19890604 so no CCP bots dare come harassing.
Should've named it r1-19890604 so no CCP bots dare come harassing.
Everybody I Disagree With Is A CCP Bot: A Child's Guide to Political Discussion
Everybody I Disagree With Is A CCP Bot: A Child's Guide to Political Discussion
Not everybody, just the obvious ones.
I can play this game too! Every fact CCP’s censorship and made-up history disagrees with is a Western bias. How’s that sound?
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Account has been suspendedCensorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information.
@wzxu We used to have this same sort of thing for decades, its called social media brigading. I'd suspect that some eceleb decided to create some news drama and stir up nationalist sentiment.
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