Tokenizer.pad_token_id is NoneType, which requires float

by tian9 - opened

Hello, I want to change the LLaVA base model from llama2 to llama3, but I encountered error during executing these lines:

input_ids = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(

the llama3 tokenizer's pad_token_id is None, which can not be a valid input in this method. How can I resolve this problem?
The model and tokenizer is correctly loaded.

The usual trick, which also applies here, is to use the EOS token, e.g. you can apply:

tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.pad_token or tokenizer.eos_token

Then tokenizer.pad_token_id will be set as eos_token_id automatically.

thanks a lot! your ans is very helpful

The usual trick, which also applies here, is to use the EOS token, e.g. you can apply:

tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.pad_token or tokenizer.eos_token

Then tokenizer.pad_token_id will be set as eos_token_id automatically.

tian9 changed discussion status to closed

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