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update model card
license: apache-2.0
- generated_from_trainer
- multi_news
- rouge
- name: t5-small-finetuned-multi-news
- task:
name: Sequence-to-sequence Language Modeling
type: text2text-generation
name: multi_news
type: multi_news
args: default
- name: Rouge1
type: rouge
value: 14.5549
<!-- This model card has been generated automatically according to the information the Trainer had access to. You
should probably proofread and complete it, then remove this comment. -->
# t5-small-finetuned-multi-news
This model is a fine-tuned version of [t5-small]( on the multi_news dataset.
It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:
- Loss: 2.7775
- Rouge1: 14.5549
- Rouge2: 4.5934
- Rougel: 11.1178
- Rougelsum: 12.8964
- Gen Len: 19.0
## Model description
More information needed
## Intended uses & limitations
More information needed
## Training and evaluation data
More information needed
## Training procedure
### Training hyperparameters
The following hyperparameters were used during training:
- learning_rate: 2e-05
- train_batch_size: 8
- eval_batch_size: 8
- seed: 42
- gradient_accumulation_steps: 4
- total_train_batch_size: 32
- optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08
- lr_scheduler_type: linear
- num_epochs: 1
### Training results
| Training Loss | Epoch | Step | Validation Loss | Rouge1 | Rouge2 | Rougel | Rougelsum | Gen Len |
| 3.0211 | 1.0 | 1405 | 2.7775 | 14.5549 | 4.5934 | 11.1178 | 12.8964 | 19.0 |
### Framework versions
- Transformers 4.17.0
- Pytorch 1.10.0+cu111
- Datasets 2.0.0
- Tokenizers 0.11.6