Possible to get YAML configuration for these models?

by CmdrGrunt - opened

Is it possible to get a .YAML file for these models?


🧨Diffusers org

Meaning? Training configuration? Cc @valhalla

Meaning? Training configuration? Cc @valhalla

Hi, thanks for asking. Requesting a .yaml to pair with the model so that Easy Diffusion can understand and load to test with. I am not the developer, I figured I would start experimenting and see how "drop in" ready it was. Typically Easy Diffusion is looking for a configuration yaml paired in the same name as the safetensor, if it can't guess the type and apply a pre-defined configuration. This has been done in the past with other models, controlnet 1.5 and 2.1 models, etc. Easy Diffusion already understands the base SDXL and Refiner Models, those had included .yaml files it references when using other fine-tuned SDXL Models, but this inpainting model is different and does not correspond to the base .yaml config. Hope that helps.

🧨Diffusers org

Easy Diffusion has a different format and diffusers has a different format. The libraries aren't the same.

Ok. I believe I understand now. Appreciate your time!

@sayakpaul why there is no safetensors file?

@sayakpaul thanks, can we use this for inpaint/outpaint in comfyui? safetensor file to load?

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