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add new cms model version, additionally trained on vbf and multi-particle gun
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Model Card for mlpf-cms-2024_05_16_attn_model21M

This model reconstructs particles in a detector, based on the tracks and calorimeter clusters recorded by the detector.

Model Details

Model Description

  • Developed by: Joosep Pata, Eric Wulff, Farouk Mokhtar, Mengke Zhang, David Southwick, Maria Girone, David Southwick, Javier Duarte
  • Model type: transformer with 2x6 layers, 32 heads, head dim 16
  • License: Apache License

Model Sources


Direct Use

This model may be used to study the physics and computational performance on ML-based reconstruction in simulation in the CMS collaboration.

Out-of-Scope Use

This model is not intended for physics measurements on real data our use outside the CMS collaboration.

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

The model has only been trained on simulation data and has not been validated against real data. It's only meant for internal CMS use.

Training Details

Approximately 2 weeks on 1x A100 80GB. 

Training Data

CMS ttbar, QCD, Ztautau with pileup, v1.7.1, 400k events each.

134G	/eos/user/j/jpata/mlpf/tensorflow_datasets/cms/cms_pf_qcd/1.7.1
135G	/eos/user/j/jpata/mlpf/tensorflow_datasets/cms/cms_pf_ttbar/1.7.1
130G	/eos/user/j/jpata/mlpf/tensorflow_datasets/cms/cms_pf_ztt/1.7.1

Training Procedure

#SBATCH --partition gpu
#SBATCH --gres gpu:a100:1
#SBATCH --mem-per-gpu 80G

cd ~/particleflow
git checkout 8bd199fb064bb40558466d906d46498218848e5c

singularity exec --nv \
    --env PYTHONPATH=hep_tfds \
    --env KERAS_BACKEND=torch \
    $IMG python3.10 mlpf/ --dataset cms --gpus 1 \
    --data-dir /path/to/tensorflow_datasets --config parameters/pytorch/pyg-cms.yaml \
    --train --conv-type attention --num-epochs 100 --gpu-batch-multiplier 40 --num-workers 4 --prefetch-factor 50 --checkpoint-freq 1 --comet


singularity exec -B /scratch/persistent --nv \
     --env PYTHONPATH=hep_tfds \
     --env KERAS_BACKEND=torch \
     $IMG  python3.10 mlpf/ --dataset cms --gpus 1 \
     --data-dir /path/to/joosep/tensorflow_datasets --config parameters/pytorch/pyg-cms.yaml \
     --test --make-plots --conv-type attention --gpu-batch-multiplier 10 --num-workers 8 --prefetch-factor 10 --load $WEIGHTS --test-datasets cms_pf_ttbar --ntest 50000

Model Card Contact

Joosep Pata, [email protected]