Question: Jason had 27 peaches and 17 pears left at his roadside fruit stand. He went to the orchard and picked more peaches to stock up the stand. There are now 90 peaches at the stand, how many did he pick ? Answer:
Question: It's Halloween in Chicago. Bob, Mary, John, Sue and Sam dressed as superheroes and went out to do some trick or treating. After passing through the houses on Main Street, the five friends counted how much candy they have. If Bob has 10 candies, Mary has 5, Sue has 20, John has 5 as well and Sam has also 10 candies. How many candies did they have together? Answer:
Question: There are 96 trees in a park. 15 of them are huge ancient oaks and another 23 of them are medium-sized fir trees. The rest are saplings. How many saplings are in the park? Answer:
Question: Marian's friends were coming over that afternoon so she made 480 bite-sized pretzels. If one serving is equal to 12 pretzels, how many servings of bite-sized pretzels was Marian able to prepare? Answer:
Question: 179 birds were sitting in a tree. 38 more birds flew up to the tree. How many birds were there altogether in the tree? Answer:
Question: When they got there, they saw that SFL is already filled with people. Every entrance has a long line, with 283 people waiting to get in. If SFL has 5 entrances, how many people in total are waiting to get in? Answer:
Question: It's Valentine's Day in the city and Mayor Harvey wants to celebrate by giving the institutions for women some flowers. His first beneficiary was the nursing home for old women. He bought 3 sets of flowers, 90 pieces each. How many flowers did he buy for the nursing home? Answer:
Question: Annette and Caitlin weigh 95 pounds together. Caitlin and Sara weigh 87 pounds together. How much more does Annette weigh than Sara? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt went to a concert. A total of 65,899 people attended the concert. The next week, she went to a second concert, which had 119 more people in attendance. How many people were at the second concert? Answer:
Question: Rachel had to complete 9 pages of math homework and 2 pages of reading homework. How many pages did she have to complete total? Answer:
Question: Each CD rack holds 8 CDs. A shelf can hold four racks. How many total CDs can fit on the shelf? Answer:
Question: When she came back to her mother, she returned $27.00 worth of change. From the initial $100.00 that her mom gave her, how much money in total did she spend on buying groceries? Answer:
Question: Jose has 28 chickens and 18 ducks. How many fowls does he have? Answer:
Question: Dan's high school played eighteen baseball games this year and two were at night. The team won most of their games. They were defeated during three games. How many games did they win ? Answer:
Question: For the school bake sale Amy made pastries. She baked 15 cupcakes and 48 cookies. After the sale she had 12 to take back home. How many pastries did she sell? Answer:
Question: Rachel picked three apples from her tree. Now the tree has four apples still on it. How many apples did the tree have to begin with? Answer:
Question: Rachel bought some wrapping paper for Christmas that was 4 feet long and with an area of 20 square feet. What is the width of the wrapping paper? Answer:
Question: Connie has 323 marbles. Juan has 175 more marbles than Connie. How many marbles does Juan have? Answer:
Question: James had 39 stickers. He got some more stickers for his birthday. Then he had 61 stickers. How many stickers did James get for his birthday? Answer:
Question: The woods behind Jerry's house were 6 miles wide and 3 miles long. What is the area of the woods? Answer:
Question: There are 7 basketballs at a school. If the school buys another 3 basketballs, how many basketballs will the school have? Answer:
Question: Ed had 22 more marbles than Doug. Doug lost 8 of his marbles at the playground. How many more marble did Ed have than Doug then? Answer:
Question: Mr. Fortree, a businessman also gave seedlings for the tree planting activity. If he gave 14 seedlings of cedar and 38 seedlings of pine, how many seedlings did he give in total? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt uses 2 ounces of detergent to wash a pound of clothes. How many ounces of soap will she use to wash 9 pounds of clothes? Answer:
Question: A designer was buying furniture for her new house. She bought 3 chairs for the living room and 6 for her kitchen. How many chairs did she buy total? Answer:
Question: The perimeter of a hexagonal display board is 42 cm. The board has to be bordered around with satin ribbon. Find the length of ribbon required to border each side. Answer:
Question: The host prepared nineteen cakes for the party. After the party he had nine left. How many cakes did people eat in the party? Answer:
Question: A square name tag has sides that are 9 centimeters long. What is the name tag's perimeter? Answer:
Question: If you add 45 to a mystery number you will get 92. What is the mystery number? Answer:
Question: Sean is playing Monopoly with his friends. He already has 27 houses. Sean traded in 8 houses for money to buy Park Place. He collected so much rent that he decided to buy 12 more houses. How many houses did Sean have then? Answer:
Question: Ned gave away thirteen of his video games to a friend. Now Ned has six games. How many games did Ned have before he gave the games away? Answer:
Question: Debby makes 67 pancakes. She adds blueberries to 20 of them and bananas to 24 of them. The rest are plain. How many plain pancakes are there? Answer:
Question: Paul was reading through his favorite book series. Each week he read four different books. How many books would he have read through after five weeks? Answer:
Question: There were 86 pineapples in a store. The owner sold 48 pineapples. 9 of the remaining pineapples were rotten and thrown away. How many fresh pineapples are left? Answer:
Question: Victor had nine books. During the book fair he bought three more. How many books did Victor have total? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt gave 2 pieces of candy to each student in the group. The group had a total of 9 students in it. How many pieces of candy did Mrs. Hilt give away? Answer:
Question: Third-grade students went to a concert in 8 buses. Each bus took 45 students. How many students went to the concert? Answer:
Question: Mike owned sixty-four baseball cards. For his birthday he got eighteen more. How many cards does Mike have total? Answer:
Question: Kevin can mow a square lawn that is 30 meters of each side in 45 minutes. If he works at the same rate, how many minutes will it take Kevin to mow a square lawn that measures 60 meters on each side? Answer:
Question: Beryl has 88 radishes. She puts them into two baskets. If there are 37 radishes in the first basket, how many more radishes are there in the second basket than the first? Answer:
Question: Dean knew that they are going to stay at the beach for a while, so he brought 30 sets of clothes for every week of their stay. If Dean is staying for 4 weeks there, how many sets of clothes did he bring? Answer:
Question: Maria and her sister want to buy a present for their mother. Maria has $17. Her sister has double that amount. They want to buy their mom a coat that costs $80. How much more money do they need? Answer:
Question: Sarah could send ten text messages a day. If she sent eight, how many text messages does she have left she can send? Answer:
Question: While playing a video game Victor lost fourteen lives. Now he has two lives. What's the difference between the number of the lives that Victor lost and now? Answer:
Question: Oliver had to wash 39 short sleeve shirts and 47 long sleeve shirts before school. If he had only washed 20 of them by the time school started, how many did he not wash? Answer:
Question: Terry and Grace are building a gear machine. Terry used 37 building pieces. Grace used 45 pieces. How many building pieces did they use altogether? Answer:
Question: If Lewis earns $1367.00 every week during the 5 weeks of harvest. How much money does he earn during harvest season? Answer:
Question: A chef had fourteen apples. If he used eight of them to make a pie, how many apples would he still have? Answer:
Question: It is Easter time and the kids in the neighborhood of Easterville are very excited about the annual Easter egg hunt. The parents have decided to hide the eggs in a lot of different places. They hid 55 eggs around the club house, 33 eggs around the village park and 22 eggs in the town hall garden. How many eggs were hidden in total? Answer:
Question: Brad has 17 balloons. 8 balloons are red and the rest are green. How many green balloons does Brad have? Answer:
Question: There are 2 red water bottles, 3 black water bottles, and 4 blue water bottles in the fridge. If 5 water bottles are taken out, how many water bottles are left in the fridge? Answer:
Question: An envelope from the post office is 6 inches wide with a total area of 36 square inches. What is the height of the envelope? Answer:
Question: Paige had eleven pencils. After using some she had four left. How many did she use? Answer:
Question: Helen's mother brought 101 hotdogs. After a few hours, Dylan's mother arrived with 379 hotdogs. How many hotdogs do they have altogether? Answer:
Question: The school is planning a field trip. There are 60 students and 10 seats on each school bus. How many buses are needed to take the trip? Answer:
Question: After New York, she decided to visit the Smithsonian in Washington DC. If she has 63 miniature aircrafts and she gave away 49 to the National Air and Space Museum, how many are left with her? Answer:
Question: Everyday I eat 3 servings of veggies. How many servings of veggies do I eat in one week? Answer:
Question: They decided to hold the party in their backyard. If they have 8 sets of tables and each set has 7 chairs, how many chairs do they have for the guests? Answer:
Question: On Facebook Debby had sixty-three photos of her friends and twenty-three photos of her family. How many photos did she have total? Answer:
Question: Emma has a can of fruit cocktail in the pantry. The circular lid has a diameter of 2 inches. What is the lid's circumference? Answer:
Question: Victor and his friend were buying trick decks from the magic shop for eight dollars each. How much did they spend if Victor bought six decks and his friend bought two decks? Answer:
Question: Tyler had 15 dogs. Each dog had five puppies. How many puppies does Tyler now have? Answer:
Question: Blithe has a lot of toys. He lost 6 of them and found 9 in his closet. If he had 43 after that, how many toys did Blithe have at first? Answer:
Question: Rangers from Flora Natural Park and Wildlife Reserve also joined the activities on that day. They planted 75 redwood trees and 25 cypress trees to replace the trees that were destroyed during a recent forest fire. How many trees did the rangers plant? Answer:
Question: Nancy picked 12 carrots from her garden. If she threw out 2 of them and then picked 21 more the next day, how many carrots would she have total? Answer:
Question: Allan brought two balloons and Jake brought four balloons to the park. How many balloons did Allan and Jake have in the park? Answer:
Question: There were ninety-four dollars in Olivia's wallet. After she visited a supermarket, there were seventy-eight dollars left. How much did she spend? Answer:
Question: A clown had eighty-two balloons. After a party he had sixteen left. How many balloons did he use at the party? Answer:
Question: Mary is baking a cake. The recipe calls for 9 cups of flour and 3 cups of sugar. She already put in 2 cups of flour. How many more cups of flour does she need to add ? Answer:
Question: Isabel received 14 dollars for her birthday. Later she found some toys that cost 2 dollars each. How many of the toys could she buy? Answer:
Question: Martin works at the Hungry Hippo. He sells 48 hamburgers before 6 o'clock. He sells 28 more hamburgers than that after 6 o'clock. He works 24 hours each week. How many hamburgers does Martin sell after 6 o'clock? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Griffin went to the grocery store with $70. She had $16 left after shopping. How much did Mrs. Griffin spend? Answer:
Question: Then he started to prepare the games. If each game takes 5 minutes to prepare and he prepared a total of 5 games, how many minutes did it take for Andrew to prepare all the games? Answer:
Question: At a carnival, there are 87 kids, teenagers, and adults waiting to get in. 24 are teenagers, 19 are adults, and the rest are kids. How many kids are waiting in line at the carnival? Answer:
Question: The ski resort reported 65 inches of snow in January. They measured 18 inches of snow during the first week. They measured 25 inches of snow the second week. How much snow did they get the rest of the month? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt has 50 cents. A pencil costs 5 cents. How many pencils can she buy with the money she has? Answer:
Question: A rectangle swimming pool was 3 meters wide with a surface area of 30 square meters. What is the length of the pool? Answer:
Question: Amy bought 7 pencils at the school store, but she already had 3 pencils. How many pencils does she have totaled? Answer:
Question: Carol had ninety-seven pieces of tissue paper. After blowing her nose she had ninety-three left. How many pieces of tissue paper did she use? Answer:
Question: I see 115 cows grazing in the pasture. How many legs do I see? Answer:
Question: The town of Milburg has 5,256 grown-ups and 2,987 children. How many people live in Milburg? Answer:
Question: Emily's mom was buying extra school supplies for Emily and her sister. She bought 13 packs of glue sticks total. If she gave Emily 6 packs, how many did her sister get? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt measured her bookcase. It was 48 inches long. How many feet long was the bookcase? Answer:
Question: Mikey had 356 leaves. Some of her leaves blew away. Now she has 112 leaves left. How many of her leaves blew away? Answer:
Question: He then classified some of the rocks into igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. If each classification has 246 samples each, how many rocks does he have in all? Answer:
Question: Amy had 26 music files and 36 video files on her flash drive. If she deleted 48 of the files, how many files were still on her flash drive? Answer:
Question: The ring toss game at the carnival made 420 dollars in 3 days. If they made the same amount of money each day, how much did they make per day? Answer:
Question: George had 648 pieces of candy. If he split the candy into 8 bags with the same amount of candy in each bag, how many pieces would each bag have in it? Answer:
Question: Edward started his own lawn mowing business. In the spring he made 2 dollars mowing lawns and in the summer he made 27 dollars. If he had to spend 5 dollars buying supplies, how much money did he end up with? Answer:
Question: Nick saved $68.50. If Nick saved $25.43 more than Lee, how much did Lee save? Answer:
Question: Roger went to the movies fifteen times last year and three times this year. How many times did Roger go to the movies all together? Answer:
Question: Henry already had 5 dollars, but earned another 2 dollars doing chores. His friend had 13 dollars. If they put their money together, how much would they have? Answer:
Question: Debby had twelve pounds of flour. If she bought another four pounds, how many pounds would she have total? Answer:
Question: Chloe and her friends were recycling paper for their class. For every six pounds they recycled they earned 1 point. If Chloe recycled twenty-eight pounds and her friends recycled two pounds, how many points did they earn? Answer:
Question: I have 648 pencils. If I put 4 pencils in each pencil box, how many pencil boxes will I fill? Answer:
Question: A company invited sixty-eight people to a luncheon, but fifty of them didn't show up. If the tables they had held three people each, how many tables do they need? Answer:
Question: Kate gave the clerk $1.00. Her candy cost 54 cents. How much change should Kate get back? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt saw an iPod for sale. The price tag said the iPod cost $128, but a sign announced that it was on sale for "35% off." How much would the iPod cost after the discount? Answer:
Question: A restaurant sold seventy-seven sodas in the morning and nineteen in the afternoon. How many sodas did they sell total? Answer:
Question: Kaleb had saved up thirty-nine dollars. If he received another twenty-five dollars for his allowance, how many eight dollar toys could he buy? Answer: