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If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I was diagnosed with MS 25 years ago, The doctors working through hospital. The Royal Edinburgh. The hospital for people that connot cope with their lives. You`ll be very aware. I was given a tablet was very effective. I stopped smoking cannabis, and I became more aware of the things that was going on arround me. I cannot remember the name of the tablet name | Hi, Multiple sclerosis is a desalinating disease of the central nervous system. Today, there are a lot of effective Chat Doctor. Tablets approved by FDA include dimethyl fumarate and trifluoride. Both these tablets came within the past 6-7 years. 25 years ago (1995), interferon injections were in use. For some, azathioprine tablets were used. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | my husband has a cyst on his neck got it lance 3rd june, went back into hospital got it drain on 3rd july and he is for surgery today as it has got very big, the opening is still there but there is a lump fill up again below where it was lance.he has a cough with this i just notice the last 5 weeks, they are going to do a biospy today on | Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that definitive treatment can only be possible after the biopsy. But after at all surgical therapy is the definitive treatment for all the lump. So you should be prepared for it. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I went in for a vaginal u/s being at 8 wk 1 day pregnant from my LMP and my Dr. said there was no heartbeat that baby measured at 6 wk 5 days 0.78 cm. Could it be that my calculation was off do to late implantation? Dr. said that I was going to miscarry and opted for D&C or pills to induce my labor. I told her I would like to wait another week and come back for another u/s hoping there would be some changes with the baby s heartbeat. Do I just having fallen hopes? | Hello, I have gone through your query and understood your concern. If the sonogram performed was through the trans-vaginal route and if your sonographer is an experienced person, it is likely that you may have miscarried, provided you have regular cycles and did not miscalculate. When this is not so, it is better to wait and see. In such a scenario, serial titles of serum beta-ChatDoctor are often done. Good progress of pregnancy is indicated by doubling of titles every 2-3 days. This should be coupled with follow-up sonograms. Wish you good health. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have been diagnosed with mono. I have not taken any of the penicillin related drugs that aften cause a rash. However, I have broken out into a horrible rash that started as red raised bumps and is now turning purple it is extremely itchy and I cannot seem to get relief. Is this normal with mono. I have been to a doctor and have been put on a steriod which is not helping | Hello dear, Thank you for your question. Infectious Mononucleosis, in the majority of cases, presents with mild rash. But in distinct cases the rash tends to be more severe, and these cases require a steroid regimen. Steroid therapy might need a few days to provide a visible effect. If you feel that the rash doesn't improve despite the therapy I recommend you consult an infection diseases specialist. I hope this helped. Best wishes, |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have been diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis at the base of my right thumb and x rays show it in both hands to a lesser degree. It is now bone on bone there and I d like to know what I can do to stop or slow down the progression of it to the rest of my skeletal joints. Thanks! XXXX | Hello, As the OA has affected the thumb joints bilaterally the first advice will be to stabilize the joint in a maximum number of hours in the wrist brace. Which is widely available at online stores. Also, using hot water fermentation and improving the strength of the muscles of the forearm and hand is advised. We can only avoid the progression of the OA while keeping the muscle stronger to maintain the joint space. In case if we fail to do such then the grinding keeps happening and the inflammation doesn't come down. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have noticed a vein in my lip when i run my tongue over it. I can also notice a bump in my lip with my finger or tongue. When i stretch my lip out, i can see that vein there. I have noticed some pain with it. It is not blue or pulsing. I had jaw surgery a year ago and that area of my lip is still a little numb. I have also used chewing tobacco for about 4 years. | Hi, Dear. Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I am Chat Doctor. I studied your query and understood your health concerns about your Sister. Cause of lumps on the lip-You seem to have bump which needs to be confirmed and ruled out for any adenocarcinoma of the lip, due to tobacco. The vein to the lump indicates its vascularity. I would advise FNAC biopsy and excision biopsy later on by ER Surgeon. This is how you plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this would resolve your query. Write good review and hit thanks after reading this reply. Welcome for any further query to Chat Doctor and to ME. Wishing you early recovery. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi. For the past 2 weeks i have had a very bad cough from which i ve experienced wheezing . I also had what felt like a sinus infection as my nose is clogged on one side at night and i ve had a yellow mucus from my nose and from my cough. When i went to the doctor he didn t prescribe antibiotics but inhalers for my cough. While the inhalers have helped 1 week later i still have the cough, wheezing, sinus congestion and now one ear is plugged. Is there anything I can do? Should i go back to my doctor? | You should take a good Antibiotic witChatDoctorbination of Caroline like Azithromycin and Quinolone like Levofloxacin. You have to add Antihistamine like Levocetrizine with Montelukast and Anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Steam inhalation will be helpful. If the symptoms still persist even after above treatment, consult your Doctor and get X-ray PNS and X-ray chest, and proceed accordingly. Wish you speedy recovery |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My white blood cell counts have dropped to 2.9 from 3.7 six months ago. I had a needle biopsy on Friday. I have an enlarged lymph gland/node in my back for 6/7 years with no changes until this last year. It grew from 4.3 cm to 6.2 cm. I have no outward symptoms, no weight loss, no loss of appetite, no chills, fevers or night sweats. Do you have any thought of what might be cause of drop in white count, other than Lymphoma? RBC 4.60; hgb 14.1;hct 43.1;plat 190 down from 212; gran# 1.4 ( I don t know what that is it is marked as low on lab report). Thank you | Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A needle biopsy is not responsible for fall in white blood cell count from 3.7 to 2.9. Both the values- 3.7 and 2.9 are on lower than the normal range, thus, the difference is not of much consequence. Low white blood cell count can occur in case of severe infection or bone marrow depression. A low granulocytes count is also a consequence of low white blood cell count. All other parameters-red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelet counts are within normal limit. Thus, all other parameters are within normal limits. Consult your primary healthcare provider to find out the cause of low white blood cell count. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi ,I am 25 years old.I have suffered night fall nearly 1000 days .and have masturbate only 5-6 times till date.My skins are not moisturized as it should be given my age and my skin is not so thick now .Is it the reason for all those night falls.Please answer | Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Body produces semen whenever it is sexually aroused. Such semen will be kept inside the scrotum. That is a waste product and should be eliminated. Body has its own mechanism to eliminate the waste product. One way is through night fall. Night fall takes place if you do not masturbate or indulge in sexual activities. You can safely indulge in masturbation twice or thrice in a week to prevent night fall. For your information both masturbation and night fall are normal, and you have nothing to worry. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello sir,My report of ultrasound of abdomen is as follows. Right Kidney shows 5-6mm size calculus in lower calyx without hydronephrosis. Left Kidney shows multiple (3-4) calculi, largest is 7mm in lower calyx with mild hydronephrois and hydrourerter. Left vesicouretric junction shows a calcalus of size 9mm.IMPRESSION: left vuj calculus (9mm)& bilateral renal calculi. | Hi, You have been diagnosed to have a single small stone in right kidney and a few small stones in left kidney. One of the stones from left kidney has Chat Doctor. Vesicoureteric junction denotes the site where ureter joins with bladder. This has caused mild swelling in the left kidney due to obstruction. Otherwise, your kidneys are apparently normal. The stone in ureter usually causes pain in left flank with or without vomiting and burning urination. Usual treatment is an alpha blocker (e.g. Tab. Tamsulosin) and pain relieving medications. If the pain does not subside or kidney function deteriorates or infection sets in, then it needs to be removed immediately. Otherwise, the stone can be monitored and if it does not pass in 4 weeks then it can be removed using endoscopy (URS, ureterorenoscopy). After treatment for the ureteric stone, you need to be evaluated to find out the cause of stone formation. Kidney stones can be treated later, either medically or with flexible ureteroscopy and laser. I hope I have answered your query. If you need any clarification, please get back to me. Wish you a speedy recovery, Best regards, |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | my granddaughter was born August 18 her bilirubin level reach 17 today. She has the light blanket on nearly 24 hours a day. She has another blood test tomorrow, What are the risks of it going up. Should it go down. She is eating, sleeping, urinating and pooping good. Please help. | Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Thisis so-called physiologic jaundice, and it should improve within 2 months after birth. There is no need to be worried. This is commonly seen and there are no consequences. Only if there is some liver disorder, which is rare, there may be treatment required. Otherwise, all she needs in sunlight for few days ADN it will be fine. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My left side, near the pelvic area, hurts. I always get sharp pain even when Im not doing anything, its been happening for 2 years now. Also, it seems to be getting darker around my mouth area and I dont know what the cause could be. My mom says its the spicy food. But Im having a hard time believing that. Another problem I seem to be having is, my eyes having been getting swollen. It recently stopped but happened out of nowhere. I assumed my body thought it was fighting an infection. Not sure, Im only 17. And last but not least, my chest (boobs) has been tender and hurts really bad when touched for a few months now. Im sorry to be a bother. But I honestly was just wondering. My doctor told me that the side thing should be ignored before I even finished talking. I dont think its just muscle growing. I think it could be something else. I just dont know what that thing is. And I seem be producing alot of sweat in my hands and feet. Not sure what to do other than Botox. Thank You. | Hello, Thanks for posting your query, Ginkgo and Ginseng are found to be effective in reducing pain, especially when associated with bleeding. Vitamin E is a supplement which has a strong anti-inflammatory property and beneficial in managing pelvic pain Ginger tea: ginger supplies the body with anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerly. Gingerly help reduce swelling and pain effectively. To make ginger tea, grate about 1 inch of ginger and add to water. Boil for 10 minutes. You may also add cardamom powder; it is a good pain reliever too. Have this decoction daily, it will ease pain and discomfort rapidly. Stress management plays a crucial role in reducing chronic pelvic pain. Various yoga techniques can help reduce the pain triggered by stress. Regular exercising and medication is also associated with beneficial effects in the management of chronic pelvic pain. Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Post menopausal with blood in urine and lower to mid left back pain.feel swollen all over. Hx of kidney infections as a child and 2 episodes of really bad kidney infection, one 30 years ago and another about 15 years ago. I am 64 and in good health except for this. Is this another kidney infection? No problems with burning urination or pain in that area. | Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I can understand your anxiety. Blood from any orifice is abnormal. This could very well be an UTI.(infection).You'll need to get examined by a Urologist and do the basic tests like :1. Urine routine and culture.2. Blood routine, creatinine,RBS, LFT,and platelets.3. Ultrasound -PUB, with residual urine.4. A cystoscopy with/without a ACTIVE, may be done, after seeing reports. If you've any doubts, send a direct question in my name, with all the reports. Chat Doctor. Manga. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | hi . i am 32 years old. we are trying for baby. i had my period on 9th jan 2014. usually i will get my period exactly at 30 days. but last month it was late by 37 days (we did nt try). this month also it is delayed by 37 days. till now i get my period. i am very much tired for the past 4 day. whther am i pregnant? | Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the delayed period in a sexually active woman gives a suspicion of pregnancy. It needs to be confirmed by doing a urine pregnancy test. Usually the urine pregnancy test gives accurate results if done a week after missed period. So you can consider doing a urine pregnancy test. The other symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, vomitings, increased urination, sore breasts start 2 weeks after missed period in case of pregnancy. So the delayed period, tiredness might give a suspicion of pregnancy but needs to be confirmed. Kindly consider doing a urine pregnancy test. Other tests to diagnose pregnancy are blood Chat Doctor test and ultrasound. Blood Chat Doctor test gives results well before the expected periods time i.e.., around 10 days after ovulation. Ultrasound helps in diagnosis of pregnancy around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Hope this helps. Best regards.... |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello how long does it take to stop coughing after champix i took them for 8days my noise started running like badly then I thought my asthma start I thought I had a allergic reaction. No it was Champix I rang my chemist,and they said Champix does not do that? | Hello, Champ ix is a brand name of penicillin, and it is used to help people to quit smoking. It will not stop coughing. You might be having an allergic cough, as a first-line management you can take over the counter available expectorant cough syrup and antihistamine for symptomatic relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi, I would like to enquirer about pressure pain in my right arm, and I feel it is related to my fast heart rate when I wake in the morning. I am under a lot of stress at the moment. I went to the Dr yesterday, he did not give me any blood pressure test nothing just said it could be anxiety. Please could you tell me what you feel this is? | Hello and, Fast heart rate is caused most commonly due to anxiety. The other causes include hypertension (raised blood pressure) and heart diseases. Since, your blood pressure is within normal limits, the possibility of hypertension is ruled out. To rule out heart ailments you need to get examination of your cardiovascular system. An ECG will determine any problem of the heart. However, if all the investigations turn out to be normal, anxiety is the most common cause. Pain in the right arm can also be associated with the spells of anxiety. Management of anxiety is primarily behavioral and social. You need to find out the cause of anxiety. Once the cause of anxiety is found out, you need to manage it with support of family and friends. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello doc, During summer there are itchy red allergy that appears on my both hands, the moment i scratch it the swelling start and it become bigger round with water inside, but after summer they disappeared.I want to know the cause and remedy or does it have something to do with food intake,Waiting for reply.thank you | Hello.thanks a lot for your query on Chat Doctor, looks like you are allergic to does happen to some people like that...better as a matter of precaution, do be protected from direct sunlight...wear long sleeve clothes.apply sunscreen lotion with good SPF, apply some cream to also may lead to such a thing, but as it does not happen to you in winter rules out that possibilities.try out the safety measures.things will improve gradually |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I used to take asthalin for asthma.Recently another doctor prescribed Lmontus for 3 months.I have asthma problem only during the winter but now if discontinue the medicine then i have breathing problem.should i continue with LMONTUS or take asthalin. | Hello mentioned that you are having asthma and taking Stalin (albuterol) and now one doctor prescribed months (levoceterizine+ montelukast) . Asthalin causes bronchodilator, while months only an anti-allergic (these both Chat Doctor. You are having ASTHMA, so in my opinion Stalin will be more useful than months. When as asthmatic patient visit my clinic I advise my patient to take montelukast+ albuterol one tablet in the night and also whenever an attack of allergy or asthma. Once relief in symptoms stop the |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi im 33 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The past 2 days of so ive been having severe period like cramps, my legs hurt really bad they feel extremely heavy, also ive developed severe diarrhea.. should i be concerned? I just know if i call they are going to tell me to come in and I dont want to go in the hospital unless i have to. | Hi there, It looks like you are having a gastrointestinal infection. This is a serious matter in pregnancy and it's best to get checked by a doctor immediately. Any fever, diarrhea, deny Chat Doctor. So, it's best to checked to see that you do not have any infection, if need be done not hesitate to take antibiotics, as the maternal wellbeing is very important for fetal wellbeing. Also get a fetal heart rate tracing done. Hope this helps. Regards. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I had gallbladder surgery 2 weeks ago and i ve continued to have severe abdominal pain , both times ending up in the ER. They take my blood and things seem fine, give me IV pain med and send me home. My surgeon has not returned my phone calls and I see him this Tuesday. I m completely frusterated and want to get this pain managed and NOT take a 4th trip to the ER. The last couple of days i ve noticed my urine is very dark yellow. I ve been drinking water by the gallon as i m also breastfeeding my 8 week old. Why isn t anyone concerned? I m so tired of the pain, it s so depressing. | Hi Genera. Pain associated with dark urine can be serious complication. It can be caused by bile duct obstruction which isn't very rare after such procedures. Your blood tests should show raised bilirubin level if I am right, but I think that repeated lab and ultrasound is at least what needs to be done. Second cause can be abscesses formation or intra-abdominal collection. Especially if you have fever and feel fatigue. Just go to ER if you feel that it is necessary. If I were your doctor I would do CT scan and complete lab tests to rule this out. Wish you good health. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | i get cold that is in the form of allergy (that is running nose and sneezing) almost after masturbation or even if i get night fall. I am 100 % sure about it , if i dont do masturbation for say 7 - 10 days then i dont get cold (allergy that is running nose and sneezing) for that period of time . Sneezing continouly for 20-25 times is too much to handle for me . Allergy last for 2-3 days if i dont take any medicine . so i take anti allergy drug and get relive many times. is there any cure for it that is permanent | Please be assured that there is no allergy caused by your sexual stimulation. Allergy is caused when the body is exposed to a foreign substance that reacts with bodies antibodies and release chemicals causing symptoms of allergy. The sneezing you get is because certain foreign substances (allergens) enter your nose and respiratory organs to cause cold etc. You have to avoid allergens to prevent runny nose and sneezing, and if they happen, take recourse to antihistamines Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have a hard bump on my leg. It s pretty small but I m worried that there might be somthing in my leg. The skin does have a scratch or scab. When my leg is relaxed you can t feel it but when I flex it or put weight on it you can feel it. And when I walk I can feel it pushing on the skin | Hi.based from your description, it could possibly be a cyst (sebaceous or gelatinous type), a fibrous (fibrous tissue formation) or a lipoma (a fatty tissue deposit). Other tumor lesions must also be ruled-out. An x-ray or MRI may also be recommended for further evaluation. It is best if you consult with a doctor, preferably a general surgeon, for clinical evaluation. Management (medical and/or surgical) will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello, i am going for an operation on 4th sept 2012 as i have pre cancel cells that need removing and treating. I started with a light chesty cough on thursday but im hardly coughing at all and just feel it in my chest. Also i have hot sweats too. Ive been taking day and night nurse from the chemist and seems to be helping. Would i still be ok To go ahead with my operation or do i need to ring the doctor and ask or cancel? | The information that you have provided is insufficient to give you reasonable advice. First, there is no surgery to remove pre-cancerous cells from the body. Second, none of your symptoms suggest that you have cancer or even pre-cancer. You seem to be suffering from a bout Cory and common cold. If you could provide information regarding any investigations that you have undergone or the nature of the surgery that you have been advised, I am may be able to enlighten you further. It would be a good idea to ask your doctor about this |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My 6 year old daughter has been complaining for a considerable while now (over 6 months) on a regular basis ie. usually once a day, that she has a HOT tummy, and for the last couple of days has also been describing it as SORE (she specifically mentioned it was from her lower tummy up to just under her ribs). She frequently feels the need to lie face down on a cool surface to try alleviate the symptoms. About 3 months ago when I took her to the doctor for a check up relating to another ailment (to do with feeling like she needed to go to the toilet again to do a wee immediately after doing one - this had been going on for over many months too). At the time I mentioned the hot tummy problem and the doctor felt around her stomach for any obvious lumps but could not find anything. At the time she had two urine tests whicChatDoctore back negative for any urinary infection and so far she does not seem to have any noticeable problems with that original complaint, however, I am planning on taking her back to the doctor again because of the stomach pains but wondered if I should try this Miralax medication first although as we live in Spain, am not sure that particular medication is available here. My daughter insists her tummy problems are not because she needs to go the toilet although I have not kept an actual record of her regularity in passing stools . Any advice greatly appreciated thanks. Jenny | Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. Forum. Your 6-year daughter since 6 months complaining of hot abdomen, and since 2 days had pain abdomen. Before when she was sick you have used MiraLax. Previously you have used MiraLax(Composition is poly ethylene glycol) it is a laxative for treating constipation. If there is constipation, you can use it as constipation also causes abdominal pain. Still you should consult a pediatrician for diagnosis and treatment. Avoid giving her spices, junk foods, and oily foods. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I was diagnosed with a yeast infection. I took the one pill of fluconazole and it seemed to have worked for about a day, then my symptoms came back: vaginal itching, burning and swelling around the vaginal opening. I let my dr know it wasn t working, and he prescribed me a cream, terconazole cream to use for 7 days. Along with my symptoms mentioned, I noticed bump like nodules near my vaginal opening, which seem to be symmetrical on both sides. I looked it up and they look exactly like squamous papillomatosis, which makes sense because I was told at my last annual pap that I had hpv. Are these harmful? And when should my yeast infection go away? | Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I suggest you that HPV in long run has potential of malignancy. So I are diagnosed with HPV you should look for its treatment. There are some cases which is stating that cervical carcinoma has potentially threat in women who have HPV infection. I will be happy to answer your further concerned can contact me. Chat Doctor. Infectious disease specialist. Thank you. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have been having extreme pain and my dentist has not yet been able to figure out what because I have had a few issues with a few teeth that have been recently filled for cavities. Now the spot where I had a wisdom tooth pulled years ago is very swollen and tender and gives me ear aches and head aches. what could this be. Where my wisdom tooth was pulled is now even with my other teeth where the other side has a large space still. what could it be ? | Dear friend. Thanks for sharing your concern.First I would like to explain to you that, if your wisdom tooth was extracted years ago and was asymptomatic all these days then it might not be the cause. The swelling that you have, could be due to adjacent teeth which is infected. In present case good clinical examination with diagnostic x-ray will give you exact diagnosis. Every single tooth should be individually tested clinically by palpation and percussion techniques. This will give you exact diagnosis. In present scenario if you are not satisfied with your dentist please go for second opinion for clinical evaluation. I am sure one of the filled tooth is deeply involved and causing pain to you. Hope it helps. Thanks. Take care. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have emphysema which has caused right side ventricular heart failure with cor-pulmonale, I have mild twinges on the left side of chest, they are stronger with exertion, but can feel movement when sitting still. I become short of breath with very little exertion, tire easly | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should rule out left sided heart failure in your case. Right sided heart failure and cor pulmonale can lead to left sided heart failure. And this can cause left sided twinges, breathlessness on exertion and tiredness. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). You may need diuretic Chat Doctor. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | im male, 28 yo. i have a hard immovable lump (no more than 2cm in diameter) located in the inner side of my upper arm. I just noticed this 3 days back. but it could be there for at least 4 months since my massage therapist noticed this first at that time. im having this surgically removed this saturday. what could this usually be? i hope to read ur reply soon. thank you. | Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. There are quite a few possibilities for that lump. It could either be a lymph node, a sebaceous cyst, a Desmond cyst, a soft tissue tumor, or a Charon Chat Doctor. Without a clinical examination it is not possible to come to a diagnosis. But at your age a malignancy is a rare possibility. So don't worry much. Get it removed and have it sent for histopathological evaluation to know its exact diagnosis. Hope I have been helpful. Regards |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have as willed left cheek and vertical raised lines running down it. The gums around my left bottom wisdom teeth are also sore and swollen and its been like this for 2/3 days. Im 19 and as far as I know Im healthy. Anything I can do? Or should I make a doctors/dentist appointment? | Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. The swelling in relation to your wisdom tooth can be because of peritonitis which occur during it eruption and when it gets inflamed. I would advise you to take a painkiller like ibuprofen (if you are not allergic to any medicine) and amoxicillin. Do warm saline gargling. Keep the area clean and avoid food debris. If still persistent visit your dentist and get an X-Ray done to know the exact location if the wisdom tooth. Hope this was useful. Thanks and regards. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I am a 42 year old male and found a lump on the left hand side of my nipple since last august, the lump is not round in shape more like a small oblong shape. I have have 3 GP s look at it and they said its very unlikely to be anything concening. I also get pain on my left rib cage as well and very worried this might be linked to the lump. I visited my GP again and he referred my to have an ultrasound. Please advice I am worried that I have cancer. The size of the lump has not changed in size since i discovered it | Hi, Thanks for query to My Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied all details of your query. Your query information is insufficient to comment on whether its cancer or not. In this background I would suggest consulting Surgeon, who would be the right consultant to check and opine about the suspected lump near left nipple and who would treat it properly. If need be he may do FNAC biopsy to fix the cause of your chest lump. In My Opinion you seem to have problem of Confusion and obsession-anxiety of having cancer, and hence the over handling of your so-called lump, (which could be Sebaceous Cyst or a normal fat lump) is giving you lump and the pain in the ribs under the suspected lump.Hence, Second opinion from Surgeon would remove your worry. Hope this satisfies your query.Don't forget to hit thanks and write excellent review comments to help needy visitors at Chat Doctor. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl- CUTS. Senior Surgical Specialist. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I had total knee replacement 8/13/2012. I had an infection when staples weere removed and my knee came open wirh infection. I was a long painful process Since then I have had two episodes of minor infetion in same leg I recently had an indo bone can which saw infection on or near artificial knee . What can I expect from Dr Goytier? | HelloWelcome to ChatDoctorIts very serious that you are suffering from infections after such a sophisticated operation. There may be problems with operation procedures or may be ignorance towards infection control measures or may be antibiotics were not taken properly by you or may be due to resistance to antibiotics. Your doctor must properly examine your knee with lab tests and serial x-rays. Please take advises about appropriate painkillers and antibiotics and after that proper physiotherapy.Don't worry and take care... |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi Doctor.I am feeling pain in my chest and back and also left hand and shoulder. I have checked with a local doctor who examined and removed an ECG. the ecg report and blood pressure was normal. Doctor said its bcoz of acidity and gave me a medicine. I am thirty years old. Can you please advise what is causing the pain??? Is it something to do with my lungs??? | Hi. The pain in your chest back and arm area could be originating from your neck. If upper neck bones are not free to move enough then there will be associated tightness in the muscles connecting neck and shoulder...which might be referred to chest and back if untreated... It is not necessary that you should have pain in your neck as well, you might have stiffness sometimes... If I were your treating doctor... I would like to examine your neck for intervertebral mobility and find out the facet joint or nerve getting irritated..... Mobilise your neck muscles and improve intervertebral mobility... I would recommend you to Keep icing your neck shoulder area especially around side of the neck... shoulder frequently... Gently knead the area to make out painful area over neck and shoulder and concentrate on kneading those areas... Keep your neck supported while sleeping... Maintain posture while working... especially if you happen to do desk job.not to bend too much time take frequent breaks. Ergonomic adjustments to be made to workstation to avoid prolonged neck bending... Gently stretch the neck and shoulder... to receive spasm and regain length of the muscles... If you have an Anti-inflammatory medication prescribed to you earlier than have them for 3 days... Take rest. Avoid lying on the affected side.... shoulder... Once pain reduced you can start with neck isometric exercises...ABD shoulder strengthening.... Hope this is helpful for you... Kindly revert in case you need any further assistance.... |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My baby is having loose motions from last 4 days.. We are keeping him hydrated.. He is taking his food. and giving him mixture in water like ORS.. is this because of teething. ? what are your suggestions. can any antibiotic is required for making the motions stop? | Hi... It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello, Im male, soon to be 20. After masturbating I got this underskin pimple and it hurts sometimes. I went to the Doctoer and he asked me if I had sex or masturbated. I didnt have sex but I have been masturbating like everyday, I was to shy to tell him so hes like its either from masturbating, having sex or you got cut on your toes so he gave me Augmentin. I had it twice and still have that pimple but its only on the right side now above my pubic are. What is it? should I be worried? I masturbated yesterday too. I weight 74, height 64 I guess | Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. No, need to worry dear. Sometimes while masturbating you may pull the hair in the surrounding area which causes pimple. I advise you to continue the medication prescribed by the doctor. In worse case if it won't respond than you can go for Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for a week. This will surely cure your problem. In future if you masturbate please wash your hand before you indulge in the act. Also shave the hair regularly this can help you in maintaining the cleanliness. Please wear cotton undergarments until you are clear of the situation. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | HI I am sunil kumar from delhi. I have some problem from last one year I have pain. the pain always. The pain is left side arm and chest. I am very scared. I fell beats in my whole body. I do these tests:ECG, ECO, TMT, Daibities, Chest Xray. Lipid Profile these all tests are ok I notice before some time my pulse rates are 90-100. is there any symptoms of heart attack or any other heart disease?Please suggest | Hello Sunil and thanks for writing. I can understand your concern and would try to help you in the best possible way. First relax and do not stress yourself with UN necessary diagnosis. You have undergone all recommended tests and no cardiac anomaly has been found(as per the question information). You pain seems to be musculoskeletal in nature, or it may even be due to psychological stress you are taking. Furthermore, you may consult a doctor and get yourself evaluated for cervical spondylosis and vitamin D deficiency as these are two common causes of such musculoskeletal pain. If that is the case suitable management plan would be started for you.In the meanwhile relax and focus on things other than illness and be cheerful always. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have an allergy to acyclovir there is blistering and skin feels on fire dwellings on throat area ear broken out up into hair line Got antihistamine but doesn t seem to be working can t touch skin really painful I am sensitive to all medicines is there anything I can do to relief pain and burning | Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, If antihistamines are not controlling the rash and blister caused by acyclovir. Some individuals may be allergic to acyclovir. I would suggest you1. Stop taking the Chat Doctor. You can apply cold packs on the lesions3. Moisturizing Creams like calamine lotion4. Oral steroids for 4-5 days. If your symptoms are not improving you can consult your doctor for further suggestions. Hope you find the answer in it. Thank you. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | i am 38 years height is 167 cms & weight is 96 kgs.My sgot is 80 & sgpt 190 rest all liver function test ok, hapt.A,B,C are also ok,CERULOPLASMIN,ASMA,ANA,AMA,are also ok ,BUT IN ULTRA SOUND-------MILD HEPATOMEGALY,FATTY INFILTRATION PLZ HELP ME WHAT TO DO | Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor...Don't worry. You have nothing serious problem.... Follow below instruction and regular follow up done.... Measure your serum cholesterol also. Take low fat diet... Avoid refined food and fat... Cheese, butter, non veg, pizza taken very less. Better to avoid... Use good oil in cooking like sunflower oil. Use very much less oil in cook Do regular 30 minute running or swimming like exercise. Strickly avoid alcohol. Fruits and green veg like good carboy Chat Doctor. . Take Adílio tablet for prevent gall stone formation... With these mostly you will recover in few months..... Hope your concern solved...If you need further advise ready to help you. Take care |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My mom is cancer patient,previously we consulting doctors in Tata hospital Mumbai but due to low weight and over age they didnt given chemotherapy after once.they installed a plastic pipe to pass jaundice.n now she is not having any meal or proprietary food not using toilet also.what should we doshould i go to a doctor.if there is a hope to see her back goodplease tell me. | Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I am sorry to know of your mothers' health, I can't give you un necessary hopes, and unnecessary advises, by taking her in and out of the house. I suggest some homemade remedies for just to prolong for some days, I advise you to give her fresh juice of palatable vegetables twice a day. Also give her glucose 10 spoons, in 50 ml of water as frequently as possible. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have been unusually active the past two weeks and started to feel pain in my ankle a kind of gout pain. Now I am experiencing general over all pain in both legs that spikes when I cough or sneeze. Both legs feel like over stuffed sausages as well. Any idea on what is happening? | Hi, Since you were unusually active for past 2 weeks there chances you might have hurt your back or had any previous injury that has led to disc prolapse (pinched nerve) in your back. Coughing or sneezing increases pressure on your lower back, so you out get more pain (increase in intervertebral pressure). You need to get an MRI done for the diagnosis Also need to take rest, prevent from straining your back. Avoid flexion movements. Take Hot packs in the center of your lower back. Also hot water bath on legs will help you to relieve symptoms to some extent. If the pain is unbearable you can take over the counter medicines like Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Get well soon. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I had my period nearly 3 weeks ago. Soon after my boyfriend and I had sex( protected with BC and a condom) two times in that week. Everything was fine. A week later we had sex again...about two weeks into my BC pills( protected with BC with condom) and a day later I started bleeding. at first it was dark and a little clumpy but now a week later... One my third week of pills it still persist but is light. What is going on. Am I pregnant? Just experiencing spotting? I used two forms of birth control so I find it hard to believe that I could be pregnant when I took so much care | Hi, Thank you for posting your question here, I will try to answer it to the best of my abilities. The chances of you being pregnant are pretty small, after all you used condoms and contraceptive pills. It is very well possible that you're period is early this month, that can happen sometimes. Another reason could be because of the contraceptives, they are known to cause irregular bleeding in some women. So the way it stands, I doubt you're pregnant. But to be on the safe side take a home pregnancy test. I hope this answered your question. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | hi I have to have a ggt test done along with a cbc and liver panel. My question is will any of these be affected if I over the last six months have had about three nights of going out and drinking a little to much. maybe 5-6 drinks and a few shots. it is not something I normally do. although i do enjoy a glass of wine with friends or a beer during happy hour on occasion. but never more than 5-8 times a month | Hello and thanks you for your query. I am Chat Doctor and I will try to help you as much as I can with my answer. Yes it can affect and probably is since alcohol leads to liver damage and raises get levels. You should do liver ultrasound to rule out more serious conditions and reduce alcohol intake. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have been experiencing brain fog. Light headed, unable to concentrate. When out I experience anxiety because I feel I cannot concentrate on what people are saying. Headaches, fatigue, bloating , are also symptoms. I had blood work and ct and MRI were all normal. I am scheduled to see a neurologist this week. | Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Your symptoms seem to be related to the beginning of depression or just anxiety. Lack of concentration is typical of anxiety. As all your tests have shown a normal brain structure, many serious neurological disorders have been excluded. That is why I would recommend consulting with a psychiatrist instead of a neurologist, who is specialist of this field. A psychotherapist could also help improve your situation. Meanwhile, I recommend avoiding caffeine and perform a lot of physical activity (Yoga, sports, swimming, tennis, etc.) which can improve your situation. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing all the best! |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | we had a chest xray that says... apico lordotic view shows faint left upper lobe opacity wchich may represent prominent interstitial markings or increased density due to overlapping bone (scapula) however, parenchymal infiltrates are not totally ruled out. is this a caused for concern? because this person is currently caring for a newborn baby | Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor You have not mentioned your age and clinical history... Clinical correlation is necessary in such doubtful condition.... Because from this chest x-ray finding infection cannot be ruled out... CRP and CBC done for further work up if needed Is you have fever, cough like symptoms than suitable antibiotic course given... Consult physician or pulmonologist for examination and clinical correlation of your case Take care |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | my daughter has minor asthmatic allergy her doctor has already prescribed her clenil-a inhaler but unfortunately i forgot her inhaler back in Pakistan and now she is suffering from minor stroke though clenil 250mcg is availbe here in UAE but i dont remember the prescribed strength please guide me what to do or tell me any alternate. | Hello sanali25. If your daughter is having what you believe is an asthma attack please take her to your nearest emergency facility for evaluation and treatment. Do not allow her symptoms to become severe as asthma can be life-threatening. If she is not in an attack, I would advise either trying to call her doctor at home and see if she can take the clinic strength available where you are staying OR take her to a doctor or urgent near where you are staying now to get a prescription for the appropriate dose of her medication. The dosages on pediatric medications are usually based on weight and age of the patient. Be well, |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I had my last periods on December 15. Thereafter on December 21, I and my boyfriend got close. We had our clothes on. He sucked my nipples and I sucked his penis . He smudged his semen on my nipples and rubbed it. Little semen spill on my shirt. He did NOT finger my vagina . I took an unwanted 72 within 48 hours. My periods are generally regular. But this time around i have not been in periods and it is already 20th of January. This was the fourth time i had taken an emergency pill. Is it due to the pill or are there any chances of pregnancy. From Jan 1 i am on my exam leave and therefore did not have a hectic lifestyle in this month. | Hello, As your boyfriend sucked your nipples, and you sucked his penis and his semen was smudged on your nipples and not into your vagina, even your boyfriend does not insert his penis into your vagina, and he only wipes his hand on your nipples pored with semen, if he puts his finger even after wiping the semen, evener than pregnancy is not possible, because pregnancy is possible only after intercourse completed and proper sperm motility into the vagina and Fallopian tubes and by reaching the sperm into the ovaries which are too faraway from Vagina in your body. So you don't worry about your pregnancy, which is not at all possible as you described the situation in between you and your boyfriend. So you definitely forget the fear of pregnancy and take care. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | my 19 year old son who has high blood pressure for years due to solitary kidney , with only small amount of kidney damage is complaining of left side back pain along with urine frequency, but no pain to urinate.... a complete feeling of not well..... he tested his sugar ( 15 ) but after a light meal..... im very concerned as there is a strong history of diabeties in the family .... he is also spills a lot of protein in his urine..... im trying to get him to call his kidney specialist but he refuses and says he will test sugar in morning.... concerned mother | Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor. Looking to your sons' history, it seems that he has high BP due to kidney problem. Protein leakage in urine require quantification by 24 hour urine protein measurement. Check S. creatinine and sonography. Diabetes can be ruled out by fasting blood sugar and HbA1c measurement. Back pain may be due to other problem also-like spine related. If sonography of kidney is normal, you can do spine X-ray and consult orthopedic for that. I think this would be helpful to you. Best wishes. TC. Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My semen analysis report: Abstinence : 5 days Phsyical examination : 2 ml Viscosity : Normal Colour: Opaque white Liquefaction : Sample liquified when recieved Odour : Musty Turbidity : + pH: 7.5 Fructose: Present Sperm Count : 70 million/ml Sperm motility 1. At liquefaction time : 50% 2. 1 hr after liquefaction time : 40% 3. 2 hr after liquefaction : 30% Abnormal sperms : 25% 1. Abnor of head : 10% 2. Abnor of Middle pieces : 10% 3. Abnor of Tail : 05% Sperm Kinetics : Grade III Agglutination : abesent Precursor cells : Present Pus cells : 1-2 hpf Erythrocytes : Nil Hammen s semen quality classification : III | Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor Firstly, color, odor, turbidity all are within normal limit. The sperm count is within normal limit (Normal is >20 million /ml as per WHO 2009). The motility of the sperm is quite ok (normal total motility is >40% as per WHO 2009). The sperms with normal morphology is also quite ok (normal is 4% as per WHO 2009). All others are within normal limit. Overall, your semen report is within normal limit. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I recently had 5 moles removed by a dermatologist . They were removed approximately 4 weeks ago. Last night I woke up and all of my mole removal sites were extremely itchy. They all seem to have red elevated itchy welts around all of the scars. I have not been putting anything new on the scars, and I ve avoided all sunlight to these areas. | HiT hanks for your query at Chat Doctor . The elevated reddish itchy welts what you are talking about is mostlyHypertrophy scars or keloid formation. The reason for this is mostly your tendency of wounds to heal by hypertrophy our forming keloids. There have been various treatment modalities which needs to be done in a proper methodical manner by a trained and qualified plastic surgeon after confirming the diagnosis by seeing you in person. The treatment includes :Injections triamcinolone with in 5 Flour Uracil into the lesionsSilicon sheet application over the lesioning pulsed dyed laser over the lesions (PDL)The entire treatment will be done in sittings done 4 weeks apart. And complete duration is usually 6 to 8 sittings. Good bless |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello, My husband had his widsom teeth removed on Thursday and he experienced several complications. When they removed his widsom teeth they cut a part of his gum and the side of his lip. They had to give him stitchs and he is supposed to return on Friday. They prescribed a antibotic every 8 hours but I am concerned of the possible long term effects. I have read online where people have died from getting their wisdom teeth removed and I am very concerned and I am not sure if he should go to the same office or see a specialist as they dont seem to know what they are doing. | Antibiotics are very necessary after extraction of any tooth most commonly it is given only for five day its may be two times in day or three times in day it is depends on the types of antibiotics .in the case of wisdom tooth extraction there is some complications are seen most common are swelling on the respected side it may be subsided with in two to three day .if you take proper medicine at the time and worm saline rinses done 4-5 times in day there is no requirement to meet the specialist for this case. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | tightness or pressure in chest areaIm on Atenelol, they say I have A fast heart rate caused by stress because all my test have come back normal. My vitals have been fine but am feeling occasional tightness, pressure and pain in the chest. Should i be worried and what should I do? Ive tried to limit my caffeine. Thanks | Thanks for your question tightness or chest pain can be due to cardiac issues like MI, angina, or anxiety and others or lung issues or gastritis you need to visit a physician who can request for a chest X-ray and an ECG and a 2 d echo if required to evaluate and rule out the organic diseases or cause sin my patients I usually give them aspirin and a proton pump inhibitor and then evaluate them thanks feel free to ask more questions |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | d ear sir,i am 28 year old women.i am treating pcod with metformin 500 bd[started on 17/may/2011]duphastone also taking now,this is started on 15/june..last period is 28 may.this month i am trying to conceive,but today i am cheaking tourine test negative result will shown.suggestion wt 70kg,ht 168 | Hi, I think you should take some medicines like camphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after your injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi, DOC, I have cough with Phlegm and difficulty to breath specially at night, i took so many sirop for cough but doesn t work, i think i need strong medicine like antibiotics but i don t like it because some of them i took before give me skin allergy , please can you suggest any antibiotic without this side effect?? Thank you | Hi, Welcome to ChatDoctorYou are having cough with sputum more so in night, there is possibility that you have chest infection along with bronchospasm and inflammatory reaction (Bronchitis). I suggest you to visit a Physician who will examine you and this is very easy to diagnose and if required Blood count and X-ray chest and Lung function test may be performed. Then proper treatment of antibiotic, bronchodialators, steroids oral if required may be prescribed to you, and you will improve in few days. If Asthmatic reaction is there inhalation therapy is of great help. You can always say which antibiotic you have allergy as there are many other groups from which safe antibiotic may be given. It would be unethical to advise Chat Doctor. Please visit a Physician you will be taken care. Good Luck |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have 2 small reddish bumps under my left eye. It almost goes away and then returns. I have never had any skin problems, do not take any meds. I hadan extensive outbreak of cold sores earlier this summer due to the sun. I did not realize that was the root of my problem at first and have avoided that situation. They have all cleared up but I now have this prob could it be related? They do not come to a head and are not weepy but they do burn at times and itch. | Hi, Welcome. Based on the facts of your query-You don't seem to have any relation of the reddish lump under your eye to the cold sores few months back. Mostly you seem to have acne as they burn and itch and are reddish and are on the face Hope this would help you to plan further treatment with your doctor. Will appreciate your Hitting thanks and writing excellent review comments to help needy patients like you. Welcome with any other further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi, I have a small bump corner of my left knee and i feel like it has slightly reduced in size when compared to last month. But when i kneel down at a certain point below my knee cap i feel like needles are pricking and it feels very bad for few seconds. I also have pain around my knees when i stand or walk for few mins. Pain is not severe. What could be the problem. I didnt have any issues in my knees or legs so far. Im 30 yrs old homemaker, 5ft6inch and 58kg. Please help. | Hello, From what you have described it seems you have bursitis around the knee joint which is secondary to osteoarthritis of the knee. It is a common condition in which the fluid contained sac around the knee which is present to decrease the friction when you are moving the knee joint becomes inflamed All you need rondo is to take it easy for a few weeks and avoid kneeling and squatting. You can apply a local pain relieving gel and hot fomentation. If it does not decrease in a few weeks, get an x-ray of the knee joint. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello, I have been fighting what I thought was just a common cold since thursday morning and was just feeling really tired out on friday. Saturday I stayed home from work and slept off and on throughout the day. Yesterday I was outside with a friend and was coughing throughout the day also coughing up muccos and had mild chest pain while coughing... Today at work I was couging and had times I had to stop to catch my breath as I was short of breath. Now was woundering what this may be and should I go see my doctor or go into urgent care? | Hello, Yes, you should definitely consult pulmonologist because possibility of bronchitis is more likely in your case. Bronchitis is inflammation of airways. It is very common after viral upper respiratory tract infection (common cold). It causes bronchospasm and this in turn causes chest pain, coughing, mucus expectoration and breathing difficulty. So, get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My CPK was tested an it is very high its 1073 and CK MB is ok at 05. I have had this for sometime now. I find it a bit difficult to walk. My leg musles are weak. How can I get over this. I know its not going to asimple solution. I will be happy if you can direct me towards a solution. Thank you Franklin | Hello, High CPK can be there due to following reasons:- Some medicines like statins, vibrates, antiretroviral, beta blockers etc.- 24 hr after severe exercise- Polymyositis, dermatomyositis and other connective tissue disorders-Cardiac problems like infarction- Endocrine disorders like hypo or hyperthyroidism- Viral infections If muscle weakness is only symptoms you are not getting relief from any treatment then you should get a complete evaluation including endocrine disorders and should have a muscle biopsy to rule out myopathies. Meanwhile, you can do following:- Take a good analgesic like ibuprofen.- Chat Doctor. - Take supplements of vitamin E with L Carnitine. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Docter,I am 58 years old, and having bp and sugar and 5 years back coroary heart disease one vessel stent put. As per dr. advise I am taking prolomet am 50 mg, avas 10 mg, olmzest h20 and gemer 1mg. Now days I am forgetting very frequently and staircase above two floor difficult to climb. plesae suggest it is due to medicinal effects. (my bp leve/90/150, fasting sugar average140 to 160) | Hi, After going through your case I want to know - 1) You are unable to climb stairs it is because of breathing difficulties or chest discomfort or because of leg pain. 2) Any habits like smoking, alcohol. 3) 2DEcho report done at the time of stenting. 4) Any puffiness of face or swelling over body. 5) Imbalance while walking, slurred speech. 6) Forgetfulness is for short time or longer duration. Following investigation are advisable in your case-1) ECG comparison with old ECG is important. 2) 2DEcho to know pumping capacity of heart and any abnormalities of heart wall motion. 3) Fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels, HbA1c level to know your Diabetes control. 4) Lipid profile to know cholesterol levels. 5) Kidney and liver function tests including ultrasonography. Difficulty in climbing stair may be due to impending heart failure that might be due to new heart disease if leg pain is there may be claudication due to complications of diabetes on blood vessels of legs (peripheral arterial disease) Forgetfulness might be due to side effects of Medicine like proposed, hypoglycemic (low blood sugar levels) episodes or impaired blood flow to brain. So it is advisable to consult cardiologist and also neurologist for neurological Examination. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I am suffering from wheezing issue from four months now. I am adviced to take Montek LC tablet. I get itching sensation and also I think it does not help as still I have bad cold and cough. I cough so much that again wheezing starts. Nibulization is also not helping me. I am tired of meeting doctors and changing medicines. Please help. | YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO SOME AILMENTS.THE CAUSE.IT MAY BE INDOOR PLANTS, ANIMALS,DUST,Housefly, EGG,MILK, ANIMAL, SMOKE, FUMES,BLOOD TEST FOR, TOTAL EOSINOPHIL COUNT, IGE, SUGAR,URINALYSIS.STOOL EXAM.FOR OVA & CYST.IF NOT CURED, I WOULD ADVISE TO GO FOR ALLERGY BLOOD TESTS, SKIN TESTS, TREATMENT DEPEND ON CAUSE.MONTE CAC FOR LONG PERIOD IS NOT EFFECTIVE RATHER HARMFUL.YOU CAN TRY BEN Chat Doctor. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR FOR MORE OPTIONS.FEEDBACK TO Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My daughter is 18 months old and is suffering from asthma symptoms. Last time when she had severe problem breathing, pediatrician has advised to use Kidpred syrup - 5ml for 3days, Montair granules 1 sachet for 30 days and Inhaler: Budate 100mg, 2 times with 12 hour interval, Salbair 3 times with 8 hours interval. We followed all suggestion but discontinued Montair granules after 15 days. Our baby is again suffering from severe cold, cough and asthma kind of symptoms now a month after previous episode. Is it suggested to use the same medication again as used earlier? | Hi, Since your child was alright after using the treatment, you should adhere to your doctors' advice. It's very difficult to diagnose as asthma at this age. But meantime proper treatment to prevent any symptoms will help in intellectual and physical development. So adherence is must. This may be common cold or due to asthma. For asthma, you can continue montelukast granules once daily and bu date. This will help in preventing any further symptoms and saltier to relieve symptoms. I hope this information helps you. Feel free to ask for any further queries. Regards |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | hello, i am a young mother and i have a son two years old. I am worried because he has a cough,and a noise when he breath.He is very skilful, a movable children and very smart.i have visited him and the doctor said he is allergic from milk and meat but i am not so sure because for a long time i put him on diet but ith no result he still becomes ill.The doctor said the illnes is part of the family of asthma bronchial.thx | Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Greetings from Chennai. By what you quote I feel what your kid could be having viral associated wheeze or multi triggered wheeze. I have a few questions for you -Questions:1. How many days per month does he cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does his sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?3. Does he feel breathless when he runs around or plays with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever? Please get back to me with answers so that I can guide you better. You can approach me at the following link - www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello, Im concerned for my for my 12mo old nephew. Hes had a consistent cough for a few weeks now. At one point the docotors said he had pneumonia and just gave him antiboitics. At his last check up they said he didnt have it anymore but hes still coughing and cant catch his breath, weezing, lots of mucus and fever. He was taken to an urgent care yesterday just to be turned away...Please help! | Hi, If cough persists for more than 2 weeks, we should be cautious and need to evaluate the child. As the child had pneumonia, which itself can cause a persistent cough. The last symptom to settle in pneumonia is cough, which usually takes a week to settle. I would be worried if the child has a fever, fast breathing, chest in Chat Doctor. There are many causes for persistent cough, some are: Post viral bronchitis, Pertussis, Tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinetic, Bronchiolitis obliterate, some cardiac causes like congenital heart disease with a left to right shunt lesions can have Persistent cough. Looking at the history you have given, it seems the child has post-viral bronchitis, which will settle in some time and the child requires supportive care and adequate nutrition. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I am currently being treated for carcinoid which started in my colon with mets to liver. On the last MRI there appeared a 1.3cm nodule on the upper portion of the pancreas. Although it has not grown within 6mo. would you recommend an ERCP to evaluate/biopsy or keep it on the watchlist ? It s possible to do an octreotide scan but that would only rule out if it was an endocrine tumor. | Good morning Sorry to hear about your ill health would definitely not put you to ERCPInfact, I would like to perform EUS and FNAC of the nodule detected on MRI scan. This would clinch the diagnosis. Octreotide scan would highly suggest an endocrine tumor but cannot confirm ITECH is usually used to evaluate and/ or bile duct obstruction and pancreatitis hope this would answer your question wish you speedy recovery |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | hi,my fiance has just been diagnosed with emphasima,he 44..smokes heavily,also they found a 5mm lump in his lung,hes to go for yet another ct scan..he wont stop smoking,and is very breathless..a year ago he was at the gym 5 times a weeknow he cant walk up stairs without bein out of 44 very young to have this disease.thanx | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, emphysema can be seen at the age of 44 years. Since he is a heavy smoker, emphysema is common at young age. He should get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) first. PFT is must totally know the severity of emphysema. And treatment is based on severity only. He may need inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Enroll him in smoking cessation clinic. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your fiancé. Thanks. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have a hard painful lump in my cheek (mouth). At first I thought it was my jaw, so maybe an abscessed tooth, but my gum area is not sore. I can feel the lump in my cheek tissue (for lack of a better description) and it is very sore like a bruise. | Hi. Thanks for your query. As per your description of the lump: hard-painful lump which is sore like a bruise can be an inflammatory in origin. The cause could have been a bitten cheek or a small injury which has inadvertently gone into infection. I would advise:A course of an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory for 5 days should solve the problem. If no response within 2 to 3 days consult an ENT Surgeon / Oral Surgeon to make sure that there is no serious underlying problem |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | hello Dr. ! I am married since 2 years and my age is 30 years. My period was delayed for 3 Months in Jan 2017. so Dr. suggested me to take Reg flaw for 3 months and then try to conceive. but I didn t take it and took Rajah Pravatrni Vati - Ayurvedic pills now. my period cycle is 35 days. and we are trying for last 1 month. So, what you suggest to conceive fast. should I take medicine to regulate my period or not. | Hello, Thanks for sharing your health concern with us. I have gone through your query and here are your answers: 1. If you have regular cycles, there is no further need to use any medication to regulate cycles. 2. Establishment of regular ovulation and timing of intercourse properly is necessary. 3. If you want to conceive quickly, you have to get further evaluation and plan management. Hope this helps. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I am experiencing tingling and pin and needle feeling in my hands and arms. Thought I noticed it in my legs the other day? I am female, 47, overwieght (205pnds) ,5feet 8 inches. I drive a lot for my job, I do have horrible posture. I have liposis so there is a lump in the middle of my shoulderblades. I am eating healthy and trying to exercise more. Shaking and flexing my hand seems to help this numb feeling subside. I do not take any medication. My first thought was I was having a heart attack or stroke, but I am hoping it is carpal tunnel or a pinched nerve. | Hi and thanks for the query, this requires a careful evaluation of specific aspects of the past medical history and a complete physical examination. The causes are numerous, and could range from simple vitamin deficiencies to complex ones like problems with nerves or nerve compression. A proper consultation with a neurologist for an examination, and appropriate laboratory and neurological investigations would be most welcome. Kind regards |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi my son is 1.7 yrs he as loose motions not very liquid it thicker and its completely green in color and its almost a 10 days now. Went to doc for consultation but still the same e was under Flagyl suspension and Gramogyl syrup. Is der anything else can be done. Pls advise | Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics (LIKE FLAGYL OR GRAMMY) unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I take celexa 40 mg for depression 1 mg kolonopin for anxiety and and see a psychologist an psychiatrist an I m so depressed I feel like commuting suicide all the time is there something wrong with me I can t tell these people that cause they just want hospitalize me then I lose my job an everybody thinks I m a nut case not sure if I m losing it or what can be done but I m not gonna take much more of the mind racing and sleepless nights? | Degree understand your concerns went through your details. From the given information, a conclusion is difficult, but I can say that the treatment you are getting is not enough at all. You should consult and work with your psychiatrist for a better treatment option. It is also obvious that the therapy is also not working. Either you are not doing the exercises properly or your psychologist is not capable. Ad Chat Doctor. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | 45, depression for about 20 years, take prozac 40 mg daily, overweight, i am about 5 7 208 lbs, exercise daily, walk about 1 mile, cutting back on calories, sweets and jumk. feeling foggy in the head, just not quite right, jittery, sometimes down right shaking and cold feeling, went to er , second time for this in 2 years, blood work shows ok for thyroid,blood glucose, heart ok, kidney functions ok, said i had a world class blood workup and nothing showed. gave me xanax to try, hard to function even on .5mg as it makes me very tired and I have to drive all day. very upsetting and has me rdgy nervous and worried now, sometimes symptoms wake me out of sleep, sometimes vomitting and dizziness, not sure if shortness of breath is anxiety from not feeling good or really am short of breath. | I appreciate your concerns, based on the history I would say that if you are not running fever and if your blood complete picture is also normal, then there is nothing to worry. Foggy feeling in the head, dizziness and shortness of breath can be due to the accompanied anxiety. However, more information is needed your vomiting as it is unlikely in routine anxiety. You can practice deep breathing exercise and nothing to worry. I hope you find this helpful. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have jaw pain that I know is associated with TMJ. About 10 years ago, my muscle in my jaw popped out the size of a baseball. I was given an occlusal? guard and my uncle accidently threw it away and now 6 years later, I am experiencing the same feeling. My insurance does not cover the guard. What else can I do? | Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The jaw pain can be because of the disc displacement in the temporomandibular joint. Consult an oral physician and get it diagnosed. If I am your treating doctor, I would have suggested you to take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. You can also take muscle relaxants like chlorzoxazone. You can give hot fomentation over the joints. Do not eat hard things, do not open your mouth too wide. Take soft diet. If you take these measures, your problem will be solved. But if the pain still persists, then you have to get the splints done. Regarding your insurance coverage, you can get it done in educational institutes, where it will be done with a nominal price or free of cost. I hope my answer will help you, take care. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | hello.pls tellme about my these reports of x ray of d l spine...... MARGINAL OSTEOPHYTES ARE SEEN IN MULTIPLE LEVELS. AND EARLY DENGERATIVE CHANGES IN DL SPINE....... this is my main report... so pls guide me for this problem.. i hv back pain since last 5 years... which docter i | Hello, These findings are indicative of chronic degenerative changes in the spine, which can lead to chronic back pain. I would recommend performing a spine MRI, which would give more information for possible disk bulging or spinal canal stenosis. Meanwhile, I recommend performing a lot of physio therapies to help reinforce your back muscles. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I am an alcoholic and have been sober 6 years. While drinking I was told I had fatty liver after an ultrasound to evaluate why my liver enzymes were so elevated. My enzymes are still slightly elevated so i was sent for another ultrasound and the fatty liver remains though I m not overweight. I have been referred to a specialist and guess they may do a biopsy to determine if this is simple fatty liver or intrinsic liver disease . Since the liver still appears fatty after all this time, is it evidence of cirrhosis? I have no symptoms, but am nervous. I m a 58 year old woman. | Hi there, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Fatty liver and cirrhosis are two different things. Fatty liver is at one end of the spectrum and cirrhosis on the other end. Alcohol intake for long period of time can cause both these conditions. It would start with fatty liver and would lead to hepatitis and eventually to cirrhosis. A fibrosis or a liver biopsy may be done to see whether you have developed cirrhosis. Is this answer helpful? |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi recently Ive been having odd symptom. When I have a bowel movement I ejaculate a small amount of semen. Im 21, on no medications, have no allergies and the only real medical history Ive had was jaw surgery. Why is this happening and what does it mean? | Degree understand your concerns went through your details. First, you must understand, the small amount of semen goes through your bowel movement is not ejaculation. Our body produces semen whenever it is sexually excited. The produced semen is stored within your body and is a waste product. Body needs to throw the stored semen out at some time. If you do not masturbate or engage in sex, body finds other ways to throw the semen out. The possible ways in front of the body are nocturnal ejaculation or throw urine. Such semen Chat Doctor. Over and above that is not happening due to any physical illness. Therefore, please do not worry or obsess about this natural process. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Im so scared Im going to get put in a mental hospital. I hate myself and how I look and so dont eat for says at a time bt I hide this as my mum always threatened to put me in hospital for not eating but I cant make my self eat. To make things worse because I hate myself I focus on alcohol, the only time I can forget about my problems and feel normal is when Im drunk. I havent told anyone because I really dont want to be taken away. This fear and my hate for myself are the only things I think about and it controls my life. | Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you have been going through a difficult time due to your negative thoughts about yourself and your appearance. You have also mentioned that you do not eat because of this. Now, these symptoms could suggest that you may be suffering from an eating disorder. Since you seem to be quite distressed by these problems, and you have resorted to Chat Doctor. I would advise you to see a psychiatrist for a detailed evaluation and psychological assessment. Effective help is available in the form of medication or counselling to help you overcome your problems. So, please don't hesitate to seek professional help. Wish you all the best. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have been having a headache everyday since feb I went to my dr and he referred me to a neurologist. MRI of my brain showed fine except my cerebellum poked down but the dr said it was an accidental finding and doesnt think its poked down enough to cause the headaches. Im now having neck pain. Also seein black and white lines in my vision and bright lights have a big flow around. I wear contacts | Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your MRI findings could mean a herniation of cerebellar tonsils. If you can upload your report, it would be helpful in confirming that. If it is mild, then there is no need to worry. However, if it is significant, then it may press on the lower part of brain (medulla) and upper spinal cord, leading to headache and neck pain. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/ |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My 2 year old son has been having problems stooling. he has not gone in about 4-5 days and is complaining of stomach pain and that he needs to poop. I ve tried miralax for three days and today gave a pediatric glycerin suppository with no success. What can I do to help relieve his discomfort? We ve been down this road several time in the past month and nothing really seems to help keep him regular. | Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I think your kid is having habitual constipation. I have certain questions and suggestions for you. Questions:1. Did your kid pass motion or meconium on day one of life?2. Since how long is the kid constipated?3. Does the kid have any bleeding along with hard stools?4. How much milk does the kid consume per day?5. Does the kid eat fruits and vegetables (fiber diet) appropriately? You can get back with answers at the following link - www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Natural methods are the best to relieve constipation.2. Constipation is a risk factor for UTI3. Maximum milk consumption per day should not exceed 300-400ml4. Minimum 3-4 cups of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day5. Toilet training - that is - sitting in Indian type of lavatory daily at the same time will help a lot. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | kid 4 year old had fever and crocin (6ml) was given, after 1hr the fever was still shooting and the temp became 101.8 and gave meftal ( 5ml). should this be fine or is there any other suggestion ? please note the child has seizure history aswell earlier | Hi, Meftal and Cronin both are good antipyretic medicines. It will take some time to act to bring down the temperature. Now over and above Cronin, you gave Metal, it will start working now and fever will go down. Important is to give more water so that there will be profuse perspiration bringing down the temperature.If you require apply ice pack on forehead or abdomen. As there is h/o seizure, if fever does not go down, consult your doctor. Ok and take care. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hello Doctor, My Son is 4 years old.He always sneezes in the morning and is always has mucus in his nose.I have tried all medications but his cold never seems to reduce.Is it got anything to do with eosinophil count or any food allergies.What do I do | Hi, thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Is your child having itching near his nose and picks his nose? If so he may be suffering from allergic rhinitis which is causing all the symptoms. You can try simple anti-allergic medication like Levocetrizine or montelukast for a few weeks after consulting your pediatrician. If they are showing no response your can also try intranasal steroid puffs. Hope this has helped you. Your vote of thanks is appreciated, Good luck, Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My Father, age 74, is suffering from neurological disorder. He Lost all his interest, Lost his social behaviours and some time get violent. MRI report shows whole brain is shrinking and getting dried, but there so no such particular damage to frontal lobe. MRI Report does not say its Dementia, but symptoms are like dementia. And one more point, He get violent and restless ina particular cycle. like after 2/3 days, and in betweena cycle he is as normal as any one. Expert says he is suffering from epiliptic seizures. What is the best medicine and best dose? | Your father needs to be assessed by a clinical psychologist for extent of dementia, once dementia is confirmed the medications are available which delays the process of degeneration but does not cure it. Medications are also available to control aggression. EEG needs to be done to evaluate for seizures which can coexist in some casesMedications for depression also help when given with antidementing Chat Doctor. Plz consult a neurologist, he would be able to help you. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have a history of kidney stones and I have one, possibly more passing. I usually do not go see the doctor for them as I have passed more than twenty at this point and I just deal with it. I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and usually it is well controlled. Today my sugar has been consistently over 200. Could the kidney stone be causing my sugar to spike? | Hello, no there is no way a kidney stone can cause your sugars to go high. For your problem of recurring kidney stone which according to what you said are not troubling you, you could just consult a dietician because many times modifying diet also can reduce recurrence of kidney stones. For high blood sugars also you need to modify your diet and should have low sugar diet and moderate amount of exercise. I feel you should consult a dietician for your both problems. If blood sugars don't get controlled even after proper diet then you should consult a doctor for anti-diabetic medications. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi, 48Hours ago I felt sudden pain in my back. I feels, as if I have sore muscles on my upper back (just below the nape of my neck). Any sudden movement is very hard for me and if I am in the wrong position, it really hurts. Adding to that: It is very hard to take a deep breathe and to swallow food. My Question: Should I go to the doctor immediatly or should I wait till next morning? And what could these signs indicate? Emile (I m male, 27 years old, a bit overweight, but I started going to the gym since two months and I practice badminton for three years now) | Hi Thanks for posting your query. Sudden onset of pain at the site mentioned by you is most likely due to two possible cause. 1. Acute Muscle spasm: It is sustained strong contraction of muscles of your neck or upper back muscles due to exertion or faulty posture especially while sleeping. 2. Cervical disc disease: Working out in gym in improper posture can cause disc problem at your neck region. Among these two muscle spasm is a simple problem which will relieve by itself in a day or two. But disc problem needs medical attention. If it has been more than 2 days of pain and no improvement then better you consult your doctor. Any clarification feel free to ask. Happy to answer. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I am female 22 in which i have left side upper abdominal pain just near my ribs ...not bad pain but uncomfortable at times sharp but throbbing faint type of pain sometimes nausea to. Could u tell me what this could be. Sometimes left arm feel numb? Thank you | Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. That is mostly due to gastritis. Take a course of antacids like omeprazole or pantoprazole and see, it is improves then continue it for a month. Regarding your numbness in arm, that can be due to compression during sleep or work or due to vitamin deficiency. Maintain a good posture during sleep and work and eat healthy and balanced diet. Avoid tea, coffee, soda Chat Doctor. Regards |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | sir, my son is 21/2 yrs from last three days he is having fever today better. yesterday he is having vomitings and today motions like water. i given medicines calpol250mg for fever, ondem, satrogyl. today from morning onwards more than 20 motions like water. please suggest | Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics (LIKE METRO) unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My 5 year old daughter had crowns put on all of her back molars 6 days ago. She would not eat anything but yogurt or completely soft foods for 3 days. She has finally started eating but limited. She has been moody and seems to have a cold. She has had a mild fever off and on but tonight when we were brushing her top teeth in back started to bleed. | Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint bleeding from the gums in the area where there is placement of crown can be due to infection in the gum in that area that can be due to infection caused due to lack of proper cleaning. Pain can lead to reluctance in eating too. For this consult a Pediatric dentist and get her evaluated and also get an x-ray of the tooth done to check for infection. In case if there is gum infection then scaling will help. For fever and cold that can be due to viral infection you can give her Acetaminophen but f the fever continue to recur consult a Pediatrician and get a blood test done. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. . |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | i was prescribed to take two 250 puffs in the morning and two puffs at night.i have done this for a few years now and my asthma was fine,but last year it was cut back to one puff in the morning and one puff at night,my asthma has now got worse.why was it cut back,it was decided by some medical board not my doctor. | Hi, Asthma shows great seasonal variations and hence the medication needs modification as required. Usually patients require higher doses in winter than in summer. Similarly, many other factors are taken into consideration before curtailment of the dose to keep the sensitivity of the Chat Doctor. If you are not comfortable with lesser dose, you can increase it till you are feeling better. All the best. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | 26yr old female diagnosed aplastic anemia 5 years ago. Blood counts have been on the low side of normal for the last 4 years with no treatments. Recently diagnosed with ringworm which is spreading. Dr.ran a CBC -WBC-2.3,platelets 115, rbc 20. The rbc has never been that high. I was originally prescribed an antifungal cream but was given oral medication today. Should I be concerned about my blood counts or do you think they will improve once the ringworm is gone? | Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Blood count and fungal infections are totally different thing. Each one has nothing to do with the other. So I can say your count, or I can say plastic anemia won't improve with the treatment. But you should take the antifungal medication appropriately. Because ring worm infection if increases will be difficult to cure. You can try to avoid as much sweat as possible. Because sweating can improve the infection. Wear cotton undergarments, this will absorb the sweat and can help prevent the infection. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I got bit in the palm of the hand by a dog 6 mons ago and have developed a trigger finger(middle one) with swelling & pain in the palm plus a rather large lump & scar. using a splint at night & stretching plus anti inflammatory drugs but not working. whats next? | Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. All measures you have taken is right and appropriate. I advise you to take good care of all the things you are taking right now. If even after a month or so if trigger finger is not released than you should think of surgical repair. Remember that surgical repair is always a last option to take care for. I advise you should first try out manually if it's not possible than its surgery. Physiotherapy always play a great role in the management of such case. Even after surgery doing physiotherapy can help you. You should also think for electrotherapy. It is also a part of physiotherapy and helped a lot to many people. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My husband has got a build up of cheese like substance constantly under his penis. He has just come out of hospital and has taken a numerous amount of antibiotics. We had sex for the first time after he came out of hospital and he said it was stinging during intercourse | Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-Balanitis with Genital Thrush ? Caused by Candidiasis induced from Overuse of Antibiotics while your husband was in hospital. Due to this Candidiasis your husband had this cheesy material under foreskin of penis and complained of stinging during intercourse. Hope this would help you to solve your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi. me and my gf had unprotected sex on 26th sep midnight I.e 27th early morning. Though i didnt ejaculated inside. Bt to be sure my gf took ipill in 26 or 27 hours approx. Now she expects her periods on 1st or 2nd of every month. She suffered from lower abdominal pain, cramps for first 3 days days after taking ipill. Then the pain was gone on 4th day. Now 5th day she is feeling same pain and cramps and vomiting. Is this normal? any chances of pregnancy? pls help. | Hello, Unprotected sex with pulled out method just few days prior to period date is very much safe. Additionally, she took I-pill within 26-27 hrs which gives more than 85% protection. Here, chance of pregnancy is extremely rare. Above clinical features are mostly due to side effects of I-pill or Premenstrual symptoms. However, period may be delayed for 1-2 weeks due to hormonal imbalance and stress. She has to wait for period.In the meantime, she would take balanced diet, Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi my sister is a psychiatry patient and she is on OLEANZ 10 mg (taking irregularly) from past 2 yrs. I feel she is normal and fine if she is with her husband but i feel some wat different if she is not along with her husband i mean if she is staying with me and mom. Do you think staying along with her husband will definately cure her disease (schizophernia).? Please reply Thanks As | Hi, First her treatment is good. Schizophrenia respond well to medicine, but it is not treatable by simple lifestyle modification. This illness is not curable but controllable with medicines in most of the cases. Apart from that symptom severity may change according to stress level, nature of psychopathology, treatment compliance and change in medicine. This may be one of the reason for change in her symptoms in different circumstances. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Wish you Good Health. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I m small chest pain like small needle is poking at it and breathing is a bit difficult and my throats a bit scratchy... Not too bad. But I m worried cause today I dealt with glacial acetic acid in lab and I suffer from mild asthma should I go to the emergency room? | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation. In my opinion you are having worsening of underlying asthma due to viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI). The most common cause for worsening of asthma is viral infection. And sore throat in your case is suggestive of viral URI more. So this might be the cause for your breathing difficulty (worsening of asthma). So better to consult pulmonologist and get done1. Chest x ray2. PUT (pulmonary function test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection.PFT is needed to know the severity of asthma. And treatment is based on severity only. So PFT is must in your case. You may need antihistamine, antibiotics and inhaled corticosteroid and bronchodilators. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My son fell on his knee when roller skating a couple weeks ago. there is still a bump on the lateral upper side of his knee. He says it has a burning feeling when he rolls onto it in bed and when the bump is pressed. He says it feels like a bruise at times, but there is no coloration of a bruise. Could it be a torn tendon? He says it doesn t hurt when he walks or straightens his leg. Should I get xrays or give it time? | Hello, Your son is most probably having post-traumatic synovitis at knee. This is just like mild inflammation of soft tissues. There may be mild injury to inner structure of knee. In response to this knee secretes some fluid to heal those structures. At present, I will advise you to give him rest and avoid sports activities. I used to give mild analgesic anti-inflammatory in such cases. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I am trying for a baby since 3 months,but not able to ejaculate inside her.For now i am masturbating and when i reach climax i put head of penis inside her and will release sperms. then i will raise her back by keeping a pillow to make sure the sperms flow downwards. Is this the right method.Can my wife become pregnant with this. Please give us a solution. We are really worried. | Hello, Your way of ejaculation inside the vagina is perfect if there is no ejaculation by normal sexual intercourse. Anyhow sperms enter into the vagina and so also move upwards cervix and in uterus and travel to fallopian tube for fertilization. Everything is perfect, so need not worry at all, since only three months passed. Wait for another six to nine months for getting pregnancy. Still, if you are very eager then get in semen analysis and then deal according to condition. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have a small ish White lump with a red ring around it on the roof of my mouth toward the left side, it hurts quite alot and hurts to spit and swallow . I have had it for about 8 weeks. I have recently been to the dentist and they said the lump was nothing but they said that I needed a deep filling redone as it had chipped and become decayed again. they took an x ray to find this. I am 14 and very worried about the lump and getting the tooth refilled as I have a fear of the dentist. Any help as to what this is would be very appreciated. Thank you | Dear Millie It looks like you are having periapical abscess. This happens when the decay has become deep and reached the pulp and progressed to tip of the root. The pus is now probably Chat Doctor. Since the X-ray has been taken, it would clearly show how deep has the decay reached and whether that is the cause for your lump. In your case most likely root canal treatment is required. The second possibility is that the tooth is decayed beneath the filling and the tooth has chipped off leading to food and plaque accumulation, which might have caused gingival abscess (abscess of gums) . In which case redoing of filling is sufficient provided the decay has not reached the pulp (X-ray will confirm this). In either case you need not have to be scared, dentist will anesthetist the tooth during the procedure (if he doesn't then insist on it). Visit dentist regularly and get yourself examined to prevent future problems. Take care regards |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | So this Friday I came home from work and noticed that I had a small lump in my armpit (I am a 19 year old female). I wear a tight shirt a work and sweat a fair bit there. And I thought the pain I was feeling was the shirt rubbing. It was when I got home I noticed the lump.I went to the ER that Saturday night because I was worried. When I had got there the lump was almost gone. The doctor felt what he called the remnants of it. He said it was an auxiliary mass or something. Well yesterday I got home from a party and noticed that the lump had returned. Its about the size of a pea and is in my left armpit. Its in the same exact spot the one was previously. I am freaking out and having wicked bad anxiety. I felt better after I saw the ER doctor but freaked out again when it came back......whats going on? | Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. The history and symptoms suggest the possible cause will be hair follicle infection / inflammation with collection, next could be lymph nodal enlargement.2. The infection can be treated with a course of antibiotics, whereas the lymph nodal enlargement will occur due town infection or inflammation anywhere in the body.3. So any illness you are aware of can be treated.4. As a remedy do not use tight shirt until complete healing, use soft clothing which will not cause the rubbing, avoid squeezing, pressing the lump - as you can complicate and disturb healing process.5. Avoid shaving, meanwhile you use trimming till complete healing - that will help.6. Apply local anti-inflammatory cream with remedies explained - should be well in a couple of days. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query,anything to ask do not hesitate to ask.http://doctor.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi I am a diabetic and I have a corn on my small toe.I am from England and I used to go to the chiropodistIce a month to have this removed.I last had it done 1 year ago so you can imagine how painful this is. Is there any help I can get this corn see to please.I will also mention I am 78 years old. | Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, if this was the corn lesion, and it is being removed surgically, wound healed and sealed, so it may not occur again if no pressure applied again on same point or part, great care needs to be taken for that, try to avoid putting the pressure, chances of happening it again is very less likely, but it can not be avoided totally even after taking much care, hope this information helps. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I have several sores in my mouth. It started on my lower lip as many very small bumps. They are not canker sores and now they are on the underneath of my tongue. they are red an hurt. I have been putting a NSAID topical creme on my hand could this be a reaction as I have had asthma related allergic reactions to motrin in the past | Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query. As you have already suggested that you have shown allergic reactions to Motrin in the past which is also a NSAID(Ibuprofen). The mouth ulceration in the floor of your mouth is most likely caused as an allergic reaction to the NSAID ointment you rubbed on your hand. I would like you to visit your nearest Dentist to rule out any other cause. If you were my patient, I would have prescribed you with a Steroid Triamcinolone Acetonic cream 0.1% Mouth Ointment or any Topical Steroid If you were not allergic to steroids. Moreover, avoid spicy foods and Eat and Chat Doctor. Rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine mouth wash. Thanks and |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | My son was just diagnosed with MS. He is 31. He tested positive on his spinal tap and has 3 brain lesions. He is also taking lamotrigine for vertigo. He cannot drive because of the vertigo and he lost vision in one eye for a couple of hours 2 weeks ago. Can this get better with medicine or are these lesions here to stay? He has missed a few days of work and I am wondering if he is going to lose his job. I am a very worried mom 800 miles away. | HI, Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor you used abbreviation, word, MS do not use such abbreviation while explaining to medics you should be clear and meaningful, use simple terms as long as it is possible, now MS has wide meaning right from Mitral stenosis to multiple sclerosis, what exactly I should take it in account, if you mean, Multiple sclerosis then you need to talk to his physician, there are numbers of newer therapies available, but it should be discussed with treating physician, regarding the side effect of Chat Doctor. Please be in touch with Chat Doctor. Good luck to your son. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | I had bilateral pulmonary emboli 3 months ago following an emergency colectomy. Since then I have been diagnosed with a genetic clotting disorder and I have small vessel cardiac disease. I am 65, female and like to smoke small amounts of marijuana for the anxiolitic effects. How safe/unsafe is this? | Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your genetic clotting disorder is there from long time. It's just diagnosed because of pulmonary embolism. And surgery is the risk factor for that. That is the reason why you have diagnosed at that time. Marijuana is not safe so try to avoid it. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | Hi my ankle keeps swelling up and when the swelling goes down it is very painful to walk, the pain goes up my calf and along my toes and I have had a blood test for blood clots and that has came back negative my doctor isnt helping he said he doesnt have a clue wht it could be please help | Hi, If I were your treating Doctor for this case, I would come up with three possibilities, these include: First possibility is due to vascular problem like varicose veins or venous insufficiency or DVT and this can be excluded by doing duplex US for your lower limb and can be treated by raising your legs up, wearing elastic stocks and receiving catatonics. Second possibility is due to elevated serum uric acid level and this can be excluded by doing blood level of serum uric acid and treated with rate lowering Chat Doctor. Third possibility is due to systemic disease and this could be excluded by doing renal and liver function test and assessing cardiac function by doing ECHO cardiograph. |
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