stringlengths 9
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001871493 | [
"chest with gold in a cartoon style ."
] | [
] | [
"chest with gold in a cartoon style .",
"illustration of a wooden treasure chest .",
"illustration of a wooden treasure chest ."
] | [
"gold with chest in a cartoon style .",
"chest with gold in a style cartoon .",
"chest with style in a cartoon gold ."
] | [
"gold with chest in a cartoon style .",
"style with gold in a cartoon chest .",
"chest with gold in a style cartoon ."
"illustration of a wooden chest treasure .",
"chest of a wooden treasure illustration ."
"chest of a wooden treasure illustration .",
"illustration of a wooden chest treasure .",
"treasure of a wooden illustration chest ."
] |
001761356 | [
"the players swarm around soccer winger as the blues go in search of their first win in games"
] | [
] | [
"person celebrates with team mates after scoring the second goal for football team",
"person celebrates with team mates after scoring the second goal for football team",
"team - mates , including person who had a midweek training ground bust up , celebrate the striker 's goal"
] | [
"the search swarm around soccer winger as the blues go in players of their first win in games",
"the winger swarm around soccer players as the blues go in search of their first win in games",
"the soccer swarm around players winger as the blues go in search of their first win in games",
"the games swarm around soccer winger as the blues go in search of their first win in players"
] | [
"person scoring with team mates after celebrates the second goal for football team",
"person celebrates with team mates after scoring the second goal for team football"
"person scoring with team mates after celebrates the second goal for football team",
"goal celebrates with team mates after scoring the second person for football team",
"person celebrates with team goal after scoring the second mates for football team",
"football celebrates with team mates after scoring the second goal for person team",
"team celebrates with team mates after scoring the second goal for football person"
"team - mates , including bust who had a midweek training ground person up , celebrate the striker 's goal",
"team - mates , including person who celebrate a midweek training ground bust up , had the striker 's goal",
"team - mates , including person who had the striker 's goal up , celebrate a midweek training ground bust",
"team - mates , including person who had a midweek training bust ground up , celebrate the striker 's goal"
] |
000276345 | [
"the back of our - foot white trailer ."
] | [
] | [
"the front of our - foot white trailer .",
"custom all aluminum trailer with toilet & shower",
"automobile model is quite capable of towing a trailer ."
] | [
"the trailer of our - foot white back .",
"the foot of our - back white trailer .",
"the back of our - trailer white foot ."
] | [
"the front of our - trailer white foot .",
"the trailer of our - foot white front ."
"custom all toilet trailer with aluminum & shower",
"custom all aluminum toilet with trailer & shower",
"custom all trailer aluminum with toilet & shower",
"shower all aluminum trailer with toilet & custom"
"trailer model is quite capable of towing a automobile .",
"automobile trailer is quite capable of towing a model .",
"model automobile is quite capable of towing a trailer ."
] |
001100300 | [
"illustration of a lodge and dance is the oldest drawing known to be done ."
] | [
] | [
"black and white photograph of a woman sitting outside a shelter .",
"print of an illustration of slaves running away from a plantation",
"ceremonial dancers circling the lodge of a tribal gathering"
] | [
"illustration of a dance and lodge is the oldest drawing known to be done .",
"dance of a lodge and illustration is the oldest drawing known to be done .",
"illustration of a lodge and dance is the oldest known drawing to be done ."
] | [
"black and white woman of a photograph sitting outside a shelter .",
"white and black photograph of a woman sitting outside a shelter .",
"black and white shelter of a woman sitting outside a photograph ."
"plantation of an illustration of slaves running away from a print",
"print of an slaves of illustration running away from a plantation",
"print of an plantation of slaves running away from a illustration",
"illustration of an print of slaves running away from a plantation"
"ceremonial gathering circling the lodge of a tribal dancers",
"tribal dancers circling the lodge of a ceremonial gathering",
"ceremonial lodge circling the dancers of a tribal gathering"
] |
003126813 | [
"actor ~ i was in love with this man ."
] | [
] | [
"a black and white photograph of actor as comic book character is expected to fetch £ 400",
"actor on the set of superman",
"which superhero should you hook up with ? i got comic book character !"
] | [
"man ~ i was in love with this actor .",
"actor ~ i was in man with this love .",
"love ~ i was in actor with this man ."
] | [
"comic book character of actor as a black and white photograph is expected to fetch £ 400",
"a black and white character of actor as comic book photograph is expected to fetch £ 400",
"a comic and white photograph of actor as black book character is expected to fetch £ 400",
"a black and white photograph of actor as comic book character is fetch to expected £ 400"
"actor on the superman of set",
"superman on the set of actor",
"set on the actor of superman"
"which book should you hook up with ? i got comic superhero character !",
"which character should you hook up with ? i got comic book superhero !",
"which superhero should you got up with ? i hook comic book character !",
"which superhero should you hook up with ? i got comic character book !"
] |
001182389 | [
"noble person , holding her youngest bridesmaid , stands beside the queen as they wait for formal photos to be taken ."
] | [
] | [
"noble person carried person through the halls .",
"behind the scenes at the royal wedding : touching new photo shows noble people sharing champagne after their marriage .",
"behind the scenes at the royal wedding : touching new photo shows noble people sharing champagne after their marriage ."
] | [
"noble person , holding her youngest bridesmaid , stands beside the photos as they wait for formal queen to be taken .",
"noble person , wait her youngest bridesmaid , stands beside the queen as they holding for formal photos to be taken .",
"noble person , holding her youngest taken , stands beside the queen as they wait for formal photos to be bridesmaid .",
"formal person , holding her youngest bridesmaid , stands beside the queen as they wait for noble photos to be taken .",
"noble queen , holding her youngest bridesmaid , stands beside the person as they wait for formal photos to be taken ."
] | [
"noble halls carried person through the person ."
"behind the scenes at the royal wedding : touching new marriage shows noble people sharing champagne after their photo .",
"behind the scenes at the royal wedding : sharing new photo shows noble people touching champagne after their marriage .",
"behind the scenes at the new wedding : touching royal photo shows noble people sharing champagne after their marriage .",
"behind the scenes at the noble wedding : touching new photo shows royal people sharing champagne after their marriage .",
"behind the scenes at the royal marriage : touching new photo shows noble people sharing champagne after their wedding ."
"behind the scenes at the royal wedding : touching new photo shows noble champagne sharing people after their marriage .",
"behind the wedding at the royal scenes : touching new photo shows noble people sharing champagne after their marriage .",
"behind the scenes at the royal wedding : sharing new photo shows noble people touching champagne after their marriage .",
"behind the scenes at the royal wedding : touching noble photo shows new people sharing champagne after their marriage ."
] |
000001895 | [
"agents capture a vehicle loaded with liquor as it got a flat tire"
] | [
] | [
"postcard depicting workers loading the pockets of hops for market onto a horse and cart , early 1900 's",
"on a rough country lane a horse and cart carrying wood planks has stopped at the side of a thick , high",
"wagon with logo on the cab"
] | [
"agents capture a vehicle got with liquor as it loaded a flat tire",
"agents loaded a vehicle capture with liquor as it got a flat tire",
"agents got a vehicle loaded with liquor as it capture a flat tire",
"vehicle capture a agents loaded with liquor as it got a flat tire"
] | [
"cart depicting workers loading the pockets of hops for market onto a horse and postcard , early 1900 's",
"postcard depicting hops loading the pockets of workers for market onto a horse and cart , early 1900 's",
"postcard depicting workers loading the hops of pockets for market onto a horse and cart , early 1900 's",
"postcard loading workers depicting the pockets of hops for market onto a horse and cart , early 1900 's"
"on a rough country lane a horse and cart stopped wood planks has carrying at the side of a thick , high",
"on a rough planks lane a horse and cart carrying wood country has stopped at the side of a thick , high",
"on a rough country wood a horse and cart carrying lane planks has stopped at the side of a thick , high"
"cab with logo on the wagon",
"wagon with cab on the logo",
"logo with wagon on the cab"
] |
000351839 | [
"vector silhouette of a head filled with musical notes and symbols on white background ."
] | [
] | [
"vector silhouette of a head filled with musical notes and symbols on white background .",
"bright expressive silhouette of a head filled with musical notes and symbols on white background with outline .",
"musical notes from a head of the man ."
] | [
"vector silhouette of a head filled with musical symbols and notes on white background .",
"background silhouette of a head filled with musical notes and symbols on white vector .",
"vector silhouette of a head filled with white notes and symbols on musical background .",
"vector silhouette of a notes filled with musical head and symbols on white background ."
] | [
"vector silhouette of a head filled with white notes and symbols on musical background .",
"background silhouette of a head filled with musical notes and symbols on white vector .",
"vector silhouette of a head filled with musical notes and background on white symbols .",
"notes silhouette of a head filled with musical vector and symbols on white background ."
"bright expressive silhouette of a background filled with musical notes and symbols on white head with outline .",
"bright musical silhouette of a head filled with expressive notes and symbols on white background with outline .",
"bright expressive silhouette of a head filled with musical outline and symbols on white background with notes .",
"bright expressive silhouette of a head filled with musical background and symbols on white notes with outline .",
"bright expressive silhouette of a head filled with white notes and symbols on musical background with outline ."
"musical notes from a man of the head .",
"musical man from a head of the notes .",
"musical head from a notes of the man ."
] |
000738293 | [
"tropical beach lined with palm trees"
] | [
] | [
"a view of an island far in the distance from the coast",
"paradise beach in the tropics",
"landscape at the tropical north"
] | [
"tropical beach lined with trees palm",
"tropical palm lined with beach trees",
"tropical trees lined with palm beach"
] | [
"a view of an distance far in the island from the coast",
"a coast of an island far in the distance from the view",
"a distance of an island far in the view from the coast",
"a view of an coast far in the distance from the island"
] |
002257355 | [
"kites on the beach during the festival ."
] | [
] | [
"kites fly in the sky during festival on thursday .",
"hundreds of kites waiting to fly over the beach .",
"person flying on a beach"
] | [
"beach on the kites during the festival .",
"festival on the beach during the kites .",
"kites on the festival during the beach ."
] | [
"festival fly in the sky during kites on thursday .",
"kites fly in the festival during sky on thursday ."
"beach of kites waiting to fly over the hundreds .",
"hundreds of kites fly to waiting over the beach .",
"kites of hundreds waiting to fly over the beach ."
"beach flying on a person"
] |
000164207 | [
"the gilded bronze horses of basilica"
] | [
] | [
"the gilded bronze horses of basilica",
"the gilded bronze horses of basilica",
"head of the horse - statue of monarch on his horse"
] | [
"the gilded horses bronze of basilica"
] | [
"the gilded horses bronze of basilica"
"the gilded horses bronze of basilica"
"head of the horse - monarch of statue on his horse",
"horse of the horse - statue of monarch on his head",
"horse of the head - statue of monarch on his horse"
] |
003105334 | [
"father and girl playing in the park"
] | [
] | [
"father and girl playing in the park",
"father and girl playing in the park",
"father and girl playing in the park"
] | [
"father and park playing in the girl"
] | [
"father and park playing in the girl"
"father and park playing in the girl"
"father and park playing in the girl"
] |
000759075 | [
"human heart and trunk vessels in a conditional simplified anatomy ."
] | [
] | [
"human heart vintage illustrations isolated on the white background",
"anatomy of the human heart medical illustration",
"conditional image of a model of the human heart ."
] | [
"conditional heart and trunk vessels in a human simplified anatomy .",
"human vessels and trunk heart in a conditional simplified anatomy ."
] | [
"white heart vintage illustrations isolated on the human background",
"the white background isolated on human heart vintage illustrations"
"anatomy of the medical heart human illustration",
"anatomy of the human illustration medical heart"
"conditional image of a heart of the human model .",
"human image of a model of the conditional heart ."
] |
001920550 | [
"people looking at displays within the cocoon"
] | [
] | [
"people looking at displays within the cocoon",
"people looking at displays within the cocoon",
"people looking at displays within the cocoon"
] | [
"cocoon looking at displays within the people",
"people looking at cocoon within the displays",
"displays looking at people within the cocoon"
] | [
"people looking at cocoon within the displays",
"cocoon looking at displays within the people",
"displays looking at people within the cocoon"
"displays looking at people within the cocoon",
"people looking at cocoon within the displays",
"cocoon looking at displays within the people"
"displays looking at people within the cocoon",
"cocoon looking at displays within the people"
] |
001906492 | [
"copy the picture using grid lines ."
] | [
] | [
"copy the picture using grid lines .",
"copy the picture using grid lines .",
"copy the picture using grid lines ."
] | [
"copy the grid using picture lines .",
"copy the picture using lines grid .",
"using the picture copy grid lines .",
"copy the lines using grid picture ."
] | [
"copy the grid using picture lines .",
"copy the picture using lines grid .",
"using the picture copy grid lines ."
"copy the lines using grid picture .",
"using the picture copy grid lines ."
"copy the lines using grid picture .",
"copy the picture using lines grid .",
"using the picture copy grid lines ."
] |
000331714 | [
"grabbing a quick bite to eat from the food stalls set up just outside the expo"
] | [
] | [
"crowds began to swell over the course of the day as men , woman and children excited for balloons and face paint arrived",
"women cook in a stall during festival",
"a food stall selling style street food"
] | [
"eat a quick bite to grabbing from the food stalls set up just outside the expo",
"grabbing the food stalls to eat from a quick bite set up just outside the expo",
"grabbing a quick bite to set from the food stalls eat up just outside the expo",
"grabbing a quick bite to eat from the stalls food set up just outside the expo",
"set a quick bite to eat from the food stalls grabbing up just outside the expo"
] | [
"crowds began to swell over the course of the day as balloons , woman and children excited for men and face paint arrived",
"crowds began to swell over the course of the day as men , woman and children arrived for balloons and face paint excited",
"crowds began to excited over the course of the day as men , woman and children swell for balloons and face paint arrived",
"crowds excited to swell over the course of the day as men , woman and children began for balloons and face paint arrived"
"women cook in a festival during stall",
"festival cook in a stall during women",
"stall cook in a women during festival"
"a food stall selling style food street",
"a food food selling style street stall",
"a food street selling style stall food"
] |
002962991 | [
"illustration that inspired by snowflake"
] | [
] | [
"mandala , circle decorative floral pattern borders of religion .",
"circular pattern or mandala as a snowflake .",
"mandala , circle decorative floral pattern borders of religion ."
] | [
"snowflake that inspired by illustration"
] | [
"mandala , circle floral decorative pattern borders of religion .",
"mandala , circle decorative floral religion borders of pattern .",
"decorative floral pattern borders mandala , circle of religion ."
"circular pattern or snowflake as a mandala .",
"circular snowflake or mandala as a pattern .",
"circular mandala or pattern as a snowflake ."
"mandala , circle decorative floral religion borders of pattern .",
"decorative floral pattern borders mandala , circle of religion .",
"mandala , circle floral decorative pattern borders of religion ."
] |
002880720 | [
"built person was one of the most powerful of early locomotives"
] | [
] | [
"built person was one of the most powerful of early locomotives",
"a locomotive with tender and cars .",
"a locomotive with tender and cars ."
] | [
"built person was one of the most early of powerful locomotives",
"built locomotives was one of the most powerful of early person"
] | [
"built locomotives was one of the most powerful of early person",
"built person was one of the most early of powerful locomotives"
"a cars with tender and locomotive .",
"a tender with locomotive and cars .",
"a locomotive with cars and tender ."
"a cars with tender and locomotive .",
"a locomotive with cars and tender ."
] |
001873113 | [
"a reception celebrating sports association and viewing of official"
] | [
] | [
"olympic athlete stands for a portrait during the trials .",
"natural portrait of a young professional woman",
"natural portrait of a young professional woman"
] | [
"a official celebrating sports association and viewing of reception",
"a reception celebrating sports official and viewing of association",
"a reception celebrating sports viewing and association of official",
"a reception celebrating association sports and viewing of official",
"a viewing celebrating sports association and reception of official"
] | [
"olympic trials stands for a portrait during the athlete .",
"olympic athlete stands for a trials during the portrait .",
"olympic portrait stands for a athlete during the trials ."
"natural woman of a young professional portrait",
"natural portrait of a professional young woman",
"professional portrait of a young natural woman",
"young portrait of a natural professional woman"
"natural portrait of a professional young woman",
"young portrait of a natural professional woman",
"natural woman of a young professional portrait"
] |
000387074 | [
"child feeding carrot for cute rabbits in a cage"
] | [
] | [
"feeding carrot for cute rabbits in a cage",
"grey rabbits sitting in a cage",
"the gray rabbit in a cage eats a leaf"
] | [
"child feeding rabbits for cute carrot in a cage",
"child feeding carrot for cute cage in a rabbits",
"cage feeding carrot for cute rabbits in a child",
"carrot feeding child for cute rabbits in a cage"
] | [
"feeding cage for cute rabbits in a carrot",
"feeding rabbits for cute carrot in a cage",
"feeding carrot for cute cage in a rabbits"
"grey cage sitting in a rabbits"
"the gray leaf in a cage eats a rabbit",
"the gray cage in a rabbit eats a leaf",
"the gray rabbit in a leaf eats a cage"
] |
002119591 | [
"revelers participate on day in the section ."
] | [
] | [
"all in fun : police reported no major incidents along the parade route",
"a rider throws beads as rolls .",
"person leading the procession through the street"
] | [
"day participate on revelers in the section .",
"section participate on day in the revelers ."
] | [
"all in fun : parade reported no major incidents along the police route",
"all in incidents : police reported no major fun along the parade route",
"all in fun : police reported no major route along the parade incidents",
"all in parade : police reported no major incidents along the fun route"
"a rider throws rolls as beads .",
"a beads throws rider as rolls .",
"a rolls throws beads as rider ."
"street leading the procession through the person",
"procession leading the person through the street",
"person leading the street through the procession"
] |
000092816 | [
"after the rain water drops texture"
] | [
] | [
"rain drops on a window",
"raindrops on front glass of the car , close - up",
"free stock photo of water drops on a window"
] | [
"after the water rain drops texture",
"after the texture water drops rain"
] | [
"window drops on a rain"
"glass on front raindrops of the car , close - up",
"raindrops on front up of the car , close - glass",
"up on front glass of the car , close - raindrops",
"raindrops on front car of the glass , close - up"
"free photo stock of water drops on a window",
"free stock drops of water photo on a window",
"free water photo of stock drops on a window"
] |
001142775 | [
"fungus on the dead trunk in the forest"
] | [
] | [
"mushrooms are growing on a stump in the forest",
"mushrooms are growing on a stump in the forest",
"picking mushrooms in the forest close up shoot"
] | [
"forest on the dead trunk in the fungus",
"fungus on the dead forest in the trunk"
] | [
"mushrooms are growing on a forest in the stump",
"stump are growing on a mushrooms in the forest"
"forest are growing on a stump in the mushrooms",
"mushrooms are growing on a forest in the stump",
"stump are growing on a mushrooms in the forest"
"picking forest in the mushrooms close up shoot",
"picking mushrooms in the shoot close up forest"
] |
002682922 | [
"tall waterfall flowing over the edge of a cliff down into body of water"
] | [
] | [
"tight shot with lush green moss",
"tall waterfall flowing over the edge of a cliff down into body of water focused on the grass",
"a waterfall down a forested rock face"
] | [
"tall waterfall flowing over the edge of a water down into body of cliff",
"tall water flowing over the edge of a cliff down into body of waterfall",
"tall waterfall flowing over the cliff of a edge down into body of water",
"tall waterfall flowing over the edge of a cliff down into water of body",
"tall waterfall flowing over the body of a cliff down into edge of water"
] | [
"green shot with lush tight moss",
"tight moss with lush green shot"
"tall waterfall flowing over the edge of a body down into cliff of water focused on the grass",
"tall waterfall focused over the edge of a cliff down into body of water flowing on the grass",
"tall body flowing over the edge of a cliff down into waterfall of water focused on the grass"
"a face down a forested rock waterfall",
"a rock down a forested waterfall face",
"a waterfall down a forested face rock"
] |
003101863 | [
"wooden houses in the forest"
] | [
] | [
"a snow covered tree in winter against a bright blue sky background with each twig covered thickly with frost very",
"a landscape of snow covered trees",
"snow - covered trees and branches in a wintry landscape"
] | [
"wooden forest in the houses"
] | [
"a bright blue sky background in winter against a snow covered tree with each twig covered thickly with frost very",
"a snow covered frost in winter against a bright blue sky background with each twig covered thickly with tree very",
"a snow covered tree in winter against a blue bright sky background with each twig covered thickly with frost very",
"a snow covered tree in winter against a bright blue sky background with each twig covered very with frost thickly"
"a snow of landscape covered trees",
"a landscape of trees covered snow",
"a trees of snow covered landscape"
"a wintry landscape and branches in snow - covered trees"
] |
001847095 | [
"industry presented a couple of new lamps , and they are created using interesting techniques and repurposed materials"
] | [
] | [
"this lamp blows bubbles around the light",
"small pendant lights for the modern kitchen and dining space",
"glowing traditional light bulbs in a row of pendant lights"
] | [
"industry presented a couple of interesting lamps , and they are created using new techniques and repurposed materials",
"industry presented a couple of new lamps , and they are created using repurposed techniques and interesting materials",
"industry using a couple of new lamps , and they are created presented interesting techniques and repurposed materials",
"industry created a couple of new lamps , and they are presented using interesting techniques and repurposed materials",
"industry presented a materials of new lamps , and they are created using interesting techniques and repurposed couple"
] | [
"this light blows bubbles around the lamp",
"this bubbles blows lamp around the light"
"small pendant space for the modern kitchen and dining lights",
"the modern kitchen for small pendant lights and dining space",
"pendant small lights for the modern kitchen and dining space",
"small pendant kitchen for the modern lights and dining space"
"glowing pendant light bulbs in a row of traditional lights",
"glowing traditional pendant bulbs in a row of light lights",
"glowing traditional light lights in a row of pendant bulbs",
"glowing traditional light row in a bulbs of pendant lights"
] |
002172537 | [
"how many countries are there in the world ?"
] | [
] | [
"map of countries around the world",
"theres something wrong with this world map can you see it yet",
"educational labelled countries of - map of countries of the world"
] | [
"how many world are there in the countries ?"
] | [
"countries of map around the world",
"world of countries around the map",
"map of world around the countries"
"there s something wrong with this map world can you see it yet",
"there see something wrong with this world map can you s it yet"
"educational labelled world of - map of countries of the countries",
"educational labelled countries of - countries of map of the world",
"educational labelled map of - countries of countries of the world",
"educational labelled countries of - world of countries of the map"
] |
000769902 | [
"morning mist and fog rising from pond and swirling in a vortex"
] | [
] | [
"lake with a mist spreading over the water after rain",
"lake with a steam spreading over the water after rain",
"lake with a heavy fog spreading over the water after rain"
] | [
"morning mist and fog swirling from pond and rising in a vortex",
"morning vortex and fog rising from pond and swirling in a mist",
"pond mist and fog rising from morning and swirling in a vortex"
] | [
"lake with a water spreading over the mist after rain",
"water with a mist spreading over the lake after rain",
"rain with a mist spreading over the water after lake"
"rain with a steam spreading over the water after lake",
"steam with a lake spreading over the water after rain",
"lake with a rain spreading over the water after steam",
"water with a steam spreading over the lake after rain"
"lake with a heavy water spreading over the fog after rain",
"lake with a heavy rain spreading over the water after fog",
"water with a heavy fog spreading over the lake after rain",
"lake with a heavy fog spreading over the rain after water",
"rain with a heavy fog spreading over the water after lake"
] |
002770613 | [
"players celebrate victory during the match ."
] | [
] | [
"players celebrate victory during the match .",
"players celebrate during the match .",
"football player and politician celebrate during the match ."
] | [
"victory celebrate players during the match .",
"match celebrate victory during the players ."
] | [
"victory celebrate players during the match .",
"match celebrate victory during the players ."
"match celebrate during the players ."
"football player and match celebrate during the politician .",
"football politician and player celebrate during the match .",
"football match and politician celebrate during the player .",
"player football and politician celebrate during the match ."
] |
001218310 | [
"definition animated loop of a rusty textured world map with added volumetric lighting ."
] | [
] | [
"vintage map of the world .",
"a smaller rotating transparent planet earth composited over a larger one , in brown and white",
"vintage map of the world ."
] | [
"definition animated loop of a rusty textured lighting map with added volumetric world .",
"a rusty textured world map of definition animated loop with added volumetric lighting .",
"definition animated lighting of a rusty textured world map with added volumetric loop .",
"map animated loop of a rusty textured world definition with added volumetric lighting ."
] | [
"vintage world of the map ."
"a smaller rotating transparent one earth composited over a larger planet , in brown and white",
"a smaller rotating brown planet earth composited over a larger one , in transparent and white",
"a larger one composited over a smaller rotating transparent planet earth , in brown and white",
"a smaller rotating transparent planet earth composited over a brown one , in larger and white",
"a smaller rotating transparent earth planet composited over a larger one , in brown and white"
"vintage world of the map ."
] |
001709203 | [
"a picture of us in the restaurant ."
] | [
] | [
"a picture of me and person at restaurant .",
"we joined the family for dinner after the show",
"crowded and loud dinner in the bar area"
] | [
"a restaurant of us in the picture ."
] | [
"a picture of me and restaurant at person .",
"a person of me and picture at restaurant ."
"we joined the dinner for family after the show",
"we joined the show for dinner after the family"
"the bar area in crowded and loud dinner",
"crowded and loud area in the bar dinner",
"crowded and loud dinner in the area bar",
"loud and crowded dinner in the bar area"
] |
000162038 | [
"actor attends commercial activity of the opening of organisation founder"
] | [
] | [
"actor attends commercial activity of the opening of organisation founder .",
"actor attends the launching party of new perfume as part",
"actor attends the opening party of show ."
] | [
"actor attends commercial activity of the organisation of opening founder",
"actor attends commercial activity of the founder of organisation opening",
"activity attends commercial actor of the opening of organisation founder",
"organisation attends commercial activity of the opening of actor founder",
"actor attends commercial opening of the activity of organisation founder"
] | [
"opening attends commercial activity of the actor of organisation founder .",
"actor attends commercial opening of the activity of organisation founder .",
"actor attends commercial activity of the organisation of opening founder ."
"party attends the launching actor of new perfume as part",
"actor launching the attends party of new perfume as part"
"actor attends the show party of opening .",
"show attends the opening party of actor .",
"opening attends the actor party of show ."
] |
001622330 | [
"house with clean windows in a neighborhood"
] | [
] | [
"spotless windows on a residence .",
"photo of a large deck and stairs .",
"a new look for an older home !"
] | [
"house with clean neighborhood in a windows"
] | [
"spotless residence on a windows ."
"deck of a large photo and stairs .",
"photo of a large stairs and deck ."
"an older home for a new look !",
"a older look for an new home !"
] |
000158513 | [
"map as an overview map in pastel orange vector"
] | [
] | [
"map locates the various industrial centers .",
"map as an overview map in gray",
"map as an overview map in pastel orange"
] | [
"overview as an map map in pastel orange vector",
"map as an overview vector in pastel orange map",
"vector as an overview map in pastel orange map",
"map as pastel orange vector in an overview map"
] | [
"centers locates the various industrial map .",
"map locates the industrial various centers ."
"overview as an map map in gray",
"map as an map overview in gray"
"overview as an map map in pastel orange",
"orange as an overview map in pastel map",
"map as an overview orange in pastel map"
] |
001583009 | [
"interior of the guest room"
] | [
] | [
"property image # the square meter apartment is located in the heart and is very quiet",
"property image # the square meter apartment is located in the heart and is very quiet",
"property image # the square meter apartment is located in the heart and is very quiet"
] | [
"interior of the room guest"
] | [
"property image # the quiet meter apartment is located in the heart and is very square",
"property meter # the square image apartment is located in the heart and is very quiet",
"property image # the square meter heart is located in the apartment and is very quiet"
"meter image # the square property apartment is located in the heart and is very quiet",
"property image # the square meter heart is located in the apartment and is very quiet",
"property image meter the square # apartment is located in the heart and is very quiet",
"property image # the quiet meter apartment is located in the heart and is very square"
"property image # the quiet meter apartment is located in the heart and is very square",
"property image # the square meter heart is located in the apartment and is very quiet",
"apartment image # the square meter property is located in the heart and is very quiet"
] |
002058026 | [
"half - tree house is a modern off - grid cabin built for $20,000"
] | [
] | [
"courtyard house on a river , ©",
"picture of brown small house in the forest",
"from everything and escape to a secluded woodland tiny house"
] | [
"half - tree grid is a modern off - house cabin built for $ 20,000",
"half - grid house is a modern off - tree cabin built for $ 20,000",
"modern - tree house is a half off - grid cabin built for $ 20,000",
"half - tree house is a off modern - grid cabin built for $ 20,000",
"half - cabin house is a modern off - grid tree built for $ 20,000"
] | [
"courtyard river on a house , ©"
"picture of small brown house in the forest",
"house of brown small picture in the forest",
"picture of brown small forest in the house"
"from everything and escape to a tiny woodland secluded house",
"from everything and escape to a secluded house tiny woodland"
] |
000126189 | [
"young happy girl with laptop relaxing in the city park"
] | [
] | [
"young happy girl with laptop in the city park",
"young pretty woman with laptop sitting in the park",
"young happy girl with laptop in the city"
] | [
"the city park with laptop relaxing in young happy girl",
"happy young girl with laptop relaxing in the city park"
] | [
"young happy girl with laptop in the park city",
"young happy city with laptop in the girl park",
"happy young girl with laptop in the city park",
"the city park with laptop in young happy girl"
"pretty young woman with laptop sitting in the park",
"young pretty park with laptop sitting in the woman"
"happy young girl with laptop in the city",
"young happy laptop with girl in the city"
] |
002211689 | [
"dental hygiene cartoon characters around a sink ."
] | [
] | [
"abstract toothpaste , toothbrush and tooth .",
"tooth with a toothbrush , smiling",
"illustration of a tooth holding a toothbrush beside the glass on a white background"
] | [
"dental hygiene characters cartoon around a sink .",
"dental hygiene cartoon sink around a characters .",
"dental sink cartoon characters around a hygiene ."
] | [
"abstract tooth , toothbrush and toothpaste .",
"abstract toothbrush , toothpaste and tooth .",
"abstract toothpaste , tooth and toothbrush ."
"smiling with a toothbrush , tooth"
"illustration of a tooth holding a toothbrush beside the background on a white glass",
"glass of a tooth holding a toothbrush beside the illustration on a white background",
"illustration of a glass holding a toothbrush beside the tooth on a white background"
] |
003277860 | [
"producer , rapper , actor , fashion designer and hip hop artist poses for a portrait session ."
] | [
] | [
"hip hop artist arrives during the club 's anniversary party .",
"hip hop artist attends the premiere",
"hip hop artist attends los angeles premiere held"
] | [
"producer , rapper , actor , hop designer and hip fashion artist poses for a portrait session .",
"artist , rapper , actor , fashion designer and hip hop producer poses for a portrait session .",
"producer , rapper , actor , fashion designer and artist hop hip poses for a portrait session .",
"producer , actor , rapper , fashion designer and hip hop artist poses for a portrait session .",
"producer , rapper , actor , fashion portrait and hip hop artist poses for a designer session ."
] | [
"hip hop anniversary arrives during the club 's artist party .",
"the club 's anniversary party arrives during hip hop artist .",
"hip hop artist arrives during the club 's party anniversary .",
"artist hop hip arrives during the club 's anniversary party ."
"hip artist hop attends the premiere",
"premiere hop artist attends the hip",
"hip hop premiere attends the artist",
"hip premiere artist attends the hop"
"hop hip artist attends los angeles premiere held",
"hip hop artist held los angeles premiere attends",
"hip artist hop attends los angeles premiere held"
] |
000791277 | [
"american football player brings down sports team running back american football player during the first play of the game ."
] | [
] | [
"corner back american football player intercepts a pass intended for person in a game .",
"american football team running back athlete runs into the end zone for a touchdown in the second quarter .",
"chancellor celebrates after laying a big hit on american football player during the second half ."
] | [
"american football player brings down sports team running back the first play during american football player of the game .",
"american football player brings down sports team running back first football player during the american play of the game .",
"american football player running down sports team brings back american football player during the first play of the game ."
] | [
"corner back american football game intercepts a pass intended for person in a player .",
"corner back american football player intended a pass intercepts for person in a game .",
"corner american back football player intercepts a pass intended for person in a game ."
"the end zone running back athlete runs into american football team for a touchdown in the second quarter .",
"american football team running back athlete runs into the second quarter for a touchdown in the end zone .",
"the second quarter running back athlete runs into the end zone for a touchdown in american football team .",
"american football team running back athlete runs into the zone end for a touchdown in the second quarter .",
"american football team runs back athlete running into the end zone for a touchdown in the second quarter ."
"chancellor celebrates after laying american football player on a big hit during the second half .",
"chancellor celebrates after laying a big hit on the second half during american football player .",
"chancellor hit after laying a big celebrates on american football player during the second half .",
"chancellor celebrates after laying a second hit on american football player during the big half ."
] |
001947126 | [
"award winner warms up before a game against sports team ."
] | [
] | [
"award winner warms up before a game against sports team .",
"award winner warms up before thursday 's game against sports team .",
"award winner dribbles against sports team ."
] | [
"game winner warms up before a award against sports team .",
"award team warms up before a game against sports winner .",
"award winner warms up before a sports against game team .",
"award sports warms up before a game against winner team ."
] | [
"award winner warms up before a game against team sports .",
"game winner warms up before a award against sports team .",
"sports winner warms up before a game against award team ."
"award winner warms up before thursday 's team against sports game .",
"winner award warms up before thursday 's game against sports team .",
"award winner warms up before thursday 's game against team sports .",
"award sports warms up before thursday 's game against winner team ."
"winner award dribbles against sports team .",
"award winner dribbles against team sports .",
"team winner dribbles against sports award .",
"sports winner dribbles against award team ."
] |
003185901 | [
"i 'm making it my life 's mission to find a sweater as cozy as this one"
] | [
] | [
"fashion finds on a budget",
"ripped jeans wearing to the office ? why not ?",
"my favorite under versatile kicks paired with a little off - the - shoulder"
] | [
"i ' m find it my life 's mission to making a sweater as cozy as this one",
"i ' m making it my mission 's life to find a sweater as cozy as this one",
"i ' m making it my sweater 's mission to find a life as cozy as this one"
] | [
"budget finds on a fashion"
"ripped office wearing to the jeans ? why not ?",
"wearing jeans ripped to the office ? why not ?"
"my favorite under little kicks paired with a versatile off - the - shoulder",
"my little under versatile kicks paired with a favorite off - the - shoulder",
"my versatile under favorite kicks paired with a little off - the - shoulder",
"my favorite under versatile shoulder paired with a little off - the - kicks"
] |
001812938 | [
"inside of this pendant is a real wildflower , pressed up against the glass ."
] | [
] | [
"inside of this pendant is a real wildflower , pressed up against the glass .",
"dried flowers inside a pendant",
"pressed leave & flower inside a pendant"
] | [
"inside of this real is a pendant wildflower , pressed up against the glass .",
"inside of this pendant is a real glass , pressed up against the wildflower ."
] | [
"inside of this real is a pendant wildflower , pressed up against the glass .",
"inside of this pendant is a real glass , pressed up against the wildflower ."
] |
000872183 | [
"tropical beach on the island"
] | [
] | [
"turquoise and blue waves coming in to beach",
"gentle waves lapping against a brilliant white sandy beach south with imposing mountain range in the background",
"slow motion footage of gentle waves lapping against a brilliant white sandy beach south with imposing mountain range in the background"
] | [
"tropical island on the beach"
] | [
"turquoise and blue waves beach in to coming",
"waves and blue turquoise coming in to beach"
"gentle beach lapping against a brilliant white sandy waves south with imposing mountain range in the background",
"gentle waves imposing against a brilliant white sandy beach south with lapping mountain range in the background",
"gentle range lapping against a brilliant white sandy beach south with imposing mountain waves in the background",
"gentle waves lapping against a sandy white brilliant beach south with imposing mountain range in the background"
"slow motion footage of gentle waves imposing against a brilliant white sandy beach south with lapping mountain range in the background",
"a brilliant white sandy beach of gentle waves lapping against slow motion footage south with imposing mountain range in the background",
"slow range footage of gentle waves lapping against a brilliant white sandy beach south with imposing mountain motion in the background",
"slow motion footage of gentle mountain lapping against a brilliant white sandy beach south with imposing waves range in the background"
] |
001059170 | [
"old terraced houses a street"
] | [
] | [
"a row of pretty cottages",
"residences on the historic thoroughfare",
"painted terraced cottages in the heart"
] | [
"old terraced street a houses"
] | [
"a cottages of pretty row"
"thoroughfare on the historic residences"
"painted terraced heart in the cottages",
"terraced painted cottages in the heart"
] |
002399214 | [
"close up of the middle east on a world globe"
] | [
] | [
"a photograph of a map",
"a magnifier zooming in countries on a global map",
"close up of the middle east on a world globe"
] | [
"close up of the middle east on a globe world",
"close up of a world globe on the middle east"
] | [
"a map of a photograph"
"a global map in countries on a magnifier zooming",
"a map zooming in countries on a global magnifier",
"a zooming magnifier in countries on a global map"
"close up of a world globe on the middle east",
"close up of the middle east on a globe world"
] |
002816726 | [
"frost on the river bank"
] | [
] | [
"river flows down the forested rocky river valley",
"river flows down the forested rocky river valley",
"river flows down the rocky river valley"
] | [
"bank on the river frost",
"frost on the bank river"
] | [
"valley flows down the forested rocky river river"
"valley flows down the forested rocky river river"
"valley flows down the rocky river river"
] |
001493237 | [
"basking in its own glory , person frames itself over a cloud bearing its shadow and a faint rainbow"
] | [
] | [
"aircraft model , pictured here broke several records , including the world 's first fully solar - powered intercontinental flight .",
"the solar - powered airplane landed last week after completing a risky , flight as part of its journey around the world .",
"a solar - powered airplane landed on saturday , completing a risky , flight as part of its journey around the world ."
] | [
"basking in a faint rainbow , person frames itself over a cloud bearing its shadow and its own glory",
"bearing in its own glory , person frames itself over a cloud basking its shadow and a faint rainbow",
"basking in its own person , glory frames itself over a cloud bearing its shadow and a faint rainbow",
"basking in its faint glory , person frames itself over a cloud bearing its shadow and a own rainbow"
] | [
"aircraft model , pictured here broke intercontinental records , including the world 's first fully solar - powered several flight .",
"aircraft records , pictured here broke several model , including the world 's first fully solar - powered intercontinental flight .",
"aircraft model , pictured here broke several records , including the world 's first solar fully - powered intercontinental flight .",
"aircraft model , powered here broke several records , including the world 's first fully solar - pictured intercontinental flight .",
"aircraft model , pictured here broke first records , including the world 's several fully solar - powered intercontinental flight ."
"the solar - powered airplane landed risky week after completing a last , flight as part of its journey around the world .",
"a risky , flight landed last week after completing the solar - powered airplane as part of its journey around the world .",
"the solar - powered airplane completing last week after landed a risky , flight as part of its journey around the world ."
"a risky , flight landed on saturday , completing a solar - powered airplane as part of its journey around the world .",
"a solar - completing airplane landed on saturday , powered a risky , flight as part of its journey around the world .",
"a solar - powered airplane completing on saturday , landed a risky , flight as part of its journey around the world ."
] |
000930741 | [
"family reunion - i made this cake for a family reunion ."
] | [
] | [
"the cake that i made for a friend 's baby shower , birds nesting in a tree with a garden below .",
"another view of triple - layer first birthday cake .",
"family tree cake - this was for a 90th birthday and family reunion !"
] | [
"family reunion - i made this reunion for a family cake .",
"family reunion - i made this cake for a reunion family .",
"cake reunion - i made this family for a family reunion .",
"family cake - i made this reunion for a family reunion ."
] | [
"the cake that i nesting for a friend 's baby shower , birds made in a tree with a garden below .",
"the cake that i made for a friend 's garden shower , birds nesting in a tree with a baby below .",
"the friend that i made for a cake 's baby shower , birds nesting in a tree with a garden below .",
"the cake that i made for a friend 's baby shower , birds nesting in a garden with a tree below ."
"another cake of triple - layer first birthday view .",
"another view of triple - cake first birthday layer .",
"another view of triple - layer first cake birthday .",
"another view of first - layer triple birthday cake ."
"family tree birthday - this was for a 90th cake and family reunion !",
"family reunion cake - this was for a 90th birthday and family tree !",
"family tree family - this was for a 90th birthday and cake reunion !",
"family cake tree - this was for a 90th birthday and family reunion !"
] |
002949452 | [
"biological species in the snow"
] | [
] | [
"a lynx in winter snow .",
"on the move ... lowland red bobcat",
"animal in a tree trunk"
] | [
"biological snow in the species"
] | [
"a winter in lynx snow .",
"a lynx in snow winter .",
"a snow in winter lynx ."
] |
002419863 | [
"martial artist shields the ball from football player during the match"
] | [
] | [
"football player and battle for the ball",
"football player shields the ball from martial artist during the match",
"athlete and battle for the ball"
] | [
"martial artist shields the ball from football match during the player",
"martial ball shields the artist from football player during the match",
"martial football shields the ball from artist player during the match",
"martial player shields the ball from football artist during the match",
"martial artist shields the ball from player football during the match"
] | [
"football player and ball for the battle",
"battle player and football for the ball",
"football ball and battle for the player"
"football artist shields the ball from martial player during the match",
"football player shields the artist from martial ball during the match",
"artist player shields the ball from martial football during the match"
"battle and athlete for the ball",
"athlete and ball for the battle",
"ball and battle for the athlete"
] |
001202365 | [
"person brings this sesame - maple roasted tofu and noodle dish to an unbelievable level !"
] | [
] | [
"put it on the menu : tofu",
"this dish was inspired by delicatessen .",
"garlic tofu - marinated in a sweet and spicy sauce and seared until crispy ."
] | [
"person brings an unbelievable level to this sesame - maple roasted tofu and noodle dish !",
"person noodle this sesame - maple roasted tofu and brings dish to an unbelievable level !",
"person brings this sesame - maple unbelievable tofu and noodle dish to an roasted level !",
"person brings this sesame - maple roasted dish and noodle tofu to an unbelievable level !"
] | [
"put it on the tofu : menu"
] |
003295425 | [
"made this for my daughters birthday today !"
] | [
] | [
"organisation inspired - i did this cake for teenage girls , wanted to do something bright and spring like so thought of organisation whose colours i love .",
"tiered round wedding cake with black polka dots and gold middle layer , tied together with a pink bow",
"fancy cake if the colors were changed"
] | [
"made this for my today birthday daughters !",
"made this for my daughters today birthday !"
] | [
"organisation inspired - i did this cake for bright girls , wanted to do something teenage and spring like so thought of organisation whose colours i love .",
"organisation inspired - i did this colours for teenage girls , wanted to do something bright and spring like so thought of organisation whose cake i love .",
"organisation wanted - i did this cake for teenage girls , inspired to do something bright and spring like so thought of organisation whose colours i love ."
"tied round wedding cake with black polka dots and gold middle layer , tiered together with a pink bow",
"tiered round wedding cake with black polka dots and gold pink layer , tied together with a middle bow",
"tiered round wedding cake with black polka bow and gold middle layer , tied together with a pink dots",
"a pink bow with black polka dots and gold middle layer , tied together with tiered round wedding cake",
"tiered round wedding cake with pink polka dots and gold middle layer , tied together with a black bow"
"fancy colors if the cake were changed"
] |
003115657 | [
"paintings of a wide - eyed lady , the reef , frogs and sailing boats on the ocean ."
] | [
] | [
"how to hang an exhibition of paintings",
"a few examples of art",
"a sampling of art , airbrushed on aluminum to create a metallic illumination ."
] | [
"paintings of a eyed - wide lady , the reef , frogs and sailing boats on the ocean .",
"reef of a wide - eyed lady , the paintings , frogs and sailing boats on the ocean .",
"frogs of a wide - eyed lady , the reef , paintings and sailing boats on the ocean ."
] | [
"how to hang an paintings of exhibition"
"a few art of examples"
"a sampling of art , create on aluminum to airbrushed a metallic illumination .",
"a sampling of illumination , airbrushed on aluminum to create a metallic art .",
"a aluminum of art , airbrushed on sampling to create a metallic illumination ."
] |
001436655 | [
"pop rock artist arrives at awards at theater"
] | [
] | [
"pop rock artist arrives at awards at theater",
"pop rock artist arrives at awards at theater",
"pop rock artist arrives at awards at theater"
] | [
"theater rock artist arrives at awards at pop",
"pop theater artist arrives at awards at rock",
"pop awards artist arrives at rock at theater",
"pop rock artist arrives at theater at awards"
] | [
"pop theater artist arrives at awards at rock",
"rock pop artist arrives at awards at theater",
"pop artist rock arrives at awards at theater",
"pop awards artist arrives at rock at theater",
"theater rock artist arrives at awards at pop"
"awards rock artist arrives at pop at theater",
"theater rock artist arrives at awards at pop",
"artist rock pop arrives at awards at theater",
"pop rock artist arrives at theater at awards"
"pop artist rock arrives at awards at theater",
"theater rock artist arrives at awards at pop",
"pop theater artist arrives at awards at rock",
"pop rock awards arrives at artist at theater",
"artist rock pop arrives at awards at theater"
] |
001975565 | [
"industry with wind blowing though the film format"
] | [
] | [
"rainbow flag moving in the wind",
"rainbow flag in the sun",
"rainbow flag gently waving in the wind ."
] | [
"format with wind blowing though the film industry",
"wind with industry blowing though the film format",
"film with wind blowing though the industry format",
"industry with wind blowing though the format film"
] | [
"moving flag rainbow in the wind",
"rainbow wind moving in the flag"
"rainbow sun in the flag"
"waving flag gently rainbow in the wind .",
"rainbow wind gently waving in the flag ."
] |
002658656 | [
"seagull in the blue sky"
] | [
] | [
"seagull in the blue sky",
"a common gull in flight on the lookout for food",
"flying seagull against the blue sky"
] | [
"sky in the blue seagull"
] | [
"sky in the blue seagull"
"a common gull in flight on the food for lookout",
"a common lookout in flight on the gull for food",
"a common food in flight on the lookout for gull",
"a common gull in food on the lookout for flight"
"flying sky against the blue seagull"
] |
001369279 | [
"per cent of women over the age of 16 had tied the knot last year"
] | [
] | [
"wedding couple holding hands walking on the grass",
"free stock photo : background image of the wedding bride and groom holding hands",
"hands of the groom and the bride"
] | [
"per cent of women over the knot of 16 had tied the age last year",
"per knot of women over the age of 16 had tied the cent last year",
"per cent of year over the age of 16 had tied the knot last women"
] | [
"wedding grass holding hands walking on the couple",
"walking couple holding hands wedding on the grass",
"wedding couple walking hands holding on the grass",
"wedding couple holding grass walking on the hands"
"groom holding hands : background image of the wedding bride and free stock photo",
"the wedding bride : background image of free stock photo and groom holding hands",
"free stock photo : background image of groom holding hands and the wedding bride",
"free stock photo : background hands of the wedding bride and groom holding image"
"bride of the groom and the hands",
"hands of the bride and the groom"
] |
001351945 | [
"the international style structure will now bear the name of astronaut , who became the first person ."
] | [
] | [
"an officer claims he saw person during the act .",
"us county which began construction and finished",
"the mayor plans to meet with police on tuesday , however it 's not known if any cases were jeopardized by the release of the information"
] | [
"the first person will now bear the name of astronaut , who became the international style structure .",
"the international style structure will now became the name of astronaut , who bear the first person .",
"the first style structure will now bear the name of astronaut , who became the international person ."
] | [
"an officer saw he claims person during the act ."
"us county which finished construction and began",
"us construction which began county and finished"
"the mayor meet to plans with police on tuesday , however it 's not known if any cases were jeopardized by the release of the information",
"the mayor jeopardized to meet with police on tuesday , however it 's not known if any cases were plans by the release of the information",
"the information plans to meet with police on tuesday , however it 's not known if any cases were jeopardized by the release of the mayor",
"the mayor plans to known with police on tuesday , however it 's not meet if any cases were jeopardized by the release of the information",
"the mayor plans to meet with police on tuesday , however it 's not known if any release were jeopardized by the cases of the information"
] |
002105890 | [
"folk and modern dance group at the yearly festival ."
] | [
] | [
"folk and modern dance group at the yearly festival .",
"folk and modern dance group at the yearly festival .",
"folk and modern dance group at the yearly festival ."
] | [
"folk and the yearly festival at modern dance group .",
"dance and modern folk group at the yearly festival .",
"festival and modern dance group at the yearly folk ."
] | [
"folk and yearly dance group at the modern festival .",
"folk and the yearly festival at modern dance group ."
"folk and yearly dance group at the modern festival .",
"folk and the yearly festival at modern dance group .",
"folk and modern dance festival at the yearly group ."
"folk and the yearly festival at modern dance group .",
"group and modern dance folk at the yearly festival ."
] |
000128108 | [
"observing the area : the tiger looks at the car and its surroundings before wandering over"
] | [
] | [
"a porcupine hiding under a car",
"elephant goes on rampage in national park ramming a car with it 's trunk",
"footage shows the animals wrestle him to the ground"
] | [
"wandering the area : the tiger looks at the car and its surroundings before observing over",
"observing the area : the tiger looks at the surroundings and its car before wandering over",
"observing the area : the car looks at the tiger and its surroundings before wandering over",
"observing the area : the tiger wandering at the car and its surroundings before looks over",
"observing the surroundings : the tiger looks at the car and its area before wandering over"
] | [
"a hiding porcupine under a car",
"a car hiding under a porcupine",
"a porcupine car under a hiding"
"elephant goes on rampage in national car ramming a park with it 's trunk",
"elephant goes on trunk in national park ramming a car with it 's rampage",
"elephant goes on park in national rampage ramming a car with it 's trunk",
"elephant ramming on rampage in national park goes a car with it 's trunk"
"ground shows the animals wrestle him to the footage",
"animals shows the footage wrestle him to the ground",
"footage shows the ground wrestle him to the animals",
"footage wrestle the animals shows him to the ground"
] |
002993883 | [
"scenic view with a bridge"
] | [
] | [
"scenic view with a bridge",
"scenic view with a bridge",
"scenic view with a bridge"
] | [
"scenic bridge with a view"
] | [
"scenic bridge with a view"
"scenic bridge with a view"
"scenic bridge with a view"
] |
001982624 | [
"film character driving a vintage red pick - up truck down a rural road"
] | [
] | [
"film character driving a vintage red pick - up truck down a paved rural road",
"film character standing on a car on beautiful snowflakes decorated winter background for celebration .",
"hand made retro metal car with pine tree on the roof ."
] | [
"film character driving a rural road down a vintage red pick - up truck",
"film character pick a vintage red driving - up truck down a rural road",
"film road driving a vintage red pick - up truck down a rural character",
"character film driving a vintage red pick - up truck down a rural road"
] | [
"film character driving a paved rural road down a vintage red pick - up truck",
"film truck driving a vintage red pick - up character down a paved rural road",
"film character pick a vintage red driving - up truck down a paved rural road"
"celebration character standing on a car on beautiful snowflakes decorated winter background for film .",
"film character decorated on a car on beautiful snowflakes standing winter background for celebration ."
"hand made roof metal car with pine tree on the retro .",
"hand made retro tree car with pine metal on the roof .",
"hand made retro metal tree with pine car on the roof .",
"tree made retro metal car with pine hand on the roof ."
] |
001706664 | [
"bright orange sunset with silhouette of trees in the foreground"
] | [
] | [
"short version of the sunset time lapse",
"sunset with dark wood and meadow in the foreground",
"reddish sunset over the cold winter leafless forest"
] | [
"orange bright sunset with silhouette of trees in the foreground",
"bright orange sunset with trees of silhouette in the foreground",
"bright orange sunset with silhouette of foreground in the trees",
"bright orange trees with silhouette of sunset in the foreground"
] | [
"short version of the lapse time sunset",
"short sunset of the version time lapse",
"short lapse of the sunset time version",
"short version of the sunset lapse time"
"wood with dark sunset and meadow in the foreground",
"foreground with dark wood and meadow in the sunset",
"sunset with dark foreground and meadow in the wood"
"cold sunset over the reddish winter leafless forest",
"reddish sunset over the cold forest leafless winter",
"reddish sunset over the cold leafless winter forest",
"reddish leafless over the cold winter sunset forest",
"reddish forest over the cold winter leafless sunset"
] |
003219404 | [
"hard rock artist and person ."
] | [
] | [
"hard rock artist and person .",
"hard rock artist and person .",
"actor and film costumer designer ."
] | [
"hard artist rock and person .",
"hard rock person and artist ."
] | [
"hard rock person and artist .",
"hard artist rock and person ."
"hard person artist and rock .",
"hard rock person and artist .",
"hard artist rock and person ."
"costumer and film actor designer .",
"designer and film costumer actor ."
] |
002725498 | [
"young woman pours tea from a thermos and drink ."
] | [
] | [
"the girl thought about something and later continued to surfing something in the phone",
"pretty upset girl in vintage clothes waiting for her date in the park , steadicam , 4k",
"a young girl shopping in the online store sitting"
] | [
"young tea pours woman from a thermos and drink .",
"young drink pours tea from a thermos and woman .",
"young woman pours tea from a drink and thermos .",
"young woman pours drink from a thermos and tea ."
] | [
"the phone thought about something and later continued to surfing something in the girl",
"the girl thought about something and later surfing to continued something in the phone"
"pretty vintage girl in upset clothes waiting for her date in the park , steadicam , 4k",
"pretty upset girl in vintage clothes steadicam for her date in the park , waiting , 4k",
"pretty upset girl in vintage park waiting for her date in the clothes , steadicam , 4k"
"a online girl shopping in the young store sitting",
"a young girl sitting in the online store shopping",
"the online store shopping in a young girl sitting"
] |
002903742 | [
"center pivoting irrigation system over a ripe cotton field"
] | [
] | [
"center pivoting irrigation system over a ripe cotton field",
"center pivoting irrigation system over a ripe cotton field",
"center pivoting irrigation system over a ripe cotton field"
] | [
"cotton pivoting irrigation system over a ripe center field",
"center pivoting irrigation field over a ripe cotton system",
"irrigation pivoting center system over a ripe cotton field"
] | [
"center pivoting irrigation system over a ripe field cotton",
"cotton pivoting irrigation system over a ripe center field",
"field pivoting irrigation system over a ripe cotton center"
"system pivoting irrigation center over a ripe cotton field",
"field pivoting irrigation system over a ripe cotton center",
"irrigation pivoting center system over a ripe cotton field",
"center pivoting irrigation field over a ripe cotton system",
"center pivoting irrigation cotton over a ripe system field"
"cotton pivoting irrigation system over a ripe center field",
"irrigation pivoting center system over a ripe cotton field",
"center pivoting system irrigation over a ripe cotton field",
"center pivoting irrigation system over a ripe field cotton",
"system pivoting irrigation center over a ripe cotton field"
] |
002823626 | [
"houses in a gated complex with a sea view"
] | [
] | [
"new detached house km to beach and the sea",
"new detached house km to beach and the sea",
"houses in a gated complex with a sea view"
] | [
"houses in a gated complex with a view sea",
"complex in a gated houses with a sea view",
"view in a gated complex with a sea houses",
"houses in a sea view with a gated complex"
] | [
"new detached house beach to km and the sea",
"new detached beach km to house and the sea",
"new detached house sea to beach and the km",
"new detached sea km to beach and the house"
"new detached sea km to beach and the house",
"new detached house km to sea and the beach",
"new detached house beach to km and the sea",
"new detached km house to beach and the sea"
"sea in a gated complex with a houses view",
"view in a gated complex with a sea houses",
"houses in a sea view with a gated complex",
"houses in a gated view with a sea complex"
] |
002590314 | [
"coach , the head coach pictured during the call ."
] | [
] | [
"coach , the head coach pictured during the call .",
"coach the head coach pictured during the call",
"rugby player during the match against person"
] | [
"coach , the head call pictured during the coach .",
"coach , the call coach pictured during the head .",
"head , the coach coach pictured during the call ."
] | [
"head , the coach coach pictured during the call .",
"call , the head coach pictured during the coach .",
"coach , the coach head pictured during the call ."
"pictured the head coach coach during the call",
"coach the call coach pictured during the head",
"coach the coach head pictured during the call"
"rugby person during the match against player",
"rugby player during the person against match",
"rugby match during the player against person"
] |
003175271 | [
"an illustration of a green bio abstract background"
] | [
] | [
"a square grungy abstract background in green .",
"this is a seamless texture .",
"background pattern with a waves ."
] | [
"an background of a green bio abstract illustration",
"an illustration of a abstract bio green background"
] | [
"a square green abstract background in grungy .",
"a square grungy green background in abstract .",
"a green grungy abstract background in square ."
] |
000242397 | [
"view of the skyscrapers during sunset"
] | [
] | [
"sunrise over the scenic skyline , viewed in backlight at sunrise with orange red clear sky",
"the skyline as evening falls",
"the skyline as evening falls"
] | [
"view of the sunset during skyscrapers",
"skyscrapers of the view during sunset",
"sunset of the skyscrapers during view"
] | [
"sunrise over the clear skyline , viewed in backlight at sunrise with orange red scenic sky",
"sunrise over orange red clear sky , viewed in backlight at sunrise with the scenic skyline",
"sunrise over the red skyline , viewed in backlight at sunrise with orange scenic clear sky"
"the evening as skyline falls"
"the evening as skyline falls"
] |
000575111 | [
"students are encouraged to read the books before seeing the upcoming and current movies coming to the big screen !"
] | [
] | [
"new books @ the library",
"coming soon to a theatre near you !",
"image result for you 've seen the movie now read the book"
] | [
"students are encouraged to read the books before seeing the big and current movies coming to the upcoming screen !",
"students are encouraged to seeing the books before read the upcoming and current movies coming to the big screen !",
"students are encouraged to read the books before seeing the big screen coming to the upcoming and current movies !"
] | [
"new library @ the books"
] |
000302305 | [
"happy client with a nice brown trout"
] | [
] | [
"comedian is an avid fly fisherman , shown here recently .",
"a nice brown trout displayed by person .",
"person shows may driftless brownies caught during both morning and evening fishing ."
] | [
"happy client with a brown nice trout",
"nice client with a happy brown trout",
"brown client with a nice happy trout",
"happy trout with a nice brown client"
] | [
"comedian is an avid fisherman fly , shown here recently .",
"comedian is an avid fly fisherman , shown recently here ."
"a brown nice trout displayed by person ."
"person caught may driftless brownies shows during both morning and evening fishing .",
"person shows may driftless fishing caught during both morning and evening brownies .",
"person shows may driftless evening caught during both morning and brownies fishing .",
"brownies shows may driftless person caught during both morning and evening fishing ."
] |
002302510 | [
"group of people eating lunch from a food truck in city"
] | [
] | [
"group of people eating lunch from a food truck in a park",
"group of people toasting at lunch from a food truck in a park",
"when eat like the locals do !"
] | [
"group of people eating lunch from a food city in truck",
"group of food eating lunch from a people truck in city",
"group of people eating lunch from a truck food in city",
"group of people eating food from a lunch truck in city",
"people of group eating lunch from a food truck in city"
] | [
"lunch of people eating group from a food truck in a park",
"group of people eating lunch from a park truck in a food",
"group of lunch eating people from a food truck in a park"
"park of people toasting at lunch from a food truck in a group",
"group of people toasting at lunch from a truck food in a park",
"group of park toasting at lunch from a food truck in a people",
"group of lunch toasting at people from a food truck in a park"
"when do like the locals eat !"
] |
002480746 | [
"players from talk with person ."
] | [
] | [
"person in action during a match as part .",
"person in action during a match as part .",
"football player # of attempts to control the ball against # during their semifinal match ."
] | [
"players from person with talk .",
"person from talk with players .",
"talk from players with person ."
] | [
"person in part during a match as action .",
"action in person during a match as part .",
"match in action during a person as part .",
"part in action during a match as person .",
"person in action during a part as match ."
"part in action during a match as person .",
"person in part during a match as action .",
"person in action during a part as match .",
"match in action during a person as part ."
"their semifinal match of attempts to control the ball against # during football player # .",
"football player # of attempts to control the match against # during their semifinal ball .",
"football player attempts of # to control the ball against # during their semifinal match ."
] |
000888590 | [
"percent number and symbol on a ball of percentage signs -- stock photo #"
] | [
] | [
"3d render of percents text in big golden letters on a white background .",
"% - one percent with long shadow on white background .",
"% - one percent with long shadow and white outline on blue background ."
] | [
"percent symbol and number on a ball of percentage signs -- stock photo #",
"percent number and symbol on a ball of percentage photo -- stock signs #",
"percent number and symbol on a ball of percentage signs -- # photo stock",
"percent percentage and symbol on a ball of number signs -- stock photo #"
] | [
"3d percents of render text in big golden letters on a white background .",
"3d render of percents text in big white letters on a golden background .",
"3d render of percents text in a white background on big golden letters .",
"3d render of percents text in big golden background on a white letters ."
"% - one percent with white shadow on long background .",
"% - one shadow with long percent on white background ."
"% - one outline with long shadow and white percent on blue background .",
"% - one percent with blue shadow and white outline on long background .",
"% - one percent with long shadow and white background on blue outline .",
"% - one percent with long background and white outline on blue shadow ."
] |
002329361 | [
"a little girl sits next to the snowman"
] | [
] | [
"a little girl sits next to the snowman",
"a little girl sits next to the snowman",
"funny little toddler girl in a red knitted hat and warm coat playing with a snow ."
] | [
"a little snowman sits next to the girl"
] | [
"a little snowman sits next to the girl"
"a little snowman sits next to the girl"
"a red knitted hat in funny little toddler girl and warm coat playing with a snow .",
"funny little toddler girl in a red knitted coat and warm hat playing with a snow .",
"funny little toddler hat in a red knitted girl and warm coat playing with a snow .",
"funny little snow girl in a red knitted hat and warm coat playing with a toddler ."
] |
000446908 | [
"close - up of fire burning in a fireplace , slowed down to %"
] | [
] | [
"the fire burns in a fireplace made of bricks .",
"flames burn through a bed of coals in a campfire .",
"burning wood in a fireplace - bright flames and hot ashes close view"
] | [
"close - fire of up burning in a fireplace , slowed down to %",
"close - up of fire slowed in a fireplace , burning down to %",
"close - up of fireplace burning in a fire , slowed down to %",
"slowed - up of fire burning in a fireplace , close down to %"
] | [
"the fireplace burns in a fire made of bricks .",
"the fire made in a fireplace burns of bricks .",
"the fire burns in a bricks made of fireplace ."
"flames burn through a campfire of coals in a bed .",
"flames burn through a bed of campfire in a coals .",
"flames burn through a coals of bed in a campfire ."
"burning wood in a view - bright flames and hot ashes close fireplace",
"burning wood in a fireplace - close flames and hot ashes bright view",
"burning flames in a fireplace - bright wood and hot ashes close view",
"burning wood in a fireplace - bright flames and close ashes hot view"
] |
001034313 | [
"passengers are paying an average of £ 15 per flight in airline ancillary revenue"
] | [
] | [
"a flight attendant standing between rows of seats serving passengers",
"working as a flight attendant .",
"carriers are announcing plans including narrower aisles in a bid to be more energy efficient"
] | [
"passengers are paying an average of £ 15 per flight in revenue ancillary airline",
"passengers are paying an average of £ 15 per airline in flight ancillary revenue",
"average are paying an passengers of £ 15 per flight in airline ancillary revenue",
"passengers are paying an average of £ 15 per revenue in airline ancillary flight",
"passengers are paying an airline of £ 15 per flight in average ancillary revenue"
] | [
"a flight attendant serving between rows of seats standing passengers",
"a flight attendant standing between rows of passengers serving seats",
"a flight passengers standing between rows of seats serving attendant"
"working as a attendant flight ."
"carriers are announcing plans including narrower aisles in a bid to be efficient energy more",
"carriers are announcing plans including narrower energy in a bid to be more aisles efficient",
"carriers are including plans announcing narrower aisles in a bid to be more energy efficient"
] |
002480226 | [
"country artist arrives at awards"
] | [
] | [
"country artist arrives at awards",
"country artist arrives at awards",
"country artist arrives at awards"
] | [
"artist country arrives at awards",
"awards artist arrives at country"
] | [
"country awards arrives at artist",
"awards artist arrives at country"
"artist country arrives at awards",
"country awards arrives at artist"
"artist country arrives at awards",
"awards artist arrives at country",
"country awards arrives at artist"
] |
001512056 | [
"golfer was the only player to finish under par when he won his fourth green jacket ."
] | [
] | [
"romance film : golfer congratulates golfer",
"golfer is congratulated by actor after golfer won recurring competition .",
"this file photo shows golfer kneeling as golfer looks over his shoulder while they study a putt on 18th green ."
] | [
"golfer was the only player to finish under par when he won his green fourth jacket .",
"golfer was the only par to finish under player when he won his fourth green jacket .",
"golfer was his fourth green jacket to finish under par when he won the only player .",
"golfer was the only jacket to finish under par when he won his fourth green player .",
"golfer was the only player to finish under jacket when he won his fourth green par ."
] | [
"romance film : congratulates golfer golfer",
"golfer film : romance congratulates golfer",
"congratulates film : golfer romance golfer"
"golfer is congratulated by actor after golfer recurring won competition .",
"golfer is won by actor after golfer congratulated recurring competition .",
"golfer is recurring by actor after golfer won congratulated competition .",
"golfer is congratulated by competition after golfer won recurring actor ."
"this file photo looks golfer kneeling as golfer shows over his shoulder while they study a putt on 18th green .",
"this file photo shows shoulder kneeling as golfer looks over his golfer while they study a putt on 18th green .",
"this file shoulder shows golfer kneeling as golfer looks over his photo while they study a putt on 18th green .",
"this file photo study golfer kneeling as golfer looks over his shoulder while they shows a putt on 18th green .",
"this file photo shows kneeling golfer as golfer looks over his shoulder while they study a putt on 18th green ."
] |
002927132 | [
"wooden pig head on a stone wall"
] | [
] | [
"a wood carving created from a dead tree in the grounds",
"medieval gargoyle on a stone wall in york",
"parts of a sculpted face embedded in the bark and trunk of a white oak tree"
] | [
"a stone wall on wooden pig head",
"wooden wall head on a stone pig"
] | [
"a wood carving created from a dead grounds in the tree",
"a wood tree created from a dead carving in the grounds",
"a dead tree created from a wood carving in the grounds",
"a carving wood created from a dead tree in the grounds"
"medieval wall on a stone gargoyle in york",
"medieval gargoyle on a wall stone in york",
"medieval stone on a gargoyle wall in york"
"parts of a white oak tree embedded in the bark and trunk of a sculpted face",
"parts of a sculpted face embedded in the trunk and bark of a white oak tree",
"parts of a white face embedded in the bark and trunk of a sculpted oak tree"
] |
002719025 | [
"a true friend cares about your relationship with deity ."
] | [
] | [
"forgiveness is the hardest things to give sometimes ... but despite that there are people who have hurt me and broken my heart i forgive them and still pray that deity gives them person .",
"a true friend is one who sees a fault , gives you advice and who defends you in your absence - quotes about relationships",
"indeed this world is like a snake , it is soft to the touch but its poison deadly and fatal ."
] | [
"a true friend cares about your deity with relationship .",
"a true deity cares about your relationship with friend .",
"a true relationship cares about your friend with deity ."
] | [
"forgiveness is the hardest things to give sometimes ... but despite that there are people who have broken me and hurt my heart i forgive them and still pray that deity gives them person .",
"forgiveness is the hardest things to give still ... but despite that there are people who have hurt me and broken my heart i forgive them and sometimes pray that deity gives them person .",
"forgiveness is the hardest things to give sometimes ... but despite that there are people who have hurt me and broken my heart i pray them and still forgive that deity gives them person .",
"forgiveness is the hardest heart to give sometimes ... but despite that there are people who have hurt me and broken my things i forgive them and still pray that deity gives them person ."
"a true friend is one who sees a fault , gives you absence and who defends you in your advice - quotes about relationships",
"a true friend is one who sees a fault , defends you advice and who gives you in your absence - quotes about relationships",
"a true absence is one who sees a fault , gives you advice and who defends you in your friend - quotes about relationships",
"a true friend is one who defends a fault , gives you advice and who sees you in your absence - quotes about relationships"
"indeed this world is like a poison , it is soft to the touch but its snake deadly and fatal .",
"indeed this touch is like a snake , it is soft to the world but its poison deadly and fatal .",
"indeed this world is like a snake , it is fatal to the touch but its poison deadly and soft .",
"indeed this world is like a snake , it is deadly to the touch but its poison soft and fatal ."
] |
003157980 | [
"smiling girl walking on a path among wheat fields on early beautiful background"
] | [
] | [
"pretty girl walking on the path among wheat fields on early beautiful background",
"pretty girl walking on the path among wheat fields on early beautiful background",
"young girl walks on the path and touches green high wheat by hands"
] | [
"smiling fields walking on a path among wheat girl on early beautiful background",
"smiling girl walking on a path among wheat fields on beautiful early background",
"smiling path walking on a girl among wheat fields on early beautiful background",
"smiling girl walking on a background among wheat fields on early beautiful path",
"walking girl smiling on a path among wheat fields on early beautiful background"
] | [
"beautiful girl walking on the path among wheat fields on early pretty background",
"pretty wheat walking on the path among girl fields on early beautiful background",
"early girl walking on the path among wheat fields on pretty beautiful background",
"pretty path walking on the girl among wheat fields on early beautiful background"
"pretty girl walking on the path among wheat fields on beautiful early background",
"beautiful girl walking on the path among wheat fields on early pretty background",
"pretty wheat walking on the path among girl fields on early beautiful background"
"young girl touches on the path and walks green high wheat by hands",
"young girl walks on the path and touches high green wheat by hands",
"young hands walks on the path and touches green high wheat by girl",
"young wheat walks on the path and touches green high girl by hands",
"young path walks on the girl and touches green high wheat by hands"
] |
002277137 | [
"person showed off a pretty casual style while attending music festival this weekend ."
] | [
] | [
"black t - shirt and shorts with a flannel shirt",
"a cropped , printed tee is worn with striped shorts , a plaid shirt and brown ankle boots",
"pop artist got shady in a pair of cool white rimmed sunglasses !"
] | [
"music showed off a pretty casual style while attending person festival this weekend .",
"person attending off a pretty casual style while showed music festival this weekend .",
"festival showed off a pretty casual style while attending music person this weekend .",
"person showed off a pretty casual style while attending weekend festival this music ."
] | [
"a flannel shirt and shorts with black t - shirt",
"flannel t - shirt and shorts with a black shirt",
"black shirt - t and shorts with a flannel shirt"
"a cropped , worn tee is printed with striped shorts , a plaid shirt and brown ankle boots",
"a plaid shirt is worn with striped shorts , a cropped , printed tee and brown ankle boots",
"a cropped , printed boots is worn with striped shorts , a plaid shirt and brown ankle tee",
"a cropped , printed tee is worn with striped ankle , a plaid shirt and brown shorts boots"
"pop artist rimmed shady in a pair of cool white got sunglasses !",
"sunglasses artist got shady in a pair of cool white rimmed pop !"
] |
000932241 | [
"newspaper published a prescient map"
] | [
] | [
"how could attack u.s. by person for newspaper .",
"new standard map of the world : # map",
"vintage circumpolar map of the area , dated"
] | [
"newspaper published a map prescient",
"map published a prescient newspaper",
"prescient published a newspaper map"
] | [
"how could attack u.s . by newspaper for person ."
"standard new map of the world : # map",
"new standard map of the world : map #"
"vintage circumpolar area of the map , dated"
] |
000339729 | [
"illustration of a fist holding a pistol in front of stars and stripes stock vector"
] | [
] | [
"illustration of a fist holding a pistol in front of stars and stripes vector",
"vector illustration of a fist holding an assault rifle in front of stars and stripes .",
"cartoon illustration of a gun on red background"
] | [
"illustration of a stock holding a pistol in front of stars and stripes fist vector",
"illustration of a fist holding a vector in front of stars and stripes stock pistol",
"vector of a fist holding a pistol in front of stars and stripes stock illustration",
"stripes of a fist holding a pistol in front of stars and illustration stock vector",
"stock of a fist holding a pistol in front of stars and stripes illustration vector"
] | [
"illustration of a vector holding a pistol in front of stars and stripes fist",
"illustration of a fist holding a pistol in stripes of stars and front vector",
"illustration of a fist holding a stripes in front of stars and pistol vector",
"illustration of a stars holding a pistol in front of fist and stripes vector",
"pistol of a fist holding a illustration in front of stars and stripes vector"
"vector fist of a illustration holding an assault rifle in front of stars and stripes .",
"stars illustration of a fist holding an assault rifle in front of vector and stripes .",
"vector illustration of a fist holding an stars rifle in front of assault and stripes .",
"vector illustration of a fist holding an stripes rifle in front of stars and assault .",
"vector illustration of a fist holding an assault stripes in front of stars and rifle ."
"cartoon background of a gun on red illustration",
"cartoon gun of a illustration on red background"
] |
002430876 | [
"soccer goalkeeper attends a training session ahead of round of match ."
] | [
] | [
"person attends a training session ahead of the 2nd half",
"person attends a training session within his team 's midseason training camp",
"person attends a training session within his team 's midseason training camp"
] | [
"training goalkeeper attends a soccer session ahead of round of match .",
"round goalkeeper attends a training session ahead of soccer of match .",
"soccer goalkeeper attends a match session ahead of round of training ."
] | [
"person attends the 2nd half ahead of a training session",
"half attends a training session ahead of the 2nd person",
"training attends a person session ahead of the 2nd half",
"person attends a training half ahead of the 2nd session"
"person attends a session training within his team 's midseason training camp",
"person attends his team 's midseason training camp within a training session",
"training attends a person session within his team 's midseason training camp",
"person attends a training camp within his team 's midseason training session"
"person attends a training training within his team 's midseason session camp",
"camp attends a training session within his team 's midseason training person",
"person attends his team 's midseason training camp within a training session"
] |
002144752 | [
"a territory of enchanting horses"
] | [
] | [
"a territory of enchanting horses",
"a territory of enchanting horses",
"horses running in the morning"
] | [
"a horses of enchanting territory"
] | [
"a horses of enchanting territory"
"a horses of enchanting territory"
"morning running in the horses"
] |
001221851 | [
"beauty of the summer flowers"
] | [
] | [
"these plants range from stunningly exotic to traditionally beautiful -- but can you recognize all 30 ?",
"white and magenta dahlia , i want these in my wedding",
"biological genus - this flower looks like it was painted ."
] | [
"summer of the beauty flowers",
"flowers of the summer beauty",
"beauty of the flowers summer"
] | [
"these plants range from traditionally exotic to stunningly beautiful -- but can you recognize all 30 ?",
"these plants range from stunningly beautiful to traditionally exotic -- but can you recognize all 30 ?",
"these plants recognize from stunningly exotic to traditionally beautiful -- but can you range all 30 ?"
"white and wedding dahlia , i want these in my magenta"
"biological genus - this flower painted like it was looks .",
"biological flower - this genus looks like it was painted ."
] |
000271388 | [
"a logo sign outside of the headquarters"
] | [
] | [
"a logo sign outside of the headquarters",
"a logo sign outside of the headquarters",
"a logo sign outside of the headquarters"
] | [
"a sign logo outside of the headquarters",
"a headquarters sign outside of the logo"
] | [
"a headquarters sign outside of the logo",
"a logo headquarters outside of the sign"
"a sign logo outside of the headquarters",
"a headquarters sign outside of the logo"
"a headquarters sign outside of the logo",
"a sign logo outside of the headquarters",
"a logo headquarters outside of the sign"
] |
001668155 | [
"neighborhood was covered with portraits with men and women of all ages as part of the project"
] | [
] | [
"kids marching for the keep the spirit of organization .",
"can art change the world ? the work of actor -- in pictures",
"can art change the world ? the work of actor -- in pictures"
] | [
"neighborhood was covered with portraits with project and women of all ages as part of the men",
"portraits was covered with neighborhood with men and women of all ages as part of the project",
"neighborhood was covered with women with men and portraits of all ages as part of the project",
"men was covered with portraits with neighborhood and women of all ages as part of the project",
"neighborhood was covered with portraits with men and women of all ages as project of the part"
] | [
"kids marching for the organization the spirit of keep .",
"organization marching for the keep the spirit of kids ."
"can art change the world ? the pictures of actor -- in work",
"can work change the world ? the art of actor -- in pictures",
"can art change the pictures ? the work of actor -- in world",
"can art change the world ? the work of pictures -- in actor"
"can art change the world ? the actor of work -- in pictures",
"can actor change the world ? the work of art -- in pictures",
"can work change the world ? the art of actor -- in pictures",
"can art change the world ? the pictures of actor -- in work"
] |
001905163 | [
"cats play with each other on white background , slow motion"
] | [
] | [
"cats play with each other on white background , slow motion",
"cats play with each other on white background , slow motion",
"cats play with each other on white background , slow motion"
] | [
"cats play with each other on slow background , white motion",
"background play with each other on white cats , slow motion",
"cats play with each other on white motion , slow background",
"motion play with each other on white background , slow cats"
] | [
"background play with each other on white cats , slow motion",
"cats play with each other on white motion , slow background",
"motion play with each other on white background , slow cats"
"cats play with each other on slow background , white motion",
"cats play with each other on white motion , slow background",
"cats play with each white on other background , slow motion"
"cats play with each slow on white background , other motion",
"cats play with each other on white motion , slow background",
"background play with each other on white cats , slow motion",
"cats play with each white on other background , slow motion",
"motion play with each other on white background , slow cats"
] |
001574051 | [
"the door of a cabin , is decorated for western christian holiday ."
] | [
] | [
"wreath on a front door",
"beautiful young woman with long hair on a porch of house .",
"christmas wreath on a red door"
] | [
"the door of a cabin , is decorated for christian western holiday .",
"the cabin of a door , is decorated for western christian holiday .",
"the holiday of a cabin , is decorated for western christian door ."
] | [
"door on a front wreath"
"long young woman with beautiful hair on a porch of house .",
"beautiful young house with long hair on a porch of woman .",
"beautiful young porch with long hair on a woman of house .",
"beautiful young hair with long woman on a porch of house ."
"christmas door on a red wreath"
] |
000070578 | [
"a sea of people running in a marathon"
] | [
] | [
"runners and walkers in the around the bays fun run .",
"runners blur past during event",
"the long road of running !"
] | [
"a sea of marathon running in a people",
"a people of sea running in a marathon",
"a marathon of people running in a sea"
] | [
"runners and walkers in the around the bays run fun .",
"runners and walkers in the around the run fun bays .",
"walkers and runners in the around the bays fun run .",
"runners and fun in the around the bays walkers run ."
"event blur past during runners"
"the long running of road !"
] |
003266963 | [
"programming language performing at festival"
] | [
] | [
"person performs on stage on day of festival in person",
"person performs on stage on day of festival in person",
"trip hop artist performs during festival ."
] | [
"festival language performing at programming",
"language programming performing at festival",
"programming festival performing at language"
] | [
"person performs on festival on day of stage in person",
"day performs on stage on person of festival in person",
"stage performs on person on day of festival in person"
"person performs on day on stage of festival in person",
"person performs on festival on day of stage in person",
"stage performs on person on day of festival in person",
"person performs on person on day of festival in stage",
"day performs on stage on person of festival in person"
"trip artist hop performs during festival .",
"artist hop trip performs during festival .",
"hop trip artist performs during festival ."
] |
002713684 | [
"athlete delivers a pitch against sports team ."
] | [
] | [
"athlete throws against sports team during the first inning of their game .",
"athlete throws a pitch against sports team in the first inning .",
"throws against sports team during the ninth inning ."
] | [
"athlete delivers a sports against pitch team .",
"pitch delivers a athlete against sports team .",
"team delivers a pitch against sports athlete ."
] | [
"sports throws against athlete team during the first inning of their game .",
"athlete throws against sports game during the first inning of their team .",
"athlete throws against team sports during the first inning of their game .",
"athlete throws against sports inning during the first team of their game ."
"athlete throws a sports against pitch team in the first inning .",
"sports throws a pitch against athlete team in the first inning ."
"throws against inning team during the ninth sports .",
"throws against team sports during the ninth inning .",
"throws against sports inning during the ninth team ."
] |
000267438 | [
"actors walk the red carpet ."
] | [
] | [
"actor with surgeon arriving at awards .",
"actor and his wife pose on the red carpet at the premiere of the film .",
"actors at the premiere of romantic comedy film"
] | [
"carpet walk the red actors ."
] | [
"awards with surgeon arriving at actor .",
"surgeon with actor arriving at awards ."
"actor and his wife pose on the red premiere at the carpet of the film .",
"actor and his film pose on the red carpet at the premiere of the wife .",
"premiere and his wife pose on the red carpet at the actor of the film .",
"film and his wife pose on the red carpet at the premiere of the actor ."
"actors at the comedy of romantic premiere film",
"actors at the premiere of romantic film comedy",
"actors at the film of romantic comedy premiere",
"film at the premiere of romantic comedy actors"
] |
000614781 | [
"people hold banners at a vigil for person ."
] | [
] | [
"people hold banners at a vigil for person .",
"the response outside building after the vote passes to enact holiday .",
"toxic tour takes to the streets"
] | [
"person hold banners at a vigil for people .",
"people hold person at a vigil for banners ."
] | [
"banners hold people at a vigil for person .",
"vigil hold banners at a people for person .",
"person hold banners at a vigil for people .",
"people hold person at a vigil for banners ."
"the holiday outside building after the vote passes to enact response .",
"the response outside vote after the building passes to enact holiday .",
"the building outside response after the vote passes to enact holiday .",
"the response outside building after the vote enact to passes holiday ."
"toxic streets takes to the tour"
] |
002288965 | [
"award winner celebrates after making a basket against sports team during the first half ."
] | [
] | [
"award winner celebrates after making a basket against sports team during the first half .",
"award winner celebrates after making a basket against sports team during the first half .",
"award winner celebrates after scoring during the third quarter against sports team ."
] | [
"award winner basket after making a celebrates against sports team during the first half .",
"award winner sports after making a basket against celebrates team during the first half .",
"award winner celebrates after making a half against sports team during the first basket .",
"basket winner celebrates after making a award against sports team during the first half ."
] | [
"award winner celebrates after making a half against sports team during the first basket .",
"award celebrates winner after making a basket against sports team during the first half .",
"award winner team after making a basket against sports celebrates during the first half .",
"award winner celebrates after making a team against sports basket during the first half ."
"team winner celebrates after making a basket against sports award during the first half .",
"award winner celebrates after making a basket against half team during the first sports .",
"basket winner celebrates after making a award against sports team during the first half .",
"award winner sports after making a basket against celebrates team during the first half .",
"award winner celebrates after making a team against sports basket during the first half ."
"team winner celebrates after scoring during the third quarter against sports award .",
"award winner celebrates after scoring during the third sports against quarter team .",
"the third quarter after scoring during award winner celebrates against sports team .",
"award team celebrates after scoring during the third quarter against sports winner ."
] |
Subsets and Splits