Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Faefolk was inspired by Stardew Valley, a pixel-style, slice of life game that has been enjoyed by gamers for over 10 years. We wanted to bring this experience to the blockchain, and the Internet Computer was the most effective path to bring the vision to life. What it does: - In its current iteration, Faefolk allows users to farm, craft and build in a multiplayer, procedurally generated, persistent world. While much of what it will be is not yet built, the internet computer offers a unique opportunity to enhance game play loops by incorporating blockchain technology into the user experience. The current demo will demonstrate the minting of real NFTs by harvesting trees and stone, along with a procedurally generated world that users can play in with their friends. How we built it: - We built Faefolk using the Godot game engine, GDscript, Rust, and Motoko. We use web sockets and a centralized server for multiplayer communication, and NFTs are minted and persisted on the Motoko canisters. Godot is a particularly great match for the Internet Computer given its open source nature and its ability to use any programming language. Challenges we ran into: - To say that a month was not enough time to build this project is an understatement. Games take quite a while to actually bring to production. That being said, some of the challenges we faced were communication with the Internet Computer. Because we do not want our game to run exclusively on the web, we could not just build an HTML5 export, so we had to use Rust libraries to communicate with the Internet Computer. This is a problem because the Rust HD wallet library could not digest 12 word phrases from popular wallets like Plug, so user Principles could not be imported from web wallets like Plug. For the demo, we have hard coded principles, so we can demonstrate the minting of NFTs across the game and in our own NFT marketplace. Another challenge we faced was multiplayer. Outside of turn-based games, no blockchain is fast enough to handle real time multiplayer, so we had to settle for a Web2 solution to handle multiplayer communication. Godot has a fabulous, high-level multiplayer API that is not compatible with HTML5, so at a future point in development, we will have to build our own communication protocol so we can export an HTML5 version of the game that can be hosted on the IC. On the personnel front, our artist disappeared midway through, and the artist we hired to replace her lives in the Ukraine and has been unavailable for obvious reasons. Also, two developers of the four developer team have not been able to commit time to the project for personal reasons, so the remaining two were challenged with completing a project that was scoped for four developers. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - This is the first real gaming project the team has worked on. From what I have heard from other game developers, the fact that our game is enjoyable with this level of technological complexity is impressive. We are proud of our Rust implementation. While Godot allows you to use any language, it’s easier said than done. Rust allows us to bring the IC in all its utility to any platform that Godot can compile for. Yes, this means consoles, which may be a first for the blockchain. What we learned: - We learned what Rust could and could not do. We also learned the limitations of Godot, from its finicky tile mapping system to how picky its HTML5 export is and how it handles multiple threads and asynchronous communication. We also learned how great of an engine Godot is on top of all this. The node system makes things very modular and maintainable, and its community shares a lot of synergy with the IC community. What's next for FaeFolk: - Every great journey starts with the first step, and when it’s all said and done, Faefolk will not just be known as a great blockchain game but as a great game. We have already started conversations with experts in tokenomics and economies in RPG-based games, accelerator programs, and that crazy guy at the bar that told us about his artist friend who could be a useful replacement for those we left behind. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Biggest inspiration is our personal experience in the education sector and connecting it with new technology What it does: - Providing individual and unbiased feedback. Being one part of an ecosystem of services, for your education and career journey. How we built it: - With the native motoko language, builded with a connected canister management. Astro and React for the frontend part. UI Testing Canister for testing quick changes live on the main canister. Challenges we ran into: - Canister allocation and frontend calls. Making a good UX for web and mobile were really important to us. Time management by debuging errors were really stressful. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Working with real users and building an application which is close to the needs of our target group. What we learned: - Writing motoko, understanding the dfx service better, communicaton inside of the team and work structures where eveyone is happy with What's next for helios: - launching the closed alpha, building community services through plattform, email discord. technical implementation of token standards and soulbound nfts, plagiarism database.\nLooking forward to launch more services wich contributes to our goal to build a education metaverse. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Maps are needed everywhere, for leisure, for research and for information exchange. Large tech companies recognized the value of maps long ago and earn money with them. Many maps are available as opendata and can be used freely. It's time for maps to be truly free. Time that maps can be made available as a Web3 Dapp and offered as a scalable, decentralized map server on the Internet computer. - Maps can be used to clearly visualize many facts that are important for society. That is why maps have been an important means of communication since time immemorial. It is therefore all the more important that maps can also be offered with Web3 and are thus free from censorship and privatization. - In order to show that Web3 can contribute a lot to Public Good, special examples for natural hazards and climate change were set up with ICMaps. Further very useful examples will surely follow through the community. What it does: - With ICMaps you can create your own map servers and thus integrate map layers into Web3 Dapps, Web2 applications and even desktop GIS. ICMaps is on the one hand the software that can be installed on own canisters and enables a decentralized, scalable map server that is fully compatible with the standard WMTS. On the other hand, the frontend provides a user-friendly interface to create custom map servers and load map tiles from existing maps into the blockchain. This allows maps to be created with just a few clicks. Many examples show the potential of Web3 maps. One example impressively shows the effects of climate change by directly comparing two glacier levels. How we built it: - The first step was to write the WMTS software. Can a canister support the WMTS specifications. For this, all WMTS requests had to be implemented. Additionally, a decentralized image storage was implemented based on the open source project Motoko-CDN. When the first Web3 map could be displayed it was clear that ICMaps will close an important gap in Internet computing. - Afterwards the frontend was developed. Based on the Motoko Svelte Starter project and the open source Notus Svelte template a functional and professional frontend was developed, which allows to create map servers and to upload map data in a user friendly way. On the one hand, XYZ map layers like Open Street Map or existing WMTS map servers can be parsed and map tiles can be seeded.\nAs a last step, examples were provided to show the potential of the maps. Challenges we ran into: - In order for the map server to support all requirements of the OGC standard, various Http requests had to be supported. The Mini BigMap project was integrated so that the maps can be stored in a scalable way. So as many maps can be stored as Cycles are available. - The frontend had to understand existing map sources like XYZ Server or WMTS Server and had to be presented in a user-friendly interface. - To keep the map data under control of the creator, the idea of the Managed Canister was invented: The user provides the canister and ICMaps makes sure that the right software is installed on it. This way the user always has the rights to the canister and the associated map data, but always has the latest software available. Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for ICMaps: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Kontribute was inspired by the idea of wanting to give everyone a use case for their NFTs as well as giving creative writers a platform on web 3 to write on and benefit from. We decided to combine both of these ideas to bring NFTs to storytelling. Readers can support their favorite authors by purchasing their NFTs, giving authors an incentive to write good stories and make good NFTs. What it does: - Kontribute allows readers, writers, and web 3 enthusiasts, to write and read stories, or sell and trade NFTs from their stories all within our dapp. To achieve this we have integrated a creative writing feature, a story section, and an ICP wallet in the dapp - users can directly hold their NFTs and ICP all within Kontribute. Kontribute gives writers a place to share their stories with a community and a way for them to sell NFTs from their stories. Readers may want to support an author's story by purchasing their NFTs. - Larger projects with large stories and a large collection of NFTs can also launch stories and NFTs on the dapp via our launchpad. How we built it: - Kontribute is fully decentralized and built on top of the ICP blockchain from frontend to backend and we take advantage of the many tools that it provides including Internet Identity, DFX, and Motoko. - Our frontend is made with React.js and uses lots of modern react techniques such as functional components with hooks, dynamic components, and React-Redux for state management. We have multiple frontend integrations via npm packages that let us call other smart contracts on the ICP blockchain most notably NFT Anvil smart contracts(also written in Motoko) - which power our NFT integration and ICP Wallet. For our UI and design, we use Chakra UI which allows us to build fast and responsive UI's that look nice on desktops and mobile alike. - Our backend has two main smart contracts launched by us. One for our initial token offering or which powers our NFT launchpad and lets us launch our Bonsai Warrior NFT collection. We also have which is the smart contract that powers our story section of the dapp which lets us store all user stories on the chain, to be called dynamically to our frontend. All of this makes Kontribute a multi-canister dapp. - For a more detailed description of the development of our dapp and our code design decisions, you can read our GitHub README. All of our code is open-sourced and available for the community to look at and/or learn from. Challenges we ran into: - Building an app on ICP is much different than normal app development and there was a learning curve to figure all the new tools out. We found once we understood the idea of canisters, principals, and how to launch our front-end on-chain - things started to flow. Building out smart contracts in Motoko turned out to be a challenge as there were new concepts for us such as orthogonal persistence and the actor-based model. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - So far we are very happy with the success we have had thus far. What we learned: - We found ourselves thinking a lot about dapp architecture and how to create dynamic frontend components that interact with our Motoko backend. The async nature of the smart contracts also meant we had to think about how to properly display the information to our front-end and how we can notify the user of what's happening. We have learned and are still learning many new features of Motoko as a smart contract language. Building out this project and growing a community around it turned about to be a new sort of challenge for us as well. We know we have a niche audience that we can attract and we feel we have a product-market fit, So we have had to figure out how to grow an audience and keep them engaged all while we develop our dapp and launch new features. What's next for Kontribute: - We have about 5 other larger ICP NFT projects wanting to launch on our platform, as-well-as many writers who cant wait to get on board. - We have many features lined up for improvements for the stories and marketplace sections of our dapp some of which that are currently being worked on are: - We also have plans to add extra use cases for our Bonsai Warrior NFTs including claiming airdrops and using them to access the content. We want to scale the dapp out now as much as possible and try to cater to as many web 2 writers as we can and bring them over to web 3. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The earliest version was started during the Motoko Bootcamp for the core project. The project was to create an NFT minter, using some royalty free art. I went with the fish art and was inspired on how I could make them look unique by modifying their colors in the SVG art file. What it does: - Fish Tank is a way to collectively display and customize Fish NFT's you've minted or adopted in a community facing Display tank. It lets the user: How we built it: - During the Bootcamp I built a simplistic NFT minter with a basic front end showing the fish swimming in a user's tank after minting. For the supernova hackathon I took my initial concept and blueskyed the possible areas I could expand on. After coming up with a plan I redesigned a large portion of the original project to expand into a more interactive and community involved project. Challenges we ran into: - Not enough time to implement all of the features I have planned. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - That I have some working version to present for the hackathon. What we learned: - A lot about the Motoko language, including its features, quirks and limitations. What's next for Fish Tank: - I still have a lot of exciting features that I want to implement in Fish Tank: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Develop a secure social dating and communication application that will be implemented using Web 3.0 technologies and managed via Social-Fi. Provide users with the ability to monetize their content and activity within the application. What it does: - The TINGRAM application will allow you to cover the most significant aspects of social life, such as dating, personal relationships, business communication, charity, environment. Will provide an opportunity for participants to earn inside the application, through unique communication, individual creativity in the NFT industry and useful content for society. The application will be managed and developed through the DAO model. How we built it: - We were attracted by the idea of IC accessibility and security, we decided to use the Internet Identity system and store all data decentralized in the IC blockchain. To create our application, we used the new programming language Motoko Challenges we ran into: - We faced the problem of creating our own token in the IC network, at the moment there is no such possibility. There are also no bridges with other blockchains, which does not allow scaling our application. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Achieved fast video loading and sending messages in IC blockchain technology, and developed a unique model for rewarding users for activity within the application using a complex mathematical model built on tokens and NFT What we learned: - We studied the Motoko programming language, figured out the IC blockchain technology, learned how to connect blockchain wallets What's next for Tingram: - Attracting investments from large funds, to create liquidity and launch a closed beta version of the Tingram application, to test the functions and validate the mathematical model. Our task is to develop a really useful WEB3 application for the society, the life of which would exist for decades and be controlled through DAO tools. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - How cool would it be to have a dApp that helps you create plans with friends and family, manage the plan: including discovery of experiences, planning, RSVP and payments ? Many people struggle with planning things with other people, the more people - the more complicated the process gets. Getting everyone on the same page, time and place is not easy. Moreover, paying for experiences is another set of complex problems that many groups face on a daily basis. What it does: - planzApp allows you to make smart plans with friends and family seamlessly using smart contracts on the Internet Computer. How we built it: - Our mobile dapp is built using flutter and connected using Agent_dart. We used Motoko for the backend and we wrote code for a Web interface using reactjs Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We were able to solidify the user experiences that we want our future users to have and the value that we can add to our users by building on the Internet computer. What we learned: - We learned a lot about the Internet computer: What's next for planzApp: - One of our success metrics is payments on the Internet Computer. Payments on the IC are still evolving and we are excited and will continue to build and refine our dApp and add some of the features that we want users to experience. We are part of the community and looking forward to learn and help build out solutions for payments and Marketplaces on the Internet Computer. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - After we had participated in several launchpads and a couple of initial distribution offerings (IDO) of project tokens. We felt that it was a zero sum game and that market conditions sentiment dictated much of the success or failure of projects. - We believe that in order for projects to launch successfully on any decentralized platform through a crowdfunding platform it needs to put ICP token holders front and center of it. Driving value to them is a critical part of enabling them to back projects. - Value proposition user: - Value proposition for the project: What it does: - A crowdfunding platform for ICP using staking. Projects that need to fund their product can request an amount of Neurons that they need to launch their product/app. Users stake ICP and all the Neurons rewards from staking go to the project and the users get the native token from the project.\nUsers get a receipt for their ICP staked, so they can claim it after the project has earned all their rewards.\nImportant: Users need to lock their staking tokens, so they guarantee the funding to the project through the staking rewards. - One aspect that is crucial is that the project sets the amount they want to crowdfund and if that goal is not met, all tokens staked are returned to the backers and this includes the neuron rewards. The project receives the same amount of tokens that it placed on Meta Yield to be traded for the neuron rewards, so they can get another opportunity at proposing another campaign in favorable market conditions. How we built it: - Building on ICP was a new experience for our development team, we reviewed some tutorials and had some great support from the DEVREL team to understand the fundamentals of the protocol. - Our team had previous RUST experience, so getting familiar with the Motoko SDK was the first thing to tackle. - The backend is using Motoko and the frontend is built on Next JS. Challenges we ran into: - Manage token transfers with a call back function on the receiver address was something we had to learn from scratch. - Error handling had an interesting learning curve for us, but we managed to learn a ton from the feedback of the DFinity dev team and also found their Discord helpful to collaborate with other members of the community. - For our crowdfunding platform it is important to initialize the balance on a canister and to make the deposit of the custom DIP20 token to it. We ran into some issues and we are currently investigating them. - The client side canister does not allow pre-rendering and server-side rendering, we had to manage Next Js application to be exported as static HTML assets. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - In 6 weeks we manage to get our team to learn Motoko and we are really excited on what ICP can offer developers to build on a decentralized protocol. - Deliver a simple version of the crowdfunding platform, with deposit of ICP tokens and distribution of a project token to the backers. What we learned: - There are some key takeaways from the Office Hours with the ICP team: What's next for Meta Yield - liquid staking crowdfunding platform for ICP.: - Launching it on mainnet for September of 2022, we think this platform will allow new projects to be onboarded into ICP and de risking the process of crowdfunding them through the native staking mechanism of DFinity. - Roll out new products based on staking ICP tokens. - Really excited to continue engaging with the DFinity team and the community. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - With the development of technology and network infrastructure, the Internet, which started with Web 1.0 era of reading and writing, has managed to make a huge revolutionary leap with a transition to Web 2.0 era of content creation. - Today's Internet generates and distributes unprecedented amount of data every day. Centralized institutions serve as gatekeepers to provide services to a large number of users . There is no doubt that they make too much money from the value created by users and developers. However, due to the situation today, various centers of Web2 faced a series of problems ralevent with the unfairness, deceit, and censorship problems exposed by the design are increasing seriously. - That's why we need to move forward into the next generation of the Internet - Web.3.0. - 4EVERLAND is a Web.3.0 cloud computing platform. We integrate excellent blockchain protocols and network underlying capabilities to make it easier for developers to develop on the blockchain with Web3 network and technology. Under the complete development supporting provided by 4EVERLAND, everyone can enjoy working in Web.3.0 with the fun of development. - Now developers can complete the front-end deployment of IPFS and complete file hosting and access based on IPFS or Arweave through 4EVERLAND. At the same time, 4EVERLAND provides developers with a one-stop global acceleration gateway compatible with Web2. - Dfinity, as a network with powerful decentralized storage, network and computing capabilities, 4EVERLAND will integrate Dfinity to provide users with comprehensive Web.3.0 cloud computing services. - Thanks to SuperNova, offer us this opportunity to stand on the stage, we glad to demonstrate the first step of our integration of Dfinity—“IC-hosting”.\ud83d\ude4f What it does: - 4EVERLAND provides users with one-stop website deployment and access services in Dfinity. Users can directly host the front-end on the Dfinity network through github authorization or local Cli on 4EVERLAND. - At the same time, in order to motivate our users to migrate the front-end from the centralized server to Dfinity, 4EVERLAND will provide users with the free version of the basic service, and allows all the developers hosted on IPFS through 4EVERLAND to sync the front end to Dfinity. How we built it: - Our server will call the Dfinity interface to create a container for the project. - When the project is packaged and constructed in Hosting, it will transfer the packaged files to the corresponding container of Dfinity. - When it finish, Dfinity will back for us with corresponding project hash, we will use the IC public gateway to access this hash to realize the whole process of construction, deployment and access. - Allow projects quickly deploy to Dfinity through 4EVERLAND Hosting service with "One-Click". Challenges we ran into: - Through the Dfinity's detailed documentation, we haven't found too many challenges at this stage, but we will face many challenges in the future: - We will start the development of Dfinity's dedicated gateway as soon as possible after the integration. We try to find various sloutions in specific way. - For instance, how to make the gateway's global acceleration experience better? How to return container ownership to the user? How to provide users with more payment methods? Meanwhile, we have integrated IPFS and Arweave. How to connect and empower Dfinity with IPFS or Arweave? \nThese all will face challenges. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - With the development of 4EVERLAND today, we have more than 35K DApps which choose to use 4EVERLAND to host websites or data in a decentralized network, among which there are many well-known DeFI projects such as Uniswap community and FstSwap.\n;\nWe also become the ecological infrastructure of Polygon, zkSync, Near and other ecosystems due to our excellent functions and service experience;\n - We have many advanced innovations, such as the first storage aggregator compatible with both IPFS and Arweave, the only provider of SNS (Solana Name Service) IPFS public gateway; \nWe believe that integrating Dfinity will be an important milestone for us to become "the best solution" on the market; - 4EVERLAND has a strong community and developer base today, and we believe that in the future we will be very much proud that we have helped countless developers to enjoy the experience of developing in Dfinity through 4EVERLAND. What we learned: - We have fully understood how to integrate Dfinity in front-end deployment to provide users with convenient and stable hosting services. - Furthermore, we have been exploring Dfinity as the underlying architecture in an all-round way . We are thinking about how to expand and establish available Web3 PaaS and SaaS services, and link with more protocols on the chain and off the chain to achieve data storage, network and computing capabilities, which will help us serve users in the future and providing comprehensive Web.3.0 cloud computing services has laid the foundation. What's next for 4EVERLAND: - For the integration of Dfinity, we will take IC hosting as our first step, and we will ebhance the development of the following integrated Dfinity in the future; First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Even though I have hundreds of bookmarks, no more than 20 of them are really useful at the same time.\nAnd I was tired of manage bookmarks from browser to browser. I think my way managing links may not effective enough.\nThus I tried to develop a distributed and erasable bookmarking tool for multi-person collaboration. What it does: - The ICX is regard as a tool or station, where users can manage bookmarks via Internet Computer. - # The node-data hierarchy is designed as three levels.\nApp Node / Collection Node / Bookmark Node\n - There are two types of data: - Square Data 100% Open to All - Data is stored in the ICX-Canister. Edit access to data is open to all inludes modify & delete. - Data will be cleared regularly, to avoid that, users need a successfull vote for each node data. - User Data Only for User - Data is encrypted and stored permanently in the user's Canister.Only userself has access to modify them. - The cost of creating the Canister is borne by the user. Features: What's next for ICX: How we built it: - Start with a figma draft of this product, develop backend in motoko and then develop frontend in vue. Challenges we ran into: - The identity is hard to get started, luckily I reference to many open source projects and examples. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Product - Not Bad UI : ) What we learned: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - As Web3.0 continues to evolve, the launch of Dfinity in May, 2021 has offered more possibilities in the entire ecosystem. The innovative network not only supports storage and computing but also provides the front-end and back-end operating environment, which is not available in development on other public chains, meanwhile ensuring the true decentralization from the underlying facilities. In addition, its anti-Gas-fee mechanism and MPC multi-party computation encryption protocol are leading innovations in the industry, better guaranteeing data and practicality.\nAs illustrated above, we believe that it’s a good opportunity for Ceto to well participate in the IC ecosystem and become an important member in the trading sector, so we are determined to build the first decentralized order book trading platform on IC.\nDifferent from existed platforms built on other chains, all data of Ceto is kept on IC network, which is completely decentralized and can achieve a second-level feedback. What it does: - Fungible Token Tradings:Order Book—Limit, Market Order (upcoming)\nFractionalization of Crypto Assets: Fractionalize the non-fungible token into several fungible tokens representing partial ownership of the original asset - In general, Ceto supports transactions through multiple wallets and a variety of standards, providing users with unlimited trading options; at the same time, it also presents the trading interface in the form of an order book, offering users a more intuitive display of data. Our ultimate goal is to create a decentralized, secure, transparent and unlimited trading platform for all users. How we built it: - We are a dynamic startup team and our core developers all have extensive project development experience and have been involved in the blockchain industry since early on. Ceto is our first Dex project on the IC platform. - We use motoko and rust in back-end development, JavaScript and React Architecture in front-end development. - Current Standard Supported:\n1) Fungible Token Standard Supported: DIP 20, ICP Standard, IS20(under development), more to come in near future;\n2) Order Book Trading: FCE/WICP, BON/WICP, ckBTC/WICP(upcoming), XTC/WICP, more to arrive in near future;\n3) F-NFT: Fractionalization of NFT\n4) NFT Standard Supported: C3 Standard, DIP 721, more to arrive in near future;\n5) Wallet Supported: Internet Identity, Stoic, Plug, Infinity Wallet Challenges we ran into: - It takes us a long time to understand IC ecological features, such as chain-key technology, Internet Identity Authentication System, canister, NNS governance, motoko, etc. Other obstacles we encountered are as follows: - Atomicity Problem: IC network lacks some partial atomicity due to its own characteristics, and we ended up borrowing the Web2 solution to fix this sort of problems. - Storage Problem: Based on the characteristics of IC canister, the runtime memory is separated from the stable memory, we developed a rust version of the bucket package according to the system api, which can be more convenient to use the large-capacity stable memory in the canister. - Order Book Transactions Problems: Canister upgrade data security issues, canister user hierarchical management, log storage issues, etc. - Transaction Speed Issues: Due to the consensus mechanism of the IC network, the completion of a transaction may lead to several times of across-canister calls, each call will consume a certain amount of time which makes the overall transaction TPS lower. - Token Standard Problems: As a DEX on IC, we are a bit confused about the token standards in the ecosystem since the standards vary, eg., DIP20, IS20, etc. It wil be better to see a offcial standard on IC avoiding inconvenience. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Ceto is the only order book trading platform that enables front-end and back-end deployed fully on chain among the the entire ecosystem. - FCE/WICP Trading\nEver since the launch on Feb.21, 2022, Ceto has accumulated over $400,000 trading volume, 15+ partners, 20k+ community members and awarded 5k grant by Dfinity. - Our Team has been actively engaging in the development of IC ecosystem and reported a critical Cycle Balance Underflow Incident. What we learned: - 1) Deployment and management of canisters on the IC network\n2) Authentication mechanism, NNS, etc. \n3) Development process of DeFi projects on IC network What's next for Ceto: - 1) Enrich trading pairs \n2) Access to ckBTC and ETH token\n3) Listing other valuable tokens on IC: XTC, OGY, etc.\n4) NFT fragmentation service\n5) Staking service \n6) Explore DAO governance - Overall, in a foreseeable future, Ceto will develop a wallet integration process to facilitate smooth integration to all new wallets, and also specify token listing procedure so that the listing can be done independently by the project without much involvement of Ceto team. More importantly, all codes will be open-source. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - How can I safely make a payment for hiring someone to do a job? buy or sell a NFT to someone directly? How can I trust a marketplace for trading, especially some new platform? What it does: - It's a delegated escrow service, which allow any dApp to build solutions on top. For example, a job market for freelancer, a alternative ebay for p2p trading, a contract for salary payment... How we built it: - The core is escrow smart contract canister we build, and build a common UI for managing P2P orders. Challenges we ran into: - Dispute, how to handle the dispute since there is no middleman except of smart contract. The possible solutions are: 1. adding credit/reputation system to help stop bad behaviour. 2 forming a DAO/council to handle the dispute like a court. 3. escrow service take the trading item ownership(e.g NFT) temporarily to make sure delivery successfully. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - By leveraging escrow service, we provide interface to allow user to trading NFT ticket on ICEvent, no marketplace needed, and we also enhance our TODO feature to be a Bounty, which anyone can hire somebody to help a small job by paying bounty using escrow service. There also a simple interface, which anyone can just create a P2P order for trading (e.g NFT...) What we learned: - how to use technology to solve trust problem. What's next for ICEscrow: - \nget more scenarios implemented. \ndesign reputation system. \ncollaborate with social platform to implement social purchasing \n - source code First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We come from Kenya, which is not big in terms of people who are whistleblowers and independent speakers. So I saw this as an opportunity for people to speak up in terms of polls and unfair decisions that may take place. What it does: - It is a whistleblowing system that helps one to report anonymously in case one comes face to face with such a situation that one feels that they might need to report What's next for iWhistle Whistleblowing: - We plan to expand the platform so that it may get to everyones reach such that they may be able to report in case of an injustice that they may feel secure that they are doing so with the best security. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The development of blockchain technology is very rapid, providing changes in all aspects of life. This of course requires a lot of special research and also creates other supporting technologies, so that it will be able to provide many benefits. What it does: - Ontics is the authoritative source of release images of all blockchain technologies. Whether you are building a blockchain product or are simply interested in learning more about the technology, Ontics is here to provide you with an easy-to-use and trustworthy source of data. The Ontics team has been working diligently to develop a comprehensive list of all blockchain-related software, services, and user interfaces. Our goal is to provide an easy way for users to find images related to their projects, allowing them to quickly and easily add new images that are relevant to their work. How we built: - Ontics: The Go-To Image Source for All Blockchain Technologies: Images have the power to drive action. We provide an effective and simple way to deliver relevant images to the right audience, through Ontics. Created by the team at Ontology, Ontics provides a comprehensive image database of blockchains and cryptocurrency technologies to enable the next generation of digital businesses. Available on both mobile and desktop, Ontics enables seamless browsing of its collection of images while also giving users the ability to filter based on different categories, tags, types and more. it Challenges we ran into: - To build an authoritative, interactive and brand-centric software solution for the cryptocurrency community. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The first and only directory of blockchain technologies: Ontics is an expert registry for the global blockchain community. It provides a comprehensive catalog of companies and smart contract codes in response to the growing demand for reliable standards and wide-scale blockchain adoption. The Ontics platform includes a rich set of features supporting end-to-end transaction lifecycle management, which is fundamental in establishing trust and transparency in the emerging decentralized world. What we learned: - Blockchain Technology Images, Blockchain Technology Releases, Ontics Images, Blockchain Technology Release Images, Ontics Release Images: Ontics is the first and only provider of blockchain technology images. Our mission is to help Knowledge Economy to revolutionize their business model using visualized images that depict how each blockchain product and technology is designed. Detailed release images enable companies to improve understanding of complex technology, cut IT development costs by more than 15% and accelerate go-to-market time from three months to three weeks. What's next for Ontics: - Our vision is to make it easy for users to find what they need in order for their projects to succeed. We believe this will enable us to help individuals and companies alike achieve success with their projects by providing a simple solution that allows them to access the information they need quickly and easily. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The first message the Internet sent was “L” and “O”. At 10:30 pm, Oct. 29, 1969, Kleinrock, in Los Angeles, A message was sent to Bill Duval at Stanford University. This was a five-letter word: Login. After entering\xa0 “L”, the system broke down. The instrument showed that the transmission system collapsed. Therefore communication was forced to stop. The world's first communication test through the Internet only transmitted two letters, which were “O”, marking the creation of the rudiment of the Internet based on information transmission. What it does: - The transmission of a string of words opened the door to the Internet, thus beginning the booming development of the Internet. In the Crypto World, we also hope to take information transmission as a starting point and promote a leapfrog development of applications in the blockchain ecosystem. Therefore, we established a decentralized version of NFT mail application called “Dmail”. - Based on features of Web3.0 and Dfinity (Internet computer) technology, with mail application as the entrance, Dmail lowers the threshold for users and developers to participate in the Crypto World by enabling smooth transmission of information between traditional mail and blockchain mail, users hereby can use blockchain as if they use the Internet. We hope that Dmail serves as a basic portal to the blockchain world and a gateway to the real world in the future. - Meanwhile, Dmail will also be the first mailbox that is 100% developed by Web 3 technologyy. Dmail will be an entrance to the blockchain universe and a gateway for Web 2.0 users to experience convenient blockchain services. In the future, Dmail is expected to become a decentralized identity to Web 3.0 and a linkage between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 users, as Dmail is committed to work on\xa0 allowing 4 billion email accounts around the world to possess a Dmail address. How we built it: - To solve problems of interaction, communication and information sharing between on-chain and off-chain users, we developed a distributed application called Dmail. - Dmail is the first mail application based on Web3.0 and Dfinity technology that integrates NFT and distributed storage functions, and is dedicated to building a bridge between the traditional world and the parallel world. Compared with traditional mail, Dmail gives rights of control back to users. Users can manage and access data with their private keys, and can also determine the future trend of the product through community Governance. Dmail is committed to providing users with a permanent service without a centralized server, and meanwhile ensuringe the ownership and privacy of data. - Dmail is the foundation of communication, information sharing and collaboration of on-chain and off-chain users in the future. Specifically, it will serve as the basic communication and cooperation tool of the blockchain world, and the gateway for information exchange between the blockchain world and the real world. As an information interaction gateway in the new era, it will help users connect the whole blockchain world and the real world, and help users, developers, institutions and assets to build reliable interactive connection and build an information storage space that will never be lost in the blockchain world. In this way, we believe that it can better serve the blockchain world and the real world, and enables everyone an access to an equal access to different worlds. Challenges we ran into: - Every startup you know faces a variety of difficulties, which include funding, partners, technology, consensus, environment, etc. Dmail was started after Dfinity Foundation announced Grant because we saw the direction, but due to Motoko, Rust's language was not popular, technical documentation was not perfect, Canister We did face more difficulties and adjustments at the beginning of the venture due to issues such as Motoko, Rust's language not being popular, technical documentation not being perfect, and Canister not being stable. In addition, funding is also a big threshold for an emerging ecology that is not sought after by capital, which also leads to all kinds of problems at the financing level, but the good thing is that the Dmail team has persevered with its own funds, and has been recognized by more and more capital, users and communities. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Oct 18, 2021, Demo Test Launched.\nOct 31, 2021, Dfinity Hackathon Winner.\nNov. 30, 2021, Seed funding closed.\nDec. 4, 2021, NFT account pre-sale.\nDec. 24, 2021, Showcase on Dfinity website.\nFeb. 1, 2022, Brand upgrade.\nFeb. 8, 2022, Strategic funding closed.\nFeb. 11, 2022, $25,000 grant from Dfinity foundation($5,000 before).\nMar 21, 2022, Presale holders break 11,000+. \nApr 2, 2022, Selected to IC Bootcamp.\nMay 18, 2022, 3D Crystal NFTs Launched.\nJune 1, 2022, Beta Network Launched. What we learned: - Dmail is one year old, and in the process, our team has expanded from 3 to over 20 people, including people in technology, product, operations, marketing, design, and finance, which is great to give back, and of course we have dozens of Mods and Ambassadors around the world.Then Dmail got 2 rounds of funding, 30,000+ Twitter and Discord users, which is the result of the team's efforts and our honor. Thank you to everyone who supported DMAIL. - By the way, Dmail and IC ecological more than ten projects reached a cooperation, mutual willingness to provide technical, product, marketing and other support, which will help promote the development of Dmail and IC, I hope more users attention to. What's next for Dmail Network: - Dmail has just launched on the beta network, which is a great start. Next, the team will focus on product feature iteration and performance optimization, and then work towards multi-login, access to Web 2.0 mailboxes, plug-in wallets, protocol layers, collaboration tools and decentralized identity. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - DevPouch is a sample desktop app built on top of the Tauri framework. What it does: - The app itself is a very minimal implementation of a wallet on the IC network, based on the identity that dfx uses to deploy canisters. How we built it: - DevPouch is built with React on the "front-end", and it is a very simple one page app. It does not use the agent-js library for communicating with the IC ecosystem, all the calls are being routed through the rust "backend" Challenges we ran into: - While Tauri is an awesome project with a ton of strong points, it is still young compared to Electron. I've prototyped some functionality that ended up being dropped due to platform glitches (e.g. the file drag & drop is buggy on Linux). Another pain point was that the automated github build for Windows errored out due to some SSL configuration on the build VM, so I had to chose only Linux and MacOS for the moment. What we learned: - Rust rocks?! - One of the key advantages of using Tauri, and the reason why I wanted to explore the ecosystem, is that we can reuse code very easily. The JS code can be written with zero knowledge about IC, crypto, web3, etc. With a React custom hook for example, the front-end developers have a straightforward experience, similar to using the Fetch API. What's next for Dev-Pouch: - I think there are a lot of cool things that can be developed on top of Tauri. I initially envisioned DevPouch as a GUI companion to dfx, and some potential features include: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - When we see the reverse gas model in Dfinity, we think it will keep consuming Canister's cycles balance if it suffers malicious calls from attackers. So based on this thought, we consider developers have the need to monitor Cycles balance and prevent from DDoS attack. Inspired by this, we decided to develop the product. What it does: - The purpose of this product is to protect developers from DDoS attacks and notify them when DDoS attack happened. How we built it: - A DDoS attack's feature is that a rapid decrease in the cycle balance of the canister. If this feature is detected, we will trigger improve diffculty of target canister, and then request have to do prove of work to enter that canister. User can import rust library to build prove of work part. - IC provides the [canister_inspect_message] C interface, which will let the request do some judgment before entering the canister, accepting the request into the canister if it meets the conditions, discarding the request if it does not, which not consuming the cycle. we generate a random number on chain, user generate a random number off chain, and then we require Hash(random_on_chain,random_off_chain) to meet certain conditions. Once they meet the conditoin, [canister_inspect_message] will accept this request. otherwise, it will discard it. Challenges we ran into: - It is hard to distinguish between users and attackers when DDoS attacks occur, the developer's front-end should also implement the logic to produce random numbers to request again when the call fails, otherwise it will reduce the user experience to let users request the front-end interface multiple times. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are glad to find out the solution that establish the connection between DDoS attack and prove of work. What we learned: - By participating in the hackathon, we learned the advantages of IC's blockchain architecture over previous generations of blockchains. It makes us more confident to build new projects on IC. What's next for Dfinity DDoS Defender: - We will integrate our notification service with Dmail. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: Internet Computer is the only blockchain on which it is possible to build an on-chain MMORPG NFT Game. I do not know of any such project: What it does: We make fun profitable: How I built it: Still developing: Challenges I ran into: problems with canisters with large files, the speed is still not high enough: Accomplishments that I'm proud of: What I learned: We have been studying Motoko since the beginning of 2022. You can see our progress here What's next for Eimolad: We want to launch MVP by the end of 2022: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What it does: - IC Dinos is an NFT project of 8888 NFT's which are minted initially as dinosaur eggs - all of them being totally unique. - Every dinosaur egg is able to be hatched and turned into a random dinosaur species, along with a certain rarity of dinosaur assigned to it. Every dinosaur and rarity will have different statistics that are going to be used in the P2E game that we are building for the project. Users will win DINO tokens within the P2E game which will allow them to purchase items on the store and other NFT's in the Dino Eco-System. - We have our own live dino portal launched at - This portal is live and allows users to manage their dinosaur NFT's - it pulls through the eggs/items/dinos that users actually own on the blockchain and has a ton of features. - We actually created a simple version of this specifically for the hackathon which you can generate the egg NFT's for free (as many as you want and hatch them) to have a look at how it all works without having to purchase a proper NFT from our collection. - You can find that here: - The logic behind this free demo panel submitted is as follows: Inspiration: - We have been working on the IC Dinos project for over 6 months now full time - with a team of talented developers, illustrators, animators, UI/UX designers and social media marketers. - With the initial success in minting our GEN1 eggs - we decided to submit our dino portal and example of our GEN2 'hatchable' dinosaur egg NFT's to the Supernova DFINITY hackathon. - We were inspired by Tamagotchi, Netopets, and Pokemon for this project - and we know that people have a universal love for dinosaurs too. How we built it: - We built it using Vue and Quasar framework and deployed on the IC - can provide more technical information if required. - We also have our own admin panel available that allows us to over-see our project as well and statistics etc which is helpful - but in the purpose of this hackathon we have submitted for the DINO PORTAL and the GEN2 eggs and hatching. Challenges we ran into: - Some of the challenges for us was to get everything styled perfectly and working how we want it - we are very specific on how we want things to look, so worked very hard on getting all of the little bits perfect. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have had incredible feedback on the portal and the GEN2 eggs - with hard work from our UI/UX designers, developers, illustrators, and blockchain developers. - We feel that our portal is very clean and easy to use - and we have paid a lot of attention to fine details. - We love the idea of the hatching the NFT's and changing the layers - and being on ICP allows us to do many cool things with our NFT collection.. What we learned: - Our developers have learned more about Motoko and developing on the Internet Computer and we have continued to improve our skills for building a successful web3 NFT project and we will be moving forward to the game development after all of this. - We have learned how to manage and build a successful community for our project - and we have around 1380 holders for our project and the community are excited and waiting as we progress through our roadmap towards the P2E game. What's next for IC Dinos: - NEXT UP ON ROADMAP - We also built an avatar builder - where users can add their URL of their NFT and it allows them to save it with a border, and our logo and then use it on social media etc Other Information: - We have also built a custom admin panel for managing our whole NFT project - we have shown some examples of this in the files attached. - Some of the things that can be done in our admin panel: Play 2 Earn Game "Dino Survivor": - We have an exciting game that is going to be launched in Q3 of 2022 - which we have yet to give much information about. But in this game users will place their dinosaur NFT's on their map - and be able to choose the best location for their dinosaurs - and then the dinos will have to 'survive' against certain random events! - The events are going to include natural disasters such as "Hurricanes, Tornados, Volcanic Eruptions, Famines, Floods, Tsunamis and more!". - Every event will have different effects against different types of dinosaurs, and depending on where the dinosaurs are located the dinosaurs will be affected differently. - The main aim of the game is to stop your dinosaurs from going extinct and survive against the random coming disaster! - We will be putting together a white-paper for this game and how it all works soon. - Dino Tokens will be won in the game, and also users will be able to use these Dino Tokens for other items, NFT's, add-on powers in the game and so forth. - Each age of the dinosaur will also have meaning and effects within the game too. - Will your dinosaurs survive the up and coming event? Final Words: - We have a lot more planned as well as you can see on our roadmap at - We are grateful for any grants or prizes we win for our hard work up to date. - All dino species illustrated by us with three different ages + all of the eggs and backgrounds. - PS. Please note we submitted code only for our DEMO portal - which is not the live collection but can see the code and we have made ability to create as many eggs, and hatch etc and test functionality, but for a 100% accurate on-chain version please visit - - Link to frontend demo portal:\n - Canister address in IC network: gt272-xyaaa-aaaai-qnfya-cai First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Important: - Our demo video is 40+ mins long, so for those who are in hurry - here is a text version of this video. - The following text is just a brief description of our project. For further info, watch the video or read the text linked above! Inspiration: - We wanted to make a platform, that would let us build our own IT-startup organization, but in a self-sovereign way. Traditional DAOs are cool, but they are way too limited. We wanted our organization to be able to interact with other web-services and other organizations; we wanted better decision making algorithms (more powerful votings and delegations); we wanted our organization to be able to have the same (or better) level of subject-ness as real organization have. And we wanted our organization to be able to scale with our needs. What it does: - It allows you to do exactly what is written above and many more. Please, see the video or read the linked text. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have a full working prototype and we understand how to make it into release. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What Is It?: - crowdEats is a web3 reimagining of how we find, curate, moderate, evaluate, and more generally interact with local businesses on the internet. It leverages tokenization and community juries to create a scalable, decentralized review moderation mechanism. On top of that, it offers users a food-based social media running entirely on the blockchain, which unlocks new ways to curate and monetize content that aren't possible in web2. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What is openchan?: - Openchan is the first decentralized imageboard built on the blockchain. It is a transparent, privacy respecting, and decentralized social platform where users can create, share, and find content that is censorship-free. Openchan is a safe place where users can share their opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Openchan is a platform that respects its users and their privacy where users can express themselves freely, build a community together, and share what they feel is important. - Openchan is completely decentralized, with no central server or headquarters and is not governed by any company. Openchan uses the latest blockchain technology to provide a platform that is fast, secure, and private. Openchan is one of the first major social platforms to be built on the Internet Computer blockchain, a new decentralized blockchain network that is designed for the Web3 age. Internet Computer is able to process large amounts of data, which will allow for users to upload large amounts of content and pictures with no issues. - Current imageboards and other online discussion services enable censorship, limit speech on the basis of viewpoint and association, and violate users’ fundamental right to free speech. In order to have a well functioning platform, openchan will implement a number of measures to prevent only illegal and spam content from being posted. Users will be able to report content they find inappropriate by decentralized voting. Upcoming integration with Service Nervous System will use smart contracts to remove content if sufficient number of users vote to remove it. Openchan will also implement a decentralized governance system where the community can vote for the platform’s policies and make decisions about the platform. This will ensure that openchan remains committed to user’s rights and freedom of speech. - Openchan’s backend canister is built using Motoko programming language and the frontend is in Svelte. Openchan’s backend canister is designed to be fast, secure, and highly customizable. Openchan is one of the first decentralized social platforms to use the Motoko programming language, which will allow openchan to easily integrate with other services and platforms. Additionally, openchan uses Internet Identity by Internet Computer to provide private and secure authentication. Users are able to sign in using their Internet Identity instead of needing to use their email or phone number. Internet Identity stores the users’ private keys on their device and provides a secure way for users to sign in. This allows users to have complete control over their data and how they sign in. - Openchan is the next evolution of imageboards, the next step in online discussion, and a truly decentralized online platform made available by the Internet Computer. With openchan, users have a safe, secure, and private place for free speech and expression. Openchan will bring together users from all over the world to build a free speech platform that is truly decentralized, secure, and uncensored. The openchan ecosystem will be governed by the users and for the users. The community will have a say in the rules and will be able to vote on how to build the platform together. Users will be able to dictate their own rules and tailor the platform to their needs, wants, and desires. The community will be able to decide the future of the openchan together. - See the following links to learn more: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Question and Answer, All for One, One for All, When you have a problem, you always want to find a place where you can solve it. What it does: - RightsDao is a decentralized application platform built on the Internet Computer (IC), based on the IC network, with knowledge as the core, and through a social approach. - Users interact on RightsDao without any threshold, including but not limited to spreading knowledge, asking questions, solving others' problems, etc. Because of the special nature of IC, users do not need to pay any fees. If needed, professional assistance and financial support can be obtained from the platform through the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) proposal. - All contributions made by users in RightsDao will accumulate and gain a reputation value exclusively for themselves, and a journey of growth for each individual. As all participants continue to grow, RightsDao will also grow from everyone's contributions, and eventually feed everyone, help everyone, and achieve mutual success. - Right To Earn - Rightsdao's goal is to enable active users who help others to obtain tokens by doing good such as solving other people's problems, so as to achieve the goal of obtaining tokens by doing good.\nThere are currently a number of actions that users can take to obtain Reputation. Challenges we ran into: - Building on IC faces numerous challenges primarily due to rapidly evolving standards, technology stacks, and changing business scenarios. In developing our solutions, we face a unique set of challenges. Some of these are: Problems with existing social media: - There are now many social media platforms and they serve us well, but we should also agree that there are still many problems. What RightsDao has done: What we learned: - Based on the powerful Internet Computer technology stack, we can build the front and back ends and data stores running on the blockchain on top of it with one click, which is certainly a very powerful feature.\nWe have learned that people are passionate about helping others. In order to achieve practical applications, we had to pay more attention to the UI and UX aspects of the product. The user experience in all RightsDao needs to be prioritized, such as usability and convenience. What's next for RightsDao: - 2022 Q2\nDeploy RightsDao on IC for testing and optimization.\n2022 Q3\nWe will expand the team staff, improve the functions of RightsDao, perform mobile adaptation, build DAO, improve related pages, and introduce the fund pooling system.\n2022 Q4\nLaunch Rights DAO to issue token, hold boot camps for knowledge dissemination, and use RightsDao Reputation as an airdrop basis for governance token that can be used to manage our DAO, such as ecosystem, NFT, meta-governance, etc.\n2023\nCollaborate with related teams to introduce AI to identify answers and tag user content to help DAO identify faster and fairer, good content worth recommending or bad content that should be removed.\nWe will create a special section with RightsDao in the field of education, especially family education, and create our own business by providing specialized coaching and practical training camps for user groups in need. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Messity originated from another project that we are building on the Internet Computer called dbox. Dbox is a decentralized mailbox that primarily aims to provide dapp-to-user communication over the Internet Computer blockchain. When building dbox, we quickly realized the potential of an open messaging protocol for any dapp to utilize. Hence, we extracted the core of dbox to a separate protocol that we call Messity. - We believe that people's messages should not be routed through the hands of centralized service providers. Even when using state-of-the-art encryption of messages, there are many drawbacks of centralized messaging services in terms of privacy and security. By taking advantage of the cutting-edge technology of the Internet Computer blockchain, Messity may be the first viable no-compromise approach to a decentralized messaging protocol. What it does: - The objective of Messity is to provide an open communication layer on the Internet Computer. It is designed to be unopinionated to allow for arbitrary messaging between any entity. Messity not only provides a standardized way to send and receive messages but also stores them securely on-chain. Developers do not need to worry about the security and scalability of message storage when using Messity. - Our vision with Messity is to empower applications with user-owned and user-governed decentralized messaging. Whether an application needs notifications, instant messaging (IM), email-like services, or something completely different, it can easily be implemented using Messity. How we built it: - Messity is written in Motoko. It consists of one "main" canister smart contract and multiple "box" canisters. Each interaction with the protocol starts at the main canister. This way, users of the protocol only need to know one canister principal to use Messity. - Messity is built to support infinite storage of messages. We utilize a so-called factory pattern, where the main canister dynamically installs box canisters that stores the messages. Users are decoupled from the messages in such a way that a user's messages may be distributed among many canisters. Thus, users do not have to worry about running out of storage capacity. - The protocol is designed to avoid current limitations regarding inter-canister query calls on the Internet Computer. By having the main canister return the principals of the box canister where a user's messages are stored, users may fetch their messages only using query calls for near-instant message retrieval. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of the architecture of Messity that allows for infinite scalability. Scalability has shown to often become a problem when developing blockchain-based dapps. Through the use of Messity, dapp developers do not need to worry about the scalability of messages. Another exceptional property of the architecture behind the protocol is that a message with multiple recipients is only stored once. This means that a message can be sent to millions of users for minimal costs. - We have carried out an extensive evaluation of the protocol. Thorough measurements and calculations have been performed to evaluate Messity in terms of time complexity, response time, and operating cost. The estimation of operating cost, i.e. cycle consumption, will be published in the official Internet Computer documentation to help other developers in the community. Furthermore, this work has been summarized in a 100+ pages long paper along with a review of competitors in decentralized messaging, a problem statement, and an analysis of the technology behind the Internet Computer protocol. What we learned: - We have done lots of research on the Internet Computer in order to build Messity and get the details right. There are some limitations of the blockchain that have made an impact on the design of Messity, mainly being the absence of inter-canister query calls and HTTPS requests. However, we have plans to change the architecture of the protocol as DFINITY have proposed to fix the previously mentioned limitations. What's next for Messity: - While the current implementation of Messity has proved to be very useful and efficient, we have many plans for future work. Some of the major planned milestones involve: - When the Internet Computer allows for it, Messity will become tokenized and a user-owned and user-governed protocol by utilizing the Service Nervous System (SNS). We will also implement end-to-end encryption and will research the possibility of using the popular Signal protocol to possibly become the first decentralized messaging service using Signal. - Currently, the costs to run the protocol are covered by us. The vision is to make the protocol self-sustainable either by having each message being paid for (ultimately covered by the front-end dapp) or by having the most frequent senders, i.e. dapps, pay enough to cover the costs for less frequent senders, i.e. everyday users. We will continue our research on cycle consumption and tokenomics to see which approach is most viable and desired by the community. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In the past, the love records left by users on various traditional social software would disappear with the platform. LIC aims to record the proof of love on chain, leaving precious memories that can be remembered forever. In this way, we hope to return the social data to the users and let them truly own and display the data on web3.0. What it does: - is an on-chain love witness thingy based on Web3.0. It supports - It is also an interactive and manageable decentralized relationship proof, bringing a user-friendly social experience and helping users explore web3.0 easily. How we built it: - By icp networks.\nDetails refer to "tech framework" : Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for - Details refer to "roadmap" : First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - For Ethereum NFT communities it is the most normal thing in the world to verify the holder status of members via is an integral part of the infrastructure and enables many interesting use-cases like token gated communities or token gated raffles. On the Internet computer, there are so far only specialized solutions that work exclusively with the respective projects and were developed specifically for this purpose. Not every project can and not every project should develop its own solution. So what has been missing so far is glue - an easy to use solution for community leaders and members to perform holder verification. What it does: - glue allows projects on the IC that are built using the EXT or DIP721 standards to add holder verification to their discord server. How we built it: - We have four components that make up this project: - server (web2) - backend canister (web3) - frontend canister (web3) - discord bot (web2) Challenges we ran into: - The hardest thing was fiddling with Cookies. As the frontend is hosted in an asset canister on the IC, the backend and the frontend cannot live on the same server. Cookies can't really be shared cross domains, thus we call an endpoint on our server from the frontend that exposes the SameSite=None and Secure attributes for Set-Cookie Headers. The Secure attribute needs an https context, but because we're serving our API using an nginx reverse proxy and the connection inside the server is http, the cookie was never set. What made this very hard to debug is that this restriction doesn't occur when serving/accessing from localhost and was first experienced when deploying to production. After narrowing the issue down, we finally found relief in a 6 year old closed GitHub issue and everything works as expected :) Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for glue: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - This year a crypto investment to NFT gained a lot of interest for non-IT and non-crypto geeks. In 2021 Bitcoin and other crypto tokens has a new all time high price and people like to invest in space. This is a driver to growth NFT follow them.\nInfluencers, license companies, brands - all of them like to publish and sell own NFTs.\nBut most products on the market can’t provide a clear simple user experience. Complicated user flow growth a scary of investors and stop them to invest. Influencers, license companies, brands can't grow in NFT space now for same reasons. What it does: - OpenBiSea is First easiest place to invest and manage your NFT\nSimple, step-by-step guided solution to buy NFT, sell auction-based purchased NFT and receive simple, investor’s friendly reports. You can set price in any erc20 tokens or main coin and we didn't required to buy OBS token to sell or buy. You can buy with credit card even. How we built it: - A first front end solution for OpenBiSea is a mobile app and web UI app, where investors, influencers, license companies, brands can purchase or sell some NFT with tokens in wallet or credit card. Purchases have two types — auctions or direct sales. You 100% control wallet and ownership with easy to use flow, no need to become a crypto specialist. Challenges we ran into: - Growth and new users Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Great simple UI, full build smart contracts What we learned: - API and RPC What's next for OpenBiSea: - become top-10 NFT marketplaces worldwide First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Our inspiration was helping people change the world they live in. Be it a campaign targeted at tens of million users or just changing something that has to be fixed on their school, Metamob can help them accomplish their plans and dreams! What it does: - Metamob is a decentralized web3 app, running on the Internet Computer, that lets any user start mobilizations by creating campaigns of four different kinds: donations, votes, signatures and fundraising. - Using metamob users can create campaigns to face real world problems like climate change, wars, oppression, inequality, or even to fix specific issues on his school or his condo, for example. - Thanks to the Internet Computer and its 100% on-chain apps, metamob doesn’t depend on web hosts and can’t be controlled or censured by governments. - In later stages, the app will be released as open-source and a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) will be created to decide how its treasury will be allocated, who should be the moderators, etc. No single individual should own the app. How we built it: - The backend is 100% Motoko and depends on the Internet Identity and Ledger canisters. It also support querying canisters that implement the DIP20 and DIP721 interfaces. - The front-end was developed in Typescript with React 18, SASS, Bulma, YUP and the React components React Context, react-router, react-query, react-markdown,, etc. Challenges we ran into: - To be able to do free searches and complex ordering and filtering on the data stored, I had to implement a B+tree and Suffix tree algorithms in pure Motoko. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - \nAuthentication & authorization\n\n\nUsers only have to authenticate on the Internet Identity to have full access to the app\nThere are three user roles: administrator, moderator and ordinary user\n\nMultiple kinds of campaigns\n\n\nFour kind of campaigns are supported: signatures, donations, votes and fundraising\nDonations and fundraising will automatically transfer funds to the creator’s wallet. Vote campaigns can invoke external canister methods, allowing them to be used by DAO’s\n\nUser defined places/spaces\n\n\nUsers can create their own places to better organize campaigns\nPlaces can be restricted by email lists, DIP20 (tokens) and DIP721 (NFT) balances\n\nRewards\n\n\nUsers that help moderating abusive content are rewarded with the metamob token (MMT)\n\nThe internal DB (called mo-table) \n\n\nImplemented using B+Tree and Suffix tree to allow complex queries with fast retrieving\nSource-code at: What we learned: - \nMotoko in general and its core libraries.\nHow to use the Internet Identity, both on localhost and in production. \nHow to transfer ICP's and DIP20 tokens between users.\nHow to interact with DIP20 (tokens) and DIP721 (NFT's) interfaces.\n What has been done: - \nUsers\n\n\nUsers can sign in, log in, logout, edit their profiles, see the lists of campaigns, places, signatures, donations, votes and fundings they created\nUser roles are checked on every update action on entities\nUpdate actions on places/spaces are checked when there is a restriction like email lists, DIP20 or DIP721 balances\n\nCampaigns\n\n\nUsers can search (by partial name, by category, by place or any combination of them), sort by what is hot or by date, create, edit and delete campaigns\nUsers can create, update and delete updates to their campaigns, closing them manually if desired\nCampaigns that reach goals are automatically finished and, depending on the kind, the funds are transferred to the creator or an external canister method is invoked\nExpired campaigns are automatically closed and the users are refunded when the goal is not reached\nUsers can promote campaigns, boosting them with ICP's\n\nPlaces/spaces\n\n\nUsers can search (by partial name, by kind or by both), sort by name or be date, create, edit and delete places\nVotes, signatures, donations and fundings\nUsers can create, edit and delete their votes, signatures, donations and fundings\n\nAdministration/moderation\n\n\nAdmins and moderators can ban users, view and assign reports, edit any campaign, place, vote, signature, donation, funding and update reported by users\nAdmins can create, edit and delete categories and places\n\n What's next for metamob: - \nDAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)\n\n\nAssign all control to a DAO that will decide how the treasury will be allocated, who will be the moderators, etc\nUsers will have to stake the metamob token (MMT) to be able to vote\nAll propositions will be posted on the DAO’s place created in metamob\n\nToken rewards\n\n\nModerators, creators and users should be rewarded too with MMT’s depending on their participation\n\nPOAP NFT (Proof of Attendance Protocol)\n\n\nUsers that participated on a campaign should receive a POAP NFT when it finished\n\nMultiple languages\n\n\nThe app should support multiple languages to allow users from non English-speaking countries to participate\n\nLogs\n\n\nLogs of any update action done by any user should be stored for at least 30 days to allow audits\n\nImage uploading\n\n\nUsers should be able to upload images to be used as avatars and as campaign covers\n\nPlaces tree\n\n\nPlaces should be organized as a tree, allowing fast retrieving of all campaigns created on child places\n\nMissing pages\n\n\nCreate the missing pages, including the Categories page and the ones displayed at the footer section\n\nTests\n\n\nCreate integration and unit tests\n\n - Please try it out: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - My inspiration is to keep my personal diaries private while they are stored on the web, my reference is the chrome extension My Diary What it does: - This submission\xa0Phase-One displays a complete CRUD function where a user can create, read, update and delete diaries, with a clean minimalistic UI. How I built it: - I build it with the Internet Computer .dfx SDK, Motoko back-end language, React.js for the front-end and IPad procreate for the landing page graphics. Challenges I ran into: - I learned about the blockchain technology while building Dear Diary, I wish I have more time to submit a complete concept, but I will continue developing this application untill I meet my target. Accomplishments that I' am proud of: - This application is very personal for me. I love my diary, I created many diaries through the years, my main challenge with diaries was either I lose them or I run out of pages and I have to start a new one. Until I found the chrome extension My Diary, typing a diary online has a different feeling to it, especially thinking how hackable the cloud is?!! With the new Web3 decentralized system, I can rest assured that my diaries are kept safe and private, until I am ready to share them or even sell them. What I learned: - I have never heard of Web3 or the decentralized data system before. I read about blockchain on the news but never spent time understanding the technology behind it. As a software engineer, This hackathon allowed me to learn new tech skills while building Dear Diary on Web3 with the Internet Computer, .dfx SDK, and Motoko back-end language. What's next for Dear Diary: - My main strategy is to create a marketplace for users to sell online diaries as NFTs. This submission\xa0Phase-One displays a complete CRUD function where a user can create, read, update and delete. Next, connect the actual marketplace metaverse where\xa0users can discover other users' minted diaries as NFTs while allowing them to create, mint and list a diary of their choice as an NFT for sale. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I was inspired to build Signals after moving to a new city and finding it hard to connect with new people. It occurred to me that I pass the same strangers every day who share my interests and hobbies - we live in the same building, go to the same gym, enjoy the same cafes or play the same sports. Despite an epidemic of loneliness, crowded cities and all of us carrying devices which constantly broadcast our location to private companies... it seems harder than ever to connect with one another in meaningful ways. Signals presents an opportunity to re-think social media to put connection at the heart. What it does: - Signals is built as a DAO, meaning that its users control how it operates and are incentivised through the Signals Token to interact with the map and maintain the quality of the data. Currently it supports leaving three types of signals - Chats, Trades and Events. Any user with sufficient tokens can see the state of the system, and make proposals on how Signals should be run. - Some ideas of how to use the Chat Signal: - Signals also supports the Event Signal. You can use this to broadcast an event taking place - maybe a talk, meetup, party, book launch or anything really! There's also the option to make the event ticketed and to set the number of available tickets. - With the Trade Signal you can list goods and services for sale, the way you would on Gumtree or Wallapop. Perhaps you're looking for a cleaner, nanny or teacher, leaving a trade signal is the perfect way to find someone. It also encourages people to buy second hand, which is good for the planet. How I built it: - I decided to build this in Rust, as I really wanted to learn and improve in this language. I also used React, Typescript and Leaflet.js for the front-end. I knew there would be so many features I wanted to add, so I spent a good proportion of time in the planning stage, coming up with and MVP and using wireframes to know where to focus my efforts. I also used Kyle Peacock's Webpack starter kit which was sooo useful <3 Challenges I ran into: - It was a challenge just to get the whole thing finished in time, and to not let the scope creep too much that it wouldn't be useable or finished. I was also very aware that communicating the idea and the necessity of it was vital, so working on the branding, marketing and copy was new to me. Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - I'm proud that I finished it, and did everything myself. I even managed to squeeze in a few extra features like ticketed events (buying and checking tickets) and searches (both searching signals and functionality to search for places on the map itself)! I've built something that I'd actually use, and that when I speak to people I hear they are missing something like this in their lives - so I'm proud of the idea as much as the code! What I learned: - I've learned so much about Rust, working with maps, and of course the Internet Computer. I really loved developing something completely decentralized. I've learned a lot about the ICP ecosystem <3 What's next for Signals: - I'd like to integrate a DAO Launcher into the app, to allow users who have discovered each other to easily launch templated DAOs to govern their communities, spaces or projects. But I have many many other ideas for it, which you can see over on the Github Page. - I'd love the opportunity to develop these ideas further, and implement a production ready version of this app. I've loved building on the ICP and have felt very inspired by the idea of building a completely decentralized application. Thanks so much for reading if you made it this far. I'm always very happy to hear feedback and of course - to make new connections - so feel free to reach out. - Who am I? I'm a full stack developer, I've worked helping to build a 3D graphics library, a blockchain and most recently building backend and payment systems for millions of users at Sketch. I'm really passionate about trying to use blockchain to solve real world problems, and building beautiful products which benefit people. I'm currently in the process of turning my ideas into something more concrete, I hope to find a path to be able to sustain myself building in this space... so, if you know of any, or want to link up, let me know. You can find me on any of these links. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Inspired by ICP's Bitcoin Integration based on Chain-key cryptography and threshold ECDSA signature scheme, we aim to build the integrations (or bridges) from UTXO platforms, like Litecoin-LTC, Cardano-ADA, Dogecoin - DOGE, Bitcoin Cash - BCH, etc, to ICP. Furthermore, we will utilize ICP as a payment and DeFi platform for those crypto-currencies based on decentralized custody protocol (DCP). It is clear that DeFi application on the UTXO platforms is very poor, even zero, although their total market-capitalization is tens of billions USD. What it does: - The project aims to integrate Litecoin, Cardano, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash into the ICP system. Then, we will bring LTC, ADA, DOGE, BCH holders to a secure, scalable DeFi space based on ICP canisters, which they haven't ever experienced before, for example: How we built it: - We use Bitcoin integration as a framework, take advances of threshold ECDSA, Bitcoin adapter implementations, then modify for new UTXO-chains.\nFirstly, we want to share knowledge about Bitcoin integration on ICP.\nThis is a brief from major features of Bitcoin integration: - The components: - From this knowledge we're trying to make an integration for the Litecoin network. Almost all of the core features were written in Rust language.\nWe would like to share some examples of the working process to integrate Litecoin into ICP Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Octan Finance: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Initially, we started working on a platform to enable faster monetization for the creators. However, we realised that the problem is significantly bigger when we consider the entire social media ecosystem. More than 98% of users in the ecosystem are unable to monetize their time and effort on social media. - One of the major challenges while building GoBazzinga was content moderation. How do we filter explicit content on the platform to maintain the sanctity of content on the platform? Hence, as a part of the Supernova Hackathon, we decided to build a user-driven prediction market for decentralised content moderation. We also realised that this type of content moderation system can be utilised for any kind of user-generated content and hence we decided to create an open-source solution which can benefit the community as well. What it does: - GoBazzinga is a short-video social media platform on blockchain, which not only provides the fun and excitement of social media but also enables the users to earn rewards for creating content, engaging with it or sharing it with their friends and family (Think TikTok on Internet Computer!) - The content moderation system filters flagged content based on the votes by the users. This gives the control to the community and creates a decentralised content moderation platform. There are 2 layers of moderation - an AI-based layer which scans the video and text content for explicit content and a user-driven reporting mechanism for reporting explicit content on the platform. - If a video is flagged by the first layer, it is not uploaded on the platform till it is corrected by the creator. If the video is reported by users, it is then moved to a moderation feed for approval/rejection of the content by the users. The users then vote for approval/rejection while staking their tokens for the same. Please note that the staking of tokens has no bearing on the votes. Every vote is counted as a single vote irrespective of the number of tokens staked by the respective user. - Once the voting window (usually 24 hours) expires, the video is then approved/rejected based on the number of votes. If the video is approved, it is put back in the home feed, else it is removed from the platform. The staked tokens by the losing side are distributed amongst the voters on the winning side proportionally according to the number of tokens staked by each voter on the winning side. How we built it: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for GoBazzinga: - The content moderation would now be incorporated in the GoBazzinga platform to enable moderation of the various videos being uploaded on the platform by the users. Further, the platform would be open-sourced and made available for other projects in the community to customise and deploy as per their specific requirements. - For GoBazzinga, having launched the first version of DApp and on-boarded initial users, the focus over the next 5-6 months is to consolidate and improve the platform. This would entail overhauling and enhancing both the front-end and back-end of the application. While improving the front-end would enhance the user experience, the overhauling of the backend is necessary for enhancing the scalability of the platform. In addition, content moderation and personalised recommendation feeds would also be incorporated in the platform First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: CrowdFund NFT: - We are CrowdFund NFT - an alternative to Kickstarter, Go Fund Me, and other traditional crowdfunding platforms. Our unique approach? We run entirely on the Internet Computer blockchain, and use NFTs to provide fundraisers with ‘proof of participation’ in the projects they back. This allows us to create a safer, cheaper and global crowdfunding service. Inspiration: - We were inspired to build CrowdFund NFT for two reasons. - First, after months spent exploring the IC Blockchain and ecosystem, we found that new projects built on the IC are often run by part time developer teams, who need funding to take their projects to the next level. Building a rewards based crowdfunding service for the IC ecosystem would help project creators get access to non dilutive funding, so that they can go full time and focus their attention on building and promoting their products / services. - Secondly, we realised that blockchain technology can revolutionise crowdfunding forever, by making it: Safer, Cheaper and Global. This could improve crowdfunding far beyond the IC ecosystem. 1 - Safer: - Crowdfunding is safer on blockchain. We have implemented a 'controller less' (or blackhole) canister system - where all parts of funds collection, management and disbursements are run on open source & verifiable smart contract canisters. This serves to make our crowdfunding service tamperproof. - We saw a scandal with GoFundMe earlier this year, where they were heavily criticised for commandeering $9M worth of funds that were sent to support protesting truck drivers in Canada. This would not happen on our platform, because our escrow canister - which is controller less, open source and verifiable - prevents any team or person from tampering with the smart contract to alter disbursements and commandeer funds, this includes the CrowdFund NFT team. 2 - Cheaper & more value for participants: - With NFTs, crowdfunding can be made cheaper, and provide more value to both fundraisers and project creators. - We are a rewards based crowdfunding service, where project creators commit to delivering a set of rewards in exchange for participation in a crowdfunding round. These rewards might be: airdrops, access to whitelists / premium products - or use case specific rewards, such as 'in game benefits' for gaming projects. - Rewards based crowdfunding platforms already exists, but we have added a twist: a new NFT model. With each crowdfunding round, a set of NFTs are distributed to participants - the NFT serves as their 'access token' to redeem rewards. The benefit of tying rewards to NFTs is that: access to rewards can now be traded on secondary marketplaces. Participants in successful crowdfunding rounds can trade their NFTs - and access to rewards are traded with it. - There is also a benefit for project creators. With every NFT resale, a 2.5% fee for project creators is charged. This enables long term funding for project creators, so that the crowdfunding round helps to support the project even after it is over! :) - The NFT model also means that crowdfunding on the blockchain can be made cheaper. Traditional crowdfunding platforms will charge anywhere between 10-25% of the amount raised for successful projects. We can charge 5%, because we make the extra revenue on a 2.5% charge on all NFT resales. To make the pricing structure clear: we only charge 5% of the amount raised for successfully funded projects, unsuccessful projects are not charged. For every NFT resale, a 2.5% fee goes to the project creator, and a 2.5% fee goes to CrowdFund NFT. We also charge 1 ICP to submit a project for review on CrowdFund NFT. 3 - Global: - Blockchain technology allows for global crowdfunding - which substantially opens up the market for available participants in a crowdfunding round. - On traditional crowdfunding platforms, project creators are restricted by their geography - as they can only make their crowdfunding round available to participants in their local Fiat currency. - On the Internet Computer, project creators can make their round available worldwide, as the entire network uses ICP tokens all over the world. - By opening the crowdfunding round to a global audience, project creators can raise more! :) Canister architecture: - Our canister architecture revolves around our escrow management system. We focus on making sure that our funds management is tamperproof, that reimbursements are simple, and that the possibility of system failure is minimised with the creation of sub accounts for each crowdfunding participant, controlled by tamperproof smart contract escrow canisters. Our system architecture is as follows: - Accomplishments: What's next for CrowdFund NFT: - 1 - Growth within the IC - 2 - Growth with the Web3 Ecosystem - 3 - Become the standard for crowdfunding First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - As a landlord, I know the hassle involved in trying to buy or sell a real-estate asset, especially with the risk of real-estate scam. This is a scam whereby an individual claims false ownership of a property and or sells it to multiple people. My father being a realtor, combined with the stories of how people are driven to suicide after being a victim of a real-estate scam created a great nudging to come up with a solution, but was hindered by the limitations of web2. But with the emergence of web3, blockchain technology, the internet computer and the possibilities they provided, "landlord" became a possibility. What it does: - Landlord provides a safe heaven/platform where users can trade and invest in real-estate easily and securely. It also reduces/eliminates the hassle involved in procuring a property in the sense that; a user can purchase/sell a property on their phones, right from the comfort of their home. It achieves this making making real estate assets into NFTs so they can be easily and securely traded and invested in. How we built it: - We built it by first researching and coming up with mockups/screen designs in Figma, then we began developing the frontend in React.js and the backend in Motoko, whilst also learning about the internet computer, it's features, capabilities and possibilities. Challenges we ran into: - Being that it was our first time working with the Internet Computer, we had a lot to learn and so little time. We realized that the 2 seconds delay for update methods on the internet computer could make payment of share holders quite time consuming. Also, we came across hardware issues that made it difficult to use the Internet Computer's Internet Identity (on a PC without inbuilt biometric software) even though we had initially implemented it (hence the reason why it is not in demo). We created separate repos to prevent us from tripping over each other during development, only to realize during merging that tailwind wasn't working properly, we spent days trying to make it work because starting all over again with a different library didn't seem feasible. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We were able to fix the tailwindcss issue! and we somehow managed to record the demo in end. But most of all, we are proud to have completed the hackathon with a functional MVP! (a challenge indeed) What we learned: - We learned how to build dApps on the IC, how write code in motoko, how to create a market place, how to better work as a team and how to persevere. We are thankful to dfinity for that. What's next for Landlord: - We plan to keep on improving the application till we make it into the safe heaven we envision it to be. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Emerging markets have a shortage of agro processing capacity. While developed economies can make dried mangos or tomato sauce when there is a bumper crop, emerging markets often don’t have the capacity to process locally and thus produce rots. This is because Agro processing requires factories and factories require capital. And capital typically runs at 15-30% interest in emerging markets. - Affordable loans can unlock the potential of more than 1 billion people. - Meanwhile, cryptocurrency holders are looking for yield, especially yield that is uncorrelated with the rest of the crypto market. Right now, in the bear market, yield is down. - Investing in emerging markets is a great way to get 10-30% yield on assets uncorrelated with the crypto-economy. - Prior Art inspiration: Goldfinch does something similar for Consumer Finance companies in emerging markets. Using the Eth network, Goldfinch provides USDC loans to consumer finance companies like JoyPay in Mexico to provide financing for phones, TVs, etc. Goldfinch has raised over $120m. FarmDAO is analogous to Goldfinch but for SME finance on the ICP blockchain. - One of our team members (Kyle Schutter) has raised millions of dollars for agri processors in Africa over the last 10 years as owner of the the company He knows the challenges of raising capital for this market intimately. What it does: - With FarmDAO, Agro processors like tomato sauce canneries or sunflower oil producers can now access capital faster and at affordable rates. The loan can be collateralized by machinery, land, invoices, purchase orders or personal guarantee. In addition to collateral, borrowers have other incentives to repay: reputational risk, reporting to local credit bureaus and no longer being able to borrow on our FarmDAO platform. \nLenders are split into two tranches: Senior Debt at ~8% interest which is repaid first and Junior Debt at ~18% interest which is repaid last. This blended financing enables higher yield for those willing to take more risk.\nThe Junior Debt backers have to do their due diligence and vet the opportunity because their money is on the line.\nIf the Junior Debt backers approve the loan, they will fund 20% of the loan as the first-loss money or junior debt. They are taking more risk so backers receive a higher interest rate–let’s say 18%\nBacker-approved loans are then available for Senior Debt to fund the remaining 80% of the loan. The Senior Debt will have a lower interest rate because they are taking less risk.\nThe combined interest rate will be 10% which is a good deal in emerging markets. - Once installed, the factory produces shelf-stable agricultural products which are exported or consumed locally. \nWith this new revenue stream, the factory can repay the loan and then Senior Debt and finally backers are repaid automatically through the smart contract. This is vastly better than the current situation where liquidity providers often have their repayment disbursements delayed by processing issues. How we built it: - The frontend was built with ReactJS. The smart contracts were programmed in Motoko. The backend API and database was built using NestJS and PostgreSQL, respectively. We used class-validator for API request validation and the application is hosted on Heroku. Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Decentralized SME lending: Team: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The evolution of Web3 is happening, it changes itself every day, every hour, and every minute.\nEven ERC 721 standard is changing. Everything is evolving in this world.\nWeb3 is turning itself upside down, it can and will change the world into a better place.\nEveryone wants to build something and leave his/her legacy in this new world and this is their Web3 dream. \nWake up in the morning, what do you remember? \n Everybody has a dream, but not everybody has the courage to chase them.\n Nifties is not just about NFT it's about the people who want to achieve their WEB 3 dreams.\n A place for the ones who dream.\n A place where they called 'home' when they're climbing the hill and reaching for the heights.\n A place to help them chase all the lights and shine. What it does: - Nifties is a place where an artist can achieve his/her Web3 dream. Therefore this platform offers the features below:\n Hackathon: a place for art hackathons, users can hold or joint hold art hackathons for NFT artists\n Muse: a place for education, dreamers can learn how to become a blockchain artist in one-stop\n Promotion: a place for SNS account management, dreamers can manage their SNS account in one-stop, featuring data analysis, and multi-platform sync\n Grants: a place for crowdfunding, dreamers are human beings too, kids gotta eat\n Agora: a place for information, where users can check the recent events such as whitelist, mint, etc.\n Bounties(coming soon): a place for bounty hunters. anyone can post their demands and pay the bill so that the bounty hunter will take care of the rest.\n Workshop(coming soon): a place for dreamers to call 'home', they can store as much as possible amount of information and artwork as they want to introduce themselves to the world.\n Thumbs-up(coming soon): a place where users can communicate, dreamers and viewers can show their appreciation for each other. How we built it: - Frontend: Typescript, React\nBackend: Rust, Rocket\nContract: RUST, Crowdfunding, and NFT minting\nDB: Mysql Challenges we ran into: - Actually, time is not on our side, we were working against the clock. Cooperating and communicating is one of the most important things for a newly assembled hackathon team. We have not known each other before, but now we are a team and a real team. we are pretty sure that we will unite as a team to quest more adventures. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We finally did it, most of the features are online, and we learned a lot about the ICP, we even learned how to build a prosperous community. What we learned: - We learned to communicate with each other in a proficient way, and we know how ICP works. we also did some research on how to build a community for creators, customers, and big companies that are going to support the money for the dreamers. What's next for Nifties: - First, we are going to finish and polish the feature we planned before, and also focus on the 3 things below:\n Community Build: Attract more creators that happened to be a dreamer and more people who are interested in fine art. \n Twitter Discord Telegram account up and online.\n Held art hackathon and event for the dreamers on the platform. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - CanScale is an initiative to build scalable distributed infrastructure for the Internet Computer (IC) blockchain. CanScale’s first project, CanDB, is non-relational, performant, and horizontally scalable multi-canister database. CanDB provides a familiar and flexible NoSQL API that abstracts and automates multi-canister spin up & auto-scaling, data partitioning, and data persistence and stability. This enables developers to focus more on application development and less on IC specific distributed data storage design. - At Genesis launch, the IC was not released with a pre-built data-storage solution allowing developers to seamlessly scale storage past a single 4GB canister. For most simple applications, 4GB of canister memory is sufficient. However, developers who later need to scale past that limit will soon find great difficulty refactoring and appropriately partitioning their initial data model and data structures while ensuring that partitioned data is persisted and stable across canister upgrades. Without a readily available scalable storage solution such as CanDB, data storage on the IC becomes a major roadblock for development and consequently slows IC adoption by developers and entrepreneurs. By building CanDB, the CanScale initiative aims to empower creators by removing these barriers, acting as a catalyst to increase the rate of development on the IC. What is this demo: - The demo video is almost 16 minutes, and covers the following topics: - The live on-chain demo application showcases a completely on-chain demo application backed by CanDB that can flexibly query 4 million comments from Reddit. - The backend application is holding roughly 8GB of comment data split amongst a cluster of 149 canisters. How can I interact with the application?: - Great question, the "Comments" and "Monitoring" tabs at the top point to different applications that demonstrate how a developer might both utilize CanDB to build an application for their users, as well as monitor that application. - End-User persona ("Comments" tab) - You can query the comments by: - You can also change the date range to filter the comments received. - Use the "Next Page" button to query the next page of results (which under the hood uses the nextKey directly below this button as the Sort Key for the upper bound of the next query request). - Engineer persona ("Monitoring" tab) - Navigate to the "Monitoring" tab, and query your fleet of canisters. Use column ordering to see which canisters have scaled, as well as other metrics such as other canister metrics like entities (rows) inserted, heap size, and cycles remaining. How it was built: - The code for the demo is publicly available at The demo has a Motoko backend, and a TypeScript + React frontend. The backend utilizes the CanDB Motoko library, and the frontend utilizes the candb-client-typescript TypeScript library. - For those without repository access, you can view the publicly available documentation: - Data for the demo comes from the publicly available Kaggle Reddit Covid Dataset, which contains 12.65GB of comment data mentioning Covid-19 up until October 25th, 2021 (10-25-21). This demo uses 2.85GB of that data, in comments ranging from 7-14-21 to 10-25-21. On the backend, CanDB's equivalent of local secondary indexes are used to replicate the data in order to support different data access patterns, resulting in roughly 8GB of data storage across > 100 canisters. - The data was preprocessed and chunked into 500 comment row csv file chunks all grouped by the comment date using Python. - A series NodeJS backfill scripts included with the submitted assets in supernova-candb-demo/backfill was assembled using the candb-client-typescript library to interact with the CanDB index canister and batch update calls to the appropriate backend CanDB storage partitions. Additional upgrade and delete scripts (using the candb-client-typescript and CanDB index canister backend) were used as well to perform rolling canister upgrades and targeted canister deletion in case it was needed during the backfill process. Challenges faced: - The IC has a 2MB upload limit, so data needed to be pre-processed into small update chunks, which greatly slowed down the backfill process. Luckily, by parallelizing the backfill process job, I was able to speed up the data backfill significantly. In fact, I was impressed by the IC and my subnet's ability to handle the sustained load ~1300 transactions per second I was giving it (see attached screenshots). - Several errors and performance issues cropped up when testing on the main network that I was unable to reproduce locally. Debugging production errors on the IC can be difficult, and while I was able to work around these issues one of the top priorities for the CanDB project going forward will be to stress test the IC and CanDB, in order to further improve performance and provide developers with predictable cost and performance metrics. Is there more to CanDB than what was shown in the Demo Video?: - Yes! What was shown in the demo video is just a brief snippet of the features that CanDB currently provides. For example: - \nPerformant and Rich CRUD + scan APIs (not just scans like shown in the demo). Here is the endpoint that was used to backfill millions of comments into the demo application via a CanDB data structure on the Comment Actor\nCanister cluster management features:\na. Support for rolling upgrades Code from the demo application deployed to the main net\nb. Support for targeted canister deletion by partition key Code from the demo application deployed to the main net\nAbstracted and easy to set-up auto-scaling\na. Set user-defined auto-scaling limits for your canisters, but don't fear the responsibility, as CanDB will eventually auto-scale for you if your limits are too high. \nb. Use the [createAdditionalCanisterForPK hook] in your canister responsible for auto-scaling to scale out your canisters when they fill up.\nStable and persistent data through upgrades - CanDB keeps you safe by providing a flexible range of stable data types to store as attributes\nAn easy-to-use typescript client sdk - Set up client interactions with your Index Canister, your Actor Canisters, and then performing query and targeted update calls to the specific canister where the update should take place.\n Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Just during the time period of the hackathon, entire multi-canister CanDB backend, the frontend client, and the demo were built - turning what was previously Single Canister POC and a design into a full-fledged working multi-canister solution with a working demo. - As of this demo, CanDB is the first scalable NoSQL database on the IC. What we learned: - Too many things...if you want to follow my herd of questions on the developer forums, you can find me @icme on You can also reach out to me with any questions @can_scale on Twitter or @CanScale#1607 on the DFINITY developer discord. What's next for CanDB: - Q2-Q3 2022 (Closed Alpha) - Q3-Q4 2022 (Open Beta) First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Being a team of persons, building decentralized innovation that grants unrestricted access to anyone around the world has been our focus. Coming from EVM background, we knew it might be challenging to learn a new programming language entirely within a short time, but after we got to know about Dfinity, we are determined to show the world how the internet computer can scale decentralized applications that practically not suited for machines like the EVM. As the developer, my goal has been to create an unrestricted self-governed platform. I got this inspiration long ago when I saw much quality contents go unnoticed, and again content makers do not earn reward commensurate to the value they give. What it does: - Decium is a content management and marketplace platform where anyone can simply log in using the internet identity sign method to publish and/or trade content such as tutorials, solutions, professional materials, and so on. Decium is permissionless. We only require sign-in using the IID so that each user will be unique from another and can quickly initiate and sign transactions from their wallet. - Content makers who are either occasionally or specialize in creating consumable content can leverage Decium to expand their reach by simply uploading or creating new content using a section dedicated for it. Consumers of these contents are able to access them by first purchase them using ICP. Afterwards, they can access the content (s) either from the platform or be routed to an approved content location. - Bloggers are able to mint copyrights presented in NFT forms which are transferable and can be listed on the Decium content marketplace for sale. How we built it: - We started with the idea formulation, then to the problem definition with a series of brainstorming section. After two rounds of meeting, we concluded on what to build. The designer got to work, released the mockup design after a few days, then the final design. - I began working on the from afterwards even though we had not find any frontend developer. \nI initiated a repository, instantiated with Nextjs framework, but we have adopted MaterialUI style since it is faster to build with it than having to start from the scratch. Challenges we ran into: - The major challenge is getting a frontend developer to join our team, and learning new language within a short period of time. A guy joined us but never show up after some days. We tried to reach out to him severally, but he often ignores us. Again, we got two Indian dudes who, after having calls with them did not show up again. But then, we have to keep moving. - We were left with just three people: a designer (lady), admin and myself. Although we entered the hackathon late, I spent couple of days to build the frontend then moving to learn motoko was challenging for me. There was not enough time to really study the documentation as that is my style of learning. Perhaps I had given up submission yesterday when I was struggling to run the motoko code until today I saw the deadline was extended by 24 more hours. I was elated. Even if I could not win in this hackathon, I am very much happy for been able to submit. I am dedicated to pursuing this project. I will continue with the motoko doc to perfect my knowledge of it. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are able to write some motoko code, even though not complete and there are some bugs that would not make it run successfully. This was one of the coolest accomplishment for us plus the privilege to submit our works. What we learned: - Team work and encouragement. The admin guy is very encouraging and supportive. The design lady is fast to work and deliver. Above all, giving up at a difficult time is not the best. You've got to re-strategize and keep moving. It is not finish until it is finished. What's next for Decium: - Decium is a cool and exceptional project we believe is introducing a new paradigm in the world of content management and consumption. It will bring much popularity to Dfinity platform. It will also encourage the usage of the platform and her currency. We are committed to keep building. Mainnet and long-term running is our target. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Did you know web2 Search makes around $12 per user / per year? These massive profits mostly come from Ads. Reworded: this revenue comes from your data being packaged and utilized for secondary sale to advertisers. Most of the time we are completely unaware of this exchange in value. These products seem to be 'free' to use. But of course there is no such thing as a free lunch. - Do any of these profits go to the content providers that you find? Sometimes.. Do you get a kickback if your search data results in more sales or insights for an advertiser? Almost never. Does it go into a pool to help promote apps and content that you enjoy? No. - 'Search' can be done better with web3! It can be used for discovery and insights, spotlighting new applications, and aligning economic incentives that match the values of individual users. - A quick look into what web3 is all about will have the reader amazed at the potential. But in summary, web1 was all about browsing and reading content. Web2 is about writing and sharing. Web3 is all of web1 and web2, plus ownership. The very content and data that you share or produce can be protected and monetized like never before. Indeed, web3 has many advantages for end-users and companies: better privacy, security and direct-to-user business models to name a few. What is web3? Web3 is ownership. - Unfortunately web3 is still young! And like many other new technologies there exist a few barriers to entry that prevent a full and immediate transition. One major barrier being discoverability. Which leaves many saying: "I made my cool thing on web3. Now what?". - Kinic is my answer to the problem of discoverability for web3 apps and content. I was inspired to build it because I was seeing content being made but having little chance of being discovered. Not because of quality, or variety of the content, but by the systems' of centralized gatekeepers. These systems are in the interest of the status-quo. The gatekeepers do not mind to care. - "Nothing is more expensive than a closed mind, and a missed opportunity". - H. Jackson Brown, Jr - Rather than trying to play the web2 'SEO game' with transcribers at boundary nodes or landing sites, we should create and support web3 specific SEO. 'Search' that can only be done with an advanced blockchain powering it. 'Search' that can help incentivize and power the very things people are searching for. - In stark contrast to maintaining the "status-quo", we are inspired to build by the forward, positive progress, which we can now all discover in the new decentralized internet. - - Kinic has a high level of technicality and runs on the revolutionary Internet Computer blockchain. We deep dived into how this blockchain works to make content search possible, powerful, and concise. Moreover, we have Motoko code that allows for bidding and site claiming directly on-chain. - In short, this submission represents lots of hacking and loads of fun /s \ud83d\udcbb❤️ . - We decided on May 13th to build Kinic in public. We did this to help inspire others and bring some spice to SUPERNOVA. (I strongly encourage others to do the same in future!) - That's right! We had just an idea with a way to get it done, a badly designed MVP page, 0 followers and no traction at the start of SUPERNOVA. I wanted a full blown product-to-market match making experiment and I definitely got one with this 30 day sprint - Slept like 20 hours week-one out of excitement \ud83e\udddf\u200d♂️ - Kinic now has 1000+ followers, revenue #s and other strong KPIs, much better design and branding, and a more polished MVP. What it does: - Allows for content search on frontend canisters. \nA user can input text, categories or canister IDs to discover relevant content hosted on the IC. How we built it: - Search: - We used traits of the IC discovered in the Rust source code to gather all canister IDs on subnets. \nBy using other 'smart-code' we identify keywords for each app and app type. We then prioritize 'claimed sites' over WIP or staging sites, creating a new basis for web3 SEO. - Frontend: - The app is built using Vue.js. We A/B tested a few variants to find a simple and sleek design. Take a look at our images on Twitter to see the evolution. - The name Kinic comes from the word kin from kinship, and IC from the Internet Computer. It is also an onomatopoeia for a click noise. Our design and logo have been derived from this using AI term matching and other methods. - Ad Bids and Site Claiming: - We use Motoko \ud83d\udc7b ❤️ - We used the Ledger canister to allow for bidding on Ad categories. The highest bidder cannot revoke their bid. Other bidders can reclaim their bid, and bid again if they desire. After the auction closes (time based), the highest bid is decided as the winner and gets a two-week ad spot. - The ads appear on category pages on the right side. They can be images, videos, or gifs and have links. - Claiming sites is done by comparing the canister owner principal ID by what is given to us in a DFX command. Motoko does not have an 'info' method call yet, so we are forced to do this comparison with DFX for now. ( Challenges we ran into: - Oh boy. A lot of technical challenges like how do we iterate through canisters? \nWhat to do with all of these Wallet canisters? How to differentiate between phishing and other bad content vs legitimate apps? Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The community likes Kinic! We hope they love it as we build it out further :) \n - Many established teams Tweeted the first week of launch showing support. ✌️ - Unsolicited demo video made for Kinic: - ICOS uses Kinic as default search: - We tried a CrowdFund NFT and were the fastest sell out of all time. Our NFT is focused on providing visibility to new projects on the IC; if they use the perk of the NFT they get an SEO boost in their chosen category for one day. - We are very proud to have made a useful product that is being enjoyed daily. What we learned: - I am a serial entrepreneur and technical founder. The first stage of product building, for me, is all about validating an idea. Kinic exceeded all of my expectations in this. - We have learned the exact content deployed on the IC and have visualized the boundary line of the IC-verse. Now we are very keen to build Kinic and help web3 expand: with more features to incentives good content and apps on the IC! - Kinic is like an ever increasing repulsive pressure, behaving as an opposite of gravity. A bit like nuclear fission in a ________ \ud83d\udca5 \ud83d\ude09 What's next for Kinic?: - \nWe have plans to index the inner contents of backend canisters. We are in a discussion with Nuance first.. but will create an automated way to get this done. \nWe are building ways to incentives content on the IC! Why build, write, or upload, on web2 when you can profit more on web3? \nHelp Dfinity Foundation beat the baddies, with an API to track malicious content or phishing sites on the IC; Comms channel already opened with relevant team.\n - We have a blue sky of options but will focus our efforts on demonstrating web3's competitive advantages. - (#1 Technically this could also be possible for NFTs or other backend canisters; Rather than asking "submit your app and code" we can index the public functions and assume the NFT standard used. NFT canister owners can then verify their code and get a "Verified" tag. This is in contrast to existing methods that require someone to pre-approve an NFT before listing.) - Our WIP mantra: No more competitive advantages for web2. Or "Got web3 content?" - ** Product video is unsolicited from the community. It does not contain code for auction or claiming sites. We are doing a thorough review of that code before pushing it to production. It can be viewed in our Github repository. ** First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Digitization of assets and 3D scanning (creation of digital twins of physical items) is getting easier and simpler. But the Metaverse ecosystem is still missing a solution for a few problems, which ViewAR will solve by: - We specialize in development for the fashion industry which is struggling with the problem of high return rates due to a mismatch in size or look. Solving this problem was initially the main goal of WEARFITS. We are now looking at other industries more broadly as well, and we are also taking a step forward from Web2 to Web3. - We believe that Metaverse and AR will be the next big thing, so we focus on solutions for XR/AR utilising deep tech like machine learning and blockchain. What it does: - ViewAR allows for AR visualization of any 3D asset with digital rights and ownership secured. There is also an additional feature for the fashion industry that allows for displaying 3D models of shoes in a virtual try-on. We help in getting to the Metaverse :) - How it works: - For 3D objects representing footwear, ViewAR creates a virtual try-on link, allowing to try on shoes in front of the real mirror and on your own feet, just with the use of a smartphone or laptop camera (without any additional app). - The solution has huge social and ecommerce potential and solves a real world problem with contactless purchases (as well online as offline - you can also try-on shoes in physical stores virtually). The MVP is limited (e.g. storage) but fully usable. It utilizes core IC functionalities which protect publishers. We are going to commercialize it and add more functionalities (e.g. simple creation of NFTs, automatic creation of 3D models from photographs, the most accurate shoe-foot size fitting). How we've built it: - We have made an MVP implementing the Internet Identity and persistent file storage on the canister. Most of the computing job (like file conversion, machine learning) is done on the client's side to optimize speed and the usage of cycles. We have a module responsible for conversion and optimization of 3D files and publishing it via URL or QR-code. For the shoe try-on, we have trained our own ML model with over 15,000 hand-annotated foot images, which allows us to position and visualize the 3D model of the shoe in real time. Challenges we've ran into: - Training the ML model with more than 15K images. Optimization for real time use through a web browser. Poor and limited persistent storage functionality of the ICP. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The results of implementation on the ICP are quite satisfying. Our ML model is very accurate. And the solution works quite well :) What we've learned: - We have learned a lot about the Internet Computer and ICP. We are also using machine learning much more intensively. The project proved to us that using Internet Computer for Web3 makes sense and it has a chance to be the future of it. What's next: - For the production release of ViewAR we should: - ViewAR is useless without 3D models. Therefore, we have also developed a technology that automatically creates 3D models of shoes from photos. It will allow us to sell it on a large scale. We'd like to integrate it with IC as well to offer a complex solution for Web3. - In the next few days we'll launch a shoes try-on for a large customer. - Currently we are working on a footwear size fitting solution using our ML model to calculate accurate measurements of feet. We plan to release it in the following months. - This year we'd like to raise a seed round for sales and marketing activities as well as for further development of our virtual try-on and size fitting solutions for the fashion industry (both - apparel and footwear) and ViewAR. - We'd like to develop our new solutions parallely for both Web2 and Web3. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - When I started depeloping on IC using Motoko I felt a strong lack of a convenient package manager. - In my opinion, a powerful package manager is a "must have" for modern programming languages. How we built it: - Steadily with struggle. Challenges we ran into: - Canister scalability. - Pitch recording. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have created a complete set of good package manager: CLI/registry/explorer. - Infinitely scalable file storage on IC. What we learned: - Internet Computer. Motoko. What's next for MOPS: - Is it already working?: - Yes! You can install and publish packages! Is it open source?: - Yes! MOPS is completely open source! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Fair monetisation for authors is a key differentiator between blogging platforms of web2 vs web3. With our beta launched ( we want to start building the monetisation capabilities of Nuance. Supernova has provided us the perfect opportunity to deliver our first steps toward this. What it does: - Readers can applaud (clap) articles which transfers Nuance credits from the reader to the author. Essentially the reader tipping the author. Nuance credits are for testing purposes only and have no monetary value. How we built it: - First we had to decide what was the 'best' thing on our immediate roadmap to deliver as part of Supernova, then we had to carve out which part of the thing we could deliver within a few weeks. We needed to cut scope to the bone to make sure that we would deliver. Challenges we ran into: - Securing the transaction. Making sure authors couldn't tip themselves. Figuring out how to seed the initial tokens (since we are yet to mint our own token). - Nuance is built fully on-chain from multiple canisters, written in Motoko and typescript. - Due to our multi-canister architecture, we had to create functions that would interact with each other but wouldn't expose any security concerns from being public. To ensure the functions remained secure, we programmed much of the interface to take place from the post itself. Then the operation falls in the hands of the user profiles canister, which checks to ensure it interacts with trusted canisters each time it executes a function. - We consider this the precursor to tokenization; once presented with a standard we feel is dependable enough to be adopted by our community, we will implement real tokens for applause, so we had to make this feature with that in mind. To start, we ensured that users could not applaud their articles to game applause, and we also protected them from 0 balance applause.. meaning if the users have 0 credits, they cannot applaud. These features required call and response from multiple canisters. - To kick off our credit launch we needed to write yet another secure function that allows a trusted nuance developer to spawn credits for users to spend and we also created a UI/UX on the front end in which users can see their credit balance, the applause they've received in total and the applause they've received per article. - The Nuance team has recently implemented Stoic wallet into the platform, meaning users can log in with a wallet provider and will have the ability to carry assets in said wallet. Our next steps in the monetization path will be selecting a robust standard and integrating it into our architecture with some of the controls we've created for the credits. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Over the past months, we have delivered many things of which we are proud. Our integration with ModClub helps us build trust with our authors and readers. This is a world first. The world's first blogging platform built entirely on-chain with content moderated by the world's first moderation as a service entirely on-chain. - For Supernova we are proud to be delivering the first part of a capability which differentiates web3 from web2 blogging. A capability that will enable fair rewards for authors. What we learned: - Carving out a small piece of the larger capability whilst still providing value to users and incentivising the "right" behaviour. What's next for Nuance: - We will keep building out the monetisation capability to ensure that we deliver one of our most important promises - fair monetisation for authors. We have more features to build into this capability and we are only just getting started. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration & Vision: - The NFT industry is full of projects with capped supplies that exclude users and assets which only benefit the dev team of a single dapp. We wanted to create something which changed this completely: an NFT project that is accessible to everyone and focused on gamifying the entire Internet Computer ecosystem. - Anyone can join dSquad by minting a personalized Avatar for a low flat rate of 1 ICP, and as long as they keep this NFT in their wallet it gives them a chance to earn prizes in monthly airdrops (both with prizes from our collection and partnering projects) as they use the Internet Computer. They can complete "missions" on various dapps across the ecosystem and engage with other projects to increase their rank on a leaderboard and improve their odds for winning prizes. - Our goal is to welcome new users to the Internet Computer ecosystem and directly incentivize them to explore all the exciting things it has to offer! Getting Started with dSquad: - 1) Create : Design your own avatar, which you'll be able to use for completing missions and earning tokens and NFTs. You will be able to customize all physical attributes of your avatar. - 2) Accessories : Wanna show your own style to the squad ? \nCollect materials and assemble them through recipes to create accessories. Equip the accessories on your own avatar to earn more, gain bonus and indeed... show off! - 3) Engage and earn : Discover a new wave of decentralized applications and get rewarded as you explore the Internet Computer ecosystem. - 4) Events and legends : Participate in events and contests with the community and make your way to becoming one of the legends and earning special prizes! - 5) Projects : Are you an ICP project looking for more user engagement ?\nWe can incentivize our users to join your community, follow your social media accounts, and regularly engage with your app. Grow your community and educate people about your application through missions by integrating with our reward system. How we built it: - We built the backend using Motoko and using the technologies and best practices of the ecosystem (integration with Entrepot, using CAP to record history of transactions, EXT standard for the NFT, integration with wallets) - We built the frontend using Svelte. - We are using Canistergeek to monitor our canister fleet and we used the Invoice canister from Dfinity as an huge inspiration for our own payment system. Challenges we ran into: - The most challenging part of our project has been assembling the artwork elements to create a dynamic rendering engine for avatars. - We had to make sure that for every combination of avatar properties (hair, clothes, body, nose, mouth...) & accessories the result was clean and conformed to the artist intentions. - This led to several rounds of discussion between the developers side and the artist. For instance we had to ask our artist to create special hairstyles that would automatically replace the default one if an avatar is equipped with a hat, that way the quality of the final design is improved. - The gameplay we are building is already pushing the limits in term of the current possibilities of the IC (cycle limit execution per round, canister storage, delay with Intercanister-calls..). - It requires a proper design, we need to gather information across many canisters (some of them we don't have control over because they are owned by external dApps). We are currently creating a standard for other apps to easily plug into our ecosystem. - We also need to solve problems related to the identity providers used by our users and make sure we can respect privacy but gather enough information on our users so that we can truly rewards the most involved members. - Finally, we had a huge challenge with processing payments on the IC due to the lack of notify interface into the ICP ledger canister. Fortunately, after several trials and with the help of the invoice canister we now have a custom system for processing fees (during avatar minting and accessory minting) that is very reliable and acceptable in terms of user experience and speed. We also keep track of all the information related to payments attempts so even in the very rare scenario where a payment doesn't go through we have everything available to process to fast refunds for impacted users. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The quality of our artwork, and our dynamic & multi-layers rendering engine for avatars & accessories. \nWe have created branded accessories in partnerships with two famous NFT projects on the IC (ICPunks & Cronics). - The design of those branded accessories has been made in the spirit of each project. Those accessories will require special materials that can be earned trough Cronic game and ICPunk (now Gigaverse) marketplace. - The gameplay we have designed and how it uses the properties of the IC to create a game that has never been possible before. Our engagement mechanisms would be very complicated to build on a platform where the transactions and activity of dapps is not happening on-chain. \nWe need to be able to trust the recorded informations and access it directly on-chain. Also having a standardized API (through the system of canister) help to build a mental model around inter-dapp communication. - We are also very proud of the community we have built and the diversity of initiatives we are creating. \nWe hosted a few months ago the first bootcamp for the Internet Computer: the Motoko Bootcamp.\nDuring one week we released resources and exorcises for students, and with the help of experienced members of the dev community we organized lectures and workshops on how to build on the IC. - At the end of the event, we used our NFT project to reward contributors. \n 1) The students that validated the final test have been airdropped special accessories they can equip on their avatar and earn rewards with! \n2) The mentors have been rewarded by special Legendary Avatars made especially for them with the help of our artist. - We want to keep going into this direction and make sure the project is used to connect people and create value trough events (education, hackathon, presence on social media). What we learned: - A lot of lessons have been learned on the technology needed to build on the Internet Computer and the best design practices (canister architecture, security practices, standards, and libraries). - Obviously we also learned a lot on the artwork side (we used SVG) and how to properly communicate between artists and developers. It is important for both parties to understand how the other one is working and what are the aspects each one can act on so as to make the work easier and reduce the amount of time spent adapting the technology to the artwork (or the other way around). - We also gathered important insights on how to properly design a digital economy, how to make sure that we create engagement and excitement around it. Each accessory requires materials to be created. Materials are the raw pieces of our economy and will be airdropped monthly as rewards. We need to make sure that the proportion of airdropped materials compared to the number of active players stay in an acceptable range to avoid hyperinflation or intense deflation that would hurt the economy. - We are still learning, our community, the platform and the tech is moving fast and improving on a daily basics. What was built during the Supernova Hackathon: - Before the Hackathon we released only 9 accessories, 6 types of materials, basic Avatar minting, and functions for Accessory minting (though this feature didn't have a UI and wasn't public). This was just the most basic artwork, most basic minting, and a landing page with a bit of information. - During the dates of the Hackathon we:\n1) Defined and determined the Accessory Minting recipes, as well as the reward algorithm and other economy balancing mechanisms.\n2) Implemented the features of the leaderboard, the monthly contests, the points system, the user profiles, missions, economy statistics, CAP activity tracking, as well as started work on the SDK.\n3) Created a completely new website, a new brand (renamed the project), and filled the new website with information. This Also included building UIs for all the new features, as well as enhanced UIs and workflows for Avatar minting, equiping/unequiping/previewing accessories, and minting accessories.\n4) We refined and polished the payment processing process.\n5) We released 20 pages worth of documentation organized within an easy to navigate Gitbook covering every aspect of the project so users can dive right in. - This work completes our MVP, with all external onboarding materials polished and gameplay features ready to be used! What's next for dSquad ?: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiratiowern: - wer What it does: How I built it: Challenges I ran into: Accomplishments that I'm proud of: What I learned: What's next for Some: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - \nWhen we built enterprise-level applications on ICP, we found that there is currently a lack of efficient multi-canister management systems on the market, which requires us to manually manage many smart contracts, which becomes inconvenient as the scale of the project expands, so the original intention is to provide one-stop contract hosting, collaboration, integration, and monitoring services for enterprise-level users, so that developers can focus on the development of business logic without getting caught in the whirlpool of various environments and configurations.\nWhen we researched various Dapps on ICP, we found that at this stage, various projects are blooming, good and bad. Among them, there are many valuable and promising projects, and they are also full of many experimental short-sighted ideas. Different, providing great uncertainty for the decision-making of institutions and individual investors, so the idea of providing a judgment system jointly maintained by senior technical personnel, large institutions, and representative community KOLs came to our minds , lingering.\n What it does: - \nDecentralized code hosting platform, we rely on the storage canister on ICP to realize the decentralized storage of code files, in order to realize the code hosting service in the era of web3.0 corresponding to Github, which is a trustless forever and continued smart contract code to provide escrow services\nTeam collaboration management platform, we provide convenient and fast team collaboration management tools based on groups, projects, and users, explore the way of working in the web3.0 era, and aim to create trustworthy and efficient team collaboration tools\nSmart contract compilation, deployment and visualization platform, we provide a set of efficient integrated compilation services, allowing developers to focus on business development without configuring a complex compilation environment\nDapp-DAO is based on the governance function of the community, allowing qualified ecological participants to make multi-dimensional judgments on projects they are familiar with, making good projects stand out, and greatly improving the activity of the community, so that everyone can Provide support for project construction also receive moderate incentives\n How we built it: - Most of the functions of the platform are developed based on cansiter, which makes chain-cloud naturally decentralized and 100% on-chain. - \nCode hosting service, based on ICP, an infinitely scalable storage protocol developed by motoko, which can easily and quickly submit code and pull code.\nThe contract compilation platform, an efficient contract compilation service developed based on go and rust, can compile canister for multiple users at the same time, which is fast, convenient and efficient.\nWeb code editor, a highly customized web code editor based on monaco-editor, allows developers to easily edit code online, supports code highlighting and automatic completion.\nDecentralized Dapp-DAO organization, the dapp-dao mechanism based on the proposal-scoring-voting model allows the community to interact with the project side efficiently, so that the fluid democratic mechanism that ICP has always implemented can show its power in the field of dapp judgment.\n Challenges we ran into: - Since we don't have a data center node running the ICP blockchain, we can't get some data. This makes us have to find another way to let users upload some data by referring to our buried hook in their canister, which actually causes a certain amount of damage to users. level of inconvenience, although we will only collect non-sensitive data. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - \nWe have developed a set of web code editors that enable developers to edit code online and quickly deploy to the ICP network by clicking triggers.\nWe have developed a decentralized code hosting service based on the ICP network, which enables everyone to trust the authenticity of the code.\nWe have introduced a decentralized governance method to evaluate projects, including project value evaluation, project team member research, project development progress tracking, project economic model analysis, project code auditing, etc. to comprehensively consider the project and help the project While growing up, you can also enjoy the rewards of project development\n What we learned: - \nThe whole process and technical ability of project development based on ICP and canister.\nThe basic elements of the code hosting service and its working methods, and the technical path for decentralization.\nThe technical realization of the canister compilation method, and the realization of the monitoring of various indicators when the canister is running.\nHow to design and implement a DAO mechanism.\n What's next for chain-cloud: - \nFully implement and continuously optimize the above functions.\nConduct media publicity and community promotion.\nNegotiate investment matters.\nDecide whether to issue tokens according to the policy situation.\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Since 2016 we’ve been building Cosmicrafts, started as a 2D spaceship game for mobile and after 5 iterations we finally got into the blockchain. - Our team is made by a group of friends that met playing online multiplayer games, we love what we do and are motivated to create games as good as the ones we play. Cosmicrafts inspiration comes originally from Starcraft with fresh and new elements from other games such as League of Legends, Clash Royale and World of Warcraft. - Our main focus is to build a community around the Internet Computer and Cosmicrafts with a fun gameplay and long-term scope by including social features through NFTs and Tokens. Such social features include but not limited to Multiplayer, Esports, Guilds, Tech Support, DeFi and Governance. What is Cosmicrafts: - A new hope for life has emerged as the universe collapses into the Dark Rift, the remnants of ancient civilizations and astonishing forms of life are still fighting for supremacy. - Cosmicrafts is a futuristic real-time strategy game where you command your own fleet by sending NFTs into a battleground to destroy your opponent's base. - Users can log-in with their Internet Computer and other web3 wallets to play for free, no need to have crypto to get started. Earn NFTs and Tokens through missions, events, and different game modes by playing against Artificial Intelligence or other players through our cross-chain multiplayer. - There is a wide variety of Game NFTs, from Spaceships, Turrets, Artifacts and Space Stations to Characters, Passive Skills, Skins and Avatars, all usable in-game. Players can improve their NFTs by stacking them and pay tokens to merge them into a new a more powerful game asset. In this process the NFTs used for the upgrade will be burned from the total supply. - Cosmicrafts XP Token is made for players to level up and earn special rewards, the system automatically sends your final score as tokens to your Internet Computer wallet. - We are developing an expanding campaign for players to have new and fresh content, currently working on the Spirats (Space Pirates) where the leaders of the faction have gathered to invade the Cosmic Cons and release their comrades from prison. How we built it: - With so much love, dedication and perseverance... - The game is fully built on blockchain, and we have developed the technology to have cross-chain players to join our decentralized servers built on the Internet Computer. Meaning a player from Ethereum can play for free with another player from the Internet Computer for example. - Unity is our game engine, natively uses C# and JavaScript but there is wide variety of SDKs to port our code to other languages. Current version of the game is playable through WebGL, meaning you can play from your browser by using your web3 wallet of choice and in the future, we will expand to iOS, Android, and Windows versions. Challenges we ran into: - Porting our game to the Internet Computer was a big challenge, but so far, we have overcome all difficulties, our developers are one of a kind and very passionate about it. - We had to redesign the whole structure of the game in this last iteration, by creating a modular system that is independent from each other. Each module was designed to be ported to the blockchain as smart contracts.\nIntegrations with other projects such as NFT Marketplaces, DeFi protocols and social dApps are now a possibility by adding their backend to the game. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud to have developed real-time servers on blockchain for the first time ever, with our expertise we designed and developed from scratch this technology and we will make it available for other developers in the future. - We have an awesome community on Twitter and Discord and growing exponentially by having Airdrops, posting new content and constantly having interactions. - Our team is also growing, with over 30 people between developers, artists, community management, marketing, and business advisors. - Last March 15th we sold out 300 Artwork NFTs within minutes, at an average price of 150 USD each. - We’re generating momentum and after years of development we are ready to deliver a unique and awesome AAA Game Fi. What we learned: - How to port our game assets in a language that the IC can understand, as we are using scripts and prefabs that are natively to Unity but not readable on blockchain as they were. - As alternatives to web2 services and centralized servers such as AWS and Google Cloud, we developed our servers with features like game rooms, game servers, matchmaking, player records, achievements, match history and asset ownership are safely recorded and stored cryptographically on the Internet Computer. - And finally, learned and still learning how to integrate our modules to IC like Tokens, NFTs, Rewards, Staking and so forth. What's next for Cosmicrafts: - Our primarily focus is to keep growing our community, having a platform for them to interact, and building for the long term. - By using the Internet Computer as our home for decentralized services we are able to deliver the first free to play game that you can play on any other blockchain. - To constantly deliver new content through our ever-expanding Campaign, with the upcoming unique factions and cinematics to inspire our community. - Improving ourselves and our smart contracts to make then evolving and scalable through time.\nIntegrating and collaborating with other projects to strengthen our partnerships and help the ecosystem to grow. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiraasdtion: - it is a signer, composability of permissions. What it does: - Users use signatures, certificates, delegation, etc. to indicate their identity. After the canister verifies its authority, it will use ECDSA to generate a new signature as required. How we built it: - we built by Rust canister, using ecdsa. Challenges we ran into: - Secure permissions management can be a bit of a hassle Accomplishments that we're proud of: - For example, a user can fully participate in the IC ecosystem with only metamask, and he/she does not need to install plug-ins such as plugs again, and does not need to register II. MetaMask has tens of millions of users What we learned: - ECDSA of cansiter What's next for IC metamask: - IC Signer! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: About the project: - icApps is a directory of applications and projects built on the Internet Computer network. The main purpose of the web-app is to simplify the search and provide information about the projects that run on the IC network. What it does: - The main goal the project is to be a common place to explore projects on the IC, along with providing information about the current NFT collections, upcoming NFT sales and other events. Who this project is for: - Basically this project is for everyone interested in the IC, those who don't know much about it yet, devs who would like to see what has been already built. Inspiration: - There are many sources of inspiration and references for the icApps. I initially was inspired by the design and idea of the, it is a large game database. Conceptually icApps is in some ways similar to,, How we built it: - Initially it was a simple one-page site in the earliest days of the Internet Computer Genesis launch. Since then it has developed into a full-fledged web-app with a large community of followers. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - There has been a lot of positive feedback from the community. The website is updated daily & many people use website to track new apps and upcoming NFT collections. What's next for icApps: - There are a lot of modules that can be added to the platform. Currently icApps uses web2 services to manage CRUD operations and host database. The next step is to develop the backend logic & and manage database from the canister. Contact: - ♾️ First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We need a light and easy touch platform to finish scientific computing What it does: - We develop a js math library MatJ, a web SaaS , compatible with some matlab / javascript / numpy syntax How we built it: - Input MatJ code, automatic transfer to javascript code Challenges we ran into: - The most challenges is mathematical method, for example: roots Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We finished almost all the linear algebra function What we learned: - Ignoring fear and authority, We can do it ! What's next for MatJ: - symbolic math\nhelp document\nSocial cooperation First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Scientists face many barriers in today's world when it comes to funding and translating their research to commercial applications. They often find that the existing avenues to bring their critical research data to the world are filled with time-wasting activities, like spending up to 50% of their time seeking government grants, instead of using that time on conducting their actual research. We've found that the following combined effects have resulted in reduced trust in science and slowed movement of science out of the lab and into real life: - We are on a mission to solve these problems and increase the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of life sciences research "from lab to life" with decentralized applications built entirely on the Internet Computer, and believe that solving funding through decentralized and democratic crowdfunding opportunities is the first step. What it does: - The SciFi dapp currently allows for users to create accounts, organizations for grouping up with other users for joint funding or research collaboration, and projects that will soon allow for fundraising. How we built it: - We built our dapp using NextJs, Typescript, Motoko, React, and Rust. Challenges we ran into: - We ran into some challenges with the strictness of Motoko when developing our elastic search canister, in that the strict type expectations of Motoko prevented us from truly decoupling our implementation from our application. Also, utilizing dynamic routing in NextJs is not supported by IC asset canisters, as asset canisters do not auto-map .html files to routes in a URL. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We’re proud of where elastic search is at this moment. Although it's an alpha stage software, it’s incredibly fast and performant. What we learned: - We learned that deadlines are conducive to progress and that asset canisters on IC do not automap routes to corresponding .html files on load. What's next for SciFi: - Up next for SciFi consists of completing our UI, finalizing the development of our DeFi smart contracts that allow for fundraising to take place on the platform, and adding a marketplace to the dapp that allows for users to trade their science-based NFTs and fungible tokens. After we finish SciFi, we will begin working on our 100% completely decentralized research and development application with the goal of storing all research data on-chain. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We took direct inspiration from one of the most viral and addictive games : flappy bird. This was the original inspiration even though we plan to make other games. Also we were inspired by some nft base games on other blockchain such as cyberkongz on ethereum. What it does: - We are building a place where you can play with your bird nfts and have fun while earning tokens to unlock and improve your bird competences. For now we have a flappy bird like game with a leaderboard system. Owning birds gives you the right to claim tokens that you will be able to spend in the store in many different ways.\nYou can now play with your birds on icbirds. How we built it: - We built the frontend using react framework, the game has been coded using p5js. The score system has been built using motoko. The token and the nft storage canisters have also been built using motoko. Challenges we ran into: - We ran into a lot of challenges but one of the biggest ones is to make the game available on mobile as there are currently not a lot of examples of mobile apps using the Internet Computer. Another big challenge that we had to face was the design of our birds. In the first time we naively made a design that was really close to Flappy Bird which was not viable for the longevity of the project. So we had to redesign the entire collection which was really challenging at the time. Defeat cheating: - Defeating cheating is one of the most important games when building a competitive game. For now we have a system of keys to make sure that not anyone can update their score with a simple call to the score API but it's not ideal. For now as we don't have any rewards for having a great score there are no incentive to cheat. Also, the token is rewarded daily just by connecting to the game, the idea is to make players come back every day to claim their tokens so there is no room for cheating to claim more tokens. Our dip20 canister also checks if your bird has already claimed its reward so you can’t reset your claim by transferring your nft from one wallet to another. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - There are a few elements in this project that we are proud of. The first one is the collection of nfts, we are really happy with our design. Also I want to note that we’re one of the rare projects to have fully animated art. Secondly, we’re proud of the game we have built, it’s exactly how we wanted it. And finally we are glad of the community that we’ve built and all the people that are playing our game daily trying to beat their high score and grind the leaderboard. And, in the name of the IC Birds team we are proud of the project overall. What's next for IC Birds: - We have a lot coming next for IC Birds. First of all we are currently working on two new fun games. They are in the same spirit as the first one : fun and easy to play games. We also want to make a mobile application that would be available on android and IOS. The Internet Computer has the advantage compared to other blockchains to be forgotten. We also plan to continue improving our dapp. The very next feature that will be released is the store where you will be able to spend tokens. The Team: - We are currently a team of three french engineers with various domains of expertise working on this project. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We wanted to provide a peer-to-peer (P2P) ridesharing service that is lower-cost and more accessible than Uber, using the advantages of web3 technologies. We believe that access to affordable rideshare should be available to all, not just to those with access to traditional finance. What it does: - webI rides is a decentralized ridesharing service that connects riders and drivers, allowing them to use web3 tools and services to get around and get paid to drive. Web3 allows us to make ridesharing available to those who are underserved by traditional rideshare services, such as people without access to banking or in regions where existing services refuse to operate. How we built it: - The webI team has a combined 30+ years of professional development experience and used modern pragmatic programming methodology to create a highly robust and well-tested product. Our entire stack is hosted on the Internet Computer, from data, to contracts, to the map API. webI also uses a process of internal and external code review to ensure code standards are being met and maintained. Challenges we ran into: - The webI team is experienced in building exciting products in challenging environments, and the brand new surface area of the web3 space provided daily challenges for innovative research and design. We believe we have sliced through thick digital jungle underbrush to blaze a fresh trail with the marriage of web3 crypto and user-friendly ridesharing. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have completed the most important and rewarding step on our roadmap, a beta version of our application running on-chain. The team at webI worked relentlessly to develop from the ground up a maps layer foundation, and a first-use application of the technology of fully decentralized mapping became clear. We wanted to make our map useful to the public, so our first goal was to create a service we would be happy to use in our everyday lives. As we have pushed through the Supernova competition, we have finally achieved our most impactful milestone and we are over the moon with excitement for the days to come. What we learned: - Over the course of this competition, webI gained expertise in the technical workings of the Internet Computer blockchain and ecosystem. The most important lessons we learned were in teamwork and harmony, especially with regards to organization as a team, co-development skills, and leadership. webI is proud to have grown together as a group through this competitive process. What's next for webI rides: - 1) Technical improvements including user interface overhauls are beginning right away.\n2) Enhanced multi-wallet support as well as cross-chain transactions (Ethereum, Solana, BNB, Matic/Polygon) \n3) Finish developing our own fiat on-boarding and cross-chain coin swap in the near future.\n4) Fluid user interaction and releasing our mobile application. \n5) Formation of our DAO, to allow for community-driven improvements, is also on our roadmap for the next couple of months. \n6) We are very fond of the open source community, so we are planning to open source all code within the next few weeks! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Why should workers have to wait to be paid for their time, only after all their time has been spent? - Problem\nWorkers are forever in debt of time spent working, in Work Now & Paid Later type arrangements. Workers are used like credit cards, with employers (buyers) benefiting through real-time work production, an interest-free period and then paying days or weeks later. - The buyer also heavily benefits from a cash flow and interest earned point of view. This arrangement oozes inequality, however, where there is no history between a buyer and a worker (a low state of trust), it is the safest arrangement for the buyer to avoid losing money paid to a worker that doesn’t produce the work. - But what about the safety of payment for the worker, with the chance that the buyer doesn’t eventually pay for the work produced? These arrangements also cause cashflow inefficiencies in a system, as the velocity of money is reduced, with capital sitting idle until payout instead of being utilised. - The birth of Beam\nWhen sufficient trust is established between a buyer and a worker, the timing and frequency of payment usually become more flexible. However, there is always one party that is either paying more money than the amount of work produced or spending more time working than they’ve been paid for. To achieve a state where the time spent working equals the money paid, payment must be streamed in real time, at a constant rate over the duration of the job performed. - Benefits\nWorkers paid in real time for the work they produce enables them to utilise that money straight away. As job payment streams in, workers have the ability to stream it straight out again, continuing the stream into various projects, DeFi purchases, savings or investment channels. In a system containing a network of streams between parties, the velocity of money is increased which enables a higher economic output without the need for adding debt to make up the gap between outgoing and incoming payments. What it does: - The Beam Payment Protocol enables creators to be paid in a constant stream over the duration of a job on the Content Fly platform. It is one of two payment options for buyers who have created a job, with the other being a standard lump sum payment, which is only sent once the job has been completed. As the buyer awards a job to a Creator they select the payment type for the job and deposit the payment into the smart contract. Once payment is deposited, it immediately begins streaming to the Creator. - Rather than making a payment to the Creator's wallet each Heartbeat (which is costly), the smart contract adjusts the ownership of the funds inside and unlocks the Creator-owned funds for claiming as they wish. - Both the Buyer and Creator can view the live status of the Beam payment on the "Payment" page of the job as it updates in real-time. The Creator has an additional box showing the amount of live claimable funds and a "Claim" button to send the funds to their wallet. How we built it: - The backend Beam Payment Protocol is developed using Motoko running entirely on Internet Computer. Based on the knowledge we learned from the previous work we did for Content Fly Notifications, Beam utilizes IC Heartbeat to drive the canister to process the active beams. For each beam, it computes the creator’s claimable allocation at that moment of time and calls EscrowPayment canister to update the EscrowContract. - In terms of architecture, we applied a clear separation of roles in which Beam canister’s role is to work out when, how and what to manipulate on the EscrowContract while carrying no ownership of ICP at all. EscrowPayment canister on the other hand carries the main role to have the ownership of ICP tokens deposited by buyers. It requires a much higher level of security measures and asserts a number of invariants to make sure it is solvent in terms of all escrow payments stored for each EscrowContract and its actual ownership of ICP in the ledger. Challenges we ran into: - Payment Streaming (Beam) was an idea we came up with when we started building Content Fly a year ago in August 2021. We had no idea how to implement it or even if it’s possible at all on Internet Computer. While there is sample code on using IC Ledger API, a complete example with Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery integrated and local testing is lacking. Getting it running locally is crucial for our development, as we can see whether Beam is working with Debug.print. - We understand IC Heartbeat consumes more cycles so we are still monitoring the usage of cycles to find the optimal update rate while not draining the cycles too much. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of the clean UI/UX design that we mocked up ourselves in an afternoon and the fully functioning Beam Payment Protocol integrated into the development environment of Content Fly on Internet Computer, in such a short amount of time. - For Beam to work, it requires a lot of moving parts to integrate together including the ICP ledger, our Job canister, EscrowPayment canister, Beam canister, Plug Wallet deposit payment & claiming funds, web frontend pulling the information in regular intervals and a good UI/UX for users to understand what is happening behind the scenes. It’s essentially a big integration project. It’s also a testimony to demonstrate the merit of Asynchronous DeFi on Internet Computer. What we learned: - We have a better understanding of IC Ledger API and how to use it properly as a remote ledger in IC and local ledger with local wasm. Instead of putting everything together in EscrowPayment, we have an architecture with a better separation of concerns and roles that will lead us into a future extension of Beam, EscrowPayment or even a whole new innovative use case that makes use of EscrowPayment and Beam through composable DeFi smart contracts. What's next for Beam Payment Protocol: - While Beam will remain as a job payment option, we plan to feature Beam Fi as its own service on the Content Fly app home screen, for people to use without having to create a job. Beam Fi will allow anyone to stream payment to employees/freelancers that they already work with or are in discussions with for an ongoing role that doesn't suit the one-off task style job that Content Fly focuses on now. We plan to have several optional add-on features to Beam Fi (milestone check-ins, descriptions & tags/projects categories). Depending on its success in Supernova and the adoption of the community, we will have either a short or extensive separate roadmap for Beam Fi. - We will also explore supporting Bitcoin and stable coins e.g USDC as deposit payments once direct integration with Bitcoin and Ethereum is available in IC. A more sophisticated use case like staking the escrow payment or creator’s claimable tokens in AMM DEX LP automatically could also be considered once the technology is matured and secure. That will essentially improve the efficiency of idle money, allowing users to earn passive income. Content Fly Main App Deployment: - Since Beam involves the transfer of ICP tokens, we want to improve the security aspect of the smart contracts and write more unit tests before deploying Beam to the main app in mid-July for public users to try. In the meantime, users can visit the link to try the Alpha version features of Content Fly. If you absolutely want to try Beam and are happy to take risk in dev env which we erase the backend data occasionally, try Both dev and main are deployed to IC mainnet. Beam Source Code: - We have uploaded the source code in zip file to Additional Info. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The idea of the CyclesDAO comes from the ICDev community (see bounty #17). I applied for this bounty because I feel like this is defintly something that developers will want to use, myself included. The CyclesDAO canister, combined with a DAO, allows every devloper who wants to deploy something on the IC to just open up the funding of their project to the investors, for 0 cost! What it does: - It simplifies the management of cycles, make it more transparent, and incentivize people to use decentralized services that run on the IC! How we built it: - The backend is built in motoko. The front-end is built in react/typescript and uses graphjs a lot. Challenges we ran into: - I had close to no experience in web front-end. It was hard to get everything I wanted out of the box from Graphjs, so I had to pull some tricks! Also testing is never easy, e.g. I couldn't do everything I wanted with ic-repl, like creating wallets and accounts in the scripts. Last challenge was being able to advance while working also on the Leap project. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Even if simple, the front-end looks good and it will help people to understand how the CyclesDAO works and incentivize them to use it! What we learned: - Using tailwind and react mostly. Getting more and more efficient at coding in motoko and running dfx commands.\nI enjoyed learning how to code with functional components in react, and having type in typescript feels good compared to javascript! What's next for CyclesDAO frontend: - Next thing I want to do is to connect the frontend to plug, so the user can directly send cycles through the frontend. Even if by design the CyclesDAO is not a DAO per say, because it should be configurable with any DAO, I'd like to have a default DAO that could come with it and being able to open proposals and vote on it in the frontend. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I studied cinema and music and aspired to be a film composer. I later found myself working as a programmer developing web applications. The DOME was my attempt to find harmony (no pun intended) between these various fields. What it does: - The DOME provides dynamic music soundtracks that can evolve or respond to triggers (which can be user-generated events), so it's ideally suited to creating musical accompaniment for interactive applications, especially games. How we built it: - The prototype as seen in the demo video was written in Ruby, but the project has been written in various languages, having started out as a JVM based project, so Java, Python (Jython), Ruby (JRuby), and even a web-based applet version written in Scala (note: most of this early work was done over a decade ago). - The IC version was written specifically for the Supernova hackathon using Motoko, JavaScript (React), and the WebAudio and WebMIDI APIs. Challenges we ran into: - The most challenging aspects of the system involve timing, and especially tempo changes. - Probably the most challenging aspects are yet to come, however, as having methods for gracefully handling transitions is likely to be tricky, as well as just composing/programming compelling music for the system, and being able to embed it in a game. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Just getting to the point of having a viable prototype that serves as a proof of concept is a significant accomplishment. - Specifically for the hackathon, being able to serve music data from a canister and play it via the WebAudio and WebMIDI APIs is great. What we learned: - We learned that it's definitely possible to make this work for Web3! What's next for DOME: Interactive Music for Games: - Next would be to continue the development of the canister based backend, and web based front end, with a view to keeping as much of the complexity as possible in the backend, in order to simplify the requirements for making it embeddable in games or other apps. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Motoko developers need a development framework that addresses the issue of atomicity in order to lower the development threshold. The core idea of ICTC is inspired by the DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), which is commonly used in the financial sector. What it does: - ICTC is a distributed transaction framework for Defi applications on IC network. It supports Motoko language. \n How we built it: - ICTC consists of Transaction Manager (TM), Task Actuator (TA), and Transaction Compensator (TC).\nTransaction Order: A transaction, including one or more transaction tasks, that requires all tasks to be either fully successful or fully rejected.\nTransaction Task: A task within a transaction, including local tasks of the caller and remote tasks of other parties involved. Transaction Manager: - The Transaction Manager is used to manage the status of transactions, operate the Actuator, handle exceptions and call the Compensator. Transaction Manager implementation includes the Saga Transaction Manager (SagaTM) and the 2PC Transaction Manager (TPCTM). Task Actuator: - The Task Actuator uses a "best-effort delivery" policy and will definitely return a result (success/failure). Synchronous actuator and asynchronous actuator are supported. Transaction Compensator: - The Transaction Compensator function is implemented in Transaction Manager and is used to execute compensation operations when an exception occurs in a transaction, including automatic compensation, governance or manual compensation. Example: - Challenges we ran into: - Motoko does not support polymorphism, and also does not support reflection. So this posed some challenges to our development process and we had to spend some time and effort doing some underlying packaging. Fortunately, we solved all these problems. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - An Alpha version of ICTC has now been developed to support Saga mode, with support for Forward and Backward modes. The basic needs of Defi development can be met. DeSwap (OrderBook Dex), ICSwap (AMM Dex) are currently using ICTC. What we learned: - IC does not support atomicity for cross-canister calls, but improves scalability and performance, which opens up more possibilities for Defi. What's next for IC Transaction Coordinator(ICTC): - Next we plan to make ICTC support 2PC mode and encapsulate it in vessel to make it easy for developers to use.\nAnd then ICTC Framework V1.0 and technical documentation will be completed. Our technical staff will be reaching out to the community to introduce the framework, giving technical talks and code demos. We will also seek the cooperation of the official Dfinity operations staff to promote the motoko technology First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - More and more people are trying their luck at trading cryptocurrencies. However, actively trading cryptocurrencies can be quite a psychological burden, especially when things don't go well. Trading influencers on Youtube, Reddit or Tradingview share trading recommendations and want to take the burden away from their followers. Unfortunately, these influencers often share their trading recommendations in their own interest and not in the interest of their followers. Market manipulation, pump and dump schemes or promoting a shitcoin that is then sold to followers are not uncommon as a result. We want to create transparency here. What it does: - Polaris allows investors to transparently see traders' performance and select a trader to clone their trades. All this happens in WEB3 without central intermediaries. What's next for Polaris: - We would like to further develop Polaris and make it available to people who have had enough of intransparent trading gurus. Especially the announced features of a direct BTC and ETH integration will give us new possibilities. How it is built: - Please see the google drive, the architecture used is shown there in great detail. What the name stand for: - You might ask, what does the Name polaris mean? Similar to Supernova, Polaris also resides in a cosmic environment. For centuries, Polaris, also called the Guiding Star, has been used by travelers as a guide. We, like Polaris, provide guidance. We guide investors to the right traders. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Currently, developers can only manage their canister by the NNS wallet and the DFX command line.\nThe NNS wallet only displays basic information about Canister. And developers can’t easily use the NNS wallet to manage the Canisters.Only Canister id without other information makes it impossible for developers to use NNS wallet to manage their canisters conveniently.\nHard to manage canister status by the DFX CLI. What it does: - Easy to use UI interface to deploy and manage your CANISTERS\niCAN = IC + Canister. It is an on-chain Canister management tool built on IC.\niCAN helps developers manage the Canister by a graphical interface, to create contracts, download WebAssembly modules, manage Canister indicators, et - Functions - Detailed Management - a. Dynamic change of Canister’s Settings\nb. More convenient Canister Management\nc. Detailed description of Canister - Status Detection - a. Support top up canisters directly using ICP, and deposit Cycles to Canister directly\nb. Timely feedback on the status of Canister, so that developers can understand the current status of Canister and manage it in time - Creation and Deletion - a. Graphical Canister management Interface\nb. Be able to create & delete Canisters, and automatically recycle Cycles - Support Import - a. Import Canisters created before to your own hub.\nb. WebAssembly Control\nc. Download the latest WebAssembly How we built it: - We build iCAN App totally on the IC by Motoko and Rust. Challenges we ran into: - It's hard to get Rust Canisters' Candid Interface. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The iCAN Developer Platform helps developers manage Canister. The future goal is to become a comprehensive contract management platform on IC.\na. Create Management Hub in random subnet\nb. By the random subnet hub, you can choose which subnet you want your canister to be created.\nc. Convenient Management: You can name the canisters, tag them or give them a description so that you can manage them conveniently.\nd. Trustless Management\nHub Canister is only controlled by yourself, which supports a trustless hosting service. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In the Web3 world, to the C-side, users lack a data space that is completely owned by themselves. As a result, users' privacy data can not be protected by TrustLess contracts but the\ncentralized cloud storage and users run naked in CyberSpace. For B-side, developers lack a programmable storage layer that allows developers to achieve reliable, secure data storage and access rights. What it does: - MetaBox currently involves two boxes: Profile and DataBox; and one protocal: ICSP. \nProfile is user's personal information Canister, mainly for information integration, domain name access, drawing social graph and other functions, allowing users using MetaBox to connect with each other through Profile, to achieve social relationships driven by data value.\nDataBox is a user's personal private cloud, users can upload plaintext files and ciphertext files, plaintext files can be shared directly with anyone through HTTP links, and the person being shared can directly obtain the files, or play videos. For ciphertext files, multiple cryptographic protection and security measures can be used to protect the privacy of users' personal data, and users can achieve secure ciphertext sharing through secure key sharing technology, and directly obtain the benefits brought by these data.\nICSP is an underlying protocol for ToB storage, providing data storage services similar to IPFS or Arweave, which has unlimited capacity, can be upgraded, supports one-step access to data by HTTP, permission access and other functions. It aims to provide safe, stable, reliable and controllable storage services to the Project Side of Web3, IC ecosystem, and other public chain ecosystems such as ETH. Through ICSP, project parties can fully control the ownership and real-time status of data, so as to obtain a reliable storage service experience. How we built it: - Our technology stack is currently based entirely on the smart contracts of Internet Computer Blockchain, coded by Rust and Motoko. Our front end uses TypeScirpt and JavaScript. In the process of building DAPP, we adopted advanced and secure cryptographic processing schemes to achieve secure key sharing, ciphertext sharing, device synchronization and other functions. Challenges we ran into: - \nWe need to overcome the storage limitations of a single Canister smart contract \nWe need to implement secure contract interaction in an asynchronous environment \nWe need to make the DAPP wirelessly scalable by spanning subnets, scalily canister\nHigh-speed parallel processing of data to achieve a smooth interactive system\n Accomplishments that we're proud of: - \nHigh-speed data transfer, upload and download\nSecure key sharing, ciphertext sharing and device key synchronization\nUnlimited scalability of DAPP, safe and reliable storage service To Consumer and To Bussiness\n What we learned: - \nImprove the scalability of DAPP by using system-level Canister\nBuild Canister with Rust and Motoko in a ore efficient and high-quality way\n## What's next for MetaBox\nBetter UI \nIntroduction of payment systems\nOne-step mint Data-NFT \nProvide IC-based secure, reliable, and controllable storage services for Web3\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The original idea for UnfoldVR was originally significantly different. As a boutique VR development studio we were tired of B2B work and wanted to create our own product. We knew what people enjoyed about VR and what they didn't so we set out to create something to take full advantage of the VR technology. \nFast forward a couple of years and many conceptual iterations, users and mentors feedback and we realized that the idea of the Metaverse has to be linked to decentralization and IC was the obvious target. \nSo from CoachVR, an education VR app we landed on UnfoldVR - The Creative Metaverse. \nWe were also quite frustrated with the general public perception of NFTs so we wanted from the get to make a product that uses NFTs to their true potential as ownership management systems and have everything in the VR app NFT driven. What it does: - We envision UnfoldVR as a key building block of the wider IC metaverse ecosystem. But we also believe that you need native apps for high computation environments, such as VR, to complement web-based solutions. \nThe app has the following features implemented: - \nLink Web App with Native PC VR app\nSelect user Lobby Space\nConfigure Lobby Space with 2D and 3D NFTs\nCreate real-time-ready 3D worlds/items\nLoad user creations\n - Proposed future features include: - Our first challenge was having a native PC VR app communicate with the IC. We solved this using WebRTC technology. Users can login on our web app where they get a pairing code. After starting a local signaling server (included in our app) they can start the VR app and type in the pair code. This will link their Principal ID to their local VR app instance and in the backend we read/write and call functions between the VR app and the IC app. - We decided to demonstrate this by bringing NFTs assets from the web app to the VR app. Users manually add NFT links in the web app and those NFTs become available in an NFT Library feature inside the VR app. At this point, given the fragmentation of the NFTs ecosystem and the lack of 3D NFTs we're only loading 2D NFTs dynamically. \nWith the approval of their creators, Poked, VRSTL and Distrikt, we've brought in 3D assets from their NFT collections inside our VR app. The objective was to research and investigate compatible formats, optimization requirements and to demonstrate, at a POC level, how interoperability should work between metaverse projects. We also brought their models in Web AR, fully on the IC. - The VR app then communicates back to the IC app which NFTs were placed in the user's lobby. - The PC VR app is built with Unreal Engine 5 and we're publicly sharing the IC WebRTC protocol with both the IC community and the Unreal community. \nThe creation tool, lobby spaces and save-game features are all built using Unreal Engine. Currently we're storing saved game data locally but in the future that will be uploaded on the IC user account. How we built it: - We're using Motoko for everything IC related with the frontend handled in React Typescript. \nBesides the web frontend, the backend has a database for each user where we store relevant information about their interaction in VR. \nIn UnrealEngine we're using their visual scripting language, Blueprints to handle both internal VR app logic and the Web App communication. \nFor the WebRTC component, we're making use of a public plugin which is a much simplified version of the built-in Pixel Streaming plugin which comes with Unreal Engine. We've modified the JS files associated with this plugin to manage the specific functions and requests we needed for our specific use case. \nCurrently, we're using a local signaling server, which is installed on user's PCs, based in JavaScript, also publicly available. The end goal is to move this on the IC. Challenges we ran into: - Our first challenge was learning IC. We've been watching on the sidelines how the IC ecosystem grows but we never coded anything on the IC prior to receiving our dfinity grant, shortly before the Supernova kickoff. Fortunately VR development in Unreal Engine proved to be a very similar coding environment to the IC since it's also a medium that evolved very rapidly. - One of the most difficult challenge we faced was finding a workable configuration for the WebRTC pairing. We tried many approaches and we succeeded in a few but reaching the current solution took many iterations. While it is an elegant solution, it can be improved still and it is not compatible with native Mobile VR which is our end goal, so there's a room to research further there. - An unexpected challenge was rendering 2D NFTs. We knew the ecosystem is not yet standardized but we didn't expect it to have so much variation in implementation. This issue was compounded by the fact that rendering web frames in native VR isn't as flexible as rendering them on a web app. Here too there is much room for improvements. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - By far we're most proud to have demonstrated how a native PC VR app built with Unreal Engine can communicate securely with an IC app. \nWe're also very proud to have pieced together UnfoldVR vision, including features yet to be implemented, in such a short amount of time. - We're also extremely grateful for the openness of so many in the community, projects and individuals alike, especially with regards to figuring out a common standard for 3D content on the IC. We're committed to validating their trust. What we learned: - We've learned that IC is quite a flexible blockchain to work with. We originally expected to code in a more constrained environment with longer deploy times. \nWe also learned a lot about WebRTC as a protocol, and we're excited about the associated opportunities of it in relation to IC. \nWe also have a greater appreciation of the complexities of NFTs on the IC in general. What's next for UnfoldVR: - UnfoldVR is a much bigger project than the scope of this hackathon. We want to become the building block of the IC metaverse ecosystem. \nWe aim to achieve this by leveraging our WebRTC integration system to empower many other IC projects. Also we want to give users the tools to create 3D web-friendly content to bring in other projects.\nFinally we aim to empower creators and leaders to communicate their vision in an immersive, more rich way through VR Multiplayer and Video Streaming of their sessions to other VR users and to the web, using an expanded architecture of WebRTC. - All of this while creating a community around creators and creative content, where users can bring in 3D content from other projects, create 3D content to be used in other projects and discover and interact with the IC community. - At this stage we're preparing to finalize our last dfinity grant milestone all while looking for funding for launching a significantly more robust VR app. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Any idea that wants to play a positive role in defining the future must take into account the health of our planet. We want the IC footprint to help represent, protect and regenerate the planet as the IC shapes it. - We started the IC footprint to support the IC move towards a more environmentally conscious future. In our mind, a prerequisite for making the IC a force for good in the world is to ensure that we develop it in a way that considers its impact on the planet. - We see IC footprint as the first step in a journey to harness the unique capabilities of the IC to help tackle climate change. What it does: - IC footprint uses verified carbon credits to offset IC projects on-chain. We have developed a methodology to calculate the entire emissions of the IC and then, using cycles, determine the carbon emissions of specific projects operating on the IC and provide a route to account for those emissions. - “Carbon credits are measurable, verifiable emission reductions from certified climate action projects. These projects reduce, remove or avoid greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. But they also bring a whole host of other positive benefits, for example, they empower communities, protect ecosystems, restore forests or reduce reliance on fossil fuels.” - South Pole - 2022 - We have developed a methodology to calculate the entire emissions of the IC and then, using cycles, can determine the carbon emissions of specific projects operating on the IC. Once the carbon footprint of a project is calculated, it can be offset using nature-based carbon credits from VERRA. These are credits with a high-degree of additionality, meaning without the funding provided through credit sales, that specific climate project would not have been feasible. - A dynamic ICF token is minted to keep track of the carbon neutrality status of canisters. The token will include all the information necessary for the project to prove their climate commitment. - In the short term, the aim of IC footprint is to build a trustless measurement mechanism which can automatically calculate carbon emissions from canisters, and then offset those emissions using high-grade carbon credits. Longer term, we see a path to use near real-time emission data to adapt the network and allow it to reduce its carbon-intensity. How we built it: - Click here for in depth architecture of our project. - The below image gives the canister architecture for phase II of IC footprint. The front end that we demo sits on top of this canister architecture. \nNote: the below architecture outlines the end-goal of phase II, and certain aspects are still in development - - The methodology used by IC Footprint is essentially the algorithm we have developed to calculate the carbon emissions of the IC at large and for individual projects operating within it. It’s important to note this is an iterative process, and the quality of the output is directly tied to the quality and robustness of the data which we use as an input. - This is why it’s best to view this as a dynamic methodology developed to drive improvement, with clearly stated assumptions that are open to testing and examination. - We hope to work with Dfinity directly to improve this coefficient over time. Challenges we ran into: - Developing an end-to-end trustless mechanism for IC footprint has certain complexities. Cycle measurement on the IC is not straightforward and requires architecture to ensure we can reliably measure a project’s canister cycles without compromising canister security. Further trust is required in a project’s reporting of canisters, with no clear way to ensure we are indeed taking into account all a project’s canisters. In the Voluntary carbon market, all emissions are reported voluntary (clue is in the name), but the IC gives the possibility of going one step further, towards a fully trustles system. - Calculating an emissions coefficient that can accurately measure the carbon footprint of a single cycle remains a challenge. Instead, what we have developed should be viewed as a framework, and we want to work with the IC community, and Dfinity to evolve and improve our coefficient over time. - Our discord channel #icfootprint-coefficient, currently serves as a forum for discussion on this topic, and we encourage anyone who has done work in this area already, or would like to participate to reach out. - Due to changes in VERRA’s regulation, we cannot move the credits they have created on-chain, so they can be directly consumed. In the future, VERRA plans to allow for on-chain assets, which will open the door to move our end-to-end process on chain. Accomplishments that we're proud of: What's next for Internet Computer Footprint: - Phase 1 (complete) - Tech roadmap - Project roadmap - Phase 2 (Supernova) - Tech roadmap - Project roadmap - Phase 3 - Tech roadmap - Project roadmap Get in touch: - Interested in our projects, want to get involved, or just want to join the conversation? Join us on the Carbon Crowd discord, or follow us on twitter @icfootprint and @carboncrowd__io First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We are very inspired by the new paradigms and possibilities of decentralization and Web3; and we think the Internet Computer realizes those virtues uniquely. Likewise, we are inspired by the collective energy and creativity in this developer community. As lifelong hands-on engineers who also build and lead teams, we’ve never shied away from building our own tools as needs arose. And those dots are all connected, in that the IC ecosystem really needs more and better developer tooling in order to reach its full potential. We’re not alone in thinking that, and ICPipeline embodies our intention to do something about it. We really like this community, we enjoy being part of it, and we hope our tools will add value to the mix. If ICPipeline can help to grow the community, while improving the odds of success for some of its members, that will be very inspiring to us. What it does: - Every Replicator is a dedicated, secure replica environment. It automatically clones, builds and deploys any IC project that is given to it. Users retain full control via frictionless, secured all-points access – to the frontend web server; to the IC proxy border gateway; and administrative shell access – all via one-click access in a browser. It is very easy to create a Replicator – just paste in the link to any IC project GitHub repo and hit “Go”. Within moments a new Replicator is up and hosting its project, complete with shareable links. Replicator removes the friction from testing/QA, product team access, or any kind of sharing of IC projects, before deployment on the mainnet blockchain. We think Replicators will be a great entry point for devs and teams who may not be quite ready for full migration to the ICPipeline framework. - All IC developers are welcome at, where each new signup receives a complimentary credit enabling them to try out a Replicator at no charge. Users can purchase additional credits with ICP using their Plug Wallets. How we built it: - The platform’s hub lives all on-chain, running as an IC canister d’app built in Motoko with a React/MUI frontend. It leverages the same foundation in use by our ICPipeline Manager d’app, which is currently available to the community as part of our ICPipeline framework. This particular implementation is extended to support transaction processing, CRM and other specifics of this application. - Individual Replicators are dedicated virtual Internet Computer replicas. Unlike our open-source framework, which leverages Dockers as worker nodes, Replicators are full dedicated VMs. We maintain a proprietary system image, from which individual nodes are spawned. End-user workflows for creating and managing Replicators are hosted at The backbone of our off-chain replica development is NodeJS. The infrastructure-as-code layer is largely home-rolled, avoiding “cloud-proprietary” within reason, in aid of maximum portability. “Go-anywhere” architecture is a core value for us. To this end, we think Web3 tech should leverage every available foothold and leg-up that the Web2 space can offer. We should mix, match and hybridize, as we learned from the mainstreaming of cloud tech a decade ago. “Building bridges, not walls” will be crucial to the IC and Web3, and this will only become more true as broader adoption expands the overall reach. Because the path to blockchain singularity will lead through leaders and decision makers working outside the typically-blockchain verticals, and only the IC is really equipped to be in the vanguard. Challenges we ran into: - Mostly, we’d like to have had more time to work with, but that is a feeling we are accustomed to. We did not encounter any hard-stop challenges, on a level that would have induced second thoughts or major architectural refactoring. Certain difficulties arose relating to the fact that all communications originate externally to the IC, via polling mechanisms. But these were surmountable. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We have been awarded two Dfinity developer grants, and we’re very proud of what we’ve accomplished to date. Likewise, we take pride in our core focus, which is on the proverbial nuts and bolts – i.e. tools with which our fellow builders can build their successes. If our platforms can help to grow this community, and contribute to some of its success stories, we will be very proud indeed. We have a long history of building and running web teams, and doing the things that help them thrive. We draw directly on that experience in designing, building and delivering tools for the IC ecosystem. What we learned: - We became aware of the Internet Computer approximately eighteen months ago, by way of our due diligence in the blockchain/Web3 space. Now, with a firm grasp on Web3 tech in general, we are positioned to leverage our deep experience at executing technology transformations. We know how to build high-performing teams, we recognize the diversity and scale of the opportunities in this space, and we’re excited about the future. What's next for the ICPipeline Replicator: - We expect the Replicator to become an integral component of the ICPipeline framework. Replicator is particularly well-suited as a “gateway” for developers and small teams who may be relatively new to the IC and Web3 in general. We expect that many such early-stage builders will eventually adopt our E2E framework, running it on their own infrastructure, given the opportunity to grow into it. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We've been inspired by the potential of the upcoming Bitcoin integration on ICP to create a simple and robust borrow/lending protocol to be the foundation of the DeFi ecosystem on the IC. What it does: - Currently it allows you to deposit ICP or XTC, and then take out a collateralized loan of ICP or XTC. Interest will accrue on outstanding loans, and as they get paid back it will create yield for those who loan assets on the protocol. We use a price feed to ensure that outstanding loans do not exceed 75% of the value of deposited assets, in the case of ICP. If, either due to price fluctuation or gained interest, the 75% collateral limit is exceeded then a liquidation event can be triggered by a liquidator. This allows anyone to repay the outstanding loans and receive the lent assets. - The liquidation functionality is not mentioned in the demo video, as its heavily untested, yet it is on the release and it can be checked on the code/candid UI of the FinRisk canister and fTokens (the liquidate()) function. - Functionality resumed: How we built it: - We built it from the ground up (line by line, keyword by keyword) using Motoko, Rust and React. There are a lot of borrow/lending protocols on various blockchains, so a lot of the underlying math was available. It was mostly rebuilding/reimplementing it with proprietary contracts in Motoko running on the IC. Challenges we ran into: - The non-atomic nature of motoko and the IC create some interesting challenges coming from a Solidity background. We had to create a proprietary payment processing canister to receive and process funds in a horizontally scalable manner. This was based off of Kyle Peacock's invoice canister design, and works around the non-atomic nature of the IC. Also the lack of price oracles or HTTPS requests as of now on the IC caused us to come up with a temporary workaround. In place of a proper decentralized oracle or HTTPS requests we have a server set up with a Rust program querying asset prices from reputable exchanges. Using a private key this then updates our FinRisk canister with the average of the prices. - A big challenge is also the async model of the IC, as new security concerns and complexity is added to developing. In the end, asynchronous programming is vastly superior to synchronous systems, and it's the only way to develop a truly scalable blockchain Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We're proud of overcoming both of the challenges that we mentioned in the previous section. Additionally, we've seen great support from the ICP community on the whole, people seem to be extremely excited about our protocol. We have a great time who has done a great job working together to help create this protocol and we are super excited to see it come to fruition once the BTC integration goes live. What we learned: - We learned a ton about developing on the IC, and on the whole it has been an incredibly positive experience. Motoko is a fun language to pick up after spending so much time with Solidity and Rust, and it has been a breeze creating the front ends for the IC. We were expecting a lot more resistance in the development process, but besides a few hiccups it has gone extremely well. What's next for Finterest: - We're planning on launching a main-net release of Finterest once the Bitcoin integration goes live and we can get our contracts fully audited. We're shooting to become the bedrock of the DeFi ecosystem on ICP, and want to open source our code to help jumpstart other DeFi builders in the ecosystem. We also want to help the IC by developing and open sourcing backend infrastructure - kickstarting the new wave of DeFi, asynchronous DeFi First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Introduction: - The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is the fastest and most scalable general-purpose blockchain. It extends the Internet with computation: ICP allows Dapps to run 100% on-chain as it can serve web contents directly on browsers. Compared to Ethereum, the ICP is cheaper, faster, upgradable and fall-stack development friendly. Since the ICP community has established one of the strongest GameFi&SocialFi ecologies in the world, the NFT digital assets based on ICP are rising due to the straight path to the ecology. In 2022, the NFT projects launched on ICP are exponentially growing, but the value of the total assets is suppressed by the bear market of ICP native tokens. - XRP, one of the most renowned blockchain networks since 2012, focusing on cross-border payments and central bank digital currency solutions, just launched NFT R&D in 2021 to leverage the success from fungible token to non-fungible. According to the article Utility-Based NFTs: Solving Real-World Problems in Media & Entertainment” by Ripple labs by Ripple labs, the NFT development will focus on utility-based NFT to solve the real problems in Media & Entertainment such as licensing and ownership, which align with the Itoka team's vision to solve current issues in the music industry via decentralization. If the XRP establishes the NFT ecosystem in the near future, this multi-billion dollar crypto market will be active as NFT will be the only few assets for XRP current holders to invest within its ecosystem. - It would be very interesting and impactful to bring ICP and XRP together to talk about NFT. If we can bring the ICP NFT value to the Tuhao (meaning financially independent in Chinese) XRP community who cannot enjoy smart contracts and NFT yet, the infrastructure development would be greatly appreciated by both communities and end up with a win-win situation for everyone. Therefore, Our Itoka team build the cross-chain framework and issue a collection of image NFTs called Ba-Za-Hei(པ་ཀྲ་ཧེ་།, 巴扎嘿) to prove the concept, along with our ICP-XRP cross-chain canister implemented by Motoko. Bazahei NFTs is the first NFT collection that can freely migrate between ICP and XRP. It is in honor of nomad singers from the Tibetan area in Sichuan, China. It revitalizes the long-forgotten art through a decentralized web and symbolizes the beginning of the amalgamation of two once-insulated communities. Background: - Tibet remains isolated and untouched for decades. This virgin land of Buddhism has delivered its spiritual and mysterious impression to people around the world, yet few truly understand the culture there. - Luckily, Itoka team members had a chance to go deep into the Tibetan plateau and spend days with local tribes. We were warmly welcomed and presented a Hadag, a silk-made white scarf as a symbol of Buddha's blessing. During our stay, we surprisingly discovered the rarely known talent of people there: music and art. Tibetan people are born to be musicians and dancers. Every single one of them can dance and sing, even for small kids. They sing and dance for grazing, for ritual events, for celebrations, or just for normal daily matters. After years their euphonious voice, rhythmic body movements, and genuine smiles are still vivid in our heads. Our Itoka team would like to take this chance in supernova to connect Tibetan culture with everyone beyond the Himalayas using Web3 technology. We hope to break the isolation barrier of all great art and music in the world. - Thus, we present our “པ་ཀྲ་ཧེ་། Bazahei” NFT collection – 78 NFTs each containing a pair of mirrored images. All of the NFTs have the same character: a Tibetan nomad singer presenting you with the holy Hadag and giving you their most sincere blessing. Each NFT has a different color scheme and contemporary art style as a modern interpretation of traditional Tibetan culture. Challenges: - As XRP just expanded the utilities of their ledger, many crucial parts are missing for NFTs to shine on their chain. Many challenges are thus introduced. Firstly, based on our research, there is no decentralized wallet like II for ICP and Metamask for ETH, to authenticate XRP users for the NFT ledger. Users need to possess both a public key and a private key to be authenticated, while this process can be tedious and insecure. Secondly, there is no stable smart contract for the XRP network and no NFT minting/trading infrastructure either. XRP NFT standard development is still at a very early stage. - Moreover, we did not find promising “chain key cryptography” materials to enable direct interaction with XRPL. There are some relevant features such as “direct bitcoin integration” and “threshold ECDSA sign” coming very soon but very few sources can be stably applied. XRPL provides javascript SDK but since “HTTP request from canisters” is not currently available, we must establish an XRP server to boldly pioneer the cross-chain solution so later we can quickly migrate to direct integration after those functionalities are available in IC. Key features: - [1] IC-wrapped Authentication to XRP users. - We built a manager canister wrapping up the XRP keys to serve as a wallet for XRP users. When XRP users want to mint, transfer, or initiate a cross-chain request for their NFTs, they can simply log in with Internet Identity or other IC wallets on the front end and then gain the access to the XRPL network. - [2] Standardized NFT Implementation - The NFT implementation follows the EXT standard from Toniq Labs, which is also the standard for Entrepot, the biggest NFT marketplace on IC. The phase on XRPL is a formatting record following XRPL’s NonFungibleTokensV1 amendment with standardized trading functionalities included. - [3] Serverless XRPL NFT Issuer Server - To ensure the XRP NFT issuer’s safety and rights to collect transaction royalty while minimizing migration effort for later integration, we set up a serverless XRPL NFT issuer server to handle the request for the XRP side. After Dfinity enables the HTTP request feature for the canister, we start to reverse engineer XRPL javascript SDK and implement the Motoko library so that we can quickly complete the direct integration. - [4] Chain-dependent Art Piece - Our team believes that the future of Web3 is about unity and integration. We see the potential of cross-chain entertainment and the future of cross-chain applications. We also understand that different web3 communication holds different visions, cultures, and demands. Current static NFT assets are not enough to highlight the ownership, recognition, and metadata status in a multi-chain ecosystem. - Thus introduce the chain-dependent NFT artwork Bazahei NFTs to connect and unite while preserving distinguishable identification elements. We demonstrate the chain-dependency as follows: - While the NFT is on ICP, the character will point his Hadag to the right and say “What’s up ICP”. If the is on XRP, the character will point to the left and say “What’s up XRP”. The direction and text are the indicators showing which chain this NFT is on. - All metadata is hosted in IC canisters. By doing this we ensure the permanency and follow the vision of “blockchain singularity” from Dfinity and IC. Key contribution: - \nPioneer a general cross-chain NFT solution from IC to XRP\nProvide foundations for IC NFT projects to expand\nDemonstrate the fundamental scheme of chain-dependent NFT artworks\nBring IC NFT values to XRP\nIntroduce XRP liquidity to the IC ecosystem\nPromote the regional and under-represented culture\n Development overview: - The project is developed by 6 components: - [1] An NFT canister following the fashion of EXT-NFT. The NFT is portable to 3rd party marketplace to freely trade. Since we enable the inter-canister calls, we need to hard code the canister controller as NFT minter when initializing the actor. - [2] An assets canister to host all metadata. - [3] An account manager canister to manage users’ XRP NFT accounts. This canister stores the user’s XRP public and private key and only the authenticated user can query his/her keys. Meanwhile, only the serverless XRP issuer can verify if the inputting principal ID and XRP keys are correctly associated to prevent brute force attacks. - [4] A bridge-like canister to stake cross-chain NFT and bound IC NFT token identifier and XRP NFTokenId. This canister also serves as custodian to stake IC NFT when it lives on the XRP network. The two core methods of {ic2xrp} and {xrp2ic} methods make records to the cross-chain ledger and only serverless XRP issuer can call those methods. The {xrp2ic} will also invoke an inter-canister call to release NFT back to users. - [5] A serverless XRP issuer with its own IC identity to handle XRP mining and burning operations. The issuer can verify the user’s principal and XRP keys, token ownership from the IC NFT canister, state of which blockchain and call {ic2xrp} and {xrp2ic} from the bridge canister. - [6] A frontend for showcase gallery and verify if the cross-chain transaction is successful. Transaction flow: - IC2XRP - \nRequest staking and transferring. In this step the user shall request to transfer the underlying NFT to the bridge. \nQuery the XRP keys by IC authentication. If the user is new, pass a valid XRP account setXRPAccount from the XRP manager canister to set up the bounding of principal and XRP keys. To seamlessly authenticate the new users, we call XRPL API to generate an account and store it in a canister in our frontend. \nPOST request to mint a XRP NFT with {principal, XRP keys, and tokenIdx} payload. Then serverless starts the serial tests. (1) verify the principal and keys and a correct mapping from the XRP manager canister[IC2XRP #5]. (2) verify token staking if it has been pledged on a bridge[IC2XRP #6]. (3) verify the underlying NFT if the state is still on IC. [IC2XRP #7] If all tests pass, query the metadata and call {ic2xrp} from bridge canister to update the cross-chain ledger to switch the state [IC2XRP #8] and mint the XRP NFT to user’s XRP account. \n - XRP2IC - \nQuery the XRP keys by IC authentication. Similarly to above.\nPOST request to burn XRP NFT with {principal, XRP keys, and NFTokenID} payload and start the serial tests. (1) verify the principal and keys and a correct mapping from the XRP manager canister. [XRP2IC #3]. (2) verify token ownership if the user is the owner. [XRP2IC #4]. (3) verify the underlying NFT if the state is still on IC[XRP2IC #5] . (could be omitted since ownership applied). If all tests pass, burn the NFT on XRPL [XRP2IC #6] and call {xrp2ic} from bridge canister to update the cross-chain ledger to switch the state [XRP2IC #7], which invokes following a transaction operation to release NFT to the users[XRP2IC #8].\n Security analysis: - [1] Problem : Suppose a user is trying ic2xrp and completed staking on the bridge but failed POST to the serverless. Does the user lose the NFT? - Solution: No. Users still can send a POST request to the serverless until the XRP minting is successful. - [2] Problem : Suppose user1 is trying ic2xrp and completed staking on the bridge, but steal user2 XRP keys or generate a new keys and send a POST request with payload {user1_principal, user2_xrpKeys, tokenIdx}. Who would get the XRP NFT? - Solution: None. The POST request will fail since cannot past the [IC2XRP #5]. It is impossible to steal the user2 keys from XRP manager only if user1 can hack the internet identity :) - [3] Problem : Suppose user1 is trying ic2xrp and completed staking token1 on the bridge, but user1 found there is token2 also staking on bridge by users2, so he send a POST request with payload {user1_principal, user1_xrpKeys, token2_tokenIdx}. Can he mint the token2 on XRP? - Solution: No. The POST request will fail and cannot pass the [IC2XRP #6] by tracing previous staking history from the NFT ledger. - [4] Problem : Suppose a user is trying ic2xrp and sends POST requests twice to mint 2 NFTs on the XRP side. Does the user receive 2 XRP NFTs? - Solution: No. The [IC2XRP #7] will prevent the second minting request. - [5] Problem : Suppose a user listed the token1 in a marketplace and then tries ic2xrp cross-chain transaction. Can he still sell the NFT while receiving XRP NFT. - Solution: No. The [IC2XRP #1#2] will clear the allowance or the NFT’s operator authorization, so the token will automatically be delisted from the marketplace if staked on the bridge. - [6] Problem : Suppose a user has got the XRP NFT token1 and trades it to user2, can this person transfer the NFT to IC? - Solution: Yes if the user2 signed up for an IC account by XRP manager. If not, transfer the NFT to a registered account and then perform the cross-chain transaction. - [7] Problem : Suppose a user completed the ic2xrp and burned the token on XRPL manually. Can he still perform xrp2ic transactions flow to get the IC NFT? - Solution: No. The [XRP2IC #4] will prevent the operations. In fact, if the user manually burns NFT on the XRP side, the token will be permanently lost and stuck on the bridge. - [8] Problem : Why is the IC NFT staking on the bridge while XRP NFT is burnt if it is crossed? - Solution: The EXT NFT standard does not support a burning mechanism, but XRPL supports. We adopt the EXT standard in this project since it is one of the most recognizable and easy to port on Entrepot marketplace. The developers can add the burning mechanism on NFT canister by sending the NFT to a “black hole” if needed. - [9] Problem : Suppose a user1 steals user2’s XRP keys and their NFT token1 and tries to do xrp2ic. Can they perform the transaction? - Solution: No. [XRP2IC #1] will not pass unless user1 has user2 IC authentication. Application tooling: - The IC-XRP cross-chain framework can provide a lot more value for developers in a long run. For example, developers can implement a UI frontend for the XRP manager to create a decentralized XRP wallet application to help XRP users release the pain of username and password. They can also create a minting portal with the serverless to create an NFT minting tool for the XRP community or add more whitelist IC NFT projects to the serverless to build a cross-chain API service for the entire IC ecosystem etc. - For our itoka team, a team devoted to creating a decentralized music ecosystem, this prototype has a special meaning: it can be the foundation to solve many real-life problems in the entertainment industry. As an example, a multi-chain digital rights management application can allow musicians to easily manage their royalties from NFTs across chains without middlemen. Once the Bazahei runs stably on IC and XRP, the Itoka music NFT will follow the scheme to scale the ownership/licensing transferring and trustless royalty collection to the rest of the web3 world. - Explore Itoka music NFT and Muxive Try Bazahei now: - The Itoka team will airdrop all bazahei NFTs to communities for free. To evaluate the project quality in the Supernova hackathon, we reserve a few amounts of tokens and invite Dfinity and Supernova judges to join the beta testing. Please contact the team via this link if you are a Supernova judge. Future work: - There will be an upgrade for Bazahei when XRPL NFT-Dev merges to the main net. Besides, we are excited to wait for Dfinity to enable the “HTTP request from canister” and “threshold ECDSA sign” so we can approach a fully decentralized cross-chain protocol. Please check the following flowchart for our future system design(the final upgrade might be different). - Additionally, the marketplace is extremely important for secondary market trading. Due to the time limitation and project complexity, we would like to propose it as another independent project. The expected marketplace could be the extension of the frontend gallery with payment functions. The sellers can list their NFT in the marketplace by offering both prices of ICP and XRP. The buyers can authenticate by IC wallet and bid either price of IC or XRP. As a result, the trade should be seamless and the marketplace is expected to handle all cross-chain activity. Disclaimer: - [Notice on 6/20/2022] The Itoka IC-XRP cross-chain project is for R&D purposes only. Since the XRPL NFT-Dev net is still under development and will be reset and merged to the main net in the future, we highly recommend storing NFT assets on the Internet Computer network. Please pay attention to the Ripple Labs announcement. Itoka and OctAI Inc. do not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss of assets caused by XRPL updates. - The Itoka team airdropped the Bazahei NFTs to the community for free. - Investors must conduct their own research before trading. Itoka and OctAI Inc. do not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss of assets or investments. Reference: - EXT Motoko implementation from Toniq-Labs(Stoic & Entrepot market place): - XRPL NonFungibleTokensV1 amendment standard on NFT-Devnet by Ripple Labs: - BiMap: A Motoko module for bijective maps fomr Aviate labs: - Internet Identity authentication by frontend: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - In the cryptocurrency space, the monetary value comes from collateral, not credit. The overcollateralization mechanism used by MakerDAO has demonstrated its staying power, so we adopted the overcollateralization model as well. What it does: - ICStable is an overcollateralized stablecoin protocol that supports multiple collateral portfolios. Collateral is DRC20 or DIP20 standard tokens, including ICP (wrapped), BTC (wrapped), ETH (wrapped), Cycles (wrapped), ICL, and assets added through governance.\n How we built it: - ICStable supports multiple assets as collateral, with ICP as the primary collateral, and collateral asset types can be added through governance. Borrowers create DUSDs by depositing collateral and hold debt positions.\nICStable accepts ICOracle's price feed service, which is a decentralised Oracle smart contract. \nICStable's risk control rules are that the collateral ratio for debt positions need to be kept above the liquidation line (minimum collateral ratio) and if the collateral ratio falls below the liquidation line, automatic liquidation will occur. The liquidation process will start by selling the collateral through Dex and if Dex does not have sufficient liquidity, it will be exchanged for DUSD through the system liquidity pool. The system liquidity pool is created by the Liquidity Provider of Last Resort (LPOLR) by adding DUSD and they have the opportunity to buy the collateral at a discount.\nICStable has designed mechanisms to anchor 1DUSD=1USD, including, 1) arbitrage mechanism and 2) price change automatic feedback mechanism (PCAFM). Challenges we ran into: - (1) Lack of crypto assets on the IC network; \n(2) High price volatility of ICPs; \n(3) Automated risk control requires smart contracts to support atomisation. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - ICStable is the first stablecoin project on IC and is currently in internal testing. What we learned: - The monetary value comes from collateral, not credit.\nRisk cannot be eliminated, but can only be transferred through incentives. What's next for ICStable: - The next step is to improve our risk control system.\nIn addition, we plan to support more collateral and increase its liquidity. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - while the idea I got after seeing very few developers who understand internet computers and difficulties in developing things on internet computers, I thought to make it easier for them to make projects on internet computers and see sigma as a formula that helps scientists and engineers solve their problems, I named this project sigmadefi What it does: - sigma defi serves to facilitate users or developers in building a project on the internet computer, - \nMultisender can be used by developers or other users to transfer airdrops or their relatives\ncreate dip20\ncan be used to create dip20 tokens on internet computers without having to do coding\ngenerate nft\ncan be used to generate many images from 1 source image to be minted into NFT on the internet computer\nbuy icp\nWith the integration of fiat on ramp in Transak , users can easily buy ICP using a credit card or other payment\n How i built it: - by coding in vscode writing typescript language and framework react\nI built the frontend first, then learned the Motoko language and started writing commands with Mototo for interaction with the blockchain internet computer. Challenges we ran into: - because i'm working alone this makes it difficult for me where time is short and other problems like faucet cycles run out and some bugs in dfx sdk and it's hard to understand motoko language fast and this by making time out Accomplishments that we're proud of: - I can enter this competition honestly and fairly, and can learn new things such as blockchain internet computer, dfx sdk, motoko language,\ni can hardly believe i can do this myself thanks devpost, dfinity team, internet computer team What i learned: - I learned a lot from this hackathon, especially what is persistence, enthusiasm and respect for one's own performance, and useful knowledge of technology in internet computers such as dfx sdk, motoko, candid, idl What's next for SIGMA DEFI: - I will continue the work progress of the sigma defi project because it is not fully ready yet,\nand additional features to exchange icp tokens to cycle tokens First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Enabling every SME to trade globally.\nNext generation of DeFi needs to tap into the real world, while trade benefits from DeFi. What it does: - Embark establishes a new way for trade settlement. Built on the IC, the decentralised trade protocol provides the infrastructure for the management of the whole trade contract lifecycle and user interaction. How we built it: - Real world trade requires more settlement flexibility in comparison to digital trade, as it is only governed by few standardised rules (eg. incoterms) and needs to incorporate delivery as well as documentation for purchase contracts, merchandise handover etc. To provide this flexibility we developed a Trade Token that removes the arbitrarity of accountability for trade, incorporating all the trade documentation and legal agreements - The Trade Token handles the Invoice, Bill of Ladings and merchandise certificates: In this way we leverage the unique feature of Blockchain, namely to increase trust by transparently providing an ownership proof for the merchandise. Consequently, any potential disagreements between trade parties can be resolved more easily and globally, in particular as international trade accordances are lacking. This transparency is especially important for external parties who provide shipment protection or financing: - Technologies: - Smart Contracts in Rust - UI in React Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Completely browser based / web native - Modular architecture (Frontend and Backend within Canister) What we learned: - Reverse gas provides more ease-of-use for end-users. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Vision: - If humankind moves to the another planets, they can use MetaBio as the valuable data to grow and plant the biodiversity. Interesting? Please join our social channel for more information. Description: - Motivation MetaBio is a Web3 application to connect gardeners, farmers to crypto world. We aim to be the leading Web3 application for gardening/farming communities, inspire gardeners/farmers, and connect them and their data to enterprise and biology experts eventually. Users as farmers could capture the growth of their plants, mint respective NTF(s) and sell on our marketplace. They can also earn some rewards on MetaBio by joining our gamification (namely plant-2-earn) and providing metadata. - Which all above will result in: - \ud83d\udccc Keep developing good habits - \ud83d\udccc Earn and learn (non-crypto natives especially in specific field such as gardening/farming can earn and learn about blockchain/decentralization) - \ud83d\udccc Reduce gaps to connect to other peoples around the world and in different areas - \ud83d\udccc Preparing data for our future (metaverse, biodiversity on-chain database...) Features: - \ud83c\udf31 Gardeners could mint the interactive NFPlant backed by their plants. - \ud83e\udeb4 In order to mint NFPlant, they need to purchase the plant pot. Each plant pot will have these attributes: - plant: NFPlant belonged to the pot. - minGrowthRate: Plant minimum growth rate. To receive the reward, the plant needs to reach the minimum growth rate (eg: 5cm/month). - tokenEarning: The token earning when the plant reaches the minGrowthRate each month - \ud83c\udfc5 After planting and updating their real plants metadata, they can earn the reward if the plant meets the minimum growth rate. - ✅ The BioDAO (biology expert) would review and audit the NFT metadata. Their expertise will help to improve the quality and gain the transparency of biology metadata on-chain. - \ud83d\ude80 MetaBio also supports metaverses, gamefi, defi, and socialfi builders to consume and reuse NFT backed by real plant’s metadata that enhances user experiences. - \ud83c\udf0e Users can earn carbon credit and save the Earth. Our Social Channel: - Telegram: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What is blank space?: - blank space brings decentralised, real-time document collaboration for the very first time to the IC Blockchain! While planning this project, Hassan and I were using Google Docs, an application which is actively used by approximately 2 billion users worldwide. This lead us to the belief that this application would have wide applicability, making use of the unique characteristics of the IC blockchain, such as its speed and security, making it a perfect candidate for real-time collaboration as well as decentralised document data storage so no company completely owns your data and documents. How we built it?: - The build process was completed by me and Hassan, making use of our primary tools: VS code for the development process, the Motoko docs for research and understanding of the IC blockchain, and finally Google Docs and Discord for collaborating and planning. - The architecture involves 3 main canisters. - blankspace_assets is our front end canister maintaining the primary react source code, which handles the connected peers on a document, the document itself (including the sending of deltas which are the changes on the document), and our front end features which can be interacted with. - blankspace is canister is used for the management and maintenance of the Users to Documents relationship, as well as the current active peers on a set document. - And finally the signalling canister for the signalling between users as they send their WebRTC offers and answers from one user to the other. - This multi-canister implementation allows the signalling functionality to be separated from the blank space project and be utilised by anyone who wishes to use the signalling canister to also send offers and answers between multiple peers in the future, regardless of what application they are using a WebRTC offers answers based approach for. Challenges we ran into: - The primary and most noteworthy challenge we faced was connecting users for the collaborative process. For this process, we decided to utilize WebRTC, to be able to quickly send messages (in our case, deltas which represent changes on the document) to each of the separate peers so that they have the most up to date documents. - On web2.0, we would simply have used node.js as our server-side tool and utilized sockets to instantly connect users and exchange direct offers and answers for peers in WebRTC. Without Sockets, we needed to go back to first principles to understand what WebRTC provides and how it connects its users. We recognised that a WebRTC connection between peers can be made through paper, manually; if a peer which offers a connection receives an answer from a separate peer who reads the initial offer. Therefore, using Motoko, we built a signalling process through updates to the blockchain on who is attempting to connect, simply sharing the offers and answers between peers who represent a user on the document. - Another major issue faced with connecting peers involves the ability to connect to other users on different networks. While testing blank space locally, our solution successfully managed to connect several peers together. However, once deployed to the IC, different users will be on different networks, and this meant that the webRTC peers were no longer connecting successfully. This was solved using a STUN and TURN server, hosted on Azure to allow WebRTC to connect users on different networks. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are extremely proud that we were able to successfully connect users through the IC and collaborate on a live document. Our final test was to connect a user in America (myself) and a user in the UK (Hassan) over the live version of the IC. This was proof that we had successfully made a product which can be used by individuals globally, on a truly decentralised system. What we learned: - There are several skills we learned during this process, for example learning new tools and frameworks such as WebRTC, Motoko, and how real-time collaboration works for documents and the processes behind them. The most interesting takeaways revolve around how all these technologies can combine to produce a tool which can be used by several individuals around the world in a decentralised manner, working with the unique strengths that the IC blockchain provide, leading to challenges which were overcome and learning opportunities to demonstrate intuitive thinking which was a pleasure to work through. What's next for blank space: - Now, we have shown you how we brought decentralised real-time document collaboration to life with the help of the IC blockchain. But what's in store for the future of blank space? In the more immediate future we plan to add document encryption options, voice group call ability while collaborating on documents, and greater support for import/export formats, along with additional quality of life features. We will also look to scale this project further as it begins to grow, for example by adding more user canisters. Ultimately, the future of the IC blockchain looks very promising and we are looking forward to contributing to the ecosystem further! First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I wanted to learn more about the details of ICP. My strongest programming language is C#/.Net so I figured I would start there. Building something not exciting helps not only me learn but for the ecosystem to grow by being able to use .Net with IC What it does: - My set of libraries allows .Net code to easily communicate with canisters throught the Http boundry nodes. Its essentially just another Agent implementation.\nNuget packages How we built it: - Lots of documentation/spec reading and looking at other agent implementations. Came from the approach of making it user friendly, which is the main reason why I also built the Client Generator, because i know implementing api clients is a pain. Challenges we ran into: - Binary encoding and other highly technical parts of the code. Hard to convert binary (which can be little or big endian) to anything without lots of trial and error.\nMaking Candid types and C# types work well together. One big one was Variants, because C# doesn't have that kind of data structure. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The whole thing in general. Got a good sense of whats really happening with API calls and candid in general. Also the client generator was cool because not only have I never done source code generation but I think it can be really helpful for people who just want to start programming against the IC with no overhead. What we learned: - So much about the ICP, Candid, encodings and Internet Identity.\nAlso powerful variants can be and C# needs them. As a .Net developer, its something I want to use everyday but cant. What's next for ICP.NET: - Probably a lot of bug fixes, but the only main thing I want to do after this initial release is better authentication integration, especially with frontend Blazor. Right I am essentially hacking the dfinity/agent-js library to get the Internet Identity response to then use in C# code. It would be nice to have that more integrated First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Internet Computer brings a new paradigm to the Web3 and crypto world, which enables a seamless development and user experience for both application developers and end users. As decentralized applications are booming in the IC ecosystem, we see a huge demand for an integrated infrastructure for ICP holders to take one step further in the IC world, to be an investor and builder in staking, governance, GameFi, DeFi, etc. That's what HashMix ICP will provide, a one-stop terminal for staking, voting, and anything else ICP holders need. What it does: How we built it: - We deployed part of our service on a canister thanks to IC. The whole application follows a Web3 application code of design, users can connect their wallet to interact with the application and control their own assets. Challenges we ran into: - The major challenge we met is that the IC ecosystem is still premature, not much documentation, libs, frames or tools can be used. Luckily the developer community and dev team is very supportive. - Another big challenge is that canisters can’t create or own a neuron because of the limitation of IC. That means the staking and voting operations can't be completed by the canister itself; some steps have to be operated centrally. We’ll iterate this as the IC system improves. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We’ve finished the application we designed with key functionality, that’s the most accomplishment for us in the past weeks. - We successfully integrated the NNS staking with our reward distribution system and governance system. HashMix ICP is completely based on IC, and is the first decentralized NNS staking application. We’re proud to be the bridge between ICP holders, IC ecosystem, and IC infrastructures. - We’re also very lucky to meet a lot of IC developers and partners in the ecosystem, working together on the way of building. What we learned: - During the product design and development, we revisited the mechanism of IC, especially canister, learned a lot about developing rules on IC and how to work with the system. What's next for HashMix: - Community: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The inspiration behind this project is my developing fashion label, a business and passion that allows me to explore the intersections between Fashion & Tech, and Storytelling and Product. This project is the progression and implementation of merging these worlds. Through this project powered by Dfinity's Internet computer, I can develop new experiences that merge the digital and physical worlds. What it does: - This project is a combination of an online shop, presentation, online gaming, and storytelling. Users can shop the brand and receive tokens that grant access to discovering various elements of the brand. Additionally, tokens will allow users to take part in direct brand development through a governance interface and own mutable tokens that evolve in image and utility as they progress through story or exploration. How we built it: - This project was built using Vanilla Js, Html, CSS, Motoko, and Babylon Js. Additionally, the story and assets were planned and developed over the past few years with a primary focus on storytelling and world-building. Assets are now hosted through the IC hosting platform Fleek. Challenges we ran into: - Most of the challenges I experience were with the documentation when it came to learning Motoko and Candid. It was great to learn but discouraged any bold attempts to develop complex functions. A large amount of effort was put into looking for solutions to seemingly simple task. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - I am very proud of the UI and experience I've designed, and am excited to get users testing the environment. Mostly, I'm very proud that I was able to implement the dip721 standard and have a backend ready to go for a unique NFT experience. What we learned: - Taking part in the Hackathon has helped increase my knowledge of the Motoko language and developing smart contract systems. I am also very excited to have a new programming solution for databases and storage. What's next for SCOGÉ Universe: - Next, I will be developing the interface for token-based governance that will give users direct influence in the development of the brand, from upcoming products to story developments. The project will also have its first round of mutable NFTs that evolve based on progress and exploration sold through a major IC NFT exchange. Lastly, I am very interested in developing a solid LNFT (Linked NFT) standard that gives way to a new generation of digital assets linked to physical counterparts. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration:: - DBLOGIT is an inspiration from the native blogging sites, but with a twist, here the whole data will live on the blockchain, and using the internet computer as our basis development tool to achieve it, we are inspired to make a difference in the blogging space by bringing onboard a decentralized blogging site, were the data will be imprinted on the blockchain, thus solving the problems of downtimes, centralization, fake news, and censorship. What it does:: - Informing and updating our users with latest informations and updates live from the blockchain, and help fact check if a news is fake or authentic. By this we help our users curtail myriad of fake news in the world How we built it:: - The frontend was built with react.js and the data were stored on the ICP network Challenges we ran into:: - The major challenges was with setting up based on the requirements of internet computer system requirements in other to run the ICP SDK, even while we were trying to deploy we ran into challenges based on the system we used. Accomplishments that we're proud of:: - We did division of labour and each person did his best to hold up his end of bringing about the success of this project What we learned:: - we learnt a whole lot of stuff while setting up, the internet computer SDK and building the smart contract with motoko, a language we learned on the job to build this project etc What's next for Dblogit:: - we will keep building and bring in new features, at some point we will enable users to be able to post contents and earn from it. Stake tokens and get rewards for the token staked First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Me spending hours over something that should be simple What it does: - It a guide just on how to do things on the IC. As I learn I will continue to add thing How we built it: - It was built using the IC of course. The tools I used is WSL, Atom, VS code, Ubuntu, Git Challenges we ran into: - Just learning alot, I am learning html, java and css while learning how to use those tools on the IC. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Just getting this far for me What we learned: - That sometimes you just got to keep trying, even if you need to take a break and come back to it What's next for ICP for people like me: - I am just going to keep making guides and improving my site as I learn First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Buying NFT through the DAO model makes blue chips no longer a dream. What it does: - The first version of the project was released after the completion of the Beta, and will be followed by the implementation of a multi-protocol, which will be available to users in the IC ecosystem, and will allow artists to create, collect, and trade properties in the Icmarket. How we built it: - We built it through motoko, Rust, and Typescript. Challenges we ran into: - Challenges: - Our goal is to make NFTs not a single collectible, but a DAO for creation and collection, and to give NFTs more attributes, such as derivatives, pledges, mortgages, and other open markets for NFTs with multiple attributes. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Gaining grants - Accumulated users in the first month: 4000 - After releasing the first multi-currency version of the marketplace, the cumulative PV exceeded 200,404, cumulative users exceeded 7,440, DAU: 280-350, average user dwell time 12 minutes. What we learned: - Through nft trading logic, we found out more business models and application scenarios of nft, and through nft derivatives, auctions, and games, we can enrich the way of playing nft. What's next for ICmarket: - We are currently building Phase II: adding promotions, blind boxes, personal creations, auctions, NFT pledges to the market, improving the existing storage and business logic separation to avoid the storage cap problem caused by upgrades, adding subDAO purchases and creating subDAOs. - Phase III: Add audio, video and podcast NFT capabilities to the marketplace, add collateral lending, subDAO collaboration, and add an online museum of NFT+ metaverse; - Phase IIII ( Q4-2022): explore more diversity and possibilities of NFT, after ICP and ETH complete cross-chain, access to NFTs of different public chains, in the final stage of ICmarket, we will make some temporary changes according to user needs and market changes, so as to make the product fit the market and create a real NFT market, in the future it is completely Built on top of IC, it is a real Web3. - While the ICmarket is gradually maturing, we believe that IC will be available by the end of 2022, IC has gradually realized the cross-chain interaction of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos and other public chains, and we want to realize the interaction of Web3 between Cosmos through IC, because we see that in the two years from 2020 to 2022, Cosmos SDK as the underlying implementation of a lot of good public chains and projects. The rapid iteration and elimination mechanism of blockchain makes more and more public chains stop at the initial value, we believe that IC is the infrastructure of Web3 and GameFi in the future, we are aiming at "fun", it is an infinite game, we are expecting more participants and collectors to join the IC. We are expecting more participants and collectors to join the IC ecology. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We learned about ICP from the simple Instagram ad, and it made us crazy. Technology deep-dive videos are amazing. The best experience of writing asynchronous smart-contracts we ever had ( yes, we tried NEAR too :) ) AND! The first REALLY decentralized Bitcoin integration, this one is actually AWESOME. There is so much liquidity potential hamsters haven't used yet. We understood – we should help utilize this liquidity. What it does: - So, we got the goal – to utilize Bitcoin liquidity in the best way possible. But how can we proceed, if there are so many Bitcoin HODLERs, who don't want to sell their BTC ever, or at least for millions? So, the best solution is not to sell Bitcoin, but to mortgage it!! The classical lending protocol Compound offers really big percentages for USDT about 4-5% per year. It is not the case, if you have a lot of BTC, and wait for the next bull run in 5 years. That's why we decided to proceed with the MakerDAO approach to creating our own overcollateralized stable coin, but make it much better by removing Maker's disadvantages: still high borrow percent, auction-based liquidation, strong dependence on the centralized assets(USDC, WBTC, etc.), DAO controlled by whales. How we built it: - Supernova Workshops and other video material help a lot in deep diving into the Internet Computer.\nDApp is built with motoko and reactjs utilizing four canisters roles: web-part, Bitcoin token, stable token, minter. Also, we use Java icp client - IC4J for the liquidator bot. We still waiting for the Bitcoin <--> ICP bridge and big liquidity market running on the ICP to bring our project to life. Challenges we ran into: - Asynchronous code requires a different way of thinking in terms of smart-contract development and security audits. We need to create really robust protocol against market volatility, front-run attacks, etc. Also, some parts of the infrastructure is pretty fresh, and buggy (like Plug wallet), but we still are moving on \ud83d\udcaa. What's next for IC1101 iUSD: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - There are only a few places you can put your ICP to earn: (1) the NNS, (2) Sonic, or (3) flipping NFTs. The NNS provides a decent rate for your ICP, but it locks up your ICP for a long period of time so it is no longer liquid, Sonic doesn’t offer very high yield rates on their liquidity pools, and flipping NFTs means you are putting a substantial amount of your ICP into less liquid NFTs that you may or may not be able to sell. - Toniq Earn’s goal is to provide yield in a more liquid form than the NNS, provide interest rates that are substantially higher than Sonic’s liquidity pools, and give NFT accumulators a place to go to leverage their NFTs for additional liquidity. What it does: - Toniq earn is powered by the Interesting NFT Protocol, a decentralized interest rate protocol. Here’s how it works: - \nAlice decides she needs more ICP to take advantage of a new NFT collection coming up, and wants to lock up her BTC Flower to get 200 ICP for the next month, so she fills out an Earn Request and says she’ll pay 10% interest.\nBob loves the BTC Flower collection, and has been wanting to earn a good yield on some extra ICP, so he accepts Alice’s protocol contract and his ICP is sent to Alice via the protocol.\nAt this point, one of two things could happen depending on whether Alice repays her contract in time or not.\nIf Alice repays her contract (plus interest) which in this case would be 220 ICP, then she gets her BTC Flower back, Bob gets the 220 ICP, and everyone is happy.\nIf Alice can’t repay her contract, or decides not to, then the BTC Flower NFT is sent to Bob and the contract is fulfilled.\n - The beautiful thing about an over-collateralized contract like this is it removes default risk. Bob knows that at the end of the contract, he is either going to get 220 ICP or a BTC Flower, and either one of those scenarios feels really good to Bob. Same story with Alice. Alice knows that she can get additional liquidity now, and if she pays it back with interest she keeps her NFT, or if she doesn’t pay it back, she can keep the originally acquired ICP at the expense of losing her NFT. How we built it: - We built Toniq Earn and the Interesting NFT Protocol using a canister controlled escrow system based on sub-accounts. Users transfer NFTs to the canister and the canister holds them in escrow for the duration of the contract. The canister is blackholed, and thus completely decentralized, which is important as there are significant legal challenges to releasing a product like this. Toniq Earn could be viewed as a sort of peer-to-peer lending tool, but we prefer interest rate protocol over peer-to-peer lending as there is no trust required between two parties to interact with a decentralized protocol where outcomes are known and governed by code. Challenges we ran into: - Releasing a product and a decentralized protocol is a big undertaking. There are security concerns, spam/protocol abuse concerns, cycles funding concerns, etc. Our biggest challenge was ensuring we were building a secure, safe protocol that anyone could use. Up until this past week, we were still finding small edge cases where Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Building one of the first (if not the very first) functional lending solutions on the #IC feels like an amazing accomplishment. We know there are other groups working on lending tools, but this will at least be one of the first. And being able to use NFTs as collateral for these loans feels extra good because we are so deep on everything to do with NFTs. It was about time we added a DeFi feature to Entrepot. We specifically don’t call this a lending tool because of the current regulatory environment, which is why we refer to it as an interest rate protocol. What we learned: - We learned that one does not simply release a peer-to-peer lending product in the US. There are massive regulatory issues. Peer-to-peer lending is a highly regulated industry, so we had to position and build our product in a way that was legally compliant, yet still functional and easy to use for our users. The safest and best solution was (1) repositioning the protocol as an interest rate protocol rather than a lending platform, (2) fully decentralizing the protocol and building a frontend for Toniq Earn, and (3) blocking US IP addresses from using the Toniq Earn features. We would have liked to include all IP addresses, but unfortunately it is not wise to do so right now. We will continue to adjust our policies as we learn more over time from legislators about US crypto regulation. What's next for Interesting NFT Protocol & Toniq Earn: - Right now the Interesting NFT Protocol (the decentralized blackholed backend protocol) does not have a controller. This means it cannot be updated or adjusted. We would eventually like to decentralize the protocol via the SNS into a DAO, so the DAO would be governing the protocol. This enables updates and changes not possible with a blackholed canister. - We also have a whole set of new features that we would like to add, assuming we push out a second version of the protocol. For example, including multiple NFTs in the same protocol contract at the same time, incorporating NRI or other rarity metrics in our NFT collection floor evaluations, or expanding the protocol to include pools of NFTs and ICP for immediate swapping rather than having to wait for liquidity in contracts (as in the current implementation). First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - smorf provides simple dao factory for self-managed organisations What it does: - smorf creates simple dao with smartcontract and fromtend canisters How we built it: - smorf coded with motoko backend and vuejs frontend Challenges we ran into: - smorf must be chip in fees, simple to start and intuitive to use Accomplishments that we're proud of: - now it's just an idea and mvp in development What we learned: - icp is great and perspective! so i happy to learn it What's next for SMORF: - mvp release plus team and community building First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We saw the potential for decentralized social media on the Internet Computer and wanted to explore how web3 functionality could be used to facilitate and enhance the experience of such a platform, as well as wanting to change the web2 trends of centralization, censorship, and mass data harvesting. What it does: - Try it out! You can post anonymously on any of the public boards without needing to login. You can also login with Stoic or Plug to enter into a "gated" board where users with particular clearances (NFT or ICP balances) can view/post. We plan to incorporate the platform into a DAO where users can vote on the direction of the platform, including new features to be added and their priority. How we built it: - Motoko, React, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, and CSS were used to build this dapp. Challenges we ran into: - Motoko and React were both brand new to me when starting this project so it was a challenge learning and building at the same time, with lots of trial and error.\nThankfully, we received thoughtful help and advice from primarily anonymous sources (discord groups and dfinity dev forum have been great tools to ask questions and network).\nAlso navigating past the negative stigma attached to "chan" like sites, and implementing sufficient community-driven moderation. Learning about Actor models and back-end security in Motoko was one of the biggest hurdles in order to sufficiently ensure proper security. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Being the first social media app on the Internet Computer that doesn't require the user to login to post. Our unlisted boards will allow artists to create anonymous boards catered only to their NFT holders. What we learned: - How to leverage community input to make the dapp better. Balancing our own vision for the platform with that of the community and their expectations. What's next for seachan: - Public launch and growing the community by delivering continued UX updates. Collaboration with community and IC NFT artists for creation of their own NFT gated boards. Launching a Seachan DAO, making it open source, and potential native token launch. Allowing users to directly donate cycles to both front & back-end canisters. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We believe web3 opens the door for true expression of self in a digital first world. We are inspired to on-board the next billion user to the IC and blockchain community by creating a fun, socially engaging and monetizable platform that begins to unlock the potential of NFT utility and empowers individuals to express themselves in the digital world. What it does: - BlueBird is a platform that empowers individuals to create, share and “Mint” their passions with verifiable on-chain badges, stickers and or certificates that can be dynamically layered onto content or NFT’s and shared to the world. - Through our “Compute over content” tools you can create badges, stickers, filters and watermarks that represent your talents, affinities, communities and IRL achievements. This can include a degree from university, membership to an exclusive group or simply a means to show support for a sports team or affiliation. - These badges are posted to a social feed whereby anyone can mint a badge to their personal NFT or image and create a new layered NFT that combines the badge and their original media asset. This can be downloaded, linked to and or displayed via BlueBird. How we built it: - Through our participation in the Dfinity grant program, we have been focused building the foundation tech to “Compute over Content" and laying the ground-work for all types of content and media assets to live on-chain in the IC canister system. We have been working for months on the infrastructure and tech architecture to enable the layering of media files (badges, stickers, filters, watermarks, etc) on top on already minted content and the subsequent new "Mint" that represents the combination of the two assets. We have been working with various Dfinity team members to solve to issues with scaling, storage and computation around these new assets which is ongoing, but has enabled significant progress. Our team is a diverse set of engineers and developers from around the world working together to achieve the shared vision. Challenges we ran into: - • Scaling issues with minting larger sized content on-chain and chunking across multiple canisters\n• Need for a PNG coder/de-coder to enable better minting and storage of images\n• Developing new processes for layering NFT’s on top of each other and recording transactional and asset data \n• Deploying and merging canister transaction with real-time updates on our content feed Accomplishments that we're proud of: - • Building new utility into NFT’s and opening the door to a wide spectrum of new use-cases for social media, content engagement and digital identity. \n• We are proud of building \n• Working as a globally distributed team between 3 continents, time zones and languages. \n• Developing, designing and building a new platform in just a few short weeks that we believe is the foundation for new ways for individuals to showcase their passions in a digital first world What we learned: - • The use of NFT’s for self-expression and digital identify in web3 is a huge opportunity and one that will open the door for amazing innovation and progress in the space\n• IC enables a number of possibilities for on-chain content storage and utility that we can take advantage of to build better and more compelling projects\n• This is just the beginning of what is possible, but it is important to lay the foundation\n• There is a ton of value in building for practical use cases around social, NFT’s and digital identity What's next for BlueBird: - • Scaling the platform to include more utility around the layered NFT’s and composable content.\n• Introducing rewards for engagement and participation via BlueBird Tokens\n• Standardizing authentication process for badges to be linked to real world achievements \n• Fund-raising for a seed round and adding to our team\n• Building out digital library for individuals and communities to store and manage all their content\n• Enhancing social features and functionality to enable easy sharing, posting, and added interactions\n• API’s for badges and layered minting for other marketplaces and communities\n• Community tools for users to build gated access via badges First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: What it does: How we built it: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Candid+: Contact: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: What it does: How I built it: Challenges I ran into: Accomplishments that I'm proud of: What I learned: What's next for Project: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Open Free Dollar is the first decentralised stable coin that will enable billions of users to trade in the open market, and millions of developers to run Dapps on the internet computer. - Our vision is to ensure financial equality for everyone despite race, colour, nationality and place.\nWe provide financial inclusion underserved and unserved while protecting the environment against climate change.\nIts not about us its about people.\nGoals\nTo reduce economic inequality.\nTo bank the billions that are unbanked.\nTo improve lifestyle of both the developers and users.\nTo preserve and protect the environment.\nTo protect users from overcharges by Daaps and developers.\nTo power and grow the internet computer community.\nTo make Daap development more easier and simplified.\nTo enable Minimal gas Charges.\nTo Combat Climate Change.\nTo make crypto more user loved and trusted.\nTo make crypto mainstream. - Problem\nThe internet Computer doesn't yet have any stable coin in place and does not have plans to integrate one in its road map and yet stable coins are essential for the Internet Computer ecosystem, especially in DeFi and NFTs\nICP is still volatile and cannot be used in the open market and requires cycles to power canisters.This whole idea is still not clear .\nCycle is primarily used to power canisters and cant be used for other uses.\nProof of work consensus is destructive to the environment.\nCryptocurrencies are volatile and cant be used in our daily lives.\nInflation is on a rise in many countries because of the war in Ukraine and the covid19 pandemic. What it does: - Open Free Dollar (OFD) enables _financial inclusion and trade _ to billions of users while enabling developers to run millions of Dapps on the internet computer while providing. \nIts make daily use of cryptocurrencies in our lives possible since it is not volatile.\nIt reduces all forms of financial inequalities and imbalances set government policies.\nOpen Free Dollar (OFD) fights climate change through emitting zero carbon and through donating 10% of the token to the plant million tree campaign to save the planet.\nFights poverty by giving 20% to the very poor and needy in the poorest nations e.g giving basic need to refugees in Ukraine and feeding malnourished children in Africa.\nRemoves the risk of inflation, inflation tax e.t.c because - Its solves some of the worlds biggest problems How we built it: - We built it on the internet computer using Motoko, Rust and Candid Challenges we ran into: - Time became an issue as the deadline approached. \nWe were only two on the team. We need more team members. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - A working coin.\nAn excellent team of two people.\nWe submitted in time. What we learned: - Motoko is faster in-terms of development .\nNetwork charges are less to run canisters.\nInternet computer is the best infrastructure to implement this solution now. What's next for Open Free Dollar (OFD): - Genesis. \nImplementation of a reserve.\nImplementation of a governance token.\nListing on different exchanges.\nAutomating the backup Mechanism.\nHere We Come First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - With the development of technology, the digitalization needs of brands are increasing day by day. Most of the brands open their stores and make sales on the internet. With the development of the metaverse over time, we think that there will be no brands that do not open a store in environments such as the metaverse. Especially in the metaverse environment, where visual perception increases and product inspection opportunities are moved to a different dimension We believe that the pleasure of shopping will be different.\nThe number of vr glasses is increasing day by day and people have started to spend more time in the metaverse. As a shopping experience in the future, we think that the products can be purchased by examining the products in much more detail in the 3D environment, and even an experience similar to the physical shopping experience in the metaverse shopping centers can be given over time.We think that instead of selling land in Metaverse, establishing an open-air mall and selling empty shops in different sizes may be a more beneficial solution for companies. Moreover, in the following stages, each brand will be able to design the store itself with our store designer editor tool. - On this platform, the experience of logging into the system with our own digital twin avatars, trying on different clothes on our avatar and purchasing with ICP coin is offered. - In addition, we believe that cryptocurrencies will be used more widely in payments over time and crypto reward mechanisms will become widespread especially in internet shopping. All these are the factors that push us to do this project. What it does: - Metablok is a platform where brands can buy or rent empty shops in the metaverse, display their products in 3D environment, open them for sale and sell with crypto money. You can enter the system with your own digital twin avatar and talk other avatars with your voice.You can try different clothes with your avatar and buy with ICP. Moreover the platform will be play&earn game platform. Every avatar will enter the games(basketball,tennis etc) and earn metablok tokens. How we built it: - Barış Baran designed an open-air mall and stores with Blender, two of our friends (Resul,Dr Alper\n and Beytullah) made the developments on the Unity Framework side and then created a multiplayer environment with the Photon framework. Beytullah added virtual dressing functionality to our system. Resul also developed avatar based-system with avatar-sdk. Haşim developed voice chat platform with Agora Voice SDK. Haşim & Mert and Hasan also dealt with blockchain developments and integrations, and we were able to release our first product in mvp. Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Metablok: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - It takes time for a developer to embrace new technology. Learning a new language to understand cutting-edge technological paradigms can sometimes be intimidating. We want to simplify developers' lives in the IC ecosystem and give them the tools and technology to build, ship and manage dApps faster on IC. What it does: - At its core Internet Computer Services ( ICS ) provides easy creation and management of atomic units in IC called Canisters. But the realm of ICS expands to the scale at which AWS / GCP offers services in Web2.\nICS aims to provide small, independent, developer-owned services that will become building blocks of dApps. 100% on-chain deployed queue service, secret manager etc., are some of the services ICS aims to provide and continuously add more as the community requires. - Apart from these services, ICS aims at providing 1-click deployment of dApps available in the marketplace, minting of NFTs, token generation for any new project, and provisioning on-chain BTC and ETH wallets with few simple clicks. ICS will support many more upcoming native integrations in the future, like SNS. How we built it: - We have written some of the core functionalities in Motoko and have deployed those core modules on IC. We call them ICS-Management Canisters. \nThe rest of the implementation is developed in the traditional stack with javascript talking to ICS-Management canisters via agent-js. Challenges we ran into: - During our implementation, we realized requests for key functionalities like creating a canister could not be sent from outside of IC. It has to be a call from another canister. This discovery introduced a bit of lag to our development process, and we had to re-design our architecture. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of achieving core canister management functionalities like Canister creation, deletion, starting/stopping a canister, topping up a canister with more cycles, and Installing WASM with installing/reinstalling/upgrading modes directly from UI. - We are also proud to introduce a registry that developers can use to store WASM binaries and deploy them when needed. - One of the very promising features of ICS is ICS Marketplace. ICS marketplace allows developers to submit their dApp. And then anyone without technical knowledge can 1-click deploy these dApps for their use. ICS Marketplace is a revolutionary use case for speedy adoption of IC and, at the very same time, incentivizing developers for dApps development. What we learned: - Every day of development in IC is a new learning opportunity. One may know how a blockchain works, but IC is a decentralized computer. With so many new native integrations and dApps coming on IC, we are sure to learn many new things, especially the ones we have not even seen in early web3 tech like ETH. What's next for Internet Computer Services: - Internet Computer Services will keep adding new services and onboarding developers at a significantly faster pace. We know time-to-market is critical for any startup and dApp, and we want to accelerate the development of dApps by helping our fellow developers. \nMoreover, ICS will soon be looking to raise more money to hire like-minded developers who want to create a product for developers. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: What it does: How we built it: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Symposium Futura: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - There are a few DAO tools in the IC ecology and a lack of DAO management tools, existing financing tools cannot manage the use of funds projects raised. DAO World wants to protect investors and nourish projects. What it does: - \nCreate a DAO for the project within the project introduction, official website, social media, raising target, release time, release rules, and other financing information.\nInvest in projects, transfer, lock, and claim ICP.\nRelease ICP in accordance with financing rules.\nSupervise and accomplish the proposals in DAO.\n How we built it: - \nSort out the application scenarios, list what problems we can solve\nBuild a backend canister to deploy the asset receive, transfer, and claim rules.\nBuild frontend canister to display and upload.\nBuild a picture storage canister.\n Challenges we ran into: - \nThere are few DAO projects on the IC, and there is not much to learn from.\nDAO's proposal may not be implemented.\n Accomplishments that we're proud of: - \nTemporarily use manual review of the project's on-chain assets\nSolve the relationship between investment and voting power without tokens.\nSupervise and accomplish proposals on Daoworld, such as team members, project name, and the financing process.\n What we learned: - \nIt's important for DAO to own canisters, not only do project creators hold the canister for functionality and composability.\nIt's important to have a token standard and let the DAO hold the tokens.\n What's next for DaoWorld: - \nManage the audit mechanism through a special DAO (IDO.DAO).\nSolve the problem of token issuance\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What it does: - Particl is a innovative Protocol that solves the above described problems and by doing so it also unlocks a new world full o capabilities in terms of digital assets and NFTs. It allows the users to mint NFTs that will be further referred to as Primordial, Primordial Shards, Meta Primordial. - These NFTs can be further fractioned by doing a process called fission. Fission products are NFTs. Fission triggers a chain reaction where a process of creating multiple pointers to different memory zone locations is happening in cascade, ownership of data bytes gets transferred to the newly created shards. gets transferred and the operations produces two different NFT's (Primordial Shards). Primordial shard have the exact same metadata as the originating token but the difference lays at the data bytes associated with it. - Multiple fissioning might be limited by a point of maximum entropy where splitting "nuclei", or better said splitting bytes can no longer be possible. - Fusion does the above described operation in reverse. How I built it: - Internet Computer is the catalyst of this project as this deep level of complex operations, algorithms and memory zones manipulation can not be done on any other blockchain. Contracts are written in Motoko and they make use of an dynamic storage scaling creation. The contracts make intensive use of experimental stable memory and do a lot of data processing for different operations. Challenges I ran into: - Technical - creating a complex protocol and make it look stupid simple for adoption. - \nThe main technical challenge was/is/will be creating/enhancing the algorithm for byte splitting. I knew from the start that it was going to be a really big wall that would not fall easily. I had to rewrite the algorithm several times and this is because of the huge number of edge cases that where discovered on the way and handling those implied entirely new approaches. \nWhen I finally had a alpha-ish version of the protocol I was looking at the code and I was no longer seeing complexity but rather a very clear image of a product that has the potential to become the most disruptive project in the dApps scene in the next few years. All good but I needed a way to simply demonstrating it's powers to the world so everyone can see what I see. I thought about demos involving songs/movies/images. The final choice were PNG files. What I basically tried to do here is to build the foundation of what a particl sdk could look like in the future where users create NFT's from images and then splits them apart. I was working on the compression/decompression algorithms so the sdk can properly instruct the user on ways that his Primordial can be fissioned so he does not corrupt the file when cropping. The challenge was immense as direct correlation needed to be made between pixels and the bytes that lay in different memory zones. Slicing the middle of IDAT or any other chunk type is not something that you would really want. I spent an entire week working on it and it is still a work in progress, but for the sake of the Demo day I made some workarounds on the frontend so a showcase of the product could be properly made.\n - Non Technical - joining late and not having time to form a team - Some friends introduced me to supernova and they asked me to compete with them on a different project but the team quickly disbanded. But it was to late for me as I already started engaging with the community and got completely fascinated by the Internet Computer as a whole. Going through the docs I was already envisioning Particl and 20 days ago I had to make the decision if I am going to build an alpha version for Particl and get the chance to step on stage with it at supernova or miss the opportunity window. - I realized I no longer had the time to build a new team that can fully coordinate for a 20 days deadline on a project this complex that made sense only in my head so I decided to go solo in a 18h coding/day marathon for the remaining time. I usually do these types of marathons but this one felt the most exhausting. I got to somehow manage it by never going more than 12 hours at a time on a particular issue so I was often switching between frontend, smart contracts, product identity, ux decisions, competitor analysis, branding and so on. Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - I am proud of being able to deliver a baby version for Particl Protocol, even though it is a buggy one, even though it is hours before the deadline and I'm still pushing my last commits.\nI am proud of the fact that I met a cool community of developers around Internet Computer and I am proud of being part of it. What I learned: What's next for Particl Protocol: - I want to emphasize a bit of what Particl is and what isn't. Particl is a protocol that allows unlimited possibilities in terms of digital assets manipulation on a blockchain. \nParticl is not an NFT. Primordials that are created through Particl are NFTs. - I envision a world where Particl develops two business lines. - \nSoftware as a Service that empowers developers into using the protocol by creating meta primordials and defining their own fusioning and fissioning rules.\nNFT Marketplace that fully uses particl protocol.\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We believe that the escrow & title process should be transparent, accessible, and on-chain which led us to create PRESTO. What it does: - PRESTO is an Internet Computer dApp for creating and managing escrows & trusts and for registering ownership of any type of property on-chain. - PRESTO provides the ability to create multi-party escrows with time and condition based unlock subject to the parties’ explicit approval through the dApp user interface - All data (recorded as escrow events) related to the escrow, such as important documents (i.e. inspections, operating agreements, cap table, title etc.) including documenting transfer of ownership are managed and stored on-chain and accessible to relevant parties through a single URL. How we built it: - We built the project using dfx CLI, Motoko, Internet Identity, IC Ledger and Vue.js Challenges we ran into: - Getting Internet Identity running locally was a bit of a challenge. Overall the development process on IC was great. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - This was our first project developed using IC and we are very proud that we were able to build a working prototype. What we learned: - We learned how to use Motoko and dfx for building projects on the Internet Computer. What's next for Presto: - This version of PRESTO is a proof-of-concept and we are interested in bringing a full-featured version to market \nLots of enhancements in future versions First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Intro: - deBunker is another crucial step on the road to decentralised, community-owned immersive VR spaces. Built by the creators of The Island Collective, it strives to go one step further in terms of interaction, communication and performance. - In a move away from the tropical topside, this steel and concrete subterranean shelter has several game rooms, each containing one of our current experiments. The main attraction is a two-player baseball trainer, where one person takes charge of loading the pitching machine while the other gets in some batting practice. Inspiration: - A need for decentralised, p2p meeting places, Quentin Tarantino, the sound of my neighbour's leaking gutter and a desire to fire baseballs at my friends. How is it made: - This experience is the result of the careful orchestration of the Unity game engine, WebXR and WebRTC, plus a whole load of patient development hours crafting cutting-edge interaction, communication and rendering tools that, when integrated with the Internet Computer’s canister architecture, let you walk around inside the blockchain, and have a chat with your friend while you train your baseball swing. Things we're proud of: - This space brings a few key developments that we're proud to have developed especially for the Supernova Hackathon. Challenges we ran into: - Streaming to Unity's AudioSource component and blending tools and logic from the multithreaded browser environment and the single-threaded Unity loop. There are still limitations to this approach, resulting in a one-second audio latency, but we are now extremely close to a more high performance solution. - The WebRTC signaling server is not yet running on a canister, although progress has been made in identifying the most promising routes to solve this, as well as improving the scalability and performance of the p2p network. - This experience was tested on Firefox Reality and Wolvic. Differences between browsers put cross-compatibility out of reach for this hackathon - Chrome currently has an issue receiving audio (desktop platform). In Oculus browser (VR), there is also an issue receiving interaction events. What we learned: - There is still a huge amount to learn and explore when it comes to social interaction and gaming on the Internet Computer. Everything from the hardware-driven optical depth-of-field to non-deterministic game mechanics informs the design and development of the VR metaverse. What's next for deBunker: - The future is extremely bright with lots of possible avenues to explore, both above ground and below. In features such as cross-canister operability (from Candid) and the use of fungible tokens, we can improve the reach and breadth of the framework. With non-fungible tokens and liquid democratic systems of the SNS, we can strengthen the personal relationships within the community, guiding membership and recognition for community leaders. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: What inspired us: - For creators, there’s nothing more powerful than a fan and what fans crave most is meaningful interaction and connection. Almost all creators host in person or live streamed events, which serve as a vital element to drive creator-fan connection. Another key driver of creator-fan connection is rewarding fans for investing in supporting creators which can be anything from redistributing the creators' content to collaboration and co-creation. - We believe that incentivizing and rewarding proof of attendance and proof of achievement (POAA) will increase creator-fan connection through co-creation, co-distribution and co-monetization. - We know that fans find engaging with their creators intrinsically valuable and we believe with the right features we can magnify their drive, turning it into both a revenue and redistribution channel for creators. Fans want equity and rewards for being loyal fans and supporting their creators. - We want to create a mini Proof of Attendance / Achievement product as part of the ICP Hackathon that would live inside the Sagaverse app. The product would be two sided: - \nserve event or challenge creators with a basic CMS for creating and managing event attendance or challenge completion. \nAllow users to check in at events or complete challenges to receive an NFT reward.Additionally POAA (Proofs of Attendance or Achievement) serve as digital mementos and collectables.\n Detailed Description: - Proof of Attendance / Achievement can be seen as the same thing because they it involves: - a) setting up criteria that a user has to meet\nb) checking to see that relevant criteria are met \nc) issuing an NFT reward How we built it: - By combining multiple systems, and leveraging on the Internet Computer blockchain, we’re able to store important data on the chain. - We started out with trying to get the libraries running in the React Native environment(for iOS), and spent some time playing around with Motoko and doing local development. As we got more familiar with both the dfinity/agent-js libraries and the Motoko language, aswell as canister, we started fletching out more of the smart contract Canister. We then went to the next stage, which was connecting the external backend(Azure + Amazon S3 for simple file storage), the canisters and the React Native frontend into one. We then deployed the smart contract canister with the asset canister(Internet Identity ‘proxy’ for mobile auth), and started doing actual transaction of data between the app and the deployed canisters. Challenges we ran into: - The main challenges we ran into was figuring out workarounds for the technical cases where the React Native environment was missing in typical browser functionality. More specifically these cases:\n - BLS Signature validation(Slow, requires WASM as well)\nUsing Internet Identity in an in app browser, and being able to fetch and use the identity with the dfinity/agent library.\nThere was also multiple minor technical difficulties, most of them were resolved through using the forums. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The knowledge that web3 is not just a single concept but the converge of 3 technologies i.e, 3D tech, Decentralized tech and Crypto tech and the awareness that Internet Computer can provide solution to web3 led me to do a PoC application and supernova hackathon seemed to be just the right impetus to test this hypothesis. What it does: - The app Deadly introduces the story of 22 of the most deadly who return to life in a virtual environment. It enables logged in users of the internet computer to check the advances of computer vision and metaverse possibilities in the browser. How we built it: - This project integrates a number of great individual projects, to note of significance are listed below: Credits:: - \nThree JS link\nMan and Mask link\nTensorFlow JS link and MindAR link\nMicroverse Builder link\nInternet Computer link & Client Auth Demo link by [Kyle Peacock] for Internet Identity integration\nAudio Swamp Bacon link\nSuggestions from Sai Radhika Mangipudi\nSupport from Walker Keane\nThe free and open source web\n Challenges we ran into: - \nIssues were faced with Internet Identity login from a VMWare workstation.\nCanister deployment and slowdown issues due to project sizes.\n Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Delivered the first proof of concept original idea on a web3 integration project. What we learned: - web3 integration is possible and internet computer makes it easy. What's next for Deadly: - With the right leverage, this project can be elevated from a Proof of Concept to an app that can be used to - \nBuild the right metaverse [by refactoring parts of the app to use Rust.]\nIntroduce NFTs inside the project.\nLive Audio/ Video streaming integration using WebRTC tech.\nBe a part of the future of the web3 story, the building blocks for which are just being written and the story is far from complete.\nWould like to explore future ideas based upon below fundamental understanding\n - Websites may be written in javascript but webbrowser is still written in C/C++ or Rust. Former is for mass adoption whereas the latter is the hidden underlying substrate. The technologies for mass adoption and for high performance always coexist. One is for ease and the other is for speed. It's not a A versus B, but it is A+ B. Its a positive sum game. - Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this hackathon. \nThe learnings from it are immense. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Game developers deserve a platform that simplifies the social aspect of gaming to fuel their artistic and enterprising drive. Players deserve a familiar social aspect that simplifies their interactions and provides a consistent rewarding experience. What it does: - Gamesi is a decentralized social gaming service that provides game developers simple tools to integrate with Gamesi and reward players with achievements, items, and seasonal rankings. How we built it: - Gamesi is built using Motoko, React, and Chakra UI. Challenges we ran into: - Architecture scaling which allows for strategic pivots without high cost and risk. Unit and integration testing can mitigate the risk to evolving the platform. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Simple UI interface and example game integration. What we learned: - Motoko is in an early stage of language development. While promising, I worry about debugging complexity after MVP is reached. What's next for Gamesi: First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Demo Videos: - We used the DFINITY Supernova Hackathon videos for the Supernova channel, as we thought it would be a really cool way to demonstrate the capabilities of uploading a related series of content. - We hope that these videos can help demonstrate some of the possibilities that Portal hopes to provide for creative and film projects. - \xa0\xa0 Channel Royalties (DIP20): - The channel royalty tokens represent the percent of revenue that is deposited into the bearers account each time a transaction occurs. Our implementation here uses DIP20 tokens to represent the royalty shares. - Because all of the sublicenses and royalty tokens are DIP20 tokens they can be bought, sold, or transferred. In the near future we'll integrate with Sonic directly, allowing creators to automatically create a liquidity pool and enable swaps for royalties and sublicenses as they're created. - \xa0\xa0 - 100% On Chain Assets - Content is uploaded to the Internet Computer blockchain and stored on smart contracts that are owned and managed by the channel smart contract. This ensures that the channel retains ownership and licensing rights for all content uploaded to the channel. - In addition, on-chain assets provide true ownership of the most important aspect of a data NFT, which is the data itself. - Currently this ability is unique to the Internet Computer, and Portal is the first project that's enabling this opportunity for its creators. - \xa0\xa0 First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Ever mint an NFT you didn’t like? Everyone else's NFT looks great, except yours... You can’t get a refund. But others seem to think yours is cool. Or you want a NFT from a community member but have no ICP to buy it? We at Celestium Labs built SWAPP for the community so you can safely SWAPP NFTs in a trustless manner. - Currently, trades can be done, however not in a trustless manner. Consider this scenario:\nTwo users have NFTs they’re willing to trade with each other. Each person will be expected to send their NFTs (one-by-one) via a wallet transfer to the other person’s wallet, and hope that the other person sends theirs in return. This could work with people who know and trust each other in real-life and are swapping face-to-face, for example. However, when the same scenario is presented between two individuals online, who have no relationship but desire each others’ NFT, the same level of trust may not be demonstrated. One person will inevitably send their NFT first and the other person could run off with that NFT, never to be heard from again, and there will be nothing the sender could do beyond that. What it does: - SWAPP allows you to trade multiple NFT’s simultaneously with your friends or strangers on the IC without risking losing your asset’s. By simply connecting your wallet you can get started. - \nCreate a swap room\nList one or more NFT’s and if you want an ICP amount\nSend the room link to a friend\nAfter you both listed NFTs, you then have to confirm\nOnce both agree, the NFTs are going to be swapped \n - We charge 0.05 ICP for each as a transaction fee, so we can host the service. Workflow: - How we built it: - SWAPP is hosted entirely on chain, both front and backend canisters. We have a custom DNS domain pointed to the frontend so it’s a friendly greeting to those who have yet to meet the IC. Through smart contracts we have made an asynchronous approach to SWAPP NFTs. Our escrow will make sure your goods are safe until both parties agree to the same conditions. SWAPP leverages IC’s gasless transaction capability. We take a small fee of 0.05 ICP. All source code is available on GitHub. - Challenges we ran into: - One notable challenge we encountered was interacting with NFT Standard APIs. It’s no surprise that the Internet Computer has many NFT architectures and no two standards are the same. Coming from Ethereum, the logic behind a 3rd party moving an NFT from one wallet to another (with permission), isn’t directly translated to the most used NFT standard currently used on the IC network. As a result, a secure workaround needed to be developed (ideally without wrapping). This development effort took several days, but was eventually solved. - Initially, the swap action was planned to be done using a allowance and approve system that’d only be activated once an NFT is presented by both parties. However, the method employed in SWAPP uses an escrow system that the parties can lock their pledges in before confirming the swap. Both methods will have helped us achieve the application’s objective regardless. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We at Celestium Labs built SWAPP for the community so you can safely SWAPP NFTs in a trustless manner. We are proud to have built a working product that's been tested both internally by Celestium Labs, as well as by members of the IC Community. - The achievement that we are most proud of is creating a service where this is possible and secure while having significantly limited access to the methods in the NFT standard’s API. This forced us to think outside the box and utilise the powerful capabilities that the IC and Motoko offer. What we learned: - Since it was our first IC-Project we learned many things about the ecosystem and it's capability. - The largest lesson learned by the team was that not all issues should be looked at through the lense of another blockchain. What we mean by this, is that although the solution to performing swaps on the IC may have been found sooner if the NFT API methods exposed were the same/similar to those on another chain i.e. Ethereum, the power that the IC brings allows far more scope in solutions. Solutions that aren’t possible on other chains are made possible, and it therefore introduces a new dimension of problem solving. - Regarding the challenges we run into there also has to be mentioned the lack of atomicity on the Internet Computer. The assets won’t automatically return when transactions fail or the swap isn’t concluded by both parties. We had to set a three day threshold of inactivity, so assets aren’t locked up. What's next for SWAPP: - Currently SWAPP supports EXT standard NFTs listed on Psychedelic’s DAB. We plan to expand beyond by implementing more standards. Maybe even asset’s that aren’t hosted on the IC but on another Blockchain depending on the integration. - SWAPP supports both Plug and Stoic wallets currently, with the potential to support more wallets in the future as the ecosystem grows further. - We envision that SWAPP won’t be limited to private SWAPP rooms. By implementing asset traits a future use case could be swapping NFT’s with specific traits. The possibility to search for specific NFT traits you want or need and showing other users what you want will be an inherent necessity in our future plans regarding e.g. trading card games. We - Celestium Labs - are also planning to utilize it in our main product - Duelaliens. - We also plan on implementing a hub where users can list NFTs they’re willing to trade, and other users can create binding offers for those NFTs that’d be settled and swapped if the lister accepts. This way, users may discover NFTs they may not have previously known they wanted, and can try their luck for them with items in their inventory. - We envision to bring people together to get the NFT’s they really want. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - We were inspired to create Momentous when it came time to purchase yearbooks from our children's school. While yearbooks themselves have a somewhat nostalgic allure, we decided that we could potentially do something on blockchain that wouldn't get lost or damaged. Additionally, parents get raked over the coals when it comes time to buy one! Time to change things. What it does: - Similar to a yearbook, Momentous is a way to celebrate the major moments in your life. In its current state, it is a sharable repository for photos. Weddings, graduations, and childbirths are all great candidates for minting an NFT to celebrate the big event. How we built it: - Fueled by copious cups of coffee, in the early mornings and late nights, we tirelessly scoured the Dfinity forums to learn how to build on this insanely cool blockchain. Writing Momentous was uniquely challenging for us, however, considering how new the Internet Computer is, we were able to manage quite well. Developing cutting (dare I say bleeding) edge technology is always difficult, but that's what makes it fun! - While Momentous has been fun to create, we have learned valuable lessons in creating distributed computing models. We are working on abstracting the Motoko language and associated frameworks to enable a much quicker generation of back-end code. Challenges we ran into: - The most difficult parts of development were creating and managing a custom token canister (with no clear token standard winner) and figuring out how to scale data storage (without BigMap released for Motoko). Unfortunately, we bridged the storage gap relatively late in the game, delaying some fun UI development. Once BigMap is finalized, things will be exponentially better. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Creating and using a custom token on the live Internet Computer blockchain was immensely difficult for us. Fortunately, the Dfinity developer forum is full of incredible people who were more than willing to lend a hand. What we learned: - Our biggest takeaways:\n1) The Internet Computer Blockchain is simply amazing\n2) The Web3 possibilities on it are endless\n3) How important it is to dive into the developer community early! What's next for Momentous: - More tokenomics, better user experience, transferring ownership, fundraising, direct linking to merchandise vendors. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - The aim of this project is to provide newcomers to the open metaverse with a way to express their identity through a 3D avatar that they can own and use on a wide variety of platforms. Hosted entirely on-chain via IC, users are able to create their avatars as NFTs and secure or trade them using a crypto wallet and decentralized identity. Users can view their avatar from the same canister the assets are stored in, and even inspect it interactively in Plug wallet. This provides a unique and powerful solution for users who wish to have greater control over and connection to their online identity. What it does: - The IC Avatar Creator is a project that enables users to mint their own Avatars for the metaverse and store them fully on-chain. The project is 100% on-chain and leverages the power of the canister architecture to provide a seamless experience for users. The project consists of the following features: - Front-end hosted directly on a canister\nThis allows for a fast and responsive user experience that is directly integrated with the canister architecture. - Plug & DAB integrations\nThis allows users to easily mint their Avatars as DIP721v2 NFTs. - GLB Avatars minted as DIP721v2 NFTs \nThis allows for a high degree of interoperability for users when minting their Avatars. - Assets stored in asset canister\nThis ensures that all user data is stored securely on-chain. How we built it: - This project was a team effort, with all members collaborating inside the Outpost. The smart contracts used by the program are written in Rust and Motoko, and hosted on the Internet Computer. We used React and TypeScript for the front-end, which is also hosted on the Internet Computer. We used the DIP721v2 canister for the NFT, as well as a Motoko-based storage canister for receiving and storing the static assets. We used Psychedelic Plug and DAB functions for handling the core actor/agent based logic. The NFT canister was registered to the DAB registry for full functionality when using Plug and DAB. Challenges we ran into: - 1) Chunking large assets into a storage or assets canister prior to running the mint function. - 2) Creating and designing good-looking 3D models and assets for the project. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud to have accomplished the following: What we learned: - We learned that the Internet Computer has some limitations that will require further development to solve. Delivering large static files from a canister was not well documented, and required digging deep into other open-source projects to figure out how they were solving certain aspects of the batching and chunking of files. Through our work together, we were able to identify these limitations and develop strategies to overcome them. This experience has taught us the value of collaboration in problem-solving and we will carry this lesson forward into future endeavors. What's next for IC Avatar Creator: - The IC Avatar Creator has seen great progress so far, and we plan to continue growing it. It will aim to become the base repository used by the Outpost for minting open-metaverse avatars on the IC. This will allow us to apply for grant work around the IC Avatar Creator and have multiple projects use it. The code will become open source, so anyone will be able to contribute. - We are really excited to offer engine integrations and enable communities to have their own avatar sets. Right now, 3D tools are just too complicated for most users, but the default avatars that come with any engine rarely represent them. Most communities have a few strong creators, but they aren’t able to make custom assets for everyone. Avatar creators like this simplify the number of options and meet both users and creators where they are. We foresee a shift from high-value, exclusive random generations to much less expensive and inclusive sets that offer customization, and we hope that future NFT projects will fork this one and build toward the open metaverse with it. - From our Supernova hackathon, we packaged a standalone avatar creator React component, as well as a Plug wallet provider for making interacting with the IC less complicated. Both of these projects are now available on npm – we’ve added links to these packages in the links section First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - Tools like Figma, Canva and Adobe XD have become extremely popular recently as they empower novice users to express their creativity. They have become the standard tools for GenZ content creators by providing a plethora of pre-built templates that could be mixed and matched in ingenious ways. - Having spent around 6.5 years at Adobe, I feel that a project created from the ground up that eliminates the need for a central authority, thus reducing the fees by exorbitant amounts, should see an incredible growth if executed correctly. What it does: - This project intends to become a similar tool for web3 audiences where people could browse through a vast library of design templates minted as NFTs and use them to power their creations in a decentralized manner. The creators of the ingredient NFTs are automatically attributed respective shares whenever the artwork is sold on the platform. This fosters a creator economy that flourishes without the need for a central authority. How we built it: - The project involves the following components: - \nA rust contract that stores the user projects in their entirety secured by Internet Identity authentication \nA WebAssembly-powered SDK enables users to draw shapes and change styles with the ability to add text and images coming soon.\nA react-based frontend that interacts with the smart contracts and WASM SDK to provide a real-time canvas on-chain\n Challenges we ran into: - Due to the larger size of the WASM SDK, the service worker could not load it correctly. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - A highly optimized version of the WASM Renderer that runs entirely on IC to support real-time modifications with extensibility What we learned: - This was our first time building on IC which was one of the smoothest experiences so far. What's next for Splash: - \nAdd the ability to load images and text to make it a complete alternative to Figma. \nAdd the ability to buy NFTs of pre-built templates and use them within the canvas to create a self-sufficient creator economy\n First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I see that in our current society many individuals buy a lot more items than they need. Like I see collections of books in homes eating dust, or things in the garage. So I saw the need to create a system that would allow people to share their items with others. Many such systems already existed today but nearly all of them have some issues or problems. But due to the recent advancement in blockchain and peer-to-peer networks, I decided to create this new system that would be a lot of innovative and would be able to solve many of these problems. What it does: - Alaska allows developers and users to develop and manage their vessels and protocols where protocols can transact with vessels through a shared language and communicate with Alaska infrastructure. - For ex: If you want to lend a car, you can choose a vessel that contains cars around your area and a protocol that allows you to lend a car for a certain time. - There are infinite possibilities of how a protocol can be made & utilized and the same with vessels, it's up to developers! How I built it: - I started from ground up think about the current problems of sharing platforms and not just solving the problem, how can I take the advantage of Blockchain & Internet Computer to develop new technologies. I have used Motoko for all my Smart Contracts (Canisters) & NextJS for my frontend. I have also used Meilisearch to build our search engine (Alaska Indexer). And for building the Bike GPS Example, we have used Python with Firebase to get GPS data off Raspberry PI and send it to Alaska (Bike Vessel). Challenges I ran into: - One of the biggest challenges I faced was while building on the coolest feature in the application, the Alaska indexer, which is a search engine for the Alaska Protocol. It was tedious to think about how it will all flow from indexing a protocol to pushing it to search engine. - Another big challenge was to decide how, the Canisters in the Infrastructure will talk to each other, in a secure clean manner. Luckily Motoko gives a unique feature where you can talk to another Canisters with their Principal, this feature is being used in almost all the Canisters and it was impossible to build this project without this single feature. :) Accomplishments that I am proud of: - The current accomplishments that I am very proud of are that this idea is very revolutionary and very unique that has so much potential to be into the mainstream. When it becomes so easier to trust each other and safely transact with each other, the idea of Collaborative Consumption will again see the day of light. In the future when we (future team) have launched the product and there are enough protocols and vessels, things will start becoming free and I think this will be the biggest achievement of my life to give people the ability to have access to the item for free just by their trustworthiness is something extraordinary and never accomplished before. - Today you buy stuff from Amazon with money, in the near future, you will be able to buy stuff in Alaska with your Trustworthiness :). What I learned: - Motoko, Internet Computer & Canisters. I am amazed by how far IC is, and I learned soo many new concepts & . Also, I learned a lot about how sharing economy works and the problem with our current economic paradigm and how fragile it is, I also more realized & understood the potential of blockchain outside of just what we mostly use it today for such as NFTs and DEFI. What's next for Alaska: - Currently, the project is private but we expect to make it to open source soon. Right now, it was just a prototype for the Alaska, there's many more iterations & versions to come before it is available for public use. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]
Please evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 10-point scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge it targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? Project Description: Inspiration: - I have five years of experience in the healthcare industry and in particular a topic the industry called “community coordination” so i applied my understanding of how healthcare best practices for privacy and security currently exist today and created a decentralized version. My focus for this was for non-profits to be able to better coordinate in the community with a very narrowly focused on a specific use case I came across for a non-profit called befrienders that needed to create requests for volunteering I thought it would be a good solution to the category, Social good. What it does: - Allows non-profits and helpers a way to coordinate efforts by closely controlling access. User can login using the Internet Identity and create non-profit organizations or simply volunteer for help requests. How we built it: - Using a Motoko Canister and a React App Canister. Challenges we ran into: - Learning a new technology in a short amount of time\nMinor dev experience with the ICP stack. Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: - Motoko\nICP Smart Contract What's next for Do Good DAO: - Lots of possibility, expanding into group based volunteer activity or event into paid request. I mention a few in the end of my video. First, provide your answers in the following format: Novelty: [score], Usefulness: [score] After providing the scores, include your rationale in a separate section: Rationale: [text]