diffai / goals.py
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import future
import builtins
import past
import six
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.autograd
import components as comp
from torch.distributions import multinomial, categorical
import math
import numpy as np
from . import helpers as h
from . import ai
from . import scheduling as S
import helpers as h
import ai
import scheduling as S
class WrapDom(object):
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = eval(a) if type(a) is str else a
def box(self, *args, **kargs):
return self.Domain(self.a.box(*args, **kargs))
def boxBetween(self, *args, **kargs):
return self.Domain(self.a.boxBetween(*args, **kargs))
def line(self, *args, **kargs):
return self.Domain(self.a.line(*args, **kargs))
class DList(object):
Domain = ai.ListDomain
class MLoss():
def __init__(self, aw):
self.aw = aw
def loss(self, dom, *args, lr = 1, **kargs):
if self.aw <= 0.0:
return 0
return self.aw * dom.loss(*args, lr = lr * self.aw, **kargs)
def __init__(self, *al):
if len(al) == 0:
al = [("Point()", 1.0), ("Box()", 0.1)]
self.al = [(eval(a) if type(a) is str else a, S.Const.initConst(aw)) for a,aw in al]
def getDiv(self, **kargs):
return 1.0 / sum(aw.getVal(**kargs) for _,aw in self.al)
def box(self, *args, **kargs):
m = self.getDiv(**kargs)
return self.Domain(ai.TaggedDomain(a.box(*args, **kargs), DList.MLoss(aw.getVal(**kargs) * m)) for a,aw in self.al)
def boxBetween(self, *args, **kargs):
m = self.getDiv(**kargs)
return self.Domain(ai.TaggedDomain(a.boxBetween(*args, **kargs), DList.MLoss(aw.getVal(**kargs) * m)) for a,aw in self.al)
def line(self, *args, **kargs):
m = self.getDiv(**kargs)
return self.Domain(ai.TaggedDomain(a.line(*args, **kargs), DList.MLoss(aw.getVal(**kargs) * m)) for a,aw in self.al)
def __str__(self):
return "DList(%s)" % h.sumStr("("+str(a)+","+str(w)+")" for a,w in self.al)
class Mix(DList):
def __init__(self, a="Point()", b="Box()", aw = 1.0, bw = 0.1):
super(Mix, self).__init__((a,aw), (b,bw))
class LinMix(DList):
def __init__(self, a="Point()", b="Box()", bw = 0.1):
super(LinMix, self).__init__((a,S.Complement(bw)), (b,bw))
class DProb(object):
def __init__(self, *doms):
if len(doms) == 0:
doms = [("Point()", 0.8), ("Box()", 0.2)]
div = 1.0 / sum(float(aw) for _,aw in doms)
self.domains = [eval(a) if type(a) is str else a for a,_ in doms]
self.probs = [ div * float(aw) for _,aw in doms]
def chooseDom(self):
return self.domains[np.random.choice(len(self.domains), p = self.probs)] if len(self.domains) > 1 else self.domains[0]
def box(self, *args, **kargs):
domain = self.chooseDom()
return domain.box(*args, **kargs)
def line(self, *args, **kargs):
domain = self.chooseDom()
return domain.line(*args, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "DProb(%s)" % h.sumStr("("+str(a)+","+str(w)+")" for a,w in zip(self.domains, self.probs))
class Coin(DProb):
def __init__(self, a="Point()", b="Box()", ap = 0.8, bp = 0.2):
super(Coin, self).__init__((a,ap), (b,bp))
class Point(object):
Domain = h.dten
def __init__(self, **kargs):
def box(self, original, *args, **kargs):
return original
def line(self, original, other, *args, **kargs):
return (original + other) / 2
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
return (o1 + o2) / 2
def __str__(self):
return "Point()"
class PointA(Point):
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
return o1
def __str__(self):
return "PointA()"
class PointB(Point):
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
return o2
def __str__(self):
return "PointB()"
class NormalPoint(Point):
def __init__(self, w = None, **kargs):
self.epsilon = w
def box(self, original, w, *args, **kargs):
""" original = mu = mean, epsilon = variance"""
if not self.epsilon is None:
w = self.epsilon
inter = torch.randn_like(original, device = h.device) * w
return original + inter
def __str__(self):
return "NormalPoint(%s)" % ("" if self.epsilon is None else str(self.epsilon))
class MI_FGSM(Point):
def __init__(self, w = None, r = 20.0, k = 100, mu = 0.8, should_end = True, restart = None, searchable=False,**kargs):
self.epsilon = S.Const.initConst(w)
self.k = k
self.mu = mu
self.r = float(r)
self.should_end = should_end
self.restart = restart
self.searchable = searchable
def box(self, original, model, target = None, untargeted = False, **kargs):
if target is None:
untargeted = True
with torch.no_grad():
target = model(original).max(1)[1]
return self.attack(model, original, untargeted, target, **kargs)
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, model, target = None, *args, **kargs):
return self.attack(model, (o1 - o2).abs() / 2, (o1 + o2) / 2, target, **kargs)
def attack(self, model, xo, untargeted, target, w, loss_function=ai.stdLoss, **kargs):
w = self.epsilon.getVal(c = w, **kargs)
x = nn.Parameter(xo.clone(), requires_grad=True)
gradorg = h.zeros(x.shape)
is_eq = 1
w = h.ones(x.shape) * w
for i in range(self.k):
if self.restart is not None and i % int(self.k / self.restart) == 0:
x = is_eq * (torch.rand_like(xo) * w + xo) + (1 - is_eq) * x
x = nn.Parameter(x, requires_grad = True)
out = model(x).vanillaTensorPart()
loss = loss_function(out, target)
with torch.no_grad():
oth = x.grad / torch.norm(x.grad, p=1)
gradorg *= self.mu
gradorg += oth
grad = (self.r * w / self.k) * ai.mysign(gradorg)
if self.should_end:
is_eq = ai.mulIfEq(grad, out, target)
x = (x + grad * is_eq) if untargeted else (x - grad * is_eq)
x = xo + torch.min(torch.max(x - xo, -w),w)
return x
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, model, target, *args, **kargs):
raise "Not boxBetween is not yet supported by MI_FGSM"
def __str__(self):
return "MI_FGSM(%s)" % (("" if self.epsilon is None else "w="+str(self.epsilon)+",")
+ ("" if self.k == 5 else "k="+str(self.k)+",")
+ ("" if self.r == 5.0 else "r="+str(self.r)+",")
+ ("" if self.mu == 0.8 else "r="+str(self.mu)+",")
+ ("" if self.should_end else "should_end=False"))
class PGD(MI_FGSM):
def __init__(self, r = 5.0, k = 5, **kargs):
super(PGD,self).__init__(r=r, k = k, mu = 0, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "PGD(%s)" % (("" if self.epsilon is None else "w="+str(self.epsilon)+",")
+ ("" if self.k == 5 else "k="+str(self.k)+",")
+ ("" if self.r == 5.0 else "r="+str(self.r)+",")
+ ("" if self.should_end else "should_end=False"))
class IFGSM(PGD):
def __init__(self, k = 5, **kargs):
super(IFGSM, self).__init__(r = 1, k=k, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "IFGSM(%s)" % (("" if self.epsilon is None else "w="+str(self.epsilon)+",")
+ ("" if self.k == 5 else "k="+str(self.k)+",")
+ ("" if self.should_end else "should_end=False"))
class NormalAdv(Point):
def __init__(self, a="IFGSM()", w = None):
self.a = (eval(a) if type(a) is str else a)
self.epsilon = S.Const.initConst(w)
def box(self, original, w, *args, **kargs):
epsilon = self.epsilon.getVal(c = w, shape = original.shape[:1], **kargs)
assert (0 <= h.dten(epsilon)).all()
epsilon = torch.randn(original.size()[0:1], device = h.device)[0] * epsilon
return self.a.box(original, w = epsilon, *args, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "NormalAdv(%s)" % ( str(self.a) + ("" if self.epsilon is None else ",w="+str(self.epsilon)))
class InclusionSample(Point):
def __init__(self, sub, a="Box()", normal = False, w = None, **kargs):
self.sub = S.Const.initConst(sub) # sub is the fraction of w to use.
self.w = S.Const.initConst(w)
self.normal = normal
self.a = (eval(a) if type(a) is str else a)
def box(self, original, w, *args, **kargs):
w = self.w.getVal(c = w, shape = original.shape[:1], **kargs)
sub = self.sub.getVal(c = 1, shape = original.shape[:1], **kargs)
assert (0 <= h.dten(w)).all()
assert (h.dten(sub) <= 1).all()
assert (0 <= h.dten(sub)).all()
if self.normal:
inter = torch.randn_like(original, device = h.device)
inter = (torch.rand_like(original, device = h.device) * 2 - 1)
inter = inter * w * (1 - sub)
return self.a.box(original + inter, w = w * sub, *args, **kargs)
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
w = (o2 - o1).abs()
return self.box( (o2 + o1)/2 , w = w, *args, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "InclusionSample(%s, %s)" % (str(self.sub), str(self.a) + ("" if self.epsilon is None else ",w="+str(self.epsilon)))
InSamp = InclusionSample
class AdvInclusion(InclusionSample):
def __init__(self, sub, a="IFGSM()", b="Box()", w = None, **kargs):
self.sub = S.Const.initConst(sub) # sub is the fraction of w to use.
self.w = S.Const.initConst(w)
self.a = (eval(a) if type(a) is str else a)
self.b = (eval(b) if type(b) is str else b)
def box(self, original, w, *args, **kargs):
w = self.w.getVal(c = w, shape = original.shape, **kargs)
sub = self.sub.getVal(c = 1, shape = original.shape, **kargs)
assert (0 <= h.dten(w)).all()
assert (h.dten(sub) <= 1).all()
assert (0 <= h.dten(sub)).all()
if h.dten(w).sum().item() <= 0.0:
inter = original
inter = self.a.box(original, w = w * (1 - sub), *args, **kargs)
return self.b.box(inter, w = w * sub, *args, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "AdvInclusion(%s, %s, %s)" % (str(self.sub), str(self.a), str(self.b) + ("" if self.epsilon is None else ",w="+str(self.epsilon)))
class AdvDom(Point):
def __init__(self, a="IFGSM()", b="Box()"):
self.a = (eval(a) if type(a) is str else a)
self.b = (eval(b) if type(b) is str else b)
def box(self, original,*args, **kargs):
adv = self.a.box(original, *args, **kargs)
return self.b.boxBetween(original, adv.ub(), *args, **kargs)
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
original = (o1 + o2) / 2
adv = self.a.boxBetween(o1, o2, *args, **kargs)
return self.b.boxBetween(original, adv.ub(), *args, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "AdvDom(%s)" % (("" if self.width is None else "width="+str(self.width)+",")
+ str(self.a) + "," + str(self.b))
class BiAdv(AdvDom):
def box(self, original, **kargs):
adv = self.a.box(original, **kargs)
extreme = (adv.ub() - original).abs()
return self.b.boxBetween(original - extreme, original + extreme, **kargs)
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
original = (o1 + o2) / 2
adv = self.a.boxBetween(o1, o2, *args, **kargs)
extreme = (adv.ub() - original).abs()
return self.b.boxBetween(original - extreme, original + extreme, *args, **kargs)
def __str__(self):
return "BiAdv" + AdvDom.__str__(self)[6:]
class HBox(object):
Domain = ai.HybridZonotope
def domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.TaggedDomain(self.Domain(*args, **kargs), self)
def __init__(self, w = None, tot_weight = 1, width_weight = 0, pow_loss = None, log_loss = False, searchable = True, cross_loss = True, **kargs):
self.w = S.Const.initConst(w)
self.tot_weight = S.Const.initConst(tot_weight)
self.width_weight = S.Const.initConst(width_weight)
self.pow_loss = pow_loss
self.searchable = searchable
self.log_loss = log_loss
self.cross_loss = cross_loss
def __str__(self):
return "HBox(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
batches = o1.size()[0]
num_elem = h.product(o1.size()[1:])
ei = h.getEi(batches, num_elem)
if len(o1.size()) > 2:
ei = ei.contiguous().view(num_elem, *o1.size())
return self.domain((o1 + o2) / 2, None, ei * (o2 - o1).abs() / 2).checkSizes()
def box(self, original, w, **kargs):
This version of it is slow, but keeps correlation down the line.
radius = self.w.getVal(c = w, **kargs)
batches = original.size()[0]
num_elem = h.product(original.size()[1:])
ei = h.getEi(batches,num_elem)
if len(original.size()) > 2:
ei = ei.contiguous().view(num_elem, *original.size())
return self.domain(original, None, ei * radius).checkSizes()
def line(self, o1, o2, **kargs):
w = self.w.getVal(c = 0, **kargs)
ln = ((o2 - o1) / 2).unsqueeze(0)
if not w is None and w > 0.0:
batches = o1.size()[0]
num_elem = h.product(o1.size()[1:])
ei = h.getEi(batches,num_elem)
if len(o1.size()) > 2:
ei = ei.contiguous().view(num_elem, *o1.size())
ln = torch.cat([ln, ei * w])
return self.domain((o1 + o2) / 2, None, ln ).checkSizes()
def loss(self, dom, target, *args, **kargs):
width_weight = self.width_weight.getVal(**kargs)
tot_weight = self.tot_weight.getVal(**kargs)
if self.cross_loss:
r = dom.ub()
inds = torch.arange(r.shape[0], device=h.device, dtype=h.ltype)
r[inds,target] = dom.lb()[inds,target]
tot = r.loss(target, *args, **kargs)
tot = dom.loss(target, *args, **kargs)
if self.log_loss:
tot = (tot + 1).log()
if self.pow_loss is not None and self.pow_loss > 0 and self.pow_loss != 1:
tot = tot.pow(self.pow_loss)
ls = tot * tot_weight
if width_weight > 0:
ls += dom.diameter() * width_weight
return ls / (width_weight + tot_weight)
class Box(HBox):
def __str__(self):
return "Box(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def box(self, original, w, **kargs):
This version of it takes advantage of betas being uncorrelated.
Unfortunately they stay uncorrelated forever.
Counterintuitively, tests show more accuracy - this is because the other box
creates lots of 0 errors which get accounted for by the calcultion of the newhead in relu
which is apparently worse than not accounting for errors.
radius = self.w.getVal(c = w, **kargs)
return self.domain(original, h.ones(original.size()) * radius, None).checkSizes()
def line(self, o1, o2, **kargs):
w = self.w.getVal(c = 0, **kargs)
return self.domain((o1 + o2) / 2, ((o2 - o1) / 2).abs() + h.ones(o2.size()) * w, None).checkSizes()
def boxBetween(self, o1, o2, *args, **kargs):
return self.line(o1, o2, **kargs)
class ZBox(HBox):
def __str__(self):
return "ZBox(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def Domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.Zonotope(*args, **kargs)
class HSwitch(HBox):
def __str__(self):
return "HSwitch(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def Domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.HybridZonotope(*args, customRelu = ai.creluSwitch, **kargs)
class ZSwitch(ZBox):
def __str__(self):
return "ZSwitch(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def Domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.Zonotope(*args, customRelu = ai.creluSwitch, **kargs)
class ZNIPS(ZBox):
def __str__(self):
return "ZSwitch(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def Domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.Zonotope(*args, customRelu = ai.creluNIPS, **kargs)
class HSmooth(HBox):
def __str__(self):
return "HSmooth(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def Domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.HybridZonotope(*args, customRelu = ai.creluSmooth, **kargs)
class HNIPS(HBox):
def __str__(self):
return "HSmooth(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def Domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.HybridZonotope(*args, customRelu = ai.creluNIPS, **kargs)
class ZSmooth(ZBox):
def __str__(self):
return "ZSmooth(%s)" % ("" if self.w is None else "w="+str(self.w))
def Domain(self, *args, **kargs):
return ai.Zonotope(*args, customRelu = ai.creluSmooth, **kargs)
# stochastic correlation
class HRand(WrapDom):
# domain must be an ai style domain like hybrid zonotope.
def __init__(self, num_correlated, a = "HSwitch()", **kargs):
super(HRand, self).__init__(Box())
self.num_correlated = num_correlated
self.dom = eval(a) if type(a) is str else a
def Domain(self, d):
with torch.no_grad():
out = d.abstractApplyLeaf('stochasticCorrelate', self.num_correlated)
out = self.dom.Domain(out.head, out.beta, out.errors)
return out
def __str__(self):
return "HRand(%s, domain = %s)" % (str(self.num_correlated), str(self.a))