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when at the end of the war , he was captured by the british and placed in the prisoner of war camps of the region holstein , dozens of germans approached him to learn czech . | when at the end of the war , he was captured by the british and placed in the court to capture of the region holstein , dozens of germans were the czech consult to their learns czech . |
the accuser advisor , nora dannehy now will be whether the officers asked during the investigation , lied to investigators , obstruant and justice . | special prosecutor , nora dannehy now will inquire to know whether the officers lied to their interrogators , hence obstructing justice , during their investigation . |
the circumstances surrounding a shooting before the release of the hostages are still unclear : the kidnappers were close to putting an end to the kidnapping , before the sudanese army killed six of the kidnappers without warning , according to an egyptian security official . | the circumstances around a shooting before the release of the hostages are still unclear : well , the kidnappers were close to put an end to the kidnapping , in the words of an egyptian security official , before the sudanese army killed six of the kidnappers without shout station . |
the reason for this striptease of thought is the press relations ryan for his new film " the women ' - is told the story of a adultery . | the reason for this striptease of thought is the relations of the press towards ryan 's new film " the women " - which tells the story of an adulterer . |
the industrial export sale price rose by 1.1 percent compared to july 2008 , while if compared to those of a year ago , it fell by 3.9 percent . | the sale price manufacturers to export rose by 1.1 percent compared to those of july 2008 , as compared to those of a year ago , they fell by 3.9 percent . |
these drinks , consumed especially the summer because they are refreshing and rich in vitamins , if taken with some vital medicines , can alter their effectiveness , absorbing or reducing according to cases , with serious consequences to the health . | these drinks , consumed especially the summer because désaltérantes and rich in vitamins , if associated with some vital medicines , to alter the popular absorbement or reducing in the case , their effectiveness , with the same serious consequences for health . |
while no result had yet been announced , many young people came to demonstrate against the power of president alexander lukashenko : " the dictator , resign " . | while no result had not yet been announced , many young people were came to demonstrate against the power of president alexander lukashenko : " the dictator , resignation " . |
this should particularly bring nights of insomnia to long term creditors on the decision of whether they should secede from their commitments or not . | this should reserve of the night of sleep before all creditors in the long term on the decision of whether they should secede from their commitments . |
today , eatonville is an anomaly in florida : six miles from orlando , it can at any time see itself as a back street after a summer rainy day , small as it was when it was founded by 27 black families in the 1880 's . | today , eatonville is an anomaly in florida : to six miles of orlando , it can at any time see themselves as a back street after a summer rainy day , small as it was when it was founded by 27 black families in the 1880 's . |
we have four versions - with a song solo male or female , an interpretation with choir and an instrumental version . | we have four versions - one each with solo male or female voices , an interpretation with choir and an instrumental version . |
the larger houses éditrices work their way to the internet , seen by many as the " murderer " the paper newspaper . | the larger editorial houses are working their way to the internet , seen by many as the " murderer " of the paper newspaper . |
the campaign by mr obama stresses that ' students african-american and latin have less chance of diplômer white students . " this is true . | the campaign by mr obama stresses that " african-american and latin students have less chance of granduating than white students . " this is true . |
to place the blame on the cˇtú is a fairly common in communications , through which the úohs is washing his hands of the matter . | to place the blame on the cˇtú is a fairly common trick in communications , through which the úohs is washing its hands of the matter . |
of course , there is an analysis of relevant markets drawn up by the cˇtú that telecommunications are , from the point of view of economic competition , a single market . | of course , there is an analysis of relevant markets drawn up by the cˇtú according to which the telecommunications are , from the point of view of economic competition , a single market . |
we are facing a government that is the only , of all the western countries involved , not to have brought back its national trapped in the concentration camp at guantánamo . | we have here a government that is the only one , of all the western countries involved , not to have brought back its nationals trapped in the concentration camp at guantánamo . |
the police began their continued until the vehicle stops two miles up the low-hand , where the two occupants took to flee in a forested area . | the police began their chase until the vehicle stopped two miles up the road , where the two occupants got down to flee into a forested area . |
the nobel prize for economy has been awarded to the american paul krugman for his research on trade models and localisation of business . | the nobel prize for the economy has been attributed to the american paul krugman for his research on the models of trade and the location of business . |
fulvio berghella stated that the digital worm named sq hell was particularly virulent and replicated itself at the rate of 8000 times an hour . | fulvio berghella stated that the digital worm named sq hell has a very high capacity to replicate itself and the digital worm named sq hell is slowing down the poste italiane computer network and making some computers inoperable . |
the united states and other nato members have refused ratify the amended treaty until russia completely withdraws from moldova and georgia . | the united states government and other nato members have refused to ratify the amended treaty until officials in moscow withdraw troops from the former soviet republics of moldova and georgia . |
switzerland 's trade and diplomatic relations with the islamic republic have been criticized in recent months after foreign minister micheline calmy-rey traveled to tehran in march 2008 to sign a gas deal . | switzerland 's trade and diplomatic relations with iran have been criticized in recent months after foreign minister micheline calmy-rey traveled to tehran in march 2008 to sign a deal with iran 's state gas firm . |
the legislation is the most recent effort by japan to ascribe more freedom to the tightly controlled military technically known as a self-defense force . | the legislation is the most recent effort by japan to ascribe more freedom to its tightly controlled military and would overturn a ban on the military use of space . |
russia has ratified the amended version but the united states and other nato members have refused to do so until the russian government withdraws troops from the former soviet republics of moldova and georgia . | russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004 but the united states and other nato members have refused to do so arguing that moscow must first fulfill obligations to withdraw forces from georgia and from moldova 's separatist region of trans-dniester . |
kim myong-chol stated that north korea would retaliate with a nuclear missile attack on major cities such as new york and washington dc . | kim myong-chol warned that if there was an interdiction of north korean vessels the north korean government would retaliate with a nuclear missile attack on major cities such as new york and washington . |
the us and allies have accused iran of attempting to develop nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian nuclear program . | the united states government has accused the iranian government of trying to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of a civilian nuclear program . |
the anti-defamation league took out full-page advertisments in swiss and international newspapers earlier in april 2008 accusing switzerland of funding terrorism through the deal . | jewish-american group the anti-defamation league ( adl ) published full-page advertisements in swiss and international papers in april 2008 accusing switzerland of funding terrorism through the deal . |
russia has repeatedly threatened withdrawal from the cfe in opposition to plans for the extension of the us missile defense shield to eastern europe . | russia had threatened several times to withdraw from the cfe when it was at odds with the united states over u.s. plans to install a missile defense shield in eastern |
the new law attempts to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites and to help innovation in japans 's space industry . | the purpose of the new law is to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites and to encourage innovation in japans 's space industry . |
zhang yan stated that china opposes using non-proliferation as a pretext for restricting and depriving non-nuclear-weapon states of the right to peaceful use of nuclear energy . | zhang stated-- china opposes restricting the peaceful use of nuclear energy by non-nuclear-weapon states on the basis of non-proliferation because the peaceful use of nuclear energy is a crucial objective of the npt . |
senior fellow at the international institute for strategic studies mark fitzpatrick stated that-- the international atomic energy agency plan is superficial . | non-proliferation expert at the international institute for strategic studies mark fitzpatrick stated that the iaea report -- had an unusually strong tenor . |
officials in estonia including prime minister andrus ansip have claimed that some of the cyber attacks came from russian government computers including computers in the office of russian president vladimir putin . | estonian officials stated that some of the cyber attacks that caused estonian government websites to shut down temporarily came from computers in the administration of russia including in the office of president vladimir putin . |
the number of executions increased in iran last year amid a campaign that is aimed at improving security in society . | iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as officials enforce a campaign purportedly aimed at promoting virtue and boosting security in society . |
the vietnam news agency reported that the ministry of public security stated that police admitted that drug trafficking into vietnam is increasing but actions to prevent and stop the drug trafficking along the borders remained limited . | the vietnam news agency reported that the ministry of public security stated that foreigners involved in drug trafficking cases in vietnam came mostly from laos , cambodia , australia , china , the united states and taiwan . |
saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated-- the eu embargo prohibits direct or indirect supply of military equipment for use in myanmar . | saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated that -- the eu embargo explicitly states that no military equipment should be supplied either directly or indirectly for use in myanmar . |
the cfe limits the use of armed forces and heavy weaponry and prescribes measures aimed at confidence-building , transparency and cooperation between member states . | the treaty limits deployments of tanks and troops in nato and former easter european warsaw pact countries and establishes confidence-building , transparency and cooperation measures between member |
this is the last chance to build security in the middle east based on trust and cooperation rather than on the possession of nuclear arms . | elbaradei stated that this is the last chance to build security in the middle east based on trust and cooperation and not on possession of nuclear weapons . |
hong kong universities have collaborated with tertiary education , business and government sectors of mainland china to direct training programs and research centers to promote research commercialization and technology transfer . | hong kong universities collaborate with universities , businesses and government sectors of mainland china to coordinate training programs and research centers to promote high-tech research , commercialization , and technology transfer . |
russian president vladimir putin states that the decision is a response to u.s. plans to establish missile defense sites in eastern europe and to nato 's failure to ratify an amended version of the treaty . | russian president vladimir putin states that the decision to cease implementation of the conventional forces in europe treaty is a response to u.s. plans to establish missile defense sites in eastern europe and to nato 's failure to ratify an amended version of the treaty . |
the report said there are 27 weak states that pose a threat to britain 's national security as the states could provide bases for terrorists . | an institute for public policy research report said there are 27 weak states that pose a threat to britain 's national security as the states could provide bases for terrorists . |
elbaradei states that a middle east peace deal can only be reached in parallel with a security agreement based on eradicating all weapons of mass destruction from the region . | elbaradei was quoted as saying that a peace deal between israel and its arab neighbors must be reached in parallel with a security agreement based on eradicating all weapons of mass destruction from the region . |
unger stated brazil 's new national defense plan calls for establishing partnerships with countries including russia and france to build a state-of-the-art weapons industry . | brazil 's strategic affairs minister roberto mangabeira unger stated brazil 's new national defense plan calls for establishing partnerships with countries including russia and france to build a state-of-the-art weapons industry . |
the alh 's arsenal includes-- rocket launchers from belgium rockets , guns and engines from france brake systems from italy fuel tanks and gearboxes from britain self-protection equipment from a swedish company . | variants of the advanced light helicopter ( alh ) contain rocket launchers from belgium ; rockets , guns and engines from france ; brake systems from italy ; fuel tanks and gearboxes from britain ; self-protection equipment from a swedish company and have received crucial design development and engine control manufacturing from german companies . |
nuclear weapon systems at a high level of readiness increase the risk of those weapons being used including unintentionally with catastrophic consequences . | the resolution says that the high level of readiness increases the risk of the use of such weapons and that the unintentional or accidental use would have catastrophic consequences . |
a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pierer stated that siemens was beginning talks with interested chinese parties about a sale of the plutonium-processing facility . | a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pierer stated that gerhard schroeder stated that gerhard schroeder is not against the sale of the plutonium-processing facility in principle . |
in a statement naif arab academy for security sciences announced-- it will sponsor a 2-week workshop for 50 anti-terrorism experts . | the riyadh-based naif arab academy for security sciences said in a statement that it was running a two-week workshop for 50 anti-terrorism experts . |
in september 2007 the united states signed an accord with jordan aimed at supporting the peaceful development of jodran 's new nuclear program . | in september 2007 jordan signed an accord with the united states aimed at supporting the peaceful development of the jordan 's nascent nuclear program . |
in july 2006 jordanian prime minister maaruf bakhit stated that-- raghdad hussein and family were living under the protection of king abdullah ii . | jordanian prime minister maaruf bakhit said in july 2006 that raghdad hussein and her family were living under the protection of king abdullah ii after iraq issued its |
the south african government imposed a ban that prohibits the recruitment of people inside or outside of south africa for mercenary or foreign military assistance . | south africa 's foreign ministry stated that south africa 's foreign military assistance act prohibits the recruitment of people inside or outside of south africa for mercenary or foreign military assistance . |
the united states and other nato members have refused to ratify the amended version until russia withdraws troops from former soviet republics moldova and georgia . | russia has ratified the amended version but the united states and other nato members have refused to do so until the russian government withdraws troops from the former soviet republics of moldova and georgia . |
iraq 's new leaders have been lobbying for the united nations security council to stop using the iraq 's oil revenue to pay the salaries of the inspectors and to have all money remaining in the united nation 's oil-for-food account transferred to the iraqi government . | iraq has been lobbying for the security council to stop using the country 's oil revenue to pay compensation to victims of the 1991 gulf war and the salaries of the united nations monitoring , verification and inspection commission inspectors and to have all money remaining in the united nation 's oil-for-food accounts transferred to the government 's development fund . |
the ministers from china , laos , india , myanmar and thailand will also address crop substitution initiatives for impoverished ethnic minorities who still rely on opium cultivation . | the ministers from china , laos , india , myanmar and thailand will discuss how to find markets for goods produced under crop substitution and other related programs such as eco-tourism and handicraft manufacturing . |
iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as officials enforce a campaign purportedly aimed at promoting virtue and boosting security in society . | iran has noticeably increased the number of executions in recent months as officials enforce a campaign aimed at promoting virtue and boosting security in |
executive director of the arms control association in washington daryl kimball stated the israeli document could affect the debate over india . | executive director of the arms control association in washington daryl kimball stated that-- the iaea report is 1 in a series of bad signs . |
officials state that decision about the treaty will depend on u.s. action on its plans to deploy missile defense systems in poland and the czech republic . | russian military officials stated the decision would depend on whether the united states proceeds with its plan to deploy missile defense components in poland and the czech republic . |
bring , lead , or force to abandon an evil path or lifestyle and adopt a right course of action . | bring , lead , or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life , conduct , and adopt a right one . |
motherlode blog : an interview with dara-lynn weiss , who put her 7-year-old on a diet , and wrote a book about it . | i 'd like to read this . mt : interview with dl weiss , who put her child on a diet and wrote about it . |
A man in a shirt dyed purple is looking at a man in a black shirt who is doing a funny face | A man in a shirt dyed purple is looking at a man in a black shirt who is doing a face which looks funny |
A topless person with a back pack is in front of a pile of rocks and clouds are in the background | A person with a back pack, who is topless, is in front of a pile of rocks and clouds are in the background |
The man with brown hair is wearing sunglasses and is sitting at a table with cans of soda and other drinks | The man with brown hair is wearing sunglasses and is sitting listlessly at a table with cans of soda and other drinks |
A woman is speaking on her cell phone and is keeping a purse and a yellow bag on the near ledge | A woman is speaking loudly on her cell phone and is keeping a purse and a yellow bag on the near ledge |
A woman in a black dress is pulling a cart and is standing near two men who are seated on a park bench | A woman in a black dress is pulling a cart and is standing in front of two men who are seated on a park bench |
A man and a woman are in a beige room, wearing dark colored shirts and a monitor is in the background | A man and a woman are in a room painted beige, wearing dark colored shirts and a monitor is in the background |
A man in a white shirt and sunglasses and a man in a black shirt and sunglasses are sitting at a table with four beer bottles | A man in a white shirt and sunglasses and a man in a black shirt and sunglasses are sitting at a table with four bottles of beer |
A girl in blue sweater is holding a multicolor toy and is sitting on the shoulders of a man with grey hair | A girl in blue sweater is holding a multicolor toy and is sitting on the shoulders of an old man with grey hair |
A boy in a red shirt is in front of a long blue wall and is suspiciously raising an eyebrow at the camera | A boy in a red shirt is in front a wall, which is long and blue, and is suspiciously raising an eyebrow at the camera |
A woman wearing a blue and white uniform with a white and blue hat is keeping her mouth open and is near others dressed in the same fashion | The woman wearing the blue and white uniform with a white and blue hat is keeping her mouth open and is near others who are dressed in the same fashion |
Two men, a woman, and two young boys are standing in front of a large gathering of people outside a building | Two men, a woman, and two young boys are standing aimlessly in front of a large gathering of people outside a building |
One boy in orange shorts is standing on a rock cliff over the water and the other boy in black shorts is diving into the water | One boy in orange shorts is standing on a rock cliff over the water and the other boy in black shorts is jumping of it into the water |
A dog is in a sandy area with the sand that is being stirred up into the air and several plants are in the background | A dog is in an area full of sand, with the sand that is being stirred up into the air and several plants are in the background |
Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will be kept under house arrest following her release from a hospital where she underwent surgery, her personal physician said Friday. | Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will return home late Friday but will remain in detention after recovering from surgery at a Yangon hospital, her personal physician said. |
Ursel Reisen confirmed it operated the coach, but gave no details other than to say the passengers were of mixed ages. | Ursel Reisen confirmed it had been operating the coach, but declined to give details of the passengers other than to say they were of mixed ages. |
Tom Kraynak, manager of operations and resources for the Canton, Ohio-based East Central Area Reliability Council, said investigators are considering the scenario. | Tom Kraynak, manager of operations and resources for the Canton, Ohio-based East Central Area Reliability Council, said that scenario is one among many that investigators are considering. |
Dotson, 21, was arrested and charged on July 21 after reportedly telling authorities he shot Dennehy after Dennehy tried to shoot him. | Dotson was arrested July 21 after telling FBI agents he shot Dennehy when Dennehy tried to shoot him, according to the arrest warrant affidavit. |
North American stock markets got off to a slow start Tuesday, with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings. | North American futures pointed to a sub-par start to trading on Tuesday, with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings. |
Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack were in court to witness the proceedings, but few Balinese attended the trial. | Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack sat in the front row of the court, but few Balinese attended the trial. |
Microsoft has been awarded a patent for a feature in instant messaging that alerts a user when the person they are communicating with is inputting a message. | Microsoft has been awarded a patent on a popular instant-messaging feature that shows users when the person on the other end of the conversation is typing a message. |
Defense lawyers had said a change of venue was needed because massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client. | Defense lawyers had requested a change of venue for two reasons: They argued that massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client. |
The results were released at Tuesday's meeting in Seattle of the American Thoracic Society and will be published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine. | The study results were released at a meeting in Seattle of the American Thoracic Society and also will be published in tomorrow's issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. |
The government has chosen three companies to develop plans to protect commercial aircraft from shoulder-fired missile attacks, homeland security officials announced Tuesday. | The Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday that it has selected three companies to continue research into ways to thwart shoulder-fired missile attacks on U.S. commercial aircraft. |
Taiwan reported 65 new cases on May 22, a one-day record, and 55 new cases on May 23, making its epidemic the world's fastest-growing. | The island nation reported 65 new cases on May 22, a one day record, and 55 new cases on May 23, making Taiwan's epidemic the fastest-growing in the world. |
Long lines formed Sunday outside gas stations and people rushed to get money from cash machines as Israelis braced for the strike's effects. | Long lines formed outside gas stations and people rushed to get money from cash machines Sunday as Israelis prepared to weather a strike that threatened to paralyze the country. |
The PRC epidemic began in Guandong province in November, but the Communist Party government refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months. | The epidemic began in November in the mainland's Guangdong province, but the People's Republic of China refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months. |
In an interview, Ms. Healey, who is a criminologist, said many lawmakers here and across the country shared a wariness toward capital punishment. | In an interview, Healey, who is a criminologist, acknowledged that much of the sentiment among legislators here and across the country was wariness toward capital punishment. |
Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Edward Aritonang confirmed Saturday that another two had been arrested, one in Jakarta and another in Magelang, Central Java. | Brigadier General Edward Aritonang, a police spokesman, confirmed yesterday that another two had been arrested, one in Jakarta and another in Magelang, Central Java. |
U.S. prosecutors have arrested more than 130 individuals and have seized more than $17 million in a continuing crackdown on Internet fraud and abuse. | More than 130 people have been arrested and $17 million worth of property seized in an Internet fraud sweep announced Friday by three U.S. government agencies. |
Jim Williams, director of the US-VISIT project, said that by the middle of November, many arriving passengers in Atlanta will be fingerprinted and photographed. | Jim Williams, director of the US-VISIT project, said that by the middle of November, inspectors will be fingerprinting and photographing many foreign passengers arriving in Atlanta. |
The hearing occurred a day after the Pentagon for the first time singled out an officer, Dallager, for not addressing the scandal. | The hearing came one day after the Pentagon for the first time singled out an officer - Dallager - for failing to address the scandal. |
The Episcopal Church ''is alienating itself from the Anglican Communion,'' said the Very Rev. Peter Karanja, provost of the All Saints Cathedral, in Nairobi. | In Nairobi, the provost of All Saints Cathedral, the Very Reverend Peter Karanja, said the US Episcopal Church was alienating itself from the Anglican Communion. |
The Dodgers won their sixth consecutive game their longest win streak since 2001 as they edged Colorado, 3-2, Wednesday in front of a crowd of 25,332 at Dodger Stadium. | The Dodgers won their sixth consecutive game and seventh in their last nine as they beat Colorado 3-2 on Wednesday in front of a crowd of 25,332 at Dodger Stadium. |
Security experts are warning that a new mass-mailing worm is spreading widely across the Internet, sometimes posing as e-mail from the Microsoft founder. | A new worm has been spreading rapidly across the Internet, sometimes pretending to be an e-mail from Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, antivirus vendors said Monday. |
The University of Michigan released today a new admissions policy after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down in June the way it previously admitted undergraduates. | The University of Michigan plans to release a new undergraduate admissions policy Thursday after its acceptance requirements were rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court in June. |
During 2001 and 2002, Morgenthau said, wire transfers from just four of Beacon Hill's 40 accounts totaled more than $3.2 billion. | Wire transfers from four of the 40 accounts open at Beacon Hill totaled more than $3.2 billion from 2001 to 2002, Morgenthau said. |
"I came to Washington basically to establish relationships and make sure we are getting more federal money," Schwarzenegger said after one meeting. | "I came basically to Washington to establish relationships and to make sure that we are getting more federal money to California," Schwarzenegger said after meeting with congressional Republicans. |
Another shooting linked to the spree occurred Nov. 11 at Hamilton Central Elementary in Obetz, about two miles from the freeway. | The latest shooting linked to the spree was a Nov. 11 shooting at Hamilton Township Elementary School in Obetz, about two miles from the freeway. |
The government recently shelved peace talks with the MILF, being brokered by Malaysia, after a string of attacks, including three bombings, on Mindanao. | The government recently shelved peace talks being brokered by neighbouring Malaysia after a spate of attacks on Mindanao, including three deadly bombings, that it blamed on the MILF. |
The missing workers, two men and a woman, were inside the building when the first blast occurred, Mayor Joe T. Parker said. | Mayor Joe T. Parker said late Thursday that the three workers were two men and a woman who were inside the building when the first blast occurred. |
London-based NCRI official Ali Safavi told Reuters: "We condemn this raid, which is in our view illegal and morally and politically unjustifiable." | "We condemn this raid which is in our view illegal and morally and politically unjustifiable," London-based NCRI official Ali Safavi told Reuters by telephone. |
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asked Congress today for additional authority to fight unwanted Internet spam, which now accounts for up to half of all e-mail traffic. | The Federal Trade Commission asked Congress yesterday for broader powers to attack the rapidly growing problem of spam, which new studies show accounts for half of all e-mail traffic. |
Apple Computer's new online music service sold more than 1 million songs during its first week of operation, the company said Monday. | Apple Computer Inc. said Monday it exceeded record industry expectations by selling more than 1 million songs since the launch of its online music store a week ago. |
Still, the "somewhat ambiguous ruling" might be a setback for Static Control depending on how it developed its competing product, Merrill Lynch analyst Steven Milunovich said. | But Merrill Lynch analyst Steven Milunovich said the "somewhat ambiguous ruling" by regulators might be a setback for Static Control depending on how it developed its competing product. |
Cisco executives said they were encouraged by $1.3 billion in cash flow and the increase in net income, but hoped for a rebound. | Cisco executives were encouraged by $1.3 billion in cash flow and the increase in net income, but said they remained ``cautiously optimistic'' about a rebound. |
Subsets and Splits