Deep RL Course documentation

What are the policy-based methods?

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What are the policy-based methods?

The main goal of Reinforcement learning is to find the optimal policyπ\pi^{*} that will maximize the expected cumulative reward. Because Reinforcement Learning is based on the reward hypothesis: all goals can be described as the maximization of the expected cumulative reward.

For instance, in a soccer game (where you’re going to train the agents in two units), the goal is to win the game. We can describe this goal in reinforcement learning as maximizing the number of goals scored (when the ball crosses the goal line) into your opponent’s soccer goals. And minimizing the number of goals in your soccer goals.


Value-based, Policy-based, and Actor-critic methods

In the first unit, we saw two methods to find (or, most of the time, approximate) this optimal policyπ\pi^{*}.

  • In value-based methods, we learn a value function.

    • The idea is that an optimal value function leads to an optimal policyπ\pi^{*}.
    • Our objective is to minimize the loss between the predicted and target value to approximate the true action-value function.
    • We have a policy, but it’s implicit since it is generated directly from the value function. For instance, in Q-Learning, we used an (epsilon-)greedy policy.
  • On the other hand, in policy-based methods, we directly learn to approximateπ\pi^{*} without having to learn a value function.

    • The idea is to parameterize the policy. For instance, using a neural networkπθ\pi_\theta, this policy will output a probability distribution over actions (stochastic policy).
    • stochastic policy
    • Our objective then is to maximize the performance of the parameterized policy using gradient ascent.
    • To do that, we control the parameterθ\theta that will affect the distribution of actions over a state.
Policy based
  • Next time, we’ll study the actor-critic method, which is a combination of value-based and policy-based methods.

Consequently, thanks to policy-based methods, we can directly optimize our policyπθ\pi_\theta to output a probability distribution over actionsπθ(as)\pi_\theta(a|s) that leads to the best cumulative return. To do that, we define an objective functionJ(θ)J(\theta), that is, the expected cumulative reward, and we want to find the valueθ\theta that maximizes this objective function.

The difference between policy-based and policy-gradient methods

Policy-gradient methods, what we’re going to study in this unit, is a subclass of policy-based methods. In policy-based methods, the optimization is most of the time on-policy since for each update, we only use data (trajectories) collected by our most recent version ofπθ\pi_\theta.

The difference between these two methods lies on how we optimize the parameterθ\theta:

  • In policy-based methods, we search directly for the optimal policy. We can optimize the parameterθ\theta indirectly by maximizing the local approximation of the objective function with techniques like hill climbing, simulated annealing, or evolution strategies.
  • In policy-gradient methods, because it is a subclass of the policy-based methods, we search directly for the optimal policy. But we optimize the parameterθ\theta directly by performing the gradient ascent on the performance of the objective functionJ(θ)J(\theta).

Before diving more into how policy-gradient methods work (the objective function, policy gradient theorem, gradient ascent, etc.), let’s study the advantages and disadvantages of policy-based methods.

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