window.state = window.state || {}; |
state = window.state; |
state.core = (function () { |
const TABS = ['txt2img', 'img2img']; |
const ELEMENTS = { |
'prompt': 'prompt', |
'negative_prompt': 'neg_prompt', |
'sampling_steps': 'steps', |
'restore_faces': 'restore_faces', |
'tiling': 'tiling', |
'hires_fix': 'enable_hr', |
'hires_steps': 'hires_steps', |
'hires_scale': 'hr_scale', |
'hires_resize_x': 'hr_resize_x', |
'hires_resize_y': 'hr_resize_y', |
'hires_denoising_strength': 'denoising_strength', |
'width': 'width', |
'height': 'height', |
'batch_count': 'batch_count', |
'batch_size': 'batch_size', |
'cfg_scale': 'cfg_scale', |
'denoising_strength': 'denoising_strength', |
'seed': 'seed', |
'sampling': 'sampling', |
'switch_at': 'switch_at' |
}; |
const ACCORDION = { |
"hires_fix": "hr", |
"refiner": "enable" |
} |
'resize_mode': 'resize_mode', |
'setting_inpainting_mask_weight': 'setting_inpainting_mask_weight', |
'setting_CLIP_stop_at_last_layers': 'setting_CLIP_stop_at_last_layers', |
'setting_eta_noise_seed_delta': 'setting_eta_noise_seed_delta', |
'img2img_mask_blur': 'img2img_mask_blur', |
'img2img_mask_mode': 'img2img_mask_mode', |
'img2img_inpainting_fill': 'img2img_inpainting_fill', |
'img2img_inpaint_full_res_padding': 'img2img_inpaint_full_res_padding', |
'img2img_inpaint_full_res': 'img2img_inpaint_full_res', |
'img2img_mask_alpha': 'img2img_mask_alpha' |
}; |
const SELECTS = { |
'sampling': 'sampling', |
'hires_upscaler': 'hr_upscaler', |
'script': '#script_list', |
'checkpoint': 'checkpoint', |
}; |
'setting_sd_model_checkpoint': 'setting_sd_model_checkpoint', |
'setting_sd_vae': 'setting_sd_vae' |
}; |
const MULTI_SELECTS = { |
'styles': 'styles' |
}; |
const TOGGLE_BUTTONS = { |
'extra_networks': 'extra_networks', |
}; |
}; |
'setting_sd_model_checkpoint': 'setting_sd_model_checkpoint', |
}; |
const Image_extensions = [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"] |
let store = null; |
let timer = null; |
let inited = false |
let sd_versions = "0.0.0" |
let waiting_second_apply = false |
let timeout_id = undefined |
let img_elem_keys=[]; |
let ext_list=[]; |
let flow_save_mode = "Core" |
function hasSetting(id, tab) { |
return true |
const suffix = tab ? `_${tab}` : ''; |
return this[`state${suffix}`] && this[`state${suffix}`].indexOf(id) > -1; |
} |
function fn_timer(){ |
fetch('/lightdiffusionflow/local/need_preload') |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
console.log(`fn_timer`) |
if (data != ""){ |
const btn1 = gradioApp().querySelector(`button#set_lightdiffusionflow_file`); |
state.utils.triggerMouseEvent(btn1); |
setTimeout(() => { |
const btn2 = gradioApp().querySelector(`button#preload_button`); |
state.utils.triggerMouseEvent(btn2); |
}, 1000); |
} |
}).catch(function(e) { |
clearInterval(timer) |
console.log("Oops, error"); |
}); |
} |
function get_js_local_data(){ |
if(state.utils.getCurSeed('txt2img') != undefined){ |
store.set(`txt2img_seed`,state.utils.getCurSeed('txt2img')) |
} |
if(state.utils.getCurSeed('img2img') != undefined){ |
store.set(`img2img_seed`,state.utils.getCurSeed('img2img')) |
} |
stored_config = store.getAll() |
for (let key in stored_config){ |
if(key.indexOf("allow-preview") !== -1 && key.indexOf("ext-control-net") !== -1) |
{ |
console.log("allow-preview改成false") |
stored_config[key] = "false" |
} |
} |
return stored_config |
} |
function get_imgs_elem_key(){ |
fetch('/lightdiffusionflow/local/get_imgs_elem_key') |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
console.log(data) |
if(data == ''){ |
setTimeout(() => { |
get_imgs_elem_key() |
}, 500); |
} |
else{ |
img_elem_keys = data.split(",") |
img_elem_keys.forEach(key => { |
}); |
fetch('/lightdiffusionflow/local/get_ext_list') |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
ext_list = data.split(",") |
}); |
fetch('/lightdiffusionflow/local/config.json?_=' + (+new Date())) |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(config => { |
try { |
try{ |
flow_save_mode = config['lightdiffusionflow-mode'] |
}catch (error) { |
flow_save_mode = "Core" |
} |
store = new state.Store(); |
store.clearAll(); |
load(config); |
timer = window.setInterval(fn_timer,1000); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('[state]: Error:', error); |
} |
}) |
.catch(error => console.error('[state]: Error getting JSON file:', error)); |
} |
}); |
} |
function init() { |
fetch('/lightdiffusionflow/local/refresh_ui') |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
sd_versions = data |
}); |
get_imgs_elem_key() |
} |
function forEachElement_WithoutTabs(list, action) { |
for (const [settingId, element] of Object.entries(list)) { |
action(element); |
} |
} |
function forEachElement(list, config, action) { |
for (const [settingId, element] of Object.entries(list)) { |
TABS.forEach(tab => { |
if (config.hasSetting(settingId, tab)) { |
action(element, tab); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
function load(config, addEvtLsner=true) { |
config.hasSetting = hasSetting |
for (let tab of TABS) |
{ |
let script_container = getElement(`${tab}_script_container`) |
state.utils.onFrameContentChange(script_container, function (el) { |
clearTimeout(timeout_id); |
timeout_id = setTimeout(() => { |
if(waiting_second_apply) |
{ |
waiting_second_apply = false |
actions.applyState(false); |
setTimeout(() => { |
actions.preset_output_log("finished") |
}, 3000); |
} |
}, 3000); |
}); |
} |
forEachElement(ACCORDION, config, (element, tab) => { |
handleSavedAccordion(`${tab}_${element}`, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
forEachElement_WithoutTabs(SELECTS_WITHOUT_PREFIX, (element) => { |
handleSavedSelects(element, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
forEachElement(ELEMENTS, config, (element, tab) => { |
handleSavedInput(`${tab}_${element}`, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
forEachElement_WithoutTabs(ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_PREFIX, (element) => { |
handleSavedInput(element, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
forEachElement(SELECTS, config, (element, tab) => { |
handleSavedSelects(`${tab}_${element}`, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
forEachElement(MULTI_SELECTS, config, (element, tab) => { |
handleSavedMultiSelects(`${tab}_${element}`, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
forEachElement(TOGGLE_BUTTONS, config, (element, tab) => { |
handleToggleButton(`${tab}_${element}`, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
forEachElement_WithoutTabs(IMAGES_WITHOUT_PREFIX, (element) => { |
handleSavedImage(`${element}`, addEvtLsner); |
}); |
handleExtensions(config, addEvtLsner); |
restoreTabs(config, addEvtLsner); |
forEachElement_WithoutTabs(ELEMENTS_ALWAYS_SAVE, (element) => { |
state.utils.forceSaveSelect(getElement(element), element, store); |
}); |
} |
function createHeaderButton(title, text, className, style, action) { |
const button = state.utils.html.create('button', { |
title: title, |
innerHTML: text, |
className: className, |
}, style); |
if (action) { |
button.addEventListener('click', action); |
} |
return button; |
} |
function restoreTabs(config, addEvtLsner=true) { |
if (! config.hasSetting('tabs')) { |
return; |
} |
const tabs = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#tabs > div:first-child button'); |
const value = store.get('tab'); |
if (value) { |
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { |
if (tabs[i].textContent === state.utils.getTranslation(value)) { |
state.utils.triggerEvent(tabs[i], 'click'); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if(addEvtLsner){ |
bindTabClickEvents(); |
} |
} |
function bindTabClickEvents() { |
Array.from(gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#tabs .tab-nav button')).forEach(tab => { |
tab.removeEventListener('click', storeTab); |
tab.addEventListener('click', storeTab); |
}); |
} |
function storeTab() { |
let tab_name = gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs .tab-nav button.selected').textContent; |
store.set('tab', state.utils.reverseTranslation(tab_name)[0]); |
bindTabClickEvents(); |
} |
function getElement(id) { |
for (let i = 0; i < TABS.length; i++) { |
if (id.startsWith(`${TABS[i]}_#`)) { |
return gradioApp().querySelector('#tab_' + id.replace(`${TABS[i]}_#`, `${TABS[i]} #`)); |
} |
} |
return gradioApp().getElementById(id); |
} |
function handleSavedInput(id, addEvtLsner=true) { |
const elements = gradioApp().querySelectorAll(`#${id} textarea, #${id} input, #${id} img`); |
const events = ['change', 'input']; |
if (! elements || ! elements.length) { |
return; |
} |
let forEach = function (action) { |
events.forEach(function(event) { |
elements.forEach(function (element) { |
action.call(element, event); |
}); |
}); |
}; |
if(addEvtLsner){ |
forEach(function (event) { |
this.addEventListener(event, function () { |
let value = this.value; |
if (this.type && this.type === 'checkbox') { |
value = this.checked; |
} |
else if (this.className === 'img') { |
value = this.checked; |
} |
store.set(id, value); |
}); |
}); |
TABS.forEach(tab => { |
const seedInput = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tab}_seed input`); |
['random_seed', 'reuse_seed'].forEach(id => { |
const btn = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${tab}_${id}`); |
btn.addEventListener('click', () => { |
setTimeout(() => { |
state.utils.triggerEvent(seedInput, 'change'); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
} |
let value = store.get(id); |
if (! value) { |
return; |
} |
forEach(function (event) { |
state.utils.setValue(this, value, event); |
}); |
} |
function handleSavedSelects(id, addEvtLsner=true) { |
state.utils.handleSelect(getElement(id), id, store, force=false, addEvtLsner); |
} |
function handleSavedAccordion(id, addEvtLsner=true) { |
state.utils.handleAccordion(getElement(id), id, store, addEvtLsner); |
} |
function handleSavedMultiSelects(id, addEvtLsner=true) { |
const select = gradioApp().getElementById(`${id}`); |
state.utils.handleMultipleSelect(select, id, store, addEvtLsner); |
} |
function handleSavedImage(id, addEvtLsner=true) { |
state.utils.handleImage(getElement(id), id, store, addEvtLsner); |
} |
function handleToggleButton(id, addEvtLsner=true) { |
const btn = gradioApp().querySelector(`button#${id}`); |
if (! btn) { return; } |
if (store.get(id) === 'true') { |
state.utils.triggerMouseEvent(btn); |
} |
if(addEvtLsner){ |
btn.addEventListener('click', function () { |
store.set(id, Array.from(this.classList).indexOf('secondary-down') === -1); |
}); |
} |
} |
function handleExtensions(config, addEvtLsner=true) { |
for (const [name, obj] of Object.entries(state.extensions)) { |
obj.init(flow_save_mode == "Core", addEvtLsner); |
} |
} |
let actions = { |
applyState: async function (addEvtLsner=true) { |
console.log("applyState") |
await fetch('/lightdiffusionflow/local/config.json?_=' + (+new Date())) |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(config => { |
try { |
config.hasSetting = hasSetting |
try{ |
flow_save_mode = config['lightdiffusionflow-mode'] |
}catch (error) { |
flow_save_mode = "Core" |
} |
load(config, addEvtLsner); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('[state]: Error:', error); |
} |
}) |
.catch(error => console.error('[state]: Error getting JSON file:', error)); |
}, |
exportState: function () { |
let stored_config = get_js_local_data() |
fetch('/lightdiffusionflow/local/lightdiffusionflow_config?data2export=true') |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(config => { |
config = JSON.parse(config) |
let data = { |
method: 'POST', |
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
"config_data":stored_config |
}) |
} |
fetch(`/lightdiffusionflow/local/parse_lora_info`, data) |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(response_lora_info => { |
for (let key in response_lora_info){ |
stored_config[key] = response_lora_info[key] |
} |
for (let key in config){ |
if(config[key] != ""){ |
stored_config[key] = config[key] |
} |
} |
var checkTime = function (i) { |
if (i < 10) { i = "0" + i; } |
return i; |
} |
let nowdate = new Date(); |
let year = String(nowdate.getFullYear()) |
let month = String(checkTime(nowdate.getMonth() + 1)) |
let day = String(checkTime(nowdate.getDate())) |
let h = String(checkTime(nowdate.getHours())) |
let m = String(checkTime(nowdate.getMinutes())) |
let s = String(checkTime(nowdate.getSeconds())) |
let time_str = year+month+day+h+m+s |
filename = 'flow-'+time_str+'.flow' |
filename = prompt("Export workflow as:", filename); |
if (!filename) return; |
if (!filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".flow")) { |
filename += ".flow"; |
} |
if(filename != ".flow"){ |
state.utils.saveFile(filename, stored_config); |
fetch('https://api.lightflow.ai/openapi/access?action=export') |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(config => { |
console.log(config) |
}).catch(function(e) { |
console.log("Oops, export callback error!"); |
}); |
} |
}).catch(error => console.error('[state]: Error getting Flow file:', error)); |
}).catch(error => console.error('[state]: Error getting Flow file:', error)); |
}, |
saveFlowToLocal: function saveFlowToLocal(){ |
var checkTime = function (i) { |
if (i < 10) { i = "0" + i; } |
return i; |
} |
let nowdate = new Date(); |
let year = String(nowdate.getFullYear()) |
let month = String(checkTime(nowdate.getMonth() + 1)) |
let day = String(checkTime(nowdate.getDate())) |
let h = String(checkTime(nowdate.getHours())) |
let m = String(checkTime(nowdate.getMinutes())) |
let s = String(checkTime(nowdate.getSeconds())) |
let time_str = year+month+day+h+m+s |
filename = 'flow-'+time_str+'.flow' |
filename = prompt("Save workflow as:", filename); |
if (!filename) return; |
if (!filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".flow")) { |
filename += ".flow"; |
} |
if(filename != ".flow"){ |
let data = { |
method: 'POST', |
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
"file_path":filename |
}) |
} |
fetch(`/lightdiffusionflow/local/file_exist`, data) |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
if(!data || (data && confirm("Overwrite the existing file with the same name?"))) |
{ |
let stored_config = get_js_local_data() |
let flow_data = { |
method: 'POST', |
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
"file_name":filename, |
"file_data":stored_config, |
"overwrite":true |
}) |
} |
fetch("/lightdiffusionflow/local/save_flow_to_local",flow_data) |
fetch('https://api.lightflow.ai/openapi/access?action=save') |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(config => { |
console.log(config) |
}).catch(function(e) { |
console.log("Oops, export callback error!"); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
}, |
handleLightDiffusionFlow: function (fileInput){ |
actions.preset_output_log("start") |
console.log(fileInput) |
let temp_fileInput = undefined |
try{temp_fileInput = fileInput[0]} catch(error){} |
if ( !temp_fileInput ) {temp_fileInput = fileInput} |
if ( !temp_fileInput ) { |
actions.preset_output_log("invalid") |
return; |
} |
let file_name = temp_fileInput.name; |
console.log(file_name) |
let extension = file_name.substring(file_name.lastIndexOf(".")); |
if( Image_extensions.indexOf(extension) != -1 ){ |
let data = { |
method: 'POST', |
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
"img_path":file_name |
}) |
} |
fetch(`/lightdiffusionflow/local/png_info`, data) |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
actions.importLightDiffusionFlow(data) |
}); |
} |
else{ |
const file = temp_fileInput.blob; |
const reader = new FileReader(); |
reader.onload = function (event) { |
actions.importLightDiffusionFlow(event.target.result) |
}; |
try{ reader.readAsText(file); } catch (error) { |
console.log("read from python") |
if(temp_fileInput.name != ""){ |
let data = { |
method: 'POST', |
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
"file_path":temp_fileInput.name |
}) |
} |
fetch(`/lightdiffusionflow/local/read_file`, data) |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
actions.importLightDiffusionFlow(data) |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
return fileInput |
}, |
importLightDiffusionFlow: function (inputData){ |
forEachElement_WithoutTabs(IMAGES_WITHOUT_PREFIX, (image_id) => { |
state.utils.clearImage(getElement(image_id)); |
}); |
let json_obj = {} |
try { json_obj = JSON.parse(inputData) } catch (error) { |
actions.preset_output_log("invalid") |
return; |
} |
let data = { |
method: 'POST', |
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
"config_data":json_obj |
}) |
} |
fetch(`/lightdiffusionflow/local/useless_config_filter`, data) |
.then(response => response.json()) |
.then(data => { |
json_obj = data |
console.log(ext_list) |
missing_ext_list = [] |
for (let key in json_obj){ |
ext_name = key.match(/ext-(\S+?)-(txt2img|img2img)/) |
if(ext_name != null){ |
ext_name = ext_name[1] |
if(ext_list.indexOf(ext_name) === -1){ |
if(missing_ext_list.indexOf(ext_name) === -1){ |
missing_ext_list.push(ext_name) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if(missing_ext_list.length > 0){ |
actions.preset_output_log("missing_exts","",missing_ext_list.join(';')) |
} |
forEachElement_WithoutTabs(IMAGES_WITHOUT_PREFIX, (image_id) => { |
json_obj[image_id] = "" |
}); |
waiting_second_apply = true |
store.clearAll(); |
store.load(json_obj); |
actions.applyState(); |
}); |
return; |
}, |
startImportImage: function (index){ |
index = Number(index) |
if(index+1 < img_elem_keys.length){ |
switch_tab_dict = { |
"img2img_invisible_img2img_image": "switch_to_img2img()", |
"img2img_invisible_img2img_sketch": "switch_to_sketch()", |
"img2img_invisible_img2maskimg": "switch_to_inpaint()", |
"img2img_invisible_inpaint_sketch": "switch_to_inpaint_sketch()", |
"img2img_invisible_img_inpaint_base": "state.utils.switch_to_img_inpaint()", |
"img2img_invisible_img_inpaint_mask": "state.utils.switch_to_img_inpaint()", |
"img2img_invisible_txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_input_image": "state.utils.switch_to_txt2img_ControlNet(0)", |
"img2img_invisible_img2img_controlnet_ControlNet_input_image": "state.utils.switch_to_img2img_ControlNet(0)" |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
switch_tab_dict[`img2img_invisible_txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet-${i}_input_image`] = `state.utils.switch_to_txt2img_ControlNet(${i})` |
switch_tab_dict[`img2img_invisible_img2img_controlnet_ControlNet-${i}_input_image`] = `state.utils.switch_to_img2img_ControlNet(${i})` |
} |
state.utils.sleep(300).then(() => { |
try{ |
key = "img2img_invisible_"+img_elem_keys[index+1] |
eval( switch_tab_dict[key] ) |
const button = gradioApp().getElementById(key); |
button.click(); |
} catch (error) { |
console.warn('[startImportImage]: Error:', error); |
if(index+1 < img_elem_keys.length){ |
index = img_elem_keys.length-1 |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
switch(index+1 - img_elem_keys.length){ |
case 0: |
state.utils.sleep(500).then(() => { |
try{ |
const button = gradioApp().getElementById("lightdiffusionflow_set_dropdowns"); |
button.click(); |
} catch (error) { |
console.warn('[set_dropdowns]: Error:', error); |
} |
}); |
break |
} |
}, |
preset_output_log: function (preset, key="", value=""){ |
fetch(`/lightdiffusionflow/local/preset_output_log?preset=${preset}&key=${key}&value=${value}`).then(() => { |
gradioApp().getElementById("img2img_invisible_refresh_log").click(); |
}); |
}, |
output_log: function (msg, msg_style=""){ |
fetch(`/lightdiffusionflow/local/output_log?msg=${msg}&style=${msg_style}`).then(() => { |
gradioApp().getElementById("img2img_invisible_refresh_log").click(); |
}); |
}, |
output_warning: function (msg, msg_style="color:Orange;"){ |
actions.output_log(msg,msg_style) |
}, |
output_error: function (msg, msg_style="color:Red;"){ |
actions.output_log(msg,msg_style) |
}, |
get_sd_version: function (){ |
return sd_versions |
} |
}; |
return { init, actions }; |
}()); |