he was soft hearted and impetuous said beth and being in love he didn't stop to count the cost
if the prosecution were withdrawn and the case settled with the victim of the forged check then the young man would be allowed his freedom
fairview was twelve miles away but by ten o'clock they drew up at the county jail
they were received in the little office by a man named markham who was the jailer
i'm running for representative on the republican ticket said kenneth quietly
oh say that's different observed markham altering his demeanor
sometimes i'm that yearning for a smoke i'm nearly crazy an i dunno which is worst dyin one way or another
he unlocked the door and called here's visitors tom
miss de graf said kenneth noticing the boy's face critically as he stood where the light from the passage fell upon it
sit down please said gates in a cheerful and pleasant voice there's a bench here
a fresh wholesome looking boy was tom gates with steady gray eyes an intelligent forehead but a sensitive rather weak mouth
we have heard something of your story said kenneth and are interested in it
i didn't stop to think whether it was foolish or not i did it and i'm glad i did
old will is a fine fellow but poor and helpless since missus rogers had her accident
then rogers wouldn't do anything but lead her around and wait upon her and the place went to rack and ruin
he spoke simply but paced up and down the narrow cell in front of them
i was bookkeeper so it was easy to get a blank check and forge the signature
as regards my robbing the company i'll say that i saved them a heavy loss one day
i discovered and put out a fire that would have destroyed the whole plant but marshall never even thanked me
it was better for him to think the girl unfeeling than to know the truth
i'm going to see mister marshall said kenneth and discover what i can do to assist you thank you sir
they left him then for the jailer arrived to unlock the door and escort them to the office
he looked up rather ungraciously but motioned them to be seated
some girl has been here twice to interview my men and i have refused to admit her
give me a check for a hundred and fifty and i'll turn over to you the forged check and quash further proceedings
he detested the grasping disposition that would endeavor to take advantage of his evident desire to help young gates
he might have had that forged check for the face of it if he'd been sharp
and to think we can save all that misery and despair by the payment of a hundred and fifty dollars
the weak kneed contingency must be strengthened and fortified and a couple of hundred votes in one way or another secured from the opposition
the democratic committee figured out a way to do this
under ordinary conditions reynolds was sure to be elected but the committee proposed to sacrifice him in order to elect hopkins
the only thing necessary was to fix seth reynolds and this hopkins arranged personally
and this was why kenneth and beth discovered him conversing with the young woman in the buggy
these women were flattered by the attention of the young lady and had promised to assist in electing mister forbes
the fairview band was engaged to discourse as much harmony as it could produce and the resources of the great house were taxed to entertain the guests
tables were spread on the lawn and a dainty but substantial repast was to be served
the attendance was unexpectedly large and the girls were delighted foreseeing great success for their fete
we ought to have more attendants beth said louise approaching her cousin
won't you run into the house and see if martha can't spare one or two more maids
she was very fond of the young ladies whom she had known when aunt jane was the mistress here and beth was her especial favorite
for a moment beth stood staring while the new maid regarded her with composure and a slight smile upon her beautiful face
she was dressed in the regulation costume of the maids at elmhurst a plain black gown with white apron and cap
then she gave a little laugh and replied no miss beth i'm elizabeth parsons
you speak like an educated person said beth wonderingly where is your home
for the first time the maid seemed a little confused and her gaze wandered from the face of her visitor
she sat down in a rocking chair and clasping her hands in her lap rocked slowly back and forth i'm sorry said beth
they they excite me in some way and i i can't bear them you must excuse me
beth was a beautiful girl the handsomest of the three cousins by far yet eliza surpassed her in natural charm and seemed well aware of the fact
her manner was neither independent nor assertive but rather one of well bred composure and calm reliance
however her features and form might repress any evidence of nervousness these hands told a different story
she rose quickly to her feet with an impetuous gesture that made her visitor catch her breath
will you leave me alone in my own room or must i go away to escape you
eliza closed the door behind her with a decided slam and a key clicked in the lock
congratulations were poured in upon the princess everywhere during her journey
this has indeed been a harassing day continued the young man his eyes fixed upon his friend
can you imagine why buckingham has been so violent i suspect
it is you who are mistaken raoul i have read his distress in his eyes in his every gesture and action the whole day
thus it is that the honor of three is saved our country's our master's and our own
but in this friendly pressure raoul could detect the nervous agitation of a great internal conflict
the poor little things cried cynthia think of them having been turned to the wall all these years
but joyce had not been listening all at once she put down her candle on the table and faced her companion
the twin brother did something she didn't like and she turned his picture to the wall
hers happened to be in the same frame too but she evidently didn't care about that
i thought we were stumped again when i first saw that picture but it's been of some use after all
they worry me terribly and besides i'd like to see what this lovely furniture looks like without such quantities of dust all over it good scheme cyn
we'll come in here this afternoon with old clothes on and have a regular house cleaning
it can't hurt anything i'm sure for we won't disturb things at all
this thought however did not enter the heads of the enthusiastic pair
the lure proved too much for him and he came sporting after it as friskily as a young kitten much to cynthia's delight when she caught sight of him
oh let him come along she urged i do love to see him about that old house
yet little as it was it had already made a vast difference in the aspect of the room
surface dust at least had been removed and the fine old furniture gave a hint of its real elegance and polish
and my pocket money is getting low again and you haven't any left as usual
they say illumination by candle light is the prettiest in the world
why it's goliath as usual they both cried peering in
forgetting all their weariness they seized their candles and scurried through the house finding an occasional paper tucked away in some odd corner
well i'm convinced that the boarded up house mystery happened not earlier than april sixteenth eighteen sixty one and probably not much later
the story of its evil influence came back to me and in my bewildered condition i wondered whether there was not some truth in what had been said
what then a human hand large and shapely appeared distinctly on the surface of the pond
nothing more not even the wrist to which it might be attached
it did not beckon or indeed move at all it was as still as the hand of death
a feeling of freedom and i was awake where
said another voice which i recognized as voltaire's kaffar
i had scarcely known what i had been saying or doing up to this time but as he spoke i looked at my hand
in the light of the moon i saw a knife red with blood and my hand too was also discoloured
i say you do know what this means and you must tell us
i had again been acting under the influence of this man's power
perchance too kaffar's death might serve him in good stead
my tongue refused to articulate my power of speech left me
so you will be a good girl i know and not make any trouble but will stay at home contentedly won't you
della had a young sister named maria and a cousin whose name was jane
now delia contrived to obtain a great influence and ascendency over the minds of the children by means of these dolls
to give an idea of these conversations i will report one of them in full
you have come andella andella was the name of jane's doll to make rosalie a visit
i expect you have been a very good girl andella since you were here last
then turning to jane she asked in a somewhat altered tone has she been a good girl jane
put these playthings all away quick and carefully and we will not let them know any thing about your leaving them out
nature of the effect produced by early impressions
they are chiefly formed from combinations of the impressions made in childhood
vast importance and influence of this mental furnishing