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In 1983, the "three friends of winter" (referring to the bamboo, pine and plum, and to faithful friends in hard times), Wei Han-chang, Huang, and Lin Sheng-shih, all received special contribution awards at the National Literature and Art Achievement Awards. The three were invited to speak in Kaohsiung, and they all fell in love with the city. | 民國 72 年,素有「歲寒三友」之譽的韋瀚章、黃友棣、林聲翕,同時獲頒國家文藝獎特別貢獻獎,並應邀到高雄演講,3 人同時愛上這個海洋之都。 |
In the same way, the teams were encouraged to utilize Western techniques in the preparation of ingredients normally associated with Chinese cuisine. A case in point, ingredients used in Chinese vegetarian cooking, such as tofu and bamboo shoots, were baked or prepared au gratin. | 同樣地,也希望廚師們「中材西用」,以豆腐、豆衣、竹筍等中式素材,加以西式焗、烤等翻新手法烹調。 |
In transportation, there are bamboo bridges, bamboo rafts and bamboo sedan chairs. In musical instruments, bamboo is used in Chinese flutes and pipes. | 另外用於行路方面有竹橋、竹排、竹筏、竹轎;用做樂器的有蕭、笙、管、笛……。 |
It is one of the "four gentlemen" of the Chinese floral world, the others being plum flowers, orchids and chrysanthemums. Bamboo is listed in the "three friends in the cold of the year," with pine and plum, which do not wither in winter. These titles indicate how the bamboo is cherished and respected by the Chinese. | 我們將竹與梅、蘭、菊合稱「四君子」;與松、梅合稱「歲寒三友」,其重視之程度,不問可知了。 |
Chickens and eggs sold in Taiwan's market were worth NT $ 24 million per day in 1975 according to Taiwan Provincial Government. Annual production was over NT $ 8,000 million in 1975. | 台灣省政府農林廳曾經統計,去年台灣全省每日上市的雞和雞蛋,價值達新台幣二千四百萬元,年產價值達新台幣八十億元。 |
Bamboo in the courtyard gives to many a feeling of coolness and ease during the long summer days in Taiwan. | 台灣的夏季頗長,家院有竹,隨風搖擺,的確予人一種清涼安逸的感覺。 |
Bamboo is used by the Chinese in many ways. In building or making instruments, it helps provide the necessities of life. | 國人用竹製成雜器用具,種類繁多,因為竹類一如木材,大而建築,小而器具,幾乎無不可以用竹來製作。所以,竹除了供給生活所需之外,也成就了「竹」的文化。 |
Bamboo is used in the arts in painting, sculpture, and for bamboo ware and other handicraft products. | 至於供做繪畫的細線竹簾,奇巧古雅的竹雕,編織圖案的竹器,編結細密的手工藝品,各類名目,可說是不勝枚舉。 |
Her record shows that she has climbed over 300,000 meters in accumulated total within 10 years, a rare achievement few other women in the world could challenge. | 根據楊張碧蓮的登山資料,她在十年之中連續登山的累積高度為三十萬公尺,這是國際女登山家罕有的紀錄。 |
When Huang was 80 he composed an optimistic farewell piece, with lyrics by his good friend Wang Wen-shang: "If I go to the Pure Land in the West, don't be sad! | 黃友棣 80 歲時,曾譜了一首樂觀的告別曲,歌詞是他的好友王文山填的:「如果上到西天,莫愁! |
Along with the rapid increase of per capita income in the Republic of China in recent years, diet habits are changing. | 近幾年來,我國國民的平均所得,正逐年的快速增高,國民的飲食習慣,也隨著收入的增加而有所改變。 |
People's color preference in chickens was in this order: black, red and varicolored, white. | 一般對肉雞的顏色偏好,以「黑色」最高,「紅色及花色」次之,「白色」第三。 |
In addition to local poultry, Taiwan imported chickens for cuisine and for eggs from the U.S.A., Canada, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Japan, West Germany, Denmark, Israel and South Africa. | 台灣地區所養的雞,除了上雞之外,先後也向國外進口多種肉雞和蛋雞。原產地包括美國、加拿大、荷蘭、英國、日本、西德、丹麥、法國、南非、以色列等國。 |
The Retired Servicemen Engineering Agency which is in charge of the placement of retired servicemen has become a major construction force in the Republic of China as a result of the country's fast development. | 以安置退除役官兵從事工程就業的榮民工程事業管理處,由於業務發展的迅速,已經成為國家的一個基本建設力量。 |
In autumn 2004, Taiwan sent a dream team of master chefs from around the island to an international culinary competition in Singapore. Their kitchen cha-cha won these alchemists an impressive four gold medals, four silver, and 12 bronze. | 2004 年秋天,新加坡國際美食烹飪大賽,台灣神廚不分南北組成夢幻隊伍,揮刀舞鏟之間,拿下 4 金、4 銀、12 面銅牌的傲人成績。 |
It is a medium by which one's hopes for good fortune are expressed. The art originated in the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-489A.D.), when women in north China pasted cutouts on the windows to give their houses a holiday air during the Chinese New Year period. | 這種藝術起源於南北朝,當時北朝婦女慣於歲暮年初,以巧剪「宜春帖子」張貼門楣,以示吉氣。 |
He moved to Kaohsiung, with the intent of growing old there. The dry climate cured the high intraocular pressure he had suffered from, and the music community in Kaohsiung embraced him warmly as a national musical treasure. | 高雄乾燥的氣候,治好困擾大師多年的眼壓高宿疾,高雄的音樂界更以無比的熱情擁抱他,大家都覺得如獲至寶。 |
After moving to Kaohsiung, Huang immediately began to work with friends in the artistic community, and threw himself into the second phase of his work "Harbor City Suite." He also wrote "Poetic and Painterly Kaohsiung" and "Song of the Kapok Flower." | 定居高雄後,黃友棣立刻與藝文界的朋友結合,投入第 2 階段「大港都組曲」音樂發表會的工作,並寫下「詩畫港都」與「木棉花之歌」。 |
Bamboo is used extensively in stationery, too. | 在持用的物品上,有竹杖、竹櫓、竹骨扇、竹搔背、竹煙斗、竹笠等等。 |
Bamboo shoots are much used in Chinese cooking, itself a fine art. | 同時,竹的幼芽﹘ ﹘竹筍,還可以供人食用,而烹調之精,又是高深的技藝。 |
Huang grasped the time and launched into a series of writing projects, writing essays to promote music education and exploring the principles behind music and life in a light, humorous style. | 黃友棣把握時間,又列出一系列寫作計畫;他用散文寫樂教工作,用輕鬆的笑話來詮釋音樂與生命的大道理。 |
Then her husband found he could not continue because of heart trouble. But Yang Chang Pi-lien did not stop. In the year of 1975 alone, she climbed 35 mountains all at least 3,000 meters high, and was able to reach her goal of conquering 100 peaks. | 其後楊基振因為狹心症,遵從醫師勸告,停止再登高山,但是楊張碧蓮仍然繼續努力,參加登山活動,在六十四年一年中,開始快速衝刺,登臨了三十五座三千公尺的山岳,最後登上海拔三千二百五十六公尺的慕東山西峰,終於完全了「百岳」的心願。 |
In Taiwan Mountaineering is a popular sport. | 在台灣,登山活動非常普遍,甚至於連鄉鎮都成立了登山的團體。 |
These mountains must meet three conditions: (1) 10,000 feet (3,030 meters) or more in elevation; (2) priorities are given to those that have triangulation marks; (3) their names must be listed on the map. | 但是這個「百岳」的「岳」,必須符合三個條件:第一,標高在一萬英尺(三千零三十公尺)以上;第二,置有三角點者優先錄取;第三,必須是地圖上本來就有山名的高山。 |
When the "Club of 100 Mountains" was established in December of 1972, only four persons had reached or even nearly reached the goal of 100 mountain peaks. It was the winter of 1975, before three more persons could make it. | 六十一年十二月百岳俱樂部成立時,已經完成或接近完成百岳登頂的只有四位,直到六十四年冬天,又有三位打破紀錄。 |
Skills, will power and emotion are necessary elements in mountaineering activities. | 長期的登山活動,從嚴格的意義上來說,需要一種超精神的力量,也就是說,登山活動,離不開技能、意志和感情的要素,不具備這些要素,就不能算是真正的登山活動。 |
Yang Chang Pi-lien is a housewife who was well educated. She says that mountaineering activities have made her feel fresh and filled her heart with joy. The cold wind and icy rain in the mountains have helped to strengthen her body and develop her character of perseverance. Her spirit is renewed and her life beautified, she believes, after climbing 100 mountains. | 楊張碧蓮是一位受過高等教育的家庭主婦,她認為登山活動使她心清氣暢,胸中充滿喜悅,而那撲面砭骨的寒風和冷雨的摧打,鍛鍊了她堅忍的意志和淨健的體魄,更陶冶了她的身心和美化了她的人生。 |
Those whom Liu was most interested in helping with her variety of art therapy were young women and children who had been forced or voluntarily entered into prostitution. | 在藉國民美術進行藝術治療的過程中,最讓劉秀美不捨的,便是被迫或自願出賣肉體的少女和童妓。 |
When he was young, Huang had a dream. He was in a snowstorm, shivering and almost frozen. Suddenly he heard a voice call out, "You must be freezing. | 年輕時,黃友棣曾做過一個夢,夢見自己走在大雪紛飛的雪地裡,全身凍得發僵。 |
The average consumption of eggs in 1975 was 28.8 grams, an increase of 11.2 %, compared with that of 1973. | 再以六十四年的調查顯示,每人每日平均的蛋類消費量,六十四年為二八點八公分,較諸六十二年,增加百分之一一點二。 |
On walking closer he saw a wooden puppet, its feet just catching fire as it burned up in front of his very eyes. | 走近一看,原來是個木偶,他的雙腳正被烈火燃燒,眼看就要化成灰燼,但是木偶卻毫不在意,猶熱情地招呼黃友棣過來取暖。 |
Every locality in Taiwan has large-scale chicken farms. | 具有規模的養雞場,遍及全省南北,可說是無縣無之,無市無之。 |
In 1998, she accepted an invitation from ECPAT Taiwan, an organization devoted to ending child prostitution, to hold a class at the Guangci Care Home. "Whether they entered into the business voluntarily or not, these girls have been trampled upon and had their values twisted by the adult world. Their perspectives on events and their physical experiences are very different from those of other girls their age." | 1998 年她接受「中華民國終止童妓協會」之邀,為收容在廣慈博愛院的少女們上課,「不管是否出於自願,歷經成人世界的蹂躪與價值觀扭曲下,這些少女看事情的角度與身體經驗,都與同年齡的女孩不同。」 |
Some poultry dressing houses are now operated electrically. Production and sales are in balance. The chicken market shows the sign of a bright future. | 而電動宰雞公司,也應運而設,生產配合著銷售,銷售配合著生產,雞隻市場,不論「活口」與冷藏,毛雞或宰雞,呈現一股活潑的市景。 |
1928 At age 17, Huang passes the entrance exam to the preparatory division in humanities at Sun Yat-sen University. Two years later, he advances to the department of education. | 192817 歲,考入廣東中山大學預科文組,2 年後直升教育系。 |
Huang decides to use music as an educational instrument, and throws himself into the war effort, serving in the area of public education. | 193120 歲,「918 事變」發生,抗戰歌聲傳遍全國,決心以音樂作為教育工具,並投入宣傳服務工作。 |
Though the raising of chickens is mostly for food, there are those who simply enjoy the fun of participating in championship competitions. | 雖然國內雞隻,大部供應食用。但是,也有人家以養雞為樂,飼養長大,作為參加比賽之用。 |
Through the expansion of its activities, the name of RSEA has become well known, both at home and abroad. Eight of the Ten Major Construction Projects are being fully or partially built by RSEA. People at the same time are gaining a better understanding and confidence in the potentiality of RSEA. | 無論在國內,乃至於在海外,榮工處的知名度正隨著其業務的發展,蒸蒸日上,尤其是自從承擔了國內十項建設中的八項工程以來,兩年中優異的表現,更使得國人對於榮工處的發展潛力,有了更新的認識與信心。 |
Through the hard working of its well organized staff, RSEA has developed from a modest beginning handling simple manpower jobs into the present-day broad scope technical construction operation; from using a few, crude machines to 4, 740 pieces of modern equipment. RSEA has been rendering its services both on the domes tic services and in several foreign countries. | 在全體榮民員工共同努力,滲淡經營之下,由無到有,由小而大,從當初簡單的純勞力工程,發展到今天需要高度技術的大規模施工;從簡陋的機具設備,發展到今天擁有四千七百四十部現代化的施工機具;施工的地區,也從國內發展到國外。 |
Battle of the Tastebuds--Taiwan's Kitchen Gods in Action | 美味爭霸戰──台灣食神出列 |
Chefs use fire, a gift from the gods, in their alchemy-like craft to create gold for the palate. | 是誰「可以把神明賜給人類的火運用得出神入化? |
Tsengwen Reservoir completed in 1973 was the first project fully undertaken exclusively by the retired servicemen. | 民國六十二年完工的曾文水庫工程,是第一個由國人完全自力承辦成功的工程。 |
And through the completion of this dam, they obtained the skills needed for operating modern technical construction works as well as the practical experience. More than 3,000 technicians were thus trained, as a good foundation for RSEA in undertaking contracts on the Ten Major Construction Projects. Every project is smoothly proceeding. | 而從事這項工程的就是榮民員工,正因為曾文水庫的完工,使得大家吸取了現代化大規模施工的技術和經驗,培養了三千多位技術員工,為今天承接十項建設工作,奠定良好的基礎,亦使每一項工程,都能順利進行。 |
What are Asia's gods of fire doing to reinvent Chinese cuisine in the face of the latest gastronomic trends, to enable it to regain its former glory? | 面對新時代的飲食潮流,亞洲食神如何在冰火之間舞動食材,讓漸趨沒落的中華料理脫胎換骨、東山再起? |
Done in Cut Paper | 剪紙藝術 |
In August 2005, the Taipei Chinese Food Festival held the prestigious World Culinary Invitational. Stanley Yen, president of the Ritz Hotel Taipei, event convener, and gourmet of Taiwan cuisine, personally flew to countries around the world to ask top-notch teams from such countries as the US, Malaysia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to come compare their wares. | 2005 年 8 月,備受矚目的台北中華美食展主辦的世界廚藝邀請賽,由台灣美食大當家、亞都麗緻集團總裁嚴長壽擔任召集人,親自飛往世界各地,請來美國、馬來西亞、中國大陸、日本、香港、台灣一流隊伍同來競藝。 |
She swore her opera career was over. But destiny had other plans, for the company was always short of actors. Eventually, Mei-yun reluctantly gave up on her schooling and started to help out in the opera company. | 只是命運難違,在戲班總是缺人的情況下,最後唐美雲還是心不甘情不願地放棄學業,到戲團幫忙。 |
As it turns out, in the intensity of the moment, team Taiwan had forgotten to use sugar to tame the bitterness and bring out the sweetness of the melon. | 原來在緊張的賽程裡,台灣南區隊忘了以冰糖吊出苦瓜甘甜、去除苦味。 |
The Singapore team, on the other hand, stewed the gourd in soup stock, then stuffed it with silk melon and wild mushrooms. The judges found the result pleasing to the eye and gave it full marks for flavor and ingenuity, sending team Singapore home with the championship cup. | 反觀新加坡隊,先將苦瓜以高湯蒸煨過,再以絲瓜、野菇包覆,無論品相、味道與創意上都可圈可點,令評審耳目一新,實至名歸抱回總冠軍獎盃。 |
This story was set near a dam in Taiwan years ago. | 早年台灣有座水壩附近住了幾百戶人家,其中,林丁山、許有田、周世德等幾家人來往密切。 |
The original name of Yangmingshan was "Grass Mountain". In 1950, it was given its present name in remembrance of Yang-ming Wang, a scholar in the Ming Dynasty. He was famous for his spirit in suppressing a rebellion and for his theory that knowledge and action should be hand in hand. | 陽明山舊稱「草山」,民國三十九年改稱「陽明山」,以紀念王陽明先生的戡亂精神與知行合一的學說。 |
Wuli, a Bunun girl, painted herself as an adorable, helpless child in A Girl in the Reeds. In Drifter in Da'an Forest, she used a sawn-off tree limb to suggest that she was as powerless and alone as a withered branch lying on the ground in an urban forest. | 布農族少女烏力將自己化身為〈蘆葦中的少女〉,嬌小童稚的身影如此無助,在另一幅〈大安森林的浪人〉中,她又以被鋸斷的樹枝,暗喻自己就像倒臥都市叢林的枯枝,無力而孤獨。 |
Chiang's achievement in leading the revolutionary armies from Canton, in the far South, to Peiping, in the North, was a stupendous event in China's history. | 北伐成功,全國統一,民心士氣,為之大振。 |
A gift from God Having worked in kitchens for 30 years, seemingly always with a wok handle in one hand and a spatula in the other, Chang feels that, in addition to a detail-oriented personality, God has blessed him with an extremely sharp sense of taste. | 老天爺賞飯吃左手拿鍋、右手執鏟,在廚藝天下闖蕩三十多年,除了「頂真」的個性,張國榮非常感謝老天爺賞飯吃,因為他的味覺天生敏銳。 |
Her mother-in-law hanged herself in shame. And Mrs. Lin drowned herself in the river at the dam. The truth finally came out as the conscription began. People walked to the dam silently and dropped plum blossoms in the water for Mrs. Lin's memorial. | 最後真相大白,人們都默默地走到水壩,投下一朵梅花來悼念她。 |
In the early springs, azaleas cover the earth in full bloom and snow-white plum blossoms open to the sky. | 陽明山在初春,是雪梅怒放,杜鵑遍地。 |
With an elevation of 443 meters, (1,443.2 feet), Yangmingshan in winter has heavy moisture and clouds; while in the summer resort, it is cool and comfortable. In autumn, red leaves bring poetic beauty to the whole mountain. | 這座高出海面四百四十三公尺的小山,冬天,溫度較低,雲霧重重;夏日清和爽適,為避暑勝地;秋天紅葉滿山,充滿一片詩意。 |
They aren't grounded as they should be in the fundamentals. With this in mind, Stanley Yen plans to launch an intramural contest for young chefs in Taiwan starting next year as a means of testing the mettle of new chefs, while encouraging innovation and teamwork. | 為此,嚴長壽打算在名廚的競賽外,另外舉辦校園年輕廚師競賽,藉以考驗新生代廚師的基本能力,同時激盪他們勇於合作與創新。 |
A solemn ceremony was held in the morning at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. President Yen Chia-kan presided. | 當天上午九時在台北市國父紀念館舉行由嚴總統主持的中樞紀念大會,對偉大的領袖表達永恆的崇敬和懷念。 |
While studying military science in Japan. Chiang Kai-shek joined the revolutionary organization of the Tungmenhui. The eventful first meeting of young Chiang and Dr. Sun Yat-sen took place in June, 1910, in Tokyo. | 其後,前往日本研習軍事期間,由陳英士先生介紹,加入同盟會;民國前二年六月,並在日本晉見國父,交談之後,國父深覺蔣公是一位非常有為的青年,曾向陳英士表示「那位同志是吾黨健者,將來一定是一位革命實行家。」 |
Negotiations collapsed. During the critical days of early 1949, Chiang appeared in succession in Shanghai, Canton, Chungking, Chengtu and other beleaguered cities to hearten the faltering defenders and to aid their last desperate efforts. In December 1949, the national capital was moved temporarily to Taipei. | 不久,和談破裂,蔣公基於對國家的責任感,乃以中國國民黨總裁身份前往上海、舟山、福州、廣州、重慶、成都等,鼓舞士氣,希望挽回軍事頹勢,共同為拯救國家民族而努力。 |
Skipping the basics Unlike their predecessors, the new generation of chefs graduating from Taiwan's culinary schools can't stand the heat in the kitchen and aren't grounded in the basics. | 「新加坡的美食形象,有專門的部門在行銷包裝,很快就形成一種『國際品牌』,值得台灣效法,」吳錫欽指出。不蹲馬步學功夫在廚師的養成上,台灣新一代學院出身的年輕廚師,不僅沒有老師傅們吃苦的精神,基本功也明顯練不到骨髓裡去。 |
President Yen Chia-kan and other leaders of the Central Government went to Tzuhu at 3: 00 p.m. to pay their homage. Among other visitors to Tzuhu throughout the day were 1,100 representatives of overseas Chinese communities, diplomats stationed in the Republic of China. Special missions from Korea, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Ivory Coast, Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria, representatives of foreign institutes in Taiwan. | 其他前往謁陵的,有專程從海外二十多個地區回國的一千一百多位僑胞、各國駐華使節、大韓民國、巴拉圭、尼加拉瓜、象牙海岸、比利時、荷蘭、奧地利等國代表團、以及駐華美軍代表與外國機構駐華人員。 |
Chiang Kai-shek was born on October 31,1887, at Chikow, in the district of Fenghua, in Chekiang Province. | 總統蔣公名中正,字介石,原名瑞元,譜名周泰,學名志清。民國前二十五年十月三十一日(清光緒十三年農曆九月十五日)誕生於浙江省奉化縣溪口鎮。 |
Compiled by Tsai Wen-ting The eight major branches of Chinese cuisine Branch Sample dish Taiwan Peony lobster Zhejiang Dongpo pork Guangdong Cantonese cold-cut platter Beijing Peking duck Shanghai Fish chin braised in brown sauce Sichuan Broiled carp in chili sauce Hunan Smoked cured meats Fujian Buddha Jumps over the Wall Compiled by Tsai Wen-ting | 製表:蔡文婷中華美食八大菜系菜系名菜台灣菜牡丹龍蝦浙江菜東坡肉廣東菜廣式拼盤北京菜北京烤鴨上海菜紅燒下巴四川菜乾燒鯉魚湖南菜煙燻臘肉福建菜佛跳牆製表:蔡文婷 |
In June 1928, Chiang's forces captured Peiping. In December the Northeast region (Manchuria) swung its support to the Kuomintang. The task of uniting the whole nation was completed. | 民國十六年三月北伐軍攻下南京,旋即宣佈建都南京,十七年六月光復故都北平,十二月東北易幟,終於完成全國統一大業。 |
Tracing his ancestry to Shaoxing in Zhejiang Province, Chang was born in Shanghai, and his family moved to Hong Kong when he was a baby. | 入手乎上籍貫浙江紹興的張國榮生於上海,一歲時,舉家遷往香港。 |
Meanwhile, the communists had set up a little Soviet in the hilly regions of Kiangsi and extended their sway dangerously in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, killing and robbing the innocent. | 到處殺戮搶劫,長江中游各省同胞被迫流離失所。 |
To cultivate his skills, the company sent him on internships in Japan and Thailand, and also to work in the company's Hunanese, Zhejiang, Chaozhou and Cantonese-style restaurants. As a result, he not only developed excellent Western cooking skills, but he also laid the groundwork for creating fusion cuisine by drawing from the eight main styles of Chinese cooking. | 為了栽培張國榮,公司送他到日本、泰國去實習,同時讓他到集團旗下的湖南、浙江、潮州、廣東等中餐廳去學習,養成他除了厚實的西餐功夫,還兼融中國八大菜系。 |
Back then standards and wages for chefs were higher in Hong Kong than in Taiwan. | 當時香港廚師的水準、身價遠高於台灣師傅,一口廣東國語、空降的張國榮引來餐廳裡本地廚師們的排斥,而對於本地廚師一邊炒菜,一邊抽煙嚼檳榔的惡習,張國榮也非常不能適應。 |
After the sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937, the Japanese army wished to expand the power plant near the dam, and to remove a section of a Chinese graveyard. The fathers of Lin and Chou objected, thus offended the Japanese and were killed. | 抗戰爆發,日軍要在水壩擴建發電廠,埋設新電路,要挖掉一片中國人祖墳,丁山與世德不答應,挺身交涉,觸怒日軍,結果被殺。 |
When It's Spring in Yangmingshan | 陽明山花季中的五彩繽紛 |
The month of March is a season of flowers and warm weather. Visitors arrive all day long in Yangmingshan. Strolling among the green mountains and on the green grass, they can enjoy fully the beauty of nature. | 三月,又到了一個群花爭豔、氣候宜人的季節,陽明山上遊人如織,大家徜徉在青山綠草之間,沐浴在大自然的美景裡。 |
In recent years, Taiwan's economy has been a mere shadow of its former self. Many fine hotels are clinging on and waiting for the economy to take off again. They are unwilling to shell out extra money on expensive ingredients, to develop new dishes, or to train new talent. | 近年來,台灣經濟不若以往,許多一流飯店苦撐待變,不肯花大錢精挑食材、研發新菜色或是培養新人,對於主廚的禮遇也不再,甚至有提前解聘再續聘,以規避退休金的例子。 |
In the place where streams and sulfur springs flow, green trees and grass flourish. Pavilions appear here and there among the hills. While strolling on the paths, most visitors find it a joy to breathe the fragrant, sweet air released by the roadside flowers. | 在山上天然的谿谷和溫泉湧冒迂迴中,有著盎綠的林木和如茵的草地,人工精雕的山亭月榭疏疏落落地崁處其間,還有滿路旁生長的小野花,以及枝挺色傲的林木,當人們漫步在綠蔭小徑,空氣的芳香清爽,能給自己帶來無限的歡愉。 |
Tourism and fine food complement each other on this tiny island--the government organizes a biennial world cooking summit, invites ten internationally renowned chefs to work in local hotels, and organizes frequent gourmet months. | 新加坡政府更每兩年舉辦一次世界美食高峰會,邀請世界 10 位國際名廚駐守在新國飯店,並不斷舉行「美食月」觀光活動,讓美食與觀光相輔相成。 |
When finished, their dishes are evenly cooked, not motley mixtures, partly overdone, partly underdone. As an illustration, under inspection, we find that garlic prepared by Chang Kuo-jung, executive chef at Kupao Huayuan restaurant in Hsinshe, Taichung County, consists of identical little cubes, because he slices each clove of garlic five times lengthways and crossways. | 例如台中新社古堡花園行政主廚張國榮切好的大蒜末,攤開來看,一粒粒大小方正齊一,因為他是將每一顆小小的大蒜都橫切、縱切 5 次後,再切成細末,「千萬不要來回『過刀』,亂刀切剁,否則大蒜的汁液流失,香氣就減損了。」 |
The Forest Park is considered both sublime and graceful in its landscaping. | 森林公園則氣勢磅礡,幽險雄秀,遊客置身其間,心曠神怡。 |
First time on a modern stage In 1981 elite Taiwanese Opera performers formed a company to tour Southeast Asia. | 初識現代劇場 1981 年,台灣歌仔戲界各戲班菁英組團到東南亞大會演,她之所以搭上這班順風車,源於當時東南亞華人喜歡聽國語黃梅調。 |
Madame Chiang Kai-shek, the late President's family members and more than 2,700 government and civic leaders, foreign dignitaries, representatives of overseas Chinese communities took part in the ceremony. | 參加紀念會的人員,有蔣夫人及蔣公家屬、中央文武官員、地方首長、各級民意代表、各政黨人士、十項建設負責人、金馬地區及地方基層代表、海外回國華僑代表、及國際友人等二千七百多人。 |
President Yen called President Chiang's passing was "an irretrievable loss to our people, our country and the world," said Yen, "however, his spirit continues to illumine our way like the sun in the heavens or a beacon on pitch-black nights." | 嚴總統在會中致詞說:蔣公的與世長辭,不論是對國家民族,對世界人類,都是無可補償的損失,但其精神如宇宙的太陽,如黑夜的明燈,光輝照耀。 |
President Yen also pointed out: "The teachings bequeathed us by President Chiang provide the criteria for the conduct to which the people aspire, and also indicate the direction for our endeavors of national recovery and reconstruction. We must keep these criteria always in mind, we must over come all hardships and pass all tests to assure victory and eventual success." | 嚴總統並且指出,蔣公的遺訓是人心嚮往的行為標準;是復國建國的努力方向,我們必須時時刻刻毋忘遺訓,心心念念力行遺訓,克服一切艱難,通過一切考驗,迎接最後的勝利與成功。 |
Taiwan's local governments and civic organizations, religious groups and freedom-seekers who had escaped from the mainland all held various Taipei in memory of the late President. | 再如來台反共義士義胞、各宗教團體、省市各地方機關及團體當天都隆重集會,追念這位偉大的領袖。 |
His grandfather was generous and eager to serve the public; his father strict and upright. Young Chiang's upbringing was almost entirely in the hands of his devoted mother, who educated him to cultivate, amid adversities, the virtues of Great Wisdom, Great Benevolence, Great Courage and strong will-power. | 蔣公幼承王太夫人的訓誨,培養成大智、大仁、大勇的德性,以及堅強不屈的意志。 |
When the Whampoa Military Academy was established in 1924 to train officers for the revolutionary army, Chiang Kai-shek was named its commandant. | 民國十三年中國國民黨任命蔣公為陸軍軍官學校校長,建軍討逆和進行北伐,使得革命大事業開拓新的契機。 |
When it was decided to launch a Northern Expedition to bring Central and North China under the Kuomintang government, Chiang was named Commander-in-chief in 1926. | 三月十二日國父逝世,大元帥府改組為國民政府,黨軍改稱為國民革命軍,八月,蔣公受任東征總指揮,討伐陳炯明。 |
In 1931, China faced a new crisis-this time from Japan. | 日本軍閥目睹中國自由壯大,乃積極加強對華侵略。 |
Facing the double threat, Chiang Kai-shek formulated a farsighted policy of "maintaining internal security first and then expelling foreign invasion." In 1934 the Communists were finally driven out of Kiangsi province. They fled to the bleak northern section of Shensi, with only 2,000 to 3,000 followers remaining. People of seven provinces were thus freed from Communist harassment. | 蔣公高瞻遠矚,深知「攘外必先安內,安內必先剿匪」,制訂「安內攘外」總方針,採「七分政治三分軍事」策略,自二十一年起開始全面清剿共匪,二十三年十一月光復瑞金,殘共流竄陝西延安,僅餘二、三千人。 |
Although at first his heart wasn't in it, after about a month he began to enjoy the work. | 雖然,剛開始並非心甘情願,但是一個月後他就喜歡上這一份工作了。 |
After a few months on the job, the master chef Yan Xingnian, who had once cooked at the famous Paramount Dancehall in Shanghai, began to notice--at first silently--Chang Kuo-jung's initiative and hard work. Then one day, during a break, Yan picked up a menu and asked Chang: "Do you understand it?" | 幾個月後,曾任上海百樂門舞廳主廚的大師傅顏興年,暗暗觀察著張國榮的勤奮主動,一天空班時,他拿起菜單問張國榮:「你可看得懂?」 |
From 1937 till the end of the war in 1945, the Chinese armed forces under Generalissimo Chiang fought more than 1,100 major battles and over 38,900 minor battles. Chiang's strategy of "trading space for time" finally crushed the enemy's invasion after eight long years. | 自七七開始,以迄抗戰勝利受降為止,八年之中,國軍先後經過重要會戰及戰役一千一百餘次,小戰鬥達三萬八千九百餘次。 |
Japan's attack on America at Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941, changed the whole perspective of the war. China officially declared herself at war with Japan. The war against Japan now became part of the Second World War. Chiang was appointed Supreme Commander for the Allied forces in the China Theater. | 民國三十年十二月八日,珍珠港事變,我國乃正式對日本宣戰,抗戰遂與世界大戰結為一體,蔣公經推選為盟軍中國戰區最高統帥。 |
One result of the new relationship of China to the Allied Nations was final success by Chiang Kai-shek in his long struggle to free his country from unequal treaties. | 民國三十一年國慶日,美、英兩國首先宣佈自願廢除不平等條約,另訂平等新約,其他國家亦相繼聲明放棄在華特權,於是屈辱我國達百年之久的枷鎖乃告解除。 |
In November 1943, Chiang attended the Cairo Conference with Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Chiang insisted during the conference that Manchuria, Taiwan and the Pescadores-Chinese territories which had been seized by Japan be returned to China after the war. With regard to the institution of the Japanese monarchy, Chiang thought that should best be left to the Japanese people to decide. | 當年十一月偕夫人參加開羅會議,蔣公與英國首相邱吉爾和美國總統羅斯福會商中,堅持日本所掠奪中國之領土如東北、台灣、澎湖等均應交還我國,但不主張採取報復手段;日本天皇之存廢,則認為可由日本人民自行決定。 |
On Oct. 25, 1946, Chiang Kai- shek flew to Taipei to preside over the celebrations. He urged his fellow countrymen in Taiwan to unite and redouble their efforts for the reconstruction of China under the Three Principles of the People. | 民國三十五年十月二十五日,總統蔣公並飛抵台北主持慶祝台灣光復週年大會,勉勵台灣全省同胞,記取革命先烈慷慨犧牲恢復不易的史實,今後應更加刻苦努力,團結合作擴展先烈愛國革命的精神和毅力,同心一德來建設新台灣,建設三民主義的新中國。 |
As a result, Chang not only ended up working in Taiwan but also ended up marrying a Taiwanese woman--becoming a "Taiwanese son-in-law" who put down roots on the island. | 就這樣一個因緣,張國榮不僅在台灣工作,更因為娶了台灣姑娘,成為台灣女婿,而在寶島落腳生根了下來。 |
And with his heavy Cantonese accent when speaking Mandarin, Chang faced resistance in the kitchen. | 然而張國榮堅持,這樣的「拌飯」,完全失去炒飯的香氣,要求廚師們再忙都要按工照步來。 |
The Chinese Communists took advantage of China's war-torn situation to launch a nationwide rebellion against the National Government. Chiang showed the extent of his patriotism in January of 1949 when he temporarily retired from the presidency and went to his home town, hopeful that this would open the way to peaceful settlement of civil conflict. | 抗戰勝利不久,中共公然叛亂,總統蔣公為促使中共覺悟,罷戰言和,以解除人民痛苦,乃毅然於當月二十一日宣告引退。 |
The nation was desperately in need of strong leadership. The Legislative Yuan, reflecting the desires of all the people, asked Chiang to resume the presidential office on March 1, 1950. | 全國軍民與海外僑胞,一致敦請總統蔣公復行視事,繼續領導戡亂,以求完全國家統一,實行三民主義,完成國民革命。 |
In order to maintain his sharp sense of taste, Chang always drinks a lot of water and does his best to avoid tea or alcohol. | 為了保持敏銳的味覺,任何時候張國榮都是白開水一杯,飲料茶酒儘量避免。 |
Subsets and Splits