
Automatic Speech Recognition
audioduration (s) 2.05
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stringlengths 21
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stringlengths 20
Is iad príomhthonscail na Laitviatrealamh leictreonach, gléasanna tí, innealra, earraímiotail, busanna agus cóistíiarnróid. | Latvia's industries include the manufacture of electronic equipment, household appliances, varied machinery and metal products, buses and railway coaches. |
Faoi chuimsiú a n-inniúlachtaí faoi seach, comhoibreoidh an Comhphobal agus na Ballstáit le tríú tíortha agus leis na heagraíochtaí idirnàisiúnta inniúla. | Within their respective spheres of competence, the Community and the MemberStates shall cooperate with third countries and with the competent international organizations. |
Beidh ar an gCoimisiún tri chomhalta dhéag, a roghnófar de bharr a n-inniúlachta i gcoitinne agus nach bhfuil a neamhspleáchas inchurta ín amhras.* | The Commission shall consist of thirteen members, who shall be chosen on the grounds of their general competence and whose independence is beyond doubt.* |
A leagan amach di. cuirfidh an Chomhairle san áireamh an riachtanas atá le hoiriúnú don fhorbairt eacnamaíoch a thiocfaidh den chómhargadh a bhunú. | In so doing, the Council shall take into account the need for adaptation to the economic development which will result from establishing the common market. |
(a) staidéir ar úsáid r a da iseatóipí sna réimsí seo a leanas: míochaine, talmhaíocht, feithideolaíocht, cosaint an chomhshaoil, | (a) studies on the application of radioisotopes in the following fields: medicine, agriculture, entomology and environmental protection, |
Mar sin, féadfaidh drochriarachán a bheith i gceist i ndáil le comhlíonadh dualgas a eascraíonn as conarthaí curtha i gcrích ag institiúidí nó comhlachtaí Comhphobail. | Maladministration may thus also be found when the fulfilment of obligations arising from contracts concluded by Community institutions or bodies is concerned. |
Bíonn buneolas le fáil i dteangacha éagsúla, agus bíonn cainteoirí ilteangacha ann mar idirghabhálaithe agus mar ateangairí, chun rochtain agus lánpháirtiú a éascú. | Basic information is available in dierent languages, and multilingual speakers act as mediators and interpreters, providing ready access and easing integration. |
Déanfar aon athruithe ar na forálacha den Chód Iompair do Chomhaltaí an Choimisiúin a bhaineann le coimhlint leasa nó iompraíocht eitice a chur chuig an bParlaimint láithreach. | Any changes to the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission relating to conflict of interest or ethical behaviour shall be sent immediately to Parliament. |
(e) nach mbeidh aon rialú ar dhaoine, is cuma cén náisiúntacht atá acu, agus iad ag dul trasna teorainneacha inmheánacha. | (e) the absence of any controls on persons, whatever their nationality, when crossing internal borders. |
Na hionadaithe do Bhallstáit a ghlacann páirt in obair institiúidí na gComhphobal, beidh acu féin agus ag a gcomhairleoirí agus a saineol- | Representatives of Member States taking part in the work of the institutions of the Communities, their advisers and technical |
Cuid a haon sheasaimh agus na gníomhaíochtaí comhpháirteacha arna nglacadh ag an gComhairle a chomhlíonadh agus a chur chun feidhme. | Part One international organisations, shall cooperate in ensuring that the common positions and joint actions adopted by the Council are complied with and implemented. |
Féadfaidh na húdaráis Dhanmhairgeacha na datai a shocrú ar a gcomórfar toghchán comhaltaí do Pharlaimint na hEorpa sa Ghraonlainn. | The Danish authorities may decide on the dates on which the election of members to the European Parliament shall take place in Greenland. |
Gabhann gach Ballstát air féin an príonsabal sin a urramú agus gan féachaint le tionchar a oibriú ar chomhaltaí an Choimisiúin i gcomhlionadh a gcúraimí dóibh. | Each Member State undertakes to respect this principle and not to seek to influence the Members of the Commission in the performance of their tasks. |
I gcásanna den sórt sin, glacfar cinneadh argá aontoilíocht dó gan vóta ionadaí rialtas an Bhallstáit i gceist. | In such cases, a decision requiring unanimity shall be taken without the vote of the representativeof the government of the Member State in question. |
Beidh Uachtarán an Choimisiúin freagrach do Pharlamint na hEorpa as gníomhaíochtaína gCoimisinéirí. | The Commission President shall be responsible to the European Parliamentfor the activities of the Commissioners. |
Ni féidir a bheith ina gcomhaltaí den Bhord Feidhmiúcháin ach náisiúnaigh de na Ballstáit. | Only nationals of Member States may be members of the Executive Board. |
Arna chur ar bun le 378 D 0688: Cinneadh 78/688/CEE ón gComhairle an 25 lúil 1978 (IO Uimh. L 233, 24.8.1978, Ich. 15). | Set up by 378 D 0688: Council Decision 78/688/ EEC of 25 July 1978 (OJ No L 233, 24.8.1978, p. 15)- |
Féadfaidh an rapóirtéir leasuithe comhréitigh a chur síos tar éis an phlé sin. | The rapporteur may table compromise amendments following such discussion. |
Prótacal ar an gConradh ag bunú Chomhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa a chur chun feidhme ar na codanna neamhEorpacha de Ríocht na hísiltirc | Protocol on the application of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community to the nonEuropean parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands |
Beidh vóta amháin ag gach comhalta de Chomhairle IEA nó ag a ainmnitheach. | Each member of the Council of the EMI or his nominee shall have one vote. |
Na muirir ar comhéifeacht le dleachtanna custam ar allmhairí atá i bhfeidhm idir na Ballstáit, déanfaidh siad díothú comhleanúnach orthu le linn na hidirthréimhse. | Charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties on imports, in force between Member States, shall be progressively abolished by them during the transitional period. |
Mura dtabharfar rochtain ar an doiciméad, sonrófar i gcónaí an fáth nár tugadh. | If access to the document is not granted, the reason for refusal is always specified. |
Féadfar an tobhach dá bhforáiltear ín Airteagal 50 den Chonradh a bhailiú nuair a bheidh glaetha leis na chéad mheastacháin. | The levy provided for in Article 50 of the Treaty may be collected upon the adoption of the first budget estimates. |
Leagfar amach sna comhstraitéisí sin na cuspóirí atá leo, a ré agusna hacmhainní a chuirfidh an tAontas agus na Ballstáit ar fáil. | Common strategies shall set out their objectives, duration and the means to be made available by the Union and the Member States. |
Tá sé ceaptha go gcumhdófar leis na tobliaigh: | The levies are intended to cover: |
Tuarascáil teicniúil an EEA Uimh 7/2008. | EEA Technical report No 7/2008. |
— gur chóir asghabháil bharrmhaith agus chobhsaí stoc a áirithiú san fhadtéarma, | — that optimal and stable outtake of the stocks should be ensured, in the long term, |
hUachtaránachta mar rannchuidiú le foirmiú beartais sa Chomhairle agus a fhéadfaidh anailísí, moltaí agus straitéisí do CBES a chuimsiú. | bution to policy formulation in the Council, and which may contain analyses, recommendations and strategies for the CFSP. |
Déanfaidh Uachtarán na Comhairle agus an Coimisiún tuarascáil do Pharlaimint na hEorpa ar thorthaí an fhaireacháin iltaobhaigh. | The President of the Council and the Commission shall report to the Eu ropean Parliament on the results of multilateral surveillance. |
(a) nach ndéanfar, i gcríocha na mBallstát, mianta, bunábhair agus ábhair inscoilte speisialta a chlaonadh ó na húsáidí a ceapadh dóibh de réir mar a dhearbhaigh na húsáidirí; | (a) ores, source materials and special fissile materials are not diverted from their intended uses as declared by the users; |
Ach amháin mar a bhforáiltear a mhalairt sa Reacht seo, is le tromlach simpli de na comhaltaí atá i dteideal votala a ghlacfaidh an Bord Stiúrthóiri cinntí. | Save as otherwise provided in this Statute, decisions of the Board of Directors shall be taken by a simple majority of the members entitled to vote. |
linn comhaontú a bhaint amach ar na nithe sin ionas nach gá dúinn bheith ag pié leo arís. | matters considerably and leads me to hope that we may be successful in reaching agreement on these matters and thus removing them from our future agenda. |
(c) i mír 4, cuirtear ‘do bhearta áirithe arna nglacadh ag an Aontas, ...’ in ionad ‘do bhearta áirithe de chineál Comhphobail, ...’; | (c) in paragraph 4, the words ‘certain measures of a Community nature,’ shall be replaced by ‘certain measures adopted by the Union’; |
Cuirfear na forálacha seo a leanas in ionad na mire deiridh d'Airteagal 206 den Chonradh ag bunú Chomhphobal Eacna maíochta na hEorpa: | The following provisions shall be substituted for the last paragraph of Article 206 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community: |
Leasófar reachtanna Gnóthas Comhpháirteach, nuair ís gá, de réir na bhforálacha speisialta atá iontu chun na eriche sin. | The statutes of Joint Undertakings shall be amended, where necessary, in accordance with the special provisions which they contain for this purpose. |
Chun na treoirlínte do chomhbheartas talmhaíochta a léiriú, déanfaidh an Coimisiún, a luaithe a thiocfaidh an Conradh seo i | In order to evolve the broad lines of a common agricultural policy, the Commission shall, immediately this Treaty enters into force, convene |
Tosóidh a idirthréimhse ar dháta an chómhargaidh a bhunú agus criochnóidh sí cúig bliana tar eis an cómhargadh do ghual a bhunú. | The transitional period shall begin on the date of the establishment of the common market and shall end five years after the establishment of the common market in coal. |
Iarscríbhinn III — Buntáistí is indeonaithe do ghnóthais chomhpháirteacha faoi Airteagal 48 den Chonradh seo | Annex III — Advantages which may be con ferred on joint undertakings under Article 48 of this Treaty |
Ni chuimseoidh na bearta sin comhchuibhiú ar dhlíthe agus rialacháin na mBallstát. | Those measures shall not include harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States. y |
Ba é seachród Phort Laoise an príomh dui chun cinn a rinneadh ar bhonneagar an réigiúin. | The Portlaoise by-pass was the major infrastructural improvement carried out in the region. |
Leasófar reachtanna Gnóthas Comhpháirteach, nuair is gá, de réir na bhforálacha speisialta atá iontu chun na eriche sin. | The statutes of Joint Undertakings shall be amended, where necessary, in accordance with the special provisions which they contain for this purpose. pose. |
Beidh ar na Ballstáit a áirithiú go bhféadfaidh an Ghníomhaireacht oibriú gan bhac ina gcriocha. | The Member States shall be responsible for ensuring that lhe Agency may operate freely in their territories. |
Is ar chúiseanna cosanta amháin a fhéadfar toiliú a choimeád siar maidir le scéala a chur i bhfios nó le húsáid. | Consent to communication and use may be withheld only for defence reasons. |
Loiceadh gníomhaithe faoi ghearán maidir le sárú reachtaíochta comhshaoil | Failure to act on a complaint about the infringement of environmental legislation |
Ni cead do chomhaltai na Cúirte Iniúchóirí, le linn a dtéarma oifige, gabbai/ le haon sit bheatha eile, sochrach ná neamhshochrach. | The mernbers of the Court of Auditors may not, during their term of office,engage in an14 other occupation, whether gainful or not. |
Chuir an tOmbudsman ráiteas soiléir na Parlaiminte san áireamh, freisin, nuair a dúirt sí nach nár chuireadh isteach ar an bpróiseas roghnaithe. | The Ombudsman also took note of Parliament’s clear statements that there had been no interference in the selection procedure. |
Bunaitear leis seo Banc Eorpach Infheistíochta; beidh pearsantacht dhlítheanach aige. | A European Investment Bank is hereby established: it shall have legal personality. |
Is í Féile nafáistineachta í agus imrítear cluichí a dhéanann tuar ar an amatá le teacht. | It is the festival of fortune-telling and people play games to try and read their future. |
Déan coinne eile a luaithe agus is féidir. | Make a new appointment as soon as possible. |
(1) Suíomh gréasáin an Chomhairliúcháin: http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/reform | (1) The consultation’s website: http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/reform |
Is iad na Ballstáit a roghnaíonn na tionscadail a bhainfidh leas as cómhaoiniú ón CEI. | The Member States choose the projects that are granted EFF co-funding. |
Tá nòta leabhareolach le fáil ag deireadh an imleabhair seo | Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication |
Is féidir spásanna páirceála in aice le háit chónaithe duine faoi mhíchumas a chur in áirithe. | Parking places close to disabled persons' residences can be reserved . |
Tacaíonn acmhainní nádúrtha an domhain lenár ngníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch chomh maith le comhtháthú ár sochaithe. | The natural resources provided by the planet underpin our economic activity and the very cohesion of our societies. |
Míniú ar Airteagal 29 – An ceart chun rochtain a fháil ar sheirbhís socrúcháin | Explanation on Article 29 — Right of access to placement services |
Beidh an Ghníomhaireacht faoi mhaoirseacht an Choimisiúin; eiseoidh an Coimisiún treoracha chuici agus beidh ceart aige chun | The Agency shall be under the supervision of the Commission, which shall |
A. Rialacháin chumasaithe B. Rialacháin nós imeachta C. Rialacháin chur chun feidhme D. Rialacháin bhlocdhíolúintí | A. Enabling Regulations B. Procedural Regulations C. Implementing Regulations D. Block exemption Regulations |
Rachfar i gcomhairle go tráthrialta le Parlaimint na hEorpa maidir le príomhghnéithe agus bunroghanna an chomhbheartais eachtraigh agus slándála. | The European Parliament shall be regularly consulted on the main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy. |
Folaíonn an mhaoin intleachtúil an mhaoin liteartha agus ealaíne; folaíonn sí freisin inter alia an ceart chun paitinne agus trádmharcanna agus cearta gaolmhara. | Intellectual property covers not only literary and artistic property but also inter alia patent and trademark rights and associated rights. |
Údaróidh an Chomhairle an chaibidlíocht a thosú, glacfaidh sí na treoracha caibidlíochta, údaróidh sí síniú comhaontuithe agus tabharfaidh sí na comhaontuithe i gcrích. | The Council shall authorise the opening of negotiations, adopt negotiating directives, authorise the signing of agreements and conclude them. |
Nuair a ardaítear an t-iasc ar an mbád, ní mór don chaptaen tuairisciú gabhála a chur faoi bhráid a údaráis rialaithe gan mhoill. | When the fish is hauled aboard the vessel, the master must submit a catch declaration to the control authorities without delay. |
Déanfar an tUachtarán, na Leas-Uachtaráin agus na Caestóirí a thoghadh le ballóid rúnda, i gcomhréir le Riail 169. | The President, Vice-Presidents and Quaestors shall be elected by secret ballot, in accordance with Rule 169. |
— 391 L 0/74:Treoir91/174/CEEón gComhairle an 25 Marta 1991 (IO Uimh. L 85, 5.4.1991, Ich. 37). | — 391 L 0174: Council Directive 91/174/EEC of 25 March 1991 (OJ No L 85, 5.4.1991, p. 37). |
(a) an 1 Eanáir 1973 i gcás an Chonartha i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Danmhairge, na hÉireann agus Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann, | (a) 1 January 1973, for the Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; |
Urramóidh an Danmhairg go hiomlán na cearta sonracha uile dá bhforáiltear gosainráite sa Chonradh is infheidhme ar shaoránaigh na mBallstát. | Denmark will fully respect all specific rights expressly provided for in the Treaty and applying to nationals of the Member States. |
Déanann Ceann na Roinne Riaracháin agus Airgeadais comhordú ar obair fhoriomlán na Roinne. | The Head of the Administration and Finance Department co-ordinates the overall work of the Department. |
Déanfar na coinníollacha beachta faoina mbeidh feidhm ag an bhforáil seo a chur in iúl don achainíoch. | The petitioner shall be told under which precise conditions this provision is to apply. |
Cuirfear an t-uasráta in iúl, roimh an 1 Bealtaine, d'institíúidi uile an Chomhphobail. | The maximum rate shall be communicated, before 1 May, to all the institutions of the Community. |
Ar an tríú dul síos, bíonn deis agat anseo, mar cheannaitheoir, casadh ar ár gcuid soláthróirí ar fad, beagnach.’ ach agus Dobharshaothrú san E Iasc | And third, as buyers, we have the opportunity to meet just about all our suppliers here.’ is he ri es and a qu ac ul t ur F |
Tá cear o p - discri minat ion.in f www . s t oo dl an d W pa ch /J PH o im isi ún E or | We all ha discrimination . in f oo dl and W www .stop- o m m iss io n/ JP H opean C |
Beidh sé de chuspöir ag gníomhaíocht an Chomhphobail i leith an chomhshaoil: | Action by the Community relating to the environment shall have lhe following objectives: |
Tá na prionsabail a leagtar amach san Airteagal seo bunaithe ar Airteagal 153 de Chonradh CE, a bhfuil Airteagal III 235 den Bhunreacht curtha ina ionad anois. | The principles set out in this Article have been based on Article 153 of the EC Treaty, now replaced by Article III-235 of the Constitution. |
Idir na teorainneacha a shocrófar amhlaidh, socróidh gach Rialtas a tharaifi de réir a nós imeachta náisiúnta. | Within the limits so fixed, each Government shall determine its tariffs according to its own national procedure. |
– nach bhfuil ar an institiúid lena mbaineann staidéar nó taighde forleathan a dhéanamh roimh ré ina leith; | – do not require extensive prior study or research by the institution concerned; |
Ach beidh dlínse ag cúirteanna na tire lena mbaineann ar ghearáin go bhfuil an cur i bhfeidhm á dhéanamh ar dhóigh neamhrialta. | However, the courts of the country concerned shall have jurisdiction over complaints that enforcement is being carried out in an irregular man ner. |
— Brabúis ó ghníomhaíocht ghnó. | — Profits from business activity. |
Déanfaidh an Coimisiún aon éileamh den sórt sin laistigh de dhá mhí ó dháta an fhógra a fháil. | The Commission shall make any such request within two months of the date of notification. |
Ar éileamh den sórt sin a fháil ón gCoimisiún, iarrfaidh an Ballstát arís ar an iarratasóir comhaontú lena bhfuil san iarratas a chur i bhfios. | On receiving such a request from the Commission, the Member State shall again ask the applicant to agree to communication of the contents of the ap plication. |
Dúirt sé gur tharla na rialuithe sin le linn broidtrátha go rialta agus go raibh siad ina gcúis le brúnna tráchta. | These controls regularly take place during rush hour, he said, resulting in traffic jams. |
Beidh dlínse gan teorainn ag Cúirt Bhreithiúnais an Aontais Eorpaigh: | The Court of Justice of the European Union shall have unlimited jurisdiction in: |
Treoir 77/390/CEE, 17 Bealtaine 1977 10 Uimh. L 145, 13 Meitheamh 1977 | - Directive 77/390/EEC of 17 May 1977 OJ No L 145, 13 June 1977 |
393 L 0085: Treoir 93/85/CEE ón gComhairle an 4 Deireadh Fómhair 1993 maidir le Iobhadh fáinneach prátaí a rialú (IO Uimh. L 259, 18.10.1993, Ich. 1). | 393 L 0085: Council Directive 93/85/EEC of 4 October 1993 on the control of potato ring rot (OJ No L 259, 18.10.1993, p. 1). |
Ní mór tuiscint gurb ann, in uiscí na hEorpa, do stoic a shaothraítear ar bhealach optamach, a sholáthraíonn éisc mhórmhéide agus mar a bhfuil na cuótaí mór a ndóthain. | There are stocks in European waters that are exploited optimally, provide mature specimens and are covered by sufficiently large quotas. |
(d) tacú le forbairt inbhuanaithe eacnamaíoch, shóisialta agus chomhshaoil na dtíortha i mbéal forbartha, agus é mar phríomhaidhm deireadh a chur leis an mbochtaineacht; | (d) foster the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of developing countries, with the primary aim of eradicating poverty; |
Imscrúdaíonn an tOmbudsman Eorpach gearáin i gcoinne institiúidí agus chomhlachtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh. | The European Ombudsman investigates complaints against the European Union institutions and bodies. |
Beidh imeachtaí i gcoinne an Aontais in ábhair a éireoidh as dliteanais neamhchonarthacha faoi urchosc tar éis thréimhse cúig bliana ó tharla an teagmhas as ar éirigh siad. | Proceedings against the Union in matters arising from noncontractual liability shall be barred after a period of five years from the occurrence of the event giving rise thereto. |
Bíodh sé le taispeáint i do chuid freagraí go bhfuil tuilleadh eolais agat faoin gcuideachta, ach déan go glic é. | Include evidence that you have found out more about the company in your answers, but do not make it too obvious. |
Má dhéanann an Chomhairle, laistigh de thrí mhí ó na leasuithe a fháil ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa, ag gníomhú di trí thromlach cáilithe: | If, within three months of receiving the European Parliament’s amendments, the Council, acting by a qualified majority: |
Daoine faoi mhíchumas a lánpháirtiú | Integration of persons with disabilities |
Aithnionn an Chomhdháil an rannchuidiú tábhachtach atá déanta ag gníomhaíochtaí seirbhíse deonaí chun an dlúthpháirtíocht shóisialta a fhorbairt. | The Conference recognises the important contribution made by voluntary service activities to developing social solidarity. |
Bíodh cur amach éigin ag an iarratasóir ar an gcuideachta agus ba chóir go mbeadh sé le feiscint go gcuirdís go mór leis an gcuideachta. | The applicant should know at least a bit about the company and should show that they will add real value to the company. |
Sin an chúis go dtugann an Comh-Thuarascáil 2009 an méid sin airde ar fhoráil pinsean. | This is why the Joint Report 2009 pays close attention to funded pension provision. |
(b) 10% do tháirgí a bhaineann leis na ceannteidil taraife i Liosta C; | (b) lO'/r for products within the tariff headings in List C; |
Athrófar cúigear agus ccathrar díobh gach re seach.** | Five and four Judges shall be replaced alternately.** |
Ciste Iascaigh Eorpach (CIE) 2007-2013: Réigiúin Chóineasaithe agus Neamhchóineasaithe (Léarscáil)ISBN 978-92-79-08577-2 | European Fisheries Fund (EFF) 2007-2013: Convergence and Non-Convergence Regions (Map)ISBN 978-92-79-08577-2 |
( ¡culminiti ioncam airgeadaíochta baine cheannais náisiúnta | Allocation of monetary income of national central banks |
Tá gach duine i dteideal éisteacht chóir phoiblí a fháil laistigh de thréimhse réasúnta ó bhinse neamhspleách neamhchlaon arna bhunú roimh ré le dlí. | Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law. |
Ní cead do chomhaltaí an Choimisiúin, le linn a dtéarma oifige, gabháil le haon sii bheatha eile, sochrach ná neamhshochrach. | The Members of the Commission may not, during their term of office, en gage in any other occupation, whether gainful or not. |
Ni bac ar an gComhairle do ghlacadh le gníomhartha ar gá aontoilíocht dóibh comhaltaí a bheidh i láthair go pearsanta nó tri ionadaíocht a staonadh ó vótáil. | Abstentions by members present in person or represented shall not prevent the adoption by the Council of acts which require unanimity. |
Treoir maidir le dálaí sóisialta achur igcuntas sa soláthar poiblí | A Guide to Taking Account of Social Considerationsin Public Procurement |
Synthetic audio dataset, created using Azure text-to-speech service. The bilingual text is a portion of the EUbookshop dataset, consisting of 33,634 text segments. The dataset includes two sets of audio data, one with a female voice (OrlaNeural) and the other with a male voice (ColmNeural). The speech data comprises approximately 159 hours and 45 minutes (159:45:05) spread across 67,268 utterances.
features: ['audio', 'text_ga', 'text_en'],
num_rows: 67268
was created and introduced as part of the following paper:@inproceedings{moslem2024leveraging,
title={Leveraging Synthetic Audio Data for End-to-End Low-Resource Speech Translation},
author={Moslem, Yasmin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)},
address={Bangkok, Thailand}
title = "{Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in {OPUS}}",
booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation ({LREC}'12)}",
author = "Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg",
publisher = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)",
pages = "2214--2218",
month = may,
year = 2012,
url = "http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/pdf/463_Paper.pdf",
address = "Istanbul, Turkey"