Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Most of the traditional financial market exchanges use the order book model, which has a good user experience. Can a Dex developed on the ic network achieve similar trading functionality and user experience as a Cex? - This is what we think about, and what we want to do. - To develop orderbook Dex on IC, an order matching engine is necessary for order management and order matching. Order matching engine module is the core of Dex, it is reusable and lowers the barrier for Dex developers. What it does: - DeSwap Orderbook is an order matching engine module for the development of Dex, in Motoko language. - - The Matching Engine takes orders as an input, matches them and produces trades as an output. DeSwap Orderbook implements a price-time priority matching algorithm (FIFO): orders are first ranked according to their price; orders of the same price are then ranked depending on when they were entered. - DeSwap Orderbook supports various order types like limit orders (LMT), market orders (MKT), Fill-And-Kill orders (FAK), Fill-Or-Kill orders (FOK). How we built it: - The matching engine makes a difference between incoming orders and book orders. Strictly speaking, an incoming order is an order that is in the process of being entered, and a book order is an order that is in the order book already. - - To get a general idea of a matching engine, you can consider it as a function that takes an order (1) and an “order book” (2) as input parameters, and gives back a list of trades (3) plus all the remaining orders (4). The remaining orders will become the “order book” for the next order received by the matching engine. - An order will match fully if its entire open quantity is executed. Since there is nothing left to match, a fully matched book order is removed from the order book, and a fully matched order that is in the process of being entered, is not written to the book. - Or an order matches partially, if not all its open quantity is executed. In this case an order that was already on the order book remains on the order book, and an order that is in the process of being entered and is not an FOK order, is written to the order book. The quantity that was executed is removed from the open quantity and added to the accumulated executed quantity. - Where there is no match, the order becomes a resting order and is directly included in the order book. - It is possible for a single order to get involved in multiple executions at different points in time. For example, an order may be partially executed upon entry, while the remaining open order remains in the order book. The open portion may then be executed a minute later, an hour later, or even days later. - When orders are entered into the central order book, they are sorted by price, time. There are different algorithms available for matching orders, and DeSwap Orderbook has chosen the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) algorithm.\nFIFO is also known as a price-time algorithm. According to the FIFO algorithm, buy orders take priority in the order of price and time. Then, buy orders with the same maximum price are prioritized based on the time of bid, and priority is given to the first buy order. It is automatically prioritized over the buy orders at lower prices. Challenges we ran into: - Implementing all of the classic order book trading rules on ic smartcontract has faced a number of challenges. We are gradually working through them. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - DeSwap OrderBook has been implemented to support 4 order types such as Limit Order (LMT), Market Order (MKT), Fill and Kill Order (FAK) and Fill or Kill Order (FOK). - We have implemented a Demo of orderbook Dex that supports trading pairs of DIP20, DRC20 standard tokens with native ICP. What we learned: - There is great potential for developing Dex based on IC networks. What's next for DeSwap Orderbook: - We plan to open source the DeSwap Orderbook module, which can be used by any Dex for development. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What it does: - NFTOFU is the one-stop NFT portal on IC ecosystem. It integrates data analysis, user profiling, behavior monitoring, NFT activities, etc. Accomplishments that we're proud of: What's next for NFTOFU: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - It mainly solves the problem that canister's interaction records cannot be publicly queried. What it does: - ICES is a canister custom event log storage and analysis service on Dfinity. - Any canister can access ICES without permission, store the interactive data permanently, and query it through the public API and dashboard provided by ICES. - All smart contracts that need to record event logs forever and statistics and want to make them data public are the target users of ICES. What's next for ICES: - Thanks to the web3hackathon, we were able to use this competition to sprint our projects. During the competition, we completed ICES Core Canister refactoring, Motoko SDK, backend API, and Explorer frontend. - Here is our roadmap for this year. We will continue to polish ICES, make it more usable, and drive developers on IC to use it. In addition, we will also consider the business model of this product, we believe that a good business model can make ICES better serve the IC ecosystem, win-win. - our goal is to make ICES an essential infrastructure for the IC ecosystem, to achieve this vision, the active participation of the whole community is very important, so the future of ICES will be decided by DAO. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - \nWill used to be the station director of PKU BDWM, responsible for managing the daily operation of the BDWM BBS.\nIn 2005, the Chinese Ministry of Education banned campus BBS, resulting in the loss of a large number of campus accounts and data. It is equivalent to erasing a long period of good memories of a group. At that time, Will had an idea that he must start speaking publicly on social platforms where data is permanent.\n What it does: - PartyBoard is the first web3 multi-chain social app that effectively mines by talking and sharing, it transforms value around the basic daily social activities of most people\nIn addition to image and text sharing, there are more tool application scenarios, such as phone calls, conferences, events, games, live broadcasts, podcasts, and more. - Social platform with the token economy, - NFT level-up model, and role tasks - Build a meaningful Web3 world network efficiently and naturally with precipitating high-quality content and a personal social value system - Data decentralization Social credit system How we built it: - We made an internal version to prove that we have the technical ability to implement decentralized voice room and voice social on IC Challenges we ran into: - It is not easy to raise funds in a bear market. We hope to get more support to better improve the quality of our products. Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for PartyBoard: - Complete the Seed round financing and build a more robust technical team First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Have you ever wondered why some websites and apps are free in the traditional Web2.0? As the saying goes, “if the service is free, you are the product”. This has made tech giants like Facebook and Google a profitable business model by using the data of its users. Since Web3.0 is emerging, it is time to decentralize this process and bring back data ownership to its users. This emerging trend has been mainly our inspiration to change how data is being used today. What it does: - Veta comes from "Verified Data" and "Verita" in latin meaning truth. Veta is not just a dApp but an ecosystem. We aim to build the identity layer and an ecosystem of verifiable data on the internet computer. To achieve this, the decentralized business model requires a storage for data (Veta Wallet), a new data marketplace platform (Veta Center) and unit of exchange (Veta Token). - Users will be able to login, sync, and manage their data using the Veta Wallet on our initial platforms (Veta Social, Veta Marketplace, Veta Learning). - Data consumers will be able to have a central point of access to the ecosystem’s collective data assets through the Veta Center. This will serve as the main platform for users to retrieve data sets based on their queries and needs. - link - Over time, the Veta ecosystem will forever be expanding and growing its data as we partner with other web3 platforms, legacy systems, and even web2 applications. Veta will launch a DAO and treasury to give bounties to build for future data providers in the ecosystem. In the future, the DAO will fully govern and steer the direction of the Veta ecosystem. Users will have the power to vote on proposals depending on their voting power and in special cases selected users who are more appropriate to be the decision makers depending on their credentials and data like location, skills, etc.\nIn addition to that the ecosystem will be powered by the Veta Token that will help incentivize the users and maintain a growing economy. Services: Sample Use Cases: - Real World Scenarios - Job Application - Bob applies for a developer position and shares his professional profile with data from his Educational and Work credentials issued to him like a diploma, transcript of records, and a certification from his previouw employer. Alice the recruiter can view and verify these credentials easily thus giving Alice the confidence on her hiring decisions. - Travel - Alice an avid traveller arrived in the Bahamas, Bob the immigration offices requests for her covid vaccination. Alice shares her covid vaccination certificate issued to her by the clinic which can then be verified that Alice is indeed vaccinated and can enjoy her vacation. - Loan Application - Bob is an aspiring businessman who wants to apply for a loan to start a business, the loan officer requests for KYC and AML credentials along with his assets for collateral. Bob can share these data issued to him by his bank and crypto exchange platform he uses. The Loan Officer can now verify Bob's qualifications and issue a loan upon approval. - Smart Government - Alice was fined for a traffic violation, the highway officer requests for Alice's drivers licence and car registration. Alice then shared both of these credentials from different government bodies issues to Alice. - WEB 3.0 Scenarios - Decentralized Identity - Bob is a very private person and is concerned about how his data is shared, with Veta's decentralized identifiers and credentials Bob can prove his identity without showing all his data. - Targeted Ads - Alice want to ensure that her product reaches her traget audience. With data attributed from the Veta ecosystem, advertisement services can utilize users' data to achieve target reach of potential customers. - Market / Product Research - Bob's company is planning to launch their new product. With data provided by Veta, Bob can now make data driven decisions regarding his product. - Seamless Data Sharing - Alice can login to multiple Web 3.0 platforms without filling up forms to register or checking out a product giving a more seamless web experience. - Decentralized Voting - A DAO is voting for a proposal specific to updates regarding a new law in the US, the DAO uses Veta's voting solutions to only get votes from qualified voters based on the criteria to decide the voting outcome. How we built it: - Veta is built using motoko, typescript, and react as our technology stack. Challenges we ran into: - The main challenges we ran into was basically learning motoko which is very new to us and most of all time constraints since we have only been able to work on Veta on the side. One of the main technical challenges we had is designing the data architecture as we wanted it to be decentralized. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of what we have done as this was an incredible learning for us, it inspires us to continue this project even after Supernova. What we learned: - The main thing we learned in doing this project is the huge potential of the internet computer and how it compares to other blockchains. We believe web3 will be truly realized in the internet computer as it is able to scale in web speed and cheap computational costs. What's next for Veta: - Veta is definitely a project to watch out for, we are just getting started. We will continue our roadmap and deliver an improved MVP with or without funding. See our proposed roadmap below. Phase 1 - MVP: - Launch Veta Wallet - Features - Launch Veta Center - Features - Services - Launch Veta Social - Features Phase 2 - Adoption: - Veta Wallet Update - Features - Veta Center Update: - Features - Services - Veta Social Update: - Features Phase 3 (Expansion): - Big Data + AI - Features - Services - Internet of Things (IoT) - Features First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Title - Pet care solution - Pettamo: Inspiration: - The impact of covid pandemic on the life of people is known to everyone. The struggles are known to everyone and numerous technology innovations came to light during this period to aid the humans. One of the category of people affected are Pet owners and their pets. Unable to visit Vet for medical needs, created a negative life experience for people since they care about their pets. Inadequate grooming services and other pet services were inaccesible in the locality. What it does: - The proposed solution is addressing the pet owners. Pet owners were unable to bring their pets to vet or go for grooming. In my solution, what I am trying to build is an inegrated petcare solution for medical and non medical needs of Pets. Teleconsulation can be booked with Vets. Online appointment can be made for other services like, grooming, walking pets etc. All these can be done in a single platform. \nThere is a login and profile page for pet owners where they can update the details about their locality, their pets\nA service providers listing page is provided with filters to find the type of service provider, location, time of service etc.\nOnline appointments can be booked and if it is a teleconulation, meeting link is provided in the the appointments listing page. \nOnline payment can also be done after the appointment. How we built it: - The technology that I have identified to use are React for frontend, Nodejs for backend, Netlify to deploy the application. Need to identify a proper database. The system contains data of Pet owners, theri pets, Medical service providers, non medical service providers, Appointments, online payment facility. - Fleek brings decentralized web-hosting to the Internet Computer. \nWhen you first build a site on the Internet Computer (IC) through Fleek (on the site's first deployment), Fleek will create a new canister on the Internet Computer for you, with the website's content/code/files in it. This is done via the DFINITY SDK (view documentation), as Fleek interacts directly with the networks' native APIs. What's next for Pettamo: - Online payment integration First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Social Review: - Social Review is a decentralized app to encourage users to give reviews/feedback for various products and businesses. Loyal users are encouraged with gamified token rewards. It also ensures only genuine reviews by enforcing Internet identity for login and then validating reviews using various stakeholders. - Businesses can setup a page on SocialReview and the users can rate/leave feedback about their various products and services. Users can also explore other businesses from the app. Loyal users will be rewarded with tokens on the IC network Inspiration: - We wanted to build an app that did the following - What it does: Tech Stack: - The app has two canisters deployed on ICP. One backend canister has the reviews and other one has the frontend react application deployed. Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Social Review: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Our inspiration comes from and Steam, we are creating the first Trustless and Decentralized gaming app of its kind on Web3 and this is only possible on the Internet Computer What it does: - It's a gaming platform that gathers all-in one: video games, social apps, nft marketplaces and creates a profile for the user to directly interact with gaming projects within the ecosystem. - Video game developers will be able to integrate their games to the platform by adding just a few lines of code to their canisters. In addition we will provide them with tools to add features already developed by us like player profile, achievements, rewards system, multiplayer servers on the IC, matchmaking system and many more. - Just some examples of what we are already building:\nCreating a UnitySDK to directly connect to the IC and be able to export to Android, iOS, Windows and even porting to Consoles. - Plug&Play SDK for the future SNS to add governance and tokenization to the games. How we built it: - We are a full team of seasoned, passionate and highly motivated people from all over the world, with over 10,000 years of experienced combined. - By using Candid and Motoko as our main tools to communicate to the IC.\nThe Platform is being built in C# and JavaScript.\nUnity3D as our main game engine for the IC GamingSDK.\nReact and Typescript for web development.\nDiscord as our main communication tool \nClickUp to keep track of our backlog.\nFigma to design the UX/UI Challenges we ran into: - Research and Development is one big challenge, as we're still learning more about the capabilities of the Internet Computer, we've discovered that if we can build it on a centralized server, we can build it on the IC. - Second challenge is to learn more about other projects in the ecosystem to be able to integrate them, a good example is OpenChat which is so powerful yet more documentation is needed in order to achieve a stable implementation. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Cosmicrafts is one thing we're proud of by creating for the first time Real-Time Servers on blockchain and using its research and development to open source under a MIT license with documentation to welcome more gaming projects into the Ecosystem that want to take advantage of this. What we learned: What's next for World of Unreal: - We're always fundraising, we welcome VCs and private investors to join us in this early stage and maximize your ROI into what is the most ambitious gaming and social combined project on the IC. - Hiring more awesome, talented and passionate people, we're all oldschool' gamers to the bone and speak the same love language, this is who we are and this is what we do. - Releasing our MVP or Alpha testing that will include at least 12 of the best video games, we are inviting all gaming projects to join us for free. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: News BiasCheck: - BiasCheck is a Decentralised application to help combat fake news and reduce bias in information consumption. It has a chrome extension that uses APIs on a backend canister deployed on IC network which shows bias/accuracy info about all news articles online. - The chrome extension works across various social media and news sites and shows information about bias and accuracy of the article. Inspiration: - Disinformation — that is, content that intentionally misleads for political or financial gain — is nothing new. But as we’ve seen over the last year in particular, digital platforms have made it significantly easier to spread dangerous conspiracy theories - Decentralized aps offer a potential solution to combat the growing threat of digital disinformation.Blockchain systems use a decentralized, immutable ledger to record information in a way that’s constantly verified and re-verified by every party that uses it, making it nearly impossible to alter information after it’s been created. - Blockchain’s ability to provide decentralized validation and a clear chain of custody makes it potentially effective as a tool to track disinformation and biases in news. Architechture: - Tech Stack: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for News Bias Check: References: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The upcoming Web3 revolution !!! The problem of solving the digital identity crisis with P2P transfer through Blockchain. Industries today are using blockchain technologies to increase efficiency and solve business problems associated with data privacy, security, information sharing, and inclusion. What it does: - Our application allows buyers to browse through 3d models of real estate properties and filter properties by location and cost to find the perfect fit. Without having to visit dozens of properties. Sellers can upload a video of their house and Spectre3Ds machine learning algorithms will convert it to a 3d model. This house can be tokenized and then bought and sold. In the future sellers and buyers will be required to upload legal documents alongside our template How we built it: - We build it using HTML CSS react and icp. We used ipfs for file storage and icp for tokenization. Smart Contracts are written in MOTOKO. Challenges we ran into: - We faced problems integrating different parts of the project together since it's really complex with lots of different components and functionalities. - \nWe are yet to integrate the working front-end with 3D scanning functionalities to the main EONIA website (where it talks with the IC Blockchain through smart contracts written in MOTOKO)\nFor the time being, we are not deploying the 3D image data (Sizes are big and we need to work on the image processing part and figure a way out !!! ) on the IC Blockchain. Only, the 2D image representing the real estate, the NFD ID of the property, and the Principal ID of the owner are recorded on-chain. We are trying to automate \nthe process of generating a 2D image corresponding to the 3D scanned image of the property and deploying that specific information on IC Blockchain\nWe are making PUT and GET requests to spectre3d API and using photogrammetry and machine learning with Spectre3d to convert it into a 3D mesh. For the time being, we are storing the 3D image data on IPFS and later rendering it back from IPFS to the Discover section of the EONIA webpage.\n What's next for EONIA: - \nWe are working on the smart contracts and including more functionalities to incorporate legal issues related to real estate properties\nWe have also started to include AR functionalities in our App.\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration \ud83d\udd2e: - I am an indie game developer.One of the work I'm most proud of has 400,000 players in a matter of months without promotion.So, at the time I was tempted to deploy my indie game on IC. - However, the huge and complex system of IC made me, an outsider, daunted at that time.Because of the complexity of the program, in the past it was difficult for me to port the previously developed games to the IC. - So, IC Web3D Engine was born! - Users can easily develop and deploy their own game on IC without knowing DFINITY DFK. Of course, other 3D application scenarios are also possible. - This is a lightweight game engine fully deployed on IC!! What it does \ud83c\udfa1: - Users can use this product like any other game engine. - Users can create scenes, create items, render lights or write scripts in this game engine, and can also preview the current work in real time. When the work is completed, users can click 【Deploy】>【Deploy to IC】to deploy their work to the IC.The whole process won't involve anything about the SDK. - It makes everything so easy. - No gas required! Store forever! Decentralized! - This product can allow more friends to join the construction of IC web3D, even if you don't know how to write code, you can make games or other 3D and VR scenes. How we built it \ud83d\udd28: How to Play it \ud83c\udfae: - \nLogin using Internet Identity.\nIf you are more familiar with game engines, you can get started directly.\nIf you are unfamiliar with game engines, you can click the 【Examples】button, and then select one of the examples to try.You can try changing the color of objects or backgrounds, or the angle of the camera.It's easy!\nYou can click the 【Play】button to perform a real-time demonstration, and click the 【Stop】 button to close the real-time demonstration.\nWhen the work is completed, you can click【Deploy】->【Deploy to IC】to deploy your work with one click\nAfter deployment, you can click【Deploy】->【My Assets】to view all your works.\nFinally, have a good time!\n Challenges we ran into \ud83c\udfa2: Accomplishments that we're proud of \ud83d\udc4f: What we learned \ud83c\udf89: What's next for IC Web3D Engine \ud83e\uddfe: Play it \ud83c\udfae: - online demo: Who I am \ud83d\udc66: - My name is Kevin and I worked in the Full-Stack development.\nAnd I developed this game independently during the period of this hackathon. - I hope you like my work!Thanks~ - e-mail: [email protected] First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In the real world, leasing has become increasingly common. From housing to electronic equipment to transportation, we can use a small amount of money to obtain the right to use it for a short period of time after paying a deposit. It is also easy to implement a relationship where the owner, user/tenant, bank... all have different rights to the asset in question,But the current nft leasing in WEB3 is not perfect What it does: - We have implemented an nft rental market, in which the original nft owner can list and rent out their nft, and other users can lease this nft to obtain the right to use How we built it: - We use three canister contracts to do this. One front-end contract is used to interact with the user, one is the back-end of the marketplace, and the last one is used to mint nfts representing usage rights. Once the user pays the rent, they can get an nft representing usage rights Challenges we ran into: What's next for Sharing NFT: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Watching the Andy Warhol documentary and seeing the art that was produced when mixing the styles of the two artists. What it does: - Metaspeare is a platform for buying, selling, and minting NFTs. The difference between Metaspeare and other NFT platforms is that Metaspeare allows for metadata on the genome of the NFT to be added. Users can purchase collections and mix the art styles. Properties of the two are chosen at random to mint a new NFT. How we built it: - Internet computer, web3, Motoko, React Challenges we ran into: - I am fairly new to developing on web3 and ran into a few errors when developing metaspeare. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Brief: - Game Link : Click Here - Market Place link : Click Here - This game is a novel protocol that mixes NFT, Gaming and DEFI . At the core game is a play to earn game which is powered by ICP blockchain. Community can contribute and earn in a variety of ways, including but not limited to Playing Game , Live streaming gameplay, staking weapons as well as selling on secondary market places. - We strongly believe that a good game is an amalgamation of Scarcity, Thrill , Realtime and Sharing. We have combined various elements to bring these properties. - Why: - Gamers have recently understood that centralized institutions are fragile. Many game servers are shut down and users are enable to retain there assets which took them years to earn. We can make asset ownership more transparent and trusted with Blockchain. With the influx of new gamers around the world due to various reasons like cheap internet and compute devices. The blockchain gaming industry is still very nascent and there is a huge potential for growth. This game is a realtime strategy game with alluring graphics and play to earn mechanics will onboard games from web2 world as well as web3. We specifically chose ICP as it is a one stop solution from frontend to Smart contract execution. Gameplay: - - Build the most powerful kingdom and army\nThe core of the game lies in creating your own base and looting other bases to earn Aureus (in game DIP20 token). All the elements in your base are DIP20 tokens which can also be sold on DEX.You own your assets. This essentially provides liquidity to the players who wishes to sell there assets. There are special purpose miners which help players to mine in game currencies at a certain rate. There are attackers which players can buy to loot other bases. - To give a more detail overview of the Tokenomics - The contract is dynamic and allows the addition of assets so we can add more building and asset to the game without redeploying the contract - Beside depending on secondary market place we have our own marketplace in which user can buy/sell various assets. Architecture: - Usually Gamers spend a lot of there time and effort to advance in a game and when online games shut down or there servers are compromised there is a significant amount of value loss here. Some of the rare assets even take years of hardwork to earn. But when this efforts are spent on centralized games there is a high chance that in future you might not be able to retain ownership of your assets. We aim to solve this by creating a game in which all assets are stored as NFT so that owner can retain full ownership of there assets. We have devised our architecture to resolve this shortfalls of traditional games. - Assets as NFT and Logic : Our game logic is transparent and verifiable as we are using canisters for our backend logics. We have deployed our canisters on the ICP . ICP provides free faster transactions to users and it improve the user experience of the game. - Backend Canisters : To deliver the most decentralized experience from the events happening in the contract for updating the UI we have deployed our backend as canister Attractions: - Guilds : People always like playing games together and allowing players to form guilds increases the interaction and active users. Guilds will be a core part of the game and the membership will be tokenized by utilizing DIP-721 standard to show proof of ownership - Liquid Assets : All the assets in the game are DIP-20 and hence provides the players opportunity to trade them whenever they want. The concept of liquid assets not only guarantee users that they belong to them but also can be used to arbitrage trade allowing more trading volume in the platform - Mystery Boxes : Players will be able to buy and earn mystery boxes for their proof of contribution. Creating organic growth and demand. - Decentralized : The goal is to transition towards a decentralized DAO in the longterm to be sustainable and keep the product development as decentralized as possible. A proper documentation will be provided for governance and contributions Why ICP ?: - ICP provides a wonderful way to deploy and manage your application with robust and decentralized architecture the Canister based architecture of ICP allows applications to be grow and allows sufficient rights to upgrade the code with time. Even the users don't have to pay a fee in order to use the app. - Ease of Management : By allowing upgradation of backend smoothly ICP provides great support for the agile paradigm which leads to smoother development process. - Cost Efficient : ICP provides very competitive pricing for hosting and executing backend code which makes ICP very attractive - Easy Learning Curve : We really liked how detailed the documentations are which accounts for faster development from team. Motoko itself is fairly easy to learn with the documentations provided. Challenges we ran into: Future Updates: - We truly feel that NFT , Gaming and Streaming are interconnected. We want to take this project to it's full potential. Future updates that we have planned are : - Marketplace Outreach : Contacting Market place and listing our contracts to provide liquidity to players - Providing Liquidity on Swap : Aureus token will be paired with ICP so users can buy/sell there rewards - Bringing Tournaments : Users will be able to fight in the tournaments for rare assets - Forming Guild : Players will be able to form guild/clan so during an attack they can send some help to fellow guild member. - Stream Liquidity Mining : Users whose streams get the most views will be able to mine aureus from it so essentially a stream will become a miner which yields on people watching it - Adding more Assets : We want to increase our library of assets such as defense assets and attacker assets First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Last year, YouTube removed the dislike count number from all of its videos so users can no longer see how many dislikes a video has received. YouTube claimed they hid the dislike count to protect smaller creators, but this reason is not convincing. - So we decides to build a decentralized like/dislike(or more generally, a rating) feedback system which is open and accessible to anyone. It can be integrated into other web3 dapps as a feature. - Our long-term goal is to propose a solution to tokenize users' feedback in content platforms. What it does: - The service providers/developers and use the rating factory contract to deploy their own rating contract, which can keep track of users' rating data on any item/content. - Owners of rating contracts can choose to enable the token system that tokenizes users' ratings. We design the tokenomics to encourage viewers to give good feedback. How we built it: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: - First time we participate such a hackathon project. It's amazing working with people on the other side of the world. What we learned: - Tokenize users' social impact is not an easy task. There is still a lot of web3 infrastructure need to be done to push things forward. What's next for Vlike: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - To create a platform that brings people together for social good and a shared cause. What it does: - Allows people to pool money, earn yield and donate to a cause of their choice How we built it: - Built using solidity and hardhat, deployed on polygon mumbai\nfront end built for mobile using flutter and web3dart - repos for contracts and dapp:\n Challenges we ran into: - We originally started building this on Solana but quickly realised that the Chainlink services we wanted to use were not yet available. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Designing a concept where defi is a net positive to social good\nBringing web3 to mobile What we learned: - Dapps are really cool! We learned a lot about writing smart contracts with solidity, testing with mocha, deploying contracts with hardhat as well as UI design for dapps What's next for WorldPool: - We will be developing more social media aimed features to allow pools and contributers to engage with their communities and vice versa, and produce engaging in app experiences powered by defi.\nWe are also excited to take this idea back to the Solana ecosystem and start chewing some serious glass! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The rising electricity prices of the past year have not gone unnoticed by anyone, and with the ongoing inflationary pressures and geopolitical instabilities most analysts expect prices to remain elevated for some time ahead. Moreover, structural deficits of natural gas inventories and stable base power also give rise to very high price volatility during peak loads, which can squeeze corporations and retail customers alike.\nSome of my co-workers like to play a game where they take bets on the closing price of the Nordic electricity system futures for each month and the winner gets a free lunch paid for by the loser. I figured that this would make for an interesting and useful decentralized financial product which would allow retail customers to easily hedge their exposure to electricity prices in a trustless way, while also giving institutional parties a transparent way to sell parametric insurance/binary options on the underlying physical energy price. What it does: - Northpole is a decentralized platform which allows for the exchange and settlement of binary options on the physical energy markets in Sweden and Finland (and the Nordic System price). Institutional investors or a general insurance provider can create and list contracts on the average physical energy price in a specified electricity price area during a given date. Prospective buyers can browse and purchase contracts, which moves the underlying smart contract to an active state. Once the duration of the contract is over, one of the parties query a Chainlink oracle which provides the average spot price during the time period, and the escrowed funds are automatically paid out to the winner. How we built it: - The Northpole smart contracts are deployed on the Polygon Mumbai PoS testnet and are arbitrated by a Chainlink node which retrieves the average spot price for the price area and time period in question. This is done using a custom external adapter for the Nord Pool power market built with python and deployed as a lambda function. The front end is built using react and javascript, using Moralis to handle databases and users. IPFS is used to host the contract image resources. Challenges we ran into: - This was my first time working with solidity events, Moralis and front ends in general, which required some effort to get started. Thankfully, Moralis regularly provides code along projects where you learn to build web3 versions of popular web2 websites step-by-step. I learned the basics of web3 front end development by experimenting with the web3uikit resources and forking their Airbnb repo, which provided the front end base for my project. I also ran into a few limitations with solidity optimization and contract size, which limited the scope of the project. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - I'm really happy to have finally learned full stack development for building web3 applications, and I feel privileged to be in a position where I was able to create a hybrid smart contract powered application addressing (and hopefully improving) the predictability of electricity costs for retail customers. What we learned: - I drastically improved my solidity skills and become more proficient in full stack web3 development in general. What's next for Northpole: - The current state of the platform is only a minimal proof-of-concept. There are many improvements to be made to the protocol, and also several features I had neither the time nor developer resources to implement. Among them are custom energy contract sizing in MWh, the possibility to aggregate a larger amount of contracts to be settled through a single oracle call through a keeper network (this would be necessary to make the costs palatable for insurance providers) and providing historical market data to help users assess contract terms. For a production version, you would also change the duration of the contracts to be settled over months or quarters, currently the default duration is one day for testing. It would also be desirable to diversify the data sources and nodes.\nThe largest impediment to widespread adoption of such a platform is that the majority of potential users do not use web3 protocols today, and would only start doing so after the negative outcomes that the platform aims to alleviate occur. Thus, a logical improvement would be to integrate purchase and settlement with legacy payment rails through cross chain communications in order to facilitate pricing and escrow of the contracts in fiat. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Automation solution to tollbooth issues [human error, ticket vending machine failure, depressing job].\nCreates fair pricefeed aggreation using Adapter.js with Chainlink API request with MTA website fee data being webscraped using Puppeteer. What it does: - Tollbooth smart contract with ultrasonic sensors and servo motors. Chainlink node scrapes,filters,scales and aggregates MTA toll fee data with Adapter.js. Chainlink pricefeeds remove need for ERC20 payments. Chainlink Keepers used to close gate [servo] 15 seconds after opened. Ultrasonic sensor sends closeServoGate() Tx with when distance under 30cm AND gate open. How we built it: - In Solidity, Javascript, Python and HTML. Raspberry Pi 4 GPIO pins handle electronics communication. Challenges we ran into: - Deciding what language to use for the ultrasonic sensor. Javascript Node.js packages were not working so I ended up using Python with Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The responsive demo with the ultrasonic sensor and Chainlink Keepers being a backup sensor. \nBeing able to use an IPFS Storage CID inside a Solidity smart contract to point at Javascript logic using an Adapter.js Chainlink request to update toll price states on chain for a custom contract was cool too. What we learned: - That ultrasonic sensors can be used effectively to automate smart contract transactions. \nIPFS CID Adapter.js request saves gas in the contract compared to the raw Javascript code inside the contract. On top of that, you can have long Javascript code and not have to worry as much about the Spurious Dragon Solidity contract file size limitation (24.576 KB What's next for HighWei: - To inspire more robotics projects with smart contracts. Possibly partner with groups interested in the project. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Inspired from Hog Lottery - Give away raffle for any type of luxury goods and high value NFT . It comes along with a little NFT market place for unknown potential high value NFT Artists and 2 games. High Card where if the user click and get a higher card than the computer he get's his stake 2x. - The Lottery rules are similar to Hog lottery model, users can buy a lottery ticket for a fee and get a chance to win the price or buy our one of our nft's or and get 50% discount on it. What it does: How we built it: - Front end is build with Next JS Bootstrap Web3uiKit and Moralis\nDeployed on fleek \nSmart contract is a mix of brownie and hardhat network is rinkeby\nAPI Graph \nNFT Mint Challenges we ran into: - Contract integration / 2 deflectors int the Team. We were only 2 devs for the projects me as a front and solidity dev. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - i have learn to much things for my brain to digest ,proud to have learn how to deploy on ipfs, run local node, design a dapp, fetch data on chain, and more so i have learnt more about what is the blockchain ecosystem and what are those alt coins really about, the technology behind them and what problem they solved - I was almost been able to complete this one but because of unreliable team mate, lack of sleep and tiredness because i attended hack money in parallel . I did not have the energy to finish it. I have still have to understand better contract integration and more of solidity and testing. - I am lucky to have won a price at hack money for being a finalist with the Polypus team so i will take my bitter with my sweet and go to sleep. - Thank you all guys for this amazing experience. - I will be back !!!! What we learned: - Trust over agreement\nWeb3 is the future. I am currently looking for job at the moment, i don't want nothing else but a web3 job :) What's next for Raflle House: - This can have a business purpose for youtubers or influencer that do giveaways on YouTube to guaranty their followers to have a fair chance to win the price and NFT artists that want a place to sell their arts.\nTo Do - Implement NFT Market place\nImplement lottery and security\nImplement mint ticket NFT on tickets purchase - Add new features such as a mini stacking feature where if they enter let's say 3 months before the day of lottery they can stake the entry fee and have some APY on the day of the draw regardless if they win or loose and make it in such way that the user has a clear interest in entering the lottery ahead of the date which will give them higher APY. - Find partnership with business/individual that want to use these type of events for their clients/ Or go rogue and do it myself. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The main inspiration came from a steam game and a couple of games I've played in my lifetime, they do not offer the level of realistically compared to what I have envisioned on how we should execute the idea of the game. It is also quite ironic that a blockchain does not have a crypto mining simulator just yet What it does: - It allows players to buy sell and trade different hardware and land to optimize their mining farms to become the top of the sacrifice charts. How we built it: - We used the hardhat suite for writing code, ipfs for nft images, ethers web3-react and usedapp on the frontend with vite tailwinds and react in typescript Challenges we ran into: - It was the last minute before I realize that when using scaffold-eth template, it was way too complex to get it working with the contracts we have.\nThere were several team members either dropping out completely or not putting in much work. Further team members were sourced, however, generally it was the original core of developers of Raymond, Fabio and Ian doing the work. We managed the issue by working our behinds off around school/work.\nWe were not as knowledgeable about web3 libraries and had to spend some time looking up information about it. There were several routes we could have taken such as moralis and subgraphs Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We somehow made the code able to compile in the last minute What we learned: - We learnt about web3 tools that we can use in the frontend and different libraries in the backend What's next for Crypto grid: - Designs have to be finished after the hackathon and various frontend game designs has to be worked on with threejs through webgl. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The idea was to get used to chainlink products such as Keepers and Data Feeds What it does: - This project lets users predict exchange rate of ETH/USD at a specific time\nand gives them tokens based on closeness to the actual price How we built it: - We wrote the smart contract & tested it there, deployed with the help of remix into Kovan testnet, and frontend is made with Next.js Challenges we ran into: - Sorting an array with solidity was a challenge Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We're proud of the fact that we learned so much in the process What we learned: - We learnt basics of dapp,smart contract & how to use chainlink products What's next for Predict & win: - Add more pairs (other than ETH/USD) First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - It's hard to buy a house, isn't it? And what if I say it could be much easier? Without waiting long for the reactions of the selling party, and finally being told that a higher offer has been made, or that the house has already been sold at all. For many people this is very recognizable and we are also very aware of it. That is why Truhuis has come up with an innovative solution that can immediately set the entire real estate market to default and offer a new future full of opportunities for both buyer and seller. The priority for us is mainly on safety and transparency, which we achieve by reducing human involvement in the process as much as possible. Moreover, we also find the time savings very important, because buying a house with current circumstances is just a lot of time-consuming misery. - Research made by several sources has shown that more than 10% of residents in the Netherlands own cryptocurrencies, in fact, only in the past year the percentage has increased from 6.5% to 10%, so to 1.75 million users. There are more than 100 million crypto wallet holders worldwide. Undoubtedly, we assume that the percentage will continue to rise in the coming years, as it is becoming more and more common for everyone to use cryptocurrencies, including in everyday life. - We also understand that the state would like to be actively involved in the crypto industry in order to gain more or less control and regulation over it. Truhuis will take a position between the citizen and the state itself, by taking over the role of recognized land registry (and Cadastre), marketplace, and notary of the real estate. What is Truhuis: - Truhuis is primarily a word that did not exist until today. This word is formed from the combination of the first three letters of the English word “true” and the Dutch word “huis” - meaning “house” in English and is pronounced almost the same. - \nTruhuis aims to improve Real Estate buying and selling methods using the public Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-721) and smart contracts.\n What Truhuis does: - Here are our key points that matter to us: - Transparency and reliability - All purchase and sale transactions are traceable, so verifiable and reliable. All activities are carried out thanks to smart contracts without involving 3rd parties (such as banks or notaries). - Uniqueness - Uniqueness of each property is achieved thanks to the use of NFT. - Safety - All transactions are securely processed and stored on the blockchain. Cadastral data is stored in the most secure and decentralized way, thanks to the use of IPFS technology in combination with Filecoin digital storage. - Ease - Buying the house is much faster and easier thanks to our product! The convenience should be achieved just like visiting a webshop with clothes, only instead of clothes you buy your dream house of which you immediately become the owner with all powers. - Innovation - We take advantage of Web3 idea and come to market with a new development that seemed almost unimaginable. Our product makes the work of a notary no longer necessary when buying the house thanks to the smart contracts. How it works: - From the very beginning, we understood that the state would play an inseparable role in this process, just like the citizen of the state. Therefore, we decided to turn these roles into smart contracts. We have created StateGovernment and assigned it to the USA, whereas the deployer of that smart contract is USA government crypto account. - We imagined such a situation that when, say, a new citizen is beeing registered in the United States (let's call him John), then this StateGovernment calls the registerCitizen function in which a new Citizen smart contract is created, wherein all John's data such as identity information is entered. USA StateGovernment then stores the address of this Citizen smart contract in its database and links it to John's account. In this way, Truhuis can easily verify that John actually has a permanent residence in the US and therefore can (in theory) freely buy real estate within the USA. - Truhuis Cadastre - Before a real estate can exist on the blockchain, it must be issued as an NFT in the TruhuisCadastre smart contract. Arguments are entered into the safeMint function, such as who is gonna be the owner of this NFT, token URI (real estate metadata) and the country where this property is located. Truhuis Cadastre needs to know the location in order to request StateGovernment for information about the Transfer Tax amounts when selling this tokenized Real Estate. - Truhuis Marketplace - Then, the owner who was assigned to this NFT ID has the full right to dispose of this Real Estate as he wants. For example, he can sell it. To do this, John lists his NFT in the TruhuisMarketplace smart contract. Before allowing the house to be browsed, this marketplace checks if John is actually the owner of the NFT and requests some autentication data through Truhuis Cadastre and State Government and verifies John. If the verification is successful, then the house is officially listed. - When that house has stood for sale for some time, it is found by a suitable buyer (let's call Emma). Emma also goes through verification, where Truhuis Marketplace makes sure that she has the right to freely buy real estate in the United States. After that, she finds John's house and buys it, paying in an ERC-20 stablecoin. - After the payment, Emma is entitled to a cooling-off period, which in a real case is 3 days (depending on the state). This payment amount is frozen in the Truhuis vault. Then the registration of a new Chainlink Keeper takes place, where the Truhuis Marketplace address and the token ID of this sold NFT are entered. The Chainlink Keeper then talks to the contract's checkUpkeep function, which verifies whether the cooling-off period (3 days) have passed since the purchase. After these three days, the Chainlink keeper calls the performUpkeep function, which sends the NFT ownership from John to Emma and sends money to John. Thus, Truhuis allows Chainlink Keeper to automate this last and at the same time the most important piece in this whole process. - Real estate metadata - To store cadastral data in the most secure and decentralized way, we use IPFS technology in combination with Filecoin. We uploaded the Cadastre map via Web3Storage and attached the output hash value to the image key. Before minting an NFT, a full token URI is needed. We receive this token URI from Pinata, which in turn receives a ready-made JSON metadata. - \n2 examples of how the NFT metadata looks like in 2 different countries:\n - {\n "name": "Truhuis Real Estate # 2",\n "description": "Truhuis aims to improve the property buying and selling methods with the help of the public Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-721) and smart contracts.",\n "image": "ipfs://bafybeibjcvb7hxdtcn3yb7vae4p3n54jppahmfe5sndokx4jq6jfyhshs4",\n "attributes": [\n {\n "location": {\n "street_name": "De Monchyplein",\n "street_number": "97",\n "addition": "",\n "postcode": "3072 MM",\n "city": "Rotterdam",\n "state": "South Holland",\n "country": "NLD",\n "coordinates": {\n "latitude": "51,90589\\u00b0 N",\n "longitude": "4,48945\\u00b0 E"\n }\n }\n },\n {\n "house_type": "Apartment"\n }\n ]\n}\n - {\n "name": "Truhuis Real Estate # 4",\n "description": "Truhuis aims to improve the property buying and selling methods with the help of the public Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-721) and smart contracts.",\n "image": "ipfs://bafybeicp74n7atomu7gy36h2uhrp5y6p5nxre6lh62qxiw6zbgvsfgka74",\n "attributes": [\n {\n "location": {\n "street_name": "Park Avenue",\n "street_number": "432",\n "addition": "96",\n "postcode": "10022",\n "city": "New York",\n "state": "New York",\n "country": "USA",\n "coordinates": {\n "latitude": "40,76167\\u00b0 N",\n "longitude": "73,97186\\u00b0 W"\n }\n }\n },\n {\n "house_type": "Condo"\n }\n ]\n}\n Challenges we ran into: - \nWhile thinking about the project structure, we encountered the issue of user verification. That's where two contracts StateGovernment.sol and Citizen.sol are taking significant place. We imagined that everyone in the world has their own crypto wallet and this serves as an identification proof for each person. The world wherein there are no traditional paper passports, physical plastic driver's licenses, paper birth certificates and marriage certificates, etc. This method of identification reduces the case of identity spoofing, falsification of documents and it helps to reduce the amount of production and recycling of plastic and paper, and hence the cutting down of trees and air pollution.\nBut there is a trade off that plays a big role here. If the user loses access to the Private Key, then access to everything is also lost. Therefore, we assumed that the private key could be implanted in the form of a microchip into the human body.\nRecognition of the state and introduce the legal force of a similar procedure for registering real estate, buying, selling and owning it.\n Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are glad that we have reached the solution of user verification, albeit in a slightly futuristic way, but quite feasible in the long term. We are proud that we have a clear understanding of how to bring the entire process from user verification to the transfer of NFT Real Estate ownership to the buyer. What's next for Truhuis: - \nAfter the hackathon, we will continue to improve the start-up. Improve user and real estate verification process. Implement Truhuis Auction where users can make bids in the most transparent manner ever existed before in the Real Estate industry.\nCollect feed back from the blockend dev community and organizations involved in the traditional Real Estate market around the globe. And based on this, gradually improve the product in order to enter the mainnet.\nFurther cooperate with Chainlink Keepers and implement Chainlink Data Feeds.\nRelease UI and website working with Moralis.\nImprove metadata storage methods and work more closely with IPFS technology and Filecoin.\nBe open to cooperation with already existing companies in the world of real estate.\nImplement resolutive conditions during the drafting of the purchase agreement.\nIntroduce Metaverse feature so that a potential buyer can perform the viewing without getting up from the coach.\nIntegration of the AAVE protocol or creation of a new protocol that will act as a Mortgagee, which will be able to take Truhuis NFT real estate as collateral. In this case, we will need to create a decentralized Appraiser that can be operated as a Chainlink oracle. Thus, the buyer will be able to buy the property with a mortgage.\n Thanks!: - We would like to thank the jury and workshop presenters for the effort you have put in for this hackathon. Thanks to its existence, most great ideas after that take their path to the real world full of possibilities and opportunities. Follow us: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - When you spend an embarrassing amount of time on Twitter, you sometimes see ridiculous things. One of those things was a $2M bet on whether the spot price of $LUNA would be higher or lower than $88 in one year. The bet was for $1M between an anon trader: AIgod and the creator of Terra: Do Kwon. The trusted escrow for the bet is wealthy niche celebrity Cobie. - After reading the saga, it left me thinking two things: - \nDamn. I know I'm blessed, but now I feel extremely poor.\nThis could've been done in a trustless manner with smart contracts and Chainlink.\n What it does: - This is a proof of concept that creates trustless betting system. Two parties can bet on the price of assets supported by Chainlink data feeds and the payout is performed by the Chainlink on a certain end date. How I built it: - Blockchain: - Frontend: - I wrote a keeper compatible contract that takes two parties' wagers, the address of the data feed, and the bet expiration time. Once the contract is registered and the bets are placed, the keepers wait for the payday to come around. When the payday arrives, the keeper checks for the winner and sends the funds. Challenges I ran into: - The biggest challenge I ran into was wiring up the front end. I'm not familiar with Moralis and I didn't make enough time to figure out how to finish the UI. Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - The smart contract portion was completed. What I learned: - I learned how to use Chainlink data feeds and keeper network to create a hybrid smart contract. What's next for Decentralized Escrow: - There's still a lot of work to be done. The contracts need to be refactored, cleaned up, gas optimized, and tested in depth (I'm sure they're exploitable in their current state). The front end needs to be finished and polished. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The idea of Ava Name Services came to our minds when me and my friend started using ENS as Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) for our DAO based projects on Avalanche Network but it doesn't work on Avalanche, so we decided to modify the smart contracts as per Avalanche and deploy on a the testnet. It worked amazingly, we later realised why not let everyone use it since it is completely open-source. What it does: - The Ava Name Service (ANS) is a decentralised naming system based on the Avalanche Network. ANS’s job is to map human-readable names like ‘dev.ava’ to machine-readable identifiers such as Avalanche C-Chain addresses, other cryptocurrency addresses, content hashes, and metadata. - Top-level domains ‘.ava’ is owned by smart contracts called registrars, which specify rules governing the allocation of its subdomains. Anyone may, by following the rules imposed by these registrar contracts, obtain ownership of a domain for their own use. Because of the hierarchal nature of ANS, anyone who owns a domain at any level may configure subdomains - for themselves or others - as desired. For instance, if Dev owns 'dev.ava', he can create like '' and configure it as he/she desires. How we built it: - ANS Architecture has three main components: the ans-contracts , ans-subgrapgh and ans-app for their respective work like registry of names, querying the data and user interaction on Avalanche.\nStarting with contracts where we worked on the registery and resolver contracts for registration of names over a distributed registery and then later resolve those names to certain Avalanche C Chain address. \nWe also needed Stable Price Oracle, here Chainlink already solved our problem because they already accomplished that task so we decided to used Chainlink Pricefeed VRF for AVAX/USD pair.\nLater we worked on the graph node for quering the data from smart contracts and after then setting up the User Interface for Avalanche Fuji Testnet. Challenges we ran into: - Initially we had some difficulty with the smart contracts because the contracts were not designed for multiple networks then we had to modify some of the contracts for .ava for the fuji testnet. Later, we fased Gas calculation issue while deploying the contracts because Avalanche Network gas fee way less than that of Ethereum. So we asked Avalanche team for help for guiding us through, finally we resolved those issues and got appreciation from the Avalanche team itself. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - What we're really proud of is actually how we're able to accomplish such a task in a matter of weeks, and able to use it for our Aragon DAO project which helped us gain visibility and respect among the Aragon and Avalanche Teams. Checkout my twitter for more Aragon DAO coming soon the Avalanche network. What we learned: - We learned that anything is possible if we put our minds and efforts to it, while building a community around it who can benefit from it in the longer run. Also, I realised the developer community is quite strong and surely "help is given to those who asks for it." What's next for Ava Name Services: - Next we plan to launch Ava Name Services for all kinds of top-level domains (TLDs) like , .twitter, .mirror etc. and create Decentralised Identities for various social media platforms if the user wants to own it and have complete control over their identity as per security perspective and maybe convert his/her identity into NFTs to gain some value over it like Jack's first tweet. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - My everyday morning routine starts with sipping coffee with a book in hand from my balcony. I usually see one particular car parked there almost everyday without any daily usage. Moreover, I was also just getting started with my crypto journey. I started to wonder if there was a possibility for a common ground. And then I started my research on the web where I found this startup called Turro where they let car owners rent out their cars directly to customers who are looking for car rental which is more personalized unlike the commercial car rentals available in the market. And that caught me thinking about using crypto here instead of the regular payment system. This could help us reduce the dependency on different currencies across geo locations by pivoting the payment structure to crypto. What it does: - The DApp enables one to rent cars directly from the car owners providing the city to pickup and the required dates. This would give the user a list of results available for them to choose where they can pick up the car at their nearest location given in the maps. How we built it: - We used React and JavaScript for the major part of the front end. Backed was built using Moralis and solidity for the smart contract with the help of Remix IDE. Initially we came up with a layout of the look and then started building the front end, after the look of the DApp came to being, we started building the smart contract for the DApp and then deployed it using Moralis and NFT.Storage for storing the related car rental images for accessing whenever required. Challenges we ran into: - I was very new to both the front end, having very little experience in HTML and CSS and the whole idea of building smart contracts in general as I was just a beginner into the blockchain world. I happened to look at a lot of resources and learn on the go and implement them as I envisioned them. The next challenge was initially, I wanted to use Matic as the mode of crypto for payment as it was very fast and had less gas fees. But I had to drop the whole plan last minute as there was an error in the faucet or my wallet where I wasn’t able to get the sample Matic tokens to test the transaction. This is the reason why I had to shift to Ether as the payment option. But, in future we would definitely include Matic as well. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The major accomplishment for us is we have gotten the opportunity to build a practical use case DApp and learn alongside it. I have always wanted to learn the front end of development for a few months and this gave me an opportunity to learn and execute at the same time. I am also an avid crypto enthusiast and always wanted to learn the inner workings of the blockchain and crypto. By learning solidity and putting those skills onto CarEth was a personal accomplishment in itself. What we learned: - Being a backend developer, I learnt that having overall knowledge on the full stack is essential and by working on CarEth gave me an opportunity to work on front end, backend and also on the decentralization part of the project for an overall personal development. What's next for Careth: - Next for CarEth is having an option for the users to select any mode of crypto payments. And also an option to rent out their own cars in the DApp for other customers as well including a private messaging system once the renter confirms the car, the owner and the renter can have access to private messages where they can interact about next steps for pickup. We would also expand to more cities worldwide for a better reach, mainly to cities where there is less availability of cabs or taxis specially in the developing countries. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The current and most popular creator support platforms are centralized and not censorship resistand. There have been many reports of these platforms suspending and deplatforming creators, which make it impossible for the creators to access their funds. - Also, Some of these platforms are not available in some regions and countries which leaves the creators in those regions/countries at a disadvantage. What it does: - Fibril is a decentralized creator support platform that allows fans (A.K.A supporters) to support their favorite creators and idols with crypto tokens and NFTs. - Creators and Supporters can access the platform from any region/country in the world without any fear of account suspension or deplatforming because the core and main features of the platform are smart contracts written and deployed to the blockchain network. - Creators can be supported with crypto tokens which are MATIC, DAI, USDT and USDC. They can also be supported with NFTs. - Support with the crypto tokens makes it very easy for supporters to support their creators across border without the hassle of converting their local currencies into that of the creators.\nAlso, Using crypto tokens makes it easy for creators to withdraw their funds and convert it back to their local currencies with great ease on exchanges. - Some of the current features of Fibril: How we built it: - Fibril is built with the following technologies: Challenges we ran into: - Below are some the challenges encountered while building this project: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Fibril: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - A decentralized casino has also been an interesting idea to me. The public, and secure nature of blockchain seemed like the best place to host the world’s most transparent, and fair casino and betting games. - At the beginning of the hackathon, I stared just wanting to build a slot machine, and roulette smart contract using VRF, with some basic front end. But they would just be a proof of concept, I’d never be able to get enough tokens to fund these contracts so I could deploy them and pay out winning users.\nSo, the idea of a decentralized ‘house’ for these games occurred to me. What if I allowed anyone to fund the contracts and start earning rewards from the roughly one percent house edge the games required. - And then it hit me, what if I built a liquidity pool that let ANYONE build their own games, just like I had wanted. To me this seemed like a real hurdle I’d be helping developers get over. No more begging for tokens to fund contracts, just focus on building a fun, interesting betting/gaming smart contract, and let House Pool do the rest! What it does: - House Pool is a decentralized liquidity pool. Liquidity providers add tokens to the pool, and these tokens are then used by developers to build smart contracts that wager on the outcome of a random number generated by Chainlinks VRF. - A winning bet withdraws tokens from the pool and pays the bet requestor.\nA losing bet deposits tokens, and those tokens are paid to the liquidity providers. How we built it: - House Pool was built using blood sweat and tears, lots of late nights and cups of coffee. - Most of the smart contract development was done using the Remix IDE, and testing on the BSC testnet. - Due to the time constraints of the hackathon, no time could be spared to do proper testing for vulnerabilities or logical errors in the House Pool contract. So almost all time during the hackathon was used to write the smart contract code, and front-end website for House Pool, and the example coin flip game. Challenges: - The biggest challenge during this hackathon was moving to the next milestones. It became too easy to just sit programming the House Pool contract, when I should have moved onto the front end, and submission documents way earlier. - As well, being a solo dev, and not having too much experience with web development, building out a front end for the project, and making it look presentable was very difficult. Accomplishments: - I’m so happy to have just completed the project within the hackathon deadline, and although I had to cut a lot from the project, having a working contract and frontend is so satisfying! - But the most gratifying accomplishment is I really feel I have built a project that can be used by other developers just like me, to build their own dApps. Lessons: - The biggest lesson from this experience is learning to consolidate a project to its core, distilling it to the most valuable functionality, and just focusing in on that. - I also learned the value of saying, ‘good is good enough’. Especially when given a time constraint like during this hackathon. Reminding myself that the project just had to work, it didn’t have to be perfect was invaluable to getting finished on time. The Future of House Pool: - The future for House Pool is getting the contract audited and optimising the gas fees. From there, deploying to mainnet so developers can start deploying, and earning from their contracts that integrate with House Pool. - My ideal vision for House Pool, is to see it as a widely used protocol for gaming and betting smart contracts. - It would make me so happy to have a complete ecosystem of developers using, and building with House Pool to develop amazing, and unique smart contracts! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - affilly8 is a decentral referral system. What it does: - it allows product and service producers to create campaings for pay per view, click, sale or lifetime of contract and publishers can create ... How we built it: - affilly8 is a decentral referral system. vanilla js html css and solidity Challenges we ran into: - the typical web3 issues Accomplishments that we're proud of: - coming up with the tools the future needs What we learned: - how to improve ourselves day by day What's next for Affilly8: - making some impact - you can test our project on the avax-fuji / polygon-mumbai / binance-tbnb / First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Our Mission: - Off-chain communication is one of the more challenging parts of working with smart contracts. Chainlink does a lot to standardize how we can make those work. But still, building a node on chainlink is hard and somewhat expensive. But neither needs to be the case! - We see an opportunity to make building and working with chainlink nodes inexpensive and easy, especially when serving L2 chains like Polygon. Polynodes makes it easy to add your own nodes to talk to the external services that will help your project. We make advanced structures easy. - We would like to see 10,000 nodes that could serve various chains on a variety of useful applications. We want it to be as easy as click, click, and provide just enough Javascript to run your request. Usage: - To get started with polynodes, one can just access via to build a new node. Or you can roll your own polynodes service using our source code. - To create a new node: - \nNavigate to "Nodes"\nClick "Create Node"\nProvide a valid name (alphanumeric only please) and the public key/address of the wallet you would like to be the owner of your oracle\nGet a sandwich. In around five minutes, you have a node, an oracle on Mumbai that is attached to that node, and that oracle address belongs to you! \nClick the node to view its details\nClick "Create Job"\nGive the job a name and some valid code to run. We load fetch into memory so you can have something as simple as:\njavascript\nconst response = await fetch(""); // Add whatever header or other info in the second argument\nconst obj = await response.json();\nconst retvalue = obj.price; // or whatever the value is\nreturn retvalue;\n\n Reference Implementation: - is a DeFi keeper-enabled price feed for equities pulled from Alpaca. We use the keeper for regular price updates, and allow people to add the price feeds they would like to see in there for a small fee that helps pay for the feed on an ongoing basis. This decentralized contract allows people to make informed decisions based on offchain data with very low fees because the gas is so cheap on L2. - The reference implementation shows how much power there is in using the simplified keepers network plus the simplified Polynodes interface for making the regular requests. We're quite excited at how this could make real DAOs work much more effectively and efficiently on Polygon. Limitations: - \nCurrently the full service is only for Mumbai, but we have the code ready for Polygon Mainnet - just didn't want to activate that with 'real money' while the reference is open to the public and unauthenticated. \nThe node is setup is for Mumbai and Polygon, but there's no reason it cannot be extended to other chains, like Avalanche or Mainnet. \nSince this is on a trial DigitalOcean account, we can only have under 10 live nodes at a time. \nBoth PolyNodes and Alpaca Feeds use Next.js with dynamic routing. We discovered that Fleek is much happier with completely static assets. This makes sense to us given the way IPFS works. As a next step, we would move this site to a single page application (SPA). For now, we recommend not using the back button and instead use the buttons that are on the page. \n - The reference implementation our service connecting financial data from Alpaca to Polygon via price feeds managed by keepers as well as on-demand data available via a useful library implemented on both Mumbai and Polygon. - We will show how this implementation works to the community to make it easy to deploy inexpensive Chainlink nodes that can serve interesting applications in these low-gas-cost environments. Our challenges: - \nMaking nodes is complicated! And managing them securely is involved. Getting both of these pieces going was a significant technical challenge. \nWe wanted to make the reference implementation as easy as possible to use. This focused us on UX issues that benefited both the main polynodes site. We are grateful to the Finity project for giving us a design direction so we could focus on engineering. \nWe used the Chainlink CLI for this prototype, but this is limited compared the GraphQL API the Operator UI uses under the hood. For example, getting task run information is exposed through the GraphQL but not the CLI. (We're doing something about it! See next steps below)\n What We're Proud Of: - This was a complicated, multi-part product that required expertise from blockchain to devops. We learned a ton from each other and the community. This initiative can make Chainlink and blockchain technology in general a lot more accessible and usable to a wider audience of people. For under a dollar (or even a MATIC at prices as of this writing) per day, one can have a chainlink node of one's own, and make managing it easy. Components: - This project is designed as a monorepo. Key components: - Core Polynodes - \npolynodes is the core library for the Polynodes node deployment and management API. \npolynodes-api is the serverless deployment of that API as REST endpoints using Serverless Framework and AWS Lambda\npolynodes-contracts contains source code to create the Oracle contract as part of generating a Polynode. \npolynodes-site is a Finity-enabled Nextjs interface for deploying and managing Polynode oracle servers and jobs. (deployed via Fleek)\n - Reference Implementation with Alpaca - \nalpaca-contracts The on-chain code for the alpaca price feed. Note that the list of equities to track is managed in the keeper. The price feed itself submits requests to the oracle.\nalpaca-site is a Finity-enabled Nextjs interface for viewing current prices and keeping it all alive. (deployed via Fleek)\n Where we're going: - \nThere are too few Chainlink nodes on L2. We plan to make interchain and offchain communication easy for everyone - maybe the easiest part of the process. \nWe will move more into making the system low-code and potentially no-code. \nCurrently we only support direct request jobs, but there's awesome opportunity to enable cron-based and external initiation so contracts can respond to events. \nWe will move to the GraphQL API for deep integration with the Chainlink subsystems so we can surface the full control plane and reporting - like showing task runs.\nThe nodes are set up to be inexpensive at the price of redundancy. We can make the system more resilient and decentralized by extending to other data centers at Digital Ocean, and other virtual server vendors (looking at you, linode)\n Thanks: - We are grateful to the Chainlink team for putting together the hackathon that gave us the opportunity and inspiration to work on this project! The Polynodes Team: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - we are a community of positive change makers and our goal is to empower people and ignite the flame of digital freedom What it does: - we are uprading the web3 ecosystem with social features allround utility tokenomics and a new aproach to dao governance that allows multiple outcome votings and voting landscapes How we built it: - we used html css js nodejs & truffle Challenges we ran into: - network incoherences, incomplete documentations on plugins, dependecy issues and the usual real life struggles we all have Accomplishments that we're proud of: - creating a solidity code conglomorate that unlocks the true potential of current token standards What we learned: - how to make a positive change with love, work & focus - see our results on (you will need a unstoppable browser extension) What's next for impact-dao: - we are planning on launching the most complete marketplace for dynamic nft tokens that comply to fractio inc's dias standard (decentral interactive asset standard) very soon ... - so stay in the loop First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - DIAS (decentral interactive asset standard) \nstandardizing dynamic blockchain content What it does: - we provide a easy to apply asset standard that enables developers and publishers to create complex projects with dynamic content and always stay on the same page ! - the dias standard allows creators metaverses and marketplaces to interoperate with dynamic assets on the blockchain ! - problems - check out the readme in the github for more information on how to implement the DIAS How we built it: - the dias render engine is written in html sass js nodejs truffle chainlink avax bsc polygon ethereum Challenges we ran into: - finding valuable feedback on improvements and new features Accomplishments that we're proud of: - building out our fractio framework What we learned: - how to make a positive change WAGMI What's next for dias: - a corporation with the impactDAO and the integration into their marketplace\ncomplete the documentation for marketplace integrations and LFG ! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The use of blockchain technology makes it possible to store value, make transactions and execute smart contracts at low costs, without the need for a trusted intermediary or centralized arbitrator. What it does: - Retta is a Web3 Decentralized application blockchain technology that connects applications with payment system. How we built it: - Web3 is a decentralized application that runs on top of the binance smart chain. It was developed to expand on the capabilities of Web2, which was used to store information and data in an open and decentralized manner, but it did not have the right functions to make it a suitable platform for many business applications. For example, it could not be used to send value between two addresses. - Web3 has solved this issue by creating two new networks: one for the storage and retrieval of information, and one for the transfer of value. The first network uses a blockchain structure that allows users to store information in an open and decentralized manner, while the second network uses a token system for transactions over value. - We believe that Web3 is set to be a game changer for businesses looking to utilize blockchain technology. The ability to store information in an open and decentralized manner will no doubt allow businesses to build stronger networks with their customers, while the ability to send value between two addresses will help them streamline their operations and reduce overhead costs. - Retta is an API platform based on the binance smart chain, which enables developers to quickly create highly efficient decentralized applications with a flexible development framework. The provision of Http service IPFS in the web3 bridging protocol can greatly improve the performance of large-scale Dapps, and the pure microservice architecture improves the process efficiency and reliability of Dapps. - Retta is committed to the development of decentralized applications on the Binance chain, and runs on a self-developed binance smart chain. The DAPP Retta will be put into practice as soon as possible, so as to help realize a prosperous blockchain platform for enterprise users. The DAPP Retta will provide free and unlimited storage space for enterprise users, based on the decentralized file system InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol. It will also realize the storage and transmission of encrypted data in the blockchain. Therefore, it can provide a better user experience through the elimination of existing bottlenecks such as "data portability" and "data integrity" in centralized servers. Users can simply drag-and-drop files into a box and click download button to obtain the original file information of their own data. Challenges we ran into: - To produce an ecosystem of blockchain applications running on the binace smart chain that contribute to social transformation. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Retta is a smart contract platform, using the technology of blockchain. There are two kinds of data links, one is the exchange data link among all users and another is the links from the blockchain to the outside world. The first kind of data link needs to be set up by Retta, while the second kind of data link needs to be set up by DApp based on Retta. Because these data links usually need to pass through ISP for the network access, so when the DApp has not yet joined Retta, it cannot access all Retta users in real time. That's why Retta was established as a decentralized platform to give a smooth way for applications to access. What we learned: - What problems does Retta solve? - \nDecentralized Payment Solution :the problem of losing efficiency in payment transaction caused by non-decentralized payment services such as PayPal and etc...\nThe problem of Data Leakage & Privacy Issues : the ownership of personal sensitive data will be unified and transferred to the owner himself, so that the owners can control their own privacy, and a secure identity management system can be created.\nSmart Contract: centralized applications have their server managing user information, which is prone to attack, or data falsification by hacker. but Retta's smart contract, which Is run on a decentralized blockchain platform, makes it much safer.\n## What's next for Retta\nRetta will continue to be developed by adding new features so that it can be more useful for the general public so that the main goal can be achieved, namely realizing a better future for people's lives.\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Betting games have become really popular in recent years, but the major issue is truth and transparency. Safebet solves precisely this by making the games decentralized and truth centric. What it does: - Safebet allows users to participate in gambling games, all on-chain, without trusting any third party and relying on the truth of the code. How we built it: - Smart Contract - It was built with the amazing utilities from Chainlink, VRFs, Keepers, and Data Feed.\nFrontend - Frontend was developed keeping in mind that the player must be relaxed and trustful at the same time while interacting with the blockchain. Challenges we ran into: - The Keepers were hard to integrate although the amazing tutorials from Chainlink helped a lot. While on the frontend part, the most difficult part was to make a UI that suits everyone. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The ability to write tests and integrate Data Feeds and Keepers is one amazing accomplishment we are proud of. The design that we were able to pull off, is just a reflection of what we expected from it. What we learned: - Integrating Keepers, Data Feed and VRFs. Creating complex frontend apps with NextJS. What's next for SafeBet: - There are two games in the Safebet as of now, but in the coming future, we will be integrating more games which will be pleasing for our users. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I am a beatbox lover and I have known beatbox since 2013. If you wonder what beatboxing is, it is a musical art form that uses the vocal tract to mimic percussion and other sound effects. So, I thought of doing a project with beatbox in mind. So, in the beatbox world, there are offline and online competitions where beatboxers compete with each other. There is an online beatbox competition going on called BBU(Beatbox United) started by two professional Beatboxers Sxin and Chezame which is different from the previous online competitions taking place. Many people love the idea on which the competition is based and there is a huge prize pool also. So, smart contracts can be used to make sure that the winner gets the winning amount as soon as the battle ends, and also there will be a fair selection of beatboxers for battle as random beatboxers are selected for battle in each round. Also, multiple judges can be added for the fair judging of the battles along with the user voting in terms of video likes. So with this love for beatbox and smart contracts being able to do what's promised, I became inspired to complete a web3 project for creating a decentralized application to be able to start and manage online beatbox competitions. What it does: - The online beatbox competition dApp gives an interface to start an online beatbox competition. Then the competition creator can start the wildcard submissions and any participants can submit the wildcard videos until the wildcard submission ends. The competition creator can add judges to evaluate the wildcards and the battles. After the top 16 wildcards are selected, the creator can start the beatbox battles between two participants on which the judges can vote with the points for the judging criteria namely originality, timing, enjoyment of listening, video, audio, battle, and extra point. After the battle ends chainlink keeper automates getting Youtube video likes to finalize the winner based on the judges voting and Youtube video likes count (as user voting). Battles continue from Top 16 to Top 8, Top 8 to the semifinal, and semifinal to final to select the winner. The creator can also start the particular battle with the winning amount so that the winning amount is sent to the battle winner. All the judge's voting can be viewed for the particular battles. How I built it: - I used three services from chainlink namely Chainlink Keepers, Chainlink VRF, and Youtube data API external adapter. I used VRF to randomly shuffle the beatboxers for random battles between them so the battles are not selected manually. I used a Youtube external adapter to get the likes to count on the video of the battle to judge the competition winner in addition to other points voted by the judges. And I used the chainlink keeper to monitor the battle end time and fetch the likes count on battle videos when all votes are voted by the judges and the time for the battle has passed or the battle has ended with partial voting. I have used Next.js for the dApp frontend and used an API for uploading videos to web3 storage which stores the data on the IPFS and filecoin storage for persistence. I have used both Moralis Speedy nodes and Alchemy RPC nodes to interact with the blockchain. I have also used Moralis servers in the frontend for the sign-in, index the created competitions, store the competition images (on IPFS), and used the moralis database to store the wildcard entries and wildcard winners, judges, financial supports, and the competition update posts. Lastly, I deployed the contracts on the Polygon Mumbai Testnet as it's an Ethereum-based cost-effective blockchain. Challenges I ran into: - The competition battles needed to get the youtube video likes to count on-chain so that the winner is selected based on the likes count and other voting criteria. In order to do so, I needed to make use of the external adapter for it and in the beginning, I thought I would host the chainlink node locally and use the external adapter but my laptop was not that powerful to run the chainlink node, and my development setup at the same time so I asked help on the chainlink node operators channel on discord and I got help from Matt | to host the external adapter. The other challenge is that I am not so great at frontend but I think I made a good frontend overall. Accomplishments that I am proud of: - This is my first hackathon since I started learning web3 through different materials like youtube courses, blockchain Coursera courses, etc. I am proud that I started this project and became successful in submitting the project no matter what the results might be. I love beatbox and I am proud that I could submit my dApp showcasing a way to conduct decentralized beatbox competition to the web3 world. Thank you chainlink and all the sponsors for this hackathon. What I learned: - I learned a lot during the hackathon as I was only learning through tutorials before. True learning happens when doing a project with the learning from before. So I learned a lot about chainlink services like VRF, Keepers, and external adapters and how they can help to bring the off-chain data on-chain but in a decentralized manner. I was working solo on the contracts and the dApp, so it was a great learning and building this project. I also learned much about Moralis as it was much helpful for this project. So, it's great learning to bring a working concept to a dApp where smart contracts take control to assist the competition in an easier and fair manner. What's next for Beatbox Online Competition: - So with the completion of the chainlink hackathon, the development of this project will not stop but will progress further. The next thing for this project can be to optimize the project further and also advance into a project to assist beatboxers in creating online competitions, NFTs, tokens, crowdfunding, DAOs, and much more. I think Web3 is the future and so the beatbox community should also become part of web3 and utilize this technology to the fullest. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In order to invest in the cryptocoins market we need a benchmark to perform our portfolio. We need the weight of every coin in relation with the entire market. What it does: - It is a cryptocoin benchmark index within the decentralized exchanges (Uniswap, Pancakeswap...). It will calculate the weight of every coin and it will make a index value and a weighting coin table.\nWith DEX MoneyTor you will be able to invest in your DEX portfolio replicating the exact weight of every coin in relation with the total market. How we built it: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for DEX MoneyTor: - By the moment the DEX MoneyTor is only an information getter.\nThe next step will be to create a crypto asset replicating the benchmark in order to make programated investment in the market with time an amount. You will be able to set in it a weekly or monthly or yearly invest of certain amount. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Mothora is born out of our team’s belief, led by our female CEO, that Web3 should become part of everyone’s daily life so that we all share in the rewards of the remarkable breakthroughs happening in this space. We want to abstract DeFi complexity and allow regular people to enjoy its rewards while immersing themselves in an online RPG game. Overview: - Problem - There are some questionable matters about Play-To-Earn (P2E) that we believe are limiting its wider adoption: - Solution - Mothora is a living breathing world that intends to break away from P2E and shift the emphasis to the ‘Play’ aspect: the so-called Play & Earn. This is achieved by fostering high degrees of coordination between players in an online RPG created in Unreal Engine 5. - The world is governed by the Essence, a natural occurrence that players of different factions must compete for to get the ultimate rewards. - This is a game of intellect, strategy, and social coordination, with a constant meta tension shaping the actions of the players. Players succeed by: - Mothora follows a model that incentivizes honing skills in battle and the employment of different world-level strategies to maximize in-game rewards. This has the additional benefit of boosting the social component of the game, the degree of interdependence of players, and the sense of belonging to a real evolving community. What we built: - Proof of concept of Mothora’s world in Unreal Engine 5 using Chainlink VRF and Polygon. - There were 6 main points to the development of this demo: - 1) Polygon Mumbai Testnet - 2) Smart contracts Main Interactions: - 3) Chainlink Implementation - 4) Unreal Engine environment - 5) Unreal Engine multiplayer - 6) Unreal Engine - Web 3 Integration - Not shown in this video: What's next for Mothora: - It is our goal to build the full-fledged Mothora game. - From a roadmap perspective, there are two main game modes we intend to build: - 1) Version 1.0 - Arena - A closed map where two small teams face off in a MOBA-style game on a short time window battle. - 2) Version 2.0 - Battlegrounds - An open map where three teams face off on a weeklong battle with a large number of players on each team that fight continuously across timezones for map control. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In Social blocks and Residential complexes where decisions are usually not made as a community, rather it's more likely that a single party does them and they don't share the documents of the transactions they do on behalf of everyone. That raises the concerns of transparency. That inspired us to build a decentralized multisig payment system to pay for services. What it does: - Building blocks allows a user to create a multisig on demand that provides a horizontal governance structure, making sure all the information and transactions are persistent and each member has a vote. - We use chainlink datafeeds so the user can define their prices in usd and we convert them to matic inside each contract. How we built it: - We built this using a monorepo where we can see the contracts and the frontend in the same repo. We used hardhat for local testing and solidity for the contracts, we also used chainlink's datafeeds in order to convert usd to matic. The frontend was built with Nextjs, typsescript, tailwind, wagmi and rainbowkit. As a starting point we used npx create-web3. Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Building Blocks: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Like the fungal filaments that connect and nourish the forest, Mycelium powers smarter agriculture with distributed environmental sensing for better harvests. What it does: - Mycelium is a distributed sensor network built with Web3 technologies such as IPFS and Ceramic. Through the Mycelium network, compatible devices provide real-time, actionable data to enable users to respond dynamically to changing environmental conditions and to optimize production. How we built it: - We used embedded devices to drive data to Ceramic and IPFS along with a custom oracle service and Ethereum smart contract to populate the UI. Challenges we ran into: - We attempted to use Chainlink for AccuWeather and Openweather data but were not able to find public nodes for the feeds. We built adapters for those APIs, and ran a node locally. In the future, we would like to deploy the node and keeper infrastructure for driving UI updates. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We're proud that we were able to explore a diverse range of technologies and that we were able successfully integrate them into this project. What we learned: - Teamwork and the dopamine high of successful hard work. What's next for Mycelium: - Mycelium is going to spread everywhere. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: reviewChain: - The idea is to publish reviews on blockchain so that reviews either good or bad never gets deleted and builds up trust and fairness. - *Who will be ready to face this brutal test ? * - The companies who believe in their products and services. - Contract deployed at Polygon Mumbai Testnet - link - contract address - 0x657b3E219De558AA86251BF3c0AD9b8431B9EEb2 - Chainlink keepers Link - - link - Chainlink keepers registry address - - 0x4Cb093f226983713164A62138C3F718A5b595F73 First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - If giant tech companies like Google went down most of the internet is almost dead, it includes Gmail, Gpay, etc. so, we built a decentralized mail and payment system that works without any need for centralized systems. What it does: - A user can send emails and make payments. How we built it: - To store data in the blockchain is very expensive so we store user's details and emails in IPFS and mapped them to the blockchain by a hash. we write a smart contract for storing those hashes in the blockchain and retrieving mails from the IPFS using the hash. We also include a payment system, we write another smart contract for transferring ether across users, and we have used a chainlink price feed for displaying the transferring ether in USDT to the user. we built all these in a rinkeby testnet. finally, we built a cool website with all these functionalities in react.js. Challenges we ran into: - The main challenges we run into are, retrieving mails to the user from the IPFS, and building a good looking website. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are very proud to build one of the first dapp which includes both decentralized mailing and payment systems. What we learned: - We have learned a lot of new technologies. - \nWe have learned a Solidity programming language.\nReact.js mainly hooks, routers, and styling.\nBlockchain technologies like IPFS for storing data in a decentralized way, and Chainlink price feeds for retrieving the most recent crypto prices.\nLibraries like ethers.js.\nHardhat framework for testing and deploying smart contracts.\nFull-stack blockchain development workflow.\n What's next for Dmail: - in our app users can't include header and images in the mail, so we are planning to include these features in our app. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Project Name : GreenDEX: Team Member(s) : 5: Project Goal :: - A decentralized exchange is a service enabling counterparties (traders) to exchange one asset for another, without the involvement of any third party as an intermediary. This applies to all components of an exchange (not just settlement), which is the only criteria many ‘decentralized’ exchanges use to classify themselves as such (i.e. using atomic swaps). Project Milestones :: - May 13, 2022: We should already design of front end and dex platfrom. - May 31, 2022: User can trade Tron/Eth/Bsc and etc. Brief description of project :: - GreenDEX is the fastest, most secure, most reliable, and most decentralized exchange (DEX), built on the Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain and etc. GreenDEX mimics a centralized exchange experience, but enables traders to conduct exchanges directly from their respective wallets instead of through an intermediary. - Here are some benefits to using GreenDEX: - \nSafe Trading - There’s no middlemen or intermediaries. Funds remain in each party’s wallets and are not entrusted to a third party at any stage (non-custodial). Your funds are always in your control.\nNo Accounts - Since it’s decentralized, there are no accounts, signups, or KYC/AML requirements.\nLower Fees - Trading fees are lower than those with centralized exchanges, and withdrawal fees are non-existent since trades are conducted directly from the wallets.\nNo Limits - There’s no withdrawal or trade limits, creating greater flexibility…\nTrading Pair Freedom - Complete trading pair freedom allowing any digital asset on GreenDEX to be traded with any other.\nZero Downtime - Since GreenDEX is a decentralized exchange powered by the BlockChain technology, there is zero downtime and built-in DoS protection.\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - At the very begining of this project, we were aware of two typical and obvious phenomenon: - \nThere are already thousands of finance products on blockchains, and we don't want to just make a new finance product doing same things as existed ones only with different UI / name / logo. We decided to create a brand-new, eye-catching dApp.\nFor past years, we have witnessed many dApps crashing down, because of theire unhealthy token-economy. What if there exist a user-friendly tool that can help web3 solo-developer / teams to design, test, learn and spread good token economy models?\n What it does: - Our product —— Flow Model —— is built for lowering the entrance of building and spreading good token-economy. - Build - We implement a token-economy simulator engine which can be used in a low-code way. Users only need to drag some components to build up their own economy model, and then set parameters of it. Just one click on "start", everything will be calculated automatically. Also, users can stop at anytime before simulation ended, and adjust parameters. At the end, we provide data visualization panel to show simulation data clearly. - Spread - Surprisingly, our token-economy model is able to be minted as NFT! In this way, token-economy knowledge could be spreaded all over the world without any permission. However, we also consider about ideas protection. On our marketplace, we have a encryption / decryption solution that could effectively protect valuable idea data during ownership transfer. How we built it: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Flow Model: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Cryptle was inspired by the desire to build a simple, easy-to-use, Web3 game that did away with complex and inaccessible tokenomics/strategies/learning curves in favour of enjoyable and accessible gameplay that benefits from the settlements layer of Web3. What it does: - Cryptle is Wordle for the Web3 world. Players compete to guess their (randomly selected) words (that are different for each player). Players that guess their word in fewer guesses receive payouts for their performance. In essence, users can bet on their own Wordle game outcomes. How we built it: - We built Cryptle using Solidity, powered for the python-based Brownie framework for automation and testing. We used React to build the frontend and the web3.js library to interact with the smart contract. Challenges we ran into: - We faced a few interesting design challenges around random numbers, and hiding sensitive information on the blockchain. See the video for more details! Try it out!: - Navigate to or to try it out. Note that at the moment, we are only live on the Avalanche Fuji test chain. Coming to other blockchains soon! \nNote that if a withdraw transaction fails to return your money to you, try manually increasing the gasLimit on metamask and trying again. What's next for Cryptle: - We have plans for a mainnet launch, more features, more optimizations, and more play-to-earn massively multiplayer online Web3 games! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - There is nothing fancy about the “Big Why” that Pandora is trying to address, not a unique inspiration behind it. NFT illiquidity has been the elephant in the room since its inception. Many have been trying to offer solutions - NFT lending, NFT instalment, and tokenized NFT to name a few. We have talked among the teammates and we observed there are mainly two actors in this illiquid game: NFT collectors and Risk-takers. Those aforementioned solutions are too complicated for NFT collectors to participate in, and that happens to be one of the most important actors to get onboard. We knew there must be another way to solve this. Pandora surfaced when one of the team members, an NFT collector, complained about how hard it is for him to sell any of his own NFTs. A Blue-chip NFT is not worth selling at the downhill floor price nor do common rank NFTs have any chances of selling out. At a higher price, it is harder to sell; at a lower price, people probably do not care. The other team member is new to the NFT, he suggested he would buy the NFTs from the NFT collector and that the NFTs just need to be shuffled and he will buy one of them. We had fun doing all of the shuffling and betting. At that moment, we realized how much fun it is to be in a game of luck. We were inspired. We decided to bet on bringing ‘fun’ or ‘gamifying experience’ to solve the illiquid problem. How it works?: - To understand how Pandora works, there are two main actors in Pandora’s journey: the “Lootbox maker” and the “Ticket buyer”. The two actors will be illustrated through a 3+1-step Pandora journey for ease of understanding (sell, buy, and exercise + redeem). - Sell\n : Loot box maker picks his NFTs that he wants to sell. He can choose to create a loot box by choosing the name, setting the ticket price, minimum ticket required, and the expiration period then he can select those NFTs. The loot box will be put up on Pandora’s marketplace page. - Buy\n : Ticket buyer browses through the marketplace to choose which loot box he wants to buy a ticket from. After purchase, he will get a ticket NFT to use to redeem the prize. He can also sell this ticket NFT on the other NFT marketplace - Exercise\n : When the expiration date has come, if the overall minimum tickets purchased are met, the prize redeemable process will proceed meaning the NFTs will be transferred to ticket holders and the lootbox maker gets the total ticket sales. Meanwhile, the ticket buyers will randomly get the NFT from the loot box and claim the NFT through the loot box page - Redeem\n : In contrast, if the overall minimum tickets purchased are not met, the loot box maker can claim back his NFTs in the loot box. This should prevent his concerns about the ownership of the NFTs. \nThe ticket in the ticket buyer's hands will change from the normal ticket to a ‘Refundable ticket’. He can refund back the purchase amount from Pandora. This should make it fair for the game of luck How we built it: - To make the drawing process verifiably random and fully automated. We use Chainlink Keeper to check whether there is any loot box needed to be drawn, then request the random words from Chainlink VRF and use those to draw winners. We also implemented a refund system for when the number of tickets sold does not need a minimum set by the loot box owner. - The tickets are of ERC721 standard. The image is stored on IPFS, and the metadata changes according to the ticket status. - The frontend is developed using Next.js, Moralis, and Tailwindcss. We have also developed a subgraph for loot boxes data querying. - The contracts are currently deployed on Polygon Mumbai, BSC Testnet, and Avalanche Fuji. The site is deployed on IPFS and can be accessed via with the help of Fleek. Challenges we ran into: - Communication and technical understandings are the two challenges summing up Chainlink Spring 2022 Hackathon for Pandora Team. Most of the members did not know each other before and meeting only online via Discord voice chat turns out to be a rough journey for the team to pace the workloads. We decided to do more IRL meetings and spent some time with team-building. In the middle of the hack, the dev team explored a lot of concepts on Chainlink features like VRF and Keepers or tools like Subgraphs. The challenge in this space is mainly the understanding, trying it out, and implementing journeys that come with time constraints. Hopefully (or luckily), we went through all that despite a few setbacks. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have never understood why Startup founders like to say that building something from the ground up and watching pieces and pieces come together are rewarding in a way that they could not find it elsewhere. Though Pandora is not perfect, seeing it coming into viable product pieces by pieces is an accomplishment we cherish dearly. What we learned: - The context of Pandora’s team lineup is 3 devs and 2 biz that have never worked together before. To state the obvious, we learned how perspectives are viewed through the lens of people with different backgrounds. To state the lesson from ideation, it was pretty much a thorough understanding in anticipating the scenario our products could be used or interpreted. The game theory and the game of luck are being discussed from the creator's point of view, not the lousy whitepaper readers glancing through the TL; DR. To state the lesson from execution, dev teams would need a paper long to list down new things they have learned. Having 2 non-web3 devs and 1 dev with 3 months in web3, we learned the foundational understanding to create some more fancy contributions to the space. What's next for Pandora: - Our demo is Pandora v1 which is in phase 1 in our plan. - To make it more efficient, in phase 2, we want to make a group loot box maker or more than one person can put their NFT(s) per one loot box. Also, we want to expand our domain to games and integration with other marketplaces. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Most of us invest in cryptos either through DEX or CEX, but there is no proper way to manage your investment goals. The idea here is to create an investment platform, where users can invest in multiple crypto tokens and staking pools at once in lump sum or SIP.\nFirst, the user has to create an Investment Account to seamlessly make investments. This account will be secured with a randomly generated NFT by using Chainlink VRF. Only the owner of that NFT can access this account.\nNow, users will be creating an Investment Basket for their investment goal by selecting investing ERC20 token which he/she wants to invest in and by selecting the numbers of ERC20 tokens he/she wants to invest in. After creating an investment basket you can start investing a lump sum amount or start a SIP. What it does: - Coinvest provides you with a simple way to manage your investments according to your goals. Whenever you invest an amount into the basket, the basket will split that amount equally for every token and buy tokens from uniswap. Every token bought from uniswap gets stored in your investing account which is protected by a randomly generated NFT. How we built it: - We are currently testing it on Polygon Mumbai testnet. For the analytics data we are using The Graph Portocol. Challenges we ran into: - We ran into liquidity issues while trying to work with Uniswap.**** Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We were able to build a prototype that allows users to create an Investment basket and add investing tokens to it, and users can invest the lumpsum amount or start SIP. What we learned: - While building this app we have learned new things about chainlink and defi. What's next for Coinvest: - Right now we are facing some issues while investing an amount into the basket, our next plan is to remove all possible bugs and We also want to add support for staking pools as well. Update: - Entirely rebuilt from the ground up, Now it has a new frontend, new Off-chain backend, and baskets are now off-chain and can be made without a gas fee. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - DAOs that have been able to fundraise and build a treasury and community What it does: - Allows users to deposit ETH through the front-end to mint the AI token and burn the AI token to get back their ETH. Users can also see their ETH and AI balance, as well as how much ETH they have deposited. How we built it: - Built with Solidity for the smart contract, React for the front-end and Ethers to allow the user to interact with the smart contract. Challenges we ran into: - It was a challenge to try and get the balances and deposit amounts to show up properly on the front-end. The main difficulty was figuring out the difference between the signer and the address of the account, and then learning that I needed to getAddress on the signer and then convert to a string. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Finally getting the right values to show up on the front-end. Also getting the deposit and burn interactions of the smart contract to work through the front-end. What we learned: - This was my first hackathon project and non-tutorial full-stack web3 project. I've been learning Solidity but am still fairly new to React and web3/ethers. I learnt a lot about how get the front-end to interact with the smart contract by running into errors, reading the docs, failing a lot until getting it to work. What's next for AiDAO: - At the moment, a user can deposit and withdraw ETH at anytime by burning AI whenever they want. The burning mechanism was added mostly to see if it could work, but may be removed such that ETH deposited becomes treasury owned. - Limited permissions could then be added to the smart contract to handle the treasury i.e. a multi-sig so that the treasury could then be used to make donations to or fund research or projects in A.I. and robotics! - Also in mind is the ability to mint NFTs or to make NFT rewards that could be airdropped to AI holders, which could then help fund the goal of the DAO. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I believe in the future of blockchain technology and web3. However, i see the adoption to be a bit slow, especially for the non-technologists. This application will help us get one step closer to have the laymen excited. Since this is around the make up concept, it should excite women and men alike. What it does: - MakeAp provides a platform for professionals and amateurs to show case their make-up talent and earn while they do that. The app allows the customer to own a NFT and also participate in compete-to-earn contests. Since this is around the concept of make up, it would encourage "non-crypto" savvy and women to get interested. - How it works - Simple Workflow (This is also covered in the video presentation) - Keep in mind, that these rewards/fees/contest price/max participates/etc can be customised. The examples above are just to give an idea of how things work. How we built it: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: - I am sort of new to the blockchain development. This helped me learn to build a full-stack project using polygon network. What's next for MakeAp: - I believe there is a huge potential for the project to be enhanced to the next level. Some of the things that comes to mind are, First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We always wondered why there aren't many protocols where you can buy decentralized stocks out there, so we set out to create our own. It's inspired of the Mirror Protocol on Terra that unfortunately collapsed with Terra Luna. What it does: - It creates synthetic ERC20 tokens that are pegged to the underlying asset via liquidations and abitrague and can be traded on the open market. How we built it: - We build it using Solidity, Chainlink Price Feeds & Chainlink Keepers as well as React & Redux as our front-end. We used Hardhat to deploy and test. We build it as a team of three with frequent meetings and a scheduled workflow. Challenges we ran into: - There were more challenges we ran to as there are stars in the universe. Starting from the liquidation mechanism to integrating with Uniswap to keeping the peg to the underlying asset. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of our thoroughly tested and thought through solidity smart contract as well as our clean front end. We also managed to work as a team that were strangers before this hackathon that created lasting friendships and a team ready to tackle future hackathons. What we learned: - We learned a lot from this hackathon. So much actually if I would to write everthing down I wouldn't be finished until Christmas. From Solidity interactions, to deployment, testing, integration, security and much much more. What's next for Everest: - We are eager to further expand and finish up this highly potential project to let people from all around the world have exposure to American traded stocks even if they don't have a bank account. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Have you ever heard the quote “laughter is the best medicine?” Well, it’s true! The presence of humour in a person’s life lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. Memes are one of the quickest and easiest ways to incorporate humor into one’s daily life. Simply scrolling through an Instagram meme page during a lunch break can take some edge off a stressful day.\nSimilar to emojis, memes have the capability of sending messages to people without having to use words, and therefore, make them inclined to spread. Besides getting a good laugh and communicating with others, memes provide yet another platform for people to understand a concept, idea or opinion that they may not have heard about, thought of or considered before. The social networks of today are perfect for transmitting these cultural genes. If a post strikes a chord with the audience, it can go global almost instantly. The most successful memes tend to capture a moment, a thought, or feeling in a visual, social media-friendly format. Problem: - Ever had that feeling when your friends take credit for your jokes and re-use them to other people just seconds after you told them? May be this can be a problem if your jokes are good enough to earn some dollars. - \nAs mentioned above the benefits of memes are tons but it will be difficult for a dedicated meme creator to generate income even though memes are a part of the Entertainment sector.\nMoreover we lack a good social platform dedicated for memes and for such entertaining communities.\n What it does: - SmileVerse comes up with a platform to post memes and gifs that are dedicated to bring a smile on peoples face and entertain them. Basically an app accompanied with an nft marketplace. Anyone using the app can vote some "smiles" to the post. A high number of smiles indicates the popularity of the meme.\nThe creators will be easily able to turn their popular memes into nfts by uploading it to the SmileVerse NFT marketplace using the application or in the SmileVerse website.\nIf the memes are mindblowing to the users and feels like rewarding them, then they could gift some SmileVerse tokens(SMILE) which will be used throughout the SmileVerse and will have some real value. These SMILE tokens can be either bought or earned from the SmileVerse. How we built it: - SmileVerse is built using Next js framework as the very base of this Dapp. The smart contracts are based on Ethereum blockchain written in Solidity. The contracts are tested and deployed using Hardhat Ethereum development environment. SmileVerse was then deployed in localhost and later to Polygon mumbai Testnet with help of Infura. Challenges we ran into: - Being a complete beginner on blockchain itself was the biggest challenges that we faced. The biggest problem faced during the learning and coding phase was the initial setup and the bug hunting process. Staying motivated throughout the hackathon period was another big challenge that we faced. Even using the Next js was a challenge for us. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Starting from the 'b' of Blockchain during the begining of this month and now able to deploy the applications in testnet itself is a success.\nWe were able to completely build and deploy a very basic version of our SmileVerse project in Polygon mumbai testnet. What we learned: - During this hackathon we could learn so much about solidity and smart contracts. Learned to use Hardhat Ethereum developers environment and deploy application in a real Testnet. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The inspiration came from wanted to find a way to connect people to recreational sports. Playing sports in a universal language and our platform will give enthusiasts a unique way to challenge each other. Our goal with this project is to allow an easy entry into web3. We believe the best innovations with the new technology will incorporate web3 elements without saying web3 or blockchain. What it does: - Users can find individual players or be apart of a team and challenge each other to a IRL sports match. Upon completing a match, the players of the match (individual or team) will vote who was the winner. The winner of the match will take the pot.\nUsing smart contracts we secure the wager and introduce a new type of trust protocol we’re calling: Proof of Sportsmanship (POS). \nThe POS score ensures players and teams are honest when validating the winner of a match. The POS score starts at 100% and allows the player/team to claim 100% of the pot. When consensus is not met the POS will be adjusted and therefore adjusts the percentage returned to a user. How we built it: - We choose to build the project using Moralis, NextJS, JavaScript, Chainlink and Polygon. - Contract Address: 0x666B3759139A4881102D311AFD79209bd52B37AD Challenges we ran into: - We embarked on a big ambition and ultimately ran into a big hurdle when one of our team members fell ill with Covid. To overcome this hurdle we did have to make some changes with the final submission but this is only a time constraint as the goal and ambition for the project will continue. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We believe this is a new sector that we are embarking on. We're proud of the smart contract development, and establishing a concept that is unique to the world. What's next for SportsVybe: - The submission into Chainlink is only the beginning for the project. We plan to build the concept into a mobile application using react native. We are looking to partner with various local communities in the Miami, Florida area to bring sports leagues to the platform. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - \nBlockchains make it easy to show timestamped possession of digital data.\nWhat if that data is an educated guess about a real-world event?\n - We live in a world of too much (mis)information and insufficient access to subject matter expertise. Most people don't have the time or the sophistication to tell the true experts from the impostors. While some fields like math or physics have well-established theories, other fields may find forecasting an effective indicator of expertise. Oracles and smart contracts can drastically simplify finding trust-worthy experts: anyone can pick the real-world truths that they care about and see who predicts it well. What it does: - Credict focuses on taking records of credible predictions whose precision and originality can be easily verified. Anyone consistently making accurate forecasts can prove their capability and build a permanent track record. - It is also possible to build upon prediction records and create more applications. Imagine someone with a talent in trading stocks. They can start a one-person hedge fund and attract investors with their prediction record that is provably authentic. - As oracles involve more and more real-world facts, Credict automatically scales because new contract instances can be deployed for any particular oracle. How we built it: - Credict is written in Solidity. Challenges we ran into: - There were a few potential adversarial risks that we had to tackle. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The code of Credict is not that complicated. However, What we learned: - When we started this project we had zero background in Solidity. Thanks to Remix and Chainlink resources, we were able to get up to speed quickly. What's next for Credict: Credible Predictions of Oracles: - We have a Python package in progress that makes it smoother to interact with PredictionRecorder. Specifically, credict-py can auto-manage encryption, decryption, and watermarks associated with making predictions. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We wanted to build the largest Private and public decentralised digital items store that promotes freedom, direct interaction with lovers of your work, and having direct connection to digital item sales like ebooks, videos, audios, certificates in the fastest way possible - We wanted people to have a safe secure private and permanent place to store private digital items like files, secretes etc, we also wanted people to be able to make money of the digital items they wish to make public, hence the public library market. - We see this being used in the meta verse too, where do we want to store our files when in the metaverse? Lebium! What it does: - LEBIUM is a platform that helps store your files on the blockchain with the help of ipfs and lit protocol(we are still researching lit protocol to encrypt the ipfs cid). These files can be shared publicly to everyone in the world for free, files can also be uploaded privately and shared to another user, and lastly private files can be put up for public sales. How we built it: - We wrote a smart contract which contained the following:- First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We wanted to create a global map that also corresponds to a weather phenomenon on that specific geo-location. What it does: - Our platform enables research scientists to build geo-spatial images that reacts to chainlink weather oracles How we built it: - We used react for our front end, chainlink weather oracle, filecoin, and firebase for back end. We also used Covalent for this project. Challenges we ran into: - We had some challenges with connecting with the chainlink weather API. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Created an MVP where we were able to upload images, mint in the Kovan Testnet, and display these Dynamic Geo-Spatial NFTs. What we learned: - Technical: We strengthened our understanding with React and our understanding with using chainlink oracles - Soft skills: We also leaned to work in a fast paced environment where diversity is key. We have a team of Blockchain Developer, UX/UI Designer, GeoSpatial Specialist, Front End and Project Management. This allowed us to be more emphatic and trust the expertise of each other. What's next for Spatial: - \nThe next steps are fully automated the pipeline from uploading images, minting and displaying the Dynamic Geo-Spatial NFTs. \nWe also want to create a marketplace for these Dynamic Geo Spatial NFTs\nWe will also talk with Geo-Spatial researchers or those in working in NASA interested with integrating blockchain in their imaging of distant planets.\nWe also hope to dicuss funding opportunities including grants.\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - VMTree is inspired by Chainlink's work around math-based agreements, cryptographic truth, and abstraction of infrastructure complexity, and VMTree is inspired by Chainlink's position as an industry leader in novel but critical neutral blockchain infrastructure. This project aspires to be a new paradigm in verifiable computation powered by SNARKs, enabled and guaranteed by a hyper-reliable oracle network. What it does: - VMTree is a 10x gas optimization effort. We use out-of-the-box thinking to save on costs; instead of gas golfing for marginal savings, we apply a completely different conceptual framework for using the blockchain. That is, rather than using blockchain computations to directly update the state of a SNARK-friendly merkle tree, we use blockchain computations to verify a proof that a new state is valid according to the mathematics underpinning zero knowledge proofs, and if the proof is valid, then we simply accept the new state as true. This method of updating uses a cryptographic proof known as a Computational Integrity Proof (CIP). - The problem of using CIPs in applications is that they require specialized infrastructure to operate, and this is the achilles heel of any censorship resistant application. With the reliability of Chainlink nodes, plus the SNARKs powering VMTree, users will reliably experience minimal transaction fees to deposit into privacy mechanisms that use SNARK friendly merkle trees. This is a core tool that will be useful for a multitude of zero knowledge proof applications. - This project is the beginning of a new Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Network. The VMTree Chainlink integration is foundational to the fully realized version of the Twister Cash token anonymity protocol, which is a multi-chain stablecoin mixer that will have its foundation in Arbitrum much as many other multi-chain blockchain projects have their foundation in Ethereum. We are guaranteed a first customer for this new Chainlink DON wherever the Twister Cash protocol is deployed. How we built it: - Our team coordinated beautifully to pull off our shared vision. We had many meetings, defined short and long term goals, identified weaknesses and strengths, and executed on prioritized tasks according to a common consensus. Each of the team members contributed significantly to the project. This project was only made possible by the incredible Chainlink community that joined the Spring 22 Hackathon. Challenges we ran into: - This project was one of the most challenging implementations yet, but perhaps the hardest part was translating the idea from conceptual space to people space. As the project lead, I was incredibly fortunate to have teammates who helped me digest the craziness of VMTree and help me turn it into something I could never imagine existing. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Having a top-to-bottom, fully tested implementation of the VMTree architecture using Chainlink. Coordinating four epicenters of individual, varied-skill action into a concrete instantiation of something highly conceptual. What we learned: - A team of strangers can share a common vision and coordinate to execute it in reality within a short time frame. There are many people out there in the blockchain community who are drawn to a higher calling. There is a high concentration of such individuals dispersed throughout the Chainlink ecosystem! What's next for VMTree: - VMTree will continue to be optimized until it is production-ready. There are a myriad of improvements to make, but it would take too much away from the current state of the project to state them here. Let's simply enjoy the implementation we have now :) First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Peace Keepers started because there's not really a way of conflict resolution that adapts to blockchain, One of the main issues when it comes to it is jurisdiction, and how we have to pick one, which will not always accommodate every party and therefore making it unequal. \nBecause of this, mediation is a very noble and voluntary process that goes really well into conflict resolution within all the new organizations surging from blockchain. What it does: - This is not a way to replace a judicial process, but to have a step before that in which colleagues, employees, contributors, clients, etc. can have a way to talk about their differences and come to an agreement in the presence of a 3rd party. - This agreement will be signed with a timestamp on-chain to give a legal binding document to the parties involved and also the true objectivity of the mediators will be proven by choosing them at random using Chainlink. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Compared to selling products individually, Subscriptions offer periodic uses and accesses to products, which could effectively help developers gain continues revenue to keep developing, and at the same time save money for users if they are not actively using. This business model contributes to a win-win situation for both customers and providers. - However, due to the lack of automatic / conditional execution of contracts on vanilla EVM, such a business model is hard to implement. Consequently, Subscription Hub is therefore implemented to allow service providers to register their subscription plans, and users to subscribe these plans. What it does: - - Subscription Hub is a decentralized, open-source, and neutral solution to enable subscription business models on chain, so both service providers and users can trust it, and benefit from it. It mainly utilizes Chainlink Keepers to trustlessly perform periodic subscription fee charging on the blockchain. - Subscription Hub features a innovative tasks scheduling algorithm, so that the charging process of different users are grouped in the same transaction as much as possible to reduce gas fees. - In a nut shell, Subscription Hub allows service providers to have full control of their plans (including what tokens to receive, how much to charge, and how often to charge). It uses innovative algorithms written in solidity to automatically plan the subscription tasks, dealing with all possible scenarios and edge cases (i.e., users have insufficient balance, the subscription plan is not available, users unsubscribe the plans halfway etc.). How we built it: - We use hardhat for contract building & testing, react for frontend building, and most importantly, Chainlink Keeper for achieving the most important part in our contract. Challenges we ran into: - \nTask Scheduling Algorithm: As the contract is responsible for periodically charing subscribers, it is crucial to efficiently pre-schedule these periodical charging tasks so that they are neither stacked together in the same block to run out of the block gas limit, nor scattered and therefore makes the gas inefficient to use. It is ideal that all tasks are well-scheduled so that every block that contains tasks, contains averagely N tasks, where N is configurable. Note that this tasks scheduling algorithm must also be efficient enough.\nCorner Cases: There are many corner cases during the life time of the subscription: What if the subscriber has insufficient balance to pay for the next subscription period; What if the subscriber decides to unsubscribe during one subscription period, does the subscription period expires immediately or lasts until the end of current period; What will happen to subscribers if their subscription plan is terminated by the service provider.\nSafety: Due to the nature of the subscription business model and ERC20 token, the contract needs to get approved for transferring users tokens for paying the subscriptions. To minimize the attack surface, the token transferring related codes must be protected seriously.\n Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are around to say we address each of the above three main challenges. Note that in terms of safety, although we can not guarantee that it will be ultimately safe, we believe we do our best (i.e., the transferring related function can only be called by the contract itself, and the its parameters are mostly pre-defined) What we learned: - Mainly how to work with Chainlink Keepers. It is really powerful and very easy to use ;) What's next for Subscription Hub: - We are thinking of a self-sustaining economic model. That is, the collected fees are automatically swapped to LINK token to pay the Chainlink Keepers. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We are all NFT users and collectors and we've experienced the frustration of wanting to effectively and anonymously communicate with the owner of a specific NFT we came across. Yet, marketplaces like Opensea don't give you an easy option to do that. What we have built is really a tool that we ourselves can't wait to start using, and are hoping others will benefit from too! What it does: - It is a browser extension that sits on top of any website and automatically offers additional features when viewing an NFT on a marketplace like OpenSea, LooksRare, and X2Y2. It essentially enables three things - - \nLogin with web3 & direct message any wallet or ENS on Ethereum, with read receipts\nWhen viewing an NFT in your browser, DM the NFT's owner in a thread with the NFT's contextual information attached\nLeave public comments on an NFT, visible to anyone\n How we built it: - The WalletChat extension is built with both centralized and decentralized tools to ensure great user experience while upholding the ethos of decentralization - all chat data is uploaded to IPFS on the client side (optionally encrypted) and only the CID is stored in our backed DB on a per-message basis. This ensures the WalletChat infrastructure doesn't own any of the data, nor can it manipulate it. - On the frontend, we use React with Typescript. Chat data is fetched through a REST API from a centralized database to display messages received and sent by the user. The extension listens for changes in the browser URL such that when user lands on an NFT page in OpenSea, LooksRare or X2Y2, the NFT's metadata and relevant chat data are fetched from Alchemy's and our own REST API. - For the backend of the WalletChat program, we decided to use a REST API written in Go, and a MySQL database to store some basic metadata for each message to expedite routing of the messages to users. Libp2p and IPFS pub/sub mechanisms could be used here as well, but we chose to start with a hybrid approach here for speed and reliability. Challenges we ran into: - One user interface challenge we ran into is dealing with Chrome Extensions vs. a typical web page. Things like accessing the window.ethereum object in the extension required a special plugin from Metamask to access the data necessary to do standard Metamask RPC calls. We also ran into challenges with the Chrome Extension background worker, which does not run and restarts all variables each time the extension is closed and re-opened. This was contrary to our assumptions that we could run things in the background all the time for our program, for things like notifications. - Yet another challenge is that in the Chrome Extension it took quite some time to realize that we cannot open the extension via a button click from a web page, the user must explicitly open the extension. We thought this was possible just because we use this so often in Metamask, but we realized Metamask "pop-ups" are not actually part of the extension UI, as the window can be freely moved around. The Metamask pop-ups for signing and other functions are designed to look just like the extension UI, likely because of this restriction in the Chrome Extension framework. - One challenge we ran into was during implementation of encryption. Our goal is to have a usable UI, and encryption and decryption using Metamask and the actual wallet key-pair was not very user friendly. In addition, Metamask only supports encrpytion/decryption when users manually share their public key, via the eth_getEncryptionPublicKey RPC call. Public Key encryption to the actual Ethereum wallet address is of course not possible as its shortened representation. We have included some comments on the Metamask github to help address this shortcoming, as other are interested in this same functionality. We have implemented secondary key pairs for use with encryption, which streamlines the UI. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - That we are able to bring messages to users (passive), instead of hoping that the users find the way to the messages (active). There are chat apps built over the past few years, and even reputable ones like Blockscan Chat integrated by LooksRare and X2Y2, but to access them, users would have to access the messages in an app in a separate tab, let alone be notified whenever they receive any messages. By building an extension which displays how many unread messages a user has, we simplify the UX to work with the users' behaviour to increase adoption. What we learned: - Browser extensions are a tough nut to crack that can do with better documentation and examples. A good part of our time was spent experimenting and discovering how the extensions interact with the world outside of them. What's next for WalletChat: - In light of the growing prominence of NFT trading and web3 social media, we believe the opportunity is massive. We have included a more detailed roadmap in our video but essentially the opportunity areas are - - \nImprove the wallet-to-wallet chat experience to make it the go-to general purpose web3 chat app\nAdditional social features around NFT trading/collecting, to bootstrap an NFT social network\nSocial features targeting NFT discord communities, to enable them to connect with their members more easily, right where they are already in their browser\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Background and Inspiration: - I cut my teeth in the dotcom boom as a teenager shorting AOL months too soon, and posting as a dot (anon) on the first Web 2.0 mass free speech message board (known colloquially as FC). FC was a predecessor to 4chan, reddit, and Twitter. - One of the legendary sites from that era was run by a guy known as Dack. Dack was an OG shitposter who created the Web Economy Bullshit generator. He was an early poster on FC, and did things his own way. He was also one of the inspirations for The Best Page in the Universe by Maddox (of pedo smile fame). What I remember most from that era, apart from all of the spectacular bankruptcies, was the Bullshit Generator. I never once took adults seriously when I came of age having grown up around all of these socially dangerous maniacs. They trolled the self-important for the sheer joy of feeling alive. - As a co-founder of the very first Chainlink VRF NFT project, you can imagine my surprise when the project sold out. Amazing! However, I misunderestimated the reason, and that pissed me off. While the art of my wife underpinning the project was absolutely amazing, most bought them to flip them for a quick profit, and then summarily everyone forgot about the project. It was one Furby frenzy after another after that. I couldn't keep up with all the schlock being 'dropped' and subsequently wash traded for thousands of ETH to scam newcomers to crypto thinking they bought something of long-term value. - My wife and I originally came to asset tokenization help stop her from being ripped off, but nobody seems to care about the technology now – It's all about getting rich quick. Until the landscape improves, I'm just in this for the lulz at this point, and that's something I feel really happy about. Many from those early FC forum days ended up doing great things in life, just like the hoards of NFT flimflammers will in the Web3 world. May this useless project serve as documentation of the amazing times the pandemic gave us. Maybe some people will be inspired to learn more about how simple it is to integrate Chainlink VRF into their project. It's something that is absolutely vital. What does the project do?: - Absolutely f-all. When you mint, you request a Chainlink VRF number that burns precious LINK and ETH gas. The VRF comes back with a number to the contract, then the contract assigns you a random phrase commemorating the insanity of NFTs in 2020-2022. - While VRF works best to secure value of assets, it can also just be used to create provenance of ephemeral actions, or assuredly worthless things like these NFTs. Engineering and Challenges: - This project is an iteration of all of the things I've learn in the last year in regards to dynamic NFTs. There's a lot of things that go into such a project. There's the contract, the backend, ENS to IPFS hosting, the frontend, and then writing out the content of the word bank. The easy part was the contract this time. I refactored an existing contract to generate token IDs from the VRF returned number. This was easy because I went for the hyper-simple method of using a deterministic script pre-published in the comments of the contract to create the sentence. This saved a lot of gas and coding. I'm a very lazy panda. - However, saving time on the contract meant that the backend became more complex. I have good experience with nodejs stuff, so it was easier, but there was a key issue I improved from previous dynamic NFT efforts. The last project (DegenerateFarm) rendered html + css into an image. This is something VPS providers restrict, because existing libraries for doing this in nodejs utilize GUI libraries of Linux which is a security no-no for them. The good news was with just text and no layers of images stack on top of each other I could avoid this. The image rendering is nearly instant once an event comes through. It is there before indexers even query the metadata after an event to find the image of the newly minted NFT. - That brings me to the metadata server. I believe fully in IPFS, but for minting it is ok to centralize it temporarily to get performance for the minting experience. I used AWS Lambda, and this sucked. AWS ops is a career in itself, but it took me the longest period of time to get this running, and I already deployed something very similar a few months ago. I have to say AWS has the worst UX ever. It's designed by smart people for idiots, but as an idiot I still had no clue with the process tree in many spots with contradictory info. I even had trouble logging into AWS. They now require I enter 2FA for my Amazon account, and then again for my AWS account. They added this, and then switch the order. Horrible, but it shows what Chainlink is doing right with v2 VRF. - I was really excited to finally use VRF v2 for this project, and made some tests of the UX, which was amazing. I did see a problem for this dapp deployment as v1 allowed the contract to hold the Link, which is much more transparent to users expecting a finite mint size. It was around this time of experimenting that I decided the price to mint should be free. Anything free is suspect, so I wanted things moving as transparently as possible for users expecting a certain transaction flow. The terms of v2 changed also to confusing new function names, and as an experienced dev it threw even me off, especially since I was making a random word generator and the new function described random words, even though it was the same old uint256 return to me. - The decision to go for v1 highlights how slow things should move in blockchain. Habits form security policies, but if processes change habits, then security can be impacted. There are just so many scams out there now that we need to take each step with purpose, even if that means using seemingly less efficient patterns. I have ideas for new projects from the experiments I ran, but for this one I went for the conservative play. Accomplishments: - I did what I said I would do. Again. This is something not currently valued in crypto, but maybe someday. Lessons Learned: - I thought I hated the majority of people currently actively trading NFTs for profit, especially the wash trading 'promotors' spamming me on Twitter. As the Do Kwon cult crash unfolded, and Link hit single digits I realized I loved Chainlink and the people around it. Skepticism, trash talk, memes, and blind belief mixed in make me happy. - Abstractly, I learned how fragile the whole ecosystem with the hot garbage that is Web3.js, MetaMask, and the poorly implemented IPFS gateways. I have unshakable belief in the power NFTs offer to content creators, but zero faith in the current stable of crypto millionaires who jack each other off for internet authority. I came to crypto to avoid that. I am bearish on Ethereum long term. Hubris always finds a day of reckoning. The words of this project's conclusion bank allude to my heartfelt opinions on it all. What's Next: - Nothing. The utility is showing people there is utility in NFTs beyond what they have seen so far. It's about introducing people to a different thought process by showcasing what is possible with Chainlink VRF. The idea of this might seem silly, but I did it out of love for the future I want to be part of. I think people learn best through humor, pain, and near-death experiences. Without some effort at making thing interesting, ultimately to the layman it will just be a bunch of code that returns a random number. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I was an artist myself or I used to do rap and in the hip hop industry, a lot of the time rappers do rap battles, beefs etc. and I thought this platform could do them some justice. But apart from just rappers, I really think this platform might be loved by all type of content creators out there who own NFTs. What it does: - It is an NFT battles platform where if you own NFTs in your wallet, you can initiate an NFT battle and then other users like you can battle with your NFT. For doing these NFT battles, users need to stake some MATIC, currently winning player takes away his own staked MATIC plus 80% from losing player and losing player doesn't get anything. Rest 20% goes to the platform's pool and is kept for maintenance and developers.\nBut I really think by doing the tokenomics properly for this project, the losing player can also get something back from the battle. How we built it: - I built it in around 3 weekends (we can say in a week) as I have a full time job as a Frontend developer. I didn't knew solidity too much and I haven't written solidity or smart contracts at this level of complexity prior to this so I did some research whenever needed. I watched chainlink's training live sessions by Patrick and learned a lot from them too. I took help from Chainlink support members on Discord (mainly from SamFriedman & mikestone). I knew NextJS but I used Moralis for the first time to interact with blockchain and I faced a lot more issue in Moralis rather than solidity, I have used ethersjs previously but Moralis was new to me as it had so much things and different methods. But somehow it also got managed. I have used keepers and VRFs in this project and I also seek to use Digital identities for user profiles in future. Challenges we ran into: - I mostly struggled with Moralis' methods as there were too many methods for the same thing in their docs, I asked their support from their discord and got huge chunk of help from there fortunately. Then I struggled a lot more with keepers as it was really new to me and I was messing up with gas limit sometimes and sometimes I messed up with a condition for a loop which was breaking the keeper. Fortunately, Mike and SamFriedMan came to rescue and I was able to debug the issue and resolve it. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - I'm proud of that I was able to build such a decentralized application in this much time. I know it might not be a huge accomplishment for other people but for a person is just getting started in web3, this is huge for me. I'm proud of me that I took this project all by my own and did everything from frontend to smart contracts all on my own. What we learned: - I learned a lot of solidity, a lot about chainlink's products which are really cool and I think my project will utilize even more of chainlink's products with what I have thought for it. I learned about Moralis which I've seen many web3 projects use. I have learned a lot through this hackathon and I seek to learn more in coming future. What's next for Bazooka Battles: - If I get selected or if I get time and resources for this project, I will add badges and achievements/levels for users in the dapp. So user who have voted on winning NFTs for like 20 times, will have a greater level of badge on his profile. And I was also thinking to add an option for artists to verify their authenticity, so we can use chainlink's External adapter maybe to get info about an artist from their socials and verify them on the dapp somehow, the execution of this is vague as of now but I believe it can be done somehow. - I also plan on staking all the funds in the contract to platforms like AAVE, so that the liquidity and the resources in the dapp can be increased and we can give out some more additional benefits to our users. - For NFT betting (where VRF is ran) either we can upload our own NFTs which will be Bazooka NFTs or we can take NFTs from NFT battles who won the battles and put them into NFT betting, and run VRF for multiple NFTs, so for example, if we take 14 NFTs from previous battle and 6 of those NFTs win with random numbers generated by VRF, then those NFTs will be listed on our marketplace and that will the increase the price of the NFT. - Also need to do proper frontend for Audio NFTs and how they will be displayed. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We want to make investing in crypto safer and by doing this attract more people to crypto world.\nSo we decide to create crypto ETF. What it does: - By buying our token, investors expose themselves to multiple valuable projects with only one investment. How we built it: - We focus on creating algorythm which allows our portfolio grow by passive balancing multiple tokens. Challenges we ran into: - We need to invoke daily rebalance mechanism. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of our algorithm. In our 1000day simulation make x7.3 return. What we learned: What's next for Fexon Finance: - We want to add governance functionality to allow investors be part of decision making. \nAnd the biggest future challange is creating launchpad to allow users create their own ETF by creating their own algorithm with no code blocks. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - derental - the decentral rental What it does: - it allows owners of nft to rent out nft to other users and share utility in case they aren't able to use it themselves ... - the exact way it works is split to three perspectives : - Project Owner / NFT Holders / NFT Renters - The Project Owner can register his Smart Contract on deRental and mint a Project Specific Rental Contract that only the Project owner can customize. - The NFT Holders can freeze theyr NFTs of the Project on the Rental Contract and create an Offer for his NFTs which will be listed on the plattform. The Token can only be unfrozen if it is not rented out to assure only one token of a kind is accessible (Original / Copy) - The NFT Renters scan through the List and select which Token they want to Rent by clicking and confirming the Rental Contract gives the NFT Renter a Self Destroying Copy of the Token he chose. - we only managed to finalize the solidity side of the project but it works flawlessly now and we will keep pushing no matter what ! How we built it: - html sass js nodejs truffle chainlink Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for DeRental: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In the early days of blockchain, many of us imagined crypto currency being used for micro-payments and e-commerce. While crypto currency has been used for payments, the network costs of blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum have become too expensive and impractical for most goods. In the last few years, the driver of growth has been DeFi -- lending and borrowing, trading pools, and NFTs. Through all this hype, many people forgot about the original visions. The good news is that while DeFi exploded, other lower cost blockchains like Avalanche, Matic, and BSC advanced ahead, and services like Chain Link and Moralis made progress too. Finally, we have the tools and low cost networks to revisit using crypto currency for general payments and e-commerce. Our app uses the Avalanche network due to its fast speeds and low costs, but it could be used on any similar EVM. As the global economy enters a temporary slowdown, we believe now is the best time to release and develop an e-commerce solution facilitated by smart contracts to protect consumers and make blockchain the backbone of the future digital economy. What it does: - Meta4Swap is a web3 marketplace deployed on the AVAX Test net. Merchants can create and list their items and save them on the blockchain. Items are saved in IPFS and priced in USD using Chain Link. Merchants can edit and update their Item info and make their items Live or not. Buyers can create orders against any Item as long as its status is Live. In most dapps today, users need to approve the app to transfer their money, creating a 2-step process, and creating an annoying UX. We went back to first principles and coded payments to use the native asset for the blockchain. This way, buyers can pay in a single transaction. When a buyer creates an order, the payment is held in escrow. At this point, the order life cycle begins and can proceed in a few ways. Ideally, the merchant delivers the product/service, both parties are happy, and both sides mark the order as complete. When this happens, the escrow is released, the merchant receives the payment, and the dapp takes a small fee. If the merchant can't fulfill the order, they can cancel it. With many e-commerce transactions, one side of the order is unhappy. Although many claim that no-chargebacks in crypto is a good thing (and it is in many cases), for e-commerce, this means the merchant can more easily scam the buyer. This is why we've created the escrow. If a dispute is created by either side (buyers can abuse merchants too), the order is sent to arbitration. Meta4Swap also includes a DAO, and the DAO's role is to analyze disputes and choose what side deserves the money. For every successful transaction, a Meta4Swap token is minted for the buyer, the seller, and the company (our team). The tokens represent ownership in the DAO and are responsible for handling disputes. This creates an incentive to complete orders successfully. The DAO reserve is made from the transaction fees. We feel this is really unique especially given the collapse of UST and OHM. Our reserve is built by economic activity -- not by the idea that the price will rise if people buy more. The Meta4Swap token is based by transaction fees. As a token holder, you can vote on disputes and help generate more fees, or you can redeem your tokens for a share of the reserve. In short, the order life cycle ends with a completed transaction, a cancelled order, or a resolved dispute. How we built it: - We built the smart contracts using Solidity and Remix, and we referenced Open Zeppelin for smart contract ideas. We deployed 3 smart contracts -- the meta4swap marketplace, the meta4swap token, and the meta4swap dao. Each of these smart contracts communicate with each other. The merchant lists their items in USD and buyers pay in AVAX. This conversion is managed using Chainlink. On the create item form, the item image and meta data is uploaded to IPFS through the browser, and the hash is saved in the blockchain in the Item object. We're really excited by the integration with Moralis for events and database microservices. We made sure to emit events in our smart contract that could be used to inform our front end and build a quality user experience. Moralis has an event sync that saves our smart contract events almost instantly in a mongodb instance. The moralis SDK can be added in the front end to call the db and bring back item and order info for the front end. Challenges we ran into: - We encountered many challenges throughout the hackathon, but luckily we had the month to sleep on some issues and come back the next day with a solution. On the smart contract side, managing nearly 1,000 lines of code was difficult because it was easy to get lost in the logic. Creating the interfaces so that the contracts could call each other was another obstacle we had to overcome. The front end was definitely a challenge because our team is less experienced on this front. We were slowed down while integrating the web3 react library mostly because there isn't much help out there. The SDK evolves so much that answers from a few years ago weren't valid. We ran into issues trying to combine web3 and ethers. Setting up the Moralis DB took a few days because we had to learn about topics and how they work. We tripped over the fact that the event sync didn't like our parameters with an underscore in front, which caused errors. Overall, no challenge was too big that couldn't be resolved in 1-2 days. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We're most proud of building our first functioning web3 app. We've built some apps that had meta mask connect in the past; we've built another hackathon project with smart contracts; we built a static web3 app that was very crude. But this was the first time we completed an end-to-end web3 app that uses react and events. The most powerful takeaway is learning how to use events. Once we understood what data should be saved on-chain and what should be saved in events, it really helped us nail down what business logic is necessary, and what info is useful for the front end. Although we used moralis because their event sync came with a database, we also learned how to process events ourselves using a python script. What we learned: - We learned how to use React and web3/ethers, how to emit, read, and use blockchain events, how to upload data to IPFS in the browser, how to create payable functions in solidity, and how to make a marketplace, token, and dao protocol work well together. We also learned more about the AVAX ecosystem and how it differs from the other blockchains we've deployed on previously. What's next for Meta4Swap: - We plan to turn this into a business. We're grateful for the opportunity in this hackathon to be challenged and be given a target to release a product, and learn about the tools available for startups. Right now our marketplace is very general, and our goal is to conduct more customer discovery and see what industry we should target. For example, should we focus on merchant selling clothes? Should we focus on freelancers offering services? We want the platform to remain flexible, but we want to know better who our first set of customers will be. We also want to build out the UI more so that it's easy for merchants to edit their items, and we want it easier for members of the DAO to vote and resolve disputes. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The NFT projects and ERC721 contracts by OpenZeppelin made it easy to create NFT projects: write, compile and deploy to test networks and store the metadata on IPFS. Being an upcoming smart contract developer building an NFT project for a hackathon and as a solo project would be a success What it does: - Building NFT project that allows fans of Wizkid to claim NFTs of the title of his upcoming album, his past albums, and major quotes. Wizkid is a top African artist that has a wider fanbase commonly known as WizkidFC. The fans are so loyal to Wizkid and often seen supporting his music via streaming seasons, likes & RTs to new Wizkid fans, reposting his IG stories on Twitter, sharing his live performance videos, and sharing his achievements over the past years. Some fans have planned initiatives that benefit the less fortunate in society via the Wizkid FC umbrella some fans have used their talent or skills to make art of Wizkid and his team. An NFT project it can allow his fans to own some NFT linked to Wizkid and hold it or sell it on NFT trading platforms like OpenSea this can be an initiative to push Wizkid's music career to those yet to know and appreciate his legendary act in his music career. How we built it: - The project is built using Solidity, OpenZeppelin's ERC721, ERC721 Enumerable, ERC721StorageURI, Counter, etc, Hardhat as a development environment, Polygon Mumbai test-net, Alchemy as RPC provider, IPFS storage via Web3.Storage Challenges we ran into: - Using Web3.Storage as a storage environment but succeeded in the end Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Having participated in this hackathon and worked on a project without giving up in between. Being able to see smart contracts or solidity files compile & deploy successfully means I've understood configuration and growing step by step. What we learned: - I have learned: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - RockPaperTicket was the result of a team brainstorming session, in which we put all ideas together to create a Frankenstein project. We combined the concept of a ticketing platform, with a GameFi aspect and event-based NFT collections at its core. What it does: - RockPaperTicket is a web3 NFTicket platform with a built-in RockPaperScissors scoreboard game that aims to balance supply and demand in any public sale, thus preventing front-running and frustration. - In order to fairly distribute tickets for the hottest events in crypto and blockchain, our users have to go through the following stages. - \nRegister for an Event they would like to participate in.\nJoin a 5-round RockPaperScissors game to fight for the right to mint the NFT Ticket.\nGet placed on a scoreboard after 5 rounds.\nWinners in their respective groups can continue to the minting stage.\nPay and mint the Ticket NFT.\n How we built it: - As a 4-person team, we split into groups of 2, one responsible for the front end and the other for the back end. Based on experience and time availability each person was responsible for a specific area crucial to the project (i.e. event creation, ticket minting, User Interface Design, etc.). We defined phases that we wanted to achieve one after another from the start to the end of the hackathon each increasing in complexity and adding additional features. During the entire hackathon, we scheduled a team meeting every week to align on the most critical tasks. - Our back-end is written in solidity, while our front-end is written in typescript. Challenges we ran into: - For some of us, blockchain development was an entirely new field. While developing RockPaperTicket, we had to continuously discover whats possible. We initially developed some things only to realise later that there are many more efficient methods. Especially when integrating all pieces, in the end, might, we faced errors after errors, improved our interfaces, deployed several versions of our contracts and burned through thousands of test ETH. Thank the blockchain god for testnets and test ETH. - Additionally, what made things a little challenging, was that seemingly simple things such as randomness and time are not as easy to implement. Thus we had to familiarise ourselves with the Chainlink VRF and Chainlink Keepers, and align our game logic with what is possible and gas efficient. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Since it was the first hackathon for most of us, it required some time to create a team dynamic with previous strangers. Happily, however, we made it work and worked together quite well with each other. What we learned: - \nProgramming in a silo is easy. Building a joint project with different bits and pieces is difficult.\nBlockchain is such a new field that new developments in the field have a direct impact on your development (i.e. external contracts getting updated, testnet getting depreciated etc.).\n What's next for RockPaperTicket: - RockPaperTicket has taken the first step to its existence. Based on our previously defined phases we will continue forward, add new features and utilise RockPaperTicket as our project to continuously learn and improve. Because that was it was supposed to be from the very beginning. Our Frankenstein project represents our interests and areas in which we ourselves want to further develop into. - Right now it is only live on a testnet, however, at some point, we plan to take the next step and take it live on a mainnet. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We wanted to get out there and build something that isn't very common. At the same time, we wanted to solve a real-world problem. We pondered over issues that needed to be addressed and could be fixed by web3. That is when we came up with Muzilla What it does: - It is a music streaming platform + an nft marketplace. This platform is structured in such a way that it cuts down on the number of intermediaries required between an artist and their audience. Artists can sell limited edition albums and exclusive records to their fans. If the artists want, they can also relinquish all the rights of a particular track to the buyer. Muzilla is currently in its very early stages. How we built it: - We made use of TailWind-CSS and NextJS to handle the frontend. Nextjs also helped us in routing our apis. We used to implement uploading to ipfs and keeping the data pinned to the nodes. We decided to utilize the Ethereum ecosystem and deployed the contract on a layer 2 network, Polygon. The NFTs follow the ERC1155 token standard. We chose this standard because of its flexibility and gas savings. We can create fungible, semi-fungible and non-fungible tokens. For example, for regular copies of an artist's albums, we use the fungibility (of copies of the same album) aspect of this standard. For limited/exclusive editions, we use the non-fungibility aspect. Challenges we ran into: - The go-to solution, that we found while scouring the internet for resources for getting a collection up and running was to create a supply, send it all to the owner/deployer of the contract and then transfer the tokens to whoever requests them. But we realized how this could lead to trust issues as this seems like a potential rug-pull scheme. As devs who build on Ethereum, we knew that we had to make this platform as trustless as possible. So, instead, we gave the power in the hands of the user to mint an NFT from a None address! \nWe were having some trouble trying to figure out how to upload and access our data using Thanks to a tutorial by Ayush Sen on QuickNode, we did it!\nWe are a fully remote team from different parts of India. All of us are of different ages and were busy with our own work. The workload on everyone was very high and it was tough to find time to dedicate to this project. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Against all odds, a diverse team of individuals at different stages in their respective lives got together, found time, and made this project work. The visually and functionally stunning frontend is basically a class apart. Yogesh's hard work comes to life in the form of a beautiful website. The logo and the name of our service was decided by Prathamesh. He did a fantastic job. I, Samarth, along with Prathamesh handled the smart contract. This is the first time we have worked with the erc1155 standard and I'm glad to say that we handled it well. What we learned: - We learnt that ERC1155 is an amazing standard and though it may sound formidable, it isn't. It's plainly amazing and unlocks endless opportunities and use cases. We learned how to work as a team and fought against time constraints to get the job done. We are now getting familiar with ipfs and are realizing its power. It is essential for a decentralized future. What's next for Muzilla: - Muzilla is still in its very early stages. Muzilla in all its glory will be a full-fledged streaming service and an NFT marketplace. Artists will be able to completely transfer all the rights they have over a track as we will store the ownership data as metadata of a special NFT. This special NFT will only be made for those who are willing to sell their track's rights at some point in the future. To protect innocent new artists, a warning will be shown when an artist opts in for the creation of this special NFT. Max supply of regular albums and tracks will be set to an extraordinarily large number, making it as close to unlimited as possible. The ownership NFT however will only be one in the world. The max supply of special edition albums will be decided by the artist. We also plan to implement generative NFTs for displaying the name of the buyer and date of minting of super exclusive editions that artists create for their super-fans. - Had it been just a marketplace, using eth token would have sufficed. Since it is more than just that, we plan to introduce its very own token, MUZ. The tokenomics involve creating a scarcity, dependent on the number of people uploading to the platform. Everyone who connects their wallet to the website will get 4000muz. 100MUZ will be spent by the uploader if they are uploading a single song. Album uploading will be subsidized. Initially, 1 token will be given to the artist per 1 listen of their track. When the total number of uploaders reaches 1000, 1 token will be awarded for 10 listens, and so on. Once the number of uploaders reaches 10k, 1 token will be awarded for 100 listens. To protect smaller artists, the ones who have less than 500MUZ in their account for a month will get 1 token per unique listeners (unique to prevent exploitation of this system) for their next month.\nWe will use Chainlink VRF to randomly give a mega bounty of MUZ tokens to the artists who have less than 200MUZ. This lottery will be held once every week. Donating tokens will also be a piece of cake in Muzilla First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In covid times due to supply shortages of vegetables and fruits, I and my friend wanted to start selling vegetables from my home online for safety concerns. At that time we have listed the shop in third party online delivery apps for the digital presence, And realized a huge portion of our profits were going into the delivery apps in the name of commissions from our side, price variation from the customer side also, and faced manipulation in the app like showing paid shops more to the customer with fake ratings, even though we deliver good quality products ours doesn't show up in the peak time. And delivery apps hesitate to share our customer details as well and they won't let us talk with our customers directly realizing my shop is fully controlled by them. After the pandemic, we started to talk with more different businesses and shops that require delivery apps to sustain digital business and heard everyone has the same issue of digital ownership and manipulation by not connecting customers directly with businesses. So realizing the gap between the customer and business in the digital space and Digital business ownership we came up with OneCape | Your Shop, Your Power. What it does: - We built OneCape not only for deliverable products but for all businesses to thrive in the digital space by giving back their digital ownership. We wanted to achieve using blockchain. So we started our product with web2 to get users along and slowly convert them to web3 by building customer community and storing the digital ownership in the blockchain. With the help of OneCape, both businesses and customers will get the benefits.\nOnecape Web3 E-commerce app focuses on making it as much independent of the personal data of the users as possible So that no shop can manipulate those data. It also focuses on decentralizing the entire authority of data consumption so that no payment can be prevented and no shop can be prioritized. Also, using web3 will be round the clock, and unlike web2 where servers crash, In this designated system there will no failure points. This approach eliminates the entire middleman approach as well as treats each and every shop(node) equally regardless of their financial stability. \nHence, The idea of introducing E-commerce as web3 using chainlink, filecoin would make the whole customer experience trustworthy and will ensure no fishy business done with the personal data of consumers. How we built it: - We built the Web 3 version of the product on top of the Web 2 product which we already developed. We made sure to include the following tech stack while developing the product React, React-Native, MongoDB, Mongoose, Nodejs, GraphQL, Etherjs, Hardhat, Moralis, Filecoin, Solidity, AWS, Blockchain, Javascript, Git, Trello, Chainlink, Polygon Challenges we ran into: - We mostly ran into backend issues and Blockchain integration problems. But it was fun to clear all those and deploy our idea successfully Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of the fact that a web2 e-commerce app have been deployed and the fact we overcame a lot of problems. What we learned: - The whole concept is to make the E-commerce experience to be decentralized by converting all features from the existing WEB2 to WEB3 to eliminate data manipulation and make it free of personal data. We learnt new implementation methods of technologies such as Filecoin, Solidity, EtherJS, Chainlink, Polygon etc What's next for OneCape | Your Shop, Your Power: - What we have already Completed are - Marketplace with biconomy\n - Smart Contract and frontend integration\nShop membership NFT sale \n - Smart Contract and frontend integration\nWallet - Coins,NFTs,Staking\n - Smart Contract and frontend integration\nOnecape DAO - create proposal and vote mechanics based on Onecape token they hold\n - Smart Contract and frontend integration\nOnecape DAO NFT, a Raffle event for NFT holders\n - Only Smart contract\nNFTs Renting\n - Frontend only\nDecentralized Social media for shops\n - frontend-only\n"Charity contribution NFT" from shops to those who participate and donate weekly charity event\n - Near future - In future we are planning to implement - Metaverse for business\ncrypto payments\ndecentralized shop listing\ndecentralized DB\nBusiness funding opportunity\nBusiness MPO(Metaverse public offering) tokens - NOTE: OneCape already exists in web2, We started introducing web3 in this hackathon and implemented Markplace, Mint NFTs, DEFI and DAO First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Companies are required to collect and transfer sales taxes to government, but taxes calculation is a complex flow, the capital needs to be parked in a checking account doing nothing plus the transfers to tax authorities might be missed easily. We can be automated this task with smart contracts: we calculate the exact taxes using third-party tax calculations apis, store them and send them at required schedules. As a bonus we can stake them until the required transfer. What it does: - When a client buys something online, the UI calls the smart contract's sale function, which gets the sales taxes percentages from a chainlink node and calculates the taxes. Then it charges the user with the correct amount, and passes to the store owner the funds after taxes. The taxes are stored in the smart contract which can be used for staking. A chainlink keeper transfers the taxes due to the predefined addresses for tax authorities, or the business owner withdraws them and send them manually. How we built it: - Blockend: solidity, chainlink node, chainlink keeper. Frontend: nextjs, moralis Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for taxme: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Real estate is the largest asset class in the world and transacting it is stuck in the middle ages. The failure to keep pace with technology traps trillions of dollars and locks people into single year-round geographies. - At its core, a real estate transaction requires only changing the name on a deed. In practice, a number of expensive additions are required. The usual suspects driving transaction cost are: real estate agents, lawyers, registry fees, title search & insurance, and banks (if using their financing). An average of 7% of the total assets value is lost in this friction on each real estate transaction, which far surpasses other assets. The proverb, "hold onto real estate for at least two years before selling" is relevant simply because the transactions have an immense price tag. - Since the onset of the internet a number of web2 companies have taken a stab at this problem, foremost being Zillow. For years Zillow tried squeezing out real estate agents, the most expensive component of the transaction. Zillow ultimately failed because of the transactions complexity. Homebuyers are afraid of real estate transactions: the multi-month process, dozens of legal documents, byzantine rules, and professional quarterbacking. Zillow's largest revenue stream today is recommending their users to real estate agents in their area. - What Zillow lacked was the new infrastructure in which to move the transaction. Zillow was never able to launch a "Buy Now" button because of the traditional transaction rails. - We are at a special moment in history where this is changing. By bringing real estate transactions on-chain we believe transactions can be sufficiently simplified to launch the "Buy Now" button. - When cheap and fast real estate transactions become possible a number of new possibilities open downstream. The area we find most exciting is the opening up of homeownership to those seeking multi-geographies, often called digital nomads. In the U.S. along the number has increased from 5m to 15m in the past four years and continues to trend up. A world in which you can trade shares of ownership in your favorite cities at the click of a button is a world we want to live in. What it does: - To unlock hyper fluid homeownership we brought a number of ideas / product features together. Organized via our happy path, these features are: - \nA KYC process for all users to comply with U.S. regulation and necessary property information to verify the user is the rightful owner\nA Filecoin API to store relevant metadata per wallet address, this will be called for a title search when a purchase is initiated\nA marketplace UI that allows users to select cities -> properties -> weeks that they would like to purchase\nA Chainlink oracle that pings Filecoin for an instant title search which, if returned positive, allows the user to proceed in the transaction\nOur "marketplace" smart contract that pings our "collections" smart contract to transfer the NFT (which confers ownership) to transfer between wallets\n - The ownership is now transferred and didn’t include any agents, lawyers, county deed office interaction, etc! How we built it: - To ensure title data validity and tightly couple that data to the NFT collection contract we used Chainlink AnyAPI. We mocked title metadata hosted on IPFS/Filecoin (Thanks to which includes 3 key parameters: - \nThe owner address which will be linked to a user’s Identity through an in-app KYC system. This approach ensures a linking factor between the title ownership data and the address attempting to mint and sell the Deed NFT\nThe number of fractional shares to issue for the title\nA boolean which represents the final result of a set of the hybrid automated and manual onboarding title search. This is a complex set of processes that require multiple screenings of different data sources like title registries, divorce settlements, identity verification, etc (out of hackathon scope). Once onboarded and database integrations are established we can switch to a fully automated title search.\n - The “collection” smart contract creates an API request to verify title ownership, given a positive result, the contract enables minting for the verified address. - Once the Deed NFT collection is minted, our “marketplace” smart contract enables the title owner to list those deeds. It then provides the right to sell his shares instantly to other KYC’d addresses through our web application. Challenges we ran into: - The #1 challenge we ran into was the design of the software & data architecture. We worked to balance security, data integrity, and compliance with government policies on trading real estate assets, no small task. - This was particularly challenging given the compliance requirements for title ownership verification. We are selling securities in a liquid marketplace without reliance on third parties (like brokers/agents) and, ideally, without any counter-party risk. - Originally we had intended to automate the property data upload and title verification process but the time/complexity overhead became apparent. We pivoted to a simplified and manual set of data structures and processes on the application side. This allowed us to focus on the smart contract design. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We built on the shoulder of giants and went slightly beyond to make this possible. - Web2 - We used web2 best practices to build a web app with user interact-ability. This includes a marketplace and portfolio pages. Nested in the marketplace UI flow is a calendar select and buy process. - Web3 - A wallet sign-on allows users to forgo the traditional email process and more securely ties critical user data to their account. Our “collections” smart contract mints ERC721 NFTs that are necessary to represent property ownership (via U.S. LLC). - NomadHouse Web3 - There are two primary area we consider our team to have innovated:\nInstant Title Search. Ensuring the seller has up-to-date unencumbered right to sell their property is a requirement for any legitimate real estate transaction. In order to ratchet transactions down to near instantaneous we needed to make this possible. By aggregating relevant real world data and storing it in our Filecoin API we unlock this potential. Buyers are able to instantly trigger an updated title search upon purchase. As an added benefit to decentralized storage we reduce document loss, a particularly acute problem in developing countries, and enable a version history. Title agents will be intrigued by reading this paragraph.\nOn-Chain Securities Trading. Legally representing deeds on-chain requires a number of subsidiary components. We require all users to have gone through a KYC process and keep their assets in custodial wallets. These assets will only be eligible to be sold to other users that have performed KYC, we plan to open to other platforms with similar rigor. We also leveraged legal innovation to confer our NFTs legal representation of U.S. LLCs. In effect, by sending one of our Deed NFTs from one user to another holds the full force of changing legal signatures on an LLCs operating agreement. What we learned: - Significant data engineering, and working with local governments, needs to happen. Only when we have aggregated all relevant title data in a county our infrastructure can enable instant real estate transactions. - On a technical level we learned that the ERC721 specification does not provide a mechanism for restricting transfer to KYC’d recipients. We learned how to add that restriction. Using Chainlink to pull data from APIs, Filecoin specifically, was a moment of team growth. Another moment was understanding how to use the Chainlink multiple parameter API. - Bringing title data on-chain is an opportunity to migrate the entire real estate industry towards a more transparent, robust, and efficient system. - The idea behind this is to perform a migration from traditional registry data sources to a decentralized infrastructure, which would eventually ensure visibility and allow for a data source which is a much more trustworthy source of truth for Title data. This aspect is what will eventually remove the need for restricting processes in the real estate market which make transactions much more rigorous than they need to be. What's next for NomadHouse: - We are increasingly excited about our opportunity to improve real estate. By unlocking trapped asset value and new lifestyles we believe our project has a significant positive social impact on the world. In order to continue executing on this vision we are doing the following: - First-step: Chainlink hackathon \ud83d\ude0a - Summer 2022: Startup accelerator, onboard first listings (sellers), and build a digital nomad community (buyers) \ud83c\udfd7️ - Fall 2022: Make first complete sale and growth \ud83d\ude80 First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - So many hacked DeFi contracts. Not enough eyes. Need incentives and more whitehat hackers. But also incentive for projects and communities to back and defend their code. Users need something to assure them that code is safe, that funds are safe. What it does: - Decentralized protocol for incentivizing auditing and OSINT for smart contracts. And insurance. - A 100% community owned project.\nAccess huge developer pool to review your projects/contacts.\nSet bounties for your contracts and attract the best reviewers.\nInsure your Contracts and stay protected.\nStake and earn APY as the AUDN token appreciates.\nParticipate in Governance, make policies and stay in control. How we built it: - Based on OpenZeppelin contracts, Chainlink Keepers for executing DAO money transfers, Tally for managing DAO proposals, our own DAO and voting tokens with tokenomics for incentivizing good activity, Tailwind, Material UI, React, scaffold-eth for the frontend. Challenges we ran into: - Submitting! Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Submitting! What we learned: - How to use Chainlink Keepers. What's next for 0xAudition: - Seeking partners to launch this to the public. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - As young scientists aspiring to go to academia, we observed the importance of privacy to protect the hard work of scientists. Also, the lack of income researchers get for their projects, which goes to the publishing companies. For example, one of our colleagues published his work in a journal, and shared with us his concerns about recognition for his work and accessibility to the paper he composed. With that in mind, we wanted to solve this problem that is relevant to us. We also feel that this is a project that affects us personally, and can potentially be something we all use in the future. What it does: - PaperDecentralized allows researchers to upload their papers as pdfs to the ipfs. They can set a price for their paper in Ether. The hash of the paper is then connected to the ethereum blockchain. This turns the pdf into an NFT which the author can make a profit off of. A user who wants to read a paper is able to look through a catalog of available papers, and request a paper. The transaction then takes place where the author receives the money, and the user receives the pdf from the ipfs. How we built it: - We authenticated our users by hosting the server on Moralis to connect Metamask accounts and then created a JavaScript script to upload the file to the ipfs and then return a hash. We then constructed our smart contracts so authors can upload their papers onto the IPFS, which then each paper would be hashed with the randomization provided by Chainlink’s VRF. Users can buy and own copies of an author’s papers using Ether from their Metamask accounts to make payments. Once the user sends Ether, they are assigned the same hash as the paper. This is then sent to IPFS, and if it matches, it will send the paper to the user. The Ether is sent to the author’s Metamask account while the user will have ownership of a copy of the paper. - Upload Papers - We authenticated our users by hosting the server on Moralis to connect Metamask accounts and then created a JavaScript script to upload the file to the ipfs and then return a hash. We then constructed our smart contracts so authors can upload their papers onto the IPFS, which then each paper would be hashed with the randomization provided by Chainlink’s VRF. Users can buy and own copies of an author’s papers using Ether from their Metamask accounts to make payments. Once the user sends Ether, they are assigned the same hash as the paper. This is then sent to IPFS, and if it matches, it will send the paper to the user. The Ether is sent to the author’s Metamask account while the user will have ownership of a copy of the paper. Challenges we ran into: - We ran into some troubles with how to integrate Chainlink because we were trying to upload the files directly to the Chainlink oracle. Instead, we used the Chainlink VRF to randomize the hash of a paper to increase security. We also had some trouble integrating our solidity contracts into the web environment of HTML/CSS and Javascript. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of the hard work and passion that each of our team members have put in for this project. We also take pride in the diverse backgrounds of our workforce, which includes women, people of color, etc. We also are proud of completing this project which can have a profound impact on many researchers across the globe, including ourselves and our colleagues. What we learned: - We’ve learned about how blockchain technology works and how it can greatly influence the future. We’ve developed our knowledge in smart contracts and the programming language that utilizes it, Solidity, as well as other libraries and implementations that come with it. We also familiarize ourselves with web3 and application development using HTML Javascript, and we gained further experience with competing in competitions and such. Most importantly, we learned to collaborate with one another effectively and positively, emphasizing the importance of teamwork for all of us. What's next for PaperDecentralized: - We want to try and add a peer review system to PaperDecentralized. So users will be able to upvote and downvote papers based on quality of research, ensuring that papers still maintain state-of-the-art. We also want to try to upload the pdfs directly onto the Chainlink oracle instead of onto the ipfs, simplifying the system. We also want to eventually publish the website for global access, which involves putting it on the web as well as deploying it on the Ethereum network. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Blockchain is the future for integration among trustless parties working together. Similarly, the car rental industry is one of such businesses that involve multiple parties working together. - The Ligo protocol is aimed to build a decentralized car sharing infrastructure that can bring decentralization and transparency to solve existing car sharing problems like disputes among renters and the owner. What it does: - The Ligo Protocol introduces infrastructure and solutions for the decentralized car sharing system for transparent car rental agreements with the help of vehicle information like odometer, latitude and longitude, etc. How we built it: - The solution consists of following parts:\n1) Ligo Node.\nThe backend of Ligo contains authorization and external adapter(EA) for the Smartcar API. Auth token management is done using Moralis for storage. - 2) Chainlink Node.\nThe Chainlink Node acts as bridge between EA and the Ligo Smart Contracts. The Chainlink Node has Jobs to get API data. - 3) Ligo Smart Contracts\nLigo Smart Contracts have rental agreements for vehicle owner and renters with the data from EA through Chainlink Node. - 4) Ligo Client App.\nThe UI is built on React.js. The client uses to store vehicle information on IPFS and Filecoin for others to view. Challenges we ran into: - 1) Chainlink uses Operator.sol for multi-variable responses - 2) When we declare the jobid as bytes32, smart contract automatically converts JobID to real bytes data because program sees that it is a string. and the real bytes32 is 0x363…(JobID). Accomplishments that we're proud of: - During the hackathon we: What we learned: What's next for Ligo Protocol: - Our initial goal was to create rental agreement and solve one of the common disputes. So our further steps will be: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Graphics cards are notoriously hard to get hold of. Scalping bots will automatically scrape websites for releases and buy up all the stock and avoid mechanisms such as queues, meaning humans have a very low chance of actually getting hold of one at a reasonable price. The same scenarios can be applied to ticketing systems. The systems lack fairness and the consumer loses trust in the supplier. It doesn't have to be this way. What it does: - Users mint tickets for a set fee. The contract can be modified to limit the amount held by an individual address. The released contracts are unlimited however. The admin role can then set a date and time to draw winners from the pool of ticket holders automatically and award them with a new ERC721 that can only be minted from the ticket contract. Winners are drawn automatically via Chainlink Keepers, which call Chainlink VRFv2 to obtain a random word. Once the word is obtained the Keepers will call the contract again so winners can be picked randomly (using a Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm). How we built it: - Workflow diagram:\n - Splitting up the contracts enables a single contract to consume a single Chainlink service whilst distributing work to multiple contracts. The project can therefore be expanded to handle multiple products without needing to deploy additional core contracts like VRFManager.sol and Treasury.sol. - The inspiration for this came from the recent Yuga Labs mint, which could have easily avoided clogging the Eth chain by utilising a raffle based system such as this. Challenges we ran into: - The Keeper system is notably dated compared to VRFv2. Being able to subscribe to the Keeper network on-chain and be able to control the parameters like callback gas limits would be beneficial for the expansion of this project to handle multiple consumers under a single Keeper subscription. Unfortunately this is not possible under the current implementation, so running multiple product raffles must be accompanied by multiple Keeper registrations. - Having to upkeep multiple Chainlink services consumes a lot of time. This is why the Treasury contract was added. It takes revenue from minted tickets and converts it to LINK using the Uniswap V3 SwapRouter, taking care to not pay too much by comparing the swap price to the Chainlink ETH/LINK data feed. The treasury can therefore be used to upkeep all Chainlink services without manual management. - Keeper Registry code is using an old version, which means that performUpkeep overwrites the balance at the end of execution. The Treasury therefore sends funds into a blackhole on the demo project as it attempts to fund the upkeep as part of the performUpkeep function, which does not work on the current version of code. In v1.2 of the Keeper Registry this is fixed. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - There is no Vue3 drop-in component available that works well right now. This project uses a custom connection component for the prototype site that should prove useful for many other dapp developers in the future. - The contracts are fully documented and covered using unit and e2e mainnet tests, ensuring integrity of future development and an easy start for anyone wanting to fork the code for their own product releases. What we learned: What's next for Anti-Scalping Prototype: - I'd like to add one more Chainlink Service once made available - CCIP. Adding cross chain ERC721 to the workflow will be a huge breakthrough for fair distribution of tokens across all chains. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - There's not that much out there on MEV and arbitrage, especially in regards to NFTs. This is a really simple example of a modern bot works and what a long tail opportunity looks like. - It can also be very expensive to try and do something like this on Ethereum. Just deploying a contract like this can cost 100-200 dollars depending on network activity. For an opportunity like this that rarely occurs, a public contract might be a better idea even for someone with experience. I have seen situations in the wild where bots will use a public contract that charges a small fee over making one themselves. What it does: - DotDotDots is an NFT collection that has a weird gimmick where the max supply of the NFT is linked to the price of Ether. Every time Ether reaches a new all time high, more DotDotDots will be able to be minted up to a maximum of 10,000 total supply. It costs 0.05 ETH to mint a new DotDotDot, but they can be sold on OpenSea for much higher. This is a complete bot that uses Chainlink Keepers to mint a DotDotDot so you can hopefully take advantage of this profitable opportunity How we built it: - The contract implements Chainlinks' KeeperCompatibleInterface. The checkUpkeep function determines whether it's possible to mint a certain number of NFTs to a particular buyer. For that to be true: - \nThe buyer must be requesting 5 or less NFTs. The contract will only let you print 5 at a time.\nThe buyer must have enough WETH and give the contract enough allowance to pay for the mint cost (and fee) of the NFTs.\nThere needs to be enough supply available to mint for the buyer\n - When all these are true, the Keeper will call the performUpkeep function. This function unwraps the WETH to acquire ETH. It then uses the ETH to call mint on the DotDotDot contract. Lastly there are some sanity checks to ensure that funds were subtracted from the buyer and the buyer received the assets they paid for. Challenges we ran into: - Making this bot competitive and gas efficient vs making it easy to use and low risk. There's always a tradeoff here since sanity checks increase gas usage. There's also the problem of Flashbots. A more complex solution would be to allow Chainlink Keepers to send transactions while also sending the same transaction with the same nonce to Flashbots. This could cause a revert and cost gas if the Flashbots transaction beats the Chainlink Keeper who send the transaction to the mempool already. That may be more competitive but I figured that would be more confusing for the end user and more risky Accomplishments that we're proud of: - I think the user experience of this bot is the best feature. It doesn't lock up the users' funds which is inconvenient and a security issue if there's a vulnerability in the code (I don't think there is though). Also, Chainlink Keepers means there isn't any need to set up a node or use an expensive RPC service and complex code to monitor and trigger the bot. I think this is very simple to set up for someone non-technical What we learned: - Generally, how to use Chainlink Keepers. What's next for DotDotDotPrinter: - Deploying to Mainnet is the next step. I have already added code to optionally add a fee for using the contract. I'd be very curious to see how this performs when the real opportunity is available. After that, adding optional features that are more competitive but also more risky. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The founder of Osmosis, Sunny Aggarwal told us that he would find it useful if there was a decentralized version of UpWork that DAOs could use. What it does: - It allows anyone, anywhere to create a bounty on-chain that includes a github link to an open issue with an associated ETH reward and anyone, anywhere to complete the bounty and be rewarded. The platform is fully anonymous and charges no fees (unlike platforms like UpWork which charge a fee). The current problem with other programming bounty marketplace platforms is that they require some type of KYC because of US regulations and this causes solving bounties to take more time and bars people from certain countries from being able to access this gig work. As such, we believe DappWork can not only provide more money for gig workers by eliminating fees, but also provide greater access to jobs for gig workers in developing countries. - Once a bounty hunter reviews the bounty and decides to solve it, she sends a pull request to that github repo with the solution. In the comment of that pull request, she includes the bounty's issue link followed by her ETH address. The bounty issuer can then review the pull request and if it meets her needs, she can merge it, thereby allowing the bounty reward to be ready to collected. - After the bounty hunter sees their pull request has been merged, she can then go to our website (which is still not yet finished, but in the meantime they can use our python-based user interface) and they can choose to close the bounty. They will need to provide their pull request link with which the bounty factory contract will use Chainlink to call the Github API and verify whether the pull request has been merged (this has not yet been implemented), verifies that the issue link in the comment body matches the issue link on the bounty being selected to be closed (currently only implemented off-chain in the python user interface), and then takes the ETH address part of the pull request comment body (this string manipulation is currently done off-chain but ideally would occur on-chain) and then calls a "close_bounty" function on the smart contract of that individual bounty and then changes the state of that bounty to closed and then sends the ETH reward to that ETH address. How we built it: - We built it with the following structure: There is a bounty factory smart contract that sort of acts like the main interface. From this contract, we can create individual bounty contracts, list them all, and interact with them (close them or withdraw the funds from them after their lockup period expired assuming they have not already been completed). - We also were working on a website we would use to interact with this application but we ran out of time. Challenges we ran into: - As we only recently learned solidity, we realized how difficult it was to do certain things in that language that is far easier in others, for example, string manipulation. Also, there were several functionalities we wanted to build but simply ran out of time. Here are some of them: - We wanted to implement the closing bounty sequence differently. Currently, this function can only be called by a specific ETH address that is hard coded into the contract (which I have provided the private key for if you'd like to try running the python user interface on your own machine, don't worry there aren't any real funds associated with that wallet). However, what we'd ideally like is that as soon as the Chainlink node fulfills the API request, it will then automatically run the checks mentioned above on-chain (does the github issue link on the pull request comment body match the one on the bounty? is the pull request merged? has the pull request not been updated after it was merged?) and then if those succeed, it would call the close bounty function which would only be able to be called in this fashion by the Chainlink node itself. - When trying to deploy our contract to other networks (Polygon, Avalanche, and Binance Smart Chain), we ran into issues when trying to verify our contracts on their etherscan equivalents (except for Polygon and of course Kovan). Also, we ran into issues when trying to find a chainlink node with a job id what would do the github API request properly on chains other than Kovan. As such, our contracts on these chains are able to create, view, and withdraw bounties, but we are not able to close them as this would require interacting with Chainlink. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of having created an end-to-end flow of from the bounty issuer create a bounty all the way to a bounty hunter closing it and being rewarded. Admittedly, we wanted to do more of the computation on-chain, but because of time constraints we ended up doing parts of the computations (like string manipulation) in Python. - We are also proud of what we have made so far in terms of the front-end and its ability to read on-chain data. What we learned: - We learned how to write smart contracts in solidity and how to use Chainink to access public APIs. We also learned how to use web3-react. What's next for DappWork: - We are open to continue working on it afterwards after we get feedback from Sunny Aggarwal. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Introduction: - RateX is a decentralized interest rate swap (IRS) product that offers synthetic exposure to interest rates. The RateX protocol supports up to 40x leverage trading, and the trades will have expiry. - Note: synthetic means you need only provide margin to trade. Chains & Contract Address: - Polygon (Mumbai Testnet) - Pool address: 0x8e5f42FE7A41e6B53F6326407B983563254A072A\nOracle keeper: 0xD8D8377381c02bFa8779DFDab9437A6573aB6c84\nUSDC address: 0x8F1077a27368EBC89F50C7fD09F4BB3Ce10534f7\n - BSC (BSC Testnet) - Pool address: 0xe427F94C3E9926d4195c8645a2407500fbA28ec9\nOracle keeper: 0x7008898EAf6CbDD83Bb6cE3186fdefDeac43b654\nUSDC address: 0xAb0ed274201BaB22eA5B4cC839d1B42f4Fe1BE34\n - Avalanche (Fuji Testnet) - Pool address: 0xe427F94C3E9926d4195c8645a2407500fbA28ec9\nOracle keeper: 0x7008898EAf6CbDD83Bb6cE3186fdefDeac43b654\nUSDC address: 0xAb0ed274201BaB22eA5B4cC839d1B42f4Fe1BE34\n Tool: - We are using Chainlink Keepers to update the interest rates of the underlying yield / debt pools such as Aave and Compound. On the other hand, we are using Chainlink Keepers to liquidate positions that have too low margin ratio, since we support leverage trading some position's margin may be too low that should be liquidated. Ideas: - Before coming up the idea of RateX -- an orderbook-based IRS protocol, we made a thorough investigation on the current market. We found that we need a protocol that do not need liquidity but can improve current liquidity usage, and we also noticed the IRS idea in traditional finance barely had no counterpart in the DeFi world. Therefore, we decided to develop an IRS DeFi 2.0 project, which is RateX that we present you here. - We first developed the mathetical model of RateX, including the leverage trading, the liquidation details, and the whitepaper can be accessed in our github. Then we started writing the contracts in Solidity, during which we leveraged the Aave interest rate oracle, the Compound interest rate oracle and Yearn interest rate oracle to grant users exposure to interest rates from various protocols. We also made full use of Chainlink Keepers to liquidate the positions and to update interest rates. Finally we tested our protocol using Remix and wrote up all the documents. - The highlight of this project has two parts. The first part is about how it is going to contribute to the current DeFi world since it is delicately designed both idealogically and mathematically. The other part is that the different technologies that we use such as Chainlink Keepers, Aave Oracles, etc. to keep the contract working and enable it to keep track of different rates from different protocols. Protocol Details: - For an interest rate market, suppose the underlying's variable interest rate is $r_v$. For a trade to happen the both sides should agree on a swap rate $r_s$, and each pool will have a expiry time $T_e$. - Market Participants - Fixed Rate Receivers - Fixed rate receivers look to exchange variable interest rate for fixed interest rate. - Variable Rate Receivers - Variable rate receivers look to exchange fixed interest rate for variable interest rate. - Liquidators (Keepers) - Liquidators play the role of triggering the liquidation accounts that has insufficient margin through partial liquidation or total liquidation. They can earn certain rewards from doing so. Currently RateX uses Chainlink Keepers as liquidators. - Margin - You need to provide margin in order to trade. The minimum amount of margin required by a position is calculated by the maximum leverage of the pool and the position size. - Profit And Loss (PnL) Calculation - Suppose the notional value is $N$, and the time the order takes place is $T_b$. - The average variable interest rate $\\overline{r_v}$ is over the period $T_b$ to $T$ and is read via the oracle. - Margin Ratio - The margin ratio $R_M$ of a position at time $T$ is calculated as\n$$\nR_M = \\frac{M + \\text{PnL}}{N}\n$$\n$M$ is the total margin provided by the user for this position. - Leverage - RateX supports leverage trading, the maximum leverage $\\lambda_m$ is defined by the pool. If a trader is to open a position with leverage $\\lambda$, and the notional value is $N$, then he need pay $\\lambda \\cdot N$ as margin. - Liquidations - Maintenance Margin Ratio - When the loss of a position is high, and the margin ratio falls behind a certain ratio, the maintenance margin ratio, the liquidators will be allowed to liquidate the position. The maintenance margin ratio $\\overline{R_M}$ is a parameter calculated by the parameters in pool. - Liquidation Process - When a position's margin ratio is below the maintenance ratio, the liquidators can liquidate his position. The liquidation process goes as follows. - The liquidator takes over the position owned by the user, and a portion of the user's margin goes into the liquidator's account. Then the liquidator will supplement for the position's margin to ensure that the counterparties can continue to earn profit. - When a liquidator liquidates, he will take over ALL the positions that have insufficient margin ratio. By doing so, he will also be rewarded by funds in the insurance fund if no one liquidates within a certain time. - Matching Engine - The matching engine will match the orders that appears on the orderbook. - Open A Position - The market orders will be automatically filled by being matched with limit orders. The limit orders will appear on the orderbook and wait to be matched. Currently all the limit orders follows a good-till-date manner. The pool will collect $0.02\\% \\cdot \\frac{T_e}{365} \\cdot N$ fee for each trade. Parts of them will go into the insurance fund. (Currently set to 50%) - Close A Position in Advance - By closing a position, the trader posts a liquidation order to the liquidators. Then the liquidator can take over your position even if your margin left is above of maintenance margin. The remain margin the trader can receive is calculated in the same way as the that of positions being liquidated. - Mathematical Setting - Setting for Minimum Margin - The pool will have estimation of lower and upper bounds of interest rate of the underlying, which are denoted by $r_l$ and $r_u$ separately. - Suppose that the time after the creation of the pool is $T$, and if at this point a trader is to trade $N$ notional the minimum amount of margin needed is\n$$\nM_{min} = N\\cdot \\frac{T_e - T}{365} \\cdot (r_u - r_l) \\cdot \\mu\n$$\nWhere $\\mu = 1.5$ is the reserve factor for the trade. - Setting for Liquidation - We set the minimum margin needed in order to avoid liquidation from happening while maximizing capital efficiency. Still in severe cases liquidations can happen, so we define the following. - The position can be liquidated when the margin plus PnL (suppose that value is $M_l$) at some time $T$ is less than\n$$\nM_{maintain} = N\\cdot \\frac{T_e - T}{365} \\cdot (r_u - r_l)\n$$\nThe amount of margin taken by the liquidator will be ($r_s$ is the swap rate)\n$$\nC=\n\\begin{cases}\n\\frac{T_e - T}{365} \\cdot {(r_u - r_s)} \\cdot N &\\text{when the fixed rate receiver is to be liquidated}\\\n\\frac{T_e - T}{365} \\cdot {(r_s - r_l)} \\cdot N &\\text{when the variable rate receiver is to be liquidated}\n\\end{cases}\n$$\nAnd the rest of the margin plus PnL $M_l - C$ will be returned to the trader. - Example setting for aUSDC supply rate:\nr_l = 0.5%\nr_u = 20%\nT_e = 30 (days)\nleverage_max = 40x (on genesis)\n\nSuggestion: leverage be <= 20x if you do not check your margin ratio often.\n Contract Modules: - Pool - \nThe pool is the place where trade can take place. A pool specifies the underlying interest rate / debt rate to speculate, provide the PnL oracle, the term length and transaction parameters such as max leverage, maintenance ratio, and exit fee (fee to pay when one party exists in advance).\n - Order Book - \nThe order book module lists, matches and executes the orders. There are two kinds of orders in total, market order and limit order. Also, the order book collect fees from trades and send parts of them into the insurance fund.\n - Position Manager - \nThe position manager manages all users' position and margin. It records each position after an order is (fully or partially) filled, each position's PnL / Margin Ratio. Also, it allows users to increase / decrease margin for their position, and it will allow liquidators to execute liquidation orders when one position's margin ratio is below maintenance ratio.\n - Insurance Fund - \nThe insurance fund will collect parts of the transaction fees. When a liquidation is to happen, the insurance fund will compensate the liquidator with parts of its vault's storage.\n - Oracle - \nThe oracle will record the interest rate from Aave or Compound or Yearn by Chainlink Keepers constantly. The PositionManager will use the oracle to calculate PnL of each position, and to decide whether a position is liquidable.\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - It is very hard to track prices all the time to insure optimal buy and sell trade for any individual trader. \nFor example, suppose we are in the bear market and we want to accumulate LINK token for every 10% of the dip to optimize average cost of the Link token. Being active in every such dips and tracking prices is not an easy job for normal trader. \nSometimes, we used to do such trades using Grid Trading available on big CEXs like Binance,\nAnd we came up with an idea of building strategy based automated trading platform with Decentralised experience which can work with non-custodial wallets in trustless environment. What it does: - User needs to deposit their funds into desired strategy pool and add a few strategy inputs such as Trigger Percentage Change and Grid Size. Once user deposits his funds, user becomes a part of the strategy pool. Now, whenever the price goes up to the trigger percentage it sells up the portion of the token and when the price goes down by trigger percentage it buys up the portion of the token. - Example:\n-Selected Pool: ETH/USDT\n-Deposit Amount: $1000 USDT \n-Trigger Price: 10% \n-Grids: 4 \n-Current Price: $2000 USDT - Now,\nThe user’s grid amount will be $500.\nThe user’s buy orders will be at $1800, $1600.\nThe user’s sell orders will be at $2200, $2400. - Whenever the price goes below $1800 it will buy ETH for $500 and if the price goes up to $2200 it will sell ETH of worth $500.\nEvery combo of buy and sell order grid will yield 10% of the deposited amount. And this strategy can give huge profits in long run with very less risk. - And of course, the User can withdraw his stake whenever he wants. How we built it: - We have developed our DApp using the following technologies and services. - - Smart Contract: - - Frontend: - We choose Polygon Network for the deployment because this concept willl execute many orders sequentially which requires high gas fees. Polygon is low fees, reliable, evm supported chain which fulfils the requirements. Challenges we ran into: - Building a smart contract in a very short time was a bit challenging for us. Executing multiple orders of different amounts was also a challenge for us. It was the first time when we were integrating Chainlink Keeper functions and Price Feeds in the smart contract.\nIntegration of Moralis SDK into the frontend was also a first time for us, it was challenging at the beginning but we become very comfortable as we progressed. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Integration of price feeds, keeper function, and Moralis API was a true achievement for us.\nTriggering smart contracts using the keeper function and executing more than 1000 orders in one function call had given us a morale boost and confidence to launch this project as a product for the real-world users. What we learned: - Writing clean code for complex smart contracts.\nChainlink price feed and Keeper integration.\nDApp building using Moralis SDK.\nLearned Web3 ecosystem in depth by top protocols sessions.\nUsing AWS ecosystem for deployment and backend development. What's next for A Decentralized Smart Strategy Trading App: - After this hackathon, we will be improving the application to run multiple pools and strategies. After beta testing of the DApp, we will be launching this application into the market as SleepSwap.\nDAO building is also in the progress to make this product more transparent and community driven. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Most NFT premints use off chain raffles that are lack of transparency and easy to tamper. \nWe use Chainlink VRF to guarantee the fair distribution. What it does: - NFPass allows creators to create on chain events, raffles, club membership NFTs \nusing smart contracts with zero coding.\nYou can create and sell membership pass NFTs, for exclusive access of product features, members only content, and NFT drops.\nYou can create and manage virtual events, live concerts, parties and NFT sales,\nand run on chain raffle campaigns with provable randomness powered by Chainlink VRF V2. How we built it: - Here is a breakdown of some of the technology we use for NFPass platform. \nThe on-chain raffles smart contract is powered by Chainlink VRF V2. \nThe media files and metadata are stored in the IPFS network. \nWe use moralis for web 3.0 authentication and on chain data.\nTo provide refundable NFT feature, we’ve created ERC721RA NFT standard that gives buyers extra confidence to mint NFTs and freedom return NFTs within a given period. Challenges we ran into: - Chainlink VRF doesn't have a default upgradable contract, so we have created a VRFConsumerBaseV2Upgradable.\nThere is also no refundable NFT standard. So we've created the ERC721RA and made it opensourse for everyone. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have created the complete platform's core functionality including beautiful UI and powerful smart contract within a very short period. What we learned: What's next for NFPass - Non-Fungible Pass with Chainlink VRF: - NFPass simply the on chain smart contract creation for creators. So that they can easily manage on-chain events and membership. \nWe are going to launch the platform in June and make it a go-to place for creators to create, manage, and sell membership (think Eventbrite/Ticketmaster but web3.0). First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What it SYLIUM ?: - \n\nHere is a short introduction of the SYLIUM protocol, you can find detailed informations about the protocol, Stabilization Equation and the P.O.R. in this file : Litepaper\nSYLIUM is a DeFi protocol that allows investors to mint the SYLI stablecoin \nSYLI is pegged to the US dollar and backed by three token: ETH, USDC and SYLIX (the non-stable governance token of the protocol) \nSYLIUM introduces a new way to build stability : The Stabilization Equation \nThis model enables the SYLI to always remain very close to $1 even with ETH and SYLIX prices variations.\nSYLIUM introduces a new paradigm in the DeFi space: uncertainty can be mastered and turned into an opportunity for investors thanks to the Proof of Resilience (P.O.R.) \n\n Inspiration: - \n\nFRAX\nFei protocol \nMaker DAO \n\n How I built it: - \n\nSolidity smart contracts\nHardhat\nMocha and Chai Libraries \nJavascript\nFigma \nChainlink Price data feed \nERC20 @openzeppelin \nInfura \nEthers.js\n\n Challenges I ran into: - \n\nLearn quickly finance concepts like arbitrage\nLearn how supply and demand work for a token in the DeFi space \nPrioritize tasks to work on the project beside uni courses \nFind out mathematical explanations and considerations from abstract ideas \n\n Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - \n\nI came out with a stabilisation model that works and that is able to create opportunities for investors\n\n What I learned: - \n\nBuild a token indexed on other ones\nUse maths in a smart contract \n\n What's next for SYLIUM Protocol: - \n\nAdd features to the smart contracts\nFinish the testing phase \nBuild the Frontend with next.js and React \nDeploy SYLIUM on a testnet by the end of August. \n\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Even though we rely on digital data for a lot of stuff, we still carry files to and fro doctors for our past data. Why not build a platform to store our medical data effectively on the blockchain, so that we don't have to carry any files when visiting doctors. Medblock was built as an attempt to solve this problem.\nNote - This is submission as an existing project What it does: - A Decentralised platform to store all records in a patient's medical history using blockchain in chronological order. Records once added can’t be changed (since blockchain is an immutable ledger) Data is added and linked to the patient's record only on the consent of both hospital and patient. Neither hospital nor patient is in full control of the system, preventing any misuse of authority. Assuming, that the activity is legally compliant to be performed by hospitals and patients after any medical treatment of certain importance. How we built it: - We've stored medical data using medical data objects which are mapped by the respective patient's address. One can only accept and decline records added to the ledger, After that data is completely immutable. We've demonstrated a KYC process when Admin registers new Patients and Hospitals\nAbove the existing project, we've improved the decline API, and to facilitate report uploads, we're uploading images to IPFS using infura and storing CIDs on the blockchain as a part of the medical data object. Challenges we ran into: - Figuring out a data structure combination to ensure data safety and efficiency was a key problem that we had to tackle. Moreover, key management, APIs and keeping the UX clean were among the challenging tasks What we learned: - It really helped us in solidifying our knowledge in solidity and smart contracts. Overall it was a big step forward in our web3 journey. What's next for Medblock IPFS: - We're working on efficient ways for key management and accessibility of the overall application. Integrating medblock with already deployed in-hospital management systems is also a task we're willing to try. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Testing: - ATTN: Any testing of the software needs to happen between 9:30 am and 4 pm EST, as this is the time when the stock market is open. Inspiration: - Came from me wanting to build a pension system, but limitations in law prevents crypto investment. There is no bridge for stock to blockchain so I decided to build it What it does: - Bridges the stock market to the blockchain. are for two types of customers; Stock traders & Developers. - Stock traders - Allows users to buy & sell stocks using blockchain technology. Users can use any wallet or service to trade stocks. This allows the user to choose the UX he likes, unlike with the current platforms, where people are locked in where they start, making it difficult and expensive to change platforms. - Developers - Developer's first approach will be our goal. opens up an avenue of product development on top of the stock market. As data & smart contracts are open, anybody can create products that build on top of - By writing the data on the blockchain it is available to anybody, liberating the data, and allowing anybody to use the data to create visualization and other value from the data. - Using, DeFi services can extend their product selection & add a new revenue stream by allowing users to trade stocks and not only crypto tokens, while at the same time taking a commission on each trade, therefore increasing their revenue. How we built it: - uses Moralis as its backend service, it listens to events emitted from smart contract and executes orders accordingly at the broker. - The orders results are then written to the blockchain using OpenZeppelin Defender. The indexing is done using TheGraph and IPFS which allows users to read the data easily. For testing, we use Alchemy to run our bot to load test the system. - then runs on Polygon chain, although multiple chains are supported but not deployed. Challenges we ran into: - This is my first proper smart contract project, many issues came up. Getting a better understanding of how the EVM works. Working with hardhat had its challenges, where the wrong configuration caused delays. This is also the first project that I use TypeScript, so getting used to the setup of the project took time, but programming with it is a new life compared to Javascript. Using TheGraph and OpenZeppelin Defender was rather straightforward. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Seeing how everything is working together, is a thing of beauty. I'm happy with how clean the code is for the smart contract as well as the backend. More refactoring is needed for the front end, but since the backend is the brain of the system, having that code in good condition is a great pleasure. What we learned: - Better knowledge of EVM, typescript, the npm libraries, and all the services, I have learned a lot from this. My realization of how simpler programming can be if everything stays on chain, blew my mind. What's next for - Getting the project to mainnet, getting the first users, and improving the developer experience for those who want to use, either for reading data or executing orders. Github Repositories: - Most repositories are open source, there is one repository that is private. Access has been given to polygon employees. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - While working/collaborating with known & unknown members, there are times when you want someone's (Wallet) Account Address. Wallet address is required to give some access or transfer funds. Email is the most common mode of communication. People can send their wallet address in email, but there is always worry about wrong addresses. There is no easy way to know for sure that an email address & a wallet address belong to the same person. What it does: - Ethablish Dapp allows one to link Email & Wallet address in a secured manner. On-Chain Email profile is created which proves that email belongs to wallet address owner. - As an example - Employee & New Joinee :\nEmployer - pays Gas & sends license key to email address of a new joinee. \nNew Joinee - uses Gasless transaction to link wallet address & email address. - Verification - Once On-Chain Email profile is created, anyone can verify it. - Send crypto using Email instead of Wallet address Ethablish allows a user to use their email address instead of alphanumeric wallet address. Email address can then be used instead of a wallet address to send funds via Ethablish. - Polygon - Mumbai Contract is deployed on Mumbai (Polygon testnet). Polygon network due to its very low fees and instant finality helps. - Chainlink VRF V2 subscription was setup and smart contract was added consumer. Random key is generated by vrf contract. This is used as license key. - Biconomy Meta transaction EIP 2771 protocol was used to create Trusted Relayer. This allows to have gasless transaction. We can also fund Gas tank programmatically. - Alchemy RPC was used to connect to blockchain. This - Front End What I learned: - Mumbai Polygon polygon team had extremely to the point documentation on EIP 2771 (Gasless transaction). This helped in designing software. I wanted to use Polygon & kovan, but with limited time Polygon turned out to be best option. It worked every time. - Hardhat hardhat stack is one of the best stack option for creating web3 Dapp. I created several side projects along with Ethablish. Each side project was created to break complex project in to parts. In past I have used Brownie, but honestly Hardhat is best stack option. - Chainlink VRF V2 - In past I had used VRF 1. Chainlink VRF 2 is amazing. Easy to subscribe. Add consumer. From start of this project till complete, always worked for me. We used VRF contract to generate Random License Key. - Biconomy Meta - I started project with learning of OpenGSN. With lot of research figured out that EIP 2771 with Trusted Relayer option was way to go. Biconomy has good documentation and support. Took me while to understand and make it work. But once concepts were clear, it was very smooth * quick to integrate. - fleek decentralised way of website hosting in a trustless manner. Internally it used filecoin & ipfs for hosting files. - EmailJs - Sending instant Emails to user with license key. First time Integrated web2 service (EMailjs) & web3 service (blockchain, Chainlink, Biconomy) - Create React App + Ether.js is best option for creating front end rapidly. There is lot of reference documentation and help articles. What's next for Ethablish: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We believe that losing tons of money shouldn't be a rite of passage for newbies try to pick up trading or investing. Instead, newbies should be given a safe environment, almost like a sandbox, for them to explore different trading techniques. At the same time, to simulate real trading environment we have introduced game elements in a tournament style where top winners will get rewarded. What it does: - TradeHaus allows hosts to create trading games based on their set of rules such as max participants, number of winners, amount of custom reward tokens. Players can join the games and compete to be in the winners bracket and win the rewards. How we built it: - Our team segregated our work into frontend and backend where 2 of us handle the blockchain development portion while the others handle the frontend development. Challenges we ran into: - - Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Building the website and smart contract! What we learned: - Using the chainlink price feed on Solana :) What's next for TradeHaus: - Continue improving the trading game and push it out to the Solana NFT community. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Our inspiration is taken from the D&D domain and text based adventure game for the late 90's.\nThere is a big community of people who love the lore and the details put into text based games\nwhich rich theory-craft and number mechanics.\nWe will be leveraging the lore and design craft around stats and attributes and bringing an initially simple game to the blockchain.\nOur main challenge is how to use randomness effectively to design the game without making it\npredictable. Randomness on blockchains is a complicated subject and we aim to create engaging\nand fun concept around known limitation. What it does: - Our game is an NFT wich is using staking mechanism and on-chain randomness to implement\ndescribed game mechanics.\nWe have written a light-paper of our game design with some details for the game mechanics. - Implemented functionality - Limitations - We have a local test environment up and running but did run out of time\nfor a UI integration. Whilst we spend the time to integrate with to get a nice\nlooking connect button minting is only possible using scripts at this time.\nTherefore there is not much to demo but we believe the github speak to our effort\non building a working prototype which is robust and tested. - Lore - On a remote metaverse, DWARFS mine $GOLD in a abandoned mines while GOBLINS are looking for opportunities to steal their precious rewards.\nOnce a player depleted all resources from a mine they can used them to recruit more creatures (Dwarfs/Goblins) to strengthening there fraction. - Our Game is risk protocol for NFTs using pseudo randomness to steal or mine $GOLD resources.\nThose are then used re-enforce due recruitment of creatures and finally set the battle to the last standing (END OF GAME). - Each group can attack one another once a creature has no more HP I'll DIE in a final Battle where a last standing creature will live to be the last to tell the story. - Victors history will be written and recorded as on-chain record. For everyone to see the and observe and review the battle. - GOBLINS are good to steal but not so good for war, in the other side DWARFS are war machines but while mining they have the limitations of their weight and slow speed so It's a disadvantage agains greedy GOBLINS How we built it: - We focused on the aspects of the solution we hadn't done before.\nSome team member have experience developing a on-chain NFT Bitstrays using RLE encoded binary data. So we know that we can solve that part later.\nRLE Implementation - Our Game currently consists of a couple of contracts. - We used TDD for our smart contract using brownie for local testing. - More Details in the light-paper Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We spend a fair amount of time to build a good understanding around the game mechanics\nin the process we really started liking the idea.\nWhich means this project is grown bigger than just the hack event What we learned: What's next for Dwarfs vs Goblins: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Introduction.: - Expetra is a web3 mobile app for managing portfolio in fiat and crypto. Track your personal finances (income/expenses) and earn crypto. Expetra can help you to better manage your finances, spend less on unnecessary things, and earn some crypto for that! Application.: - The app is FREE and anyone can use it, for advanced users there is a premium subscription (support for more accounts and detailed analytics). With special NFT-pass you can get lifetime premium subscription, you can also stake your NFT-pass and earn rewards! Vision.: - Our vision is to give people the most convenient tool to manage personal finances. Help our users build investment habits and connect them to Web3, NFT and Game-Fi worlds. Innovation.: - Expetra is the first web3 portfolio management app for fiat and crypto. With expetra you can add transaction in only 3 steps, other portfolio apps require 7+ steps. You can get lifetime premium subscription and crypto rewards by staking NFTs. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Inspired by Peloton, we want to encourage users to be able to exercise indoors. However, unlike Peloton, users don't need additional devices to start exercising. What it does: - FitR is an Web3 lifestyle App that uses AI advancements to enhance workout experiences. FitR disrupts the conventional home gym routine with a Move2earn gaming experience and real-time social gameplay. FitR’s combination of rich and appealing fitness activities, gamified design and innovative social interplay, combine to launch FitR as a Move2earn phenomenon. How we built it: - We used blockchain and AI technology, built with script, java, javascript, Android, IOS, canvas, swift, myqsl, and Ai. Challenges we ran into: - It's very difficult to use AI technology to recognize the movements of the exercises and accurately count the number of moves performed. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have made innovations in the industry, combining AI and exercises to achieve move to earn What we learned: - By working on this project, our team has come closer and gained a deeper understanding of AI+ exercises. We will have greater achievements based on this in the future. What's next for FitR: - FitR needs to be a metaverse of all kinds of exercises, in order to meet all users' needs. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Chainlink brings the power of real world data to trusted peer-to-peer transactions. The team at TeaLink saw this as an opportunity to leverage unique data sources in a betting environment, while maintaining the guarantee of accurate bet results without the need for a third party. What it does: - TeaLink provides a platform for users to create peer-to-peer bets based on potential future headlines. - Users can post a bet to the on-chain marketplace indicating the choice of key-words that they expect to show up in future headlines, a timeframe for those words to appear, the number of articles they expect to be written with those headlines, and optionally the sources where they expect those headlines to appear! - The marketplace allows other users to view bet parameters and the requested buy-in amount and accept any open bet on the marketplace. The user's Ethereum buy-in is stored on-chain and the winner of the bet is delegated the total pool of buy-ins. Each bet also comes with a service fee (in ETH) which is used to fund Chainlink services used in TeaLink. - TeaLink employs Chainlink Oracles and Chainlink Keepers to guarantee the correct bet outcomes. ChainLink Oracles are used to check for articles that satisfy a bet published within the bet's active period. A Chainlink Keeper is used to maintain the bet marketplace, removing any bets that have not been accepted, and closing any bets that have expired - checking who won the bet, and paying out the winners. How we built it: - TeaLink was developed using the HardHat framework. The main contract for the bet marketplace (BetGame.sol) is used to create, accept, check and close Bet structs created within it. Bets are mapped to the addresses of creators and acceptors to ensure accurate funding and payouts. - Each Bet has a unique API URL which is used to query the NewsAPI and return the number of articles including the Bet's keywords within the timeframe of the bet from the specified sources. This request to NewsAPI is done via a Chainlink Oracle using the GET --> uint job. - The API URL of a bet is used to check whether or not the bet has been won. The bet is checked by the Orcale when a user has manually called the checkBet() function or automatically when the bet has expired. A Chainlink Keeper is used to check all of the open bets in the marketplace and: 1. Remove a Bet that has not been accepted by its Accept deadline. 2. Check any accepted bet that has finished since the last keeper upkeep for its winner by using the API call. - TeaLink's contract converts a portion of the bet creator's eth funds into Link in order to fund the Chainlink Oracle and Keeper by utilizing UniSwap's V2 router. The contract is then able to use the KeeperRegistry that is in charge of maintaining the Bet Marketplace. - The user interface is built in TypeScript and is hosted using Netlify. It also features a chatroom which would be great as users can communicate to find acceptors for their bets. This feature will eventually lead to a sense of community around the application. Challenges we ran into: - TeaLink aims to be a fully self-sufficient dApp by utilizing service fees from created and accepted bets to fund the Chainlink services used. The team had to think creatively about how we could leverage Chainlink keepers to maintain the marketplace, while still allowing user's to cash-out if they know a bet was won, or didn't want to wait for the expiry date to check. We integrated a manual bet check option which allows a user to use their own Metamask balance to query the Oracle and receive a bet result (and their winning payout if won!). - We also had to think critically about how the bet behaves within TeaLink before it is accepted, once it is accepted, and after it has expired. Maintaining an accurate log of Active and Accepted bets is a very important process for the accuracy of the marketplace. - We explored using several different news api's before settling on NewApi. We are restricted to the free tiers of these APIs and so we had to be conservative with our daily api calls when testing. - Lastly, we had to come up with solutions for self-sufficient funding of the Keeper. The team wanted to allow users to only need ETH to interact with our dApp, which meant we needed to come up with a solution for converting ETH to LINK, and ultimately funding our Keeper. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We were able to leverage both Chainlink Oracles and Chainlink Keepers in a unique way to build a marketplace-style betting platform. Through this process we learned so much about the value of Chainlink's technologies in creating powerful smart contracts which can be the engines for dApps. We were able to creatively use Chainlink jobs to get information from a unique data source, and provide an awesome usecase for bringing real-world data on-chain. - The team was able to build a successful user interface which interacts with our contract... What we learned: - The TeaLink team entered the hackathon with little knowledge of full stack dApp development, but we were able to learn the entire process of building a dApp from start to finish. Beginning with solidity and contract structure, all the way to using Hardhat and Moralis for our front end. We learned a lot about Chainlink services and saw first hand how they solved fundamental challenges in developing hybrid smart contracts. We also honed on our project managing skills in order to set project goals and ensure progress was made throughout development. What's next for TeaLink: - We have already identified several next steps for our project. We would like to provide users with a profile page where the bets they have created, bets they have accepted and closed bets they have been apart of. In addition, we would like for closed bets to display exact articles that the API returns in order to be transparent about bet outcomes. - Adding different bet types would also be a good next step. Betting on certain keywords not occuring in headlines or collections of keywords (["Kanye, "Married"] OR "Kanye", "Wedding"]) would provide users with more options. Additionally, we would like to branch out from NewsApi and use many different apis relating to different real-world events. Examples would be weather apis or sports apis leading to a larger variety of bets. - Like with many successful dApps, building community is essential to its success. We would like to create platforms for bet discussion using communication tools such as Telegram and Discord as well as the building out the on site chatroom. - Eventually, we would like this application to be hosted on the mainnet and would build in a developer fee which would take portions of bets and send to an address the developer team would own. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I was inspired by the NFT collections that generated and stored their art 100% on chain, such as the Crypto Punks, the Aavegotchis or the Luchadores. Like my inspirations, I decided to use a simple base design with some variations that would be randomly chosen and could combine to create thousands of possibilities and though ensure the uniqueness of each NFT. This kind of NFT collections really benefit from the smart contracts technology associated with the Chainlink VRF, to guarantee to each participants that the mint is fair and cannot be manipulated. Moreover, drawing in pixel art through the use of SVG code was really something fun to do. Although the limits in terms of size and gas usage make it really challenging. - For the game itself, I like to play to fantasy football games, but like most games I figured this would be far more interesting with a token, to create financial incentives, and really tradables players (NFT). I know some similar projects already exist, but I wanted to build something that could be really decentralized, with 100% of game mechanics put on-chain. For example, the most famous crypto fantasy football game is probably Sorare, but this game requires licences signed with IRL leagues that are owned by a company, and some of its game mechanics can work only on a dedicated ZK Roll Up, and couldn’t be maintained if the Sorare company decided to stop the game. So it is not really decentralized. - In addition to the financial aspect added by the token, I wanted the game to have a social aspect, meaning a game in which cooperation is essential. Assemble a good team is really difficult to do alone. That would require having at least 16 NFTs with complentary characteristics, so more likely owning hundreds of NFTs. Tools to build: - I have started my learning web3 journey a few months ago by watching the 16-hours code camp by Patrick Collins. So I used mainly the tools described in this boot camp : - Considering the blockspace needed by this game contrats, I chose Polygon as target blockchain, which would be far more appropriate than Ethereum Mainnet. - The NFTs are stored on-chain as SVG images. - I created a Front End using React.js and Moralis SDK to be as efficient and fast as possible. That being said, my front end is still far from being a finished product. Challenges faced: - The most challenging difficulty I faced was the time. Building something that work in less than a month is a big challenge. I ran into technical issues several times in the process but with some researchs, the solution was always somewhere to be found. But all those researchs were really time consumers. - The good thing is I have lots of things I know I have to do to improve on my project: Conclusion: - All things considered, I had lots of fun during this hackathon, I learned a ton of things, and I’m quite proud of my project. Considering this is my very first web3 project, I never thought I would be able to build something that works, but it does! - So thank you Chainlink! Thank you Polygon! Thank you Moralis! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We wanted to let users experience NFTs which were more than just PFPs. AIRNFTs started as an idea of having a browser game itself as an NFT and slowly evolved into a need for a platform that allowed users to create their customizable game collections/interactive media, from which new games/digital media would be minted. Chainlink VRF proved to be instrumental in our project since it allowed us to introduce a randomized aspect to the NFTs that would be generated from each collection. What it does: - An AIR NFT is an augmented interactive reality NFT where users get to interact with it and the experience is uniquely defined on-chain. The interaction is created by modifying layers of NFTs where the metadata is configured on-chain. Using our platform SDKs creators can easily launch AIRNFT collections in seconds. \nWe’ve kept if very simple for creators to launch AIR NFTs. This is how you proceed to launch one: - \nFirstly the user chooses between experiences, for example, the collection would be an Art or Gaming experience. We are are also going to add AR/VR experiences in future\nThen the user continues to configure the UI Design and the Game Mechanics with further deploying the game assets to IPFS for a truly decentralized solution. They can also customize the metadata according to the collection needs.\nOnce you deploy the collection, your NFT mint is Live for users to buy the tokens.\n How we built it: - The smart contract makes use of Chainlink VRF and inserts random values into the game file variables. This helps generate random interactive NFTs. The game itself will be a folder containing files pertaining to the game. On the frontend, we used NextJS, tailwindcss, Moralis, MoralisDB (to store contracts created for each user), web3uikit (for our connect button and NFT components) and (for generating image and game folder ipfs cid). The game folder and image preview will be uploaded and its ipfs cid will be generated using the library and used for creating a new instance of our collection smart contract. Once the collection smart contract is created, its NFTs can be minted by simply specifying collection contract address and metadata values that would be unique to the NFTs. For more info on our project or smart contract, please refer to our github or verifed smart contract on polygonscan. - IPFS metadata of an AIRNFT: - {\n "name":"Augmented Interactive Reality Experiences",\n "description":"Interactive. Randomized. Customizable",\n "image":"ipfs://bafkreic5ch6hvbdbefka74vurdlibwy6vjrdncr7efxdhwharswxp4yjti",\n "animation_url":"ipfs://bafybeigcykqlrl3r33gd5xu6yei3zxeqsdhqtonu4whjvolh5wg4jzwfgu/?uniqueParam=2520785061168210647646832395485437475681982032876320291291606201981714983730?tokenId=1",\n "attributes":[\n {\n "trait_type":"color",\n "value":"orange"\n }\n ]\n}\n Challenges we ran into: - Integrating the chainlink VRF generated random number into our game and using that to generate the randomized NFT was definitely a challenge. \nWe had some trouble generating the preview image and game folder ipfs cid and using that for our smart contract interaction. allowed us to easily do just that with just their API key and javascript library. Storage for NFTs is crucial for interactive-media based NFTs, especially games. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Successfully consume random number by Chainlink VRF into game files, enabling their randomization.\nSuccessfully able to create a new collection contract from the frontend with user-defined arguments.\nSuccessfully able to mint NFT from an existing collection, also with user-specified unique metadata. What we learned: - What seemed like a stretch for a hackathon idea is no longer so. Our team had to tackle new challenges in the course of the project development. Chainlink Spring 2022 Hackathon helped us gain invaluable skills over the course of a month and pushed us to ship something that we would be proud of. What's next for AIRNFT: - We are excited to add more features into AIRNFT and build it out to a fully functional platform dedicated towards launching interactive NFT collections.\nA road map for AIRNFTs: - \nSDKs for launching NFT Experiences in Web & Mobile with JS libraries like ReactJS, ThreeJS etc.\n2022 Q3 Alpha Launch with Marketplace\n2022 Q4 Integrate AR/VR Metaverse Game using Unity3D\n2023 Q1 Governance Token Launch\ud83c\udf89\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Human knowledge and creativity are too important and too risky to be controlled by certain centralize entities. This will allows those entities to control the information and freedom of thought of the society, and even profit from it. Hence we are trying to create a decentralized repository that allows everyone to share and consume information easily while at the same time, incentivize by their actions. What it does: - Our first step of developing the decentralized repository of creativity and knowledge is to build a decentralized application that allows users to upload and download YouTube Videos from Filecoin storage by using the YouTube Videos' URL. By using YouTube Videos' URL, user can search for the video in the Filecoin storage through our decentralized application. If the video is not existed, our application will download it from YouTube at the server backend and upload it to Filecoin, then user can download the video after the video exist in Filecoin storage. User will be rewarded with tokens (Vid Coin) through their upload and download videos' actions in our applications. How we built it: - We have build a wrapper around "youtube-dl" tool and use it to download YouTube videos to our backend server, then we use "Web3.Storage" API to upload and download videos from Filecoin. After that, we have build a smart contract to issue Vid Coin for users when they upload and download videos. Challenges we ran into: - We were facing difficulty to let users to do the download and upload videos actions purely from frontend using the "youtube-dl" tool because of some restrictions of the browser. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We managed to solve the problem of video downloading and uploading restrictions by moving the download and upload videos functionality to the backend server. This allows us to create a seamless experience for users to share and consume YouTube videos through decentralized storage system. What we learned: - We also have learn about the method of download and upload video to Filecoin using "Web3.Storage" API. This allow us to build more different types of applications that require huge storage. What's next for Youtube-DL-dweb: - There are several additional features that we would like to develop in the future for our decentralized applications so that we can attract more people to use this application to share and consume information, incentivized every parties that create and consume the contents, and increase the values of the Vid Coin issues by us through our decentralized application. Those features are listed at below: - 1) We would like to develop more ways to allow users to upload contents to Filecoin like allows users to be able to upload contents from their own computer. Beside that, we also will allows users to upload different types of contents like books to Filecoin through our application. - 2) We would like to develop a system to allow businesses to advertise on the decentralized applications by consuming the Vid Coin. This will create a demand for the Vid Coin and increase the value of the token. - 3) We would like to create a system to allow the original contents creators to claim their contents like videos or books that have been shared to the decentralized repository. This will allows the original content creators to be able to profit from their hard works. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I have been involved in Web 3 hackathons since last year now, and have used IPFS for pretty much every project I have built. Whilst IPFS itself is an amazing technology, certain use cases require additional functionality which is not "out of the box" so to speak. - Services like and Pinata have built layers upon the existing IPFS network, in order to offer developers additional needed functionality. Due to the public nature of the network, making IPFS hosted files private has only be possible via encrypting files prior to upload. Currently there does not seem to be any fast tools for developers to achieve this. - Encryption Pinner does just that, by allowing users to keep a file private, whilst hosting it on the public IPFS network. Developers can experience all of the benefits of IPFS hosted content, whilst retaining the privacy similar to a centralised file storage system. - We currently use Pinata's API for pinning our project files (we have a custom gateway), but this could conceivably be done using other methods (e.g, or directly to IPFS. What it does: - Encryption Pinner utilises Nodes "crypto" module for fast file encryption via the web browser. Users can choose between dozens of encryption methods, with a passcode of their choice. - Upon encrypting a file, it will be pinned to Pinata using a custom Pinata gateway. From there, users can retrieve their encrypted files in the same way they would retrieve any other IPFS hosted content. The files can then be decrypted using the passcode the user entered initially. Who is it for: - Encryption Pinner is a simple tool made for developers who would like to easily host private data on IPFS. Why might a developer want to host something private on a public network? - The IPFS network boasts numerous benefits, and has become the go to file storage system for NFT meta data. NFT assets which are perhaps reserved for holders or specific members of a community, may be encrypted using our service quickly and easily and hosted in the same way any other file might. - In addition to this, I have heard of individuals making use of IPFS to host articles, news etc. Which is restricted in certain countries in order to bypass government censorship. Whilst it wouldn't be proper for me to encourage this one way or another, it did occur to me that encrypting such files could add an additional layer of security for such use cases. Users would need to distribute an passcode and ID as a pose to a URL, which is more discrete. - There are of course additional reasons a dev may want to encrypt their IPFS hosted content, and these are likely to be the same reasons a user might choose to have their data backed up to a secure centralised cloud service. How we built it: - The technical side of this tool is fairly straightforward. The frontend is simply Vanilla HTML and some jQuery, responsible for forwarding uploaded files via our routes in order to undergo encryption. We make use of the Node.js "crypto" library and its broad range of ciphers in order to perform this encryption. - Upon successful encryption, we make an Axios POST request to Pinata where we pin the encrypted file. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Creating a simple easy to use tool which can benefit Web3 developers. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Previous Hackathon: - Your Meta World was originally developed for the Moralis 2022 Hackathon. It won one of the top IPFS/Filecoin prizes, and we were subsequently awarded a micro grant to continue work on the project. - This will be our first IPFS hackathon since Moralis a few months earlier. - Since then we have added the following functionality - \nAbility to mint Unity Scenes as NFT's and connect them to your existing VR NFT Spaceship (this grants users the ability to expand their digital plot of land to be as vast as they'd like)\nAbility to mint MP4 videos and pull them into your custom Unity scenes as NFT's using our REST API\nAugmented Reality functionality, allowing users to view their NFT's through a different medium\nNew website and front end\nUniswap integration into marketplace app (marketplace is still being worked on).\n What it does: - Your Meta World is a Metaverse style project with which offers users a - \n3D VR traversable Metaverse, within which they can display and interact with their NFT's, meet other users, attend digital events etc.\nA suite of free NFT tools which allow users to easily create, modify and recycle NFT's in various ways and in multiple mediums and dimensions (2D, 3D, Sound Files, Video etc.).\nAn integrated marketplace where users can buy, sell and rent their NFT's and NFT creations. As well as build generic and bespoke new experiences from existing NFT's and offer these to other users.\n - The end vision for Your Meta World is a 3D digital universe within which every user owns a freely expandable plot of land. The land is used initially to display the NFT's in their wallet as artwork inside of their spaceship. - This universe will be connected to our marketplace, which offers a unique suite of tools for both NFT interaction and creation. We are still in the early stages of building this marketplace, but users can already lazy mint 3D objects, Unity scenes and video files and view them in VR. - If the user wishes they can expand their initial plot of land to connect with additional Unity scenes. These scenes can either be created and uploaded by the user, or they can be purchased from other users on the Your Meta World NFT marketplace (marketplace is already live, but is still being worked on). - This scene minting functionality was what our initial micro grant was based around, and spawned our open source Moralis and IPFS/Pinata project ( - Inside of this universe users can have parties, gatherings, movie screenings, competitive gaming competitions, lectures and more. NFT's will power this ecosystem as fully fledged digital items which exist in more than two dimensions, and can provide multiple assets at once (sound files, C# scripts, Unity assets etc.). - As of right now, the foundation of this functionality has already been built. Users can - \nClaim their own spaceship inside of Your Meta World and display their 2D NFT's as artwork\nTransform their 2D NFT's into 3D objects which they can then pick up and interact with in VR\nMint a 3D object as an NFT and sell this on a marketplace\nPull their 3D NFT's into a VR traversable environment and pick them up and interact with them for the first time!\nMint 3D Unity scenes as NFT's which a wallet can then seamlessly integrate into their account in Your Meta World\nMint video content as an NFT, and pull this into Your Meta World at runtime. Users can build custom Unity scenes around this, and then mint the Unity scene to create an NFT inside of an NFT.\nView their 3D NFT's in augmented reality via our web app.\n How we built it: - The project has two main parts - \nThe frontend website and web tools\nThe Unity 3D applications which make up the "Metaverse" part of the project\n - These are connected via our custom REST API - - The front end of Your Meta World currently has two parts (however these will be merged into a single application later this year). The first part is the vanilla front end which contains many of our tools, including our wallet authenticator, Unity scene pinner (to Pinnata), 3D object NFT minter etc. Most of these are in vanilla JS and utilise Moralis's API with the exception of the AR viewer we now have. - Our new AR application makes use of Aframes AR.js capabilities, and utilises a "Hiro" marker like the one pictured. - - Please pay attention to screen brightness, image angle, image size etc. If you have any trouble displaying your models in AR. - The second part is our React JS NFT marketplace which is natively on the Ethereum network, however we have integrated some other networks (most features work better on Ethereum main net currently though, more dev time is needed to finish this properly). Most of our time has been dedicated to the Metaverse side of the project thus far, however the time is almost here to turn our attention to upgrading our existing marketplace to be the best in the world! - - The Unity aspect of Your Meta World is once again in two parts (again, this will be merged into a single Unity app shortly). The main part is our NFT spaceship, which is built using Unity's High Definition Render Pipeline combined with XR modules. We make HTTP web requests to our backend server using a simple C# script, and then manipulate the incoming JSON to create some amazing visuals and interactions with NFT's inside of a users wallet. - - We also have recently built in a HTTP request for switching Unity scenes to a scene which a user has as an NFT inside their wallet. This opens up the door for users to create immersive Unity projects, mint these as NFT's, and then sell, rent or give these projects our for free on our marketplace. - Our second Unity application is our 3D GLTF sandbox. This project allows users to interact with their 3D object NFT's inside of VR. Once again, JSON is being retrieved from our backend server and through some clever Unity scripting and third party GLTF modules, we have been able to pull this into a fully fledged VR traversable 3D environment. - Our backend is made up of Mongo DB and Express. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - There's still much work to be done, but I feel that the scope of this project is massive and there is the potential to change the Web3 landscape forever. Your Meta World makes Web3 accessible for anyone and everyone, and once finished and launched properly will allow users with almost every type of skill set to build an amazing collaborative platform with branching storylines and experiences. What's next for Your Meta World 2: - The first step is to finish off our suite of NFT tools (we're almost done!) and aggregate them all into one single web application that's built inside of our marketplace. Whilst functional, our marketplace needs the most work to build something which will rival the most popular NFT platforms in usability, design and most importantly functionality. Our desktop applications also need to be cleaned up and aggregated into a single piece of software. - From there we will continue to innovate and create exciting features that allow builders and even consumers to shape the Web3 landscape. Even those with little or no technical expertise will be able to contribute to building on their own piece of the Metaverse. - We would love to launch our very own NFT collection, which will grant users exciting avatars and wearables that they can use in game. Whilst these may unlock secret places in Your Meta World, we will remain committed to never closing off the tools which we offer to the general public for free. Your Meta World will never be a pay to play type scenario. We will welcome creators to come along and produce interesting and exciting experiences which they can sell, rent, or give away for free inside of the app. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In a world where web 3.0 is referred to as the vision of future technology and which is, we reasoned among ourselves to help create the first community based cryptocurrency which in future will be used by users to facilitate every day transactions, making use of blockchain technology. What it does: - Sympodium coin is the first community based cryptocurrency that allows users mine transactions while adding to the blocks. It also comes with a smart contract called Sympodium NFT that allows users upload NFTs and trade among themselves. How we built it: - The frontend of the platform is built with nextjs, reactjs, typescript and tailwind css. The backend is built with typescript, jest, MVC design patterns and test driven development. Challenges we ran into: - A major challenge we faced while building this project was the issue of strong internet connectivity. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - That we have created the first community based cryptocurrency that can be used to facilitate transactions and on top of that an NFT that users can mint. What we learned: - That no project is too small or big, you just have to get started to finish. What's next for Sympodium: - We want to expand and become among of the widely used cryptocurrencies the world over in the next decade. We will be introducing lots of features to the sympodium NFT marketplace. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In a world where web 3.0 is referred to as the vision of future technology and which is, we reasoned among ourselves to help build a donation platform in the web3 space that allows the general public to raise funds. What it does: - MyDonate is donation platform in the web3 space that allows the general public to raise funds in ETH to support whatever project (from education through to famine). We allow the fundraiser to set the target amount and any other component of the fund raising. We allow users to connect to the platform with their preferred wallet and undertake activities. We also allow users to donate any amount with their preferred wallet in whatever cryptocurrency to a particular fundraising by going through the categories. For testing purpose, use kovan testnet. How we built it: - The frontend of the platform is built with nextjs, reactjs, heroicons, web3, ethersjs and tailwind css. The backend is built with typescript, chainlink and solidity. Challenges we ran into: - We had issues with getting enough testnet faucets for testing the platform. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - That we have built a donation platform that can be used by the general public to raise funds in Ether to support whatever project (from education through to famine). What we learned: - That no project is too small or big, you just have to get started to finish. What's next for MyDonate: - Look for possible ways we can verify the credibility of fundraisers. \nWe will allow fundraisers to upload video to the platform as part of their supporting media which will be stored on the IPFS server.\nWe will also add additional features to the platform which includes allowing fundraisers to provide supporting documents to their fundraising.\nWe will add an admin dashboard to the platform to help perform some checks and balances on fundraising and many other activities.\nWe have started working on a mobile version of the platform as we prepare to push this project into the public. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: ✨Inspiration: - - In most developing countries, there is a large sector of the economy that is called the informal sector or the unorganized sector. Employment in the informal labour market plays an important role in most developing economies. The informal sector consists of the self-employed and informal wage labour including Artisans, petty traders, labourers, electricians, plumbers, small business people, and non-agricultural casual workers. - Seeing the rise in unemployment across various countries due to increasing population, competition and COVID-19 we came across the idea of creating a DAO to provide a platform for informal workmen to list and bid for their services and also for people looking for helpers, labourers and workmen to get their service easily. - The major issue in this sector is that workmen don’t get the right compensation for their work and also common people looking for better workmen don’t get proper service. People don’t get to know about the nearest labourers, or workmen available near them.\nOur DAO sets out to solve this issue using automation and securing money transfers through blockchain. To know about the nearest labourer we have integrated Google Maps into our DAO. What does it do❔: - Application: - - \nHiring labourer's for as many days as you want and getting their service. \nLabour can list their services on the site by entering their required details and get rewarded for their service. \nPeople who want the service can book the number of labourers and unto how many days they want to get the service and for that, they will have to pay the required service amount set by the required labour. In this way, labourers can bid for their service and get rewarded.\n - Key Benefits: - \ud83e\uddd1\u200d\ud83d\udcbbHow we built it⚒️: - - \ud83d\udee3️Roadmap - Created and tested the smart contract on Remix IDE.\nDeployed the smart contracts on the polygon MATIC blockchain network.\nCreated Moralis server and started syncing smart contracts events.\nMade a ReactJs app prototype for Landing Page, Profile details page and Bookings page.\nIntegrated Google maps API for the location services.\nModified the UI for a better user experience. Challenges we ran into\ud83d\ude35: - - \nSmart Contract to transfer money to the respective labourers.\nUsing Moralis was a bit challenging for us, as it has some less documentation and materials regarding the feature we were working on and interacting with the smart contracts through React Moralis and uploading files through Moralis to IPFS was also a bit challenging for us.\nCommon integration while using free Google Maps API, causing issues when running into a high load production environment.\n Accomplishments that we're proud of❤️: - - We are very proud to have accomplished the objective of making a viable prototype, even though we have faced some issues during these days, nonetheless, we managed to overcome all of those issues and as a consequence, we have grown wiser and our vision has become wider. What we learned\ud83d\udcdd: - What's next ⁉️: - - With the limited resources (me) and time available I’ve focused purely on the smart contract. We’ve commenced the front-end in React. We will continue to work on this over the coming weeks to bring the full benefit of the DAPP.\nBusiness model\nDAO’s target audience is both household and small-scale businesses & industries. We’ll publish the Product to Product Hunt, Indie hackers, Reddit and through founder niche campaigns. We’ll generate users through campaigns we’ve planned for DAO which include a web3 jobs marketplace and an on-chain CV; the target audience is the same. Revenue will mostly come through DAO products and add ons. We’ve had little time for gauging reaction, however, potential business models for DAO include the following: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We want to enable all of the complex logic that happens in Web2 trading to be available in Web3 trading. There are 2 things just starting in Web3 trading that are really exciting right now: \n1) The emergence of synthetic assets that are pegged to the value of real world assets like AAPL stock, 2) Native Web3 trading arbitrage that takes advantage of things like multi-leg trades executing in the same block and flash loans. - We want to make data available on-chain for Web3 consumers as easily as possible, with no restraints. What it does: - There are 4 parts to our entry, 1) the dockerized oracle deploy, 2) the signal feed, 3) a simple web server making the data available via REST, 4) a jupyter notebook showcasing the steps to easily perform the steps. \nThe signal feed uses an ETH node spun up by Shakudo to read on-chain data that is processed into a signal, gets saved into Weavechain that stores the data and gives it immutability and lineage properties, which then is pushed back on chain using Chainlink. How we built it: - We leveraged existing features from two platforms and used the Chainlink Hardhat starter kit, dockerizing various steps to make it as easy as possible for users to deploy any feed they want on-chain. We added a new API call to handle the use case we wanted implemented and did a lot of "behind the scenes" bash scripting to get the magic to happen. We made a lot of coffee and had many late night, cross-continent zoom sessions. Challenges we ran into: - We had some difficulty streamlining the process and make the many moving parts fit well together. It was also a challenge to configure defaults so users would have an easier time and not have to input so many settings, deal with cryptic EVM error messages, or pay high fees to test in production. It was a final challenge to put everything together in a simple-to-understand visual diagram so we could share it with the world. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We used Shakudo’s ability to spin up nodes for analytics\nWe were able to easily deploy a data feed to Chainlink Oracles with Weavechain What we learned: - We learned how to deliver on-chain analytics using Chainlink, the many features and knobs that Chainlink offers to fit various consumption patterns and some new error codes. What's next for ‘Publishing complex chain analytics back on-chain’: - We want to build a UI that will make things even easier, making oracle deployments accessible to anyone that has built interesting analytics that can be used on-chain by the community First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiratio# nft-storage-helper: - Nodejs script to help to get metadata and images from NFTs that are generated by users (unknown ipfs hash until it is minted), store in local ipfs node if it is running and Introduction: - Those scripts are destinated to help NFT projects where the metadata of next ids are unknown until user mints it. An example of projects like that is The HashAvatars, where the metadata and image of the next NFT to be minted is defined by the name that the user decide to give to it. In that aproach, the metadata and images are first stored in IPFS using http-ipfs-client connected to an infura node and it stays in the IPFS network as long as the files are requested in a certain period of time. The problem is that when the content is not requested for a long period of time, it may be erased from some ipfs nodes and this can increases loading time when requesting it or even let it get lost forever, having the need to store it in IPFS again. - The solution to that comes with the use of to pin the content in other ipfs nodes by using Filecoin and also in the local ipfs node if this one is available in a way that the cid of the files keep the same as what was inserted in the contract. How it works: - \nUses public gateways defined at 'utils/gateways.js' to get metadata and images from the desired NFT collection to a 'data' folder, pining in local ipfs node if this one is running;\nReads each file downloaded at 'data' folder and uses JavaScript client library to store content in other ipfs nodes.\n Testing Guide: - Usage - npm install - Getting ERC1155 Data - ADDRESS="ERC1155ADDRESS" RPC="RPC_URL" FROM_ID=ID node index.js - Getting ERC721 Data - ADDRESS="ERC721ADDRESS" RPC="RPC_URL" FROM_ID=ID node getERC721.js - Pin at - API_TOKEN="NFT_STORAGE_TOKEN" node nftstore.js Next steps: - Tests were done using NFTs from gnosis chain, now tests will be done using nfts from other chains in order to detect erros in the actual script and fix it. In some rpcs there is a limit of maximum blocks that ethersjs can get per request when checking the events emited by the contract and that was not considered in this step of this project. To avoid it we can use a loop to get data inside the interval of blocks allowed by the rpc used.\nThis script is suposed to be used only for NFTs contracts (ERC721 or ERC1155) but it can be adapted to be used by others types of smart contracts\nNode version used was v16.14.2. It is known that this script throws error with version v18.2.0, we will check compatibility with recent versions of nodejs. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I'm still new in the Blockchain field. I've heard about DAOs before, but I didn't understand how they work. So I decided to explore the topic. The best way of learning that I know is to build something. So I found a tutorial on creating an on-chain DAO with Openzeppelin's governor Contracts. What it does: - It allows users to interact with the Governor Contract. If they hold Governance Tokens, they can create new Proposals, vote, queue, and execute. - After most votes are "For," you can Queue and Execute changes. - After Execution, you can see changes on the Box Contract, governed by the Governor. How I built it: - I followed Patrick Collins' tutorial on how to build an on-chain DAO. The code from there was the base for my further explorations. - The base was built with TypeScript, Hardhat, and Solidity. EthersJS and Hardhat Deploy packages allow contract deployments. - I added the React Frontend written in TypeScript to interact with the deployed contracts. I used the Web3JS library for contract interactions and the wallet connection. Challenges I ran into: - Since I am a beginner, almost every part of the project was a challenge.\nHowever, the biggest ones were: Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - In the project part, my accomplishments are: What I learned: - I learned how to build a frontend that interacts with Smart Contracts using the Web3JS library. In particular, I learned: - In the Hardhat part, I learned: What's next for On-chain DAO with Chainlink Keepers: - Things that need improvement: - Things that need implementation: - Yes, I'm afraid my project isn't eligible for any prize. However, this was my first Hackathon ever. I spent many hours on this project. It was important to me to submit here. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Have been interested in vesting mechanisms for the past few weeks. What it does: - It facilitates a level playing field between the grantor and beneficiary of a vesting agreement. How we built it: - - Challenges we ran into: - I might have just found a bug at the very end. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Decent submission. Glad to push something over the finish line. What we learned: - I need to learn some frontend framework stuff. What's next for - Extend testing. I will probably use it myself in the future. Maybe, maybe not. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - One must always have foresight in life. After I bought my first apartment with my wife, I, for the first time ever, wrote a will at the notary. And the issue of passing on my cryptocurrencies arose very quickly. First of all, because crypto-currencies are not yet well defined in terms of legislation. And even so my wife, or my notary, would still need to have access to my private key in order to release the funds. Wouldn't there be a more direct, fast, secured and reliable way to solve this problem? That's how we came up with the idea of developing \ud83c\udf08 Inhetherit. What it does?: - Inhetherit is a Dapp developed on Ethereum smart contracts platform that allows you to pass on your cryptos (ETH, any ERC20 tokens, ERC721 soon) to whoever you want, in case of your death. In just 5 minutes of your time, you can create a will contract linked to your wallet, and give it the permission to transfer your funds to your heirs when you die. It then uses Chainlink to request death records from a public API maintained by the French national institute for statistics (our Dapp is only available in France for now). In this way, if your name appears in these records when you die, all your approved funds will be automatically transferred to the corresponding addresses you gave during will creation. - In order to resume: - I. As a giver: - II. As a heir: How we built it?: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned?: What's next for \ud83c\udf08 Inhetherit?: - Here are some improvement ideas we’ve already think of: Demo video: - \ud83c\udfa5 watch here Few sketches to explain how it works (technically): - Big Picture of the app and it's interactions:\n\nFrançois creates a will and pass on his LINK to Bob:\n\nFrançois passes on 3.0 ETH to Alice:\n\nAlice reports François' death:\n\nAlice claims her funds from François:\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: \ud83d\udca1 Inspiration: - \nGartner Hype Cycle research shows that NFTs will need another 5 years to reach the productivity plateau. \n\nGartner says that at this stage, there is a need to build more user-friendly and cost-effective tools to help reach the plateau.\n\nAt the moment, NFTs are ideal for determining the ownership of digital assets. \nThe major digital assets are currently of three types: music, video games, and cinema.\n\nThe video game industry's revenue in 2021 was more than $180 billion.\nThe music industry's revenue in 2021 was about $26 billion.\nThe film industry's revenue in 2021 was about $100 billion.\n\n - The video game industry alone is bigger than the other two industries combined. Currently, according to, 48% of video games are produced using the Unity 3D engine.\xa0 - In the next few years, it will be necessary to embark on a large number of developers if you want to make blockchain applications mainstream.Unfortunately, learning a new programming language is not easy and takes time (It's estimated that learning a new language takes between 2 and 6 months on average). - How can we set as many developers as possible in the condition to build video games for the metaverse without the need to learn new programming languages? - Unity3D it's the most popular game development software platform. - A product that would allow Unity3D developers to create video games without the need to learn the languages \u200b\u200band tools for developing smart contracts, would allow a large number of video game developers to be on board very quickly, significantly reducing onboarding times and costs. - As proof of our theory, we found this question in the Tron Hackathon: link to discussion ✨ What it does: - The add-on facilitates integration with the various video game blockchains. - At the moment, the main features are: \ud83d\udd28 How we built it: - The application consists of two parts: an interface and a backend part. - - The interface has two main features: - \nCreation of the smart contract.\nInteraction with the smart contract.\n - \ud83d\udd25 Challenges we ran into: - We had two problems in particular. \ud83d\udcaf Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The most difficult part of the project was the realization of the backend part.\nUnderstanding which solution is the best for generating, compiling, and deploying contracts was not easy.\nTo do this, it was necessary to carry out various tests and implementation tests.\nConsidering that our DevOps knowledge was close to zero, we are very proud of the result achieved.\nWe hope we have succeeded.\nFurthermore, the used approach will allow us to scale the application when needed. \ud83d\udcd6 What we learned: - In this hackathon, we have learned a lot of things. \ud83d\ude80 What's next for Unity(Web)3D Toolbelt: - From here, the road is still very long.\nThere is still a lot to do within this project, from a technical and non-technical level.\nThese are the points on which we will have to work immediately: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]