# Model Overview |
A pre-trained model for volumetric (3D) segmentation of brain tumor subregions from multimodal MRIs based on BraTS 2018 data. The whole pipeline is modified from [clara_pt_brain_mri_segmentation](https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/orgs/nvidia/teams/med/models/clara_pt_brain_mri_segmentation). |
## Workflow |
The model is trained to segment 3 nested subregions of primary brain tumors (gliomas): the "enhancing tumor" (ET), the "tumor core" (TC), the "whole tumor" (WT) based on 4 aligned input MRI scans (T1c, T1, T2, FLAIR). |
- The ET is described by areas that show hyper intensity in T1c when compared to T1, but also when compared to "healthy" white matter in T1c. |
- The TC describes the bulk of the tumor, which is what is typically resected. The TC entails the ET, as well as the necrotic (fluid-filled) and the non-enhancing (solid) parts of the tumor. |
- The WT describes the complete extent of the disease, as it entails the TC and the peritumoral edema (ED), which is typically depicted by hyper-intense signal in FLAIR. |
## Data |
The training data is from the [Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge (BraTS) 2018](https://www.med.upenn.edu/sbia/brats2018/data.html). |
- Target: 3 tumor subregions |
- Task: Segmentation |
- Modality: MRI |
- Size: 285 3D volumes (4 channels each) |
The provided labelled data was partitioned, based on our own split, into training (200 studies), validation (42 studies) and testing (43 studies) datasets. |
Please run `scripts/prepare_datalist.py` to produce the data list. The command is like: |
``` |
python scripts/prepare_datalist.py --path your-brats18-dataset-path |
``` |
## Training configuration |
This model utilized a similar approach described in 3D MRI brain tumor segmentation |
using autoencoder regularization, which was a winning method in BraTS2018 [1]. The training was performed with the following: |
- GPU: At least 16GB of GPU memory. |
- Actual Model Input: 224 x 224 x 144 |
- AMP: True |
- Optimizer: Adam |
- Learning Rate: 1e-4 |
- Loss: DiceLoss |
## Input |
Input: 4 channel MRI (4 aligned MRIs T1c, T1, T2, FLAIR at 1x1x1 mm) |
1. Normalizing to unit std with zero mean |
2. Randomly cropping to (224, 224, 144) |
3. Randomly spatial flipping |
4. Randomly scaling and shifting intensity of the volume |
## Output |
Output: 3 channels |
- Label 0: TC tumor subregion |
- Label 1: WT tumor subregion |
- Label 2: ET tumor subregion |
## Model Performance |
The achieved Dice scores on the validation data are: |
- Tumor core (TC): 0.8559 |
- Whole tumor (WT): 0.9026 |
- Enhancing tumor (ET): 0.7905 |
- Average: 0.8518 |
## commands example |
Execute training: |
``` |
python -m monai.bundle run training --meta_file configs/metadata.json --config_file configs/train.json --logging_file configs/logging.conf |
``` |
Override the `train` config to execute multi-GPU training: |
``` |
torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 -m monai.bundle run training --meta_file configs/metadata.json --config_file "['configs/train.json','configs/multi_gpu_train.json']" --logging_file configs/logging.conf |
``` |
Override the `train` config to execute evaluation with the trained model: |
``` |
python -m monai.bundle run evaluating --meta_file configs/metadata.json --config_file "['configs/train.json','configs/evaluate.json']" --logging_file configs/logging.conf |
``` |
Execute inference: |
``` |
python -m monai.bundle run evaluating --meta_file configs/metadata.json --config_file configs/inference.json --logging_file configs/logging.conf |
``` |
# Disclaimer |
This is an example, not to be used for diagnostic purposes. |
# References |
[1] Myronenko, Andriy. "3D MRI brain tumor segmentation using autoencoder regularization." International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop. Springer, Cham, 2018. https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.11654. |