Whisper Speaker Identification (WSI)
Whisper Speaker Identification (WSI) is a state-of-the-art speaker identification model designed for multilingual scenarios.The WSI model adapts OpenAI's Whisper encoder and fine-tunes it with a projection head using triplet loss-based metric learning. This approach enhances its ability to generate discriminative, language-agnostic speaker embeddings.WSI demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on multilingual datasets, achieving lower Equal Error Rates (EER) and higher F1 Scores compared to models such as pyannote/wespeaker-voxceleb-resnet34-LM and speechbrain/spkrec-ecapa-voxceleb.
Install the whisper-speaker-id
library via pip:
pip install whisper-speaker-id
The wsi
library provides a simple interface to use the WSI model for embedding generation and speaker similarity tasks.
Download the model from Huggingface
Generate Speaker Embeddings
from whisper-speaker-id import load_model, process_single_audio
model, feature_extractor = load_model(
# Process an audio file
embedding = process_single_audio(model, feature_extractor, "path/to/audio.wav")
print("Speaker Embedding:", embedding)
Calculate Similarity Between Two Audio Files
from whisper-speaker-id import load_model, process_audio_pair
model, feature_extractor = load_model(
# Compute similarity between two audio files
similarity = process_audio_pair(
model, feature_extractor, "path/to/audio1.wav", "path/to/audio2.wav"
print("Similarity Score:", similarity)
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This project is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.
Model tree for emon-j/WSI
Base model