End of training
1.58 kB
End of training
1.13 kB
Model save
441 Bytes
End of training
876 Bytes
Training in progress, step 500
14.1 MB
End of training
214 kB
End of training
226 Bytes
End of training
407 MB
Training in progress, step 3464
695 Bytes
Training in progress, step 500
439 kB
Training in progress, step 500
1.22 kB
Training in progress, step 500
235 Bytes
End of training
2.03 kB
End of training
Detected Pickle imports (9)
- "transformers.training_args.OptimizerNames",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.SchedulerType",
- "transformers.training_args.TrainingArguments",
- "accelerate.utils.dataclasses.DistributedType",
- "accelerate.state.PartialState",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy",
- "transformers.trainer_pt_utils.AcceleratorConfig",
- "torch.device",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.HubStrategy"
How to fix it?
5.3 kB
Training in progress, step 500
110 kB
Training in progress, step 500