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import modules.scripts
import modules.sd_hijack
import modules.shared
import gradio
from modules.processing import process_images
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Conv2d
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair
from typing import Optional
# Asymmetric tiling script for stable-diffusion-webui
# This script allows seamless tiling to be enabled separately for the X and Y axes.
# When this script is in use, the "Tiling" option in the regular UI is ignored.
class Script(modules.scripts.Script):
# Override from modules.scripts.Script
def title(self):
return "Asymmetric tiling"
# Override from modules.scripts.Script
def show(self, is_img2img):
return modules.scripts.AlwaysVisible
# Override from modules.scripts.Script
def ui(self, is_img2img):
with gradio.Accordion("Asymmetric tiling", open=False):
active = gradio.Checkbox(False, label="Active")
tileX = gradio.Checkbox(True, label="Tile X")
tileY = gradio.Checkbox(False, label="Tile Y")
startStep = gradio.Number(0, label="Start tiling from step N", precision=0)
stopStep = gradio.Number(-1, label="Stop tiling after step N (-1: Don't stop)", precision=0)
return [active, tileX, tileY, startStep, stopStep]
# Override from modules.scripts.Script
def process(self, p, active, tileX, tileY, startStep, stopStep):
if (active):
# Record tiling options chosen for each axis.
p.extra_generation_params = {
"Tile X": tileX,
"Tile Y": tileY,
"Start Tiling From Step": startStep,
"Stop Tiling After Step": stopStep,
# Modify the model's Conv2D layers to perform our chosen tiling.
self.__hijackConv2DMethods(tileX, tileY, startStep, stopStep)
# Restore model behaviour to normal.
def postprocess(self, *args):
# Restore model behaviour to normal.
# [Private]
# Go through all the "Conv2D" layers in the model and patch them to use the requested asymmetric tiling mode.
def __hijackConv2DMethods(self, tileX: bool, tileY: bool, startStep: int, stopStep: int):
for layer in modules.sd_hijack.model_hijack.layers:
if type(layer) == Conv2d:
layer.padding_modeX = 'circular' if tileX else 'constant'
layer.padding_modeY = 'circular' if tileY else 'constant'
layer.paddingX = (layer._reversed_padding_repeated_twice[0], layer._reversed_padding_repeated_twice[1], 0, 0)
layer.paddingY = (0, 0, layer._reversed_padding_repeated_twice[2], layer._reversed_padding_repeated_twice[3])
layer.paddingStartStep = startStep
layer.paddingStopStep = stopStep
layer._conv_forward = Script.__replacementConv2DConvForward.__get__(layer, Conv2d)
# [Private]
# Go through all the "Conv2D" layers in the model and restore them to their origanal behaviour.
def __restoreConv2DMethods(self):
for layer in modules.sd_hijack.model_hijack.layers:
if type(layer) == Conv2d:
layer._conv_forward = Conv2d._conv_forward.__get__(layer, Conv2d)
# [Private]
# A replacement for the Conv2d._conv_forward method that pads axes asymmetrically.
# This replacement method performs the same operation (as of torch v1.12.1+cu113), but it pads the X and Y axes separately based on the members
# padding_modeX (string, either 'circular' or 'constant')
# padding_modeY (string, either 'circular' or 'constant')
# paddingX (tuple, cached copy of _reversed_padding_repeated_twice with the last two values zeroed)
# paddingY (tuple, cached copy of _reversed_padding_repeated_twice with the first two values zeroed)
def __replacementConv2DConvForward(self, input: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor]):
step = modules.shared.state.sampling_step
if ((self.paddingStartStep < 0 or step >= self.paddingStartStep) and (self.paddingStopStep < 0 or step <= self.paddingStopStep)):
working = F.pad(input, self.paddingX, mode=self.padding_modeX)
working = F.pad(working, self.paddingY, mode=self.padding_modeY)
working = F.pad(input, self.paddingX, mode='constant')
working = F.pad(working, self.paddingY, mode='constant')
return F.conv2d(working, weight, bias, self.stride, _pair(0), self.dilation, self.groups)