Just getting noise

by Mousewrites - opened

I'm just getting noise currently, but I only got a 2.0 fork working today, so I'm not ruling out User Error here.
Neat model, looks great in the previews.


I recall nitro stating the need to update the diffusers and some dependencies but I have no idea what are those. Perhaps here under Requirements: https://github.com/Stability-AI/stablediffusion

@Lindsey You get that brown noise when you loaded the V-Model configuration files. The 512 Base model (which Future Diffusion is trained on) needs the non v model config.
I haven't used the Ui yet so I can't say how you would change it inside of there.

What do you mean with the non v model and v model? What does it refer too? I get brown noise too, what do I need to change to fix it?

@Koningsbruggen you can use the yaml file I provided in the repository. Place it in the same folder as the model ckpt file and it should work as intended.

nitrosocke changed discussion status to closed

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