stringlengths 9
| text
sequencelengths 1
| hard_images
sequencelengths 3
| hard_texts
sequencelengths 3
| neg_texts
sequencelengths 1
| hard_neg_texts
sequencelengths 1
002121253 | [
"vector silhouette of woman on a white background ."
] | [
] | [
"vector silhouettes of people with umbrellas on a white background .",
"vector silhouettes of people with umbrellas on a white background .",
"silhouette of a girl under an umbrella"
] | [
"woman silhouette of vector on a white background .",
"vector silhouette of background on a white woman ."
] | [
"umbrellas silhouettes of people with vector on a white background .",
"vector silhouettes of people with background on a white umbrellas .",
"vector people of silhouettes with umbrellas on a white background .",
"silhouettes vector of people with umbrellas on a white background ."
"vector background of people with umbrellas on a white silhouettes .",
"background silhouettes of people with umbrellas on a white vector .",
"silhouettes vector of people with umbrellas on a white background .",
"umbrellas silhouettes of people with vector on a white background .",
"vector umbrellas of people with silhouettes on a white background ."
"silhouette of a umbrella under an girl"
] |
002235610 | [
"heart - shaped chain on a red brick wall"
] | [
] | [
"heart - shaped chain on a red brick wall",
"a section of the chain used during the siege as ordered by person",
"links in a big old rusty chain"
] | [
"a red brick wall on heart - shaped chain",
"heart - shaped chain on a red wall brick",
"wall - shaped chain on a red brick heart"
] | [
"heart - shaped brick on a red chain wall",
"chain - shaped heart on a red brick wall",
"brick - shaped chain on a red heart wall",
"a red brick wall on heart - shaped chain",
"heart - shaped chain on a red wall brick"
"a section of the chain used during the person as ordered by siege",
"a section of the chain ordered during the siege as used by person"
"chain in a big old rusty links",
"links in a rusty old big chain",
"links in a big rusty old chain"
] |
000319874 | [
"get this look in under min !"
] | [
] | [
"get this look in under min !",
"step : add your veil and accessories and you are all ready to turn heads on your special day .",
"woman smiling and making silly faces , on a green screen studio background"
] | [
"get this min in under look !"
] | [
"get this min in under look !"
"step : add your day and accessories and you are all ready to turn heads on your special veil .",
"step : add your veil and accessories and you are all special to turn heads on your ready day .",
"step : turn your veil and accessories and you are all ready to add heads on your special day .",
"veil : add your step and accessories and you are all ready to turn heads on your special day ."
"woman smiling and making green faces , on a silly screen studio background",
"woman making and smiling silly faces , on a green screen studio background",
"woman smiling and making silly studio , on a green screen faces background",
"woman smiling and making silly screen , on a green faces studio background"
] |
001443495 | [
"logo as an app icon ."
] | [
] | [
"seventh largest supermarket is closing the doors on stores",
"shoppers walking past the front",
"logo as an app icon ."
] | [
"app as an logo icon .",
"logo as an icon app .",
"icon as an app logo ."
] | [
"seventh largest stores is closing the doors on supermarket",
"seventh largest doors is closing the supermarket on stores"
"front walking past the shoppers"
"app as an logo icon .",
"logo as an icon app ."
] |
001560524 | [
"vector image of human skull and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner #"
] | [
] | [
"vector image of human skull and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner #",
"vector image of human skull and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner",
"the ornamental art of a skull , possible for use as a tattoo ."
] | [
"vector image of human skull and the sun in a slightly psychedelic manner , done in abstract art style #",
"vector image of psychedelic skull and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly human manner #",
"sun image of human skull and the vector in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner #",
"vector image of human manner and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic skull #"
] | [
"vector image of human skull and the sun in psychedelic art style , done in a slightly abstract manner #",
"vector skull of human image and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner #",
"vector art of human skull and the sun in abstract image style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner #",
"skull image of human vector and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner #"
"vector image of human skull and the sun in a slightly psychedelic manner , done in abstract art style",
"art image of human skull and the sun in abstract vector style , done in a slightly psychedelic manner",
"vector image of human skull and the sun in psychedelic art style , done in a slightly abstract manner",
"manner image of human skull and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly psychedelic vector",
"vector image of psychedelic skull and the sun in abstract art style , done in a slightly human manner"
"the ornamental art of a skull , possible for tattoo as a use .",
"the ornamental use of a skull , possible for art as a tattoo .",
"the ornamental art of a tattoo , possible for use as a skull .",
"the possible art of a skull , ornamental for use as a tattoo ."
] |
000726477 | [
"musicians rehearsing in a recording studio"
] | [
] | [
"musicians rehearsing in a recording studio",
"musicians rehearsing in a recording studio",
"musicians rehearsing in a recording studio"
] | [
"musicians rehearsing in a studio recording",
"studio rehearsing in a recording musicians",
"recording rehearsing in a musicians studio"
] | [
"studio rehearsing in a recording musicians",
"musicians rehearsing in a studio recording",
"recording rehearsing in a musicians studio"
"musicians rehearsing in a studio recording",
"studio rehearsing in a recording musicians"
"recording rehearsing in a musicians studio",
"musicians rehearsing in a studio recording",
"studio rehearsing in a recording musicians"
] |
002521506 | [
"view to the southeast - full - height view"
] | [
] | [
"view from the west - full - height view",
"rear of the building - full - height view",
"looking up from the northwest - looking up"
] | [
"view to the view - full - height southeast"
] | [
"height from the west - full - view view",
"west from the view - full - height view",
"view from the west - full - view height"
"rear of the view - full - height building",
"building of the rear - full - height view",
"view of the building - full - height rear",
"rear of the building - full - view height"
] |
000066725 | [
"high quality video of flag waving in the wind in film format"
] | [
] | [
"high quality video of flag waving in the wind in film format",
"high quality video of flag waving in the wind in film format",
"high quality video of flag waving in the wind in film format"
] | [
"high quality wind of flag waving in the video in film format",
"high quality video of flag waving in the format in film wind",
"high quality video of wind waving in the flag in film format",
"high quality film of flag waving in the wind in video format",
"high flag video of quality waving in the wind in film format"
] | [
"high quality video of wind waving in the flag in film format",
"high quality film of flag waving in the wind in video format",
"high quality flag of video waving in the wind in film format",
"high video quality of flag waving in the wind in film format",
"high quality video of flag waving in the wind in format film"
"high quality video of format waving in the wind in film flag",
"high quality video of flag waving in the format in film wind",
"high wind video of flag waving in the quality in film format",
"high quality video of film waving in the wind in flag format"
"high quality video of flag waving in the film in wind format",
"high video quality of flag waving in the wind in film format",
"high film video of flag waving in the wind in quality format",
"high quality video of format waving in the wind in film flag",
"high quality film of flag waving in the wind in video format"
] |
002560107 | [
"little boy is watching tv while sitting on a couch"
] | [
] | [
"little boy is watching tv while sitting on a couch",
"small boy sitting on the floor in his pajamas and watching tv",
"baby alone on the sofa watching tv"
] | [
"little tv is watching boy while sitting on a couch",
"little boy is sitting tv while watching on a couch"
] | [
"little couch is watching tv while sitting on a boy",
"little boy is sitting tv while watching on a couch",
"little tv is watching boy while sitting on a couch",
"little boy is watching couch while sitting on a tv"
"small boy sitting on the tv in his pajamas and watching floor",
"small boy watching on the floor in his pajamas and sitting tv",
"small floor sitting on the boy in his pajamas and watching tv",
"small pajamas sitting on the floor in his boy and watching tv"
"sofa alone on the baby watching tv",
"baby alone on the tv watching sofa",
"tv alone on the sofa watching baby"
] |
001621139 | [
"biological species in front of a white background"
] | [
] | [
"3d rendering of a grey goose with clipping path and shadow over white",
"domestic goose isolated on a white background",
"domestic white goose isolated on a white background"
] | [
"white species in front of a biological background",
"biological front in species of a white background"
] | [
"3d rendering of a grey goose with shadow path and clipping over white",
"rendering 3d of a grey goose with clipping path and shadow over white"
"white goose isolated on a domestic background",
"domestic background isolated on a white goose"
"white domestic goose isolated on a white background",
"domestic white background isolated on a white goose",
"a white background isolated on domestic white goose"
] |
001394944 | [
"water falling and splashing with pond in the garden"
] | [
] | [
"women 's hands touch transparent water flowing down the stones into a small pond , slow motion",
"women 's hands touch transparent water flowing down the stones into a small pond , slow motion",
"camera walk through the meadow"
] | [
"water splashing and falling with pond in the garden",
"pond falling and splashing with water in the garden",
"water falling and splashing with garden in the pond"
] | [
"women 's water touch transparent hands flowing down the stones into a small pond , slow motion",
"a small pond touch transparent water flowing down the stones into women 's hands , slow motion",
"women 's hands touch transparent water flowing down the motion into a small pond , slow stones",
"women 's hands flowing transparent water touch down the stones into a small pond , slow motion"
"women 's pond touch transparent water flowing down the stones into a small hands , slow motion",
"women 's hands touch transparent water flowing down the stones into , slow motion a small pond",
"women 's motion touch transparent water flowing down the stones into a small pond , slow hands",
"women 's hands flowing transparent water touch down the stones into a small pond , slow motion",
"women 's hands touch transparent pond flowing down the stones into a small water , slow motion"
"meadow walk through the camera"
] |
002234181 | [
"models walk over the bridge before the fashion show during fashion week"
] | [
] | [
"models walk over the bridge before the fashion show during fashion week",
"visitors walking in a winter day .",
"excited visitors walk and bike over neighborhood connecting us county"
] | [
"fashion walk over the bridge before the fashion show during models week",
"fashion walk over the bridge before the models show during fashion week",
"models walk over the week before the fashion show during fashion bridge",
"models walk over the bridge before the fashion fashion during show week"
] | [
"models walk over the bridge before the fashion week during fashion show",
"models walk over the week before the fashion show during fashion bridge",
"fashion walk over the bridge before the fashion show during models week"
"day walking in a winter visitors .",
"winter walking in a visitors day .",
"visitors walking in a day winter ."
"excited visitors walk and neighborhood over bike connecting us county",
"walk visitors excited and bike over neighborhood connecting us county",
"excited neighborhood walk and bike over visitors connecting us county",
"excited county walk and bike over neighborhood connecting us visitors"
] |
003231124 | [
"automobile model revealed at show"
] | [
] | [
"automobile model revealed at show",
"automobile model revealed at show",
"automobile model is best - selling truck in a row"
] | [
"automobile show revealed at model",
"model automobile revealed at show",
"show model revealed at automobile"
] | [
"model automobile revealed at show",
"show model revealed at automobile"
"show model revealed at automobile",
"automobile show revealed at model",
"model automobile revealed at show"
"model automobile is best - selling truck in a row",
"automobile truck is best - selling model in a row",
"automobile model is best - selling row in a truck"
] |
001908897 | [
"baby and toddler halloween costumes for siblings ."
] | [
] | [
"baby and toddler halloween costumes for siblings .",
"baby and toddler halloween costumes for siblings .",
"baby and toddler halloween costumes for siblings ."
] | [
"halloween and toddler baby costumes for siblings .",
"siblings and toddler halloween costumes for baby .",
"baby and toddler costumes halloween for siblings .",
"baby and halloween toddler costumes for siblings ."
] | [
"toddler and baby halloween costumes for siblings .",
"baby and toddler siblings costumes for halloween .",
"baby and costumes halloween toddler for siblings .",
"baby and siblings halloween costumes for toddler .",
"siblings and toddler halloween costumes for baby ."
"baby and toddler costumes halloween for siblings .",
"halloween and toddler baby costumes for siblings .",
"toddler and baby halloween costumes for siblings ."
"toddler and baby halloween costumes for siblings .",
"baby and toddler halloween siblings for costumes .",
"baby and halloween toddler costumes for siblings ."
] |
002588447 | [
"i would not stop twirling if i had this dress ."
] | [
] | [
"this suit is available at usd , shipping charges additional .",
"person to everyone out there celebrating !",
"today is the 6th day ."
] | [
"i would not stop had if i twirling this dress .",
"i would not had twirling if i stop this dress ."
] | [
"this suit is additional at usd , shipping charges available .",
"this shipping is available at usd , suit charges additional .",
"this suit is available at charges , shipping usd additional .",
"this suit is available at usd , charges shipping additional ."
"person to everyone there out celebrating !"
"day is the 6th today ."
] |
000008273 | [
"kicking things off : person arrived at reception in a long blue gown embellished with sequins"
] | [
] | [
"noble person is wearing a dress by the designer",
"family member - she is wearing a beautiful gown .",
"actor in a purple lace dress"
] | [
"embellished things off : person arrived at reception in a long blue gown kicking with sequins",
"kicking gown off : person arrived at reception in a long blue things embellished with sequins",
"kicking things off : person arrived at reception in a long blue sequins embellished with gown",
"kicking things off : person arrived at reception in a blue long gown embellished with sequins"
] | [
"noble designer is wearing a dress by the person",
"noble person is wearing a designer by the dress",
"noble dress is wearing a person by the designer"
"family gown - she is wearing a beautiful member .",
"gown member - she is wearing a beautiful family ."
"actor in a purple dress lace",
"dress in a purple lace actor"
] |
001806785 | [
"cute girl walking with a bag of bread and eating croissant"
] | [
] | [
"seamless pattern from the romantic elements",
"seamless pattern from the romantic elements",
"woman holding flag by tower ."
] | [
"cute girl eating with a bag of bread and walking croissant",
"croissant girl walking with a bag of bread and eating cute",
"cute bread walking with a bag of girl and eating croissant"
] | [
"romantic pattern from the seamless elements",
"seamless elements from the romantic pattern"
"seamless elements from the romantic pattern",
"romantic pattern from the seamless elements"
"flag holding woman by tower .",
"woman holding tower by flag .",
"tower holding flag by woman ."
] |
001723642 | [
"a helping hand : children distribute free cold sweet water on a street ."
] | [
] | [
"a volunteer pours drinking water for people at a stall set up outside hospital on tuesday .",
"workers pull a cart carrying water bottles .",
"children at a water pump in the area"
] | [
"a distribute hand : children helping free cold sweet water on a street .",
"a helping children : hand distribute free cold sweet water on a street .",
"a helping hand : children distribute free cold sweet street on a water .",
"a helping street : children distribute free cold sweet water on a hand ."
] | [
"a volunteer set drinking water for people at a stall pours up outside hospital on tuesday .",
"a volunteer pours set water for people at a stall drinking up outside hospital on tuesday .",
"a water pours drinking volunteer for people at a stall set up outside hospital on tuesday ."
"workers pull a water carrying cart bottles .",
"workers carrying a cart pull water bottles .",
"workers pull a bottles carrying water cart ."
"pump at a water children in the area",
"children at a pump water in the area"
] |
001274110 | [
"tour by geographical feature category"
] | [
] | [
"green trees line a rocky river valley that lead to cascading waterfalls falling past trees and down into a lower valley",
"walking through mountain forest near to the lake , pov steady cam shot personal perspective .",
"a photo of fishes swimming in a lake , taken in the national park"
] | [
"category by geographical feature tour",
"tour by geographical category feature",
"feature by geographical tour category"
] | [
"green trees line a rocky river trees that lead to cascading waterfalls falling past valley and down into a lower valley",
"green trees line a lower valley that lead to cascading waterfalls falling past trees and down into a rocky river valley",
"green trees line a rocky river valley that falling to cascading waterfalls lead past trees and down into a lower valley",
"lower trees line a rocky river valley that lead to cascading waterfalls falling past trees and down into a green valley",
"green trees line a rocky river valley that lead to cascading waterfalls falling lower trees and down into a past valley"
"shot through mountain forest near to the lake , pov steady cam walking personal perspective .",
"walking through mountain forest near to the cam , pov steady lake shot personal perspective .",
"walking through mountain cam near to the lake , pov steady forest shot personal perspective .",
"walking through mountain forest near to the lake , pov personal cam shot steady perspective ."
"a photo of fishes taken in a lake , swimming in the national park",
"a photo of lake swimming in a fishes , taken in the national park",
"a lake of fishes swimming in a photo , taken in the national park"
] |
000064129 | [
"children carrying water in a village"
] | [
] | [
"child carrying water on a bicycle in a village",
"person : women fetch water from the village borehole",
"child carrying water on a bicycle in a village"
] | [
"children carrying village in a water",
"water carrying children in a village"
] | [
"child carrying village on a bicycle in a water",
"water carrying child on a bicycle in a village",
"village carrying water on a bicycle in a child",
"child carrying water on a village in a bicycle",
"child carrying bicycle on a water in a village"
"borehole : women fetch water from the village person",
"person : village fetch water from the women borehole",
"person : borehole fetch water from the village women",
"person : women fetch water from the borehole village"
"child carrying village on a bicycle in a water",
"village carrying water on a bicycle in a child"
] |
002862909 | [
"black - figure plate by visual artist"
] | [
] | [
"black - figure pottery in the shape",
"vase from the 16th century bce",
"vases on display at the museum"
] | [
"visual - figure plate by black artist",
"black - artist plate by visual figure",
"black - figure artist by visual plate"
] | [
"black - shape pottery in the figure",
"black - figure shape in the pottery",
"black - pottery figure in the shape"
"century from the 16th vase bce"
"vases on museum at the display"
] |
000001162 | [
"... and shower on the other side of the hall , in its own room ."
] | [
] | [
"closed on bath and wardrobe",
"electrically switchable glass or glazing , know as smart glass or magic glass that can be set to transparent or translucent mode according to the privacy needed",
"hackers a site i need to view more often ."
] | [
"... and shower on its own room of the hall , in the other side .",
"... and shower on the own side of the hall , in its other room .",
"... and shower on the other side of the room , in its own hall ."
] | [
"closed on wardrobe and bath"
"electrically switchable glass or glazing , know as magic glass or smart glass that can be set to transparent or translucent mode according to the privacy needed",
"electrically switchable glass or glazing , know as smart glass or magic glass that can be set to transparent or translucent mode needed to the privacy according",
"transparent or translucent mode or glazing , know as smart glass or magic glass that can be set to electrically switchable glass according to the privacy needed"
"hackers a site i view to need more often .",
"site a hackers i need to view more often .",
"hackers a site i need to view often more ."
] |
000161633 | [
"views in the morning from beds"
] | [
] | [
"this room opens onto the pool and landscaped gardens",
"king - size bed in a spacious suite",
"package an usd950 for a-bed villa with shared bathroom * extra bed for 5th person charged at usd"
] | [
"morning in the views from beds",
"views in the beds from morning",
"beds in the morning from views"
] | [
"this gardens opens onto the pool and landscaped room",
"this room landscaped onto the pool and opens gardens",
"this room opens onto the gardens and landscaped pool"
"size - king bed in a spacious suite",
"a spacious suite in king - size bed",
"king - size suite in a spacious bed"
"shared an usd950 for a - bed villa with package bathroom * extra bed for 5th person charged at usd",
"package an usd950 for a - bed villa with charged bathroom * extra bed for 5th person shared at usd",
"package an usd950 for a - bed villa with shared bathroom * 5th bed for extra person charged at usd",
"package an usd950 for a - bed villa with shared bed * extra bathroom for 5th person charged at usd",
"package an usd950 for a - bed bathroom with shared villa * extra bed for 5th person charged at usd"
] |
000934680 | [
"an establishing shot of the building on a city"
] | [
] | [
"facade of the building on a city in the financial district",
"an establishing shot of the building on a city",
"an establishing shot of the building on a city"
] | [
"an establishing building of the shot on a city",
"an establishing shot of the city on a building"
] | [
"facade of the city on a building in the financial district",
"district of the building on a city in the financial facade",
"city of the building on a facade in the financial district",
"building of the facade on a city in the financial district"
"an establishing city of the building on a shot",
"an establishing building of the shot on a city",
"an establishing shot of the city on a building"
"an establishing city of the building on a shot",
"an establishing building of the shot on a city",
"an establishing shot of the city on a building"
] |
002662973 | [
"polar bear walking on the ice"
] | [
] | [
"polar bear walking on the ice",
"polar bear walking on the ice",
"polar bear walking on the ice"
] | [
"polar ice walking on the bear"
] | [
"polar ice walking on the bear"
"polar ice walking on the bear"
"polar ice walking on the bear"
] |
000996349 | [
"tourist attraction during the day"
] | [
] | [
"tourist attraction featuring a temple or place of worship and heritage architecture",
"shrine stands orange within a green nature found amidst otherwise bustling",
"the front of the shrine"
] | [
"day attraction during the tourist",
"attraction tourist during the day"
] | [
"tourist architecture featuring a temple or place of worship and heritage attraction",
"tourist attraction featuring a temple or worship of place and heritage architecture",
"tourist attraction featuring a place or temple of worship and heritage architecture",
"architecture attraction featuring a temple or place of worship and heritage tourist",
"tourist heritage featuring a temple or place of worship and attraction architecture"
"shrine bustling orange within a green nature found amidst otherwise stands",
"shrine stands green within a orange nature found amidst otherwise bustling"
"the shrine of the front"
] |
002605673 | [
"actor as person in a scene from the film"
] | [
] | [
"actors in a scene from the film .",
"actor as person and actor as film character in the film",
"actors in a scene from the film"
] | [
"actor as scene in a person from the film",
"actor as person in a film from the scene"
] | [
"film in a scene from the actors .",
"scene in a actors from the film .",
"actors in a film from the scene ."
"film as person and actor as actor character in the film",
"character as person and actor as film actor in the film",
"actor as person and character as film actor in the film",
"actor as person and actor as film film in the character"
"scene in a actors from the film",
"actors in a film from the scene",
"film in a scene from the actors"
] |
000617411 | [
"armed force with forces during a visit overlooking a city"
] | [
] | [
"armed force and army patrol in the village in province",
"soldiers simulate clearing a compound with help from their instructors",
"officers conduct a patrol in the province"
] | [
"armed force with forces during a city overlooking a visit",
"armed force with visit during a forces overlooking a city",
"armed forces with force during a visit overlooking a city"
] | [
"armed patrol and army force in the village in province",
"armed force and village patrol in the army in province",
"armed force and province patrol in the village in army",
"armed force and army province in the village in patrol"
"help simulate clearing a compound with soldiers from their instructors",
"soldiers clearing simulate a compound with help from their instructors",
"soldiers simulate clearing a instructors with help from their compound",
"soldiers simulate clearing a help with compound from their instructors"
"patrol conduct a officers in the province",
"officers conduct a province in the patrol",
"province conduct a patrol in the officers"
] |
001888833 | [
"businessman hand moving the king in a chess game ."
] | [
] | [
"chess -- a male hand putting a chess piece on the board .",
"a large group of chess pieces",
"piece on a chess board , black and white"
] | [
"businessman game moving the king in a chess hand .",
"businessman chess moving the king in a hand game .",
"chess hand moving the king in a businessman game ."
] | [
"chess -- a chess piece putting a male hand on the board ."
"a large chess of group pieces",
"a large group of pieces chess",
"a large pieces of chess group"
"piece on a chess board , white and black",
"chess on a piece board , black and white",
"board on a chess piece , black and white"
] |
003122324 | [
"wild flowers on a farm"
] | [
] | [
"more than 1 000 of the region 's estimated plant species are found nowhere else .",
"flowers in the desert -- between august and october and you can expect to see the otherwise arid landscape transform into a bright carpet of blossoming spring flowers .",
"is a great year for wild flowers in our area ."
] | [
"wild farm on a flowers"
] | [
"more than 1 000 of the region 's found plant species are estimated nowhere else .",
"more than 1 000 of the region 's estimated species plant are found nowhere else .",
"more than 1 000 of the region 's estimated plant species are found else nowhere ."
"flowers in the carpet -- between august and october and you can expect to see the otherwise arid landscape transform into a bright desert of blossoming spring flowers .",
"flowers in the desert -- between august and october and you can expect to see blossoming spring flowers into a bright carpet of the otherwise arid landscape transform .",
"flowers in the desert -- between august and october and you can expect to see the otherwise arid landscape transform into blossoming spring flowers of a bright carpet .",
"flowers in the desert -- between august and october and you can expect to see the otherwise bright landscape transform into a arid carpet of blossoming spring flowers .",
"flowers in the desert -- between august and october and you can expect to blossoming the otherwise arid landscape transform into a bright carpet of see spring flowers ."
"is a wild year for great flowers in our area .",
"is a great year for wild area in our flowers .",
"is a great area for wild flowers in our year ."
] |
000495695 | [
"sketches on the canvas for the painting of morbid obesity"
] | [
] | [
"thinking in the light drawing",
"person , drawing after painting exhibited .",
"and then a we started a little more detailed drawing of the model with him standing while leaning on a chair ."
] | [
"sketches on the painting for the canvas of morbid obesity",
"sketches on the canvas for the obesity of morbid painting",
"obesity on the canvas for the painting of morbid sketches"
] | [
"drawing in the light thinking"
"person , exhibited after painting drawing ."
"and more a we started a little then detailed drawing of the model with him standing while leaning on a chair .",
"and then a we started a detailed more little drawing of the model with him standing while leaning on a chair .",
"and then a we standing a little more detailed drawing of the model with him started while leaning on a chair ."
] |
000844779 | [
"a statue in the grounds ."
] | [
] | [
"leaving the monastery one is greeted by this sculpture at the entrance .",
"leaving the monastery one is greeted by this sculpture at the entrance .",
"tourist attraction to the gardens"
] | [
"a grounds in the statue ."
] | [
"leaving the monastery one is greeted by this entrance at the sculpture .",
"greeted the monastery one is leaving by this sculpture at the entrance .",
"leaving the entrance one is greeted by this sculpture at the monastery ."
"greeted the monastery one is leaving by this sculpture at the entrance .",
"leaving the monastery one is greeted by this entrance at the sculpture ."
"tourist gardens to the attraction",
"attraction tourist to the gardens"
] |
001236092 | [
"a gentle stream flowing through the woodland"
] | [
] | [
"a gentle stream flowing through the woodland",
"a small mountain stream running between green moss covered rocks with warm evening",
"low angle view of a rapids in a small mountain stream running between green"
] | [
"a gentle woodland flowing through the stream"
] | [
"a gentle woodland flowing through the stream"
"a small mountain stream covered between green moss running rocks with warm evening",
"a warm mountain stream running between green moss covered rocks with small evening",
"a small stream mountain running between green moss covered rocks with warm evening"
"small angle view of a rapids in a low mountain stream running between green",
"a small mountain stream of a rapids in low angle view running between green",
"low angle stream of a rapids in a small mountain view running between green"
] |
001767795 | [
"girl running on the beach at sunrise"
] | [
] | [
"young woman running on the beach towards sea at sunrise",
"woman on beautiful sandy beach running towards the sea",
"woman doing stretching by the sea"
] | [
"beach running on the girl at sunrise",
"sunrise running on the beach at girl",
"girl running on the sunrise at beach"
] | [
"young sea running on the beach towards woman at sunrise",
"young sunrise running on the beach towards sea at woman",
"young woman running on the sea towards beach at sunrise"
"woman on beautiful sandy sea running towards the beach",
"woman on sandy beautiful beach running towards the sea"
"stretching doing woman by the sea",
"sea doing stretching by the woman",
"woman doing sea by the stretching"
] |
002563382 | [
"baseball player pitches during a game against sports team"
] | [
] | [
"baseball player pitches during a game against sports team",
"baseball player pitches during a game against sports team",
"baseball relief pitcher of the pitches against sports team"
] | [
"player baseball pitches during a game against sports team",
"baseball player pitches during a team against sports game",
"baseball pitches player during a game against sports team",
"pitches player baseball during a game against sports team"
] | [
"baseball player game during a pitches against sports team",
"baseball player team during a game against sports pitches",
"baseball player pitches during a team against sports game",
"baseball game pitches during a player against sports team"
"baseball sports pitches during a game against player team",
"player baseball pitches during a game against sports team",
"baseball player team during a game against sports pitches",
"game player pitches during a baseball against sports team"
"pitches relief pitcher of the baseball against sports team",
"baseball relief sports of the pitches against pitcher team",
"baseball sports pitcher of the pitches against relief team",
"baseball relief pitches of the pitcher against sports team",
"baseball relief team of the pitches against sports pitcher"
] |
003239711 | [
"township on the northern edge viewed"
] | [
] | [
"township on the northern edge viewed",
"sheep in meadow above lake .",
"aerial footage on a mountain range looking up to tall mountain with snow capped mountains ."
] | [
"edge on the northern township viewed"
] | [
"edge on the northern township viewed"
"sheep in lake above meadow .",
"lake in meadow above sheep .",
"meadow in sheep above lake ."
"aerial footage on a mountain mountain looking up to tall range with snow capped mountains .",
"tall footage on a mountain range looking up to aerial mountain with snow capped mountains .",
"aerial footage on a mountain range capped up to tall mountain with snow looking mountains .",
"aerial snow on a mountain range looking up to tall mountain with footage capped mountains ."
] |
002690029 | [
"tents are pitched as migrants stand around near the metro station in a makeshift camp prior to the site being dismantled by authorities ."
] | [
] | [
"tents are pitched as migrants stand around near the metro station in a makeshift camp prior to the site being dismantled by authorities .",
"there are fears the city with be inundated with new camps",
"new homes : a migrant sits underneath a railway bridge in a makeshift settlement in neighborhood on the city 's northern edge"
] | [
"tents are pitched as migrants stand around near the site station in a makeshift camp prior to the metro being dismantled by authorities .",
"tents are pitched as station stand around near the metro migrants in a makeshift camp prior to the site being dismantled by authorities .",
"tents are pitched as migrants stand prior near the metro station in a makeshift camp around to the site being dismantled by authorities .",
"tents are pitched as migrants stand around near the metro authorities in a makeshift camp prior to the site being dismantled by station .",
"tents are pitched as migrants stand around near the station metro in a makeshift camp prior to the site being dismantled by authorities ."
] | [
"tents are pitched as migrants stand prior near the metro station in a makeshift camp around to the site being dismantled by authorities .",
"tents are dismantled as migrants stand around near the metro station in a makeshift camp prior to the site being pitched by authorities .",
"tents are stand as migrants pitched around near the metro station in a makeshift camp prior to the site being dismantled by authorities .",
"authorities are pitched as migrants stand around near the metro station in a makeshift camp prior to the site being dismantled by tents .",
"tents are pitched as migrants stand around near the camp station in a makeshift metro prior to the site being dismantled by authorities ."
"there are camps the city with be inundated with new fears",
"there inundated fears the city with be are with new camps",
"there are city the fears with be inundated with new camps"
"new homes : a migrant sits underneath a railway bridge in the city 's northern edge in neighborhood on a makeshift settlement",
"new homes : a migrant sits underneath a railway bridge in a northern settlement in neighborhood on the city 's makeshift edge",
"new city : a migrant sits underneath a railway bridge in a makeshift settlement in neighborhood on the homes 's northern edge",
"new homes : a bridge sits underneath a railway migrant in a makeshift settlement in neighborhood on the city 's northern edge"
] |
001492082 | [
"zodiac sign of the beautiful bright stars on the background of cosmic sky"
] | [
] | [
"zodiac sign of the beautiful bright stars on the background of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the beautiful bright stars on the background of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the beautiful bright stars on the background of cosmic sky"
] | [
"zodiac sign of the beautiful bright sky on the background of cosmic stars",
"zodiac sign of the beautiful cosmic stars on the background of bright sky",
"zodiac background of the beautiful bright stars on the sign of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the beautiful bright background on the stars of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the bright beautiful stars on the background of cosmic sky"
] | [
"stars sign of the beautiful bright zodiac on the background of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the beautiful cosmic stars on the background of bright sky",
"zodiac sign of the cosmic bright stars on the background of beautiful sky",
"background sign of the beautiful bright stars on the zodiac of cosmic sky"
"zodiac sign of the bright beautiful stars on the background of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the beautiful cosmic stars on the background of bright sky",
"zodiac sign of the cosmic bright stars on the background of beautiful sky",
"sky sign of the beautiful bright stars on the background of cosmic zodiac"
"sign zodiac of the beautiful bright stars on the background of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the bright beautiful stars on the background of cosmic sky",
"zodiac sign of the beautiful cosmic stars on the background of bright sky",
"zodiac background of the beautiful bright stars on the sign of cosmic sky"
] |
000472190 | [
"litter on the shingle beach"
] | [
] | [
"the sea shore in the garbage .",
"plastic bottles and lids sitting in a stream as it flows out",
"various plastic bottles and containers washed up on a seaweed covered beach"
] | [
"beach on the shingle litter",
"shingle on the litter beach"
] | [
"the garbage shore in the sea .",
"the shore sea in the garbage .",
"the sea garbage in the shore ."
"bottles plastic and lids sitting in a stream as it flows out",
"plastic bottles and lids flows in a stream as it sitting out",
"plastic stream and lids sitting in a bottles as it flows out"
"a seaweed covered beach and containers washed up on various plastic bottles",
"various plastic bottles and containers covered up on a seaweed washed beach",
"various plastic bottles and beach washed up on a seaweed covered containers",
"various plastic beach and containers washed up on a seaweed covered bottles",
"plastic various bottles and containers washed up on a seaweed covered beach"
] |
002881388 | [
"cyclist near the city center"
] | [
] | [
"a typical city street in the heart",
"busy street with many people crossing the street",
"street view on a sunny day"
] | [
"center near the city cyclist",
"cyclist near the center city",
"city near the cyclist center"
] | [
"a typical street city in the heart",
"a typical heart street in the city"
"busy street with many street crossing the people",
"many street with busy people crossing the street",
"busy people with many street crossing the street"
"day view on a sunny street",
"view street on a sunny day",
"street day on a sunny view"
] |
003046212 | [
"view on the way down from the hills !"
] | [
] | [
"property image # with terrace in typical village in the hills , at 15km from the sea",
"chianti landscape taken from the car",
"chianti landscape taken from the car"
] | [
"way on the view down from the hills !",
"hills on the way down from the view !"
] | [
"image property # with terrace in typical village in the hills , at 15 km from the sea",
"km image # with terrace in typical village in the hills , at 15 property from the sea",
"property image # with terrace in typical village in the km , at 15 hills from the sea",
"village image # with terrace in typical property in the hills , at 15 km from the sea",
"property image km with terrace in typical village in the hills , at 15 # from the sea"
"chianti car taken from the landscape"
"chianti car taken from the landscape"
] |
000953688 | [
"a bowl of fruity yoghurt with mixed raspberries and blueberries"
] | [
] | [
"a glass of yogurt with raspberries and blueberries on top",
"ripe raspberries and blackberries in a blue bowl",
"yogurt with fresh berries and granola served in a white bowl"
] | [
"a blueberries of fruity yoghurt with mixed raspberries and bowl",
"a bowl of fruity yoghurt with mixed blueberries and raspberries",
"a raspberries of fruity yoghurt with mixed bowl and blueberries",
"a fruity of bowl yoghurt with mixed raspberries and blueberries"
] | [
"a glass of top with raspberries and blueberries on yogurt",
"a raspberries of yogurt with glass and blueberries on top",
"a glass of yogurt with blueberries and raspberries on top",
"a glass of blueberries with raspberries and yogurt on top",
"a glass of raspberries with yogurt and blueberries on top"
"ripe blackberries and raspberries in a blue bowl",
"ripe bowl and blackberries in a blue raspberries",
"blue raspberries and blackberries in a ripe bowl"
"yogurt with fresh bowl and granola served in a white berries",
"yogurt with white berries and granola served in a fresh bowl"
] |
002944171 | [
"still life of fruit on a blue and white dish , with an apple and person"
] | [
] | [
"apartment rental - original art in the dining area",
"still life of pears , apples , grapes and a jar",
"modern still life with a jug"
] | [
"still life of fruit on a blue and white person , with an apple and dish",
"still life of fruit on a white and blue dish , with an apple and person",
"still life of dish on a blue and white fruit , with an apple and person",
"still life of person on a blue and white dish , with an apple and fruit",
"still apple of fruit on a blue and white dish , with an life and person"
] | [
"the dining area in apartment rental - original art",
"apartment rental - original area in the dining art",
"apartment dining - original art in the rental area"
"still life of pears , apples , jar and a grapes",
"still jar of pears , apples , grapes and a life",
"still grapes of pears , apples , life and a jar",
"still life of pears , grapes , apples and a jar"
"still modern life with a jug",
"modern still jug with a life"
] |
002526704 | [
"abstract depiction of a series of hearts in different colors and styles illustration"
] | [
] | [
"ornate creative texture in the form of square tiles",
"glossy heart in a silver rim .",
"glossy heart in a silver rim ."
] | [
"abstract depiction of a series of styles in different colors and hearts illustration",
"abstract depiction of a series of illustration in different colors and styles hearts",
"abstract depiction of a illustration of hearts in different colors and styles series",
"abstract depiction of a series of colors in different hearts and styles illustration",
"different depiction of a series of hearts in abstract colors and styles illustration"
] | [
"ornate square texture in the form of creative tiles",
"ornate creative form in the texture of square tiles",
"ornate creative texture in the tiles of square form"
"silver heart in a glossy rim .",
"glossy rim in a silver heart ."
"glossy rim in a silver heart .",
"silver heart in a glossy rim ."
] |
002042859 | [
"yellow - brown small mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot"
] | [
] | [
"yellow - brown small mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot",
"walking through a forest i saw these mushrooms growing out of biological phylum , a ready made composition",
"mushrooms growing wild in the forest"
] | [
"yellow - small brown mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot",
"yellow - brown small forest in the mushrooms , closeup shot",
"small - brown yellow mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot",
"brown - yellow small mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot"
] | [
"brown - yellow small mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot",
"small - brown yellow mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot",
"yellow - brown small forest in the mushrooms , closeup shot",
"yellow - small brown mushrooms in the forest , closeup shot"
"walking through a forest i saw these mushrooms growing out of ready phylum , a biological made composition",
"walking through a mushrooms i saw these forest growing out of biological phylum , a ready made composition",
"walking through a forest i saw these phylum growing out of biological mushrooms , a ready made composition"
"forest growing wild in the mushrooms"
] |
000072448 | [
"mess with one , mess with all mug"
] | [
] | [
"police officer mug -- find out more about the great product at the image link .",
"i am protected by the good lord mug",
"home of the free ... mug"
] | [
"mug with one , mess with all mess"
] | [
"police product mug -- find out more about the great officer at the image link .",
"police officer mug -- find out more about the image link at the great product .",
"police image mug -- find out more about the great product at the officer link .",
"police officer mug -- find out more about the great product at the link image ."
] |
001303820 | [
"nest of biological species with baby birds in the nature"
] | [
] | [
"nest of biological species with baby birds in the nature",
"baby birds at their nest on a tree branch",
"male to the nest with the cue"
] | [
"species of biological nest with baby birds in the nature",
"nest of biological species with nature birds in the baby",
"baby of biological species with nest birds in the nature",
"nest of biological species with baby nature in the birds"
] | [
"baby of biological species with nest birds in the nature",
"nest of biological species with birds baby in the nature",
"nest of biological nature with baby birds in the species"
"baby birds at their tree on a nest branch",
"tree birds at their nest on a baby branch",
"nest birds at their baby on a tree branch",
"birds baby at their nest on a tree branch"
"male to the cue with the nest"
] |
002163641 | [
"the waves breaking on stony beach ."
] | [
] | [
"the waves breaking on stony beach .",
"sunrise over the sea with mountain background",
"wave hit the rock at beach"
] | [
"the beach breaking on stony waves ."
] | [
"the beach breaking on stony waves ."
"mountain over the sea with sunrise background",
"sunrise over the sea with background mountain",
"background over the sea with mountain sunrise",
"sunrise over the mountain with sea background"
"wave hit the beach at rock",
"beach hit the rock at wave"
] |
002888023 | [
"useful and harmful food for people in the form of heart"
] | [
] | [
"vegetables and fruits in a heart shape on white background illustration",
"paper vegetables flat style set in heart on a background .",
"fruit and vegetable in a heart shape"
] | [
"useful and harmful food for people in the heart of form",
"useful and harmful form for people in the food of heart",
"useful and harmful food for heart in the form of people",
"harmful and useful food for people in the form of heart",
"useful and harmful food for form in the people of heart"
] | [
"vegetables and fruits in white background illustration on a heart shape",
"vegetables and illustration in a heart shape on white background fruits",
"vegetables and fruits in a heart illustration on white background shape"
"paper vegetables flat style set in background on a heart .",
"background vegetables flat style set in heart on a paper .",
"style vegetables flat paper set in heart on a background .",
"paper vegetables flat background set in heart on a style ."
"shape and vegetable in a heart fruit",
"fruit and vegetable in a shape heart",
"vegetable and fruit in a heart shape"
] |
001362484 | [
"vector illustration of round no dogs sign on white background vector"
] | [
] | [
"vector illustration of round no dogs sign on white background",
"a leg up on renting with your pet",
"no dogs sign isolated on white background"
] | [
"background illustration of round no dogs sign on white vector vector",
"vector illustration of round no dogs vector on white background sign",
"vector sign of round no dogs illustration on white background vector",
"vector illustration of round white background vector on no dogs sign",
"vector illustration of round no vector sign on white background dogs"
] | [
"vector illustration of white no dogs sign on round background",
"vector illustration of round no sign dogs on white background"
"a pet up on renting with your leg"
"no dogs background isolated on white sign",
"no sign dogs isolated on white background",
"no background sign isolated on white dogs"
] |
002530549 | [
"wild flowers moving in the wind in slow motion"
] | [
] | [
"wild flowers moving in the wind in slow motion",
"flowers of clover in rays of the evening sun",
"pink - lilac flowers of blooming sally slightly sway in the wind on a calm summer evening , close - up"
] | [
"slow flowers moving in the wind in wild motion",
"wild motion moving in the wind in slow flowers"
] | [
"slow flowers moving in the wind in wild motion",
"wild wind moving in the flowers in slow motion",
"wild motion moving in the wind in slow flowers"
"sun of clover in rays of the evening flowers",
"clover of flowers in rays of the evening sun",
"flowers of rays in clover of the evening sun",
"rays of clover in flowers of the evening sun"
"pink - up flowers of blooming sally slightly sway in the wind on a calm summer evening , close - lilac",
"pink - lilac flowers of sway sally slightly blooming in the wind on a calm summer evening , close - up",
"calm - lilac flowers of blooming sally slightly sway in the wind on a pink summer evening , close - up",
"pink - lilac flowers of blooming sally slightly sway in the wind on a calm evening summer , close - up"
] |
003259860 | [
"set labels tags with floral pattern ."
] | [
] | [
"set labels tags with floral pattern .",
"ornate vintage labels in art period .",
"the cartoon labels - banners - illustration for the children"
] | [
"set tags labels with floral pattern .",
"set pattern tags with floral labels .",
"set labels pattern with floral tags ."
] | [
"set pattern tags with floral labels .",
"set labels pattern with floral tags .",
"set tags labels with floral pattern ."
"ornate vintage art in labels period .",
"ornate vintage labels in period art ."
"the cartoon labels - illustration - banners for the children",
"the illustration labels - banners - cartoon for the children",
"the banners labels - cartoon - illustration for the children",
"the cartoon labels - children - illustration for the banners"
] |
000029195 | [
"a view of the south downs from hill"
] | [
] | [
"a view of the south downs from hill",
"a view of the south downs from hill",
"a view of the south downs from hill"
] | [
"a downs of the south view from hill"
] | [
"a downs of the south view from hill"
"a downs of the south view from hill"
"a downs of the south view from hill"
] |
000424199 | [
"cow on a summer pasture"
] | [
] | [
"cow on a summer pasture",
"black and white cow grazing in the meadow",
"cow on a summer pasture"
] | [
"pasture on a summer cow",
"summer on a cow pasture",
"cow on a pasture summer"
] | [
"pasture on a summer cow",
"summer on a cow pasture",
"cow on a pasture summer"
"white and black cow grazing in the meadow",
"black and white meadow grazing in the cow"
"summer on a cow pasture",
"cow on a pasture summer",
"pasture on a summer cow"
] |
001011473 | [
"national flag on a pole blown by the wind"
] | [
] | [
"national flag on a pole blown by the wind",
"real national flag waving in the wind",
"flag waving at wind with blue sky , loop"
] | [
"national pole on a flag blown by the wind",
"national wind on a pole blown by the flag"
] | [
"national flag on a wind blown by the pole",
"national pole on a flag blown by the wind",
"national wind on a pole blown by the flag"
"national real flag waving in the wind",
"real national wind waving in the flag"
"flag waving at wind with blue loop , sky",
"wind waving at flag with blue sky , loop",
"sky waving at wind with blue flag , loop",
"flag waving at sky with blue wind , loop"
] |
001895203 | [
"attacked by a kiss , handball player has to show he 's all man !"
] | [
] | [
"blue cards could be shown to players , in addition to red and yellows , which will see a written report issued web design",
"referee pulls out a gun",
"handball a slice of culture"
] | [
"attacked by a player , handball kiss has to show he 's all man !",
"has by a kiss , handball player attacked to show he 's all man !"
] | [
"blue cards could be shown to players , in addition to red and yellows , which will written a see report issued web design",
"blue cards could be shown to players , in design to red and yellows , which will see a written report issued web addition",
"blue cards could be shown to players , in addition to red and yellows , which will issued a written report see web design",
"blue cards could be written to players , in addition to red and yellows , which will see a shown report issued web design"
"gun pulls out a referee"
"handball a culture of slice"
] |
002915529 | [
"a woman leaning against a tree in autumn time"
] | [
] | [
"a woman standing next to a tree in autumn time , looking up",
"a woman sitting under a tree holding a hot drink in autumn",
"a woman sitting on a fence in autumn time , close up"
] | [
"a woman leaning against a time in autumn tree",
"a woman leaning against a autumn in tree time",
"a woman leaning against a tree in time autumn",
"a autumn leaning against a tree in woman time"
] | [
"a autumn standing next to a tree in woman time , looking up",
"a tree standing next to a woman in autumn time , looking up",
"a woman standing up to a tree in autumn time , looking next",
"a woman looking next to a tree in autumn time , standing up"
"a woman sitting under a drink holding a hot tree in autumn",
"a autumn sitting under a tree holding a hot drink in woman",
"a woman holding under a tree sitting a hot drink in autumn"
"a woman close on a fence in autumn time , sitting up",
"a fence sitting on a woman in autumn time , close up"
] |
001822711 | [
"person takes a patient 's blood pressure ."
] | [
] | [
"person takes a patient 's blood pressure .",
"a new kind of medicine",
"a doctor gestures with his hands while talking to a patient"
] | [
"person takes a patient 's pressure blood .",
"person takes a blood 's patient pressure .",
"pressure takes a patient 's blood person ."
] | [
"person takes a patient 's pressure blood .",
"patient takes a person 's blood pressure .",
"person takes a pressure 's blood patient ."
"a new medicine of kind"
"a doctor gestures with his patient while talking to a hands",
"a gestures doctor with his hands while talking to a patient",
"a patient gestures with his hands while talking to a doctor",
"a doctor patient with his hands while talking to a gestures"
] |
000746547 | [
"blues artist performs during a concert with blues artist ."
] | [
] | [
"blues artist performs in concert .",
"country artist of the group performs live .",
"country artist performs during all american concert series ."
] | [
"blues artist performs during a blues with concert artist .",
"concert artist performs during a blues with blues artist .",
"artist blues performs during a concert with blues artist ."
] | [
"blues concert performs in artist .",
"artist blues performs in concert .",
"concert artist performs in blues ."
"group artist of the country performs live .",
"artist country of the group performs live .",
"country group of the artist performs live ."
"series artist performs during all american concert country .",
"country series performs during all american concert artist ."
] |
001243706 | [
"self - driving cars and the efficiency of cities"
] | [
] | [
"internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals business where politician signed legislation that allows testing of autonomous vehicles .",
"a man drives a self - driving car in front of the company 's headquarters",
"internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals business : self - driving cars could be the norm on our roads"
] | [
"efficiency - driving cars and the self of cities",
"cars - driving self and the efficiency of cities",
"self - driving cars and the cities of efficiency",
"self - driving cities and the efficiency of cars"
] | [
"internet publishing and broadcasting and web search signed business where politician portals legislation that allows testing of autonomous vehicles .",
"internet publishing and broadcasting and web testing portals business where politician signed legislation that allows search of autonomous vehicles .",
"internet publishing and web and broadcasting search portals business where politician signed legislation that allows testing of autonomous vehicles .",
"internet publishing and broadcasting and web legislation portals business where politician signed search that allows testing of autonomous vehicles .",
"internet publishing and legislation and web search portals business where politician signed broadcasting that allows testing of autonomous vehicles ."
"a man driving a self - drives car in front of the company 's headquarters",
"a man drives the company 's headquarters in front of a self - driving car"
"internet publishing and broadcasting and web search driving business : self - portals cars could be the norm on our roads",
"self publishing and broadcasting and web search portals business : internet - driving cars could be the norm on our roads",
"norm publishing and broadcasting and web search portals business : self - driving cars could be the internet on our roads",
"internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals self : business - driving cars could be the norm on our roads"
] |
003237217 | [
"region extruded on the elevation map ."
] | [
] | [
"region extruded on the elevation map .",
"territory extruded on the elevation map .",
"territory extruded on the elevation map ."
] | [
"map extruded on the elevation region .",
"elevation extruded on the region map .",
"region extruded on the map elevation ."
] | [
"region extruded on the map elevation .",
"map extruded on the elevation region ."
"elevation extruded on the territory map .",
"territory extruded on the map elevation ."
"map extruded on the elevation territory .",
"elevation extruded on the territory map ."
] |
000977789 | [
"private holiday : celebrity , celebrity , and person can be seen joking around on the beach , which they seem to have had completely to themselves"
] | [
] | [
"christmas fun : celebrity spent the holidays with celebrity and her children",
"flower power : when the heat of the sun became too much , the starlet - who is as she wistfully stared across the ocean",
"close trio : person - wearing a blue sleeveless dress - also has a son with person , whom she divorced"
] | [
"private holiday : celebrity , celebrity , and person can be seem joking around on the beach , which they seen to have had completely to themselves",
"private holiday : celebrity , celebrity , and person can be seen joking completely on the beach , which they seem to have had around to themselves",
"private holiday : celebrity , beach , and person can be seen joking around on the celebrity , which they seem to have had completely to themselves",
"private holiday : celebrity , celebrity , and person can be seen joking around on the beach , which they had to have seem completely to themselves"
] | [
"christmas children : celebrity spent the holidays with celebrity and her fun",
"christmas celebrity : fun spent the holidays with celebrity and her children",
"christmas celebrity : celebrity spent the holidays with fun and her children"
"flower power : when the heat of the sun became wistfully much , the starlet - who is as she too stared across the ocean",
"flower sun : when the heat of the power became too much , the starlet - who is as she wistfully stared across the ocean",
"flower power : when the heat of the sun stared too much , the starlet - who is as she wistfully became across the ocean",
"flower power : when the ocean of the sun became too much , the starlet - who is as she wistfully stared across the heat",
"flower power : when the heat of the sun became much too , the starlet - who is as she wistfully stared across the ocean"
"close person : person - wearing a blue sleeveless dress - also has a son with trio , whom she divorced",
"close trio : person - has a blue sleeveless dress - also wearing a son with person , whom she divorced",
"sleeveless trio : person - wearing a blue close dress - also has a son with person , whom she divorced",
"close trio : person - wearing a sleeveless blue dress - also has a son with person , whom she divorced"
] |
001853699 | [
"hotel : view from the balcony in the room"
] | [
] | [
"taking a chance on this place when we head !",
"a swimming pool that is great",
"industry and spa : the beautiful heated year - round pool ."
] | [
"view : hotel from the balcony in the room",
"room : view from the balcony in the hotel",
"hotel : balcony from the view in the room",
"balcony : view from the hotel in the room"
] | [
"taking a place on this chance when we head !",
"head a chance on this place when we taking !"
"a pool swimming that is great"
"industry and year : the beautiful heated spa - round pool .",
"industry and spa : the round heated year - beautiful pool .",
"spa and industry : the beautiful heated year - round pool .",
"industry and spa : the beautiful heated pool - round year ."
] |
002789542 | [
"a picture of an idealized flower , as outlined above ."
] | [
] | [
"the structure of a flower",
"picture of parts of a flower - pollen pictures",
"table showing parts and function of the flower"
] | [
"a flower of an idealized picture , as outlined above ."
] | [
"the flower of a structure"
"picture of parts of a pictures - pollen flower",
"picture of flower of a parts - pollen pictures",
"parts of picture of a flower - pollen pictures",
"pollen of parts of a flower - picture pictures"
"table showing flower and function of the parts",
"parts showing table and function of the flower",
"function showing parts and table of the flower"
] |
002558424 | [
"microphone in the fire classic metal microphone"
] | [
] | [
"microphone open arms fire on a black background",
"microphone on stage against a background of auditorium",
"abstract red background with the retro microphone"
] | [
"microphone in the metal classic fire microphone",
"metal in the fire classic microphone microphone",
"microphone in the fire classic microphone metal",
"fire in the microphone classic metal microphone",
"microphone in the microphone classic metal fire"
] | [
"microphone open background fire on a black arms",
"background open arms fire on a black microphone",
"fire open arms microphone on a black background",
"arms open microphone fire on a black background",
"microphone black arms fire on a open background"
"microphone on stage against a auditorium of background",
"stage on microphone against a background of auditorium",
"background on stage against a microphone of auditorium",
"auditorium on stage against a background of microphone"
"abstract red microphone with the retro background",
"abstract red retro with the background microphone",
"red abstract background with the retro microphone"
] |
000547377 | [
"illustration of a vintage monogram featuring the illustration"
] | [
] | [
"classic font with lines in the style .",
"initial letter u on a white background abstract floral pattern vector",
"illustration of a vintage monogram featuring the letter j"
] | [
"monogram of a vintage illustration featuring the illustration",
"illustration of a vintage illustration featuring the monogram"
] | [
"classic lines with font in the style .",
"classic font with style in the lines .",
"classic style with lines in the font ."
"abstract letter u on a white background initial floral pattern vector",
"a white background on initial letter u abstract floral pattern vector",
"initial letter u on abstract floral pattern vector a white background",
"abstract floral pattern vector on a white background initial letter u"
"illustration of a vintage monogram featuring the j letter",
"illustration of a vintage letter featuring the monogram j",
"illustration of a vintage j featuring the letter monogram"
] |
002709606 | [
"pretty impressive first ride for the boys !"
] | [
] | [
"pretty impressive first ride for the boys !",
"person and i having fun !",
"person and i having fun !"
] | [
"pretty impressive first boys for the ride !",
"pretty first impressive ride for the boys !"
] | [
"pretty impressive first boys for the ride !",
"pretty first impressive ride for the boys !"
"fun and i having person !"
"fun and i having person !"
] |
000789483 | [
"biological species scanning the horizon for it 's prey"
] | [
] | [
"bird of prey shows often lead to the escape of birds .",
"head and shoulders of biological species looking to the left",
"portrait of a red - tailed hawk"
] | [
"biological horizon scanning the species for it 's prey",
"biological prey scanning the horizon for it 's species",
"biological species scanning the prey for it 's horizon"
] | [
"bird of prey shows often lead to the birds of escape .",
"bird of prey lead often shows to the escape of birds ."
"head and species of biological shoulders looking to the left",
"head and shoulders of left species looking to the biological",
"shoulders and head of biological species looking to the left"
"hawk of a red - tailed portrait"
] |
002436843 | [
"a vessel of the culture with thepottery type ."
] | [
] | [
"one of the pots created in a fire pit by person .",
"one of the pots completed recently for exhibition .",
"one of the pots created in a fire pit by person ."
] | [
"a type of the culture with thepottery vessel .",
"a vessel of the type with thepottery culture .",
"a culture of the vessel with thepottery type .",
"a vessel of the thepottery with culture type ."
] | [
"one of the person created in a fire pit by pots .",
"one of the pots created in a pit fire by person .",
"one of the pots created in a person pit by fire .",
"one of the pots created in a fire person by pit ."
"one of the exhibition completed recently for pots ."
"one of the person created in a fire pit by pots .",
"one of the pit created in a fire pots by person .",
"one of the pots created in a pit fire by person .",
"one of the pots created in a fire person by pit ."
] |
002618246 | [
"actor attends the miss fall fashion show during fashion week in the tent ."
] | [
] | [
"actor attends the miss fall fashion show during fashion week in the tent .",
"actor attends filming location launches its black card & the opening .",
"actor attends show during fashion week ."
] | [
"actor attends the miss fall week show during fashion fashion in the tent .",
"week attends the miss fall fashion show during fashion actor in the tent .",
"actor attends the miss fall tent show during fashion week in the fashion .",
"fashion attends the miss fall fashion show during actor week in the tent .",
"actor attends the miss fall show fashion during fashion week in the tent ."
] | [
"show attends the miss fall fashion actor during fashion week in the tent .",
"actor attends the miss fall fashion week during fashion show in the tent .",
"actor attends the miss fall fashion fashion during show week in the tent .",
"actor attends the miss fall show fashion during fashion week in the tent .",
"fashion attends the miss fall fashion show during actor week in the tent ."
"actor attends filming opening launches its black card & the location .",
"location attends filming actor launches its black card & the opening .",
"actor launches filming location attends its black card & the opening ."
"fashion attends show during actor week .",
"show attends actor during fashion week .",
"week attends show during fashion actor ."
] |
001676616 | [
"a part of my home town that i 'm visiting now for a week"
] | [
] | [
"a city is the westernmost town .",
"looking back at the marina",
"a city on the west coast ."
] | [
"a part of my home week that i ' m visiting now for a town",
"a home of my part town that i ' m visiting now for a week",
"a part of my town home that i ' m visiting now for a week"
] | [
"a town is the westernmost city ."
] |
001736420 | [
"which connects glows with the colors of the flag ."
] | [
] | [
"road bridge over river in the city at the night",
"a bridge lit up on our way back .",
"river after the bridge divorce at night city"
] | [
"which connects glows with the flag of the colors .",
"which connects flag with the colors of the glows .",
"which connects colors with the glows of the flag ."
] | [
"road bridge over city in the river at the night",
"road city over river in the bridge at the night",
"road bridge over night in the city at the river",
"road river over bridge in the city at the night",
"city bridge over river in the road at the night"
"a way lit up on our bridge back ."
"divorce after the bridge river at night city",
"night after the bridge divorce at river city",
"bridge after the river divorce at night city",
"river after the divorce bridge at night city",
"river after the bridge divorce at city night"
] |
001379503 | [
"an unfolded piece of white paper"
] | [
] | [
"template for a magazine about music , modern journal .",
"vector design with rhombus on the grey background .",
"banner with a neutral background ."
] | [
"an white piece of unfolded paper",
"an unfolded paper of white piece"
] | [
"template for a magazine about journal , modern music .",
"magazine for a template about music , modern journal .",
"template for a journal about music , modern magazine .",
"music for a magazine about template , modern journal ."
"vector rhombus with design on the grey background .",
"background design with rhombus on the grey vector .",
"design vector with rhombus on the grey background .",
"rhombus design with vector on the grey background ."
"background with a neutral banner ."
] |
001027741 | [
"crowd of unrecognizable people walking on the street"
] | [
] | [
"crowd of unrecognizable people walking on the street",
"crowd of unrecognizable people walking on the street",
"people walking down the street at sunset"
] | [
"people of unrecognizable crowd walking on the street",
"street of unrecognizable people walking on the crowd"
] | [
"people of unrecognizable crowd walking on the street",
"crowd of unrecognizable street walking on the people",
"street of unrecognizable people walking on the crowd"
"crowd of unrecognizable street walking on the people",
"people of unrecognizable crowd walking on the street",
"street of unrecognizable people walking on the crowd"
"people walking down the sunset at street",
"street walking down the people at sunset"
] |
002812450 | [
"actors attend the premiere screening"
] | [
] | [
"actors attend the premiere screening",
"actors attend the premiere screening",
"actors attend the premiere screening"
] | [
"premiere attend the actors screening",
"actors screening the premiere attend"
] | [
"premiere attend the actors screening",
"actors screening the premiere attend"
"premiere attend the actors screening"
"actors screening the premiere attend",
"premiere attend the actors screening"
] |
001064225 | [
"road sign no vehicles with a width above that shown on the sign"
] | [
] | [
"regulatory road sign - no vehicles over meters in height .",
"regulatory road sign - no vehicles over meters in height .",
"old design of a sign prohibiting thoroughfare of vehicles with a width over meters ."
] | [
"width sign no vehicles with a road above that shown on the sign",
"sign road no vehicles with a width above that shown on the sign",
"road sign no width with a vehicles above that shown on the sign"
] | [
"regulatory sign road - no vehicles over meters in height .",
"regulatory road sign - no height over meters in vehicles .",
"regulatory meters sign - no vehicles over road in height .",
"regulatory road meters - no vehicles over sign in height ."
"regulatory sign road - no vehicles over meters in height .",
"regulatory vehicles sign - no road over meters in height .",
"regulatory road meters - no vehicles over sign in height .",
"regulatory road vehicles - no sign over meters in height .",
"regulatory height sign - no vehicles over meters in road ."
"old design of a sign prohibiting vehicles of thoroughfare with a width over meters .",
"old thoroughfare of a sign prohibiting design of vehicles with a width over meters .",
"old design of a sign prohibiting thoroughfare of meters with a width over vehicles ."
] |
001229955 | [
"white bookshelf next to the white wall , 3d render"
] | [
] | [
"3d illustration of empty shelf on the department store",
"illustration of a floating shelf with colorful books isolated on a white background",
"waiting room in a hospital or clinic with empty space"
] | [
"white bookshelf next to the white wall , render 3d"
] | [
"illustration 3d of empty shelf on the department store",
"3d illustration of empty shelf on the store department",
"3d illustration of empty department on the shelf store",
"store illustration of empty shelf on the department 3d",
"3d illustration of empty store on the department shelf"
"illustration of a white background with colorful books isolated on a floating shelf",
"illustration of a isolated shelf with colorful books floating on a white background",
"illustration of a floating shelf with white books isolated on a colorful background"
"waiting hospital in a room or clinic with empty space",
"waiting room in a clinic or hospital with empty space",
"waiting space in a hospital or clinic with empty room",
"waiting room in a hospital or space with empty clinic"
] |
001337411 | [
"politician sips from a water bottle during a speech ."
] | [
] | [
"politician making a face into a microphone",
"politician in a white shirt , black suit and red tie .",
"politician will not campaign for politician , according to an official ."
] | [
"sips politician from a water bottle during a speech .",
"bottle sips from a water politician during a speech .",
"politician water from a sips bottle during a speech .",
"politician bottle from a water sips during a speech ."
] | [
"face making a politician into a microphone",
"politician making a microphone into a face",
"microphone making a face into a politician"
"suit in a white shirt , black politician and red tie .",
"politician in a white tie , black suit and red shirt .",
"politician in a black shirt , white suit and red tie .",
"politician in a white shirt , red suit and black tie .",
"politician in a white shirt , black tie and red suit ."
"politician will not according for politician , campaign to an official .",
"politician will not campaign for official , according to an politician ."
] |
000533146 | [
"no matter what kind of experience you 're looking for , these local restaurants are sure to provide the perfect ambiance for your next night out ."
] | [
] | [
"exploring welcome -- not the mention , the country 's -- oldest city .",
"the patio is an oasis for cocktail sipping .",
"the popular pool and bar"
] | [
"no matter what kind of night you 're looking for , these local restaurants are sure to provide the perfect ambiance for your next experience out .",
"no matter what kind of experience you 're provide for , these local restaurants are sure to looking the perfect ambiance for your next night out .",
"no matter what kind of experience you 're looking for , the perfect ambiance are sure to provide these local restaurants for your next night out ."
] | [
"exploring mention -- not the welcome , the country 's -- oldest city .",
"exploring welcome -- the country 's -- oldest city , not the mention .",
"exploring country -- not the mention , the welcome 's -- oldest city ."
"the patio is an cocktail for oasis sipping .",
"the oasis is an patio for cocktail sipping .",
"the patio is an sipping for cocktail oasis .",
"the patio is an oasis for sipping cocktail .",
"the sipping is an oasis for cocktail patio ."
"the popular bar and pool"
] |
001831512 | [
"this would go so good on me because i love pink : d"
] | [
] | [
"rainbow is beautiful but it could look better by using shades that are lighter and softer .",
"business is a brand of nail polish , which perfectly fit to the natural and artificial nails .",
"summer perfect orange polka dots on a nail"
] | [
"this would love so good on me because i go pink : d",
"this would go pink good on me because i love so : d"
] | [
"rainbow is beautiful but it could look better by using shades that are softer and lighter .",
"rainbow is softer but it could look better by using shades that are lighter and beautiful .",
"rainbow is beautiful but it could using better by look shades that are lighter and softer .",
"rainbow is lighter but it could look better by using shades that are beautiful and softer ."
"nails is a brand of nail polish , which perfectly fit to the natural and artificial business .",
"business is a brand of nail polish , which perfectly fit to the artificial and natural nails .",
"brand is a business of nail polish , which perfectly fit to the natural and artificial nails .",
"business is a brand of polish nail , which perfectly fit to the natural and artificial nails .",
"business is a nail of brand polish , which perfectly fit to the natural and artificial nails ."
"nail perfect orange polka dots on a summer",
"summer perfect orange polka nail on a dots",
"dots perfect orange polka summer on a nail"
] |
003289720 | [
"vector silhouette of a woman with a child by practicing ."
] | [
] | [
"vector silhouette of people who dance on a white background .",
"vector silhouette of a woman with a child by practicing .",
"vector silhouette of people who dance on a white background ."
] | [
"woman silhouette of a vector with a child by practicing .",
"child silhouette of a woman with a vector by practicing .",
"vector silhouette of a child with a woman by practicing ."
] | [
"background silhouette of people who dance on a white vector .",
"people silhouette of vector who dance on a white background ."
"woman silhouette of a vector with a child by practicing .",
"child silhouette of a woman with a vector by practicing .",
"vector silhouette of a child with a woman by practicing ."
"people silhouette of vector who dance on a white background .",
"background silhouette of people who dance on a white vector .",
"vector silhouette of background who dance on a white people ."
] |
001495218 | [
"large pumpkin growing on the outside of a greenhouse in an allotment"
] | [
] | [
"pumpkins growing on the vine",
"orange pumpkin growing in the garden",
"ripe pumpkin lies in a farm field"
] | [
"large outside growing on the pumpkin of a greenhouse in an allotment",
"large pumpkin growing on the greenhouse of a outside in an allotment",
"large allotment growing on the outside of a greenhouse in an pumpkin"
] | [
"vine growing on the pumpkins"
] |
001943960 | [
"icon in simple style on a white background"
] | [
] | [
"icon in simple style on a white background illustration",
"icon in flat style on a white background illustration",
"target with arrow , standing on a tripod ."
] | [
"icon in white style on a simple background"
] | [
"icon in white style on a simple background illustration",
"icon in simple background on a white style illustration",
"icon in simple illustration on a white background style"
"icon in white style on a flat background illustration",
"illustration in flat style on a white background icon"
"arrow with target , standing on a tripod .",
"target with tripod , standing on a arrow ."
] |
002230992 | [
"local this is the form of government that helps runs cities , towns or counties inside each state ."
] | [
] | [
"types of place where people can live is in a city .",
"types of government every country in the world has their own type of government .",
"political show governmental boundaries -- example : countries , states , counties , and the location of major cities ."
] | [
"local this is the form of government that runs helps cities , towns or counties inside each state .",
"local this is the form of counties that helps runs cities , towns or government inside each state .",
"local this is the form of government that helps runs cities , towns or state inside each counties ."
] | [
"types of people where place can live is in a city .",
"place of types where people can live is in a city ."
"types of government every world in the country has their own type of government .",
"world of government every country in the types has their own type of government .",
"government of government every country in the world has their own type of types ."
"political show governmental counties -- example : countries , states , boundaries , and the location of major cities .",
"political show major boundaries -- example : countries , states , counties , and the location of governmental cities .",
"political show governmental countries -- example : boundaries , states , counties , and the location of major cities .",
"political show governmental boundaries -- example : countries , cities , counties , and the location of major states ."
] |
001070538 | [
"country artist performs at awards during music festival"
] | [
] | [
"country artist performs at awards during music festival",
"country artist performs at awards during music festival",
"country artist performs at awards during music festival"
] | [
"music artist performs at awards during country festival",
"country artist performs at awards during festival music",
"awards artist performs at country during music festival",
"country awards performs at artist during music festival",
"festival artist performs at awards during music country"
] | [
"country artist performs at awards during festival music",
"country awards performs at artist during music festival",
"country festival performs at awards during music artist"
"festival artist performs at awards during music country",
"country artist performs at festival during music awards",
"artist country performs at awards during music festival",
"country artist performs at awards during festival music"
"festival artist performs at awards during music country",
"country artist performs at music during awards festival",
"artist country performs at awards during music festival",
"country music performs at awards during artist festival",
"country artist performs at awards during festival music"
] |
002430566 | [
"a window is seen as part"
] | [
] | [
"a window is seen as part",
"window display as part of the industry displays",
"window is seen as part"
] | [
"a part is seen as window"
] | [
"a part is seen as window"
"window industry as part of the display displays",
"window display as industry of the part displays",
"window part as display of the industry displays",
"window display as part of the displays industry"
"part is seen as window"
] |
000271624 | [
"grounds out to second during wednesday 's game"
] | [
] | [
"# hits a single in the third inning during game action against sports team .",
"baseball player hits a double against sports team in the first inning",
"# hits a double in the seventh inning during game action against sports team ."
] | [
"grounds out to game during wednesday 's second"
] | [
"# hits a single in the third action during game inning against sports team .",
"game hits a single in the third inning during # action against sports team .",
"# hits a third in the single inning during game action against sports team ."
"inning player hits a double against sports team in the first baseball",
"baseball player hits a first against sports team in the double inning",
"baseball sports hits a double against player team in the first inning",
"sports player hits a double against baseball team in the first inning"
"action hits a double in the seventh inning during game # against sports team .",
"# hits a sports in the seventh inning during game action against double team .",
"team hits a double in the seventh inning during game action against sports # .",
"# hits a inning in the seventh double during game action against sports team .",
"sports hits a double in the seventh inning during game action against # team ."
] |
002010604 | [
"sunlight pours through a forest at the foot"
] | [
] | [
"landscape with trees , twilight in the forest .",
"a circle of upper branches of bare trees , with a blue sky in the background",
"biological genus in winter viewed upwards"
] | [
"sunlight pours through a foot at the forest",
"foot pours through a forest at the sunlight",
"forest pours through a sunlight at the foot"
] | [
"trees with landscape , twilight in the forest .",
"forest with trees , twilight in the landscape .",
"landscape with forest , twilight in the trees ."
"a circle of upper branches of bare trees , with a blue background in the sky",
"a circle of upper branches of blue trees , with a bare sky in the background",
"a circle of bare branches of upper trees , with a blue sky in the background",
"a circle of upper sky of bare trees , with a blue branches in the background"
"biological winter in genus viewed upwards"
] |
003280315 | [
"actor attends the series to discuss"
] | [
] | [
"actor attends the series to discuss .",
"actor discusses the new film",
"actor discusses the new film"
] | [
"actor discuss the series to attends",
"series attends the actor to discuss"
] | [
"actor discuss the series to attends .",
"series attends the actor to discuss ."
"film discusses the new actor"
"film discusses the new actor"
] |
001204412 | [
"the girl with wings of a butterfly"
] | [
] | [
"the girl with wings of a butterfly",
"the girl with wings of a butterfly",
"the girl with wings instead of hands"
] | [
"the wings with girl of a butterfly",
"the girl with butterfly of a wings",
"the butterfly with wings of a girl"
] | [
"the butterfly with wings of a girl",
"the wings with girl of a butterfly",
"the girl with butterfly of a wings"
"the butterfly with wings of a girl",
"the wings with girl of a butterfly"
"the girl with hands instead of wings",
"the wings with girl instead of hands",
"the hands with wings instead of girl"
] |
000962786 | [
"competitor passes her previous women 's world record of hot dogs while competing in contest ."
] | [
] | [
"enthusiastic crowds : the annual competition has been held",
"competitor rests after winning contest .",
"competitor and film character at the qualifying ."
] | [
"competitor competing her previous women 's world record of hot dogs while passes in contest .",
"competitor passes her previous women 's record world of hot dogs while competing in contest .",
"competitor passes her previous record 's world women of hot dogs while competing in contest .",
"competitor passes her previous women 's world contest of hot dogs while competing in record .",
"competitor passes her previous women 's contest record of hot dogs while competing in world ."
] | [
"annual crowds : the enthusiastic competition has been held",
"enthusiastic competition : the annual crowds has been held"
"competitor winning after rests contest .",
"contest rests after winning competitor ."
"film and competitor character at the qualifying .",
"competitor and qualifying character at the film .",
"competitor and character film at the qualifying .",
"character and film competitor at the qualifying ."
] |
000594468 | [
"vector illustration of a small snowman"
] | [
] | [
"cheerful snowman on a cloud .",
"stylish snowman with a wooden tablet of merry christmas .",
"christmas snowman with shadow in a flat design with ribbon"
] | [
"snowman illustration of a small vector",
"illustration vector of a small snowman",
"vector snowman of a small illustration"
] | [
"cheerful cloud on a snowman ."
"stylish tablet with a wooden snowman of merry christmas ."
"christmas snowman with design in a flat shadow with ribbon",
"christmas design with shadow in a flat snowman with ribbon",
"christmas ribbon with shadow in a flat design with snowman",
"christmas snowman with ribbon in a flat design with shadow"
] |
001684884 | [
"musical artist attends the opening night performance"
] | [
] | [
"musical artist attends the opening night performance",
"actor attends the westwood premiere",
"actor attends the westwood premiere"
] | [
"musical night attends the opening artist performance",
"musical artist attends the night opening performance",
"musical performance attends the opening night artist",
"musical opening attends the artist night performance"
] | [
"musical performance attends the opening night artist",
"musical night attends the opening artist performance",
"musical artist attends the performance night opening",
"musical opening attends the artist night performance"
"westwood attends the actor premiere",
"actor attends the premiere westwood",
"premiere attends the westwood actor"
"westwood attends the actor premiere",
"premiere attends the westwood actor",
"actor attends the premiere westwood"
] |
002754926 | [
"air bubbles when boiling drinking water in an electric kettle"
] | [
] | [
"process of boiling transparent drinking water in a glass electric kettle",
"air bubbles when boiling drinking water in an electric kettle",
"air bubbles when boiling drinking water in an electric kettle"
] | [
"air boiling when bubbles drinking water in an electric kettle",
"kettle bubbles when boiling drinking water in an electric air",
"water bubbles when boiling drinking air in an electric kettle",
"air bubbles when boiling water drinking in an electric kettle",
"drinking bubbles when boiling air water in an electric kettle"
] | [
"water of boiling transparent drinking process in a glass electric kettle",
"process of boiling electric drinking water in a glass transparent kettle",
"process of boiling a glass electric kettle in transparent drinking water"
"air bubbles when boiling water drinking in an electric kettle",
"air boiling when bubbles drinking water in an electric kettle",
"drinking bubbles when boiling air water in an electric kettle",
"kettle bubbles when boiling drinking water in an electric air"
"air boiling when bubbles drinking water in an electric kettle",
"kettle bubbles when boiling drinking water in an electric air",
"air bubbles when boiling water drinking in an electric kettle"
] |
002235519 | [
"shallow brook in the winter"
] | [
] | [
"freezing lake on a cold december morning",
"landscape around the pond at sunset",
"sunrise on a cold morning"
] | [
"shallow winter in the brook"
] | [
"freezing morning on a cold december lake"
"sunset around the pond at landscape",
"landscape around the sunset at pond",
"pond around the landscape at sunset"
"morning on a cold sunrise"
] |
001591984 | [
"colorful fruits from the local market"
] | [
] | [
"colorful fruits from the local market",
"assorted fruit on the dark background top view",
"autumn still - life with lots of different fruits and vegetables on the dark wooden background photo"
] | [
"local fruits from the colorful market",
"colorful market from the local fruits"
] | [
"colorful market from the local fruits",
"local fruits from the colorful market"
"assorted fruit on the top background dark view",
"assorted fruit on the dark view top background",
"assorted view on the dark background top fruit",
"dark fruit on the assorted background top view"
"autumn still - lots with life of different fruits and vegetables on the dark wooden background photo",
"fruits still - life with lots of different autumn and vegetables on the dark wooden background photo",
"background still - life with lots of different fruits and vegetables on the dark wooden autumn photo",
"autumn still - life with vegetables of different fruits and lots on the dark wooden background photo",
"autumn still - life with lots of different fruits and background on the dark wooden vegetables photo"
] |
000314368 | [
"people shopping in a large supermarket ."
] | [
] | [
"people shopping in a large supermarket .",
"people shopping in a large supermarket .",
"people shopping in a large supermarket ."
] | [
"supermarket shopping in a large people ."
] | [
"supermarket shopping in a large people ."
"supermarket shopping in a large people ."
"supermarket shopping in a large people ."
] |
000193748 | [
"check out this site for a ton of inspiration on how to throw the ultimate party !"
] | [
] | [
"come take a look at this awesome birthday party that 's great for boys or girls .",
"come take a look at this awesome birthday party that 's great for boys or girls .",
"come take a look at this awesome birthday party that 's great for boys or girls ."
] | [
"throw out this site for a ton of inspiration on how to check the ultimate party !",
"check out this ton for a site of inspiration on how to throw the ultimate party !",
"check out this site for a ton of party on how to throw the ultimate inspiration !"
] | [
"come take a girls at this awesome birthday party that 's great for boys or look .",
"take come a look at this awesome birthday party that 's great for boys or girls .",
"come take a look at this great birthday party that 's awesome for boys or girls .",
"come take a birthday at this awesome look party that 's great for boys or girls ."
"come take a look at this great birthday party that 's awesome for boys or girls .",
"come take a birthday at this awesome look party that 's great for boys or girls .",
"take come a look at this awesome birthday party that 's great for boys or girls ."
"come take a girls at this awesome birthday party that 's great for boys or look .",
"come take a look at this great birthday party that 's awesome for boys or girls .",
"come take a look at this awesome boys party that 's great for birthday or girls ."
] |
000264473 | [
"actors attend the premiere at festival ."
] | [
] | [
"actors attend the premiere at festival .",
"actor and her brother , attend the premiere at festival .",
"actor and attend los angeles premiere"
] | [
"festival attend the premiere at actors .",
"premiere attend the actors at festival .",
"actors attend the festival at premiere ."
] | [
"premiere attend the actors at festival .",
"actors attend the festival at premiere .",
"festival attend the premiere at actors ."
"actor and her brother , attend the festival at premiere .",
"actor and her premiere , attend the brother at festival .",
"festival and her brother , attend the premiere at actor ."
] |
002895227 | [
"blue ripe grapes grown in the greenhouse"
] | [
] | [
"rows of vines with unripe grapes at the winery",
"the pick your own strawberries",
"uncovered tunnels in a field"
] | [
"blue ripe greenhouse grown in the grapes",
"ripe blue grapes grown in the greenhouse"
] | [
"winery of vines with unripe grapes at the rows",
"rows of vines with unripe winery at the grapes"
"the strawberries your own pick"
"uncovered field in a tunnels"
] |
Subsets and Splits